ACTIVE MOVEMENT IN BONDS Business Distinctly Fiinnr and Price Steadily Riso. STOCKSSHOWSYMPATHETICIMPROVtMENT tlio Kccllnp ; Preponderate Htronnly In Favor of n Hellii- Mc Uimnril Course lu VnluoM. NKW YORK , Jan. 1C. Henry Clews , lita ot the banking house of Henry Clews & Co. Ovrltco of the situation In Wall street : Durlnp the Inst week the course of th Mock market followed the direction fore Bhadowcd In our advice ? of January 9. Th Investment movement nns been very nctlv nnd railroad bonds hnve mndc further mi vnnccB. In which the dlvldend-pnylnK stock have also participated. Naturally , the move tncnt In stocks han sympathized with th Improvement In bonds. Too transactions re ported on the Stock exchange hnvo nvoragcc nhout 4W,000 shares per day nnd the tone o business Is distinctly firmer nnd prices hav Btradlly risen , The outsldn clement Is brliiR ItiK Into the rmrket considerable amounts derived from dividend * nnd Interest pay inuntfl , for transient employment nnd nitn Kt'tbcr the feeling preponderates stronfily In favor of a steady upward course of v.iltlci For n tlmo this prospect 1ms to contend will realizing by parties who were caught by th largo drop In prices during the fall ; this however , is only n transient Incident ant when It disappears prices will be more fre to respond to the ( pronounced bullish scntl ncnt nnd more or less of a "boom" may b developed. The foreign markets begin to how a turn In favor of New York , not only In London but ( till more at * Amsterdam and Berlin from which some Important buying order liavo been received during the week. At th moment the condition of the foreign ex- ohnngos Ig against Kuropenn buying of ou securities. Large amounts , aggrcgntln probably not less than } IO,000,000 , nrc due t this country by the Kuropenn centers , whlc nro permitted to run for the imke of th difference between local and foreign rates o Interest. A nlmllar condition of things ha existed for eomc months past and this fac has a natural tendency not only to chec foreign buying of our securities , but to In duce rcallratlpiiH here. On the one ham United States takings of mer chandlso Imvo been diminished , nnd on th other foreign purchnces of our food product liavo been largely Increased through shor crops In nearly all the other supply conn tries. This has Inevitably brought homo cninqdcrnblo amount of our securities nn the drift may continue for some tlm longer ; but Ibis situation seems to 1mv jiassed Its climax and with nn Increase in our Imports of merchandise which lias dls tlnctly set In wo may expect to see som early abatement of the dlscourngcmen wblcb European money lenders have been systematically showing to purchases ot ou securities. The distinct growth In the fore of tbp sound money movement In this cetin try appears to be producing a recovery o confidence In our Investments across the At lantlc ; but that factor Is not likely to hnv any positive buying effect until the forclgi exchanges have recovered their normal bnl mice. There Is evidence enough , however that mo nro iiulto able to take cnre of ou own market nnd of nil tlio securities tha may bo sent hero fiom Europe. The latte factor may hnvo n certain measure of In llucnco In modifying the effect of bullish ten ijrnclcs hero but It Is by no means llkel > to wholly neutralize those tendencies ; for nftcr all , the available lloatlng supply o foreign held stocks and bonds must now be approaching "s minimum. The successful working out of railroad re construction schemes is gradually cllmlnat Ing those sources of disturbance from th market The Improving earnings of threads roads facilitate those settlements nnd hel , to bring about better adjustments than h some cases have been expected. The Im proving position of the Pacific rouls has n conspicuously wholesome effect. The reor gnnlzatton eommlttee of the Union Paclll lias obtained n controlling Intelcst in the Oregon Short Line , which gives It con trol also of the Oregon Railroad and Navlgn tlon company. As the Northern Pacific am Great Northern railway also held a large Interest In the Oregon Navigation company this arrangement binds more closely the co operation between this Important group o tratipcontlnentnl roads. Although there has been some falling off In the forwarding of wheat , the railroads still continue ) to show large Increases Ii tliulr gross earnings. The following state inent , showing the earnings , for the firs wcok of January , of the. twenty-two roads reporting on Wednesday last , will fairly In dlcatc this tendency ; Tucnly-two roads. , $2 $ , 110,514 51,835,011 JM2.C33 Dccrensc. ' These twenty-two rends show a to"tal of 12.140,514 of onrnltiRS , nialnst Jl.S.18,011 for the same week of ISii" , Riving nn increase of $302,533 , or 1C per cent. The following llg- iireH show the net increase in earnings of roads Bpecllled slnco July 1 last , as com- jiarcd with the previous year : Atchlson , 4740.000 ChlcnRO , liiirllnptou & Qulncy , Jl , C07.000 : St. Paul. J733.COO ; Illinois Central , $355,000 ; Ijoulsvlllo & Nashville , $211,000 ; Ore- KOII Hallway , $300,000 ; On-con Short Line , $225.000 ; UeadlriK. $320.000 ; Wabash , J32I.CCO. Union Paclllc'H net increiised $1,153,000 for the year of 1S97 over 1S90. The position of the railroad question In congress attracts llttlo attention , as there la no expectation that liny Important legislation will bo adopted. The congressional discussion of the cur rency question can hardly bo said to be nn clement of Importance In AVall street operations ; mainly for the reason that , on the Stock exchange , tlicro Is llttlo ex pectation that anything will bo accom plished on that Issue at the present ses sion of congress. It cannot , however , bo safely considered certain that at least some moderate measure of reform will not be cn- ncted , for the reason that undoubtedly n clmiiKu of attitude on this question Is In process among congressmen which cannot be estimated until a test vote Is taken. Some well Informed watchers In Washing ton are hopeful thut a igood measure will be carried , lint , In liny case , the thor oughly Intelligent and practical Inquiry into the question which Is now being made openly before the country will so far en lighten public opinion as to bring a re construction of our currency system much nearer accomplishment than It has over yet been , and that must bo a great step gained toward establishing public confi dence. i , > I.iMtilnii Sloncy CMnrkc-1. LONDON , Jan , 10. Money nnd discount rates were very limp at tlio beginning of last week , but have slnco hardened on prospects that gold will bo sent to India nnd of the early maturity of bills , amount ing to about 4.000 , which the market owi > the bank. Hates , therefore , arc likely to Htlrfen considerably cro lonig' . The Block tixchango was animated and cheerful , with n , distinct upward tendency. Speculation has been on n broader scale , especially In Americans , Canadians nnd Argentine rail way securities , though American BhurcH have risen mainly on Wall street account nnd people here nro still very timid. The following1 railway shares showed Increases : Moxlcnn Central , 3i points ; Northern I'a- rllle preferred , 34 ! points ; Iako Shore & Michigan Southern , 3 points : Union 1'aclllc , 294 points ; New York Central 2'i ' points ; Denver & Hlo Grnndo preferred , 1T4 polntw ; Wnbasli Income , 1 % points ; Wubusli pre ferred , 1 ) Klnt. and Philadelphia & Heading Ists. 1 point. The following shares showed a decline : Krlo Ists , 1 point ; Atchlson , Topeka - poka & Bantu Ko , Ti point , and Philadel phia & Heading ordinary , 51 point. Grand Trunks and Canadian Puclllc shares show substantial Increases and Kngllali railways have Improved , Tliero ro prospects of u further rlso If the reports of nn undlng of the engineers' trouble are continued. The fraturu of the foreign market has born 'tho ' buying of Argentine tsecurtles , whllo Greeks have risen , but they have risen In View of the nuw settlement of the debt. Tcvdlu PnhrlcK. MANCUHSTRn. Jan. JO.-Tho market last week wan linn generally , with fair business with China and the chief buyers are remov ing many stock lines and such business U moderately profitable- owing to the strength of prompt exchange on India and China. The makers are now engaged for homo weeks , The Levant Is buying fairly , but South America Is still llfeleus. Print cloths are dragging , chiefly owing to heavy output con sequent on competition. The home trade continues crippled by the enelnrers' strike. , were ( Irm and thtro moa coualdcruble rado In the ooar % r Vlmls wllh China nml * ' * for India. The Jipan nnJ nlo In bun . situation In fnlrly cheerful. Reports IreJ the R' ucn district * show a CjtUlnued fair business.lth rather better margalns. In Germany the situation Is unchanged , but yet yarns arc wall sold. CONDITION or NU\V YORIC BANKS. l.nntift Rcncli ( lie lllnlicxt Point TJver ItFinrtr < l. NEW YORK , Jan. 1C. The Financier says : The New York banks have mndo a new record In tho. matter of loans , the total of | 610,9S2COO nt the cloao ot the week being the largest over reported. Deposits arc also nbovo any figure previously mndc. During the first two weeks of tha present year the gain In deposits hns been $1GGOO,000 , while loans have expanded only 13,200,000 , In view of this fact the ease In money rates docs not appear strange nnd If the banks continue to gain from the Interior ns at present lower quotations will follow , The withdrawal of government deposits , however , may steady the situation. The hanks gained during the Inst week fo,200,200 In cash , ? 2,050COO of which was ( n 5pecl < \ Gold la now coming In this direction , from Canada , the last ten days' r&colpts having approximated JftVO.OW. The Increase In deposits was $6,020,400. while loans nrc only Jl,215,700 heavier , The excess rcfcrvc In consequence expanded J.1,074.000 nnd stands at $23..S,775. This Is only half as largo ns reported one year ngo , but In vlow of the fact that remittances nro now becom ing larger , nn Increase mny bo expected from week to week. In the changes made during the week the operations seem to have been confined to the larger banks , The de posits of tha Hanover , the National Park nnd the National City banks nrc $7,000,000 larger thnn the previous week. Whether this Is due to special operation cannot bo defi nitely stated , but it Is stated that the re-- malnlng banks have less money than at the close of Jnnunry 8. The factors that led to the gain In cash , however , nre rather well defined nnd they may bo expected to nffcct other Institutions having largo country con nections from this time on. As was pointed out last week , the enormous Interior move ment at this season forces down money rates and compels capital to seek better rates nbroad. In other words , It leads to gold exports. But the anomaly Is now pre sented of our Idle money being Invested In foreign exchange on this side of the water. Kuropo Is now using at least $ .30,0i , - 000 In foreign or deferred credits nnd unless rates * nbroad go to n very low level there Is no prospect of this sum being Immediately reduced. So sensitive , however , Is the situa tion since the United States became the dominant power In the International market that credit can be expanded or reduced nt will. Clearings Indicate that n much larger volume of money than usual will bo needed this year to properly care for the business being done. CHlCArtO GRAIN AXl ) PROVISIONS. Fen ( tire * of ( lip Trading nml C 1'rliTN on .Siiluriluj , CHICAGO , Jan. 15. Wheat today closed at an advance of about Vfcc for May. TradIng - Ing was almost altogether of a scalping character , and the firmness was the result of an unexpected advance at Liverpool , Other muikcts were dull and heavy , corn nnd oats closing about Uc lower each , and provisions lost 2' 7'Sc. Wheat was surprisingly strong when con trasted with the weak feeling that - vailed at the close yesterday. Fl irnns- actlono In May wore -t ttom 'JOlfcc to MVfcc , nn-.ilnat WKT&OUc mo previous afternoon , nnd In about half an hour It was able to bo sold for a-second or two at iKHJic. Calls foi the day had been sod ! at 90V4c , but It was said most of those privileges had been bought up by people who were short ns a snfeguaid against the principal eccentrici ties of BO erratic a market. The Liverpool market closed from % d to &sd hlqher than It did yesterday. This was somewhat of a surprise to traders , many of whom had sold short yesterday In anticipation of a decline hero today , and caused considerable covering. The week's shipments of wheat and flour as reported by IJradstreet's was 5,133,000 , liu. , against 3.4S1.COD bu. the week before and 3,248.000 bu. the corresponding week of 1S97. That suggested a total ol perhaps 7,500,000 bu. from all sources , but llccrbohms estimated that the world's ship ments for the week would be found Mon day to be about 0,000,000 bu. Tlio Minne apolis and Duluth receipts were 333 cars , against 357 cars the corresponding day of the previous week and 294 cars a year ago. Chicago receipts were 35 cars. 13 of which were of contract quality. The snow that was falling and had already fallen was a reassurance regarding the promise of the crop. Liverpool reported spot wheat weak and 2d lower for California , with sellers of Argentine wheat nt 3d par quarter lower than It was offered Friday. The closing continental cables' ' showed some recovery from the previous day's heavy decline , nnd that tended to strengthen the hands of the bulls. Paris showed n rise of COc In Jan uary flour , and 20c In March-June , besides 3."c In January wheat and Cc In wheat for the March-June term. The exports for the day were moderate at 300,000 bu. Business was at no time very heavy. While trading still continues to be done chiefly for May delivery , there Is a growing disposition to work clear of It and transfer spjculatlve dealings Into July , the proportion of trade in which Is growing dally. After the early advance , the offering's somewhat exceeded the demand , and the prlco sagged to be tween 90c and M' c , but got .good support at that and closed at 90 ! < e bid , Business In corn was extremely dull and merely of a scalping character. The gen eral tendency of the market was downward , more from dullness than from any bear ish news. The dullness , however , prevented prices from declining much , Export de mand was reported good. May ranged from 29Uc to 2STM/29C. and closed Uc lower nt 29c. Oats was duller. If possible , than corn. There was some buying of May , supposed Lo be ngalnst sales of cash oats. Tlio mar ket was Inclined to easiness throughout. Scalpers sold sparingly. May ranged from 2.T)4c ) to 23c , and closed a shade lower at . Provisions were dull nnd easier. Hog mar ket was firmer , which slightly affected opening prices , but the market evidently lad not recovered from yesterday's heavy tquldatlon , There was moderate selling by commission houses today. At the close May pork was 5c lower at $9.33 ; May lard , 2 o lower at $1.75 and May ribs , 2',4e ' lower it $ I.G7 ! . Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 27 cars ; corn , 273 cars ; oats , 203 cars ; hogs , 40,000 head. Leading futures ranged ns follows. Articles. . I Open. I High. I Low. I Closo. I Yeat'y. Wheat Jan. . . . OIK 01H 01H Mny. . . - tQ' : DOM 00 ) ? July. . . 80KS ? , 80H 'Corn- ' Jan. . . . 20 SOW 205 < Mny. . . -.I U ' JOU July. . . ! IO > 44 ! Oats Mny. . . 23M 23MCIU July. . . 228H Tork Jnn , . . . 0 20 0 20 I ) 20 0 20 U 25 May. . . U 4' ! l D 41 ! > U 31i U 35 0 < 10 Lard- Jnn . . . 4 OS 4 05 4 02H 4 OS 4 07 K Mny. . . 4 77)i ) 4 80 4 72V , 4 75 4 77 July. . . 4 85 4 83 482hi 4 85 4 85 Eb'tUItm Jan. . . . 4 65 4 GO Mny. . . 4 7U 4 72 > 4 UD 4 U7M 4 70 No. 2. Cash < i otatlons wro ns follows ! FI/OUR Dull ; winter patents. J.WJ4.SO ; tralKlitH , J4 , 1504 , 40 ; tprlng specials , J3.2JU3.33 ; prlni ; pulcnls , ! 4.40tf4,70 ; straight i > alents , J.0) O1.30 ; bakers' , J3.504f3.SO. WHEAT No. 2 cprlnB , 66 ie ; No. 3 faring , 75 fiWo ; No. 2 red , 'JlTiJiuc. COIlN-No. 2 , W d27c. OATS No. 2 , Sfi io f , o. b. ; No. 2 white , 210 . RYE-NO. 2. 1IARLEY 2S03UC. FL.AXSEED-NO. i.'ji. 1901.24. TIMOTHY HEED-1'rlinc , JJ.77U , I'ROVIHIONS-Mess i > ork , per bbl. , J9.20ff9.23. . - > rd , per 100 Ilia , , JI.UU04.C3. Short ribs sldea loose ) , JI.75. Dry tnltc-J shoulders ( boxed ) , JI.73 fO.CO. Short clear sides ( lioxed ) , Jf,75jj3W , WHISKY Dltllllers' finished goods , per gal , , 1.19. 1.19.mJGARSCut loaf , JG.25 ; er.tmilated , J5.51 , KIIII IIN City Crnlu anil I'rovUtnni. CITY. Jan. _ _ IS.-WHHAT-Market CORN Market firm ; fair demand : No. 2 mixed , l * G'14c. < . OATS Market higher nnd rather slow : JJo. 2 vhlte , 24Ho. RYE-Market steady ; No. 2. 4 : (2Ho. ( HAY Market fairly active and unchanged ; rulrle. J7.W07.25 ; timothy. J8.50as.75. 1IUTTER Market wejk ; creamery , HniTc : dnlrj' . 12 Hc. E(1GS Market flnn ; frenh , 16c ; storage. lQ14c lUX'lWTS-Wheut. 55.100 bu. ; corn. CI ZOO bu ? ; ats , 7.0CO bu. ' IIIPMENTti-Wheat , 78.COO bu. ; corn , 18.200 m. ; outs , none. Tult-ilo TOLHDO , Jan. 15. WHUAT Higher , steady ; fo. 2 canh. 91c ; January , KSlic , CORN Active ; No. 2 mixed. ZTfcc. RYB Inactive : No , 2 cash , 4Cc asked. OATS Dull : fo. S. 22Ko. CI/ > ViiUiUCIUuU , lilchu ; prime cash , t.23. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Local flecelpts Exceed These at Kansa < | CiijF nnd Chicago , HEAVY CATTLE CLOSE THE WEEK LOWER Ucftlrnlilc GriuU-ft Sell Slcnilr , t l II iicm Are Very Inrtlenlnr . HOKN J.oic \lukcl nnil Sell Active at ( he Decline. SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 15-necclpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hogs. Sheco. Horses. Janu.iry 15 1,443 6,410 3,583 . . . . Jnnunry 14 1,917 0.1C6 4.3CO Jnnunry 13 1.9S3 7,814 4,00(1 ( 20 January 12 1.619 G.Kfl 1,691 7 January u S.GGI 9.SOO 2,151 1 JPIJUUMt 1,415 , 3,715 6.GS9 22 Janu&ry f. 75 6.487 2,312 January 7 1.13S 6,270 1,073 , 20 January 6 1,255 10,952 2,429 94 January 6 1,629 10,613 2,228 . . . . January 4 1,410 C.S11 3.173 . . . . January 3 1,681 2,476 6,177 January 1 697 2,233 2,129 23 December 31 623 6,916 1,016 . . . . December 3D 902 7,071 1,584 . . . . llccelpta for the. week with comparisons were : Cattle. HOBS , Sheep. WccJc ending January 15..11,045 4U.725 21,492 Week omlliiB January S. . . . 7,788 43,848 16,392 Weow ending1 January 1. . . . 6,103 28,962 11.2K Week ending December 25. 4,602 40,690 6,106 Week cndlnK December 18.13,277 33,432 14,279 The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattto. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Hy 0 O. & St. L , . Hy . . Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Pacific System 10 15 11 C. & N. W. Ry 1 P. , B. & M. V. II. K It 30 C. , St. P. , M. & O. lly 11 4 2 U. & M. 11. 11. 11 9 36 2 C. , n. & Q. Ry . . K. C. & St. J 0 C. , It. I. & P. Ity. , E . . Total receipts 56 108 15 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Mayors. Cattle. HORS. Sheep. Omaha PnckliiR Co 47 1,139 210 The Q. 11. Hammond Co. 172 872 Swift and Company 211 2,172 971 The Cudahy Packing Co. 332 1.9S2 li > 69 Vonsant & Co 4S Swift , from , the country 398 U F. Husz DO Cuilahy P. Co. , from K. C. 231 Chicago P. Co. , Nob. City . . . K5 Other buyers 33G Totals 1,473 6.690 3.44S CATTLE Omaha had more cattle than Kansas City and Chicago combined nnd still there were only fifty-six loads on sale. Nearly all the cattle hi"-r rtOTe killers , so that for | " - . - itio offerings were quite 'r ' , - . " The market as \\hole. was about ns dull and unsatisfactory as could be Im agined , It was In fact a typical Saturday's market , only a , llttlo more so than common. The requirements of the buyers seemed to bo very limited .and they did not act as It they needed many cattle. However , they would take them If they could secure a concession to pay for carrying them over Sunday. The. most desirable kinds sold about ns well as yesterday , but heavy cattle were pretty generally 10c lower The market on cows and heifers was also slow and weak , though not EO very much lower than yesterday. The offerings , con sisting of ten or a dozen loads , were eventually taken , but It was late before a clearance was effected. Stockcrs and feeders were In light supply and as usual at the close of the. week there was not much doing In that division of the yards. Tno cattle market of the past week ex perienced both good nnd bad days. The re ceipts were the largest of any week since be fore the holidays , but the demand was also large , so that there was no surplus of cattle on sale. During the early part of the week the general tendency was upward and on some days the market was full of encourage ment , so that the prospect was > most pleasIng - Ing to sellers. It was generally realized , however , that the advanpe had been forcd by light receipts and that a heavy run -would tend to break values down agaJn , for that reason a sharp reaction wan not entirely un expected. The break came on Friday and was the result of large receipts and lower markets at other selling points , which depressed - ' pressed the market here and closed the week -with a dull and unsatisfactory market. One of the features of the cattle trade of the past week were the extremely high prices paid for light stock cattle weighing 400 to GOO pounds , such cattle bringing as much as the best fat cattle. The bunply of feeders was rather light , but the demand was good and the market continued strong right up to the close of the week In spite of the break In beef cattle. HOGS The week closed with a very fair run of hOBB nnd with the market In reasonably good shnpe , though a little lower than on the day before. The trade. OB a whole , was fairly active , though n little slow In spots , owing to salesmen hnlJInff for steady prices , nnd the offerings were all taken In good Benson. Heavy hogs sold at * 3.40@3.43 , with the bulk at 43.45. Yesterday there wore quite a number of loads averaging 300 rounds and above , at J3.47H , nnd a few at (3.DO , though the big- firing was at { 3.45 , the same as today. In other words , the heavy hogs rold today nt Trices that were steady to Be lower than yesterday. Modlum weight nnd light loads brought J3.W0 3CO , with light loads principally at J3.Mff3.CO. Yesterday there were ICES loads at J3.D5 , and more at $3.0715 , the top for the two days being the same. The total receipts' of hogs the past week aver aged up very well ns compared with previous weckD , though the total for the week was not overly large. The market as n whole was gooO that Is , the demand was active and fully equal to the absorption of nil arrivals , so that each day's receipts met with ready sale at cunent prices. The week opened with a firm market , dropped back n. little on Tuesday , advnnced on Wednesday nnd Thursday , closing oft n little easier at the end of the week. The fluctuations were ) generally \ery light , only a cent or two n Oay , except with the Tuesday's break , when there was an average decline of 4e , followed by an advance of 7c. The week closed with the mar ket about Co higher than It was at the opening. The IIOK market at the present time Is 20025c higher than a month ago and 25G30o higher than a year ago. SHEEl' There won a good liberal run of sheep In the yards today , but none , lee many for the demand. The market was \ery active and strong to lOo higher. Everything was sold and weighed up early In the morning. The sheep market was In excellent shape nil the week. Local packers wanted a good many and bought freely , while there were at the name lime n good many buyers who wanted cheep to take east , The result was that sheep not only sold readily , but the market gradually Irmed up. CHICAGO IIVB STOCK MARKET. Market for ( lie * \Vecl < CIoxon Firm for < ; < > oil Cat Mi- , CHICAGO , Jan. 15. Today's cattle market was of the usual nominal Saturday character. There were no changes from yesterday's prices for the few hundred offered for sole. The market this week closes firm for good cattle anl lower for the poorest. Liberal receipts are expected for next week and a. moderate reaction In prices would cause no surprise. Trade In hogs was fairly active , but prices were about 2'c lower than yesterday. Hogs sold nt an extreme range of from J3.40 to J3.70 , chiefly at from J3.65 to f3.CS , and the ibulk of the pigs sold at from $3,30 to S3. 55 , As compared with n week ago prices were 2iJo to Do higher. At the close the beet hogs sold at from J3G2'/i to J3.G3. Prices for sheep and lamba were firm on the basis of from 12. 65 to S3 for a few Inferior sheep up to from J4.25 to SI , DO for good to choice flocks , fed westerns being salable at frcm J3.50 to JI.50. Yearlings were In dernani nt from SI. 00 to SI. 75 and lambs at from J4.60 to J3.85 , feeding lambs celling nt from S5 to S3 , 10 , Receipts : Cattle , 300 head ; hogs , 17,000 head ! sheep , 3,000 head. , St. I.oulN MVP Stool ? . ST. 'LOUIS. ' Jan. IS.-CATTLU-Rccclpts. 1.800 head ; fhlpments , l.WO head ; market steady ; fair to fancy shipping steers. J4.40 5.23 ; butcher and drctsed beef grades , t3.VXtl.lO ; steers under 1.000 pounds , J3.itiij4.30 ; dockers and feeders , J2.502/ / ) J4.M ; cows and heifers , J2.OOJf4.35 ; Texaa and In dian steers , S3.30if4.25 ; cows and heifers , J2.234J 3.51. HOaS-Recelpts. 3,400 head ; shipments. 1.900 head ; market steady ; yorkers , S3 49&3.CO ; packers , JiW > ; butchers , S3 C04J3.70. HHEEl1 Receipts. 00 head ; thlpments. none ; market steady ta strong ; natUes , SJ.OOii4.C5 ; culls and bucks , J2.Wij3.30 ; lambs , J1.75C3.75. 13it t IlulTiiIo Live Storlc. HAST IIUF1.'AIX > , Jan. 13. CATTLE Medium to heavy shipping steers , J3.00JT3.70 ; coarse rough , J3.7.V < .10 ; green , J3.7T.fHchoice ; fat heifer * . J4.2JW4.W ; mixed butchers' stork , J3. Q > 4.15 ; fair to good ! butchers' cows , S3. 003. . 73. HOQS Rocelpts , 30 cars ; yorkers , cooil to choice , S3.bOif3.fe5 ; roughs , common to choice , J3.10fl3.35. LAM11S Choice to extra , S3.75 3.S3 ; culls and common. J4.WX85.40. 81IBU1' Choice to selected wethers , il.U04.90. WIMV York I.lve NFJW YORK. Jan. IS. REEVES Receipts. 74 head ; no sales ; exports. 350 beeves , 250 sheen and 3.7S8 quarters of beef ; cables unchanged. CALVE6 llecelpts , none ; no irartlnir. SHElir AND LAMIIB-Recelpta , WS head ; uh p. S3.Mft4.7fJi InmtM , I5.0&85.25. HOaS-HecelpU. 3.U4 hend ; firm at JJ.SOflUO. ICuiiNiiH City I.lvo Stork. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 15. CATTLE Receipts , 200 head ; market unchengvd ; only retail ( rude ; JOBBERS FWD OF , OMFWR. 9ft llrt Mk VAfc llrtl V in. . Kl AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. , Orendorff Parlin ft Martin Co Jobbers of F/oinh / Machinery. and BuggteJYCor. . Ith and Jones. ART GOODS Hospe Picture Moldings. Mirror ? , Frames , Dacldnc and Artiste * Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC Co. rniKiixa AXD nuuit niffDitto , Eleventh ana Howard 3t . BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , Omers i \ i \ ' M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear WESTEIIN AQKNT8 FOn The Joseph Brmigau Rubber Co. . Sprague * * Rubbers and Macintoshes. 1107 Howard St. , OMAHA Boots , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms 1102-1104-1100 Ilarney Street. 9 WHOLESALE RUBBER GOODS 4 * Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes Boots , Shags , Rubbers , "AT WHOLESALE. Ofllco and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard SU BAGS Importers aud Mauufacturors BAGS 614-16-18 South nth Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. SYRUPS , Mclasses , Sorghum , etc. , Prcservce and Jelllca. Also tin cnna and Japanned ware CHICORY Growers nnd manufacturers of all forms of Chicory Omnlic-Fremont-O'Nell. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE 9 Importtr and Jobber Crockery. China\ Glassware Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan. dcllers , Lampa , Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 FAR.VA3I ST. Texas cowa , J2.C5fl3.15 ; native steers , t3 , 2505 , 00 ; native cous and heifers , JI.75ff4.23 ; stockers and feeder * , J2.Wif4.70 ; bulls , J2.75i3,70. HOGS-Hecelpts , 9,000 head ; market steady to strong and active ; bulk of snips. l3.45ff3.GO ; lienv- les. J3.40if3.C2 ; packers. J3.4243.G,4 ! : mixed , t3.40C3.CO ; llrht. J3.3SO3.50 ; yorkers , 53.1JU3.tiO ; plKB. t3.2S03.WV5. HI IEEP Receipts , 1,000 head ; market firm ; lambd , 14.2005. DO ; muttons , ! 3.29j > 4.40. H Ilvu Stnclc. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. . Jan. 15. CATTLTJ- Good to prime ulcers , J1.754J J.15 ; fair to medium istcrrs , J(08 < .C5 ; common to good stockers , 12.75 03.50 , HOGS Receipts. 0,000 head ; shipments , 2.6M head ; market a shade easier and lower : good to choice medium and heavy , J3. 0303.70 ; mixed , t3.CKf3Co ( ; common IlKlit , J3.C. y3.C3. SHEEP Hecelpts , IlKlit ; market steady nni lOo lower at { 2.25 for common sheep to $5.40 for choice lambs , Stuck In meconl of rp elpts of l\e | stcrclt nt the four principal markets for January 15 ! Cattle , HOBS , SheeT > . Omaha . , . , . . 1,4 < 5 C.HO .l.r.M Chluigo . . . . . . 300 17,000 3,000 Kunsns City . . . . . . . . . . 00 0,000 1,009 St. Ixnils . ; . . , ; . . . . l.tOO 3,400 DOO Ttotal . . , . . . . 3.745 35,810 8,083 St. IOIIH | ( icnvral MarkofM. ST. IXUI8 ) , Jan. -Ff/3UH-Qulet nnd un changed ; patents , } ! .70G4SC : straights , 11.3504.50 ; clear. Jl.OOiT4.25 ; mMllumH3DOj3,70 , WHEAT Unsettleil.IbutJclo8 Ho above yes terday ; No. 2 , cash , cloTstbr , 94c ; track , 9509JVi ° ; January , Mo bid ; Majv33'iH9loi July , 7Sc. COHNT l isler ; No. 2 cash , 25Uc : January , 23'io bid ; May , 27c ; July , SH (28lc. ( ! OATS-Kasler ; No. 4' . cueli , 23',4o ' ; track. 23fl ; > : iHc ; January , 113 lie : . May , 2 < o bid , July. ! ' , ic bid ; No. 2 white. KtitilMc , HYD null at 4lo tild. rijAXSUKO Lower at $ llfi'4. TIMOTHY HEED PUmp , 12,50. llHAN-FInn ; 5Cc rast track ; DCHSSo at mill. ' ut Jl.40. < 'O NMKAISteady HAY Steady ; prairieJ0.004j8.00 ; timothy , JT.OO CIO.OO. ' ' ' HUTTCU Dull ; creajntfy , 10021c ; dairy , 38 liaas-Lowor at ITd- WHISKY Quiet at J1.19. MUTAIJJ I ad , dull , 13.45 sellers. Spelter , nominal , (3.75. PROVISIONS Pork , quiet , J9.25 for Jobbing lota standard mess. I < ard , quiet ; prime , J4.45 ; choice , Jt.55. llacon ( Iwxe.l luts ) , extra short clear. J5.2S05.37W ; ribs. J5.37Hf B,60 ; shorts , M.M a.1C3V4. Dry salt meats ( l ix d ) , sliouldors. J4.75 { J5.00 ; extra short clear. J4.75O4.87 ! * ; libs , J4.714 t)3.00 : shorts , jr.wy3.iH. HECEIPTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 14,000 bu , ; corn. ISU.foO bu. ; oats , 31. (00 hu. BHIPMENTM Flour. 4.000 libls. ; wheat , 24,000 bu.j corn , 111.000 bu. ; oats , 13000 bu , Cirnlii Rroelpl * nt I'rliioliiul niurkctH , ST. 1JOV1B , Jan. 15.-llecclpts ; Wheat , 19 MINKBAfOMR , Jan. 15. Receipts : Wheat , 30 cars. KANSAS CITY , Jen. 15. Receipts ; wheat , & 9 cars. CHICAaO , Jan. 15. llecelpts today : Wheat , Si oars ; corn , 359 cars ; oats , 208 earn. Estimated CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery nnd Supplies. Boiler ? , nnglnes , Feed Cookers , Wood Tul leys , Shafting , Belting , Uutttr Pack ages of all kinds. 807-009 Jones St. - - - - - DRY GOODS. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. lohardsoii Prug Co , 902-906 Jackson S/ . J. O. RICHARDSON , Treat , a P. WELLE R , V. Prcet. T lU'fr * A'WlarJ ( ( J'/iarmncoitflou ! tlons. Special JFormiiluo PrrjMtrcd to Orper. Ncntlfor Catalogue. Uaboratorr , 1113 Howard St. , Omaha. E. Bruce & Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen Bee" Specialties , Clears , Wlnro anil Ilrandlcs , Corner 10th and Ilurncy Street * . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. esfersi Electric ; ® ! Electrical Supplies. Electric Minltif ; Bolls nnd Gas Lighting O. U' . JOHNSTON , Mgr. 3510 Howard St. WHOLESALE AND HETAIfc ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1E04 Farnam St. FRUIT-PRODUCEi WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. B. W. Corner ICth and Howard Bin. Membere of the National League of Commis sion Merchants of the United States. JODDEH3 Fruit and Vegetables SPECIALTIES Strawberries. Apples , Orancen lemons. Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt FURNITURE IM WHOLESALE Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Farnam StreiL GROCERIES. 13th and Lciivcmvorth St Staple and fancy Groceries IU AND COFFEE ROISTERS , Etc. WHOLESALE FINE GROCERIES t 11 Teat , Spices , Tobacco anA Clgorm. ' H03-1407 Ilarney Street , roceipta for Monday : Wheat. cars ; corn , 275 cam ; oats , 235 cars. DULUTU , Jan , 16. Receipts : Wheat , 33 earn. OJIAII.V UEM3RAL , MARKETS. Condition of Trmle aud Quotation * an .Staple anil Fancy Produce. EQaS-Strlctly fresh , ISSlOc. BUTTER Common to fair. 105llci choice to fancy , 14jfl5c ; separator creamery , 21o ; gathered creamery , ISfflSc. VEAL-Cholce fst. 80 to 120 Iba. . quoted ot So ; largo and coarse , tfttic. DltESHUD I'OUL'rltV Chlckcni , C7c ; tur keys , 10llc ; gecEC , io ; ducUs , 7' c. UAMli Small latljlts , per cloz. , oOSJCOc ; large , per cloz. , I1.CO ; cqulrrels , SOS We. PIGEONS Live. T5c : < lead piszons not wanted. HAV Upland. RW ; midland. J5.W ; lowland , 13.00 ; rye straw , il : color makes the prlca on hay ; light tales sell the best ! only top trades top prices. . QUINCES California , per box , 11.23. CKI.KUY-Oood stock , larse. 40cj umall , UQ SOc. SOc.ONIONS ONIONS Per Ini. , C5c. U1SAN8 Hand-picked navy , per Lu. , I1.ICB1.30. BWKET 1-OTATOnS-rer bbf. . H.K. CAHIIAOP ; Good stock , per 11) . l'/4o. POTATOES Home crown. SOOCtuj western stock , 70o , jrnuiTS. APPLES Winter stock. J3.00 : California Belle. flcur , boxes , II. 10 ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes , J1.75 ; Oregon , boxes , > 1.2i. niANIIUnillUS Jfraeya. per Mil. . n.Z-W.PO ; Wisconsin Hell and Hiiele , J7.0 7.75 ; WlhConMn Hell nnd Cherry , } 6.M QIIAPKS CatawbaJ , C-lb. baskets , KtflSc ; Hal- Bias , J5.00H6.00. J5.00H6.00.TROPICAL TROPICAL FHUITS. CHANGES Mexican , per box. J3.0033.23 : Cali fornia. navels , } 3.20jJ3GO. M3SIONS Mcmlnas , | 3,00f4.00j California , S50 , : > 0 ; 300 , IIANANAH Choice , large Block , per bunch , 12.03 f.S5 ; medium elzoi bunches , I1.7GS2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , jier lb. , larsc size , 12iT13c ; email , He ; Brazils , per lb. , DSlue : HiiKllih wal- nun. | ier Ih. , fancy soft shell , 1'Jiflle ; stand ard" . kWlo : llllK-rtu , per lb. , JOc ; pfcann , pollBhvd , medum , C5j7c ; extra large , * i'8cI ' I iru-o r ckoir nuta. $1.0001.10 per bu. ; email. Jl.2Jftl.35 per bu. : cucoanuls. i r ! 00 , 14.00 ; peanutr. raw , fa' Vtc ; toasted , luu c. FIGS Iniported fancy , S crawn. H-lb. boxes 12c : & croivn , 44-lb. I > OXM. Hffltc : J-lb. boxc , 1 $ V23 ° per borCullfornls. . 10-lb. box. jl.00. IIONiy < 'hoica ivlilte. ISc ; Colorado amber , 10 KliAUT Per hbl. . I4.CO : half Mil. , tt.2JSJ.SS. MAI'LIl UVnUP-rfve-isal. com. each. J.7Ji cral. can > , pure , per do : . , 112.00 : half-eal. nut J6.25 ! in-art can , > DATLS llallowce. CO to 70-lb. boxei , 6 ; Balr. ( He ; I'nrd , 9-ib. boxeg , 9c. CIDUn-Per half libl. . J3.00 ; bbl > . . 15.25. PJtnSH MUATS. DltESSHD DUUr-Good native tteers , 6 c ; good for iuarlT teer , Mic : KOCH ] hlndquartrrB hleerH , Hie ; western cti r : , 0 ? c ; Tex.ii HOITK , 6Uc ; fancy hclfim , lo ; uood heifers , C ic ; ( f-xni foreijuarttru helferf , : ; good lilndquarter * helfen ) . Cc ; good conn , f ) o ; fair cxnvn. Cc ; cow forequarter * . 4140 ; cww hlndquarlrra. TUc " "lUS1 CUTS-llanslns tendcrlolni , 4140J rtl > f , , GROCERIES. Oallagher Go IMPOHTUUS. GAS corrnu HOASTKUS AJO JoiiniNa anocEns Telrphone ZSJ. HARNESS-SADDLERY J JtAItXKSS , SADDT.KS AXD CO1.ZAKS tTolben of Leather , Aciitdlcfifnrittr < i > , Ktt > Wo follclt your orders 1316 Howard St HARDWARE. Wor & Wilhelniy Eo Wholesale Hardware , Omnhn. Wholesale Hardware. DI cycles and Hportlnc Goods. 1210-31-23 Hnr- aoy etrcjjt. LIQUORS. \ /alfer / Moise & Bo WHOLKSALB LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMKIUCAN riQAll AND C1I.AS3 WAH13 CO. : I < -K. south nth st. | ! @r's Eagie East India. Bi tiers - GolJJn Sheaf Pure Ityo nnd Bourbon Whiskey. Willow Gprlnga Distillery , Her & Co. , lilt Ilarney Street- Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Kurniun StreoU Wholesale Liquors and Cigars * 1118 Furnaru Street. Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 413-415 a Uth Street. LUMBER WHOLESALE J-.UMBJER . . . 814 South 14th St. PLANING MILL , Manufacturers of doors. Bash , blinds , ofllce , store nml saloon fixtmes. Estimates furnlslied on any kind of mill work. Tel. 1170. Mill 2Sth anil Dnvenport Sts. OYSTERS. PACKERS. KING COLE OYSTERS , CELERY AND POULTRY. 1015 Howard St. No. I , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , EC ; rlbi. No. 3. Co : steer rounds , 7c ; cow rounds , t(4c ( ; cow rounda. shnnk off , 8c , cow rounds , shnnk nnd rump oft S'ic- trimmings. 4Hc ; beef shunlts , 3c ; hralns , 'per do : . , 35c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , 12&c ; wee'.hr-nda ( calves ) , pur lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per do35c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearts , per Hi Sc : tongues , per lb. , 12Jc ! ; calf livers , each. 35o calves , whole carcass or sides , lie , calf lu-ad and feet , scalded , per net , 75c ; tenderloins , fresh ISC' tenderloins , frozen , IGc ; boneless strips , freed' So ; boneless ntrlp , frozen , fc : strip lolna 'r ' "B" flank steak. Co ; loins. No 1 , J3c ; InlnH , No 2' lOc ; loin * , No , 3 , 8c ; Bhort loins , market style 2a alxivo loins ; short loins , liotsi style. Co nbovo loins : cow loin ends , 80 ; steer loin ends , Oo MUTTON Fancy lambs , SKo per lb. Iambs ren , rs , e , I'ORK-Dresscd Pigs , 60 per lb. ; dressed hogs , 4Uc ; tenderloins , 12140 ; loins , short. 6UC , loni Bo : spare ribs , 4c ; ham sausnge bu'.te. S'.io ; lloslori butts , Bo ; shoulders , loueb. < Hi ; : > ! cuderii | skinned. 5c ; trlininlnps. 4c ; leaf lard , not ren Co. headu. cleaned. 4c dered , : snouts nnd ears. feet , per doz. , 2c ; livers , each 3c.i 3oi blade bones , f > c. HIDES , TALLOW. I3TC. fklns ) , "each , 15o ; dry"shearlings ' ( ihort woofed early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas And Nebraska bulcber wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4ff5c ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , lit o ; dry flint Colorado butcher w ot pells , per lb. , actual weight , 4ff5o ; dry Him Colorado murrain wool pells , per lb. . actual weight , 3f4cr , TALLOW , OREASi : . HTC.-Tallow. N0. J 2Kc ; tallow , No. 2. 2Uo : roueh tallow , lV4o ; while greace , It'AQiw ; yellow and brown greate . coyote ) . lOiiDOc : " wildcat , loasis ; ' badger , "V(8 ( 6 ; ( liver fox , JW 00873.00. lIOItSH HIDES-Kach. J1.COQ2.25. Iliiltlinoro Markt-U. HALTIMORH. Jan. 15.-FI > OUIl-Qulct , un changed ; western superfine , Ji.7003.10 ; weslurn extra , I3.35U4.10 ; western family , JI.30fH.C3 ; win. ter wheat | ialrnls. J4.755.00 | ; spring patents , | 5.0' > a5.20i s ] > rlnir wheat tlralKhts. JL&034.VO ; re ceipts , CV l.bls. ; exK | > rs , 324 libls. WHEAT Steady : hpot nnd month , 8C14idCWc ; May. mw vi uteamer. No. 2 red , Wd'J\\c \ ; reculpts , 40,004 Im. ; * xi > orls , 7C.OOO bu. ; eoulhern wheat , by sample , f > 2097'/ic ' : wiulhem , on grade , . CORN Casy ; spot , month and February , 32 > , lfj > Ko ; steamer minO. 30'//j305tc ; rccvluta , U3.1SJ OILS-PAINTS afional Oil and Paint Co. MANUKACTUIIUIW Air Ftoatttt ! / nral Paint And Palnu , t'uUr. Eta. ' , 101 ! sn | ion JOMI SU J , A. Moffet , lit Vlco Pres. L > . J. Drake , den MCI . c/y JL * o . . . Cinto'itnc , Turpentine , Axle Oreose , Ute. Omnhn llrnnch nnd Agencies , John U. Uuth Mer , PAPER-WOODENWARE. arponter Paper Go. Printing Paper , Wrapping Paper , Stationery , Corner llth and Howard itrtets. Paeand Paper , Stationery , Woodcnwarc. 1107 Hnrncv Street STEAM-WATER SUPPLIES 101.1-1016 Douglas Street. Manufacturers nnJ jobbers of Steam , Oa > nd Water Supplies of AH Kinds , „ a noS-irio Harncv St. Steam Pumps , Engines nnd Boilers , Pipe , Wind Mills , Steam nnd Plumbing Material , Ueltlnc , Hose , Etc. TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. Hardy & Co- Toys , Dolls , Albums and FANCY GOODS. flouts VurnlrhlnEs. Children's Carrlaget , Eta. 1319 Farnam Street TYPE FOUNDRIES. Type Foundry Superior Copper Mixed Tyj > Is th * belt on the mrrket. ELECTROTYPD FOUNDnT. 1114 Howaiil Street. To be sure there are others , but well there's only one newspaper and that is the Omaha Daily Bee. TELEPHONE li-,3. ) H. E. PENNEY & CO. , 11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Branch Onieo. 1038 N B . 1'ncoln. Neb , 01,1) COI.O.VY IIIHLDl.Vn , CIIIOARU. Membnrs Chicago Hoard of Trudo slnco 1SQ. Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Slocks. Orclera Cash nnd Future Delivery Solicited. Uiiililill Olllcf , Ituiuii 1 , .V. Y. Ilfc II 111 IT. . . . . ' 1'llOIK ! 1)111. ) . . . FLOYD J. OAMI'IIIII.T , . JIuiineer. JAMES E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone 10'M ) . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD 01' THADIJ. Dirert wIcpH to Chicago and Now York. Correspondents ; John A. Warren A Co. hu.i cxportiS7,2SO bu. ; southern white corn , OATH Firm : No. 2 white , 23Hft30o ; No a S'so ' < | . ! ! / | rcct'll"BM'735 bu-i * J' 1 , ' . 'Y' * " ' ? ? * * ! 5 No > z W ( > l"crn. CSiiJJMVic ; re. celit | . 6,011) bu.i exjwrts , Di.KU bu. RAY Hlenily ; choice timothy , 113.00. (1IIAIN iitiiOUTVery ; dull ; steamer * easy ; sleum lo Liverpool , per bu. , 3 d , January ; Coik , for orders , per ijuartcr , a Cd , Janunry ; 3s Od ! February , lliriTlill Fancy creamery , 21i22c ; fancy ImU tallon , 17 H8o ; fancy ladle. ICc ; good ladle. 1IO li ; Btoro iiuckc-d. 12ffllc. IXJOH-Qulet ; fit-till , 15o. ( 'llrvUHlI-Hleiidy ; fancy New York OKWlOc- fancy intdlum , llXtlOUcj fancy small , lOUillO&c. Oliicliiiuitl rroiliu-c MiirliclN. CINCINNATI , Jan. 15. Fl/JUIt Blcudi'l fancy. . /U4.4V ; family , 3.W 3,75. HH.UU/I WHIUT-FIrm ; No , 2 r , J , Me < XHNlionK ) ; No. 3 mlxid , 2 o. OATti-Ouletj N . 3 mixed , 2IV44/2S / < j 1'llOVIHlUNH-Uml , < iulel , ll.CS. Hulk meats , firm , 14.00. llncon , uleady. KM WHISICY Htcaily , .19. IIUTTI.ll Uasler und lower ; fancy Kh-ln creamery , 22c ; Ohio. liglSo ; daVry , lie. I'vurlu Alnrkel * . : OHN , nominal ; at L1J , f . _