Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Hall Conntj Hnisera Tnke Measures to
Protect Themselves.
Adopt n Form of Coiitrnrt Which Thc >
1VI1I IininrillrHrlj.ftiliinlt to
' the Oxnnril * for Itnt-
OHAND ISLAND , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Spec ! * ! .
The sugar beet ralncm of thU county had
'a rousing meeting at the city hall In this
city yesterday afternoon , permanently or
garilzlng themselves Into a beet growers' < is
.naclatlon , for Ihclr mutual protection and ad
vancemtnt , and adopted a contract which
will be submitted to President Oxnard a
once , and It la hoped will bo adopted , to
cover the growing of beetn for the Oxnard
company for the coming mason.
Heretofore the Iccl growers have never
, liad a voice In the formulation of the con
tract between the company and themselves
covering the cultivation of the beet crop
and thn result hai been that there has been
dissatisfaction , moro or less , every year
For the year Just past , and In one or two
other years , when the seaoon wao pirtlcu
, larly favorable , the complaints have no
"bcon of a serious nature. However , It Is
known that , surrounding every factory In
California and oven at Norfolk , there Is
n beet growers' association , ami It was con
dldered best that organization bo effccte (
hero also. The only wonder In that such a
etep has not t.con taken years ago.
Thecoverfst complaint last > fron
the Etrlct adherence to the contract by the
factory In regard to the content of the beet
There are aald to be Iratancci without num
her In which tlio Oxnard compiny paid les.
than the contract price for beets that Is less
than $1 when beets were found to contain
a purity of over SO per cent nnd a conten
of ailghtly legs ttun 12 per cent , or vice
versa , a purity of oay 7 ! ) per cent emd a
content of over 12 per coat. The require
ment of the contract wn. SO per cent purity
nnd 12 per cent sugar. The growers contend
' that In many IneN mcos the beets would It
fact be Lvqi ! il to the required standard , but
they wcro "docked" for the difference ex
isting In ono of the teats.
The company has already submitted Its
contract for the ensuing year , In which It Is
Htlpulated wh'U reduction shall lo ; made for
beetci comlJiif below the ataciUrd iequip
ment. The producers , however , felt that 1
lioeM falling below tlio contract standan
wcro worth less , those ranging above the re
quired standard vionUl bo worth compara
tively moro. The contract adopted by the
association section by section , yesterday
therefore makes n straight price of $1 per
ton for all beets that may bo .grown upon
the acreage contracted for , regardless of con
tract , specifying , however , that diseased or
worthless beets should not to Included. It
nluso rcgulatoa the "delIvory , specifying that
the company has the right to order In as
many bt'i'ta as It may need before October
10 , but 'that It must order In at least four
tons per acre between the 10th of October
end the 6th of November , etc. The cntlio
crop must be delivered before- the 20th day
of February. 1S99 , nnd 25 cents extra per ton
Is to be paid by the factory for all beets
At the meeting yesterday there were over
150 beet m'ners In attendance and 110 p.iM
a small membership fee rnd became member *
of the awo-clatlon. Fred Haley Is president
and II. C. GIcso secretary.
' ' of ( llllcpr'it Ilio Onlor of
SID.NKY , Neb. , JKI. 1C. ( Special Tolc-
gimu. ) A joint Installation of officers of
Sidney lodge , No. 19G , Ancient Order of
Un'ted Workmen , cud Degree of Honor ledge ,
No. 122 , took place here last night. After
tills had been dlsposaJ of a Larquet was
served , a * which a number of Ua 's ' were re
sponded to , and the eathortag did not dls-
perso u itll alter midnight.
SKWAUI ) , Neb. . Jan. 1C. ( Special. )
Seward logc ; ! , No. Cfi , Dcsrco of Honcr , at a
public Installation laat evccilng Installed the
fallowing ofllcors for the mining year : Mrn.
M. E. Shoroy. P. C. H. ; Mls.j Mary Emrlch ,
C. H. ; Mrs. A. V. Sklllman , L. II. ; M.'cs
Agnes Pence , C. C. ; Mla Alice Peiico , T. ;
M'lsi Etta Struyer. It. ; T. F. Skeede , F. ;
Mrs. L. B. Ost. U. ; Mrs. A. Kcrtgo , I. W. ;
Mrs , C. K. illoyes , O.V. .
11UMI10LDT , Nob. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. )
Humboldt lodge. No. 5 , Ancient Order of
UnlteJ Workmen , in connection with Ito
auxiliary , IlnmUc-ldt lodge , No , 79 , Degree
of Honor , Installed olllcera for the coming
year , Tie exercises were hold at the Odd
Fellows' hall and the rowly Inntallvd Work
men o nice fd are as follows : Master workman ,
E. A. Tucker ; foreman , L. C. Williamson ;
overoeer , J. J. Thompacn ; recorder , H. Barg ;
financier. W. H. Till ; receiver. C. E. Nlrno ;
Kulde , F. M. Williamson ; IraHo watdiman ,
"W. N. Hlgglns ; outsldo watchman , B. F.
King ; trt'atce , George Klechers ; medical ex
aminers , Dr. J. H. Morris and Dr. L. B.
Allen. The Degree olllcers are ui follows :
C. of H. , Mrs. C. A. Willlo ; U cf II. , Mre.
M 13. Cope ; C. of C. , Mtii. Cora Allen ; U. ,
12. S , Cope ; F. , W. II. Tlce ; H. , 'Mrs. ' Sarah
Morbut-Kor ; S. U. . Mrs. Kale Dorland ; I.
W. , Mrs. Anna Gravattc ; 0. AV' . , Llncola
Williamson ; T. , Mro. Margaret Scott ; M. E. ,
Dr. J. H. 'Morris. Alter the Installation
was ever refreshments were served to tho.-o
AINSU'OUTH. Neb. . Jan , 1C. ( Special. )
A'usnorth lodge , Degree of Honor , \\un In
stituted Thursday evening by Mrs , Adclla
Harding of Hebron. Neb. , grand chief of
honor of the jurisdiction of Nebraska , with
thirty-nine charter members , The following
olllcers ucic ir.atallcd : Mru. L. M. McAn-
difw , P. C. of H. ; Mrs. I. L. Farrran. C. of
H ; Mrs. n. G. Carbltt , L. of H. ; Mrs. E , A.
DcWoody , C. of C. ; A. W. Scattorgood , re
corder ; Mti ? . M. K , Seattergood , flaeciclcr ; H.
S. Kiting , receiver ; MM. M. E , Fltinoy. usher ;
Mrs. A. 13. Clark , I , W. ; Fred S. Flnncy , O.
BANCROFT , Neb. . Jan. 1C. ( Special. )
Bancroft camp of Modern Woodmen held
public Installation of officers Saturday even
ing. After the Installation an elegant lunch
eon was served by the Itoyal Neighbors ,
who hud prepared a. complete surprise , Sup
per was followed by games and music. The
cnnncll'otcct , L. B. Harrison , clcsod the en
tertainment by a few well remarks.
.ItitiiiiN Into n NVi'll.
BASSKTT. Nob. , Jan. 1C , ( Special Tee- !
Krain. ) ' .Mm , Anna Huw , wlfo of Frank
HUM , a itch Bohemian former , committed
( mlcldo tcd y at 12 o'clock by jumping Into
n well < iud drowning before she was dis
covered and rracuod. Family troubles were
liio cause Her husband came homo drunk
last night tind abuacd her. Sim left the
dense and went to u neighbor's , who re
turned with her and Klaycd there until Mrs.
Huta had retired. Thin morning Mrs. Husa
did not net tip till about 11 o'clock , when ho
told a daughter aho was going to do away
with herself. She went about fifty yanLi In
thu field to A big well and , lakltiK off . ' .or
nhors , dollbcmtcly jumped In. She was
about SO 3 cars old and leavra a family of five
children. An , Inquest will bo held.
CollllllllllHlltCN ,
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Jan. 1C , ( Special , )
The Nebraska Telephone company U raak-
Inp preparations to extend Its line went-
ward from this city In the parly spring ,
lOampuny K , First regiment , Nebraska
Nitlonal guards , gave a ball at the r.rmory
last Friday evening. About thirty couples
attended , The Columbuo orchestra , furiilshod
the music ,
A apeolal peeilon of the council was held
last evening to consider the application of
the MUaourt Telephvno company for a
frauchUo to construct and operate a tele-
Should be in every family
incillclno chet and o * "
traveller's grip.They „ . _
Invaluable when ttio ttoinach
ll out vf order t cute livaiUcho , blllaiuarit , nnd
nil Ut r UuukUi , WU uud tnlckut. u ccut * .
phone cxchango in this city. The question
vm argued and an adjournment finally Ukon
until February 4 , The point raised , wn
whether or not the foreign Institution
would have lo Incorporate under the law
of Nebraska ( before It could do 'business In
thin state.
The city council has < lnwn a warrant In
favor of the chief of the fire dopartmcn
to bo used lo defray the expenses of th
Oolumbuo delegation to the sixteenth nnnua
convention of the Nebrarka State Voluntce
Firemen's association , to be held t Kearney
this week. ThU city only has four dele
gates , but a party of about twenty will at
tend from hero.
Uovornor Ilnlroinli llrnr * from tlio
Itclli'f Comtitltlec ,
UNCOUN , Jan. 1C. ( Special Telegram. )
Governor Holcomb ha.i just received the fol
lowing letter from Chairman Barton of th
National Cuban Hollcf commission :
NEW YOUK. Jan. 12 , ISSS.-To Ills I3x
cellenry , Governor Silas A. Holeomb , Lin
coin , Ne < > , Sir Herewith we enclose copy
of our telegram of yesterday In response
to yours asking Lf shelled corn would beef
of use nnd what class of clothing 1.
wanted In Cuba. Wo nlao enclose copy
of cablegram Just received by this com
mlttcc from Consul General Lee , Havana
Blvlng In dotnll all articles that are necdet
for relief. While he dee not enumerate
shelled corn , ho Includes corn meal as ono
of the first articles named nnd there eat
bo no doubt that there are ample facilities
In Havana for converting shelled rorn Into
meal , nnd Innsmuch as tho" former can
probably be shipped with ICBI liability to
damage wo think there should be no hesl
tnncy In shipping ns much shelled corn ns
you can rnlso for the pnrpsse. We are nd
vised by thn Department of State tha
everything should bo consigned to "Unltei
StntPM Consul General , Havana , Cuba , " nm
each artlclo distinctly muikcd "Cuban le
lief , " Shipments should bo nccotnp.inlei
bv statements showing the exact contents
of every package , with Its precise welRht
KUch statement being required by the
lib government. A duplicate of nuch mate
ment should also l > > sent to this ) committee
toe , In order that wo may kuej ) n reesri
thereof and fully advise the consul gen
cral of all RhlpmentM. We enclose hpruwltl
printed matter which we trust mny nerve
you and beg that you correspond with the
rommltten freely pertaining to any matter
In which we may be able to aid you a IK
nifo , t'lvo ' us prompt advices of the progress
that we may give publicity to the same
and thereby stimulate similar goad wotlc
Very , truly yours ,
STBI'HHN 13. UAHTON , Chairman.
\IMV lilhrur- for Slii'llon.
SHELTON , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) A
largely at'cnded meeting of the women o
Shelton waa held yesterday for the purpose o
completing o public library and reading rcom
I'Bsoslatlon. Mis. George Mclsurcr van
elected president , Mrs. H. J. Hobblns ttccn
urer , and. Miss Mamie Stockwoll secretary
Itoom and light have been guaranteed free
T'ho village board voted a cash donation cf
$25 and an entertainment will bo given Tues
day evening by homo Oxle-nt , assisted by Miss
Lillian Plko of Denver , 'he proceeds going
toward procuring books and buying furni
ture and carpels. This with what bc-oks are
ai hand now will glvo the town a very cred
itable library.
I/lvr Stock ANNticliitloii.
KIMBALL , Neb , , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) The
ICImball County Live Stock association belt
Its regular quarterly meeting hero ycstordaj
and transacted routine business. A rowan' '
of $5 vo offered on gray wolves. The mem
bership now includes nearly all the cattle
and horse men ki the county.
The sheep owners In Klmball county met
yesterday and perfected an organization , to
protect their Interests. Thomro Wilkinson
was elected president and H. H. Homo secre
tary. One of the objects of the organization
Is to keep scabby sheep out of the county.
Another meeting will bo held soon to com
plete arrangements.
lt < irclnr.M nt Tllilcn.
TILDE'N ' , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special. ) Bur
glars last night broke into T. T. McDon
ald's store c.t thitj p'.acc , About 5200 wcrlh
of goods were stolen , 'Including bovcn
watcher , chalrn , rings , clot'ilng atU shoes.
This Is itho third IMs Mr. McDcnuJd has suf
fered from burglars in the last four years ,
Ono man who was found with stolen property
belonging to the firm H now swerving a six
yearn' scnteticc In the state penitentiary , nnd
It Is expected the latest offender will soon
bo keeping him company.
Ili-Iil for Trail.
BROKEN 'BOW. Neb. . Jan. 1C. ( Special. )
HalpJi Glvera ( colored ) , who was arrested
yesterday on the charge of having broken Into
T. 'M. ' & J. W. Salisbury ind J. N. Peolo &
Cc.'s stores , had his prellmlnury trial today
before County Judge Armur. Ho was found
Rullty and was ren-anded to jail to await
tao olttlns of the district court.
To SiM'iiU ut Hriivcr.
SUPERIOR , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) C.
E , Adams , president of the Superior Gittlo
comrntiy and Denver Llvo Stock Commission
companyii to be a o of the prominent
speakers at the National Llvo Stock Grow-
ero' association to bo held In Denver on Jan
uary 25 , 20 and 27.
Itcrlviil nt Cnxnil.
COZAD , Nob. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) A series
of union evangelistic revival meetings have
lieen arranged for to commence next Monday
evening. They are to bo undenominational
and will bo conducted by A. J. Bell , a Cali
fornia evangelist , assisted by the local poo-
DUNCAN. Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) The
aged mother of H. 'Uoettcher ' , Union Pacific
section foreman at Gardiner , dropped dead
while eating supper with her daughtcr'a
family In Columbus at 8 o'clock laat evening ,
supposedly of heart failure.
OlIll-ITM IllKtllllCll.
C055AD , Neb. , Jan. 1C ( Special. ) Urvlsoy
; > ost. Gland Army of the Republic , Women's
Keller corps and Ouster camp. Sons of Vet-
oriia , Itiit'illed ' their newly elected offlcera
last evening. The installation uas public
and was followed by a banquet.
Xl'll I'll N lillIMVH
Work has commenced on the erection of a
mill at uortiana.
A big circle wolf Piunt is plantwd to take
In Stantcn comity January 20.
D. Il'Jnkmoer ) of Ponder has gone to the
Argentina Republic to seek his fortune.
Wood River business men are making an
effort to organize a company to build ana
operate a butter nnd checso factory ,
The Polandors around Nollgh are preparing
to devote a large acrcugo next season to the
cultivation of beets for the Norfolk sugar
WaDhla ton county to in good financial
shape and 1U affairs fliavo been economically
nunaged. Oci January 0 there was $02,075.39
n cash and available resources. Of this
amount (61,0.10.29 ( waa In tosh.
A now wlr > dlo is being worked in Nc-
jracilio. Parties advertise to send ten yards
of the finest allk , any color , for $1. The vie-
1m wtoo swids receives ten yards of line allk
bread , which Is , of course , as much as Is
iromised for the money.
Two young men , wfciCBO residence is un-
.tiow < i anl who glvo the names of William
and Bryan Armstrong , have been arrested at
3lBln , They are charged with frightening
ho Echool ojrtldmi nnd the young woman
eacher by flourishing a revolver and threat
ening to ehoot them.
IJecolvor Walking of the defunct National
tank of PoncJ. accompanied by Cninaclor
Learned of Omaha and Judge Tlbblra of Lin
coln , tire at Ponoi to take testimony to bo
ised In a case which waij brought by the re
ceiver to recover back a dlvldcnl which is
Mimed to have been wrongfully allowed and
pild by the First National.
MllllnimlrrK on u ( iriuiil Jury ,
TU13NTON , N. J. , Jan. 10. . O-o of the most
ictabla grand juries over drawn In the
Jnlteil States district court for the district
of New Jersc-y Is that which will bo sworn
n Tuesday nt the opening term of court.
Tlu < panel will Include several millionaires.
tinoiiK them Urorjro J. Uould. nn ex-United
States tscnator , four mayors and several
thcrptrsons of prominence.
I'lCOHIA. III. , Jnn , 10-Tho executive
eummlttvo of the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen Is holding Its annual session hero
o welvo reports nnd audit accounts. The
net Increase In membership during 1S37
wu 3.000 and thlrty-savon new lodges vtero
instituted , The olllcera report ix steady de
mand for brotherhood men by ( he rail
roads. )
Annexation Movement is Apparently
0 rowing Weaker.
Iiltttc Pro/Mice / ! f ( InTrrnty
AtMinivcil , nil ill tlu * Joint Jtfno-
jntloii Mny llnvc t lie-
Same Kate. .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) The
debate on the Hawaiian treaty during th '
last week has brought prominently before
the country conditions which the advocate
of the measure have been loath to concede
and ns It tookij at the moment the
bottom la liable to fall out of tha debate
within a very few days , The nnnexatlonlstii
are losing ground dally , they are losing hear
at the same time , nnd they are becomlnj
crabbed and somewhat soured over condition
ea they at present exist. They are In hopes
that should the mecsurc fall of ratification In
the senate that the legislative bill , whlcl
will In all probability bo brought In , wll
receive a majority in both houses. In this
the wish Is father to Iho thought , and there
Is no certainty that the house In Its presen
feeling will adopt cay measure looking to
the annexation of the Island ? .
Senator Thurston baa outlined his pcaltloi
In the public prints and his refusal to follow
the administration has. brought republicans
to a realization that Iho mere annexation o
the Islands lo not tlio only thing that we
must take Into consideration. Senator Gear
of Iowa , Scoator Spooncr of Wisconsin am
Senator Hoar of M.nisachusetta have within
the last day or two Indicated to their frle-ads
that they can sec no reason why they shouli
support the measure , and thus dally the
defection gees on.
Senator Alton outlined hi * pcaltlon very
oirly 'n the prrcent session , and with Thurs
ton In the opposition , Nebraska Is oolldly
arrayed against annexation. The senators
from Utah are wavering In the balance , am
It would not surnrlso anyone to llnd them
with the opposition to the measure when
the voteIs taken.
Senator Clark of Wyoming Is a pronounce
annexatlonlst and aces no rcusrri , ns he salt
to The Bee man , for any abatement of hlo
pcoltlon. Senator Warren of the same state
la on tha fence and there are so meay litho
the same position , It leads the disinterested
obssrver to believe as above , that the opposi
tion Is growing stronger dally.
Strollers In and out of the Rlggs house laat
week were somewhat surprised to tiee sitting
In ono corner of the lobby end unconcern
edly pulling large rlnga of tobacco smoke
Into the air an old man who wzij a deat
ringer for the president of the United States
There were excellent reasons why this little
old man end 1'rcaldcnt McKinley should look
alike ; they are what genealogists call double ,
twlctcd cousins. John Campbell lives In
Warren , 0. , where he Is the proprietor of the
Campbell house , a homo-like hostelry known
to all the country round about , and a haven
for theatrical companies visiting there. Mr.
Campbell said , Im speaking about his remark
able resemblance to the president : "Yen ,
William and I arc double cousins. Will'am's
mother and my father wera brother nnd sis
ter , and my mother and his father were
cousins. The between William
and mjself has gotten mo Into a lot ot diffi
culty , raid sometimes I regret that ths re-
oomblance Is so marked. And to be atoo-
lutcly correct , he looks llko mo more than I
look like him , for I am thirteen years his
senior. When I met William at his mother's
funeral he asked mo to come down and visit
him at the Whlto House , and I have decided
to Just run down and see how ho looks tri
that place where so meay of the illuutrious
men of the past made their home while In
Washington. "
There Is considerable crltlcl-m of the man
ner In which John Russell Young , librarian
of congress , Is dispensing patrcoago In con
nection with the library. In reply to a reso
lution of Senator Thurstoa calling upon him
to show the number of employes In that In-
etltutlcn , their fitness for library work , and
the states to which they are accredited , Mr.
Young shows that fifteen states are unrep
resented in the distribution. The summary
la interesting , the classification by states being -
ing as follows : Alabama , 1 ; Arizona , 1 ; Call-
foinla. 1 ; D'strict of Columbia , 1C ; Georgia ,
2 ; Iowa , 4 ; Illinois , 7 ; Indiana. 1 ; Kentucky ,
1 ; Louisiana , 1 : Maine , 4 ; Missouri , 3 ; Mas-
sachut'atts , 3 ; Maryland , 9 ; Michigan , 3 ; Mln.
ncsota , 1 ; Nevada. 1 ; Now York , 12 ; New-
Jersey. 2 ; Now Hampshire. 1 ; North Da
kota. 1 ; Ohio , 8 ; Oregon , 1 ; Pennsylvania , 8 ;
Rhode Island , 2 ; South Dakota , 1 ; Texas , 1 ;
Tennessee , 1 ; Virginia , 4 ; Vermont , 1 ; Wis
consin , 2 ; total , 104.
The states not represented are : Ccimiectl-
cut , Mi .sirsippl. Utah , Florida , Washington ,
Idaho , Wyoming , Montana , Arkansas , Colorado
rado , North Carolina , South Carol'aa , Wtat
Virginia , Kansas and Nebraska.
The icply of Librarian Young having been
called to Senator Thurston's attention , he hcs
written a letter to the president In which he
Invites a perueal of the document , nnd very
courteously asks whether the d'atrlbutlon ot
patronage is In keeping with a former con
versation had with the president , wherein lie
said that the policy of the librarian would be
to apportlcn the employes to all the otatea.
01,1) TENSION OASI3 itljA
inlKO I.oiiK1 A k to Have Ituiliiutloii
Set Axldf.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 1C. The celebrated
n lon case of Judge Charles D. Long of
Michigan has made Its reappearance before
he. pension ofllco In the shape of an appli
cation to Commissioner Evans to vacate the
order reducing the judge's pension from $72
o ? 50 per month. The application was made
by Fred A. Caker , who claimed that a pen
sion granted was ai vested right , and that
Judge Long Is entitled to the J72 per month
vllliin the meaning of the law.
Lot-ill SlnllNlli-N from \uinlior of ( lie
Inrn < T C'ltli-M.
ST. PAUL , Jan. 1C. These figures liavo
been secured by the American Land
and Title Register , showing the total
amount of real estate transfers of
a number of the principal cities during the
years 1S9C and 1897 :
Cities. IS)0. ! ) IS97.
Vew York $12U53S2S J 91,281fid
Chicago ai.OJ2.G02 :01.1fl3,213
5t. Louis 4fi,72fl,8i : ! CG,13(5 ( , 7
Minneapolis S.432.SG7 7S3S.lj |
Omaha's n.soo.ciic
St. Paul 2,293,018 4,578,098
'ortlund 5,300,490 4,310,278 ,
Juluth 4,503.841 3,090,112
Denver 8,890,789 9,107,593
The following table shows the total estl-
natod cost of buildings for which permits
wcro Issued in a number of the principal
western cities during the years 1890 and
897 :
Cities , ISM. 1S ! > 7.
Chleiigo $22.730,01.$21,777,230
St. Louis 10SOIIMS ) .1,471C40
Minneapolis 2.R14.92S 1,591.320
Omaha , 2,402,3ll ! 1,405,770
St. P.Ull 1,753.98. ! 1,421,271
) cnver lcrt,872 i.zai.soo
> Ullltll 570.W2 2S'l,3'i9
CansasClty 1JO > , < 54 1.S1S.29J
Cotton fur Shipment to Uliliut.
TACO.MA , Wash. , Jnn. 1C. Seven train
oads , amounting to1,7 ) bales , of Texas col
on , have arrived In Tncoma for shipment
o China and Japan on the. Htenmers of the
Vorthern Pacific line. The cotton came by
vuy of St. Louis and St. Paul. A great deal
of this cotton I.i Htamlln- ; cars on the
rack Heavy shipments of cotton are ar-
Ivlng nt all Paclllo const points having
Oriental lines. An Important phase of the
novement arises In the. ciucstlan na to
vhcther tlio cotton Is subject to Insurance
vhllo standing In the cars.
Clit'MH Miiti'h ArrnuRfd.
NEW YORK. Jnn. 10. Tlio second matcher
or the United States chess championship
between Harry N. Pillsbury of Now York
ml Jackson W. Shownlter of Georgetown ,
iy , , la practically arranged , the only de
al ) undecided being1 the location of the
ilace where 1)13 ) finnies will lie played ,
'ho terms of the mutch ore the name ( is
n the first contest at the Hamilton club ,
IrooUlyn , last February , thn stakes to ba
1,000 a aldf and tha drat winner of seven
lames to take the money and tltlo ,
\vAJi : ctT jTjycns OKPKCT TODAY
lte < Vnntloii Will AITcct Twenty Tlion
nnnitOMTiillvc ,
PROVIDENCE , n. I. , Jnn. 1C. The cu
down In the tcfttoa mills throughout th
otate will go lor * . effect tomorrow , the enl
exceptions bolni ; .eno or two small factorli
whcso owners for reasons of their own , hav
not yet decldM < 6 cut wages , and n few li
which , owing to their paying monthly or fo
similar reasons , It la not convenient to mak
the reduction -ilritll later.
Tlio rodtictlqn , wlll affect to o greater o
lesser degree the , .earnings ot nearly 20OI ) (
operatives In Uils state and those of KnUh
& Goddard , Irt' Wssachusetts. Between ten
nnd fifteen thousand more employed In Con
ncctlcut mil's ' , controlled by Providence
agents , will bo affected also. As the aggregate
[ gate earnings of this army of operatives wll
'approximate $9,000,000 annually , the loss In
wages nod purchasing power In ccoscquenc
of the reduction to operatives and buitlncs
men in file communities In which they
mend their money will bo nearly a rouni
million. If the cut averages , as expected
about 10 per cent.
I.i-np to lU-ulli by u I > c-
CHICAGO , Jan. 16. Alfred C. Qrcclcaf
a bookkeeper , committed sudcldo yesterday
by jumping from tlio alxteonUi floor of the
Mastfilc temple. Qrcelcaf had been out o
employment for some tlmo nnd becoming de-
sponJcut decided to make way vvlt/.i himself
His first attempt was made in the Chamber
of Osmmcrco building , where ho was oaunh
In the act of Jumping over the railing frcn
tlio twelfth floor to tine rotumii , and ejected
from 'the ' building. Ho then went to the
Mooanlc temple , ascended to the sixteen' !
flcor , climbed upon the railing and jumped
off Into the rotunda. Hu ! body struck , i
marble landlivj on the third floor , shatterm
n slab two Inches tCilck and lauded on the
balcony of the second floor. The body WGB
reduced 'to a mere pulp. Greoleaf's fall was
witnessed by seorra of people In the ro
tunda. ,
LAGRANGD , Wyo. . Jan. 1C. ( Special. )
Miss Hello Draoer of Harrlsburgh , Neb. , am
Mr. Nelson S. Perry of this place wcro mar
Tied Wednesday at the residence of John II
Culver , Rev. Mr. Hill performing tCie mat1
rl-igo ceremony. A large number of the
friends o' the bride and groom attended the
wedding. An elegant wedding supper was
served and dancing was enjoyed until a
late hour.
Klri'H of n Day.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Kitty Mills' two-story house en the
south side was damaged by fire early this
morning to tlio extent of. $000. The flro orig
inated by the upsetting of a lamp. Fully In
DUUUQUE. Jan. 1C. ( Special Telegram. )
Fire this morning destroyed Walters &
Dennlfl' flour and feed store nnd Dickin
son's paper box factory. Eatlmated loss ,
WHEELING : w. va. , Jan. ic. TWO
thoughtless boys caused great mischief by
applying a matah 'to a spniy .of coal oil 'Is '
suing from a small ( aperture In the Standard
Oil company's pipe line tram Slatcrvlllo atvl
Mannlngton to Morgantown. The pressure at
that point was strong. Soon the burning
ypray melted the lend in the jclnts of the
pipe , which was. six Inches In diameter. Fifty
acres of forest , japd ) 'Hold were soon ablaze.
Two c.iiall bridges and two tarts were
burned. All the oil in ten miles ot six-inch
pipe , nearly 2,003 barrels , was consumed.
I'"nri-\v "ll , ilo : i il''istnr.
HURON , S. Df Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) Friday
night a farewell reception was tendered Rev.
John R. Jones , the1 retiring pastor of the
First Prcsbyterlhn church of this city , by
members of the church and citizens. Coe I ,
Crawford , for the , ] congregation , presented
Mr. Janes a solid gold hunting : case watch.
Rev. Jches will dcpar.t for Los Angeles , Cal. ,
in a few days to assume the pastorate of a
Presbyterian church.
Kllpatrlck post , 'No. 4 , Grand Army of
the Republic , and Kilpatrlrlc Women's Re
lief Corps , No. 2 , publicly Installed ofllcers
Friday night.
Miss Nancy Enrightwas found dead In
bed at the home of her sister in the south
part of the city Friday morning.
Tou li on tin : ShcrlU's.
PIERRE , S. D. ; J'in. ' 1C. ( Special Tele-
gnt in. ) From this until the clcso of the fiscal
year South Dakota sheriffs will have to * ad-
% anco the expenses of 'taking ' prisoners to the
penitentiary and wall for a deficiency appro
priation In the next legislature to reimburse
them. The apprpj'l'Ulon cf ? 1.500 allowed
for thto purpose by 'the last legislature is
exhausted and bills for over ? 300 are
already held up for lack of funds. The sumo
thing will probably occur again next year ,
The attention cf the appropriation commli-
tee was .called' ' to the amount of tiio appro
priation , but 'it refused to Increase it , with
the rcaulta above mentioned.
To Inr - iiMC'Mliiu ' dipnoi I.v.
GLENROCK. Wyo. , Jan. 10. ( Special. )
The capacity of the mines of the Deer Creek
3cal comrany at this place Is to bo greatly
ncreased during the present season. A new-
shaft will bo sunk about a quarter of a
nllo east of the ono now uaod , aad a large
field of coal heretofore untouched will bo
opened up , making room for tOe eitoloyment
ot several hundred miners. There Is a on-
inued Increasing demand fcc _ the coal , nnd
an effort will bo made to supply the dc-
of Two \Vnyfm-eri * In the
Dili-ill DlHtrlct.
W. M. Beck came to town yesterday and
'ell In with a company of five colored
women. Ho accompanied them to 222 North
Twelfth street where some parlor theatricals
vero engaged in. Heck contributed CO cents
0 a beer and entertainment fund , oxpoa-
ng In so doing a rolj of bills amounting to
> 2U. When Heck returned to his hotel he
observed that the roll had been tampered
with and a $10 bill removed. Complaint
was mudo and Goldlo Williams. T311a Roilln ,
Csslo Allen , Sadlo Rush and Trcsslo Lewis
vcro nncsted to glvo account.
Ada Young and Annlo Nelson were ar
rested on a similar charge for the robbery
of W. J. Yancey jn an alley near Eleventh
and Davenport etfeets Saturday night. Yan
cey saja they met him on the street about
1 o'clock and invtt-d | him to take n prom-
cnado through the lalloy. Before they nr-
Ivcd at the next street Yancey claims ho
was robbed of $5ii. ;
Survivors of ilii'j knti Wnr 'Hcniciu-
lii-riMl liy llM'i < iiu-riil tiovi-mnit'iit.
WASIIINGTOIf. Jan. lJ-Bpeclal.-pl'en- ( ( )
slons have been ( sjHjed as follows :
Issue of Deceuibqr SO :
Nebraska ; Original Lgwls D , Harris ,
Omaha , { 8. HolMue Special , January 5 ,
James II. Carter Mndleon. J17.
Iowa : Original JInrrlson Smith. Arllng-
on , * G : John N G.illnp , Jefferson , $10 ; Henry
'rank , Itenwlclr , ' Jo ; James C , Duncan ,
Javcnport , ? 0. , t , t
If sun of December 31 :
Iowa : Orlgliml-Jame * P. Chllton , Anthon ,
G : James H , dray ( deceased ) , Washington ,
12. AddltionaMJlisnjumln B. Frasv. Don
3c Molncs. JS t < y12. Original widows , etc1.
Mary 13 , Weber , Burlington , JS ; Martha A.
Cray , Washington , } S.
Colorado : Original General M. Copcland ,
, cnilvllle , $0.
North Dakota : Original Alonzo Deltz ,
Js'orthwood , # ! , _
In flood Kliianclal Condition.
PEORIA , III. , Jan. 10. The convention of
he Bricklayers' nnd lasons' International
iiilou Is getting down to business and the
ommlttccF are completing their work. The
otal membership la reported nt 5C.31W , of
vhom but aj.KSO nre employed. For benell-
lal purposes f2M,515 ) had been expended nnd
hero Is $ $3.336 In the treasury , Tim rxtah-
Islimont of n national homo for Indigent
r.embers la favored.
.Shooting AITi-ny.
LITTLU ROCK. Ark. , Jnn. 10-At a
dance on the Falls plantation in Missis-
alppl county laut night a shoaling affray
took place between the three sons of Ar-
mUlead Phillips on ono Hide and the three
nous of Wrlcht Ray on the other. Two
men were killed nnd twa fatally wounded ,
the cauualtlfca being equally divided ,
Calls Time on Both Oorbetl and
He "Will FlRlit"Xo One Klxe ntnl
Unc TliuitMiinil Dollar. *
< Uncle llln
Worils ,
NK\V YOUK , Jan. 1C. "Kid" McCoy 1ms
Issued the following challenge :
"To Ilobcrt ritzslmruons and James J.
Corbolt : Gentlemen You have declined to
contest with mo for the middleweight cham-
plonshlp of Iho world. You have offered
many reasons and excuses for your refusal ,
hut your principal reason has hcen that you
would not or could not get down to my
weight , I am therefore compelled to waive
the question of weight and go to your
weight. I therefore hereby challenge cither
or both of you to a finish hoxlng contest
for the heavyweight championship of the
world , details and arrangements to bo
inado hereafter.
"I fully realize the pcoalblo stand you
iboth may take In answer to this challenge.
I know It will to your policy to evade It
la every way , to cast aspersions and even
attempt to ridicule my dell. I know you
will 'toll me to fight other men and gain a
reputation , etc. Ilut > our possible evasions
are discounted not talono by me , but by
the entire public , who fully realize the fact !
that I am the only living boxer iwho la
entitled .to the credit of ibcltiB able to gain
a victory over either or 1x > th of you.
"I know I can beat either of you or both of
you. I am not going to fight any other man or
men but you , and no amount of
evasion or excuse that cither of you can of
fer will deter mo from my determination to
pursue you until I achieve my object and
win the heavyweight championship of the
"I am net going to Indulge'ln any black
guardism cr billingsgate. The public Is
disgusted with thoae methods and they are
not and never were mine , f glvo you credit
for all that either or you has accomplished ,
'but ' I know .1 am your mister as a fighter ,
and my challenge la sincere.
"As a further evidence of my sincerity
I have deposited a. check for $1,000 In th3
hands of Samuel Austin , end I stand ready
ta post an additional $1,000 upon either
or both of you signifying your acceptance. "
Killer for Ilruoklyn Iliiiiillouii ,
NK\V YORK , Jan. 10. Following are. the
entries for the Brooklyn Jockey club's
handicap of $10,000 to be run nt the spring
meeting , ono mile and a quarter : Algol , 4 ;
lien Hrush. 5 : Den Kder. fi ; lien HollUlay , 5 ;
Uox , 4 ; Uumlhn , Ilyron aicClelland. 5 ; Cald
ron , 4 ; Don d'OroJ 4 ; Sir Catlott , 4 ; Or. Shep-
nril , 4 ; Great Hend , 3 ; Hand Ball , 3 ; Ilonard
Jlann , G ; Isidore , 4 ; l nkc Shore , uged ; Leh
man , aged ; I.okl 5 ; Lou Bramble , 4 ; Mncy ,
4 ; Meadow Thorp , 4 ; Merry Prince , 5 ;
Michael III , 3 : Mohican. 3 ; Ogilcn. 4 ; On
Deck , 4 ; Ornament , 1 ; Our Joiiiny 4 ;
Plaudit , 3 ; Premier , C ; Previous , 3 : Royal
Stag ( Imp. ) , 0 : St. Bartholomew. I ; Schiller ,
fi : Somper BRO , fi ; Sensational ? 3 ; Sly Fox , 3 ;
Typhoon , II , 4 ; Tile 4 ; Travcrser , 3 ; Ulyeses ,
C ; Winged Foot , C.
Cyi'llntx < : < > Snulli.
NEW YOIUC. Jan. 1C. There will be a
srcat emigration of cyclists to the south to
morrow. The cream of the foreign and
American racing talent will call for Florida
and there 'n 111 be merry times on the new
thlrd-of-a-mile track at Bellair. August
Lehr , the German champion , has been In
Bellair for some time and In the party will
be GouKOltz , Lumberjack and Taylore , the
Frenchmen ; Fulford and Wheelock. the
F.nRllahmen , and all the available American
! \ curly 11 TlioiiHiinil
NEW YOIUC , Jan. 1C. The nominations
for the Coney Island Jockey club stakes for
1F9S were announced today. One hundred
and ten different stables arc represented la
the nominations for the stakes that closed
on January 1 and the total number cf en
tries for the eighteen events Is D7r > , as com
pared with S99 labt year. The Flight1 , Sep
tember , Flatbush and Great Hastern stakes
will have a supplementary closing on July 18.
Warning ( o Cnlliolle
CHICAGO , Jan. 1C. A special to the
Record from Anderson , Incl. , says : In-
dlana uniform rank , Catholic Knights of
America commamleries , today received ofll-
clai instructions from Commander-ln-Chlef
Kadeskl , In which ho warns the ofllcers
against recognizing J. W. Nordham of
Vincennes an commander in chief , holding
that the gathering In Mobile last week , at
which Nordham was elected , was Irregular
and illegal. It Is thought the matter will
je tiikon Into court or the pope will IKS
asked to interfere. The order now numbers
nearly 23,000 uniformed members and Is the
ecognized military body of the Catholic
church In America.
'lllnm'.HOtn ' Uaiilf Ilohlicr Cupturi'tl.
FORT WORTH , Tex. , Jan. 1C. Samuel
Copcland , the daring Minnesota bank rob-
jer , who escaped from the officers while bo
ng taken to the penitentiary. Is again In the
clutches of the law. He was captured some
days ago at Big Springs. Tex. , and spent
oday In 1all hero. He was brought here by
Deputy Warden Lemon of the Stlllwater
( Minn. ) penitentiary and tonight the olilecr
s on his way to that city with his prisoner ,
'Another ' Death from Senrvy.
NEW YORK , Jan. 1C. Another of the
scurvy-stricken crew of the bark Pactolus
lied today Ho was James O'Nell and he
lied at the Hudson street hoepltal. The first
death was that of a Japanese sailor , foeven
of the crew are at the Marino hospital on j
Staten Island , suffering from scurvy , but are
said to not bo In a serious condition. Still
mother four are at Qouvernor hospital with
ho same
of U'oril.
Very few persons are probably aware of the
orlfi'lH of the word "deadhead , " which Is BO
retmently used In connection with theatri
cal representations. It la stated to bo an
follows : Many years ago , In the time of turn-
) lkc3 , the principal avenue or a town passed
close to t'ho entrance of a road leading to
ho cemetery. As this cemetery had been
aid out some time- previous to the construe-
Ion of the road It was arranged that all
unoral processions should be allowed to pass
along the latter free ct toll. Ono day aa a
veil known physician who was "driving " along
ho road stopped 'to ' pay ( Ms toll tie observed
o the keeper , "Considering the benevolent
hanjctor * f our profea lon I think you ought
o lot us pass free of charge. " "No , no ,
doctor , " said the gatekeeper , "wo can't af-
ord that ; you send too many deadheads
hrougJi as It to. " Tbo story tiaveled around
ho country and the word "deadhead" wis
eventually applied to those who obtained free
admission to the theater.
Ail On-Hit ir.vciilnw.
Palmistry , oven In Ha unoccuH phases ,
will eervo to make your evening a great
success. Invite some very witty woman
from among your guests to become the en
chantress. Dress her appropriately In dark
robes anil seaij her toy the dining room fire
place , where tmroa a wood fire , The lights
are , of course , turned low , and she stirs mod-
Uativ ; , * ' In" a huge caldron your preserving
kettle It Is , toy the way. Kach guest kneel *
upon a hEsscck at her feet , spreads hU or
her palm unpon the enchantress' knee and
hears his or her pa&t , present and future ,
which will be sure to too very laughablp In
the hands of your witty * friend.
Tint Jluel.
Detroit Journal : "Lay en ! "
"Draw ! Wo shall see who weds the fair
Lady Constance ! "
T'Scro was a gloirn of steel In 1 o air , the
clash of weapons anil Vladimir lay mortally
"Korglvo mo ! " cried the flying man , ran
cor g-lvlng way to p ty In that supreme mot
ment. "Would that I might live In thy
place ! "
As for Uaoul , ho wept , being deeply moved
by the generosity of his fallen foe ; but not
to bo outdcne , ho protested that lie wca
rlgJitly the ono to guffer.
Coiieln lvt ?
Cleveland Plain Dealer : "Why Is It , "
asked the strange In the little Interior town ,
" that you all refer to her aa the most per
fect lady in this part of the countryt"
"Huh , " replied the native , us If aston
ished at the question. "If you could Just
see the way she bandies a horsewhip once
you'd never ask such a fool question as
that. " | , _ _ ,
It Unit to Up ( llvrn Ilvctt nt the Kink
of lUttnilnlicil.
It was a homo talent show and wo But pa
tiently waiting for Iho unexpected to hap
pen , relates the Chicago Record. The
unexpected always happens with a homo tal
ent show , and an Inner mountain village
Is not proof against thin long accepted stage
fact. Wo strangers from the unrcKWicrato
cast , who were there In the mountains for
our healths' Bike , felt assured , therefore , of
an experience before the night shouM bo
"It was "The Mikado * which was to bo pre
sented , tattered and torn by Its transit from
flrst-clasa theaters In the cast to the town
hall of Teton City. Wo had heard Nankl-
Pee as ho had sung about being n thing of
ahreda and patches , and wo had heard Ko-
Ko's announcement of his theories and
Ideas , and , were setting along fairly well In
our listening -when the kissing song was
reached. Then Red Pete Darker , who was
flinging Nankl Too , advanced to the foot
"Ladles and gentlemen , " the tenor singer
began , "this is a mighty poor place In tlu
show to Interrupt the proceedings to mnlto
a speech , but as certalra things are about to
hapnea , I think It la only fair that yon bo
put on. I have heard that Holy Moses Per
kins , who Is known and generally hailed
and greeted as the eventual husband of
Miss Betty Hoyler , who U taking the part
of Yum Yum has announced to nil concerned
that If I followed out the directions of the
book of this play and Insist on kissing the
lady there will 'bo ' five different kinds of
trouble. I hereby announce that I am going
to begin kissing the young lady In about
three minutes and shall keep right on klrs-
InK her through the whole blamed song , and
I further announce that I shall do that hiss-
Inc In full view of the audience. More
over It may be of Interest to you to know
that I have secreted In these long nnd flow-
lug robes two flrst-rato six-shooters right
ready for business. I am also armed with
fact that Holy Moses Perkins Is sitting In
seat No. 1C7 , which Is In plain view from the
stage. As the scene which Is about to bo
presented Is a cross between a delirious love
none and a homicide , awl as I shall caress
the young woman with ono eye on her beau-
tlous charms and ithe other on real No. 1C" ,
I hope you will overlook any little short
comings In the affair. I hate lo mention
such low , coarao things , but the gun which
I shall use first la a self-cooker and has
been recently oiled. Thanking you for your
kind attention , the show will now go on.
W6 listened to the rendition of the kiss-
kiss song with great Intercut , especially
those who wcro In range of scat No. 1G7.
Nothing happened , however , Mr. Perkins re
maining statuesciucly mute. Ilut when the
applause continued on Us demand for an en
core , Mr. Barker appeared once moro at the
sUgo front :
"Thank you , " ho said , "for this ? vindica
tion , but If you want some more of , It I am
compelled to say you can't hove it. I respect
Mr. Perkins' claims on the premises. Thank
you ono and all , and especially Mr. Perkins
who has this night sacrificed his feollnsj for
the advancement of art. The show will now
proceed. "
Wo then leaned back and listened respect
fully while Pooh-Bah told about his troubles
and his expectations.
How n. lilllotiM Mnn < ! nvo Up Ills Two
CIIIIN of HreiikfiiHt Culfct * .
An East End man wcs advised some tlmo
ago not to drink coffee , relates the Cleveland
Plain Dealer. His doctor told him It helned
to make his liver torpid and his liver was
doing Its beet to render llfo miserable for
himself nnd oil the rest of the family.
But , no. ho couldn't glvo up his two cups
at breakfast tlmo. He couldn't make the
sacrifice. Nothing could take the place of
the delicious Java and Mocha mixed that he
had learned to love.
Ono day his wife suggested In a mild way
that ho might bo just as well satisfied with
ono of the brands of Imitation coffee. Hi > ni _
most frothed at the mouth.
"That Infernal stuff ! " lie crli > d. "Not
much. The very first gulp would cettle me.
I d like to see anybody to try fool mo with
a counterfeit of that sort. "
Ho dld't notice that his wife quietly
smiled. But , strange to say , from that time
on ho grew better. Hla bilious tendency was
greatly lessened. Ho felt llko a new man.
Ono day he mot the doctor.
"Hello , doc , " he cried. "I'm getting hot
ter In spite of you. "
"Given up coffee , have you ? " queried the
smiling doctor.
"Given up coffee ? Not much. Coffee's-all
right. "
A few weeks later he met the man from
whom ho orders his groceries.
"Hullo , " quoth the grocer , "how well you
are looking. "
"Yes , " said the convalescent , "I'm feeling
a great deal better. "
"By the way , " said the grocer , "you seem
to llko that substitute I've been sending
you. "
"What substitute ? "
"Why , that substitute for coffee , " nud he
named ono of the numerous Imitations of the
fragrant berry.
"Never had a cup of it In the house , " said
the bilious man emphatically.
"That's funny , " said the grocer. "I haven't
sold your folks a pound of genuine coffee in
the last three months. "
The bilious man didn't say anything
further , but his thoughts were busy. The
noxl morning ho looked at his cup a lltt !
suspiciously , but he drank It without a
tremor. Perhaps ho fancied ho detected the
difference. Perhaps not. Anyway , his wife
still fondly Imagines he doesn't know of the
deception. 'And ' every tlmo ho drinks a cup
of the decoction ho congratulates himself on
the fact that his health Is so much Im
proved that ho can control his temper.
Most torturing and disfiguring of Itching ,
burning , scaly skin and ecalp humors \ in.
Btantly relo\od ! by n warm bath vllli Cim-
CUJA BOAT , n elnglo application of Cnrictnu
( ointment ) , the great aUIn cure , and a f nil dose
Of CUTICbUA IltoOM'K.NT , prc.'ltCHt Of 1)1(1011 )
{ unifiers and humor cures , v hen all elsofallj.
Itio world. F'trrtn Dni-o Atn CHUT.
1 How in Cur * JdiU KUcuiii , ' free.
In Pictures
Part XVI
Now Ready
For Distribution.
Brlnt 10 cents to Tlio Boo olllco , oltlioi-
in Oinalm or Council JJIulTn ,
Moiled to any uddruss on receipt of 10
couta in coin
Uur * Kaelai litcmlili
111 W. tint Btrotl ,
ttew York.
Who arc Injured by the use of coffee. H
ccntly there h be n plnced in nil crocerV
stores .1 now preparation called QRAIN-O.
made of pure s-alns , that tnkcs the place
of coffee. The moat delicate stomach ra
cclves It without tilsueM , and but few cftii
tell It from coffee. It d3cs not cost over VI
as much. Children roay drink It with great
bencnt. 15c and 25o pe Daokago. Try It.
Ask for anAIN-O.
laeoUlunclcr po'itiTO M'rlttcti < Jimrnntce > ,
bjranthorlznlmjmits only , to euro \Veab Memory ,
UizilnwB.Vakofalnnan , Fits , llntoria , ( Julok.
D9S9 , Nlalit IJOSIOB , Kvil Dreams , l.ack of Conll-
doiico , Nervousness , Loagltudo , nil Drains , Youthful -
ful Errorn , or Excessive Uco of Tobacco , Upturn ,
or I jquor , xvhloh lends to Miecry , Consumption ,
Insanity and Dcntlu At etoro or bj mail , $1 rt
box ; six for $ S ; with written cunrnnteo td
euro or rcfkinil inotioy. Hninplo imrk.
HKO , containing five tlajrar treatment , with full
instructions , 25 cents. Ono sample only Bold to
cnchjiornon. Atotoroorbymoil. _
Label Special
Extra Stronrjlh * -
For Impotency , Loaa ol
Power , Lost Munhond ,
Hlorility or HarronnoM
, „ - . , . , n lioii etz for J5. with ]
% x//wtvrlttrn ! cunruntoc
L''l , tncuroinUOdafB. Atatoro
BrOREor by mail.
3l > cr * DMIdii UrtiK Co. , S. 1C. Curucl
Itlth mill Knriiiini SU. . Oiunlin , Kelt.
And Surgical Institata
1 COS Lo ) < Uo St. , Omaha , Neb
Clironjc , Nervous and Private Diseases
ami nil KIJAKNBKH 9 * C8J
nmt DISOHDHIiSof liiEH
IIYDROCKLKniiil VA1UCOOKI.K iiu.'imuiontly ai
mifcvssfnlly oiiri'd In every OJHO.
CH , Surofiila.TiiniorH.Tultor. KeziMiia iitul lllool
Poison ihoruiiKlilv elp.iiisou from the system
NKl'.VOUS Unblllty. SDornialorrlic.i , Seminal
Loaves , Klslii KmlaHlomi , Loss of Vital 1'OMora
liurmaneutlr anil Hpoeiiilv eurod.
( Vitality Woahi , made HO liy too oloto application
to business or tml > ; HPVUI-O mental utraln ol
Brief , SKXUAL IIXCKSSKS In inUltllo llfo or from
the etti'cts of voiilhful folllus. call or wrlto thom
today , tlox 177. !
Omalia Medical and Surglcil Institute
No Detention From Business.
In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain.
( Sucoefwors to THE 0. E. MILLEIl CO. )
932-933 Now York Life Building , Omaha ,
Call or write for circulars
ROVTVQ Puxton & Ilursess , Mgrs ,
DU I U O Telephone , 101U.
Walker Whiteside
A cnrnfullj- rejected company of players. Dl-
rci-tlon .MASON MlTfHELU J'rrsentine :
Monday Night OT11CLLO
Tuesday Night IHCIIBUEU1
WCilnesdny Matinee..MERCHANT OK VUN1CH
Wednesday Rvenlng HAM1.12T
Prices Lower lloor , JI.OO , Tic ; balcony. 75c. 60c.
Matinee , lower lloor , 7Cc. & 0oj balcony , COc , 23c.
& nunonss ,
Managers. Tel. 1918.
'I'lliirnilny ISvt-iiliitjr , Jnii. no.
The greatest contralto in the world will apne
In a miscellaneous conceit and In nets of
( iriniil Itiilluii OIH-I-U
2nd Act MARTHA.
J'ricea lower Moor $1.50 , JI.OO. JJa ! ( | i.JO ( , 7Dc , t j
Seat a now on pale.
. 21st
Ills Matchless Company Farewell
Presentation of
HlnytorH / MiiHlvtiniH
SEffi In Suiiiii'H Urnnil .Murch
w w 1'lniilN , liKiludliiL' the Jst
Infantry Military llund.
Seats on nao ! Tuesday morning.
Prlcca Lower Floor , $1,50 , Hal. ? 1.00-7Cc.
o. D. woomvAim , AMUBRMKNT ninnc-rou.
TonlKliI - - - HIIVIClt ( KIN
\v - iiiiHiiii > - .MntiiiL-r , -
Bjiccliiltlca thU week : Morrlb' 1'onlCB ,
itnd Juclifcnn , Van AuUrim ,
JANUARY astli.
Tlin Arctic Ylklntr , Knilntnt Sclcntlat unJ
AS'III Iccturo nn Ills tlirllllni ; vxiterlencei
acrosi tlio 1'olnr
t IlliiNtnilloiiN ,
nml place of nJvunco tula wilt bo
Fine Skating
Exciting Tobogganing
Day nnd Night ,
Admission i in
Inuludliiff admission to the Ice J JO
I'rofc-Hitur Wolt7. Clinnipluil bUntcr.
Cumitioiicltiu ; Tliumluy IS vonlns
lilth nnd Donylas Sis , , Otnulia.
TiiiuTii\Tii ; AM ) JIMS ( sniuinv ,
110 looun , tailm. ct uin heat umt all ut J ru
convtnlenco. lluic" . II w mij UW l' < r ( Uy >
Tutlo unirnfelltJ. tjixclnl luw iMlkt lu l * uUl
t9 raiir4 ViVK HUU'U , ilkUM