THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , MONDAY MOKNIBTG , JANUAHY 17 , 1808. E COPY FIVE CENTS. DANGER OF A REVOLT Situation in Havana is Critical and Excitement ia Intense. GENERAL OUTBREAK MAY YET OCCUR Appearance of Order Beatorod is Only Superficial. RIOTERS WANT A PRISONER RELEASED If Their Eequcst is Not Granted Trouble May Follow , GENERAL BLANCO HAS A HARD POSITION llelleven In Mild Method * of AVnrfnrc und KliulH II Dllllcult to Quell ItlotlnK In the , StreetM. HAVANA , via Key West , Fla. , Jnn , IE. ( Dclayeil In transmission. ) Although out wardly order ia restored hero , great excite ment continues and unless the newspapers exercise , under the present press censorship , great prudence , a general revolt Is probable , with much bloodshed , because , lu such an event , the army volunteers would fraternize. General Blanco's position Is moro difficult , because his mild methods of warfare dis qualify him to use energy with a mob. The rioters Intend going In a pacific man ner to the palace to .request General Dlanco to release Senor Jesus Trlllo , a prominent attorney who has been unjustly charged by .polltlc-iil . Intriguers with fomenting mob violence. Up to the tlmo this dispatch Is sent no American has been In danger ; nor has there been any hostile demonstration or shouting against them , nor have any Americans taken refuge at the United States consulate. General - oral Fltzlutgh Lee , the llrltlsh consul and other consular officers witnessed the disor ders from the balcony of the Hotel Ingla- tcrrc. calm the- agitation , < but pointedly suggested that General Arolas should try to calm him self also , as ho was "Increasins the.disturb , nnco by his Intemperate and Insuring lan guage. " At one point the mob moved toward the private residence oC Senor Druzon , < the civil governor of Havana , .but . waa promptly dis persed iby the police. . LATE HAVANA DISPATCHES. HAVANA , Jan. 1C. No "disagreeable In cidents" liavo Occurred today and "complete cu.lmiicss" . e'xlata. General 'Morroto , General 'Denial ' and Gcnjral Salledo have arrived and are aesletlng General 'Blanco ' in maintaining peace. 'While , Senor Garcia , governor of Bantu Clara , waa attending a base ball match .1 liicspltal employe attempted to shoot him. General Agulerro and his aide-de-camp frustrated the attempt. ( Jontral Panda arrived at Manzanlllo on Tuesday Met. According to the official ro- pc-rta there have been only "unimportant eklrmlshes" In tliat dlrcctlca. MADRID , Jan. 1C. Senor.Romero Rcboldo , presld'ln ; ? at a meeting of his friends tonight , attacked the autonomy scheme and sought to magnify tllio significance of the recent demon strations at Havarji. The meeting decided to reassemble on Tuesday next in order to draft an address 'to ' the queen regent , protesting against the dissolution of the Cortes and re questing that -they bo convened. General . Weyler waa Invited to attund the meeting , but excused lilrceclf on the ground of ' "Kcruples arising from his military posi tion. " On the firet day of the rlota , when a crowd of COD men that hail massed In Cen tral park began stoning windows und shout ing "Death to Olarco ! " "Vivo Woylcr ! " and "Down with autonomy ! " General Parrado , General Solano ana General Garrlch rode up and Gcneril Soluno ordered the cavalry to charge the mob. The cavalry commander replied : "Whom shall I charge ? Loyal Spaniards for shouting 'Long live Spain' and 'Long live the Spanish generals ? " The commander then dismounted and en deavored to persuade the mob , In which were a number of officers ana pfveral adjutants , to retire. General Garrlch , an Intelligent , noble Cuban , whoso loyalty has never been doubted , confronted the loader of the mob , Major Fuentes , and Captain Calve of the artillery. Major Fuentes resented the re buke ami General Garrlch , Infuriated , enatchcd several decorations from the breast of 'the officer , saying : "You have dishonored 'tho army. " Major Fueutes and Captain Calve were arrested. STICKS TO 1113 WORDS. General Solano , In the COJIKO of an Inter view , has denied that ho called 'tho rioting officers drunkard * , but ho confirms the re port that ho characterized them aa "un worthy of the uniform they ; wore. " Some of the pipers having criticised this language , General Solano said : "I used those words and I am willing to sustain them at the point of my sword. " Wednesday and Thursday nights the the aters and cafes wcro closed and the mlll- 'tary ' band Old not -play at Central park as usual. When the newspaper olllcca were 'being ' attacked General Dlanco called upon of General Woylcr's friends to use their Influence to calm the rioters. They replied that they deplored the outburst , but did not know the Uuilcra of the 'riot. They offered to do everything In their powar to Kor several months tlioro has been a conlllct of authority between Dr , M. .1. Itoriciuiii , Burgeon , In command of the Na tional quarantine station on Angel Island , ninl Dr. W. P. Chalmers , civic quarantine officer. The supremacy of the federal of- Here has been sustained , although not con ceded by the civicofficial. . At 11 o'clock to night Dr , Chalmers Is starting In a tug for the Porn , with the Idea of inspecting the strainer and of landing the Hawaiian presi dent. The federal officials maintain , how ever , that If Chalmers succeeds In boarding Hie Pern ho will bo detained on board all night until Dr. Rosenau shall have Inspected and passed the passengers In the morning. ni3K.MAM * AXI ) CHINA DISAUUISH. Duration of Kino rimii Leaite In .Vol Drift-mill < ' < ! , rniCIN , Jan , 1C. Germany has demanded a ninety-nine years' lease of Klao Cliau and a largo area surroundlug it. China otters to lease the bay and shores only for fifty years. Hero the nutter rests. The Germans Insist on the right to tiuild railroads and work lulnci whenever they wish. It Is reported that a railroad from Klao Chau to Ulnan Ku has been agreed to , tbo Germans acquir ing mining rights for a mile on each side of the line , and the Chinese to bo admitted as shareholders , Germany has renewed Its demand for an Indemnity of 200,000 taels for the erection of a cathedral and for compensation to the amount of several thousand taels for the relatives of the murdered missionaries. Kmpre * * ' Health Alariiilnur. 'BERLIN. ' Jan. 10. The conlltlon of the health of Empress Augusta Victoria excites comment. Efca will go In the eprUig to eomo 'southern air cure. Her physicians still for- ) > U1 > icr leaving her rooms. ' Tope' * Kneyellenl U ilriitl. MONTREAL , Jan. 10. The pope's encycli cal on the Itiiiiltoba school question was read today In all the churches of the dloccaco of Montreal , Three Rivers , Sherbrooke , St. Slvaclutbo , Chlcoutlml and Jlytaouakl. Arch- blrf.iop nonchrsl of Montreal , In canning the encyclical to bo promulgated , had It accom panied simply by a short letter , recommendIng - Ing It to the careful consideration of Uio faithful. Ho also caused to bo read the pas toral Issued last Sunday by Mgr. Ilogln , ccail- Jutor to the cardinal arc&blshop of Quebec. Bishop IA Fleche of Thrco Rivers did llke- wlra and In a pastoral letter of 'his ' own urged bis flock to continue In Its cndcavora to liavo the rights of the Catholic minority In Manlobi : restored to them. STUIJKXTM STAUT AXOTIIHIt IlIOT. They Arc ( lulckly DlNpcrncd liy tlic il'ollce "XVIIhotit Excitement. PARIS , Jan. 16. There was a popular demonstration today with a procession of mil itary officials , soldiers , veterans and gymnao- Hc am ) o''hcr associations In honor of General Felix Saussler , now retiring from the mili tary governorship of Paris , and the command- cr-ln-chlof of the French army. General Sauealer , who was In full uniform and sur rounded by hla staff , otood in his residence , responding assiduously to the Dilatations of cnormouo crowdo. Ultimately Lands of students piratled the streets , shouting perpetually , "Conspuez SSoIal" "Death to the Jews ! " and the like. In several cases cifo windows wcro smashed and the windows of a house mistaken fcr Zola's wcro broken. The police finally dls- pcrseJ the rioters and made oevcnil arrests. Louisa Michel and Sebastian 'Fauro ad dressed a socialist meeting this evening and dctounccd the secrecy attending the trial of Comto Hslerhazy. There \vcro shouts of "Uas Urumontl" and "lias Rochcfcrtl" but there was no further disorder. Tbo list of persons signing the petition circulated by M. Zola , Anatolo France and others on I'Vlday last , for a retrial of former Captain Alfred Dreyfus Is becoming- Increas ingly ( significant. Numerous members of the Institute and other prominent persons are signing , which shows that the movement Is dally growing In respectability and In fluence. On the other hand , the anti-Zola cam paign , started by the students , Is extend ing to Marseilles , Toulouse , Lyoas , Nancy and other largo towns. < 12X LAXO AM ) O1II.M2S.I2 QUESTION. I . Great llrltulu IH "Willing to AxKlNt the CeleHtllllM. LONDON , Jan. 16. The Pckln cccrespond- cnt of the Times says : Yesterday ( Saturday ) Sir Claude MacDonald - ald , British ambassador to China , In the course of nn Interview with the Tsung-Ll- Yamcn ( board of foreign control ) , stated that England was willing to assist China to liquidate the Japanese indemnity and would provide a loan of 12,000,000 at par to run fifty years , the service to be 4 per cent net , Including sinking fund under conditions as follows : First , The opening of three treaty ports , Tallen-Wan , Slang In and Nan Nlcig , thereby Increasing Iho customs revenues ; eeeond , a declaration that no portion of the Yang tse Klang valley shall bo alienated to any other power ; third , the right to extcad the Bur- mah railway through Hunan province ( the most Eouthwestern In China ) . In the event of her default China Is to place certain revenues under the control of the Imperial customs. On this basis I'Je negotiations will proceed. China regards them as advantageous , but fears the threat ened opposition of Franco and Russia , es pecially to the opening of Tallen-Wan and Nan Nlng. The Times , commenting on the report , suggests that Slang In , which the correspond ent describes as In Hunan province. Is a telegraphic error , and means cither Slang Yang , in Hu-Pel province , or Slang-Tang , In Hunan province. _ I.OOICHAHT HAS L-I3AVE OP AI1SEXCI3. General 'Power-Palmer ' SneeeedM to the Coiiiiuiuuli of Iiullnii Fnreex. CALCUTTA , Jan. 16. The queen has ap proved the appointment of General Sir Ar thur Power-Palmer , K. C. D. , to succeed General Sir William Lockhart as commander of the Tirah Held force , on the west frontier. Sir William Lockhart , after completing the report on which ho Is engaged ccacernliig the future Indian frontier policy and the measures to bo adopted , will return to Eng land on three months' leave. General Power. Palmer , It Is understood , will act during hla abstnco , being succeeded ini bis own present command by General Ellcs. The forces will otherwise remain unchanged , except for a temporary reduction of the ueadquartcro staff. , , Sir Power-Palmer baa been commander of the Punjab frontier forces slaco 1893. Ho Is now In his 58th year. He entered the Ju- dlan army In 1857 , and during the mutiny no served with Hudson. Ini 18G3 ho was on the northwest frostier. He served In the Abyo- sbilan war from 1SC7 to the end of 1808 ; was with the Duffia expedition In 1SD4 , ami com manded the Chin Hills expedition of the previous year. Ho served also during the Afghan war , 1S78 , and In the Soudan expedi tion. 1885. Ho received the rank of major general In 1803. _ 3IOUI3 OUTII1H3AK.S IX HUXGAHY. 1'ollce Art > Called In mid Slimy Ar- rentH - AnMillie. . VIENNA , Jan. 16. Five thousand soclallot workmen made a. demonstration here toJay In front of the RatWiaus because Dr. Lcugcr , the burgomaster , had forbidden them to hold a meeting In the building. The police dlo- pcraoJ them and made several arrests. There are ominous rumors of trouble In Hungary ami Do'bcmla. The agmrlan socialist move ment In Hungary 1s serious , especially In tlio Szabolcho district , where' the land owners are menaced. The town hall at Nylr iBakta has been partly destroyed by an 'Incendiary ' flro and the local magistrate has been * seriously in jured by tfto mob. 'Many arrests have been nviilo aivl 'tho ' district la now occupleJ by gendarmerie , PRAGUE , Jan. 16. There were outbreaks promoted by students hero today , together with a socialistic demonstration , which the dispersed. _ S IIoiinfli-H lAhollHhril. AVnii'l ' u H" r- I1HRLIN , Jan. 16. Tiio Society of German Sugar Producers at a special meeting today adopted a resolution declaring that the aboli tion of bounties would only bo acceptable provided all countries abolished both direct and Indirect bounties. A further resolution was adopted calling' upon the government to give tue sugar producers a year's notice. Hay Will Talfo a Kail. LONDON , Jan. 16. The United States am bassador to Great Britain , Colonel John Hay , and family , will rail 'from ' Genoa on the North German Lloyd steamship Prlnz Regent Lultpold on January 25 for Egypt , for a tour up tbo Nile. Monti-limit Turner CALCUTTA , Jan. 16. The report of the escape of Lieutenant Turner of theBritten survey party recently attacked by tribesmen In the provlno of Mekran , Ualuchlstan , Is confirmed , _ \VItlnlrmv ( he KlKlit-llour Deinniul. LONDON , Jan. 1C. The official engineers' Joint committee' has notified the employers' federation of the withdrawal , on behalf of the men , of the eight hours' demand. ( jerloim KIoiMlH In Sunlit. 'MADRID ' , Jan. 16. There have been seri ous floods near Valencia , capital of the prov ince of that nime , and thirty bouses have collapsed. i Hti-nnii-r In Dlrilrt-HH. ST. JOHNS , N. F. , Jan. 16.-Tho unidenti fied disabled steamer ( supposed to be the Hrltlsh steamer Park more ) that was lying oft tills port last night , has be-en driven sea ward by the severe storm. Great anxiety Is felt for its safety. A tug went to search for It tlila mornirih' , but fulled to find It. Three otber tugs are eettlng ready to sail at daybreak tomorrow , It U feared the stcumcr Is helpless SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY Mrs , Line Recoms a Ballot Wound in the Lsft Breast. 13 DAUGHTER OF EX-SENATOR BLACKBURN of the KninlljSny the Shoot- In PT IK the Uexult of nil Accident , mill Other DetallH Cminot lie Learned. , WASHINGTON , Jan. 1C. Mrs. Luclllo Lane , youngcvst daughter of cx-Sacator Joe Illackburn of Kentucky , shot herself In her apartmcnta at the Wellington hotel last night. According to the statement given out by tbo family the shooting was acci dental. Doth of Mrs. Lano'i ) physicians re fused to discuss the subject even lo tbo ex tent of saying whether or not the wound would prove fatal , but from the best that can be learned' she will probably recover , al though now suffering severely from the shock. A friend of the family nominated to give out a statement of the occurrence paid that about midnight on Saturday Mrs. L-ino was preparing to retire. Her husband at the time wzs In the adjoining room looking over the paper. Mrs. Lane opened a bureau drawer to get a handkerchief , and picked up a haad. fill of gloves and laces which had been tossed together In the drawer. Under this Huffy mass was a tiny woman's pistol , a gift to Mrs. Lane from her father , and a possession of which she was- particularly fend. It caught in n piece of lace as she raised her hand , and falling of its own weight , struck the hammer on the cdgo of the open drawer. The pistol exploded and the bill penetrated her left breast. What became of It Is im possible to My. According to the statement given , out , It struck a rib and ranged around the left shoulder , making only a superficial wound. At the eamo time It Is said tbat Mrs. La io Is suffering so from the shock that the physicians have devoted all their energies to rallying her without attempting to definitely ascertain the extent of the In- Jury. The moot precise statement that either physician would make tonight was that Mrs. Lane would probably live till morning. At the request of the family , the block In which the hotel Is situated has been roped oft. Senator Blackburn Is deeply affected by the occurrence. Ho does not live with his daughter and when the affair occurred was summoned from his room on New York ave nue , remaining thereafter at Mrs. Lane's hotel , i Lucille waa the youngest of Sen ator Blackburn's two daughters. She was married In 1S35 to Thomas P. Lane , n promi nent 'business ' man and politician of Sum- mitt , N. J. At the tlmo of the marriage Mr. Lane was a chief of division in the treasury department. Subsequently ho ac cepted a place with Maxim Arms company of Now York as Its agent in Washington. The position Is reputed as a good ono and the Lanes had apparently always an auim- dance of money , which they spent freely , living at a fashionable hotel nnd seeming to lack none of the good things of life. Their llttlo girl , something over a year old , was ono of the favorites about 'th'o house with all who knew her and the particular pride of her mother. iMr. and Mrs. Lane , ac cording to those who saw them every day , were unvaryingly affectionate and attentive to each other , and' she , while of slight phy- slquo , was In excellent health. Mrs. Blackburn , who Is not In the city , has been telegraphed for. Mrs. Lane's elder sister , Corlnne , Is the wife of Lieutenant Colonel Hall , now at Forth Worth , Tex. IIL'S V i\VE13IC FO'Il ' THE SENATE. Several Important .Mnt < ern Coining UD far Settlement. WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. The 'Hawaiian ' annexation treaty will again this week oc cupy the major portion of the tlmo of the senate. It appears Improbable , however , that the treaty will be taken up on 'Monday. There Is a unanimous agreement to vote on the Immigration bill during that day and It is altogether probable that this vote will 'be ' preceded by some discussion of the merits of the bill. The friends of the measure are confident of its passage , but they arc not very hopeful of getting it through without further debate. Senator Wolcott has given notice of his Intention to address the scnato on 'Monday , when ho will make a report of the transac tions of the recent international bimetallic commission. 'Mr. Wolcott has never given extended public utterance concerning the commission's work and there is very gen eral Interest manifested as to the course 'ho ' may pursue in his speech on Monday. When the scnato resumes consideration of the Hawaiian treaty , Senator Slorgan will take the Moor and It Is expected will con sume at least another day In the presenta tion of his views' ' In favor of annexation. Ho will bo followed by Senatcrs Pettlgfew and White In opposition to the treaty , and by otber senators for and against it. There Is no hope that the discussion will bo con cluded during the week. A great many sena tors wish to speak , and as long as the re sult of the vote Is as uncertain as it Is at present , neither side will be disposed to allow tbo vote to bo taken. The senate has agreed to vote on the con firmation of lAttoruey General McKenna as associate justice of the supreme court on next Friday , and the probabilities are that this vote will bo preceded by some discussion as to Mr. McKcnna'a merits. < The urgent deficiency appropriation bill will In all probability bo reported on Mon day , and there may bo an effort to secure \l \ a consideration during the week. The house Is likely to become the arena for a general discussion of our foreign rela tions In connection with the consideration of the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill during the present week. The Cuban situation , the annexation of Hawaii , and the designs of the European powers toward China will , of course , bo the principal topics to attract attention. The house managers do not want an extended debate on Cuba pre cipitated at this time , but the minority Is determined to press the question during the consideration of this bill. It believes the time Is particularly opportune , owing to the anti-autonomy feeling In Havana. Tomorrow Is District of Columbia day , and on Tuesday the consideration of the army appropriation bill will bo resumed , This is likely to bo concluded Tuesday , after which the consular and diplomatic bill will probably consume the remainder of the week. STUI1Y WANTS OP OT1IEII XATKMS. Germany KutnMlNlirK n Cnmiiiercilnl Illuh iSehoul lit MnKdehnrK' . WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. Thomas Ewlns Moore , United States commercial agent at Weimar , makes the establishment of a com mercial high school at Magdeburg the sub ject of a speclil report to tbo State depart ment , which U prlntol In the daily consular reports. Mr. Mcoro says the purpose of tlilu echool is to afford , a higher education to tlia mercantile classes In brandies especially per taining to their lines of buplncee. The sobaol will bo under state control , and It Is said will constitute but ono moro step In the policy that has led to Germany's astonishing commercial development In recent years a syrtem that comprises a study of tbo wants of other nations , the exercising of the Imita tive faculty , technical training and taorougu- ne&3 , this last feature being ono of tbo es sentials of their success. Krenuli vlinbumador. WASHINGTON , Jan. 16. Tbo new French ambaEsador , Jules Cambon , wus prescri'ed to President McKlnJey yesterday. Tbo presenta tion was performed by Secretary Sherman , who did not receive the ambamajor at tbo State deparlrcnt , according to the usual custom , but met him at the White House. The speeches were ft HUIo out of the or dinary run of comm-oripkccs , from the Met that they breathed on both , sides en attach ment growing out of on ancient alliance of the United States And Prance. iMiKiMiitis TO nairr IIOH OHOI.UIIA. Money Will He AxUc.l Tonvlth Which to Ilnjr Scrum. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 1C. The chief of the nureau of Animal Industry , Dr. D. E. Sal mon , has submitted to Secretary Wilson a report upon tbo experiments made In the tr oil merit of hogs for hog cholera with antt-toxlnc scrum. This scrum I * made up on the same principle as the * antl-toxlno of diphtheria. Good scrum has been obtained from both horses and cattle , a 'horse or cow being Inoculated with the hog cholera virus In small quantities first , and with larger tloscs after suitable Intervals of time. The resistance of the animal Is thus raised to the highest practicable point. * The blood of such an animal , when Injected under the skin of swine , has been found to possess both a preventive and curative action. This serum was first tested upon- small animals In the laboratory , and being found efficacious , was last Till tested In I'QRO county , Iowa , on several herds of swine , con. talnfng altogether 2T8 animals. Leaving ; out one herd , from which definite returns as to cause of death could not be obtained , only thirty-nine died out of 2 4 animals treated , of which eighty-six were sick. . Consequently S2.2 per cent of the animals in these herds was saved. Of several herds kept under obscnatlon ( luring the- period referred to about 85 per cent died , Salmon believes that with experience a botteij quality of serum can bo prepared , and ho has no doubt that this percentage can bo maintained here ' after. Referring to this report , Secretary Wilson remarked that undoubtedly the results re ported by Dr. Salmon were most encouraging to hog raisers. The cost of the serum now , said the secretary , Is but 10 cents per head of animals treated , only one dozen being rer qulrcd , and doubtlcca In 'course of time this light cost may still bo further reduced. "It Is , In my opinion , " , said the secretary , "o [ the utmost Importance that this serum for the next year , at least , be made by the bureau under our own supervision , nnd dis tributed In large quantities In order to demonstrate Its cfllcacy upon a more extended scale. It Is absolutely essential that dur ing the experimental stages that scrum of undoubted quality be used. Unless the hog growers can obtain it from this department they will bo forced to depend upon what can bo obtained from private sources , and owing to the novelty of this producl not only will dlscouraglngly exorbitant prices bo charged for It , 'Tint In 'many cases Inferior products may bo offered. This would preclude the possibility of making a. satisfactory test on a widely extended scale. "I propose to ask congress to provide an appropriation necessary to enable this de partment to furnish 2,000,900 doses of serum during the next year , aud to make a con siderable .portion of thft appropriation imme diately available. It seemsifrom Dr. Salmon's report that It takes three or four months to put a horse or cow 1'n comlltlon to supply the serum , consequently the work upon an extended scale must bo undertaken at once. "Tho losses from IMS cholera are so enor mous , nnd have welgliedi so heavily for years upon our farmers , that I cannot Imagine that congress will for la' moment hesitate to make the appropriations' necessary to carry on this work thoroughly. Indeed , apart from the great stake the ( farmers have In this matter , to refuse to provide for a. borough test of this remedy now , , would be , Indeed , pcnnywlso nnd pound fopllsh ; for fho dlt- covery of this serum ha'J .Involved already many years of worlronf - a very large sum of money. It would be a great -mistake , now that so great a dlsdpyery seems to have been made , not to finish' the -work by giving It a thorough and extensive test. " 1M1ACI3 SAID TO IK15IU.V 1HAVANA. , . OnielulxItccclve No lle- liortx of > llxorilerN. WASHINGTON , Jan. lG.- rave apprehen sion was felt by berth the officials of the State department and those of the Spanish legation that dlsturbancca of a moreor less serious character mlghj ! occur In Havana today , owing to the Met ttat many persons otherwise occupied during the week would bo comparatively free on this day to follow their own inclinations. Advices received by Minister do Lome early today , followed by others at a later hour , Indicated , however , that Havaaa was perfectly tranquil. Shortly after noon the minister received a 'dispatch conveying the information that at 11 'o'clock this morning there had been no. rioting , nor even sporadic disturbances- any kind , As a precautionary measure. General Blanco had carefully provided against cqy trouble , but so far Ota surface indications went tbe pre cautions hq had taken were entirely unnec essary. The advices were that the better Judgment of the people was uppermost. Good feeling prevailed generally throughout the city , and no disturbances were anticipated. Up to 3 o'clock tills1afternonu State de partment officials had received no word from Havana , and they accepted this us an Indi cation that no trouble ibad occurred or was anticipated. They regard the rioting of Mst week co merely n fiurryjwhlch spent Its force In the few houre It Uiitoil. General Lee Is under Instructions to notify the department promptly of anything unusual or In the- least way threatening , and the fact that no dis patch was received from him clearly Indi cates that the city is practically absolutely dulct. Secretary Long ban received no additional Information concerning } ho movements of the North Atlantic squadron , and said that ho expected none. Admiral Slcard will simply carry out the orders prevlounly Issued to him. and eall today with the main body of the squadron for southern waters to enter upon the usual winter maneuvers. IlKi r.YCHEASK ! > ' TUB KXI'OHT.H. IiiillentloiiH tbnt Our KorelKii Triule IN Crorvlnir. WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. The- monthly statement pf tbo exports and Imports , Is sued by the 13 urea u of Statistics , shown that tbo exports of dojnestlc me'rchandlse for December last amounted to $123,181,743 , an Increaeo , as coni : > ar3d with December , 189C , of over , $7,000,000. For the twelve months the Increase waa over $93,000,000. The Imports of merchandise during De cember last amounted to $ S1GU,733 , of which ? 24,184G88 was free of duty. This Is a falling off In dutiable merchandise of over $8,500,000 , For the ! twelve montfos the increase was about' $54,500,000 , The gold exports for December last amounted tp $573,638 and the Imports to ? 2- 110,013. For the tNvelre- months there was a decrease In the exports of $23,873,037 and a decrease in the imports of $73,081,782. The exports of silver during the last month aggregated $5.800,271 , , and the Im ports $1,003,352. The year's figures show n decrease In the silver exports of $1,711,002 and $357,827 In the Impuits. I.YOU12ASE IX Till * WOOL IMPOIl'IVS , There lu n DeorenNv In Hie IniiiortH of Stitrnr. WASHINGTON , Jrri. 10. The advance re ports of the Bureau of Statistics show < ha ( during -.December last the Import * of wool at the three loading ports amounted to 17- 708,210 pounds , valued at $1,908,074. This 13 an Increase , us compared with the December returns for 1806 for the same ports , of over 7,000,000 pounds and $880,000 in value. The sugar Imports at Boston , New York , Philadelphia , Baltimore and Ban Francisco during December laet , exclusive- Hawaiian sugar free , amounted to 100,132,148 pounds , valued at $1,923,793. Tft'a ' Is a decrease over November , 1897 , of about 23,275,000 , pounds. ' l-'Inh Denier * Combine. CLEVELAND , 0. , Jnn. iq.-The fish deal ers of this ; city , Sandurky , Loralne , Erie- and Uuffalo have formeJ a combination , of which a Mr. Carter of Uric in the Bales agent. The object of the combination Is to contn-l the price of lake tlsli In the. eastern markets unit n noticeable stiffness of prices has resulted already. BEN BDTTERWORTH IS DEAD Fosses Peacefully Away Surrountlod by His Family , CAREER IS ONE REPLETE WITH HONORS ChoReii by 1'renlilcnt MelClnloy for ConimlflNloner of I'litetitx , n. 1'iinl- tlou Heil'revloiiKly llelil Utuler Unrllelil mill Arthur , , CINCINNATI , Jnn. 1C. A special to the Commercial-Tribune from. Thomasvlllc , Ga. , says that lion. Benjamin illuttcnvorth , United States commissioner of patents , who has been 111 at Plncywoods hotel there for several weeks , died at 3:15 : this afternoon. The end was peaceful and when It came his wlfo ami children wcro at his bedside. He came hero to recuperate from an attack of pneumonia nnd recovered rapidly till two weeks ago , when he suffered from . urcmlc convulsions. From that relapse he never re covered. His body will bo sent to Washing ton tomorrow. Ucujamln 'Buttorworth was what Is known as n "birthright Quaker. " Those who knew him best during his busy career are unani mous In saying of him : "His dally llfo was as exemplary of the tenets of that good , old faith as that of nny public official could be. " He was born In Warren county , Ohio , Oc tober 22 , 1837 , was n member of the 'stale senate of Ohio from Warren and Butler counties lu 1873-4. Mr. Buttorworth was elected -representative In congress of the First Ohio district. Including the city of Cincinnati , to the Forty-sixth , Forty-seventh , Forty-ninth , Fiftieth and Fifty-first con gresses. From then until appointed to the position he occupied nti his death ho devoted most of hla time to the practice of law , es pecially patent law , In this city. "Ben" lluttCTWorth , as ho has arvays -been best known , epont hla earlier yearn round about Malnovlllo and Foster's Crrus- Ing the latter a llttlo station on she Llttlo Miami railroad. His father was William Buttcrworth and his mother a Llnon , a family' noted throughout tue entire line for their keenness of Intclli ! . : : , powers of per ception and strength in speech and debate. Both parcnto were of Quaker ancestry. Major Butterworth's keen intellect and re markable powers of oer.i'ptlcm : were Inher ited from his mothor. Butterworth's first acqtialnlanco with law was made In the olSi'e of Diir'oln Ward , then a successful practltlmmr In Cliulnintl. During the war ho attained the rank of major In an Ohio reclmcnt. Ha was commissioner cf patents first dur ing -tho administrations of Garflcld and Ar thur and hU record made then and subse quently hail great weight with President McKlnloy In selecting him for that posi tion. tion.Ho Ho was made secretary of the World's fair project early In the Inception of Ihat great enterprise at Chicago during the early ' 90s ani3 worked along in that capacity with honor to himself and proflt to the company until Itn close. A wlfo and four children survive tbe dead statesman. His wife was llss Mary Schuy- ler of Pennsylvania. The children are Mm. Howe of Wirhlngton. D. C. ; William , vrtio married a Mlsa Deere of Molina , III. ; young Ben , who wus.injured In a college game early 'In lite , and Frank , whcso prowess as a foot ball coach ami fullback Is almost interna tional. WASHINGTON , Jnn. 1C. In Washington , no lorn than in hla native state , -Major But torworth enjoyed' ' a .wide . acquaintance and great popularity and the news of ills death , while by no means unexpected , will cause general sorrow here. No public man prob- u.bly bad a larger circle of personal friends at thq capKal. Ho contracted hla fatal Illness wtMlo on the stump In the late Ohio cam paign. No information has been received as to tie tlmo or pli.ce of the funeral. DEATH OF VILLIERS. LONDON. Jan. 1C. night Hon. Charles Polham Vllllera , member of Parliament from South Wolverhnmpton and known as the "Father of the House of Commons , " having sat continuously In the house since 1S35 , died at 3 o'clock tonight. Charles Pclhain Vlllieis was the third ison of Hon. George Villiers. The London papers on January 4 say that on the previous day Mr. Vlllloro celebrated his 90th birthday and received congratulatory messages from all parts of the kingdom. * In addition to being the oldest member of the House of Commons ho was "Father of the English bar , " for ho was "called" at Lincoln's Inn In 1827. Qlr. Gladstone , coven years the junior of Mr. Villiers , entered Par liament two years before him , but while the sorvlco of Mr. Villiers at Westminster had been continuous , that of the great liberal statesman was broken when ho retired from the House of Commons. Mr. Villiers WC.T returned fop Wolverhampton three yearo after the passage of the great reform act and the last Parliament of Gcorgo IV. Be sides being the oldest member of Parliament , ho was the oldest surviving parliamentary candidate. It was In 182C , when George IV was king and Victoria was a young child , that ho traveled down Into Yotkuhlrb from London and contested Klngston-upon-Hull , under the reform banner of Canning , though un successfully. In 1853 ho was appointed judge advocate general. In 1S79 his admir ing constituents at Wolverhampton un veiled a marble statue of Mr. Villiers. Not- wlthstandjns his extremely advanced age , his memo'ry was singularly retontlvo and ho was able to cntcrMln hij frlor.ds for hours at a tlmo with lively and charming narratives of scones In the House of Com mons during the first half of the century. LOGAN CAHLISLK DEAD. NEW YOIUC. Jan. 1C. Logan Carlisle , chief clerk of the Treasury department dur ing the last Cleveland administration , died ivuddenly today at the homo of hla father , John G , Carlisle , ex-secretary of the treas ury. Ho had been ! n poor health for more than a year , and recently had returned from a fruitless search for relief at Hot Springs , FIve days ago ho was forced to take to hi'i bed , but h's condition was not considered alarming until this afternoon. The cauoo of death la glvca ae heart failure. LObiin Carlisle was born In Covlngton , Ky. , In 18CO , and wns graduated from the Uni versity of Virginia. Ho practiced law In Kentucky , and later removed to Wichita , Kan. He was actlvo In politics , end espe cially In the campaign of 1892. Ho waa ap pointed chief clerk la the department in March , 1893. Ho held that position until after the Inauguration of President McKln Jey. Last mcnth Mr. Carlisle * came to New York and joined his father's firm. Arrange- mcnts for hU funeral liavo .not been com pleted. Tbo body will bo takca to Coving- ton for burial. burial.OTHEn OTHEn DEATHS. ' WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. General Christopher - topher Colon Auger , U. S , A. , retired , died of old ago at his homo In Wrst Washington tonight. General Auger was ono of the tlirco surviving members of the class of ' 43 at \Vcflt Point , the claw with whloh General Grant graduated. General Auger served with Grant In Mexico and afterward with dls. tlnctloa through the civil war. After tbo' ' civil war ho envf considerable actlvo service in the Indian uprisings on tlio frontier , and woe later In command of various departments pf the army. Ho was retired in 1885 , and has Hlnco lived In Washington , Subsequent to his retirement he wca shot by a negro desperado In the doorway of hla homo , but though serlpusly wounded , recovered. Ho has two son * now In tlio army. Captain Colon Auger , stationed at Fort Hlley , Kan. , and Major J. Auger , at Leavenwortfi. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 1C , Jacob C. Ncaflo , president of the Ncaflo & Levy Ship aad Engine Building company , died o [ heart failure ut hU home In this city this after noon , TUe concern operates a large plant on the Delaware river trout lu this tlty , AT OMAHA , Hour. Jer. ) ' Hour. Den : . r > n. m. , . , > . - - 1 p. m ill II a. in. . . , . , U2 2 u. in Hit 7 11. m. . . . . . "t ! n p. m II'.I N n. m -'It 4 11. m : > ! > I > n. in .22 B p. in. . . . . . ! I7 10 n. m. . . . . . U7 (1 it. m : tn 11 . m : to 7 it. m : t t iis in : tt : K p. m : to t > P. m. . . . . . - shaving having established the buslnc JHRfel under the name of the PCIKI Ircn UQ-i'f During the Mexican war the firm bMsfgjMmbcr of vessels for the KovcrnmenVi | > ! HliHo the war of the rebellion lasto/tejfejBnstructed / engines for 120 govcrnmciflKr-V some of them the largest In the /Mki lr. Neville was born December 25 , ifyjjMMwuuouth county , New Jersey. g&'gjy ( JK.NKKAI. IIOOTI1 > M | B'HIS ' SOX. Henil of SiilviitloiilKfJJ KHn Lender of Voln/B V NEW YORK , Jan. icflf ! ! nn Interview between General William Booth of the Salva tion Army nnd Commander nalllngton Booth of the Volunteers of America , this afternoon at the Windsor hotel , the following statement was given out by these who witnessed the Interview : "General William Booth nnd Commander Bnlllngton Booth toJay at the Windsor hotel mot In the prcscace of Rev. Dr. Jos'.ah ' Strong and Rev. Charles Cuthbert Hall. The Interview was purely as between father and son. Nothing twasplrcd calculated to lead to any amalgamation of Urn two move ments. It was agreed that all public controversy - versy In the press or otherwise between the two movements should as far as pcaslblc como to art end. "JOSIAH STRONG. "CHARLES CUTHBERT HALL. " Hundreds of people who attended the serv ices nt Salvation Army headquarters tonight were disappointed because of the absence of General Booth. After the meeting Adjutant Hlllestcd said : "Omclally we ehall take no cognizance of the general's presence In America until a. few weeks tieforo his re turn In April , after hla vlrlt through the western states niul Canada , when wo ex pect to arrange a series of mounter recep tions end meetings In honor of General Booth. " The general will leave for Canada tomorrow. XOHTH lATI/AXTIO SUUAIHIOX SAILS. Hiltilplieil for 11 I.OIIK Voynno , with Mnirnir.lnox Welt Filled. NORFOLK , Va. , Jan. 1C. Having com pleted coaling nnd all provisions for their winter's crulsa In gulf waters , the ships of the North Atlantic squadron.which have been anchored In Hampton Roads for the Inst ten weeks , the flagship Now York and the battleships Indiana , Massachusetts and Iowa left | Old Point Comfort at 10 o'clock this morning and two hours later passed out tbe capes , southbound. They put to sea In the teeth of a northeaster which Is blow ing off Hnttcras tonight. It Is Admiral Slcard's intention to keep well away from the stormy cape. The licet will proceed di rectly at 10-knot speed to Dry Tortugns , Its headquarters for the , gulf evolutions. This point Is within such ccay reach of Havana that the ships could be summoned In a few hours should their presence there be neces % sary. sary.Tbo Texas will Join tbo flagship off the South Car.ollna coast. The torpedo , jont Footo was forced to take'the Insldo route owing to the heavy weather off Hatteras. The ships are equipped -for a long voyage and their magazines are wellstocked. . CIIAiHttUS UIIII2CTOR WITH KIIAVD. SeiiHiitloiinl Suit liixtltiitcd Over Arizona -Alliilntv I'roperty. PRESCOTT , Ariz. , Jan. 1C. A rensatlonal suit has .been . filed here in connection with tbo Crowned King Mining company , an Illi nois corporation. The plaintiff , Orrlu F. Place , owner of one-third of the etock , sues the company and Jive former directors , N. C. Shekels , J , M. Taylor , Reuben Wllkiison. W. T. Vandover and C. P. Harrington , al leging that Shekels and Harrington , own- Ins moro than half the stock , have depre ciated its value toy mismanagement , bv an improper issue of stock , upon which it is claimed the defendants paid themselves $27- 000 in fraudulent dividends , nnd aUt > that the salary roll was Improperly KWcllcJ. The plaintiff asks for a receiver and for an ac counting. WILL HIS LAUXCIIISIl OX THUIISDAY. JIIIIIIII'M Xciv Wnr Ship for the Wnter. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 1C. The launching of the Japanese war ship Kasagl , which is being built at Cramps' ship yard , will take place on Thursday at noon. The Kasagl Is the most important ship over built In the United States for foreign account , and Is the first foreign war ship launched In this coun try since the Zoblaca In 1878. The ceremonial attendant upon the launchIng - Ing of the chip will ba exclusively 'a the hands of the Japanese minister , and the af fair will be conducted In accordance with the customs of the Japancao In such matters. On the part of the Cramp company there will bo no special provision for guests , but tbo ship yard will be open to the public at the time of the launching. XOTUIl OUTLAW1 JI.VICIC.S HIS I2SCAPI3. .Mull -reciiinii < Ilreitkx .lull the Seeond Time lit u Yenr. GUTHRIH , Ok ! , , Jan , 1C. Matt Freeman , the last of the old Selp Wyatt gang of out laws , escaped from jail nt Tnolga Friday night , It was learned today , for the second tlmo In a year. Freeman and Ills wlfo for merly conducted a ranch In the Glass moun tains and It was the headquarter , ? for the gang. 'Mrs. Freeman was Wyatt's most trusty lieutenant. Ono tlmo the gang was befielged for .a. week by deputy marshals , She rode the gauntlet of their bullets nnd escaped to bring reinforcements and am munition. Later she was captured and spent a year In the federal Jail hero , fiho wan converted whllo In jail and Is now traveling as an evangelist , OHIO ItlVKIl IS HAIMDLY KISIXO. Little Appn-JL-eiiNlon IN Kelt of Any SerloiiM nnmiiKe. CINCINNATI , O. . Jan , 1C. The Ohio river at this point at 10 o'clock was forty-two feet and ten Inches nnd rising ono Inch per hour. It may reach the government "dan ger lino" of forty-five feet before it recedes. The danger at forty-five feet and even at fifty feet is merely nominal. At tho- latter stage a low cellars will bo Inundated , but navigation will not bo embarrassed In the least. Today the towboat John Woods passed down with the largest tow of coal ever moved on the upper Ohio. It consisted of twcntt-two barges , aggregating 550.000 'bush , els of coal. Not the slightest damage haa been done hero. ' HAXXA HAS'l-nXS \VASIII\fiTO.V , Senator In Culled to the Cnpllol by Tele/moli. CLEVELAND , 0. , Jan. 1C. Senator Han- nn left for Washington at 1:40 : o'clock this afternoon very unexpectedly. His hasty departure - parturo Is said to have been brought about by the receipt of a message urging him to como to the capital at once. U Is believed that the Hawaiian treaty will bo taken up this week , and that bla presecco was de sired on that account , 0'oli'nliia'n Crcrv In I'ort. NRW YORK , Jan. 10-On board the steamer Antllla , which arrived tills even ing from Nassau , were the matu and nine son men of the crew of the Italian brlgnntlno Ct'leslna , which waa lost on the Houtli side of WatllngB Island whllo on. a voyage from Venice to tiavannah , The vcascl wua a total loes. No lives were lost. YOUTHFULMURDERER Boy Fifteen Yoara Old Kills Ono of Hia Companions. IS A DEGENERATE OF THE WORST TYPE Eeada Yellow-Covered Litsrnturo and Emulates Dime Novel Heroes , BODY OF HIS VICTIM FOUND IN A CREEK Skull Crushed in and a Knife Thrns6 Above the Heart. CORPSE WEIGHTED DOWN WITH STONE9 Tie * Tn-o YOIIIIK ; Hey * to 11 Tree , lint One of Them llretiliN A lie Then Ivlllw the Oilier. I'lUljADRU'HIA , Jnn. 10. The body of 5 - year-old Percy Lockyar , who Is believed to have been murdered on Friday nlRht by 15-year-old Samuel HcmlcxHon , waa today found In the bottom of "ItcddloV creek , Sixtieth and Catharine streets , and tlioro scciiia llttlo doubt In the minds of the pollco that youcig Henderson Is guilty oMho crime. Hw is now locked In a cell at police head quarters. The body of the child , w'lcn found , was weighted by two heavy stones , one about his neck and the other around his nuklcs. His skull was crushed in nnd there was a. knlfo thrust Just above the heart , and similar wounds on his breast , aide acid fore head , while on one side of his face was ai long cut extending 'from below the eye to the t'.iln. 1'Vom what the pollco liavo been able to learn the crlmo seems to have been ono of the most liotrlble character , and If all Ita details are true , It stamps young Hen derson as a degenerate of the worst typo. Ho docs not seem to realize the enormity of his crime. Yesterday attci' hla arrest ho admitted a knowledge of the knife thrust , but said It was due to ttio child accidentally running against an open knife. Henderson , became alarmed at < hls , and gald ho threw the body Into the creek. Today , however , when shown tbo mutilated body of the child , he admitted that ho was rosponnlble for thoeo cuts asvcll. . but ho still ucrslstcd that It waa am accident. The police , however , believe It was a planned murder In which the guilty ono nlso purposed taking the llfo of another small boy , Willie Addlson , ngcd 7 years. Henderson , It is said , has been reading traahy novcla of the wild western stamp. and has shown a desire to emulate the "hero" of those tales. The pollco assert ! that Henderson accompanied Lockyar anil Addlson to the woods , as ho told yesterday , but Instead of any ncpldont happening to olthef , Henderson tied both children to a tree.Addlson broke away and ran home. It was tticiY 'it ' In 'saO , that young I.ockyar' death .was accomplished. D.Morton , the cot-oner's physician , who examined the thrust nbovo the heart , cald that It caused the death of the llttlo fellow. The pollco searched for the body during all of last night and It was not until after daylight this morning that It was found. Henderson wlH"'b'o given a hearing tomor row morning. A fact that has come out In connection with Henderson's alleged crime Is that his father , John | Henderson , was on trial before Judge Heed In October , 1892 , charged with kKllng a man named Christopher Nelson. The killing wca the outcome of a quarrel. Henderson , when arraigned , pleaded guilty to manslaughter. He was remanded for sen tence , but Borne tlmo later It was shown that the death was largely accidental and tlioro was no murderous Intent. Ho was admitted to boll and IH now free. THKIHIKIU TOItX.MlO IX OKLAHOMA. Timber IllockiulcN TUmilH , but Xo Ono IH Killed. t CHICAGO , Jan. 17. A npeclal to the Chronicle from Guthrlc. Old. , sayn : A terrific tornado , accompanied by heavy rain and hall , passed across 1'ottawatomlo county , near Maud postofllcc , last evening. Men from that part of the county say that the path of the storm was about half * mlle wldo and that tlmtier was Jiloa'ii down and .broken . off so as to almost completely blockade the roads. No cue was killed. That part of the country over which the storm paeoed had lieon. almost deserted by the families living there on account of the Indian scare. The torn'ado ' traveled In a northeasterly direction and pissed over Into the Semlnolq nation , where , on account of the thinly poj ) . ulatca condition of the country , llttlo damage - ago was done. ( iHTTI.Vn It HAD V KOH .ALASKA . TIIADIQ CrniiiiiN Are lltellltlnif Several SlilpN ( < > I'ly tin ; 1'iiellle. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 10. The negotia tions between the W. A. Cramp & Sons Ship and Knglno Hulldlng company and the In- toriratlonal Navigation company , for the pur chase and sale of the "Ohio , " "Indiana , " "Illlno'a , " "Pennsylvania" and "Cono- mnugh" for the trade 'between ' the Paclflo coaot und Alaska , hava resulted In the Inter national Navigation company deciding to or ganize a company to bo under Its own man agement. This company will ho called the Kinplro Transportation company , of which Clement A. Grlscom will ibn president. Cramps' chip yard Ia now busy thoroughly overhauling 'thcuo ' 'boats and rotlttlng them with passenger accommodations , especially adapted for -tho Paclllc coast-Alaska trade , I'HKsmic.VT noi , i ; HAS AHHIVKD. IteiielieN Nun FrimclNrii on dm .StiMiiner I'crn , SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10. The steamship Peru from Hong Kong end Yokohama , via Honolulu , passed In Golden Cato tonight ami is anchored In the stream. A small boat put out at 10 p. m. to the Peru and President Dole of Hawaii watt hailed from the deck. President Dole and Mrs. Dele are anxloua to get ashore end proceed with all possible hosto to Washington. It Is doubtful , how ever , If they will bo permitted to land to night , the ciwtom of the quarantine gervlco being that Incoming vessels bo not boarded between sucnot and sunrise , 1'olnl lo ' .Murilrr ; OAKLAND , C'nl. , Jun , 1C. The authorities nro Investigating Iho dcnth of Joseph Itao- xlde , u homo trulner , iwho o mangled corpsa wan found alongside the railroad track lit Shell Mound , there being1 n Htrong HUHplcloiu that ho WIIH murdered und ) IH ! body placet ! upon thi ) track for the juirpoau of deatroylni ; all traces of the crime , TliiirHilay lust I ( an al do won 1300 on Illcardo and cashed hla ticket before going to tmppor. After uuppor ho left his boarding house and nothing morn was ween of him until lilfl mangled corpse. was discovered next morning , when only a few pieces of silver were found In his pock- ctH , It Is the theory of the pollco that Kau- Bldo was killed and robbed by race trucfc toutH who knew of lilxwinnings. . Movement ) * of Oueiin VeimelN , Jim. 10. At Havre Arrived La Hretagnc , from Now York. At Queensto-wn Balled-Campania , tot Now York , At New York Arrived La Normandlo from Havre ; Algonquin , from Jacksonville ; ] Bcrvla. from Liverpool. Hailed Mobile , foc | London ; Wcrkendum , for Itottcrclam ; Btyrlu * for Trieste , via I'euiacola , /