THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : Sl'MXAHT , JA TTAHY 10 , 1808. 0 I KCTI i I I mam mumm mwum Not in many moons will you have such an opportunity. If the great purchasing public understood the actual conditions , we would not have a piece of Dress Goods , a single Cloak , or a piece of Linens in the house by the end of the week. These goods are , at very closest margins , positively worth more than 40 per cent advance over these prices , and this advance you will be obliged to pay after this sale closes. ) f ) $ "ft W "ft 'ft W 'ft "ft 'ft "ft 'ft 'ft W 'ft 'ft ft ft1 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft On all our Colored Dress Goods on all our Black Dress Goods on all our Black and Colored Novelties Whip Cords Tailor Made Materials Serges Poplins Armures Henriettas Cravenets Broadcloths Venetians Foules on our entire stock of Children s Clbakings on our entire stock of Ladies' Underwear DISCOUNT on our entire stock of Men's Underwear on our entire stock of Boys' Underwear on our entire stock of win DISCOUNT ter gloves and mittens on our entire stock of Blankets and Flannels infact on every piece of goods in these graet deparlments no reserves all subject to this unusual discount Please note that these goods are all fresh new goods many of them have been dupli cated in our spring purchases and we shall then be obliged to get an advance of 40 per cent. 50 % Discount o Discount On all our Fancv DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT On all our all Ladies' and Misses' and Children's half for in Dress Trimmings. on our Jackets , long garments just price any garment Woolen Yarns. the Cloak Department which include all our recent arrivals of up-to-date tailor made Jackets. Special Sale of Our advance Import orders of French Organdies Special Sale of have arrived and go on sale Monday Morning. We must have room for our Spring Goods. Ottr Fancy Silks will be found on our silk counters at two prices that will sell them at once. Fancy Silks for waists and trimmings , cut from 85c and $1 At 69c Fancy Silks for waists and trimmings , cut from $1 , $1,25 , $1,35 , $1,50 LA Linen Sale. Table Linen that sold up to $1.73 yard , cut lc ! ) yard. Sheets , Sheeting Ono case lot of Sheets , 81x90 , that com piece , cut price , 75c each. Annual . price for this week , $1.00 per yard. Hemr ants of Table Linen , all grades and all pare favorably with the bcbt brand , made All the ! M Utlcn Bleached Sheeting go Tomorrow begins the third week of our $3.00 Napkins to match , cut price. $3.75 lengths , at remnant prices. , and Pillow Cases. specially for this January sale , go at 45c at cost price , 19e yard. dozen. Everybody la familiar with the high 100 dozen Silver Dleach Napkins still oa . much talked of Linen Sale. To make on . . . each. Why waste time and money when you can hand to move them quickly $1.15 dozen. etandard quality of these goods. . expeditious clearing , every thing-from a cheap All the CC-lncli Dresden Table Linen that 100 dozen dew bleached Towels , extra largo i What Is a bargain ? A bargain Is to get Ono case of hemstitched Anchor Brand buy Pillow Cases , 42x3C fur lOc each.15x30 towel to a fine table cloth has been cut to sold for $1.23 , cut price 87c yard. elzo and worth 45c , cut price 29c each. ' a good article for less than Its real worth. Sheets , 21,1x294 yards , 3-lnch hem and sold for less than 90c , at , cut ICO dozen Iletruitltchcd 1'lllow , 45x never Cases . German Table Linen , All the pure lineni Damask Tray Cloths , ' go will be peculiar pock- All the extra heavy the bone. It a very . | Wc are going to offer you n bargain In the , C5c each. 3C , , . , 50c . work all arouuJ , half price , 25e each. price worth 20c cut prlco 15c each. etbook. Indeed , that can leslst these temp- worth 75c cut price jard. open . tat Ions Napkins to match , $1.35 dozen. 2 Cases Marseilles Bed Spreads , would bo line of Sheets already made deep hem , 2 cases extra size Hemstitched Sheets , 2 cases 36-Inch Unbleached Sheeting , ex All the : 72-Inch Dresden and Irish Belfast GO-lnch Turkey Red Tcblo Linen , half price. cheap at $2.75 cut price $1.95. - elzo 72x90 , at 39c each. 2'ix2i yards , 3-lnch horn , worth $1.00 a traordinary value , Cc yard. Corner TEACHERS ARE INTERESTED Taking Hold of tbo Educational Exhibit in Good Shape. MANY SCHDDLS HAVE APPLIED FOR SPACE taiiornl AilvrrdHliiK of the ComlnB lllK Slioiv In IliivlntS mi Aiiprc- clnlile Klfc-et 'All Over the State. LINCOLN , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) State Su perintendent JackECO reports an "iticreanlng " Interest In the educational department of the exposition among the schools of the state , and that up la date schools employing a total of SOO teachers have applied for space to make exhibits. Among all classes of people ple hero in Lincoln there la much more ex position talk Uwn there ws two months ago , end It Is evident that the newspaper and pic torial advertising done for the big show IB having n good effect. A gentleman recently returned from a several weeks' visit In cen tral Illinois and ho Bays that In that stole there 1 more talk about the exposition than lie hau noticed anywhere In this btate out- eldo of Douglas county , and ho believes there will bo a largo attendance as well us exten sive , exhibits from Illinois. Conclusive proof has been received that nrmpcrliy has arrived In Omaha. D. Clem beaver was hero the other day and In speak ing of the business condition of Hie country OfiBUi-cd his hearers th'H ' the holiday trade In Omaha had been , larger than for many years past , and that Do merchants of the inotropollH were all doing u splendid bud- ness. VISIT 11KAUS NO FRUIT. The secretaries of the State Boml of Trans portation returned from Topeka last night , rwhcro they wont several days ago to meet with the Kanras comml&'ilonerH and hold a conference rcgard'rig ' railroad rates. They report that -wide from having a pleasant time at the Kansas capital city their trip was entirely unsuccessful , Tbo railroads of that state four or Ilvu months ugo put a newT T > ito sheet Into effect charging by the one hundred pouitta Instead of by the carload. The comm sslcricrs tccured an order from court compelling the roads to go back to thu carload rate , During the last three months this order has ; been In force cad thcra ! s an Kidney and Bladder ! You May Have a Sample I Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-E t'.cn and women doctor their troubles so often without benefit , that they get dis couraged and skeptical. lu most nuch cases ecrlous mistakes are made in doctoring and du not knowing what our trouble Is or what makes us sick. The unmhtakablo evidences of kidney trouble are pain or dull ache ii1 the back , too frequent desire to pass water , ecanty supply , smarting Irritation. Au kid ney disease advances the ( ace loolcs sallower or pale , puffs or dark circles under the cyrs , the feet swell and sometimes the heart aches badly. Should further evidence lid ni'i'dcd to find out the cause of sick ness , then set urine usldo for twenty-four liours ; If there Is a sediment or settling It IB also convincing proof that our kidneys and bladder need doctoring. lA fact often overlooked IB that women Buffer as much from ktduey and bladder troubleas men do. do.Dr. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot la the discov ery of the eminent physician and scientist and la not recommended for pvcrythluu , but twill bo found Jiut wliat I * needed la cases agreement between the companies oad the commissioners that thirty dajs' notice should be given before either side should seek a change. The stockmen of the Sunflower state are catlsfled with the present rate and the roads are ir.-ikiiiE no com plaint. Hence the Kansas com- mUaioncrs had nothing to gain by a conference with Uie Nebraska secretaries and the trip waa turned Into a pleasure ueeklng Junket. Several months ago some of the physicians of the western part of the state- filed a com plaint with the State Doard of Health charg ing Dr. Charles V. Bsdell of North Platte with unprofessional conduct. The hearing on the complaint was heard by the secretaries of the board some time ago smd they found that the charges had not been sustained by the evidence. The state board hat ? approved the findings of the secretaries. POLICE AIIE CRITICISED. Fred Derrymain , a farmer from near Denton - ton , died at St. Elizabeth hofriltal today , and the circumstances are such that the police force of the city IB receiving much severe crltlclam because of their treatment of the case. It seems that Berryman came to town yesterday and was known to have consid erable mwiey. A gang of loafers enticed him Into a ealoon , where the whole crowd did a good deal of drinking. In the evening Berryman was found lying on the sidewalk In front of Carr's Tenth street saloon. The police were notified , nud taking It for granted that the man was in a drunken stupor , they thrust him ! n a cell at the sta tion. Ho lay on tlie board floor all night without making any movement. This morn ing the city physician was called , acid being unable to arouse Berryman , had him sent to the hospital. There It nas found that ho showed every symptom of having been drugged. Investigation showed that he bad been robbed of his watch and his money , and It was n parent that ho was the victim of foul play. Ho died at noco today , without having recovered consciousness. The rela tives of the dead man have been notified , end It Is probable that a post mortem and cor oner's Inquest will bo held. The police are criticised because of their carelessness In not ascertaining the condition of Berryman last night. It Is the general belief that had a ( physician been called In time the man's life wculd have been saved. LINCOLN1 LOCAL NOTES. Herman Worocl , a youth from Waverly , came to the city this morning and was "fleeced" by "Uncle Josh , " an old man who has been In the business here for several months. The old man met the bay at the depot and offered him work at a good salary. While coming up town the old achume of changing a check to pay a man whom they mot was successfully worked. "Uncle Josh" Is well known In police circles , but so far hu hns escaped punishment. County Attorney Munger has filed com- roubles Quickly Cured tattle of the Great Discovery , loot Sent Free by Mail. of kidney and bladder disorders or troubles duo to weak kidneys , such as catarrh of the bladder , gravel rheumatism and Hrlght'a Disease , which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. It corrects Inability to hold uc-lno and smarting in passing It , und promptly overcomes that unvleasant aecee- slty of being compelled to get up many times during the night. The mild and extraordinary effect of lute great remedy lu soon re alized , It stands the tilghest for Its wonderful cures. Sold by druggists , prlco llfty cents and one dollar. So universally successful IB Snarcp-Iloot In quickly curing even the most distressing cases , that to prove Its wonderful merit , you may have u sample bottle and a book of valuable Information both sent absolutely free by mall , upon re ceipt of thrco two-cent stamps to caver cost of postage on the bottle. Mention The Omaha Sunday Bee and Bend your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. . BlnghamtoJi , N. Y. ThU generous offer appearing In this roper la a guarantee of gcnuloeaciis. plaints In police court against Edward M. Abbott , charging him with allowing minors to play pool In his rooms. The offense is no new thing , but these are the first com plaints made In a legal way. Mrs. Ellen A. Gambold asks for a writ of habeas corpus to enable her to gain pos session of her little grandchild , Nola G. Beckel , who Is now with her father. The trial occupied the attention of Judge Cochran - ran 1n the county court yesterday and a part of today. The child's testimony was all In favor of her father , although she had lived for a number of years with the grand mother as requested by her dying mother. Judge Cochran took the matter under ad visement until next Wednesday and In the meantime the child Is to remain with her father , The rumor that the grand Jury would , at the coming term of court , Investigate the Xorrowing of county money from the late I\'axoy Cobb , who was treasurer of Lancas ter county two years ago , has caused con- 6l\'crablo uneasiness among some of the poHtlcal hangers on here. It has prompted at 'least one borrower to pay ? 45 to County Comislssloner Beckman. NOTES OI.n.VMSIl AT AVliST 1'OIXT. MfinliprH of Xeiv Ilonril of SuiicrvlHorn and .Slniullni ; Ciuumlttcvx. WEST POINT , Neb. , Jan. 1C. ( Special. ) The members of the new board of super visees for Cumlng couaty are as follows : D. W. Burke , district No. 1 , Bancroft and Nellgh ; H. R. Gaer , district No. 2 , Cleveland , Grant and Blalne ; P.'W. West , district No. 3 , Blsmark and Wisner ; L. C. Sharp , dis trict No. 4 , Beemer , Elkhorn and Logan : A. H. Chambers , district No. 6 , Sherman , Garfield - field and Cumlng ; J. H. Btnno , district No. C. Montccey. Lincoln and St Charles ; L. Rosentlial , district No. 7. West Point. Com mittees : County poor And poor farm , Rosen- thai , Benne and Burke ; printing end sta tionery , Benue , Rosentlial and Sharp ; offi cial bond and taxes , Chambers , Sharp and Gaer ; reads and bridges. Burke , Chambers and Bcnne ; school lands and miscellaneous , Sharp , Gaer and Chambers ; settlement , Gael1 , Burke , Koscnthal and West. The cne Mre for the round trip rate given by the Elkhorn road to all wishing to attend the great Omaha Ice carnival will be the cause of a monster delegation going down from Cum lng coun'y. Wisner , with Its "maid to Queen Polaris" In the person of Miss Pearl Richardson , will turn out In largo numbers They will be reinforced by the Beemer contlngert. The list of names of Point ers , who have signed the agreement to at tend , tins already reached large proportions. The Bancroft section of the Cumins County Teachers' association met -at the High ochool building In Bancroft laet Saturday. While C. E. Herring of Omaha , the re ceiver for the Cejda stock of goods , was showing a Btcznger through the store , he left the cellar door cpen and later on fell down the stairway and dislocated lil.i shoulder. STATI3 KXCAAIIMIKVr OK R. A. It. .VorfolU l'r > | inrliii ; In Iliitcrtnln tin- VlNllorx , NORFOLK , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special , ) The Twenty-second annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , Department of Nebraska , and the fif teenth annual convention of the Woman's Relief corps will convene In this city on Wednesday morning , February 9 , The com rades and sisters of Mathewson Grand Army of ( ho Republic post and the Woman's Relief corps and the citizens of Norfolk dr- sire to extend to all delegates and repre sentatives of the Grand Army posts and Woman's Relief corps throughout the state of Nebraska and all visiting comrades and v'sitors a cordial Invitation to come to Norfolk and participate in the pleasures nnd benefits of these great meetings and enjoy the hospitality of comrades and citizens for a few dajs. Delegates of the Woman's Re lief corps will bo furnished free lodgings and entertainment while hero , and In order that every delegate may bo provided for , the presidents of corps are respectfully re quested to mall to .Mrs. A. J. Rotenbau'm , president of the Matbowson Woman's Re lief corps , Norfolk , Neb. , at their earliest convenience , a list ot names of all delegates who will attend this convention , so they may bo met at the trains and directed to the places of entertainment. The delegates and visiting comrades can obtain accommo dations at boarding houses , restaurants , and hotels at rates from $1.00 to $2.00 per day. It Is proposed to have on the evening of Wednesday , February 9 , a rousing camp- flro to bo addressed by speakers of national reputation. XUWiS GI.n.VXEIJ AT TKCUMSKII. FiirniiTH Are ArraiitrliiKT to Hold an IllNtitlltC. TECUMSEH , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) The farmers of this county are arranging to hold an institute Tuesday and Wednesday , January 25 and 2C. A good program is 111 prepa ration. Allen & Brundage have moved their paper , the Tecumseh Chieftain , Into their now I building on the north sldo of the square. ; The new postofflce outfit has arrived and Is being put Into position on the ground floor of the building. The repairs at the power station have been completed and the electric lights are now In operation again after being dark for a month , The damage case of Mary and Jacob Wagner against the county of Johnson has been decided In district court hero In favor of the county. A year ago Mr. and 'Jlrs. ' Wagner drove on an unsafe bridge in a farm wagon containing besides themselves their two children and a load of apples. The whole outfit was dropped fifteen < fect Into the stream. It was claimed by the plain tiffs that Mrs. Wagner suffered Injuries from which she will never recover. She sued for $5,000. Heckathorn post , Grand Army of the Re public , of this city has Installed the follow ing officers : A. N. Coffey , C. ; Robert Dew , S. V. C. ; W. R. Barton. J. V. C. ; J. F. Roberts , Q. ; M. B. C. True , A. ; Thomas Goodman , C. ; F , L. Lewis , S. ; J. P. Benders , 0 of D. ; O. S. Mason. O. of G. ; J. C. O'Con- nell , S. M. ; M. haughncssy , Q. S. HllNllllKN IICIIIH. HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 15 , ( Special. ) Tomorrow evening at the Methodist church will bo held the seventeenth annlvermry of the Young Men's Christian association. all of the churches in the city will unite In n union service. ReV. E. Vandyke Wright of the Presbyterian 'thurch will de liver the annual address 'The reports of the association will be glveV by various offi ' " ' cers. The Hastings lodge of Elk's 1i < is decided to bive larger and more 'convenient lodge roonw. Arrangements hav'o "been ir.udo tc have the second story of'Wijlljach & Ilmch'E now building fitted up cSn6'clally for the Elks , This will give that lodge a more central location and wlII'/dfBo / give It the desired room. It has b'e'B3ud < ! cldcd to have- the Mrgo reception rooms' ' aiiU billiard par lors fitted up In a most olSlwrato manner. The case of the state aga'jnit Thomas Hoff man. for assault , come lip1 before Count > Judge Dowcti yesterday "afttrnoon. Ho wao found guilty and sentenced Ho ray a fico of $15 and costs. Ho anpaalt-J"to the district court. " -I" 1J . | M | I'nrilon fur Train aVrwIci'm. DAKOTA CITY" , Neb. , Jfin. 15-Spcclal.- ( ) Carl Knudsen was circulating a petition In t > in > n parts the last week addressed to Gov ernor Hokomb asking tbat the , sentence of ten years In the penitentiary lmpoce.1 upon Knutc and Hans Knudsen In lt > ! )5 ) lor at tempting to hold up a Union Pacific train bo commuted to five years. Carl Knudsen Is a brother of the convicts and resides in this county , as does also the father of the boys. The family has alwajs berne a good reputation here , where ( hey have rts'.di'rt for years. The petition was numerously signed. .U'H.l.-ntnll . ) Shot. HUMBOLDT , Neb. . Jan. 15. ( Special. ) While hunting today the H-year-old son of Thomas Maxwell was shot In the foot. The wound la not dangerous , Ilnnk EIcctloiiN , , YORK , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special , ) The an nual meetings of the city banks have been held this week and the old officers rc-elcctqd. Both the First National and City National report a splendid showing for the year Just past. The December statement of the de posits In the First National show an Increase of $50,000 over the deposits at the close of business in December of 1890. The loans and discounts foot up to nn equal Increase for the comparative periods. The City Na tional reports an increase during the year of over $55,000 In deposits and of about $38- 000 In loans and discounts. Banking busi ness here is much improved and collection ! ) are a great deal cosier. IllchiirilNoii County MnrlRiiKU llccord. RYLLS CITY , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) There have been filed during the year 1SD7 S.03 farm mortgages amounting to $257,34S. During the same length of time 277 farm mortgages have been released , amounting to $307,243.60. There have been ninety- six city mortgages filed , amounting to $16,744.61 and the seventy-ono city mort gages released amount to $40,341.47. In the matter of chattel mortgages 024 have been filed , aggregating $526,109.49 and the re leased chattel mortgages are 332 In number and amount to $223,558.27. During 1897 there have been only two farm mortgages foreclosed and these only In order to settle disputes in regard to titles. ICramcy. KEARNEY. Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) The announcement in The Bee yesterday that Henry Gibbons had been appointed pcatnws- ter hero surprised a few and dlsapiralnted many. The principal cause of the surprlfc was , that Senator Thurstoa had promised to recommend either M. A. Brown or 1' . T. Lam bert and allow no "dark horse" to bo con sidered and the disappointment was owing to the fact that every voter who has been considered a loyal republican. Indorsed one of the other or both of their applications and the appointment of either one would have been much more satisfactory than the selec tion ot a man who had not outwardly known to bo In the race. Tivd " ( * JIIH In I'rlNoii. DAVID CITY. Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Frank Moran , who broke Jail last November , a day after his conviction of the crime of burglary , was captured in St. Joseph and brought to David City last night. This nmrnlng ho was arraigned before Judge Dates , who sentenced him to two years In the penitentiary. The Ice dealers are harvesting tbo Ice crop with a full fcrco of hands. The ice Is of peed quality and about ten Inches in 'thick ness. ness.Mrs. Mrs. A. B. Roys , wife of Mr. Roys , the furniture dealer , fell while descending the stairs from the Knights of Pythias hall and broke her arm. ClIMIlllHIIllNHril' ' . GRAND IITLA'ND ' , Neb. , Jan , 16. ( Special. ) The case of the State against H. Lasen and Otto Drews , which was to have come to preliminary hearing before Justice West- ( ott at Wood River this morning , has been dismissed on the motion of the county at torney. Lasen and Drews were arrested for the shooting of Miss Grace Hanscn on the evening of December 31. The young woman was frightfully Injured and her recovery at the time was doubted , but she has 'been get ting along nicely and will regain her eye sight. III- ins , SEWARD , Neb , . Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Dis trict court will convene next Tuesday with Judge Scdgwlck presiding. H. ACraff. W. F. A. Schmidt , W. H. Walker , Ed Nlchold and Joe Hupp have been selected to rcpietcnt Ecnvanl at the Volun teer Fire department meeting to bo held at Kearney January 18 , 19 and 20. Lemon & Travis , evangelists , will organ ize a church of Christ In this city tomorrow. About sixty persons hiva signified their wil lingness to become members. .MmrnilH QLARKS , Neb , . Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Yes terday a local constable and an assistant captured Colonel Sam Richmond of this place and iMr. E. Miller , a traveling sales man for Paxlon , Gallagher & Co. , In the act of thootlng wild geese from. & brush blind In the Platte river south of town. The case was continued for trial until Friday , the 24th inst. , and the defendants gave bond for their appearance. Attorney John C. Mar tin of Clarks has been retained for the de fense , the intention being to test the validity of the new law. Mrs. John Dustman of this place became Insane last night and for sometime created quite a disturbance , smashing up the house hold furniture and driving the members of the family from the house. She will bo taken before the County Board ot Insanity. The Sharpless Creamery company of Omaha has two agents at work here soliciting stock for the erection and equipment of a cream ery at this place. Mllfnrd IlMniirnillCN. 71IILFORD , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) An other flurry of snow came last night , which makes about seven Inches on the level. A Shakespercan recital wan given at the Congregational church last evening by Jlr. Fralnoy ot Chicago , which was very much appreciated by the select audience present. Mllford Is now supplying the outside wcrld with a fine quality of Ice , which Is about tuclvo Inches thick. Day and night shifts of men are making the most of the present temperature. Small HiirKlarlcx at Hlnlr. BLAIR , Neb. , Jan. 15 , ( Special. ) Lost night sneak thieves made a raid on car penter shops. They broke Into Ernest Bolt's shop , also Newt Bruckon's in th ? Fourth ward and stole all of the best tools , about $60 worth altogether. This thlpviiii has been running along some time , Pcoplo are continually Icalng harness , vegetables , wood , etc. Sheriff Mciieko says ho has de clared war on them and Is going to put a stop to It. ItclliiloiiH Itrvlvnl nl OHCi-olii OSOEOLA , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Osceola Is stlrred'up religiously from center to circumference. Pastor Rev. L. F. Smith has held meetings every afternoon and even- lug for the last ten weeks without any out side help. Yesterday a petition was circu lated asking the business houses and stores to close from 2 to 3 p. in. , and twenty-one of them agreed to it. Talc i-n to .lull , HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Alt Page , prominent farmer living several miles southeast of town , was arrested Thurs day on a warrant sworn out by a former do mestic , who charges him with being re sponsible for her ruin. Page refused to give ball and wax taken to the county Jail to await the action of the district court. llrcnk ThroilKli MIC lor. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special , ) While the 'Dirtels boys were crossing the Missouri river today from Sioux City with foi'ty-fivo ' head of stock cattle the lea gave vay and all but three head went Into the water. Thirteen head out of the bunch were lost. Tbo cattle were just purchased by Will Bartcls. SIIIMV ill .VolmiMliii Clly. NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Snow fell heavily for several liours last night and Is nearly a foot In depth on thu level. Nearly thrco feet of snow have fallen since December 1 , the heaviest fall for thu same length of time In the history ot this section of the state. OMTIIII | StrtTlN IJicli'i-it liy Klrctrloll- OSCEOLA , Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special , ) Osceola Is no longer In darkness. The elec tric lights were tried last night for the firut time on the Mreetti , The stores and other business IIOUBCH have been trying electricity for a couple of weeks before , as well as one ef the churches. Arm MiuiKlcil lu n Corn Slu-llcr. flHBUBY. Neb. , Jan. 15. ( Special. ) Laban Colwell caught his arm in tbo lower gear of his corn shcllor while Bbelllnu corn south west of town yesterday. The arm was mangled to above the elbow BO as to necessi tate amputation , lie Is now getting along nicely. Snoiv nl Iliiiiilinlill. HUMBOLDT , Neb , , Jan. IB. ( Special. ) Baow commenced falling hero yesterday aft ernoon late anil this moinlng people awak ened to find It rtlx Inches deep. The snow was quite damp nnd closely packed. Hriitrrri > Mlcd. j KENE3AW , N"b. . Jan. 15. ( Special Tele gram. ) rioblnpDriCio Is supposed to be the | men that tried to cilminally araault a 11 tie i girl ot Hastlnps yesterday , was arrested hero Unlght by chief of Police Leplnskle of Hast- 'lne . Ho maJo an attempt tc escape , hut ! WEB recaptured after an cxrltlng chase. Ho : wau taken Lack lo lies 111.33 tonight. Iliiudrrd Itullcl I nun lluriifd. NEW YORK , .Inn. i : . . Olllccrs of the steamer Andes , which vessel arrived today from Hnytlon ports , say that kCO buildings ! were destroyed liy th ? lire which devastated Port uu Prince on December 28. I-'OllEOAST KOU TODAV'.S WEATIIKII. Sunday lo lie I'i : Ir , itllli ' rly U'lniN. WASIIINTGON , Jan. 15. Forecast for Sunday : For Nebraska Fair ; northwesterly winds. For Iowa , Missouri and Kansas Fair ; warmer ; southerly \vlr.ds. For South Dakota Generally fair ; west erly winds. For Wyoming Threatening weather , with light snow ; piobably warmer ; variable winds. TO CURE JSERYOUS DYSPEPSIA. To ( inln Pit-Nil , lo SliTp Well , ( o KIIOTT WlillI Apilclllc mid ( infill DlKTi'Ndnii Mraii , Mulct * a Tent of Sliiart'H DNirix xiirrlriiri' of nil Indian * * llllllllH < : < > llll < > lllllll. No trouble Is more common or more mis understood than nervous dyM.icpsla. Pecplo having It think that tliolr nerves are to blame end are surprised tfcat they are not cured by ncrvo medicine nnd spring reme dies ; the real scat of the mischief. Is lost sight of ; the stomach Is thu organ to ba looked after. Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whitovor in the stomach , nor perhaii * any of tlu- usual symptoms of stomach weak ness. Nervous dyspepsia shows Itself not In the stomach no much us In nearly every other organ ; In somu caficit the heart palvl- tatcs and Is Irregular ; In oihcrH thu kldnuya ere affected ; lei others the bowels are con stipated , with headaches ; still others ara troubled with loss of flesh and appetite , with accumulation of gas , sour risings and heartburn. Mr. A , W. Sharper of No. 01 Proupect St. , Indianapolis , Ind. , wrltivi as follows "A motive of pure ( prompts mo lo write thceo tow lines regarding thu new and valuable incdlclno , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets , I havu been a sufferer from nervoua dyn > epnla for thu last four years ; have used various 'latent moJIclnes and other remedies without any favorable result. They some- timed gave temporary relief until the effects of the mcdlclno wore off. I attributed this to my sedentary habits , being a bookkeeper with little physical excrclfcc. hut I am glad to state that the tablets have overcome all these obstacles , for I have gained In lies ! ) , sleep better and am better In every way. The above Is written not for notoriety , but Is based on actual fact. " Respectfully yours , A. W. Sharper , Cl Prost > eet St. , Imllunciiolls , Iiul , It Is rafo to t/iy that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure any stomach weakness or ( llseaeo except cancer of stomach , They cure sour utornarfi , gas , loss of nosh and ap petite , uk'uileasness , palpitation , heartburn , constipation and headache. Send for valuable little book on stomach dlscagps by addressing Stuart Co. , Marshall , Mich. All druggkts ecll full eUod packages at M