Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1898, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE ( XMATIA DAILY 1V1Z7A : STNDAY. .TA TAHY 10. 1808 ,
Omiha , January 1C. 1SDS.
From our selected stocks that we are offering in our January Clear
ance Sale , is of the greatest interest to the economical buyers for
prices like these have never before been made by us upon the like
qualities No especially bought stock but our own regular reliable' '
To innko room for
our Muslin Under
wear Palo , wo must
got rM of ALL our
Flannelette Gowna.
To uloso them out
xv ij will rciluco tlio
prlco HO low Hint
Imlius will bo in *
d need to niiy.
AH our SJc Gowns BO nt Me.
All our l.25 mid J1.3S Flannelette Gowns
go nt 75c.
Children's Flanolctle Night Gowns and
Night Drawers , Hint were EOc. Cue and
C'ie , to clo ( j thorn out , will be marked
down to 2."o each ,
DRKSS Yus ; wo nro still clipping
GOODS oft" the prloos of Dross
CUlMMWiS Goods.
Vet onlj' uro reductions very decided ,
but they arc mmlu In the fnco of
higher prlcss. Styles that nro exclu-
nlve at prices that are unmatchnble ,
Kvory reduction guaranteed genuine
or nionoy refunded.
SUITINGS every color a new color-
beautiful llnlsh will not muss nor
catch the dual.
r > 0c clipped to 2TC a yard ,
AT 33C' A YAHD Imported Jncqnard
Novelty. These Roods are handsome ,
elegant and exclusive. None better
the year round than this material ,
Colors are green and black , preen and
brown , navy and black , heliotrope and
black , cardinal and black , etc.
COc clipped to S3c a yard.
AT 22',4C ' A YAUD-Chovlot Novelties ,
all wool they are the prettlness of
goods , worth 7iic , every desirable mix
ture you can wish for , at prices that
win surprise you.
JOc clipped to 22ic a yard.
C9C TO DSC A YAKD Thcso familiar
dross fabrics , all Imported Roods , that
have the beauty of any all silk ma
terial we have been showing them to
you at $1.00 to $1.50 a yard the prices
clipped from
flSc to C7c a yard.
This is decidedly a
reason for ostrich
foatluM'3 in various
forma. And whut is
moro ehui'inlng than
these foathnrs
inudo into graceful
nock bnus ?
"VVo have u few very
fine ostrich boas
loft from our Christmas sale , which wo
have decided to mark at a grout reduc
This will enable every lady In Omaha
who has not already an Ostrich Uoa ,
a chance to purchase one at u very
low figure.
Monday morning , as early as our store
Is open , we will place these Goods at
the following prices :
Please , note the reduction carefully and
remember that In some of these wo
havd but ono or two of of kind , so the
old saying , " 'TIs the early bird that
catches the worm , " applies here.
$17.10 Hoas reduced to $12.50.
J15.W and $ l.r.03 lioas reduced to $10.00.
$3.00 IJoas reduced to $ C.GO.
$3.00 Boas reduced to $3.00.
$0.00 Uoas reduced to $1.59.
$1.09 Uoas reduced to $3.00.
$ .100 Boas reduced to $2.00.
S2.r.O Boas reduced to $1.73.
rtOSE SUPPORTERS Our line ofhosos
supporters uro
Kiudo ol the very best qnulltv Super
Lisle Wob.
Together with the Lindsay Self-locking
( . 'lufip nml Cushioned llutton Not how
cheap , but how good.
Ladles' Sldo Elastics , 2Jc per pair.
Children's and Misses' Side Kl.iHtlcs. 12'X-c
and 13c per pair ,
The "Perfect" Stocking Suppi ' : crs. ages
2 to 12 years , -white and black , 25c per
The "Daisy" Skirt and Storking Sup
porters 23c per pair.
Ladles' S.iteen Belt Supporters , black
and white. 25c , 30c , 33c and 30c per pair.
kockor shoul
der brace.
73c , Jl.Crt and Jl.EO a pair.
Men's Guyot Suspenders 50c a pair.
"f'ro.Mi Make" Suspenders at 23c. COc
" 'i1 and $1.00 a pair.
All of our Men's Lined GlovuH and Mit
tens at the following reduced prices :
73o quality JSc.
$1.00 quality COc ,
$1.2 : . quality S3e.
$1.50 quality $1.00.
$1.73 quality $1.15.
$ ' . ' .00 and J2.I3 quality $1.50.
A line of Men's Unllni'd Kid Gloves , also
. few Moe ia Gloves , sizes broken , sold
nt $1.W .mil $1.00 per pair , reduced to
73e per pair ,
S The stylish and
IU/.AR PATTERNS reliable pattern.
There are none better There arc none
cheaper and you got the best every
thin' Irtn nnil 17i <
CI.OAK Wlinn yon como into
DEPARTMENT our Cloak Doimrt-
iiicnt you must not
expect to find everything in the way of
aoloak ,
Wo do not want to attract customers to 1
our cloak room by any misleading
statements nnd wo must tell you
frankly that wo have only a small
fltork of Jackets nnd Capes , If we
have your size In cither n capo or n
coat , we will g-uarantea that our prices
will bo nwny below what you can
purchase elsewhere.
$2.50 buys an excellent heavy weight
Cheviot Jacket , worth $ . " . .00.
ja.oo buys any of our $1000 and $12.00
Jackets ,
$7.50 buys any of our $13.00 and $13.0)
We have still an assortment of ladles'
Dress SklrtR-prlccs $1.2o , $1.50 , $1.73 ,
$2.23 nnd $2.73.
Flannelette. Wrappers , good quality , nt
$1.10 , $1.23 , $1.00.
Monday morning
you will lind
our store
filled with
ilowcrs of the
They are largely
French they uro
decidedly now
in color and very
sheer oll'cot.
Newness would run this way.
French I'lumctls.
Woven figured Swisses from St. Gall ,
French Organdlo Carrcaux flowers and
French Organdie Rayo satlnllko stripes.
French Organdie Llsso ,
Irish Linen Lawn.
Irish Linen Dimities.
New Piques.
New White Goods.
LACE CURTAINS Specially priced
fur January sale.
Wo have made a record for low prices
on all grades of Lace Curtains so It > iV
as to attract very general attention ,
and the result was a success. As'orst-
ment not broken , nnd we quote the fol
lowing prices for Monday :
Brussels Net Curtains , In white , a dainty
scroll and floral design , at $3.00 , $6.23 ,
$7.00 and $ S.OO a pair.
Snlss Tamboured Curtains , reru ihnde
and In handsome servlca.iblo patterns ,
at $3.73 nnd $3.00 a p ilr.
Nottingham Lace Curtains , smarting at
51.00 a pair.
CORSETS The Flexl-
bono Corset
Thcso corsets have no
straight stay * in them ,
but every stay la por-
ui.uicntly curved to con-
| iform to the ox.
! act outline of your
llcruro. The result is a
fit so perfect , soshapoly
and withall so easy unu
satisfying that you are
surprised and delighted.
They are not cheap , but good.
We have a nloo stock In long and short
models. Wo Invite you to call and In
spect them.
Black , white or gray , at $1.50 each.
LADIES' 2j cents per pair , reduced
GLOVES from CO cents.
Wo have a small line oC ladles' Scotch
Wool Gloves , knit In fancy colon. ,
"fit like a kid glove , " sold at 50c pei ,
pair , reduced to 23c per pair.
RiBBON 25 cents per yard A clear-
SPECIAL ing up of cur Funcy Ribbons.
On Monday morning we will place on
sale a line or Boman Stripes and
Fancy Plaid Hlbuons , four Inches wide ,
tnat sold at SOc per yard for this
clearing sale , 23c per yard.
Once moro
wo will have to remind
you that there are still
a few of those Children's
Black Ribbed Wool 23c
IIoso loft which are bo-
iuir closed out ut 2 for
Ladies' black cotton
IIOHO , with mueo solosi , only lf > c.
A very good black cotton seamless Hose
for lOo pair.
Also our ladles' We black fleeced Hose ,
with i Ibbed tops , extra line quality ,
nnlv * : KI < lid Ir
With a
new year wo re-
eolvcd n now
line of Slllc Em
broidered Flan
nels the choicest.
Flannels , the dain .
tiest , embroidor-
Ings that this
countty can give
The. prleps are comfortabl ) ' little nc-
caufc of our enrly planning.
Cream Embroidered Flannels 50o to $1.10
per yard.
Colored Embroidered Flannels , TCc to
Jl.fJO per yard.
All over Embroidered Flannel. 30 Inches
wide , $1,10 per yard.
SPECIAL All in nil , the "special"
SILK offering amounts to this :
ITEMS Choice of np\vardn of ono
hundred and bovcnty-flvo
slyicH nnd weaves , at prices within the
reach of all. These silks contain nn
assortment of choice styles and color
ings in both plain and lancy materials.
AT IDC A YAUD , TOo quality Satin
Surah Twill , ti serviceable Unlai ? ' ma
terial , equal appearance to any all
silk fabric You cannot afford to miss
AT 19C A YARD , COc quality satin fin
ished Trlcotlnc , another good material
cheap A choice low-priced silk for
waist or lining , very new.
Looking back
ward will bo
pleasant , a few
months later ,
for folks who
share in this
January d i s-
tribn tion of
lincn < ; .
Not so pleasant will It be for other people -
plo who will remember today's oppor
tunities while having to pay the far
bigger prices that linens will cost by
then. Price will not likely be ? o little
again In years. These to tell of Mon
day's prices :
All our $1,50 Bleached Table Damask
now BSc.
All our $1.23 Bleached Table Damasto
now 89c ,
All our $1.00 Bleaclicd Table Damask ,
now 73c.
All our 90o Bleached Table Damask
now C3c.
All our DOe Turkey and Hed Damask
now 23c.
All our $2.50 Table Cloths , 2'Xyards
long , now $1.65.
All our $1.85 Table Cloths , 2& yards
long , now $1.23.
All our $3.75 Table Cloths , 3 yards Ions ,
now $2.07.
All our Iflc Brown Crash now 7c.
All our 12V4c Brown Crash now Sc.
All our IZ'&c ' Bleached Twilled Crash
now lOc.
All our 7o Urown Crash now 3c ,
UNDLKACIIUD Ono yard wide
MUSLIN regular price Co.
Monday at S'c yard.
room of tlio Mlllard , a long table running the
full length of the room and a shorter table ,
at which worn seated the otllcers of the visit
ing delegation and of the exposition manage
ment and Mayor Moorcs. extending across
the room at right angles to the llrst table.
A ilcllcloiiH menu was served In a highly
satisfactory manner and when tlio cigars
wcra II slit ml President Wattles rapped the
iiBscmbly to order and the post prandLil exer
cises proceeded In an Informal manner ,
The prealdcnt referred In a happy strain to
the propriety of the largest ami most pop
ulous of the traiiaiulsslBslppI atates being
represented by such a largo and Influential
delegation , and called Upon Mayor K. U.
Moores to extend to the visitors a welcome
to tlio city.
Maor iMoorea said the people on this sldo
of the rltcr extended the glad hand of wel
come to tbolr gucsU from the other side. Ho
complimented tlio delegation upon its size
and Hindrance. He confessed to a friendly
feeling for Mlssourlans because of the fact
that ho liatl lived In Kansas City for about
A year at ono time In 'his existence. The
mayor then referred to the exposition , say
ing that U would be Impossible to outrival
the World's fair to eomo respects , but ho
promised that the TrausmlssUslppl anil In
ternational Exposition would tie an a broad
lilun that will surprise all visitors to the
city , lu conclusion the mayor extended to
the visitors the freedom of the city.
Clark IH. Sampson of St. Louis , chairman
of the Missouri commission , was called on
Jiy the toastmaster to respond on behalf of
the visitors , and ho made a straightforward ,
buslncuB-Uko talk which carried strong coti-
vlctlon In every sentence. In substance lie
ipoko as follows ;
"Tlio members of the ( Missouri delegation
appreciate the expressions of friendship we
beard for imperial Missouri. Wo come
hero as to the gateway of the vast empire of
the west. The growth of this ; city Is one of
the wonders of the nineteenth century and
no more fitting place could have been found
for the great exposition which Is destined to
exhibit to the world the vast resources of
this prosperous section. Wo of Missouri take
Just prldo In what you have accomplished to
ward this exposition , because we are Amer
ican * and Omaha Is a typical American city.
" \Vo came hero expecting to see ulgns of
progress ; wo have seen the pictures and
reading matter which you have aent out In
advertisement of your exposition , but wo did
nnt expect to BOO the great things you have
Accomplished. Wo have seen what Is a
guaranty that the exposition will be a auc-
cesrf and an honor not only to Omaha ibut to
the entire American continent. You are do
ing your work nobly and It ibehooves us to
see what wo can do to make the exposition
the success wo have determined It shall bo.
Wo como from a state whoso resources are
excelled by no other. Our reaourcea In
minerals , agriculture , horticulture and prod ,
ucte of the cell and factory are unsurpassed
and wo can make a display that will reflect
credit on our state and on the exposition ,
It Is the purpose of our commission to do our
utmost to this end and It Is our hope that
our people will contribute of their abund
ance eulllclent to not only make an uiulblt
such ag I have mentioned but to build a
homo at the exposition for Mlssourlana of
which they may ibo proud and which shall
bo a credit to the beautiful groundo you are
preparing. I ehall return to my homo thor
oughly enthused and I believe that we cannot -
not do otherwise than have our ttato eo
represented that It will bo a credit to our
people and to the exposition. "
"Impression * of Our Visit" waa the sentl.
tacnt to respond to which President
AT 29C A YAHD. G3c quality Fancy Silk
for waists a handsome glow of nov
elty In the colorings , all choice pat
AT 32C A YAUD , $1.00 quality handsome
Taffeta Silks , In twenty different
AT WC A YAUD , $1.00 quality all silk
Satin Ithadamc , a beautiful all silk
satin finished material , never sold for
less than one dollar choice of over
twenty different colors.
AT 49C A YARD , $1.CO quality French
Fallla Silk , purely nil silk , all colors
to choose from. Nothing more rich 01
elfegant than n dress pattern of these
silks at the price they will be closed
out at Monday morning.
BED BLANKETS The great reduction
in prices on our
Blankets has caused many ol them to go.
See that Fomo of the remaining ones go
Into your bouse. Prices will never be
so low again. Mind what wo have to
offer :
At 73c a pair extra heavy grey Blanketi
that were $1.00.
At $2.2.1 Cotton Warp White Blankets ,
size 68x90 , non-shrinking , good and
warm Sold at $3.00 before.
At $2.S3 a pair , all grey Blankets that
used to sell at1.00. .
At $1.23 our California all wool White
Blankets that were $3.73 a pair.
At $3.73 a pair our 11-4 California White
Blankets that were $7.73 before.
At SS.jO a pair all wool Saxony Blankets ,
white or grey , were $1.73.
Wattles called on F. A , Fa\ton of
Kansas City , but Mr. Faxton had
icon called out temporarily and W. C.
Scan-lit of Kansas City was called for by
some of his colleagues. Mr. Scarritt made
his remarks ftomowhat brlof , complimenting
tlio enterprise and courage which ho said
had ibeen required to carry out .such a gl-
gantlo affair as the exposition In the face
of the depression which had enveloped the
country. Ho said ithc people of Kansas City ,
next to ec-elng the exposition located lu their
own city , congratulated themselves that It
had 'been ' located In Omaha , In closing ho
expressed the thanks of the Kansas City con.
tlngoiit for the courtesy and attention which
they had received suco | their arrival in
"Tho Objects and Purposes of the Exposi
tion" was the topic assigned to John L.
Webster. Ho referred eloquently and prac
tically > to the benefits which will accrue to
the entire transmUslsslppl section through
the exposition and Illustrated his point by a
remark made by one of the visitors , who had
stated that the value of land In one of the
counties In Missouri would bo Increased $5
per aero If the county took advantage of
the opportunity offered by theexposition. . He
described In on eloquent manner the way In
which the tldo of commerce would be In-
llueiiced by the great exposition of the re
sources of the wcat , pouring Into the lap of
thotjo broad valleys the vast wealth of the
Ex-Mayor 0. I' . Walbrldge , chairman of
the St. Louis commission , was called on to
toll "What the Fourth City In the United
States WillDo. . " Ho said : "I take It , Mr.
Chairman , that wo have not been Invited
hero to display Missouri eloquence or to
hear a eulogy of St. Louis pronounced by
QUO of her citizens , Wo have not come
hero as aliens or as friendly allies of a
cxrtrfmnnwcalth hut s coworkers
ers In an enffjfjrise which is for the com
mon good. WV hare cjmo to accept your
kindly proffer of partnership In this great
undertaking ami to oMumc the full irepon-
slbflty which this entails , We will tell our
people not cmH'kOf the courtesies wo have
received , butV * wlll tell them that the
work on this cnu&fprUe & you haVe eatabllahed
rot only oqualstf but excels the entrancing
beauties of tfuV white city of Chicago.
We shall tellittlem that U Is worthy of their
beat efforts and worthy of all they call do to
take part In every way. "
George W. Fuller was called OH to sppak
of "Kansas City's Part. " Ho spoke very
briefly , saying the citizens of Omaha merit
the hearty co-operation and support of every
state In thlsQeslIjk Ho said the Missouri
commission had been appointed about
twenty days ago and the members were here
on a mission of Inquiry ,
II. W. Richardson , the special commis
sioner of the exposition to Missouri , waa
cnllod on to spetik of "Our OiiDsts. " He
made a short , but eloquent talk , reviewing
his recent tripto , the Btato In the Interest
of tlio exposition , and referring In terms of
pratso to the courteous treatment ho had
received on every hand. In closing ho ad
dressed himself to the visitors as follows :
"I trust your visit here , the knowledge
nnd Information you have gained will be anew
now and renewing Inspiration that you may
carry back to your state ; that It may per-
nieato every Department of your work : that
It may have magic to exercise such un
bounded enthusiasm as will consume the
grand old city of St. Louis Ilko an electric
spark ; then sweep the angle of the Missis
sippi and the Missouri ; set the sturdy Teu
tons of St. Charles In motion ; stand like
"Hannibal" before the gates of the Tunic
City ; then from border to border , burn like
a retort In the "queen city of the north
west , " that "there might be a hot tlmo In
that old town ; " ring out like a flro bell
In the night In the majestic city of the
Kaw ; scale the walls of Jasper , magnetize
the metallic cities , murmur "neath the
classic shades and limpid streams , amid , the
roses of fair Carthage , clrclo the zenith
city of the Ozarka , where King Cotton , King
Corn and red apples hold high carnival In
friendly commerce , and wove through the
vast forests of the ooutheast , settle like a
searchlight on the dome of the capital and
Illumine the central cities , bedecking the
bosom of your heaven-blessed commonwealth.
Catch the Inspiration of the rising tide of
prosperity In this new year. Como up to
this congress of states In great companies
with your caravans laden with frankln-
ceuso and myrrh and aloes , the products
of your fields , your mines and your com
merce. Make Missouri matchless and re
splendent In this galaxy of progressive
states that you may receive the commenda
tion of her people aud have her praises
sounded from , the Klondike to the jetties ,
and from Port Arthur to the zenith city of
the unsalted seas. "
Colcciel John Donlphan of St. Joseph , the
vice [ resident of the exposition for Mis
souri , was called on by President Wattle.3 ,
but excused himself from making a talk by
saying that he had arisen from a olck couch
to como to Omaha. He reviewed the work
he had done In connection with the expo
sition ! m spreading the news throughout hl-i
state and expressed the conviction that the
state would lake advantage of the oppor
tunlty offered It to display Its resources. He
said ho concurred fn all that had been said
and believed the exposition will bo a great
success. A
Manager Edward Hosewatcr was calledJ on
by the presmfint to tell about the work
that has been done In bringing the exposition
to Its present status. Mr. ncnowater. In
opening , paid a graceful tribute to St. Loute
as a city of ir.agniflcent private residences
end then took up the- subject of the ex
position. Ho said the ontcrprlr > 9 Is designed
to represent the resources of the great em
pire of the west find he dcclared _ It would
bo an anomaly If the great empire state of
the west Is not present.
Referring to thoscope of the exposition ,
Mr. Roseuate said ? , that at theWorld's fair
the greatest attention had becm paid to
foreign exhibits , but In the Trausmlsslsslppl
and International Expedition tbo resources
of the great states of the west and of the
whole United Stales nould be given preced
ence. He reviewed eomo ot the difficulties
which had bcscl the pathway of the promoters
meters of the exposition during Ita early
stages , but said the affair has now attained
a solid condition and Is broadening moro
and moro every day. He informed the
visitors that five foreign nations have taken
official action toward being represented and
others are moro than likely to follow. Evi
dences of Interest In the enterprise arc dally
being received fiom the most remote cor
ners of the earth , and many of the eastern
states In this country are manifesting In
creasing Interest In the matter of official
representation. Mr. Rcsewcter detailed tha
steps that h.\vc been taken In each of the
eastern states and those that are under con
sideration. He also referred to tiie Interest
which Is being takcti In the matter by the
federal government , and spoke of the ad
vertisement the exposition Is receiving from
the Issue of special postage stamps , the ap
propriation for an Indian exhibit and other
governmental agencies , which had never be
fore been exerted In the Interest of any
exposition. In closing , ho expressed the
hope that the pecple of Missouri will corao
to the exposition in full force.
M. V. Carroll of Jefferson City , secretary
of the Missouri commission and state labor
commissioner , was called for and ho expressed
himself very briefly. "Wo are glad to bo
hero , " said i.Mr. Carroll. "I know that every
member of our delegation will my that what
he has seen baa exceeded his expectations.
I can say for myself that I have read your
literature sril 4iavo seen the pictures you
have been sending out , but I had no adequate
conception of itho magnitude of the enter
prise. We are proud of Missouri and wint to
make you pcopld proud of It. I am Eutlsfled
that the Iruprceslcns wo will take home will
redounl to the credit of our state enl be a
credit to your expedition. Wo can raise the
funds to erect a building nnd Install an ex
hibit that will throw nil others In the shade.
I do not want to dlacouraga any other state
lei the tfforts It may be making to got up an
exhibit , but Missouri will ocllpso them all. "
Following the remarks of Secretary Car
roll , Chairman Sampson of the Missouri com
mission said ho was pleased to heir Hio ncc-
letary express hlirsclf eo emphatically , as
the bulk of the work must fall upon him
and his 'Inclination ' would go a long way to
ward deciding upm the nature of tlio ex
hibit and of Missouri's participation. Mr.
Sampson also declared his firm conviction
that If the members of the legislature had
understood the situation as tlio visitors now
understood It there would have been a lib
eral appropriation. Ho also stated that Gov
ernor Stvp.icns la meet enthusiastic In tuo
wcrlc nnd Is doing everything In his power
to nuke the e/dJpslUon a succrcs , In clos
ing Mr. Sampsp'i expressed tlio appreciation
of the visitors ( for Iho courtesies which had
been extended ,10 * , thcra ! and eald they would
return hoimi not only wltn a. high apprecia
tion of the city and of the project In haul ,
but with the highest , respect for Hio energy
and ability of thcqo having It In charge.
it was ovldunl before going j'li to the
grounds that mary of the visitors had
reached a point'ot'jCjithuslasm regarding the
exposition and oniO ) of the most
members of tlu-ylelu'isntlon express d lu tiio
strongest termq , thu doterinlnallon nf the
Missouri peoplp , , fp "Jiavo an exhibit at thp
exposition whlw wjjj make the other s atoi
look well to ( 'tlejr ( l'-u eU.
G , iA. Atwoo&pf ) Springfield , chairman of
the committee ( piifjhQrtlculturo of the state
commission , w/iq / especially strong In his
declaration that his state would have an
extensive and Interesting exhibit , especially
In fruits of all kbide , Mr. Atwood Is the
editor and publ-Uhcrf of The Southwest , tlio
only paper In the west dovotcd entirely to
fruit Interests , and he Bald his committee
Is now arranging for an exhibit of fruits
that will eclipse anything that any other
section can do. "Our state Is destined to
bo the orchard of tbo world , " uald Mr. At
wood , with tlit > conviction of a man who
knows. "Wo have 20,000,000 fruit trees In
the southern part of our state which will
all bo In full bearing within the next ten
yearn , and with these we will bo the great
fruit producing section In the world. Wo
have now Immense numbers of fruit trees
of oil varieties and produce Immense quan
tities of fruits every year. We don't have
to Irrigate and have never had a crop
failure. Wo are coming to thu exposition
within a display which will be a superior
ono and wo are determined not to bo out
done In that line by any other section of
the country. "
C. M. Manker of Webb Olty. a member of
the committee on mining exhibit of the
state commission said the n Inl" ? Iiltistrles
of MUsourlnilI Lu rearf | : iUfaI h un < - -
tensive exhibit Hint will show to the world
the Immense resources of the state In that
line. "Wo rely largely on our lend and
zinc mines , " n.ild Mr. Manker , "and we will
have a line lot of samples nf these ores , the
finished products anJ other tilings In that
line , but we will Also have a fine showing of
the other minerals of our state , Including
silicates , pyrites , etc. "
M. V. Carroll , secretary of the state com
mission , said the stale would furnish all
the stone Unit Is required for Missouri's
portion of the Arch of States. "We have all
kinds of s > tone nnd can furnish It at nny
time nnd In any quanllty. Wo have plenty
of red sandstone or nny other variety Ihnt
may bo wanted. As soon as we find out how
much your nrchllccts want wo will send It
right along.
"I want te- say right hero , " said Mr. Car
roll , omo'iatlMlly ' , "that your commissioner.
R. W. Richardson , las slirply set our
slate afire. We were rather apathetic about
the exposition nnd were not Inclined to do
much towards making nn exhibit , but ho
cime down there and stirred our people up
and now they are up In arms and wo will
have ono of tlio finest exhibits that the state
has ever made anywtiere , and that la sayIng -
Ing a great , deal.
"We have no legislative appropriation for
an exhibit , " continued Mr. Carroll , "but we
will liavo n fund mined by orlvate subscrip
tions that will give plenty of money for all
expenses that are necessary. Our people nro
not niggardly and there Is no fear but that
the money will bo forthcoming. An appeal
has Just been sent out all over the state ,
asking the people to contribute , and the re
turns will socci commence coming In. Our
commission Is well organized nnd wo liavo
some of the strongest men In the state as
members. The people In charge of the ex-
iposltlon may depend on Missouri making n
showing that will be a credit to the exposi
C. D. Parker of Kansas City , chairman of
the. committee on manufactures of the Com
mercial club , to which committee the mat
ter of erecting a Kansas City building at
the exposition hns besn. referred , sail tlio
building project Is still In stntu quo , await
ing the decision ot the state commission.
"U'o are going to co-operate In cvry way
with the state commission , " e-ild Mr. Parker ,
"and are in full accord with Omaha on th's
exposition project. Wo have not fully de
termined whether wo will erect a separate
building or not. Wo are prepared to do so
If It appears to Ihc exposition matifiso.ront
and to our people that that Is the most
doslrnblo thing to do. Whatever the out
come may l > o In that little detail , the people
of our city are with Omaha he-art and soul
lu making this exposition a success In
every respect and showing to the world the
tremendous resources of the grent west. "
C. C. Davidson of Eldorado Springs said the
| iuuuu 01 iiis actnon are very eninuaiusuc
about the exposition. "We want an 'El
dorado day. ' " said he. "We think wo have
the finest mineral springs in the world In
our town , nnd If the exposition will give us
a day wo will ship carloads of this water to
the exposition and give everybody their fill
of our specialty. Our town Is ready to
make an appropriation to carry this scheme
Into effect and the mayor authorized mo to
make the arrangements If the exposition
management sees fit to set aside a day for
the purpose. If this Is done our people will
como here In force and water will be given
to everybody. "
After the festivities lu the dining room
had been concluded the members of the Mis
souri commission assembled In the ofllcc of
the Ncbiaska Exposition commission and
held a business meeting which was a decid
edly animated proceeding. The Mlssourlans
were full of enthusiasm nnd they dispatched
the business before them with a celerity
that accomplished results lu a very short
The general subject of ways and means
formed the matter for discussion In the be-
glnlng , but it was soon decided that nn
effort should at once be made to raise
at least $50,000 with which to cover the
expenses of state participation. It was the
consensus of opinion that tills amount could
bo raised without any great dlfllculty by pri
vate contributions among the people of the
This part of the business disposed of , It
was next decided that a state building
should be erected on the exposition grounds
and It was decided that $10,000 should be
expended for this purpose , or as much more
as maj" BO necessary to erect a creiuiuuie
structure. In addition to this building It
was determined that. If It Is deemed ad
visable to do so , a separate building shall
be erected In which each county will bo
given space for a county collective exhibit ,
the building to bo constructed of Missouri
plno and to bo of size necessary to fulfill
Its purpose.
The question of having separate buildings
erected by the principal cities In the state
was taken up aud discussed nnd It was the
sentiment of the meeting that this should
not bo done , but that all of the cities should
co-opcrato with the state commission lu a
state building aud exhibit.
Resolutions were adopted extending the
thanks of the visitors to the exposition man
agement for the generous treatment extended
nnd to the railroads for courtesies extended
lu transportation and entertainment.
A special committee of seven commission
ers was appointed to confer with the exposi
tion management regarding arrangements
for space and other jletHlls connected with
state participation , 'ims niceiing was HLMU
at once and an understanding arrived at in
short order. Terms that were perfectly satis
factory to both sides were agreed on and
the visitors promised to co-operate In every
way with the exposition management In mak
ing the affair a complete success.
The St. Louis members of the party left
for 'their homes at 7:30 : p. in. and the other
members of the party took the 10 o'clock
Before going to the train State Labor Com
missioner M. V. Carroll , secretary of the
Missouri commlFBlon , reiterated his expres
sions of pleasure at the treatment that had
bcon accorded 'tho ' delegation. "It Is the
unanimous decision of our entire party , "
said Mr. Carroll , "that we were never
treated so well nnd wo are moro than ploaired
at the situation as regards the exposition. H
exceeds our expectations In every way and
wo are greatly pleased at < the result of this
visit. There Is no question whatever about
the ability of our commission to raise the
$50,000 wo have sot out to raise. Wo will
ratso that amount -beyond any doubt and I
have no hesitancy In saying ithat wo will
have moro than that amount to ens bio our
resource ? to be exhibited to the millions of
people Who will visit your exposition. "
llldM ( ill i\i : > < > Hl < Ir > u VIlnJiK'l.
Bldn for the constrtirtlon of the north
viaduct across Sherman avenue were opened
yesterday nt the ofllce of the Department
of Buildings nnd Grounds. The bids were
as follows : Goldle & Sons , $ J,4nO ; n. C.
Strohlow , fl.COO ; CJeraldlno & Co. , $4,070 ; 1' .
H. Mahoney , $ IFOO ; Asa Phllpot , $5,073 ; P.
J , Crec'don , $3,871.05 ; H. B , Mayo & Co. ,
Jriillm of n Day.
LANCASTER. Pa. , Jan. 15. Prof. John H.
Haldeman , who from 18C9 to I8S9 , was prin
cipal of the department of observation of the
State Normal school at Westflctd , Mass. , Is
dead at 'Marietta ' , Pa. , aged 5 years ,
CINCINNATI , Jan. 1C. Mr. John A. Gano ,
n well known citizen , formerly one of the
proprietors of the Cincinnati Commercial ,
died today.
TECUMSEH , Neb. . Jan. 15. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) A prominent citizen , W. J. Heatoii ,
died or stomach trouble here today after a
short Illness , aged CO yearn. Ha leaves a
wlfo and four children. The funeral will beheld
held at the Methodist church Monday after
VIxltiiiK 'IVaim M " ltnn > n.
DENVER , Jan. 15.-The delegation ap
pointed by the National Stock Growers' as
sociation will leave for San Antonio , Tex , ,
today In the private ear of Receiver Tnim-
liull of the Quit road , -attend the annual
meeting of the Texas Live Block associ
ation , which meets there- January 18-21.
Tlioso who compose the delegation nro !
Mayor McMtirruy , J. D. Fleming , James
Thompson , O. W. B.illenllnc , J. D. Shuford ,
A. 1-3 , Delllequleii. S B. Leonard and F. 1' .
Johnson , The. party will bo In charge of
J. I ) . Stuford , general live mock agent of
the Gulf road. When thu meeting at San
Antonio clones they expect to bring IricK
ultli them COO Texanx to attend the. Na
tional Stock QroweiV convention In thin
Kin * nt l-'iirl Shim- )
SIDNiBV , Neb. . Jen IS. ( Special Tele-
Kram. ) At old Fort Sidney ti\o hi mUome
residence ) buildings , numbered 13 and 13 , i
wr- > totally dejtriyo ] and from Indlratioru j
t've nro was of Innllary origin. Lraa , about , '
} 3O J ami no I-iuicu-e. I
" - , . . . . + ,
The Good Work Being Done for the Sick Menus of
Relief Now Provided for All The Sin of Over-
chnrgitif ! the Sick Rebuked by Dr. Slicpard's
It goes without saying that physlclnna ns
a class arc concclcntlou ! ' , honest nnd hu
mane. It li unfortunate , however , the
present nibltrnry system of feed Rives every
doetor nn opportunity to deceive nnd over
charge lilt * p.itlcntH If ho wants to nnd op
portunity mlmnl.'itoH temptntlon.
Under the equitable system of Dr. Shep-
nrd no patient Is permitted to pay nhovc < i
nominal fee rale per mgnth. That fee In
cludes the cnrefuf dlinjituvtls nnd careful
treatment of nil rhronlo diseases rheuma
tism , skin disease , kldnc } dlsenna , lung
trouble , untnrrlml nffectlunn of nil kinds ,
etc. It also InrludiM all medicines. Knr
the snmo period of treatment other spa-
( 'InlhtR too often exact from $20 to $100 ,
nccordlng to the opportunity presented.
Of courna Dr. Shepnrd has this advan
tage ho treats a grent many people more ,
perhaps , than any other nnsoclatlon of med
ical experts In tlio oo mi try , m > that tliH
nominal fee amounts to more In the end
than enormous pnyments by small numbers.
A gas manufacturer with only ten custo
mers would have to charge $1,000 a month
for the Imperfect Illumination of n house
or store In order to live , while the gas
company that lights a whole city can
afford bettor lights at } . " > n month.
Thus the expert treatment provided by
Dr. Shepard at a little fee n month turns
out to be Incomparably superior to services
usually rendered nt ten times that tee.
Dr. Slirpnrd'.M IIIMV lm k IN In
ilciniiiiil. Over t rent > ( liuiiniiiid o < | > -
lt < lmv < licrii 1i u ml ril lo iiiiiilloiinlH
nt tlio olIUor iiinllcil ( it illslnul lu
ll u Ire rx ilnrliiH' flic piiNt ill in1.1day * .
It N a iK-i-dcil iiililKliin tii popular
nicdli-nl llliM-atnrf , lit'laiv lit for all
tlu > family lo rciul. All ivlin have
iillniontM not ri-iidllr enroll by ( lie
finally iiliynlflnii Mlioulil t-all or tirltc
fur a copy. II IH frc < > .
Catarrh of Stomach
and Deafness
I ) . II. IIIllCN , CollllllllllX.rl > . , II 1.IMMI-
iiiotlir IIIKIM- | , lias HI-I-II UimaliiK1
an 10 ' . In for
ill' ( Aliout Twenty Veil I'M
on the Union 1'iK-llle.
D. 13. H1NKS.
Ills statement Is that for over n year he
had been half sick with catnrrh of the di
gestive system. His hearing was bad anil
distressing buzzing In the ears was con
stantly present. The dls"ase seemed to
extend from the bead to stomach , liver nnd
bowels , causing pains In the sides and all
the evil and Inconvenience of chronic con
stipation. He says : "I became physically
weak .worn out , and though I tried many
remedies , none seemed to help me a particle.
I found that a weak , worn-out stomach
stood In the way of my recovery and lln-
ally placed my ease with Dr. Shepard. 1
can now testify In the strongest of terms
to the success of the methods employed In
my rase I can cat all I want to without
the slightest Inconvenience afterward. The
hearing Is practically restored with not a
bit left of those horrible bead noises. My
recovery has been thorough and In every
way satisfactory. "
Catarrh , Headaches ,
with Dizziness
MlHM ICIIlr.Sc bold ,
> Ilnrviirilfl > .i
"I had catarrh for 13 years and It grew
worse year by year. My head ached almost i
( Continued from First Page. )
eludes fifteen ih.rses , the beat of their kind ,
and ho Intends to IID it five d-iys a week. The
duchess will not bo seen In the andie ! much ,
if at all , cs she does not share the duke's
passlcmto devotion to the sport. The liaby
Is also to be taken to Sysciby during Kielr
stay there , and they will probably go to
RIverIa with It for n few weeks In March.
It Is reported to bo thriving final ) ' .
Lady Ernestine lUruce , daughter of the
marquis of Allesbnry , Is the > lieroi ! 13 of the
latest romance hi the EnglVih peerage. Some
tlmo slnco she etartlcd t > hc officials of the
Bc-ard of Trade by presentlrvj herself for ex
amination for a master's certificate. She Is
an accomplished yachtswomai i , expert both
In theory a d praotlce. The navigation board
of trade ruled , ihowevor , that n > woman
eligible for a master's certlflcnto. She Ins
now provided a further sensatlcn by qulc'ly
marrying at Liverpool a young irlBhmin
named Harry Brady Hunt , whoao acquaint
ance she made while studying for bur nauti
cal examination. Ho conies of a good Lim
erick family , was apprenticed to n sea
going life , completed his tlmo as 'first ' and
second mate and outlined a mostcr'n certifi
cate a few weeks since. He has now been
appointed captain of a largo sailing ship and
Lady IJmcstino la accompanying him on his
vojugo. Her parents sought to prevent Iho
marriage , but Lady Ernestine Imlated on
having her own way a id was accompanied
to I do altar only by the woman with wliom
tiho lodged at Liverpool. She 1s a flrtit
e.ousiii of the notorious marquis of AlliMbury.
who murrlcd Dclly Tester and whoao chief
ambition In llfo was to bo mlHtakon for a
fiinart , handsome cabby , whcsu style ami at-
tlro ho faithfully copied. Lady Ernestine Is
27 , a flita looking woman and a njthcr nctcd
personality In tlio most fashionable yatttllng
circles nt Cowos for some years.
India Soon to .Vi-coiiipIlNh ( lie I'olley
l.ltltK III C'OllttMllpllltloll.
CALCUTTA , Jan. 1C. , Sir James Westlond ,
the finance minister of the council , at yes.
terday'B meeting of that body , made a
speech In which ho said bo was unable to
filvo a final reply to the question of the
Introduction of a gold titandard. Ono thing
was clear , ho continued , a great advance
had been made In the direction contem
plated by ( ho authors of tbo policy of 1893 ,
namely , to make the gold standard possible.
Many obscure points had been determined by
actual experience. The disasters of 1S97 had
boon followed by a bountiful hat vest and
the renewal of the truilu discussions of last
autumn had prepared the public and official
opinion in 'England ' to tbo possible necessity
of the gold ntandard , which might Involve
the actual diversion for Indian purposuH of
a certain amount of gold from the general
available stock. The speaker uald nlho that
ho was fully alive to the grave
bearings of the subject , adding If the leg
islation ot 180.1 had not been Introduced ,
exchange might have dropped to 9 ponce anJ
the present situation might have been fur
Our IlciiHoii for the Stringency In Mil-
luillii Money Market ,
BOMBAY. Jan. 15. The commercial situ
ation has a moro favorable aupcct with the
prospect that the stringency lu money will
gradually relax ami accommodations be
come available. The stringency Is largely
due to thu locking up of the capital In all-
V T under the Idea that the mints would
ho reopened. It Is also due lu part to
thu oxodui of merchants because of the
famine , Although tbo bank late li 12 ptr
constantly ami I was extremely dizzy mnt
nervous. Our home physicians didn't help
mo nny nor patent nicillclncs either
So I went to Dr. Shepard nnd began nt
once the home treatment by mail. 1 have
gained excellent health , being now freu
from all the symptoms for which I sought
relief. I commend thn Home Treatment
to every ono needing effective medlcnl help )
right at the patient's homo. "
The Home Treatment
Proved a Blessing
Miss Kvn Barber. York , Neb , , attending
college In her town , writes Dr. Shepnnt
nbout her good health , which has resulted
from n course of home treatment. Her ease
Hhowfl that when cntnrrhnl disease becomes
chronic It spreads through the system ,
making the victim an truly .sick as If a
fever or other serious malady were nt work ,
She writes ;
"I will tell you how I felt when I began
with you : As nearly as I can recall , I
had III health from chronic catarrh for
four years the last two yeais In a bail
form. 1 was sle.k nearly all the time , suffer-
Inpr so much from headaches and weak
ness that 1 wns obliged to leave wchool en
tirely , t wn.s In a continual state of half-
lr l ( linua
"Since taking- the cure , I havf changed
so that I am not my old self nt all. My
strength lia.s been all I could wish , whlto
the freedom from those Intense headaches
Is of Itself a blessing bpynnd price to me.
I go la school now , carrying my full num
ber of studies. I send you herewith thu
name of a lady friend In a nearby town
who wHhes to treat with you. 1'Ienie send
her a consultation blank. "
Bronchial Catarrh
Might Have Passed
Into Consumption
"As far baek as 1 can remember 1 was
never ) able to take a full breath of air Into
in ) ' lungs , and was never free from a sense
of heaviness nnd obstruction In my chest.
Nothing' ' ever helped me until I breathed In ,
the healing vapors administered at tha
Shepnrd Medical Institute. These at oncn
healed and soothed the bronchial tubes anil
proved to be what I should have had years
ago. I frequently coughed and spat up
matter streaked with blood. My lather'rt
family was consumptive. My lungs weru
always rore and my breath so short that I
couldn't sweep a floor , nor use my arms *
to knead broad. I wns miserably thin and
pooily nourished.
"As soon as I bathed my lungs In the
Medicated Vapors and took the constItu- remedies that the doetor prc' , I
gained right along , oven from my first
treatment. It Is a good while since I fin
ished the course nnd I am safe In saying
that my health and strength are nil I can
desire. Iwas never s > o well and strong1
before In my life. "
C. S. SUKI'AKD , 31. I ) . , | | Consulting
nnil AHNOflatrx. | | physicians ,
ROOMS 311. 312 & 313 NBW YORK LIPB
Office hours 9 to 12 a. ni. ; 2 to 5 p. m.
Evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays only ,
C to 8. Sundays. 10 to 12.
cent , loans are only obtainable at from
15 to 18 per cent. There Is 11 balance la
U'o treasury of about 10 crores of rupees ,
while the currency notes In circulation rep
resent 23 % crores , against which exists a
rcjorvo of 15 crores.
Crrmim War Shl | > H All IllKlit.
PERIM , Jon. 15. The ticrnmn war ships
Dcutschland and Geflori , under command of
1'rliico Henry of Prussia , have passed hereon
on their way to China and signaled all
well on board.
WITH Tllia SnUUICT riORIKTIi : ! ) .
Installation of Ollleiti-H I lie Order of
tinIJny. . Jfc- " "
NORTH LOUI > . Neb. . Jan. in. ( Special. )
The following were Installed as ofllcers ot
tiie A. 0. U. W. for the ensuing year : M. f
W. . K. IJ. Hobblns ; P. , S. S. Smith ; 0. , W. A.
Prentice ; It. , W. II. Rood ; K. , A. T. Jones ;
recorder. J. 13. Goodrich ; guard. Charles
Klulgler ; O. W. , J. I ) . Green ; triiitco , G , S.
Mayo. The Installation was public and fol
lowed by a binquct and oyster supper , at
tended by ICO people.
Lombard post , No. C7 , G. A. R. , nnd I om-
bard W. R. C. , No. 170 , at a joint session In-
utalled the following oltlcCM : Post Com
mander. P. IJ. Roblilns ; S , V. . F. O. Ilurdlekj
J. V. , fl.V. . Ilurgess ; chaplain , H. Thoni-
guto ; surgerni. II. T. East ; 0. I ) . , W. II. Ilmd ;
O. G. . M. W. Green ; O. M. . J. C. Kildow ;
adjutant , G. I ) . Road. W. R. C.
President , Motta Ilubcock ; S. V. ,
Mrs. V. K. Redlow ; J. V. , Mrs. S. J. Swan ;
chaplain , Mr.s. Mnrranne Rood ; secretary ,
K\i Howpn : guard. Calllo Prentice.
OSCKOLA , Neb. , Jon. 15. ( Speol-il. )
The UaiiKhtcm of Robeliah had their in
stallation of officers and banquet la.-'t night.
Mrs. Cora 0. Ounlieo was the I ) . I ) . G. M. ,
end she waa nw lstcd by Mr. _ < < . M.ittle Hotcli-
lils.s as grand Thi' > following named
\\omen will hold down the seats for the next
term : N. G. , Mary McCoy ; V. 0 , Emma
Wiwtberg ; Roe. Sec. , Mattlo Hotchlctao ; Kin.
See. , .Mary E. Saunders ; Trcaa. , l.'lrdlu Wai-
KALLS CITY. Neb. , Jan. 1C , ( Special ) -
At a meeting of Kal'M Olty Protective lodse ,
No. 28 , held Thursday evonlrg , tlu following
officers woio Installed : J. E. Loyda , M. W. ;
Amos Stuttler , P. M. W. ; H. E. lloyil. fore
man ; Urn Foster , ovsnieer ; Fred lioiullui ,
recorder : V. ( lodflmon. financier ; 0. P. Jon-
M I n/-t. [ ; guide ; Genrgu Kn Htcad , Inulilo wntch ;
Hurry Cuutcr , outsldo tvitcli.
At the la/it meeting of the G. A. R. and
W. R. C. , the following officers wore In
stalled : J. K. Crandall , P. C. ; Henry Hoycr ,
S. V. C. ; Jameu McUnwall , J. V. C. ; J. I ) .
.Mufiirn , AdJt.John ; Ilarklrn , Q , M. ; Jc.neph
Foehllnger , Surg.V. ; . A. Whlltakcr. Chap. ;
John Hatchings , O. . ; J. II. Mct-sler , O , O.j
E. P. Olives. S. M. ; J. A. Hill , Q. M. K. Post
Post ComiiMiidcr J. U. Vutzy Installed the
above otllceiri ,
Mr * . M. I ) , Slmarton , past president. W. R.
f' . . No. 129 , Ir.Htalled the following ofllcew :
Mrs. Adeline ! Kuinre , president ; Mrs. Eminu
Wahl , S. V. P. ; MrUurcUrd , J. V. P. ; MM.
Wlndle , Trcsfl. ; MID. Cameron , Chap. ; Mrs.
Jennie Jones. Cond.
Monday ovunlng the following officers wuro
Installed In Eureka chapter. No. C , Royal Arch
Mabons : Reuben Homckn , H. P. ; David W.
Sowlea. king ; Gcorgo S. Hlnton , sentinel ;
A. K. Grant , secretary ; E. E. Mettz , trfcm-
urcr. The regular incctkiKo of the chapter
are held on thu first Monday on or after full
IliiiUiii-tli A it milt fil lo Hull ,
KANBAH CITY. Jan. 16-J , Lamiirllnn
H lids t ic tli , recently Indicted for the kllllni !
of the telegraph operator , J. W. ICennnr , nl
Lake City last Hummer , wax today ad
mitted to ball In the Hum of tlS.OCO , HmlH.
pel ! ) Is on Influential farmer. Ho nvcuucd
thu dead man of writing an Indecent lottcj
to a relative , and lu u qunrrol shot un4
killed Kesntr , who w m unarmed.