Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1898, Part I, Image 1

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    fartvbiffi * * ? PART t THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES 1 TO 8.
Dnsiy Cavagca Finally Bucoumb to the
British Arms ,
Do it BecanBo They Are Likely to Loio
Next Yoar'a Crop 3.
Number of Her Soldion Killed Far Excaetls
that of Natives.
d'ci-MlNli-nt niTort MnUlntf'lii niirnpc tn
Cut Oir the Triuli' of Unele
bum In the Far
( CcpyrlRht , 1W , by Press PubllihtnR Company )
LONDON , Jan. 15. ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The war on
the Indian frontier agalnut the Afrldls Is nt
nn end , At least so said half an hour ago ,
Field Marshal Lord Roberta. It has been
a costly eplRodc , in which n few Afrldl and
many English lives have been sacrificed.
The tribes which now glvo up the fight do
BO because the British troops have con
clusively shown their capacity to at least
destroy the next j ear's crops.
Germany , meanwhile , has triumphed at
email cost over the whole of China by
seizing an excellent harbor , which It will
fortify at onco. The German emperor deco
not appear to have consulted the constitu
tion or oven to have hold a council of min
isters on a step which usually means a war
with a foreign power , or at least the send
ing of troops bejoml the frontier. This has
its advantage for the moment , but would
bo a risky experiment In any other civilized
country. This much , however , It la bate to
predict that while Klao Chau may become
useful as a naval fort , It will not attract
German colonists , for the trader of Ham
burg , vvhllo very loyal In the abstract , pre
fers to do business under the English or
American ( lag.
Public sentiment In Englanl Iwa main
tained dignified utterance regarding Ger
many's Invasion of China and Mr. Balfour'd
recent speech is applauded by men of all
jxirtlca as a national program. He sajs In
brief : "Wo welcome Genrans all over the
world so long as thoji help open up new-
markets , but net If they mean to establish
monopolies. "
There Is some surprise here that America
ehould sit with folded hands while Chinese
ports are threatened vlth a form of occupa-1
tion that must prove injurious to American
manufacturers , If not farmers. England Is
/now / the only great power which colonizes
( or the benefit of all the world , and It Is
besides the only country where Americans I
enjoy personal liberty. In the dark days i
that are coming we shall need help , and now
is the tlmo to prepare We have not got a
single friend on the continent of Europe ex
cepting Hungary , and I see t. persistent ef
fort In monarchical Europe toward n diatoms
league , whoso object Is the exclusion of
American products.
The jcar that clo'cs has beaten the olfichl
record In Germany for the laigest number
o * lese majcsto actions and also for lallwaj
accidents At the same tlmo it Is noteworthy
that the Prussian government boasts of n
largo Increate In railway earnings If Ger
man editors could speak freely they would
tell us thit this large surplus represents
money that should have uocn spent In Im
proving the railway bcrvleo and thus pro-
\cntlng railway accidents
There U a German coldler named Throencr
belonging to the Ninth company of the
Kaiser Alexander regiment , who has been
over a jcar In arrest and will luvc u couple
of jears more to servo In Spandau fortress
The authorltks admit that Throcner U nn
exemplary workman and the main support of
his mother In Alsace over since being re
cruited. However , ho has been In jail bo-
cauBo ho belongs to a Protestant sect sonie-
ivvhat akin to the Quakers and his conscience
forbids him taking up arms. Bullying , ca
joling nnd hard prison fare have all been
tried In vain upon th\s \ modern Luther. It
' Bcema odd that such a case Is possible at
such a place In such a year.
Thh jiar , by the way , Is that of revolu
tionary echoes. This week the Italian king
gave his cfllclal countenance to the fiftieth
anniversary of the Sicilian rebellion , which
paved tlio way for united Italy. King Hum
bert sent his eldest , son to represent him In
Palermo and also a dispatch referring to the
events of ISIS as "A glorious struggle for
liberty. " That struggle went on In France ,
Austria and Germniiy , every where paving
the way for better government. Germany
alone lias not frankly recognized the worth
of the bravo men who died for love of coun
try In that eventful jcar. In Berlin Is a j [
glorious monument to the soldiers who fired
into the mob , but the government takes no
stops to do equal honor to the citizens who
facol these troops.
There has been n violent altercation In the
municipal council of Berlin regarding a
monument pioposcd In honor of those who
fell fighting In the streets of the German
capital In 1S4S , It was proposed to place an
Inscription merely recording that the monument
ment was raised by the city of Berlin. But
this appeared revolutionary In the eyes of the
government , for it scorned to be a condona
tion of rebellion. The olllclal press strive *
In every -way to degrade the Importance of
this historic episode , and perhaps It may
succeed ,
Wu hear little of German-African colonies
nowadaji ) , mainly because they offer no In-
ducimenU ] to whlto settlors. It was , there
fore , with tome surprise that I saw a cabinet
order to tlio effect that In German East
Africa alone there had been In the last year
nine separate wars entitling the participants
ito special distinction. The governor of this
country Is a famous military writer and
etrateglst , who knows Russia better than any
other German ofilccr. Ho Is destined for a
tetter post ultimately , nnd Is meanwhile enJoying -
Joying soldier practice euch as It Is.
Some time ago the Gernv.n minister of
foreign affairs , Baron von Murtchal , discov
ered that the Berlin political police -vaa
engaged in blackmailing operatlora wb o
object waa to drive him out of olllce. lUrou
iMartictifil in a broad , statesmanlike man , n.l
guca Is bated by tbo Prumlun landlord or
Quaker clsta , who tolerate no ouo but men
.fit foudtl t&itof. JJaiOQ lUmhal took refuge
In publicity , anl the famous trial copied
In which It was nbown thit the I'rtifrtlan
secret police cmplojodi forgers nnil perjurers
In the cause of woat they pleased to con-
elder the Interests of geol government , ai.l a
certiln official named Von Tnusch was con-
vlctoil by the court of malfeaMnco In office ,
nnd of being , therefore , unfit to hold any po
sition of trust. Wo now find that a higher
court declares Von T < uvch as capable of
holding onice of the same rank and salary
as ho fortrorly enjojed. The German press
Is wholly at a 'oss to understand thU , for It
Von Tmifch la unfit to gaum In 0:1 e part of
Germany , how can the administration be willIng -
Ing to olaco him elsewhere ? AnJ , more
curiously still , Von Tailsch Is ( icrmltted to
hol'l a corresponding position to the one he
enjnjcd , whereas his victim , Baron Marschal ,
was turned out of oflUe and sent to a vastly
Infcilor post.
Robert Tabor of Chicago has cstabllshcl
an enduring dramatic reputation In the par :
of Alexis In Sir Henry Irvlng'o "Peter the
Great. " The critics are dMded regarding
the merits of the play as a literary compo
sition , but It Is a magnificent epitome of
Russian history and diameter , wonderfully
true histrionically , gorgeously mounted and
excellently played. To mo It was absorb
ingly Interesting. It Is Htciry Irvlng's beat
creation , next to "Don Quixote. "
Crnvvillnv TinIr ISimllxh C < IIIMIIH llnril
OIL ( he htiiKt' .
lCV > t > > right. IMS by Prcm I'ubllflilnK rvimpans )
LONDON , Jan. 15. ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telgram. ) George Alex-
ander's promised production , Paul Potter's
"Conquerors , " has < provnkcd a fierce attack
from Robert Buchanan , who has himself
frequently como Into conflict with the Eng-
llsh censor , owing to the daring Incursions
Into forbidden ground. Buchanan complains :
"Not long ago a play of mine , 'The New ,
Don Quixote , ' was refused a license on the
score that It was Immoral , I protested and
after a second appeal after some Important
changes my piece was licensed and copy
righted. My piece , for which I claim perfect -
foct , even austere morality , will shortly bo
printed , and I shall publicly ask the lord
chamberlain under what Inlluence ho con-
dcmned my Innocent work , but afterward
stamped his approval on a piece containing
the most bestial and revolting Incidents ever
presented on our or any stage. "
American actors and actresses are filling
a largo space one way or another now on
tli6 London stage. The three principal parts
at the Ljccum are allotted to three American
plaj crs Mr. Taber , Ethel Barrj more and
'Miss ' Irvlng's unique popularity
and Influence In the profession have pre
vented any open criticism of his apparent
prcferenece for American artists , but theio
Is much grumbling In theatilcal circles that
ho should set such a dangerous example. ,
Tabor has scored a decided success In the | I
most difficult and exacting part of Alexis In
"Peter the Great , " while the pathos , dignity
and artistic finish of Miss Rockman's Eudoxla
have made an Instant mark. Fay Davis and
j j 011115 ; Henry Irving are approprlallng honors
In "The Tree of Knowledge" at St. James ,
while Mr. Calvert takes the second leading
! i
part In Tree's revival of "Julius Caesar" next
J > Saturday , and Mrs. Brown Potter Is to rc-
appear at the Duke of York'd next week In
"Charlotte Corday. " This Invasion bj Amer-
lean plajcrs , a majority of whom evidently
have come to stay , Is naturally not relished
bj their English colleagues , who are already
complaining of the congested btate of the
profession and the Increasing difficulty of
securing engagements.
101 N ciiimciiiM.vis rim : .
linen Himself Great Orillf lu ( lie Iti-
tlliui Campaign. I
( CopjrlKht. 1S98. b > I'rcss Publishing Companj ) j
LONDON , Jan. 15 ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Lady Ran-1
dolph Churchill's extremely clever acting and
tinging before the rojal party during the
Chat worth visit Is still the prominent topic
of gossip In society , her \olce Is especially
praised and she Is overwhelmed with Invita
tions to repeat the performance by which the
royalty waa so greatly fetched. She Is , however -
over , prouder just now of the mention In
dispatches from the Jndlan frontier of the
coarago nnd resolution of her eon , L'eutenant '
Winston Churchill. lie was following opera ,
tlons In a civil capacity as correspondent of
the London Dally Telegram and Indian Pioneer
neer but at a critical moment tendered his
services to the general commanding and ac
quitted himself with distinction In action.
Still his criticisms of the conduct of opera
tions published In the Pioneer of Allahabad
afforded the first authoritative and Independ
ent revalatlon of 'tho egregious blunders In
the conduct of the campaign. These dis
closures brought him Into conflict with the
military authorities at the front and ho was
dlreoted to rejoin his regiment , the Four
teenth hussars , which ho has now done. His
intrepidity In acorlng hlij military superiors
they call by a different name , ibut his state
ments have been amply corroborated. Young
Churchill Is clearly endowed with all his
father's pugnacious resolution.
illov. CluirloKiIiiti > lilnc > UoilKTNnii
CllllllTfll tit MIX I'll III ( TH.
( C'upjrlgnt , J&98 , by Press rubllslilnir Company )
LONDON , Jan. 15. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The death Is
announced , aged 05 jears , of Rev. Ctarlca
Lutwldgo Hodgson , bettor known as Lewis
Carroll , author of "Alice In Wonderland , "
ouo of the most succcEsful children's Glories
In the Englbh languige. Ho Is a very dis
tinguished graduate of Cambridge and a
writer of European eminence on the most
abstruse subjects pertaining to higher nuthe.
niatlos. Queen Victoria was so charmed
with "Allco" that bbo personally wrote the
author to send her his next book Immediately
on publication. At first she thought It was a
practical joke of questionable taste when she
received a copy of the book entitled , "An
Elementary Treat' > on Determinants , " and
only then she learned of Lewis Carroll's fame
es a mathematician. Ills humorous books
have- proven Inexhaustible , as well to car
toonists aa political and social pjradlsta , and
It vvaa caly yesterday when he was breath-
Inn his last , the trial scene from "Hunting
of Snark" was moat felicitously quoted In the
pres at , affording the only known parallel
to the rash absurdity of the Dre > f us-EXcr-
haz > Inquiry. Lowla Carroll lived In letlre.
nient , would never see an Interviewer nor
communicate any particulars of his life or
work for publication. His children's books
have had an Immense and continuous sale at
a very high price and had become clawlc
long before the death of their author , DoiiKliiN ArrUt'N.
NEW YOHK , Jnn. 15. hotd Douglas of
Hawlck , eldcist non of the rmuquls o (
Quccnsberry , was a passenger on the Amer
ican liner St. 1'nul , which arrived today
from Southampton , He Is on lila way f >
Bault Hte Mnrle , Canada , where ho will
stay for six months ixt least with Lady
Douglas and his two children. Lord Doug
las lias considerable property Interest there.
Zola is Elated at tlio Prosecution that
Hangs Over Him.
Triumphint in the Hopj thit Ho Will
Secure Draj fin' ' Libentioa.
Says He Forced tka Haucla of tin Govern
ment to Take Action ,
I'roofn of the Primmer' * Imioeeiii'e
Will lie I'rn.lm--il U'hleh Arc
Cnmplele mill Otv \ \ helming
VImlnmo Uri-j fu.s TnlkH.
( Cop > rlslit , 1SOS , by J'rcci 1'ublHilnpr Comrmny )
LONDON , Jan 1C. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) I called today
on Emlle Zola at his I'arts residence to ns-
ccrtaln bis vlcwa on the subject of the prose
cution now Instituted against him by the
} j | French government for his charges against
I high military ofllclals In connection with the
j I Drejfus scandal. Zola was overwhelmed
i with work , having had numerous cnllica , and
j | could only glvo a couple of minutes. He
! seemed elated at the present prosecution , and
said :
"I anticipate It , not only with confidence ,
but with joy. I did not deliver my chal
lenge lightly. I resolved to force the hands
of the government to expose thla atrocious
Injustice and have succeeded. Should I not ,
therefore , feel triumphant ? I now am cer
tain of the liberation of Dreyfus. It can
not bo much longer delajcd. There will at
j | last bo a trial In the full light of day. Our
I proofs will bo produced. They are com-
] plcto and overwhelming. I cannot discuss
them with you , but I ask my friends every-
wlicte to raly tlat I am working for noth
ing but vindication cind justice. I do not
[ ' attack our army. No man has greater ten-
' derncss or greater respect for It. I accuse
! i the military chiefs of conniving In this
i gieat Injustice and ehall prove my words. 1
can say no more at present. "
"Follow Ing is M. Zola's reply to a letter
addressed to him by a committee of the
Parisian Students' association In which they
expressed their regret at the attitude taken
up by him In the Drejfus-Esterhazy affair :
"I beg you to tell the committee of the
general association of students that I am
surprised at the terms of the letter they
have sent me. Had I attacked the army a
display of feeling would bo comprehensible ,
but I have not attacked the army. It tenet
not attacking the army to wish to throw-
light on the deeds of certain chiefs who are
compromising It. The confusion that Inter
ested persons are trjlng to create between
thesu chiefs nnd the French nation and the
army Is part of an abominable scheme to
stifle all truth and justice. My heart Is rent
with anguish when I see the young beguiled
by feuch a scheme. What remorse will be
( Vint nftprwnnl. EMILE ZOLA. "
I saw Mine. Droytufi today , who , In reply
to an enquiry , said : "It lb a calumnious
falsehood to state that my poor husbind
confessed his guilt. He alwajs protested
and continues to protest his absolute Inno-
ccncc. A fair , open enquiry is all we need
to establish it. "
Mine. Drcjfus bore traces In her beautiful
face of the ordeal she recently went through
She was palo and agitated and spoke as one
in a state of high nervous tension.
FUVNtri ; is-iuMis ui KOH ITS AIMIY.
Hakes Muny SaerllU'i-H for the MIII-
tnrj CMtlllillHliilirnl.
( Cop > rlKht , 1S58 , by the Anwutccl Press )
LONDON , Jan. 15. The new phase Into
which the Dreyfus case haa entered Is a dis
tinct advance. The era or secret courtmar-
tlal is over , and a civil and public court will
have to Investigate Emll Zola's charges .f
persistent distortion of Justice. The be
havior of military authority "in burking"
the inquiry costs the gravest reflections on
the oft asserted honor of the French army ,
which has shown an obstinate determination
to stick together , right or wrong.
Outside of Franco all Europe believes
Drojfus la the victim of a villainous con
spiracy , and the prosecution of Zola has
broadened the question , for the whole French
army Is now virtually placed on trial. Tne
gravity of the situation Is enhanced be
cause the whole of France Is In a state of
growing hysterical excitement. Temporarily ,
the republic Is generally supported through
out the country , but history shows that sim
ilar hystcila has frequently led to violence
an 1 chaos.
When Franco ! a able to nnal > zo the situa
tion , and should the suspicion spread that
the honor of the army Is really affected , the
consequences to the republic might bo of
the most serious descilptlon.
The Panama scandals have defiled political
life , and the law courts have been discred
ited ; therefore , If reaped for the army must
also bo surrendered , the desire to change
the government may bo Ireprcssiblo , In
which cam the temptation for the leaders to
divert the attention of the ( f intry to a for
eign war will bo well nigh irresistible
Hence the deep Interest of Franco's neigh
For the moment Intenho excitement will
probably find an outlet In the renewal of
the spectacle presented during the IhollMt
dajs of Doulangerlsm. Hot altcrcatlon3 In
the streets leading to assaults arc frequent ,
the police are guarding the houses of promi
nent Droyfuslans , and It Is Impossible to
forcsoo where the arrests will end. Slundrr
nnd denunciation are so rampant that the
authorities are taking special precautions
to prevent the calumniated from taking the
law Into their own hands. Duels hive al
ready resulted. A monster manifestation
is preparing in Paris for Sunday. Allegodl.v
it Is antl-Drcytuslan Really It Is anil-
semltlc , and unless prohibited It Is feared
serious riots may be the sequel
Temporarily overshadowed , the movements
of the French on the Upper Nile are again
becoming unpleasantly prominent to those
who imagined that Great Prltaln had undis
puted claims upon thoco region * . It U Im
material to discuss the exact whereabouts cf
the French expedition It suffice * that EC-
cording to the bulk of evidence It has ponn-
( rated to Ilahr-Ohnzal , the most fcrll e prov
ince of tbo Kgjptlan Soudan , with the dis
tinct manJate of its government. If this
U true and the declarations cf successive
DrHtah cabinets mean anything , M , llano-
teaux has brought about a casus belli.
Thus far M. Hauotcaux seems to have the
advantage , but the same la dangerous. Fear
of war with Franco 'will not stop Oreat
Urltaln from recovering the Whole Egyptian
Soudan and driving out nnyiFronch expedi
tions which may bo found thrfrewhen In the
opinion of the Marquis of ! Salisbury the
proper time has arrived. J
In the meantime Prince Ilinry of Orleans
is fitting out at Manjtlllcs , | and evidently
with the ri'yroval of ? the goTernmcnt , un
iirrrcd expedition to autiduc the equatorial
provinces which the negus pre ented , claimIng -
Ing they had belonged to Abbysslnln In prt-
hlstorlc times , but In rcalltv these urovlncen
are Identical with those Great Urltalnt \
seeking to restore to Egypt. So , perhaps ,
there Is come truth In t'.ie ntoiy that the
activity of the British Is due to the Eg > p-
tlcn intelligence department kauilng that
the French AbysiiUitan troops have reached
I'lshcda ; that King .Menellk IB preparing re
inforcements with the Intention of follow
ing up this success , and a common
policy , which H morally supported by Htis-
sli , united France aad Abjsslnln.
TCicro nre persistent reports of grave
troubles threatening Persia. The shah's nov-
erelp.i..y haa alwajs been shaky anj It Is
now- affirmed to bo rapidly slipping from hlu
grcu'p. Indeed , the situation at Teheran Is
described as being so precarious that a coup
d'etat may bo precipitated at any monitnt.
Probably the murder of Greaves , the Englluh
tolcgrafh operator , arU , the outbreak at Mek-
ran are ccinectcd with the tendency to re
volt In Persia. It Is believed In well 'In
formed circles that the dtsfatch of Indian
troops to the Persian gulf Is duo to geiiaral
The news that Sir Wllll > J.m Lockhait , the
commander of the British forces on the ! < >
dlan frontier , has postponed hit ) journey
homeward in the expectation of a settlement
wl'h t'ho Afrldls , who are seemingly deslrouo
of submitting , points to the early cci olualon
of the most serious of tlc quartet of "little
warn" In which Qroit Britain Is engaged and
which will probably absorb the nhslc of the
budget surplus.
William Cnlln mi tin * 4tuHKliui Vinlins-
Niiilmfcir Information.
( Copjright , 1 < 9S by the Associate 1 l'reis.1
BERLIN , Jan. ID. Twice during the past
week Eiroeror William called unannounced
at the Russian embassy and had long con
versations with Count von Osten-Snckcn , the
Russian ambassador. It Ifl { learned on good
authority that the conversations were solelj
on the far eastern questions. The emperor
is uncertain as to Japan's future steps in
regard to China and Corea , and Count von
Osten-Sacken , on the strength of recent St
Petersburg Information , was able tn enlighten
his majesty full } on the subject.
The entente with Russia continues undis
turbed. The czar , in a. lengthy personal
letter , explained to Emperor William , shortly
after the seizure of Port Arthur , Russia's
Intentions and plans regarding Manchuria
and North China. The correspondent of the
Associated Press learns -that the whole of
transcaucasla. Including the big province of
Turkestan , will shortly bft placed under the
control of a governor-s'eUeral , probably a
Russian grand duke , wio v-111 have practic
ally unlimited military adMfiistratlve powjpr.
It is believed that by such a measure the
welfare of the population of 25,000,000 souls.
Inhabiting a territory separated from the
tentral government by thousands of miles ,
can better be assured.
The changed relations between China and
Germany are strikingly shcnui In the fact
that the new Chinese ambassador , who has
just arrived , Is accredited to Berlin only , and
not to several courts as heretofo-e ; and hU
corps of secretaries and attaches lias been
Increased from six to thirty.
The existing commercial treaty with China
will be retained , although In an Interview
the ambassador , Guchl Hnan , said : "By the
de ire of both countries some modifications
will bo negotiated. Generally speaking , Ger
many is satisfied with the ( pld treaty , but it
desires certain Improvements In regard to
the admission of German Iron ware , lamps ,
notions , etc. , while China wishes better
terms In regard to the duty on teas. "
The ambassador Is delighted with his re
ception by Baron von Buelow , the minister
for foreign affairs , which nas confirmed the
statement that the relations between China
and Germany are excellent , notwithstanding
the seizure of Klao Chau bay.
The coloniacfllco Is preparing a civil ad
ministration for KIiio Oiau , and the Ger
man consul , Stcbel , at Shanghai is organiz
ing a provincial administration. The first
report Is anxiously awaited.
It Is Intended that the cus.tom and Inter
nal i'ervlco ofllclals at Klao Chau shall be
Germans versed In both Chinese and English ,
so that the commercial interests of the port
may be better promoted.
The bill asking for appropriations for the
expenses of the Chinese expedition cannot be
presented until the next Reichstag meets.
Vi-xt SriiMon Will \VlfnrHH Mini ) .Sdirl-
lliiH' UrluilH.
tCV > p > rlBht , 1503 , by I'rce Publishing Company )
LONDON , Jan. 15. ( New Vcck World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) The next Lon
don scascu Is expected to provo a veritable
Klondike for some scions bf British aristoc
racy. It promises to break the record In
the matter of millionaires ready for the
matrimonial market. Miss Astor , daughter
of William Waldorf Astor , U to make her
debut , while Miss Goelet and Miss Letter of
Chicago are also expected Tor the season.
But England itself Is providing this time
some exceptionally eligible parties. Lady
Mary Hamilton , the only child aad heiress
of the late duke 'Hamilton , Is to be
brought out with her , fortune of J8.000.000.
Lady Cromartlo , who ln addition to a great
fcituno Is a pi'eroKjlu her own right and
can tiansmlt Cur title to a eon or daughter
even though she marry a commoner , and
Lady Margaret Crichloii Stuart , only daugh
ter of the multi-millionaire' marquis of Bute ,
will also make her first appearance In the
social thtong ,
Mrs Bradley-Martin's vvonhlp of lier In
fant titled grandEOii , the lielr to Earl and
Countrsj Craven , forma the subject of an
amusing story. At Balraadan , her Scotch
cistlc , Mrs Bradley-Martin haa addptcd the
useful and not mi common' practice In large
country houses lilted \vlh'guestg ( of affixing
a written label on each hod , room door , show-
laij the name of the occupant. While Lord
and Lidy Craven am } baby were staying
rtlth her , Mrs Bfdley-Martln's other visit rs
, > ere astonished and diverted en seeing oo
he door of t'ue Inby's nursery the usual
nd bic.-lng the high sounding title : I'Vlu-
unt Ufilnpton. " '
The duV.o and duchess'of Marlborough , en
: cavn ! ; ClcsworU f'f'ay ' , wuero they lad
been among the gucsta of t'jo duke anJ
dacheti ) of Dovonrhlre , go to 8 } * oby Lodge.
Melton Mow bray , tar u couple of months cf
reguler hunl'.ng. Dijland haa rrt had auch
\ hunting season for jears an the present
csl It foil not been ( < o Interrupted b >
fr nt. TJO duke of Varborough' ! * t able in-
( Continued on Second Page. )
European Scientists Mncli Interested in
Prof. Schenok's Thosry.
Rotioont Abaut Pronouncing Upon Its
DfFera Radically from tha Theory Now
Generally Accepted.
Mnnj- > onrl > - > nrlNliv < l Women ( ! l > o
Illrlli tn llojH , Which In In On-
jiUMltloii to the ' .Theory
u ( hehrnok.
( t'npjrlnlit , IBIS , by I'rcm I'tilillfliltiR Company )
LONDON , Jan. 15. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) Though Prof.
Schonck's scheme for predetermining the
sex of children excites the keenest Interest
In scientific circles still English scientists
nro very reticent about pronouncing as jot
upon Its practicability. Dr. James Duncan ,
Henrietta street , Covcnt Garden , one of the
most eminent of EnglUh obstetricians , an
exception to the rule , said : "I have been
fifty-one > oirs practicing midwifery , and al
though I have examined many theories have
never found ono to bear scientific scrutiny
Dr. Schenck's explanation points to the pro
vision of suitable nouilshment for women
so that the light number of rod corpuscl&i
may bo provided required by the malu In
embryo. A poorly nourished female , ac
cording to his theory , would bo unable to
produce malu offspring , but thh Is contrary
to experience. Thousands of weakly , anae
mic women produce male children. I could
point to scores of cases where their Infants
have alwas been boys , while , on the other
hand , -women of full habit only had female
children. Dr. Schcnck sajs his treatment
haa been successful In fourteen cases , which
probably is qulto accurate , but he docs not
tell In how many ho has been unsuccessful.
Then how' docs ho account for boy and girl
twins ? I am Intensely Interested In the
subject , but reserve all Judgment till I have
further evidence to guHo mo"
Dr. Kldd George , Hanover Square , another
leading obstetrician , paid : "I am disin
clined to bellevo the discovery. The ex
planation of the theory does not satisfy me ,
and I don't think evidence of all successful
treatment conclusive or satisfactory. "
Dr. Griffith of Queen Charlotte Lylng-In
St. Bartholomew's Tiospltal was much Inter
ested , but said : "I do not think much of Dr.
Schenck's theory eo far as I have read. A
Cambridge scientist put forward a similar
theory long ago and gave more scientific
data than Schenck has yet provided. "
One Thl 11 UN ( hut SchoiiclC Ont > N a
( riiit AViiM. .
( Coj > > rlBnt. 1S9S , b > Press PublishingCompiny )
PAIUI5 , Jan. 1C. ( New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram. ) Dr. J. V. Prender-
gast , No. 1 Hue D'Anjoii , a leading prac
titioner in the British-American colony , t > ald-
"Dr. Schcnck goes very far. He supposes
ho can dictate to nature. It Is recognized bj
the medical profession that there arc more
red corpuscles in the blood of males than In
the female , but where ho differs from the
present medical belief Is in holding that he
can from the beginning so modify the ovum
In Its development , If carried out from start
to finish , that It will be humanly dctermln-
able. Schenck thinks sex Is settled by nature
form the outset , whereas the accepted belief
Is that nature suspends Its decision until the
embryo Is ready to take on a male or female
form. Such Is not my view , though we must
bo iprudont about rejecting any scientific
theory , especially coming from a man like
Prof. Schenck , by simply asking , 'And what
of twins ? ' "
Charles liichter , professor of physiology In
the Institute of ( Medicine , said : "There Is no
physiological law for the germ. Sex may be
In cell ab Inltlo , but we are not sure. It Is
more probable that the 'cell molecules are
moulds which may take one form or another
under the Influence of things other than
blood and food. It Is wonderful how little
wo have penetrated the mystery of the life-
giving touch which brings life Into a recog-
nlablc being. I do not agree -with Schenck
that evcrjthing depends on the woman. If
that were so man would be unnecessary. "
Dr. .Matlil'Js Duval , chief cmbrjologlcal au
thority of France , said : "Therci nre a great
many things , even supposing tbo chain of
reason'og to bo perfect between the nutri
tion of the blood and the formation of cellu
Into activities which may completely paraljzp
the deve'opment Take digestion. How Is
Dr. Schenck to make sure that it will be
alwajs nonral ? All very well. Feed the
peruon In a certain way and jou will pro
duce certain results. We oinnot say more
than that. Certain nourishment produces
beat , and that heat probably produces life.
What form of life In the embryo is likely to
bo produced wo cannot say , nor so far ao
wo bellevo > et can Dr. Schenck. I regard
with doubt the notion that the greater pro-
portlca of red corpuscles In the male has
anything to do with the ultimate aex of the
embrjo. All we can eay Is that males are
stronger than females and have therefore
more red corpucclcs. But > ou cannot reverse -
verso the reaaon arid tny that because the
father has iroro than the mother the child
will therefore be male , or that b > putting
more Into the mother's blood > ou acsuro a
male offepr'ag. ' No , I am not satisfied ,
though , as I eald before , wo must benevo
lently wait to tee. "
Dr. Cornl ! Senior eavs : "Dr. Schenck Is
an entlnisY.tft and being amazed , perhaps , at
liavlng elx fcona , must have been captivated
by the Idea that he could produce sons at
will. But in Incomplete Induct'on Is ro prooj
unless the number of cases from which the
Induction la madg Is enormous. The ratio
"f toy to girl tlrths Is pretty nearly the
name In all countries. But the foad mcthcro
i. t differs widely. It Is reasonable to naj
f tan proluco a weak ch'ld or a itrong child
it will , ' b-it even IT thli you may be vvrcng. "
Dr. Honcesu ) . prjfttoor 'n the embryoloi- ;
al C3 legu of Krarce. > .ld : "Schenck'a re-
uarcars are only novel SB records human
beings. Prof Yllng of Geneva ha pea lively
succeeded In alimenting frogs and fo-Jid by
rcedlcg them 01 substantial diet , such os
iicat , ho could produce males at wl'l. Thcao
rxpcrlraoMs wo lave verified In Parto. The
plgccn almost alwajs la > < j two eggs at a time
ind nearly alvvaja one U male , ( be other
iV > athtr forecast for Nt'rn ' !
r lr , NorthneMfrlyVlnd .
Pits * .
1. inRlnnil'n : Afrlill VVur U Knilnl.
Zola1 * ( Jroit risht for lire. ) fin.
< ] ( n lp About Si'hpiu'k'n Dl rovi-r.r.
MI Mnirl' I'lnn * for th Itp ! Mltlou
n. TouclnTs unil thn I'dunitlo ml Kxlillilt ,
4. Dnlncft of ( ) mliVa Snrloty People ,
MiMlnl Itrvlctv of thnrpk ,
K. Ticket ltroknr < Hue HI Iti'ilng.
0. Council HIii7 < I.cicil Mutter * .
li % MolniM * I.Uoly Mn.vonill ) Content.
7 , More I'riitentn to the Ilonnl.
Itntcn for llonicMrlirr * .
( lenrntl llooth In Nmv York ,
H .More Work of t
ATulr ( * nt Smith
HI In the Doiiiiiln
II , Coinmeri lul uiul
13. IMItorlul anil
13 "ItlKhtq of the
I > oliiK * of thn
14. In the World
10. "At Diinciin'n
The Veir
17. i\eiitn In t
15. Itlejcles u
II ) . "Simon ln
SO , I'olltrni'M
Teniliera ure at Oiiiiiluii
Hour. Ienr. Hour. IIK.
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female. There Is no embrjo 'n the egg. It
Is only by fecundation th-U the egg acquires
life. Among some animals one can tell
earlier than others ; In the case of a fowl's
egg. five dajs after It Is Mid. The deter
mination of aex depends on mcny thlngo of
which wo know nothing. For all wo know
the egg may be alread ) determined as to
sex before tile embrjo enters It "
hliik SelienekN Axvertluli IH AVronp :
unit Shoiilil lie DlNdiintfil.
opjrlK'it , If IS by Press PubllihliiB Coinpnn ) )
VIENNA , Jan. IB ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Prof. Gust.iv
Braun , director of the obstetric department of
a great hospital , sajs that Schenck's asser
tion Is the most Improbable and should bo
distrusted. However H Is Improbable not to
deny the possibility.
Another flrst rate authority , Prof. Chrobak ,
sajs : "Everything pertaining to the sub
ject Is much shrouded In mjstery. No
serious man's observations on the subject can
bo refuted without good grounds. Whenever
Schenck explains his discovery European
scientists will give their whole attention to
it. "
Phjslologlst Slgmund K\ner said : "If
Schenck's discovery holds good It Is of the
very first importance nnd will change the
course of the world. Not much work haa
been done by Vienna scientists along this
line nnd preat respect Is entertained for
Schenclc's work. "
Prof. Von Hueltenbrenner , director of the
Caroline 'Hospital ' for Children , said : "Prof ,
iSchenck will have first of all to prove that
the ovum Is sexless. If he proves this he
may bo believed In c\crj thing else up to
today. Hemay have found there Is wisdom
In the old peasant's belief that In years fol
lowing a good walnut harvest more boys are
uorn man in otner jcars. me women cat
more nuts and this disposes them toward
bringing forth bojs. "
All Vienna piofcssors and scientists are
Indignant with Schenck for having published
Ills discovery otherwise than through some
scientific body. They arc consulting whether
Schenck has not committed a dibclpllnablc
offense. lion over , all admit If ho can prove
Ills assertions he has scored the greatest
scientific discovery of the century.
lcv Sis 'io in ; AT THU IMPOSITION.
DeelileN to Itillse Klf ( > 'I | IOII MIII | Dollars
lars for ( hat I'lirfioHt * .
TOPEKA , Kas. , Jan. 15. fSpecIal Tele
gram. ) Kansas will expend at least 150,000
for an exhibit at the Omaha exposition. All
doubt as to Kansas participating In the ex
position was renewed today at n conference
between Governor Leedy and the general
nttornejs representing the Kansas railroads
U. P. Waggoner of the Missouri Pacific , M
A. Lowof the Hock Island and Charles S.
Gleed , a member of the board of directors of
the Santa Fe , In response to an Invitation
from Governor Leedy held a conference nt
the state house. Mr. Waggoner was the chief
Rpokcsman and he Informed the governor
that the railroads would donate $15,000 and
unite In an effort to Increase the amount
to $25,000.
The governor believes firmly In the suc
cess of the exposition and Is very anxious
to have Kansas represented. He exprcs-ed
the opinion that other Kansas Industries
and the people will contribute $25,000 , for
which ho will lmio l a call to the citizens
the flrst of next week.
The Interest In the Omaha exhibition hai
Increased wonderfully In the Bin to during
the last few weeks. The pcoplo now hold
the opinion that It will bo a success , and
they realize the folly of permitting the
stuto to miss the opportunity of exhibiting
ior resources ,
Governor Leedy said : "I have always re
gretted that the Kansas legislature failed to
make ample appropriation for a suitable
Kansas exhibit at the exposition. Up to
this time I have feared that plans for an
exhibit would fall , but I rejoice to say all
loubt IIQH been removed , Kansas people
never fall to uphold the Intercuts of our
Ktnto and I have [ insurances of liberal dona
tions from bankers , businessmen , farmers ,
the state agricultural and horticultural so-
clptlcs , the bdiools , mine operators and
manufacturers , In fact from all classes of
people , and I am confident wo will now bo
abla to join with our sister elates In making
: ho exposition the moat successful affair of
the kind , over attempted In the west. "
The governor will leauo an address urging
the Importance of the exposition and a Kan
sas exhibit and will auk for contributions ,
to the amount of $25,000 , making tha total
$50,000 , He Is now making up a committed
to assume the management of the details
"Kansas will bo wellrepresented" Bald the
governor , "and Kansas people will attend ,
! hope In thousands , "
Movement of Oi-can Vcuxelx , Jan. 15.
At New York Arrived St. Paul , from
Southampton , Sailed Worm , for Genoa ;
, a GascsBiie , for Havre ; Umbrla , for Liver
pool ; PutrlD , for Hamburg ; Kurnmslu" , for
Glnfgow , Scotln , for Maroelllts
At Southampton-Snlled-at. Louis , for
NewYork. .
At Oluiijow Arrived Anchorla , from
New York ,
At Amsterdam Sailed Amsterdam , for
New York.
At Queenstown Arrlved-'Auranla , from
Nuvv York , for Liverpool.
Tnkoa Stops to Exh'blt ' at the Trans-
niissisiijipi Exposition ,
Wealth and Resources of the State to Bo
D.splayctl ,
Will Not Bo Outdoao b ; Any of the
Other Ctatos.
HtixtlcrM VN | | < Oninlin and
Deehle In hi > cnil * .1O , < I ( > 0 lu I'lne-
liiH Their Slati * In the
I'niiil ItnnUH. ,
The Missouri EvpoilUonccmmlsslonorocame ,
they saw , but , unlike the Immortal Uomnn ,
they were conquered conquered by the evi
dences on every nUo tint the Tranomlssls-
slppl and International Exposition Is to bo
all that Its rame Implloo. Thej came on a
mfFolon of Inquiry and thcj were Inspltcil
bjwlnt they saw Thoj came with the Idea
that their state might , porutblj , take eomo
part lei the exposition In ordci that It might
not bo said that Missouri was not repre
sented , but thuj went awaj singing the
praises of Omaha and the exposition and
declaring that not cnlj wou'd the state bo
represented by an exhibit which should over ,
shallow that of everj other state In the
union , but that MlFcouri would expend at
leaat $50000 In making a display thit would
be creditable not alone to the state , but to
the exposition In which they assumed a full
larlncrshlp Interest. A buslncw meeting of
the comm'ssloa was held before leaving
Oiraha and It was decided that a state buildIng -
Ing coating at lea-U $10 000 should be erected
and also another building in which will bo
exhibited a collective exhibit fiom every
county In the state , showing the a-ilcul-
tural , horticultural and other resources of
each countj , the build rig to bo erected of
.Missouri pine ard to bo It - > lf an exhibit of
ono of the resources of the state.
The entirepnrtj returned home last night
and before leaving each member of the dele-
gitlon expressed again anJ again hlj hearty
Interest In the exposition a-J h'n ' dctcrmlra-
tlon to do h a , upon his return home ,
to arouse the enthuslah.n of his nolghbaro to
the pitch his own Ideas had -itta'ncd.
The delegation ai lived In the city
jestcrday on two Hiirllngton trains , ono
section of the party coming from Kansas
City nnd the ether from St. Lauls , with many
additions from Intermodule points. Im
mediately upon their arrival the visitors
went direct to the Mlllard hotel , where they
took breakfast and where they were met a
little later by the reception committee ap
pointed to look uftei Uioli comfort.
The Missouri Exposition commission
Is represented by Clark II. amiJ-
son , president , of St LoJls ; G. A.
Atwood , third vice president , of
Spilngfield ; F. E. Marshall , treasurer , of St.
Louis , M. V. Cairoll , secretaiy , of Jcffeisni
City , K AI , Stcrrctt , amount t > cciclary , of
St. Louis ; E. T. Abbott , r. W. Maxwell , II.
M. Davis , A. J. Flcml-ig , of St. Joseph ; J.
II. Hedgpeth of Hochport , Jjhn F , Rlchardo ,
Pnll E Mull 10 , V , ' . \ \ Morgan and George
W. Fuller of K.msa.s Cltj , J. N Uallard of
Montrosc , W. II Allen of Clinton , 0. C.
Davidfion of El n.radc Sprites , J. W. llald-
win and J. N Dulbj of Sec1' Ha , J. D. Tolhcm
of Fujette , H W D.vlng of Jclforrion City ;
H. A. Hloisom , P. J Tcainny , W. II Plielrs ,
C. P. Walbrldge of St. Loulfl , J. H. llerk-
siilio of Wlncua , C. A. Ejiiery of Carthage ,
John H. Taylor of Joplln aid C M. Manlier
of Webb City. la addition to the St.
Loulu members of the .state commlbslon ,
nearly all of whom ae members of tSio St.
Louis commission , the latter was represented
by J. A. J. SchultL L Culver , Lawtenco
0. Branch , H. S Tut tie , H U. Todd , Ed
ward S. Lewis , John P. Cany , Charles E.
Whitman , L. E. Dennis , C. A. Cour , Tom L.
Cannon , J. II , Kcntnor and W. H. Mocie , all
of St. Louis. The Kansaa Olty contingent
Included the following In addition to these
who are ciamed as members of the state
commission : C. D. Parker , Hugh J. Me-
Oowan , W. P. Tilckett. A. H Davidson , M.
C. Uoss , George C Hale , II. W. Evans ,
George T. Lynn , It G Weber , J , It. Alercer ,
S. D. Stokeley , J. P. Brltt , Fred S. Ilullono ,
L. W. Shouse , F. D. CrabUi , O. W. Phllbrook ,
J. K. Durnham and C C H iiley. The other
members of the party wore A. W Warren of
St Joseph and Clifford Ilarr of Mcritrose.
After everybody had bsei made acquainted
with everj other body Prraldent Wattltn
mounted a chair In the lotunda of the hotel
and gave the vlsltaia a brief outline of the
cx ) > osltlon and what they might expect to aeo
at the grounds Ho cal'cd their attention to
the fact that the expos.Ion In course of
preparation Is not to bo cm Omaha affilr nor
a Nebraska show , but Ls a great exposition
of the nwaurcco of the great tiatiKiniHSiBSlppl
region which wa.i originated by an organiza
tion compcHcd of delegates from Missouri , as
well as the other transmls Isslppl states Ho
Eald the people of Omala and Nebraska have
done all they oin do to make the affair a ,
success and they look to the people of the
other tranemltslhalppl elates to le d their
IJy this tlmo ppeclal trains of
street cars wore In rtadlneM and
the visitors weie coin Insldo of them.
When the grounds were reached the party
alighted and entered the main court. Presi
dent Wattles explained the namirt and pur
poses of each of the main buildings , pointing
them out from the east end of the lagoon , and
the whole party then made a circuit of the
main court , vls'tlng ' the otaff shop In Urn
Mines building and going Inblde of the other
buildings. The bluff tract wa visited and
the visitors weio shown- the north tract.
Like all the other visiting delegations , tha
MlEsourlans expressed considerable surprise
at the advanced etago of the preparations
and the evident magnitude of the under
taking. They admit without reseive that
they had not expected U ) see preparatloim
on iuch a grind scale and they compllmeatol
the management very highly on the beauty
of the building.
After looking over the grounds thoroughly
the cam were boarded for the return trip
orti the party reached the hotel about X
o'clock , where It wau entertained at lunch
by tbo executive comroHtec.
The party wu eated In the main dlnlns