JOINS ISSUES WITH STATE Homo for the Friendless Oases Before the Supreme Oourti SOCIETY PRESENTS ITS ARGUMENTS Xlrlcf * Covering tlic I'olnin I'llrd Program for .Sulno anil Slock Ilrreilern' .3 Lincoln Xolex. , LINCOLN , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) Brlefa h ve been filed by the Society of the Home for the Friendless In both the cases which arc now before the supreme court , and which grew out of the passage of the act by the last legislature taking the homo out of the control ot the society. In the mandamus case brought In the dis trict court by Attorney General Smyth for Mrs. C. S. Jones , the newly appointed super intendent , to gain possession ot the home , the society was successful , the court holding that the act was unconstitutional , and thai the state was bound by an Implied contract to allow the society to rcn-.aln. In control of the Institution. The brief filed today takes tip the ground. ? advanced In the decision of the lower court , holding that a mandamus could not Ho ID the case. It states as a settled principle of law that "mandamus will not llo to test the tltlo to an ofllco or the right to property , franchises , privileges , Immuni ties or any other vestbdi rights , " and therefore - fore the attorney general has tried the wrong remedy. Much ofi the brief Is devoted to the argument and citations on thlo point. The attorney for the society also holds that the statute of 1897 Is unconstitutional and void , because of Irregularities In Its tltlo , and "because It violates the constitutional Inhibition against the Impairing obligations of contracts and against the violation of vested rights and divesting them without duo process ot law. " CONTROL OF THE HOME. The other brief Illcd Is In the TOGO wfocreln the society brings mandamus proceedings to compel the stale auditor to pay over the money appropriated by the- legislature for the surirort of the home. The statement In the brief hliows that the society duly pi-e- Bcntcd to the beord the estimates for sup plies , according to custom , and that upon the refusal of the state board to act the society went on with Its own funds and furnished tin1 supplies. The brief says that the amounts wcro just and correct , and that the state by Us refusal to purchase the supplies made It necessary for the eocltty to so act "or suffer the Institution and Its Inmates to perish , " and "that at Ibis time It would Bcem to bo a vain thing for the board to go through the formula of acvcrtlsInE and pur chasing and allowing bills therefor when the Hiiro'lcs ' have already been purchased ant consumed by the Inmates. " The brief further eays : "If the act of 1S97 , taking away from relater the Institu tion and all privileges and appurtenances , anil practically abolishing the relater ( the Bocloty ) be held unconstitutional , wo take It for granted that our friends , tbo enemy , will unconditionally surrender In both oases. " The position of the board is stated by this brief to bo "that the Homo for the Friend less Is a state Institution , supplied by the state , and that when they brought an ac tion to oust the originators and operators , and the court beat them , the state balked and liai sulked ever since. " The question Is asked : "Do 'they propose to make the appropriation statute sulk , too , until the means of the relater are exhausted and the Institution Is starved Into rollnqulshment of rights In good faith claimed , and Into nbject subjection after the manner of Spain's policy with the Cubans ? " The argument closes with 'this statement : "There Is no state sovereignty Involved In washing , feeding , warming and bedding the Ibablea , llttlo children and old women at the Homo for the Friendless. " SWINE AND STOCK BREEDERS. Stockmen from all over tbe state are ex pected In Lincoln next Tuesday , AVodncsday and Thursday. The Swine Breeders' acsocla- tlon and Improved Stock Breeders associa tion will meet In Joint session at the State university. The Nebraska Veterinary Med ical association will meet In connection with the other associations nnd Its.sessions will too held at the Capital hotel. The follow ing programs have been arranged : Tuesday , January IS , 7:30 : p. m. Music , ad dress of welcome , Hon. J , V. Wolfe. Lin coln ; responses nnd annual addresses Piesl- dents G. W. Whltmore , Valley ; 55. S' Bran- ron , Waverly. Wednesday , January ID , afternoon 1:30 : , paper , "Tho 'Poland ' China. Westward He Came , Everywhere He Goes , " S McKolvIc , Falrfleld ; discussion , L. W. Leonard. P.iw- neo City ; J. F. Bishop , Lincoln ; 2:15 : , ad dress , "Poultry In General , " Rev L P Ludden , Lincoln : 3 , paper , "Relation of the- Breeder to the Pork Producer and How to Maintain It , " John O'Conneli. Malcom ; dis cussion , II , Hoguo , Crete ; W. C. Davlson , AVIlbor ; 3:43 : , paper , "Tho Alfalfa Hog. " L W. Hamilton , Kearney ; discussion. G. II. Gould , Republican City ; II. S. Williamson , Beaver City ; 6 , adjournment for supper. Evening Music ; 7 , addreFS , "Somo Disap pointments In Breeding and How to Avoid Them , " C. II. Elmendorf , Turlington ; gen eral discussion ; 7M.r. , "The. Head End of the Herd and How to Produce Him , " E. II. Andrews , Kearney : discussion. E Ross Hitchcock , Sterling : E. B. Day , North Rend- R:30 : , paper , "Tho Dairy Corn1 Hon. W. A. Poyntcr , Albion ; discussion , H. C. Young , Lincoln ; I. AV. Chappell , Normal ; 9:13 : , paper , "Tho Red Hog Up to D.iteV. . II. Taylor , Lincoln ; discussion , W. F. Stuff t , Law rence ; E , F. Black , Raymond ; 10 , paper , "Tho Present Situation In Beef Cattle , " R. M. Allen , Ames ; 10:13 : , paper , "Plain Old English , " T. J Congdon , Pawnee City : dis cussion , J. Av. Townley , Octavla ; AV. B , Reynolds , Arcadia. Thursday , January 20 morning 9 , paper , "Somo Show King Observations , " H. C. Dawson. Endlcott ; general fusillade ; 9:43 : , paper ; 10:30. : "Tho Public Sale System , Ad visability of a Cash Basis , " Hon. S. R. ; FOSS , Crete ; discussion , led by Albert John- Hon , Douglas ; 11 , paper , "Our Type , " C , II. Buarlo. Edgar ; discussion , II. B , Louden , Clay Center ; AVIHIam S'ttnn ' , Burchard ; 11.30. paper , "Any Old Color , So It IH AVhlte , " Frank A. Grover , Bennett : discussion , L. F. Grimes , Sterling ; 12. feeding time. After noon 1:30 : , paper , "Tho Real Value of the Podlgrno and Us Misuse , " E. E. Day , AVeop- Ing Water ; general discussion ; 2:10. : paper , "Tho Sheep Industry In Nebraska , " C. H. Ballanger , Lexington ; 2:30 : , paper. "Tho Brood Sow : Her Care and Mating , " J. L. Barton , Greenwood. The program for the veterinarians follows : Tuesday , January 18 , 1:30 : p. m. Roll call. 2:30 : p. m , Paper , "The Relation of the Veterinarian to Agriculture , " Prof , T , L. Lyon , Paper , "The Value of the Thermo-Cnu- tcry , " Dr. G. P. Tucker. Paper , "Dairy Sanitation from n Veterinarian Standpoint , " Dr. C. M. Day. Paper , "Dairy Sanitation from a Dairyman's Standpoint , " A , L. Hncckor , Report of cases. Dr. Drnsky. Report of cnscw , Dr , Hammond , 7:30 p. m , 1'aper , "The Proper Method to Prepare Pathological Specimens for Shipment , " Dr. 31. II. Wiuil. Paper , "Should State Insti tutions Furnish A'acclno Free ? " Dr. John S. Anderson. Paper , "Immunity , " Dr. A. T. Peters , This paper will bo Illustrated by stercoptlcon views. GOSSIP FIIOM THE STATE HOUSE. The combine of the county treasurers In opposition to the oplnlo.T published by tbo In nil llio world there Is no other treatment go pure , eo sneet , BO gnfv , so epcudy , for pro. servingpurifying , and lic.iutlfUii ) ; the skin , ecalp , mid hair , and eradicating e ury hit. wor , 03 warm li.illn with Cirru-uiti BO.U- . mul gentle anointings with Cimcuiu ( olut- incut ) , the great tklu euro. o CH U. C 'Kf. . hglfl * rt > L > . Pwto All iboul tht BUu , 8o l ( > ol Ittlr , EVERY HUMOR from rimpU * lo 8 < rofuU C i < 4 tj CuiliUk * . attorney general eome tlmo ago relating lethe the fees of the trMBuror Is beg nnlng to make H Influence fell , The treasurers arc tloner than u < ui ] In coming In to nettle with the elate , and all but four of the tev- c.itcen that have been In to make eettlemcnt have left the matter of slate fees open for fldjudlc&llcn. They hold that the decision ot the attorney general , which cut * down the amount ot fees they have heretofore received for the collection of elate money , ought not tn bo allowed to slant ] , and 1L U understood that the treasurer from Thclps county will como In text week and make a test w c. PractlwIIy all of the county treasurers are ! o the combine to protest against the re duction. Five Inmates of the Hospital for the In- eine at this place have this week been tran - ferrcd to the Asylum for Incurabjca at Has- , tings. These transfers are made from the 'Lincoln and Norfolk Institutions whenever there Is room la the Hastings asylum to ac commodate patients , permission being flrcl secured from the state beard. Those trans ferred this week are Kate R. Payton , Fillmore - moro county : Mary Pelican , Saline ; Eva Bishop , Douglas ; Joseph Haymond , Douglas- J. H. AVIdman , Mcrrlck. The governor has appointed the following delegates to the Nicaragua canal convention which meets -it Kansas City January 17 : Dr. 12. 0. AValson , Friend ; AV. H. Kcllgar. Au burn ; James E. Doyd , Omaha ; M. A. Hartl- gan , Hastings ; Harry Miller , Omaha ; Charles AV. Pool , Tccumseh ; 0. B. Goodell , Lincoln ; Frank Young , nrokcn Dow. There were 110 wses filed In the supreme court la December , being almost double tbo number fllej In December , 1890. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. Lancaster county commissioners , after spending several days on the selection o ! county physician , have finally agreed upon Dr. Graham. Each commissioner favored a different candidate and It was at last neces sary to give the plum to a "dark horse. " The case ot Thomas P. Kennard against the State of Nebraska Is up before Judge Holmes In District court. Kennard sues the state for J14.000 on a contract to recover moneys duo from the United Stats. The claim wna up before the legislature last winter and by a resolution was referred to the district court for settlement. The chief question sucms to bo that of jurisdiction. The evidence will bo taken during vacation by agreement of all parties and judgment given at the next term of court. Omaha people at the hotels ; At the Lin- dell G. P. Dletz , J. 'D. ' Hush , P. AV. Dlrk- hauscr , L. Levy. At the Lincoln G. W. Horn , jr. , George E. Kay , AV. C. flames , V. G. Lantry , H. iE. Maxwell , F. W. IJodle. GLOSI3 OF PAIUIHIlb' INSTITUTE. Mcctlnir Full of Iiitrrrxt toiiiinlin County AKrliMilturlNts. AUUUIIN , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The Farmers' Institute of Ncmaha county closed a thrco days' session hero yesterday. The meeting was full of Interest and the attend ance good. On Tuesday evening , Prof. J. A. Dealtlo of the Peru Normal school gave a very Interesting address'on "Tho Need of Education. " On AVedncsday morning G. N. Titus read a valuable paper on "Of AVhat Should a Fruit Garden Consist ? " The pa per by J. iM. Hoot , "Can Potatoes De liaised with Profit In Ncma'.ia County ? " brought out a pretty general discussion. "Need AVe Fear a Fuel Famine In Southeast 'Nebraska ? " was the subject ot a paper by N. 1' . Mcadcr , and he Boomed to think tliat people had noth ing 'to ftar from that source , but from the direction of the general discussion which followed , It was plain to bo seen that the majority wcro not with him. Probably the paper of the greatest Interest , from a prac tical point of view , was the one presented by G. S. Christy on "Is the Hog Malady of Ne braska Contagious , Infectious or Heredi tary ? " In the discussion which followed , J. II. Dund'is. editor ot the Granger , advanced the Idea that In most cases the trouble would be found to bo worms ; that he had examined quite a number of hogs and that worms were found In the Intestines , lungs , liver and kidneys and urged upon farmers the Impor tance of making post mortem examinations and offered the columns of the Granger for the results of such examinations. The ofll- cers elected for the ensuing year are : Shell Cochran , president ; A. C. Lceper , vice presi dent ; A. AAr. Sultzbaugh , secretary ; AV. A. Coddlngton , ( treasurer. APP13AI. KOII STAHVIXG Cl'H.VXS. \vliraNUn Ilc-Hef CnminlHHloii IMNIII-S it Call for Alii. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The Cuban Relief commission recently ap pointed by the governor has issued an ad dress to the people of the state , In which there Is a reminder that when the people of the state -wcro suffering from drouth other states and countries eamo to their aid and now that the people of Cuba are famlnc-fctrlcken , Nebraskans are called upon to make liberal oantrlbutlons. The address la signed by H. O. Rowland , president ; P. II. Dary , tocretary ; AAr. N. Nascai , treas urer ; J. E. Utt and M. D. Welch. The con cluding paragraph Is as follows : "All citizens desirous of aiding 'this ' cn- tcrpriso of pity and charity may forward their donations to 'tho secretary , or any other member of the commission most con venient. Contributions of money , shelled corn , wheat , canned goads , light clothing for both sexes and all other necessities of llfo will be accepted and forwarded free of charge 'to ' the suffcrois. AVe urge that the response lo this appeal 'be ' generous , universal and Immediate. Hundreds are dally perish ing from starvation and thousands are fac ing llko fate as these words are toeing read by the flresldcj of peace and plenty. " ICotipNiMV I.Nenn IteiiiM. KENESAAV , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) Mr. Andrews , pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of this place , whoso mind Cias been gradually growing weak for some time past , became suddenly violent yesterday. Ho was taken to the Inoine asylum at Lincoln. The of the Kenesaw creamery was not successful on account of some defect In tbe machinery. The manager says this will bo remedied and that tbo creamery will be In operation In another week. Duslneffl Is very brisk in comparison with what It was at this time I'-fit ' year , The ele vators are loading from fifteen to twenty-five cars of grain a wcok , mostly for the Kansas City market. The largo Implement house of AVIHIam Schultz Is nearly completed. This is qulto an Improvement for Konceaw , as the size of the building will allow the storage for a largo stock of farm Implements of all kinds. The wi.Hior 'or the last week has been unusually fair cm ! the majority ot farmers have taken advantage of It and finished their fall work. YOIIIIKiiiiolitiii of Finance * . CENTRAL CITY. Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) Steve Arrants , formerly of Loup , but now temporarily residing In the counts' jail , la a young Napoleon of finance. He found , as lie thought , i'.i good way of borrowing money and worked the scheme for all It waa worth. Ho would glvo his note and aecuro U on cattle that tie didn't own , In this way the col lateral never run out. That waa the flrst port of ha ! oobemo. Tito second was to pay bis notes promptly when they came due and thus establish a credit for promptness , ThU ho dlil and Ills credit became eo good that careful bankers bought up bis floating paper ccd considered It as goad as gold. Flrnlly ho got In debt to the Platlo Valley tank for about $4GO and secured It on his Imaginary herd of cattle. Cashier Letchor wont out to see those oitlo ! and as his Imagination was not aH well cultivated as that of Mr , Arrants ho couldn't eeo a elnglo cow or steer. Tiio young Napoleon was arrested for obtaining money under false preterscs and Is now In Wo county jail. iNr < AVAUSA , Neb. , Jan. II.Special. ( . ) At the clcso of Installation of clllcora ot the Knights of Pythias lodge at this place last night , a etirprlio was given by tut > wives ot the msmbsrs. An elegant luncheon waa iorvoJ. Amuac-mciVa ot varied nature wcro ndulged In to a la to hour , Fears were at < no tlmo entertained of an co famine In our city the coming summer , Qut Ice of BU Illdent thlcluietn and quality s low being harvested 'to ' dUpel such fears. The dreaded hog cholera has made Its ap- : > curancd among a number of icrds In thin vicinity , Hiuvy lasses by the owners are rc- icrted , Kalrliury AVoiiiiin' Clnli. FAIRHUIIY , iNeb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) The Falrbury A\'oman'n club met Tuesday , January II. In regular session. After roll call responded to by quotations from J , H. Lowell a program of unusual Interest was furnished by the current literature department - , ment , Mrs. AV L. Stephen * , leader of the , department presiding The opening music "Vcntre-a-Terre" a oianj solo was bea Ii- fully executed by Miss Daisy Ttlleth The well selected recitation by Mrs. McCoy was ably rendered and elicited much applause A change from the usual program was made by Introducing a debate upon the question "Aro AVomen Good Financiers ? " Mrs. Mc Dowell and Mrs. Showalter epoke for the afllrmatlve , while tbo president of the club Mrs. C. D. Let ton , and Mrs. Ed Hanecn tool the negative. After a spirited discussion I wag decided by an almost unanimous vote o the club that "women arc good financiers. ' The program for the afternoon was furnlshci by a beautiful vocal solo , "Down the Shadowed Lane , " by Miss Maude Tollcth. llrulnl Iloj \rrcKtoil. . BELLEVUE , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) As Henry Lutjcmcyer , a. boy about 18 years of age , was returning to his home , one-ball mlle from town , ho was set upon by a crowt ! of village boys and severely beaten. The Lutjemeycr family has suffered olmllar abuses for several years while attending the village school end It wco decided best to put a check to It ; accordingly A. A. Harden , one of the loading merchant , ? ot this city , signed a complaint .before Justice C. G. Llttledeld and warrants wcro Issued for the arrest ol the two leaders , Fred Hughes and Roy TAney , nnd Constable U. S. Llttlefleld took them at once Into custody. The trial Is set for Saturday. It Is thought other arrests will follow. Thieves forced an entrance Into the resi dence ot Irving Poop whllo ho was tem porarily abeent and stole a new $22 breech- loading fihotgun. No clow. ' \VoII ICnimii at Fremont. IFKlEMONT , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) Charles AVallstrom , who was reported In The Ilco as being arrested at Sioux City , chargcO with passing forged checks , Is well known here. Ho Is a tailor by trade and worked for Eddy Brothers. Ho > was recently discharged by them for dishonesty. He owed cciisld crablo when ho left and squared up a couple of bills , ono at Ashley Park's confectionery store and the other at the Merchants' hotel , with checks which turned out to bo worth less. A woman by the name of AVlnter , but whose flrst name could not be ascertained , left hero with him and Is presumably the "Jones" woman who was with him when ho was arrested. It the Iowa authorities should let him loose ho 'will bo brought back to Fremont for trial. . 'it SI. .Juntos. HARTINGTON , Neb. Jan. 14. ( Special Tel egram. ) Burglars made a great haul on Clem Zlcglcr's store at St. James , a small town about fifteen miles northeast of thin city , last night. They took the entire Hue oC men's and women's line clothes , every boll ot fine dres.3 goods and completely gutted two largo showcases which were filled with notions , trinkets and jewelry. Three sus picious characters had been loafing around the town for several days and their im mediate departure this morntag causes the authcrtties to belicvo that they had a linger In the pic. Tbo leas amounts to several hundred dollar. ? . IrrlKiitlon Company Eleots OlIlciTN. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) The South ? ldo Irrigation company at Its annual meeting elected John Keith president , Glaus Mylander vice president , G. F. Meyer eccretary and treasurer , George II. Lawrence engineer and P. Mylander and JMx Deer members of the board of directors. A resolu tion was passed Instructing the directors to have the dltcSi fully completed by the first day of May. The hcadgate of the ditch. Is practically completed and tbo remaining ex cavation can be finished In > ii week or ten days If these who have contracts will push tbo work with any degree of rapidity. llurneil to Dentil. MORSE DLUFF , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special Telegram. ) Anna Vrana , a 4- year-old daughter of John Vrana , was burned to death at her home , six miles south of here , yesterday afternoon. The llttlo girl was left alone In the house while her father went out to do some chores. Ho was only away from the house about five minutes. AVhen he re turned he found the room full of smoke and the little girl burned so badly that she never spoke. It Is supposed she was trying to start a fire In the etovo for her father. ' Alliance A'otvH. ALLIANCE , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) There will bo considerable building and other Improvements made In the city tbo coming season. Nearly 2,000,000 feet of lumber was sold at the local yards during the last year and nearly 10,000 tons of coal sold at the coal yards. The population of Alliance Is said to be nearly , or quite , 3,000. The Catholics have In rehearsal the homo talent for a grand minstrel performance to como on In the near future. Creamery at Fort Calliouii. FORT OALHOUN , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) This llttlo town Is showing moro prosper ity these days than It has for a number of years past. Along with other buildings a creamery Is to bo built. The plant will cost $2,500. It will bo a great benefit to the farmers. It will take 300 bead of milch cows to run It. Charles Schnvager , the proprietor , has been connected for two or three years past with one ot the largest creameries In the state and is now branching out In busi ness for .himself. AVork on the building will commence Immediately. Wood m en I n H ! alia 41 nn. IIUMiDOLDT , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) The AVcodmcn Installation and supper at the opera house Thursday evening was ono of the most pleasing Bochl events of the season. A literary and musical program waa rendered , nupplcmenteil by a short address from Hon. C. A. Atkinson of Lincoln , who also con ducted the Installation ceremonies. The opera house waa very richly decorated and cbout 200 guests partook of the good things provided for the occasion by Humboldt camp , No. 333 , Modern AVoodmen of America. Hank OfllriTN ClioHrn. ALBION , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) The annual election of the banks of this city re sulted as follows : First National C. E. AVest , president ; John Peters , vice president ; F. S. Thompson , cashier ; directors , C. E. AA'est , John Peters , F. S. Thompson , D. A. Lewis , O. 'M. Needham , Adolph Hate. Albion Na tional M. B. Thompson , president ; A. AV. Lidd , vlco president ; D. V. Blatter , cashier ; directors , M. B. Thompson , A. AV. Ladd , D. V. Blatter , James JIcKle , AVIHIam AVeltzel. HllKTMUIl ItlMIIN. EMERSON , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special , ) S. O. Cord was granted a. divorce flora her husband , O. E. Cord , by Judge Evans at Ponca. She ai : granted $1C a month allmcuy and tbo custody of their daughter. llev.-Condiant ot 'Beatrice ' , assisted by Rev. Ray of Hartlngton , will bold a Sunday school Institute * at this place Saturday and Sunday , January 22 and 23. Arm lliiillj.Mi : > ! ! lntod. LEIGH , Neb. . Jan. 14. ( Special. ) Fred Rasmusscn , a young man living In this vil lage , was caught In a corn shellcr yesterday , mutilating his right arm between the wrist and elbow. The arteries were severed , tendons torn from the muscles and the wrist bono ground In two. The physicians who dressed tbe wouni deemed amputation un necessary. I'niillry Slioiv SYRACUSE , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) Today closed the flrst meeting of the Otoo County Poultry association. It waa very successful In every cart'cular. There wtvo several hundred birds exhibited. L. P. Har ris of Palmyra , expert Judge , scored the fowls , eomo going obovo the 90 mark. llolili to niKlrlot Court. BimWELL , Neb. , Jan. 14 , ( Sped ll. ) The preliminary trial of Anthony 'B ' , Starko was lield before County Judge Jones yesterday , After a motion -to quash the complaint had been overruled and ono witness was partly examined tbe defendant waived further ex amination end was tield to the district court in tbo cum of (600 ( , which ho furnished , Hank MnuiiKcmiMit CIiniiKfH. ( ALLIANCE , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special. ) The First National bank ia now under tbe control and management of AV. A. Hampton , is former president. Under tbo uow man Rgcmcnt n SI Hampton , Its former cashier , Laves the bank and Martin Brennan be comes Its cftflhler AA' . A Hampton having purchatecl 35-50 ot the b pk clock took full control ot Its manaRenfftit This bank Is among the strongest lisstlOTtlons In the western part of the state , THIS LOOK'S j.i KM" Coni | > nrntlvc FlRiirp $ 'i , Jfnrtli ' for IS1W ' NORTH BKND , Neb. . Jan. 14 , ( Special. ) Populists and free sliver "republicans here about have been Indulging1 * n great deal of talk about the presciif wftve ot prosperity being a bogus one. As if refutation or their arguments the following ; cxtublt ot bustnccr done at. this point for .Infe years 1896 and 1897 speaks for Itself : J' ' ' . Value of freight fofwaided. 1S97 , } 33- 164.54 ; same for 1S96 , IJftnfOS.ST ; Increase , $0,655.97. Freight received. . ' 1S97 , $30,499.46 ; same for 1S96 , $26,856,12 ; ' Increase , $9,643.34. Value of local tickets sold , 1S97 , $4,524.64 ; came for 1896 , $4,674.04 ; decrease , $150.40. Coupon tickets sold , 1S97 , $3,757.81 ; same for 1S9C$2,488,26 ; Increase , $269.55. Cash re mitted , 1S97 , $43,970.75 ; si mo for 1896 , $38- C68.87 ; Increase , $10,316.88. Total transac tions for the year 1897 , $125,926.00 ; satno ( or 1896 , $99,195.36 ; total Increase for 1897 , $26- 730.14 ; total decrease tor 1897 , $150.40 ; net Increase for 1897 , $26,589.94. Carloads re ceived during 1897 , 828 ; during 1896,532 ; Increase for 1897 , 296. Carloads forwarded during 1897 , 637 ; during 1S96 , 421 ; Increase for 1897 , 216. _ _ Death In the Corn FlrlilN. FRANKLIN , Neb. , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) For some rcasco the cornstalks this year are much more poisonous to the cat tle than ever before , hardly a farmer that has turned Jits cattle In > stalk field has not lost a number of head. C. M , Caster has lost moro heavily than any reported , having lost fifty head. Eighteen heat ] died today In seven hours. < > f Hojr Cholera. AVINSIDE , Neb. , Jan : 14. ( Special. ) Hog cholera Is destroying large numbers of hogs In this vicinity. Many farmers have lost all the hog.1 they had , ono man as many as 150. The disease seems to be unusually fatal. Reads are Improving here now end drying rapidly. In some of tie sloughs tbo frost Is almost all out of the ground. Tnkr Her 'H to Krnncp. AUBURN , Neb. , Jan. J4. ( Spcclal.-J. ) W. Laon and J. II. Cook of this city , who took a consignment of Nebraska horses to Franco , wrlto that they arrlvoj at their destination without mishap to thctngolVM or the iorses. At the time ot writing they had just reached their destination and had made nj effort to dispose ot their horses. XcliriiNlcn. XP TH Xntrs. New steel cages are being placed In tbe Scotts Bluff county jail at Goring. The Union Pacific has completed filling Its largo lee house at North Platte. Dr. Jack ot Brownvllle holds the ofllccs of coroner , county physician , pension , examiner and mayor of iBrownvllle. An agent of the general land ofilce Is In vestigating complaints that stockmen In the vicinity of Lodge Polo have fenced In gov ernment land. Simeon Beardsley has bought the Clarks Leader ot Mr. Hutt and will continue the paper under the same name and with un changed politics. Horse buyers In Seward county are paying very much better prices'for ' horses now than they have at any time for several years and they are taking lots of good horses out of the counrty. 1 Starus iMcInlnch of Browiivlllc who started for the Klondike last shtmrher has returned. Ho went as far as Seatljo and after carefully weighing all that he'could see and hear about the Klondike country ho decided to return. ' ' Prosperity comes cJuicUfest to the man whosn liver la in good condition. DeAA'ltt'a Llttlo Early Risers are 'fh'mou ? llttlo pills for constipation , biliousness. Indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. WORKMEN MAKMOMPROMISE "V- ( Continued fromj lrat.Page - . ) made an Important communication ref erence to the candidature of Prince George of Greece for the governorship of Crete. M. Zlfi ovelff declared that unless the cultan withdrew his objections 'to ' Prince George Ilucsla would propcso the annexation of Crete to Greece. SUGGESTS uVX JTAI.IAX REI'UIIMC. 1'ulillciitloii iSalil to lie Inspired by the Ifopus LONDON , Jan. 14. The Homo corce- Kpondent of the Dally Chronicle , In a btart- Ing statement this morning , quotes largely Ircm an artlclo In "Clvllta Catellca , " which 10 declares Is directly Inspired by the Vatican and the pope , advocating , as to the solution of the external question between the Vatican and the Qutrlnal , the establishment of aa Italian republic. The article , which Is based on the pcoo's Christmas allocution , declares lliat the thing which stands opposed to papal Independence Is not Italian unity , but "tho special and concrete form wherein that unity Is at present maintained , with results much : nero disastrous to the state than to the lioly see. " It proceeds to assert that the co-existence Df the Vatican and the Italian monarchy Is Impossible , and that one or the other must ? o. It then suggests the constitutions of Switzerland and America as exairplcs of 'Admirable and glorious constitutions , true ualon ot nation and otatc , though differing ic-om that of Italy , which has produced noth- ng but weakness , misery and starvation. " The article concludes ; "Without the aid of 'foreign bayonets the true Italy will find for Itself Us own way and will rise again , let js hope , from the Ignominy In which It now ; Ies prostrate to greatness. " TCto Dally Cronlclo's correspondent asserts that this "Is an Intentional revelation to the outer world of the policy actuating not only 'he ' mind of Cardinal Itampolla , papal secre tary ot state , but that of the Vatican. " Ho adda : "Probably there would be no truth In he supposition that either Cardinal Rampolla or the pope has any Idea of oven a temporary alliance with the republican -party ; 'but ' yet .hey believe that whllo peace with fho king a Impossible , It might bo possible with a epubllc. The reason for the appearance of his astounding pronouncement at the present nomcnt Is the belief that not only the mlnls- ry but tbo dynasty Itself Is menaced more seriously than usual. " INFATUATED WITH A CHORUS GIRL. li Nobleman CoininltK Hiilc-ido lccaiiMc She SIIUI-MH Him , LONDON , Jan , 14. It has been an open secret In theatrical circles that Sir Charles \rthur Falrllo Curmlmjham , who , as an nounced by the Dally Mai ) today , committed suicide at the Hotel Victoria , this city , dur- ng the nlglit of December 20 , had long been nfatuated with atarjorlo Pryor , a chorus girl of the In Town company. During the company's long engagement Sir Charles occupied a fronts-seat nightly , watch- ng the girl , and after. Hie performance ho drove away with hec. In December It was eported that bo was considerably downcast JCcauso'Mlss Pryor'hnd refused to have any- hlng more to do wltji him. The coroner gave out ft report of the case oday , showing thatBIr ( Charles shot him self In tho'head. ' It was understood that Sir Jlmrlcs left a letter directing that his clotti ng and effects be given to Miss Pryor , I-VimiM ! mid ( Jerl'uaW Are Cordial. TAIUS , Jan. 14. J.t 'L ' ? an Indication of 'rlcriJHncsa ' between * France and1 Gernwny hat the grand croea of the Legion of Honor las Just been conferred upon Count von Muiuter , the German ambassador at Paris , on the occasion of the ratlllcatlcri of the Franco-German Niger convention. Toil .Sloiinc MtarlH Home , LONDON , Jan. 14. The Campania , which sails for New York from Liverpool tornor- ow , will take amrag Us pafsengers Ted ilc-ino , tbo jockey. Ho Bajs ho la going to Cincinnati to aak Mr. Flclschmann to ro- eago him no as to to able to rldu In Ecg- and , IVtMV Co ill ill ii n ilur for the Army. FAIUS , Jan , IB. The cabinet council today will nominate General Jamont to succeed General Saucier as rommaodcr-in-cblcf ot the French army , " - YALE'S ' REPLY DISPLEASING Oansos Indignation Among Friends of Cornell. REJECTS TEFMS WHICH IT HAD DEMANDED Ottirr Tlinn Objection * < o Kit tr n run of tlic J'rniioiinl Arc l AKiilnut' the XCTV llnvvu Crcit. ITHACA , N. V. , 14. The refusal of Yaleto grant Cornell's request , contained In the latter'a acceptance of Yale's chnlteiiRo , has been the chief topic of conversation at Ithaca today. The students In general arc Indifferent , but some cf Idem , while saying little , tave given signs of Indignation , which practically represents the feeling nt Cornell on the boat raeUxj question , as far as a meet ing with Yale Is concerned. In an Interview tonight Prof. E. AV. . Huff- cutt , president of the athletic council , gave the following statement : "Corrwll regrets that Yale flnds It slblo to ussent to terms which appear to us to bo In every respect fair an ! sportsmanlike. The terms proposed arc an exact equivalent of the terms of the challenge. Moreover , they arc precisely the terms which Yale proposed to Harvard last year and to which Harvard assentcJ. It ecems , therefore , Ui-it Yale's disinclination to accept them must bo due to reagent qulto distinct from any objections to their fairness and having to do with Its gen eral Intercollegiate policy. If this Is so the case resolvea Itself Into a dlftcraco between Cornell and Yale and the Intercollegiate reg ulations In general. "Upon such a question men may disagree without engendering cny unfriendly feeling. In this spirit Cornell accep's Uio decision of Yale and trusts that the good understanding that began last year may eontlivjc , even though different policies at "Old" " two univer sities render future Intercollegiate contests between the two Impossible. " Captain Frederick Colson of the 'Varsity crew , made the following statement : "Cornell considers that Its answer to Yalo's proposition for a boat race was oer- fectly fair from every point of view. I can only cxpi'CES my surprise at the refusal of Yale to nccord to Cornell next year what It claimed of Cornell this year. Cornell cerumen regret that Yale has made It Itn- Oosslblo for another lest to bo made be tween the two different styles of rowing Inseparably connected , with the names of Courtney and Cook. As Cornell has ac cepted Harvard's challenge for a boat face at such tlmo and place as may bo agreeable to the two crews , It only remains to decide upon such tlmo nrd place. All through the negotiations with Harvard and Yale it has been taken for granted that Cornell would row Pennsylvania and Columbia this year. Only matters of detail have to be deter mined upon. Personally , I would llko to see a quadrtngular cace arranged for Colum bia , Harvard , Pennsylvania and Cornell. " Prof. Huffcutt denied the report that a challenge foad been received/ / from Wisconsin by Cornell , ox THI : nir.vviXG TUACKS. Ilnvc Another SucccHsful I > "J' jit XfTV OrltMiiiN , NEAV ORLEANS , Jan. 14. Cloudy weather nnd a. heavy track were the racing condi tions today. David nnd Sea Uobbor were the only successful favorites nnd the books hiid the best of It , the long shots being but llttlo fancied. Results : First race , selling ; fifteen-sixteenths of a mile : David won , Van Brunt second , Do mingo third. Time : l:42 : i. Second race , selling , thlrtcon-slxteenths of a mile : Teeta May won. Little Music second , Sauterne third. Time : 1:27'S : > . Third race. Belling , one mlle and twenty yards : Sea Robber won , ABC second , Brldgeton third. Tlmo : 1S1 % . Fourth race , handicap , six furlongs : Ta bouret won , Georgu B. Cox second , Pete Archer third. Time : 1:19. Fifth race , six furloass : Milt Boykln won , Gypcelver second , Belle of Fordham third. Time : l:19Vs. : Sixth race , selling , fifteen-sixteenths of a mile : Lexington Pirate won , Carlotta C second , Full Hand third. Time : 1:42',4. : SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. U. Weather Hear ; track fast at Oakland today. Re sults : First race , selling- , six furlongs : Bram- bella won , The Dipper second , Roulette Wheel third. Tlmo : 1:17 : % . Second race , selllnfr , sevan furlongs : Ollceta won , Jack Martin second , Walter J third. Time : 1:31 : % . Third race , purse , 2-year-olds , throe fur longs : Buena Ventura won , Clarendo second end , Anchored third. Time : 0:37ft. : Fourth race. Felling , one mile : Hazard won. Nonchalance second , Heritage third. Time : 1:43 : % . Fifth race , selling' , seven furlongs : Tor sion won , Sly second , Major Cook thlid. Time : 1:30 : % . Sixth race , selling' , fifteen-sixteenths of a mile : Imperious won , Fred Gardner second , Morlnel third. Time : 1:37. : t Hull nt Lincoln. The basket ball game between the team of the Young Men's Christian association of this city and the University of Nebraska will take place at Lincoln this evening , and the Indications point toward an exciting game. The local team , accompanied by Physical Director Fred B. Barnes and about a score of Omaha boys to cheer the local [ cam on to victory , will leave for Lincoln : hls afternoon at l-JB o'clock , a special car being- attached to the Rock Island's ex press for the party. Captain Redllcld of the Omaha team and ills players are all In good trim for the jame , and If they do not win the student layers at Lincoln must ncads put up a very stiff game of basket ball. The team will return to Omaha on Sunday morning. The return game will be played between the same teams In this city on Saturday evening , January 29. nt n Ko-v Chase. FARGO , N. D. , Jan. 14. There has been a novel cour&lng meet near Fargo. The dog fanciers' who have greyhounds on ex hibition at the kennel show took their dogs out llvo miles south of the city for a jack rabbit chase. No jack rabbits could be found , but the crowd was lucky enough to strike a fox and enjoyed a splendid chase. About 500 people had gone out from Fargo to see the sport. A number were on bicy cles , enjoying- the chase to thu limit. It Is probably the first fox hunting party that over went to the chase on bicycles , nnd the matter Is all the more notworthy when It Is considered that It was In what Is termed the Arctic North Dakota , but In the middle of January and without a particle of snow on the ground , bicycling being as good as In Florida. _ Four .lien S'lioot Today. There will be a lively four-handed llvo bird race ot the Council Bluffs grounds this afternoon between Omaha and Council Bluffs teams. W. D. Hardin and A. Uler- shelm will represent the Iowa sldo and J. C. Sinead and Satnaha will defend the local claim to superiority. The race will bo fifty birds per man for the price of the birds and a small stake , There la a probability that the four-man match that Is scheduled for Saturday will bo postponed on account of the Illness of ono of the Crablll boys , Onnlii ; lien Win tin * Shoot. The llvo bird match between J. C. Smead and Samaha of this city and J , A , Hardin and A. Blershelm of Council Bluffs yes terday afternoon proved to bo ono of the closest and most Interesting contests of the season , The match "was fifty birds per man , and H was anybody's game until the last string was shot ; out. The Ornutm men mic- ceeded In winning , out Bmc'id Samaha killIng - Ing forty-five and fortythrco birds respect ively , wnllo the Iowa marksmen had to bo content with fortyono apiece. l'iirMi > for Kill .McCoy. BALTIMORE , Jan. 14. Manager Hereford of the Kureka Athletic club linn luiHK up a purse of $1,000 for n go between Kid .McCoy and Charllo Go If , the middle-weight , the winner to take CO per rent of the receipts , "Billy" Muddon , uoff'a manager , has ac cepted for Goff , anil there Is llttlo doubt of McCoy's acceptance. Start In on Third Mulch. ADELAIDE , South Australia , Jan. 14 , The third tisat cricket match between the Australians and the visiting Englishmen began today. At the close of play the Australians had scored ten runs for two WlckV-ts. I'rliiuctoii-l'rniiHylviiiilu llano Hull. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. 14-Overturcs have been made by Princeton to the. Unl- KELLEY , STIGER & CO. 50 DISCOUNT DISCOUNT SATURDAY MOBBING We shall offer our entire stock of Ladies' and Misses' JACKETS and Children's Long Cloaks at a dis count of 50 per cent just half price for any garment in the house. This will include all our recent arri vals of up-to-date JACKETS Our 20 per cent discount sale of Colored and Black Dress Goods Underwear Blankets and Flannels still continues. Cor. Farnam and Fifteenth ; verslty of Pennsylvania to arrange a scries of base ball gtimcs to be played In the spring , and the nthletle association of the latter Is considering * the proposition. It is said Unit the arrangement will not be con summated unless Princeton makes a live- year agreement to meet Pennsylvania In nit other branches of sport , Including foot ball. Kltil't < ii IlriMV. CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. 11. A special to the Commercial Tribune from Parkersburg , AV. A'a. , says : At the Auditorium , tonlpht there was a twenty-round battle between Jimmy Conley of Buffalo , N. Y. , and Jack Bingham of Hunting-ton ) for $250 a Bide and n. percentage nf the gate money. It was fast and furious. Referee Pat Gavin of AVheeling declared it a draw. James O'Leary of Cincinnati challenged Uio win ner. GoiiHr Saves 1 CINCINNATI , O. , Jan. H. A special to the Commercial Tribune from Chllllcothe , O. , says : A twenty-round contest took p'nce ' hero tonight between James Fogartty and George llaynos. Both were In Hood whape and honors were even until the teventh round , when Haynes had Fogarty utmost out. The Kong wived Fogarty again In the eighth , but ho milled afterwards and held out. making the light a draw. Monocline AVIiiM SkntliiK 'llncc. PHILADELPHIA , Jan. II. The first of n series of three races at the AVest Park skat- Ins palace between two of the fastest skat ers In the country , Joseph V. Donoghue of Newburgr , N. Y. , and AVIHIam Letts of New ark , N. J. , resulted tonight In Donog-hue's favor. The distance was one mile and Donoghuo covered it In 3 minutes 43 bee- onds. MAICI3 A IIAII ) OX UUCICET SHOPS. I'ollfc Arri'Nt S < * tiMitevii Oicrnor for Viola'tini ' ? ( lie I.IMV. NEAV YOHK , Jan. 14. Captain SIcCloskey and a squad of detectives today raided four alleged bucket rshops In the AVail street sec tion , and arrested seventeen prisoners. Tin , raids were made on warrants Issued by Mag istrate Flammer. The firms raided were Ridley , Pelaer & Co. , 42 and 44 Broadway , where five prisoners 'were arrested ; the Standard Stock company at B3 New street , where five persons were arrested ; the Pub lic Stock and Grain company at Cl Now street , where four persona were arrested ; and Hamilton & Co. at 03 Now street , where three persons wcro arrested. Great excitement prevailed In all the places when the detectives entered. The places had been watched for several weeks and the warrants had been procured when the police thought they had all the ovIJ.'iice necessary. The detectives marched their prisoners Into the street , and a ciowd fol lowed them to the Center Street court , where the men wcro arraigned. They were charged "with violating the law that pro hibits the recording of beta and wagcra. Charles Hoffman , Angel Emanuel and Paul and George Clayton , who wore employed as blackboard clerks , were discharged. All the other prisoners were held In f 1,000 ball each for examination on Friday next. CIIEIOII TI1I1 11KCISIO.V TO STRUCK. WVnverM Will Xot fie IH Wurlc Until NEW BEDFOUD. Mass. , Jan. 14. Adelphi rink was crowded tonight to the utmost capacity , fully 2,000 men and women attend- ng the mass meeting of the union and non union weavers of the city. The action of the union In voting to strlko was Indorsed by a hearty aye , and It was voted to stay out until the abuses claimed by the weavers are corrected. The weavers demand flrst a restoration of wages ; second , the abolition of the lining system ; third , the adoption of a uniform price lint In all of the mills of the city. It was the sentiment of all that the weavers would not go to work Monday oven if the notices were 'taken ' down tomorrow. The union and nonunion card and plcken room operatives had a mass meeting tonight. The vote to resist the cut down was unani mous. avusu JAIMIVANXIETY" , Mlkiulo .WillSinil n Vluet < o Hal i.VaiU I Hill I ) ll' ' . LONDON , Jan. li. , \ special dispatch from Shanghai says H la reported there that the French demands as to Hal Nan have created uneasiness iu Japan. Admiral YOUR Yu has been ordered to assume personal command of the AVo-Sung forts. Yu-Kim Nlah is establishing conscription In certain districts of Yangsto AVu Hu and Tao Tal and has proclaimed all able-bodied men liable to service. Lu Yang Is reported to bo raising a large force In Kwang Tung , whileho Is also en trusted with the command of the southern squadron. It Is rumored that Japan will send a squadron Bouth owing to tbe French , threatening Hal Nan. FOHROAST FOR TODAY'S WE.VTIIEIU SIIOTT 111 nnxtcrii 'Portion ' , lth North erly AVlnilN. WASHINGTON , Jan. II. Forecast for Saturday : For Nebraska Threatening weather , prc ceded by snow In eastern portions ; north * crly wlmla. For Iowa Snow or rain ; cant to north- cast winds. For South Dakota Threatening weatheri vurlablo winds. For Missouri Rain or snow ; probably clearing Saturday afternoon ; northerly- winds. For Kansas-Snow ; probably clearingIn the afternoon ; northerly winds For AVyomlng Partly clouJy weather ; variable winds. liocul ItiMicril. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Jan. 11. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the cor- BpondlnB1 dny of the lost thrco years : 1S9S. 1S37. ISOfi. 1S05. Maximum temperature. . . . sn "S 37 4a Minimum tcmporaturc. , . . 2J ! 13 39 is Average temperature 30 22 28 28 Rainfall T T .CO 'ii Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and slnco March 1 , 1S97 : Normal for the day. , , . , 17 Excess for the day , 33 Accumulated excess since 'March ' 1 499 Normal rainfall for the day 02 Inch Deficiency for the day o > jncli Total rainfall since March 1 11) ) 01 Inchest Deficiency since March 1 Inched Excess for cor , period , Ib07 D 28 hichoii Deliclency for cor. period , 1S90 . . .11,31 Inchon KcnortN from Stiitloim at 8 1 > . > . , Ee\enty inh meridian time. The only hi h , D&kinjJ'Powder ? Offered af & moderate price.