Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    I '
Bes 1-1415J.
January at
Thompson , Belden & Co.'s
You will be quick if you are wise It's your golden op
portunity This sale is attracting wide spread attention
and no wonder Our January Clearing sale , is a money
saving feature to the buyers Not a piece bought for it It's
the regular dry goods stock that careful buyers know so well
and regard so highly.
It would eota polit
ical economist
guessing fta to why
wo today sell Dress
Goods for loss than
they uro coat i up.
Wo know \vlmt Is
io bo u od for next
season and wo arc
p.'iytimr much more
far the EUino goods.
Why nro wo soiling
lean than goods uro
casting ? Because
pi'osont lots must
go tonmko room for now lots that hade
o cumo in a full line of colorings.
The reductions run Ihta way
fie from 12',4c
ISf from 2ic
Si'Jc ' from 33o.
25c from COc i
COc from COc.
C9c fiom Me
COo from tl.(0 (
S9o from J1.2J-
S9c from $ MO-
D3e from Sl.bO
SII.KS Wo liavc too many slllcs
RUOUCKD and our overload is your
If you como qtilclc you will be pleased
and pet some lint gains this Is Hie
way thi > reductions inn
IDc lining Silks were Mo.
* 29e I'.incy Silks ' .v ere G3c.
SDc Fancy Slllcs were $1.CO.
40c Colored F.illle Silk ; , \\ere $1.00.
Colored Itludames now 19c.
Boys' heavy black
ootton Bicycle Hose ,
linn ribbed , w i t h
thice-thrcad knee ,
thrce-throad foot
and four-thread hocl
and toe3c. .
Also the same quality In heavy fleeced
A peed cotton wide ribbed hose for boys
tluit it very el.istlo and comfortable
at. 20c Also at 15c pair.
PERCALES Wo still have some Ro-
ETC. man plaid and striped per
cale loft which wo consid
er genuine bargains.
30-lncb wide and all go for 7V c a yard-
were 12'/ic.
Dress GlnRhain' ! In plnld nnd stripes at
3V e per yard were S l-3c.
1)1 eoi Print at Z'&c par yard.
Nottingham Lace Curtains and Brus
sels Net Curtains me still to be lind
at reduced prices , livery lidy who
contemplates buying for spring house
rlcnnlns : time should call early before
assortment Is broken.
UNDERWEAR Ladies' cotton Recced
lined union suit ? , but
toned across the front , OOc each.
A few more slz-s In ladles' white Merino -
no Vests nnd Pants to be closed out
at " 5c former pilco COe.
"We have .in odd line of misses' fine
ilbhpil wool union sultn regular pi Ice
J1.25 und $1.50 reduced to TJC.
NOTIONS A few of the many attrac
tions at notion counter for
A Rood double wrap Velveteen binding
In 4 y.ird lengths nt lOc per piece ,
former price lOc.
I'arcy Celluloid Hair Pins In amber
and shell 3'4 ' Inches long 2 for uc
jtiet half price.
White pcnrl buttons from 10 to 21
line liw per card of 2 dozen.
Our January clear
ing sale of Cloaks
has made our Cloak
room look some
what 1 i k o the
shadow of its for
mer faolf. Starling
out with the deter
mination of not car
rying over a single
garment , na wo will
soon want the room
for our beautiful
hpringlino of tailor
i undo suits.
We havp made such prices on the bal
ance of our stock us will Insure a
veiy quick clearance of what Is left.
Excellent Jackets at J2CO J.'i.CO $7.5)
rpRUlarly Hold for S5.CO $10 00 and $13.
KxceKent Capes-at J2 50-J3 CO MCO-
51.00 woi th regularly $5.00 $ G.CO and
$7.0. ) each.
JANUARY Wi-o , housekeepers buy
KLANKET their blankets now at
SELLING the greatly reduced pri
ces during this clearing
They can't save money any faster.
Woolen poods will bs high next sea
son higher than they have been for
the lust .1 > eais.
An all wool grey Blanket full size we
sell you now at J2.11 a pilr this sea
son's pi Ice $3.23 next season's price
about $4.CO.
Fine Barony all wool grey or white
Ulanlcots 11-4 wo sell now at $350
a pilr this season's price was $175
next season's price will bo about JflOO
11-1 till wool grey Blanket now J .SS
a pair This season's prlc * was $4.00
next ne.ibon the price vUll ba about ? 3
for same prude of goods.
Convince yourself of the ttutli of our
statement und give our Blanket IJe-
partment a call.
PATTERivS Agents for McCall's Bazar
All patterns lOc or 13c none better no
matter how much you pay.
Odd line of men's
woolen half hose ,
mostly bmall sixes ,
Inc a pair 2 pair
for 2.'o reduced
from ilc
and fil'c.
Black cashmere half hose. lOc reduced
from Me.
Shawknlt half hose , In heavy cotton
with black uppers and v.hlto sole
2. > c a pair.
Shawknit all black medium weight half
hose 23c.
Shawknlt half hose In light medium
and heavy weight rotten colwr , mot
tled grey 23c a pair.
Men's half hose In two thread Egypt
ian yarn , gus&otcd , heel blick browns
and mottled grej 13c a pall.
manner In which A da mo was apprehended
has caused considerable comment , a.iJ the
Missouri marshal who by his own persistency
huccceded in capturing a man whom he had
never seen , after the bebt detectives In the
country had failed on the task , comes la fcr
a large amount of praise.
h ( ) l > J > cl to Maintaining n
COMJMI3US , O. . Jan. II The United Mine
Workers' convention had a lively executive
session 'this ' afternoon considering the report
of the scale committee. After the commit
tee reported the convention went into execu
tive tauloa and 'thet. ' proceedings were
guaidcd with the utmost scciccy. The com-
mlttco recommended that an advance of 10
cents per ton bo demanded In the price of
mining and that the differential of 3 cents
per ton bptwcon the Ohio and I'lttsburg dls-
/trleta be maintained , Them was a lively debate -
bate o\er the qucbtton of the differential ,
the Plttsbiug dclosr.tcs opposing It.
The convention adjourned without talcing
Jiny nrtlcn on the ropoit and will ibegln
business at 7 o'clock In the morning , In
order to cloro up the woik of tan conven
tion , pieparatory to the trip to Chicago.
ATTiyii'Ts .utmi > iu : ins .
MIITOU i : cai > ( > of thilti' at CJIMNIIJJ |
ai. Clay.
CHICAGO , Jun. 14. A special to the
Tlmcs-Hcrald from Valley View -
, Ky , saja-
Gpnoial Caaalim M. Clay's joung wife , ,
Dora , barely escaped death nt 11.10 tills ;
morning nt the hands of her brother , Clell I
nichardson , at whoso howm uho has been
boardlliK over slate shn left the ieneral two
moathti ago. He fired two shots nt her with '
a largci pistol at a of twenty paces ,
and lie then Ural n nh t nt Mru. John Dry-
ant , his mother-in-law , who was with her.
Dora ran to the home of her Hitter , ilia
Kelly , about n mlle distant , where she Is ! !
C'lell declared tonight ho would kill Dora
If xho does not leave the Kelly house.
i'.vi.i. ! > iuiit"'jo \
( onit l.m-lc Co in ON to ii .Montana 1'rln-
ST. PAUL , Minn , , Jan , 11. A Htltto ,
Mont , , special lo the 1'loncer Press < = aja :
C. M , Oliver , ti convict In the Ueer Lodge
pen 11 en IM i y , who h.\a been granted n new !
tilal on iho charge of robbery , today ro-j
cclved a letter from a firm ot lawyers In
llrldgeport , Conn , , Infrxmlng him that ho
had fallen heir to $ lf > 0,000 by the death of
an uncle , IMwln M , Oliver , which occurred
In that city over n > cnr ago. The trustee
of the estate only recently learned of young
Oliver's wheroabouta.
His new trial will conic up In a few weeks
nnd ho will probably bo released , as all of
the date's witnesses have illsaiipearod.
I.IITIK.S nxi'oiiTiMi TIIIUII win : IT.
-il Tliey Will C.inul II on VCH-
KC-U lit I'lllllllIfllllllU.
rHILAPEL-PHIA , Jnn. 14.-AW evening
paper sa > s : Dig thlpniants ot grain were re
ported today as belug Ecbcdulcd to arrive
Jicro from Chlrago. It Is coming at n rate
which Is equivalent lo 0 cents a bushel ,
4bougu the rate from Chicago to Philadel
phia la 104-10 cents & bushel. It was go/alp
today that ( bo wheat was some of LelterV ,
and vv&i destined as carcoca for those eteam-
era which are under contract to load at thia
port during this and next mo'th.
nor.n coin : * ) AF'rniii IM.'ORMATIOV.
for HlH HOHMII C tn ( lie
ill n al la ii I.viclHlutnrc.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. Lorln A. Thurs-
ton. formerly Hawaiian mlnlcter to the
United Slates and at present In this city
as the Islcod republic's reprccentatUe in
behalf of the annexation treaty , toJay.made
the following statement relative- President
Dole's mission to the United States :
"The Hawaiian legislature meets in reg
ular scasicc ) In1 February next , and If annex-
atlon > Ic' to take place ( hero will nccCH&irlly
bo some leg'Glatlon to adapt the la us to the
changed condition. If It Is not to take place ,
the refunding of the bonded debt will prob
ably bo taken up. The present bonds diaw 6
per cent Interest , cad can be taken up at any
time. The entire debt can bo refunded at from
4 to 4 % per cent by the present government.
"There being no cable communication and
the mills being so slow end so far npart ,
and Infounatlon obtained by letter being
at best unsatisfactory. President Dole deter
mined to come to Washington and ob--ci\e
the condtlons for hinwelf In order to guide
himself In making recommendations to the
legislature. "
Tbo State department has received notlco
from United States Minister Sowall at Hon
olulu of the Intention of President Dole of
Hawaii to leave , the Islands January 8 for
the United States. All that Minister Sewoll
his to say la explanation of the presidents
purpose In making 11 vlolt to Washington
ij that ho U deeply Interested In the annex.
atlon troity.
I'oslnt AHtlinrllli'M rinnll > IIculilc
UIMIII n Di-Klmi.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. A new hand-
stamp , to bo used for the cancellation of
mall matter , will soon be adopted l > y tlio
Poatomeo department. Those now In use
have beca found tobo unaatlsfatory In sev-
cial ret-pecta , the principal defect being that
the Impression inado wa not always com
plete and clearly dcllncil , Scvuial months
ago department Invited Inventors to
submit designs for the new stamps whoso
principal advantages should 'bo ' in the di
rection of simplicity , durability and cheap
ness. In coiuequence about -CO uuch stamps
wcro submitted. Tlicbo have been under
examination by a committee consisting ot
Alexander Grant , W. II , Lamar and M. W.
I Lewis , They have agreed on the design
, which they think Is best adapted for the
UBQ of the department and have made a re
port to the postmaster general The now
stamp will bo Introduced giadually , taking
the place of iho old ones n fast as the
department deems practicable.
Dcnioci-nlM Mil } ' , | ciuli lloiiNf.
NOW YOUIC , Jan. H.-At a meeting to
night the board of governors of the Demo-
cratlo club formally authorized the purchase
of the old N'ew Voik Athletic club house.
The sum of S10.000 in to be paid to bind the
bargain and J35.000 additional will bo paid
as soon na the tltla for the bulldlns IH
rau ferrcd to the flub , The remainder of
the purchase price. J120.000 , will bo provided
Tor by a mortgage ,
TVIIJ Siiiroi-iilcil liy SiuulSr.
NOW YOniC , Jnn. J4.-In a Uro which oc
curred today at Thomas Uoberts' hotel la
West street and did $13,000 damage Leslie
Stanley and his wlfo were suffocated by
smolte. ,
Time Given Over to Oonsideration of Private
Cn ( DIMTII IMKIiiu of ( lie Home Ilnolc
Cniinoti Tlilnkn the Country
linn Gone Kx
i . Wild ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. It was the In
tention of the house to proceed with the
diplomatic and consular appropriation bill
toJay , but owing to the cxiltod condition
of affairs In Havana and. the wildly exag
gerated reports afloat they decided to avoid
the possibility of opening up a Cuban dc-
bate by relliiulahlng the day to 'tho commit
ted on clalma In charge of 'bllla ' on the pri
vate calendar. Hoforo this order was en
tered upon the agricultural iblll was patted.
Most of the day was consumed In a filibuster
against a. bill to pay the publishing house
of the Mothodlst Episcopal church , south , at
Nashville , Teun. , $288,000 on account of seiz
ure and uo of the property of the corpor
ation during the war. This took up the
tlmo until D o'clock , when the house ad-
When the house adjourned last night the
amendment to the agricultural appropria
tion bill providing for the publication ot
another edition of the "Horso Hook" wa
pending. Today the friends of the amcndmcn
compromised with the appropriations com
mlttco by agreeing to a reduction of the
number to 1)o printed from 150.000 to 75,000
As amended the bill was passed.
The resolution accepting the Invitation o
the government of Norway to participate In
the International Fisheries exposition a
Bergen from May to September , 1898 , was
culled up by Mr. SlmpUIns ( rep. , Mass.
.Mr. Cannon , chairman of the appropriations
committee , said ho thought on the exposition
question congress was running wild. Wo
had had domestic expositions at Phlla
dclphla , Chicago , Nov. Orleans , Cincinnati
Louisville , Atlanta and Nashville , and were
now about to have ono at Omaha. Abroai
we had participated In the expositions a
Vienna Paris , I3erlln and Brussels. The
anxiety of wculd-'bo commissioners to have
the honor nnd glory of our country rep
resented at these foreign expositions was
agonising. Now here came this exposition
at Bergen. Twenty thousand dollars to be
appropriated now. If this resolution passed
congress would be called upon to foot the
bill for a deficiency of $20.000. Ho gave 1
as hla deliberate judgaient that the Interests
o the United States did not require our
participation In this exposition. If we dli
our duty by the Paris exposition that would
bo enough.
Mr. Stnipklns ( rep. . Mass. ) In reply callci
attention to the fact that Norway , while
second In the world to no country In fish
eries , hail accepted our Invitation to partici
pate at Philadelphia and Chicago. Common
courtesy and decency demanded that we
accept this Invitation.
Mr. Uolllvcr of Iowa thought wo vvoulc
not In the next decade participate In an ex
position which would be of moro practical
value to the United States. The resolution
was adopted.
Another resolution was adopted on motion
of Mr. Perkins ( rep. , la ) directing the
director of the geological survey to prepare
nnd have printed 10,000 ccples of a map of
Alaska showing the most feasible routes to
the gold fields.
The house then went Into committee of the
whole/ for the consideration of Tiills on the
private calendar.
The property of the corporation , which was
located at Nashville , Teun , , was seized ant
held by the United States from 1SC2 to 1800
when It was turned ever to the owners
Mr. Cooper referred to the fact that the
profits of the concern were applied to th6
support of the superannuated ministers
Thousands ot petitions from icllgloua Undies
ho said , had been iccclvcd , urging the passage -
sago of the bill.
Mr. Dalzell ( rep , Pa. ) inaugurated a fili
buster against the measure by demanding
the reading of the report on the 'bill , which
consisted of about fifty pagw , the reading
of which would consume several hours. At
the conclusion of an hour , when Mr. Dal-
zell'a tlmo expired , the friends of the bill
attempted to secure an agreement for closIng -
Ing the debate , but all requests looking to
this end were objected to.
Mr. Rlchard ° on ( dem. , Tenn ) appealed to
the other sldo to allow a vote on the bill.
JMr. Sayera ( dem. , Tex. ) said 'this ' was as
jt t a claim as had ever been piesented to
congress. The amount asked by the Methodist
Hplscopal church , south , in thta bill , he
paid , was not BO per cent of the amount
which could be recommended In the court
ot claims. Leading bishops nnd divines
north and south had endorsed It. Com
mon justice , not charity , demanded Its pas
Mr. Croavenor ( rep , O. ) made a ton-min
ute speech In support of the 'bill. He said
ho knew personally enough about the claim
to say that $338,000 was a very low estimate
of the damage sustained by the corpora
tion ,
After further discussion and before dis
posing of ithe bill the house nt 5 o'clock ad
OK .ix vuotmTIOX DAY.
Senator Hour Iiitroilnops n I'roponcil
Con Ht It ii ( I i > mi I A in t-ml in cut.
WASHINGTON" tan. 14. After the trans
action of eomo routing business In the senate
today , Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts presented
the following Joint resolution proposing on
amendment to the constitution :
That the follow Ing article be proposed to
the legislatures of the several states as nn
amendment to the constitution cf the United
States :
Tha term of office of the president and of
the Klftv-slxth congress shall continue un
til the SOth dny of April , In the year 1S01 , at
noon. The senntois whoso oxlstlngr term
would otherwise oxtilro on the 4th day of
March , In the year 1901 , or thereafter , Phall
continue ) In olilce until noon of the .I'itli '
dny of April , succeeding such expiration ;
and the : ! 0tli day of April , at noon , shall
thereafter be substituted for the 4th of
Mnich as the commenccmpnt anil toimlna-
tlon of the ofllclnl term of the piesldent ,
vice piesldent , senators and representatives
in conerefas.
The resolution was referred to the coral-
mlttco on privileges and elections.
Mr. Quay of Pennsylvania offered the fol-
owlnjr resolution , which was rcfcired to the
commuted on Indian affairs :
Ilesolved. That the Hociotary of the In
terior shall be and Is hereby Instiueted to
investigate the facts attending the recent
alleged atrocious burning to death of two
Scrnlnolo Indians by a mob In Oklahoma
Territory and make report thereon to con
gress. That the sum of $23,000. or BO much
Ohio Woman Suffered Great Agony
From a Terrible Sere Her Story of
the Case , and Her Cure.
"For many years J vvns afflicted with a
milk leg , and n few yearn ngo it broke out
in n sere nnd opread from my foot to my
Jcnce , I suffered great ngony. It would
burn and itch oil the tlmo nnd discharge
a great deal. My health v.vas good with
Ilia exception of this nore. I tried a great
many hinds of salvo , but eomo would
irritate tlio ooro BO that I could hardly
ctand the pain. I could not go near the
\vJthoutsuffcrInjjlntenBcly. . Bomoono
sent mo papers containing testimonials of
cures by Hood'ti Bareaparilla , and I told
my husband I would Illto to try thia med
icine. Ho got mo n bottle and I found it
helped me. I kept on taking it until my
limb was completely healed. I cannot
praise Hood'u Bareaparilla enough for the
great benefit It Ima been to me. It
clsansc3 the blood of oil Impurities and
lenvoj it rich nnd pure. " Hita. ANNA K.
EAEEII , Whittlcscy , Ohio.
You can buy Ilood'n Barsapnrilln of nil
druggists. Bo aura to get only Hood's.
f . rsi : , , "vo t o favorite family
'S PlIlS
cathartic , rnco ao.
thereof ns may be necessary. Is hereby ap
propriated out ) of any money In the treasury
not otherwise appropriated for the In-
VPfltlRDtlon , apprehension nnd punishment
of the guilty pVrsoiis , to be expended umlpr
the dlrdctlon bf'fho secretary of the In
terior. I
Mr. Ix > dRe of 'Massachusetts offered a
resolution which jvns agreed to calling on
the secretary , of agriculture to supply the
senate with Information as to the amount of
sugar ImportedInto , the United States , the
amount of beet .sUR-ir produced In the United
States , with \vhnt \ sugar. Imported or
domestic , the beet sugar comes Into com
petition , and \Uiat effect the Hawaiian sugar
has or can hate upon beet sugar production
In the United atAfts.
Mr. THIman tif South Carolina announced
that on account of the absence of his
colleague , 'Mr. McLaurln , ho would ask that
the eulogies upon the late Senator Joseph A.
Earle , which were to have been presented
today , be postponed until some later date
to bo determined hereafter. The request was
granted. The senate then , nt 1:30 : , on motion
of Mr. Davis , chairman ot the committee
on foreign relations , went Into executive
The executive session continued until 4:30 :
p. in. , when In open session a message from
the president , transmitting his approval of
the award ot the Uerlng sea commissioners ,
was received and read.
Consideration ot bllla cm the uenslon cal
endar was then bcguu , and nineteen were
The senate bill , authorizing the president
to cause certain lands at the headwaters
or the Mississippi and St. Crolx rivers lu
Minnesota and Wisconsin , an'd of the Wiscon
sin and Chlppowrt rivers tn Wisconsin , here
tofore withdrawn from the market for reser
voir purposes , to be restored to the public
domain , subject to entry under the iiomo-
stcad laws , was called up by Mr. Nelson
( fcp. , Minn. ) and passed.
Mr. McDrldo ( rap. , Ore. ) had cassect a bill
granting pensions to the survivors of certain
Indian wars.
Mr. Pettus ( dem. , Ala. ) secured the
. issago of a bill to regulate the duties of
the Judges of the United States district
courts lo Alabama.
The senate then , nt C-05 o'clock , on mo
tion of Mr. Qua } , adjourned until Monday.
MMSfiVTiov Hv juncn &Tmc. .
Tells Hnvr HeVnx Cniiiicctcil Tilth n
I't'nnloii CIIMI- .
WASHINGTON' , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) When Judge Stnrk's attention was
called to the assertion mndo by emplojcs of
the pension ofllce that ho appears as attor
ney In a pension case while representing the
Fourth Nebraska district In congress , he
said there was not a wotd of truth In the
charge , and related how his name appears
on the outside of certain papcts , but not as
attorney. Some time ago , ho sajs , he was
called upon by the commissioners ot cue of
the counties In his district to Interest him
self In the case of Mrs. Ada C. Cheney , widow
of Jackson W. Cheney. Affidavits , he ex
plains , wore sent him for filing In which the
circumstances surrounding the case were set
forth , showing that the claimant was In need
of governmental aid , a number of small
children being actually w Ithout the neces-
saiics of life. Knowing the character of re
lief commissioners nnd having somewhat of a
knowledge of the case Judge Stark sajs he
Hied nllldavlts Indorsing them as a member
ot congress from the IFourth district , the
papers fallowing that a Washington attorney
Is on record as representing the claimant
before the Pension department. Judge Stark
called on Commjssloner Evans today for an
explanation , but none could bo given throwIng -
Ing any light as io how the mistake oc
curred. He said to. The Boo that he was
cognizant of the law relating to such mat
ters and that the. report that he appealed as
attorney was wlthouf foundation.
Silver Men tnVprl ; Tnffnllicr In
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. As the result of
the conferencea-'hefd 'in' the last few dajs
between the silver Coders of various forties
It ti understood 'thai ' Chairman Jones of the
democratic national committee. Chairman
But'er of the populiqt national committee ,
and Chalrmin Towne'of the silver lepubllcan
national committee , will issue a Joint mani
festo the p = ily part of next week with a
view tr i , curing commcn action by the
thice 01 , mirations In the political contests
of IbOS. me draft of the combine Is now In
course of formation. H will appeal to all
thcue interested In the cause of silver to
work In union , and to avoid rival organiza
tions by which their common strength will
bo dissipated.
Chairman Towne his returned from tie !
contest at Columbus , where he assisted In
the opposition to Mr. Hariri a. He was about
the house of icprcsantatlvra talking with
Representative Bland and others. The feel-
Icg developed was generally In favor o'
comnon action among all the silver ele
Mcs.3iv' . Jones , Butler and Ton no will con
fer further during the oext few days , and
the address will then be made public.
On January 18 the American Blmetallla
union , of which Mr. Warner of Ohio Is pres
ident , holds Us meeting here , and this Is
expected to give further cohesion to the
joint bllver movement.
BvrnMHXG in ivvxvs TO ALASKA.
I-iici-j 15111 KiMornldy Hi-ixirtcil to the
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14 , The Lacey bill
extending the homestead laws to Alaska
and granting right of way to railroads was
favorably reported to the house today from
the public lands committee. The bill has
been changed In committci > so as to extend
the amount of right of way along lines , giv
ing land for Junctions as well au terminals ,
reserving mineral deposits In rights of way
to the United States and so as to authorize
railroads to file preliminary routes bated on
actual survey , giving rights for ono year ,
and to file within ono year thoieafter a pro-
flic , either for the whole route or covering
twenty miles at a tlmo. The report sajs :
Tne great mineral discoveries In this re
gion and the present almost Insupernbls
lllllcultles In the transposition of freight
and passengers have caused an active In-
erest In the location nnd construction of
allionds. Numerous schemea have been
imposed , but the committee has declined
> nnnuirlnr nnv aneelile nrrmasltlon of nnv
mllvldual or cdiponulon , but thlnka that
uny legislation on the subject should bo
teneral nnd open to all persons nllke. Tno
reposed legislation IH Imbed on the right
if way act of 1675 , m.ido adaptable to
Alaska. As to the further extension of the
ntbllo land laws the committee has denned
t desirable at thlx tlmo to extend the
lomestcad laws only , The townslto and laws already nre In force.
Roncrrnli'if ? Inilliin VI n I tern.
WASHINGTON , ' ' .J/'i. ' II. ( Special Tele.
gram. ) CommlEalgncf of Indlin Affairs Jones
today appointed Mha L/aura Howe of New
York teacher ntiBanteo , Neb , , at $600 per
annum ; also Mlsrf Anna I > . Flynn of Cham-
icrlaln , S. D. , teacher at the Chamberlain
school at $ GOO a year , and Flora L. Whltmoro
ot loiva teacher Jt Lao du Flambeau , Wls. ,
at ? COO a year. ' '
Mcssri' Hose nnd Landqulst ot South Da-
( ota nro here , vcr deeply Interested In
JlfJt'ton Indian goiicy matters. It seemu
hat they are not 'satisfied with the appoint
ment of Johnson , who , while a citizen of
ho state and a man faf excellent reputation ,
a not sufficiently well Known to make It
latiefactory to republicans of South Dakota
hat ho should nolll' one of the moat Ini.
> ortant ofllcw In the state. These gentle-
lien are trying to get the president to pro-
Ido for Johntc/n ehcnhero and to give the
ilace to some ono else.
IMifnv oralili' ( o ( 'orlidt
WASHINGTON , Jan. U , 7\io senate com
mittee on privileges and olectlono today de-
Idcd to make an adverse rcyoit upon Hon.
[ , W Corbctt's claim to a seat In the senate
i-om Oregon. The vote was 1 to 3 and was
Ml cn partisan Hues , except that Senator
Hmau.3 , republican , who was absent , was
ounted upon his authority In or/position to
Ir Cort'ott.
Tlierawere txvo volts , the first being upon
imtlon to declare MrCorbott entitled to
ila teat , which was supported by Messrs ,
Chandler , Hoar and Prltchard , icpubllcans ,
ml opioscd by Messrs. Caffcry and Pottus ,
emocrats , Allen , populist , and liurrons , re-
mbllcan. Mr , Spooner republican , was
laired with Mr. Turley , democrat , the former
or anil the latter against the motion , A
no'lon vvis then made to declare that Mr ,
'orbett was no * entitled to his seat and was
arrled by the above vote reversed. Tne
otlag was preceded by a quite general
discussion , based upon a report prepired by
Senator Pettus , on behalf of the opposition.
This report took the position that the ques
tion Involved Is practically the same as that
InvolveJ In the Mantle case and that this
case should bo allowed to stand ns a
precedent. Senator Pettus made nn argu
ment In favor of establishing a principle ot
action In such cases nnd allowing It to
stand , taking the position that thcro was
danger In changing the senate's course every
time the political complexion ot the senate
I'rosldont VrKcn I'ronipt raj input of
the lAninuiit.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. The president
today submitted to congress the awards nnd
report of the commission appointed under
the terms of the treaty of 1S9G to adjust the
claims of the British subjects for losses sus
tained through the seizure of their sealing
vessels In Boring sea. In his letter of trans-
initial the president sa > s :
The report of the secretary of state pre
sents a clear epitome of the award and ren
ders unnecessary any extended observations
on my part further than to say that I cor
dially coincide with the recommendations
tally colncmldo with the recommendations
nnd that our treaty obligations demand
prompt and favorable action by congress ,
which I urgently hope may be. taken to the
end that these long pending questions tuny
be finally and satisfactorily terminated.
The total amount necesenry to tatlsfy the
award of the commissioners Is $173,151.26 ,
which I recommend bo appropriated.
Secretary Sherman's report seta out the
appointment of the commissioner ! ) to adjust
the claims and/ / submits a list ot the awards
made , showing In detail the amount allowed
cn account ot caah of the following named
vessels : Carolina , Thornton , Onward , Favor
ite , Sayvvard , Anna Dock , Alfred Adams ,
Grace , Dolphin , Ada , Triumph , Jlianite , Path
finder , "Black " Diamond , Lily , Ariel , Minnie ,
Wlmiltrcd , Kate , Henrietta anl Ctacur and
Hattle. There wore also allowed fourteen
personal claims to the following named per
sons : lluilroe , Morgotlch , Guttormsen , Nor
man , Ogllvie , Blake , Warren , Kollly , Fescy ,
Lalng , Olson , Kecse , Petit and Lunderg.
The principal ot the claims for vessels
allowed amounts to $261,188.31. and Intciest
on this sum Is allowed to the amount of
$143790.30. making the total allowed $413-
19.72. The personal claims with Interest
swell this total to $163,454.27. Then the coi-
respondenco shows a further allowance was
inudu on account of the Black 4'lamond. and
on the claim of James Gaudln , mate of the
Ada , two claims which bad been
originally thrown out by tlio com
missioners on the ground of lack
of jurisdiction , but which were
afterward admitted to consideration on the
Jo'ot application of Secretary Gluey and Sir
Julian Pauncefote. The admission of these
two claims raised the total of the claims aim
Interest allowed to the sum mentioned hi
the president , namely , $473,151.20.
Secret arj Sherman makes the point In his
letter that the treaty under which the avpjrds
were made requires that the appropriation
slull bo made to pay them within sK mcntl's
after the asccitalnmcnt of the full amount.
linnldiii ; I'nollKlex of ( In- South mill
AVcxt Iniiilriiiintt' .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Robert S. Tay
lor of Indiana , a member of the monetary
commission , was again before the house
banking and cunency committee at today's
session. Ho referred to the Inadequacy of
the banking facilities la the eauth and west
and suggested that for the present this coun
try must look mainly to Independent , small
local binks for the relief which la needed ,
though he conceded nn extensive system of
branch brake might have a moro effective
tendency to equalize rates of Interest
Mr. John W. Frela , the North Carolina
member of the commission , sketched brlffls
the prevailing conditions In the south arid
particularly In hla own state. He created a
smile by explaining that North Carolina wan
conspicuous for two things it furnished the
country the great apostle of discontent.
Colenel L. Polk , and ft furnl'.hea the larger
part of the output of cigarettes which hre
regarded as so harmful to the youth of the
Dropping Into a more serious sr. in Mr.
Frcls went on tc eiy the people of North
Carolina are clamoring fcr montv. Ho did
not think this meant cheaper money , but
better facilities for the transaction of busi
ness. This , he eald , can only be secured by
the establishment of such a banking scheme
that will make It pa.slblo that the people
will get these faellltlcs.
Mr , Frels' statement lawd throuRhout the
day. The committee then adjourned until
Monday , when Secretary Giga and. . ex-Secro-
tary Falrchlld will bo heard fur1 her.
S > nillLMite lifiNfH a Popular \Va lili K-
toii I'luy HOIIHO.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. The Columbia
theater , fine of the flrot-class theaters of
this city , has- been leased to Joseph E
Luckctt and William D. Dw > er for a term
of ten jears. Tonight the new lessees and
mcaagera announced they will bo6k any and
all first-class attiactlons , whether controlled
by the so-called theatrical syndicate or not ,
and will do business direct with managers
of attractions.
The financial barking of the new managers
Is composed of some of the best known me-i
In Was.ilngton. The theater heretofore Las
been controlled by the syndicate.
All CM ) TIIll AVTNbCAM'I.NO llll.h.
KnllroinlH Unit Heilcrm I'niiHfil I'or-
Uons of 'I Ic-UolH.
WASHINGTON , Jan 14. The t'louso com
mittee on inteistate and foreign commerce
had the scalping bill under dlscuEslcci today.
Two amendments were adopted. Ono pro-
poaea a penalty on railroads refusing to re
deem unused portions of tickets. This Is
lackl-.ig In the original bill anl the Interests
represented favor It as an earnest of good
faith. Air amendment was adopted pi avid-
Ing the nassengcrs allying for redemption
of tlcltott ) should not be Riven the benefit of
the thiouili tariff , but only of no regular
latoi to the point to where ttoo Journey
lo 1,111111 unicc
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Kx-Senator Moody of South Dakota
today filed a petition with the general land
commissioner , signed by more than COO South
Dakotans , asking that the land office at
Ilapld City bo removed to Deadwood , Prom
present Indications It Is probable that an
order will soon be Issued removing the office ,
as the pressure for removal Is very strong.
'Iho secretary of the Interior today ordered
a review of the land case of Archie O , Pal
mer ot Central City , Neb , , Involving the
right to an Island in the Platte river , The
secretary also affirmed the decision of the
land commissioner In the case ot Alexander
IHcpifer , involving a homestead In the Aber
deen , S. D. , land district.
JVrtuliiliiK' to
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Fourth-class postmasters vvoro ap
pointed ao follows1 Nebraska John S.
Hoover , at Blue Hill , Webster county , to
succeed Joshua I. Martin , removed ; Henry F.
Moore , at Prosscr , Adams county , vice Jarnca
H. Crow , resigned ; Herman F. Starmaun , at
Yutan , Saunders county , vice W. J. Pai-
menter , removed ,
.Iowa Robert W. Lazenby , at Atkins , Benton -
ton county , vice John J. Johnbon , removed ,
I'llll'lllN lO U'l'HllTIl 11I' |
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14 ( Special. ) Pat
ents were Issued today as follows :
Nebiaska Charles C , Bcrck , Boelus , bl-
cjclo motor attachment ; Thomas 0. Brltton ,
Louisville , boiler ; Franklin W. Frampton ,
Lexington , self-totting trap ; August Lange ,
Scrlbner , draft equalizer ; Herman 0. Wellage ,
Crete , washing machine.
Iowa Hojal A. Adams , Blakesburg , wagon
brake ; Richard V. Barry , assigns one-half
T Mnn ( iriiNiiM nt a HtriMV.
"Dr. Aijneu'H Cure for the Heart bus done
BO muc'h lor ni ° , that I feel that I owe It
to Buffering imnanlty to give testimony.
For yf.Ud I hud smothering npclls , pains In
my left side , nnd swelled ankles. When I
took the Ural da o of Dr Annew'8 Cure for
the Hcirt my friends thought I was dying ;
It fc'nvu me almost Instant relief , und nix
bottles cntlnly cured me" Mm. F , L.
Lumsdcn , Bcranton , Pa. 57. Kuhn & Co. .
llth and DouBliu : Sherman & McComicll
Drug Co. , 1513
ot potent on automatic cheek row planter to
J. H. llatea of Stuart ; Clarence D. Beck-
wll'j , hay or grain elevator and distributor ;
Altrcd T , Lalnson as-slgcis one-half ottlcnt
on non-rcflllable bottle to U , C. I/atnson ot
Council Bluffs ; Prank B. Mlllard aflslgna one-
half of patent on nclf-rockUig cradle to W. F.
Ward of Montour ; fleorgo H. Mott assigns
one-half patent on farm gate to O. A. Itogcrs
of Fajetto county ; Monrad J. Olscn , Dos
Molnes , barrel litter ; Oeorgs D , Peltlngc ! ! ?
combined door latch ami step , and t\lrWuko
nnd steam pipe coupling ; Charloj A , Snow ,
Lime Springs , clothes pounder ; Main 1C. Tur
ner , Cedar Itaplds , audlphono ; llobert Tur
ner. Des Moldes , typewriting machine : David
Zerflng , Wlndhara , baby swing ; Scott H. Hull ,
Oskaloosa , harness dee.
South Dakota Franklin -Carpenter ,
Deadwood , separating and refining metals ;
Jacob Jacobson , assigns one-halt ot patent cn
submarine torpedo to M. Johnson nnd M.
Anderson of Lead City ,
J'rrnlilcntlnt Appointee * Sronro In
Thrlr ItlKlit < o Ilolil Ollli-c.
WASHINGTON * Jan. 14. The scnalo to
day confirmed the following nominations :
H. King ot Michigan , to bo minister to
To bo secretaries of legation : J. C. Mr-
Nelly of Pennsylvania , secretary nnd consul
general at Bogota , Columbia ; W. F. Sanda ,
necrotary at Seoul , Corca ; A. M. Beaupro at
Guatemala and Honduras.
To bo consuls : K. K. Kennedy of Missis
sippi , Para , Brazil ; C. Donaldson , nt Man
agua , Nicaragua ; L. S. Wllcox of Illinois , at
Hankow , China ; C. W. Klndrlck of Louis-
Kna , Cludad , Juarez , Mexico ; L. W. Liv
ingston of Florida , Capo Haitian ; II. W.
Furnlss of Indiana , at Bahla , Brazil.
Leandcr P. Mitchell of Indiana , to bo as
sistant comptroller of the treasury.
Robert J. Tracowoll of Indiana , to be
comptroller of the treasury ; N. L , Chow of
Indiana , to bo assistant register ot the
A. L. Lowslio of Indiana , to bo deputy
auditor of the Postofflco department.
iMark S. Brewer of Michigan , to bo n civil
service commissioner.
Postmasters : Missouri J. W. Smith ,
Thaycr ; A. A. Marshall , Glasgow ; W. W.
Arnold , Fulton ; C. L. Mosloy , Stnnbcrry ; T.
N. McHnticy. Konnett ; C. M. Gllchlrat ,
Litlirop ; W. 13. Crow , DcSoto ; II. S. Hankoy ,
Salem ; L. M. Colcmin , Aurora. Iowa M.
Sheridan , Osccola ; K L Trovltt , Fort Mad
ison ; W. II. Letts , Columbus Junction. Ne
braska uJ. . Anderson , Nellgh ; H. Glbbony ,
Kuarncy ; W. II. Kotcham , Crawford ; H. U.
Miner , Havena ; r. N. Phillips , Exeter ; D. 13.
Sherman , Valentino ; H. C. Booker , Gothen
burg ; P. A. BrundaKO , Tccumseh ; A.
Graham , Beatrice ; C. V. Hax , Weeping
Water ; L. H. Jewett , Broken Bow W. A.
McCole , ludlnnola ; U. C. Perkins , St. Paul ;
G. W. llewey , Wlsner ; G. K. Thomas , Har
vard. Kansas A. 13. Powell , Coffeyvlllc.
I'nriioxe of n 11111 Whtoli Senntor I'cr-
UtiiN Introdiu'CH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. Senator Perkins
of California today Introduced a bill amenda
tory of the act providing a civil government
for Alaska , providing that all public lands
not reserved In Alaska , containing coal , lig
nite or mineral oil , liny be claimed and en
tered under the land laws ; that locatlono
not exceeding C40 acres may bo located by
any qualified mineral claimant , but entry
cannot be made upon discovery of coal ,
mineral oil , or lignite. The purchase pi Ice
nccoidlug to this act shall be $2.CO per acre
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. ( Special Tele
gram. ) S. 13. .Milton , eJltor of the Journal-
Observer of Rcdfleld , S. D. , has been here for
the last few days. iMr. Milton was formerly
a resident of Washington nnd was sum
moned here by the death of his mother. He
will leave for Jils South Dakota homo early
next week.
J. H. Kynor of Omaha Is In Washington cn
route to Virginia , where ho will visit icla-
S. U. Stephens of Omaha Is at Wlllard's.
The Post this morning quotes him as saying
the beet sugar Industry Is the coming Invest
ment of thU country.
Ao Accd to St'ncl Troops.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. Adjutant Gen
eral Brock has teceived the following tele
gram fiom General Brooks njt Chicago , dated
last night :
Major Eskildgo telegraphs from Cnrlboio ,
Okl . that all I" quiet thero. Lioth sides have
been excited and thteatcnlng. There lo no
danger of tiouble from the Semlnoles. In
view of this information I do not deem H
necessary to send any troops to tlio boidet
between. Oklahoma and tno Semlnolu nation ,
as contemplated by your telegram of Us :
CoiurrntuliitloiiM for Tlmi-xton.
WASHINGTON , Jan. II. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator Thurston Is the recipient of
many letters and telegrams from Nebraskans
congratulating lilm on his decision to vote
against Hawaiian annexation. It IR aalil that
j he will argue against annexation In executive
session. The list of those opposing annexa
tion Is growing , Wellington of Maryland be
ing reported as the latest convert.
IViiNlonn for Indian
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14. The assistant
secretary of the Interior today rendered a
decision that the members of Captain Pol
lard's company V , Fourth Missouri mounted
volunteers , Black Hawk war , were pension
able under the law.
Cnllcil Home In i\plilil.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 14 Civil Engineer
Mcnocal , now with the Nicaragua Canal
commission , has been ordered home to ex
plain , If he can , the shortcomings of the
work on the Now York dry dock , under pain
ot a court martial ,
Daily TrviiNitr } .Stall-incut.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows
Available cash balance , $239,715SCG ; gold
reserve , $102,888,808 ,
IIIlicrnliiiiH lAU-i-t In Trenton ,
TRKNTON , N. J. , Jan. I4.-1U , Rev.
Dlshop MuFiiul , iv ho acted ns nibltrator In
the proceedings looking to j. reunion of the
two wings of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians In the United States , lifts fixed Tren
ton , N. J. , June 27 , ns the place and time
for holding of the national convention of
the reunited organization ,
AIU.SJIivr.S. !
Managers , Tel. 1919 ,
TliniMilny UvciilnfIan. . -O.
Tlio greatest contralto In tlio world will appear
In u miscellaneous cancel ! and In uUs of
Cranil Italian Opera
2nd Act MARTHA.
and the following- great artlets In the cast ,
? te. He ToiiHnguef
I'd ma donna soprano Impcilal and Hapleson
Grand Opera Co
Mile Mnrlo DuBcdat Slsnor A Albertl , Jlr
Tliomaa McQueen Slnnor Conarro
Tricon lower tloor JI.OO , 11,09 Unl Jl 00 , 75e COj
Fine Skating
Exciting Tobogganing
Day and Night ,
Admission l
Including admission to the Ice . . . * - * n -
1'rofe.shor WclU-Cliainplou Hliatcr.
_ Commencing fliitntJay livening
13th niul DniifjIiiH Sts , , O in nh it.
ltd rooms , battin , etenm hrut nnd all modern
eonvenUacti , .lUtci. ll.U ) ima 11.13 per day.
Table untM Ud , Prcjljl.l l * j MIM 1ft rtsulai
boarders. DIGIT UUlT/l. Uunasir.
The ( Jrcnt AiUitnuo Tlmt i *
-Mmlc II > In * pillion mill Dim-in err
for KiiRliiu- the HtiritriiN of I.lfp mill
Wonioii llotor niul
( fcn York Corronpoiidfiwo. )
Mrs. Morgan J. Wlllard of New York re
cently read A paper bcforo the Woman's
Lonsuo , of 'which she Is nn officer , on thu
subject ot "Woman's Greatest Troubles"
After enumerating thorn lu order , and In
telligently Heating the subjects of "Unro-
qulttcd Affection , " "Lack of Appieolation , "
"Loss of Friends , " Poverty , " etc. , she con
tinued :
"But , unfortunately , tho. greatest trouble
which over comes Into nuy woman's life U
loss of health. Other troubles can , bo over
come. Tlmo mellows the grief which la BO
overwhelming at the hour1 we cloie the OVPO
of our dyliiE relatives or friends. Poverty
n-.av bo banished and the lost homo null
soclil standing regained. Rvcn unrcciultted
affection may bo lived down , but broken
health blights Iho life , mulct mines the spirit ,
dostrojs beauty , embitters the nature.tulns
the llfo nnd , too often , makes death n boon.
A sickly wonun Is the saddest wicck upon
the shoals of life. She Is not only miser
able herself but often brings greater mlsetv
to those about her the loving friends vvhuio
lives are bound up In hers. Woman's gioat-
cst trouble Is 111 health' ' "
After describing1 many of Iho diseases tn
which women aio specially subject , the lec
turer continued1
"But think Heaven thoio Is nn escape.
Fortunately there Is a relict for w onion
oven In their lowest pl alcal condition.
Modern science nnd modern discovery have
worked for jcnra on this problem which
if. , lu fact , the greatest problem of uro ,
namely , how to produce happiness , irad It
Is a cause for gratitude that those efforts
have been successful. There arc many things
which have been dlscovcicd which may help
women in their phjslcal troubles , nnd thcro
Is one dlscovciy which certainly cures. I
have known many women who have been la
the depths of ph > slral blttcrneis , and who
aie now on the heights of happiness. I have
(3ocn ( them taken from a condition of sick
ness and misery , and know that they are to
day liealthy and happy. I also know that
the means by which they were icstored I'Cij
been cndoised by the highest authorities ,
medloil and scientific , both abrcail nnd In
America. H la commended In the warmest
terms by such eminent men as Ilcv. Dr. Kan-
kin and Bishop Wilson , nnd by such reliable
women as Mis. Annie Jcnnoss Millrr and
Mrs. Phclps. I myself , hive used It , acid
and cannot recommend it lee highly. Tbo
ramo of this dlscovciy which has done an
much for womanhood , h Warner's Sato Cuic ,
and It can bo seemed by nuy woman who
feels the need of some- reliable friend upon
whom she can dcocnd , "
"In conclusion , Mrs Wlllard sold :
"Woman Is able to endure suffering far
moro than man but there la no reason why
f.lic should be compelled to do so. She may
be able to endure i.wln , but she was not cie
atod for that purpose. Her mission In llfo
It to diffuse Joy and gladnes.3. Her face be
comes n revelation of heaven vviien wreathed
In happiness , but gives us a glln-pso of all
that Is miserable when depressed by dejec
tion. But , far too oftcci , bco troubles arlso
from her own making. Thoughtlessness ,
oarelcBsnc s and neglect nro too often re
sponsible for the misery which she endures ,
but fortunately , by exercising care and avail
ing herself of the best discoveries of science ,
there Is no icasca why nhe should remain
In n condition of unhapplncss when thcio
Is certain icllcf near at hand. "
The lecture made a deep Impression upon
the ladles of the Lcaguo who heard It , and
there was much discussion upon It after
the session closed It seemed to bo the gen
eral ncntlmcnt that women of the present
day aio beginning to aeo how noedlcsa wcru
the troubles which women formerly endured ,
and how easily they can bu avoided at the
present tlmo by exercising Intelligent caio.
Motlicrut Mothcrx ! ! !
Mre. Wlnslaw's lnc Syrup lias been used
for o\er CO > cnrn by iiillllonu of mothers for
their ohIIJicn while teething with perfect sue-
coca. It sootlica the child , ( softens the ( junis.
alla > a oil pain , cures wind colic , and Is the l > m
remedy for Ulnrrhoea. fcoia by drUKgUta In
every pirt of the world. Ho sure nnd HEX for
"Jr ! . Wlnslow's SoothltiR Byrup" and talcs no
oilier klnrt 21 cents a bottle
Managcri , Tel , 1315.
Only two moro
2 I'M.
nig Uxtrnvnganza Success ,
A OOJII'AXV OF 25 1'HOI'Li : .
PIUCliS-Lowcr floor. $1.00 , 75o ; balcony ,
73e , COo. Slatluce , lower door , 75c , COo ; bal
cony , COc , 2jc ,
1'uxtnn A.
Mgu. Tul 1531.
Kpcclalllec IHAIIUM , ! : L'HQUIIAUT & CO ,
hnnilny "Sllvur IvlnK. "
Rpc."laltloi > Ni.xt Wtek Morris * LMucated Po
lfj , Htunlcy tt , Jacloon , Van Aukcim.
I'axton fc ] ,
ROVFVQ fll v J liiric ' * , UHi
O\J l LJ j Telephone , 1010 ,
MUI1T.S Coiiiiiii-nrlnif Hun , Jan , 10 ,
A carefully roleetod company of playcri ,
rcctlon MAhON MITCIIHU , I'reuentlnel
Sunday Night . , HA
Monday Night IlICj'bj.I *
Tuesday NlBlit. . . , , . . . . . . . .O'
Wednesday Matinee.lltHCHANT Or
Wednciday Evenlntr , . . , . . . ,
rrlees tawer floor , lijf/o. 7fyi balcony , 75e.
Mutlnet , lowtr floW/W..Wet .