Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA PAllLV BEE : SA'It'KDAY , JAXUAllY 15 , 1898. 11
Selling by the Loiter Interests Causes
Marked Weakness ,
Corn nnil Oats Arc Prai-flctill ) ' tln-
cluumril , ivllli I'rnvlftliitix Lotvcr
Tlironuli Heavy
CHICAGO. Jnn. ll.-At the cioo of a dull
calplng session In wheat today Mny showcil
u decline of ibout HO. KIrmness at Liver
pool Htrndlod thu market oaily. but weak
continental cables nnd felling by the Keller
Interest ! ) caused marked weakness Into In
the day. Corn and ont worn practically nt
u Htnndfltlll and closc-d unchanged. Pro
visions shoncd 2" it- decline n.s thu result o !
exceptionally heavy celling.
Irt wheat the Liverpool market showed
nn opt-nlnR Md decline , but before business
commenced here It showed V4d advance
over yontcrdny'8 prlre. That started tlie
price hern at au advance of from Vie toic. .
und un later cablcBMins reported continued
llrinneHS ut Liverpool the prlco hero kept
creeping up by small frnotlotiM during the.
first hour and a half. .May opened H9ic
lower us compared with yesterday's price of
OO'.ic ' , Tljough the dt'mand ' wns limited , yet
ofTerliiBs were almost totally absent nnd
by U o'clock Mf'Jlc ( was quoted. Nowa
from Argentine wns not so bearish as yes
terday iind the IfssenliiK of thnt pressure
was of course felt. I'rlvnte cablegrams
from Liverpool suit ! that Argentine offer
ings worn decreas'ng and that market wns
llrmer In consequence , nnd the Liverpool
Corn Trndti Nes In another cablegram
conllrmed the lessened offerings Iiom Ar-
l.-etitlne. One feature of the Argentine news
that did not lend any tiFSIstunco to the
buoyancy was the export from there this
week of 40,000 bu. , which sctved ns nn In
dication to the trade that the crop of Ar-
Kcntlne had now commenced to move- to
ward the consumero. Ciilc.igo receipts were
37 cars , against IS the samp dnto u year
ngo. Minneapolis und Duluth reported SCI
cars , against 333 a week ago and 303 the
corresponding day of last year. Total pri
mary receipts were aSG.W ) bu , . ngnlnst l J-
000 bu. last year. The visible Is estimated
to show from 7W.OOO bu. to 1.000,000 bu , de
crease. ngnlnst a drcrease of 1,100,000 bu. a
year ago The exports from the Atlantic
Heabo.ird portts were equal In 'Wheat and
iflour to C92iOO ( bu. The matltet had a good
ile-al of encouragement from the liberal ex-
liorts and ruled strong until the receipt of
the closing cables , after which time an
cn lcr feeling prevailed. Liverpool main
tained Its onrly strengtn , but I'.irls noted
declines In wheat equal to Ifom IV'iC per bu.
for January to M.C per bu. for March nnd
Juiii' . anil Antwerp reported 2c PIT bu. de
cline'In both red winter and 'Walla Walla.
Somn Inquiry for wheat for export was ad
vised from New York , but It was said to be
nt prices below the mnrket. The market
did not begin to feel the full effect of the
weak continental cables until abmit half an
hour from the close , but In the absence of
any appearance of anxiety abroad to come
. , niter wheat hero in any great quantity , the
U V feeling became more aggressively bearish
I ? j& Loiter brokers sold wneat when "call
* - jirice was reached , which started liquida
tion from other sources , nnd In the last
ton minutes of the session the market was
very weak. May llnally sold down to i)08 ) >
! > 0'jiC , and wns at that price at the close.
It was reported after the close that vessel
room had been chartered for 1,000,000 bu. of
wheat for Loiter.
Trade In the corn pit wns lighter thnn
on any previous day of this dull week. Only
the narrowest kind of a scalping business
AN as done and price lluctitatlons kept within
IAC ' Light receipts and the early llrmness
of 'wheat gave the market n Ilrm under
tone , which was apparent to the end. May
ranged from 23V4o to ZWt" and closed un
changed at 29Vfcc.
JJats were quiet , but steady throughout.
Ttere was moderate commission house buy-
Ing. Selling was scattered. Good cash
wnlcs and light receipts hripcd sustain the
market. Mny ranged from 2.THc to 23c
and closed unchanged at 2iiii : ! 23ic. .
Provisions were enlivened by enormous
selling of pork , lard and ribs. The market.
Itowovor , absorbed the offerings svlth sur
prising ease , nnd though prices yielded
some for a tlmo most of the decline was ul
timately recovered. Packers were nil good
nuyors At me ciose jiuy pui.i usv.u
He lower nt t9.17'i I1i,40. May lard : i shade
lower nt JI.736-I.77V4 and May ribs 2V4c
lower at $1.70.
ISatlmntud receipts Saturday : Wheat , 37
cars ; corn , 233 cars ; oats , 1S5 cars ; hogs , 19-
00. ) head.
invading futures rangedna _ _ follows.
ArTlc'lIs. . I Open. I
O. .
cash qiiutatloiiH erc as follows :
l-'LOI'll-Dull. easy ; winter patents. } J.70 J.RO ;
KtrHlKhta , $4.20 l.40 ; > priiif ( speclalB , $ j.2j4J.3j ;
HirltiK patents. $1.1084.70 ; fliulghlu. Jl.O .SO ;
bakcrn' . I3.50S3.SO.
WrtHAT No. 2 tprliiK. SCc ; No. 3 sprlnu , 7j { ? >
EC : : ; No. 2 red , UHt (92c.
COKN No , I' . 2C if27c.
OVTW No. 2 , 22ViC f. o. b. ; No. 2 while , 2ac ;
No. 3 white , SIW23C.
HYK No. 2 , 43c.
II MILK V 'No. 2 , 2303" e.
l'iA.V.StklNo. . I , $1.201TI.SI. .
TlMOl'IIV SEBIi-l'rlniB. $ . ' .77'i.
IMlOVISK'Nd ' Me 8 pork , per bbl , . $9.2.iS9.30.
I nrd per ICO Ibs. . $ l. 7li. Kluirl rlba sides llocsf ) .
II.UOI.70. Dry failed Hioull.-rs tboxed ) . $ l.73if
6.1M. Shorl clear sides ( boxed ) , ll. < iO . > .CO.
WIIIHICV bUllllera' finished Roods , per gal. ,
, v ii.ia.
HUC1AHS Cut loaf , $0.11 : srunulutcil. $5.25.
On lie ! Prmluco exchange today iho butler mar
ket was Hteudy ; crfuniurle * . HjjlOu ; ilalrli-H , llf/ / '
170 , C'liepue , uulcl , SJjtAie. Uttin , vteaily ; ficih.
QiinliilloiiH fnr 11(0 ( liny on firnerul
. ( 'iiniiuoilllh'N.
NiW : YOIIK. Jun. H. KLOUIl-Uccelptu , ! , -
l > 91 bhlF. ; iipoitu31,074 btiln. ; quiet und nbout
Mrady. clt > mill palenlK. JI.JJ'&S.S ) ; clly mill
clvar. t5:33.40 ; Minnesota patent , J3.00JT3 20 ;
Mlnnenuta luikum' , fl.2J(4 ( 50 ; wJnl.'r ulralKhts ,
J4.491f4.50 ; winter extins. | 3.4)43.fS ! ) ; winter low
BraibM. | 2. 0if3. U Ityo flour , mcady nt J2.r" "
fj.l ? >
IIAKI.ISV MAl/l'-Qillol ; wcntein , 2'iHCoo.
WIIIJAT lleejlpln , 7.4)0 ) bu. ; fxpi rls , JS.COl bu , : easy ; No i red , II.COOptlomi opened
Iliiner on blslier cable newa and modernlo cover.
Intf. but nfter n dull , feiturtlexii acislun eauej off
under weak I'luilnir , Kieucn inaiktts and renllis-
Ink' , CJ | IM | nn etleil ( at ' , < ! ) ic udvance on near
-ltei-clpli ) , 101,100 bu. ; exports , 107,173
ot easy ; No , 2 , 3.c. Option * opened
KteJy with wjient , advumod on belter cableii ,
but nenkrned llnally under ifnllilui ; and llKht
rxport demand , t-loslni ; Hf net lower ; Mny , 3llf !
31'ic ' : rlo ed , 3ivi' .
UATH-llr l | < ti. 127:0o liu. ; vxporli , 32.S35 bu. ;
rpol ulrady ; No , 2 , : siic. Optlonii dull anil cany ,
clnulm ; uncliank'ed : May oloacd ZSito.
HAY ( julcti hlpilng | , ! Jlj43c ; KOOJ to choice ,
HOI'rf Steady ; stale , common to choice , 1S93
crop , Il/Coj ISM crop , 7 t9o ; 1S37 crop , ICBISc ; Pa.
clllc. r .nut. . 1F93 crop , 4jCo ; ISOti ciop , 'H'Ja ; 1S'J7
ciop. Iillil7c ,
IIIDKS Hlendy ; aaiveston , 15c ; Texas diy , 12 : ;
Cttllfrrnla. 17iile.
l.HATIIl'Ill-Qulet ; hemlock tale. Ituenoi
Avn'ji. heavy , ZO'.iftSHic. '
" Steady ; fleece , SOifJlc ; pulled Texai , II
PltOVISlONS-Ileef. firm ; family , $11,00811.50 ;
extra meti. t.OOiiJS. & ) ; beef bunia. i:3.00if.50 ;
packet , S9.C01T10.00. Cut incatK. kteady : pickled
bellies , f3.COtt6.Mi pickled thoulders. SJ.UOi pickled
luiinii. $7,00 , l ird. Him ; wo trrn uleain. I\'JO ;
refined , firm. Pork , linn ; me . JJ.OOJ19.5I ; short
clear I9.75 1I,75 : family , I10.00 10.50. Tallow ,
dulls country. 3HQ > Ke : city , 3Kc.
OllPetroleum , dull : United. Wlic. Iloiln ,
firm : mralned , ominion In cood. JI.IJHid.n. Tur-
pentlne , firmer nt 34)i03iC. ) ! Cottonneed , quiet ,
111 in unit held hlKher : prime crude , 19c ; prime
cnida. I. o. b , mllli , Uifieo ; prime Hummer yel
low , 22Vi < j23-j ; off numnier yellow , 2c ; butter oil ,
tlV'7 > ' . prlinu winter yellow , STktCSKi- ,
IIICU-Qulet ; fair to extra , 4UO < > Hc ; japan.
MOLASBUB-Quiet : New Oilcans , open kettle ,
good to oaolce , : C4(3le ,
M1"1'AI ) Tlie melul inutkrt chutv * no Impor *
tant Mirlatlom , clc. liur Kenerally uliuv and
( euturele . The New York Metal exchinice re-
fart * tb * clMlng a * followii Pig Iron wurranu.
dull M JS.mtM.7" . Inke ajvtr quirt ( in-l un-
i hang , d t Jt S. > fdO ! - . tin nun-t nn.l un hangej
at JlliMtlSM. peter. : unrh-iheoil nl $ .90tJ4.W.
iind lend very quiet at $ l.i.a > jfll 7' ' , . The firm fln > the Httllng price fur miners nnd rmcl-
lets quote lead At $3.M.
iiriTKH ItcceipK , 4 , K pk t . : market steady ;
western crfnmrry , HHWfOc. lilidns , 24c ,
CIinBSB Receipts , 793 pkus. ; market mmdy ;
large while , septembcr. 84 c. imnll white ,
September , > Hima , large colored. September.
E < /i4USc ; tmall colored. SeutemLT. 9HH9Ue ;
larue , October , smi Hc ; smnli. o-lobr , S'iflShe. ' klmi. MTOVic. part jklms , 4ffS54c ; full
klmt , 2mcJc.
KQ'IH Hecelpts , C.341 rVTi . ' market firmer ;
slate and Pennsylvania , 2WJ2 * ; e tirn , too.
BUOAR Raw nul"t nnd steady ; filr rcnnlng ,
31e ; centrifugal , ic ! teat , 3 11 15c ; reflned tteady ;
granulated , J'ic.
Comlltlnn of TriulK nnil Jltinditlon *
an Slnplinnil Kiuiny I'ruiluci ; .
idlR-Strlctly : ( fresh , 1S31D5.
IJUTTHR Common to fair. lOOllo ; choice to
fancy , 14315 ? ; separator creamery , 21c ; gitlicrcd
creamery , 1S819C.
VI'ALr-Oholce ( t. C ) to KO Its. , quoted at 8c ;
largo and coarse. 40ic.
URKSSB1) I'OUI/JllY-Chlckcns , COTc ; tur
keys , H < ( llc ; gecte , c ; ducks , "lie.
OAMB-Small rabblU , per iloz. , W3Wfl ; large.
per doz. , Jl.tx ) ; uiuirre.t , 50& ( c.
I'lOIIONS I.lvo , T5c : " , tJ Maona not wanted.
HAY Upland. ; mUland. J5.50 ; lowland ,
tl.OO ; rye straw , II ; color makes the price , on
liny ; light bales > ell the best I only top grade *
bring top prtcci.
QUINCKS California , per box , si. 25.
_ _ CBLBRY-Good atnck , latge , 40o. dmall , MO
UNIONS Per Iw. . 6So.
r :
CAMIlAOr.-acod slock , per Ih . S e.
POTATOES Horns grown. CjSju. w stcrn
atock , 7uc ,
APPLES Winter stock , $3.00 : California Hello-
? , cy.rl l x * . * l-50 ! Colorado Jonathans , boxes ,
Jl.u ; Oregon , boxes. J1.25.
rRANnKtlHIKS-Jcrscys. per lihl. . $7.2O7.SO ;
Wlscons n Rell nnd Rugle. J7.Mtf7.75 ; Wlscon ln
Hell and Cherry , $ (1.50 (
ORAPBH Catawbiti. C-Ib. baskets. ItSlCc ; Mai-
ngnn , Ji.OOSO.O'l. 1
rnoprcAi. rnuiTa.
W-rf * ' b ° * - * * * * > * ' Cnlu
> Callfornla- -
11ANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , | 1.0)
02.23 ; medium sl7eV bunches , J1.75B2.00.
NUTS Almonds , per" lb. , InrKc 'size. lM13c ;
iniall. lie ; IJrazlls , per lb. , Hic : English wni |
nul , per lb. , fnncy soft shell , 1'JWllo ' : stand-
nrds , SilJ'Jc ; filberts , per lb. . lOc : pecan * , polished
X oo Si an botTiVX1 :
" 'We. ' ' > 1-W8S " "u' * W * > 5
FtOS-Importcd fancy. Uncrown. 1Mb. boxes
lie ; B crown , 4Mb. | ] Oxr * . < WUai Mb. boxes 23
{ JI3o per boy Oullfornls. 10-lb. box. 11.00
r 11ONKV < : hoic white. Uoj Colorado nmbor. 10
J0.25. . . _
nATHS-Hnllowee. CO to 70-lb. boxea. 60 ; Salr.
SV4i * : Knrd. S-b. ! boxei. ! lc.
CIDEP.-Per Imlf bbl. . $3.00 : bbls. . $5 23.
UKKSSI-3D DEEF Good native 8teer , 6V4c-
good fortiiunrtery. steers , 5Ho ; gsod hlndnuarters
steers , SVSc ; wi-slern steers , 5io ; Texas steers
5Ho ; fancy heifers , Cc ; good helfem. 5icrtii ;
foreiiunrtcrs heifers , 5 ; ; good hlndnuarteia
heifers. 8c ; good cows. riic ; fair cows r.u ; con-
foroaJarlerH.Hfce : cow lilndiiuartcrs , "We
nnEICtTTSIJiuiglng tenderloins , 4i.o ! ; ribs ,
No. 1. Ho : ribs No. 2 , Sc ; rlbi , No. 3 , Cc nicer
rounds , 7o ; cow rounds , He ; cow rounds , shank
off , Sc. cow rounds , shank nnd rump off 8Uc-
trimmings , 4Vic ; beef eh.inkH , 3c ; brains 'per
do * . , 35 ; Rweetbrixids. per Hi. , 12Hc ; nweetbr > ada
( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; Kidneys , per do ? ! . , 33e ; ox
tails , each , 3o ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearis , | ier Hi
3a ; tongues , per ll > . . 1214c ; calf livers , each , Kc-
calves , whole carcass or sides. 9c. calf head and
feel , scalded , per set , 75r ; tendeilolns , fresh , ISc'
tenderloins , frozen , ICe ; Iwnele s slrlps , fre h'
Sc ; Iwnelcss Blrlp-s , frozen. 9c : strip loins'
fresh , f > ' 4e ; strip loins , frozen , 0140 : lolls , hone'
les.i. 9Hc ; rolls , pencer cuts. 5c ; sirloin butts
.ilMi'va loins : short loins , hot i Htyle. 5c nb'ovo
loins : cow Inln ends , Sc : steer loin end.i 9c. .
jlUTTON-Fancy Iambs , s o per lb. : lambs
7He : sheep , CHc : mnrket rncRs , lo-ff , no- hotel
racks , shon , lie : ' "Inn , SUc ; saddles , syclees
Do : Inmb leis , lOo : breasts nnu stews 3U0'-
totiBUes. ench 3c ; forcqunrlers. GV-c. '
rOUK-Dres eil PlBs. .Ic per lb. ; d'ressed hoes
4V.c tenderloins , 12vje ; Islns. ' '
; lmri. 5'i-- | nnc H
spare ribs , 4c ; bam sausace b-j'.ts TiUcHostori
butts. rc ; shoulder ? , ron < rb. > * , ; hruliler
skinned. 5c : trimmings , I ? ; leaf lardHot ren-
Tieys , > > r doi ! . , lOc ; brains , per doz" "i5o pics'
feet , per doz. , " 5c : livers , each 3as hog rlnde
ir.hlmlA bones. Be. '
lOc ; N' . - - _ „ .
feHEKP 1'BLTS Green salted , each. 15iK5c-
green salted shearlings ( short wooled oarlv
&llns ) , each , 15c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
sarly skins ) , No. 1. each. Co ; Ury Mint. Kansas
ind Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4lF3c ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wcol pelts , per lb. , actual wcUht , Va
tc ; dry flint Coiorailu butcher wool pelts , per
lb. , actual viclght. 4JJc ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , pet lb. , actual weight , SJite
TALLOW , OREASE. ETC. Tnllow. No. 1
2 c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Ya : rough tallow , IHo ;
white gi-ease , 2HG'2ic ' ; yellow und brown grease
Ui Vlc.
FURS Hear ( black or brown ) , J5.00ff20.00 ;
otter , J1.50W8.00 ; mink , 13f/COc / : beaver , $1.00
fflOOO ; skunk , 15s , 25c , Sd % ; miifckrat , 3c , 67o ;
raccoon , 15 50e ; red fox , 25efJ41.25 ; grey fox ,
J30DOUJ wolf ( timber ) , 2Jc9t2.EO ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) . 11l6'50c ; wildcat , 10025 ; ; badger , 6@40c ;
illver fox , $5000375.00.
HORSE IIIDES-Knch. $1.50g2.25.
St. IiitulH ficiicriil Slnrkcts.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. II. FLOlTR-Qulet and un
changed ; patents. JI.70iil.S5 ; straights , Jt.354.KO ;
clear. $ I.OJ < Ql.2.i ) ; medium , $3.rW3.7. ( > .
WHEAT Irregular , closlnc with sellers 1-ICe
nliove yesterday ; No. 2 led cash , Olc , elevator ; S3
STO.'iHc on track ; January. M'/ic ' ; Slay , 93 i093'4e ;
July , 7S',4c ' ; No. 2 hard , SS c.
CORN Steady ; No. 2 cash , CCc ; January , 2iio
bid ; May. 27'c ( , ; July , 2Sy , i28 ic.
OATS-- Strong but slow ; No. 2 cash , 23'5e ;
track , 2I2lic ! ! : January , ZIHo bid ; Mny , 2l'/iC ' ;
July. 22 tfe\c.
RYE Dull , lie bid.
FUXXSEWD HlRlicr. J1.17V-1.
TIMOTHY SEHIJ2.5fl for prime.
roilNMEAISteady. . $1.40.
IIRAN Htrrng ; sacked lots , on east track , 5lc
nt mill , 66ft5Se.
HAY Quiet ; pialrie , CRSc ; timothy , 7W10c.
RUTTIR Dull ; cieamery , 100210 ; dairy , 9 ®
KilOS I iwer , 17'ic.
WHISKY Quiet. $1.19.
PROVISIONS -PorU. lower ; standard Jobblnir.
W.21. l.ard. lower : prime. JI.45 ; choice , JI.5" , .
llaeon ( boxed lols ) , extra short clear , Jr.2S < iJ >
5.37' . : ribs , 0.n7'.i'iT3.50 ' ; sliortx , $5. & > ! r5.C2ii , Ir > '
sail meats , lioxed shoitldere , Jl 75975.00 ; extra
short clear. Jl.TStf I.Si'.iMiitou ' $ I.S7iB5.W ! ; shorts ,
. . .
METAL" Lead. ! ow6r , t3.40Jj3.43. Spelter ,
nominal. $3.75 ,
UIVIIIIT.S Khntr , 5/00 lihla. ; wheat. 7,00) bu. ;
01 n. 4i.OX ( ) Int. : nntv , Ifi.CO ) bu.
HHIPMIJ.NTW-riiiiir. 4,000 bills. ; wheat. 11,000
bu. ; corn , ' 31,0m ) bu. : oats , 31I > W bu.
\Vcnvc CiinnnlHHloii Joiiiiiiny. ) |
OMAHA OKFICE. Jan. 14.Tho markets opened
today at prnctlc.illy yesterday's prices for all
kin 3.1 of grain .ind continued steady , with very
narrow fluctuation * , slow , with the bears re-
Felllnir. which wax practically the local feature
of Ihe mailiet nntllinear tin- elope , when con
tinental cables came.w/Mk , whli'h , 8nlsted by an
oppressive dullnri" . onuseil nluat value * to MB
back and losing prai-tlcally ' . ! . " from yesterday's
close. January being registered nt 91fcc ! , May 90 ®
: H'.lo ' bid und July FOHe. Ily this you will note
there. Is extlemi' elienglh In cash wheat , which
under these conditions advanced ftc The solu
tion of whleh IB Unit the Interests In this direc
tion nrc concentrated In the following manner ,
ns vte tee It : Tliat Mr , Ilnurstlck eontrola the
St I iulH nurket , Mr. Ixilter controlling the Chicago
cage market , with Mr. loiter nnd Mr. Pillsbury -
bury InteiTxte ] jointly In the Dultith market nnd
Mr. IMIIsbtiry In ( he MlnneapollH marliet , which
lends Iminenin utruiiKth to the cash flttmtlon
that ciinnot nffonl lo let the Mny price down.
The reports of Argentine's free selling are not
continued , nnd we un > Inclined to think the for
eign element IB using these means to depress
our mnrket with I Up Idea of getting nome cheap
American wheat and regrpt that there Is nn
American bear on the ' 97 crop to n sl t Iliem In
siH'h an effort. However we believe , ns we have
often Mid , Hint the nbovo Interests will have
to be protected nnd that Hie prlnclml parties
Interested have the strength und ability to do
It. for which reason e Iwlleve In tlm purchase
of May wheat on any reaaonable slump , with
fair protection.
Corn nnd eats are unchanged.
llnllliiiiirc Miirki'tn ,
RALTIMORE , Jnn , 11. FIXDt'K-Qulet , un
changed ; western superlinB. $2.7tW3.10 : westr-m
extra , $3.35Jf4.10 ; wralt-rn family. $4.30ftl.G3 , win
ter wheat patents , Jt.TSift.OO : spring lialenln ,
J3.00g5.2Hiring ; wheat HtrnlnhU. $ I.IOWI. 0 ; ru-
velpls. B.lttS bbls.i exporta , 73.913 bbls ,
WHEAT Steady : spot and month , Stt'.W'ic :
May. 2ifl".i3e : ilramrr. No. 2 red. 91 > if92c : le
celpl . 7I.R61 1m. ; 'xiHirts. 1SS.7SO bu.j MUlliern
wheat , liv nample. 92M97VicJ southern wheat , on
grade. 931tfl97e.
fORN Ste.nly ; spot nnd month. 3Kr3Kc ;
Februaiy. 32 4 r32c ; steamer , mixed , 30mT30r { :
rfcelpta , 159,453 bu. ; t-x | > orts. 28I. 77 bu. ; noutl-ern
white cotn. SOflSIn ; aoulhern yellow , t9H33c.
OATS-FIrm ; No , . I while. ? J',4 3ic ; No. !
mixed , S7Htf2Sc ; receipts , )0,91I ) bu. ; export .
RYE-Flrmi No. t nearby. BtlSo ; No , 2 wealern.
53Uc : receipts , 33.045 bu. ; cxpurt * . none ,
HAY Slendv ; choice timothy. $13.0) ,
ORAIN FREICHlTH-Very dull ; sicamers < > a yj
team lo Liverpool , per bu. . 31 < d , January ; Cork ,
for order * , pec quarter , 3s CJ. January ; 3n 6d ,
IHTTint Fancy creamery , tltflic ; fancy Irnl-
lotion. nniSo ; funev ladle , ICc ; good ladle , 14t )
15o : store packed , llffilc.
KOOS-Oulet ; fre U. ! 5o.
rillJBSB Slemlyj fnncy New Yoik. 9i71IV ! :
fancy medium , IMHOUc ; fancy small ,
LIVERI'OOU Jan. 14. WHEAT Spot. No. 1
red. northern eprinir , dull nt 7 7liJ ; No. 3 red
wntern winter , dull at 7 5d ,
CORN-Spol , American mixed , firm at SJ IKd-
I future qui , t ! t 1SJ March , 3 * IS 1.
, KI/iI R .St.t un t.iii r winter dull . > ' J " < t
I HDItv At Ismlin ( I'mitlicnn tl , 4 I.inOX'i H .
i PROVISIONS- - > ef , firm , cxirn India mcs . Ms
! I lit , prlmo mess. Ms 3d. Pork , firm ; prlma me * .
j i nn western. 47 ( "I. Hams , short cut , II lo 16
! , ! ! > . . firm at 37s. Iln'-on. ' easy at SH * . Short ribs ,
dull nt tin. long clntr middles , light , strndy at
27 < * li long clear , hcnvy , IJf. short cltnr tuirta ,
a * * , clear b llle . en y nt 3 * < ftl. Mhl , prime
wi > sl rn. steady nt 2w I > 1. Shoulder * , square ,
steady at I7s 6.1 , Tallow , prime city , firm nt l s.
CHHBSE American llnesl whlo ! nnd cjlored.
firm nt 43 < W.
( Mt.v Jlrulii nnil I'rovlilom.
nliout stmdy ; choice nctlve , other grades dull !
No. 2 hard , he ; No. 3 , HCSV ; : No. 4. 'SITS * ; ; Nn ,
1 red. 9tc. Ns. ! . 90CJ No. 3. S9c ; No. I. Slft'le ;
No. 2 spring Mci No. 3. 79fSOc.
CORN Market steady , fairly nctlve ; No. 2
mixed , 2IM < 724 > 4C.
OATS Market nctlve : N. Z white , 24iitJ25c.
RYI'M rket steady ; No. 2. 424c.
HAY Market flrni ; demand good ; unchanged :
prairie , $7.0i)17.Z1 ; timothy , $ S.6ogs.7S.
RUTTER Maikel weak nnd alu nl h : cream
ery. 14flil7C ! dairy , 12ftltc ; slomge. 124Pl4c.
EOOS Rlendyi frrsh , 16o ; storage , 12fSll < \
HIV'EIPTS-Whent , 41.400 bu. ; corn , C7.COO bu , :
oats , C.ono bu.
SHIPMENTS When t , 6.COO bu. ; corn , 4lCCObu.J
oats. none.
J'liicltinntl .Mnrkcts.
CINCINNATI. Jan. l4.-FIX > UR-Sendy ( ; fancy.
JI.2W4.40 ; family , J3.tOET3.75.
WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 red , 93c.
( "ORN-Flrm ; No. 2 mixed. 29c.
OATH-Flrm. No. 2 mixed. 24Vie2Sc.
IlYK StMily : No. 2 , 4 o.
IMIOVISIONS I ird , quiet at $4. CO. Rutk
meats , flrm nt II.'O. Ha con , quiet nt J5.M ,
WHISKY-Dull at J1.19.
HUTTER Easier mil lower : fnncy Elgin
creamery , 22c ; Ohio. 13WI& ; : dairy , lie.
HUOAR Firm ; hard refined , J4. 1636. 10.
E OSt ( ady nt l S'4e.
< THEESE Firm ; goad to prime Ohio flat , 8H
Stead ) ' ; pork , standard mes , $3.73. Lird , refined
tUrcc , $3.75p'3.874 ! : boxed meats , dry salt fhoul-
ders , $ I.62V5 ; bacon , clear rib ( Ides , $ j.37V4Sf3.50.
Hams , choice sugar cured , JSW8.75.
rOFFEU tjulett Rio , ordinary to fair. 7',40SVlc. '
RICE-Ordlnury to eood , 3 4Uc ,
PLOUIt Extra , fancy. $4.COff4.CO ; patcnti , JI.SOS ?
HAY Prime. Jtl.005tl3.00 ; choice. H ' 0014.50.
CORN No. 2 sacked , white , 3II37c ; mixed , 36o ;
yclliTO36fi37o. .
OATS No. 2 sacked. J9g29iic.
( Jrnlii ItcuelplH nt Principal iMnrkcin.
CHICAOO , Jan. 14. Receipts today : Wheat. 67
cars ; corn , 291 cars ; oats , 218 cars. Estimated
car lots tomorrow : Wheat 37 ; corn , 233 ; oats. 1S3.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. II. Receipts : Wheat.
30i ( cars.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 14. Receipts : Wheat. C9
ST. I/MJIB. Jnn. 11. Receipts : Wheat , 8 cars.
DULITTII , Jan. 14. Receipts : Wheat , 5S cars.
PEORIA , Jan. 14. Receipts : Corn , 13,350 bu. ;
oats. 13,1V ) bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , none ; wheat ,
COO bu. Shipments : Corn. 33,750 bu. ; onto , 28.33' )
bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , 90 bbls. ; wheat , none.
Pill In del pill n 1'roiliicc.
wcslcrn creamery , 20f2Ic.
IU5OS Firm nnd Ic higher ; fresh nearby nnd
western , 21e.
CHEESE'-Flrmer ; New York fnclory , choice ,
; Now York factory , fair to good , SUSf
Tulpilo a
TOLERO. Jnn. 14. WHEAT I > owcr nnd weak ;
No. 2 cash , 90(40 ( ; May , 92c.
CORN Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 27'ic.
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed. 224c. !
RYE Dull : No. 2-cnsh. 4Cc.
CLOVERSEEU Active ; prime cash nnd Jan
uary , $3. 15.
PEORIA. Jnn. 14. CORN Mnrket flrm nnd
higher ; No. 2 , 27c.
OATS Market quiet ; No. 2 white , nominal ;
No. 3 white , 23c.
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof tplrlts.
$ ! . ! .
_ _ _
Triulera Arc Wiilllnur for Sl ns of n
lt < > IIClllll. |
NI'JW YORK , Jan. H. The course of today' s
stock market was decidedly Irregular and some- ! penilexlng so fnr ns a perception of the
scneinl tone of t-peculallon wns concerned. As
the. day progressed the lack of sustaining power
In the strength of special stocks , whMi has been
the marked characteristic of the market for sev
eral days pist , came to be more ani more fell ,
The illFimsltlon to watch closely for signs of a
reaction became more marked , nnd the llnal
hour saw a , very general throwing over of hold
ings by professional traders. There was no epe-
tlal news lo account for the break , and It was
probably due for the most part to technical con-
dlllun.i Slocks which have been recently promi
nent for strength were conspicuous In today's
break by reason of profit-taking. There was u
feeling of more or less uneasiness also over the
tone of the news from Havana In regard to
what Is cxpectedk rather than what has happened.
The fear that the Spanish government's scheme
of reform Is on the point of breaking down Is
coupled with the apprehension that the time is
Imminent when Intervention by the United Stales
lo save the island from anarchy' will bo Im
perative. The persistent weakness of Sugar , a
more or less dominant faelor by reason of the
volume of trading In It , also helped break the
market. The opening strength was due ) to the
somewhat fevcrlFh demand for local traction
stock , due to special causes , nnd the execution
of a larvo volume of buying orders for Lonion
nccount. Quolntlons came tilsher from London
before the opening , nnd iirobalily 25,000 shares of
the International stocks were bought In this mar
ket for I ondon nccount. There were nlso com
mission house orders , especially for Investment
dfrnind In the gilt-edged railroad Blocks. The.
Vnnderbllt , Union Pacific and the 'Northern ' Pn-
cllli stocks were not lacking In continued
strength. There were nlso sharp advances In
New Jersey Central and People's Oas , but the
profit-taking. Invited by the advances In special
cases , only irerved1 to Increase Ihe late weakness
of stocks which had fulled to benefit from the
early strength. As a consequence there was a
very general break of n | > olnt ranging up to over
5 points In Manhattan and over 8 points In Third
A\eiiuc . Covering > by shorts served to recover
part of Ihe decline , but net losses of a point or
over are frequent all through the list. Money
tended to become somewhat easier today without
any nctunl change being made In the quoted
rates for call loans. There wns n brisk demand ,
however , for commercial paper , which brought
the rates down to a range of 3 to 4 per cent for
the choice graded. Tomorrow's bank statement
will Mmw a large Increase In the cash holdings.
Tlio bond market was active early In the day.
but became less active and reacted slightly In
the later dealings. I'nlon Pacific and connecting
Issues were strong , Seatlle , Lake Shore It East
ern firsts , trust receipts , rose 714 per cent , but
lost part of that. Other active luiues showed
gains. Total sales , $4.200,000. United States new
4s. registered , were U per cent lower bid , rind
news 4 . coupon , nni Ihe old 4s , reglslcrcd. W per
cent lower , and the 2s ' ,4 per cenl higher.
The Evening Post's I nndon financial cable-
gr.iin fays : "After n quiet and dull opening the
sloclt markets here were generally good today , a
Illlp being given by the collapse of Ihe engineer
ing slrlku nnd the declaration of a good divi
dend by n leading English railway ronnnny. A
feature continues to be Argentines , which are
ilwomlng. Kalllrs were dull nfler a period of
flrmnefs. The public still rcfr.ilns from dealing
in Americans. Nevertheless the outlook here In
that department Is distinctly favorable. There
nro signs that on realizations old holding ! ) here
are steadily decreasing , while the professional
buying Is of n strong kind. New York Centrals
were especially good , llond * are steadily ab-
Horbfid. The supply ' tcaree , nnd If the New
Ymic suuuort continues an actual boom Is not
Improbable. ( Irani ! Trunks nnil Canadian 1'a-
clllcs ngnln rose sharply. The new Indian cur
rency measure will become operative on January
"I 11 will continue for six monlhs. Gold Is In
goo ! demand. Over 1.0CO.or,0 Is on the way here ,
but It will go to the continent. Discount houses
have lowered their deposit rates by Vj per cent.
The excessive ease In money , however , wns tem-
' " '
"Folto'wlng nro the closing quotations of the
leading stocks on the New York mnrket to-
Total talea of tock today. 4S7.GOO vhuren. In.
rludltiR : Atchlion preferred , 4.C33 ; Con.ullan
Houthern , 4,300 Cltenapenke & Ohio. 3.150 : Chi *
raKo. llurllnclon & ( Julncy iUW ) : Louliville &
NaMivllle , I.UOManballnn. . 19.KO ; Michigan Cen.
tral , lO.lUi lUwallun l ommerrlal L'uinpany ,
5.KM ) ; Iteadlm ; preferred , 4.ICO ; Ml ourl 1'ncldc ,
5,530 , New York Central , ! 21,231 Northern Pacific ,
iiate or uiseount in tne-oiicn-marjcet rqr RIIOTI
bills , 214 per cent ; for three minlhs , 29i per cent.
Gold at Uucnog Ayres , ICO.5) . rjAmerlcnn cables
urn quoted at 7G3 Cid. !
Financial iViIlCN ,
OMAHA. Jan. n.-Clcaraiiccs , , $837,010.43 ; bal
ance : ) , $113.033.00.
CHICAGO , Jan. U. ClearlnKS. 517.173,101 ; New
York exchange. C3c premium ; posted rales ,
14 83'/4@4.fc ; Alley I. , weal on ( liberal selilnif ;
other stocks sleady , Cloi-Ins : Went Chicago ,
100j ; Diamond Match , ItlViMNotth ChlcnKO , 2J3 ;
L.ike Stieet I. . 14Vi ; Newn 1'drk Dlscutt , C3 ;
Slrawboard , 2S ; Alley Ij , W. i
IIOSTON , Jan. H.-ClearlnKS.i .J17.462.S03 ; bal-
nncoH , $ i.ct : > .ri'j. ; ' . . . r-
NI3W YOltlC , Jnn. 14. ClenrlBgs , } HG,317,39 ;
balances. tS.01I,9ll. - , -
NK\V OltMCANS , Jan. II. Clearings , J2,1CC5 ( ! ;
New York exchange , bank , part commeielal , (1
per Jl.OOO discount.
.ST. UDUIS , Jan. 14. Dank.jlcarliiKs , $1,821,0:3 ;
balances , JfCI,3'J7 ; money ( iuii't , t C5S | per cent ;
New York cxrhansc. 2. " > o premium bid. 60o asked.
MEMPHIS. Jan. 14.-Cleai.lnM. $029.691 : bal
ances , 23IC'C2 ; New York u'icliunsc , telling at
$1 premium.
PIULADnU'IIIA. Jan. 14. Clearings , $12SS3-
11) ) ; balances , f 1,702,311.
II.VITIMOHIJan. . 14. Clearlnss , $3,491,703 ;
balances , J1I7.C19.
riNCINNAXI , Jan. 14. New York cxchnnee
offered at 2c premium ; money 21481 per cent ;
clearings , $ . ' ,058,100. r
l''orclKii Fliiniiuliil.
LONDON. Jnn. 14.-rAmount of bullion with
drawn from the IJank , of Kngland un halanco
today. JS90.000.
1'AHIS , Jan. 14. 4 p. m. Three per cent rentes ,
103f ; 171 > 'jc for the account ; exchange on London ,
'lit. 21',4o for checks , Iluslncfa on the bourse
today was Irregular nnd closed firm with Inter
national frcurltlcs hardening- , except .Spanish se
curities , which were Influenced by thu troubles
ut Havana. Illo tlntoa advanced. Dlabera mined
wcro a feature , rising sharply on rumors of split-
tins Iho chares Inlo preference nnd ordinary.
IH-iUI.V : , Jnn. 14 The market had a good lone
today on the bourse. Intcrnallonal securities
wcro quid. Americans nnd Canadian 1'acllics
were strong. Hank shares and Industrial secur
ities hardened nn the assumption that the Hclcli-
stai ; will sanction the naval bill.
American SccurlJipN In London ,
-LONDON , Jan , 14. The market for American
securities moved upward all day , being Influ
enced by New York buying. Thu close was nun
und the < lemand generally light.
Wool .MarUctH.
IIOSTON , Jnn. 14. The Iloston Commercial Hill-
lelln will nay tomorrow of tlio won ! market ;
The market Is much quieter. The large mills
have purchased all they desire for the present ,
nnd Bales this week are for Ihe mosl part on
aggrcgntlon of email Haled to smill mill * . The
touts of trade la excellent nnd prices are ellRhtly
higher. The largest fale wns IllO.OCO ! ba , nt Cape
wool nti 'u basis of fOe clean , 3o belter than tlie
last recorded uale. The auction sales ut Antwerp
for the week showed nn ndvaiK'tt of 5 per cent ,
nnd the Montevideo market IH ngnln hlRher.
Heavyweight clollm finvu opened nt un advance
of 25 to S' ' ) per cent over last year , und are cell
ing freely. The sales of Ihe week were 2,172,000
lb * . domestic ami l.OIS.MO Ibs. foielRn , ngaliisl
3,833.000 Ibs. domestic anil 830.000 Ibs. foreign
last week nnd B,250Wii ) Ibs. domestic : and 8,0(0 ( l
Hi : ) , foreign for tlio ramp week last year. The
prilCH to date show a dccreno of b03,0 < )0 ) IbH. di > -
mestlo nnd 1,510,0 < )0 ) Ibs , foreign from ? ale to the
name datu In H97. The * following ciuotutlons are
made :
Ohio und Pennsylvania fleece * , X nnd above ,
:7)2Se ; XX nnd above , 30 3Ic ; delnlne , 3QU3lc.
Michigan , Minnesota , etc. Ni. 1 Mlehlgan combIng -
Ing , SSOIJci No , 1 Illinois coinlilne. 2382UC ; No.
1 New Voile. New Hnminhlro nnd Vermont. 27o ;
ilrlalno Mlchlgnn , 27r , I'mvaslied medium Ken
tucky nnd IndlanfL quarter blntu ] , 3e ; unwashed
medium Kentucky nml Indiana three-eighth ! )
blonil combing. 2I825C. Mleauurl quarter I'I.d
combing , 22 < Tf23c ; Ml&sourl thrue-elKhllm Wood
combing , 23j(2lc ; brnlil combing , 31c ; lake und
Clrargla , 22f23c , Texax wool , eprlng mud In pi (12 (
immlhs ) , IGtllTc ; scourrd , 43iff5u ; spring fine , 02
month * ) , 17iil8o ; acoured , rfn-S2c. ) Territory wfio ) ,
Montuna fine medium und line , 1 Mi ISc ; sca'.irpiU
45fiiOc ; ntaple , 53tfMc. Utah , Wyoming , rtc , ,
fine medium and fine , 15W17c- . Australian xcoured
banlx .i-omblng , Ktiperflne , 70fJ7c ; comblnt ; , pond ,
Kliti'ie : combine , Kiln.rjuJtnslnnd. , . f > > .
BT. I/JUIH. Jnn. H , WOOIr-Drin ; mellum. II
: < > Vic ; light nne. 13Q17c ; heavy line , 6 Uc ; tub
wusl.ed . , 22&30C.
\IMV York Dry ( ionilH .llarlcct ,
NtTW YOHK. Jnn. 14 Thr- l n glow but
nntlcrable Improvement In lh i < lry gmdn marUet.
Cotton goodt have rumo InUVi moro extt-nd'd ile-
niHr.d with the Influx of western nnd .southern
buyer * In the maikel. ThUi-Tdemnnd Is well
dlvelHined , lee , nnd Includes tinnvn gwidu ns well
n * lili > rchi'fl. The snleu are n.iw numtnnl , but
there In n distinct Rain , which" . H put heart HUM
the rperatlons uf ncllera. In"tli i woollen g ds
division tln day has been fully i .n lively an > <
terday. lluyers nri > Inspecting1. II IM newly opened
lines , nnd itretnlnirly nfl > > r > la i-ge line * . Billes
of new Koods nre fnlrly larEW'N w buyer * nre of
rournu nnxlou * to iiccuiv bartal is , nnd lh 'Ic-
nmnd IH Jllut In Ihe condition1 b ouuhl nlmul by
lilsher price rn w l nml Iliclnc 'UhHlty for Ke p *
Inn the prices nf rendy maib1 rlnihlng within
nrctcnt limits , but woollen < 1o lf-rs who anwll <
llnv to mndurt hu lncsi uruUir these rondlllnna
rnn find their time well emidoxril , Hiap'.c cottonn
Hhow no change In , prlre COH.UI-HMU.
NRW YOIIIC. Jnn. 14 , C'Ar.ll-'OHNIA DH
KIlI'ITU-Sleady. Kvaporatiil "lipnleK. romnion ,
HSJTttc : prime wire Irny , SUri : > vnoil < ! rl Hl , prime.
8' < , c ! choice. 8ic , fnnoy. PiiUi r , Pruni-n , JW
Aprlrou , lloynl. TSISI C , M-ior I'itrk ,
Praclie * . "
Supply in About the Sntna Old Notch , De
mand Steady.
Ioral lliiftlnc * * * Polloim tinI.cml nf
Utlu'r I'oliit * \YrnUiifitK
Little ClmiiKc Shown In i
the II K I'cni ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn.Ilecclpla for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Shcao. Horses.
January H . 1,817 C.lCflI.SflO
January 13 . . . 1.9S3 7SH 4 , W 20
January 12 . 1,619 G.WO 1.C91 7
January 11 . 2.W1 9SfiO 2,151 1
Jnnunry 10 . 1,115 3,715 69 ( 2J
January S . . . . 075 6.4S7 2,312
January 7 . 1.13S C.279 1.073 20
January 6 . 1,253 10,982 2,429 81
Jnnunry S . 1,629 10,613 2.22S
January 1 . 1,110 6,811 3.173
Jnnunry 3 . 1.CS1 2,470 5.177
January 1 . G97 2,235 2,129 23
December 31 . 523 5.916 1,016
December 30. ; . . . . 902 7,071 1.6S4
December 29995 5.003 3,951
The oillclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wns ;
Cattle. Hogs , Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Ily . ii
O. & St. L. ny . 1
Missouri Pnclllo Ily . . .
Union Pimlllr. Svstpin . 12 11 15
P. , 13. & SI. V. U. U 10 21
S. C & P. lly 1
C. , St. P. , SI. & O. lly IS C
H. & SI. H. 11. It. . . . . . 2t 37 2
C. , H , & Q. lly. 10 0
K. C. & St , J B
C. , U. I. & P. lly. . ca-jt. . . . . .
Totnl receipts . S5 93 17
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co IS l.lfil 13
G. H. Hnmmoml Co 132 SIG
Swift and Company S51 1.S9G 3,380
Cinlnhy I'lcg. Co 5U1 1,25 $ U71
H. Heckcr it Dcgan II
Livingston & Sunler C7
L. F. Hltss 41
Hammond , Kansas City 37G
Cudahy , Kansas City. . . . 100
P. & P. Co. , Neb. City 1,002 ,
Other buyers 63 S 121
Left over SO 500
Totals . 1,910 C.730 4'IS7
CATTLIJ With the exception of Tuesday
the receipts of hogs were the heaviest of
the week , nnd still It was a smnll run , only
eighty-seven cars being reported In. Of
this number live cars wore consigned direct
to packers , nnd were not offered for sale.
Although thu receipts wore none too large
for the demand , weak Inlluences were not
wanting. Advices from Chlcag-o read "weak
to lOc lower , " nnd from Kansas City "eas
ier , " which , when coming from Kansas City
Is generally interpreted to mean lOc .lower.
The market on fat cattle opened with quite
a sprinkling oCpretty decent cattle In sight
and with n fair local and shipping demand.
On the first round cattle aold pretty close
to steady , but It was ti short round. Under
the intluence of bear advices from other
mnrket points the feeling becnmo very wenk
ami values dropped fully lOc. Salesmen
were naturally reluctant to make the con
cession and the trade was slow and draggy
until the close. Still , about everything
changed hands In the end. There were
it few steers good enough to bring $4.75.
In tlie cow market the situation was still
less favorable to the selling Interests. The
gntp.0 Influences that were depressing the
ntWr ! , iruirket nlso had their effect upon the
"cow"market , but there was a still further
caUse fatfalowcr market to bo found In the
two dnys In succession
stuff to the total ro-
celpts ha. , * n > enexceptionnlly large. All
'these ' causcs c csj riedircsulted Ina market
that \vh aiiythlng'tp'satlsfnclory to the
holders ? < 3 ! ows and hcUfrR. 'values bslng
anywhere froiri 10.c o 16c lowei. TJIQ tfnrto
wns slow and dull-lrom-start tojf.-'i'f un'd
it was late before anything- . like a "cleat iT E
was effected. " ' ' Stijt " ' ' . '
. Tlie supply of feeders was light , onlylft-few
loads being offered on the market. Tfiero
was considerable Inquiry for good Rtoclr
cattle nnd buyers seemed rendy and willing1
to pay good stiff prices without any regard
to the condition of the fat cattle market.
Representative sales :
M , 223 S f > 7t , M W ' " '
Hi tvi . a eo M . . Jio . s i
79. . . .tff ! . . 3 ft ) } . 119 . . . SCO
1 J2. ) . . 1 7S 9 401 . . 3 4' )
1 3.V ) . . . S 4 in . . . i 40
i 4W . . . sw 8 7J B ) 4- .
4 4S7 W S 40 6 2 > 3 . . . 3 JO
1 34(1 ( . . . 3 * > Ml ! . . . SM
.1 SOS . . . J 40 6 . . . 3.V
6 Ml . . . 340
SMKKP HecelptJi of Mwrp wcro Inrsc far thin
tr.ufkat. Imt none lee IOITP for th < Ncry ncllvp
demand which lifts been ilrvflopnl nt nil * point
of Into. In ndilltton to llio Inoal packers there
were nbout a Imlf tloien or more buyer * of feed-
em. nil wanting ohccp nml nil of I hem utronR
competitors with tlio killer * . Quito n peed ninny
sheep ntc twins taught nnil shipped on iat ,
buyers could fret to them , Tin" price * p.iM wcie
tlio lanr > ninrk * t nnd held until they nre
Knitted ,
In the InnKiiftKe- tlio yards "It was n lint
market , " nml with tlio number of buyers In
inn field ntnl with the competition Mian' Ihe
offerlnRs chnnKed hnncls nlwut ns fast n * the
Imi-rm Ket to them. The prices paid vtr
strong ,
A l nd of Anpom , fronts wn.i n feature of the
day's receipts nml ntlrncted n RooJ dent of nl
tentlon. Representative pales :
No. Av. Pr.
1 cull * 7-1 MM
T1 ! western wethers t ll 4 la
f , < ii Mexican yearling * ( ft 4 ft )
2S7 Mexican lambs M 4 S3
.104 Mexican Unibi Ml 4 s ! >
555 Mexican Imnbs . . ! . . . . , M & ( M
210 western lambs (9 8 40
119 western ewes 97 340
3 western wethers 12.1 JW
463 western Inmlis < , , . , . . SO tTSO
2 tnlllngs 70 SCO
Trmlo In Cn < llc IH 'More Arllvp , lint
Price * Arc lliiclin'tkKiMl.
CH1CAC3O. Jmi. 14. Trnile In entile was more
nnlmnteil tlmn It usually Is to Intc In the week
oixil ( hero wns no partlcufnr clmnse In prices ,
ftlthouch rnmmnn nnl tneiltilttl crailcs allowed
wonknenv llecf steers mild
at JI.55WS.10. the extreme ranuo for common In
prime being (3.9005.43 , with sales to exporters at
J4.7MT.5 10. Hlockern nnd feeders wcro l..flfV
lilRhep limn n week nfro , nnd-sumo ehflleo SOil-lh.
yeiirllnisteern from Canada 'Slid nt JI.115. Cow
and lielfera ftolil writ , few nolnit IxHnw $2.M nn 11
fnw prime helfi-rn brought H.SWM.'O. Hulls , ton.
sol.l romarknbly well , iho b t felchlns tJ.lOlf
4.3rt and calves wen active ami strong.
Them wrs n le s active mnrket In IIORS than
yo tsrday and prices nveraseil 2'4W."c ln\\er. HOKS
sold to.lny at t3.4M73.i2H , ehlelly at W.57 < 45T3.r.- . ,
nml plK sold InrKely nt } 3.40ii3.O ) . Hogs Hold
today 7H5IOo lilRher than n week afp > .
Therv was a BO > ! demand for sheep nnd Inmh *
from slaughterers ut about last week's rlimlng
prices , sheep selling at M.i ir4.r.fl , but not ninnv
went below J3.5 > \ Vearllncs were nctlve nt Jl SO
O4.75 and lambs sold freely at 14.WWI.SO. rhletly
nt J3.00W..fii.Veslern sheei ] sold nt t.1.r > 1 > i7'4.o.
mainly at f.1k' > I4.30. Heavy plieep sojd badly , Ihe
demand beln > r for the lighter welRTiTM.
lli-celpts. Cattlo. 0,000 head ; IJORS , 22.00) head-
sheep , 8,0 head. ' '
S ( . I.oitlH I.lvo SlocK- .
ST. I t'IS , Jim. II. C'ATTI.IHeeelpts. : . 4,40.1
hend : shipments , 2,300 head : m'liket stendy to
stronc ; shipping steers , tl.40iif"i.3rn bulk of sales.
$4.MKJ'5.V1 ' ( ; butcher steers and dressed beef grade * ,,57).SO ) ; bulk of wales. SI.C'lSil. ( " > ; steers under
I.OiiO HIM. , M.SOJfl.M ; bulk of sales. M-MSn. " " ' ;
stockers nntl fe ( Jrs , $2..riO74. 0 ; bulk of sales.
J3.25ff4.2o : cows nnd heifers. J2.0tff4.3r. ) bulk of
sales. $2.7r > { T3.7ri : Texas and Indian steers. $3.2Ti
? 4.2" > : bulk of sales , J3.40CTI.15 ; cows nnd heifers.
} 2.2R3.7S.
IIOOS Hecelpts. " .O IO head : shipments , 1.100
head : mnrket stronK ; Yorkers. J3.40W3. & ) ; pick
ers. J3.50513.70 ; butchers. J3.COW3.72'i.
HIIKHI' Iteoelpts. (100 ( head , shipments. 100
he-nd ; mnrket stronRj native muttons , $3 Wit
4.W ; culls and bucks , g2.00ir3.30 ; Inmba. H."i0
KANSAS CITV , Jnn. 14. CATTLK-nccelpts.
8,700 henil ; market opened steady on best cattle
nnd slow on others , closlnp easier to lOc lower ;
medium Krnrtcs 15o lower ; stockcrs strong ; feed
ers lOc blclier : Texna steers , J3.235N.CO ; Texas
cows. t2.23Ji3.73 ; native fleers. J3.7. W .0'i ; native
COWH nnd heifers. J2.00ifT4.2. ; stockers nnd feeders ,
J3.fJifT4.73 ; bulls. J2.50JJ3.73.
HOOS Hecelpts. 15.000 bend ; market opened
i > tpa < ly to 2Hc lildher ; plus steady nnd nctlve ;
bulk of sales. J3.40OT.Cfl ; heavies nnd pickers ,
J3.40ft3.r > 5 : mixed. J3.42'.4p3.C2'i ' ; Hdils. JS.SOfl1
J3.50 ; yorkers , J3.45ir.T50 ; plies. J3.20Si3.37'i. '
SHEKP HccclptH , 2.700 bend ; mniket nctlve nn.l
sternly nt yeMerdny's ndvnnce ; re ointa mnitly
weslerns ; lambs , J4.005J5.50 ; western mutton ! ' ,
IlllllllllllpOllN l.lviStlH'U. . N
celplH , 1.300 henil ; Phlpments. 200 lienil ; mniket
moderntely nctlve ; peed to prime steers. JI.751 ?
5.15 ; fnlr to mi 3lum steers , J4.tOffl.tJ3 ; common
to coed Etockers , J2.7.3.50.
HOGS Ilceolptp , S.r.0) ) head rhlpmcnlR S.ono
hftud ; mnrket nctlve ; Rood to choice meltiim nnd
heavy.ti : 55M.72V4 : n > lxe.J , J3.COJT3.f 5 ; t-ommon
llelil * . JSJiiiflsiij-
PIinEP U wit | , BlLjHU.markct steady nnd lOc
It v r a " JSSK . t8 . - 'c shnoit . - - , 8bccpto Jj.40 for
- -
3.WO head ! active ntutfirtro geKltintIy < ; | 'Fteers.
J4.40W4.r,0 ; stnns nd. oxenf } S01) ; ) eiJ0 ; | 1 J * T
J2.00ff3.40. Cables" quote American-Steers at llffl
refrigerator beefj77ifSc. ' " '
CAl.VKSs HP eipia , 177 Heau ; steniiy out slow ;
veals. J5.00fi7.70 ; urnpEers , J3.OOff3.CO.
HIIKUP AND UVMII.S Receipts. 3,481 head ;
sheep , quiet and steady ; lambs , dull nnd 'weak ;
sheep. J3.5flffr. 70.
HOCiS-Itcccipts , 3.952 head ; nrmer at $3.S02 >
r.iint Itiinnlo I.lvo Stock.
IAST nuvi\\jjo. Jan. n. OATTM- : Medium
to heavy shipping ulcers. J.1.01ff3.70 ; roano rnugh.
3.7."i ? 4 a > ; Kreon , M. ' . ' .Ki ; choice fat helfiTB ,
J4.25fN.50 ; mixed butchers' stock , ; fair
to KOOI | Itutchera' cows , J3.50i3,75.
IIOQS Yorkem , good to choice. { ;
rouKlis , common to choice , $3.1083.35 ; pigs , good
to choice , J3 70f3.73.
IjAMIW Chole < > to extra , J3.8303.95 ; cnll to
conunnn. J4.WiJ'5.OT. (
HIIHKl' Hiolce to selected wethcra , $4.0501.30 ;
culls to common , J2.00ff3.73.
CliiHiinnU I.lviSdicU. .
flNC'INNATI , Jan. K. HOtlS Steady nt $3.00
CATTr.H-Hteady nt $2.25 4.C5.
B1IKBP Steady nt f2.75WI.fM. , I :
I.AMUS Steady at 11.0035.75. ' I
Slock In
Itecord of receipts of live Flock at the four
principal matkcta for January 14 :
Cattle. Hog ? . Sheep.
Omaha . 1,917 O.irn 4. 3d )
Chicago . 5.COO 220'0 R.O'o
Kann.18 City . 8.700 15.000 2.700
St. I uls . 4,400 7.001 GOO
Totals . 20.017 M.1CG 15.CC > )
Iinprovcil ( "nlilcH ( "IIIINC I'rlc-c.H ( o Ail-
vancc ScicrnlI'lilntN. .
NKW YORK. Jan. 14. A substantial gain was
made liy cotton today , due In part to fnviMlni' > nt
buylng , At best the market showed n rlFG of fT ? ! .
polntn , after opening riulet nnd steady nt nn 'i'I
vancn of 2J3 points. There wns some realizing
' the nfternoon , Imt the market was llnally
Hieady nt u net advance of 203 l > olrits. Tin" Im-
lrovc'inent ) nilglnntcil In better entiles from Liver
pool tlmn harl been looked for an.d < wan aecelnr-
uted by more numerous advices from the south ,
Indicating less literal use of fcrtlllzeis and con
tinuing the Idc-a of reduced cotton acreage. The
firmness was Increased by moderate port receipts
nnd by fairly encouraging accounts from J'al !
River nil to 1rad < prospects. h'i Jt , steady ; mid
dling , 5c ; net receipts , 1,134 halts ; grusx , l.GIS
\lea l ; forwarded , 21 hales ; rales , 1U hales ( all
splnncTH ) ; stiH'k , 13 ,7ru bales. Weekly : .NVt rn-
ceipts , 8,314 bales ; gro .i , 41,713 bales ; exports to
( Ireat Ilrllaln , 7,179 bales ; In France. 2.G7 : ) bnleM ;
to Iho continent. 4.34G bales ; forwarded , I1.C7S
bales ; sales , 1.2S1 bales ; milliners , 3M bill . Tutal
today : NBt receipts , iO.Ull bales ; exports
Ilrltaln. K.K'J bales ; to Kriince , 3S bnlea ; to Ihe
contlnonl , 24.CD bales ; Htodj. l.f.iiJOi Imles.
Consolidated : Receliits , 20C.&fe bales ; -exports to
(3n-al llrlllUn , 11 , 123 bales ; to Knmce. 17 , 012 bulex ;
to the continent. M 122 bales. Total since Hcp-
letnber 1 : Nut receipts , 0 , ( 77,720 balea ; exp.irtu to
( Jro-.t llrllnln , I/J74.W3 linles ; to Kranue. 5"'J,071
bales : to the continent l.fiJ.MT'i bales
NK\V ORMANH. Jan. 14 COTTON Kuturea.
steady : sales. 32."i > ) bales January. 15.27 bid :
Knliruary , J5.2if/r..24 ; March , 5.33ii5.34 : April ,
5.3Sf73. < 0 ; Mny. J' . 415(5. ( 45 ; June. J5.49W3.50 ; July.
$ S.G4W-3.r.5 ; AuguH. J5.rS 5.f,9 ; Heplemlier. $3. My
5.G1 ; October , Jj.Clflfi.Cl. Kpn ) . opened steady
closed Msy ; rales , G.CuO ; ordinary , 4' ' c ; good or
dinary , 4c ; low middling. 4 l.-lfie ; mldilllnu.
BVo ; good mliHIIng , flS-lCr ; niMdllng fair , Cc ;
recelptH , IOi57 ; bales ; stock , K'J.fHl ha lea.
MVKUI'OOb , Jan. 14.- < 'OTTONpot. . fjulet ;
prices stfady ; American middling , 37-32d. Tim
snleii of the day were 10.0CO bales , of which f > 00
hales were for speculation and export and In
cluded 9 , TOO American' receipts , 3,000 hales , In
cluding 2,900 American. Kiitiue * opened ( , - - _
with n modf-ratu densini and eloivd mendy.
Amcilrnn , U M. C. , January , 3JI-CM relleni ;
January nml 1'Vbrunry , 3 ! > .fi i3 M-GId buyeis ;
[ 'ebruary nnd March , 3 9-CIj3 ? 10-Cl l buyeru ;
March and April. 3 10-B4d liiiyerJ ; April and May ,
3 11-Cld sellers ; May and , lunc. 3 12-Cld > eler | ;
Juno and July , 3 13-Cld fellers ; July and Auxu't ,
3 I3-Ci r3 14- i | " liuyera ; AiiRitst and Septetnl ,
3 14-C4d Inivers ; Kcptemher and October , 3 14-C458
3 ir.fM ve-rs | | October and November , 3 15-C4d
bBllcru ; November and December , 3 I5-C4J IG-CId
Oil. ( "ITV , .Inn , H. Credit balances , C3e ; cer-
tlllcii'i'H ' , na blil ; shipments. [ i'.t'JO l/hls. ; runs.
100.CI3 bbU.
WII.MINOTON , Jnn. 14. OILS-Splrll turpen
tine. steady. 3IW f32c. HiMlit. " Him , Jl.lOf/'i / SO ;
rrudo turpentine , Hteudy , ll.4Uiil.tiO. Tar , I'.nn ,
HAVANNAH , On. . Jim. ll.-OIUS-Hplrlt Itir.
pentlne , firm at 32c. Rosin , llrrn. Quote. : A , n.
C , I ) , JI.20 ; K , $1.30 ; V , JI.35 ; O , $1.5) ) ; H. JI.TO ; * .
J1.8) ; K. H.M ; M. J2 ; N , 2.1052.20VG ; , . ' ,508
2.40' W\V. J2.MW8.78 ,
OIIARI.l TON. H. < ' . . Jnn. II. OII.S-Turp"n-
tine , market firm at 31 He. Rosin , firm. Quoin ;
A. . II. . O. . . , H. , V. , 11.11 ; Jl. . Jl.lS ; II. . $ l.JO.
I.ViUI'f ( OU Jan. 14. OIICollonwed oil ,
r.lvtrpxil ii'flned , dull , Us C.1. Turpentine uplrlti ,
etrady. 2U. Hosln. common , tlcady , 4 I'/id ,
Mlilu nnil I.fiillu-r > liirli < - ( .
O1IIOAOO , Jan. 14. The Hho nn l leather Review -
view tomorrow will say : .since January 1 134-
000 hides have been reporlcif old In our reporti.
Home buyer * rdace the lota ) calfu an lilgh as
200,00' ' ) , The Mg packers arc now In almost com
plete conliql of lha fltuallon. They have only
small tock of hlilei and In iomt > selectlonii are
nolit cnnuMfr.ibly Ahead of thrlr power to make
deliver ! * * . Ilio pret- | are fully lo hleher than
tlicy w ra In June , nhrn th Inlrludo Quality oi
the hlle < i wa * \ . ' t l a t Iwltor tlisn It l tcvlny.
The lo lh r ntiiMi"n 1 < now i > w > luicly con
trolled by the abnormal ( o > t of hide * snd the
hon manufacturer * hovs tf chpil a l > olnt Wher *
they must Jemnnd more ni-mey for nhie .
NRW YORK , J n. 14.OOKl'tiJpllonl
o | > v ne < l stendy. MUS iwlnls ndv no < > , ruled quiet ,
with firmer undertone on lietler Burppenn cnblcs ,
smtvller rwelpli nt Itln do Janeiro nnd Santo.- ,
large wnrrhouso drllverles nnd steadier mwt mnr
kets. J'liwnl steady , with price * Mflli t lnl < net
ndvunr-e ; snips , 701 > Nigs. Inc'.udlnK : Mi'tch. ' ' . . !
tffl.W. Spot , Rio , dull nnd nominal. MIM , quiet.
Total wnrfhotir * deliveries fn m the I'nllnl '
StAtes , 21. 1W IMIKS. Including 19.SH l gs frnm
N-ow York ! Mock today , ( -H.tM \ < * Ki t'nltnl '
Slate * stock.7JS3SS haif : nllost for the l nH sl
StAt . 3Vl.iVV ( ) bags ; totnl vHlble for the I'nltr-t
Stntes. 1.1M.1M IKIRS , ngalnst 74H , < llflmg \ li t
y < wr nnd Mfl,9JI K > R the previous year.
SANTOS , Jan. t4.OOlVBWulrli g. * > 1 nver-
nge Santos , nominal ; rcoelptsi 1D.OM i-nits ; stock ,
* .4,0 l g ,
IIAMIlflta. Jnrh ll.-tMPI'Klt-StMily , ' .4 Pf"f. "
hliiher ; steady nt n net gain t f H to "i pfg. !
sales. ? ,0 ) liags.
RIO 1)15 JANK1RD. Jnn. U.-COrKRK-Qulct !
Nn. 7 Rio. 8,023 rels ; exchange , 1l6d ; demist Iho UnltM States , S.Ort ) b.iirs ; cleared lor
> : unM ! . 4,0i t > agsj ; slock , S77.W ) bags .
1IAVUK , Jnn. 14. aKKiU-Clo o > l if net nd-
vnnco ; unles , 1J,0 bag * .
NK\V ORI.KANS , Jan. li.-SIHlAU-Qnfn iket.
tie. ntcndy nt ! mr3Sc ; rrntrlfimftt , steady ;
granulated , 4\lf4 c ; whiles , 4M4 ? c ; yellows ,
3\ifVio ; seconds , 2 > it)3Hc. Molnrses , kettle.
btendy at ! 427e ; centrifugal , easy nt ( ifflSc !
yrup , stemlv nt I8ST22C.
Nli\V YORK , Jan. 14.-St'OAR-Raw ' , Orm ;
fair refining , JKo ; renlrlfimnl , 98 test , 4 3-lCo ; rp.
nned. flnn ; crushed , f Uc ; powdfred , S 7-ICc ;
granulated , GUe : mould A. B4e ; standard A <
OHc ; confectioners' A , 6Uc ; cut lonf , 5Ho ; cubfs ,
C MOc. -
Jlniii < 1ii > nlt > r Tlllo Knlirloi.
MANCMIKSTIUI. Jan. 14-CIOIhs nnd ynni
quiet , with n moderate Inquiry.
\Vlnh ! K IN UKiIcnriHt HIK * tlm ( yon
luivo. It In tlml of iMrfoo iiiiiitlliionN.
You kiintv ( lint Intrm UN well n
yon know Hull < ! IN IN tinynir 1MIT. )
And If Hint In ( lie urcnt loiiKlnK < > f
your liciirl why not try Jo nullify Itf
"Iliuljan" will iniiK'i' a mini out lit
youi "lliiilyiin" will mnk " you nt > p
limit "lliiil.vnn" Mill lo | > < lit hiul
ilrriiniNi "Iliiilyini" will qulrl your
iicrvc-H. II cannot If you < lo not Klvn
It ouo rhnncr. V Inivo Jo di-clilo.
Arc you KOIIK ( < wiintt niiywnyf Are
you KOIIKlo | Inn siicclmiMi of Immun
ity JlillJ nil ilcNiilnff TlilnUIVllcn
help l NO cIoN - to liniulvhcn tlio
lit-lp IN NO i-prlnlii to IIP noiiil nrp you
KoliiK Jo r 'fUN - llf To lipKln with ,
why not iiNk for tt-Nlliiiouy UN to wliut
It linir Iniip for iillicrnf Surely you
linvc ciidiiuli liiloroNl lit ynur own
hcaldi Jo Jry Jo Ki'J wrll. If you will
iioj Jry , nil tlie Nklll , nil Jho tiatlciicc ,
nil tlie ImncHt Konil ivlll of Ilic llnil-
Noiilnn iloctorn In In vain. ThlH In
your ilny ! Will ynii IINC for JliaJ JPH- !
iiiony Jodnyf IJ IIIPN noj po t tuoiioy.
It fiiNjN Jlu > I Inn- Unit It will tnkt * yon
lo writp or call. AVIiy not
Stocfcton , Mdriet & Ellis Stroats.
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD
1'OISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
you can he treated nt home for same
price under name Kunmnty. If you prefer
to como hero we will contract to pay roll-
road fare nnd hotel bills , and no charsa
If wo fall to cure.
taken mercury. Iodide potash nnd still
hnve lichen and pains , Mucous Patches In
mouth , Sore Tlnout , I'lmplos , Cupper Col.
ori-d t-'pcts , t'li'crs on any part of the
body. Hair or Hyobrnws falling out , It Is
this Secondary
We Guaranfes io Oure
We solicit the most obstinate cases nnd
challenge the world for n case we cannot
cure. This illnonne has always liallled the
skill of the moat eminent physicians.
JIOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional
Guaranty. Absolute proofs Rent sealed
on application. 100 pane bonk nent fn-c ,
Address COOIC HKMKDY. CJI. . 1-11)1
li ! Tcinplc , ClilcliKo , 11.
And Surgical InslituU
100ul)0UoHl.Oiiiiilii ( : , Noli
Chronic , Nervous anil Private Dlswsa
anil nil WKAKKI'.SS BfCfl
nnil lI.SIJlllSof ( ! ltlt.IV
HYDUOOrtLKiind VAKICOOKLn | iu > - -iiuiiuiitlir
Huci'fiHHfully ctirrd In oviry ( ; : IHU.
1IIKI ( ) ) ANI ) SKIN DlHCiiui'H Boru Spoil. I'lm
i'H , SiTOfnln. Turnout , Ti'llur. KIV. nun and lllojl
I'olKon fhnruiiL'hlv vli'aiwuu from t in nyHtuln.
NiilVOUS : Ui'lilllty. Spunnaiorrlici-i , Sniiilnl !
I.OHBuH , NlKht ICnilHaloiiH , LUJS uf Vital '
( Vllnllly Weak ) , nmiln no liy too olosn nppllcntlon
to buHliii > HH r Htiidj : M.'Vi'fu minital ntralu .of
urli.'f : SMXUAL HXOIMSK3 III mldilli ) llfu or from
tlm nlfri'tH uf youthful fulllua Call ur wrltii tliutu
today. 110X277 ,
Omalia Meilici : ! and Surtflcil Institute
THMSl'IIONH I-1 ! ) : .
H. E. PENNEY & CO. ,
110 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Iiranch onic . 10M N St. . I/.ncolr. Nu ,
c. c. U1IU1K7H : . K. .1.
Bccrclnry ,
Cfifistie-Street Commission Co
Capital If.-.O.OOO.OO , Fully Pa 1)1.
STOOICH , DH.ll.V AM ) 1'ltOVmirt.VS ,
Membora Chicago Hoard of Trade Hlnco U62.
Grain , Provisions anil N. Y. Stocks.
Orders Gush and Kuturo Delivery Solicited.
Oiuuliil Ollluc , Itooiu 1 , .V , Y. Life Hlilir.
, . . , 'I'liuiu1)01. ) . . . .
I.'LOYI ) J. OA.UPHI'.l.l. , Jliiuairc-r.
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Direct wire * to Chicago and New York.
John A. Wurrtn & Co.