Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1898, Image 1

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Eucb Stops Wet NeceEsiry by United States
Outbreak Ended and No Apprehension of
Further Trouble ,
Dependant Upon Charity ,
of Uiiy Form of GOMTJI-
iiu-nt IN TlireiUciifil Under Such
C . IHIoiiH .Autonomy
fur .N
WASHINGTON , Jan. 13 Senor de Lome ,
the Spanish minister , received dispatches
from Consosto , the secretary general of
Cuba , stating that there had been on out
break In Havana , but that It was over and
no apprehension was felt of further trouble.
The Spanish minister his been kept con-
elantly advised of every development within
the list twcnlj-four hours at Havcna and he
eunmicd up his advices this morning by say
ing that they bhow the uprising to have been
n riot pure and simple ; that order Ins been
compltiteljl restored and that the authorities
have an ample force to afford every protec
tion ; that the tumult waa confined to Spanish
and Cub-in residents and tbit no Indignity
was put upon any American Inteiest or citi
zens , public or private. The offlclil advices
began arriving about midnight last night and
IMVO como uninterruptedly since then. The
oirlj cries were In cipher and It took some
hours to decipher them. They told the story
of the disturbance fully and In the main
corroborated the press dispatches. Thej
mjdo It clear that the demonstration was an
unorganised riot , the participators being
gathered up from the streets , without arms
or ammunition. It began when a few armj
officers mobbed tbo reconcEotrado ncuspinor
establishment , that paper being so lukewarm
toward autonomy 'that ' It was suspected of
having1 Insurgent tendencies. Later , as the
people were leaving the shops at the close of
the < 5ny's work and the btrcets were filled
rwlth home-goers , the demonstration was be
gun again by cm attack on the establish
ments of La Discussion and the DIarlo do la
Marina. The dispatches state tbit a small
group raised a cry agalcst autonomy , some
few gave vivas for General Wejler , whllo
Eomo scattered ehouts were directed against
General Hlanto. In the main , however , the
\lvas were for Spain sod the armjThe
mounted police were brought into use and
dispersed the groups , so that order was rc-
Btorcd and the city was tranquil by midnight.
During this excitement UnlteJ States Con-
cul General Leo was In communication with
thoSpan'sh authorities. Neither ho nor the
officials appear to have been apprehensive ,
but It waa deemed the part of wisdom to
guard against contingencies by sending a
guaul of soldiers to the United States lega
tion and to the private residence of Gen
eral Lee. Accordlngljtwentjfivo Spsnish
eoldlcrs were dispatched to the United States
consulate and another guard of twentj-five
to the residence of General Lee. They acted
os an emergency guard and no occasion arose
for their services to bo brought Into actual
requisition. Throughout the disturbance It
Is tald at the legation there was not a shout
ngalnst the United States nor a hand wised
against an American citizen.
The Spanish authorities at Havam Bent
the strongest posslblo assurances to MVilster
dn Lomo that they are entirely able to cope
with theeiluatlon. They minimized the dem
onstration , sajlng that It wes nothing more
" " added that If
than a "wind uprising. They
by any possibility an emergency should re
quire It which , however , they In no way ow
pected the government authority Is ample
to protect every Interest. A largo body of
troops Is quartered In the city -and these are
calct to bo more than enough1 for all require
ments. This statement Is made by waj of
assurance , however , for the authorities say
the trouble Is at an rod. Ono of the late
dispatches stated that an Insurgent leader ,
Colonel Lope < i Marln , accompanied by two
others , have turned In their arms at Plnardel
Itlo and have declared for autonomy and that
Lieutenant Colonel Sambrlano , another In
surgent leader , has turned over his arms and
tiioao of his command at Matanzas.
The Spanish minister went to the State de-
paitmetit about 11 o'clock this morning and
conferred with Assistant Secretary Day on
the situation In Havara. There is every
leason to bcllovo ho convcjed assurances of
n icstoiatlon of order and of ample power
to protect all American and other Interests
bubstantlally as ct forth above.
United States General Leo has re
ported to the State department from Havana
under date of jesterday the facts connected
with Iho rioting there jesteriMj. Whllo the
State department ofllclals do not divulge the
text of the dispatch , It corroborates generally
the rowspaper reports on the subject. Ac
cording to General Leo's reports the dls-
turbniico has been quelled for tbo tlmo being.
5) > it he was apprehensive of another out-
iiieak at any moment.
Late thli afternoon the first news of the
day caiuo to the State deiftitment front Con
sul General Lee , who telegraphed tint oveij-
tliliiK wua vrry quiet In Havana todaj' , and
that there waa no cause for * apprehension of
Orders have been sent to the Marblchcad
tn proceed to Nan asm to Investigate con-
dl'lotiB nnionc the laborers there , thus ills-
liroliif of rumors that It would bo ordered
to Cuba , '
General Leo did not ask to have a war
ship ecnt to Havana and In the op'tilon of
the State department ofllclals that U eudl-
clont reason for the assumption that there
Is no occasion , for sending ono , The officials
are evidently not apprehensive of any trou
ble In the Immediate future that will require
the forcible Intervention of our government.
The disquieting feature of the situation Is
( ho horrlblo condition of the poor In Cuba ,
( According to General Lee's advices , no lets
200,000 people on the island are tu tbo
lost stages of destitution and are wholly de
pendent upon charity. To feed these people
on a 10-ccnt ration per day would cost $20,000 $
dally , which sum is double tbo amount to
tar received la contributions by the State
department , In the opinion of General Lee
20 per cent of these poor people are surely
doomed to death from sUr\atlon and
In such a state of affairs the existence of any
form of organized government Is threatened
end the autonomy plans of Spain command
llttlo attention.
Tlio naval authorities maintain their seren
ity , notwithstanding many rumors of radical
action , such as the dispatch of war ships to
Havana and like stories Secretary Long was
asked whether any sh'p ' had been ordered to
be ready to Mil for Havana. He replied thnt
whllo ho could not discuss the matter , he
would say that ho had not made any change
In the plans for the battleship Maine , now
lying at Key West.
Inquiry developed the fact that the Maine's
last orders were to go out for target prac
tice and tpon falling In with the North Atlan
tic eqtadran to attach Itaclf. Although tlicro
la no expectation of the Navy department of
any trouble just now , stilt In case It should
occur , ttio navy Is more strongly represented
In Plorlda and West Indian waters than It
has been In the past ten jcnrs. At Key \Vcst
there la the second-class battleship Maine end
the crusler Marblchcad , at Jacksonville the
dynamite cruiser Vesuvius. At St. Kltts Is
the Annapolis , and at Guailalujo the Wil
mington. The Detroit Is on the way from
Capo Haytlen to Key West , where It Is now
due. The Mnrbleheod Is at Port Tampa , Tla.
It suffered the Injury of four men jcsterday
at target practice. It has been ordered to
remain at Key West Instead of sailing for
Navassa , according to original orders.
The Spanish minister , Scnor Dupuy do
Lome , received a dispatch from Secretary
General Congcsto this afternoon unJer date
of noon today at Havana. It raid :
Your excellency can nfllrm that the
tumult of j-estordnj- < s had so llttlo Im
portance that not a shot was fired nnd
there is no knowledge that anybody hns
been wounded or hurt. The agitation was
confined to one quarter of the city ,
The following official dispatch from the
same authority was filed at Havana about 0
o'clock this morning. It slid :
"Complete calm. The city has recovered
It1 * normal condition. "
No word oimo to the State department
from General Leo during the forenoon , but
this was not regarded as dleiulotlng Trom
other sourccfl the department had learned
that Havana was quiet today and Judge Day
was assured that there was no danger of
another outbreak and that the Span'sh ' au
thorities had takeo every precaution to guard
against any possible demonstration against
the American consulate. This newo con
firmed tbo ofllclals In their resolution not to
make anji change In the orders of the war
ships and to avoid complicating the situation
any furthea by sending ships to Havana. It
was felt that the appearance of an American
war ship In Havana harbor would be likely to
bo misconstrued by the excitable populace
there and bo regarded as manifesting a pur
pose oa the part of the United States gov-
eicimont to interfere In favor of the Insurrec
tionists and thus might precipitate the very
trouble Its sending was Intended to avert ,
namely the commission of some overt act
against Americans In Havana. In case of
real meed onlj a few hours would elapse after
sounding a note of warning before American
ships could nppear off Havana and that Gen
eral Lee heretofore had acquainted the ad
ministration with hla Intention to ask for
two naval vessels In the event of occurrences ,
arising to demand their presence In Cuban
Meanwhile , as las been said , the Navy de
partment Is fully prepared for all emer
gencies and although the otllclals repeat
their statements that Jio orders have been
sent to the shlrw In Plorlda waters to go to
Havcna , they have prudently shaped their
program so as to have a ship ready at anj
moment It might be needed by Consul Gen
eral Lee. It Is said at the department that
In c-ieo at any tlmo It should bo determined
to send a ship to Havana the cholco would
fall on the Marblchcad rather than the
Maine. The reason for this cholco probably
Is that the former Is a swift crutoar and
could cross the strait to Cuba In much less
tlmo than the Maine , while , though unarmored -
armored , It would bo fully as effective for
the protection of American inteiests In time
of riot as the big battleship.
During the day a telegram came to the
department from the commander of the Esacx
announcing that It bad sailed from St.
Thomas for Port Rojal , so the fleet of
Amcrlcon ships In West Indian waters has
thus another accession the Essex. Though a
training ship , it la still serviceable , espe
cially for landing parties.
The d'squletlng stories that have appeared
relative to special cabinet meeting' ; and 1m-
poitant conferences at the White House to
forward war preparations have no foundation
In fact and are emphatic-ally denied bj everj- .
body mentioned In the stories. Assistant
Secretary Day said that ho had not been at
the White House today up till the afternoon
and Assistant Secretary Moiklejohn made a
similar statement as to himself , while Secre
tary Long paid his first visit of the day to
the president about noon. Administration
ofllclals elate that In their opinion thcio Is
every reason to believe the crlsb at Havana
has passed for the tlmo and that tlicro Is no
danger of trouble.
NEW YORK , Jan , 13. The rioting In
Havana and the * wrecking of several liberal
newspaper offices by army officers and con
servatives opposed to the plan of autonomy
excites moro satisfaction luan surprise among
sjmpathlzcis with the cause of Cuba In this
city , The opinion Is general that the tlmo has
arrived for the United States to intervene.
General Thomas Estrada Palma , head of the
Cuban junlu here , nald today ;
"Tho rioting lu Havana Is the direct re
sult of the attempt to give autonomy , so
called , to the island. The Spanlaids In Cuba
will not have it at any cost If they can help
It. You must know lliat every Spaniard re
gards a Cuban as the enemy of Spain. Even
thotfo who have been appointed to olllco under
the plan of autonomy are distrusted by the
Spaniards. I believe that tbo present at
tacks on the newspapers are only the be
ginning of what may provo moro rcrlous.
If they are not successfully Interrupted the
result will iba massacre and assassination
In Havana. I think the tlmo has como for
the American government to Jntcivene. This
Is the only way to atop the constant trouble
and outbreaks on the island. General
Dlanco , It must bo remembered , has very
llttlu inteiest In the armj' . Ho Is without
popularity or Influence , The oiflces : and
volunteero almost to a man believe that the
policy pursued hy Wejler la the only prac
ticable policy. Americans cannot conceive
of thedeepseated hatred with which the
Spaniards regard tbo Cubans , who have hu-
mlllatcd them before the ojes of the woild.
Just as long as thu Spanish flag Is holttcd in
Cuba there will bo trouble.
"It may bo that tbo United States will
wait a llttlo before taking action , but will
bo prepared for any emergency that may
arise. i
"I do not think there will ever bo war
( Continued on Second Pagc.l
Comes Once Moro to the Euscuo of tba
Unfortunate Officer.
They ' . \ocrp ( ( he JJoll nml AVII1 IMiico
Him on 'IV1 ill Mi-undine
I'arlH IN Iti nil
! ,1 , .1 Ulironr. ( | | , , |
( Cops right , 1SS3. by Press rubllfhlnp Company. )
PARIS. Jan. 13. ( Now York World Cable
gram Special Telegram. ) In a letter ad-
drosacd to President Faurc , published by
Aurora , Zola charges Major do Clam with
bclrg responsible for the terrible Judicial
error of which Dreyfus Is the victim. "After
the discovery of the bordereau , " Zola con
tinues , "which must come from an officer belonging -
longing to anotLer branch of the army than
the artillery , Clam sought for t'.ie author.
Ills cholco fell on Drejfus , whom ho got to
fall Into the trap. This first affair Is a per
fect nightmare to anvono knowing the true
circumstances. " .
Proceeding to discuss the indictment
against Drcjfus , Zola denies that any docu
ment was produced at the last moment. As
regards Esterhazy ho says : "Plcquart , In
Instituting the Inquiry directed against Estet-
liazy , never exceeded the wlah of his su
periors. The Plcquart dossier was never anj-
thlng but a Billet dossier. Tuo Investigation
made by Plcquart lasted from May to Septem
ber , 1S9C , and certain facts were established.
Generals Go < n7 , Bols , Deffro and Billet were
convinced that the bordereau had been written
by Estcrhczy. General Billet concealed the
truth for fear of compromising the whole
general staff. They know Dreyfus Is Inno
cent. They have made themselves Estcr-
ha/j'fl protectors In order not to sco the
collapse of the whole fabric of the War de
partment. That Is a summary of the story
of t'jo burning pages which will bo written
In full ono day , for I have promised to tell
the whole truth , "
Referring to the second court-martial , Zola
says : "It could not undo what was first
done. It was suggested by declarations of
General Billet In the Chamber that It the
first court-martial was falling In Intelligence ,
the second was criminal. I protest against
the madness , stupidity , foolish Imaginings
and practices of the lower police , the In
quisitions , tjranny and arbltoarlness of some
persona In uniform , revealed In the Drcyfus-
Estcrhazy case. "
Ho expresses regret that Scheurcr-Kestncr
did not" consider himself called upon to sho.v
uls whole packet of documents , so as to throw
full light on all the circumstances. Zola
then eulogizes Plcquart , whom ho describes
as a slave to discipline. In conclusion , Zola
Introduces Clam as being the fiendish promoter
meter of this abominable Judicial error , and
having defended the miserable work by In
solent , culpable machinations. He accuses
General Mercler of being an accomplice , and
charges Billet with bavins withheld oroofs
of Dreyfus' Innocence. He also alleges that
Generals Bols , Deffre and Gonz arc Clam'.i
accomplices , and accuses General de Pellien\
of "having conducted a villainous Inquiry ,
characterized by monstrous bhs "
Finally he affirms : "Tho first court-martial
violated t'jo law by condemning the prisoner
en the strength of a document which was
kept secret , and the second court-martial ,
acting under Instructions , endorsed this Il
legality. I challenge the authorities to bring
mo before an assize court. "
Zola's burning words have convinced Paris
that the Dreyfus scandal has only been
scotched , not killed , and that it will arise
again like the Panama , until an cpen , honest
Inquiry Is granted.
TO 1'IloTnCUTB OT. 7.01 , V.
I'roneli Ciililiict Vect'plH ( lie Doll of
( lie NOM'H | ( .
PARIS , Jan. 13. Count < lo Mun , the cler
ical leader caused excitement in the Cham
ber of Deputies 'today ' when uo asked to be
allowed to question the government en the
subject of Dmlio Zola's open letter to Presi
dent Fauro. M. Colberry caused an uproar
by rcpljlng that the abscico of General
Billet compelled a postponement of dis
cussion Count do 'Mun ' declared that the
question was ono that could not bo put off.
Loud protests followed 'iho ' announcement
that the government proposed to fix a day for
the debate , and the minister finally agreed to
suspend the session until General tDlllot
could bo present.
When the session was resumed the pre
mier , M. Meltnc , made a statement , saying :
"Wo understand the excitement In the
chamber In the presence of the attack on the
chiefs of the armj- . The government , rec
ognizing its duty , has decided to prosecute
M. Zola , although It Is not blind to the fact
tlat the prosecution Is desired In older to
prolong the agitation. It Is to bo hoped
the chamber will have confidence In the en-
crzy and wisdom of the government. "
fount do Mun said the government owed
It to the army that It be assured of Its con
fidence , as it was Impossible to allow the
accumulation of Insults and attacks.
General Billet said this was the fourth
tlmo bo had been called upon to defend a
matter upon which Judgment had already
been passed. The army , ho added , treated
the attacks with contempt , but It was pain
ful to ECO It attacked from abroad The
army was composedly pursuing Its mission
aud In the day of need would know how * to
do Its duty. ( Applause. )
M. Jaurcs , the socialist leader , condemned
the court-martial proceedings behind closed
doors , which , ho asserted , "left the mind of
the nation groping In obscurltj' . " Ho also
asked the house not to repudiate the subor
dination of the military to the civil power.
To this General Billet replied : "The army
obojs Its chief , and as the faithful guardian
of our Institutions , pursues Us sacred mlt > -
Blon. " I
51. Cavalgiiac , republican , asked the gov
ernment to communicate to the house the
secret document which had determined the
condemnation ol Drejfus , which cause J mur-
mui ing.
M. Melino said it was Impossible to re
open before the chamber the case already
judged by n court-martial.
The house rejected a motion of 51. Cav-
algnao regretting the "government's vacil
lating policy , " and adopted by a vote of 312
to 122 the combined motion of M. Marty ,
jepubllean , and Count do Mun , expressing
confidence In the government and rcljlng on
tbo government "to take the neccssarj step
to stop the campaign against the army. "
It has been an eventful day , The excite
ment began with the earliest morning news
paper containing M , Zola's letter , This
sold llko wild lire. There was a similar
rush for the announcement of the arrest of
Colonel Plcquart. Effigies of Matbte Drej-
fiw were burned in many quirters of the
town 'by ctudenta. H Is not known exactly
on , vthat ground Colonel Plcyuart was ar
rested. Count do Man's Interpolation fell
suddenly upon the government. M. Zola was
In the lobby of the Chobber of Deputies
whllo his letter was being-debated , Ho
was cold-shouldered and srmbbe < l In almost
every direction. It Is predicted that 51. Zola
will got n ) joir'fl ImpHconment and It Is de
clared that If he "wore not . Frenchman he
would bo expelled from the country. At the
eimo time his courage Is admitted. Ho U
working hard to utilize the five dnjs left to
prcparo a case and call witnesses. There Is
no doubt that he. has not revealed all he
knows. The chief line of his defence will be
to show that Alfred Dreyfus did not write
the bordereau. Ho has asked the names of all
writing experts known lo the British law-
The Temps will say tomorrow that Comte
Esterhazy will be placed en the retired list.
Other papers will say ho has asked to bo
retired In order to bo free to prosecute his
calumniators. 51. Mathleu and 51. Leon Drej
fus are to bo prosecuted for an attempt to
brlba Colonel Sandheoer , chief of the Intel
ligence department of the War department
In 1894. i
51. Drumont , the antt-semlto , publishes In
the Libre Parole a letter addressed to 51 ,
Faurc , denouncing the Jewish crupade against
the army and state as evidenced In ttoo Drey
fus syndicate.
Coroto Esterhai'j' , In the course of an hi-
tervlcw , alleges that ho has solicited permis
sion to retire from tbo active service.
InclilLMit In ( ho Trial of Jml > TaKoii
( CopirlRht , ISO'S , by Press Publishing Company )
LONDON , Jan. 13. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) D. Ogden Mill's
name cropped out In the cross-examination
today of Lady Tatton Sjkes , the wife of a
Yorkshire millionaire who Is being sued by
money lender Jay for about $20,000 on notes
given by Ludy Sjkca , which Sir Tatton al
leges are forgeries. Being asked If fhc
knew D. 0. Mills , she answered : "Oh ! jcs ,
ho Is the father of the man who married
my sister-in-law'e twin sister. At Sir Tat-
ton's request I asked Mr. Mills to let him
have 3,050 ? 15 shares In an Alaska gold mine
and I paid for them. "
Being cskcd if she did not retain the bal
ance , she answered that she thought not. In
October , 1893 , Sir Tatton g-jve her two checks
for $23,000 each for the purpose of bujlng
from Mr. 51111s , who was In Fugland then ,
some more Alaska gold mine shares , but no
shares were obtainable aUtuat time , so the
money was applied to. the-payment of various
debts oa the- stock exchange. She admitted
that Sir Tattom had paid | C20,000 between
1SSO and 1S93 In settlement of the money
lender's claims againsl her. Her demeanor
on the witness stand was nonchiMnt. She
pers'stently maintained that Sir Tatton had
a mania for repudiating Ills' ' sigrature , in sup
port of which theory some'todependent testi
mony was given.
NEW YORK , Jan. 13. ( Special Telegram. )
The part that D. 0. Mllla pVijed In the pur
chase of Alaska gold mlplng stock for Sir
Tattoa and Lady Sykes , v hlch was referred
toJn the London trial , was nothing more
than that of .1 friend. la regard to the trans
action , Mr. Mills said tonight
"Siri Tatton and Lady Bjkes simply asked
me as a favor to secure them some gold
mining stock. I let them have 3,000 shares
la the Alask-a-Treadwell Gold Mining com
pany at * 15 a share , equalling ? 13,000 , which
I was paid. The stock has paid several divi
dends' ' elnco that tlmo epd ii now worth $15
a sL-jrc. I know nothing of the present
suit. "
IleicIiitloiiN Set All I.oiulnn
( Copyright , 1S9S , bj Press Pulillblilni ? Compin > )
LONDON , Jan. 13. ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Inter
flow with Dr. Schenck quoted at length by
several London morning and evening papers
Is the topic of discussion , everj where In the
English metropolis toslay. The conservative
Globe , frightened by the possible consequences
quences of 'the success of SchencK's scfcome ,
eiys :
"The professor culy claims to Insure the
birth of a ir.'ile offspring , but for the first
Iiiitalment this Is quite enough. If such a
secret became public propertj there would
bo a hundred million In t o eabt who would
Jiavo male offspiliiEa only and trouble might
ensue later on. It might bo well for the
world's happiness If the Academy of Sciences
put the eiivelopo in the flro and Prof.
Schenck were bound over to hold his peace "
The radical Slar appe s to the Interview
two humorous verses tarsed on an ancient
nursery jlnglo , that bojs are made of "slugs ,
enalls and puppy dogs' tails , " and "girls of
sugar and spice aid everything nice. " The
Star llnej run :
"Tho duke , the dook , walked Into a tinned
goods store and murmured 'I understand jou
have Schenck's X baby food galore. I want
some of either brand. "
"At present wo only deal lo males , " the
shopman said , with a cough. ' "Wo have
slugs , snails and puppy dogs' tails , but the
sugar and splcoIs out. "
Aijunnin TO uc I.VSVMJ.
Murilorrr of AHur 'JVrrlHM Will Ho Ue-
( niiit'il n H a liinnlu. (
LONDON , Jan. 13. The- trial of Richard
Arthur Prince , the super who killed William
Torrlss , the actor , began today at the Old
Bailey. Justice Cbannell presided. The
audience Included many theatrical people
There were about a dozen women In court.
At the witness table ext ) Tom Terilss , con of
the deceased. Answering the usual question
of the clerk , Prince decaicd | that ho was
"gulltj- , with great provocation. "
The prisoner demanded1 the assistance of
queen's counsel. The jujjj ? explained this
was Impcaslblc without special license , but
added that the pileoner vv o entitled to coun
sel , and advised him to take the advlso of
the Mwjer who appeared for him at the in
stance of his friends. Prince finally con
tented to have counsel , .After consultation
with counsel , Prlaco Ealil.that being advised
to do so , he would plead not guilty.
The prosecution then opened Its case. Aa
the murder was being described Prince fre
quently smiled and wrote a number of notta
to his counsel , apparently to correct abso
lutely unimportant details.
The testimony presented was the eime as
was taken at Bow street pollco court when
the prisoner was arraigned , Tom Terries was
the drat wltaess.
Tno defense alleged that Prince suffered In
bis jouth from a sunstroke , and that tnoro
recently he has hid dclu > Ions. The mother
and brother of the prltcner testified regard.
Ing the sunstroke. It developed Prince had
c'alined he was Christ , and that hU mother
was tbo Virgin Mary. Itis alco asserted
la court that Prlnco bid once attacked one
of his brother's with a knife , i
The judge summed up , favoring Prince's
Insanity , and the jury wts out half an hour ,
returning a verdict that Prince was guilty ,
"that he wai aware of what lie did , but tbo
( Continued cm Second
Indian Appropriation Bill Will Probably Bo
Reported Tcdayi
.No CIiluiKf * Are Miule In ( lie Snlnrlo *
of Any of Hie AKOIII
tloiiH Coiii'i-rnliipr ( ill.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 13. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The Indian appropriation bill , which
has ibecn under consideration by the commit
tee on Indian affaire of the houao for some
tlmo past , will , In all probability , bo re
ported to the house tomorrow , final woik on
thu bill having 'been ' completed todaj- . The
bill Is very similar to that passed two jcara
ago and provides for superintendents of In
dian reservations the same as previous mcas.
ures. No changes are made In the evilarlcs
of any of the agents , the agent at the Omaha
and Wlnnebago reservation receiving $1,500 ,
Pine llldge , $1SOO ; Rosebud , $1SOO ; Sacs and
Vex , $1,000 ; Santo , ? 1,200 and Slsseton , $1,500.
The general expenses for the Indians In
South Dakota Is placed at $3,500.
Under the bead of Indian schools appro
priations are mido as follows : Tor support
of puplla at Chamberlain , $15,700 ; Flandrcau ,
$33,400 ; Genoa , Neb. , $50,100 ; for general re
pairs and Improvements , $3,000 ; to pay super
intendent , $1,700 ; for erection of barn , $1,000 ;
for repairs to hospital , $3,500 ; for electric
light plant , $3,000. The Rapid City school
la given $10,700 , ivlth $500 added for minor
Improvements. The Sacs and Fox's Indian
school In Iowa Is allowed $12,500 , with $500
added for equipment and minor Improve
tlpon the subject of the gllsonlto lands In
Utah the committee Is considering certain
suggestions presented by the secretary of
the Interior. It was proposed at the meet
ing today to Introduce an amendment of the
meet general character , not only covering
the gilsonlte lands in Utah , but the coal
lands in Oklahoma and atone quarries In
other sections of the southwest. Major
Lacey , a member of the committee and , also
chairman of the committee on public lands ,
thought It best that no action bo taken In
the matter , as he liad a bill In contempla
tion which covered the material features of
the proposed amen Imcnt. Owing to the ac
tivity of the fccriHary of the Interior In
wanting legislation , ho.vvcer , It Is thought
that some provision will bo made In regaul
to the manner in which the gllsonlto lands
In Utah shall bo disposed of by the govern
Representative Mercer In a short speech
today , hit the sub-purchasing clause In the
agricultural bill a solar plc.\ls blow and was
aLoutto follow it up by jumping all over
the amendment when the chairman called
"time , " and Mercer was given authority
to extend his remarks In the record. Mercoi
has been against voting money for seeds fet
several years paat and In order to fortify
himself with facts In relation to the nutter
addressed a circular letter to many of the
most influential papers of the countrjof all
shades of political opinion , asking for an
expression on the advisability of congress
becoming n wholesale seed store. The papers
have Just commenced coming In , but as the
debate came up today Mercer was not sup
plied with the data ho has anticipated , but
Instead read memorials , petitions and reso
lutions from all paits of the country opposing
frco seed distribution. Incidentally ho gald
In his speech that his district , while email
as to size , embraces one of the finest farm
sections In the countrj' , and that he was In
receipt of letter , ? from representative
farmers opposing congressional distribution
Ho cited Isaac Nojes of Waterloo as a
notable example of a prominent citizen of
the state being in opposition to the govern
ment going Into the seed business.
This brought Representative Greene to his
feet , who wanted to know if Noves was not
a stockholder In the Waterloo Seed company ,
vvhlcii he said accounted for the milk In the
cocoinut. Mercer could not answer , which
again brought Greene to the front with the
statement that Congressman Mercer had re
ceived many thousands of dollars from con
gress for the Omaha Exposition and thought
therefore It was with bad grace that ho
should seek to deprive farmers of a few seed ?
by having the appropiiatlon stricken out.
Mercer stood to his guns then , though he
was assailed by half a dozen congressmen ,
answering some and waving others awaj- ,
gooJ naturally , upon the plea that his tlmo
was limited.
Congressman Curtis of Kansas , in charge
of the Indian congress bill , said today thai
he would call the subcommittee together
on the bill just as soon as the Indian bill ,
which In all probability will bo reported
tomorrow , Is out of the way. Ho Is favorable -
blo to the measure , but It was Impossible
to learn how his colleagues , Fischer of New
York and Bcnton of Missouri stood on the
Senator Thurston Introduced a bill todaj
for the relief of IJcnjarnln Longpro of Maxwell -
well , Neb. , appropriating $503 70 for Io a
of a timber culture claim In the Fort
McPherson military reservation through an
error of the land office. Ho also presented
the petition of A. E. Huntlngton and sixty
other cltl/ens of North Platte , prajlng foi
the enactment of the Immigration bill.
John D. Cunningham of Lincoln , recently
appointed bank examiner for Kansas , lias
qualified , the approval of his bend only being
In the way of commencement of work. Ho
expects to leave fcr Kanhas In a day or two.
Congressman StroJe sent In papers today
recommending the appointment of T. A ,
Cornell as postmaster at VIo'et , Pawnee
Congressman Stark of the Fourth Nebraska
district Is receiving considerable attention
just now through his efforts to have a
pension claim irade special as attorney for
pensioners , although serving as a representa
tive In ccngress. In the application to have
the case advanced Mr. Stark writes upon a
congressional blank , ksucd exclusively for
the use of representatives and senators , and
acts forth that the Inquiry Is not made at re
quest of any pension attorney or claim agent ,
although the original application bears the
name of W. L. Stark. M. C. , attorney ,
It may not bo generally Known , but there
Is a law on the statute books which prohibits
"every officer of the United States or person
holding a place of trust or profit , or dlscharg.
Ing any official function under or In connec
tion with any executive department of the
government of the United States , or under
the nenate or house of representatives of llio
United States , who acts as an agent or at
torney for prosecuting any claims against
the United States , or In any manner , or by
any mean otherwise than In the discharge
of his proper official duties , aids , or
tVf.lthtr Forccaet for
rnrtlj CloffrGMSllcVltuK
1. No Wnr Sli ! | > 1 for
Znln I > rM ' tlio
V.illco Itimnl
3. Opinion * on tlic U-S Mmlillo.
1'rro Kxrumlnit
! l. Kmbmlrr * Tryff ? . ' jWt 1'rcctlotn ,
I. IMItorlnl ntul
n , DoAriuoml
Ohio UrptthUcirffiSVBl Stnrt Again ,
0 , Council ItliifTfl I.ncnt Mutters.
Governor Slmw ta IimiiRUrntcil.
7. OMicrnl Ninrn of the Further AVoit ,
H. MI ftnurliiiiK VMt Onmlm Toili y.
llio Purjilturo Trade N llouinlng ,
0. Mining Xcvm of tlio llluck llllli.
Duty on Klimillkn Impurtutloin.
1'cilprnt Court Xciirly Uruily to Ailjourn
Krport uii DiiiiRlim Count ) Schools ,
It. Commercial mill I'lnunclnl N < ms.
IS. .Tohu Chlntiniin's Medicines.
ltlKBcst Gun U\ur Unlit.
Toiiiiierntiirc lit Onuilini
Hour. Di-wr. Hour ,
r n. in -t > 1 11. in. . .
( I n , in. . . . . . - ( > 2 11. in. . .
7 n. in IS : t p. in . . .
H n. in IS -I p. in. . .
1 > n , in. . . . . . lit B it. in. . .
lit n. in HO It | i. m. . .
It n. m U5 7 | i. m * !
] U n : tL S i > . in ill )
! > p. m US
In the prosecution or support of any such
claim or receives any gratultj , or anj shaie
for Interest In any claim fiom any claimant
igalnst the United States , with Intent to aid
or assist , or In consideration of having acted
or assisted In the prosecution of such claim ,
shall pay a flno of not more than $5,000 or
suffer Imprisonment not more than one jcar ,
or both. "
At the pension office- this case Is paid to be
the first one of Its kind In which > i member
of congress has acted as attorney.1
The nomination of Henry Gibbons for post
master at Kcainoy will be a suiprlso to
many people of that busy town , as it
understood that M. A. Ilrown and Lambert
were In the lead. Circumstances , however ,
brought about a happj solution of the dlfll-
culty , ncirly all the candidates agreeing upon
Gibbons as second choice. The light has been
exccedlnglj sultry , ten or a dozen candidates
pushing for the place , for a tlmo It looked
as If Senator Thuietoa might have on his
handa a scrimmage like that on Judge
Strodo's over the Lincoln onice.
The nomination of W. II. Ketcham for the
Crawford postofflce la another tribute to
newspaper men , Thurston stating that wher
ever pcfsible he would help the fiateralty
which has boino the biunt of manj hot cam
Full Porco of lln * lltrcpiit Cjolone nt
I'or ( .Smith.
FORT SMITH. Ark. , Jan. 13 The latest
official death list shows a total of forty-five
lives lost In the tornado which swept through
Fort Smith Tuesday night. Not less than
seventy others are Injured , a largo number
of whom are seriously hurt , and several arc
expected to die.
The -\vork \ of removing the debris and ex
cavation of the ruined buildings progressed
todaj- . Five mow names were added to the
list of tl.e dead. Two bodies were dug1 from
the ruins of the Smith block , from which
eleven haj previously been taken.
Tiio full extent of the storm may b com
prehended from the fact that tblrtj-flvo miles
northeast of the city a quantity of tin roof
ing from Ganloon avenue buildings was
An unknown woman was taken from the
ruins of the Burgees hotel and vas Identi
fied as Mrs. Till Ecinls of Elm Eorlngs , Ark.
Her brother Is missing , and it Is believed
his body Is still burled In the tulns.
Business in the devastated districts , where
the buildings wore only partially damaged ,
was resumed today. . Women of the city nro
nt work distributing food and clothing to the
needy. Tno relief committee , composed of
the prominent business men , finds difficulty
In housing the sufferers. One hundred and
fifty buildings were demolished and will have
to bo rebuilt to accommodate the people
Ortcwi and Wright , twa of the dead , were
Indian territory farmers , and had Just stepped
Into the Smith building for shelter.
Memphis. St. Louis , Kansas Citj' , Little
Rock and other cities have wired readlnccs
to lend aid if necesbarj' .
A census of the dead , Injured and property
loss Is being taken. The number of dead
will iot exceed fifty.
VAN I3UREN , Ark , Jan. 13. Tuesday
night's tornado y'ajed havoc among the fruit
and berry growers a few miles cast of this
city. The killed are :
MRS. JENNIE T03H , killed outright.
MISS PEARL TOSH , died Mils morning.
ED BLAKEMORE , killed outright.
The fatally Injured are :
Helen Tcah , aged 13.
Silas Halloj- , aged \t-
Mrs. S. W. Halley.
There are possibly twenty others wounded
In this county , whllo the destruction of build
ings , fences and orchards was very great.
Local physicians have been kept busy , sev
eral of the wounded having been brought
to tbo hospital at this point. In most In-
fit an ecu the vsorst sufferers are gardencis
and small fruit growers , who , In the destruc
tion of their homes , llvo stock and orchards ,
lost their all. \
HV\KiitS T\Ki , : > INTO CI'STODV.
\rrrxtnl on nil Indictment n ( Milan ,
.MlNMOIlt I.
MILAN. Mo. , Jon. U ( Special Telegram )
J. W. Huffaker , president , and J. II. Word ,
cashier o : the Iliookflcld bank , were ar
rested today on an Indictment charging them
with receiving deposits whcni tlio hank was
known to bo In a falling condition , The
bank failed nearly three years ago nnd de
positors 1mu received > about C5 cents on the
Mc > > rmciilx of Ocean VCHKI-IH , .Tun. lit.
At New York Ai rived Pennsylvania ,
from Hamburg ; Liihn , from Urcmcn. Bailed
Mnssalla. for -Marseilles ; New York , for
Southampton ; Karhlsruhc , for Bremen ,
At Genoa Arrived Kaiser Wllhelm II ,
from New Yoik. Sailed Ems , for New
At Copenhagen Sailed Hckla , for Now
York. Arrived Island , from Now York.
At Cherbourg Sailed Fuerst UUmurck ,
for New York.
At London Sailed Manitoba , for New-
York- .
At Philadelphia Arrived Rhynland , for
At Han rranclsco Arrived Steamer Ala-
medn , from Sydney , via. AuckUind and
Honolulu ,
At Rotterdam Sailed Rotterdam , for
New Yoik ,
At Liverpool Arrived Germanic , from
New York.
At Il.imburu-Arrlved-Palatla , from Ne-w
At tjueonstown Anlvcd Pennland , from
Philadelphia for Liverpool ,
Next Move in the Omaha Hmbrogllo
Practically Settled On.
Peaceful Solution of the 'Police Board
Problem in Sight.
Supreme Court to Settle the Questions
Decided by Scott.
MuorcH AVIrcx Smj th Jo
l'n IIP r.s mill HintTinin
i lu hnlmtltoid llonril
SUIl lu Otllce.
Tim Ore and police board under remains
In exactly the same situation In which Jmlga
Scott's decision placed It. Neither the major
nor the city council has tnkcu any action
whatever nnd It Is now quite likely that nothi
Ing 111 bo done until City Attorney Council
returns from Washington , Major -Mootea
tills morning sent the following message to
Attoincj Gcncial Smjtlr
OMAHA , Jim. 13-To Hon. C. J. Smyth ,
Attotncv Gcncial , Lincoln : Itpplylni- t
jour dNp.Uch of hmt night , I would request
thnt jou piepiro your pipers for the quo
warr.into proceedings as suggested , but that
they bo not Illed until submitted for the
approval of the city'sattoincys.
attoincys. In the In
ters al I give my aisutancc thnt Illl exert
nil my power to maintain the stntu quo.
robing on your ngi cement to bung the Issue
to the most tpccdy ndjudlt itlon by the supreme
premo court. FRANK LMOOUES. .
The attorney generil reccl\ed the telegram
flora IMajor Moores during the afternoon and
was Immediately oiYjigcd In drawing up the
petition. Ho hcnt the following to ( Major
IMooica In reply :
LINCOLN Jan. IS.-To Hon. Prank n.
Mooics , iM.ijor , Omnhn : Your tclcRiam In
answer to mlno of la t night received. In-
foimatlon will bo prepaied and copy mailed.
to jou to bo submitted to the city attorney
and returned to mo and Illl file It. Kveiy
effort \\I11 bo made to carry out the agree
ment n- per my sugge-stlon of last night.
C. J. SMYTH , Attoiney General.
Major Moorcs Is anxious that the city at-
tornej's advlco should be consldercdi Ho
has telegraphed to Mr. Council to re
turn at once , but no reply lias been re-
The major calls attention to the fact that
a delay of a few dajs will not alter the Is
sues linohcd nor interfere with thelt even
tual disposition. Some members of the coun
cil agree with the majoi tliat It Is advlsablo
to wait for the city attorney , while others
ciilno that under the decision of the dlstilrt
court the cltj should have acted at once. Iho
question upon which the city ofllcials arc In
doubt is mainly whether the major ntul coun
cil have authority to cicato a Hoard of Tire
and Police Commlssloucis. Assistant Attor
ney Scott holds that the proposed action
would be the practical creation of a board ,
whllo the councllincn who oppose him con
tend that his preposition docs not apply. They
apsort that Judge Scott's decision only de-
clircs that poitlon of the law unconstitutional
which provides for the aroolntment of tlio
commissioners by the governor. The section
by which the board Is created still remains
in force , but with no provision for Its appoint
ment. Slnoo the charter cxpicssly provides
that the major and council shall provide for
the appointment of officers whoso selection is
not otherhvso pcovliled for they hold that tlio
alleged legal technicality does not exist nud
that the proper procedure Is perfeitly plain.
It was finally decided , however , that the
matter should be left as Major Moores re-
ouested and when the council met In Fppclal
session yesterday morning the matter -wa
not even mertloncd.
Meanwhile the moot board and Its sup
porters Is In occupation of the offices in the
city hall , but apparently la transacting no
business. The members declare that they
are legally qualified to administer the affalis
of the flro and police departments , the dis
trict court to the contrary notwithstand
ing , and that they will resist any effort to
carry the declblon Into effect. Fuithcr than
that , they will not talk of their plans. It
has been rumored that they had made an
effort to secure on injunction to restrain the
council fiom acting , hut members of the
board slate that no such action has been
taken. That such a wlep Is contemplated
they neither admit nor deny. It Is gcneially
understood that they will take no action
until they discover what the mayor and
council propobo to do. There Is a general
disposition to settle the matter If posslblo
without a clash. It Is Mlggostcd that the
spectacle of two boards both attempting to
act at nnco would operate to the dlsadvan1-
tago of the city at this tlmo and both the
major and the nicmbcrn of the council unlto
In the statement that this will bo avoided
If possible.
The siege In the city hall ban been lifted.
Officers Dillon and Baldwin , who were called
from their beats to "protect" the office of the
commissioners , were withdrawn last night.
They were sent back to their old beats.
liv Tim
Opinion of .InilKu Send ! ! li > it fil \ > r
( In1 Stnlr'K i\rcullvr : ,
UNCOLN , Jan. J3 ( Special Tolcgiam )
Governor Holcomb tonight gave out the fol
lowing Intel \ low on Judge Scott's opinion
In the Omaha Flro and I'ollco commission
case :
"Tho proceedings In this ccee , as well ay
thu action of the authorities of tbo city
under I hem. aio most remarkable in many
respects , They arc remarkable because It Is
an effort to overthrow a plain provision oC
the statute enacted In due form of law after
having the approval and sanction of the supreme
premo court of the state , and In Its stead to
have the court make the law under which It
Is proposed the city council shall act with !
reference to the fire and police departments
of the city. It Is an attempt at court-mada
law } Instead of law duly enacted by tbo leg
islature , tbo proper law malting body. It In
equally remarkable , because the validity oB
an enactment which , In thin Instance de
clared Invalid , has been , recognized in mauyl
of the states of the uulon > , all enjoying a re
publican form of government and which baa
become tbo settled policy In several of tba
states oa to im BjJpolBtlva flro , nd police