Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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Connty Commissioner Would Bather Dlo
TLan Bo an Official.
South Dnkntn 3Inn Co in nil tn Suicide
111" t < 'rlriiiln AVonlil
Tttit Allow Him to
, 8. D. . Jan. 12. ( Special. )
It has been ascertained that the suicide of
John Uuah , a member of the Hoard of County
Commissioners , was duo to a. peculiar roisan
his repugnance to holding ofllcc , whoso
< ] ut I off ho otmumcd for the first tlmo on the
3d hist. He was of a very quiet , different
disposition , and the turmoil and log-rolling
with which this and similar offlces arc- sur
rounded preyed greatly on his mind. Ho
iwlshed to resign during a recent session of
the board , but give up the Idea when ad-
vlocd not to do KO by hl.s political friends ,
who believed that In a. short time ho would
become accustomed to the duties of Ills
new position , Ho took his life by placing
the muzzle of a shotgun at hU head , while
a ntlck wan utilized to touch the trigger nnd
discharge the weapon , Deccosed was very
popular , which Is testified to by the fact
that when he ran for commissioner in a dis
trict which Is democratic ho was elected ao
a republican , only three votes being cast
against him.
A unit . .JoMmonVIII Iteinnln.
WATEIITOWN. S. D. , Jan. 12. ( Special. )
A compromise has been effected In the mat
ter of the trouble over the appointment ot
an agent at the Slsscton agency near here.
Jlr. Morris , v\ho was a candidate , has with
drawn and Mr Johnson will continue to be
the agent under the present administration
It Is understood that Morris will bo allowed
to nnmo homo of the new employes at the
agency , one bolng a physician. This deal has
Rained for Agent Johnson the support of the
Eastman faction In Roberts county , and with
It Chairman Klttrldgc. On the other hand
the Eastman faction has been considerably
nldcd in Its light against State Senator James
Hess , who Is barking the candidacy .ot II. L.
Sparkman of Slsscton for Johnson's position
and who Is supported by Senator Kyle. Hess
and Johnson will transfer their fight to
Washington. Johnson , so Washington ad
vices say , Is sure It ) win.
i Flu-lory fur VnnUtnn.
YANICTON , S. D. , Jan. 12. ( Special. ) A
preliminary meeting compcacd ot a number
ot Yankton business men was held last night
to dlscims the advisability ot erecting and
operating a starch factory here. Mr. Ueatlo ,
n gentleman from the cast ot largo e.xperl-
pnco in the business , was present and out
lined a proposed plan , which consisted of
forming a stock company , procuring the
necessary ground nnd then erecting the
buildings. Mr. Beatle will subscribe liberally
to the capital stock. In all probability the
company will bo formed and work upon the
ibulldlngs will soon begin , as the first meet
ing was favorable In all respects. A second
meeting will bo held in the near future ,
w4ien Initial nnd decisive steps will bo taken.
Vnnlftoii I.oiiii 'AsNnclntlon. '
YANKTON , S. D. , Jan. 12. ( Special. )
The Yankton Building and Loan association
nt Its annual meeting elected officers and ex-
ccutlvo board , consisting of prominent anl
Influential bnsinecH men , AH follows : E. P.
Wllcox , president ; Otto Peomlller , vice presi
dent ; U. W. Hums , secretary ; John Dremner ,
treasurer ; A. H. Orvls , attorney , nnd A.
Goetz , building * inspector. The board of di
rectors Includes Joseph Pier , Franklin Wells ,
Jr. , E. P. Wllcox , Otto Peemlller , W. S.
Stockwell , Harry Eller , W. B. Dean , Dan
Slodevltt nnd D. E. Lloyd. The meeting de
veloped. the fact that the association Is In a
most prosperous condition and the work done
during the last year Is a credit to Yankton.
I'lorre iINilnltTN ,
PIERRE , S. D. , Jan. 12. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Now York Life Is the first insur
ance company to fllo a statement this jear ,
It shows $80,000 premiums received In this
state In 1S97 , nn Increase of one-third over
Its business of 1SOC.
Airangcments were completed today for
starting n populist paper In this city. The
parties Interested are T. II. Ayers , private
( secretary of Governor Leo ; Insurance Com-
mlssloncr KIpp and F. G. King , his deputy.
The first issue will bo out about February 1.
SIvors Sorensol of Hlghmoro was today
bound over on n charge of cattle rustling ,
having taken a number of head in the eastern
ipart of this county. _
llooiuliiK' South Daltotn.
HURON , S. D. , Jan. 12. ( Soocial. ) The
daily Interests of South Dakota will bo prc-
Bonlcd to the people ot southern Wisconsin
nnd northern Illinois during the next few
weeks by Prof , A II , Whcaton of nrooklngs.
A. N. Waters has arranged with Prof. Whca
ton to deliver a number of lectures In the
elates referred to on "Dalrjing In South
Dihotn , " a subject upon which he is thor
oughly posted. It Is believed that this means
of advertising will be profitable and , will re
sult In biinglng settlers Into the state. If
the nlaii Is successful representatives for the
live stock Interests and general agriculture
nvlll bo sent out on missionary Jouuiojs.
Troll * In Cnncl CnKlc.
PIERUR , S. D. . Jan. 12. ( Special , )
Among thcso who started several jears ago
on the theory that U would pay to grade
up ratigo stock was P. F. McClure of this
city , anl ho established ft ranch boveral
miles down the river whlili ho devotc to
the raising of thoroughbred shorthorns. As
a roMilt of his belief ho has this Mil sold
flavciul registered bulls at $125 each , and has
Siad off ere of $25 per brad for a lot of his
lai > t spring crobs-blood calves. That kind
of stock raising ccitalnly pavs , oven if It
does cost a little moro to get started than
to begin with scrubs ,
Will Siu > ( ill inn ll lux DainiiKfH.
SIOUX TXLLS , S. 1) . , Jan. 12. ( Special. )
( Mrs. Horio McDonnell , widow of John McDon
nell , who was killed by a blow from Gilbert
Oilman co Ciirtatmas uvc , has decided to cuio
CUnum ( or iluinaKra. Tlio amount claimed
/will / probably ho $10,600. Oilman waa tried
tot mamlaughter , hut the Jury after u few
Jioura deliberation brought In o verdict of
ncinilttal , finding that McDonnell did not dlo
fiom the effects of the blow struck by Gilman -
man , but from sucking a cud of tobacco into
Ills windpipe , Oilman Is financially re
Smith llnl. ota ( ; < ii-iiirnllciiin | ,
S. O. , Jan. 12 , ( Special. )
'Articles of Interpolation have boon ( lied for
the First State bank of IMgcmont , with a
capital of $25,000 , half paid up ; Incorporators -
tors , I mla N. Searles , Charles J , arable , J.
It , lllckoxA , L. Shomack , A. 1) . Clifton.
1'or the German Baptist church of Mound
City , truisteoD , Carl Heading , Jacob Schncl-
< lor , Jacob Ormon , Kor Uio Ilrooklngs chap
ter No. 18 , Heal Arch MabOiis , directors , A.
( M , ll > do , Stewart Young , John A , Hooker ,
Oroigo 11. SloJiiril , Frank W. Kecno.
SIHI AliiUluu Hii ) .
riRniin , S. D , , Jon , 12. ( Special , ) Par-
tlcb In from the pralrlo report hay-making
iu opoiatloii at a number of places vvbcro
dm ranchmen did not get aa great a supply
of hay aa they drotrcd earlier In the beat > on.
AH there has been no rain or enow to
the grass the hay ( secured now is
pi ffi Tobacco Stop
piA e > 4d ll Mil r.ik ifc. B rt .
A T.I. Uiio-Cl BO , u ml ;
tD ( . > r l koni. I Ixirt
DmllltU cr of Hi.
uuxiub i u CO , . U CNIII , Ul
practically as teed ; as any cut late In the
season after tbo groea bad become cured cu
the prairie.
Olil Timor Coinmlln Sulrlilo.
HAPID CITY , Jan. 12. { Special Telegram. )
Ous Obcrg , who has lived la the Mlack
Hills country for twenty-five years , commit
ted suicide yesterday nt Mountain City.
Financial trouble was the cause.
) llrvnltn rtltli ( lie IA. . AV.
DRNVnit , Jon. 12-The Denver club , the
lending organization of cyclists In Colorado
rado , has voted to sever Its connection
with the League of American Wheelmen.
The conKtltiillon originally contained a
clauss requiring ench member to be u. member -
ber of the league.
One riuiilllnr 11 lid tlio l iu-tx Wrllrx
of ( he Ciillfnrnln Onno ,
Although not a 'IForty-nlncr , " I was in
time to sec and becnmo conversant with
much that lias made ami will make history
for the atate , writes C. AV. Manic of Phoenix ,
Ariz. , In the San Francisco examiner.
While It Is well known where < and when the
gold was discovered that created such world
wide excitement , few , perhaps , know the
history of the nnd. I am prompted at the
risk of being considered presumptuous to
give It as It was told to mo by two of the
prominent actors , LMarshall and Mrs.
We I m or.
Gcnaral ( Sutler bad selected n place on the
south fork of the American river to build a
sawmill , fifty-four miles from Sutler's fort ,
on the Sacramento river , known later as
Coloinn. Marshall had charge of the work.
Among those that wore omplojcd vvero
Peter Wclmcr and his wife , ilrs. Welmer ,
was cooking for the men and had the honor
of being the first white woman in the mines.
Whllo digging the "tall raco" for the mill
the men had noticed small bits of shiny sub
stance to which no attention was given until
.Marshall picked up quite a largo piece , which
ho declared was gold. Under the excitement
the men cjult work and -vvotit to camp.
-Mrs. Welmer was making soap from
leached nshcs , and as there vvero no acids or
other means nt hand to make a test , the
metal waa subjected to the "soap test" by
boiling It in the soap. Its color was not
changed when exposed to the air , and
Marsnall was confirmed in hlji belief that it
was gold. Leaving the piece of metal In the
possession of Mis. Welmer ho returned nnd
made a systematic search for moro of the
stuff. 'Ho ' procured quite a quantity , which
ho sent by carrier to General Sutler at the
fort , who forwarded it to Monterey , the then
sail of government , where it was pronounced
to bo gold ! One of the results will bo jour
Golden Jubilee In 1838.
I arrived In Coloma in 1852 and soon be-
canio acquainted with Marshal ! and Mr. and
Mrs. Welmer , and during the following jear
made my home at times with the Wolniers
and hoard the foregoing statement many
times. Mrs. Wolmcr was in possession of the
first plcco of gold when I last saw her or
had'any knowledge o where she was living
about 1876. She had had many offers , but
icfused to sell It for the prices offered.
It was what miners call "wash" gold ,
slightly oblong , somewhat flat and smooth
mid weighed a little less than half an ounce.
Many museums and collections of curios claim
to exhibit the first 'piece of gold found In
For the first few years In the mines a man
ran moro rlak of toeing hung for committing
a theft than one docs now for committing a
murder. Honesty was the watchword.
Mlneis would leave the result of a "clean
up" fiomotlmcs amounting to several ounces
of gold In their pan or a dish , exposed for
hours whllo they vvero away to their meals
or otherwise employed , with no thought of
Us being stolon. Sometimes on their return
they would find ono or more prospectors or
visitors examining the gold nnd commenting
on weight and quality.
Among many who were prominent at thit
tlmo In Coloma were Altryan , merchant ;
Searlcs , agent for Adams & Co'a KxprcM ;
Chalmers , proprietor of Chalmers' hotel , who
was among the first , if not the first , to
demonstrate the superiority of the foothills
for fruit growing ; Dan Waldron , the "Coloma
postmaster ; " Major Ormaby , "mlno host" of
the leading hotel In the town , "The Winters"
( ho waa killed some years after In an Indian
fight at Hagtown , on the Carson river , In
Nevada ) , and that prince of good fellows ,
"Davo" Ilu el I. sheriff , afterward well known
In mining circles.
Sacramento was n distributing point for
the mines and during the winter of IS52-3
was visited by fire and flood. This , with
bad roads , caused high prices for all sup
plies through the mines. A.t Coloma flour ,
bacon , sugar , rice , tieana and coffee were
each ? 1 a pound. Forty-sK jeais has wrought
a change.
California ! The name has a chirm for the
"Old Timer. " FIrpt its output of gold , then
came Its broad fields ot golden grain , fol
lowed by her golden fruits.
Aptly called the Golden State , may Its
Jublleo 'bo ' an earnest of the showing that
will bo made < at the end of the next half
SIIOTV on ( In * OrniiKc Orclinrilx.
SAN nERNAHDINO , Cal , Jan. 12. ( Spe
cial. ) The plains of San Hemardlno are while
with snow and the trees In the orange groves
are breaking with Its weight. There was an
unprecedented fall of snow last night , fol
lowing the extreme cold spell which -as
visited the region this side or the Tehachacil
mountains. In the Yukalpo valley , six miles
cast of Hodlands , ono of the centers of citrus
culture , ten Inches of snow foil. In Hedlaiids
ltself tlirco Inches nro reported. The snow
Is from ono to three Inches deep In the streets
of this city. IlroKen down orange trees are
reported in nearly all the orchards , but it is
hoped t'jat the fruit already ripened will not
suffer great damage from the cold. It Is the
heaviest fall of snow since the American oc
cupation , niversidewhich lies nine mlk-a
south of here , also Buffered severely , a fall
ol three Inches being reported.
Oil Clip VV'ny CoIciHlcn. .
Burdett Temple and O. H. Hlco of Charl-
ton , Ja. , are In Tacoma , ( .ays the Ledger.
They will outfit there and leave ne\t
Wednesday on the City of Seattle for Alaska ,
cnrouto for the Klondike. They state that
Iowa will furnish a largo nunilwr of gold
ceekers , most of whom will como to Tacoma
for their outfits.
Ilii < ! itl < Mi'i > Arnlcu . nlvr.
Tbo beat salvo In the world for Cuts ,
Bmlaca , Sotes , Ulcers , Salt Rheum. Fever
Sores , Toll or , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Irruptions , and positively
euros Piles cr no pay required. It is guar
anteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cenli i > er box. For eala
by Kuhn & Co.
Over 100,000 tons of Ice will bo stored In
the vicinity of Truckeo this -winter. In some
cases It Is put up at a cost of 5 cents per
Mrs , Robert drlmmon of the Arlington
house. Canton , fell off a stepladdcr and BUS-
tnlned injuries that will likely terminate
A remonstrance signed1 by leading cltlzcni
of KIKo county against prosecution of the
four farmers charged with stealing lumber
from Fort Halleck , has 'been ' filed with the
attorney general at Washington.
Major Huffaker on Thursday went to Day
ton to put nn attachment on the property
of the Peck Hrothors there , Mr , 'Huffaker '
Is acting for Joe Douglass , to whom the
Pecks are said to bo indebted to the amount
ot $40,000.
The Chinese of Carson have appealed to the
officers to rid the town of a highbinder who
icccntly arrived with a ttolen woman from
iSati rranciiico. lie nearly carved a Celestial
member of the Presbjterlan church who
ciltlclse.l his mode of living.
The amount of cash In ithe state , treasury
nt the close ot business on December 31 was
? 25Slo'J.40. A part of the cash belongs
to the bchoo ! fund and the balance was
applicable to the payment of principal and
'Interest ' on the btato debt and the current
expenses of the sUto government.
A Btranco death occurred at the Indian
school at Carson. A little Indian ilrl ; , who
had fallen , complained of a severe headache
and the matron put her to bed , making her
aa comfortable as possible , but thinking It
.was nothing serious. The next morning the
girl was dead , and It was then discovered
that her akull wai fractured by the fall.
That Was Before There Was Any Law
Against Counterfeiting.
Old I'fltntc Mint M rlilnor > - to Ho I'ro-
ncrtoil hy llie S nt - Avt
CoiniiclliMl line of Hliiirloiix
Coin Olil TlniCN llccnltvili
Tie ! old colnago machinery now in tao
mint will go to the Colorado State Historical
society , Director rrcaton hurtng coosontod to
thla arrangement , provldoJ that the machin
ery la at all times subject to the order of
the government , sajs the Denver Republican.
Inasmuch as this machinery la of no possible
use to tbo United SMtcs , thcdlca bolng made
for private coin and the pattern of the stamps
being no longer used In the United States
mlntu , an effort Is to bo made to eccuro an
act of congress transferring the absolute
ortiiertnlp of the plant to the aUto of Colorado
rado , as historical relics connected with the
early history of Colorado ulonc.
The story of this coining machinery , \v8ilch
for jeans has been llttlo more than junk
Iron , Is extremely Interesting , < w It on
thcso machines that the only Imitation cf
the gold coins of the United States was over
trade and circulated publicly na money with
out any effort ut concealment. It la a fact
not gcneraly known that the flrat law passed
by ccngrcss for the prevention of coining
imitations of the coin of the United State , ?
wan the act of 18C3 , which makes such imi
tation a felony , and that this act was the di
rect result of the of gold coin In
Denver. TJio establishment of a mli t In Den
ver was uleo ono result of the early efforts
to provide the people of Colorado with cur
rent coin made from native gold.
Soon after the discovery of gold In Colorado
Clark , Gruber & Co. of Leavennorth estab
lished a banking house in Denver and did a
largo bushiKu In gold dust , which was
shipped to the parent house In Leavenworfh
It waa not long bcforo the firm discovered
that that vv .s an expensive way of doing
business. The express cornpjnles then doing
business between Denver and the Missouri
river charged a very high rate for tmrsporta-
tlon , often cs high as 3 anl 4 per cent , on ac
count of the extra risk from Indiana nnd
road agents , and the compcoy was oftta com
pelled to submit to very acricrns loss. Harry
Gruber , now u icaldent of Cripple Creek ,
was the local r rtncr and marager of the
firm. Almcst the only currency -In circula
tion here at the time was gold dint , and
every business had its gold scales In vvhlch
the dust was weighed , payment therefor
being made at the rate -determined by assay
for gold from .my given locality. It occuired
to Mr. Gruber that If the coin could be made
In Denver all expense of transportation could
bo saved , cs the gold cclns could bo paid
out in exchange for the dual or bullion in
stead of semllm ; the latter by express to
Leavenworth and the expense of both trans
portations frequently amounting to C per
cent of the value of the shipments. Attoi-
tiejs In Denver were consulted anl while all
seemed to believe that to coin United States
money was against the law , no statute bear
ing on the subject could bo fouud.
To settle the question Mr. Gruber went to
Leavenworth and acquainted his partners
with the proposition and the icsult ot lin
Investigations. They vvero incredulous , as
it seemed impossible that a government like
that of the United States could exist vith -
out a law for the prevention of the counter
feiting of its own cnin , Tiut finally the m-it-
ter wits submitted to the attorney of th'
firm , an eminent lawyer of St. LoJls , who
after a careful examination of the statutes
parsed by congress since the foundation ol
the government decided that there was co
law In the United States against the coining
of money by Individuals.
Machinery was at once purchased and Mr
Gruber returned to Denver and erected the
brick building still standing at the corner c
Sixteenth and Market streets , that Is digni
fied with the title of the United States mint.
The first coins designed were S10 and $20
gold pieces , having on one side a representa
tion of Pike's Peak and on the other the
name of the firm The coins' at first were
made with so little alloy that they were
brittle , a fall on a stone pavement fre
quently causing them to fall to pieces. This
defect was duo to the doJlro of Clark
Gruber & Co. to make sure that the coins
v\ere of full value. After a. short time it iv--i
decided to change the coins , the now colm
being perfect Imitations cf United State ,
coins except that the wording was "Clark ,
Gruber & Co " Instead of Unltd States of
America , " and including the $20 , $10 , $5 anJ
$2 50 pieces. There still remained a lurking
fear that there might t > o come law on the
subject , and therefore to save the firm from
any possible prosecution for short weight ,
the coins contained one per cent moio gold
than thcso of the United Statei , each $20
piece being actually worth $20 20. The colnb
circulated freely and Clark , Gruber & Co
reall/ed very handsomely from their Invest
ment , but It v\as noticed that the coins wc'o
In circulation but n short time 'bnforc ill *
appearing , the overweight causing them to be
sent to the melting pot.
In 1SG2 Mi Gruber had some buslaesrc In
Washington and whllrt there was Introduced
to Salmon P. Chase of Ohio , then sesrotar/
ot the treasury and Ihc father of the * green
back , as the msn who vvai coining United
States coin In Denver. The secretary was
astuilslied a'ld exclaimed1 "Do jou mean to
say that jou are imitating United States
coin' " Mr. Grubcc acknowledged that he
was , and In leir-onso to an Inquiry nulled
a handful of $20 olpces from his pocket Mr
Chase examined them carefully and repla lnir
ono with a greenback cautlccicd Mr Grur ! )
that It wa probable tint ho was violating the
laAbut that the matter would be submitted
to the attorney general for hla decision
The lo al department of the government
made the most exhaustive Investigation of
tlio sunject tne resuu wan uiui an cci
of congress was passed at the next sesslc" o'
congress authorizing tho.pnrrl iso of tbo plant
from C'irU , Gruber & Co and the cstablhh
mont of a branch mint at Denver , and ir
the following year the law now In fcT c
against counterfeiting WOB enacted The plan !
was sold to the government for ? 50,000 , anJ
as no provision was made for coining tlr
machinery has since that time been stored
It has been suggested that It would bo a
good Idea to set up the machiney In the
rooms of the Historical society and strike off
fac similes of the old colni in silver , but tlile
would probably bo In violation of the law
Most of these colni bave dlsrioearcd from
circulation , but some are held us souvenirs
one , of the most perfect collections being thii
owned by S. N Wood , president of the Board
cf Public Works.
Montana AIMVMoli'N. ' .
A Ilutto paper , reviewing the year , &ays
"biwlnei-s with the coroner was splendid
twenty-seven suicides. "
Jamns Day , cged 73 , whs had resided In
Mpulsrm county since 1EC4 , was found dead
In VlrcliAi City Sunday morning ,
The caly newspaper In the atute that re
ceived a ChrUticas present was the Silver
Slate of Wlnnemucca and the present vv0 a
box of candy from the Sunday school chil
dren of Paradise valley.
The State Hoird ot Equalization hen bailed
Instructloni to arsccsora rumladlng them that
tbero is but cuu rnlo ot valuation "and that
Is that all tax'iblo ' property must bo assessed
at Us full rash value. "
Jeremiah Collins , receiver of the land of
fice In Helena , h a become editor of the
Helena Independent , succeeding Dr. Eggles-
ten , tviio rcalgQCd ome tlmo ago. Ho will
continue ! to act as receiver until the expira
tion f ! hUi term In 'May. Ho Is a veteran
newspaper man.
FJI ok Fuller , the Canyon Ferry postmas
ter , who was arrratod some days ago on a
charge of unlawfully detaining a letter over
tncnty-four hours , verified the claims ot in
nocence ho made when confronted with the
rllcgcd crime anl was discharge , ] . He hal
Incurred Uio dlsplcalpre'of some women.
John A , Mcllran li'ttatto has commenced
suit agalrut the Northern Paclflo Hallrcid
compiny for tajuriet received In an accident ,
placing cMrrages at $ GO,000.
iMary uBrlgKa , tlio mother of Hurnlo
iBrlng.3. the young , mnn who married OlHo
Knight on tbo stage At the ImpcrMl theater
In 13utte New Yctir' * nlgfit , says her o.n Is
rot 21 and she will t.ike , steps to annul the
marriage. The brldo U'ZS ' years old.
. \nlipTmer-lltneli lit-cvilns ; . \ * 'n.
recommends the use of ; the greatest of all
tonics , "Malt-Nutrlne , " and guarantees the
merits claimed for It. 'For sale by all drug-
glots. '
A building permit has been Issued to
Armour & Co. for the erection of picking
house buildings here. The permit calls for
building's valued at $218,000 , which Is about
one-quartor Uio amount the completed plant
will cost , nod the fee turned Into the city
'treasury from this permit amounts to $250.
Thcro was no deslro among the city officials
to charge the Armours the regulation fee , as
the great benefit the packing house would bo
to the city was considered. This ono permit
Is to cover all ot the buildings now under
course of construction or contemplated by
Armour & Co.
A. L. Lowry of Chicago Is In the city lookIng -
Ing over the new plant. Mr. Lowry Is to bo
the fciiperlntendent of the dressed beef de
partment hero when Wie plant Is In operation.
Ho eyncctB to roiraln hero several days
watching the construction acid looking Into
th6 dressed beef trade at this point.
J. Ogdcn Armour , who spent < x couple of
days hero attending to business matters , has
returned to Chlrago.
13. D. Dllnn of Chicago spent jcsterday at
the Armour tract checking up the lumber mi
hind and already delivered. Mr. Ullnti la
the lumbcf merchant from whom Superintend
ent Simpson purchased the greater portion of
the lumber used In the construction of the
buildings. '
Superintendent Slrrpson leaves today for
Ashland to look after the construction of the
Armour Ice houses near that phco. The
boarding house , which will accommodate
about 300 men , Is nearly completed , and with
favorable weather the conoany opects to
commence harvesting Ice In about ten dajs.
The boilers and engines to be used in hand
ling the Ice uro now being placed In posi
tion and will bo ready for use by the time
the buildings are completed Superintendent
May of tlio state fisheries called upon Super
intendent Simpson yesterday and agreed to
stock the Armour lake at Ashland with fls'i
In the sprlug. The lake from which the Ice
will be cut la In fine condition , having a
depth of from six to eight feet.
Carpenters were engaged yesterday In plac
ing the rafteis for the roof on the hog coaler
house , end It Is hoped tint t'jh building will
be uidcr roof Inside ot ten da > s. Over at the
beet house workmen were placing the ceo
stones preparatory to setting posts and
stringing girders.
C. F. Langdon , office nnnager ot the Ar
mour packing house cfllce In Chicago , will
arrive today to attenii to milters pertaining
to the oow ofTlce building here.
CiliH C'dinpiinj riatii.
The more the people falk about the new
Eas ? deal the mere they seem to want to bo
assured that a gas plant will be located in-
olde the city limits.V. . B. Wyman , who Is
cao of the projectors of the new concern ,
&aid yesterday thauthc system inte-jded for
use In this city was being extensively usoJ
In Michigan and other states. Ho tuld tiat
the material us > ed 'in thq manufacture cf the
k .e wen soft coal apj crude Lima oil. Wcls-
bach , Rex or Argand burners will be used
In case the company , obta < js a foothold hero
cad a light of fifty or sixty candle power
Plans have already been made for u plant
hero and it Is clataneJ , ttat the gcnen.tcr
to bo built will flayeacarac'Hy , , ot
cubic feet per hour. , Tie gas 'holders will
bo built to contain 1S3.000 cubic feet and
eight , ten , twelve cuid lxteen-I'.ich mains will
ba laid. Contlnu'-ag , Mr. Wju-un said thit
he had his eye on a location for the piint ,
but he declined ! o cay just vvhcio It was.
He dil gay , however , tha : It wculd be Inside
lao city limits and would be taxable prop
erty. In cose t'ho franchise 'is grw'a'.cJ tne
laying of pipes will commence as soon as
the weather will permit. Mr. W > n.un zi-
sei ed tt'H there was plenty of money be
hind the .scheme , < M arrangements had al
ready been made foi d'spwlng ' of the now
company's b.uds. It is the Intention , ho
oald , to pipe tno dty thoroughly , fco t'lut ' gas
cauld be used 'n every residence nnd business
block la the city If desired.
Inspection IlelujM liXiiorl Oi-ilcrs.
The packing house managers say tha :
business has picked up wonderfully durina
the last week or ten daja. There Is alwavu
a dull season the first week or two after
New Years , but thia yeir It was very brie ! .
There is an increased demand for export
moats and all of the packets complain about
the delay in the government microscopical
Inspection at this point. Swift and Com
pany are allowed only 100 begs a day , a-
least that Is all the microscopical forci.
here v.lll examine for thorn. Officers o * thij
company say that on this account their ex
port business is badly handicapped. TUL
other packers mike the same complaint ana
steps are being taken to secure additional
help In the Inspection department hero. >
thing that exasperates the packers hero ana
delayb the shipment of export meats la thi >
inability to secure export ccrtlfUdtcs made
out In the manner desired. The packcrj s y
that different countries demand dlfferen.
kinds of certificates. H Is claimed that li
is impossible to I'acuru the proper certi , .
cates fiom Don C. A > cr , the chief Inspcctoi
nnd In many cases the department at Wash
ington has to be called upon to furnish the
certificates. This oauacs a delay In lht >
ohlpmcnt which Is veiy annoying.
An cffoit is being made by the ptcKers to
induce the department ofilcials at Washing.
ton to make some changes In the inspection
force heio In order to do away , as much iu
with thcso unnecessary dclajs.
Hill-on lor I lie K lomlll.i1.
Swift and Company of this city have been
awarded the contract tor supplying the go\
eminent with 75,000 pound.1 of bacon which
Is to bo sent with the government relief
expedition to the Klondike Yesterday Majoi
Nye of the subsistence department and hh
assistants were engaged In Inspecting every
piece of meat before It was packed for nhlp
incut , rno iiacon purcnasen IB v , H I u
known among packers aa short and cleai ,
Each piece must weigh not moro than fitly
pounds and at the > luspectlon > esterda )
quite a number ot .pieces were thrown out
because they weighed slightly more than
this. Every fifty poup4 piece la sowed In . .
piece of whlto musllu an/1 then two of thcso
pieces are sewed together In a burlap cack ,
This Is done to pnoteij. the meat and to
facilitate the handllnB.and | packing of it
across the mountains In Alaska
The amount ordered liy the government
will nil three cars ani ) the shipment will
bo made o > er tbo Canadian Pacific road to
Vancouver , Wa. h. Two cars vvero sent oui
last night and the third car will bo ready
to .hip Monday. At ubat , price the Govern
inent secured this mnpunt of meat Is not
known as all bids were opened by anny
olllcors at Vancouver , and Swift and Com
pany were notified 'jestcrday ' by wire that
their bid had boon "accepted Ij. of .S. UTnlrH.
At the New Daglandnaupper given by the
Knight ) and Ladles of Security a night or
two ugo John A. Iomp4ter , deputy national
preald.iit cf the order , und his wlfo were
present. Uurlng the evcn' g Mr. Dempatcr
delivered a very Instructive address on fra
ternal Insurance , which was well received
In ills remarks Mr. lemr cr congratulated
the local order on Iho good fcbenku made
ar.l predlcr ed an ' .ucreaso lo the membership
this jcar.
rnrpniliTN I. nlil Off
The Cudahy Ice houEca at Sevmcur lake
aru about , completed. A per Ion of the farcu
of carpenters lies beci 1 Id off and It Is
thought that tbo now house * will be finished
by fie latter prt of the week. The seccnl
crop of lea Is about seven | rht-y thick , but
cutting will not commence until after another
cold snap , as ten or twelve-Inch Ice U do-
slreJ ,
n UO > 'M Icir ,
Yesterday Ir , Curtis amputated the right
foot of Henry Quade , the lid who waa la-
Jurcd by a motor twin Tuesday night. It
wa necessary to amputate thp leg about elx
Inches below tlio knee. Tao patient was
doing nicely Isat evening ud It Is thought
thftt the wound will bwl rapidly. U Id
claimed that ) oung QnaJc U > 1hc son of u
widow , who llvea ut 2142 South Nineteenth
street , Omaha , nnd ww ! > ls In destitute cir
cumstances , having a large family.
.Mnulo ( * ! ( ; ( iitxnltt.
Oak Leaf grove will give a mask ball at
Workmen hall tonight.
A sen has been bom to Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Daiighct ty , Forty-second and S streets.
Davd Garrett , ono ot the firemen at No 1
engine house , Is confined to his homo with a
The choir ot the First Presbyterlin clarch
will meet at the church this evenlug for prac-
Frank Pratt rome over from his homo at
Carson , la. , yesterday and spent the day with
friends ,
W. Carpenter , ono of Dunlap , la.'s , promi
nent stockmen , -was alsltor at the yatds
M s. Van Pelt of Greenwood , la. , Is hero
visiting her sister , Mrs. Nora Sutcr of South
Trtcnty-fourth street.
At the revival service last night Rev. John
Williamson preacded a sermon entitled
"Flailing In Deep Waters. "
Partita of young folks from this city go out
to the lagoon at the exposition ground ! ) al
most every night for a skate and toboggan
Kov. Mr. Wheeler says tjjat Indications
point to a general awakening In religious
matters , the union revival meetings being
unusually well attended.
Diphtheria Is reported nt the homes of John
Ernest , 217 North Twenty-second street ; M.
G. Waldo. Fifteenth , and M streets ; M. Gor
man , Thirtieth and II streets.
A meeting will bo held at the residence of
John L. Martin this evening for the imrposo
of organizing a 'aumano society. AH persons
Interested are Invited to attend.
II , C. Ilountrec of Lincoln Is In the city.
Matt Dougherty of Ogallala Is In Omaha.
13 , II. Turner of Chicago Is a Mlllanl guwt.
H. B. Carter of les Molncs Is at the Mil-
F. M. Allen of St. Louis Is stort'lus at tSio
George Sherard of Salt Lake City Is a city
vlslto.- .
E 11. Solomon of Dajton , O. , Is at thoi
C. H. Laison of Chicago Is registered at
the Millard.
W. S Seavey of Denver Is spending a few
daja In the cltv.
Miss Maria Hastar is visiting in the city
from Wahoo , Neb.
J. H MacOoll ot Lexington Is spending a
few dajs In. the city.
Will Tavlor , member of the legislature , is
in Omaha Iiom Kearney.
Union Pacific Land Agent John Keith of
Sutherland is In the city.
Ex-State Bank Examiner James A. Cllne
of Mlnden Is a city visitor.
1C. C. Morchouse , general freight agent of
the Elkhorn , left yesterday for Chicago.
nabob Johnson , busines.3 manager of the
Walker Whlteslde compcny , la at the Barker.
Chancellor George E. MacLcan of the Uni
versity of Nebraska was In the city jcster
Mrs. Fred Hubbard left jcsterday for a
visit of six months with her parents tn Eng
Elmer Everett , 0. 0 McCannlck and C. i\ .
Ankeroy , a party of stockmen from Laurel ,
are in Omaha.
Ed Keano of St. Louis , traveling passen
ger agent of the Iron Mountain route , la an
Dinah" visitor.
G. W. Wlr' ot York and Z. S. Branson ,
politicians well known in tne state , are
visitors in Omaha.
Mrs Fannie G. Parker of Grand Ledge ,
Mich. , relumed home jesterday , after visit
ing friends In Omaha
F. W. Theme of the depot Pullman office
was cilled to Ecl&'jtcn , Out. , jcsterday by
the death ot his brother.
Major J. B. Furay has been routined to his
rom during the last few dajs with n saveru
attack ot rheumatism. His condition 13 bome-
vvhat Improved todaj- .
Bishop Worthlnqtoa loft yesterday for Lln-
co > i , where ho will bo the guest for a dav of
Rev. II. Percy Silver , rector of Trinity
church of that place.
Mhs Georgle Llndsey went to Chicago last
night , after the nolidajs with her
family In this city , nnd will resume her
chocen work In the Chicago hospital.
At tht Mll'ard : I Goldlng. St Louis : W.
II. Carpenter , Cincinnati ; W. C. Fee , Chicago ;
Paul Koat , Chicago ; F. E. Miller , Chicago ; S.
M. Delano , Chicago ; L Minhelmcr , Cincin
nati ; W. B. Mllllpan , Chicago
State arrhala at the Barker1 Theodore
Plank , Oakland ; H. Bctekc. Emersccr L. F
Dohl , West Point ; A. K.Valdron , Schuyler ;
Perry A. Wells , Hastlrgs ; J A. Wachtor ,
Pemder ; \Vachter , Penrter ; E. E Fris'Jle ,
Elgin , J. F. Sanger , Nlobnra ; J. A. Miller ,
St Paul ; E II Ogle , Friend
Ncbraskans nt the hotels : Edward C.
Blgge , Seward ; A. J. Cavanagh , W'nslde ' ;
J. R Burks , Beatrice ; W. H. Johnson , G. G.
WllcoxSt. . Paul ; 7. . S. Branson , U J. Murtz ,
Waverly ; E. H. Morris , Ljons , ; R. D Rus-
aoll , Falrbury ; Chauncy Abbott and wife ,
Schuyler ; E. G. lltus and wife , Holdrcge ;
John F. Piper , Tekamah : John Barsby , Ge
neva ; J. F Berggicn , Wahoo ; F. P. Smith ,
J. E. Jenkins , Schuyler ; D. C. Zimmerman ,
G W. Wlrt , York , Phil S Eaatoidaj , Tccum-
seh ; Ell Wales , Aurora ; Mrs S. Harris , Ord ;
O. II. Gllchrlst , Kcainey ; M. Hoagland , lllch-
iand ; G. A. Lelse , Louis E Upperman , John
D. Cornell , Gland Island ; R L Downing ,
Frank Palmer , Uljs.ies ; E , M Collins , Fro-
inont ; Dave Wilkinson , Genoa ; Giaco
Wheeler , M. P. Server , W. A. Rawllns.
Thomas Shells , J. W. Moigan , Ed Hendrlck-
non , S. J. Mason , Mrs. R. W. risk , Fred
Whltthaun , J. M. Burks , Lincoln ; 13 S.
Gregg , Nebraska City : A. C. Neufeld , Hen
derson ; Andrew Krlkac. Biuto , T. K Mao-
nlng , Orleans ; James A. Cllne , lilndcn ; Mrs.
IH. Harris , Ord ; D O. Zimmerman , York ;
Phil E. Eastertlay , Teciimseh ; Ell Wales ,
Aurora ; F. J , Coats , Plattsmouth.
LINCOLN , JM 12. ( Special ) Onnha people
ple at the hotels' At the Llmloll II E.
Ma afTcy , W. A. Kennedy. I. W. Carpenter ,
G W Calwell , C H. Dnxbury At the Lin
coln J. B. Bliecan , J. M. Tompklns , J. R.
Perkins ,
IOC\L nni3vrrii : > > .
August Cornerrer , living at 1019 South
Twenty-fourth street , has been ai rested OT
a charge of Essault aod batter > preferred by
M. Hondo.
A deputy United States marshal yesterday
morning brought to the city F. M. Cutler
of Wolbach , charged with selling liquor
without posting a United States stamp ,
Clyde C , Sundblad , an cmployn of n local
street car advertising firm , mot with a rather
Bovero Injury a few daya ago While ullfiht-
Ing from a motbr he slipped , causing a sprain
of the right ankle.
T. Vance was arrested for the larceny of
an overccat valued at $ lf > from Baker Cole
The article was recovered stolen fiom
a 1,00 ! room at 350 North Sixteenth Btreet
Vance was given thirty days In the count )
jail by Judge Gordon.
Nick Johnson , charged by Smithy Dran
will1 disturbing the peace of the neighbor
hood down near Twelfth and Nicholas streets
by holding a dog fight In which his animal
was badly worsted , was brought up befcuo
Judso Gordon After the caeo had been left
on call for a couple of hours It was dismissed
on motion of the prosecuting attornej 23
I Jean failed to appear.
John Holinan , arrested January 5 for ao
saultlng an aged woman , Mrs Efflo Maltacn ,
who lives near Fourteenth and Leavenworth
iUiccts , was placed on trill before Judge
Gordon , According to the evidence adduced
tlis assault wan most brutal and unprovoked ,
Holinan was fined $75 and costs. Ha wca
unable to pay the file and will accordingly
servo It cut In the eounty Jill.
Morko ProUrcan was arrested by Officer
IniM for malicious destruction of the prop
erty belonging to Prank Slovck , at 1903 Cum-
'ng direct. The boy , so Slovck says , has
been In the habit for some tlmo past of
pulling down hla Mgn > and otherwise making
lilmsolf obnoxious. Monday night he > pulled
live pickets from Slavck's fence and then
fell Into the hands ot the1 olllcor. Yesterday
mornbag Slovck refused to prosecute and the
cute was dismissed.
Vl&iS3ti" Jt" Sr"iSS < J4i1
Last evening t Boyd's theater Uip > Mon-
da in In Choral roclcty and Cio Maximilian
Dick Ocnccrt company pvo a Jc-tnt perform
ance that proved to be ono of the mest en
joyable of the season. 'Mr. ' Thomas K. Kelly ,
the conductor of the society , Is to be credited
w ltd bringing < to the people of Onvita the op
portunity to cnjcy this musical treat , and It
Is to bo hoped that a day will some -Hmo
dawn In the test that will shed Its eftulgnico
oven to the Missouri river and recure for
him and hU efforts adequate recognition. cringing of the aoclcty was artistic and
In every way pleasing. The voices blend well ,
the Intonation Is accura'e and the words are
pronounced so well that one can understand
them , Mr. Kelly chrac solectlons of tha fileo
order and excepting the "Blow , Bugle Blow , "
composed by Florlo , .they were good music
und interesting. Miss Nellie Stlckney plajcd
the accompaniments for the society In a
creditable manner.
Mr. Dick's aealstcnts were MLss Georglell.l
Lay , pianist , and Miss Isabella Bratnober , so
prano. Mlsa Uiy las made great Improve
ment since the was heard hero last season
with iMlss Yaw ( of scaley fame ) . Her octavo
pi-tying wits ot the virtuoso order In the In
termezzo by Leschetskj' , < As ati accompanist
slio leavra noth'.og to be desired except moro
ot the sumo kind , MLss Bratnober ) M\sserses
a voice ot sympathetic quality and slngn wltli
fairly goal Interpretation , She has a pleasing
atago presence.
The star of the evening although hardly
an evening star was Mr. Dick. As a violinist
linist he 'Is ' nn artist of whom every Ameri
can should ha proud. Ills bowing U truly
remarkable and bo produces a variety of
tone that glveo character to cverj thing ho
plays. His harmciilcs ure full and rraorant ,
alwajs true to pitch and delivered with an
abandon tbH is o.s surprising as pleasing.
Ho was applauded at every piuso U h'a ' iiiini-
bcrn and reoalled repeated ! ) . Ao cncorca ho
plajed "Lo Cjgne , " by Stint Sitrs. a ser-
orade by Pleno and a Lagutcllo by Schubert.
Yesterday morning nt Glenwool as Mi.
Dick nnd ills comrauy were en the way to iho
train their upset f d there was a
meeting of Instrument cases , grind nnd mu-
slclns such en laroly occurs. Mr. Dick
heroically , drove nls head through the glass
door and the company made its oxf througii
the aperture he had made. No serious In
juries were sustained , although iMr. Dick cut
u gash la his ilffnt hand end I'icrlllcel ' a piece
1 cf Sita car The compinj'1 goes from hero to
St. Joseph for its next engagement.
Charles E. Blnney's "A Boy Wanted" will
bo the attraction at Bojd's tonight. This
farce baa been brought up to date , intro
ducing late songs , dances and s-iylngs , and
U divided into tlnee actu first , the Interior
of the Evening Keg olllce ( a country news
paper ) where any number of very pleasing
specialties are introduced and bore also a
barnstorming company comes to grief. The
climax Is most amusing ; a crushed tnigcdian
of the company , whoso performance of the
night before had been severely criticised In
the Evening Keg , while In search of the
critlo becomes entangled In the prcfcs and la
drawn through , coming out with the evening
edition printed on his clothes. The second
net presents the exterior of tbo Starvlew
hotel , where a number of mechanical effects
are Introduced. In this act "the boy" has a
challenp-o to fight from a local celebrltj' , who
Js the runner for the opposition hotel. The
Goubrottc ollerb to train him and to allow
him his antagonist's weak points They put
up a llvolj' three-round contest. The last
act shows the exterior of the hotel at night ,
where a number of strong features are intro
duced , concluding a program of merit.
The tragedian , Walker Whlteslde , who Is
no stranger in Omaha , will appear at Uoyd'a
next week In n ro'nd of legitimate parts ,
opening Sunday evening in "Hamlet. " Dur
ing the engagement , which Is for four nights ,
he will be seen as Richelieu , Othello and
Beginning tonight and for the remainder of
the v.-eek the Woodward company will pre
sent the play "Jim , the Westerner , " nt the
Cielshton. Business at that house continues
to teat the capacity of the theater.
Ai Hold's Brome Cel-ry cures headaches ,
10c , 25c and 50e. All dniTOJ3ts. .
nixtirl > s -Sin-nU 'liilrf.
A .sneak thief worked hH vv.ijinto the
Inrber Miop of 13d LInJl > y , 2SUS Sherman
avenue , Thursday night. vvhIU. .lie I'lrpilc-
tor was out and stalled lo lulp himself to
some ui7ors nnd other jrlltk iylng arounl
loos" Before he r.ul a er.nnrc , Inwcvci , to
make , us ay with hli boo.y tinovvnor un
expectedly appeared on the ctvne the
thief made Ills escape lij uriulix oi.t of u
back door.
When a man js
ruined anil there is
HO lu'lp foi it , n
, > ( jood wife in the
Uonc stay anil com-
'i- ' -fnrt Jolt to llilll.
I'tit no man , who
JvSMSv i * a ' "a"i wauls to
VSgS&i put his wife to Urn
extremity. If or
[ woman in her
title nature onf-
J fen with the hus
band she comforts
consoles. It is a humiliation to any
proud woman that ths man of her choice
ihould prove at list a failure broken in
purse and in spirit. Back gf all business
failures lies ill lieiltli. No 1:1111 : who is stif-
ferine from brain facr , neivous probti.itiim
jnd cfebility , due to impure blood and .1 dis-
ardcrcd diKCition can lent * sneered in busi
ness. Kvery woman should make it her
Juty to hes tlmt ber husband takes proper
: are of bis health
The best nudicinc in nit thc.woild for
liard-vvoihci business men is Dr. I'ierce'a
Golden Medical Discovery. It is mcilicin :
for both body nnd mind. It m ies tbc di
gestion Rood , th2 liver active. nid the apiie-
tite keen. It fills the blood with tha hfc-
? iviiif ! clementt that build new tissues. It
Invigorate * and purifies It is the one fjicnt
blood-linker and flssh-lmildcr
nothing in ths market "just as coed "
A. IPurdy , ISsq , of Ottcrpond , Cnldwc.ll Co ,
Ity. , vvritiJ. "I licrewith inclose ji one-cent
ttampito paypoitasreon oiifofvo-irclotli lx > nu < l
Midlcil Advliers I l.nov/yo'irboo' . tabenitool
on.1 J had suffered sevcu ycnn with liver com
plaint when I rend nboutyotir 'Golden Medical
Discovery' in one of your lioaki. After using n
few Iwttlciof the * Ilfcovciy' mid three vlnls of
the ' 1'lcns.iiit Pellets' I was completely cmcd "
One copy of n Rood , , medical
work is worth more in a home than n thorn-
mill works of fiction. Dr. I'irrcc's Com
mon Scnsa Medical Adviser is the best
home medical boo ! : extant , It contains
1,008 paei ( and three hundred illustrations
nnd is written in plain , evtiyilay lanr.uace
tint any one may imderatanu. Over n mil
lion women own copies of it nnd Cilo.cxxi
of them paid Si V > e.icli for their copies
A new mm hr e edition will bu [ 'Ivcn away
nbiolutely rnin. : If you want n copy in n
paper cover , send twenty-one one-cent
stamps , to cover cost of mailing only , to
tbo World's ' Dispensary Mcdicnl Arisen-
lion , No. ( AM iu Street , JmfMlo. N Y
If you dcslrf tx fin' ' Frptirh olo'li hlndinij
Utl ) itntl Douglas Hts. , Oniahit ,
, UUNTIIAM.Y ] , OCATit : > ,
i.NTll AMI JOM3S STItlJiri'-S ,
110 rooiiin , baths , ntium lieut und ull inoJcrn
roiuenUnicu Hutci. II M und ItW 1'i-r Uuy
TaUlo unexctlleJ , Special low tale * lo regular
bo.irJtn. DICK ailiril , Manager.
100 rnri In Two WrrkMi : * cry On/ ,
n. ( 'oiniilclc HtU'prm ) > .r Illx 13x.
olmlv is
Churlpn Lincoln Siultli , tin-
U > i i\prrl ,
liiN ThlH Wc.-lc nt < lu >
If you linvo blurring , dizziness , nournlRlo ,
hixuhcho , * votn before tlic cvos.lnllnmm.itlon ,
gramilatlcxi , winking , trembling spells , rntnj
met , burning and fmxirtlnr ; of the tijra , varl' '
ous nervous anil briln affections , rntnlllii |
not only positive Injury to tlio sight , bui
untold misery , cnll Imnmllately.
Ir Chnrlr * l.tniMiln Sniltli ,
Tlip .Sm-crHMfiil OhloiiKO K > > M\i < > rt.
Olllcn hours , 10 a in In 4 p tn the Mlllaid
hotel , private pat 1ms , 120-122 nnd 124 , Onu-
ha , Neb. Consul'iitlon free
< ; < ( > rii IW. . 'I 111 hi
of tlm firm of M 13 Smith S. Co of Oinaln
sajs tlmt ho Is only too glad to bo nblo to
Kl\o testimony to tlio skill of Dr. Charles
Lincoln Smith ; tint ( luring the doctor's visit
In Omaha In 1S1U h ( > advised his wire , "who
had boon greatly troubled with headache"
to consult with lie. Smith. Slio vv-is thcr.
oughlj cured acid Insisted upon my also con
sulting the doctor , but us 1 had ncu'r been
troubled wll',1 my ojm very much , 1 ob
jected. Finally 1 consented , nnd I must wy
that 1 am u-iy much pleased to think Ibat
1 took luhantagu of the iioctcc's method nnd
proscription gbbses , which bavo thotouglily
cured me , and \\Iilch 1 occasionally use to
this day.
.1. P. imnrvuj.
Dr. Charles Lincoln Smith- For HIP past
six or seven jears my ejeslsht lus been
falllni ; and I had constant I eniUi-hi's. .in , < J
ni ) ccs Itched anil hutued and w mid water
at times. I have had glasses made twice nnd
had m > eyes treated with scarce ! } onj bene
fit until 1 put my ojcs in Dr. Charlea Lla-
coln Smith's oaro and by his prescription
glcsscb and methods my ojcs are now com
pletely cured and I ha\o no headaches vvhat-
e\er. .1. p. imil'NIG.
\ii Oinniili I'loii.-cr
William J Hahn , 305S Mnson stioot , a rrnl-
dent of Omaha , thlily three yeais , Bija that
about flvo venra ago his wife's o.ves troubled
her great ! } , and ohe was n tcrrlblo entlerer
from headache nnd itchl'ig and weeping of
DJIJ ejes , and that by Dr. Charles Lincoln
Smith's , piescrlptlon gla&ses she
was entliely cured nt that time , and hal
had no trouble with her ejea since.
O. I * . Ni \ liranoji.
"DurhiR the winter of 1S91 my eyes and
vision wore av > ful bad and as 1 had tried
various remedies without lellef I had about
made up ray mind that 1 would ha\o to quit
leading entirely. Mr oies pained and weto
bloodshot , and when f would trj to lead my
head would ache intensely. Uy Ii. ) Chailcs
Lincoln Smith'ssi. . Ill and prescription
glosses I was , completely nrd permanently
cured. My e > es have never bothered mo
since and now , after three vears , ( Jiey aru
still perfect. Therefore I icgard his skill ,
method and prescription glasses aa unsur
passed nnd not for any money would I ha\o
done without hli skill fnil g'aoscn.
Dr. Charles Lincoln Smith hiw hundreds of
Lincoln icferencea 'ind ' crcden lals us to Cils
sMIl and merit fiuni people of that cittf
and \lclnlty.
AIottil-lN ! Uiiruvrrl ! Mo
MisVlnlou'B SrotUlncr fcjrup liaa been
for OVPI LO jenrs by millions or inuilu-ra for
their children \\lillo tcetlilnR v Itli perfect IL
CL-ca It soothes till- child , softem llto K
dllH > d oil pain ruico wind colic. nnil la the
remedy for Ulnrrhoen SnM by I'niKglita Inlet
rerjinrl of Ihc vv ilJ. lie sure nnj nlt lot
"Mr * VVlnslniv's SootliliiK Rjrup" fin ) Inko no
other Islml 21) cents n linttlo
jur , . TCI
TOMCiirr Sl ( ( ) .
: K S-\Tl HI1
Sppclnltloy ISAIIHI.LC 11UJ1 HART iV CO ,
imornuim DAMM M MOTO
( Snmla ? "Slltrr KIiiK. "
Jtnn.ij.-im 1313.
3 NIGHTS-Cor-inioiioiu j ToiiSfjUt.
\Ti\nn a vTrjiiy. .
CMi . r , jnMn s
IIlB ExtraviRnnza 3iiree - ,
rniCES Lower noor $1 M , 7 > c ; liilcony ,
75c , EOe Mut'net , lower floor , TJe , We , bal
cony , 50c , jr.
ROYD' l'ntoi A Uj-jo . Mi 1373/1 ,
OU I U i Icilop'una 1019.
Friday Matinee
At 3 P. M.
ri rllon I'riin/
To i
I MdllT.S- ( 'nimni'iii'lni ? .Sun. .Inn. 10.
IB ? ® Bin IS
A Lirtfullj iclectcil cmnjianj nt phiCM li- |
ic tlon MAfeON imCIIIM.l. I'rrwntliik
Hmntiy NlKlu . 11 VMfil.T
M.m.l.ij . NlKlit ] UCIIii.ll : 17
TuiKilay Nlfclit orilin.Ul
WcdncMliy Mntliict ) MCIll'llANT Ol \ iNI < 'I5
\ \ ( .ilnrid.t ) Ilvenlni ; KAill KT
I'rlc < Ixjwcr lloor , fl.OO , 7 > , balcony 75c , Wo ) ,
Matlnte , Iu er llotr , 7Sc tie , l a con > , lit : 2jr
untnr" . ? ,
Matijgu * Tel aDU.
Tlio t 1fal t Lonlraltn In tlm wcrlil ul 1 n.ear
In u inU c IUIICHUH conceit nnd In iirtB uf
2nd Act MARTHA.
niiti Uio follov. Inj float nrllittM In the c.itt :
Ptlarie Toiilinguef
tloiinn toinano Impcilal and Md'lr-on
Optra Co
Mile ilurlo nulic-'ljt , blgniir A A'b ' rtl Sir ,
rhoimm Mcut > n hlKiior f mmrro
l'rcf | lowir Moor II " 0 Jl W. Hal , JJ CO , 7 > fOj
Fine Slaititig
Exciting Tobogganing
Day and Night.
Iiicluliiiindiuls4loii ( to the Ice . .
Welt * Clmnploit Skater
Cuiumoutlui'lliiir aiy : li