Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Gigantic Operations in Arboriculture and
Work nf Mining Trrex , TlnllilltiK
I > OKN , Drnliiliinr .Sniinilix , Con-
Hlriictlnir ItdohorlpM for a.
( renter Aiow Ynrlt 1'iirlc.
ifp In the valley of the Itronx , near the
Northern limits of New York City , largo
gangs of men arc breaking ground for
what promlBcs to become tliu largest boian *
leal golden In the world. Lakes and ponds
are being constructed , waterfalls are being
made , hillsides reshaped , trees moved , shrub-
bcry planted , hushes trimmed , bogs built ,
anil , In short , the general landscape IH being
remodeled so as to bring within the small
compass every range of soil and condition , of
plant growth. In the old Columbia college
buildings botanists arc sorting Innumerable
specimens of plants which have been re
ceived from various parts of the world , As
the work progresses thn general scene
grows moro animated , and out of the chaos
that has reigned order and beauty are gradu
ally shaping themselves. For after ten
years of agitation , discussion and opposition
the city Is at last to have Us grand botanical
The aim of the garden , In the words of
Us director , 1'rof. NaUianlcl L. Hrltton , Ic
"to reproduce out-of-doors every kind of
vegetable growth that will flourish In tliU
climate , and to reproduce under cover every
other kind. " This practically means that
the whole vegetable world Is to be repre
sented on a amall tscalo In the 2GO ucreti In
eluded \\lthln tha limits of thu new gar
The Impression ono gets on viewing the
work now going on Is that this' construction
of a great garden la a very complicated tin-
and nlll bo kept from washing away by re
straining wAHs of cement.
Them are certain kinds ot plants whirl ) re
quire for tlielr growth not soil , but rocks , and
Tor thcso provision will be made In the new
garden. Above the bank of the river for a
long distance a ledge ot gnelfg rock crops out
which will be adapted for this purpose. The
ledge will be cleared and un Its surface all
kinds of rock-loving vines and mtvses will
be grown. The plot has been so sclcrted and
arranged that It affords bul'.i sun and nbade
at dlffctcnt portions ot Its extent. A big pipe
will fun along the whole distance of this
lock cry and a natct engine- will be placed In
the river below to suiiply moltttirc to the
cllciglng morses which naturally grow on
damp rocks , while others will bo left to the
open glare-of the sun , In which they thrive.
A ipot of practical Interest Is the economic
garden , where all pl.inls that have been
applied to commercial uses will be grown.
The field which contain * this section will be
divided Into small plots , and each group
of plants will be labeled with the name
of their natural habitat , as well as with
their own proper namce. Thus the visitor
to the- garden will l > o able , In the course ot
a short stroll , to pus through Mexico , India
ami Canada. For plants In this section ,
which require special klnela of soil not found
In the gnrtle&v aii experiment will bo made
after a time 'a bringing earth from a dis
tance and making embryo countries with
every condition of their natural soil per
fectly reproduced. For the plans that re
quire t > ind It 1 * brought from the banks
nearby and mixed with the light loam al
ready on the section reserved for these
species till the requisite result Is obtained.
With all the changes that are now bolng
made In reshaping the grounds to meet
their new roqulrcmeDts , esthetic considera
tion are not lost eight of. In every part
the new garden will be as charming to the
eye ns It will be Instructive to the Inquiring
mind. An Instance of this care Is seen In
the fact that the present unsightly dam
across the Bronx will be removed. In Its
place will be constructed a ledge of Irregular
rocks , which will serve every purpoEO of
the prcnent dam , but which will give the-
waterfall the appearance of a teaming nat
ural cascade.
While the laborers are busy preparing the ,
greatest imi&cum * tH cuy rate the now
grounds on the Bronx will afford fomo in-
terrrtttnn eights , and In' connection with the
groit zoological garden to bo established
just below wlir become' tho' great pleasure
grounds of the metropolis , , whore It will bo
pMslblo for visitors to take a blrdeeyo view
of the Whelp plant and animal world.
The boto.'lo garden star s on its career
well equipped. H raided Ita grounds It tea
received $500,000 from the city by act of the
Now York legislature , arvl J2DO.OOO raleod by
private subscription. It has the backing of
many wealthy men , who will no doubt look
after any future needs that may urine. Cor
nelius Vanderbllt Is Its president , Andrew
Curncglo vice prrafdcnt and J. Plerpont Mor
gan treasurer. D .p , . lljls , Samuel Sloan ,
John I ) . Hcckefoller and a number ot other
multl-mllllonairca are amcng Iw promoters.
I | . . . .rVllUtIt > Jll'llll * .
When wo advertise that w < s will guarantee
Dr. King's NowDlscovcry , Ulcctrlc Bitters ,
Huckli'n'B Arnica Salvo or Dr , King's Now
Life Pills , It means that we are authorized
by the p-oprjctors to sell remedies on a.
positive guarantee , that It purchaser Is not )
satisfied- with results wo will refund the pur
chase price. Thcso medicines have been sold
on this guaicnteo for many years and there
could bo no moro conclusive evidence of
their gi'cat merit. Ask ab'aut them and give
them q tralA | Spld at Kubn & Co.'s drug
\lli a OoiiiiturtVIUT.
SAN FIIANCISCO , Jan. 12-Tlio pollco
have arrested a man whom they believe Is
responsible tor circulating' many spurious
K and > 10 gold pieces lit the nice trucks.
He t-tivo the name of Gilbert Klndull anil Is
about 40 yeiira of ago. in the room where
he was iirrestJd wtro fund a complete
counterfeltlnir outllt , coimUtlnp ot moulds
and acids. There were ten | iu pieces and
live tlnUhcd J3 pli-ci-B. There were also
several pieces partly llnlahed.
Prosperity comes ( luickwt to the man
whoso liver Is in good condition. DeWltt's
Llttlo U'arly HIscra are famous little pllla
( or constipation , bllloiuneui , Indigestion and
all stomach and liver troubles.
Places in Mnrssilles Mada Famous by
Dumas' ' Hero , Edmund Dantis.
SCCIICM Toilny AlinoMt Uxnollj-
il liy II it inn N The
It ii Kuril Olinlnui il'IT
llliI'll lu Cut At.
One of tl'c most Interesting things In following -
lowing Dumas' footsteps about ' .Marseilles as
: ic makes them known In "The Count of
Monte Crlslo , " Is the finding that the old
city Is precisely the same now ns ho de
scribed It at the opening of the story , on
the 21th of I'cbruary , 1815. Of course It ha
Brown since then , writes a coirespontlen
of the N'ew York Times , but the growth ha
been outlaid toward the surrounding hills
There uns no big breakwater In those days
but Its coming has not changeJ the surround
Ings of Old I'ort fu the least. Hero or
Catalans , the Cnnncblore , the Alleo Glcll
han , and the Chateau A'lt , Just as ho dc
scribes them. The buildings of the Canne
blere anil the Alleo Aiellhan may bo newe
and larger , but they are In the same general
oral style. The only change Is the taking
away of a big chain that formerly guartUi
the narrow entrance to the harbor. "A
n shout from the boat the chain that close
the mouth of thn port was lowered , and Ii
a second they -ucre outside the harbor. '
There Is no such chain there now , but old
residents tell mo that such was once th
To step ashore with IDJmuml Dantcs , th
embryo count of iMonlo Crlsto , as h
slopped ashore on that February day In
1S15 , Is to sec the central part of the city
as It Is today. Ills vessel , the Pharaoh
' - --S - '
- V-
dcrtaking ono that In a measure requires
the resources of a general to cope with It.
The man who Is entrusted with the practi
cal work of creating this miniature world
Is Samuel Henshaw , president of the New
York Horticultural society , and for many
years director of the extensive greenhouses
of Columbia college. Ills work ot changing
the face of the surrounding landscape on
the Bronx river Is Interesting In the ex
treme. Concerning It ho sa\ :
"Tho now garden Is most favorably situ
ated In that it Includes almost every condi
tion of soil , exposure or protection required
for plants in the temperate zone. Within
this tract of JGO ! acres along the Bronx are
rocks , swamps , rich loam , sand , gravel anJ
clay. This variety ct soils will simplify our
work , since it will not be necessary to make
much of the ground , and It will give us a
greater range ttoan is possible la meat
"Curiously enough , one of the desirable
features that is lacking In most of the exist
ing botanic gardens Is that of a natural
forest. Wo have already a forest of hem
lock and deciduous trees which occupies
about sixty-five acres along the Bronx.
This will be left undisturbed , both for
esthetic and practical reasons. The remainIng -
Ing 200 acres , however , will bo almcst en
tirely transformed. Directly across the river
tiom the present forest about seventy acres
will be devoted to deciduous trees. Many
species uro already standing : here , and these
will be Increased by planting to Include some
275 others. The transformation of this sec
tion will be gradual. Young trees will be
planted In the open spaces , and as they
grow up the older ones will -bo cut down to
make room for them. This section will re
quire llttlo attention aside from abundant
watering and some slight fertilizing , for the
ground Is already fit for the trees that will
iba planted there. Only tlmo can make a
fort-st. "
Though It la the policy of the men In charge
of this work to disturb the trees already
standing the grounds as little as po-alble ,
there are some places where tlie laying
out of driveways or dlggltig of trenches
makes It necessary to remove some of the
full-grown trees already stand'ng there. This
does not neccrtarlly mean the dcatructlon of
the trees , for it Is pofelble to transplant
oven an ancient oak wlt'oout killing It.
Croat care la r > aco.'sary for this work , how
ever. A big hole IB dug out on the spot
( elected for Uio treo'anew home. A platform
derrick Li built arouid the tree Itself , and
then the earth 1 carefully dug away from
about Iho roots. Aa the dirt Is removed
from under the larger roola 110 tree is Jacked
up , just as a house Is when It Is to bo moved ,
When all the roots are clear thu tree Is care
fully let down to HID giound and drawn by
ino.ins cf a truck to the now site , where It
Is again roUed by means of the derrick ; the
wet earth la potindeJ doun about its roots ,
and the tree goes < i growing , unices , as
rarely happens , It dies of honiealckcicss.
Ao Interesting oart of the now work Is the
building or tha bog garden , The ground wan
partially prepared for thU years ago , befcce
cnybody thought of turning the place Into a
great vegetable exposition , and \\.ien all
these acres along the Bronx wcro In the
possession of the Lorlllnrrt family. A Jam
was built across the Bronx , backing up Iho
water for raoro than a mile , overflowing
tovcral acres and tuuilng them into a swair.o ,
In order I" ) get the varying degrees of
moisture required for dlffcrrnt klnda cf
Ewamp growths , a part of this will be
drained. The unainp Is divided Into small
tracts. In the center of rniAi of thuso an
oxcavJtlcn Is riado , which extends down
through the solid stratum cf clay several feet
below the HWfare. Small trenches will lead
to each of tliwo and this arrangement will
permit the ground to bo drained nearly dry or
to bo Hooded at will , Hero will bo orchids ,
inoszos nilil berries In greater prolusion than
can bo found In our wildest awamos.
Further up along a llttlo brook which runs
through the gardcu a low-lying Meld of elx
acres Ic being excavated to a depth of ten
feet and will bo turned Into a ttialn or small
lakes , where all kinds of aquatic plants ecu
tx > grown. The water In tl.oso lakes will be
prevented from draining off by the hard clay
nt the bottom and by rocks along the tide ,
which will bo reluforccd where the damn are
built by water cement. These lukcs will bo
fed from natural streams and with their
profusion of natucal ilowers will form ono of
ttio most attractive epots In the whole garden ,
Vor such plants as require neil for their roots ,
although growing in ttio uater mud and
lilt , will be placed in the bottom ot the Lake
outdoor section there Is a scene of equal
activity in the office.of the Botanic museum ,
In the old" Columbia college bullillngs. Here
thousands of specimens of plants , gathered
from all over the world , are 'being ' sorted
out , mounted acid labeled. Of course It will
bo Impossible to ihegln stocking the green
houses until they are completed , but the
museum will start ca Its career with one
of the moat complete botanical collections
In existence. This will Include the 650,000
specimens now Ini the possession of Colum
bia , and 100,000 others gathered by the
olllcers of the mueeum since the botanical
garden was provided for. The museum al
ready has Its correspondents In every quarter
of the globe , and whenever a new ( specimen
of vegetable life Is discovered It Is at once
soot to them. Last summer the museum
t-cnt out an expedition which made un ex
haustive collection of the flora of the north
west , and It Is plcancd to send out similar
expeditions every season. In the heteroge
neous collection now piled In the museum
ofilco awaiting classification > ire 30,000 speci
mens gathered In California last summer ,
; > ira of queer preserved fruits from Bolivia
and Peru , and a general collection made
up of odd species , similes of which have
been < sent In from different correspondents.
" .Most of the collections In the museum , "
sa js Prof. Brltton , "will be- open to Inspec
tion and accessible at all times. We wish
to make the museum of general practical
value , so that , for example , a man who
wishes to Identify some oJd or unusual plant
can take It to the museum and at once
duplicate It from our collection. Wo hope
to make It so complete that a student who
wants to make an exhaustive study of the
flora of Arizona will go , not to Arizona , butte
to our collection , where ho will find In small
comraea everything that he seeks. " This Is
a comprehensive aim , certainly , but there
Is llttlo doubt that In time it will bo
realized ,
The New York botanic garden la of about
tha same filzo as the Kcw gardm In Lon
don. Since the latter have been In existence
for a century and a quarter many of the
trees which are full grown there will ap
pear In the new garden only os shrubs for
ni'.ijy years to come. In Its natural dlvernlty
and the variety of Itu soils , however , -the New
York garden enjoys a decided advantage over
Kew , as Dr. Morris , ttio director of the Lon
don Institution , admitted on his visit to thlo
country last year. In tlmo New York should
have the greatest bpjqnlc garden Vii exist
ence , as she will from the start have the
came In from Smyrna , Trieste and Naples
If you go down and stand 'by the mouth o
the harbor jou will see vessels coming in
from Smyrna , Trieste and Naples this
morning ; It ia still a dally occurrence. The
port lookouts signaled that she was com
Ing. They were on the summit of the high
hill ot Notre Dame , where the signal poles
still are the same poles , very likely. "The
Idlers congregated on the waterside to see
her come Into her mooring place. " They
are still there , these Idlers. Perhaps not thi
same ones , but able successors , as rank am
unwashed a crow ot Turks , Corslcans
Italians , Spaniards , Greeks , as ever wept a
the sight of a cake of soap. The region o
the Old Port Is one of the greatest am
most unsavory loaferlcs In southern Europe
"Dailies passed through the town , ai'ie
landtag , to Mcllhan'a Alley , where he entered
a small house. " Then ho had not far to go
At the head of the Old Port Is a bread , opei
space , paved with stone , called the Qua ! dc
la Fraternlte. ( It is there that the Idleca
gather In greatest force ) . Canneblere
the greatest street in the world ( If you take
the Marseilles opinion of It ) , begins at the
qual and i-ucis Inland for three blocks. This
Is the heart of the city , and the street tha
every Marselllals prides himself upon. "Is
there anything Ilko It elsewhere ? Have yoi
anything to compare with It in New York ? '
But you must remember that.Marseilles Is
locally believed to bo a much greater town
than Paris. "It Paris had ono or two streets
Ilko the Canneblere then It might talk. " The
Canneblere's pavements are wide , but naviga
tion through it Is difficult and unoleasajit.
It Ia well lined with cafes that do most of
their business on the sidewalks and nil them
with tables and chairs. Covering a whole
block , on ono side is Uio "Hotel do I/ouvro
et do Ia Palx , " the largest hotel south of
Paris. The Idlers on the qual , when they tire
of watching the ships , vary the monotony by
a stroll through the Canneblere. It gives an
idea of the truth to say that they scent the
air with garlic. TSicy are steeped la It , soaked
In it , wrarncd In It , ns In a mantle. The
omell la so overpowering that strangers gen
erally avoid the Can > neblero us much as pos
sible. And In going along the street thave
iwplo remind mo of a cow on a rallrcad
track , who does not know enough to turn
out either for her own comfort or the trains.
Not tlxit they do huntlc you or act badly
but they do not know'which way to turn
It Is only another Illustration of the old sayIng -
Ing that ono countryman takes moro room on
Iho sldownlk than four city neonlo.
But wo were follow In'g "Edmund Dan tea to
the Alleo Mellhan. Aftcr-tbeCanneblero runs
through Us three blocks It becomes the Rue
Noullles , which is precisely the same length.
And at Us upper end the Rue Noallles
becomes the Alleo Mellhan , " which is a little
longer than cither of 1(8 ( predecessors. The
name Is misleading , when utod In our tongue ,
as In French It may mean not only an alley
but a walk , an avenue. The Alleo Mollhan
Is by no means an alley iirour'Bonne , but a
flno , broad street , nearly , JJT. quite as wide
ns the Cannoblcro , with a narrow park run
ning through the middle'To follow this
street of many names a llttlo further , wo
corns Into the Boulevard dola Magdelelne.
and then Into the Chemln ( or road ) do Notre
Oardo do St. Julien , the whole forming the
chief thoroughfare from the jjea to the hills.
Crosalng It at right angles , between the
Canncblero end the Rue Js'oalllcs is the Cours
llelsunce- , and theae two thoroughfares form
tho'skeleton of the city of MarEclllre. Dantcs
went Into the house and climbed tone , fllghtu
of btalrs to his father's apartment. So they
hod high buildings In tlipsp days , as tliuy
hove now , and lived In flats , everybody lives
In flats In .Marseilles. There arc some sepa
rata houses on the Prado and on the Corn I die ,
but they are only summer residences for the
wealthy ; In winter even the wealthy mpve
back to tholr Hats In town'and keep their
shutters so tightly closed at night you would
think every house deserted. So the elder
Dailies lived In the " 3mo etago , " as they call
It here. When the joungstcr entered the
house ho was in the "n-z-do-chaueseo , " or
ground floor ; when ho climbed one flight ho
came to the entresol ; the next flight carried
him to the first otage , or floor ; the third to
the Eccond etage , the fourth to the third
otuBo. That Is precisely the arrangement of
the houses of the Alleo Mellhan at this day ,
and of moit of the Mersellles houses. Tbo
ground floor Is a shop , the entresol Is for
olflces , and people begin to live at the top of
thooecond flight.
Having first visited his aged father , as In
duty bound , Dantcs hastened out to the Cata
lans to see hla sweetheart , Uio beautiful
Mcr..cile > i § , "Tje Ottilia s te a small half- '
Mm Ish. hrtif ? pan nh village , peopled by a
ri'C which do s not Intermix with that nt
! M. wliks U has but a single street. In
I which n small house contained a beautiful
; rlrl. " Theic again ho hid not far to go. .
lAftrr passing the entrance to the old port ,
guarded on the south by Fort St. Nicholas ,
the land Juts out Into a broad point , upon I
which Napoleon III built ha ! Pharo palace , '
since corvertcd Into a school. And
Just around the point , al the beginning of the
Cornlchc road , U the Catalans. It has grown ,
since the days of Dantce , having eight streets
now Instead ot one ; but It U still n village of
small houses , looted with red tiles , Inhabited
principally by fishermen nnd Spanish workmen - .
men ; nnd n very romantic-looking place. |
Dantes did not let the grass grow under ,
his feet. Arrived In Marseilles on one day '
( a Monday , let us say ) , on Tuesday afternoon - |
noon ho was In the Catalans house wltTi hit )
sweetheart , expecting to bo married In an
hcilr and a half.
"Every difficulty has been removed , " ho
said , "We have purchased permission ; and
at half-past 2 o'clock the mayor of Marseilles
will be v.alting for us. " Then comes an
other touch of nature , when he added that
ho waa off for Paris , nnd could go and return
In eight dajs. There was no railroad then ,
but he who would go to Paris now In one
day and return the next must take the
other six days to recover ifrom the effects
of the wearisome Journey , so it Is much the
sauio thine-
But the mayor of Marseilles had a long
wait. Dantes was arrested , thrown Into
prison , taken before the public prosecutor ,
and eventually carried to the Chateau d If ,
where he was destined to remain In a dun
geon for fourteen years. It Is in the Chateau
d'lf. of course , that the chief local Interest
In the story centers. Hero It stands today
on Us rocky Island In the harbor , not only
as It stood In the doys of Monte Crlsto , but
as It had stood for centuries before that.
U Is Impossible , after seeing It , to Imagine
that anything about It has been changed.
When Dantcs was In the small boat In
which the soldiers were taking him to thin
castle , "they had loft the lighthouse on the
right , and were now opposite Point Catalans ,
it seemed to the prisoner that he could dis
tinguish n female form on the beach , for it
was there Mercedes dwelt. "
The wstle stands about two miles from
shore , on a calcareous rock which , aftci
cropping out of the water forming the Isle
d'lf , crosses the harbor under water and
appears on Shore In the great hill that is
crowned by the Church of Notre Dame do
la Garde. Small historical steamboats make
frequent trips from the old port to the ccs-
tlo , particularly on Sundays and fete days ,
but It is useless to try to go when , the
mlatral Is blowing or the sea Is at all rough.
The only wharf of the island Is a natural
one of rock , and In rough weather the little
boats would be dashed to pieces If they
trldo to make a landing.
Castle d'lf was built In 1524 for a state
prison , and has held many distinguished
prisoners ; but Its chief claim to Immortality
lies In the prisoner who never was thero.
the count ot Monte Crlsto. The fame that
neither Louis Philippe nor the- Man In the
Iron Mask could give It , Dumas gave It with
his pen. And If It was as haid for prison-
era to get out of as It Is for visitors to
get into , It must have been the safest
prison in the world. There are no obstruc
tions in the way of red tape ; no permits to
be obtained or passports shown ; the ob
structions are worse than that. In the shape
of slippery rocke to traverse. Impossible
atone stairs to climb , fields ot broken stone
to cross. In four centuries no commandant
of the place has had sufficient energy to
rn.ike a safe path to the landing place.
iAs the boat approaches the rock Uio
water is seen to bo as transparent as the
crystal water of the Caribbean sea. Every
rock on the bottom , every1 cluster of marine
growth , every lusty tin can , Is distinctly
visible. It Is twenty or thirty feet deep
at the landing place , but so clear It scorns
as If you might reach down and pick n
pebble from the bottom. The boatmen put
out a plank and you step upon the slippery
rocku , and after picking yourself up once
or twice , and enjoying the anger ot the
other fellbwBwho arc doing It too , you
make your way cautiously to the foot of a
set of crude stone steps , and go slowly < up ,
with a rock on ono side and on the other
a heavy stone wall pierced with slanting
silts for m > jket firing , till you come to a
gate , which stands open. Passing through
the heavy gateway , you climb a long ( series
of steps that are not close together , like
stairs , so that you can step from one to
the other , tout separated by steep inclines
of slippery rock or pla&ter , each Incline five
or six feet wide so that after ascending
ono step you crawl up an Incline Ilko a
sleep and slippery roof before you come to
the next step. At the top of this Is another
solid gate , also standing open ; and once
within this pecond gate you arc fairly In the
precincts of the castle. Then it Is only
necessary to climb over a few rocks and
cross 100 yards of sharp boulders before you
reach the last three or tour steps , which
carry you to the drawbridge.
The moat Is deep and broad , but there
Is nothing to show that it ever contained
twenty , and the inner ones have no opening
rock fifty feet "above the tea , without the
aid of a steam pump. But creasing th (
ibrldgo you scon reach the great door , whlcl
Etanjs open like the rest , and pasa througl :
a little tunnel Into the stone-paved court
yard of the castle. This court Is , perhaps ,
fifty feet square , with a blg | wollciirb in the
middle ; and when you look over the edge
ot the curb you see that It leads to an Im-
meiU'o tank , capable of holding enough
water for a garrison. This Is the ground
floor of the castle. On every ulJo'aro solid
wooden doors well studded with Iron , and
every door leads to a dungeon. Not i
subterranean dungeon of the kind that Im
cginatlon usual ! ) ! pictures to us , with snails
and lizards crawling through the slime.
Theae dungeono are all above ground , and
the floor of every one Is as dry as a chip.
The reck Is the floor , and they would bo
olmply good largo cells if they ImJ some
light. But the outer ones have only a
llttlo slit In the wall about four Inches by
water. It could not well have , cut in the
at all but the door.
Many of the dungeon doora uro labeled
with the names cf prisoners who ihavc lived
wlthfa ; and as you enter by the big portal
and turn tharp to the left , you aeo the door
way labeled " 'Monte Crlsto. " .It la a llttlo
ewer t'hcci the other doora , and ecnslder-
ably wider. Upcn going In , you find your
self In * dark room , perhaps twelve feet
aiuaro and about eight feet lurfli , floor , waln !
ani colXng all of atone , no furniture but an
ran ring set Ir , the wall , and so durk ( bit a
csMdlo Is nece&sary. Th'lB , however , la only
ho unlcrcom to tbo dungeon. In tha further
corner , to the left ; the atone flocr slopes down
.irco or four feet , rd BO makes ucccra to a
Icor leading to nn Inner rcom , The Inner
room Is smaller , lower , end much darker.
Without u. candle you could not see your
.and befcre your face In It. But this Is the
tlonto Crlt'to ' dungeon , TUG to the left uuU
lold your undlo dawn , trd ) ju COB near tCie
leer a small hole In the wall , big einugh for
a man to crawl through , On tic floor be
neath It lies the big atone that w > s taken out
o make the Ii6e ! , "Hut is the atone that
. [ onto Cr.'nto ' removed- give him access to
ho cell of 'Father ' r-iria , the wlso priest wv.o
old him the &eciet ol 'the millions hidden
an Monte Crlsto Island. It you uro advcn-
urcuoly Inclined , yqu CMI crawl through
Alto the price's cell * WV.Cilng to leave a
Ittlo Biirprlto for yen when you come your-
eT ! , I did not go. through ,
Tiid Is all exMbltoJ' ' by me attendants an
ho lac. t o3mact ! , even to oxp'.ain'.ig '
low Monte Crlsto dux the big stone cut with
. fish bnc. I thlnkj too , that thay really be-
levo It. It w.uld bo too much * o aak
t them tt'H ' tliey rhould knsw that .Mane
CrUto never lived anywhera but in the brain
of Alaxaadre Dutnus , Ho was n reil per-
on to them ; If you doubt Le story , there's
ho hole. Dunun evidently visited the place
) eforo wrU-'ug hLi bcok , for ho glvca an ac-
iii ate description cf It In every retpc-ct but
ue. After Dir.tcu had been refractory In
lu first cell , ho wa.i removed to tCie dungeon.
"Ho dc Codd fifteen steps , and the door
Ca dungc D was opened , and he uas thruat
n. "
If 6a ! first cell WIB In the second tier , open-
ng oft the atone gallery , that description
ould answer. He could then have descended
ftacn steps to the. ground floor , down the
( airway. But there Is no otSicr place to de-
ccuil. The part I have been dcacrlbln ? la
lie ground floor of the castle , the main floor ,
nd , all above ground. Tuere are no subter
ranean works whatever , nothing below tbo
surface of the rock except the water tank.
These ground floor dungc ina Are tomb-like
ctvjjgh , without gel g lower. But wliat struck
mo particularly about them , aside from tholr
gloom , was the fact that they arc all per
fectly dry. There IP no moisture on floors or
fr-alls. A man could epend ye.irs In one of
ticm < s healthfully ns In most cells.
The etwie gallery I mention Is rea'hcl by
a solid stone Malrnay on the nlde of the.
court opposite Hie entrance. It rests upon
Iron beams and hafc a , heavy wrought Irca
rail , but Is floored with stone. This conduc.s
to the upper tnd by far the better part of the
castle. The ecore or more of heavy doors
open Into largo stone apirtments that a
llttlo furnishing would easily convert into
li i'd.omo . rooms. The ono occupied at coo
tlmo by Louis Philippe , duke ot Orleans
anl father of the king of the same name , la
twenty or twenty-five feet square and very
lofty , It has o chimney and fireplace , and the
mantel wns evidently handsomely carved , but
the stcoo has crumbled. These upper rooms
apparently wcro kept for prlscncis of dis
tinction. Some of Iho doors bear the names ,
besides the one marked Louis Philippe , of
Albert del Campo , Bcrnardot , the brothers
Serrcs , the Man In the Iron Mask , the Couot
do ' .MlMlieau , Abbo Perettl and Desmazures.
Some of .these . wcro tukin to Paris to be
guillotined ; but others , and m > iy more be
sides , wcro aroused In the dend of night nnd
conducted to the llttlo death chamber below ,
an Interior cell about flvo feet by ten , and
hardly high enough to stand upright In , where
the guillotine stood ready.
TinStriuiKu Story of .liilni KnrrlitR-
( OII'N I.oiu'ly l.lft\
SIcn have declared John Farrliig'.on to have
been a miser. In that bourne to which 3io
has gone , perhaps , It will be said of him that
ho wua. unselfish Perhaps In the future the
poor will say that John Farrlngtoo was their
For more t'lan a quarter of a century , re
lated the Globe-Democm't , this queer man ,
who died In Mullo.iphy hoi'pltal Friday , lived
InSt. . Louis , always ulona and always In a
elnglo room that wis very meagerly fur
nished. Twenty-five ) years ago ho was a porter
at the eld Pointers' house , and then for a
tlmo ho ran < i 'olgur a tan elIn that .hoi'.clry ,
but for almost twenty years he has done
nothing but care for houses that ho owned
and rented. Disease came upon him , and fore
o , tlmo ho lay In his cheerless room at 1800
North Twentieth s'ireet with no ono but tils
tenants to minister to his wonts. Tuesday
! io consented to be removed to Mullanphy
hospital , where ho died Frldiy with the crora
pressed to his lips.
When the public administrator searched his
room ho found tiiat ho was a man of consid
erable property. There was a bank book
showing n balance of $2.000 , and deeds to
property on Twentieth , Howard mid Caroline
streets , and Glasgow and Wells avenues ,
which will proLably make his estate amount
to $20,000 or ? 25,000. No will was found , but
it Is practically certain there Is one , and
that the property .has been devised to some
Catholic order which will apply it to the re
lief of t4io poor.
The neighbors can glvo very llttlo Information
mation cuicertiing John Farrlngton. They
eay that ho was a " 'close" men , bu't ' did not
owe any one , nor did ho ever extort any
inonsy from any cne , ior oppress the poor.
Ho was worre to .himself than to any en ? .
Ho spent hardly mcoey enough upon clothing
to keep his body covered. His appearance
wca that of a pauper , but piety was written
In every line of ( his face. Ho wus G2 years
old when ho died , and for years be hud been
the odd character of 'Iho neighborhood. Tiose
who lived near MW him on his way to St.
Leo's church to worship more often than
they saw him on any other mlwlcn. His
only otner occupation was to keep his houses
In repair and collect the rent from them.
Religion was John Farri'gtcn's solo com
fort 'in life. He had r.D relatives except a
brother In Peoisylvunla , who did not need
any assistance from him. He Ciad never been
married , and about the only love that had
entered into his life was lo cru Cod anj the
broad love of the humanitarian. A't the cele
bration of every mass In St. Leo's church
John Farrlngton wus found kneeling In his
pow. The great rule ot his life was self-
A few elays before ills death the old man
spoke these words to cne of his ter.ants : "I
bellcvo that a man should live for .his fellow-
men. I want the money ' .hat I have ac
cumulated In my life to go to the aid of
' { he pcor. I believe that every man who has
no family should make a will to Mils effect
while ho Is still in good .health. "
From those words the conclusion has been
drawn that tharo is a will in cxls'cnce , anj
that it Is for the benefit of some benevolent
The only thing tuat 'ihe neighbors .held
against 'ho old' man was tl.ut ho was ac
customed to ask the pollco to drive the
bpys away from his corner when they would
congregate there. Ho said ' ( .hat their noise
dlflturbei his meditations. The boys forgive
him now , and say that ho was childish and
bore no ill-will agalcist them.
The llfo of John 'Farrlngton ' presents the
scorning paradox ot a miser-philanthropist. cause cf his choice to live alone Is hidden
ina mja'.ery which was sealed by his death.
Hotr nil Ollli'o Scrkur Gut a .Tnli mill
n Promotion.
" 'Nothing succeeds like success , ' and per
severance Is the mother of success , " said a
young member of the senate the other day
ns a preface to the following story retold to
the New York Tribune correspondent. "A
certain woman was discharged from ono cti
the departments lest spring , for good nnd
sufficient reasons , I thought , and when pho
came to aek my aid to get her reinstated 1
flatly and bluntly taM I would do nothing
to help her. She went away , only to appear
the next day. I sent her off again without
any encouragement , but , undaunted , she
came again the day following , and lor more
than n week she kept three visits up , until
I finally Instructed the doorkeeper that I was
never to be In when she called ,
"U wns several months before 1 saw her
again , when suddenly she bobbed up as I
was walking through the rotunda ono day ,
and Joined me. t walked nn quickly as 1
could to the senate , not listening to what
she said until I hr-ard 'and I want you to
help me get a promotion. '
" 'Help you get a promotion ] ' I exclaimed.
'Why , you haven't got n position > et , have
you ? '
" 'Certainly , ' she replied , 'but it only pays
mo nlno hundred , and I am anxious to got
twelve. '
' "And you have got a position ? ' echoed I.
'Pray tell mo how yon got'It. ' for then 1 was
Interested and noxious to hear tie noty ! , BB
I know all the men In congrcsa whom she
iiad a right to count on had absolutely re
futed to help her.
" ' \VcllJ responded she , 'I got my i > nsUlon
Just as I Intend to get niy proni : > : lo-n b )
persovortnce. When 1 found I could not , by
hook or crook , sea you any more I went to
the commlsalcncr of pa.cuts. Ho turned mo
beautifully , and , as ho , effectively
down ; but 1 appeared the next day and the
next , until , like ) ou , he Instructed his door
keeper that he wns never ut liomo when 1
" 'Then I 'took to waiting for Um 'n ' the
corridor , nnd It was a week or moro before
I caught him. "Couldn't slop , " 'he Mid ; w.\s
"Just Roog ! out. " Ho didn't return for th > ce
hours , but I wat'ted , and he found me on his
return. "Important engagement In his
office" this time. It waa two hours before ho
came out again , I was theic.
" " "Come in , " ho eald , In desperation ,
"Now , tell mo wliat It Is you wait. "
" ' "A position , " I answered.
" ' "Haven't I told "
you a thousand times ,
lie asked , timt I have not a place I can give *
you ? "
" ' "Yes , " I nrwvercd , "nnd I shall vnlt
hero every day until you elo have OPP. "
" ' "Is there no way under the sun of Rotting -
ting rid of you ? " lie queried.
No nay but by Riving mo a position , "
I answered.
it 1 give you ft position , will you premIse -
Iso never tei come into my ofllco flRaln as long *
ns I nm here ? " * '
" "Certainly. " I eald. "You glvo mo * *
position , and you shall SOP no moro of me. " x >
" ' And -so It ended. Now , I Intend to adopt
the same ; tactics with you , but If you help mo
get rt promotion 1 will promise never to im-
noy you again , even if I nm dismissed to
make way for n Counsel- and handsomer
woman. '
"To niako n long story short , eho got her
promotion. As she I * \\omnii of her word ,
1 never expect to bo troubled by her again ,
nnd I nuict confess that I feel I bought my
peace cheaply. "
The greatest p > iln anulhllator ot the ngo It
filiation Oil. It always curca.
< liiintiONO | TrntiMtMtrtVrioUril ,
VtCTOlUA , 11. C. . .Inn. 12.-I.atcst nil-
vices from the Orient state Hint tha
.Japanese transport steamer Nara , ot
2f 00 tons , bound to the l'cccndotewns
wrecked on Doe-ember II , nnd nbout eighty
lives lost. The only survhors were llva
seamen \vlio were ple-ki-d up by the steamer
Mnldsum Jini-ii , Caiitaln Ynsudu of tlio navy anil nine rmlets were ninong
the mlpslnc. The vessel ctiuck an un- '
uhaited rock , the rnrgo .shifted nnd tbo shin
\\ent to the bottom.
SALT niinrti ct'itnu uiiirK _
Or. AKIIOW'H Ointment euroa Salt Ithcum
nnd all ItchliiK or binning skin diseases in
n dny. One iippllcatlon : lves almost In
stant roller. 1'Vr ItcMliiK. llllnd or inertllng
1'lles It stands without u peer. Cures in
three to six nUhtM. 85 cents TM. Kuhn \
Co , , mill and Uou i. > 9 Bheimnn & McConnell -
nell 1)1 UK Co. , IMS Dodi .
tV H
I , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannis , Massachusetts ,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same
that has borne and does " * *
now / $ s/tTsTT , ? . ° n every
bear the fac-simile signature of & attyx7&&tf4 { wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it fa
the kind you have a/ways bought . - on the
and has the signature of CJit&syj { / /&fe& wrao-
per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex
cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H , Fletcher ia
March 8 , 1897.
: wrcir. civ.
Are You Bearing a Secret Burden Because W $ % ®
of Sexual Weakness ,
Every man Ruffcrlnji from tbo effects of youthful folly or later excesses restored to IM.Kt KOT
IIFAI.'rM AM ) vfGOlt. 1'rcmnturo Decline , Lout Manhood , Hperrnatcrrhcea. Emissions , nnd oil mid Weaknesses nf Man. from whatnvcrrnuno , permanently anil privately cured.
Send tbo famous I'll YSIUIANH' BNHTITUTl ! . of ChlcuRn. ndcBCflptlein of your trouble , with"
oentfl for poetnco and pnoklnz , nnd our eminent nhjoMnns will prcparo for you a conrco of racdlcliio of siich
strength us your case may require. Wo Rend It 1VK r.E t Introduce our rcmm Uauk method of treiitmcnt lur
lx ) i Manhood. No QuatUer' or C. O. U. Kraud. Wo hnvo theiuratula of thnnktul Ictlern that prnlso our
honorable ! , llbenil business methods , us well ns our remarkable quick cures. Wu fc'ivo cured cases that uavo
tallied others. Failure imnusilblo by uur method.
Thousands of weak men who buvo become discouraged after trylni : nil nthpr treatments , have been .
restored to Health and 1'erfcct Manhood within n very short tlmo after nlucliiK Ihciiifolvas ID our hands.
I'rocruBtlnatlon Is dangerous. Do not neglect ye > ur i nsc. Wrlto us today In utnct conlldcncc.
PATTEN , Thomas Co. . Ga.
Sept. 8th , 1897.
I am glad to write you what Wine
of Cardui has done for my wife. She
was confined August 10th. She has
been delicate all her life and was sick
all during pregnancy confined to her
bed u good deal. Three weeks be
fore the baby came I got her some
Wine of Cardui. Her condition at
that time was very serious. She was
so weak she could hardly get up and
down. But she commenced to grow
stronger after taking Wine of Cardui
and kept improving right up to con
finement. She came through that
ordeal safely and has done well since. I think this is remarkable under the circum-
stances. Wine of Cardui ought to be in every family , BENJAMIN ESS.
Mrs. Ess' experience lias been 'duplicated a thousand times. There is no
medicine in the world that makes so many happy families that does as much for
women as Wine of CarduU It strengthens a girl as she steps over into woman
hood. It fits the young married woman for every duty of wifchood and mother
hood. When the turn of life approaches , Wine of Cardui la the right medicine to
use. For all the cares and drains and weaknesses of women there is nothing so
good as this wonderful medicine. Wine of Cardui
can be purchased at any drug store and used LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT.
quietly at home. Every delicate woman should procure For advice In ouoaroqulrlnv ape- .
clal direction * , addrcei.clvln.'icynp.
cure it at once. It will make her strong and healthy. The tomi , C'buttunoova Isidta' .adrticrv VcillclneCo Department , , ,
That will make her husband and children happy. Chattanooga , 'J'tnn ,