Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 13, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    TI1E OMAHA I > All V BEE : TlltmSDAY , JANUARY 1808. It
VTheat Declines In Fnco of Support by
t Loiter Interests ,
iN Vrt * Hie OnljSlronB
renture on ( lit * MnrkM , fl
mi AilMim'e of from 1'Uc
lo 'leu UentN <
C'lIlfAGO. Jan. 12. Wheat today lost nil
lite uiHinee It n mlred yestorilny nml cloacd
ut 1/4i < Sc decline. The market rccchcd some
nii | [ rt from the Lultcr Interests , but weak
tablL ? and general apathy of trmlo resulted
In n decline In spite of thh buying. Corn
dropped 'i'tfKc In flymi-athy. O.its oloicd a
Bhiule low IT. 1'iovlstoiiB were tlio only
Bllong inaikut on tlio Moor and advanced
Op'tilnjT prices for \vhpnt showed a slljsht
( li-tMlne , Mn * . slni tlnp nt DOHt/flO'kc , a" * corn-
pat id with * , e tra ( ! > ' e'.oslnu of ! ) lc. Tlll
was bccnuae Liverpool showed n very Bmnll
tulvnnco In tusjionHc to the Bflln hero yes
terday , and I'nrli opened vvenk nml lower.
'Hie northwestern rerelpUnts ngnln too
heuvy to bo n comfort to bull , nnd small
receipts litre were tlio only circumstance
that they could claim In their favor. Trail-
lnj { was restricted by the icnernl bearish-
llfw of the Hpeculatlvu crowd , which pre
vented thtin from miyininnd th ° lr timid
ity ut the pamu lltnu of bcliiK cnu .lit inert
under the threatening local conditions that
now txlHt Tor a short time after the
am-nlni ; the market did show some strencth.
Urokeri for the I.dtiT Intercut- * were buy
ers nt W < kc unil tilth exumplo In this ro-
piiec-t was followed by som of the small
fry. the price tm a it-suit advancing to
Sil'jc. Htiinoro that the Krenc.i dut > on
Kruln wan about to be reduced were per-
xlitontly cluulattd at the opcntiiR nnd
helped In tin advance. Di-nlils soon became
HO unanimous , however , that the ciowd
dioppcd the tariff reduction ns a motive
for the decline at I'nrli. nnd the market
here eased oft from that time. CnlCTRo re
ceive IS ears .Minneapolis nnd Uuluth re
ceived Vn cars , aiwlnst 3 , " ! on the same
dav of the witk before and 213 the coi-
ro-'pondliiK dn > of lust yctir. The receipts nt
western primary markets were -CO.CO ; ) 1m ,
nualnst J > , , roe bu conespomllriK day of
the jeai before Liverpool advance was
onlj U pi r rent , nnd I'.irls opened from
u eentlintH to 1" ) centimes low > -i. Heerbolim
cabled that Atm-ntlne wheat sold nt , ! . ! a Cd ,
or tin equivalent of JlOO'i , nnd that carsocs
of that whi it wire being fteely offered to
arrive On lhj other hand the Minneapolis
dispatches reltoiated their ( onstnrit theme
of coining suirilt > In that reRlon. The cx-
poit elenranees of wheat nnd lljur from the
Atlantic ports amounted to 115,000 bu. Clos-
Inp cables brought lower quotations from
continental mails'ts , while Uvcrpool closed
about ' 41 ! lowci for the nc-ir futures , Sep-
temliei show Inn > 4d nilvniue I'.uls quated
lloui foi this month's do Iveiylilc lower , nnd
for Murch-Mny , l-'c higher ; vvlicnt. fit lovvej
lei both Imnunllate nnd temote deliveries.
Antwerp 2'ie lower for Amerlenn red nnd
l.ijic ! lower foi Walla Walla. The price of
Maj lluituat'd betvvien OO e and Die for the
creater p-irt of the si sslon , and .it 1 o'clock
was gelling nt We The last fifteen mln-
J utos of the session support almost entirely
dlsipp-'ared and op-rat jrs who hail become
"loner" on the enrl > rieneh rumors had
c-on lilernble dllllciilty In unloullng May
declined quite inpldlv In consequence and
VMIH quoted at 'WVfi'0'f.c nt the close.
Coin v.iu very quiet. The market was
easy at the opening with \vh-at It turned
llrm on the prospects of a cold wave , but
turned easy inuln as wheat declined and
showed weakness for the rest of the ses
sion Scalpers did th pilnclpil buying
Shorts who covered jesteidoy did the sell
ing today Mav ninijed fiom 2''Hc ) to 23c ,
and closed V ( ? % lovvt-i .it 29fi2'4c. ' )
The market for o its vvns slow. Some
firmness was shown nt the opening under
fairly tfood buying by commission houses
nnd on the Rood cash demand , but later
in Ices fell off with wheat ami coin. Mn >
laiiRed from ! ! ! " * to SS'Sic , and closed a shade
lower ut l3'f/2 ! , c.
Provisions weie strong throughout. Much
llRhter receipts of hogs than expectsd
st.uted the market nt small advances all
around. Some reaction followed , but nt the
concessions there were plcntj of buyers anil
a second nnd moro material advance
quickly ensued The maiket was well sup-
poited to the close. Mny pork closed nt
J'MGa Mny hud , .He hlphsr at $4 S , * > and Mny
ilbs , lOo hi-her nt M SD
Ustlmated receipts for Thursday : Wheat ,
37 "cars " , corn 410 cars , oats , -1 cars , hogs
37.CCO head
Lending futures ranged ns follows.
OATS No. 2 , ic , No. 3 white , f. a b . 21
( ffJUiC
m P N 2 43c
HAHI-13\-No 2 , f. o b . 2Sfi"Sc.
, i , voi.riNi [ I , } 1 1DJ1 22' ' , .
TIMOTHY SI3ri-Pilmc. J277'4.
I'HOV IHIONS Mess purlc pel bbl , J9 37V5'J ' ! < > 43.
1 ard pel 100 llw . Jl K. Short ribs sides ( leone ) ,
$1 WSJil 73 llry saltid Fhoulili-ri ( boxcMl ) . $4 75 f
C i ) > bhntt clear sides ( bnxed ) Jl SCffM10
AHlMtY Distillers' llnlshed goals , per gal ,
HIIOAIIS Cut loaf , JO 14 ; gtnnulntcd $3.23
On the Pioduco cxchaiiKO toda ) the butter mar
ket was VMak , cnameilen. liypc. dulrlet llff
17cCheiw , qu't't at kilS' c 13ggs , steady
fre > sh .Mo irt . iM poulti ) tuikcs.
thickens cif c , ilucka , 7ii7l'.o '
t\i3\v A on ic < ; IMH , C
< liniliitloiiN far the ln > oil ( ic- lie nil
( 'Ollllllllllllll'H.
N13W YOHK , Jan 12. rijOl'H Hecelpts , 29-
IHI bbls. , rxpoits , 153 bills ; quiet and about
steady , clt ) mill patents , $3 C3jS 90 , city mill
clear $5 35p5 41. , MlnncbOtn pitent , $500ff530 ,
Mlnncjotu bnkert. ' . 51 204 ? I W , winter straights ,
$4451)4115. winter extras , | 3 4083 93 , winter Jew
grades J.90iii3 X ) Ho Hour , stead ) nt $ . ! 5Q { ?
J JO Ituclcwheat Hour , quiet lit $1 25WI 35-
llt't KWHI3A'I-Hull und usj.
HY13 13isy. NT 2 western , f > 5e
ll.VHI.13Y Steady , fiedlne , 3l'(5c.
II VIII , 13V MAU1 Dull ; western , OU'.iffCOo ' ,
Wlll3AT-llecelpls , S4 975 bu , exports. 72,031
bu , tput , weuk , No. 2 ted , } 1 Ol' ' , Options
opened cas ) under cable news , r nil ltd sharpl ) on
Fciittued covering piumpted b ) u strong home
sltuiitlon and better lute cables but broke badly
neir tht > cloto under icnllzlng and the small expert -
port Hade , closing ' . .5ic net lower , Januai ) ,
tb\WUS 11 KK' , closed Oie , Ma ) , 92092 11-lCc ,
closed S21.C
COHN-ltecelpts , 7. 150 bu , expoits 27,671 bu ,
spot , mead ) , Ni > 2 , 3l\c Options opened steady
und advanced with wheat , llnull ) ii'iictlng uiiilfr
prospective- colder w cut her nnd Increased re
ceipts , cloning ' , c net lower , Jumuirj closed at
32V. Mas. Siysi o , o'owd Sic
OATrt llec-i Ipts , lll.wW bu . exiiorts , W 093 bu. .
spot dull , No , 2 , 28 * > iC Optluns were quiet Ului
barely stead ) , closing unchanged to Via net
IIUMI. Muy closed at 25'ic
HAY Quiet , fchlpplii , ' , 23845o , good to choice ,
TO { 73c-
HOPS Steady ; state , common to choke , 1S93
crop , IffSo , lfcXi ! crop. 7fl9c , 1897 crop , ICOlSo ; Pa.
cilia exist UM crop , 48t > o , 1SW3 crop , lij-Jo. 1W7
irup ICiTlTc
Hll)13h Steady , ( InUoston , 13o , Texjs dry. 12c ;
Cullforiihi nulktf ,
U3ATIH3H-Queti ! hemlock sole , Iluenos
A ) res. heavy , 80Wf2H4e
WOOI/-Stcady. tleece .MffSlr. pulled Texas , IS
PHOVIblONS-lleef , llrm , family , $11 00811 50 ;
extra , mem , JS-OOSSD , b ef hams Ji2COij2250 ;
packet , $9 lf ( 10 ( XX Cut meat * , steady , pickled
bellies , JSOOflo.OO , pleMed shuuldeis , (500 ; pickled
Imma. $700. J ard , Him , vveMern steam , (510 ,
It'llned , llrm Pork , llrmj m g. 13 000901 ; short
clear. J5.76tfll.T5 , fimllj. tlOOOOlOCO Tallow ,
dull , tou try , 3i | J3o , city , 3 o
OHwWtUvkum , dull , United MUc. Houln ,
firm , rTiuliiwI. common to good $1 IJffl 45. Tur.
penttne , llrmcr ut 3IU3I'- ' Cottonseed , quiet ,
Itrni and lirld higher. prline crude , ll'o ; prime
crude f o , b mills. ISiilCc , prime summer Jel.
low S'i He' , off tunirnvr ) ello 2.e , butler oil , 21
4f27c , prlnio ulutvr ) llow , iT U kHo.
M13TAl i The N w York metal marltet Is varl-
ubla with a neuk general uude-rtone , Tha Metal
culU vlf Iron VMnmnU very dull ut
JAM Lid tnd | ID nkcil Lake r ppcr cntlnr
lit $10 bid $1095 k d. Tin nrmcr at SUM
bid , HIM n kfcl ( * filter , nil 1ft nnd unchnnrM
nt J3W bid 1400 finkcil and ! < > .id nrak nt 13 CO
bid , $ l < w kfl The nrm that fixes the fettllnif
price * for mine ; * nnd tmelte.s calls the kail
market weak at $3 'jJ.
Itiri- Quiet , fair to extra , 4 < , ifl6V > c , Japan ,
MOI.ASSI3S-Qu-t | : New O leans , open kettle ,
good to crtoke , 2MJlc.
Conillllon of Trnittnnd Qnoliitlonn
mi S I n | il c iiinl I'n no ) I'roiluuu ,
KaOS-Strlctl ) fresh , ! S J19c.
IlUTTKH-Common to fair. l Cllc : choice to
fancy. 14B1V , K-pnrator crcamer > , 21c ; Eatlicrcd
creamery , IsyiJc.
VHAIrtiolce fut , SO to 120 lb * > . , quoted at Bo ;
largo and conrse 4IJSC.
Ilil3Ssr.l > POUMHY-Chlckens , Cfl7c ; tur
keys , 1'Cllc , geefc , V ; , durki , 7He
UAMI3 Small rnbblt , per doz , WflWc ; largo ,
per do$1 00 ; squirrels eoi oc >
PlOI.ONri hive , * c. U ad ulgcons not wantrd.
HAYttplmd , tUlfi ; mlillanil , r..M ; lowland ,
$3M , re straw , II. coloi makes the price on
ho ) ; light b-ili-i sell the best : only tap crndej
brine top prices
Vt30l3TADL13S >
QUINCI3S Cnlltointa , per box , > I.2J.
CKhiilV-Uooa slock , large. 4jc ; small , XQ
ONIOXS-Por liu. , C3c.
CA lilt MilO'Xd stock , per 11) . , lUc.
POTATO ns-Home grown. C0 53c ; western
stock. , uc.
APPI.I31 ? Winter stock , lit * ) : California Belle.
lleur , boxen , $1.00 ; Colorado Jotiullmns , boxes ,
1 , j , Oregon , boxesI1.2 *
rHANIII3IMUI3iV-Jp-sev-i. | per btl , $7 2-.fl7.-.0 ,
WNconsin Ilell nnd llusle. > 7B ] 77J. Wl con ln
Hi'll nnd Cherry , JC.M
aitAPhrniawbai. . C-lb. haslets , HClSo ; Mai-
ngas. $3rogO.O'i.
rnopicAL. rnuiTs
-I-Vl'C60S7ooICSltOlB' ' ; 3 < COOIl00 ! California , 360.
„ ! ' . A NA8 Choice , large stock , per bunch , $2 00
02.23 , medium slrcl bunches. $1.7a2.00.
NVT rrAIm.ontll' ! ' 1vr lb- " " ' , l'f/13c.
small. Hi , uraxlli , per lb. , 9SUU > - ; Kngilsh wall
nuts , per lb . ratio soft shell , btflie. stand-
anl-i , ric , Illberls , per lb . 10e ( prcuns , pnll hed ,
mrdum , C f7c , extra large , -iiu lirju irkoiy
nutj , $1 OOffl 10 per bu , small , Jl 23J1 33 per bu
' l o
ed lOfc.1
-Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb boxes
12c , r , crown , 41-lb boxes 14JJ5 * . = 2-lb boxes , 22
C23c per bor Onlirornli SO-lb bix. Jl CO
HOMJY f hoicavhltc. . 12" ; Colorado amber , in
" . * 400 * miir 1 > bl ! 2302 33.
Plvn-nni "in each $5 73-
CIDCn I'er half bbl . Jl 00 : bbls . J3 ! 3.
forequaitcrheifers. . Oc. gwd liners
heifers Si grunl cows , fiv filr cows 5e cow'
ruipQinttiM Hij ! TOW hlndiiuarlers , 7He
UI3I3P CtT > ! HnnBlns : lemb-i loins , 4Vc ; rlb
No 1 , Ho. ribs No 2. Sc , ribs , Ni. 3. Co steer
roimdi ic , cow niimd" > i\\i \ \ , cow rmmdi slunk
off , So cow rounds , shank nnd rump o'f. 8Uc-
trlmmliiKH 4'4c , beet sh inks , 3c. bi iln- < fn > r
d J 3 > swietbreaiH per Hi , IJi.c , sucetbr-adn
( calves ) , pet lb , 40c kldne > s , per do33c ox
tail" , each , 3c , llvcis pel lb , Sc heirlt , per lb
3c tetiBues per lb , U'jc , calf livers , < -ach , 3T > c
calves , while caicoss or sldts 9o. culf head nnd
feet , scalilod p .r het , 75c , tendei loins , fre h IRc
tenderlnlm * frj/nn ICc , Ijoneh-'s strips , fri sb
Sc lionpless Hlrlps frozen , 9c strip loins
froih 8'/4o strip lnln fu > ? cn , fiitc mils bine-
lesw 9V6i- lolls , Fp-ncer cuts , 9c , sirloin butt
Iwliplpss le xlintil let clods. boneless Ik-
rump bints lxn < -i > F > .s ri'jc , No 1 chucks fiic , ,
NI > . 2 chuoKs , 1i4c No 3 churks 41 tc lK > neln * i
chii'lts 4 > jC , civv i 'ati's 3i4c , steer pi Hi s ) c
llnnk steak fc. loins , No 1 13e , loins , Vo 2
! iie , Inlns No 3 Sc , slmrt loins , market stle 2c
ulxive loins , short loins hold stle 5c above
loins row loin ends Sc steer loin ends , Be.
MITTTON r ney lambs SUc per lb. Jambs
7V4c sheen 6'4c marltet racks long , Oc ! hotel
racks shon. Itc. V'lns sHe sad lies S\c. legs
"c. Inmb legs , lOc brea ts and tews. 3Wc-
totiKites en h 1c forequartPrs G'Ar '
POHIC Dre sed plK , 5c per lb , dressed hogs
4'ic , ten lerloln12'ie1 ' , Hlns , short 5'Ac ' lone " "
ppare ribs 4c , ham sausnge bJ't" 3Uc , noston
butts Oc. lioulderF loui-ij H" , " > " "jlclers
pklnned Oc. trimmings , 4c ; leaf lanl , nnt ren
dered 5c. heads cleaned 4c- snouts nnd ears
1c ImcUlwnes 2c slip bones 2V4c chei-k mi it'
lijc ni-cK bones 2c , plus' tails , So plucks each
Oc chitterlings , fie ; hocks 4e , hearts per doz
2'c , stomachs , c ich 3c , tongues , eacn 7s ; Jtld-
ncn ir rtoz , lOc , brains , ppr doz , lienigs -
feet , per do ? 25c- livers , each Sc ; hog rinds
3c blade bones , 5c.
HlDis No 1 green hides. 7c , No. 2 Rreen
hides , . No 1 raited hides.
, ic. 8\c , No 2 green
sa. led hides , 74c , No 1 veal calf S to 12 Iba
lOc. NT 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs , Sc.
.SIU3I3P PI3I.TS Green tailed , each , 15S75c-
green salted sheailliihs ( short wooled .ar y
skins ) , each , lie , dry sheaillngs ( short vvooled
earl ) tklns ) , No 1 , each , Oc , do * flint , Kansas
and Nebraska , butcher wool pelts , per lb , actual
weight lU.'c. dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , iit
4c , dry flint Colorado wool pelts , per
lb , actual weight , 433c , dry ( lint Colorado
niuualn wool pelts , per lb . actual weight 3ff4c
TAW.OW , OIU3ASE I3TC lullow , No 1 ,
2c , tnllovv. No i Wtc , rough tallow , lifcc ;
white trcast , 2iQ2\c ! , yellow and brown grease ,
nz5N' < c.
I'UHS Hear ( black or brown ) . J5 0020 00 ,
otter , $10018300 : mink , I3 # te. beaver , $ ltw
QCOO , skunk , 13c , 2" > c , oOo , mufkrat , 3c , Oc , 7c ,
raccoon. ISifOOc , red fox 20i-5Jl } 23 , grey fox.
230300 , wolf ( timber ) , 2jcft'S2 EG ; wolf ( prairie
coyote ) WgOOc. wildcat , 10@23s ; badger , tHS40c :
sllvci fox. S'O COSTS CO
HOIlSn HIDI3S-nnch. $1 30g2 23
St. IiOiiln C I'll c nil WiirUctx.
ST I > OUIS Jan. 12 ruOUH Quiet and un
changed , patents. J4 704 fi ; stralKlits , $4 33 ®
400 , clear , $ IOi ) ? > 423. medium , $3000375
Will. AT Lower , closing with Jnnunrj un-
< -hangeil and May nnd Jul ) Vic under ) e-ster'a )
Mny opened lkc lower , advanced We , declined
Hint much , rallied < tj\c nnd then ivent off
? { f'/jC , clohlng weak with bUers at tne bet
tom. i-pot , strong ; No 3 cash , elevator , 93c ,
track. 93 iBCc , No. 2 hard cash , 87HCS9C. Janu
ary , 93c b'd ' , May , 93r ) o July , 79a asked
COHN PuturcH In small demand , with sellers
6f May at clone lUJflThC below ) esterday's
asked price Spot lower , iNo 2 cash 2Cc , Jan
uary. t' < % a bid. May , 27HT27WC , July , 2S'ic asked
OATS 13aslcr but Irregular for futures , clos
ing fractions either side of ) esterdn's finals
hpot easy , No 2 cash. 2 c , track 2lf)2i ) | c , Jan-
uar ) , 2te Mny , 24o bid July , 229&C asked , No. 2
while. . ' , { f251ie
HYI3- Steady , 41iie.
PI > AX.SIJI3I-SlPid ) $1 15
TIMOTHY 8I313D I-Irm ; prime , $200
COHN M13Atl 40
11HAN rinn > sacked , east track , C3c bid and
34c ankeil this sl ( *
HAY I'lrm , pr.ilrle. JCOOffSOO ; timothy , $70011
HUrTI3H Ix > wer ; crcimpry , 10SI21c ; dairy , 9@
nnas-Steady. 18c
WHISKY $1 19
COrrON TI13S-70C
Lead , Hat. J310 , sellers Spelter ,
PHOVLSIONS Poik , higher standard mess ,
Jobbing , $1 37'j I < ard , lilgher , prime stc mi
Jl 15 choice $1 W II icon ( boxed lots ) , extin
nhcrt clear , $1 W' 17'/4 , ribs , $3 37HG3 00 shorts
J'l.Wfi. f2'j Dry rait met3ts , boxed shoulders ,
$ | 75B5Or extra ehnrt clear $1 75SJI S7'3 , 'rllw.
S4 Sit'.n't 00 shorts $5 OT J3 1214
IlKCIIHTS riour , 3 W ) bbls , wheat , 8,000 bu
com 114.COO bu outs , 42000 bu
fillIPM13NTS I'lour , 20,00) ) Mils ; wheat , 6 COO
bu , corn. 99,000 bu. , oats , 37,000 bu.
W I'll re CoiilliilHMlini Ciiiiiilii > ' >
OMAHA OIVICi : . Jan 12 With cables ijp
stroiiKi'r than last night's close , our market
opened ] a trllle weaker than It cloned last night ,
however , hoon recovered on advances In the
northwestern markets when May whait reached
us high ns 9IViC , nlthout corn or oats following
with any strength Continental cables were
weaker and were explained by the positive New
York statement of reduce'- ' , duties , which wns
coimldeted learlFh and had the ruling of the
muiket nllhough theie were but 18 cars of
wlioit and SCI earn of corn and 1C5 cars of oats
lecrlvcd , with un estimate of 32 cars of wheat ,
410 curs of corn and 230 cars of oats for to
The weakness nbroad ciused by the reason
above given Induced Fpecul itlve offerings wllli
cxlrcme dullness , helping the bears to the above
The report of but CW > 0 bu of boilings In
elevators trlbutar ) to Su | rlor ami Minneapolis
< > t the norlhwe-Mern markets , which Is from but
one quarter ti > one-half of the usual holdings
then- with terminal houses containing but llcht
* tockf , with n good ik-nnnd for ( lour , nnd the
e.iles In December more thin ever known for
that month before , is not n bearish feature In
the homo situation H Is nlao reported that Mln-
nivpolls Is taking fixim 35 to 30 cars per day
of wheat frorti Kansas Clt ) , which , If continued
and the situation looks as though It would Iw
necessary for It to be , will have Its effect n
llttlo later Tlie cah situation being the pre
dominant feature since speculation Is running
nt w > low nn ebb , unit Indulged In by FO few
nt tin * present time for which reason v\o be-
llete the situation In nil of the grains to bo
Privileges In May wheat te > * u ) were puts , S9T a
nnl calls. 91c
> riv Orli-miM .MnrUct.
Hlead ) Tork Ftandard mess , $875 l ird , relined -
lined tierce , $3 $ 70 3 k7Vj Iloxed meats dry enlt
Bhculders , $ lf2i ; rides , $4 64. llacon , clear
ribs tides , $ ' , 37'405,00 ' Hams , choice sugar
cured $ OOiTS 75
CO1VI3I3 tjukt , Hlo , ordinary to fair , 7'
09UHICi : Ordinary to good 3H04Hc.
riX > UH Uxlra fancy , $ 60 4 CO , patents , $4 CO
IIAV-l'rlme. $11 OCR13 00 : cliDlcc. J14 OOiJH CO
COIIN No 2 lacked while' , 3GQ37C , mixed , 3Cc ;
jellow3C i37c ,
OAT tiNo. . 2 sackel. 29gi9'jc ,
1IAI.T1MOHI3. Jun 12-rijQim-Dull. vvestirn
U | > elllnc J2 70fl3IO. v\eatern extra. $1349410 ,
wenlern family , $430tT4 < i3 ; winter M > at patents ,
J4 7 : < J.r TO ; rprlng patents , $3008 ! ID. fnrln < ?
wheat ttmliihts llkctflto , recelpls 1233) bbls ,
mports. 21351 bbls.
WHKAT Weuk ; pot B7V4 97iJe , month. 970
97'ic ; Ma > 02HC bid ; steamer No , S red
Wio ; recilpt * . 33 , 4M bu. ; export * , 1C3.5C1
. sjathcrn wurat bv fnmplc , 5"3t > S , s nth rn
when * rjngvrtlo KJSV
| CORN Steady r.iol f.ij'il.'i month nnl
T > bnmry ! V * 4i n .x 1 J urt--
I rrcur/t * 2(3i ( ) lu . cxp ris S.u b I , f uh n
white turn , i2CM > . suiith rn ) dlovr corn J. 'ii
OATS-rirm , Nn 1 . ill * MO'tTn 29lfi30r ,
No. 2 mixed ncMern , 27HW2 c re ilpts ,1,40
Lu , cxportc , 134 6M bu
HYK IJufler. No. ? nearby , SJV. No J west
ern , SJ c. rwelpts , 7B4I1 bu , xpi rt i. 111 CD ) bu
MAY StMrty ! chol e timothy , 118 no
OHAIN riiniOHTtt Very tint , steam to Mverj j
pool , per bu 4d , Jnnunr ) , CoiK for ciders , per
ipjartir , Jnnmrj , 3s 7Hd , Pebruarj , 3s d
HL"ni3H-Panr ) creamer ) , IllJKc. fane ) Imi
tation. 17ttl c , fancy ladle , 18c ; gaud Indie , ll (
ISc , Ftorc packed , 12fll4c.
KUHQulet , fre h. Uc.
CHI3I3Si-.Stend : ) , fan ) New York ,
fancy medium lOfllOVlt , fancy tnall.
Liverpool > Inrlcct.
MV13HPOOU Jnn 12 WHKAT fc | t , No. 1
red northern spring , dull nt 7s 6 d.
COHN Spot , Amirlcnn mixed , firm nt Is
futures qulft , Pebrunr ) , 3s 1VI March , 5s
' . Ixiuls fnncy winter , dull nt Ss 9il ,
HOIN Al lymdm ( Pacific coast ) . JCl Ifsjffio S < .
PIIOVIHIONS Iloef , llrm , rxtm Indln meM. O a
3d , prime me s , 50s 3d. Pork , llrm , pilme mess.
line western. 47s 6,1 Hums , short cut , II to Id
llw , llrm nt 37s , llncon easy nt 2Ss. Short ribs ,
dull nt 299 , long clear mbldles light , steady at
27s Cd , Imn clear , heavy , 27 , short clear ImckF ,
27s Cd , clear Iwlllcsns ) nt S'.s Cd Uinl , prime
western stead ) nt 2Ji Cd , Mhoulilcrn , square ,
steady nt 2S9. Tallow , prime cltv , llrm nt l s
CH13D3I3 American Ilitest white nnd colored ,
nrm ut 439 Cd.
rlncliiniitl MnrUols.
CINCINNATI. Jnn 12.-PI.OUH-Stend ) ; fancy.
$42-J M40 , famllfy , $ ? COifJI 73
AVHKAT Plim , No 2 red , D2IJC.
< XHN Active , nrm , No 2 mixed , IS'JC.
OATS Dull , No 2 mixed , 22'jc.
HYI3-Slpad ) , No. 2 , 4CC.
PHOVISIONS jrfr.X llrm , $ IC3. llulk meats ,
nimer , $1 fO llacon , Ftead ) , f 3 00
WHISK V-ltead ) . $119.
HUTTIlll I3asli > r lowir , fnncy 131gln cream
ery , 22c , Ohio I35flEc d.ilry , lie.
HUOAH rirm , ImnV rcllncd , Ji.lCflC.lO
KOO3 Slendv. IC'ic. '
CHI313S1J rirm , good to prime Ohio , flat ,
( ! nil n Iti'i'i'lpln tit I'rlticliinl lliirkrln.
ST : I.OUIS Jan. 12. HecelplsUhcat. . 12 cars
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 12. llecelpts. * A heat , 329
car <
carClIICAflO , Jnn 12. llecelpts toilay : Wheat , IS
cut-j. corn , 3C6 cars , oats 1GT ells. Estimated
cm lots tomorrow. Wheat , .12 , corn , 410 , oils ,
KANSAS CITY , .Tan : -Hecelpts : Wheat , 16
cura.Dl'MJTH Jnn 12 llecelpts : Wheat 3 ? rare
PI3OH1A Jan 12 Hi celpts : Corn. C3.SW bu. ;
oils , 1.700 bu . rje , none , vvhlskv , 73 bbls. , wheat ,
1 217) bu Shipments' Corn 27Vbii. oats 25,700
bu . rC , none ; \\hlsky , SOO bbls ; wheat , none.
PhlllliU-llililii Product' .
P1III.D13I.PIHA , Jnn. 12 llUTTHH-rnncy
western creamer ) 2ifl21c.
rotlS rirm and lo higher ; fresh nearby nnd
wtstirn ac
Clini > ! l3 firmer , New York factory , choice.
" "ifi'J'sc , New York fnclor ) , fair to good , S'ifi >
r Mirln Mui-Kcti.
I'tXMUA. Jan. 12 COHN Market firm nnd
tslher. ( No. 2 2CH < .
OATS Mirket quiet , No , 2 Whltlc , nominal ;
No 3 while , 2 4Ti23e.
\\HISKY-Market stead ) ; high proof splrlls ,
$1 IS.
Detroit Market.
nnrnorr. Jan 12 IVIIUAT NO i white ,
Ol c. No J red , 91c ; Mnv , ' l 4c.
COItN No. 2 mlxi-il , 2bVjC.
OATS No 2 v\ihlte. 23'ic.
11Y13 No 2 , 4Sc.
Wlioiit MnrKol.
MINNHAI'OI.IS , Minn. Tan 12 WHI1.VT
Weaker Jnnuir ) , St\v. May , Sl'Scluly , bTic ,
No , 1 haul , IlliC , No. 1 northern , 91'lc. '
Dilllilhhellt MnrKct.
DtTU'TH Jan 12 WIII3AT No. 1 northern ,
cash 91c , January , 91c , May , ! ViC.
I nlon Piiclllcnml Norllici'ii I'livlflc
VriCfiileTN of Atlriie'l loll.
N13W lOHK , Jan 12 Toda's market for fe-
ctirlties was of much the same character as
) esterday's Iho principal interest was centered
In Union VavIIlc and a. number of its alllllaled
companlt > s and In Northern Paclllcs , which vvtrc
the leading factors of strength , while on the
other hand Sugar continued under the weight of
a depression , which was the oas-o ) esterJay. A
new feature of special Interest was Chesapeake
Jk. Ohio , which advancedi a point on heavy buyIng -
Ing Tiunbactloiw were on si very large scale
and the he.xv ) dealings of large operators ,
backed b ) the powerful Inteicsts , were manl
iest all thorugh the market. These large oper
ators attracted a considerable follow ing , both
among the Mii-aller traders and from outside
houses Commission business was not noticeable
In the ilay'b business It was obvious , however ,
that realizing on n largo scale was going on In
the different i > artb of the list colncldently with
the strength In other parts A striking example
of this process wns seen in. the two Noither-
Palle. ! blocks , the common being advanced ov * .
a point , while realizing In the preferred cairleit
It ut the close below last night's sale. The
grangeis , outside of St , Paul , will also be seen
to relleot a tuppl ) of stock fully equal to the
dcniamL Tim anthracite coalers were weak and
continued the decline , but the Ohio i-oft coal
roads maintained their recent show ot strength
Union Pacific rose at one time to over J points ,
but rexent bueis began to pH > nt ns * eon us , a
report was published that u new company hud
po uied control of Oregon bhort l _ lne. The
strength of the disintegrated portions of the old
Union Pacific sstem Is fully explained by to
da'a announcement This bus Ing was evident ! )
founded on a belief In far-reaching plann of
combination nnd extension , which , according to
some prevalent rumors , will embrace one vast
s ) tem from the Atlantic to the Pacific Mucn
wail In the market on. a rpeorted bond issue on
the ChesapMleo & Ohio , though the benefits to
ucnuo seem to bo somewhat exaggerated re-
gaidlnB the transaction Advices from London
and the continental markets showed the tone
of Aim rlcnn securities In the llnanclnl markets
to be excellent. London bought In this nviiket
no lets than 20,000 btiaros of the favorite Inter
national Flocks and the marked stiength of
Union Pacific , Denver lllo Grande preferred
i nd Not them Pacific wns directly attributable
to thii demand The weakness In Sugar seemed
lo be connected with the annual meeting of di
rectors In progress todo > , though no news rc-
gaidlng the company reached the public Mone )
declined to ) leld today below 2V4 per cent , but
the tone of the market rellected. the prevalent
feeling that rates will yield In the near futuir
Laige amounts of money found their way Into
investment and speculation toda ) The availa
ble possibility of relief to the mono ) market
was Indicated l tliK full of 1V4 cenls In posted
rates , the decline not being prevenled b ) the
expected arrival tomorrow ut Sin Pinnelgco of
another $1,000COO of gold from Australia The
par value of todn's transactions In bonds Is net
ui largo as that of jontenliy , but business wan
remarkably well illstrlmited.nll through the list
Gains were the rule , but there were some de
clines Total sales , $4 77'i.OOO United States old
4s , coupon , und the ) 2s were fa higher bid today
Theio was a sale of the new 4s , coupon , at
1C9 > i , which Is the ( highest on record
The 13venlng Post's ] < ondon financial iitible-
Bram tns There was less activity In Grind
Tmnkii and Canadian Puclllcs In Ihe stock mir-
ket hero touuy ana increaseti nmmaiion anil
stiength In Americans nnd Argentines , partlcu-
larl > Argenllne mil" Mines were neglected
Americana ate still mainly supported b ) New
Yoik nnd the continent There nre still In
creased dealings here but cnlirely hj iirofes-
slonal speculators Denver Sc Hlo Grande pre
ferred bus ilsen bharpl ) on profeFslomil cllqiiu
liuylnt ; Union Pacifies were strong on buying
from New York and the continent Prices gen
erally closed strong H Is reported , but I can
not In an ) wu ) conmin It , that the purchaser
of Mnnltoba S. Noithwcfctern bonds Is th North-
irn Puclllo company Gold Is In Increased de
mand for Germmi ) It Is nominally quoted at
77s 10'fcd ' but It Is rajlly much higher You ma )
entirely discredit the rumors of Anglo German
Chlnewo loans. The negotiations , whether com
pleted ot- not , nre on the lines nlrendy cabled.
Poltowlng nre the closing quotations of the
le-ndlns stocks on the New York market to
day ;
Total kales f Mucus today were 410400 shares ,
Includlrg. Atch KOII prcfcned , S.GCI , chi-mipeak
& Ohio ! 07j. Chicago. Ilurllngton Qulnc )
U > 772 ncinu A Hlo Gr.'iiJo preferred 3x.-i ,
Luulnvlllc & Nathvllle. 10313 , Manhutian 29100
HelroiKiilt.m Pt-vet Hallway , 4 315 , Hawaii n
Commercial Comiuin ) , 3,0/0 , Heading pieferi t
t,3 > 0 , MUtourl Pacilli , , 7,4:3 ; NeivVrK C.mrai
SI / N rthcrn Pa lH , lj * l | , Nirthern Incinc
P rrril , -to It k I tnii , e . .o St I an I
> ii. K ithirn IT f , Lt-f , , , s > i h.rn Ieinc *
1.1 circ J 361. t ni n I i ifl , 4i Jjl , t n n P -
ii 1 . ir * tuiif H 549 V > ali -n preferred
( I i \\ncellnK A Uik 1 r.c 10. Tjbmo.
4-1 * . llil JR ) llr at \\i4rn 9 W Pi ipl R
vx 44i , line ! < ic Off * S0 , Siipar , ( WOO
* lrnnn e Cent nnd Iroft , C.635estcrn I nlon ,
S IJ1 , , .
'me i rnmltlet * on stock llsl of the New York
exchnnuo bus listed th Mllowlnn ecurlll * :
tttttnm nd lllonnl an Vf wnt lM-e ir cold
bonds of 1117 of the Inke Shore K Michigan
Southfrn llallwcy cnmpfiny , niaKlnR the total
OMAHA , Jnn 12 Clearances , * 23,377.19 ; bal
ances. $111,32J OS.
CHICAGO , Jan. 12 Clearings , S1S.C42000 , New
York exchange , COc premium , portedrates , J4 SJ1
and M SC blocks were quiet but ( Inner on good
nnnual reports Closing : West Chicago , 101H.
UUmond Matei , 14J'4 , Luke Street L H'i : New
York Dlscult C2S4 , Straw board 29 bid , 29'i
asked , Alley L , W 4 , Clt ) Hallway , 233
HObTON. Jan 1. . Clearing ! , , $ JtlSJ,703 ; bal
ances , t2,349C64
bT I.OUIb. Jan 12 Clearings , $3 523 SOI ; bal
ances , $7S2 9J3 , money , 0S per cent , New York
cxchunse 50 premium bid , COc premium asked ,
MEMPHIS. Jan. U Clearings , J3.MS91 : bal-
anccs , $134 COS , New York exchange , selling at
llAI/TIMOItn. Jan. 12. dealings , $3,500,539 ;
bnlinces , { 445.212
PIIILVDULPHIA , Jan. 12-Clearings , J13 839-
210 , bilaivcel Jl 7J1.420
NUW OHLUANS , Jan. 12 Cleirlngs. $4,74S -
920 ; New York exchange , bank , pai , commercial ,
kOo per $1,000 discount
NUW YOHK , Jnn. 12. Clearings , $147,707910 ,
halinces $7,975,414
CINCINNATI , Jin , 12 , New York exchange , 25c
premium. Money , J'a6 per cent. Clearings ,
rori'lfjrn Flniliiullll.
IJONDON , Jan. 12 Amount of bullion with
drawn from Ihe Bink or England on bal ince
toiay wni. 80WO Gold Is quoted at llucnos
Ayres toda ) ut 160 20 India council bills weie
allotted today at 1 3-3IM
PAIUS , Jan 12 Three per cent rentes , 103f
15o for the uccount Prices opened llrm on the
bourse and closed dull iVanlili HC'eurltlen were
easier ito alntos received renewed attention
on the sttenglh of copper.
BUHl/IIS" , Jnnt \ Uxchange on Ix > ndon. 20
mnrkd , 40 pfg. for checks Huslness on the boursn
was depicused nt the opening , owing to forced
sales of Iron nnd coal so urltles Americana
ani OanidUn I'JicllIo shares wenllrm The
gencinl tendency at the clo of biialness hhowcd
Ijiiipiovement on the recovery of Industrial se-
Viuerli-iin .Scc'iirlllt-H In London.
LONDON , Ian 12 The market for American
securities advanced at the opening and con
tinued llrm nil Ua ) on a general speculative de
mand. Tne close was llrm und the demand fair.
Wool MllI-IvC'lM.
HOSTON , Jnn 12 Prices in the wool mnrkd
nru stronger than for some weeks p-tst , vvhllii
there his been u fair demand In several gracli .
Tli" sales of terrlton wools have.hecm lively
on the basis of We for scoured medium and flne
There has been lltthi Inqulr ) fjr some grades of
lleoco wool , Ohio delaine and No 1 are quoted
ut 31o for choice lots , for which a number ot
holders are asking 31 o Australian No. 1 ball's
llrm , nnd Impoiters are Kiaduallj hardening ihelr
prices. The following quotations me made.
Ohio and Pennsylvania lleeces X and above ,
274f2Se , XX nnd above , 30r31c , df 1 line , 3W31c.
Michigan , Minnesota , I'lc. No 1 Michigan comb-
InK. SSffJUc , No 1 Illinois combing , Ai/"Jc , No.
1 New York. New Hampshire nml Ve-imont J7e
delaine. Michigan , 27c l'n nsliil medium Ken
tucky nnd Indium quarter blood , 2.1c , unwushcd
medium Kcntuck ) und Intlliina three-elghlhs combing 2IQ 3c. Jlltsourl quartet blood
( .omblng 'ff.'Sc , illsn url three-eighths blood
combine , 23 < ic2lc , braid nmblng , 2lc , lake nnd
Gi-orgla U-'fi..ic Texas vvoul spring medium (12 (
months ) , 1CH717C scouieil , 43/HV , spring line , (12 (
moiuliH , 17iI8c , suourcd , 50fi'32o Terrltor ) wool ,
Moniann. line me-dlum and lint. 13f < 18i , siounvl ,
ISflJiX' staple , G2/3Je Utah , Womlng , etc
line- medium nnd line 13fl7c Australian scoured
basis combing , supfrilne. "OltTia , comblni ; , g'jnd ,
COilGSo , combing , liiffCJt Oueensland , t < 3c. ,
ST LOUIS , Jan U WOOU I'lrm , m'dlum 15
OiicTllrht line 13&17c , heavy line , 8814o ; tub
wnhheil , 22fJOc
The American Wool and Cotton lUiwrlcr v\lll
xaj tomoii-ow of the wool market : 'I ho sales thhi
week have fullfn off nearly B7 per cent from the
previous week Notwithstanding thU fact the
maiket Is possessed of mre Interesting features
now thMi tluni Though much lera active It Is
iv htoader mmkot. Where u short time since u
I alt doic-n gigantic mills upr absoihlng all at
tention b ) ensim of the ( jigernenB to pick up
luunil nni'iunts of maple u-rrll ( > r > , there Is now a
widespread Inquiry fiom mills of every cln
foi waul of a gieat many different grail03 and
the Ix-tter Inquli ) Is hliihl ) Indicative of an ac-
Mvo market In a ver ) bhort time. Territory
wools , eupeclully those having staple In them ,
havu been Inquired for us have oeitnln llnei of
lluucn. pulled uooU nnd greas ) capes Prices
nro fullv firm us a week ajro nnd In some
canes nro more s ) , notably In delaine wools A
largo business U anticipated by everbody In n
few weeks , and Hiero Is const > iuentl > every In
ducement to take up quotations at a higher Hu
ll re Sales for the week , 2,21,00) Ibs domestic
and l,072.i > iO Ibs foreign , malting n total of
3J)30 ) ll.s , nirnlnst a total of 7,030,030 Ibx.
for the previous week.
VM > YorK Dry < < OOIM MnrKef.
NI3W YOUK. JBJI 12 The dry gvxls market ,
with Its dull conditions , wus render ? ; ] more strik
ingly quiet today by the dismal wfather condl-
tln-.a. whlcih kept local and nearby buyers at
their own places of business , At xuch tlmrK n <
the prisent vvoather seems to be n more active
agent In deciding the amount of busln < * a trnns-
tctod during the Ujy Mall orders vvern xllchll )
ln > i lt > r tctlH ) . but there Is no Imprjvemtnt In
( cotton poods slluitlon Worlens ( onllnue
falilv acilv In all gradou , wirl ) buying of heavy
welttht gaxli b > 'ni ( of giwd nveingp priportlrmn
In Ktaple c'.ttmi tha demand Is I'mlt'il to actual
r ijiiloa pml U viy light Pr'nt cluths aio
. - i reported dull In all nutl.ats.
Receipts Drop Back Attain and the Prices
Go Up.
llu > < ! * 1'ul nil < * ! Ill 1 ( ) CenM nml Mm-
Ked OITrrlnKN Sonn < Jtlloni
Also MMin * 11 Adit „ .
I Unite. .
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. 12-Ilecelpts for the
dajs Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheeo. Horses.
January 12 1.613 ( . .S-JO l.CDl 7
January 11 2,1,01 ! iM 2.1SI 1
January 10 1,411 .1,713 C.C'U
January 8 073 G.4S7 2,312
Janunry 7 t.J7'i 1,073 20
January C 1,253 10,5 ! > 2 2,429
January ii 1,029 10.13 ( 2.J2S
January 4. . . . . . . . . 1,410 6,811 3.173
January 3 l.Wl 2,476 6,177
January 1 637 22.13 2,123 23
December 31. . . . . . G.M 6SHfl 1,018 . . . .
December 3J UOJ 7,071 l,6sl . . . .
December K ) M3 C JOS 3,9" l . . . .
December 23 1,570 6.S43 2,041
December 27 1,610 2.3S3 6JJ (
The olllclnl number o cars of stock
brought In today by each rend was :
C.ittte. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , SI. & St. P. Hy 2
Missouri 1'aclllc Uy 1 !
Union I'aelllc System 8 13 7
C. A : N. W. lly 2
V. , U. .t M. V. 11. It 20 27 1
S C. & 1' . Ry 3
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Hy 4 C
11. iSi M. II. 11. 11 15 31
O. , II. , vi Q. Uy 4 5
1C , C. As St. J D 2
L' , It. I. & P. Hy , , U. . . . 3 4
C. , 11. 1. A P. lly. , W. . . . 2 1
Totnl receipts 70 102 S
The disposition of the day's iccclpts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
Buyer * . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha PacUlliK Co S7 i > H 13
The G. II. Hammond Co. 203 M7 170
Swift and Company 319 1ZS3 KU
The Cudnhy Packing Co. 391 2li B7G
11. liecker nnd Degan 14
Vansant .t Co 63
Lobinan & Itothschllcls . . 13
W. 1. Stephens 17
llenton & Underwood . . . . 1 , , . . . . . .
Huston & . Co 17
Livingston & . Shaler '
Hammond , fiom K. C 23J . . . .
Swift , from the cotmtiy 393
Cudahy P. Co.fiom K. C. 239 311
Chicago 1' . Co. , Neb. City . . . ] , ( XW
1' . D. Armoill & Co S3
L. r. Hiuz 17
Other buyers 1CJ . . . . 503
Totals 1.CS7 6,777 2,233
CATTLE Yesterday there > \vns n prettty
decent run of cattle , but the receipts dioppnl
back ag.iln today , the countrj app.iiently
being In no huriy to disposes of the. cattle
on feed. All told there were only slxtj-nlno
loads on. sale , nnd as the demand was rea
sonably brisk the yards were soon cleared.
Pi.icllcnlly evorj thing uas sold before 10
o'clock nnd the jauls soon after ns-
sumed n deserted appearance.
The market on cattle strong and
In mobt cases iiiilOo higher. While the qual
ity of the cattle was nothing to brag about
there were some pretty fair loads In the
yards and the sales showed up better than
on some dajs of late One bunch of 1,293-lb.
bteers sold up to J4 73 , the best prlco paid
since the holidays. Other loads brought $4 GTi
and the bulk of the cattle sold at $1 334.b3.
Cows and heifers vveic. In good demand
and commanded strong prices. The market
was active nnd buyers were not long in
picking up the dozen loads on sale.
Stackers nnd feeders were In very light
supply nnd the mirket wus strong with the
deni ind good for desirable little stock cat
tle. Representative bales.
nnir srnnus.
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr , No Av. Pr.
J . . .10M J3 GO 4 11C2 $3 90 B . .IIM $4 10
S..15.S 4 33 19 . . 10S3 4 40 18 .1155 4 40
2 . . S70 4 40 18 1277 4 50 40 . .1431 4 6r
54 1253 4 " 5 1 . ! MO 3 05 21 . . 1)51 ) 4 03
11 . .10 ) 4 10 SO . . 10G3 4 3" . 19 . 1357 4 33
1..127) 4 40 40 . . 1303 4 SO 01 . 13J3 4 35
1) ) . . .10W 430 17 . K.25 470 35 . 1033 3 110
20..1078 400 11 1031 415 20. 1U3 440
22. . 1073 4 40 11 . . 1318 4 40
2..1123 275 2. . . 'Ii5 293 2. 1170 300
1..1310 J 10 23 . . 112. ) 3 25 1..1150 3 35
0..1100 3 J3 1 1100 J J" 7 . . .10S1 3 40
1 . 1120 3 40 1 . 1110 3 50 1 . . 1100 3 05
21..11oO 3 4- > 13. . . S4G 345 6 1120 345
J. . 1 0 3 43 1. . .1000 J 43 0 . . . 901 3 43
1..13 0 300 1..1J20 350 1..11CO 373
1 . . .1070 'DO 1 . . . 'ijO 250 1 . . .1130 275
2. . . . S93 . ' S3 1 .1060 2 S'i 2. . .1023 230
1. . . . WO 2 10 1..1J20 3 23 1 . .11CO 3 23
1..H30 3 21 1. . . . 50) 3 J3 1 . .106) ) j 25
C. 101) J J3 14..1143 3 , S 8 . . 1101 J 43
1. . . 3JO 200 1. . . . 830 250 4 . . .1150 3 la
3. . . 1210 3 33 19..1183 3 40 1. . .1000 1 ! IO
J. . . . 933 240 1 . .810 I 75 2. . . . 923 J CO
1..11W J 03 C .10&J 3 15
2. . . 121r 3 23 2. . 1091 3 23 1..1250 3 33
2 . 1030 3 3'i - ' . . li. " > 3 1) 30 . . Stfl J 4j
2 . . l.'JO 3 50 1 11JO 3 M 1 . . . FS ; 3 50
J . . 9J3 3 CT J. . .11.3 3 83 1 . . 720 1 73
1 . 810 J 51) 2 . .1013 20) 2 . . . 175 I C >
2 . . 1330 J So 4 . . 8Si I ' 13 1. . 930 3 00
1 1030 3 I/It IS . . 90S 3 10 4..1107 3 13
2. . 12SO 321) 1. 1100 3 2T 2. 1103 330
1. . . 1110 330 15. . 1113 333 3. . .l. oO J 3'i
22. . . . SSI 3 40
C. . . . COO 350 1. . . . KSO 35) ) 8. . . . 861 3K
2 . . . 401) 3 < / > S 74J 3 S" > 1. . . . 620 2 2i
1. . . . 891) 12) 1 . ' 100 323 7. . . . 700 350
3G. . . 711 1 53 IS . . . 997 3 35 ] . . . . 170 3 63
10 . . 877 3 70 8 . . 7SG 3 75 2 . . . 913 3 75
1 . . . 700 3 00 1 . 700 3 1) ) 2. . 1183 3 45
3 . . . 730 3 50 3. . 700 3 55 8. . . . 1121 3 73
1 . . 870 37S 2. . 170 4 00
1 . 1290 350 1 14"0 27' , ] . . 1400 300
1 13CO 3 00 1 ISO 3 CO 1 1210 3 00
1 1121) ) 310 1 14SO 325 1. I'lO 310
1. . 171 * 333 1 , . &SO 2M 1 .1000 283
1 15JO 30) 2 .1510 3 00 1 1340 3 15
1 . K'V ) 1 21 1 118) ) 3 21 2 . 13SO 3 SO
1. . 1700 330. 1 1110 350 1 . 900 3 fO
1. . . I-'IO 30) 1 1710 290 1..1510 J 00
1 1340 3 15 4 1M7 1 2i )
i. . . . 180 r r i. . . . sio 3 no i . . . no 575
1. . 370 35) 1 . SCO 4 50 1 . . . 130 B 25
1 . . 3JO 2 50 t. . . . 370 3 50 1 . . . 340 3 50
30 29"i 4 C3 21. . . 303 C 00 2. . . . 400 C 10
1 280 SOT
2 132" 3 8" 1..I100 2 73 1 . . . 890 3 23
2 . 1435 3 3.
srocicr.ns AND pr.nonns.
3 . . 773 4 10 1 . . 5"0 4 40 1 . 9W 3 60
1. . 700 360 1. . . . 530 350 1. . . , 9SO 3 fO
2 . W > t DO
1C 732 4 CO 19 . 637 4 r 7. . . . SOS 4 15
1 730 1 50 1 . 8SO 3 50 3 . . .1000 4 00
1G. 730 4 r. 20. . , 8.17 4 15 2 . . . 675 4 20
G. , C.'S 4 40
No Av. Pr. No Av Pr
G bull 1348120) 7 cons 10S2 J3 CO
1 feeder. .790 3 00 10 feeders. . 341 3 80
HOQS Some one wanted IIORS Ihla mornlnir and
wanted them badly tnouRh to buy everything as
fant as It was offered In fact , every one wanted
1 OK * , both packers ami vtilppcrs , then ailvlcis
from other points Indicated Htionser markets
and that v\aa why the matkct here opened 5giOj
hlKhcr this morning Under Mich clrcunmtanccs
It la hardl ) nece ; ury to mid that the trade
wnH active , us buers wanted the IIORB nnd sell-
era were glad to kt them KO at the advance , 10
that everthine chunsed hands very early In
the morning
Heavy JIOKD sold 5e , nnd In fame canes , lOc
higher than jCHtcrdas The raiiKe of prices for
full loads was 13 41J 17'/4 ' , while the inept of the
heavy loida jestcrdiiy htoUKht | J 3303 1714
LlBlit hops did not she as .much advance
OH heavy , but were Rinerally Co higher The
test loads went at $3 55 , as against $ lMVi letter-
The nversKO of all the sales was 7p higher
than jCFtcrdaj , 3 < hc hlKln r tun Monday ! *
higher than a week am and enl > IHc lower than
on Mondaj -veek ago which the hlsh day
ulncu the Hist "sU In Novembri Hep ccentnthu
sales :
No Vv. SI- IT. Av fell Pr
U . 331 j : 31 I. . , J74 . . . J33714
4 ! 37S SCO 3 40 Ill . .332 200 3 40
50U 3S8 80 40 31 . .312 200 3 40
U . 37 ! ) 210 3 40 37 , 3U9 U ) 3 40
CO 311 3 40 6G . 3111 SO 3 40
43 37. ; 1EO 3 40 91. . . . .2)7 . . . 3 40
67 32"i 120 3 421 67. . . .371. '
C . ICO 3 4214 61 .327 20) 3 t'i ! '
60 . 3 42J * rsCO. 334 3GO 34 14
58 . . . 32. SO 3 4214 CO. . . ' 70 3 43
M . 3t > l 40 3 l."i as 60
M . 307 10) ) J 42' ' < , 32KT . . < 07 1. ) 3 4vV
19 392 3 42'j KTC 0 3 ny
51 . IK iw 3 42ft C ) . ! S20 3 45
46 ' 3 4' . Co . ilG 3 45
46W CoCi
W . 275 'so 3 I' Ci . 311 80 3 45
73 . . 231 ' 7 121 3 41
70 . 80 3 f ! 6K \ 121.Ml 160 3 4r
60 240 3 41 K . .Ml 310 3 4,1
57 . 319 M 3 41 B7.M . 33) 3 41
07 33J U ) 3 n B7.n 3)6 SO 3 45
f 5 30 ? n 314 3 43
f.- SM cn. . 300 8) 3 45
f.20 Wl ft ) 3 41 62 270 124 1 45
20 ! 302 KO 3 41 CO 314 IwO n 15
f.8 . . 120 3 41 COW . .S.T i r.
J 3 41 W 333 a
. .338 3 41 45 311 80 3 41
17. ! 2.V5 40 J II r,7 .355 80m 3 15
301 160 3 41 51 ! . 341 160 3 4S
' 160 3 41 86 3 41
M t. ! J38 1ft ) 3 45 r,7 28 .i 80 3 41
' 0 . . . 230 16i ) 3 47'4 ' 61 . 20 1 474
67 . -76 160 3 47U ,
' .571 n i 411 ! 1 211 10
67. . . . . 270 60 3 47 > i 67 . . .306 40 3 47W
O . . . . .331 . . . 3 47'-i ' 70. . . 271 40SO '
33 . . . .217 3 50 CS. . . .240 40 3 50'
VJo ; 187 40 3 60 ( , . . . S74 120 3 M
o . 83) ) 40 3 50 7 * . . .234 360
45 . 223 . . . 3 50 Z2 . . .253 3 W
12 . . " , . 3 50 61. . . . . .270 120 3 CO
es . . 211 120 3 50 M . . .309 80 3W
Cl . . . . ' 2W 3 r.O 67 . 2il 200 3 CO
fo . 210 40 3 60 71 . . . .210 tO S 10
f > ) . 240 40 2 50 75 . 231 120 3 M
67 297 16 > ) 3 50 2 204 40 3C2Vi
71 C2 . .233 355
7 * . ; it . . SM : s : n . . . s
-.3 . . . . IM . . . 3 65 fr. 197 . . . 65
M. . . ! ) . . . SC5 70 M4 , , . &S
W . 237 . . . 3(5 70 Itt 40 1 M
48. . . 17J , 3x 77 . . . . 230 40 2 W
1 4 > . Z 0.1 1 . S70 SO J S7'4
I . 410 . . 3 ,15 6 . . . , 371 . .t 3 37V *
r. . . . > < o a 55 2 W . . . 3 41
4 4TJ . . . SM S 505 . . . 3424
3 * 70 . . . 3 V. 1. . . . . .MO . . . S 43
3 471 . . J (0 ( 9 17 . . . S M
SH11I31 * TJip ifliwri market nns n little KtroncT
n\ HIP tmde wnii rcasoiiHl > ly nctUe under Itie
Infliienco of the very gooj demand , llciircwnta-
tlvo W | M :
No. Av. 1'r.
4 Mexlrnn wether 107 $1 U
26 ! ) Mexican lamtv < 70 fi 10
2 ; Mexican lambs 70 610
103 native I-UPI 101 311
H native taintis 61 R ( >
19S western ewes. il 5 C7'4
CIIIGU.O i.TvT : si oc ic Mvittcirr.
Demand fur Cut ticrtltlt 1'rlct' *
C1HCAOO. Jan 12 There was nn active Ren-
cral demand for cittle and n gtromrer market
from the opcnlnR to the close. UcMrnblc lot"
twld lOtUSc hlRhcr , anil even the common and
medium grades told better than Monday or Tues
day , ns buieri were forced to substitute them
for Ko-id stccrt.Vhlle there v\a > an occajlonnl
sain nrnunil f.S' , JIOO wai nbout the lo\vc t lirlce
paid ordlnarll > for ilrc * cil beef fleers and Uuc >
shipping cattle were woith J' > 4W5 W Paleo were
larnely at } 1 SOffC CO nnd i-Miortcrs took a soo.l
rlmrc of the Rood fat heavj cattle The tokr
and feeder trade was active sale' belim chlellj
nt J37J0423. Prime feeder" bioimht Jl 3vtf I 37'4
Cow 5 nnd hclfcr < i rie active nt slrotiB price"
nnd CMjiirlero boiiRht gooil liUlN nt fi "off I 0
Calvei fold chlelly at J'i 7HT6 S3 Cattle from
Tctas were In good demand nt $2759315 for
buIN and J3SOOt10 for steers.
Price" for IIPKS ndvataed 6e under n very
lively Reneral dPinnnd Ver > fc-w hoe" were lett
In the pens last night and toda > 's olVerlns" were
well taken nt J34ifi370 foi common tn choice
lots , the Riciter pirt lirlnclnR JlSWIf" I'll ? "
fold chiefly nt } 3 3,1lf3 53. The late market was
wcnk to So loner
Thcro wa" a Riwd demnnd for sheep ami limb *
from FlaiiRiitenrs and prices were moMlstendj
nt $3005 ? I CO foi Inferior to choice sheep nn I J4 00
fiti 75 for poor to prime lamb" orferhiR" of
fluep wcic latscly eompo ed ifeiterni vvhlcti
sold nt 1755T4M , Hwl > nt $300(1430 t.itnl1 * )
fold milnlvnt $5 OOW5 61 fevs JOIIB | below $160
Yi-arlhiRs broURlit Jl.SOin fO , Mexicans prcd m
llicclpts : Onttle 11 000 head , hogs , 30,000
head , fliccp , 15 COO head
iiN Cll > Iil\o Stni-U" .
CITY , Mo , Ian 12 - OATTMlte -
cclpts ( olllilal ) , CCuO he-id , general imiket nct-
Ive and stronger , fitl nallvcK , 6W10o hlRher
v\eFtorn cattle nctlve nnd fr hlghei < o ! < and
helfirp fteails but active , best s-tockers nnd fiel
cr" 5flOc higher , olheis stpad > , v\e lern cattle
J3 "Off ! f.1 , Texas cottt. $3 21fi1 50 nntlve steers
$3 riOT4 S" choice ttieri $1 7Hi" > 10 , native io s
nnd helfirs , $ iOOfl'l25 , stockiis and fiedets $100
ff4 40.
HOOS Itcctlpts ( nillclal ) , 1C 400 held , market
active , closing riJTHIhlkhrr , qualll ) medium
bulk of le $3 43 ? 3 6" hiavli" and pickers ,
f33 > irJC' . mixed $1UJCil llghls $13)01 ) Ij ,
jorkei" $ ,140iH5 , pigs $1 Olfl 1 43
Hlliii' : llicelpts ( ) .1 r > t,1 hi-id marUet
nctlve , only wrstcins olTued and t u j llji j
loHer thnn MoniH > , limbt , $101(540 ( , vuMern
mutton$3 7"if 4 33.
SI. Imils IMStiieU. | .
ST. LOUIS. .Tan 12 \TTl.l3-Uccc-lpt" . C , < i0.1
head , ot which l.COO vvcre * 1 exans Milpim nts
1 500 head mirkit ttrong 10o hluher fair tn
fanc > natl\e shipping an I cxpott tlM H $1 40sr
58.1 bulk of filc $4fOri500 dn"ivi > l beef nnd
butcher tcer J3 s"fi"i 00 , bulk at sales $1 COff
170 , steiTs under 1 MO pnnuls $ J30fil / ) , Inilk
of BTlo" $36" > Tf4i1 , stnckcrs nnd fuilm , J2 rOJT
42.1 bulk of sales $1 40W1 11. oo\\- < nn.lii-lfer |
$20)1 430 , bulk of fales $ i 710310. Texas nnd
Indian steers $3 4 © 4 31 bulk ot Riles , $3 70 { ! >
410 cows and heifer * $1 Z"ifl I " 0
HOQS Ileci-lpt" 7 100 head , shipments 1 2M
held rnslki't a . | mdi > hlglui light $ ! ! OH3,0 ,
mixed $111W3 f > 1 heivs $1",1j3i1
SUnni' Itccelpts 1 7UO liend s-hlpimmi , none
market sliong native muttons. $ IOHH ( ( 1 , limbs
$3 001)5 73
InilliinapoIlM I.UisdicU. .
INDIAN \POL1S Jan -C\TTI U Hecclpt"
610 head , bhlpmentB 400 lu'Ttl , inarktt falrU act
l\e. gocxl to prime Meets H 7C5/1 11 fair to
medium steers , $1 10&I 63 , common to good 'lock
ers $2 "uiftJ 50
HOOS-Itecelpts , 7000 liei-il Bhlpm-nts 2000
head , nnrket stenl > , good to cholrt medium nnd
heavy , J3CCii370 , mixed , $353ff3CO , common
llRhts $ irOiJGO
Slinnt' Itecelpts. 101 heid. phliiment" , none ,
market tti'id > nnd lOc loner at $2 > for common
sheep to $3 40 for choice lambs
13iis < IlulTnlo Ijl\c Modi.
CAST nurr-AIX ) Ian --CATTI n Medium
to heavy shipping steers $3 OflT3 70 , coir'C touch
H 75Jfl 30 , green , $37141425 , choice fat InMfirs
$4 2304 TO. mixed butchers stock $ J 634 11 , fnlr
to gooil butchers' cons. $3 5kfi.t 75.
IIOOS Workers , u d lo choire $3 70fiJ 72'5
loughs , common tm choice , $3 10J | 23. pigs good
to choice , $3 5 f3 CO.
LAMHS Oholop to extri. $ " > 70'i3 80 , culls to
common $1 .S'ftl ' 23.
hIII3I3I' Choice to pelertod v\cthcrs , $1 CHT4.9) ,
culls to common , $2.50 3 73.
\i > York I < l\o Sfoc-lt.
NI3YOUIC. . Jan. 12 HI3nVI3S Hecclpis
SOU hod , mtlve stii-rs , Jl I05i)1 ) W , vlngs an 1
oxen 530015100 , bulls. 3 10I1 60 , di > cows
J2.101J1 J.1 Caljlcs quote American steers , in e ,
exnortM J ) sheep ind 1 54i < | tMrters of beef
CALVKS-Ilecclpts , 934 head , veals , J3 C0@7.75 ;
gras-sors , $3 OOWJ.V )
Slinni' AND LVMItS-IlecelpIs , 7.G5I liend ,
fllPep nOZ4.7 < i , limbs r > TO&G 60.
HOC.S ItccelpLs , 13 7 head , slciilj it J3 70 { ?
Cliifliiiiiitl I.lxSloelv. .
CINCINNATI. Jan 12 HOGS Active at $300
CATTLI3-Steady nt $2 2.15 ? t 63
RIIK13P Stcnri ) at $2 715 ? ! t'i
LAMltS Steady nt $4 00f3.75
hl.iolc In S
Hecoril of receipts of llxe flock nt the four
prlnclpil markets for January 12 :
Cattle Hogs Sheep
Omaha 1.619 6 BOO 1/91
Chicago 11,000 30,000 r. OTfl
Kansas City G.CO ) 16.40) 3500
St Louis 5.SOO 7100 1,700
Totals 21 119 60,300 21,891
Oiii-iiliiK' In Rimy , lint a rnrtlicr Ie-
< -Iliif IN hlnMiii.
NC\V YORK , Jan -Opening cisy nt un
changed prices to a. decline of 2 poInU the cot
ton market thawed a further loss of 25 points ,
moro directly duo to Judicious pounding of the
bear Interest In the absence of supporting fi-.i-
turea A laigo Greek lioufe and a bilge 1'hlla-
dclphla house , which have been stcidll } selling
of late. itvjntlMlloil to fell tola } Lute'r theto
were soma buyers' orders , In ( , oed part , It was
claimed , for \Vull btreet account 'Jlils airesteil
thu downward tendencj of the nurket and led
to conservative covering- The market vias
finally easy at n net loss of 4 to C points
NJ3VV OUL1JANS , Jnn 12 COmoN ru
easy , haleM , 3S 700 biles , Janiur > , $3 JS0a 23
IVbruarj , $32605 7 March. $3 J1 f1 3 < i. Anrll.
II40W 1. ' , Ma ) f 45(71 46 , Jun < > J3 50 { ( > 52 , July ,
$1.Ufa5 57uU8t ( , S31SS10U .September $5 OlfC
B 01 , Octohei. $5 04f1 | CO Spot , eai , ) sules , COW
liiil n , ordinary , 4'iC ' , Rood ordinary 4l > c loiv
mldlllnK , 4 15-lCc , middling , 5V4c , goo I middling
fi 9-lCo , middling faJr , Co , rceeipta. 20.710 hales
Bto-lc , CIS 810 biles
UVniU'OOU Jim 12 CO WON Snot. Rood
IjilHtni'bs done , prlcea unchnnijeij , American
mldilllni ; , 3 i-Ziil Krilcs of the d i ) VM re 12000
baltM , of which I.Oto Iwh-H wern for xpetiihitlon
nnd evjwrt und Included 11,30" ) bales American
Hecelpta , 26,5"0 ball's , nil Ameilevin rutuies
opened itulet. with n modriato demand and
closed steady Ainerlcnn inlddlliiK } * M C ,
January , 3 13-Mil. pcllciH .Inniinr ) and IVhritary ,
3 1-C4d , buyers , rehiainry und Marih , 3 llfcll ,
bUer , March and April , J ! M-l/3 lOCIil , bilerH ; ,
April .mil Mny , 3 10 ill if 3 ll-6lil , buyers. May nn ;
Tune 3 11-CHI3 1J-C4d biler . June and July ,
3 12 ClffS 13 CM liujerii ; July nnd AiiKUft , 3 U 64
( f3 14-C4d , buero , AUKUnt and hepteniber , 3 14 n
C(3 15-64d , selleiH , Bcplem-ber and October ,
J 15 64d , HOllerB October und November , S 15 64S < >
3 16 611 , sellcm , November nnJ. Deucmbi r 3 10 6ld
( 'iillfiirnlii Dried
I'lll'l TS Quiet and Bteady I3vanoratt > cl appli-s
OM ) COLONY llt'lLimn , CHIO\riO.
Members Chicago Board of ' 1 rado since 1S6 *
Grain , Provisions anil K. Y. stocks
Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Sollelttd
Oinnlia OUU-f , It no in 1 , > . Y. I.lfn
. . . . 'I'liiinill. ( ) ( . . . .
KI.01D J.
jaf.1ESE.OOYD & CO , ,
Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , Neb
01' .
Direct wires to Chlcdso and New York.
Correspondents : John A Warren & Co
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
1 10 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Office. 1038 N SI Lincoln. Nob.
c. c. C11HIS7JB. c. } sTiinnr.
Prtildent. Vlc.l'ie IJent.
Secretary ,
Ctifislie-Street Commission Co
Clljiltlll 0,000.00 , K ll lly J'ald.
common. 8 < 7c , prime wire tnir , < tej wood trfty (
prime , < HP , choice V P fane ) , flISV4v r "
3ffo. AprtcoK tloyal 7 > isHc. Muor pnrk ,
I-tvicJici unpcclcd , IIJIOc , pe lpi1 , "
NH\V YOHK , Jan 11 IMKFRI3 Option !
opened steady nt invtmriKfrt prlCM to S polnti
decllno , ruled Renfrnlly Inactive and fenturrlrM
with weak undertone folluwlnR ttntnvornblt
I3urope n cnldfs , liesvlcr ircclpu at Itlci ana
Santo * nna ulack dematid for fpol coffee , < > lllnK
atrcjtpil by decide. ! Incrcite In t'nlli-tt Stntu
arehou o deliveries , rloteil oulfl with prlcti
5 to 10 point * net decllnej nli > 13 20 lmB ln
cludlnc January nt JV 45 : March. IS 65 Spot.
Hlo , dull : No. 7 , Invol'i6iic , No. 7 , Jobblnc.
6o JUKI , quiet ; total warehouse deliveries
from the United Stitei 23 SO I RI , Includln *
2 E J \ \K * from N < - * iork : New Yoik otocU
today , Ml 918 IISKV ITidteJ Stalw stock T .911
l'n i , ntloat for the fnltcil States , S SPi baR * ) !
total vIMblo for the I'nlted Ststei. 1 HO 911 hiRi.
nitnlnM 7SS326 bans Intt sear and f. " > 3 SW IUKI
the prevlotm senr
SANTOS Jan -rorri3I3-Qulet , R wj
averiRe Santos , nomlml , rccelplj , MOO ) b\R |
-.tool. * M o , baR
HAMIU HO , Jan -I'OlTISK-OpcnM 1 at un-
chanRod prices at 5 80 p m : quiet t net un-
chniiRed prices wiles. 10 ( XX ) bag *
1110 1)1 ! JANI31HO Jan. -OOlTin'-Qiiht !
No . lllo S 1f , nls. crchnnue , 6 13-1M r .
celpti , 10000 baRs. < lea red for the t't It'll Sti les ,
10iM ImRn , cleared fcr r.uiope , 1,00 bits , ( tick.
S I.OOO liaRs
II Wllli Jan. 12 - -lorrii-3- od sirmh al
U" net advance , fales , i D-i - ) IKIRS
Oil Mllt-Uct * . .
Oil. CITY , P . . , lan -Crptttl litHiu c * K-j
certmcates , Kilos lesiilnr at C6c , climwl at C.ijj
bid i uhlpincntii , f.1,786 bbl , runs , Sj.tS ? bills
lILiMlMISION , S C. Jnn. 12OU.R l\irp-n.
tine , market tlrm nt ! l'/4o. ' Itnsln , llrm Uiiolo.
A , it , c' n . r. . p. , } i n , o , i is. n ji : o.
SAVANNAH , a. Jan. -Oll.s-j-pintn 1 nir
iwnttnc llrm. 32c. llosln , lit in Quoit * A , II.
I\ 1 > . Jl.Si ) , 13 , JI SO. P. . M.3S , ( J. , > l lH. .
JI 70. I , Jl so. K , Jl.'Ht , M , { . * , N , , S W , \ \ 11 , !
J2 40.V. . \ \ , ? 7- . .
\VtI/\llNCT.V ! ( , .Ian 12 - OlIPplilis inrpen-
line , llrm , Mo nnd 32Vtc , crude titnii-nllnr uliMdy
at Jl 40 and tl " 0. lloflti , llrm , Jl.lo ami Jl A ) .
Tar , llrm , It 03
UVntl'OOU Jan 12 Oll.fiilt.mswd nil.
Mvcrpxil u-llncd , dull 14 * Cd Turpontltie s.drlu ,
stead ) , ! ls. ltuln. common , steal ) , 4s 1'jl.
Sumir VlntUcts
N13W OHI.I3ANS. Jan 12-HtUlAll Open let-
lie MiMd > nt SVtiJi Id contrlfiiKnt H'p-idv.
Krnnulated , 1 11 16tf41i , whites , 4fmc , veilous ,
l' $ j > l'fiseconds. . 2i4iri3l-lfo Muln-ui-s kettle )
fctcadv at lMf.7i rpntilfutril , cas ) nt fiOrtJc ,
> lup , stead ) nt ISffJi- .
NI3VV M3UK Jan 12 81X1 Ut-ltnw Hrm ,
fair refining IV centrifugal , fr. test , ( 3 tCe r--
lined llrm. crunhed CTkc po ilrrrd 5 7 ICc-
Kranttlaled tlijc maul I A f > Hc ; standard A ,
IHc , conrectloiiers' A BIC , cut loaf 5V uibrt ,
i. InUanuimlluat ,
Irrltatlcui or ulcrntloni
of inn com niunibriiiei.
I'llialctl , nnd nut llltrln.
"r folionoui
"Ql11 bjr
or ut In plain wrunxr ,
br z | > rcii , prrrald , for
Jl < . or i bolH , I/.TJ.
( Xtealr
, K Tlilii roiscily liclns in-
.Sooted dlrcrtly to tlio
scat or flume dlHcnf-i-ti
of tlio < tsciilo-lli-itu.rv (
< Si-rans j-oiiiili-OM
; , uo
cluuiKO of < lle4. sl'ci-o
( Tiinrnntcod in 1 t JJ
; . . ' liiyn. Mmcll
Mjers-Dlllon Dt IR Co S. K Cor lin and Tar
nam Streets , "malm'el. .
II ) I'liicliiiNliiKCooilN Vliulc nt Ilic Kol-
-NeliriiMltu I''ii-l i'loM.
( Successor Omaha Tent ami Awning Co )
Manufacturers tents , awnings , Jobbers 1 idlesnn.l .
gents' Mackintoshes. 'Icnts for rent. Ull Turn -
n im ht , Omuha.
Carload shipments made In our own refrig
erator cars , lllue Itlblnn , I31lto 13xport , Vienna
13xport and runill ) 13xport delivered to alt pnU
o ! thu clt ) .
coiiNicn wonics.
I3VC1.13 CO It. MO 13 AVOHICH.
Manufacturer of Galvnnlzcil Iron Cornices Oil-
vanljcil Iron bit ) lights Tin , Iron and Slat *
Hooting Agent for Klnncnr's Steel Cellini ; .
10S-10-12 North Eleventh btreet.
Wholesale CracUer Manufacturers.
sononnsAOK's T.VICITY niia
\VO1IICS , ir Ul Piiriinni Nt.
Dyeing ami cleaning of garments and goods ot
every description. Cleaning of line garments a
n.otm MILUS.
Tlour , Mcil , Teed , llran , 1013 M-17 North 17th
Street , Omaha , Neb C 13. lil.'ick , Manager ,
'iclcphotle 092.
lion and MriiHH l-'oiiudi-rN.
Mnnufacturers nmi Jobbers of Machlner ) Gen
eral lepalrlng a specialty. 1001 , 1001 nnd 1005
Jackson street , Oinah i. Neb
Manufactureis old process raw linseed oil , ket
tle boiled llnsetd oil old process { 'iound llnsceil
cjKin , giound and sen.filed llaxsced for drug-
; lBts. OMAHA , NI3U.
i , . < ; , DOIJI * .
Manufacturer lounges , C'oucluu , Matlreftes Jol -
jcr of Spring llcds and rcathers. 4II-1U Koiith
1th btrcet.
OMn \ itr.iiico. .
Manufacturers nt high gradu Multrteucs , IM 4 <
Nicholas hltci't Omahn.
Mfgrj Clothing I'ants bhlrts , Overalls.
.1. II. I3V\N'X ,
Exclusive custom Hhlrt tnllota , ISIS 1'arnam.
Manufacturers of Vlneiar , Pickles , Catsujji ,
.lUBturdB , Celcr ) a nd Worccstcrelllru Haucc
Vor a good aubstantlal vehicle of uny dcscrlp.
tlon , for icpnlntlng 01 lubber tires on new or old
wlitels the best place U 27th ami Ixuvenwortli
Cheap , medium priced and tony carriages.
Any thing you want , pecond hand or new Iliad ,
luartt-a fur rubber tln warranted 18lh an4
llurnc-y oppoBlte Court Houeo.
A. .1. smi'so. % ,
1 101) ) , Mil DiidKf.
Vull line of Carriages , liugKlca , Phuclons , Pony
Curie. SWieula rubber tltcil. The best la the
chcapi t.
HUM : .v < ; o.
Largest factory In the west I-eadltiR Jobber *
it Omaha , Kunsas Clt ) , Lincoln und Ht , Jotcpti
landle uut ri""l 100S rurnain Htii-C't ,
A n T. Co : mu cnKon furnlalicUi IHIK ,
b'ait > cltllverud. 120J Uou laa St. Tel. 177.