Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Oivil Semco Lobalo is Closed , bnt No
Vole is Taken ,
Dt'nlU to iMnke a .Motion to Strike Out
While In Committee of the
Wliolc , nnil All the Talk
c , . I In Wanted.
WASHINGTON , Jen. 11. The civil service
debate , which waa Inaugurated In the house
a week ago , ended today. It opened with o
row , but ended very tamely , There was tiot
even a vote ou the appropriation In the ex
ecutive , legislative and Judicial appropriation
bill. The republicans who are seeking tc
modify or repeal the law decided to let the
debate come to a close today , but It required
the casting vote ot the speaker to accomplish
There are ccanicllng statements as to the
hltuatlon In which the future conduct of the
war against civil service Is left. The oppo
nents ot the law ogrccd that the fight U tc
bo kept up , and It Is positively stated by Mr ,
1'earaon ( rep. . N. C. ) that aasurancrs have
beta received from thcso In authority In the
, hou.3o Hat an opportunity will be glvi'.i In
the future for a bill to modify the law. But
from other sources the statement cannot be
The dctatooa quite dull until the clcs-
Ing hour , when Mr. Simpson , the Kansas
populist , cnllv ( < ncd It with sonic reference tc
tin ) Ohio senatorial election , Mr. Bailey , the
'democratic leader , made a clear statement
ot tiic minority position , which Indlcateo thai
the minority will vote to repeal , but not tc
inodlty ihu law. The principal speech \vua
made by IMr. Broslus , clulrman ot the civil
service committee , who dcfeitJed the law In
a two-hour speech.
Mr. Moody ( rep. , tAliss. ) In charge cl
the executive and Judicial approprlatloi
bill , In accordance with the uotlc
given by him yesterday , inovei li
ue house , immediately alter the reading o
the journal , thai all debate on the etvi
Eervlco Item bo closed today at G o'clock
Considerable opposition ua. ) manifested tc
the motion , but the steering committee en <
the republican opponents to the civil acrvlc
law hail agreed ou this program. The an
tagonlmn today to the motion to close de
bate came principally from the democrats
Thu latter were well aupporteJ by the popu
lists and a few republicans who believed th
debate should go on. After ? .ome wrangling
the previous iiucatlcin was ordered on th
dciLanil cf Mr. Moody , but the rising vol
on the motion to clcee the debate was very
closoJ-ajes , ! )2 ; nays , 85 and ou demand o
the democrats the roil wes called.
When the roll call was concluded , th
motion to close debate stood defeated b
six votes. A recapitulation ot the vote wa
callcJ for and It was whispered about tha
assurances had been received from the rule
committee that time would be given for th
consideration of the measure prepared by
itho republican opponents of the law. Thre
republicans then changed their votes , making
It a tie. The speaker announced the vet
125 to 125.
"A tie , " added the speaker , "and the dial
votes aye. " Thus the speaker saved the day
and the motion to close the debate wa
carried.The republicans applauJcd moa
vociferously. The debate was then resumed
Mr. Bioslus , the chairman of the commit
tee on civil service , opened today's debat
with an claborato defense ot the merit sys
tern and an argument for sustaining the law
Mr. Pearson ( rep. . , N. 0. ) asked how tht
statement that the civil service law wa
economical could be reconciled with the fjc
that the employes of thd govurnment had al
moat doubled 1893.
Mr. Broslus ( rep. , Pa , , denleil , this wa
true. The advocates of the spoils aystcm
hu said , had repeated Uic statement mill
they believe It. Mr. BIOMUS said the power
of the Civil iSenvlco commission were very
limited. They could do little except at tht
direction ot the president and when mem
bers hurled their Javelins they went eve
thu heads of the commission and burlec
themselves In the Hank of thu chief exocu
tlvo. Speaking of Mr. Orosvenor's attacl
on Carl Schurz , 'Mr. flroslus said the lalto
probably threw It aside .after ho had read
it , with Carlisle's remark : "Another fou
chimney caught fire. " Mr. Llrosius spoke
for over two hours.
'Mr. ' McGuIre ( dcm. , Cal. ) defended the las
administration against the charge of whole
ealo lemovals and commended the efficiency
of the service , especially In the publli
printing ofllco , which had been an especla
point of assault from the outside. Ex-Pub
lie Printer Benedict , ho said , had reduced
the force In his otllce from 3,000 to 2,80 (
and had Inaugurated conspicuous reforms.
Ho charged Mr. Landls ( rep. , Iml. ) , who
amused the house several days ago with
some private memoranda of Mr. Bencdlrt'o
secretary , with Juggling and distorting tht
record. Ho read a lutter from Mr. Benedict's
.secretary , who Is now In the classified sc-iv
Ice , challenging some uf Mr. Landts' crate
incuts , and offering to resign If the Indiana
member could substantiate them.
After aomo remarks by Messrs. Boll ( pop. ,
Colo. ) and Mr. Eddy ( rep. , Minn. ) , Mr. Simp
son ( pop. , Kan. ) enlivened the closing hour
of the debate with a reference to the sena
torial contest In Ohio. Ho said the debute
had been prolonged whllo the republican *
out io Ohio wero'maklng promises to the
boys In the trenches Inthe Interest of Sen
ator Hanna. It was all u hlutf , &aU Mr.
Simpson , nothing was to bo done , and now !
tlmt Senator Hanna's election was secured
the mask was thrown oft and a vote was tel
l > o taken tonight on this bill. Whether the
house would luvo an opportunity later to
consider a bill for the repeal of the ! nid
would depend ou the speaker , said Mr.
"He Is the whole thing , " exclaimed
Simpson , "acid runs the houao. " 'Laughter. )
"Have you consulted the speaker ? " asked
Mr. Qulgg.
' "No , " replied Mr , Slmpsro , "ho never cca-
sulti mo and I never consult him. "
IMr. alien ( Jem. , Mlra. ) entertained the
honso with one of his short , humorous
pcecliM. .
'Mr. ' Bailey ( dem. , Tex. ) , 1ho loader of the
minority , closed the debate with some re
marks defining the attitude of the democrats.
It was difficult , ho raid , to bcllovo In the
nhicertty of the oflicr side when In one.
breath the republicans avow their adher
ence to the law and In the next demand Its
practical destruction. If the law was good ,
ho eald , It ought to bo extended ; If not It
should bo repealed. TCio democrats , bo said ,
wcro ready to vlpo It oft the statute booki' .
They did not bellevo in llfo tenure. Wiillo
the repeal of the law might turn some of
their friends out of onice , they stood by their
party platform.
With the conclusion of Mr. Calley's re
marks t'ho ' time expired. It was then dis
covered that 'thcBo ' who desired to veto to
etrlko out the appropriation for the Civil
Service commlns-lon had neglected to make
the motion In vomnit'teo of the whole , No
vole , therefore , could be taken aud the bill
waa passed without dlvUlon.
The agricultural and urgent deflcleacy bills
nvero reported to the house , and ut 0:20 : p.
ni. the lioujo adjourncil.
i llellff IC\icilltliiu. |
WASHINGTON , Jan , ll.-A telegram won
M received by Adjutant General Jlreck today
from General MerrUm , commanding the Del -
l > irtmrnt of the Columbia , at Vancouver
IlarrackR , that iray have some effect on the
Volley of the War department In extending
relief to the miners In the Klondike. Tha gen
eral reports that the passengers on the two
steamers which have recently arrived from
Alaska all itato there U co dearth of
food at Danson and that the miners will get
through the winter In safety.
Vliulili'l Cam * Siiltinltlfil.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The -QUO of the Chicago , Burlington
& Quinsy against the State of Nebraska , ex
rel City ot Omaha lei relation to the Eleventh
etrciH viaduct was submitted today In the
supreme court. Ccnnell nd Greene Uklng
two hours In tholr oral arguments. Uoth at
torneys were listened to attentively , but the.
? tIut m do by Greene tuaf other rellroada
were not brought Into the ca o , nor wer
they < i kcdto pny their Just proportion o
repairs on the viaduct scorned to . - < ke th
court an a strong point In the entcn'lon o
the counnc ! ( or the railroad that Uic notion
of the city amounted' ' almoit to ronflionkn
Ceo nell brought a smllo to the face of th
court as he lold ot Ibo grand union dcpo
wnloli Omaha has ha < > for a great man
years , several of Hio Justices having had oc
oislon to paw through Omatu aad the union
depot In past years.
Intcrntiitc Cnnitnrrrt' Cnnimlmilnn tic
iirmi a former Order.
WASHINGTON , Jan. II. The Interstat
Corrmerco commlwlcn bis entered an orde
dated January 1. 1893 , continuing In fore *
until December 31. 1S99 , tbo order of Male
25 , 1897 , authorizing certain named rallroii
companies to charge less for the traniporta
tlon of passengers botfa castbouml and west
bound for the longer distance by their sev
cral connecting lines between points In th
Kootcnat district In British Columbia , nca
the northern boundary of the United State
between the Cascade and the Hocky mount
alns , and points upon the Detroit and St
Clalr rivers and easterly therefrom In th
Dominion of Canada and In that portion o
New England reached directly by the Gran
Trunk railway , than for the shorter dls
tances to Intermodule points on their re
spectlve lines. It Is provided , however , t'.ia
nuch low rates .for longer distances shall neat
at any tlmo bo less than the rate previous !
published or charged by the Canadian Pa
clflc for the transportation ot passenger
from the amo points. It Is further provide *
that thla order may bo revoked at any tlai
without notice. The ground lor the afpllea
tlon of the order relieving these carrier
from section 401 ot the act t
tegiilate commerce as regards this traffic
was that they might meet the competition o
the Canadian IViclflc read , a line wholly In
Atiiiounccil -Speech In tin- Semite 01
iMoiuliij- .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Tito senate to
day briefly discussed on adverse- report b
tha pensions committee oa a bill to pcnalo
General Meado'a two daughters at $100
month each , Chairman Galllnger saying th
committee die not wish to enter on the pen
slonlng of daughter * of veterans. Allen o
Nebraska thought General Meade's service
JuiUflert such liberality. No action wa
taken and after Wolcott of Colorado an
iiounccd a speech on the money question fo
next Monday Senator Fairbanks addresac
the senate on Immlpntlon.
After this speech the Hawaiian treaty wa
taken up In executive ses.ilon.
The senate devoted almost an hour of th
first rart of the executive session today t
a wrangle over the recommittal of the namt
of cue or two of the minor olllclals conllrme
yesterday , and did not take up the Hawalla
treaty until about 3 o'clock. Senator Eavl
took I'.ie floor at that hour nnd orocecdcd t
deliver a speech In support ot the treaty
He represented the majority of the commlttc
on foreign relations and his cpcech was ac
ceptcd as practically the committee's repor
mon the treaty. Mr. Davis spoke at lengt
and held from the first the closest attcntlo
of the senate.
Sen lite- ! ' I n nne e Committee Will TnU <
It I'll A unl li Xext TueMtliiy.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The ser.uto com
mlttce on finance met today for the purpos
of considering the Teller resolution declaring
for the payment of the national bonds In
Oliver sa well as gold , but after dlscuasln
It at some length , postponed action oil I
until the next mect'ng of the committee , t
be hold on Tuesday ot next week.
I , anil Court .TuilKON Confirmed.
WASHINGTON , Jan.11. . The senate ha
confirmed the following nominations : To b
judges ot court of private land cJalms
Thomas C. Fuller of North Carol'aa ' , Wllllan
W. Murray ot Tennessee , Joseph n. Fleet
of Iowa ; chief Justices , C. Henry Stuss o
Kansau ; W. P. Stone ot Colorado.
Postmasters : Montana W. B. Burkett
Bozcinan ; P. N. Bernard , Kallspcl ; M. Der
irg , Jr. , Marysvllle ; T. J. Pollard , Glendlvc
W. II. Roberts. Hamilton ; tA. J. Stephens
Lewlston ; E. Stark , Virginia City. Colorado
rado F. M. Taguo , Las Anlraas ; J. M
Slmins , Kort Collins ; H. J. Sears , Contra
City ; E. Price , Grand Junction ; H. Grafton
Manltou ; M. B. Bostwlck , Black Hawk ; D. E
Cooper , Lamar ; R. J. McCartney , Sllverton
r. M. Heardon , Victor ; A. G. Derry , Ouray
C. Parks , La Junta ; S. II. Young , Uockj
Ford. South Dakota W. S. Chase , Sturgis
D. B. Jeffries. Huron ; M. B. Kent , Ell
Point ; F. L. aieaso. Madison ; A. J. Bell
Spearflsh. Idaho W. W. Pritchet , Welsor
New Mexico M. J. Cunlff , Las Cruces ; L. O
Fulton , Eddy. Oklahoma J. A. Buckles
Enid ; C. Douglasa , Alva ; J. A. Kelt , llen-
nessoy ; M. L. Thomas , Pond Crock. Indian
Territory N. II. Norman , Wynlnwood.
Pension agents : C. A. Orr , at Buffalo
N. Y. ; Jonathan Merrlam , at Chicago ; J. T
Wilder , at Knoxvllle , Tenn ; Edwin D. Coe
at Milwaukee ; Jacob D. Lolghtey , at Indian
Interior : Frank W. Mondcll , Newcastle
Wyo. , to be assistant commissioner of the
general land office ; Prlnco A. Cartell , to bo
register of the land ofllco ab Buffalo , Wyo.
Treasury : John Fox , to bo collector of cus
toms District of Columbia.
Postmasters : Kansas James G. Burley ,
Fredcnla ; W. W. Ewlng , Eraporla ; S. L.
Ferguson , Wellington ; H. G. ileiater , St.
Marys. Nebraska C. i\V. Avery , Fall-field ;
A. E. IBee , Cambridge ; C. C. Callahau ,
Sidney ; D. E. 'EInset. ' Holdrege ; G. E. Jack
son , Fairmont ; M. V. King , Geneva ; A. A.
Logan , Crelghton ; W. C. McNeal , Wayne ; J.
S. Paradls , Alliance ; J. L. Stewart , Randolph ;
M. E. Copcland , Mlndcn.
N'ewH for the Army.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A court-martial with Majcr William
F. Spurgln , Twenty-third fafan'.ry , as presi
dent has been detailed to meet at West Point.
Captain John Baxter , jr. , coslstant quar-
tormwter , hog been ordered from Jefferscn-
vlllo , Ind. , to Fort Rlley. Kan , , for duty.
Leaves of ataonco : Major Egfa A. Kcer
per , surgeon , extended one month ; Lieuten
ant HarrliJ L. Roberts , Nineteenth Infantry ,
extended one mcuth ; Lieutenant Arthur B.
Faster , Nineteen ! ' ! ! Infantry , extended three
montha ; Lieutenant George F. Klrkman ,
Eighth Infantry extended one mciith ; Cap
tain Albert I * Myer , Eleventh Infantry , ex-
tomlol fifteen days ; Captain Charles H.
Qrlerson , Tooth cavalry , six montlu ; Captain
Cieargo A.Clan , corps ot engineers , extended
ono month.
I'ertiilnlni ; to
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele-
; ram. ) Stark Introduced a blanket bill today
tor 'the erectlcci of a pciitolfico at Wahoo ,
David City , O > jccola , Aurora York , Sev.-ard ,
Wllber , Geneva , Hebron and Falrbury to
: oat $10,000 each , " tbo sites to bo donated , and
ippropriatlns { 100,000 to curry the provisions
} f the bill.
Fourth cl-aui postrccsters wcro appointed to-
lay as follows : Nebraska Robert Plnson. at
I'litte Center , Platte county , vice M. E.
Jlothcr , removed.
Iowa Richard B , WIckham , at Flort-nce-
, -llle , Howard cou-nty , and J. I ) . KrotU , at
Uiovj , Lucas ccimty.
An oriler cs Isaued at tno Pfatofflco de
partment today allowing the postofllce at
Uritt. la , , Jjl for fuel and llghtu from Jaciu-
iry 1.
Allrn "Axl ; for Inforniiitloii ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. In the oenato
oiay ! Mr. Alltu Introduced and secured tbo
idoptlon of a resolution calling upon tbo
ircsldcnt for Ir-fcnnatlco In his poeswslon
clatlvo to the bounCury line between Ven-
> zuea and British Guiana and to Inform tie
lenato wiiethor the United States now l.aa
my clerks or other employes at work upoi
ho Venezuelan boundary question , and alto
vhat part of the $100,000 appropriated for tbo
, reuezuelJii commUalon bad beco expended.
Dully TrriiHiu.Statement ,
WASHIGTON , Jan. 11. Today's statement
if the condition ot the treasury shown :
Available cash balance , 1238 , 00,119 ; gold
escrvo , $16,171,155.
Prosperity comes quickest to the man
vliosa liver Is In good condition. DoWltt's
. .Ittlo Early Risers are /amoai little pills
or constipation , biliousness. Indigestion anil
ill etomach and liver trouble * .
Shortage of Funds in tie Treasury to Pay
Fenr ttmt C.olil .Slilpmrnln Will lie
nrj Step * Tnken to Pre
vent It It l'o * ll > leUiillH
( or India I1I1U.
LONDON , Jan. 11. Yesterday the govern
raont Invited tenders tor India bills to th
amount of J5.000.000 for the discharge o
bills payable January 22. The stringency In
money In India Is BO great that It Is bcllevci
gold shipments will bo necessary. Spccla
allotments of telegraphic transfers on Horn
bayjvcro made yesterday at 16V6d per rupee
So great Is the urgency for money In India
that the Indian council ts considering plans to
Increase the supply of currency.
In order to facilitate the operation of Issu
Ing silver coin against gold deposits at the
rate of 1C peneo per rupee , and to save time
and expense Involved In the remittance o
gold to Indln. It Is said the council will re
cclvo on behalf of the Indian banks , or mcr
chants In London , gold for deposit In the
Hank of England , ngalnst which orders o
transfers will enable Bllvcr cola to be drawn
from the Indian currency departments. A
small charge , the rate of 1C pence , will b > .
made to cover the cost of the transaction
It is hoped that this scheme , oven If no
greatly availed of , will relieve the tightness
and avoid gold shipments to India.
Statement of ProiioNcil T.rnl lntlo
Mitilo from the Throne.
BERLIN , Jan. II. The last cession of the
present Prussian Diet was opened toda >
with a speech from the throne. After stating
that the current budget lions conslderubl
surplus a bill w > is Introduced which con
tcmplated abollshtag the obligations of pub
He officials to furnish security ; rearranging
and Improving the emoluments of the clergy
regulating the- provision of private tutor
In the universities ; Increasing the capital o
the central co-opcnitlve fucd ; Incrcas'ng th
colonisation fund of 1'oscn ( West 1'nusli )
and extending the peasant succession law
to Westphalia and someof the Rhenish dls
trlcts. In addition , further funds will b
provided to prevent lloodo aud to inltlgat
their effects.
The speech from the throne waa read b >
the Imperial chancellor , Prlnco Hohenlolie.
Emperor AVIIIInni Holils nil Inter
vliMV with the AmlmnNiulnr.
BERLIN , Jan. 11. r.mpcror Wllli-im mad
cci unexpected vlalt to the Russian cmbaisj
Sunday evening and conversed for half an
hour with the ambassador.
The I'ost claims that England was warnci
of Germany's contemplated action at Kla
Chau , and ralccd no objection.
Emperor William has decorated Bishop
Anzer of South Shan Tung with the orde
of the Red Eagle ( second class ) . This Is re
garded os an Inducmcent to the centrists
the Ronun Catholic party In the Reichstag
to vote for the naval bill.
Empress Auguste Victoria is recovering
from her Indisposition.
Arrest American. .Diploma * * .
LONDON , Jon. 11. At the Maidenbc-i ,
county court today summonses against Sper.
cer Eddy , secretary of the United States
ambassador , Colonel John C. Hay , J. E
White , son of Henry White , secretary of the
United States embassy , ifor cycling on alda
walks , were adjourned In consequence of the
homo olllce- telegraphing to the magistrate
that Henry White claimed diplomatic prlvl
leges for his soa.
'I.oniirwotliillotiH ' 1'roBrcBxliiBT.
LONDON. Jan. 11. The Chinese lean no
gotlatlons are progressing. Great Britain
has Informed China that It Is willing to lent
the mono1 required and details are now being
discussed. The amount will protably be
20.000,000. Great Britain is asking for cer
tain changes In the adm'atstratlen of China
Including the restoration of LI Hung Chang
to power.
Itrltlxh Soldiers KnlhiislaHtlc.
DOVER , Jan. 11. The greatest enthusiasm
and activity prevails at Shcrncllffe , from
which camp the Third hussars have been
ordered to proceed. Large drafts from other
British regiments are also preparing for
foreign service. '
Another School for the Deaf.
FOUT EODGE , la. , Ja. | 11. ( Special. ) It
la learned that an effojt is to bo made to
secured the establishment of another school
for the dcuf In Iowa , pn account of the
crowded condition of tie school at Council
BluGj. The statement Is made that there
are nearly 250 persons who cannot to ac
commodated at Council Bluffs who would
like to enter a school .for the deaf ac3 that
of the 1,000 students there uioro than 400
have been received from the extreme eastern
counties of the state. Ths hill that will be
Introduced In the legislature at ths present
seo-'lon will provide for an appropriation of
$50,000 with which to begin w 'k and It
will provide that the total cost 01 the school
. - . hall not exceed $75,000. If It passe * Fort
Dodge nlll make an effort to secure the loca
tion of the school.
Justice for iXote Sulndler.
CLARION , la. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Judge
BIrdsall In the district court has sentenced
J. C. Moats aud J. A. Lyon each to a year
In the penitentiary for swindling. They In-
3uceJ a farmer to sign what he thought was
a application for Insurance , but which was
i deed to his Und. They have appealed to
he supreme court. Moats la out under bond ,
aut Lyons Is boarding with the sheriff.
County Knlr Secretaries.
DES MOINES , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele-
; ram. ) The mooting of the county f-ilc secre-
arien opened this evening. The feature of
ho proceedings was a discussion of Attorney
Jeneral Remlcy's recent opinion en county
air appropriations. The old ollte.irs were re-
dected , as follows : President , T. ( J. Le'gse ,
Vhat Cheer ; secretary , J. C. Crockett
eil tn n I'oll Tax.
MARSHALLTOWN , la. , Jan. 11. ( Special. )
-Mayor Pierce surprised the city council
vlth a long message In which he recom-
nended that poll tax bo done away with In
ho city during the ensuing year , and that
i 1-mlll tax bo levied for street Improve-
nents. No action was taken , but the plan
vlll prota'bly bo ultimately accepted.
.Meeting of the 'Derthlek Olnh ,
Last eveningat the Hoyden annex , the
Jerthlck clul ) held , another of Itn meetings.
I'ho program was In charge o Miss Lillian
Terry , and waa devoted to thu Kreut Ocr-
nan composer , Schubert. The character ! *
atlon , written by W. 8 , 1J. Mathewa of Chi.
ago , wna rend by Mra , J , M. Mutcalf. Miss
'erry read the analyses , 'The Wanderer"
Vila suna hy Miss Getty , the "Ave Maria"
> > Mrs. Johnston , the "Death and thu
lalden" by Mrs. Kdwards and the "Im-
> rotni > tu , opus CO , " was. played by Mlsa
Several prepositions were presented by the
iresldent , Airs' . I'sclc , for public perform-
nces , both by club members and by foreign
.rtists. No definite action \\r.i taken , but
. conclusion may bo expected at the next
neotlnp , which will be held two we.jks from
; ist night. The program for thlH meeting
rill be inado up of selections from the
i-orka of Donizetti and Meyerbeer.
IjoolcN In Vain for Vi'iiMX'nnri * .
Anna Ounchucks waited around tbo court
IOUSQ during a greater portion of yeHter-
: ay afternoon hoplnt ] that liefaro returning
lomo 8h would see Jolin Walkorna placed
jciiliui the bars. Wnlfooma. however , did
not KO to jail , ami at dark last night Mlsa
3uncnuck returned homo to nurse her
/rath / , declaring that at some other lima
iho would have her revenge , . ,
The man and the woman In the casts ro-
tde in Botitli Omnlm. .Mlsa Gunchucks had
> een Walkoma'a steady company for a long
Imo. and according1 to her own statement
hu hud loved him well but not wisely.
'eaterdny she learned that ha intended
Harrying another woman. Havinglearneil
ilia she canie to Omaha , secured u
nnit rrr."rtK irl ufllfi r ! nto the
wn t ,1 nt 'Jf | JJIF > f the county
until sti i I'm is Wmk inn might
arrlv > to fffure tUf'W.irr.n > t > license It
wan her purpose tOii\i-yjo the offl cr pounc >
on htm nnd tnkn him awiy to Jnll. but
li < l.d nst nrrl\M' ! < ltb coicluKd that ho
must hava Rene to C yncll Llurfg to secure
the nodding permit.
U Is nearly ten ye'n s slnco Mr. Sothcrn
first IntroduceJ foppfsh' , snlglcmlndcd , hard
hitting "Lord Chumray" to an applauding
world. Omaha the.lte'H-Roers arc quite fa
miliar with the tnridrats In the career o (
that much admired" " 'nobleman ' which caused
him to take upon hfmsblt the supposed trans.
gcceslon of his friend nnd to go Inlu
squalid exllo nnd bo tyrannized over by a
slavey , all for woman' * love. In eplto of this
familiarity , however , and perhaps becaus
of It , there Is no piece In Mr , Sothertr
repertory moro steadfastly popular than
"Lord Chumley. " "with its queer mliiRlliih
ot melodrama , farce and high comedy. 1
was warmly greeted last night and all th
points vigorously applauded. Mr. Sothern'
presentation of the title role Is too wel
known to require extended comment. Ef
fcctlvo work was dona by Miss Austin as
Meg , by Mr. Duckstonc as Adam lluttcr
worth nnd by Sir. SelU-n as Lo Gage.
Two performances of "Lynwood" will b
given by the Woodward company this aft
nrnoon nnd evening. Tomorrow night am
the remainder of the week "Jim , the West
crncr , " will be the bill. The specialties are
nell worth seeing , aside from the rc&ula
dramatic representation.
The Mondamln Choral society feels vcrj
confident of n geol honor- Wednesday even
lug at Iloyd's theater , whbn the second coil
cert of the season will be Given. Thcro li
a sharp demand for scats on the outside am
no doubt tha attraction which Is to be pro-
Gcntsd will fill the house. In addition t
the choral work ot the society , which Is to
favorably known to need further commcn
In advance , there will bo the America *
violinist , Maximilian Dick , the pianist nn >
accompanist , Mbo ncorglclla Lay , and th
now but already succc , stul soprano , Mis
Isabcllo Bratnobcr.
Charles E. Blaney's fnrco comedy , " 4
Bow Wanted , " will'nil a half week's en
Ragement at Boyd'a this week , beglnnln
Thursday night.
\Valtcr Whltesldo retuins to Omnha nex
week , playing an engagement of four night
and two matinee. ! at Boyd's , beginning will
a matlneo performance next Sunday.
OIllcerH IiiMlalleil at Valley.
Atlanta post. No , 171 , Grand Army of th
Republic of Valley , Installed Its cfllcers a
the residence of Captain J. II. Gllmore , a
mile and a half north of Valley , Saturday
Th3 olllcors aru i\n follows : W. H. Strain
C. ; Charles Harrier , S. V. C. ; A. Slbcrt
J. V. C. ; J. H. Qllmort- . ; Lr. ) Ulnlr , 3.
J. W. McCormlck , C. ; Mark Turnur , Q. M ,
William Oahorn , O. U. ; E. II. Nelson , O. O.
John McCormlck , Q. M. S. ; S. Austin , S. M
Alter the ceremony of Installation thos
present partook of u dinner served by th
Misses Gllmore. Tli * remainder ot th
afternoon waa spent In llio parlors , wher
Instrumental and vocal music was rcnilcrc
by the women , short talks were made bj
the comrades and an able address was dc
Hvero < n y Rev. Mr. E glcston of Valley.
Karmer rireeit l/nsen Ills Money.
Thomas Green , n former Cj years of age
arrived In the city yesterday from th
neighborhood of Glenwood , la. He pro
cecded to the house of Tllllo Wright , nea
Twelfth and Dodgu streets , where th
money he had Ijroufiht to meet the ex
penscs of a city tour , amounting to $12
waa taken from Ills Inner pocket. Greci
reported the occurrence at the police sta
tlon anil the woninr'fras arrested , tORethe
' - of the house
with John Green'An-Inmate !
on the charge of larceny from the person.
! PIKSO.\A1. ' ! > AIlA < : il.\l > IIS.
Vf. R. Morse cf Clerks Is in Omaha.
J. W. Purdy of .Denver Is a Millard guesl
"W. II. iBeatt of Chicago Is at the MlllarO
AV. L. Grimtlr 6f'Chicago Is at the MU
lard. '
H. D. Slder of Dayton , 0. , Is at the Mil
Arthur Cooley left on an eastern trip las
Dr. J. E. Gardner of 'Duluth ' Is an Omaha
Jchn H. Crycr of Cremona Is a visitor to
the city.
J. A. Beckwlth , , : ti Evanston ranchman. Is
In the city.
J. A. and L. Wachter of Ponder are stop
ping at the iBarker.
J. F. Sander of 'Nlobrara ' , 'Neb. , can be
found at the Barker.
B. A. Branch , traveling passenger agen
of the Erie , Is In Omaha.
I. G. Hamilton and Frank Wletzer of Nor
folk are visitors to t'ho city.
B. Day and wife of Chicago are late ar
rivals stopping at the 'Barker.
George Wardell , a Washington business
man , Is ta the city with his wife. *
L. .E. Doty and R. "W. Zullnger of David
City are registered at the Barker.
C. H. Webster , George C. Strahan nnd
\V. E. Clayton of Chicago are guests at the
Barker. ,
Douw H. Fonda , Jr. , of Albany , N. Y. . Is
spending a few weeks with ula parents In
this city
Sheriff McDonald went to Lincoln yester-
Jay as guardian of a charfco for the state
City Clerk Hogo of Nebraska City was In
Lovii last night and attended the meeting of
the city council.
Joseph Hospodsky , editor of the Prltcl
31der of Wllber , and Joseph Vaurs of Crete ,
n-omlnent Bohemians of the state , are In the
: ity.
ity.C. M. Dooley , night Jailer at the city
irlson , is off duty In attendance upon his
vlfe , who was reported last night to beery
-ory 111.
W. S. Harrison , M. J. Mayer and E. O.
lose are linemen with the Western Union
Telegraph company registered at the Barker
roni Denver ,
At the Millard : M. Samuels , Chicago ; L.
i. Fox , Philadelphia ; 'W. T. Evans , Topeka ;
. O. Hamilton , Norfolk ; C. L. Knobe , Chi-
ago ; William M. Neville. .North Platte ;
V. M. Darloy , Chicago ; H. M. Boydston ,
Nebraska City.
NebraJkaes lit the hotels : D , F. Sunderland ,
Sterling ; S. P. Glah , Joe Wlndlo , Salem ; 0.
' , Mytel , Frank Battled , Tecumseh ; H , M.
Jronwsn. Albion ; J. J , McCoy , Beatrice ; H.
' . Slaughter. F. R. MoASinBil , Wlsiicr ; T.
, f. Shoatt , Fullcrton ; J. C. Hartscugh , Oak ;
II. Cralger , S. H. McClary , Norfolk ;
.tacoln ; H Paul and Vlfe , A. Paul and wife ,
eader ; Gcorgo J.elser , L. Upperman , J.
V'ooJand wlfo G : > JmOsland ; W. S. Grafton ,
Veston ; B. F. Stelley , Farnam ; J. M. Cox ,
lamptca ; George t\V , SIcKee. Charles P.
icjnelder , Syracuse ; D. P. Henagy , Crete ; F.
V. Melcher , West Point : William 'Matthlcaon. '
loulft Auburn ; W.j H. Acker. Waboo ; H. T.
Iruco , Bertr.od ; qcorso W. Henn , Howella ;
Icary Q. Colly.
Drox L. Slioolnnn' lins a few wise
vonls to way to tl)5 ) 'paivnls parlleular-
y tliu jmri'iitH tlmt are posscssi'il of
eal lively bpya ( lint will wwir out shoes
-Thcso wise wof iij jfoiicL'rn tlu > savins
t Is irwsllIu ) fomyou to Imvo 1C you
Hily liwd tliiVonls "Simply try ft
mlr of those * Kcnulnu iiulltctl hottoni
shoes inatlu for lioys"Vvc tin ? ex-
. luslvo Halo of these shops and there Is
lothlii ' made that can' ' la-Kin to glvo
heir equal In wear no mater what you
ire asked to pay there are lots of
'quilted bottom" shoes font there Is
ilso a vast dinVreaco Ours are quilted
Bottoms Hoys' sizes , UKs to 0 , ? 2.ii5
i'ouths' , 11 to ii-fci.00.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Closing Out "The National9 ®
Stook of Clothing , Hats ,
Today's specials , aside from the regular stock that is left , are :
A large quantity of Odd Men's Pants , Creditors'
left from suits every pair has a value Closing 1.401
of § 2.50 to S3.75 a pair Price . . . . . .
All the extra fin ; qualities of Odd PcLIltS , a Creditors'
from the best suits , and the broken lots of Closing
regular pants , $4.00 and $5.00 values Price
° °
o5o Suit of
is priced at'
We give you an opportunity to buy an OVERCOAT now if your s'c : 5s
among -the few we have left at just 40c on the dollar in other words , any $10
Overcoat for $4.00 these we must get rid of.
$ i 25 Black and Brown
Stiff Hats. .
We are selling out everything furniture and fixtures
National-Clothin Co.'s
Cor. 13th find. Douglas
There was a great deal of talk on tlu-j
streets yesterday conccniing the request of
.Messrs. Klynn , Wyman and Cressey for a
twenty-five years gas franchise. The manner
In' ' which the request was sprung on the ,
council and the fact that the ordinance
granting the franchise had already been pre
pared , caused a great many people to thlnlt
that It was another case ot sell out am'i
some oven went so far aa to asserti that the
promoters were working In , the Interest ot
the Omaha , Gas company.
As the ordinance was withdrawn when the
fight on technicality In tbo council com
menced the document still remains private
property aud all of the provisions , conces
sions , otc.will not bo known until It Is
properly Introduced ot the next meeting o'
the council. However , the promoters want
a franchise to run twenty-five years nn4
they are willing to pay a royalty of 3 cents
on every thousand feet of gas sold. It Is
stipulated that a plant shall bo erected
within the city limits and that the main ,
offices of the compa-ny shall be maintained *
here. Slorc than this the applicants want !
two years In which to erect the works and
have everything In working order. They
arc willing to give sufficient bond and It Is
asserted that there Is plenty ot money be-
* hlncl the scheme.
Without a doubt the people of South
Omaha would bo pleased to have a gas plant
erected here and a member of the council
speaking about the matter yesterday said
that ho favored the new franchise , provider
a plant for the manufacture of gas would bt
erected here.
John Flyun , one of the promoters , said ho
was in earnest about the matter and thin
there would bu no sell out. He was anxious
to have both kinds of light In this city am ?
he claimed that there was room enough hero
for both electric light and gas companies.
It is not the desire. It Is understood , to In
terfere In any way with the franchise now-
held by the Omaha Gas company and no at
tempt will bo made by the promoters of the
new concern to have the existing franchise
These who are In a position to know as
sert that the parties Interested propose mak
ing gas by the recently patented process. It
Is further claimed that by this process gas
can bo made so that there will be a good
profit made at the rate , ot $1 per thousand
feet. By the provisions of the franchise
held 1)y the Omaha Gas company the rate to
ho charged Is $1.50 per thousand feet to pri
vate consumers andi $1 per thousand feet to
the olty. Tlio- new company will , It Is
claimed , sell gas for street lighting pur
poses to the. city for 70 cents per thousand
feet. j
Councllmen Mort and Tralnor arc known
to bo opposed to the new ordinance and Ir ,
Is claimed that Kelly Is on the fence. Thil
promoters , however , assert that when the
time comes they will bo able to muster six-
votes and thus carry the deal through. What
: he mayor will do should the ordinance pasa
, s cot known.
l'n 'k > rM AnI'lenKl'd. .
/Managers / of the packing houses hero wore
pleased to learn yeserday through the col
umns ot The neo tint the proposed tax or
i cents per piece for meat Inspection had
jeen abandoned by Secretary Wilson of the
Department of Agriculture. According to
iho plan suggested thla tax was to bo pala
jy packers whoso meats were Inspected IOY
export. It la claimed that the promulgation
of such an order would have proved a sertou.t
drawback to the packers whose export tradu
s extensive. This tax , It is claimed , was tc ,
lave been used to defray the expenses of a
nlcroscoplcal examination ,
At the present time all of the South
Omaha pickers have largo export orders on
mud and an average of 300 pieces are ex
amined a day for the Cudahy houao alone.
The other packers fall slightly below this ,
ait there la more work for the mlcroscoplsta
low than the present force can handle.
In examining a hog for export the gov-
eminent tagger selects thrco samples from
pi-n 3Qima . one from the diaphragm , crio
rom the neck and the other from the loin ,
f evidence of disease Is round In the sain-
ilo first examined the other samples from
ho same animal are not placed under the
ulcroscopcj but should the first samplu
Drove all right the others are examined.
Vhcn a diseased hog Is found It U con-
emncil and thrown Into a rendering vat.
"hcso fjainplcs , when rut from the carcass ,
ro placed In a tin box and numbered to
orrespond with the number placed on the
arcom by the tagger. For the Cudahy house
alone a tax of G cents on each Inspection
would amount to at loist $0,000 u yeir
while , the other houses would be taxed al
most ad much. The income derived fron <
thla proposed tax would have more thai :
paid the expenses of thu microscopical de
partment here , oven with the Increasoi'i
force needed.
ItniiU KleetloiiM.
The stockholders of the thrco national
banks dolrv ; business In this city mot yester
day and elected directors for the cusuliiR
year , after which the directors elected the of
ficers. All of the directors cf the Packers' Na-
Honal Leak were re-elected , they being Jolin
F. Goad , AniOD Gates , Fred Evcrs , A. W.
Trumblo , J. E. Curtis , C. D. Brown. Elmer
E. Bryson , Frank J. Slcrlarty , Luther Drake.
The olllccrs are : John F. Caul , president ; A.
W. Trumblo vlco president ; Flunk J. Mori-
arty , cashier. Before adjournmuit the di
rectors deelaroi the regular quarterly divi
At the Unlcii Stock Yards National bank
the old directors were re-elected. They are :
William A. Paxton , P. A. Valentine , JOOT A.
i Crelghton , Herman Kountze , F. H. Davis ,
I B. F. Smith. C. T. Koratze. J. J. Roche , B. Mcl'herson. The officers are :
John A. Crelghton president ; F. II. Divla ,
vlco president ; Thomas B. McPherson , cash
ier ; J. C. French , assistant cashier. Theao
officers are the same as last year with the
exception that J. C. French of Sioux City
taken 'the place ot John L. Carson as assist
ant csahlor. Mr. CarsM resigned some
month ? ago to engage In other business. The
usual semiannual dividend was declared.
The directors of the South Omaha National
bink are : J. H. Millard , Edward E. Cudahy ,
Truman Buck , J. J. 'Brown , Guy C. Barton ,
A. C. Foster ceil II. C. Bcstwlck. J. H. Mll-
I lard wau elected president , E ? . A. Cudahy vlca
president and H. C. Bostwlck cashier. The
bank declared Itn nineteenth semi-annual div
idend. There waa c-nly ons change la the of
ficers. E. A. Cudahy being substituted for
Truman Buck as vice president.
The arnual meeting of the stockholders of
th/J South Omaha Savings bsok waa also
held , the directors being Truman Buck A. C.
Foster , T. W. Tallaferro , Fred CM. Smith and
II. C. Bostwlck. The officers are : A. C.
Foster , president ; T. W. Tallaferro , vlco
president , and H. C. Bostwlck , cashier.
All of the banka report an increase In busi
ness over 1890 and It is predicted that 1808
will bo a record breaker Ca the banking busi
"XVoiiit'ii < ! Iv < > nil ICntrrtiiliimoiit.
Yesterday afternoon the department ot
oratory of the Omaha Woman's club gave A
musical and literary entertainment at the
parlors of the Young Men's Chlstlan associa
tion on N street. There was a lirgo at
tendance and the program as announced
some days ago , with a few exceptions , was
rendered. Onu or two of those who had an
nounced their willingness to contribute their
services to the entertainment were una
voidably detained , hilt In splto of this thoat ,
present enjoyed every number. The woman's
auxiliary of the Young Men's Christian as
soclatlon had the entertainment in charge.
Hurt liy it Mntiir.
Hnrry Quadohcao homo is at 2442 South
Nineteenth street , Omaha , wan knocked
down by a motor train at Twenty-fourth anJ
N streets shortly after C o'clock last evening.
Before the train could bo stoppeJ the wheels
of the motor pas&d : over one of the boy's
feet just above tbo ankle , Doctors wcro
called and the1 Injured boy was taken to the
S-outh Omaha hospital , where ho received
iliiiprovi'im-iit I'liib i
The appirent success of the East Sldo Im
provement club has caused the votcra In the
Second ward to take up the matter and -i
call for a meeting at Franek's hall for to
night has been issued. It U ( ho Intention
to organize m Improvement club similar to
tha cast alders' club and make a hustle for
Improvements , etc1. All voters arc urged to
ittond thu meeting tonight.
IliirlliiKton AliNiirlm IlrlilKi * Tollx.
Yesterday the Burlington road announced
that the $1 bridge tolls oa live ntock ship
ments would bo absorbed by ' .ho company
'rom this time on. Commission men and
llvo stock shipper , ! at the exchangewcro
Lid to hear of this reduction of rates , the
: hargo of ? 1 u car having been a drawback
.0 this market.
MlNNlou lit St.
The mission at St. Agnes church , Twenty-
third and Q streets , will commence next
Sunday at the 10:30 : mass. Ilev. Father
jodfrey will have charge of the mission eerv-
Those nrxnus must lie closud out
These terms timl UICHP prices will do it
Tci'iiiH $ < i cash anil $5 pur month
$ < < > Kny Stntp Walnut Case OrKan
( Kocxl order ) only $ { Terms $1 cash
$ ; : pur month.
$75 dough and Warren Wood Case
Organ 10 tops liiiu blitipc only $ CO
Terms ? l cash $1 per month ,
$100 Mason & Iliimllii Organ high
top Walnut Case 10 Ktops fltU Terms
$5 cash $ I monthly.
? 115 Western Cottage Organ fine
high top Walnut ( nearly now ) 12 utona
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
Ices. Those who have heard him nay thai
ho PCK.USSO.S all of the cnialltlea which go
to ninlco n public orator. Ho hna a voleo cj ,
pablo of nsiinnlns every Modulation which
appeals to the Iniinnn heart. lllJ Hiieci a
can bo judged from the fact that at least
1,000 people assembled every jL-vcnlng at i t.
Peter's church , Omaha , to hear him. Rithor
Godfrey will bo assisted In his work by
Father I'aullnus.
CiinililttliilN Aliout
A number of complaints have been mndo
by property owners about the condition ot
thu brick sidewalks laid In front of their
property by the contractor Mst summer nnJ
fall. The mayor had a conference with the
contractor , who agreed to make uny ropalra
or changes necessary. This work will bo
done as soon aj the weather will permit.
OlllfiTM of A 111 Sm-lfly.
The Ladles' Aid society ot the Klrst Pres
byterian church has elected the following of
ficers : Mrs. Jennie Hurch , president ; Mrs.
Josephine Illch , vice president : Mrs. Scott
Harroll. secretary ; Mrs. U. U. Mmtgomery ,
treasurer. The society meets this aftcriiooa
with Mrs. D. L. Holmes.
Will 11a HfKiilmMuycr. .
Joe Murphy , who bought cattle for Armour
on this market last spring and who U to buy
for the now house when completed , was at
the yarda yesterday nnd made hit ? first pur
chase of the scoson. He stated that from
now ou ho will bo a regular buyer at this
l > o kit.
Clly OosHlp ,
n. Wlldon has gcno to Chicago on a busi
ness trip.
Arthur Shrlver Is ccnflnod to hla home on
j ' account of 'Illness.
Jacob 'Rnglehorn ' nf Scrlbncr was a business
vlultor In the city ycalcr&iy.
The Maccabees give a public InalallatKn
and umokcr at Maeonic hall tmilg it.
The telepbccio company Is resetting Ha
high poleo along Twenty-fourth atroet.
Harvey Dean of Glenwood la. , was at the
exchange yesterday falling on fricnids.
Frcr.ik Ilurncss 'Is ncslstlng In the WJTk at
the city treasurer's office ( nntig the rush.
Harry M. Wells IMS accepted a pwltlott
with f. local medical coniraiiy aud Is trav
eling throngii Iowa.
U Is undoratood that Councilman SchuUK
has decided to bo a ( andidatc for rc-clcciim
at the spring election.
Dr. W. W. Wlckliam of Ocelion. Iml. . h
here , the guest of Mr. and 'Mrs. N. 13. llmd ,
Twenty-second and N utrceto.
Rents keep going up every day. In ulmcst
every case where leased expire now landlo/da
refuse to again at tbn old terms.
Mlko Sexton c'.ul ' Pat IKtiuilgan aru
matched to pull stlckn at Twenty-sixth cud
Q streets Saturday nlg-ht for $ 5 a aide.
Dr. Wheeler received the Intelligence yea-
tcrday of Uo ferloiw Illness of bis father ,
Ilov. N. uM. Wheeler. D. U. , at Ilcd Creuk ,
The tafint daughter of Mr. anil Mrs , David
Sturroclc has been christened Grace Saga
Sturrock. Ilev. Dr. Wheeler performed thu
There will bo a grand rally cf all Sabbath
ocliool and day echocl tcachura. Kndeavorcrs ,
etc. , nt the First Mothodlst Kplxcupal cliurcu
next Sunday afternoon.
The following churches will take part In
a ucilui prayer meeting at t'ho Mothodliit
church tonight ; First Preabytorliu Flrat
Baptist , Christian anil United Presbyterian.
A. K. Illlla of Luramle. Wyo. , brought
clgiit cars of cattle to this market yestcnMy.
SuperlntenJcot Dan Oimercn of the Cud-
ahy Packing comrxinyls In Washington , D. O.
"Muzzleit Oxen" Is the topic of Dr.
Whceler'u foreign mlttslcaary addrco.1 at the
Presbyterian church next Sun'iiy morning ,
The Interest hi the union revival servlcei
at the FlMt Metliodliit Episcopal church con.
tinues. Itov. Dr. Wllllamscci preaches evurj
Meeting ! ] will be held today IIH follow * '
Parish ulil , 10 n. in. ; King's Uauchtcra , I
ji , m. ; touchers' lilble chias , 4 p. in.i
wnrilpim ami vestry , 8 p. in.
On ThnrBday the Januury "aoclal" will In
lielil In the parlHh liouso at , 7:3. : ) p , in. , ulxc
n. Hpcclnl ecHslon of th ; board of inutmuii'
Hient of the Gardner Memorial ,
Friday nt 2 l > . in. the Altar guild moots ,
at 2M : j > . m. the Woman'n auxiliary , nl
4 p , in. the Children nf the King and a )
1'A'i p. in , there will bu Hurvlcu and u lec
The special lunch Raturday from 12 tfl
a will 1)0 under tlu-i direction of Mrx. U. 1 1 ,
Clarluion. At 10 o'clock thu sowing Hchool