Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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E. llOSKWATKtl , Editor.
n e ( Without Sunday ) , One Year 18 M
Dnllr Uee and Sunday , Ono Year. . S 00
BIX Months i 00
Thru ) Monlhi. . , , , . , I 00
Sunday lltt , One Yenr. . . . . . . . . . Z W
SiUurJay lire. One Year 1 64
Vetkly lite , One Year M
Omahne The Dee UullJIne.
Houth Omahat Singer Illk. , Cor. N and 21th SU.
Council IllulTiil 10 1'tnrl Blrcet.
Chicago Oincet 117 Chamber of Commerce.
New Vork : Tcmpla Court.
Washington : Ml Fourteenth Street.
Alt communlcatlonn relating to ncwi and e < Hto >
rial matter should be nddtCMeJ : To the Editor.
All bimlncis Uttcri and remittances nhould bo
ddreateit to The liee Puljlluhlnc Company ,
Omaha. I-iinfU , cher.kt , oipros and poitofTlce
money order * to bo made payable to the order of
Ui company. .
State of Ncl.rankn . , Douslas County. § ? . :
Ui-orKO It. Txrchuck. BC , rclary of The Dec Tub.
llahlnR Company , being duly nworn. fays that the
actual miinlrer of full nn l complete coplea of The
Dally , Morning , Kvcnlng ami Sunday Hoc printed
during UK- month of December , 18D7 , was as fol
lows :
1 . 21,227 17 51.197
I . tl,378 18 21,611
s . : ii < n U 24,013
4 . : ir-,7 JO ZI.JM
E . 21 , : , .i2 21 21,381
J 21,721
7 . ll.CM 23 2I.2J7
8 . II.3I1 21 21,211
t ) . 21,30.1 23 ( m'rn'K only ) 10,557
10 . 21,200 JO. . 21W9
11 . 21 , US 2 , 21,201
12 . 21,02 , ) 2S 21,330
11 . 22217 2 ! ) SI.1W
II . JI..1IJ : o 2i.oin
IS . 21,577 31 21,513
It . 2I.JCI _
Tolnl . CC.S72
tsts ; returned and unsold copies . 12,322
Net total suits . HUM
Not dally a\crnRp . 21.133
anoitoR ii. TCsriiucK.
fiworn to berate mennd rubrcrlbcil In my
pretence this 1st Ony of Jniumry , U3S.
( Sonl. ) N. I1. KKIt. .
Notnry 1'uMlo.
KHni * IT 11KFOHI3 Tin :
The iiRRro'jrnlp pnrrlpp ilellvery cir
culation f The Kvcnlnn Ilcc Ir
ilnuhlc the tKKrK'ttr pnrrli-r delivery
circulation of I InKvrnliiK "VVorlil-
Ilornlil it .ill more ( hull Hit tlmuy
Rronlvr ( him the nKKrrRiilc- carrier
IcllvrrylriuIii t lim of tin- Morning
AVorlil-ltiTiiIil In Oiunliii nnil Snutli
'J'lip cnrrlrr drllvrry circulation of
The KvptiliiK Ili-p I'enchfH 7Wt-l : IMIIUI
II lie MiiIiscrllti-i-M ( lint tin : nut rc-nulii-il
1 > > - the lOvi-nliu : W < irlil-II > ralil anil
7lll HiihfK-rlhrrM tlutl lire nut reneheil
! < > ( hp Mt.inliiKWorldHerald. .
I *
J ( ? More ( hail ! ) ,4)OO ) currier il el Ivory
k nnliHt-rllirrn ( o The Oiiiiiha 10veiling
llee mill The Oiniihn Mornliifr llee nre
not reiielieil pltlicr ! > > the Moi-iiliiK
AVorlil-IIcrnld or the KvcnliiK AVorlil-
It Kni'H ivlthont nnylnpr ( ha ( the num.
IIPP of enpli-N at 'I'll'HvenliiKT llee or
The Miiriiliuv HPP nolil liy ilealern nii.l
lUMVNlioy.s p.veeeilN I > y a very coiiHliler-
nhle the ntimlx-r of Worlil-IIernia
ilnlllex , inofillliKT mill owning1 , soil ! liy
dnilprN ami
IB not that promised exposition sub
scription from the reorganized Union
FaelHc nearly overdue ?
Nebraska's two senators are in
nipnt In their opposition to Hawaiian
annexation. So are the great majority
of Nebraska people.
who Iml ) the
Populists niiddlc-of-tho-
roiid ronsh should remember that those
who take the fusion by-paths are con
stantly treading on thorns.
It Is to be hoped there will bn no
requisition for Unlteii States troops oc-
casloned by the beauty contests set In
motion in the various western states by
the exposition authorities.
There nre men in the United Slates
congress who affect to believe that
Kfatesmanshlp may be shown by dovls-
4mr some scheme for testing sentiment
in that body on the question of free
coinage of silver.
If the ( Ire Insurance companies will
only give Omaha the benefit of their
Improved business In the shape of re
duced lire rates , the people will leave it
to the courts to decide the question of
the validity of the anti-compact law.
There Is plenty of work to bo done by
business men's associations and clubs
In connection with the entertainment of
exposition visitors , and every one of
those organizations should put themselves -
selves on a business basis ami do busi
The innovations of the Onlf road In
the matter of tariff rates are not
relished by the other railroads
business Is affected by them. But the
general public * , including shippers and
consumers , has no kick coming on that
score. ,
Beautiful women arc found In cvory
city and hamlet and on' the great farms
of the transmlsslHslppi region and thai ,
composite picture will have to bo decid
edly handsome If it truly represents the
combined attractiveness of the western
The senate will not debate the
Hawaiian treaty with open doors. It Is
dltllcult to tell whether Hits decision la
a greater disappointment to the puhllo
or to the senators who had prepared
Bpread-eaglo speeches for the delectation
of thu galleries ,
The stories of starvation and hardship
1hat are Invented by those who are
charged with the duty of getting news
from Alaska to meet popular expecta-
tlon are seasoned with a plentiful wip-
pl.v of Information about rich strllie.s
: unl marvelous clean-ups.
The spectacle of Colorado newspapers
Mill publishing pages of the HtulV talked
by George Kred Williams and others of
his kind and at thu name time boasting
of the more than ij.OOO.OOO ij mined
from the gold veins of the mountains
last yearJs one of the things that passes
all undormaudlng.
Iowa legislators arc to be urged tn
provide for location of another Hcliool
for the deaf on the ground that the la-
Btltutlon near Council 111 tiffs has not
Biitltclent 8lzo to accommodate all who
desire to avail themselvtvs of its advan
tugus. An easier way to make room for
all thu deaf people of the state who du
al re education would bo to eulur o Uiu
school already lu oycraUou.
rmi KnurATtoxAii TKXT ,
Sennlor Tumor of Hie ntntc of Wash
ington made n very strong speech in th
senate last week In opposition to tli
bill for plating further restrictions iipoi
IminlgraUon. In reference to the pro
posed educational test , the senator Bait
that Ignorance of book learning Is In
deed a misfortune , but It Is not n crime
and he declared that he would as noon
refuse food and drink to the hungry ant
thirsty as to push away from our shdre.
the poor , struggling unfortunate who
seeks for himself and Ills children the
boon of freedom and enlightenment n
our hnnds. Such a course Is not In ac
cord with the policy of the country
with the spirit of the American people
with the gen I M ? of our institutions , o
with the history and traditions of the
republic. /
Senator Turner denied that any neces
slty had arisen for the proposed leglsln
tlon. "I have neither heard nor read , '
he said , "a. single argument lu > Its favoi
which commends Itself to my Judgmen
or my conscience. Can it be snld tha
education and learning form an hulls
pensnhle equipment for the right of en
franco into the privileges of the soda
compact ? Have we reached a stage of
development which emancipates us
from the primal curse and enables s t (
supply our manifold wants at the ex
pense of a mental effort ? If not , thei
we need strong hands as Well as learned
brains , energy of action as well as eu
ergy of thought nnd deft physical ma
nlpiilatlon as well as profound menta
calculation. " Virtue , said the senator
does not necessarily go hand In ham'
with learning. That jewel may be found
at the seats of learning nnd amidst tin.
wealth nnd culture of the cities , "but It
is more often found on the farm nnd in
the factory , at the plow , the bc-iu-h ant
the counter , and in the lowly cottage. '
For the duties of citizenship learning Is
essential , but the senator denied that Its
possession ought to be considered as in
dispensable to the right of entrance lull
our great national family and he de
clared that lit1 would never vote to dt nj
to any man the protection of our law.i
and the beiicllls of our free Instltutloiih
on the score of learning.
The Washington senator pointed out
that the class of men who were tin
pioneers of our civilization in Its west
ward march were largely men of lltile.
If any , learning , but they blazed the
pathway that others followed. This
class has done Its part well in both
peace and war. "The qlllcers on nelthei
side during our late war undertook to
recruit their armies with a spelling
bool ; . They knew too well that courage
and endurance were not bred in the
schools alone. In every contest which
our country has bad , whether intermit
or external , it has been proven men
may be heroes although untutored ir
the polite learning of their more fortu
mite brothers. " .Mr. Turner declared
that the time has not yet come when
this country can shut out people whose
labor is necessary to the development
of its resources. He showed how unrea
sonable Is the talk about the country
being Orel-populated , In riew of the fnel
that there is annually sent abroad
breiidstiilTs and food products and tex
tile materials in a crude state sulllclent
to feed and clothe our entire population.
There is no necessity for placing fur
ther restrictions upon Immigration and
so far as the proposed educational test
is concerned it is utterly .indefensible.
Many of the worst characters that have
come hero from Europe can read and
wilto. Some of the most , useful people
who have come to our shores could not
have complied with the proposed legis
lation. A strict enforcement of existing
laws Is all that is required.
The official paper of the Nebraska
Liquor Dealers' association Is highly
gratified at the decision rendered by
the district court In the Kitchen license
protest case , and quotes with exultation
the declaration of that tribunal that the
applicant acted In good faith In making
n choice of the newspaper In which to
publish his notice. The liquor dealers'
otllclal organ- Insists that , in following
the lawless Instructions of the police
commission , applicants gave suflicient
evidence of good faith to warrant them
In violating the law requiring publica
tion In the paper of largest county cir
culation. This Is the faith cure by
which liquor sellers expect to whip the
devil round the slump and nullify the
Suppose the ITerdman gang had taken
( lie contract to deliver the liquor license
advertising to the scarlet paper that
claims to speak olliclally nnd exclusively
for the saloon keepers. All they would
have to do to carry out the deal would
be to pass a resolution that In their
opinion tlio scarlet paper is the paper
of largest circulation and therefore entitled -
titled to this advertising. That- declara
tion once made would permit anybody
with nil india-rubber conscience to fol
low out that injunction nnd testify Unit
he did .so In good faith. The good faith
cure would thus defeat the very object
of the law , which Is to give the widest
publicity to the applications for liquor
licenses In order to enable people to
remonstrate against the planting of sa
loons In close proximity to churches ,
schools and private residences. With
the good faith euro in oporntlon , the
scarlet paper , which circulates only
among liquor dealers , could , oven with
out a lawless edict of the police
hoard , become the ofllclnl medium
through which its patrons could secure
their licenses without anybody outside
of tlie fraternity having notice of tin-
fact. All thu faith euro requires is for
the liquor dealers to swear that when
they Inserted the advertisement the
scarlet paper claimed to have the larg
est circulation , and they put faith In
Its claim , though they knew better all
the time. Is this the good faith con
templated by tha law ?
Suppose , again , there were four liquor
dealers' organs , each printed on dif
ferent colored paper , with contents
substantially the same as the patent
plates of the ami-lot paper , and they
should agree to combine their circula
tions for revenue only under the as
sumed nnino of the Liquor Dealers * '
( Jhromo. Under the good faith cure ,
ill the license applicants would have to
lo would bo to file a certificate of pub
lication , of a uotico iu the Ohrouiu uud
on protest Insist that they acted In- good
faith. Would not such an allegation of
good faith bo proof positive of .bnd
faith ? Vet this Is precisely the hole
through which dealers who wJsh to
curry faror with the police board and
others who hare a pplte to gratify want
to crawl under the pretext of good faith.
In order to display good faith , a man
must exercise reasonable diligence to
arrive at the truth by ascertaining the
facts. Those who deliberately close
ears and eyes to the Indisputable evi
dence furnished of the paper of largest
bona tide circulation ami plead the faith
cure stand self-convicted of willful de
ception and deliberate evasion of the
plain letter of the law.
There will be no surprise at the report
from the American minister at Constan
tinople that the Turkish government Is
not disposed to acknowledge the valid
ity of the American claims for indem
nity. It appears -that the Porte takes
the position that the property for which
damages nre asked having boon de
stroyed during n riot , the government ,
having used Its best efforts to protect
the property , Is not responsible for Its
destruction. This view may be sound ,
but did the Turkish authorltl"s use
their best efforts to prevent the destruc
tion of the property ? , Probably not. but
that is a mutter which It would be very
dlllleult to determine. At nil events , the
chances of getting the Indemnity paid
are exceedingly small , If Indeed there
Is any chance at nil. Our minister has
asked for further Instructions that will
enable him to make stronger represen
tations to the Porte nnd probably the
State department will .scud him a vlg-
oiously worded note , which wlllthave
no effect. The only way to deal with
the Turkish government Is the way
taken by Austria when a short time ago
she sent a war whip to a Turkish port to
enforce a demand. Tills summary ac
tion brought immediate compliance. It
might 1)L unwise for the United States
to follow this example , but it Is pretty
safe to say It will never get the Indem
nity claimed by any other menus.
Doubtless Mr. Italfour went as far
as was judicious In lib statement re
garding Great Britain's policy In China
nndsu far as American Interests are
concerned It Is entirely satisfactory.
All this country desires Is n fair and
equal opportunity with other countries
in the Chinese trade that there shall been
on barriers erected against our com
merce and this It is tlie.policy of Great
Britain to secure to us. Tlie free trade
principle England proposes shall be ob
served and maintained In China and
Mr. Balfour distinctly declared that the
British government will do its utmost
to thwart any designs Inimical to its
commercial interests in that quarter.
It docs not propose to quietly per
mit any European country or com
bination of countries to take pos
session , of Chinese territory with n
view to raising barriers to' trade
and undoubtedly it is able to enforce its
What was said by the government
leader in the House of Commons is suf
ficiently plain and definite to make the
desired impression upon Uussla and
Ciormany. In effect it says to those na
tions that England will not tolerate tin-
carrying out of any scheme for the par
titioning of China or any plans that
would interfere with freedom of com
merce with that empire. It Is n warning
which , It is not to be doubted , will be
liccded by tiie governments for which
it was Intended. China being thus as
sured of British support in the protec
tion of her territory will make no ex
elusive concessions and existing condi
tions will bo maintained.
The policy of Great Britain in this
matter will certainly -have the hearty
approval of this country , since it mean *
for us tlie continued enjoyment of equal
n-ivlleges in tlie Chinese trade with tlie
rest of the world. The recent events iii
the far east have served to call Amor-
can attention more strongly than ever
K'fore to the vast commercial oppor
tunities there and it is to be expected
lint American merchants and manufac
turers will hereafter show greater en-
.erprisc in that quarter.
The viaduct case under consideration
> y the United States supreme court In
volves the very vital question whether
lie railroads can be compelled under
our laws to pay for the viaducts
erected to protect the public in crossi
ng tracks on their right of way in
crowded cities. While the suit Is In
he name of the Burlington It affects all
he roads , because the law must operate
mlformly upon nil of them. If the
Ity gains its point several long-deferred
nnil much-needed viaducts will be
> rought within reach. .
The legislative house Journal Just is
sued from tlie press presents one new
Vature worthy of commendation in the
shape of a tabular statement of all the
crrltorhil state olllcers of Nebraska
vitli the dates of their olilclal service.
Willie this table is not In all respects
ilther complete or accurate , tlie Idea Is
i good one , and the Information
iltherto Imu-cesslble , except on hibon-
us investigation , Is sure to prove useful
o people who have occasion to consult
ho book.
The report of the Iowa state oil In-
pector discloses the fact , that during
ho year ISO" , tt,777 barrels of oil wen *
ejected by the Iowa authorities and
xirrcd from ak In that state. Won-
lor how miicli of this rejected oil was
cat over the state Urn * to puss the inns-
er of the Nebraska oil Inspectors nnd
> L disposed of to uninformed purchaj-
rs In Nebraska.
The local paper whose support of 30
o 1 five silver was secured by the pur
chase of a Miiall block of its worthies : )
Mock In behalf of the silver mine own-
civs' syndicate , naturally applauds the
Ohio legislators who betray the pledges
ipon which they were elected. Th-
ell-out organ always welcomes com-
Kiny of its own breed.
The that Ciurmany's action In
oUing a Chlnesu port was for the pur-
lose of securing Indemnity for the mur
der of two missionaries Is uu longer
maintained am ) , the German statesmen
frankly ndmti tnat the niovuiunl was
one simply tQ fford a basis' ' for nx1nd-
ing German tifnyie In China. Thus the
missionary lu > ani * nro relieved of re-
flponslblllty Mr one more act of Inter
national larceny.
Advocates of Hawaiian annexation
arc unwllllnj * Td ake the American iwo-
pic Into theirstnijldenco lu the matter ot
reasons for acquiring the Islands. If
there exists g b'd ' reasons for extending
the territory 'gt tlie United .States the
people ought .tpjnow all about them.
The Unln In
lijUult Krec 1'reM.
Great Hrlt-iln'a exports last year declined
J2S.97S.OOO : American exports for cloven
months of 1S97 gained $80,000000. Figures ,
llko Ptrawfl , sometimes show whlcu way the
wind la blowing.
Word I'li'liiri * of I'ronrrnn.
1'lonwr I'reM. '
A writer lo the Forura Rives a. succinct
anil striking Illustration of the rapid progress
nmJo In electrical Invention hi a decide
when lie remarks that In' 1S87 a movement
to discuss the adaptation ot electricity to
street railways was frowned down ca a wnsto
of time , It being urged that the discussion of
the care and stabling of car houses would
bo much more to the point.
TinlUnl Danger.
' lloston Herald.
Unless tha pension list can be purged of
Its corruptions , the chances are that In n
few years more with the Icicomlng Into po
litical life and activity of men to whom
our civil war Is almost aa remotean event
os the war ot 1S12 U to those who have
attained middle age an effort , and success
ful effort , will be made to repeal the entire
system. This would be an exceedingly un
fortunate event , os It would deprive many
thousands of deserving people of a gratuity
which a grateful country Is fully justified In
paying ; but whcro a system exists that per
mits fraud and honesty to be clwcly Inter
twined It may bo found Impossible to under
take -tho work of rooting out the 'former
without materially Injuring the latter.
'I'ronf ' ( if Kliuiiiplnl .Stability.
Chicago Tribune.
, The progress that hna been made In this
I country tn financial Independence ) and sta
bility Is illustrated tn the recent Rale of the
Union Pacific railroad and the payment
therefor. This transaction required the
transfer ot $5S,000OOQ , which has been ac
complished In the space of six weeks with
out appreciable disturbance of the money
market.And yet It Is only twenty-five
years elnco the payment to this country by
Great Urltaln of ? 15,500,000 under the Geneva
award on the Alabama claims \vnn mode to
extend through a period of several months
in order to produce as little disturbance ta
possible lu the money market of the strong
est nation , financially , In the .world. Has
America , In a quarter of a century , grown
so much stronger financially than 'England ?
Xovr Yurie I'l-ovlin-Inl .Spirit.
Snrlnsflclil ( Muss. ) Koiuibllcnti.
Mayor Van Wyck's contention that a city
should draw all Its toichers from within
itself Is striking pnough to make one pause
and think. The same principle ought to
apply to a country as a whole. No professors
or scholars should ' ever be brought from
over the sea , It follows , too , that every
nation can produce1 Its own Idc-is without
external aaslstancfo , Its own philosophy , re
ligion , literature. Inventions and machinery.
This Is a beautiful a's ' well as a time-honored
theory , and the results of Its stern , unbending
application mar be seen at a glance la thu
empire of China at , the present day. Let
Now York ca ry put this idea of. self-
sufllcleccy In Its logical symmetry , and the
time will como when some European war
lord will seize coiling station for his war
within slgTit ot Brooklyn bridge.
A Iliiriew of tlie IH-jircHHloii iiuil the
JlfryJviiI o 1S 7.
I'hilndelp la Press.
Ono of the blessings with which the year
3Sfl7 ahould bo credited is the rehabilitation
of the west. It was In that neighborhood
that the depression began which , reinforced
by a vicious tariff policy , spread over the
whole country and resulted In four years of
discouragement and business less. The hard
times began to appear In Kansas , Nebraska
and the adjoining states as far back as 1SS9.
Prolonged drouths resulting In poor crops and
small returns to the farmers were the. rule
for two or three years. The distress was lu-
creised by the indiscretion of now settlers
pushing far out Into the semi-arid region , an
enterprise born of the hopes of bountiful
years 'which ' are exceptional. There were
other causes responsible for the situation ,
such as the farm mortgage agent and the
land boomer.
When the collapse came it was sudden and
overwhelming. The first whisperings of It
wcro heard in the spring and summer of 1890
when another baJ crop year was foreshad
owed. When the immigrants and settlers
from the cast who had been drawn to the
west by the promise of quick success saw
their little hoard of savings disappear , their
hopes and enterprise wore turned to bitter
ness anu despair , u is possible now In the
light of experience to explain the disposition
of thcso disappointed settlers. In 1890 it be
came known that men who had always stood
for honesty and soun'J ' principles rwero organ
izing to form a party whoso avowed purpcsu
was to beat the creditor out of his rights and
the first impression was that a mid-summer
madness had swept over the western people
and distorted their views cf right and wrong ,
It was found to bo a real situation , how
ever , when the returns of the elections In
November. 1890 , came In. The country had
to acknowledge that the people of the west ,
whose sturdy common sense had on moro than
otto occasion been the salvation of the nation ,
had become deeply Infected with a delusion
that must bo allowed to run Its course. Only
natural'causes could cure It. It was not
until 1S97 that the antidote was found -when
with large crops and good prices the western
people discovered that the same nature which
! iadbrought disaster could bring prosperity
also. Today the sources of Information which
seven years ago wore burdened with tales of
disaster are teeming with stories of pros
perity and happiness. Aivi what Is better
than this change in the situation Is the ev
idence that a lasting and profitable lesson
lias been learned ,
Indiana , Illinois , Michigan and Wisconsin
wore on the outer sklrta of the economic
Ilsturbaneo , but near enough to feel Its
effects. Today they are giving evldcccs of
ho now and prcf.yccous conditions In greater
juslneas activity and Increased bn'nk de
posits. But it is beyond file Mississippi
Ivor that the most remarkable signs of re
cuperation arc found as it was tfiero that the
nest distress and''dlsastor were seen. Hero
are some of ( ho pvldbnces of the new condi
tion of tilings : Tlio state auditor of Iowa
reports tlio largest Increase In bank deposits
over known In tbat qtato consequent on "tho
mmensc- sales of , Iowa products. " No-
brcska'a wheat , cor , cats , rye and hay crops ,
dairy products , iloultry ' and live stock for
1897 nro valued at J'lGl,523't54 at the homo
markets ; the grand total of tha products of
Kansas for the year is estimated to bo
vorth $230,410,143'and ' $30,000.009 of Indebted
ness has been paltl..ojf ' ; South Dakota's pros-
isrlty Is shown In the great Increase In the
mik deposits , auj polorado fceU the new
erudition of thliigj .In Its greatly enlarged
ylold of gold.
When the history of the last decade cf
ho nineteenth cpnUiry Is written one 01 *
ts most Interesting chapters will bo the
description of the' ' causes and course of the
ndustrlfil depcexlon tkat covered the
iGtwecn the years 1890 and 1S9C , both in
clusive. It will record a uteri ! battle m-ado . nature's forces and the Immense
oss. Buffering and sorrow t'.iat followed. The
attempt to settle the semi-arid regions wen
Iko the attack of an army on a well-defended
citadel. It met' with a repulse and no bat-
It' evec resulted in so much human suffering
as the defeat of the effort to turn the dry
> laliu3 of Kan MS and Nebraska Into habitable
eglons. The human tldo wca thrown back
von Itself and left to contemplate the loss
of years of work. Hut that tlie repulse willie
io only temporary is seen in the rohablllta-
lon of these very regions In 1897. The next
attack will be made with more caution , fore
sight and energy , and judging from the past
t will prove more successful as It will have
nero syuituthy and support from tlio rwt
of the country ,
fiuffnb Kxprcss Ocncrnl Orosvcnor must
not judge the tcntlmetit of the country by
the upr an. 114 applfuuo that green ; tils At
tack. ) on civil service- reform from the place-
who fill the house RillerlM.
i l ! Tribunes Some of Oiose eon *
prcMincn who nro talking BO loudly about
the Itlijultlcs of the civil service law will bo
hi n sad predKximcnt If wiled upno to vote
on 'ho ' question ot Its repeal. They nre
Rlmply playing to the homo galleries now ,
Vi'hllu at heart they favor the measure , which
affords them relief from Imporlmuto olllce
Bickers and yet dois not stand la the way
of helping their particular friends when oc-
caslcn require * .
Philadelphia llccord : The tpolls uf ofllco
are neatly always the uppermost considera
tion l Uio mlnd.s of coiiRrcsmnen. The
n\M3 \ of the people take but a mild Interest Ui
the distribution of the odlcw. Not so the
active professional politicians. It is their
vital nnd engrossing Interest. Getting spoil
U their occupillon. They live on the pro
ceeds. Hence It Is that tbo debates on civil
aorvlco law regulations which occupy th ilmu
of bsth brandies ot caigrcss are so lively
anl so venomous. If tic admlnlotratlon can
withstand the clamor of appeal for a relaxa
tion of the rules which requite that before
Jii applicant can get an olllco ho shall be re
quired to prove that bo Is fit for It no further
pro.if ot the quality ot its backbone will bo
needed ,
Now- York Tribune : That "midnight
civil service order" bobs up In n
new form. General Grosvenor argues
that the republican platform Is not binding ,
In view of Mr. Cleveland's wholesale- exten
sions of the rules , llo says "It wns not until
November , 1S9G , that the enormous scope of
that order , covering forty-nix thousand om
clals , was publicly declared. ' The republic
nns , coming Into power'on a platfon
adopted before thrso vast extensions wur
made , " wcro not In honor bound to agree t
them. " Something has misled General Ores
venor as to the order of his facts. The re
publican platform pledging not only th
maintenance of the merit system , but It
"extension wherever practicable , " wn
adopted on June IS. Mr. Cleveland's orde
waa Issued on ilay G , end was commented o
by almost cvory newspaper In the countr )
and was plainly stated In almost all of tl.T.i
to cover fully 30,000 new places , at any rate
whatever the number might be , practlcall
the whole classified service between mer
laborers and olllcers requiring senate con
Urination. It Is time to bury the "mldulgh
order" fable with all Its progeny.
Wrtshlngtcn Star : It Is rather unfortunat
for China , that the phases ot European civil
zatlon meet conspicuously brought to Its ol
tcntlon are not calculated to Impress them
selves favorably.
New York Tribune : There are war cloud
galore In the far cast , but they really slgult
little. What I * of significance Is that th
prices of British "consols" and other gov
eminent securities In Europe remain firm
As long as the latter is the case there 1
little fear ol war.
Philadelphia Press : Lord Charles llcrcs
ford's ' Idea that'the need of coal will ham
string any Immediate hostilities In the cas
la doubtless true , but in getting Klao-Choi
bay and the region adjoining , Germany secures
cures portions of a Chinese province raid t
bo rich In coal , so it may not be long before
-fore she v.-lll bo Independent ot English o
neutral ports. In fact , In every way th
German grab becomes less and less a joke
so far as England Is concerned , as tbo exac
situation Is made clear.
Chicago Journal : Any one who thinks T3ng
land is going to sleep while France , Gcr
many and Russia are grabbing oft plec-es o
China la likely to ibo astonished by th
suddenness of his undeceiving. Guarantee
Ing a war loan Is what England ! a aliout
and that Is a method of acquiring a coun
try and getting Interest on it during th
proceaj compared with -which seizing port
and coaling stations is crude , expensive am
childish. John Hull used to seize things Ii
that rude fashion. Now that his rival
have learned to do It , they llnd him stll
aibout a boat's length ahead.
Springfield Republican : The New Yorl
Mall and Express reads poor China a sever
lesson on Its criminal negligence. "China
presents an instructive example ot & . grea
nation trying to maintain Its position with
out a modern navy. It is much as If a banl
were to do 'business without a safe to kecj
Its funds In , or as If a merchant were to
conduct a vast establishment without equip
ping it with means of protection again : *
fire and Iburglars. " I3ut a merchant dee
not buy a revolver to guard against lire
The only danger that China is In just now
ariecs from Christian burglars. And what
could any navy that China could get to
gether avail against the amalgamated
Christian Burglars' asisoclatlon of Europe
sometimes known as "the powers ? "
Ex-Governor Hogg of Texas Is unwilling
to live anywhere outside of that state. This
shows that ho doesn't want the oarth.
The original of Hall Calne's hero In ' "Kit
Christian" Is sa-ld to be an Englloh minister ,
Father Adler , the son of I ard Norton.
An English stotlstlclcci bis figured out
that in the year 2301 there will be no further
\iao \ for Insane asylums , because there will
bo no sane persons left to leek up the crazy
'Mm. ' Fltzslmmons siys that "her Bob"
may fight once more and promises to bo
again at the ringside to shout "Tump Mm
la do elatu ! " os s'he ' did at Carson , when the
Hco. Mr. Corbott was vanquished.
IJr. Edward Charles Muaroe , the new presi
dent of the American Chemloil society , is
one cf the highest authorities on explosives
and U the Investor of indurite. which has become -
como popularly known as navy smokeless
Hrltlah millionaires die at the rate ot
three In a year. During the ion years , 1SS7-
1890 , thirty-two millionaire estates were ap
proved for death duty. The estates involved
an aggregate personalty of 51,070,000 , so that
they average lu value over 1COO,000.
Mayor Van Wyck's most pronounced char
acteristic thus far Is lib irritability. If he
does not cultivate self-conirol tlio soubriquet
of one ofthe governors or the New Nether
lands will bo revived for his benefit cad be
will go down to history as Robert the T.o > ity.
Irving Hale , who lias just been appointed
brigadier general of the Colorado militia , is
well known to ofllcers In the army : a the
man who went through West Point witu the
highest o'jindlng over attained. Ho resigned
several years ago , after five years' ccrvlce
In the cngineera.
In New Zealand two porasns working to-
getiittr constitute a factory ; houra of labor
for fetmlen nro restricted to 48 per week ;
ovcrl'lmo has to bo paid for at the rate of
time and a half , but tn no vise must any em
ploye receive loss than 12 cents per hcur
for overtime , as welU as 12 cents tea money ,
Casslus M. Clay has been confined but
once iu thirty years to his bed. Then ho was
recuperating from the trlllo of sixteen knife
wounds Indicted by a man named Turner ,
who died an hour after the affair , believing
; bit ho had also sent Clay to the land where
.ho bowle knife troubles not nnd the six-
shooter l < i at rest.
A young college athlete at Richmond Hill ,
U I. , saved two lives the othcc day by mak
ing a leap ot alx feet through Uio air and
sti iking with his shoulder a man nnd woman ,
who stood on tht > edge of a railroad truck
with a train almost on them. The shock
threw them to the ground Just over tbo edge
of the ttack and barely In time.
A baby bay In Doston has been christened
and duly registered as Charles Henry Edward
Menes Slda Andohohataugaten-iflafy Alamak-
ahawenatlklnajutBl&in TKcmanapltsotranjarl-
ooakaroha/.a Clilnka Cliula Hamadoo Franc's.
If his mother over goes out to the back
> ircli on a cold morning to call him In to
jrcakfjat she will stand a good chance of
> elng frostbitten before she gets that full
uamo out ,
Rev. Charles A. Ucrry reports to his Ilrlt-
sh friends that during hli recent visit to
his country ho was moat Impressed by the
'rank ' , manly , c-everent speech of American
Christians when discussing divine things ,
heir zeal for their own particular church ,
minister and denomination , and tbo thor
ough efficiency of their Sunday school work ,
lo also Is reported to have said that , on tlio
whole , It V.-03 well that the Olney-Paunco-
fete arbitration treaty failed , for It would
not have bec-n popular or had the support of
ho masses , He believes It better to waiter
or public sentiment to gather force , BO that
t will resolutely back up auy treaty con
structed on similar lines.
Anirrlcnii lutorirlo | nnil SUIII Over-
Tvlirlinliitt John Hull.
New York Sun ,
After n etny of fourteen yours In the Vnlteil
States , Charles S. Cox , nn Kngllshtnan we'l
known among golfers , eallrd for his native
country two months ngo on n business trip ,
Ho returned on the Teutonic last Thursday ,
During his eojourn hero Mr. Cox has become
strongly Imbued with many American theo
ries. In a brecity w y yfetrrd.iy ho tolil
of the many shocks administered to his
adopted principles mid methods by experi
ences In his native land.
"Port ot my business , " began Mr. Cox ,
"was to try to sell Amcrlcan-mndo goll
clubs. 'My fellow passengcro going over said
It would bo carrying coals to Newcastle ; yet
I had no trouble In obtaining orders for S.OOO
clubs from the largest dealers In golf goods
In Scotland nnd Kngland. They have been
making golf clubs for 200 years over there ,
yet the dealoro told me the American clubs
were better made and belter finished than
any they could get In tholr own country at
anything near the price. As n matter of
fact the wood from Virginia and South Carolina
lina cnn bo laid down nt Liverpool , Manches
ter or Glasgow nt ft less cost than wo can
freight it to our factory In Mnroachusetta. The
reason wo can undersell them Is our Im
proved machinery nnd advanced methods.
The Englishmen know this , but they nre too
conservative to change. It Is the cause of the
present stagnation of trade throughout Great
nrltnln , which , In the face of millions of
capital lying Idle , Is n most unique economic
"Nearly nil the Kngllsh factories were
started ycnrs ago , when Immense sums were
expended lu equipping the plants. They
have been very successful , but nro now
nway behind the times. The vast strides
In Invention during the last twcnly-fivo
years nro Ignored. Through the- Improve
ments In machinery It Is Impotslirio for the
English to compete with Ut > unices by writ
ing off the cost of the old equipment and
putting In new plants. They realize this ,
but they nro In n rut nnd will not rhaiiRO.
As n nation of manufacturers England has
lost Its get nnd push Instinct.
"An illustration , twonty-flvo ycnrs ngo n
certain iKngllsh company was formed with n
capital ot 1,000,000. It put up n plant and
machinery costing 500,000. Today n modern
plant , capable of from 2.V ) to 500 per cent
larger production , could bo equipped nnd
managed for one-quarter of the money. Hut ,
ns It made n larjo profit during thu fltvit
part of the twenty-flvo years , nnd hna.cleared
expenses nnd a margin ever since , the com
pany Is contented. The shareholders draw
dividends of 3 per cent , or less , when they
might easily make IG to 20 per cent by put
ting In new machines nnd ntartlm ; fresh all
around. This conservative spirit la the great
factor aiding American Industries , for we
are twenty-live years ahead of the English
and will always lead until they wake from
tluiisleep. .
"Hero la a stcry told me liy n shareholder
la a great locomotive works that Illustrates
tills conservatism. Recently a 01111110111111
firm asked for kids on 200 locomotives send
ing simultaneously to three English firms
and cno firm In the United States. When the
cellmates were cpened America had underbid
all England by fully 10 per cent , and further
more the Americans agreed to make all parts
of the niDhiii3a interchangeable. The latler
point Impressed the continental firm , but It
preferred engines ot Euglish make , and , .as
a compromise , offered the order to each of
the three English makers at Iho 10 per cent
greater cost , with the proviso that the parts
should bo made Interchangeable. The Eng
lishmen ra-lscd their hands up In horror at
Hie suggestion ! To make interchangeable
parfc was something they had never done ,
and they positively declined to Introduce so
radical an Innovation.
" \Vhcrovcrt I went tlie Instances ot manu
facturing backwarcnors filled mo wl'h ' won
der. In one dingy factory I sow a row of
women at work making links for bicycle
chain ; ; . Each held a wocdcn lever by which
at each pull a single link would bo stamped
out. With us cno amall boy feeds an au
tomatic machine wIMi steel rods and two mcu
are kept busy shoveling up links at the
other end. Is It any surprise that American
manufacturers are shipping bicycle parts to
Englanl and the ccntlncnt ?
"I found the bu-sincss rotten In nearly all
lines throughout Great Britain. ilJoth whole
sale and retail dealers say it is Impossible to
sell anything but the shoddiest ptuff , for tCio
people have not the money to pay tor fine
goocla. They eire nothing for the quality ,
providing the gooJs are cheap. On Ihis ue-
csunt many deal era can'ot 'handle American
goods , for the people will not pay n fair price
for them. The dealers recognized 'the su
periority of the American makes and they
had no prejudice against tlio gooils , but it
paid them beat -to sell trashy and slum-made
gsods at any low price.
"la contrast totheso depressing things
about English life , It Is amazing to learn the
amount of capital Iyln3 Idle In Great Britain.
The eagerness wiUi which money is invested
in the shares cf Iho endieia companies now
being storied there U very sticngc compared
wlla the apathy and stupidity with which the
capitalists regard the opportunities for get
ting larger returns In manufacturing by put
ting dome of this Idle capital Into new plants
to lake the plaeo ot t'ho ' antiquated ma
-"These things Impressed mo en my return
so strongly , perhaps , be-eausn In the old d-iys
I had never talked with any1 busltiMn men ,
ir-r looked Into such matters. My final
thought es the Teutonic sailed wan tbat 1
was very glad to be- facing toward an up-to-
iato ! people and country. "
1'liu Sen roll Hi ; lit uf Truth Tiimril on
Kill \NNl-rtlollS. .
Knnsas flty Star ( Ind. ilcm. ) .
William J. llryan makes a great mistake
vhon ho arrays himself among these who
clcso their eyes to the ovicJ'encca ' of growing
jrosperlty In this country and who perslst-
ntly declare that there has boon no lin-
provemenl In the condition of trade and In
dustry of the United States within the jiast
ear. It Is a grave reflection on the candor
and honesly for which oven many of his
1'c.ngest opponents hove given him credit.
lo cannot bo Ignorant of the fact that
ivorago wages liavo advanced In every great
tidustry except that of cotton manufac-
urlng. Ho cannot fall to recognize In thu
ncrcaslng earnings cf railroads the most
conclusive evidence ot expanding tra"Je. The
; alns in railroad receipts are made In the
ace of declining freight rates. The net earn.
ngs ot ten of the greatest systems wcro 20
er cent larger in December , 1S37 , than In
) ecomber , 189G.
In many of the loading manufacturing In-
ustrlesof _ the country wages liavo been
cstored to about the rates prevailing
> efcro the panic ot 189.1. There are at thu
lescnt time many thousands more men at
vork for remunerative wages than at any
tlicr tlrno In the past five years. Tliero has
> cen an unprecedented Increase In the dupos-
ts In banks In the west during the past six
lonlhs , and the thousands of bank ; dcposit-
rs ot that section have at their commnn-1' '
larger proportion of the aggregate bank
cposits of the country than ever before.
There Is not one mershaut , or manu-
aeticor. or fanner In 100 In the United
States whoso business affairs are not In
letter shape at the present moment than
'ley were a year ago ; not cno iu 100 who
ia not made greater profits and saved
nero mcncy la 1807 than in 1808. More-
vor , despite all Iho extravagant dcnuncl-
.lon of trusts and combinations It is a fact
tat average prices of farm products Ixtvc
dvanced mere than the average price of
10 products controlled by IrtuU and pro-
ected Industries In Iho rout year.
Docs Mr , Bryan consider the bank clear-
cig.n of the country of no value fs Indl-athns
f business ocndltlona ? The total bank clear-
ngs for the first week of January wcro 2:1 :
> cr cent largcc than u year ago and -II per
: cnt larger than four years ago. Is the
ecord of business failures without BR- !
Iflcanco ? Tr U for tlio east six months , ac-
oidlng to Dun , Is I'm most cutlifactory ,
rom a bus'-deai oolnt of view , ever knonct.
The evidences of business Improvement are
oo numerous and. lee great to ba Ignored
r anybody except the most cxtrcino popu-
st , who deliberately closes his eyes to them
nd refused to eo them because ho decs
ot want to. Mr. llryan cannot afford to
ace himself In that tiosltlca. Ho has , him-
elf , enjoyed Ills full share of the Increased
irosperlty of the country , In the revenue ho
us received from lectures and newspaper
rtlcles , and his rcltc-rutlun of the foolls'.i
atoment that there has been no Improve
ment In bualneeu condltlcns Is a aerloug re-
ectlon either on his candor and honesty era
a bin ( lowers of obscrrvaUoa.
Atiollirr .HocInir ( of Scimlo Coimiilttrri
< o tic llrlil Smut.
WASHINGTON , Jail. H. The ncroto com
mitted on judiciary hAd the nomination of
.Attorney GeacmlMcKcnna to bo justice of
the supreme court under ecocide-ration for
two hours today , but ndjournod without
reaching a conclusion upcti It , The committee
tee- adjourned with the nndcrstnrillng
the chairman should mil another meeting
for the purpose ot Inking up the also In
advance * of the regular meeting , U was
stated that the ftlluro waa due to the great
Importance ot ( no tiomkMtlon and the gcn-
ornl feeling Hint full time should be given
It by the committee.
The entire time of the committee mcollnR
today was consumed In reading communica
tions bearing upon the nomination. Thorn
was n great mass ot them , some urging con
firmation nnd others In opposition. Them
were a largo number of proiesls ngaltist the
noiulnntlon from branches of the A. I' . A )
nnd also from some members of the bnr of
the Pacific coast , besides n miscellaneous lot
of letters from other parts of the country ,
The charges wore generally that Mr.
McKonnn lind not had the legal training and
judicial experience to fit him for Iho position.
Tl'cro was nlao a disposition on the part
of some to tomahawk him an account ot his
mombciuhlp In the CnMu _ > llc church.
The members of the'committee did not
enter upon any discussion of the nomination.
Only one democratic member expressed nn
opinion during the meeting nnd this was fn-
vorablo to confirmation. The cammlttc-c will
bo cnlled ngnln to moot Thursday when U U
hoped to'securo favorable conaldcrallon. : i'A'i'7a.\T ATTO Mvs.
lllll HoliiMT Prppnrcil I'tulrr Hlri-ollnu
of I'nti-iit Olllfi- .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Assistant Orce-
loy of the patent office hns prepared the draft
of a bill which will be Introduced In con *
gross , governing the recognition of nttornejs
or oilier persons1 rcpreoontliiK applicants
for patents before the patent olllce. It gives
authority to the commissioner of patents to
require persons dcslrlnn to practice to show
that they are of good reputation nnd pos
sessed of the requlsllo quallflcallona lo enable -
blo them lo render applicants valuable serv
ice. The commissioner Is given authority to
dlslmr from practice nny attorney shown to
bo Incompetent , disreputable , or who rofusea
to comply with the rules nnd regulations or
who misleads or threatens any applicant for
a patent In any manner whatsoever. All
persona desiring to practice slmll be required
to register , the fee for registering being $1.
The commissioner Is authorized to appoint
committees lo determine by examination the
qualifications of applicants for registration.
After July 1 next no person shall bo entitled
to describe himself ns n patent ngcnt or at
torney unless ho Is registered as such , anil
for n violation of thki n fine ot not exceeding
$300 is Imposed. Some of these provisions
are now In operation In the olllce , but It Ui
dealred they shall lmvr Iho force of law.
DonlilM UN UulillKy fur ( lie Clnhua
for nnniiiKCH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. H. United States
Minister Augcll nt Constantinople has ro-
ported'to the State department that he has
not ns yet succeeded In securing an assent
from the Turkish government lo his demand
for the payment of an indemnity for tha
American propecty destoycd during tha
Ainicnlau outbreak , end lias sought Instruc
tions from the department that will enabla
him to make oven stronger representations la
the Tuvklnh Government.
The Porto , In responding lo Mr. Angcll ,
has taken the posltlcn that a government Ii
not ix'operly to bo held responsible for In
dividual preyerty lost or damaged during
times of riot when the government lias mud
every effort to guard It.
Theclluatlon is not promising for a speed }
settlement of the claims.
\nmliltiUoiix liy HuUriNlilt nt.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. The president
today sent filese nominations to the senate :
Treasury John II. Lamlls of Pennsylvania ,
coiner of the mint at Philadelphia.
To be Consuls W. Maxwell of Rhode Island - \
land , at licnnuda ; Joshua Wilbur , Hliodo Is
land , nt Dublin , Ireland ; Henry D. Saylor ol 1
Pennsylvcni.i , at Mnlarizas , Cuba.
Interior Dowltt C. Tufts , to bd receive ! i
of nubile moneys at Fargo , N. I ) .
Postir.usler Ethoti L. Trevltt at Forl
-Madison , la.
i roi.vnoM UI-MAH.ICS. i ;
Atlanta Constitution : "Father , have you
read my 'Odo to the I'lnes ? ' asked thu
youthful poet.
"No , Jonn , I imvcn'l : liul you Just take
this hero ax on1 cut me down a few of 'em ;
the pines ure owin' me about len cords o'
wood. "
Hoslon Courier : Knox ( looking over 1)111
of fun- ) Suppose wo alart In with Homu
Ulue Polnls ?
l-'ox KxeiiHo me ! I got enough of llioso
from my broker this morning.
Snmcrville1Journal : It Is easy lo liellcvo
a dude when lie says slanglly : "I don't
think ! " He generally doesn't.
Philadelphia North American : "What was
that nolsu up In your room last evening ? "
"Tint ? Oh , I was breaking the first ot
my New Year's resolutions. "
Indlanapoll.i Journal : Wallace You tuo
positively tlie moat impudent , and
hPKgar 1 evnr met.
Wuyworn Watson Well , Hint ort to ba
worth a nickel , anyhow.
Detroll Free Press : "I have no palicncn
with your deiiiocnulc Bentlmenliillsm. " Halit
Miss Elderly , wllh lianlciir. "Ulooil tells ,
and my ancestors fought In the , revolution ,
Miss Sprightly. "
"I HiippoHi ! you were too young to recall
nny Incidents of the
Chicago Trillium ; The reformed , burglar
C.avo a grunl of nutlafuetlon uu lie road In
Hi ? morning paper about tlie capture of twu
desperate houscbrciikem Iho night before.
"Served the doirxoned acoumlrola right ! "
ho exclaimed. "They ought to have hail
moro sense tlmn to try to oracle a crib
where there's a baby cutting teellil"
Dolrolt Journal : "Drink ! " commanded
thu tyrant , holding his golden eoblet to the
lips of his wife.
The unhappy damn paled.
I'or the science of baclerlology had now
made Hiieh Htrldcn forward , that It vva-J
certain death for anybody lo drlnlc out of
the cup of anybody else ,
Clilca.o ( ! Tribune.
"How smooth the Ice ! How1 wwlft we glldo
Upon IIB O yon blunderer ! ! "
He'd ( dipped that young man by licr Hide
And knocked her .feet from under hue
A UK ; Tin.vci < ix i UK.
fiomtrvlllo Journal ,
There was excitement In the crowd ,
When ipa put on liln skultw ,
Kollis hardly dared to Hpi-alt aloud.
Ho looked HO haughty and HU proi. <
Hut all much InturcHl avowed ,
Whun pa put on hlH gkalct * .
A lniHli fell on the mlghly throng.
Whun pa Htood on his nkiitfn.
He wiis no cno ] , HO nonchalant ,
No one could fear u contretemps
To HOI hit ) graceful ah.indon ,
When 'j > a stood on his ukatca.
Hut ah , me'Alint ! a fall was there. .
When pa llrst tried to skate ,
Wlti one wild Hwoop of llorco despair ,
Hu Hat down whuro there WHS nohull
And botlf his k'KM waved In the ulr.
When pa Ural tried to ukute.
Thru everybody looked awny ,
While pa took off his Kknti-H.
The mm stopped nhlnlng for tfvit day
The Hky grow overran ! and gray ,
Fur pa Bald things unlit to say , ,
When ho took off hlu nkate i ,
The U. S. Government
Report shows ROYAL
Baking Powder to be
stronger and purer
than any other.