NEBRASKA FRUIT GROWERS Blato HorticnUnral Society in Session Down at Lincoln , DISCUSSION OF THEIR OWN PROBLEMS I'rncllcnl nnil Theoretical In Connection ivltli Tree * , Shrub * nnd Vine * lre ni < rd \ > y I'rnctlcnl Men. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The State Slortlcultural society met In Nebraska hall of the University of Nebraska at 2 o'clock this afternoon , this being the twenty-ninth annual meeting ot the society. Among those present at the opening * of the meeting wcro notlcoJ : O , A. Marshall , Arlington ; Peter Younger , Geneva ; C. 'H. ' 'Barnard ' , Table Hock ! W. G. Alberts , Lincoln ; George L. lAllen , Leigh ; H. A. Longsdorf , llellcvuc ; J. I' . Dunlap , Dwlght ; Krncst Hornung , Lin coln ; J. H. Dladklnson , Omaha ; L. A. Bcltzcr , Osccola ; J. A. Hogg , iShelton ; J. G. Ncff , lavey ; 11. W. Pumas , Brownvlllo ; C. Q. Io France , Lincoln ; R. II. Davey , Omaha ; C. B. Camp , Cheney ; A. J. Brown , Omaha ; W. T. Harris , Geneva ; 'H. ' W. .Marshall , Ar lington ; L. C. Chapln , Lincoln ; Prof. Swczy , Lincoln ; J. M. Russell , the peach grower from Wymoro ; W. S. Jenkins of Arcadia , who has the largest cherry orchard la the state ; Ipaac Pollard of Nehawka , and C. O. Garrett - rett , delegate from the Iowa society ; Prof. C. E. Ilesscy , State university ; L. O. Wil liams. Council Bluffs ; W. J. Hasher , Platts- niouth ; L. M. Russell , Wyraore ; Henry Klcke , Omaha. During the day a good ex hibit ot fruit was put on display In the room. The meeting was called to order by the president , G. A. Marshall of Arlington , who , without any preliminary remarks , announced ni the first thing on the program the paper by E. P. Stephens of Crete , entitled "Orcharding In the Irrigated District. " IRRIGATION AND FRUIT. Mr. Stephens gave a general review ot the progress ot fruit raising along the Plalto valley , showing that whcTe\cr Irrigation was used apples and smaller fruit had been very successfully grown , although In some cases , whcro water was plenty , there had been en Inclination to put on too much water , which drowned out the trees and vines so they did not hear so well. Ho gave his Ideas of the kind of soil to select where orchards ore to bo Irrigated. Ho advocated subsolllng and thought the fruit grower should avoid alkali soils. Ho fpoke ot the experiments of fruit growers who tind found that a very slow atul regular flow of water would moro readily soak Into the eoll. Mr. Stephens was himself ot the opinion that cultivation of orchards was moro Important than Irrigation. Experi ence had shown , however , that strawberries , ns well as other small fruits , did exceedingly well under Irrigation. The speaker paid some attention to the question of "smudging" orchards to prevent damage by frosts In the spring. Ho thought that In cases \\tierc a damaging frost la threatened the turning | of damp brush which would keep up a dense smoke and very little blaze the best results were obtained. He was of the opinion that when the fruit growers of Nebraska emulate those of Illinois end work moro with their hands and less with horses they would be moro successful In Hie raising of fruit. Aiipr air. stcpliena Ilnlsnea his paper there was a discussion on the question of "smudg ing , " some advocating the use of steam If It could bo made at a low cost. It was shown that "smudging" would ralso the temperature about 5 degrees. SOME PRACTICAL QUESTIONS. E. T. Hartley of Lincoln read a paper on "Thorough Cultivation of the Orchard. " Ho said that some people had theories as to the way of .cultivating orchards which were good , but too expensive to bo practicable. Ho said that the use of the ordinary cultivator was unsatisfactory as It left weeds between the shovels which seemed to grow all the better for the cultivating. Ho advocated the use of a disc harrow , to which was added a long Hat bar of stcol , sharpened on ono edge , and so adjusted that it would run tinder tha loose soil behind the discs , and thus cutting off the roots of all the weeds. With this tool ho had been able to keep a large orchard clean at an expense of less than 4 cents per tree for the season. Ho found that the constant use of a disc harrow would result In. hollowing out the ground between the rows of trees , because the discs threw the dirt outward toward the trees. To remedy this ho reversed the discs alternate seasons , thus throwing the dirt back toward the center. He did not believe- that a growth of pursloy on the soil among the trees was any damage , for the reason that soil covered with this weed remained damp while bare soil baked In the sun. In fact , ho had found good results from encouraging a growth of pursley. There was a lengthly discussion after Mr. Hartley's paper on the use of the now tool described by him , In which the fact was brought out that such a cultivator could be pulled readily by a two-horse team. The discussion then ran off upon the question of what depth to set cherry trees and how to prevent sprouting. It was agreed that trees that send up sprouts make a slower growth and yield u smaller amount of fruit than do the trees without sprouts. SCIENTIFIC SUGGESTIONS. Trot. C. B. Bessey ot , the University of Nebraska talked en "Some Facts In Plant 1'hyslology 'Bearing ' Upon Horticultural Prac tices. " Ho held that the present method of teaching of botany Ui the public schools Is of llttlo practical use. Ho believed that the study should bo devoted to hew the plants act. The way a plant acts Is Its physiology. The Imporant thing to observe la the use of water and the amount ot water contained In tiio plants. To illustrate this ho read from tables , showing the per cent of water In the following fruits anl plants : Apples , S3 ; plum , 84 ; cucumber , 95 > ,6 ; pear , 83 , grapes , S3 ; cherries , 82'/i ; asparagus , 93 ; potato , 75 ; lettuce , 94 ; cabbage , turnip , 92 ; radish , 93 ; beets , 88 ; grape stems , CO ; pea vines , 83' ; green wood , 47 to C9 ; cottonwood leaves , 79 ; grape leaves , 75. He said that while/ the roots of a plant were taking In water the leaves were- leaking It out through evaporatleci. These leaks came through llttlo openings In the leaves open ings so minute- that on a square Inch of apple leaf there , would bo about 175,000 openings and where the water escapes through the leaves a constant supply Is needed at the roots to supply the wants of the plant * ? . In the caBO of green grass the professor said that \\bon the farmer cuts a ton ot hay ho cuts down 1,500 pounds of water. Ho thought that a proper study of the plant phjslology would enabletha students to dovUo means to check the loss of water. It had been found that thick leaved plants and thoeo covered with a fort of hair , llko the mullen , would beat stand the drouth. Ho believed that whcro the wind passed through a grove of trees It carried dampness received from tliesa trees which would ha of benefit to the plants or trees next touched by thla wind. George L. Allen of Leigh read a paper on " Currants" lu wtilch ho advocated the most thorough ot cultivation and the protection of tbo bushes from the south winds. Ho believed that the ground should bo manured every year and that the manure should bo thor oughly worked In around the roots of , the bushes. A discussion as to varieties followed , in which II , A. Langsdort of Bellevue and L. O. Williams of Council Bluffs took Uio lead ing parts. L. C. Chapln of Lincoln discussed "The Flower Garden. " He believed that the farmers of the west wcro moro and moro coming to the Idea ot planting" flower gardens as a means of beautifying their homes. He ilo- Bcclbod many of the ways for setting out and trululag plants. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The reports of the secretary and treasurer ehowea that whllo there la now on hand over $1 000 , being a part ot the balance- car ried slncu the tlmo when the society got an appropriation of $2,000. and which was re inforced last year by $800 recc/lved from the State Agricultural society , ( hero Is now on liand but $1,108.78 to pay the expenses and premiums for the coming year , with only the $1,000 stute appropriation to bo received In October utter the premiums are paid. No money Is to bo received from the Agricultural society tbla year , anit the prospect that at the commencouufit ot next year the bal- mice will bo almcst all gone. A summary of the report eho a that from June , 1897 , to Juno , 183 ! ) , makes Uio following Balance on hind , $1178.2S ; conh from former Bccrclary , $147 September 27 , .Agricultural poclety , $800 , October 9 , ca h from t te ap propriation , $1,000 , , December 20 , cash from C1 H Barnard membcMhlpn , $58 , total , $3- 049.25 ; ( obit warrants paid , $1,880.47. bal ance on head January 11 , 1S9S , $1,168.78. COMMITTEES NAMED. The following committees were appointed , On the secretary anl treasurer's report E. F. Stephens , Crete ; Luke KUMoll , Wymore ; J , A. Hogg , Shelton , On the president' ad- drcfn A. J , Brown. Geneva ; J. M. Russell , Wymore ; W. P. Jenkins , Arcadia. The program for tomorrow Is as follows : Morning 0 o'clock Report on spraying , Prof. F. W. Card , State university ; Ne braska horticultural Interests at thn expo sition , O. W , Ilervey , Omaha ; "How to Prevent Destruction of Trees nnd Plants by Ilnbbtte. " W , F. Jenkins , Arcadia : "How to Grow Hardy Hoses , " J , Hess , Omaha ; "Horticulture ns a Branch of Public Edu cation , " Dr. F. M. Powell , Qlenwood , la , ; election of ofllcern nt 11 o'clock ; "The , Mis sion of Flowers , " Louis Henderson. Omaha ; "Fnlth , " .M . , G. Edwards , Olcnwood , la. Afternoon 2 o'clock "Co-operative Hand ling of Fruit , " J. P. Hess , Council Bluffs , In , ; "Southern Horticulture. " A , F. Cole- irmn , " Corningla. . ; "Treatment of Old Tress , " C. A. Whltford , Arlington , Neb. ; "Culture of Small Fruits , " J. W. Stevenson , North Uend , Neb , ; "Production of Cider and Vinegar , " E. M. Pollard , Nehawka , Nob. ; "Thrco Ilea.'ons Why the Country Cemetery Should Adopt the Lawn System , Jnmes Y. Craig , Omaha. snwnii SYSTEM roil COMIMIIUS , Solid IltiKlnrxxincti Arc I'tinhliiR the I'roiiOMcd liiiprovrinonl. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) About twenty-five of the prominent business men of this city responded to a call for a meeting ! a t evening to organize a new eowor company , A plan submitted l > y Surveyor Gottschalk nag adopted as feasible and It Is the Intention to take In all the residence portion of the city , besides the several schools and the hospital and other public buildings. There Is one nmall eowcr In the city at pres ent and the route Is such that It cannot be ex tended to any very great extent. A commlt- tco was copotntcd to solicit stock nnd as soon as It lias $5,000 subscribed It will hold another meeting and will perfect a perma nent organization. Some ot the solid men of the town are behind this movement and It Is believed that work will bo commenced on the mains as sooa as the frost Is out ot the ground. The docket for thls'judlclal district bus bccii arranged for the ensuing year and the dates selected for this county are as follows : Feb ruary 7 , "May 9 and November 7. Judge Al bert , recently appointed , will men the first term here. Sheriff McClod of Schuylcr came liero yes terday and arrested a young man named Adolph Hcllbusch on a charge ot bastardy preferred by Christina Oldlgs of Colfax county. The young man was taken to Schuylcr and bound over to the district court In the sum of $1,000 , which was promptly fur nished. HXO.YnilATES I'HIXCIPAt. IIAHUISOA. \eIiriiHK-it- City School Hoard StaiidN liy n Teacher. NEBRASKA CITY , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The Board of Education , met last evening to Investigate the charges preferred by Harrison risen brothers against 'E. ' H. Morgan , prin cipal of the Sixth street school. The com plainants alleged that their sister iNelllo was compelled by Mr. Morgan to go up and down stairs an excessive number ot times as a punishment for some infraction ot rules. The llttlo girl was taken sick a few days afterward and died two or three days later of Inflammation ol the bowels. _ The evidence was conflicting , but developed the fact that the child made ten or fifteen trips up and down the stairs. The board rendered Its decision as follows : "Tho board recognizes the ability and faithful services of Prof. Morgan In the past and does not consider that a single mis take In judgment Is sufficient to Justify a withdrawal of confidence In him. We find from the evidence that the punishment In flicted was not the cause of Nellie Har rison's death , though It was more than neces sary in degree. " ti ACCIIJEXT AT AVAYXE. J. III. Miiimltif ; I.OMCH an Arm in n Corn Cutter. WAYNE , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) Hon. J. R. Manning of Carroll , ono of the most prominent and well to do men In the county , met with a terrible accident about daylight this morning. His right arm was cut off Indi by Inch to the shoulder In a cornstalk cutter , the help starting up the machine before ho knew It. AH but one artery was severed and the flesh torn some down his side. He Is in a critical condition and It Is not expected that he will live. Mr. Manning was a member ot the Nebraska state legislature In the year 1889 , and served from the Eleventh senatorial district. 'CIinii7 < > of 'I'rnnrlctorH ' , DAVID CITY , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Spcci'il. ) For the last few days rumors have been cur rent on the streets of a change In the owner. ship of the Butler County Frees , the oldest newspaper fa the county , heretofore owned Jointly by C. D. Casper and C. W. McCune. Thcso rumors were confirmed this evening by the filing of a bill of sale in the county clerk's office by which C. W. McCune con voys all his right , title and Interest In the plant , accounts , stock and materials , Includ ing the good will of the grantor to C. D. Casper. The consideration named being a receipt for moneys of the firm collected by McCuno slnco 1891 and not accounted ifor by him , but converted to his own use. l Oxceoln' ' . OSCEOLA , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mcaroo Stewart Is Just In the outskirts of this village and whllo the whole family wcro at church on Sunday evenIng - Ing some persons broke Into Mr. Stewart's house and helped themselves to whatever they could get their hands on In the , shape of Jewelry , money and trinkets. Judge Estes was robbed of a considerable , sum of money on Saturday. The thief was a 'farm hand , who was apprehended and re turned the money. Ho was allowed to go. Crenini ry StookliolilerH Mc-ot. TILDEN , Neb. , . 11. ( Special. ) Yes terday evening about 75 per cent of those In terested held the first annual meeting of the Tllden co-operative creamery stockholders. All expressed themselves as well satisfied with the management and financial success ot the Institution. The following biard of di rectors was chcben : Henry Schumacher , president ; J. H. Efchoft , vlco president ; M. T. iflrown , secretary anl treasurer ; T. A. Shaffer , general manager ; A. J. Dunlevy. Si-rloiiHly Hurt. INAVALE , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special , ) As Brick Bergman , a farmer living eight mllei north of hero , was returning to his home from town last evening In a somewhat In toxicated condition , his wjgoii overturned and the old man fell out and a barrel of ealt rolled acrres him In such a way that ho could not move. He remained lu that ccndltlon until 9 o'clock the next morning , when a .neighbor found him. Ho Is alive yet , but In a very dangerous condition , SliootliiK AIYrny nt Oril , ORD , Nob. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Last Mon day Will Howard was arrested for shooting at William Rutherford , a farmer residing near Elyrla , this county. The shooting orcao over the hired girl , whom Howard had In vited to a dance. Howard ha3 a preliminary hearing before Judge Staples thld afternoon , who bound him over to the spring term of the district court In the mini of $500. JOllllH ICIIU'U" LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The coroner's Jury this morning found that Wesley Johns came to his death Sunday night by the accidental discharge of a re volver In Ills own hands , The cvldenco was much tangled up , however , and the officers will make a fu-ther Investigation , Young Reub Johns , who disappeared Immediately after the shooting , has not been found. Court lit at , 1'aiil. ST. PAUL. Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Dis trict court of Howard county U again In scs- elcu with Judge Kendall on the benb , A Jury has been Impaneled to try John D. Mare , brought here ( or trial on complaint of attempted murder of his own daughter , Nearly tbo wbolo bar of Greelej- county \s \ lu attendance and court will -jouiiueaco tak ing Uis vlduoc tomorrow. EBRIGI1T SAID TO BE SHORT Investigating Oomra Itoa Thinks He is Indebted to the State. CHARGES HIM WITH PADDING PAY ROLLS Allcjjc * Dint Voucher * Arc Mmte for Teacher * lu Institute tor the lllltul Who Arc Sot Kmploj ed. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The Inves tigating cominltteo Is about to submit a report - port In which a shortage of noout $2,000 will bo charged against William Ebrlght , a for mer superintendent of the Institute for th& 1311ml at Nebraska City. Tlic report will show that after Mrs. Ubrlgr.t had been prc raotcil from matron to assistant superin tendent of the Institution a young woman who waa an Inmate was carried on the rolls as matron and the vouchers at the rate of $50 per month were drawn In her favor for about eight months. The committee has discovered that the young woman did not receive the money , although tbo vouchers are endorsed by her. Another Instance la that of a boy Inmate who was on the pay roll ai a. leather and whoso vouchers wcro at iho rate of $25 ! > month. VTho boy testifies that ho was 'not employed as a teacher uii'l did not ! ecelvc this money ; that he was nuitug that time employed as a bell boy and received $ > per month. Two girls reported as teachers , and for whom warrants wcro drawn at the rate ot $30 per month each for two or three months , testify that they did not receive the money. .Thcso Items foot up to about $1,000. According to the committee the other $1,000 shortage comes from the padded bills inado out by a man named Schutnan , who operated a drug store at Nebraska City at that tlmo and who furnished the drugs for the Institution. Schuman made up his bill at the end of each month , giving the num bers of the prescriptions and rr.\llni ; ; a total charge without Itemizing o.vjh account. Ills bills were audited and paid. It has been ascertained froa the boolt/3 / turned over to the committee by Iho suc cessor of Schuman In the drug business that all the prescriptions made out for private Individuals during each moir.avcro again charged against the state , the numbers ot the prescriptions lu the Dills undercd at the end of each month being In a majority of casw the same as those which had been ON dered and paid for by private parties. The overcharge In the drug Item Is found to amount to about $1,000. Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin- dell Lewis Henderson. C. L. Bouffler. At the Lincoln John A. Krug , Dr. G. L. Miller , L. W. Gonden , Henry Oertcr. IMl'llOViKJinXT IX M2IIUASKA HOAIJS. Loon I LltieN .All Show ii llctlcr mill Iiiirncr IluxInoNt. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The report to bo Issued by the State Board of Transportation In a few days will show that 1897 Vina a prosperous year for the railroads , both passenger and freight earn ing having largely Increased over 1SOC. No now road has been built , but the general condition ot all lines Is better. The total mileage In the state Is G,5S5.G. ! ) The report 'will show that in 180G twenty- seven employes were killed and 173 Injured , while In 1897 twelve were killed and 145 InJuroJ. In 189G three passengers were killed and thirty-two Injured. Of all others not trespassing , seven were killed and fourteen Injured In 1896 , and six killed and seven teen Injured In 1897. A total of sixty-one persons were killed and 245 were Injured on all roads In 1S9G , and forty-four killed and 230 Injured In 1897. , The report further says : Passenger earn ings have also measurably Increased be cause of more travel and a curtailment of free or "deadhead" transportation for politi cal and other purposes. Roads of the state have almost , If not entirely , gone out of politics , thus relieving themselves of the burden otjrea transportation of large num bers of delegates , an evil of such magnitude and of such long standing , requiring a long time to abolish , but much was done during the last year. Vorlc NotCN. YORK , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Sheriff Lancaster of this county last night arrested Mrs. Laura Potter at a farm near Burwcll. She Is charged with having stolen $20 from her cousin. Theodore McDanlel , while she was visiting at the homo of his mother In tills city last December. William Brown's cigar store was entered by burglars Monday mornlag and $15 worth of cigars and tobacco token. The York Mining and Development com pany held Its annual election ot ofllccrs last evening. Reports show this company to be In a very good condition. The corepany owns several claims near Deadwood and the Ragged Top region which promise to develop handsomely. Mrs. Wray , who lives southwest of McCool , has brought suit against her brothers , Taomas and James Gallagher , for stealing corn from her farm. IIolilH Annual M SEWARD , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Soeclal. ) At the annual meeting of the Seward Equitable Building and Loan association , held last evenIng - Ing , the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : John Zlmmerer , president ; T. L. Sexton , vlco president ; IV. D. Bowers , secretary ; J. C. Mulflnger , treasurer ; J. P. Denham. C. W. Berkley , W. E. Lmgworthy , P. A. , William Royer. H. A. Graff , G. P. DIckman , directors. The association owned co. December 31" first mortgages on real estate amounting to $21,485 and had $2,257.58 cash on hand. The total value of s'.iares of stock was $23,454.59. The net earn ings for the last six months amounted to $894.91. Public IiiHtiillntlnii. MINDEN , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The Knights of the Maccabees held a public in stallation on January 8 , followed by a speech from CommanJer J. B. Scott upon the bene fits of the order. Its history and growth. Sir Kaight E. C. Dally delivered an address upon the fraternal part of the order. The program was Interspersed with music , after which tables were spread and about 200 Invited guest ! ) sat down. J , B. Pugh , who has been In Chicago for the last year , returned to this city on Jan uary 8 to make It his home , Olil NfttlrrM IInviII i.M LINCOLN , Jan , 11. ( Special. ) The old settlers of Lancaster county hejd their mid winter meeting at Dellan half , In the Uni versity of ( Nebraska , this afternoon. Miss Ellen Smith reviewed the early days of the university , Its struggles and successes. Mrs. C. M , Letghton read a paper on the crusade In Lincoln many years ago. H. W , Hardy , L. W. Bllllngsly and Prof. Caldwell made short addresses , after which all partook of an excellent lunch. Brief reminiscent toasts were responded to by those present. iArrcH ( ' < l for I.nrci-ny. HASTINGS , Neb , , Jan. 11 , ( Special Tele gram. ) Henry Mecca and Lawrence Cheesam , two local toughs , were arrested today for larceny , both being charged with having robbed A. Ollphant of over $18 last night. It Is said that Ollphant was Intoxicated at the time and did not realize that ho had been robbed until tills morning. . Young ChccEam has confessed , but so far Mopes denies the charge. Both are locked up in the county jail. ItoIiliiT HroiiKht ST. PAUL , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) Sheriff Labowltz returned from Kansas City last evening , bringing with him Ottls An- eelen en a warrant charging him with being ono of the robber * who some time ago broke kite and robbed the Boelus bank , this county , of nearly $1.300. The preliminary examination will likely take placetoday. . HHIof CoiiiiiilNHlon LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The Cuban 'Relief ' commission appointed by Governor Holcomb met In Initial session this afternoon and organized as follows : Dr. II. O. Rowlands , chairman ; J , E , Utt , vlco chairman ; General P II 'Barry , secretary ( W N Naion , treasurer M I ) Welch J IS. Utt and 'H ' O. Rowland * auditing commit tee , J. B. UU. M D.Tclch and W. N. Nason , transportation caraoltteo , W. N. Nason , P. H , Harry anil in O. Rowlands , purchasing committee , rt The chairman and plcretary were In structed to draw up a manifesto to bo Issued through the press , after which the commis sion adjourned ' to meet on call of the chair man. ' ' ? _ Sntm VSICA IIISTOIu' Vl , SOCIETY. Journnllnm In TcrrtfArinl Hn > * the Tuple for Coiittilivrntlon. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Sffcfrfal Telegram. ) The twenty-first annual JiiW\lng of the Nebraska ' braska State Historical noc'lpty was opened at the chapel of the State unlvwMtjr this evening and the hall was filled wHh.f ectatcrs , among them being many who were1 lu Nebraska In tbo territorial days and who helped to make much of the state's early tilstory. The even ing was devoted to the history and reminis cences of cnrly Nebraska Journalism , able papers being read by Hon. J , Sterling Mor ton , president ot the society , nnd by Hon. George L. Miller. In his opening address President Morton took up the history of the first Nebraska paper , the Omaha Arrow , which was printed In Council Bluffs , and the Nebraska Pal ladium , which was published In Bellevtlo nnd was the first to bo printed In the terrl'ory. The date of ttio first Issue of the Palladium after Its removal across the river from St. Mary's , la. , was November 14.1851. Mr. Mer- tcn quoted several Items from the paper and also from the Issues following the first num ber , which gave some accounts ot ( he struggles then raging In the state. The early history ot the Nebraska City News , pub lished by Mr. Morton himself , and of other territorial newspapers was given. In re ferring to the attempt that was made In 1855 to extend the boundaries of Kansas to the Platte river , Mr. Morton said : "Fortunately Nebraska was not made a rart of Kansas , altliough of late years It seems to have seme- times been Infected by microbes of Us Isms and vagaries. " Mr. Morton paid tribute to the character and work of Dr. Miller nnd Roocrt Pumas during the territorial days. Dr. George L. Miller's paper wai entitled "Newspapers and Newspaper Men of the Territorial Period. " Ho told of the early history of the Omaha Republican and the Omaha Herald. Ho said that In his work as editor of the Herald bo owed much to Morlcu , whose style and Ideas ho tried to Imitate. Ho referred tp Morton's Influence In the early days nnd to the fact ttoat he had slnco been a member of the cabinet of "one of the most Illustrious of American presi dents. " Dr. Miller eald that the Herald was born of poor but respectable parents and after Its sale to Hitchcock It "did not die , exactly , which for several reasons Is deeply to be regretted , but was and Is somewhat painfully suffocated In more ways than I care to enumerate. " A short Mlk was made by ex-Govornor Fur- nas , who said that he landed In Brownvlllo on the Cth of April , 1858 , bringing his family end his printing press wll'a him , having como up the river on beard the steamer J. H. Lucas , and that when he landed ho had cnly 18 % cents In his pocket. Major St. A. D. Balcombe and H. T. CJarko of Omaha wcro called upon and responded briefly. J. A. McMuiphy told of his work on the Omaha Herald In the 'CO's and on the Omaha Tribune In the early ' 70's. Papers were received from D. W. Carpenter of Omaha , Hadlcy D. Jotmson of Salt Lake City , John S. Brlggs and Dr. P. Rcnner.of Omaha , which will be printed ki the -annual report of the society. 'Auction Auditorium Htiltniin. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The gov erning committee of thft Young 'Men's Board of Trade held a meetlijg last night and de cided to hold a promenadq and ball at the capltol building on the evening of January 28. The first ton auditorium buttons will then bo fold at auction. Many buttons have been sold , but those numbe'flng from , one to ten were reserved for , tlilSauctlon. Ilcvlral lit Ditvfil City. DAVID CITY , Neb. . JanJ II. ( Special. ) Revival meetings hava beep In progress at the Baptist and Methodist churches for the last two weeks. Twenty tiave'already united with the Baptist church''and nearly that number will proiably joH ! the Methodist. The meetings will continue during the week and perhaps longer. Tliieoln' Fcilcrnl IlnllilliiRT. LINCOLN , Jan. 11. ( Special Telegram. ) The meeting at the council chamber tonight to discuss the proposed new federal building was not largely attended. There were several reports of committees , copies of which will be sent to the congressmen. It is proposed to seind lobbyists to Washington to work for tfco new building. Held for Trial. BEATRICE , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele gram. ) At a hearing In Judge Enlow's court this afternoon "Doc" Jackson and Henry Burroughs ware each bound over to the dis trict court In the sum of $300 for the assault on Willard Brinton Christmas night. Brlntou was able to attend the hearing , but Is very feeble. Comity Hoard GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) The county hoard was organized this morn. Ing by the selection of Charles Ewlng cs Chairman. Mr. Ewlng Is a republican and the organization was made practically unan imous by the addition of ono popultat mem ber to the four republicans , Stork I'ecdln . INAVALE , Neb. , Jan. 11. ( Special. ) A careful canvass of the county adjacent to thla town shows 2,600 bead of cattle being fed and 6,000 head of hogs. All of these will bo shipped within the next five or olx months , most of them going early , as they are la prime condition'now. ItiirnInr.H nt ( Senivn. GENEVA , Neb. Jan. 11. ( Special , ) Last night the store of W. I. Carson was entered by burglars and what cash was found taken. Th'la Is only ono of numerous petty burglar- lea committed of late. The Intruders entered the building by tearing open the grating Into tbo cellar. A II.\COIv ST011Y. I How He Omit tvltli n IMiiyinnte Grown Vl > IlltO II SCCCNNlllIllMt , Senator Mills lhas a new story nbouti Lin coln. It was tnld to him by n son of John Jj. Helm of Kentucky , who llvea In Corsl- cana. "Old John L. Helm , " said the senator to the Washington Post man , "was a famous character In Kentucky. He was , If I re member rightly , n goyprrlor of the state , but at any rate his portion wn a most prominent ono. AVhcn , jjj/j / civil war came on Helm was a rnblu secessionist. Ho could not praise the south iqo'filghly , and could not heap enough abuse * upon the north. Ho was too old to go Into the war with his sons , and remained ' home , doing all ho could to help the confederate cause and harass the Yankees wpo ilnvaded the state. Finally he became BO .obstreperous that the federal general who wiurlh command near Helm's homo put him In prison. The old man'H nge , the high position which he occu. pled In the state , bis jwldo connection , and especially his Inability Jo do any uctual harm , were all pleaded ( p lilH extenuation ml ho waa released , * Instead of profiting by the warning , the did > nan became moro persistent than over IrHhls course. Once moro ho was clapped9 Into Jail. This hap pened two or thrco jtlmes , and finally , while ho wan still lopked up , the matter was to the attention of the federal authorities Kvrn President Lincoln waa appealed to , and naked'to commit tlio ar dent southerner to an 'Indefinite confine ment In order that he might bo curbed. "Lincoln listened to the statement of the case with more than usual Interest. Then he leaned back and began to speak with a Bmlle upon his face. 'You are talking about old man John Helm ? Wnl' . djd you know that I used to live , when I was a boy , In Helm's town ? He was kind to mo. He seemed to like me as a boy , and he never lost an opportunity to help me. He seemed to think , ' said Lincoln with another of his almost pathetic smiles , 'that I would prob ably make something of a man. Why , when 1 went out to Illinois , poor and un known , that man ? u\e ma the money to pay my way and keep me until I cot a start. John Helm ? O , yc , I know him. And I know what I owe to him , I think I can llx lila case. ' "And then,1' said Senator Mills , "Lincoln went to a dcek and wrote a few words. The bit of writing la treasured in the Helm MAKES WOMEN BEAUTIFUL The Unseen Power of a Modern Discovery For Renewing Youtli and Rendering People Attractive. No innn In Ameri ca lias probably done moro to mnko \vomoii bonutlful nnd moil moro sym metrical than Der matologist. John H. Wootlbury of Xc\v York. Ills face Is known universally tlironuhont the length and breadth of America , and hi addition to ImprnvliUT comnlwcloiis , ho has boon the Inventor , as n surgeon , ot sonic of the most dllllcull operations known to ( science. Those operations in clude the straightening of deformed noses , making disarranged mouths sym metrical , and many other acts of skill. The doctor has been highly successful , but does not hesitate to frankly ac knowledge the help ho has htul from others , lie recently said : "While I have been the means of re storing thousands of women to the nat ural bounty which nature Intended they should have , but which they had lost , I would have never boon able to do so If the woman's blood was out of order or her natural functions in n disordered household to tlhls day. This Is what the president wrote : " 'I .hereby pardon John L. Helm ot Ken tucky for nil thnt ho has ever done against the United States , nnd nil that he ever will do. ABRAHAM ' " . LINCOLN. A WOMAX Ii a Fulling ; ISluvntor and ItcN- ( uod the Janitor. The Albemarle Is a new apartment house at No. 3C1 West Twenty-seventh street , re lates the New York World. It has all modern Improvements , Including an electric elevator. The house has been open for a month now , and a hundred times a day has Henry Patterson , the Janitor , gene up and down In the elevator. It la a heavy elevator with a freight car attached to the bottom of It. The boy who was hired by the house to run it could [ manage It with one hand. It haJ a fancy Venetian wrought-lron root and silver grilled doors , and casings on every floor. Alice Doothroyd moved Into the Albemarlo last week and took the front apartment on tbo sixth floor. Janitor Patterson and his family wcro temporarily In the rear apart ment on the same floor , and little Henry , his son , soon got to know < Mrs. Boothroyd and was only too glad of the chance to run errauds for her. Just before 7 o'clock p. m. on Monday Mrs. Boothroyd needed something for dinner. She hurried Into the hall and called for llttlo Henry. Ho ran out of the rooms In the rear and Mrs. Boothroyd gave her direc tions to him while they were waiting for the elevator to come up the six stories. "There's papa In the elevator , " cried little Henry , as the elevator stopped at the sixth floor. Sure enough , Itwas Janitor Patterson. Ho opened the door and stepped out. 'Ho ' heard 'Mrs. ' Doothroyd speaking to little Henry , and stopped to hear what was wanted. Ho had ono foot on the marble flooring and ono In the elevator. No one knows how It happened. Perhaps some one who won't tell pulled the elevator rope In the base ment. Perhaps the machine got out of cear. cear.A rumble and a creaking. Down , down went the elevator ! Right from under the man's feet it fell. IHe sprang for the sure footing of the marble floor. Ho slipped , ho foil. He landed on Ills face. His head was In the shaft. His feet sprawled out on the floor. "Help me , " he shrieked , "I'm " But not another 'word ' could the man utter. The roof of the elevator had fallen across his neck. There he was , pinned face down on the floor and the sharp iron grill work of the elevator roof settling Into his ( lesh. He would bo choked to death 'before ' Ills head was cut off. Little Henry screamed. 'But ' not Mrs. Boothroyd. A great presence of mind came over her. Poor Patterson was gurgling at lier feet and slowly , very slowly that awful thing was settling ten seconds moro and tie would bo dead and' decapitated. One piercing scream and then another. It'was Mrs. Boothroyd. But not until she herself had taken means to save the man's life. Gho seized the Iron grill work In her hands and was holding up the entire weight of the elevator with all the strength she possessed. "Help ! 'Help ' ! " she shrieked. "He'll be killed ! He'll ho killed ! " But still the elevator settled. It was scraping the skin off Patterson's neck now and cutting great gashes In his flesh. Mrs. Boothroyd Ibracod herself against the fancy silver grill work of the half-open doon Her knee fairly dug Itself Into the Iron work , bonding- and twisting It all out of shape. But It worked. The , thing slowly came tea a standstill. Patterson's gurgles stopped now. "Hurry ! Hurry ! " shrieked Mio. Booth royd. It scorned as If she had been supporting that awful weight for an ago , and yet It was 'but ' a few seconds. Patterson lay quiet. Ho was slowly choking to death. Any mln- ute the woman's grip might slip and his head would ibo cut off as cleanly as If a guillotine had done It. Suddenly he gave a convulsive shiver. " " ho choked "for " "Savo mo ! , Mrs. Boothroyd Ibraced herself again and gave a mighty heave. It was the last strength aha had and all her force of will. The wonder of It ! The thing actually moved upward. The horrible weight was off Patterson'a neck. The hallway was full of people now , at tracted there from every floor by the screams of little Henry and Mrs. Booth royd. A man came up the stairs four stopo at a time. Mrs. Patterson came running out of her apartments , thinking that It was her llttld boy who was hurt. The man was Just In time , The ele vator was off Patterson's neck. Ho sclzei the half-unconscious man by tbo legs an , ' dragged his head out of the shaft , Patterson's life was saved ! "And then , woman-like , Mrs. Boothroyd fled from the scene. Tt > AVAMC ACHOSS Til 13 ATLANTIC. Ciindiln Olilrlovi- Mnl < e the Attempt Xt-xt Jill- . Captain William C. Oldrlevo of Boston has planned to walk across the Atlantic ocean next July. Ho will begin Ms Journey July 4 and will be accompanied by Captain William A , Andrews , famous by reason of his voyages across the Atlantic In a small callboat. It Is nothing new for Captain Oldrlevo to promenade the waves , That has been his pleasure and profit thcso ten years. Captain Andrews , who Is to bo the companion of the water pedestrian , will journey In a brand new fourteen-foot sailboat and la tdls merely repeats a feat performed In 1878 and again In 1892 , Captain Andrews Is really the man who has brought about the whole affair. Ho said : "Incredible as It may seem , next year wo am really going to walk , and sail down Bos ton harbor , out en to the ocean and over to Havre , France , through the great bore of tbo river Selno and on up to Paris , to bo there to attend the exposition of 1900 , In our now seagoing shoes and smallest , fastest and best beat that has over crossed the Atlantic ocean , the Phantom Sblp. Every vessel wo speak on the ocean will report ono ot us walking and sometimes towing the boat In calm weather. " The seagoing shoes of Mr , Oldrlcve are the meet wonderful part of the whole affair. At condition , so that t invariably caution all men or women who consult me to see , llrst of all , to their general health , especially that the secretions are In per fect condition. I wish to say that lu this work I have been largely aided by ono of the greatest discoveries of mod ern times , lly its use , in connection with my work , I have often been able to make women who are sallow , first thought they seem ns fabulous ns the six-league boots of fairy lore ; yet they are simple enough when understood. They are really a ixilr of cedar boxes five feet long , with fins on the bottom and sides. Tiicy arc very light and capable of sustaining 140 pounds , but , as Oldrlevo weighs only 130 , they are as good to him as a steamer's deck. Into each of these wooden shoes the water walker's feet are thrust down deep and a rubber g > artcr-llke affair Is fastened to his leg , thus effectually keeping out the water. Rubber boots reaching to the thigh are also worn. When thus cqultped Oldrlevo Is able to walk many miles and to travel over clioppy seas , aad oven tlio heavy swell of the ocean. "I have perfect confidence , " said Mr. Old- rlovo. "ot being able to walk a great part of the distance across the ocean , I shall keep an exact record of the miles walked each day. I Of course I shall sleep and take my meals on board with Captain Andrews , but I shall stick to the water-walking feat during most of my waking hours. You see , I want to make n world's record that shall never bo beaten. I am young and strong and In the very best condition , and now Is the time fee me to attempt this great IMng , If I ever do. I have had It In mind for years. " William C. Oldrlevo is a sturdily built young man of 29 years. Ho Is but five feet four Inches In height and weighs 130 pounds. Every pound of that , however , Is hard muccle and bane. His strength has been developed , too , In actual walking on the water , which ho has been doing slnco 18S7. In November , 18S3 , he walked down the Hudson river to New York City from Albany , a distance of 1GO mile. ? . A week later ho walked across t'ao chcvipy East river. In January , 1889 , he walked through Hunt's falls , on the Merrl- mae river , at Lowell , Mass. In February , 1880 , he walked through Lawrence rapids , en the Merrimao. In December , 1891 , ho walked to Mlnot's Light , from Bcciton , and then started to walk back , a distance of twenty miles , but , a thick fog having set In , he lost his way and drifted In Massachusetts bay for twenty-seven hours. Ho was picked up in an exhausted condition by the United States revenue cutter Hamlln. 'PHIL S11I211IDAX AiM ) A MOII. Hlx 'ISiijoyiuiMit ' of u' ' Gooil Itacc Xot DlNturliciI by 11 Hint. Colonel L. P. Tarlton of Frankfort , Ky. , has perhaps had as much experlenco as judge nt race tracks as any man In the west. Ho has had many odd experiences. Tills Is one of them ns he tolls It in the New York Sun : "Nearly nil the time that General Phil Sheridan had his headquarters nt Chicago he was the president of the Jockey club there. He frequently served , too , as an associate judge. This was about a dozen years ns > o , anil It wns not customary then to have regular paid associate Judges , ofll- cers of the club nnd others serving as volunteers nnd us a courtesy to the club In thnt capacity. One day when General Sher- Idnn was up In the Judges' little cockloft performing the duties of nn associate he K-avo n splendid exhibition of his coolness. It was a holiday of some sort , und there was a tremendous'crowd out. In. the most promising race of the day the horses Jacobin nnd Woodcroft were contenders , among' others. The former was a hot , heavily pluyed favorite at even money , and Woodcroft a rather lonp shot. "As the horses finally came Into the stretch It wns apparent to the practiced eye that the betters had sized them up about right , for Jacobin's Jockey was simply waiting1 to bring his mount In a winner with a grand-stand llnlsli. As they neared the wire Jacobin came out of the hunch , but ns he did so ho recklessly nnd bare facedly fouled Woodcroft , carrying that horse clear off hlH stride and course and almost over the fence. The race crowds In Chicago In those times on holidays 'hail a largo rough foreign clement In them. 1 knew when I saw Jacobin frisk under the wire a head or so In advance of the still unstcadled Woodcroft that there was a trying time before thd JudgcH. " 'What do you think of it , general ? ' 1 said to General Sheridan. General Sheri dan was not , of course , ns a layman , ex pected to give the track matters expert scrutiny always , but It was my duty and pleasure to consult with him. The Bcn- eral was but a casual admirer ot the sport , with no inclination to delve Into ItH tech nicalities. He 'had ' evidently paid but his usual fleeting attention , to the race. " 'Well , 1 suppose the best horse won , ' enld he , as ono simply speaking because spoken to. I "Of course the foul wns clear to my other associate , Captain llllly Williamson , the then prominent turfman. It wns en tirely too clear to both of UH for our pence of mind. So wanton an offense against a plain rule of racing1 could under no circum stances ) > a overlooked. General Sheridan at once sided with us when his attention was directed to the point. Wo disqualified Jacobin and g'ave the race to Woodcroft. "Immediately the board wan hung out on the sldo of the stand announcing the de cision pandemonium broke loose. During our deliberation n great crowd had swarmed over to the stand from all parts of the { -rounds. We were In the midst of a sea of faces of pikers distorted with rngo and grimaces of disappointment and bitter pro test. Growls , tiowls and hoots swelled Into a continuous rour of condemnation. One unkempt giant In some way got a hatchet and bwan climbing' up the side of the Bland. Whether his object was to cut down the lettered board or to brain us was not clear to us , probably not to him self. Captain Williamson ffiiletly reached Into a deep Inner pocket nnd brought forth a single-barrelled Derringer with the lioro of a musket. I Implored him not to shoot as ho valued our lives , " 'I'll send that fellow to hades ahead of mo' was his response , i "I appealed then to General Sheridan to make his presence known , an doubtless a few word from him would have the de sired effect , Hy this time our frail perch of a stand was trembling and jarring from the force of the excited multitude sway I IK ; about It. I recall General Sheridan's ap pearance .minutely. Hu hud not risen from hlH comfortable neat , and 'ho was smoking a very long1 fat cigar. He puffed It leis urely and answered mo between puffa as ono reluctant to ho detracted from an ex ceptionally good brand. " 'It will evaporate ; It will evaporate , ' ho said. Those were hla words and only those. Well , the mob for such It wns for all practical purposes did finally evaporate , but Colonel Hilly Plnkerton and Ills cano wcro the prlmu causa of the evaporation , " Corn Ilntc'H to the fiiilf , KANSAS CITY , 'Mo. , Jan. 11. "It scorns to bo a crlnio la the opinion of a few eastern Unas , " nald President Stllwell of the Pitts- burg & Quit today , "because wo bavo pre sumed to build the shortest line to the Gult of 'Mexico and because wo have dared to ac- qulro brunch roadn Into the grain producing sections of Iowa and Nebraska. It U untrue - true that we bavo cut the < ute to 12 cents shrunken and prematurely old. attract live , bright , and practically youthful. Tlio discovery to which I refer Is de servedly popular. 1 cannot speak toi > highly In its praise. It Is'tirner' Safe Cure. 1 know of many eminent doctors who have found this same thing true , and who gratefully no- knowledge the aid they re ceived from this great dis covery. " The prlmo a o u , r c o oC beauty * Is per fect health. This cannot bo secured If tho. kidneys or ad jacent organs are out of con dition. Is It not plain , then , that all possi ble care should bo exercised to see that these organs n r o carefully pre servedthus promoting meting health , prolonging life and preserving youth mid beauty ? and are absorbing elevator charges. Gralit has been going to the gulf for some tlmo ami will continue to go there end the knowl edge of th'it fact has aroused the Ire of a few Chlotgo lines , which have an outlet only to the Atlantic seaboard. T > hc Plttsburg & Gulf cannct bo blamed because It Is securing the business through Its superior advantaged as the shortest line from the grain producing territory to tldo water. As a matter of fact It Is another Idin.'cs City line , which Is a member of the western freight combine , and not the Plttsburg & Gulf which has been se cretly cutting rateo to the Gulf ot Mexico. " Both iMr. Stllwcll and General Manager Gllliam Ealil their rate en corn to the gulf had been IS cents u hundred pounds ud ou wheat 21 cents. Silver Men Condemn ( June. TOPI3KA , Jan. 11. At the niectlnjr of the free silver republican Htato committee to day resolutions wcro nsrecd upon condemn ing ) Secretary Gage's financial policy and praising tlio Lcedy state admlnlstiatlon , Ol ' TODAY'S AVKATIIISIl. r nnd Colder with .Voi'tlt- < * ! ! ; Wlud.s. WASHINGTON , Jan. 11. Forecast : For Nebraska Threatening' ' weather ! probably colder ; northerly winds. For South Dakota Generally fair ; varia ble winds. For Iowa Rain ; probably doming1 la western portion ; colder ; variable winds , be coming northerly. For Kansas Ualn , followed by fair ; prob ably colder ; northwesterly winds , becoming northerly. For Wyoming Light snow ; variable winds. For Missouri Rain , probably clearing In western portion ; colder ; variable winds , be coming' northwesterly. Local ntccord. OFFICE OK THI3 WBATIIBIl BUUKAU. OMAHA , Jan. 11. Omaha record of rainfall and temperature compared with the corre sponding1 day of the lost thrco years : 1SDS. 1S37.1S9G. 1S93. Maximum temperature. . . . M 42 47 35 Minimum tempeiatuio . . . . 31 22 34 W Average temperature 32 32 40 02 Halnfall 01 .00 .TO .W Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for thla day and slnco March 1 , 1S07 : Normal for the day IS Excess for the day 11 Accumulated excess since March 1 4K1 Normal rainfall for the day 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 01 inch ) Total rainfall slnco March 1 1S.S1 Inches Deficiency slnco March 1 10.G ! ) Inches Kxcess fen cor. period , 1S97 6.0) inches Deficiency for cor. parlod , IbOC. . 11.25 Inchca Ilenort * from Stations nt S 1) . ill. , Seventy-fifth meridian time. T trullcatiu trace of precipitation. U AWELSH. . Local Forecast Olllclal. TO CUKE NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. To Onlii Flcwli , to Sleep Well , to Knovtl What Ai > l' < ' < " ' nnil ( Jooil IIi ? 'Mlon ( .Mean , .Malic n 'IV nt of Stuart's Intcrentlnn' Kxprrlenoo of nil Indian- nnoIlH lentil-man. No trouble Is moro common or moro mis understood than nervous dyspepsia. Pecplo having It think that tlielr nerves are to blame and are surprised that they are not cured by nerve medlclno nnd spring reme dies ; the real scat of the mischief Is lost sight of ; the stomach Is the organ to bo looked after , Nervous dyspeptics often do not have any pain whatever In the Htonmcli , nor perhaps any of the usual symptoms of stomach weak ness. Nervous dyspepsia shown Itself not In the stomach so much as In nearly every other organ ; In some caaes the lieart palpi tates and Is Irregular ; In others tlio kidneys are affected ; lo others the bowels are con stipated , with headaches ; still others are troubled with loss of flesh and appetite , with accumulation of gas , sour risings and heartburn , Mr. A. W. Sharper of No. Cl Prospect St. , Indianapolis , Ind , , writes as follows : "A motlvo of pure gratitude i > romptB mo lo wrlto these few llnca regarding the now and valuable medlclno , Stuart's Dyspepsia Tob- letfl. I have been a ufforer from nervous dyspepsia for the last four years ; have used various patent medicines and ottier remedies without any favorable result. They some- tlmta gave temporary relief until the effects of the medlclno were off , I attributed this to my sedentary habits , being a bookkeeper with llttlo phyblcal exercise , but I am glad to atato that the tablets have overcome all these obstacles , for I have gained In flesh , sleep better and am better In jpery way , The above la written not for notoriety , buj Is based on actual fact. " , Ilcspectfully yours , 1 A , W , Sharper , Cl Prosnt'ct St. , Indlanepolls , Ind. It IB eafo to say that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will euro any stomach weakness or dlseaHo except cancer of Htomacli , Tho/ euro uour stomach , gas , lots of flesh and ap- petlto , sleeplessness , palpitation , heartburn , constipation and hcaducho , Send for valuable llttlo book on utomach diseases by addressing Stuart Co , , Marshall , Mich. All drugelats sell full sized packages ot CO cents , " * -