Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Shrilling Expcriooco of Two Army Officers
on the Santa Fo Trail.
A Itltto iif I'lMMllfH In a I.litltt
\\itnon lira MII liy Mule * niul
J'lirxiicMll lij'I lilrtj-Pour
fn 1SC4 the commerce of the great plains
hail reached enormous proportions , and Im
mense cnravana rollcil day after day tovvatd
tliu blue hills which guard the portals of
New Mexico and ( he precious freight con
stantly tempted the wily savages to plunder ,
relates Colonel Harry Intnan In hla now
b ok , "The OU Santa Pe Trail. "
To protect the caravans on their monoto
nous route through the "Desert , " as this
portion of tlio plains was then termed , troops
were stationed , a mere handful relatively , at
l.itcrm.M on the trail , to escort the freighters
end mall coaches over the most exposed portion
tion , or the nay.
On the bank of the Walnut at this time ,
ftpro stationed 300 unasslgned recruits of the
Thfid Wisconsin ca\alry , under comniind of
Captain Cohkey. This point was regarded
as one of the most important on the whole
overland route. Captain Henry llooth that
ytai was detailed to Inspect all the outposts
on the trdllHe was stationed at Fort Hlley
at that time. Lieutenant Hallo\voll of the
Ninth Wisconsin battery was detailed to at-
company him. Hallowcil was a famous whip
or.d. prided himself on the exceptionally fine
turnout which he dally drove among the plc-
'turesque hills around the fort. It was agreed
that the trip should be made In his llg.H
vvaon , drawn by a team of line mulss. Tnls
Was t.iulpptd with a cover. After Impeding
Captain Conkey's just , the mounted escort of
100 nun was sent o.v ahead the next morning.
Hut the Inspsctlng olllcer was ilcla > tJ , and
almost three Lours elapsed after 'the cavalry
had depatted before the task ended
At last says Colonel Inmiin , everything
was closed up , much toHallowolls satisfac
tion , who had been chafing under the vexa
tious delay ever since the escort loft When
all was In readiness the llttlo wagon drawn
up In front of the commanding officer's quar
tets , and farewells said , Halloweil suggesteJ
to Uooth the propriety of taking a few of the
troops stationed there to go with them until
they overtook their own escort , which must
now he several miles on the trail to Tort
Limed , llooth asked Captain Conkey what
he th light of Hallow ell's suggestion. Cap
tain Conkey replied "Oh ! there's not the
BllKhtist danger , there hasn't been an Indian
BCLM arouud bore for over ten days. "
If either llooth or Hallowcil had been as
well acquainted with the methoJs and char
acter of the plaint , Indians then as they after-
vvai'd became they would have Insisted upon
an escort ; but both \\erc satisfied that Cap
tain Conkcj knew what ho was talking about ,
S3 they concluded to push on.
Jumping Into their wagon , Lieutenant Hal-
lowell took the : olns , and away they went
rattling over the old log bridge that used to
span the Walnut at the crossing of the old
Santa Fc trail , as light of heart aa If riding
to a dance.
Iho morning was bright and clear , with a
stiff wind blowing from the northwest , and
the trail was frozen hard In places , which
made It very rough , as It had been cut up
bj the tiavel of the heivily laden caravans
when It was wet. Uooth sat on the left side
of Hallinvell. with the whip In his hand , now
and then striking the mules , to keep up their
speed. Halloweil started up a tune he was
a geol singer and Dooth joined In as they
rolled along , as oblivious of any danger as
though they were In their quaiters at
1'crt Hlley. <
Altci they had proceeded some distance.
Hallow ell remarked to Dooth : "Tho buffalo
are gra/.ing a long way from the road today ,
a cl cumstanco that 1 think bodes no good. "
Ho had been on the plains the summer be
fore , and WBH better acquainted with the In
dians and tbeli peculiarities than Captain
Uooth , but the latter replied that he thought
It vvcs because their escort had gone on
ahead , and had probably frightened them
The next mlle or two was passed , and still
they saw no buffalo between the tiall and the
i\rliir > sas , though nothing iroro was said by
eltbe. ' regarding the suspicious circumstance ,
and they rode rapidly on.
When they -had gone n501t , flvo or s |
miles from the Walnut , Booth , happening
to glance toward the river , saw somethlig
that looked strangely like a Hock of turkuj-j
He wa'ched them Intently for a moment ,
when the objects rose up and he discovered
they were horscmon. He grasped Halloweil
bj Iho arm , directing his attention to them ,
and said , "What are they ? " Halloweil gave
a hasty look toward the point Indicated , and
replied , "Indians' by George' ' " and Imme
diately turning the mules around on the tiall
started them back toward the cantonment on
the Walnut at a full gallop.
"Hold on ! " said Booth to Hatlowcll , when
ho understool the latter's movement ; "maybe
It's part of our escort. "
"No" " no ! " replied Hallowcil. "I know
thev are Indians : I've seen too many of them
to bo mistaken. "
"Well , " rejoined Booth , "I'm going to
know for certain , " so , stepping out on the
footboard , and with one hand holding on tc
the front bow , bo locked back over the top
of the wagon sheet. They were Indians , sure
enough , they had fully emerged from the ra
vine In vvhlch they Lad hidden , and whllo bet
v as looking at them they were slipping off
their bultalo robes from their shoulders , talc-
Ing arrows out of their quivers drawing up
their bpcars , and making ready generally for
a red-hot time.
While llooth was Intently regarding the
movements of the savages Hallowcil Inquired
of him : "They'io Indians , aren't thoj ,
Uootb ; "
"Yea , " was 'Booth's ' answer , "and they're '
coming'down on us like a whirlwind. "
"Ihoii I shall never see poor LUzIo again ! "
said Hullowcll. Ho had been mairlt'd only
a tuvf weeks before starting out on this trip , the > ounff wife's name tame to bis lips.
"Never mind Llz/le , " responded Uootb ;
"lot's get out of here ! " Ho waa as badly
frightened as Halloweil , but had no brldo at
Hlley , and , as he tells It , "was selfishly
thinking of himself only , and escape. "
In answer to Booth's remaik , Hallowcil , In
a lirm , olear voice , said"All right ! You do
the shooting anJ I'll do the driving , " and
milting the action to the words ho snatched
the whip out of Booth's hand , slipped from
the seat to the front of the wagon , and com
menced lashing the mules furiously.
Booth then crawled back , pulled out one of
his revolvers , crept , or , rather , fell , over the
"lazy-back" of the seat , and reaching the
hole made by puckering the wagon sheet ,
looked out of It , and counted the Indians ;
thlrl-four feather-bedecked , palnt-bcdaubeU
BiuaKes , as vicious a set as ever scalped a
vhlto man , swooping down on them like a
lisvvk upon a chicken.
Hallowull , between his jells at the mules ,
cried out , "How fnr are they off now , Booth ? "
for of course ho could seu nothing of what
van going on In the rear.
L'ootb replied as well as ho could judge by
the distance , while Halloweil renewed bis
yelling at the animals and redoubled his ef
forts with the lash.
Nolselccsly the Indians galnoJ on the little
wagon , for they had not as yet uttered a
Avhoop , and the determined driver , anxious to
know tow far the red devils were from him ,
again asked Booth , The latter told him how
near they were , guessing at the distance ,
from which ( Hallowell gathered Inspiration
for fresh cries and still moro vlglrous blows
with hla whip.
Booth , all this time , was sitting on tbo box
containing the crackerts and em-dines , watch
ing the rapid approach of the cut-throats , and
booing with fear and trembling the ease with
which they gained upon the llttlo mules.
Once moro Hallow ell made his stereotyped
Inquiry of Uooth ; but before tbo latter could
reply , two shots were fired from the rlftc4
of tbo Indians , accompanied by a yell that'
woi demoniacal enough to cause the blood to
curdle. In ono's veins. Halloweil jelled at the
mulct ) , and Booth jelled too ; for what reason
bo could not tell , unless to keep company *
, % vlth his comrade , who piled tbe whip moro
ciorclle-ssly than ever upon the poor anl-
tuala1 backa , and the \\agou flew over the
rough road , nearly upsetting at every
Jump. ; ,
In another moment the bullets from two of
the Indians' rifles parpcd between llooth and
Hallowcil , doing no damage and almost In
stantly the savages charged upon them , a !
the same tlmo dividing Into two parties , one
going on 0110 side ami one rn the other , both
delivering a volley of arrows Into the wagon
as they rode by. , ,
Just as the savages rushed past the wagon ,
Hnllowolf cried out to Booth , "Cap , I'm
hltl" and turning around to look , Booth saw
an arrow sticking In Hallow ell's head above
his right car. His arm was still plying the
whip , which \vfl8 going on unceasingly as
the sails of a Windmill , and his howling at
the mules only afdppod Icng enough to an
swer , "Not ranch ! ' ' In response to Booth's
Inquiry of "Ddes It hurl ? " as ho grabbed the
arrow and pulled It out of his head.
The Indians by this time passed on , and
then circling back , prepared for another
charge. Down thov came , again dividing as
hcforo Into two bands , and delivering another
shower of arrows Hallowcil ceased his yellIng -
Ing long enough to cry out , "I'm bit once
more , Cap ! " Looking at the plucky driver ,
Booth saw this tlmo an arrow sticking r.vcr
his left par , and hanging down his back.
Ho snatched H out'Inquiring If It hurt , but
received the same answer , "No , not much. "
L'oth men were now yelling at the top of
their voices ; and the mules were Jerking the
wagon along the rough ( rail at a fearful rate ,
frightened nearly out of their wits at thij
sight of the Indians and'the terrible shouting
and whipping of the driver.
Bcoth crawled to the back end oC the
wagon again , looked ouf of the hole In the
cover , and s v . ( heMmlMns moving across
the trail , preparing for another charge. One
old fellow , mounted on a black pony , was
jogg'ng along In the center of the road be
hind them , but near enough and evidently
determined to send an arrow through the
puckered hole o' .he sheet. In a moment
the &ivage stopped his pony and let fly
Booth dodtfctd sldowajs the arrow t-ped on
Its ooutsff , and whlzrtng through the open
ing , struck the b'aqk jvalnut "lazy back'1
of the scat.J.the heatV clicking out on tbe
other side. and. the sudden check causing
the fcathp l/.Mul to vibrato rapidly with
vro-o-t-lnss hmid With blow-
a - - ) - a quick
Booth struck It , and broke the shaft from
the head , Jcavlng the latter embedded In
the wooj. ,
As quick ! } as possible Uooth rushed to
the hole fiitt fired his revolver at the old
devil , but failed to hit him. While he war
trjlag to get In another shot an arrow
came flying through from the left side ol
the trail and , striking him on the 'Inside '
of the elbow , or "crazj-bone , " HD complctelj
benumbed hb , hand that ho could not hold
on to the pistol , and It dropped Vito the
road with ono load still In Its chamber
Just then the mules gave an extraordinary
jump to one side , which jerked the ivvigon
nearly from under him , and be fell sprawlIng -
Ing on the endgate , evralj balanced , with his
hands on the outside , attempting to clutch
at something to save himself Seeing hi
predicament , the Indians thought they had
him sure , so they gave a jell of exultation ,
supposing he must tumble out , but he didn't ;
he fortunately succeeded la grabbing one of
the wagon bows with his right hand , and
pulled himself In ; but It was a close call.
Whllo all this was going on , Hallowcil
bad not been neglected bj the Indians ; about
a dozen of them had devoted their time to
him , but he never flinched Just a. * Booth
had rcgi'ned his equilibrium and drawn his
second revo ver from his holster. Hallow ell
jelled to him : ' 'Right off to jour light
Cap quick ! "
Booth tumbled over the back of the seat ,
and , clutching at a wagon bow to steady
himself , he saw , "off to the right , " an Indian
who was In the act of letting an arrow drive
at Halloweil ; It struck the side of the bo\
and at the Same- Instant Booth fired , scaring
the led devll , badlj.
Back over 'he seat again he rushed to
guard the rear , only to Iln3 a joung buck
riding close to the side of the wagon , his
ponj running in the deep path made by the
ox drivers -walking alongside of their
( tarns' Putting his left arm around nt
the wagon bows to prevent his being Jerked
out , Booth quietly stuck his revolver through
the bole In the sheet ; but before be could
pull the trigger tlo Indian flopped over on
the off side of his pony and nothing could
bo seen of him excepting one arm aiound the
animal's , neck anJ from the knee to the toes
of onp Itg. Botth did not wait for him to
ildu up ; ho could almost hit the ponj's hcaii
with his hand , so close waa he to the wagon.
Booth struck at the beast several times , but
the Indian Kept him right up in his place by
whipping him on the opposite side of his
notk. PicBcntly the plucky savage's arm
began to move. Bcoth watched him Intently ,
and saw that ho hart fixed an arrow In hla
how under the pony's shoulder ; just as he
was on the point of letting go the bowstring ,
with the head of the arrow not three feet
from 'Booth's breast , as ho leaned out of
the hole , the latter struck frantically at tbo
weapon , dodged back Into the wagon , and
up came the Indian. Whenever Bo th looked
out. down went the Indian on the other side
ot his pony , to rise again In a moment , and
Booth , afraid tp risk himself with his head
and shoulders exposed at this game of hide
and seek , drew suddenly back as the In Han
nrat down the third time , and In a second
came up ; but Ills time vas once too often.
Booth had not dodged completely Into the
wagon , not dropped his revolver , and as the
Indian rose ho fired.
The bavago was naked to the waist ; the
ball ttruck him In the left nipple , the blooJ
spin ted out of the wound , his bow and ar-
lows and lariat , with hlmsalf , rolled off the
pony , falling heavily on the ground , and
with ono convulsive contraction of his legs
and an "Ugh ! " ho was as dead as a stone.
"I've killed one of 'cm , " called out Booth
to Hallowcil , as he saw bis victim tumble
from bis pony.
"Bully fnr you , Cap ! ' came 'Hallowell's ' re
sponse as he tontlnued his shouting and Urn
blows of that tireless whip fell incessantly
on the backs of the poor mules.
After he had killed the warrior Booth kept
bis seat on the cracker boxr watching to see.
what the Indians were going tb do next ,
when he waa suddenly Interrupted by Hal-
Ion ell's crying cut to him "Off to the right
again , captain , quick ! " and , whlillng around
Instantly be saw an Indian within three feet
of the wagon , vvljth his , bow and arrow almost
ready to shooj , there was no time to get ever
the seat , and as ho could not fire so close to
Hallovell , ho cried to tbo latter. "Hit him
with the -whip ! Hit him with the whip ! " The
lieutenant diverted one of the blows intended
for tbe mules and struck the savage fairly
across he face. The whip had a knot in the
end of It to prevent Its unraveling , and this
knot must have hit the Indian squaicly In
tbo eye ; for bo dropped his bow , but both
hands up to his face , rubbed his ejes , and
digging his heels Into his pony's sides waa
ROOD out of range of a revolver ; but never
theless , he was given a parting shot as a sort
of salute.
A terrific yell from the rear at thla mo
ment caused both Booth cad Halloweil to
look around , and the latter to Inquire ,
"What's the matter now , Booth ? " "They
ere coming down on uv like lightning , " said
be ; and , sura enough , those whohad been
prancing around their dead comrade wcie
tearing down the trail toward the wagon
with a more hideous noise than when tboy
Halloweil yelled louder than ever , and
lashed the mules more furiously still , but
the Indians gained upon them as easily as
a blooded racer en a common firm plug.
Separating , as before , , aud passing oa each
side of tbo wagon , they delivered another
volley of bullets and arrows as they rutted
on ,
When tbo charge was nude Booth drew
away from the hole iq ( ho rear and turned
toward the Indians , but forgot that as he
was sitting with hU back pressed against
the sheet , bis body waa plainly outlined ou
tbo canvas
When the Indians dashoi by Hallowcil
cried out. "I'm hit again , Cap ! " and Booth
In turning around to go to his relief , fcl :
rcmethlng pull'ng at him , and glancing over
ble left shoulder discovered an arrow
sticking Into him and out through the
wagon sheet , With a Jerk of his liody he
tore hlmtelf loose , and going to Hallow oil
atkcd him where ho was bit. "In the
back , " was the reply , where Booth saw
an arrow extending under the "lazy-back"
of the toil , Taking hold of It. Booth gave
a pull , but Halloweil squirmed BO bo
detlsteJ , "Pull It out ! " cried tbo plucky
driver. llooth thereupon took hold of it
again , and , giving a jerk or two , out It
came. He w a thoroughly frightened , aw ho
saw it leave tbo lieutenant's bed ) ; It teemed
to have entered at least six Inches , and
the wound appeared to be a dangerous one.
llallowell , however , did not cease for a
moment belaboring the mules , end his yells
rang out as clear and dcfnnt before.
After extracting the arrow from Hallo-
well's back Booth turned araln to the open
ing in the rear of the wagon to see what
new tricks the devils were up to , when
Hallow ell again culled out , "Off to the left ,
Cap , quick ! "
Kushlog to the front as eoon as possible ,
Booth saw one of the savages In the % en
act of shooting at Hallowcil from the left
Bide of the wagon , not tra feet away , The
last revolver wus empty , but something had
to be ( Vine at once ; ao , leveling the weapon
at htm Booth shouted , "Bang ! you son-of-a-
gun ! " Down the Indian duckcJ his head ;
rap , rap , went his knees against his pony's
eldeo , and away he flew over the pralrlel
Back to his old place In the rear tumbled
Booth to load his revolver. The cartridges
they used In the army In those dajs were the
old-fashioned kind made of paper. Biting off
ono end , ho endeavored to pour the powder
Into the chamber ot the pistol ; but as the
nacon was tumbling from sld6 to side , and
Jumping up and down , as it fairly flew over
the rough trail , more fell Into the bottom of
the wagon than Into the revolver. Just as he
was Inserting a ball Hallowcil yelled , "To
the left , Cap , quick ! "
Over the seat Booth piled once more , nnd
there WAS another Indian with bis bow and
ariow all ready to pinion Iho brave lieuten
ant. Painting his revolver at him , Booth
jelled as ho had at the other , but this savage
had evidently noticed the first failure , and
concluded tbero were no more loads left ; so ,
Instead of taking a hasty departure , ho
grinned demoniacally and endeavored \ fix
the arrow In his bow. Booth "rose up In the
wagon , and grasping hold of ftino of'lta bows
with his left hand , seized Uuv"revolver ) by
the muzzle , and With all the force he coulc' '
muster hurled H at. the impudcnt brute. It
was a Remington , Its , barrel octagon-shaped
with sharp corners , and when It was thrown
It turned In the air , and striking the Indian
muz7lo first on the ribs cut a long gash.
"Ugh ! " bo grunted , as , dropping his bow
and speai , ho flung himself over the side ol
bis pony , and away ho went across the
Only ono revolver rerSalnlni ; now , and
that empty , with the savages still howling
around tiio apparently doomed men like so
many demons ! Booth fell over the scat , as
was his usual fate whenever ho attempted
to get to the back of the wagon , picked up
the empty revolver , and tried to load it , but
before ho could blto the .end of a cartridge
Hallowcil yelled , "Cap , I'm hit again ! "
"Where this time ? " Inquired Booth , anx
iously. "In the band , " replied Hallowcil
and , looking around , Booth noticed that al
though his right arm was still thrashing at
the now flagging mules with as much energy
as ever , through the llcshy part of the thumb
was an arrow , which was flopping up am1
down as he raised and lowered his hand In
ceaseless efforts to keep up the speed of the
almost exhausted animals.
"Let me pull It out , " Bald Booth , as be
camu forward to do so
"No , ncv r mind , ' rjpl cd Hal owell ; "cn't
stop ! can't stop ! " and up and down went the
arm , and flip , flap , went the arrow with H ,
until finally It tore through the llosh and fel
to the giound.
Along they bowled , the Indians yelling and
the occupants of the little wagon defiantly
answeilng them , vvhllo Booth continued to
struggle desperately with that emptv pistol
In fc'-n vain efforts to load It. In anothe'
momerit Hallowcil shouted , "Booth , they are
trying to crowd the mules Into the sun
flowers ! "
< x
Alongside tbe troll huge sunflowers had
grown the previous summer , and now theii
dry stalk * stocd as thick as a canebrake ; If
the wagon once got ameag them It would be
impossible for the mules to keep up their
gallop The savages seemed' to realize this ,
for one huge fel.ow kept riding alongside
the off mule , throwing hL > spear at him > -nd
then Jerking It back with the thong , one end
further flora the trail by his mate , which
of vvhlcb was fastened to his vvr.'st. ' The
near mule was coastrntly pushed further anc
wa ? jumping frantically , scared out of hlr
senses by the Indians.
At this perilous Juncture Booth stepper
out on the footbci rd ot the wagon , and
holding on by a bow , commenced to klcK
the 'frightened ' mule-vigorously , while/ / Hal
low ell pulled rn one line , " whipping anc
yelling at the same time ; so together thev
succeeded In foiclng the animals back Intc
the trail.
The Indians kept closeto the mules i :
their efforts to force them Into tbo sun
flowers , aid Bcoth made sevral attempt
to scare tbo old fellow that v s nearest bj
polnt'og his cmptj revolver at him , but he
would not scare ; so , in h'a desperation
Booth threw it at him. He ml.ugd the ola
brute , but bit the pony just behind It
rider's leg , wblcb started .the"aplmal Into
a sort of a stampede ; his ugly master could
not control him , and thus the Immediate-
peril from tbo persistent cus was delayed.
Now the pair were absolu4je/yftvyJthout flie-
arrrs of any kind , with nofh'ag ' left excep
their safcers and valbca , and the savage-
came closer and closer. In turn the two
swords were thrown at them as them cam
Imosl within striking distance ; then fol
lowed f-e acabbcards , as the bowling fiondc
surroinded the wagon and attempted to spear
the mules. Fortunately , their arrows were
The cantonment on the Walnut was still
a mile and a rulf away , and there was noth
Ing for the luckless travelers to do but whip
and kick , both of which they did moai
vigorously. Halloweil sat as Immovable a'
the Sjihlnx , excepting his right arm , which
from the moment they had started on the
tack trail bad not once ceaaed Its laccusaut
Happening to cast his eyes on the trail
Bcoth saw to bis dhmay twelve or fifteen
o : the ravages coming up on the run vvltU
iJresh energy , their spears poised redy for
action , and lie felt that something must b.
done very speedily to divert them ; for If
tbeeo added their number to those already
curroundlng the wagon , the clanccs were
they would succeed in forcing the1- mules
Into the sunflowers , and his scalp and Hnl-
lowell's would dangle at the belt of the
Glancing around In tbo bottom of the
wagon for some kind of weapon , bis eye fell
on the two vallscri containing the d-ess milts
Ho snatched up bis own , and threw it out ,
while the pursuers were five or six rodb
In the rear. The Indians noticed this
now- trick with a great yell of satisfaction ,
and the moment they arrived at the spot
whcio the valises lay , all dismounted ; one of
them , seizing It by the two handles , pulled
with nil his strength to open It , and when
he failed , drew a long knife rnni under bis
blanket and ripped It apart. Ho then put his
hand In , pulling out a sash , which he began
to wind around his head , liku i\ peg ! ess with
a bandana , letting the lasso's bpng down Ills
back. While ho was thus amusing himself ,
ono of the others had taken out a dress coat ,
a third a pair of drawers , and still another
a shirt , which they proceeded to put on ,
meanwhile dancing around and howling ,
Booth told Hallow ell of the sacrifice of the
v'al'ae ' , and said , "I'm going tp throw out
. " "All " "all
yours. right , replied Hallowoll ;
wo want is time. " So out It went on Urn
trail , and shared the same fate as tbe other
The lull In hostilities caused by their out
stripping their pursuers gave tbo almost do-
upalrlng men time to talk over their situation
Halloweil sad ] bo did not propose to be cap
tured and then butchered or burned at the
pleasure of the Indians , Ho said to Uootb
"If they kill ono of the mules , and so stop
us , let's kick , strike , throw dirt or anything ,
and compel them to kill us on the spot , "
So It was agreed , if the worst came to the
worst , to stand back to back and light.
During this discussion the arm of Hallo-
well still piled the effective lash , and they
drew perceptibly nearer the camp , and as
they caught the first glimpse of Its tents and
dugouts hope sprang up within them. The
mules were panting like a hound after a
deer ; wherever the harness touched them , It
was white with lather , and It was evident
they could keep on their feet but a short
time longer. Would they bold out until the
bridge was reached ? The whipping and tbe
Kicking had but little effect on them now
They ullll continued their gallop , but It was
slower ana more labored than before.
The Indians who had tarn oprn tbo valises
had not returned to the chase , and although
tbero were still a sufllclcnt number of tha
fiends to make It interesting , they did not
succeed in spearing thomulca , as at every Si.
tempt the plucky animals would jump sldo
wav or forward and evade the Impending
blow ,
Tbe little log bridge was reached ; the cav-
igcs bad all retreated , but the valorous 'Hal- '
law ell kept the mules at their fastest pace.
The bridge was constructed of half-round
logs , and , of course , was extremely rough ;
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
and Iu ! iw Cor. Ith and Jones.
Hasp ®
TPicture. Moldings.
Mlrrora , Frames , . ( Backing and Artists'
* JSInterlals.
J'HIATJ.YO . .YI > Itt > OK iJ/.VDIAO.
* " " eleventh nnd Howard Bis
Wfrs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Btmignu Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. , OMAHA
Boo's , Shoes and Rubbers
Salesrooms 1102-1104-1108 Harney Street.
Owner of Chief Brand Macklnto bcr
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Ofllcc and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard St.
, .BAG3
0 & ; < 3iioBa § Kon3n3 ! ! balSa & BBS
Importora onet Manufacturers
614-16-18 Sdn/h nlh Street
'arralH&Co. '
Uclasses , Sorghum , eta , Preserves anil Jelllci
Also tin rni B nnd Japanned ware.
Growers and manufacturers of all forms of
Chicory Omalia-rremonl-O'Nell.
Impot ttrand Jobber
Crockery. Chini , Glassware ,
Silver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan.
Uellers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc.
1410 FAUN AM ST.
the wagon bounded up and down enough to
Bbake the teeth out of one's head as the little
animals went Hying over It'Booth ' called
out lo Hallow ell , "No need to drlvo so ,
now , the Indians have all left us , " but ho re
plied : "I ain't going to stop until I get
across , " nnd down came the whip , on sped
the mules , not breaking their Bhort gallop
until they were pulled up In front of Captain
Conkey's nuartcis.
The ratllng | of the wagon on the bridge
was the flrfat Intimation the garrison had of
He icturn.
TlSa olllcers came running out of their
tents , the enlUted men poured out of tlicli
dugouts IlKo a lot of ants , and Dooth and
Halloweil were fciirrounded by their friends
n a moment , Captain Conkey ordered his
jugler to sound "hoots and saddles , " and In
iss than ten minutes ninety troopers were
mounted , and with the captain at their head
started after the Indians s
When Halloweil tried to rise from his seat
so as to get out every effort only resulted In
il" falling hack. Some one stepped around
on the other side to assist him , when \l \ was
discovered that the skirt of his overcoat had
workeJ outside of his wagon-sheet and hung
over the edge , and that thrco or four arrows
Ired at him by the savages had struck the
&ldn of the -wagon , und , passing tlnough the
flap of his coat , had pinned him down. Dooth
lulledjho arrows out and helped htm up ; ho
was pretty stiff from sitting In his cramped
position so long , aud his right arm dropped
jy his sldo as If paralyzed.
llooth stood looking on whPo his com-
iude'8 wounds werebeing dretsed , when tlo
adjutant ssked him : "What makes > ou shrug
your shoulder eo ? " Ho answered : "I don't
tnow ; something imskes It smart" The ofll-
cer looked at him and said : "Well , I don't
wonder ; I should think It would smart ; here's
an arrowhead sticking Into ) ou , " crjd ho
, rled to pull It outi but It would not cotne.
: > iptaln GoldsboroiiRO then attempted It , but
was not any more , succeisful The doctor
then told them to let It alone , and he would
ittend to llooth S after ho had done with
Halloweil , When ibo examined Uooth's
nhoulder he fouad ttto arroulie-id had struck
ho thick portion nf the shoulder blade , and
lad made two complete turns , vvropplog
Uelf around the .rausclca , which had to be
: ut apart before tliu sharp point could be
llooth w < ii ? not'seriously hurt. Hallowell ,
lowevcr , had received two severe wounds ;
ho arrow tlat had , lodged In his back had
penetrated almost ) to his kidneys , and the
wound In hU thumb was very painful , not
so much from the- simple Impact of the ar
row aa from the tearing a\va > of tbe uiut-
Creamery Machinery
nnd Supplies.
Boilers , Engines , Tccd Cookers Wood Pul
leys. Shafting. Beltlnc. Ilittur Pack
ages of all Ulnds.
807-303 Jones St. -
Importers and Jabbers ot
Dry Goods , Fnimshing Goods
go2-Qo6 Jackson
I. 0. niCHAHDSON. Prcst.
a P. WELLEU , V. Prcst.
M'fri Stan&ir-l I'liii-.intaenlloal i'rapctra-
tloni. ti/ieeial Formulae i'rejiaifit to
Order .SentJ/jr Cutiiloijiie.
Laboratory , Ills Howard St , Omaha.
, E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Bee" Specialties ,
Clsiirs , WlniH and Brandies ,
Corner 10th nnd Hurney Streelfc
Electrical Supplies ,
nioctilc JlinliiK Uolls and Gas
O W. JOHNSTON , Mgr. 1510 Howard St.
ISM Parnam St ,
Commission Merchants.
Sj XV. Corner irth and Howard Slo
Slembera of the National League of Commis
sion Merchants of the United States.
Fruit and Vegetables
SPECIALTIES Strawberries , Apple" , Orange *
Lemons , CranLerrtss. Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt
Furniture Draperies
U16-1U7 Fnrnam Street
13th and Le.ivcnworth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
ru A\D corrcE ntusuns , Etc.
I Teas , Ep'ecs ' , Tobaccr ani Clean ,
K03-H07 Harney Ssreol.
cles by the shaft vvhllo ho was whipping his
mules ; his right aim , too , was swollen ter
ribly , and so stiff from the incessant nso of
It during the drlvo that for more than u
month ho required assistance In dressing
and undressing.
Tie miilos which had > ived their lives
were of small account after their memo
rable trip ; they remained stiff and rre from
the rough road and their continued forced
speed. ' ' > Uooth and Hollowell went out to
look at them the next morning , as the >
hobbled around the corral , and from the
bottom of their hurts wished them well.
Captalli O'nkej's command relumed to the
cantonment aubtit midnight. But ono Indian
had been seen , and ho was south ot the
Arkansas In the sand hills.
: OK Tina IM\IVS.
Iloiiiiuitlo Tale of ( he 'Itcuiilllim1 ' of
HIM , Ili-iuliTKoii niul Her IJaimlitiT
Mis. Orlando W. Dradt of Georgetown ,
D. C. , was reunited during the last week to
lier mother , whom she had not seen slnco
her Infancy. The story of their separation
and reunion , related by the Globo-Demoorat ,
Is a tale of frontier Ufa which Is unsur
passed by any of the strange personal his
tories of western pioneers
In 1857 the troops atatloncd at Fort Itan-
dall , Neb. , were attacked by Indians Among
the captives taken was a baby girl of a fovv
months , whose father Qeoige Henderson ,
was a musician In tha Second United Blates
Infantry , then under command of the after
ward distinguished General Sultey of Indian
war fame. Shortly afterward the regiment
was scattered by orders from headquarters
Two companies went to Fort Itldgley , two to
Fort Illloy , the remaining troops being re
tained at tlio post until fuitber orders The
company In which George Henderson served
was one of the two sent to Fort Rld ley ,
With only a few hours' notice the soldiers
broke camp and were marching for the far
west. In an ambulance , laden with nccou-
terments of wnr and provisions , Henderson's
vvlfo lay , too 111 to bo awaio of passing
events. It was not until after days of forced
marcht'u that she aroused to consciousness
and realized that her child , temporarily
placed In the ehargo of an old Indian squaw ,
had been taken prisoner and cairled off by
tlio raiders.
The time passed. In the warfare and un
certainties of the period all communication
was destroyed between distant posts and the
unhappy mother was forced to abandon all
bopo of rccpverlng ber daughter.
A year later the remaining Infantry com-
Haxfon and
Telephone SSI.
JW / r
i , HAvni.i n coi.L.ttta
iTobl > e < of Lcilfhff , AncfeJrrllarttteattt / / Rtf
Wo Mil Id I your orrtora 1315 llowiird t-t
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Itlcyclca and Sporting Uocds. 1219-'Jl-23 Har-
ucy street ,
alte ? SMse &
2H-S16 houlh 14th SI
© r's
East Indi't Bitters
Goldtn Sheaf Pure llye and Bourbon Whiskey.
Willow &DrtnBB DUtlllcry , Her & Co. , 11U
Hnrnei Street-
Liquor /l/crc/iants ,
1001 K.irnnm Street.
Liquors and Cigars *
1118 F.irnum Street.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
413-415 S. Uth Street
DUMBER . . .
814 South 14th St.
Manufacturers of doors , saeli , blinds ofllcci
store1 and xnloon flxlu ep. Kt-Uimtts furnished
an any kind of mill work
Tel. 1179 _ Mill iSlli nnd Davenport SlB
id Gob &
1015 Howard St.
panlei at Fort Itandall"de'ernrined to fold
the neighboring Indians , hojvmi ; to recapture
the prisoners taken In 1857 The attack vvaa
successful. Among the captives was found
tno llttlo child , whcee fnte had been a mat
ter of uncertainty. Almos ( ImmoiVitcly the
regiment was ordered to Fort Laramle. A
faster-mother was procured for the baby In
the person of the wife of Pat Murphy , of uhe
Second , Taklag the little cne to her heart ,
Mrs Murphy adopted her as her o\vn and
lieaceforth cought to uncertain tiie whcic-
abouts of the real mother Owing to tiio
shifting scones of war and the breaking out
of the rebellion soon after , no direct Informa
tion OH In the location of the various com
panies could bo obtained lha child grew to
girlhood , knowing no dlffeieneu as to her life
j frcm tiat of her fa-itor-broilu'ni and sisters.
In coiireo of tlmo she blossomed Into woman
hood woa laved by and .vcddcd to Mr Ilradt
and settled dcmci In the District of Columb'a
Defeat leaving the ) shelter of her adcpted
parents' homo she was made * full ) acquainted
with the true facts In her history.
Determined If porelhle < o discover If any
trace of her parents existed Mrs Dradt , with
hr husband's assistance , directed Inquiries
to the eommlssloner of pensions Thh was
In 1893 , Nothing definite could be obtained
bocmieo of a ccnfllct In ' .numbers between 4hc
original record of pension secured by the
faoldler and that drawn by his widow.
Falling In the first uttewpt , Mrs Ilpidt
persisted In her Inquiries and early U l year
made another application for Infonnuilcn
through tlio iidJtiU'it geneial'ji olllee In
referring the request the matter officially
came lo the attcirlon of Rudolph ( Jlmer , u
clerk in the dcpaitmcnt 'Mr ' Ulmer was a
member of tnu Second Infantry , a comrade
of Oeorgo Ifcndersin's end ont of the de-
feiie'ing ' party upcn the ccwslon of the un
tuck ) laid when the ehl ( ] was stolen , He
was perfectly familial with all the clrcum-
Htiotej In the czr he was aUo present
at Iho rescue of the child He took a deep
Interest In the strange story and deternlned
If possible to discover the paren s , Ho finally
secured I he Infornvitlrii fU sired upon refer
ence to the flies of fie dta'jl ) list , where the
name of George Henderson musician , Bcconl
United States Infantr } , was found , coupled
with the name ot his wl nv , Hanna Hender-
sci ) ' , a ronldent of Hrocklci , N , Y. , receiving
u pension from the grvrrnmcnt Thn ,11111-
culty of Identification was rendered more dif
ficult through a cuilllct of thu two numbers
filed against the name and the lait. ; list of
George Hendersons In the pcrvice ,
Thlt fact satisfactorily nettled tha question
ot peislLif but it Vina tiece wiry to discover
aiional Oil
and Paint Co.
Air Floated Mineral Paint
And Pnlnt * of Ml KlmK Putty , Kto.
1015 rul 101 ? Jonn St
; . A. Mofrct , 1st Vice Trm. t , J Dr.ikc , don Msr
Jilnc. Turpentine Axle fren ! c , file
Omnlm Drnnch niul Agencies. Jolm II. nutli Mur.
Paper Co
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
Comer Uth and Howard itrett * .
" *
Paper and
Wooshnware Go.
Wrapping Paper , S.ationery ,
HOT Hnrnev Elrcet. _
101.1-1016 Douctns Stroot.
Manufacturers and Jobbers of Steam , Oaa and
Water Supplies of AH Kinds.
B a a
iroS-ino Harnev St.
Steam Pumps , Knglnea and Boilers , Plp < V
Wind Mills , Steum nnd Plumbing
Material. B-"ltln ? , Hose , Utc.
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
fiomo Fumlrhlngs , ChliJren's Carriage * , Eta.
1119 rurimm SiretU
Superior Copper Mixed Typo U th * belt on
the mrrkel.
1114 Howard Street.
To be sure there
are others , but
well there's only
one newspaper
and that is the
Omaha Daily Bee. .
vvhelliei the Mr Hannah He'iidernon drawlnn
tlio pension was tiio mother ot Mrs , Ilrailt era
a ne-cond wife Tie * department deputized Mr
Ulmor to communicate dlietlly vvllli the
widow , ani In thin vvoy tliu faet was proved
on reliable icatlnuniy nod the Ide-ntlty of thn
pensioner was established a the true mother.
It did not require * much tlmu to proclaim
tlio glad tidings and In a few hour tliu
liearts of Ions lost motiicr und daughter were
made happy by the knowledge of each otliei &
oxls ence. A letter was received by MTJ.
Ilradt from her mother anuomicliig her de-
leimliiirlon to come Immediately to Wash
ington and BCO the one stolen from her arms
and now restored as If from the grave Great
waa the rejoicing In the Itra t family when
tbo mo'Jier and daughter mot and thn parent
was welcome * ! to the pictty cottage In ' , o
Mrs , , Henderson owns a comfortable prop
er ! ) In Drooklyn and nas two other chlldrea
In good tlreumfct'.jwes ' , Ono son InheiltH h.u .
fatlier'u ' 'uUnt und tills a poul leu In ono of
the leading New York theatrical orchestras ,
being prominent In mualoil circles. records of the Pension bureau show
that deorgu HeriJerbexi , company V , Second
United Stoles liifccitry , wan dlsenarged from
the company January 9 , 1850 , und rc-enllstcd.
Kebruary 4 , 1859 , In baileiy 0 , First United
States artillery. Ho wa < j dually dlscliait'iJi
February 4 , 18CI. at Km Macon , Ga 'Ihoio
1 no record that he again eii ered the ncrv-
Ice , but It la , < how .i that ho filed a cl'ilm ' fur
a peimlcii In the > car 1891 , tbo claim being
numbered 810,539
Kroin Mr * " Heiide-ruon It U Irarned Hut
though unfortunate In bus'ness before * his
deatli Mr. Hcndersc < i left a snug fortune suf
ficient to plaeo his fumlly bujond want , ami
that ho nevtT doubted but that Ills baby
daughter had met the jd fate of so many llt
tlo ent"j on tlio wcaU'rii plain * and perl bcd
by the bands of Indians. |
llrliiK III IloillfH of liiilliuiN.
KANBAB CITY , Jan. 11-A to the-
Slur from Sh.iHiieo. Old. , suya : Olllcera re.
turned today from Miiudo postollle-e , bring-
ItiB the charred rern.iliiH of the Indians
burned al the Pinko by whlto settle for the
piurder of Mm. Le.tnl. Tlo whole eountry
IM said to be uri In arms , und the report Is
being iirctimtcil that the farmim Aho inula
up the mob will noon hu itrrtHttd , Open
wurfuro between the whltea and the Indluni
Betma very l.kefo , The remains of the two
Indians mo lying in nUttmt the court lieu o ,
Toke Laxative Hromo Qumliio Tablets. All
druggist * refund the money If It fulln to euro ,
25c , The genuine has L. I ) . Q , on eacti