THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JAtftTAKY 12 , 18JS. ) 11 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL by Shcrts la the Principal Tcaturo of the Day , WHEAT SHOWS ANOTHER SMALL ADVANCE Corn , ( Hit * nml Provision * Arc ( litotcil IllKlii'r , While the TrmlltiK In Utxlit lit All lc- Iiiirtiiiciitn , CHICAGO , Jnn. ll.-Covcrtng by shorts was the principal feature of all the rnar- kats on 'change today. In wheat this was of siiiriclent volume to overcomes tlio ef fect of the bearish news , Mny closing nt J/4o advance. Corn Rained He , oats \io \ and Iirovlslons closed 2V4ff.1o higher. Trading was light In all departments. There were supporting orders In Avhcat nt the opening nnd nlso enough buying of short whent nt the same time to make firmness quickly follow a weak opening. First trades In Mny were at from DWWWiu , compared with M ! c yesterday. Beyond n drain nt Liverpool no reason was apparent for the opening decline. Some weakness was developed oh yesterday's curb , nnd anticipation of .a moderate raid tsday probably had 'Its Influence at the start. 1'rlceg slowly Improved during the next liour , but the height of Its forenoon bulge was S0c , The only notable feature of that Vc rise from the lowest1 point at the opening was the dullness nnd small extent of busi ness that nccompinlcd It. One rather heavy local operator bought about 2.10,000 bu. and Hold at a higher price , and the most of the other buying during the two hours was by the local scalpers , who , It appeared , must have very generally gone homo short yesterday , Minneapolis nnd Duluth re ceipts were 37H cars , acnlnat 3.10 the year before and 405 last .week. Chicago Inspec tions showed receipts of ICO cars , against 410 last year. Of today'n receipts ' 1 cars wore contract. Cables from Liverpool reported tin- continent reselling cargoes of wheat , and Argentine cargoes bringing i'iual | lo $1.00'/4 for January , and February shipment being offered for later delivery down ti ) ! )9',4c ) ' The news from the continent was of a similarly bearish character , and llio 2.1,000060 bu. to 40CO'J,000 ' bu. that Argen tine Is expected to have for export was thp extent of all'their ' dispatches. Hradstreet's maili' the world's visible show an Increase of CM.CW bu , against n decrease the Similar wek In 1SI7 of 1,030,000 bu. New York re ported 1CO.COO bu. Manitoba wheat sold for export nt 12c premium over May price. Kxports from Atlantic ports , Including New Orleans , were equal In wheat and Hour to SGO.OiM bu. Closlno of foreign mar kets was at "frii'Ad decline at Liverpool , from 1 to 5 centimes decline In Hour and 4 to T. centimes in wheat nt- Paris , with Antwerp unchiuigpd. During the afternoon the market ijcvi'lipod great strength. The .Lelter party , though selling soms , certainly bought a great deal more than It disposed of. A good many of the smaller shorts covered very freely toward the close , and thi market responded quickly to the buy- Ing. May advanced to 91'Bc and was sell ing for Ulc ut the close. Corn was llrm , although the market was dull throughout tinsession. . Shorts were Inclined to COV T and offerings were small , particularly from the country. The rainy WXflther Influenced the price somewhat , as " It was believed lighter receipts would re sult therefrom. The firmness of wheat after Us weak opening' was also a help. Mny nvnnfd from 29-KfTi < 29Vic to 2Sft29c * , and closed -TsC higher at 2c. ! ) Oats , with the exception of the Immediate opening , were firm all day. The market was very quiet and outside of a general Inclination of shorts to cover lackad fea ture. The llrmiiess of wheat and corn was mainly responsible- the strength In oats. Offerings were light. May ranged from Wit' to 2.Ti-lic ) ! , and closed ' /4c higher at 2.1-ViC. There was a small market In provisions. Trices wore llrm and ruled at a slight ad vance , although opening' ' lower on large hog receipts. Shorts were Inclined to cn-er and UK re were no offerings from packers. At the close May pork was Cc higher at $ .1.97 , Stay lard a shade higher at $ UO and -May ribs 2'ie ' higher at $1.70. Kstlmnted receipts Wednesday : Wheat , XT 40 cars ; corn , " 00 cars ; oats , HO cars ; hogs , 41.0CO head. Leading futures ranged as follows. Article B. . " , bpa'ii.'rili li | Low. I Closo" . | Yos't'y. \M cut- Jail. . . . (11 ( ni 01n ! 1)1 MIIV. . . imv July. . . a loth 81 J4 Ul 818 Corn- Jan. . . . BOM SOW May. . . L'HH--'U 20 July. . . 3USM1 OatB Mny. . . _ ' : > iII < s.m ; July. . . 2'JH B2W 11 rk Jan. . . . 0 25 May. . . II 117 H J ' . ' 7 Hi 0 37 ! a 1) ) 32 Laid Jan . . . 4 70 Nny. . . 4 77M 4 SI ) July . . 4 sr > I Ul ) 4 l > 0 4 80 th'llilbx Jan. . . . 4 r,7i ! May. . . 4 03 4 70 4 05 4 70 4 ( I7K a. . Cua.i < inotatloii3 were ns follows ; F'JOI'H Oulol ; winter patents. } . . ptrulRlitn , JI-'UWI. < 0 ; FiirliiR cpccInU , $3 2J ! 5.S3 ; MI IHK pnti-ntH. J4.4091.7) ) ; Btinlglits. JI.0001.30 : Imker.i , J3.rOii.fO. ? ; ! \VHKAT-Nu 1 FprliiK , SCVi687c ; No , 3 ep'.luff , EO l'.Hlc : No , 2 inl. ! ) IV4fiD2c. COHN-No. - ' . 2CT4O27C. OATS N > . 2 , 22ic , f. o. h. ; No. 3 wMte , 21 ® " ' 'llVlC-No 2. 4llc. 1IAULRV R o. ! > . , 2ffl e. rUAXSHKD Nil. 1. I.U81.2. TIMOTHY" HKHI > Prime. t2.77'i. I'lIOVISIO.N'S-roili. inw ) . per hbl. , $9.2.1ii9.30. I/ii.l. per KO lha. , J1.70. Hhorl ribs , Milex ( louse ) . Jl , Ciirl,70. I'ry salleil ehuulileru ( lioxp.l ) , $1 754 ? C.W. Hhnrl clear ulilca ( lioxuil ) , Jl.VSIfI..S3. Wlll.SKY nUllllers' llnlsheil cools , per eal. , JI.l. ' . . Hl'llAUH ' Cut leif , JC.1I ; nranulatej , J3.23. On the I'rodiico eNChango today the butter nmr- | ; et as llrm ; creameries. l.liKIlo ; < .ilrle.i , lly lie. t'lieete , quiet , 84/SliC. / I''gus. tteady. Sic. cvinv VDIIK yn.\ < . ( JuolulloiiH of the Day on the riencriil NUW YOIIK , Jan. 11. VIGOUR Urcelpls , S5.IS ! bbli.cioits ; ) , 23.SJS lib's. ; iplet and about f.teady ; city mill patents , IS.CJ03.00 ; city mill clear , jri.33ffj.43 ; Minnesota patent , i5.0995.2U ; Minnesota bakers' , Jl tff I.M ; winter htnilKht * . winter rxtrus , JXWffLI.M ; winter low | 2.SCf3.00. Itye Hour , Bteady , J2.GOff3.20. llu kw.ient Hour , nulct al t\.Kti\ \ : : > . Jlllf'KU'llKAT Many at aji-jfi'Mi ; . COIlNMI'iAI. Steady ; yellow western , 660. HYKUimyj No. 2 western , MijC. HAHI.KY .Steady ; fet-dlntr , 3H , c , DAUUKY MAI.T-IUII ; wuklern , . ' .iKOOc. WIIKAT Ilecelpts , 33,51)0 ) bu. ; exports. D0.711 Ini. ; > l" > t , llrm ; No. 2 red. $1.00 ! ! , O | > tlons opened easy on calile news , but wus generally Him ull day on Unlit olfeilnK * , Into export de- active ruvrilng and niom : northwestern IICWH , closliiR MtVii "el hliiher ; No , 2 red , Jan- mry. ! > S il ' , ic , dosed , 9ilo ; May , 9lHf9i o , oloei" ! , t > 2'ic. ' COHN Itecelpts. 78.0"0 bu ; export * , 15011 bu. ; tpot , llrm ; No. 2 , 35Uc , Options opened steady und were dull but llrm all day with wheat , clos ing VC net higher ; January closed tit 3Mc ; May , HI 15-ir.31l4c | , doped , : te. ! OAT -llecelpls , 111. COO bu. ; exports. 5,121 bu. : Fint , iiilet | ; No , 2 , i'k r. Options Inactive , but Bteady , closing unchanged to Jjp net higher ; Way closed at 2S\ic. \ HAY < Julct ; shipping , ! 513o ; good to choice , TOMiSff. HOl'S-Hteady ; Male , common to choice. 1S95 x-rop , IMlic ; ISM clop. 7Ji c ; 1S97 crop. 16fl8o ; I'm-lllo const , IS33 crop , 4 Cc ; IWil crop. 7O9cj 1S97 cn > i > . ! C4rl7c , IIIOHS.Steady ; ( Islveston. 15c ; Texas dry. 12o ; California , 17 ? lSc. I.l'IATIIlIU-Uvilet ; hemlock gole , lluenoa Ajiva heavy , WUUSlUc. \VOOI-Hteady ; Ikece , M Jle ; pulled Teias , 13 < M7u. 1-ltOVISIONK-llecf. llrmi family , Jll.OOiTll.Mj rxtrn mess. IS.OOW8.M ; beef lmm . JlS.OOiiJJ.W ; liackel , I .0ijflo0) ) . fut meats. Heady ; pickled lollies. IS.OOtcoMK ) ; pickled choul lers , } D.OO ; pickled liamD , 17.00. 'Uml , llrm ; woslein strum , 13.15 ; retlned , llrm , 1'ork , llrm , moss IS.Outjy.M ) ; chart clear , 9.75jll.75 ; family. HO.M81).W. Tallow , dull : country. S'.iJWicj city. Slic. Oll S-l'etruloum , dull ; United. COVSc. Itosln , film ; strained common to good , il.IOiH.45. Tur. jientme , llrmer at 34Q3IUC. Cottonseed , quiet , llrm und liM hlKlier ; prime crude , IDo ; prime elude , f. a. b. mills , ISi/lCc ; prime summer yel low. lSc ; off > ummer yellow. ! 3o ; butler oil , SHr7c : prlmo winter yellow , nVW-'Mlc. Illt-'lJ yuletj fair to entru , 41iU01iOi Japan. ' . MOhABSKS-Qulet : New Orleans , open kettle , pio.1 to choice , ftiftJIe , MCTAUS-lt wu another dull day In metaU , tliw market being absolutely without new feature nnd no change In prices of consequence , At the clone the Metal vxchunge called pig Iron war rant * very dull at aoo iG.70 ; lukv copper , un- rhatiKeil at JlO.Wiill.W ; tin , unchanged at I11.7S OlLMi P 11er. unchanged at I3. I.W , nnd lead very dull at 3.Ci j'3.7i. The llrm that flit , the ( ettllng prlcri for miners and nmeltvrs quote ! lead tin at the close. CIlWB Ilecelptf : , JOO pkKs. ; market QUlet ; Ureo white , Hepttmlwr , tliUSKc ; ( mall white , largo coor | l. Sept rr.ber , . r Hl , Sepitmber , Hfr9'4c. ' light klmK , ijCic. pnrt klm , V4 fSHc ; full tklm * . ! 'i ' < 8iHc. 111'TTKH llrclpt . 9.9M pkg . ; market steady ! WOTttm creamfn' , HflJtc ; factory. ] 2 l5c. IIOOS IlPCPlptii , 4.SW pkK * . ( mnrkn steady ; dtalo and Pennsylvania. SOfljac ; western. MflJlc. OMAHA UK.MTllA IMARKETS. . Cniiillllon of Trnilu nnil ( ItinlntlnnH mi Stnplr mill I'niicProduce. . naOS-Strlctly fresh , 19SIMe. UUTTKll-Common to fair. lOfllle. ! choice lo fancy , HfilSc ; separator creamery , ! lc ; gathered creamery , ISfllDc. VHALr-Cholce , CO to 120 Ibs , , quoted at 8c ; large and coarse. 475c { , nillWSKD POUI.TIIY Chck | n . SOCoi turkeys , 90IOo ; gee p , Sc ; ducks , 6 . OAMIJ Small rnbuith , rer do ? . , Me ; Inrco , p r doz. , 75cail.20 ; squirrels. COfiCO. 1'IOKONS I.lve. 75c : dead Ijluoons not wnntod , HAY Upland. | C.Mj ; midland , SJ.M ; lowland , J5.00 ; rye straw , 14 ; color makes the price on hay ; light bales sell thp best : only top grade * bring top prices , ( QUINCES California , per boxi 41,23. CKLKHY-Oood stock , large , 43c ; email , ICO SOc.ONIONSI'er ONIONS-I'er bu. , I'M. lilCANS-IIani ; : ! ckecl navy , per tu. , $ LK 8WKHT I-OTATOBS-1'cr Ijbl. , J2.5l ! CAIlllAat : Qnnd stock , per Ib. , lljc. I'OTATOES Home grown , COiiJSo : western stock , "Do. FRUITS. AlTLKS-Wlnler stock. M.OO : California Belle- rtciir , boxes , ll.CO ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes , Jl. . . . ; Oregon , boxes , Sl.ii. CnANIIKPItlKS .Terseyo , per bbl , . J7.2.O7.r.O ; Wisconsin Itell nnd ttugl ? . 7.50tt7.75 ; IVIstonrln Hell nnd Cherry , J8.51 QIIAPES Calawbas.'C-Ib. baskets , ItaiBo ; Mai- agax , tS.OOQC.OO , tnot'icAi , rrtuiTS. OUANaKS Mexican , per box , | 3.WSf3.2 : , ; Cali fornia navels , )3.23m3.GO. LEMONS Mcsslnas , J3.00SI.OO ! California , 360 , ! 2. : : < ii3.SO ; 300 , SJ.t.0. I1ANANAH Choice , large elock"prr bunch , J2.00 CT2.2S ; medium Mzo ) bunches , } 1. 7532.00. . NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , Inige a'ir.c. 13Wl3c : small , lie ; llrazlls , per Ib. , 91/luc : 'English walnuts - nuts , per Ib. , fancy 'soft shell , , lot/lie ; stand ards , S 9e ; HlbertB , per Ib. , 10c ! pecans , imlWied , medum , G7c ; extra large. . 'M90I I iruc r rkory n.uts , Jl.OOJfl.10 per bu. ; small , J1.2IB'1.33 per bu. ; cocoanuts. p r 100. JI.CO ; pennutc. raw. 4B51ic ; roasteil , ( SJiCHc , F1OS Imported faricy , 3 crown , H-lb. boxes 12c ; B crown , 4Mb. bOxr * . lint.1. ; : S-lb. boxes , 23 23c per boxCalifornia. . 30-lb. box. ll.CO. IIONUV Choice ivhlto. IZcj Colorado amber , in f llc. ( KIIAUT Per bbl. , 54.00 : half hbl. , J2.23fI2.35 MAPI.H HVnUP5Tlvitm..cans. . each , J2.7& ! gal. cans , pure , per Jdoz. . JlJ.00 : half-gal , cans J5.23 ; quart cans , J3T.U. nATKS Hallowec , CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6e ; Salr. Clio ; Kard. 9-b. ! boxes. Sc. CIDEP. Per half Ubl. , J3.00 : bbls. . J3.25. rnusii MEATS. DRESSnD IIKEK Good native steers. GHc- good forcquarter. < sleers. 5 > .4c ; good hindquarters Bteers. Svic ; western utters , CTJc ; Texas str-frp C14c ; fancy helfera , Co ; good heifers. E c ; irjd forequartcra heifer ? , Sc ; g' d hindquarters heifer * , Sc ; good cows , 5'bc ' ; fair COWH 5c ; con- forequarteru , 4 c ; cow hindquarters , TIAC IJEIOI' ' Ctrr.f Hanging tenderloins , 45 .c ; rlb , No. I , lie ; ribs. No. 2 , Sc ; rllii , Na. .1 , So ; steer rounda , 7c ; cow rounds , C'.Jc ' ; cow rounds , shank off , Sc cow rounds , shank and rump off , 8Uc- trimmings , 4Vtc ; beef shanks , 3c ; bralir ) , per ilni. , 35i'j s i > et breads , per Ib , , 12Vjc ; sweethr .idn ( calves ) , per Ib , , 40c ; kidneys , per doz.3 ! , > ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per Ib. , So ; hearts , per Pi 3o ; tongues , per Ib. , 12MiCI calf livers , each , 33o ; calves , whole caicasa or sides. 8c ; calf head and feet , scalded , per Ret , 73c ; tenderloins , fiesh ISc' tcnderlolna , frozen , ICc ; boneless strips , frosb , Be ; lK > neless BtrljH | , frozen , 9c ; strip loins , fresh , 8Vic ; strip loins , frozen , C14c ; rolls , honc- lest , 9V.c ( : rolls , npenccr cuts , 9c ; sirloin butts. boneless , ! > c ; ahoubler. clods , boneless , fir ; rump butts , bon lessa BKc ; No. 1 chucks 5"c ; No. 2 chucks , l lc ; No. 3 chucks. 41ic ; lionoln s chucks. 4c ; oow iats ! , 3V c ; steer plates. 4c ; Hank sleak. Cc : loins , No. 1 , 13c ; loins , No. ! , Hie ; loins. No. 3. Sc ; short. loln . market style , 2o II | OVQ loln ; short loins , hotui stylo. 5o above loins : cow loin ends , Sc : steer loin rnrtn , 9c , MUTTON Fancy lambs , S'.Sc per Ib. : lambs , 7'4c : sheep. C c ; market racks , long , 9c ; hotel racks , s-hori. lie : loins , SHc : sad lies. Sc ; less , PC ; lamb legs , lOc breasts anci stews , 3VJc : tongues , earn 3c ; forequarters. OVc. POIlIv llressed pigs , 5c per Ib. ; dressed hogs 4'/tc ' : tenderloins , 12V4o ; | - > lns. short. H1 * " ; Innir. . " - spare ribs , 4c ; ham sausage butts. 3Uc ; Boston butts. Gc : shoulder ? , roujb.J1.r ; h"'ildcrs skinned. rc ; trimmings , 4c ; leaf lard , not ren dered , 5c ; heads , cleaned. 4c : snouta and ears 3c ; backbones. 2o : slip bones. 2H > - ; cheek nn-nt 3Wc ; mvk hint's , 2c ; nips' lulls , 3r : nlucks. onnh rc ; chitterlings , 5c : hocks. 4c : hearts , p r doz. , 2" > o ; stomachs , each 3c : tongues , oich 7c ; kid neys , ; r doz. , lOc ; brains , ner doz. , 15c ; pics' feet , per doz. , ! 5c : livers , each 2o ; hog rlnJs 3c : blade bones. Re. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. I Breen hides. 7c ; No. 2 Kreen hides. Cc ; No. 1 tailed hides. 6&e ; No. 2 green salted hides , 7 > ic ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs lOe ; Ni. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , Sc. smiSEP PEI/rS-Green salted , ea h , 15S75c ; green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry bhearllngs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each. He ; dry Hint , Kansas ind Nebraska , butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4j5o ; dry Hint. Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual vyelRht , 3@ 4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher won ) pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4ff5c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , nctual weight , 3S4C , TALLOW. GIIKASE. ETC. Tallow. .No. 1 , t\c ; tallow. No. 2. SVJc : rough tallow , I'ic ; white grease. 2Mi@254c ; yellow and brown grease , . I'-UISS Hear ( black or brown ) , t3.00020.00 ; otter. Jl.MJQS.OO ; mink , I3if < c0c ; beaver , $1.00 0COO : skunk , 15 , 25c , oOo ; muskrat , 3e , 5c , 7c ; raccoon , 150500 : red fox. rf.ciftU.25 : grey fox. 23ar.0e ; wolf ( timber ) , 23cJ2 id ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) . lOSJOOo : wildcat , lOtfSS : ; badger , 6a40c ; Oliver fox. J5000O73.00. HOUSE HIDES Knch. J1.COQ2.25. St. I , uilH f 'iu.ri l .MnrkctM. ST I.OIHS , Jan. 11. FIXJl'K-Qulct and un changed ; patents , $4.70ff4 S3 ; BtralKhts , $4.33 ® 1.30 ; clear , J4 © l.Zo ; medium. J3.30if3.75. WUEAT-Hlgher. closing We for January , = i © V-e for May and 'ic fcr July above yesterday. May opened Vie lower and Improved tlowly for somn time , but late advanced rapidly until % WT4c above the bottom , closlm with buyers He below the top. Spot , higher ; No. 2 red cash. elevat > r , D3c ; truck , 9lKc ; No. 2 hard cash , S7fi8 e : January , 93c bid ; May. 3T c ; July. 71 > Uc. fOIlN I'utuies Hucluated with wheat , closing % e above yesterday. Spot , firm ; No. 2 cash , Jte ; January , Zfie bid ; May , 27o asked ; July , 2Sc OATS Futures stronger , but dull , ' there being a wide difference between buyers nnd sellers. Spot , dull , steady ; No. 2 cash , elevator 25 : ; track. 2H4T24'ic ( ! ' : No. s-'Whlte , 23U823'ic ! ' ; Janu- ry. : % bid : May. 2IKff2lic ! ; July , 22Hc. HYE-Sleady , 4IVjC. FLAXSEED-UulI , J1.15.r TIMOTHY SEED Prime. , J2.SO. CORN MEA'U J1.40. I1KAN Finn nnd In demand : on Irack , Ihls anil ciifl side , sacked , worth 53c. HAY-FIrm ; prjlrlc , JCtiU&8.23 ; Umothy , J7.000 U'.Crt. Itl'TTEIt Ixiwcr ; creamery , 17fflMc : ; lalry , WHISKY Jl. 19. METALS I-ead , dull ; $3,50. ' Spelter , firm , $3.73. COTTON' TIES 70e. HAfiOINCJ 3OCVlC. PHOVISIONH-l'oik , quiet ; slamlard mess , Job- blng , Jl.i'i. I ard , prime steam , $ l'.C2li ! ; choice , H.tllacon , boxed lute , extra ulioit clear , 3.12W > .37Vi ; ribs , K.Kil * . & > : tlnrts , $3 37 ® ri.G2'/ir. ' Dry Fait meals , boxed shoulders. JI.7Mf C.OO ; extra short clenr. Jl.Ciiff4.S7'j ; ribs , JI.75J ? ( , . ( ! : shorts. J4.S7l45.l2Mr. HECEII'TS Flour , S.uuO bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 hu. ; corn. I05,0r0 bu. ; oat8,1,23.0' > 1 bu. SlIIl'MKNTS-Flnur. 8.tiX ] ) bbls. ; wheat , 17,000 liu. ; com , 148/00 bu. ; oats , 4HOOO bu. I > II Coiilinn | > % OMAHA OFFKU'3. Jan , ll-r-Wlth cables ? 4e lower lhl mornlnf , ' oup markeUEtood llrm nt the opening at yesterday's close , with receipts of 100 car * of whtot"bi)9 car of corn and 375 cam of oats. These corn receipts are about 20 > ) cars less than were oxjiected and the oats receipts about 125 cors less , with an estimate of 40 earn of wheat , 3.0 cars of corn and 113 cars , of oatn for tomorrow , which , no doubt , assisted In Iho HrnMiftH , The offerings on the decllno have been very nnvall , a strong local feature , which would In- dloalo that the trmln believes that May wheat will do to buy and hold' If necessary around Doc o. ' below. The homo news was entirely prospective and Imbol upon the winter wlveat prospect ; for In- stunci" , Missouri reports were bullish , showing 24 per cent lens acreage and a rating from 3) per cent to M per cent , tind the HnsMnn state ment of big deficiencies In all cereals , none of which Irivrt drawn nny particular attention , but the scarcity of wheat i the northwest had a marked effect upon the market , causing a goo.1 demand frnm those termed prominent , shorls , and ursl trd In closing the market lit Uc ndvancu all around In wheat , with corn % a stronger1 and oats He stronger. Wo luive prophesloJi this northwestern -nrclty for the past sixty days , expecting It to show prominently by January 1 , The fact that there Is filch a feature In Inn market l now recog nized and will become more promliwnt In the nrwr future , und while It often requires a Kieut amount of reported foreign conditions lo affect our markets U lias never required but n llttlo home news tn have a marked effect , and w believe , a nlvove stated , that May wheat at 9-Vj Is a good Investment to hold , If not for prompt action , Privileges on Mir wheat were fO o for puts and 91jjo for calli. Cliiflnniill CINCINNATI. Jan. li-FI/UJl-Steady : ; fancy , | l.20iT4.40 : family. (3.6003.75. WHEAT Klrm : No. t red , 9H4c. COUN-Flrm ; No. { ml fd. 28Vic. OATS Active : No. Z mixed , 2llic. IlYE-Qulet : No. Z. 46c , PllOVISIONS Lard. linn. JI.CO. Hulk meats , quiet. J4.0. lUcon , llrm. J3.M. . WIllHICY-Sliady. $1.19. UUTTUU Easier ; lower ; fancy Elgin cieamery , Ste : Ohio , 13O19c ; dairy. He. SUnAIt-Klrni ; hard rellned , JI.1CBC.10. KOdS-Steady. IG'Jc , CHEKSE Firm ; good to prlmo Ohio , flat , Pporln PKOIUA. Jan. ll.-COHN-Market steady ; No. S , iSc. OATS-Mirket quiet ; No. i white , nominal , No. S white. : i iU3e. WHISK Y-MarkH steady ; high proof spirits , 4 1 * 13 , ( Irnlii KptU'lptH nt Principal MnrUetsi. ST. I/fIS. Jan , 11. llecelpta : Wheat. IS curs. MINNE.U OL1S , Jan. H. Receipts : Wheat , SCi CIUCAOO , Jan , ll.-nrctlpti : Wheat. 100 car ; i corn. 503 cvs , oat * . 573 ears. Estimated < ! lots , tomnmiwr. V.'heat , 10 cars ; corn , 3W cnit , ua , t'n-l.rnt , .Inn. ll.-llec lpts ; Wheat , tlo tar * . I KOIHA. Jjr II. llewlpt ! ' : Corn. l , Uil l > u. ; rats. K. VI bu.j rye , whlcky nnj wheul. none. Shipment ) . . Corn , 230 bu. ; oats , \ iKbu. . i wlii'Xy. CSI bb : Hull Im on * Murketn. HALTIMOIIK. Jan. 11. KIXH'U Dull ; wer.trrn superfine , I2.7iff3.10 ; western extrn. J1.3W 1' ' ) ; western fnmlly , Jl.livm.05 ; winter whent patents , ll.9r-S.IO ; spring patenls , IR.Wfi6.2fl ; sprlnn whent straight * . ll.S9fll.90 ; receipts , 17.JBI lihK. oxporn , 2 > H bbls. WHEAT-Steady ; foot and month , 9TV.O/)7V ) : Mny , : < 3c bMj steamer No. 2 roil , 92\uMc ; re ceipt * , 41.763 Int. : experts , none ; southern whent , by wimple , ! 3H9Sc ; southern wheat , on grade , SJ e97'/id. ( > OIIN Firm ; spot , month ami I'ebnnry , S34 { 13140 ; steamer mixed , HOHQllc ; receipts , W5- 2 % bu. ; exports , 420,51. , bu. ; Bouthern white corn , Z9'V33l'ie ' : southern yellow corn , Mff33c. OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 white. 234030e ; No. 2 mixed. ZiHltZSe receipts , 1CC.32I bu.j exports , none ; stock , 473.215 bu. JtVB Firm : No. 1 nenrby , S2 lfrMe ; No. 2 western , 63VtB"jlc : receipts , 31,511 bu. ; exports , 8.571 bu. HAY Firm : choice. M3.M , OllAI.V PHEIOHTS-lncllned to be steniJy ; sixain ti Liverpool. per bu. , 41 , January ; Cork for orders , per quarter , January , Sa 7Hd ; ] > ! > - nary , 3.i M. HUTTEn Fancy creamery. 2122c ; fancy Iml- Inllon , KJJ'lXo ' ; fancy ladle , Ittc ; good Indie , 143 15c : stnro pnckeil. llle. EOriS Qulet ; fresh. IRc. CIIEESH-Staedy ; fancy New York. 9M < ffPV ; fancy medium , IQItlOUc ; fancy small , 10',010tie. HrniNtri-i't'n Vl llili' Supply. NEW YOttK , Jan. 11. Special cable and tele- Braphlo dispatches to IlradMrcct's , covering the principal points of accumulation , Indicate tne following changes In available supplies Inst Saturday , aa compared with the preceding Sat urday. WHEAT United States find Canada , cast of the Ilorky mountains , Increase W.Oft ) hu , , . njloit for ami In Europe , Increase 600,000 bu. jHTrgTKl'8 supply , total Increase 63 . ( VX ) 1m , * " { ? ' ' i CO11N United States nnd Camda , easUof the Rocky mountains , Increase 2,130.000 hit. Largrc gains nnd decreases about balaneo In Ilradstreet's report of visible grain supplies .till * week. Among the larger Increases In 'Wheat stocks not reported In the visible sup ply are the gains of 189.000 Int. nt Oalveston , 101,0)4 ) bu. nt Minneapolis private elevators , 87,000 bu. nt Cleveland nnd 49.000 bu. nt Tort William nnrt Keewntln , Out. The heaviest < 5 - crense reported. . Is that of 2JO.CCO bu. at north western Interior elevators , ICiiitMiiM City Cralii unit 1'rovlHlotiN , KANSAS CITY. Jan. 11. WHEAT Slow : most * ales Vie lower ; No. 1 hard , R5cj No. 2 , 8l0S4V > c ; No. 3 , f2 f83Uc ; No. 4 , 78iff79c : No. 1 red , 91c : No. 2 , fDSJtCc ; No. 3. S74c ; No. 4 , SOcj No. 2 spring , Sic ; No. 3. 7SSTSOc. COKN About steady ; offerings fairly large ; No. 2. mixed , 2HSQ'24yv. OATS Firms No. 2 white , 23U023',4c. ' HYE StMdy ; ; No. 2 , 42 > ; c. HAY Firm ; choice timothy , JS.riOftS.73 ; choice prnlrle. J7.OOiH7.23. 1IUTTEK Wnah : crenmery , 14jli',4c ) ; dairy. "liO OS Weak ! fresh. ICc ; storage , 10llc. IliilTnlu Mnrket. IIUFFALO , Jnn. 11. WHEAT No. ! , northern , old , Jl.C2V < j ; new , Silt ; No. 2 winter , on track , COIIN No. 2 , 32c. OATh' No. 2 white. 2c. HAULEY Strong rnr choice grades. HYK No. 2 , In ftore , 5tc. ) Detroit DBTIIOIT , Jan. 11. WHEAT No. 1 white , 92r ; No. 2 red , 9H4cs May , 97',4c. ' CORN No. 2 mixed , 2S > ,4c. OATS No. 2 white , 2o'ic. i 1 HYK No. 2. 4Sc. _ XIMV Orleans Jliirkt-t. NEW OULEANS , .Ian. 11. Constitutional elec tion , legal holiday ; no mnrlieta. STOCKS AMI I10X1JS. Stn-iiKtli 111 I.oiiiloii FliulN IlPiiily Ho- HJIOIINl * ( III TIllH Side. NEW YOIIK , Jnn. 11. London oiicrators In Anicrlcin Becuiltles had apparently lecovered some of their confidence In the future of values In this country today after the a'.arm ' they 'had manifested yesterday over our political future. Some tharn gains were recorded for Americans on the hondon exchange before the opening hour. In fact the L. > ndon bullishness outran the- local opening and New York prices legpundcil lully to the rlsB In London. The market all day was one dllllcult of nnnlysls on account of Its iineveiiness. Them were points of notable strensth and others of marked weakness In the list and neither was altogether effcctliu In giving tone to the mar ket. Hugnr was the special point of weakness and the large volume of transactions In It gave Its Weakness nnd Influence on the list. The grangers were nlso heavy In the curly dealings , though a subsequent recovery brought their urlces a traction above yesterday's close. The co.ilera were centers of depression on account 01' the condition of trade und the unseasonable mlidness of the weatrier. On the other hand them very striking nctlvlty nnd strength In the Northern I'nclllc stocks nnd in Union I'a- clllc. This strength teemed to extend to con necting railroads In west and northwest. Thus not only nre Northern I'acllic nnd union 1'nclllc from 'A to 2 points higher , but Denver & Hlo Qrnndc picferred , Union 1'uclflc. Denver & Gulf , Oregon Navigation , Oregon Slurt 'Une ' and Oregon Improvement show gains langlng up ? i per cent In Oregon Navigation. These stcx-ks were strong on anticipation of Increased trnlllcklng on the move to the Klondike. They were nelpea ulso by the decision of the Interstnte commis sion to continue the suspension of the long : and short haul clause on tnutle in competition with Canadian railroads. The dealings In tiio Blocks of these transcontinental lines were vety heavy and transfers of bl K'ks of K-veral thoufeahd shares wce aulte frequent all day. Manhattan was cn- othei feature of the market on the nutliorll&Uvo nnnouncement of an Intention to chantw to tlec- trlc motive power. People's Gas scored a sharp rise. The Ohio soft coal roads sh- > wed a con tinuance of their iccent ftrength nnd newly awakened activity. Consolidated < ! ns moved up 3 points and then fell hack 4. Metropolitan Street railroad clone I at last night's llgures. Money closed slightly lower , but most of the business of the day was tlcne nt 3 iier cent. In the time ; money maikct , however , rales weixj down to 2 per cent for sixty daysnnd from 3 to 3',4 per cent ifor three to seven months. There was an ac tive demand for commercial paper , but the tmp- ply was good. Among the notable movements of the day were the decline of Vi per cent in Ilaltlmoro & Ohio nnd u rife of 2 points In tht ; ccimmon and preferred stock of iSusquchamm & Western. The bond market w s very ac tive and the high grate Issues nil showed high prices. There were fcveral transactions on rur value of JIOO.OOO. It was very well distributed , but the Atehlson , Union I'uelllc , Texas & Pnc- cltlo and Union l'acln > , Denver & Gulf Issues l d In point of activity. Total sales , J5.UM.OOO. * 3.B25 Suirnr. 41.337 , T".if."sjiv f , n > nnd Irjn , 3,4M.Ve tern t'nlon , " . ,6.1 , XPW Y-nrlv Money Mnrl < et. NK\V YORK , Jnn. 1I.-MONKV ON OA1.T - Iin y ; trnn.-nctlons ranslni ; from 2 i to J per e nt ; lust loans. 2'4 per cent ; closeil bid nnd nsktHl 2H 3 ir i rent. 1MUMB MKUC'ANTlt.R rAr : n-3'iffUi per cent. STKRUNO KXCHANOK Knslcr , with nctual business In bankers' bills nt JISBRIJS14 for de mand nnd nt H.SSmfl.SSH for sixty days ; posted rates. J4.83iiffl.Sfi. COMMKUCIAI. SII.VKH siuvnii i7Hc. MIIX1CAN IiOUjAlt OOVKHNMl'INT STATK ItONOS Dull. nAILUOAU IlONDS-Strons. Closing quotations on bond1 were ns follows ; U. S. . . . 1) , S. new 4s cou. . U.S , 48reB U.S. la , coup U.S. as , rj ? U.S. s.rcir U. S. Bs. coup ! A Ala..clnn < tll Alii. Currency. . 4s . . . . lUH Atchi8on4s. . . . . t.r. Itf4 AtchlBonnul. 4. . . _ r.s. t. r 07 Canada So. tinds. . . ID ! ) O. hnnltstv t. r. . . . 10.1 O. \ N. 1 . t. r. ( is. . " O. Injpip.i , t. r no C..VO. Kt - _ . . IMclflotis of'1)3. ) . . 0,11. AV. 44i. ll ( ) ii U D..VR , O. Uls . .108 ( < D.&Il. O , 41 DO r. M. 00.1. ? Ea tTnu. 1SH..1HS s. F. a ait.o. in KrlnHoii. 49 71H 9t. I' . ' F , W.&O. IB. t , r. . " ; av i > . uu. . VAI , . Ss. . . . G.H. AS. A , Hi S. . . O.II.AH. A. .Ms. . .ID ! ) SouUi -iiUv. II.IT. Corn. . ' 3 Ill ) S. It. .Vt , * lls . . . . . . tll'tft H. AT.C. con 01. . . 103 Tenll.ncwr sotis ; . . 87 town a. IsM IHIH Texjii'ai ! . Tj. G. IsU HH ! < K. l'.Con..t.r Ol ) > 4 ' ' K.I > . IHM.I , r Ill ) u. i > . , . . ! . ! . . . . . La.N < > wCon.4 . . . .llll O. 1' . D.O. Ian. . 3I ! { r .tN. Unt 41 834 \Vab.lat3i lOHM Mlnwiirl Hi 101) ) Wnb. tills IM M. 1C. ft T. L"l 0-JM WostShoro4 .I..IODH M. K. AT. 4s 87 Va. Conturlai il4 ) N. Y. C. iBtH llil Vi. dofurrjd : IH IliiHtoii Sdu'U Qii I1OSTON , Jan. ll.-Cnll loans , 21nf3 per cent ; time loans , 3ff4 per cent. Closing prices fur stocks , bonds and mining shares ; A.T.fcS. F I'JIH dnpfd 11)1Jo ) American Sugar. . W. Klon Jo ufd , . , . do pfil fill n.iv Statu ( ) ; n Kn. Eloa. Ill ins Hell Teloplicno. . . Atehlson pfd : iti lioHion.V Alb.iny. 22'J AtchlHon t 81) ) < IloHloni Maine. . . Ovucral Rice. fl . . C..D.JI Q. \l\ \ \ * Allouoz Mlntmr Ui 00 Kllcliuiiri' Atlantic sow ( luneral Uluotno. . lioston i Moiuam ir 4 Illinois Slnal Hullo Si Ilo-non. . . . Mexican Cunlral. . n C.ilnmelX lloala. . N. V. * N.K so Franklin in Ola colour 181) ) Osceoli : 4'J o.s. L - 1J < Oiilnuv 11:1 : Kiioour inn SantaFo Copper. . 141 Union Pacing 211 ' Wolverma law Sill Sfcw York JUnliiw Uiiotntlonn. NK\V YORK , Jan. 11. The following are the closing mining quotations : Chollar 2-J Ontario , . . . . 'J50 Crown Point. 22 On.'ilr. . oil oilH Con. cal. & . Va. . . . Ill ) t'lvmoutn H Doadwoou 110 111 ! ) uouhl.t Curry :10 : OuIckHilvor oM. . . 001) Sierra Nov.vU. . . . Ul ) IIonioMiauu 37UO Standard . 180 Iron Silver : i.j Union Con . HO Mexican ' . ' 0 Yellow Jaoiiot . . . . I.oiiiloii Sluuk I/N'DON , Jnn. 11. 4 p. in. closing : ConsolH. iu'.v..ll2 11-in SUPaul coiniuou. . . ! )8i ) ? CoiiHOlH , acct.,112 1.1-10 N Y. Central Ill Can. Pacific H4 ! ' Pcimsylvanlii no Erlo IflVi lle'idln ? lim Erlo 1st p.'d 2UH Mux. Cun. now 43. . (1814 III. llf Atehlson 11J6 MOAIC.-UI ordmarv. . a HAH SIIjVKR Stendy al 2CHd per oz. MONKY Vper cent. The rate of 'iHscount In the open market for short bill * Is 2 7-lC ( f24 ! per cent ; for three months' bills , 2 7-lCfc3Mi per cent. Financial \Aolrs. OMAHA , .Tnn. 11. Clearings , $ S6DS00.20 ; bal- ki cps , $ S7,3S0.04. CHICAGO , Jon. 11. ClearlnRS , $1S,130C23. New York exchange , 53c premium ; posted rales , $4.S3V5 nnd $ I.SO. Lake Street weak on a belief In n favorable nnnual statement. West Chicago wan nlso hajmmcred , but recovered. Closing : West Chi ago , 10111 ; Diamond Match , I42\i \ ; North Chicago. 220 asked ; Lake Street L , 13 ; New York lilscult , 52 % ; StrawboarJl 2914 ; City Hall way. 23S. BOSTON , Jan. 11. Clearings , { 23.C2U90. bal ances. ] 2,301,1S5. MKMI'IIW , Jin. 11. Clearings , { 440,019 ; tnl- anccs , } 1U47. New York exchanRe. selling nt .ST. IXIIIK , Jnn. II. Clearings , $3,330,046 ; bal ances , $709.313. Jloney , &RS , per cent. New York excluinsc , 25c premium Jid , 50c premium nskcd. 1 NI3\V YORK , Jan. 11. Clearings , $104,345,031 ; balances. $11.224,729. " " * l IIAL > TIMOHI < : . Jan. ll.-Clc rlngs , $3,703.563 ; balances , $4f2,89l. ' ' - I'HILAUISLiPIUA , Jan. Hi Dunk clearings lo- day $15.r.42.7Cl : balances. $1:1C4S32. : CINCINNATI , Jan. -hearings , $2,439,300 ; m noy , 2'A6 per cent. New York exchange , 23o peremlum. 'LONDON ' , Jan. 11. AmtSutil' of bullion with drawn from the Hank of Knglnml on balances today was Z 17,000. Oo'.d77 < f t lO'/zd ' ; American eagles , 7Ca BVd. Oold wus.uupted at UUenos Ayreii today -t 1G3JO. , " . 1'ARIS. Jan. 11. Three per cent Vejites. 103t 25o for the nccount. l'rlcevere llrm-and busl- iicEH more native on the liourtp today.Porelgn recurltlea Improved somewhat ; except Spanish ECcuiltlei ! , wlilch were barely maintained. Hlo Tlntos were In Rood demand and South African securities had n favorable market , owing to the satisfactory output. i . r I1KIU < IN , Jan. 11. International securities Im- prived In price on the benne * today and Ameri cans were ver > ' firm * Canadian 1'aclllc securities wcto maintained. The local 'department was de- pi cssed on nccount of realizations. IIOMHAY , Jan. 11. The Dunk of Ilombay rate of discount has been advanced from U to 12 per cent. ' ' ' CALCUTTA , Jan. 11. The Hank of llengal has Incronbeil Its rate of discount fiom 10 to 11 per cent. Aini-rlciiii SiMrurltloH In I.oniloii. LONDON , Jon. II. The market for American securities opened better In Improvement , but later eased off and remained quiet through the session. The early strength was Influenced by New York buying. The close was tteady and tlho demand fair. Oil OII4 CITY , Pa. . Jnn. ll.-Ciedlt balances , C3c ; certificates opened Ki\\c \ \ bid for cash : sales. O.COO hbls. cash nt G3V4c nnd 4 OCO bbls. nt C3Jic. Durlni ; the day also sales of thren regular at MV4o and 5.000 bbls. nt C6 ; close 1 rib bid. S ilpments , 117- 29' bbls. ; runs. 08,208 bbls. OHAHIjRSTVMf.5. . C. . Jan ' 11. OILS Turpen tine market llrm SOUC. Hoaln. llrm. CJuote : A. II. C. 1) , K , F. $1.10 : O. $1.13 ; II. $1.20. SAVANNAH , Cla. . Jim. 11.-OILS Spirits tur- penllne. llrm , 32c. Hopln llrm. Quote ; A , II , C , P , $1.20 ; K. 1.30 : ! - , $1.33 ; Cl , 1.1" > : H , $1.71 ; I , $ I.RO ; K. $1.90 ; M. $2.00 ; N , $2.20 ; W C3 , $2.40 ; W W , $2.73. WILMINGTON Jan. 11. OILS Spirits tilipen- tlno ( Inn , 32c nnd 32 > , ie ; crude turpentine steady nt 51.40 nnd $1.90. Hosln , firm , $1.15 nnd $1.20. Tnr. llrm. $1.03 , LIVERPOOL , Jan. 11 OILK Cottonseed oil , 'Liverpool ienn I. ilull , 14s Cd. Turpentine , spirits , steady , 21s. Rosin , common , steady , 4s I'/jd , ColVc ) . Mnrltt-lH. NHW YORK. Jan. H.-rOFrBtV-Optlona opened steady with prices unchanged U ) f > points lower ; ruled quiet with n weak undertone , fol lowing largo receipts nt Rio Santr-s , nnsat- Isfuctory Kuropean cables nnd weaker spot mar ket ; Improved 5 points In the afternoon on locsl covering , following belter late cables ; clofi > 'i .steady with prices net unchanged ; sales , 11,500 IJORS , Including March , $3.C3W3.70. Spot coffee. Hlo. lower to Fell ; mild , quiet. SANTOS. Jan. 11. WFVKB Inactive ; reccli > ts , 18000 hags ; Mock , 827.CCO lAiir , IIAMIU'Itri. Jan. 11. COKKBI3 Clopccl ViCi pfK. net lower ; sales , 16.000 hag. . RIO OH JANKIHO , Jan. 11. COFKOB-Quletj No. 7 Hlo , 8 023 rela. XISCKSSITIHH AHK COSTfiV. \Yni > r tinJlowt i'r 'plniiM nnil JSx- oliiHlvt * Drink In I'nrlN. "Water U the moat precious anj oxclu- slvo < lrlnlt you can order In Paris , " writes Milan Hell In a letter from the French capl. tal to the Ladles' Home Journal. "Imagine .that you who let the water run to cool It ! In Paris they actually pay for water In their houses by the quart. Artichokes , and trulllw , and mushroom ? , -and , Bilk stockings , and kid gloves are so pheap hero that It niakct ) you blink your eyes , Hut eggs , and cream and milk are luxuries. Silks and velvets arc bowllderlnBlynexpBiislve. | But cotton stuffa are from Auieflca. and are ex travagances. They make them up Into 'cot nines' and trim them with velvet rib bon , Never by any chanre could you be supposed to send cotton frocks to 'be ' washed every week. The luxurir o { fresh , starched muslin dresses and plcnljof shirt waists U unknown , \j \ : "I never shall overcome"tho ecs-tartrs of laughter which assail miv lien I BOO virle- tlcn of coal exhibited In ilnyl shop -window , set forth In high glass tlUhfB ati wo exploit chocolates tat home , Diit-'wcll they mav respect It , for | t Is Ti ! lly very much cheaper to freeze lo deat > ' han to buy tojl In Park' , The reason of ; all tills Is the city tax on every rlilckon , every carrot every egs 'brought Into Raris , Every mouth ful of fool Utaxed. . Tli' ' * product" ! an ononnoisa revenue , and ijjls Is why thn xtrcets nro no clean ; It la vhv the asphil * IB as smooth as n 'ball roam floor : It U why the whole of Par ! ? Is -beautiful - aa a dream. " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARRE1 Plentiful Supply Encounters Steady Domnnt' aud Prices. MORE LIFE IN THE CATTLE BUSINESS Iteeelptn nnil llrliik lllililliiR- Until I'rleen l''lrin linn" Drop a Mekel unit Sell Unite Aotlvel ) ' , SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. ll.-Itccclpts for the days Itultcntcd wore : Cnttlo. Hogs. Sheen. Horses. January 11 . 2Ml ! > , SGO 2,131 January 10 . 1,41 , " . 3.715 January S . 073 6.4S7 2,312 January T . 1,138 C,27n 1,073 January G . 1,2 : > 3 10.9S2 2,429 January 5 . 1,829 10.615 2,223 January 4 . 1,410 C.Sll 3.173 January 3 . l.fiSl 2.470 D.177 January 1 . . . 697 2,233 , 2.12U 23 December 31 . 523 5.91G 1,010 December 3D. . . . . . 02 7,071 1.5S4 Dcoc-mbcr 29 . 993 6. DOS 3.931 December 28. . , , . . 1,570 5.S43 2.C41 December 27 . 1,510 2.3S9 56 ( December 24 . 812 6,040 1,019 December 23 . 731 10,312 1,283 The olliclal number of cars of stock brought in toility by each roail WAS : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. I' . Ky. . . . . O. & St. U lly . ! . . . Missouri l > < icln .Hy . S Union Pacific System. . . 33 37 3 C. & N.V. . Ky. . . . . 4 P. , 12 , & M , , Y , Jl. U . 2 40 4 s. c. & i . iiy : . 3 C. , St. P. , Mf..sQ. lly . 5 S U. & M. 11. H. R . 20 37U C. , 11 , & Q , lly . 2 U K. C. & St. J . 13 2 C. . U. I. & P. lly. , east . 1 4 C. , 11. I. & P. lly. , west . 1 Total .receipts . 107 134 1) ) The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : liuycre. Cattle. HOBS , Sheep. Omaha Pncklnp .Co . 0 1,730 G. H. Hammond Ca . 2,09i : 7G Swift nnd Company. . 3C.2 2,331 712 Cudahy Packing Co 401 3ti2t 771 U , Decker and Dugun. . . 171 J. L. Carey 1 Lobman & Hothschllds. . 3'iii Uciiton & Underwood. . . . 53 Livingston & Shalor 7 II. Hamilton S3 Hammond , from K. C SSI Cudahy , from K. C 30.1 Other buyers 1.1.1 GOS Left over 1XH ) Totals 2,699 10,303 2.1G7 CATTLE Ilecelpts of cattle were the larKt-st of any day since before the. holidays und still there were only 110 loads reported In As was the cnso yesterday , there was quite a sprinkling of feeders and stock cattlo. which materially reduced the number of beeves on sale. The market as n whole was In pretty fair shape , and as a rule satisfactory to the. selling Interests. Armour had u buyer In the yards , which helped to brace up local buyers , though ho did not buy any great number , and the de- nuuid for beef steers was quite good. There was some little inclination to Indulge in bear tactics , and early bids were in some cases lower , but the supply was not-largo enough to admit of very much bearlshness and the cattle generally sold about the same as yesterday. The demand for tidy little cattle was especially good , and offerIngs - Ings of such , mot with ready sale at firm prices. Kverytiilng In the yards changed Hands early in the day. Cows and heifers were In good demand and sold at about the same prices as prevailed - vailed yester-Jay. What was said yesterday regarding the trade In stockers and feeders would apply equally well today. The. demand was good and the offerings of desirable kinds met with ready sale at strong prices. Repre sentative sales : N'ATIVKS. IJKW STKI3IIS. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. I'r. N'o. Av. Pr. 1..13:0 { 3 20 2..1050 $4 10 10..1J5S $1 30 17..130S 435 39..111(5 410 li. . . .1135 425 4J..114S 4 SO 3..I4GS 4 35 2..1350 4 SO 10..11SO 1 CO 1..1C30 4 10 34. . . . OSa 4 10 20. . .1110 4 10 . an I 10 20. . .117. ) 4 25 4. .1130 4 15 0. . . . 860 4 10 C9. . . SWG 4 45 18. .1271 4 rs 4. . . . 1112 4 05 i 0. . .10M 4 20 18.C. . .1300 4 30 IS..1122 4 30 23. . .1178 4 30 48. .1261 3 IT , 01..1213 370 ' ' . 9T2 4 00 5. . 874 4 00 20..1027 4 05 5.I. 51. . . . 3 70 I. , .1110 3 75 22..1124 3 75 lc..l 4 15 9. .1055 4 15 1..U10 4 15 1. . . . 4 15 0. , 1 20 0..11'- . 4 20 I ' . 1 3T , : o..nsj . S3 lo..ltWJ 4 15 15I 21..1 1 55 I COWS. 1..10CO 2 W 1..1030 2 CO 1. . 900 2 CO 1. . . . CM 2 SO 4..10CO 320 4. . .1175 3 25 4..1147 3 30 . . .1310 3 40 .iocs 3 G5 1..132D 3 C5 2. . 2 C5 1. 1240 2 75 .nor. 2 'M 3. I13C 300 r.ii9o ! ! ! 3 20 9. .1115 3 20 1. 1210 3 25 2..11W 3 25 19. .121)7 ) 3 40 24. 1030 3 40 SO..1037 3 40 2. . . . 703 3 40 ' 3 40 1..1400 3 50 1..1200 3 00 7 ! . ! ! 937 3 CO 2. . . . 915 3 0) ) 1. . . . 720 2 10 3. . . . 963 2 10 1. . . fOO 2 25 1..1C00 2 25 1. . . , 94' ' ) 2 50 " . .1000 2 75 1..10SO 2 7i > ' II. . . i > 20 3 00 1. , .1120 3 10 1. . . . CO 3 25 1..1I40 3 23 19. . , .1035 3 30 2..1U5 3 35 15..10C 35(1 ( 0. . , . 950 3 C5 3..1141) 3 cr 1..10SO 275 1. . , .1030 3 0) ) 1..1170 3 00 1..1250 3 00 1. . .1430 3 00 4..1192 3 ! J- 2..11C5 330 2. . .1075 3 30 1. . . . 600 - 1..10SO 2 C5 1. . .1220 2 S5 1..100Q 2 85 4..1082 3 CO 4. . .1070 3 00 1..IICO 3 CO 7..1152 3 13 21. . .rou 3 0 1..1210 330 40..1058 3 40 1..1330 370 1. . . . MO 3 00 1. . . . 480 4 00 3 33 . . 770 3 40 G. . . . CC6 3 50 ! 1 50 . .1135 3 70 1..1030 373 . 420 4 23 . . 430 3 35 20. . . . 782 3 45 .1230 3 DO 40. , . . OS3 355 3. . . . 718 3 70 750 3 70 S. , . . 773 3 25 2. . . . 443 350 4. . . . 403 3 50 . . WO 3 00 2..19'0 3 10 .1170 2 85 1. . . 6SO 3 00 1..1C50 3 15 .1370 2 25 1. . .15CO 3 1.1 1..11CO 3 CO .1310 3 fl 1. . .1310 3 00 1. . . .1120 3 75 .1130 3 25 1. . .1610 3 25 1. . . .1200 2 C3 .1500 3 10 1. . . .isso 3 20 1. . . .1100 3 ! 3 STAGH. G..114S 3 GO 5. . . .1362 3 25 CALVKn. 1. . 100 G 00 2. . . . 310 4 GO 1. . . . 290 3 .V > 1. . 110 3 f.O 1. . . . 190 5 CO 1. . . . 00 ti 75 1. . 100 i ; oo STOCKHHS AND FKUDKIIS. 20. . . SIU 3 CO 1. . , C30 3 ; 3. , 83G 37 ! 9. . .700 3 90 3. . . -493 3 00 1. . ' 3 40 9. , . 75S3 40 2. . , D35 3 CO 1. . , MO 3 SO . C20 3 7. . , SCO 3 sr , 2. . , 9SO 4 15 i ? ; ; .1272 4 35 23. . , CI5 4 4) li. . , 4 CO 4 40 i. . . 400 3 50 4. . , 747 4 15 713 4 00 i. . . 570 4 iO 1. . , 710 3 35 5 ! ! C75 3 IT i. . CIO 3 75 2S. . 9S2 3 CO 21. . , 31 3 113 H. . C37 1 12V4 12. . . . C91 4 25 W1JSTKUNB. WYOMING. Av. 1'r. No. Av. . Pr. 1 bull 1350 fCO 2 stags I3W S3 CO 7S feodei8..1C)3 ! ) 4 10 1 feeder 1251 4 10 74 feeders..1144 110 4 feeders.IOJ7 325 19i' feeders..1037 3 S5 HOQH The large receipts of hogs anticipated ycktorduy were fully rfallzuj to < lay , 151 cars bo- Ins counted In. TJie market was active at a decline of 5o from yesterday's best time , and the Great bulk of the offerings changed hands In a very fhort time. , . . Heavy boss su M at > 3.35ft3.40 , on ngalnst (3.35 0J.47'i ! yesterday. The popular price on yes- lerd.ty'H early market was 11.41 , while today It was { 3.33. L'ltht and medium wHtfht loads1 went at (3.40 ( J'J.W ; , while the range yesterday was 53.43f 3.C.1 , Hogs pold.toiuy JUKI about where they were the middle of last week. The market today waa COn hlKher than a year ago , but I5o lower than iwo yearn ( , ' . ItepresRnlatlve sales No. Av , HI0 - 1'r , No. Av. Sh. I'r. 17. . . , , .437 0 (3 30 01,111(25S . . . 3 37Vj CJ. . . . .IkO 120 3 32 ! J C'J 313 . . . 3 3714 15. . . , . .373 3 35 CS 323 4 > 3 37Vi 47. . . , . .370 3 35 CO 352 . . . 3 37'A CO. . . , . .371) 10) ) 3 35 CO 333 . . . 337V4 3. . . , . .384 CO 243 ICO 3 37H SO. . . , . .374 200 3 35 63 301 210 3 37V4 M. . . , . .337 hO 3 3.1 . . . 340 W. . , , . .301 3 33 31 SCO 40 3 40 37. . . , ice 3 35 31M 275 . . . 340 49. . . .363 320 3 35 ' ' ' " ' 12' ) 3 40 G7. . . .391 40 3 35 Cl' . ! . . ! > ! 320 3 40 , .374 120 3 35 43 250 40 3 40 48 : .3SS 240 3 Vt ' ' ' ' ' 10) ) 3 40 40 445 40 335 . . . . . . . . 200 3 40 43 407 40 3 35 M 313 3 40 70 202 210 3 3.1 I II 3S2 3 40 Dl 315 80 3 35 S3 3f9 3 40 f 4 324 32'JM 3 35 2SO 3 40 SO 307 M 3 M 07. 3 40 27 .3W 10 3 3.1 40. 293 3 40 17 323 3 33 73. 3 40 73.Cl. 33 3JS 3 55 Cl. . .3M 3 40 33 411 3 35 .17. . .232 3 40 10 341 3 31 71. . .313 3 40 71.C7. 3. , 3DO 3 3.1 C7. . .3M 3 40 40 314 3 35 . .273 3 40 19 J37 120 3 33 01. . .291 3 40 120M 31 334 M 3 ! 5 72 312 3 40 3 2S3 so 3 35 61 250 3 40 47 4M 40 12 4J7 3 40 47 370 CO 3 K 52 230 0 3 10 Cl 314 ICO 3 3 > 5 ! 315 3 40 46 378 10) ) 3 35 CO 211 100 3 40 f.4 3SS 10)so 3 35 fc4 258 80 3 40 CO 30. ) ' 335 C4 236 80 3 40 27 333 'io 3 35 Cl 297 ' 3 40 42 351 3 S3 77 2SO 'so 3 40 S9 373 4 D 3 K fil 292 120 3 40 40 351 li ) 3 SI 135 272 20) ) 3 40 S3 063 (0 3 3.1 63 300 3 40 CG SOI 500 3 3-1 Mi 277 3 40 CO 3SO 120 3 85 70 237 3 40 Cl 3S4 120 33 } CO SKI 120 3 40 M 267 t' ' ) 277 100 3 40 ICO 3 35 . 79 2M 80 3 40 B7. . . .341 2CO 3 1 > 60 250 240 3 40 34JO. . ,321 ICO 3 3.1 1 63 287 320 3 40 JO. ICO 3 3.1 57 280 40 3 4i'j ' 108. .33i 240 321 67 . . . .241 ' 3 42 > 4 4 ! . FO .335 51 , . . ,844 40 3 42'i ' CO. .511 ( .0 333 CS , , ,203 3 4 2'.3 ' til 2 * > It ) J IH 7 , sn 3 J2'A CO . 2- 03 , ! JCO 3 CVS KaiiHitH City lilvo StoeU. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 11. CATTLE Receipts , LOS ANGELES ( otllclal ) , lO.OO" ) head ; choice cattle steady ; me dium to common , 10jlGc lower ; cows nnd heif .T. 1) . ers steady to lOc lower. Western steers , J3.0) , , ; Texas cows , J2.50S3.50 ; native Meets , J3.75Mj.Ofl ; native cows nnd heifers , J2.00 | 4.25 ; utockcrs nnd MINNEAPOLIS. feeders. J3.Mffl.70 ; hulls. J2.50CTJ.75. . HOGS Ilecelpts ( olliclal ) , 17,000 head : market I'uMIc l.llimry. steady to 5o lower , exeept pigs , which were Went Hotel \IMVH ytllilil. strong to Co higher ; bulk of snlfs. ; heavies. J3.30ff3.G3 ; packers , $3.33(33.CO ( : mixed , J3.WJ3.CO ; lights , $3.20 3.43 ; yorkcrs , J3.4lffi3.4j ) ; NEW YORK pig ? , J3.OOfT3.2j. SHEEt' Hecelpts ( oinclal ) , 4COO head ; choice , Cooper Union I.llirjiry. steady to lOo lower ; common , 10420e lower ; Kirtli Avenue Ilnti'l IVewn Slnnil. lambs. J4.005r..rjO ; muttons , J3.7J1.20 ; western . ' Il ' . - I.'lflli Avenue it ; l Hi'iulliifj Itooiu. . . . lamb * . JI.OOg3.3.- > Ilrooiiu : Struct 1Unary. Xetv Yoi-U I.lve Stock. llolliinit House Ilriiillnu Itooiu. IN'K\V YOIIK , Jan , 11. - IJEEVKS Ilecelpts , llolViiiiin HoiiMe. 343 head ; none on sale. Cables quote Ameri Inilicriiil llolul .VeviN Slnnil. can steers at 10ic ; refrigerator beef 7 iffS ( ; e ; MccliniilfN * & Trnilcrii' Free I-IIirnrr exports , CCO beeves , AS sheep and 2,101 quar - , ters of beef. No. IN lOiiHt Sixteenth Street. OAI.VBS Itecelpts , 9 head ; fpilet anji steady ; I'rcMN Cliili. IliOHNSiiu .St. veals..OOff.r > . "j ; grassdrs , $3.00if3.r.O. \VoMlniliiHlcr Hotel lt < 'inllimr llnoill. SIIBEI' AND I.AMHS tlei-plpls , none' slow - WinilMid- Hotel Ilvnillnur Itooiu. and steady ; sheep , J3.r,0ffl.75 ; lambs , ji..10ac.2."i. HOGS Ilecelpts , 2ffiO bend ; weak III $3.75 V. Al. C. A. , -il ! ! Street nnilllli Aveniio , I KiiMt Iliifralo Live Stork , OCDEN. RAST HHI-TAIX ) , Jan. 11. PATTI.K Moillum MeCnrtiipy fc Co. to heavy shipping steers , J3.COiT3.70 ; coarse rough , W. Webb , 1M4)5VnHliIiiprloii ) Ave. f3.7SS4.SO ( green , $3.75184-2:5 : ; choice fat heifers , ; - ' " MeGnrdiey & Co. , 'illll111 SI. 4.H4M.0 : mixed butchers' stock , J3.G3JJl.lj ; fall- - to good liutdiern' cows. $3.30ff3.75. IIOOS Yorkers , good to choice. J3.70f".7. ; rough , common to choice , J3.10W3.30 ; pigs , $ .1.0 < PARIS FRANCE. © 3.73. , IjAMIlS Choice to extrn , J3.70@3 7j , New York Ileralil HcnilliiK It on in , 4B SHKKt' Choice to wlected wethera ( JI.Ciili 1.90. Ave. de rineliiiiatl IJve Sloel ; . dePOCATELLO GINCINNATf , Jan. -HOGS Steady , J3.00JJ ) POCATELLO CATTI 1'3 Steady. J2.23 7 > 4.G3. ' < V. C. Ituvilvr , Went Center Nt. j ( HHEEI' Dull , J2.75IT1.03. . % 'LAMMS ' Easier , JI.OO&D.75. StorU In SlKht. PORTLAND , ORE , Sllc-cord of receipts of live stock nt the four ' \V. K. JinifM , 'Ml Aliler St. principal markets for January 11 ; Cnltle. Hogs. Sheep I'urtliinil Hotel NCVI-H Stuiiil. Omaha . 2.Gfil 9.WO 2.1fl Chicago . 4,000 31,000 11.000 KaiieaH City . 10.000 19.00) ) 4r,00 PHILADELPHIA it , Louis . MOO 8KO 700 , McruniitHo Lllirnry. Totals . 20,481 G8,9GO 18,331 \ < - v Yorlc Dry ( iouilM Market. NI3\S' YORK , Jan. 11. Conditions continue dull SACRAMENTO. In all lines of cotton goods. The usual Tues- pulillu Library. Iny'H dullness Is accentuated .4/yutiie fict that he dealers In Maple cottons arc Inclined to ake matters easy pending some' actlnn 1n the eastern mill strike situation. A review of the. SAN FRANCISCO. situation In all lines of staple collonb Is un necessary. The ) situation Is unchanged. The do- I'lilillo I.llirury. jiand for mil lines of staple cottons Is rpilet , whether brown , bleached or coaise colored goodu nro consliJeied. SALT LAKE CITY. .MarUetN. I , . IP. Hainniol , Lyceum Tlienlcr , NBW OIILEAN8 , Jan. 11. .HlTriAn-Onen ket- jalt I iilie NC-TVM Uo. le , Bteaily nt 3(730-lGc : centrllugal , steadv , grnnulati'd , 45i J4 13-ICc ; whites. 4 4 7-1"c ; ynl- ows , 3fl3-lCo ; secomlH , 2ViT3 11-lCc. JIolas r , SEATTLE tettli1. steadv at 14T27e ; centrifugal , cany at : y , Jo : HJTUP. steady nt 18W22c. iNi\V : YOUIC , Jan. H.-SHaAIl-Raw , flrmj C. O. OyHton , I'liHinllluo 'X ' VH Depot. fair refining , 351c ; centrlfUKUl , 80 test , 4 3-lCp ; re. I'OHlllllUM- . H Dl'llllt , inert , firm : crunhed , rc ; powdered. B 7-lGo ; A. T. granulated , Sllc ; mould A , t > ' . 'c ; standard A , iV4o ; confectioners' A < 6l4cs cut loaf , GTio ; cubes , 0 7-lCc. SIOUXCITY nnrruttNiin Hotel N > MVH Slnnil. in : " , Momluiiilii Hotel .NiivtH .Siiini. lotiil Veiiilonii ; Netvi * Hliinil , H. H. PENNEY & CO. , Giiorne It. Hunt. I'ulillu l.llirary. 1 1O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS SPOKANE. Joliu W. tJriiliiini , 7 :1-7 : 5 ItlvurHlili Branch Offlce. 103S N St V.ocoln , Nob. A v < - li ue. C. C. CIlltlKlIK. 12. .V HTRECT. ue.ST. JOSEPH. I'reildent. Vlce-I'icblde . . O .W. KENNEY , Irniiilotv'H NVIVM atainl , 7-1 Secretary , Christie-Street Commission Co ST. LOUIS. K. J. Ji-tr , KOII Olive Hi. I'liinti-rit' Hotel \IMV Stiind. Capital ffir < M ) < ) O.On , Kully Ptilil , nlillo Mlirnry , 111 I I.oeuxt Ht , STOCKS , ( JII.VI.V AMI WASHINGTON. D. G \Vlllnril'M lloli-l AIMVH Stunil. llott'l. OIU CIXY ( ) HUIl.DI.Vfi , CII10AOO , Members Clilcago Hoard of Trade nlncu I8C . HlKKH HlltlHe. \Krl < ! iiltural Diriiiirliuunl Library. drain Provisions anil K Y. Stocks. , , . . Semite Jli-iullnir Kooni , Orders Cuah nnd future Dellvory Solicited YANKTON Omaha Olllue , Uooin 1 , \ . Y , Ufa . . . . ' 1'IioniMil. ( . . . . Vrnttlt Wt-IlM , Jr. J. OA.MIMIK ; , ! , , JAMES E BOYD & GO , , WSien Traveling Telephone 1039 , Onmliii , Nub COMMISSION , GRAIN , I'KOVISIONS anU STOCKS I1OAHI ) OP TUADli , Dlre't wires to Chicago and New York. Corr pond nt i John A , Warren ft Co.