Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1898, Image 1

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riret Ballot Gives Him a Majority cf
,0no Volo.
Qots Fifty-Six in the Honso and Seventeen
in tbo Sonata.
Mount tbo Obairs in tbo House and Sing tbo
on .tlnyor McKlHnn , M'lio Knjn
( lint While ii Heimlillcnu In
Public He'll Stnml on Clil-
' COLUMBUS , 0. , Jan. 11. The factional
Warfare against Senator Hanna Is not over ,
Hwill have at least ono more day of
charges and counter ! charges. The fight has
never been more 'bitter than tonight.
Senator Hanna received seventy-three votes
"today , a majority of one over all In a. total
membership of 109. The senate voted nine
teen for McKlsson nnd seventeen for Hanna.
The houao vote stood : Hanna , CC ; McKls-
eon , -19 ; Wiley , 1 ; Warner , 1 ; Lentz , 1 , and
onu a'bscnt. ' t
The only absentee was1 Representative
Cramer , the democrat-populist member from
1'atildlng county , who Is seriously sick. His
physician stated tonight that ho could not
possibly 'bo l.t hla peat tomorrow. After itho
vote -was recorded today In each branch of
the legislature separately , a majority of a
quorum or of tlicfo present Isi all that Is nec
essary In the Joint 'balloting ' tomorrow , so
( that the serious Illness of Representative !
Cramer might become an Important factor.
The scattering vote today for Lcntz , Wiley
nnd Warner was cast by Representatives
Wiley , Hazlett and Hess , all democrats. It
Cramer had 'been present and. all other
democrats In line McKlrson's vote In the
house would have been fifty-three , or still
three short of a majority In that 'biunch of
the legislature.
With Hanna having a majority of three
In the hoii o , McKlsson having a majority
of two In the senate , thu chair will announce
tomorrow that thcro was no election today
and that a joint ballot will bo Inordcr.
As soon as the two bodies meet In joint
convention at noon tomorrow their respect
ive Journals ot today will bo road and the
lieutenant governor will make the usual
official declaration.
If all the senators and representatives are
recorded on the Joint ballot tomorrow'as
they were recorded today on their respective
ballots. Senator Hanna will have a majority
of only ono vote over all. But In the ab
sence of Representative Cramer and by
some ot the democrats refusing to' vote for
Mayor McKlsson , ho Is likely to have a
larger majority of record on the journal of
, the Joint convention. With the result ap
parently hanging on. the change ot only onu
vote , the contest hafl continued all night
the same as it has been going on hero other
nights for the last two weeks.
The seven republicans who refused to vote
for Senator Hanna today have since signed
statements that burn the bridges behind
them. Senator Burke , Representatives
Ecott , Mason , Jones and Rulan say they will
vote tor llan'na ' It the Otis charges are ,
proven to bo untrue. Representatives Otis
and Bramley , however , simply signed a
codicil to the statement of the other flv-J
dissenters , In which they concur In asking
for nn Investigation , but they state that they
will not vote for Senator Hanna under any
While the bureaus of claims and of
charges are In full operation on bo h bides
toolgbt as usual , there also are reports about
the bribery charges being presented to the
Brand Jury of Hamilton county a d of Frank
lin county. The grand Juries are In session
In both of these counties and there are cur
rent reports tonight of efforts to sesura in
dictments before tomorrow noon.
Aa Representative Otis claims to have
been offered a bribe at his homo In Cincin
nati , that case should bo brought only before
tbo grand jury of Hamilton county , and U
would bo necessary for Reorssentutlvo Otis
to bo there as a witness. Mr. Otis and others
who would bo wanted as witnesses In that
case , are hero tonignt and It la thought tote
to probable that Mr. Otis would bo absent
If the vote Is cast tomorrow as It was cast
today , tbo absence of Mr. Otis anl others
cppoacd to Hanna would have no effect on
the result. There was talk ot fillbuierlig : ) ,
but tbo opposition could not Irrc.ilc a joint
quorum If all their members should remain
away ,
The other case of allege , } bribery comes
from the other side. Representative Snider
of Green county , who has been stopping at
the Nell lioueo during the last week , voted
today for Hanna , for Doxwell for speaker
last Monday a week ago and attended the re
publican house caucus ono week ago list
Saturday. The opponents of Scnator Iluuiia
liavo been after him closely and constantly.
It Is alleged that Mr. Maddey came to the
Nell house last week to see Mr , Snider and
that ho claimed to represent Kurtz and D1U < 5.
Heprrsentatlvo Snider had been anticipating
the visit acid a stcucgrapdor wa conceded
in the bdlh room adjoining his apartments.
It Is charged that Mr , ' 8nld < ! r was offered
$5,000 for his vote and tlut the narufcs of
lilt bickera wcro given by the caller.
Tiio ( stenographic report of tdo conversation
between 'Snldur and iMaddoy Is In the hands
of Hon. E. G , Rathbcne , who wua aesUUnt
Itostmustcr general under Harrison and Is
licrc as ono of the managers for Haniu. It
lila been reported for several ( Mys that this
case was before the grand jury ot Franklin
county , but when that body closed Its work
thla evening It was unofficially given out that
neither the Maddpy- case nsr any other case
connected with the senatorial contest was
before that body ,
While It U not likely any Indictment will
tie made , yet It Is quite probable there will
ilio an attempt lu the legislature tomorrow
for a dramatic scene on the charges of
bribery. The opposition la charging the
QIanna men tonight with voting down the
motions and tbo resolutions today for an
Investigation ot tbo bribery charges made by
Representative Otis. The Hanna men say
they will B'vo ' the fullest consideration to
this Investigation at the proper time , but
( bat the purpose ot tbeie etwees DOW U to
stampede the legislature on the balloting
for senator , and that such a echomo cannot
bo carried through. Some of the Hannn.
men also state that at the proper time they
will reorganize tbo house , as the vote of
today showed they had a majority ot three
over all in that body.
The continued activity at the headquarters
of both factions In the hotels Indicated that
neither sldo expected the contest to bo ended
today. At any rate they were evidently pre
paring for further operations , If not for the
long slego of a deadlock. The popular Inter
est In the proceedings of the day was shown
as much for any further developments In
the alleged bribery cases as In the result of
the balloting. The morning papers wcro full
of charges and countercharges about the
offers of money to members of the legis
lature. It was asserted that Representative
John 0. Otis of Cincinnati would make a sen
sational statement on the floor of the house
when his name was called. Ho asserts that
Henry M. Boyco of Now York had been to
see him In Cincinnati and also to sco his at
torney , Colonel C. E. Campbell , and. that
money had been turned over to them. Ac
cording to the announcements In the morning
papers , Mr. Otis Intended to place this money
on his desk and make such an explanation
regarding It as would call for an Immediate
Investigation on the part of the legislature.
The nupporlers of Senator Hanna express
no fear whatever of this dramatic perform
ance , as they had anticipated It for several
In addition to the Otis performance , several
other sensational acts' were announced un
officially by the more enthusiastic workers
of the contestants. No serious trouble was
anticipated , but still every precaution has
been taken to prevent disorder or undue
demonstrations. Many had predicted trouble
on inauguration day , but the rival exercises
of yesterday passed off without any serious
collisions and no violence at any time has
been expected In the hotly contested proceed
ings of the legislature , although the feeling
Is at fever height.
After being In conference all night , the
democratic caucus agreed on Mayor Robert
E. McKlsson of Cleveland as the only re
publican proposed whom they would support
for senator.
The caucuses were stormy and long drawn
out. It was found absolutely impossible to
agree upon either Governor Hushnoll or
Charles L. Kurtz. Doth names were consid
ered and both wcro given up as Impracti
cable candidates.
Then the name ot Mayor McKlsson was
suggested. The democrats demanded to know
whether McKlsson was a free sliver man.
Not content with the awsuranco of Myers
and other leaders of the fusion forces , they
sent for McKlsson. When that gentleman
appeared he made a speech to the icaucus
In which he said In substance :
"Gentlemen , publicly and before the people
ple , I am and must be a republican , but I
assure you and pledge you that If elected
to the United States senate by this fusion
I will stand upon the Chicago platform. "
This pledge was satisfactory and the cau
cus declared for McKlsson for both the long
and short terms.
Both branches of the legislature met at 10
a. m. and many regretted that admission by
ticket had not been adopted. The crowd
pressed in on the floor of both bodies and as
the visitors were prominent constituents they
were not put out. In the senate tbo bill to
repeal the fifty-year street railway franchise
came up and It was postponed till tomorrow.
This bill has been used against Senator
Hanna in organizing the legislature and In
the senatorial fight. It was said soon after
.assembling that all the senators and repre
sentatives wcro in their scats and both
houses voted to ballot at 11 a. m. for senator.
At 10:30 : a. m. a call of the house was de
manded , so as to put all on record as being
present. The doors were locked and the ball
was very quiet. No business was transacted
during the first hour of the session. The
workers of both sides were busily engaged' ' In
the lobbies. Senator Hanna , Mayor McKIs-
son , Mr. Kurtz and other leaders kept up the
contest at the. hotels. The call of the house
showed that Representative Cramer , demo
crat of Pauldlng county , was the only ab-
ecntco nnd the sergeant-at-arms was dis
patched for him. Mr. Cramer is very sick
and his physician forbade his attendance , but
Mr. Cramer requested to be carried to the
hall of the house. On the first call Dunton
of Morgan and Mangel of Montgomery did
not respond , but were soon found In tbo
Quito a large delegation went to the
boardlns house of Representative Cnamer to
fight It out with his physician and family.
After waiting a half hour the republicans
moved that further proceedings under the
call of the house be dispensed with. As this
meant to proceed with the ballot la the ab-
ecnce of Cramer , a close fight resulted on
the motion. The test vote resulted 56 yeas
to G2 nays and the house refused to dlspsisc
with the calls until Cramer could bo brought
In. ( Great app'-auso from the democratic
sldo ) .
Representative Kenny rose to a question ot
privilege and had read the charges of offers
to bribe Representative John C , Otis of
Hamilton county. Ho offered a resolution that
a committee of five bo appointed at once
to Investigate these specific charges and
any other charges of bribery affecting any
member of this house.
Mr. Ashford moved to amend the resolu
tion so that said committee of five shall be
empowered to Investigate any other charge
! connection with the election of United
States senator. The ayes and nays wcro
called on every motion and there was an
attempt at this Juncture to delay the pro
ceedings by calls.
A motion was made on the democratic
lde to suspend the rules uud consider the
Kenny resolution at once. This was de
feated by a vote of C2 aycw and 56 nays ,
when there was again' applause on the re
publican e'do. '
The votes were on strict party lines with
the exception ot Speaker Mason ot Cuyahoga ,
Representatives Dramlcy of Cayuhoga , Jones
of Stark , Scott of Fulton and Otis of Hamlltcn ,
who voted with the forty-seven democratic
The name of Marcus A. Hatma was then
presented by Representative Leland of Noble
and seconded by R. T. Smith of Delaware.
The name of Mayor Robert E. McKlsson ot
Cleveland was presented by Representative
Urainley ,
Representative Leland praised Senator
Hanna In a dignified manner , but Representa
tive Smith referred to the treachery In the
party In strong terms. This brought out Rep
resentative Dtamtey In vigorous terms In prc-
SKitlng the name of McKUson. There were
loud demonstrations of hisses with cries of
"traitor. " The nomination of McKlsson was
seconded by Jones ot Stark county , also a re
publican. The democrats took no part , ex
cepting In voting and applauding , Jones ui >
( Continued on Second Page. ) , '
Proposes to Eolirsj All the Other States at
Omaha's ' Big Show ,
Calls Upon Ml 1'ntrlntlo * to
JIvlu the Project AloiiK null
Tint * Do llniior to the
Sin to.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jftti. 11. ( Special
Telegram. ) The Missouri commission to the
Transmlsslsslptit Exposition today 'ssue l en
address to tlio people ot Missouri In the In
terest of an adequate state exhibit.
"While this exposition Is International In
scop'e , " says the address , "and Is already
assured of extensive foreign exhibits and at
tendance , It Is , as Its name Implies , a dis
tinctly western enterprise , designed expressly
for advertising to the world the pro'l'.iL-llons ,
resources and progress ot the transmlssls-
slppl states and territories. Through a mis
understanding of the Intent and purpose of
this undertaking the last session of our state
legislature failed to provide by appropriation
fee an exhibit ot Missouri's productions.
"Tho vast territory that this exposition
represents the weet , northwest and soulh-
west Is the ratlqnal and legitimate market
Tor the products of our Industries , the surplus
output of our orchards , factories nnd work
shops ; and wo are convinced that no previous
exposition held In America afforded HO fzvor-
able an opportunity as the present ore for
advertising to the whole coramorcl'tl world
the varied productions acid niatuless re
sources of our state ; and we earnestly appeal
to the pride of every state-lovlug , progressive
citizen for a creditable exhibit of your In
terests. Our neighboring states are exerting
all their energies to excel. Wo run surpass
all of them In the extent and excellence of
our exhibits If prcper effort is put forth.
Wo must do this Its results will redound to
the benefit of every citizen.
"Your commission , having confidence In
your patriotism and state pride , solicits your
assistance. Having no state appropriation
-wo must depenj upca voluntary contributions
to defray necessary expenses. We want to
erect a creditable state building as a homo
and meeting place for the thousands of Mls-
Bourlans who will visit the exposition. Our
elster states ure providing such buildings
and wo cannot afloi'd to do less. We hcpe to
make the finest sxhlblt of fruits ever f-un
In America ; to collect and place ai exhibi
tion meritorious products of our farms , for
ests , mines and factories , all of which will
require money to pay expenses.
"Wo appeal to every farmer and artisan ,
every business and professlcoal man , to Im
mediately scud to the treasurer of the com
mission , Hon. F. -Marshall , cashier of the
Continental National bank , St. Louis , what
ever sum you can afford. Every beard of
trade and commercial club throughout the
statu la urgently requested to Immediately
extend substantial aid. The time Is fiiort
and wo must hastan the work. Rvery manu
facturer and every pr ! > ltrj3r of meritorious
articles Is Invited to exhibit his productions.
You will have tuo world for an audience iod
your 'bread cast upon the waters' will re
turn many fold. "
War Department Will .Send One of Its
KlKht-Iiich UUflcH.
WASHINGTON , Jan. II. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Captain Ward , In charge of the War
department exhibit at Opwha , has Instructed
Mr. Mercer that the ordnance department has
approved his suggestion for one eight-Inch
rifled gun cad disappearing carriage for show
at the Omaha exposition , the same to be
sent to the Pacific ocast and to bo used for
coast defense after the close of the exposi
tion. The gun and carriage will weigh sixty
tons and will have to be transported on im
mense flat cars built for the purpose.
A delegation of the members of the gov
ernment beard having charge ot the ex
hibit at Omaha , Secretary Cox , Prof. C'.ark
ot the Interior department and Ilavonal of
the Fish commission , had an Interview with
Congressman Mercer to3ay In relation to
legislation affecting the board. Under the
old bill It is alleged that while provision is
made for transportation of the government
exhibit to Omaha , there is nothing said about
recking the > exhibit , and It is to correct this
and other administrative features that the
delegation called upca Mercer. Owing to the
shortness ot time the board has given up
the Idea of passing the bill giving them
larger powers and will concentrate their
efforts cm getting modifications In the
urgency deficiency bill reported In the house
today. Mercer received the consent of
Chairman Cannon to bring In an amendment
tomorrow , which will conta'a the features
most desired by the government board and
will give that body power to purchase , pre
pare , Install and continue the exhibit at
Omaha during the exposition. All members
of the board arc anxious to make this ex
hibit the crowning achievement of the gov
ernment and the change In the program
meets with the- hearty approval of those In
terested In the success of the exposition.
Congressman Mercer has taken up to the
Treasury department complaints received
from Omaha that tho. government building
for the exposition Is not being pushed dur
ing good weather with that rapidity that Is
desirable , and also that there was a dispo
sition to discriminate against union labor.
The treasury people said they would give
Instructions to push the work on the build
ing during good weather and assured Mr.
Mercer that union labor would bo recognized.
IIMVII'M CiiiimilxNloii OIci-tH anil Dechli-H
on' What It WnntN.
DBS MOINES. la. , Jan. U. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The exposition commission for Iowa ,
Instituted by the last legislature , will atk
that f50,000 bo appropriated by the present
legislature for representing thla state at the
expcsltlca. A meeting cf the executive com
mittee of the commission appointed by the
executive council was held today. An esti
mate of-the amount needed to represent Iowa
creditably and plans for the structure tl'st
will bo built on the exposition grounds for
this state wcro considered. At 3 o'clock the
committee had a meeting with the executive
council and the einio matters were submitted
for consideration. What the legislature -
do Is conjecturable. The committee that
hag managed the affairs ot 'the commission
feels not disposed to urge anything on the
lawmakers ; It will ( Imply state what , In lie
judgment , Is needed to do Justice to Iowa be
fore the people who will visit tbo exposition.
The committee la : J. II , Packard of Mar-
analltown , formerly governor of Louisiana ;
S. D. Cook of Davenport , H. II , Moore of
Ottumwa , S. II. Mallory of Charlton and F.
N. Chasq of Cedar Falls. In the legislature
Investigation discovers a friendly feeling
tovt-ard the exposition in all parts ot the
state nnd those interested Ift < the matter ex-
prcso considerable cctiflJencjo that a suitable
appropriation will bo made 'jlcsptto ' 'Uio oppo
sition that has been raised Insome quartern.
llc' Sorr > - Ilrcnunr YnnlcccH Sell III-
cjclox In KiiKlnml.
( Copyrlsllt , IMS , by I'rtta rubllthlnR Company. )
LONDON , Jan. ll.VNew ( York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Prof. Dtyce ,
radical member ot Parliament for South Ab.
crdeen , In an address At Wolvcrhamplon last
evening dwelt on the Injury Infllotad on
British trade by foreign , especially American ,
competition. Referring to the ilocreiso In
lirltlsh exports In the last quarter , bo raid :
"You will remember that the new protective
tariff of the United States stimulated cur ex
ports for a time and that ( ho warenouses
for fifty miles around Doston were crowded
with our goods during the last two rrars , I
am an alarmist about British trade. While
other countries arc gaining ground wo liavo
to consider whether we ore -Icing everything
wo could to maintain further trade. The
Germans arc making great advances In Brit
ish India la goods manufactured largely In
Lancashire. In other trades , also , other
countries are becoming formidable competi
tors. I have heard of I < irgo ocdcrs going to
America for electrical plants. I look to a do-
velcpment ot electrical work In England and
In Canada. It is astonishing to sec how ex
tensively electricity Is employed.
"I heard the other day of a largo order
being placed for steel pipes In the United
States at 30 per cent less than It coul.l . betaken
taken In this country. That seems cm ex
traordinary figure. Then , In Europe bicycles
of American manufa'ctlirU ore bclug pushed.
It seems a pity that wo should allow tl < at to
go on to our disadvantage. I am awai-c that
America Is seriously tandicapped by a high
protective tariff that has kept them from
pushing their foreign trade , but for that wo
would find America a much more scilous
competitor of this country In the foreign
"I think that more should be done In the
way of furnishing Information through con
sular reports as to the various classes of
goods most wantod-nbroad. In America r.uch
reports are issued Immediately they como to
haud and are therefore very valuable. "
MncLcnvy llrorvii to lie .JIoliiNtntcil IIH
CoitiiiilxNloncr of , CiiHtonix.
LONDON , Jan. 11. According to a special
dispatch from Shanghai It'Ls said them the
agreement between England , Japan and Rus
sia with respect to Corca Involves a restora
tion of the status quo , and the reinstatement
ot MacLeavy Brown as chief commissioner
of customs , with a Russian commissioner at
Gensan , the port of Broughton bay , on the
west coast , and a Japanese commissioner at
Fu San , In the extreme east.
Sir Robert Hart , director of the Chinese
maritime customs , Is negotiating with the
Chinese government for a'-loan. The em
peror took the negotiations .away from the
Tsung-Ll-Yameu In dlsguix , < at the previous
failures. p < ' .
HUN Avrecil Not to Oiinouc
Ailvnncu on' ' Ivlinrfniim.
LONDON , Jan. 11. The Birmingham Post ,
the organ of Joseph Chamberlain , secretary
of state for the colonies , says : "The treaty
which Mr. James Rcnncll Rodd , principal
eccretary of the Brltlsh ugcncy and consu
late In Egypt , negotiated with King Menellk
of Abycslnla contains a clause binding King
Menellk not to allow any obstacle to ema
nate from Abyssinian territory with the ob
ject of blocking the Egyptian ai'.vance upon
Khartoum. As a quid pro quo King Me a el Ik
secures a certain rectification of frontier
when the khalifa is subdued ,
Court-Martini IleclileH UiiniilnioiiNly in
HIM Favor.
PARIS , Jan. 11. The taking of testimony
Itii the Esterhazy case ended at 5 o'clock
this afternoon when the government's repre
sentative briefly addressed the court. Coun-
fcel for Major Esterhazy followed. The se
cret deliberation of the court-martial which
followed terminated at 8:15 : p. in. , when the
president , in givingbis opinion , said the
court declared unanimously that the accused
was not guilty.The president then ordered
Major Esterhazy to bo liberated.
IIlKlit of OwncrHlilp Allotted to lie Due
to DlNcovery.
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 11. James E. Blythe , a
St. 'Loula ' representative of tbo Oceanic
Phosphate company , operating on Cllpperton
Island , where , on December last , marines
from the Mexican cruiser Democrata landed
and hauled down the American flag , Is In the
city. He said :
"Tho Oceanic Phosphate company Is a San
Francisco corporation. The company' *
claim to the Island Is all right. Mexico has
no territorial claim on It. Cllpperton Is
American by right of discovery and peace
able occupation. Cllpperton Island could bo
made an Ideal naval and coaling station ,
commanding any canal that might ho cut
through the Isthmus , of Panama , ami also
the trade ot the Sandwich Islands. It Is
now the property of. tbo Oceanic Phosphate
company ot Ban Francisco. This company
keeps a little garrison offrom eight to ten
men on tbo Island athe \ timeII la esti
mated that there are 1,000,000 tons of high
grade guano on tbo laljiml , worth ( { 1C a
ton. ; '
Executive Committee , of the Sound
.Mont'- Ioiinne Called Tom-Uirr.
CHICAGO , Jan. 11. B/i V. Sinalley , gen
eral secretary of the National Sound Money
league , announced that a meeting ot the
executive committee will bo held at Wash
ington Wednesday , February 2 , The meet
ing-Is called for the tranMeilnu of geni ral
business and to take action on the report
of the monetary com mill to , ii ; accordance
with a rcaoli tlnn adopted nt a meeting of
the executive I'ommlt'.co Jit-Id at New York
last November 'I he UfO jci-Bidciits of the
league , comprising one for each state , are
also to attend this Kircllng , which will dis
cuss the geueril injorcitfv of ILc gold stand
Stone Iiullutfil for Murder.
DES MOINES , Jan. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) John W. Stone fllayer ot Frank Kah-
ler was Indicted today for murder In tbo
first degree anj also for assault. It hid been
a race for three days between the defence
to get him first adjudged Insane tad tent to
the curable ward at the asylum and the
state to get him indicted for murder , to that
ho could bo cent at once to the Insane crim
inals' department ot tbo penitentiary , ills
Indictment came first because the graud jury
eat till late last night on the cace , while the
defense was not able to eecuro a night meet
ing ot the Insanity comraltulouerj , although
every effort was made to do go.
Seminoles Booking Retaliation on the
\Vniucii mill Clitlilrcn Seek Snfcfy
lu the TotvuisVlille
tlie Qloit Arm for
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 11. General alarm
exists throughout the southwest tonight on
account of the persistent rumors ot n Scml-
nolo Indian outbreak which have poured In
from various parts ot the country since
nightfall. The stories vary from threatening
war dances to massacres In which a score
or moro of settlers are said to have lost
their lives , and It Is not probable that the
real state of affairs -will bo known before
morning. Slnco the 'burning ot the two In
dian murderers near Maud , 0. T. , last Fri
day , the Semlnolcs have been greatly ex-
cltcxl , nnd trouble has been feared for sev
eral < lays.
SOUTH M'ALESTER , I. T. , Jan. 11. T tel
egram received' ' hero this evening by the
train dispatcher ot the Choctaw , Oklahoma
& Gulf reid Fays that a band of 150 Scm-
Inolco Is cu thu warpath and ure leaving be
hind n trail of blood. The telegram was sent
by the mil road station agent at Karlboro.
Tiio brief Information conveyed was that
the Scmlnoles were avenging the work of the
mob of white men who burucd two Scuiluolc
Indians at the stake Friday last and the In
furiated Semlnolcs had already massacred
twenty-five men , women and children.
The elation agent gave the additional In
formation that the iband started from a
point six miles from Earlboro , with the
avowed Intention of setting lire to Tccum-
seh and killing all whom they met , but
ithat the Indians were reported to have
changed their course and were at the time
of sending the message bearing toward
The receipt of this Information has cre
ated Intense excitement in South McAllstor.
Federal Judges Sp'rlnger , Thomas and Town ,
send , who are In the city , are anxiously
awaiting .further news. Scores of people
hero who have relatives and friends at Earl
bore and other -points in that section are
besieging the telegraph ofllco for news , but
the agent has either left the station to
gather further Information , or , perhaps , has
been slain or driven ito seek shelter.
H the Earlboro agent cannot be reached
soon by wire a train will be dispatched from
here at midnight , bound for the scene of
the reported masMcre , under orders from
Judge Springer , and having on board all
the available deputy marshals under com
mand ot Captain Grady , while- the secretary
of war will bo wired to > order troops from
Fort Reno.
Tbo general officers ot the Choctaw , Okla
homa & Gulf road have ordered out a special
train from Shawnee , bearing voluntcera
armed with rifles to intercept the Indians at
Earlboro and prevent further bloodshed.-
WICHITA , Kan. , Jan. 11. A special to the
Eagle from Shawnee , Okl. , says : The train
from the cast tonight brought to this city
a car containing every woman and child of
Earlboro. The passengers confirm previous
reports and say a pltqhed battle between the
Indians and settlers took place this after
noon near -Maud postofflce , resulting In tbo
wiping out of several families.
A later dispatch from Shawnee says : A
message calling for men and arms has Just
been received from Earlboro , a town of about
100 Inhabitants nine miles east ot here , say-
lug that nearly 300 Indians have declared
vengeance on the town and are moving
toward the place , declaring they will burn
It. A special train was made up from here
and 150 men , armed , left for the scene.
GUTHRIE , Okl. , Jan. 11. Deputy marshals
arriving hero from iMaud report a reign of
terror in that section of the territory follow
ing the recent lynching or two Senilnolc In
dians , which lnu provoked the Scmlaoles to
threaten vcogcauce. A dozen families are
reported to have left their farms In the vi
cinity of 'Maud. ' One deputy brings a report
that two white men were captured by Seminole -
inolo bucks yesterday and put to tao thumb
United States Marshil Thoups : i received
Instructions today to rend a force of depu
ties to the line marking -the border of Okla
homa and the Indian territory to co-opcmle
with tbo residents in quelling the threatened
outbreak. " "
DALLAS , Tex. , Jan. 11. A special to the
News from Shawnee , Okl. , says : The re-port
has Just reached hero I'uat 250 Seminole In
dians are on their way to Earlsboro , burning
and killing as they go. The sheriff nnd a
party of men are on their way 10 protect the
Earlsboro pecple.
A special to the News from Oklahoma City ,
Okl. , says : There is nn uprising 'n ' the
Scinlnolc nation and 100 armed Indians have
killed twenty-five citizens of I'ottawatomle
county , this territory. < A special tralnload
of armed citizens has gone to Karlsuoro , ten
miles from Maud , and excitement is l.lghcr
than ever known before la the Indian Uni
Another special to the News from Wo-
woke , I. T. , says : Today United States
Commissioner W. T. Fears and Mr. J. F.
Wisdom , chief clerk to Indian Agent Wis
dom , accompanied by O , P. Lynn , the na
tional physician of the Semluolo nation ,
went to the farm of Henry Taylor , a Boml-
nolo Indian , where the bodies of Llucolu
McGclsey and Palmer Simpson , the two
Somlolo Indian boys who were
the stake by a mob , are burled ; and opened
the temporary grave , where the charred
bodies were resting. Only the trunks of the
bodies remained. Tbo legs and arms were
entirely burned off and the bodies wcro un
recognizable. A common trace chain was
around the neck of each and secured by a
padlock. The chain was removed and
brought back to Wcwoka , It will be used
as evidence In the Investigation , CommUi.
sloner Fears Is thoroughly Investigating the
matter. Mr. Wisdom Is hero to report what
takes place to the Interior department.
OKLAHOMA.CITY , Okl. , Jan , 11. Word
reaches here tonight that 300 Semlnole In
dians have gathered at the tribal dancing
grounds , three miles south of Earlsboro , Okl , ,
and many citizens of that Ecctlcn of the
territory tire fleeing from an expected mas
sacre , All fiorts of wild rumors are In. circu
lation here , Including a story th-it twenty-
Ova persons have been slain by the Scm
lnolesbut up to a late hour tonight uo
positive news of any actual attack upon the
white settlers has been received.
1ANSA3 CITY , Jan , ll. A special to the
Times from Enawnco , Okl. , gays : This morn
ing between 2 and 3 o'clock a band ot about
twenty savages , halt-breeds and other toughs
tV > Mhtr Forccntt for Nfbriuku
Unrcttltd ; Colder ! Northerly Winds.
1. lliimm Hn * Ono Mnjurlty onrir _ t Volo.
lliutlcn fur tlio
Inillitlifl nn nn Warnnth A
HurRlnrs Hun Ulot In Oniix *
llnukcr Miinlcrrd nt lluttijg
Met-tliiR of Nolirnnkn I'rul
More Oniplul Shortage In
Killtorlul Hint Comment.
llouso 1'imrn Approprln
Inilln Cannot 1'ny Its lllj
Council niiiffs Lorul Mn
Drnko'n MciumRO to low ; ituro.
< News of tlio Fi Vent ,
South Dnkotnns rtcnn position ,
.Modern Woodmen Can
0 HcvltUTd ot Current t'liblU-ntlotn.
1'ort. Arthur Itoml 11 1'rco l.nncc.
I'lnrlni ; Limits on the Tnx Levy.
County CoiiintltMoncrii Orgunlzo.
11 Contmorclnl unit rhmncliil Nc'\v .
. Thrilling Itlilo on Sunlit To Trail.
rode Into a neighborhood eighteen mllea
southeast of Earlsbcro and began shooting
throug-h the doors and windows of the house
of a man who Jiad recently come to Okla
homa. Every pcrscu In the hotiso Is re
ported killed.
Passengers on the train from Earlsboro siy
that about 10 o'clock n regular pitched battle
occurred and that three families wcro killed.
There Is a general uprising.
Sultjcct of DlNciiHMloii liy the .SlooU
'KooilrrH mill llrci-dci-H.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Jan. 11. Tile convention
of the American Ltvo Stock Feeders nnd
Breeders association assembled hero today.
There wcro fully 200 delegates in the hall
and It Is estimated that another hundred
arrived this evening. Uls'hop Gilbert deliv
ered the Invocation. Chairman Schurmelor ,
who has been at the head of the committee
In charge of the management , delivered n
brief address. Mayor Dornn for the city and
Governor Clough In behalf of the otate
greeted the convention.
F. J. Berry of Chicago , In the address of
the morning on "Tho Export Horse How to
Breed ? " gave it as his own opinion , as well
as that of expert horsemen everywhere , that
this country will soon witness a horao
[ amlne. The ruinous prices of the last years
had driven the farmers and breeders out ot
business. In the states which bad been long
famous for their fine horses the number of
first class animals was not one-tenth what It
was before the fall lu prices. It was now
the hardest kind of work to pick up the best
class of heroes.
. la the meantime the foreign demand for
American horses wift growing. All the mar
kets were crowded with foreigners looking
for first class animals. The American
Industry would socti be foremost among the
branches of agt-Iculturo If the farmers would
glvo It attention. H laid wlt'aln the power of
horse breeders In this country to cultivate
the foreign demand until It builds up n trade
which could never be taken away from them
and in which millions of money might be
made. ,
Ho did not advise every farmer to go Into
horse raising , but for those who had. the
necessary education and a fancy for that
brtuch of stock i-alsing It was a most prom
ising field. Five classes of horses were de
manded for export : First , a well bred coach
horse ; second , a cab horse ; third , the omnibus
horse ; fourth , the draft horse ; fifth , the
American trotter. The address was followed
by a discussion.
The following ofllcers were elected : Pres
ident , Theodore Schurmeier of St. Paul ; first
vice president , T. F. B. Suthan , Chilllcothc ,
Mo. ; second vice president , Prof. T. I. Lyons
of the Nebraska experiment station ; secre
tary , D. R. McGinnls , St. Paul ; assistant
secretaries , D. C. Scurcer of Mankato and
Prof. Shepherd of North Dakota. A com
mittee on credentials was appointed.
W. P. Anderson of Chicago presented a
petition calling for a closer inspection of
Import horses.
& Gulf Utiiilivny UecclvcH u
ou from .llrxlc-o.
KANSAS CITY , Jan. 11. Beginning , Feb
ruary 1 the Plttsburg & Gulf railway will
operate a steamship , line of Its own between
Port Arthur and Vera Cruz , Tamplco and
other Mexican ports. The contract recently
made between the Atlantic & Mexican Gulf
Steamship company nnd the Pittsburg &
Gulf railway Is declared off and the con
nection with Mexico will be made on thcrf
railroad's own lino.
Four months ago D. J. Haft nnd C. E ; ,
G remiss , representing the Plttsburg & Gulf
railway , made a trip through Mexico to as
certain the advantages that would accrue
by the establishment of connection ! * with
Mexico. They found the proposition a favor
able one and asked the Mexican government
for the privilege of establishing a steamship
line that -would carry from Port Arthur to-
Mexico the products and manufactured ar
ticles from thla line of road.
The concession was received by President
f : till well today. With It comes n contract
from the Mexican representative of the
Plttsburg & Gulf for 1,800 tons of freight
every month In the year , to bo shipped from
Mexican points over the now steamship
lino. The line -will operate two steamers
a month for freight and will add a passenger
service later.
Hurt nt Cli
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Jan. 11. ( Special
Telegram. ) President Hurt of the Union
Pacific and party reached hero this ovonlni ;
from the west and after gelling supper left
at 7:30 : for Omaha. Their train Is expected
to reach Omaha at 10 o'cloc.c tomorrow
morning ,
.Structure AVI It Carry Kltfht Trnt-Ux
Over ChlviiKO DrnlniiKi' Can ill ,
CHICAGO , 11. The sanitary district
of Chicago has today awarded the contract
for the eight-track ewlng bridge over the
drainage canal at Campbell avenue to a
bridge company of Cleveland , O. The coat
of the bridge Is to be about 1320,000. This
awing1 bridge carries the tracks of tbo Pitts-
burg , Chicago , Cincinnati & St. Louis rall-
reid , Chicago & Northern Pacific railway
and Union Stock Yards & Transit company ,
The length of the bridge Is 410 feet , width
112 feet and weight of utcel 4,000 tons.
This U the largest swing bridge In the
world , Iho next largest being that over the
Harlem river on the line ot the New York
Central railway ,
No Trouble to Stcixl in Omoba Under tbo
Frosont Folico Eogimo
Residences in the North End HacsaokcuV
Since Friday Nigbt (
Mode of Operating Indicates Plainly the
Character of Operators ,
Houses in a How Visited nnd Looted
Seriatim in a Night ,
AVhllo 1'rlvnto UOIIICN Arp Kimy 1'rcjn
for tinHultlHTN tli < - 11 on ilii ii n r- _ ,
toi-N of ( ho llcrilniini Cruiril '
Arc 1'rotvctoil ,
.While the burglar gaily burgles nt hi *
own sweet will , cast , west , north and south
through the city and the ubiquitous foot
pad goes and comes and robs at his leisure ,
the cilice in the city hall devoted to the
Fire nnd Police commission's uses Is pre
served from profanation by the presence pt
a special officer , whose duty It Is to guard
the premises from intrusion by anyone. Ho
guards from the Inside , It may bo stated.
Since Friday night a policeman has been ,
stationed each night In the room of the
commissioners. Every night slnco Friday
has added ono or moro to the long list of
burglaries nnd highway robberlea that have
gone on uninterruptedly since the reformers
took hold of the force. At the station pro
found contempt la expressed for the stories
of robberies published and no evident effort
Is made to look up the perpetrators. Yes
terday when-tho report of the Wllmot af
fair reached the central station it wa
Baplently suggested that the old man had
robbed himself. The puilco authorities were
loftily skeptical of the old man's story and
gaily pointed out Its Inconsistencies. Llttlo
Investigation was needed to establish the
truth of the report , however , but at present
"there Is no clew. " However , there was a ID
ollljcr on guard In the ofllco ot the Fire anil
Police commlslson Mst night and anything
there is likely safe this morning , oven the
officer. Officer Dillon has had the day de
tail. Dan Baldwin had the detail last night.
The night captain declined to say who the
others were.
Out In Kountzo Place burglars have been
holding high carnival for the last tew days.
They appear to conduct their operations
unmolested by the police , so It has como to
pass that the heads of families have
equipped themselves with small arsenals and
the hired men with clubs , .to ward off the
wily thug. No resident of this section of
the city considers himself safe from the
visits of marauders and on account of their
repeated calls the feminine contingent are
In .1 condition of nervous excitement which
borders on the desperate.
The work has evidently been done by a
gang who are old hands at the buslne tf. In
every Instance professional burglars' tools
have been used and the mcnner ot going
through the houses bis been most thorough
and systematic. In one Instance chloroform
was used and In every case where windows
have been pried up the tool employed was
a "Jimmy , " or email curved crowbar. The
men have been seen twice by tholr Intended'
victims , but as the night was dark , but
meager descriptions ot them Is obtainable.
Friday night shortly after 12 o'clock Miss
Mercedes Lowe , daughter of General W. W.
Lowe , residing at 1824 < Wlrt street , heard a
noise In a room ncorby and told her brother ,
Robert Lowe , that she thought burglars were
In the house. Mr. Lowe , arming himself :
with a revolver , started en a hunt for the
thief. The miscreant In the Interim , how
ever , came to the conclusion that iomo ono
was on his trail so ho beat > i hasty retreat
from the second floor of the residence- , slam ,
ruing the doors in the face of hln pursuers ,
as he fled for his life. Ho succeeded In get
ting out Into the open air before Mr. Lowe
could unllmbor his artillery sulllclently to
throw a shot Into the ran leu of the enemy.
Members of the household remembered after *
ward they had heard noises In the cellar
earlier In the evening , and on examination
It waa found that ono of the cellar window *
had been pried open and that the thief had.
gained on entrance In this manner ,
Evidently undaunted , the burglar and hla
pal went to the residence of W. S. Rector ,
2128 Wlrt Rtrcet , Hero a largo parlor win
dow , was pried open and the house thor
oughly ransacked for moiiny. Thcro was
plenty of sllverwaro In uluut , but Iho bur
glar was evidently aware that stealing
might lead to complications , so ho attached ,
himself to Mr , Rector's trousers and took/ /
them to the parlor floor below , A handsome
gold watch was overlooked , the burglar con
tenting himself with } 3 , which was found
In ono ot the pockets.
Monday night the gang made a descent !
upon the bouses located just B'juth ot the
Exposition grounds. About 1 o'clock Mrs ,
C. M. Eaton , living at 1021 J'Ickney tuect ,
waa aroused out of a. sound sleep by th (
sound ot footsteps upon a rear veranda. Sbo
eprang to the window uud saw a couple o |
men trying to force an entrance through al
window on the floor below , Bbo ran to tied
bureau and securing a revolver returned tO |
the window Intending to lake a nhot at them.
She made more uoluo tlau she Intended au