Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Popnlist Statesmen Have a Job of Unusua
Dimensions ,
tar Tuition In 1000 Orn v
.Leu * mill resit llenullfiil n * Time
Hoc * On unit the Di'itiocrutx
Ulllll ColllllllMlCC ,
LINCOLN , Jan. 10. ( Pficclal. ) The meet
Ing cnllcd hy the mlddlo-of-thc-road populist
atSt , Louis this week with the avowed objcc
of calling a convention and nominating candl
dates for president and vlco president dur
Ing the coming summer has stirred up
pretty largo undercurrent of Interest end ex
cltcmcnt In populUt official circles here , al
though strenuous efforts liavo been ma do t
l e p the uamo from the public. It I * knont
that numerous letters have been written an
received hero to prevent this action , whlcl
would probably spilt the populist party mor
curiously than the democratic r < rty Is ryllt
Hitherto the plan of the fiuloti clement In th
populist party has been to Indoieo Brjan fo
president and get the democrats to Indors
the populist nominee for vice president , an
It lias been more or less understood tha
Senator Mai Ion llullcr of North Carolina wa
to bo the pcoullBt nominee for that place
Latterly the Ilrjan democrats , feeling sur
that their man wns to bo nominated by bat
democrat ! ) and populists , have gene vigor
ounly nt work booming prominent domoctat
for the vlco presidency. From Insldo demo
cratlc circles It Is learned that the visit o
tlcorgo Kred Williams to Nebraska was fo
the express purpose of organizing n move
ment la his behalf for the vlco prcsldcnc
in the west and tbtft this was with Mr
llryan's approval. This action of t'.ie demo
crats has greatly alarmed the populist man
cgeia who know that they are likely to b
BWipt out of power If they attempt to cart
the mass of populist voters Into the demo
cratlc v irty. Hitherto they have affected t
rldlculo the mlddlc-of-thc-roodcra , but as th
hand of dcmoctacy becomes more plain the
BCD that the middle-of-the-road movement I
likely < o carry with It enough populists t
defeat them In the states whcro they ncec
They have got Chairman Marlon Ilntler to
wrlto a letter promising to submit the qucs
tlon of an early convention to the populls
national committee If the St. Louis meeting
will delay action , and nro trjlng hard to
patch up n peace that will hold the party to
The nearer 1900 approaches the moro dlffl
cult the task becomes of those populist leaders
ors who have taken the contract to dellvc
the populist Vote to the democrats nt tin
tlmo. Senator Pcffer , who was driven fron
the editorship of the populist fitato paper It
Kansas by the fusion olllcoholders. Is quietly
organising the old alliance men Into deter
mined oppcoltlon to nny more democrat !
fusion. Ignatius Donnelly , who stumped bet ]
Nebraska nnd Knnsas for Ilrynn In 1890 , I
doing the hamo with the alliance men In
Minnesota. Colonel Norton , who was th
candidate of the inlddlo-of-tlie-roadors at th
St. Louis convention In 189C against Hryan
having 300 votes for the nomination , but who
subsequently supported Ilryan during the
campaign , Is doing the same In Illinois am
In this state. Senator II. 0. Stewart , form
crly vleo president of the state alliance , I
doing the same work The recent declara
tlon of Governor Stephens ot Missouri tha
there could bo no fusion with populists 01
the stnto tlclvct or congressmen In that state
Is helping the anti-fusion popUllsta greatlj
In tholr nght , nnd present Indications are
for anything but nn easy job fo
the fuslonlst. Meanwhile It Is the hope
of populist oniclals of high and low degree
that the St. Louis meeting may bo handlei
this week so ns to prevent the split in the
party that would leave them stranded with
out votes enough to even trade upon.
Deputy Auilltor Pool has been reading 'Jio
Btatutca relating to tlio matter of sheriff's
fees anil has como to the conclusion that In
cases where a penitentiary sentence haa bison
pasaoJ and the prisoner Is not Immediately
brought to the penitentiary the sheriff tan
only collect for the board of the prisoner
at the rate of $3.EO per week. Heretofore the
rate paid hy the county has been 75 cents
per day. Mr. Pool takes < m his authority for
making the new rule the only part of the
fibitutes which relates to fees for board of
prisoners , which reads ns follows : "Whsro
there are prisoners 'confined ' In the county Jill
$ i > er day shall bo allowed tJio shorlff ns
jailer. For boarding prisoners per ilay not
exceeding 75 cents per day , nor more than
$3.1)0 per week , when the prisoners arc ccn-
fltMtl moro than six da > s. " This clause re
lates to the charges to ho pild hy the county.
After sentence the expense Is ] ld by the
elate , but there being no different rate
specified the deputy auditor has ruled that
tiio state shall pay no higher rate than docs
the county. This will particularly affect
sheriffs in counties where there are secure
Jails und wiicro the usual practice Is to Kttp
the prisoner almost the cnllro thirty days'
tlmo allowed after sentence before bringing
lilm to the penitentiary.
Sheriff Dow of Ilarlnti comity came up to
day to turn ex-Treasurer Kzra Whitney over
to the warden of the penitentiary. Whitney
appears very much broken ilonn over the
prospect of nerving out the two and one-half
years' sentence passed upon him by the
court , outwardly betraj Ing more emotion than
docs Mills , who shared with Whitney In tl'o
embezzlement of the county money , nnd who
has ( t sentence of five years before him.
The secretaries of the State Hoard of
Transportation will go to Topeka on the 13th
to meet In consultation with the Kansas com
missioner on the question of carload rates.
The state treasurer has made a call for gen
eral fund warrants from No , 36,052 to 30,211 ,
amounting to $ .10,000 , to como In January 20.
An Instance pcovlng Hint prosperity Is hero
! ias been pointed out which should convince
Mr. Hrjan If his attention were called to it.
The long-dlstanco statesman Is a member of
the First Presbyterian church of this city.
The secretory or the Fltst lyesbytcrlan Sun
day school has just made his annual report ,
In which ho shows that thcro has not only
been n largely Increased attendance durlTig
the year , hut that tfco collections were about
30 per cent larger than during 1SDO. This re
markable Increase could' hardly bo attributed
to the fact that Mr. llrjnu Is a member of
tha church , < is ho has not been In the city
long enough to attend church moro than once
or twice during the > car.
Omaha perplo at the hotels : At the Lln-
tlell Joe Kclloy , M , P Server. At the Lin
coln J. W , Marshall , Robert U Rajnolds ,
George It. Davis. M. M. Hamlln , George W.
Marston. W. H. Fries
C < lllfl'NNI > N II MllriltT.
EXirrnil , Neb. , Jan. 10 , ( Special. ? Some
Jhrco years ago U. A. Morrltt , n prominent
farmer of this county living near Sawyer ,
was killed near Atlantic , la. , uudcr very
peculiar circumstances , It seems ho for
merly lived at Atlantic ami was called back
there hy n letter and whllo there murdered ,
Ilia body being found In a livery rig near the
city with a bullet hole In his left temple
and n revolver with two empty chambers
lying In the bottom of the buggy. The affair
has always remained a profound mjstery un
til the other day when Mrs , Murrltt ro-
cclvud a letter from a Mrs , Ferris of At
lantic , In which ho stated her husband had
committed sulcldo about a jear ago and be-
fora hU death confessed to having killed
Mr. Merrltt. Mrs , Ferris gives as her rea
son for rovcallng the wecn-t after havlnu
kept It so long , that she haa joined the
Salvation army and her conscience would
not permit her to conceal the fact any
Unify nnil I'oullry I'milurlN.
VAHOO , Neb , , Jan , 10 ( Special. ) The
following figures wlll glvo nomettiliig of the
nlzo and Importance of the dairy and poultry
products gathered and shipped ifrom this
city. The Wahoo creamery manufactured
nnil marketed during the > ear 18U7 215.000
pounds of butter and paid for labor $5GOO.
tSnjdcr & Co. , exclusive buy era end shippers
of butter and eggs , handled sixty carloads
thirty-two carloads of butter and twenty-
eight of eggs. The above products were
nearly all marketed outside ot the state , la
addition to the above named firms there are
two Jurgu general merchandise boucea In this
city which handled In round number * 120-
000 pott , 3s of poultry 60000 pounds of but
ter and 14,000 CAUCS of eggs Thto Includes
so far us the creamery and the butter an ;
VKK house are concerned m st ot the county
'but the general merchandise houses draw
from the territory tributary to the city o
itts APIM : ui.vNfi : oi" .MI nnnn
VOIIIIK Mnn nt Lincoln Klllril t'nilr
SttMitlHoti * ClrcnniNtniiprK.
LINCOLN , Jan. 10. ( Special Telegram. )
Iva t night the police were notified that
young man named Wesley Johns had oho
himself. Officers were sent to the John
residence , whcro voung Johns was 'foun
Ivlng on the bed with a bullet hole throug
his brain. Ho had been dead about an hou
before the police were notified.
Severn ! members ot the Johns and On
families were present and their story wa
that the shooting was done by Wesley John :
himself , cither accidentally or with sulclda
Intent , Thcro was n great variance In thcl
ntorlos , honevcr , and the revolver which the
asserted had been used contained tbrc
loaJcd shells and no empties. Tbo cartrldg
upon which the hammer rested had bee
stiupped and failed to explode. A coroner'
jury this forenoon has been unable to un
ravel the mystery , nud n further henrlo
will bo held tomorrow. In the meantlm
Rufus Johns , a ) oungcr Ix other , ha.s dlsip
pcared The three Johns boys and ) oung Uu
have often been In trouble here , and It I
suspected , that the shooting wns the rcsul
of a drunken brawl. It Is also believed nov
tlmt Gay and one of the Johns wcro con
ncctcd with the hold-up ot Klmercr Eatur
day ulght.
Tnllcy Count } ' .Morlnniri1 Ilccnril.
ORD , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special. ) Valley
county's mortgage Indebtedness for the } ca
1897 Is un follows : Ono hundred and flftcei
farm mortgages filed , amounting to $72,309.28
244 satisfied , $150,179.75 ; 1C town mortgage
filed. $11,330.03 ; 37 town mortgages satisfied
$17,758.19 ; 1,082 chattel mortgages filed , $292 ,
600.37 ; 893 chattel mortgages fatlsfloil , $210 ,
704.51. The total amount of both farm am
town mortgages Is $167,037.04. Of this
amount $23,120.50 was made up ot satisfaction
certificates , leaving a total of mortgages pa'1 '
off of $114,817 41. The total ot farm and towi
mortgages filed Is $53,699.30. The dlffercnc
between $111,817.41 , the amount of mart
goges satisfied , and the amount filed is $ G1 ,
118.08 , which la ( i pretty good showing fo
the ) cur 1S97. Valley county will certainly
bo able to contribute Its share to the carloat
of paid-up mortgages to be exhibited at the
Transmlsslsslppl Kxpoaltlon.
V riiuiiKi * of Count } OtllccrM.
TECUMSniI , Nob. , Jan. 10. ( Special )
The change of county oftlcers hns taken plac
lu Johnson county. N. H. Llbby succeed
T. P. Rcnshaw as treasurer , S. A. Leac !
succeeds W. A. Campbell as clerk , C. E
Strong succeeds W. II. Woolsey ns sheriff
R. F Adklns Ls 12 K. Young's- successor a
superintendent ot public Instruction nnd L
M. Davis lollevcvj W. R. Harton ot the dutle ,
of commissioner. II. W. Ilrandon as Judgn
Dr. C. H. Zelgler ns coroner nndV. . L
Dunlip us surveyor succeed themselves
having been re-elected at the fnll election
J. K. Moore remains deputy treasurer , J. J
Kclloy Is named deputy sheriff , vlco C. I )
Woolsey , and Chnrleo Canon will bo deputy
clerk in place of J. A. Dennett.
MlNlIoll lit Hl
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special. ) The
mission at St. Slark'a church has been it
progreM during the last week unJer the lead
ershlp of Canon Hadillt ( of Denver and Rev
Mr. Duuglas , who lias trained the choir
Kvery day during the last week five or six
servicca have been held. The evening serv
ices uro Mwajs crowded and the sermons are
listened to with the deepest attention. Scv
era ! have already been confirmed and moro
have signified their Intention. Yesterday
afternoon there was a special service fo
women , willed was well attended. At 4 30 n
special service for the fraternal societies wus
held. UUhop Graves was present yesterday
end will do some confirming this week.
rrcftTH HiiMtnril } ClmrKTi'M.
HUMDOLDT , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Spec'al. )
William Aycrs , a nromlncnt young faime
living ten miles southeast ot this city , wa
yesterday brought kilo Justice court cm
bound over to the district court to ansuc
to a charge of bastardy , preferred by Miss
Lizzlo Scliacfer. the daughter of a neighbor
Ing farmer. Doth families are quite wcl
known , and It Is claimed by the defense tha
the prosecution is attempting to blackmal
young Ayers , who recently came Into posses
slon of some property by the terms of his
father's will.
TrouiiiMi'li Court \O < IH.
.TnCUMSCH . , Neb. , Jnn. 10. ( Special. ) In
the bastardy case of ( Miss Ora Godfrey
against Cvorctt Thompson In district cour
here the jury disagreed. In the dimnge
case of Jacob and Mary Wagner against
Johnson county the jury found for the
county. Mr. and Mrs. Wngner sustained In
Juries by their team going through n poor
bridge. They brought suit against the
county for $5,000 , but fnlled to recover. The
officers of the county have displayed dangei
signals on the bridge. Court has adjournec
until the February term.
Coroner's Vvrillr-t of Siilcldc.
ALBION , Neb. , Jan 10. ( Special Tele
gram ) At the coromer's Inquest held this
morning over the body of Wlllard Baker ,
cashier of the Albion National bank , the jury
found that the deceased came to Ills death
as a result of a shot from his own revolver ,
flred by hlfl oun hand whllo laboring under
a temporary aberration of mind , broughi
about by his previous physical condition acid
overwork. The deceased came to this city
In 18S2 to engage in the banking business
The remains wcro taken to his old boino In
Cambridge , N. Y.
Olil St'ttlrr llonori'il.
SDWARD , Nob. , Jin 10. ( Special. ) The
SCtli birthday of II , L. Iloyc.s , ono of the
early seldom of Scwaul , was celebrated ) cs
tcrday. A largo number of his friends gave
him a surprise , prcscntlig him with a hanu
sumo easy chair and other mementos of the
occasion. Mr. Bo > cs has lived at Seward
Hlnco 1SC7. Among those who gathered at
his house yesterday were many who settled
hero at about the same tlmo and some who
have lived In Nebraska upwards of forty
If I'a run- .
HUMDOLDT , Nob. , Jan. 10. ( Special.
Irn Harshberger and Alt Moycr , two promi
nent farmers , became Involved In n Mxpute
regarding school matters on the streets
Saturday and finally came to blow 4 , the lat
ter bolng knocked down nnd bruised * con
sldembly. Warrants were Issued for both
pi'tlcs and Mr. Mo > cr appeared In Justice
court and pleaded guilty and paid his tine.
larshborgcr left at once for homo and haslet
lot been arrested.
Sorlonxl } Injured.
LRXINGTON , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Speolal. )
Elcnry LlnwoaJ , a young man of about 21 ,
was scrloupl ) ondi probably fatally Injured last
night. Llnwood rooms on the second floor of
ono ot the business blocks. In some manner
10 fell from the roof to the ground , a dUt.ince
of twrnt-four feet. HU skull Is fractured
and the Internal Injuries are thought to bo
ThroiiKli a llrlilKi * .
TCCUM3UII , Nctu , Jan. 10. ( Special. )
recently Joseph Fontl , a farmer , was drlv-
ng a herd ot oUtlo over a bridge which wns
In bad repair rnd It gave way and let tha
animals Into the rjver , A number of thorn
were cither Injured or killed. Mr. Fontl
> rcscntcd the county commissioners a bill
of damages ami they have allowed him $90 ,
ln > Itnlluii ( o
YORK , Neb. , Jan , 10. ( Special , ) At a ro-
ent mectlug of tbo city council It was decided
folunteer Firemen's association to hold Its
o extend an Invitation to the Nebraska
nnuul state meetlag- York in Jt-nuary ,
Context CIIM <
DKATJUC13 , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( fpolal Telo-
; rnm. ) The county clerk contest case begun
eon after election by C. C. Farlow , populist
ornluce , against J. D , White , republican ,
vaj today dismissed onmotion of tha plain-
YORK , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special. ) William
ud Albert Pjr of IU-JYSOU , Uilu county ,
wcro up before Judge Wlldraan Saturday , ant
'gave ' a $200 bund for their ortncarance nex
Friday. They arc charged wlMi having ol
whisky without a license. This aftcrnoo
Prank Mitchell , the ) oung man who recent !
cswpeJ from Sheriff Price while under ar
rest , was up for trial , charged with scllln
malt and spirituous liquors illegally. _
Insinuation nnil
HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Jan , 10. ( Special. )
The members of Qoldcnrod lodge , No. 27 , In
dependent Workmen of America , .fcud tastatla
tlon ot officers last night and afterwards In
dulgcd In an oyster supper. Supreme Secrc
tiry R. Dickens ot Omaha was present am
conducted the Installation ceremonies.
n .Ni'nn .Notrn.
Rushvlllo now has a curfew otllnanco 1
An athletic -club has been organized a
The Burnett Mascott has commenced It
tenth year.
The McCook Courier has started In on vol
time nineteen.
The Clarks Loader has changed Its nam
to the Enterprise.
Nlckcrson perplo want n creamery estab
lished at that place ,
J. C. Gulllngcr has sold the Bnrclurd Time
to J. T and J. 13. Pope.
Pllgcr people nro taking steps to bull
and operate n creamery.
H. Hoffat of I'lalnvicw was so badly In
Jtircl In a runaway accident that amputa
tlon of one hand was necessary.
Jooeph Mullen of Pcndcr took ; a shot , al a
rabbit but Instead put thirty-nine of th
leaden pellets In the tegs ot Ills brothc
Tlio village board of Gibbon has orderc
a flftcen-horfio power gasoline engine , wblc
will bo placed In the fire house for use I
tlmo of flro.
The annual meeting of the Intcrstat
Sninc Breeders' association ot Red Clout
has been postponed from January 11 to February
ruary 1 and 2.
A special agent of the land office has beci
In Klmball county Investigating complaint
that private parties have been fencing I
government land.
An estimate ot tnc number ot cattle now
being fed In Antelope county made by men
thoroughly Informed upon the whole sub
ject , places the total at 5,000.
Clinton Grant , a 9earold boy of Haves
Center , wus seriously Injured by n .horao
falling on him. When found hq was un
ccosioufl and Is supposed ! to bo lying In tha
condition for scvcnil hours.
The number of marriage licenses In Dlxot
county during 1897 Increased over that o
1S9C. In 1890 there were fifty-five license
Issued by Judge Rose , whllo In the ) ear Jus
closed thcro were sixty-four.
There Is some talk of calling n grand Jurj
for the next term of court In Nuckotls coun
ty. It Is believed there is much lllegltlmat
business g lug on throughout the county tha
cannot be reached In any other way.
Firm Ransom of Mlndcn Is gathering up a
load of heavy draft horses which he Intent !
to ship to Chicago. He has on hand nov
nearly a cnrlo-ad of them , which are said t
bo the best bunch of horses over gatherct
together In the county.
Thus far the weather during the month o
January been as exceptionally fine n
that of December was rough. Stock on tu
western Nebraska range Is now apparentlj
little the worse for the earlj storms and 1
In fair order for the tlmo of the > car.
Frank Fisher , Jr. , of Norden lost seventy
bushels of whoit In the Nlobrura river. Sev
eral teams had crossed safely ahead of him
but his load was so great that It caused the
tco to give way , upsetting the wugon nni
Epllllng the contents In the river. The vvhea
belonged to SI P. Mchol'u , who was the
Receiver McDonald ot the United States
land olllco at North Platte states that th
entries for government land had been on
per day during the last week. There stll
remains considerable desirable lend In th
county which Is subject to entry , but by th
way business Is starting in this year it vvll
not long remain vacant.
The I'ooil Drink.
Anheuser-Busch's Malt-Ntitrlne Is the con
centrated nutriment of pure malt and hops
It Is the greatest of all tonics. At all drug
cu.viton KOR Tiiitni : IIUIR vninns
ViiPimi'lcN 111 AtlJlHimt General , Com-
inlHNiir- mill ( InnrtoriiuiNtor ( llllccx
NEW YORK , Jan. 10. President McKlnlcy
will appoint three chiefs of departments in
the army with the rank of brigadier general
within the next few weeks , says the Wash
ington correspondent of the Herald. The
choicest plum will bo the last to bo given
that of the adjutant gcncralshln , which Is to
bo given to Colonel H. C. Corbln , the ranking
assistant adjutant general. Colonel Corbln
has recently been transferred to duty in
Washington , having for several years occu
pied the post of adjutant general of the De
partment of the 'Host ' , with headquarters on
Governor's island. Colonel Corbln Is n per
sonal friend of the president , who. In op-
pointing that ofllccr to the adjutant general
ship , bestows upon him the highest military
honor in his gift. Ills appointment has the
approval of nearly every public man In
Washington. Colonel Corbln's appointment Is
made possible by the retirement of Adjutant
General Samuel Dreck , who hns held the of-
flco only since last September , having been
appointed to succeed Brigadier General
George L. Rugglcs.
The commissary general nnd the quarter
master general of the army will both retire
within a few days of each other Brigadier
General William H. Boll , commissary gen-
oral. January 28 , and Brigadier General G.
H. Weeks on February 3. The president will
not observe nny rules of seniority In making
the appointments of their successors. Colonel
Samuel T Cushlng , whom he has decided to
make commissary general , ranks fifth unman
the ofllccrs of his corps , and Colonel Marshall
udlngton , whom ho will appoint quarteriuas-
: cr general , ranking ninth. on1 A iu < ; ninn OP CATTMI.
\Vt < Htirii Union lloc'f Company
Ollt Of llllNllll'NH.
FORT WORTH , Tex. , Jan. 10. The West
ern Union Beef corrpany has Just sold 8,000
steers off Its west Texas ranch to Clinton
Anderson of Nebraska. The consideration Is
ld to bo $175.000. The AVestern Union com
pany is disposing ot all its stock and prop
erty located In Texas , Colorado , Now Mexico
itid Montana , and will retire from business.
t is the largest cattle company In the
United States ,
Di'iitliN of n llii } .
WASHINGTON , Jan. 10. Colonel Joseph
II. Carr , a clerk In the pension office , died
liero yesterday. At the ago of 18 ho ewlistcd
In the Fourth Ohio volunteer Infantry on
April 1C , 1SG1 , und served throughout 'tho '
war , rising successively to the rank of
colonel of the Ono Hundred and Sixty-ninth
ilo volunteer Infantry. Ho participated In
the l > : i ttio of Winchester. Antietam. Caan-
cellowllle , Gcttsburg , the Wilderness and
the battles about Richmond.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. 10. Count Dclls-
neff , the minister of publts Instruction , Is
dead ,
LYNN , Mass. , Jan. 10. Seth D. Trlpp ,
whose Inventions revolutionized shoo man
ufacturing , Is dead In this city , aged 72
GENEVA , Neb. , Jan. 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Charles H. Dassett , an old settler and
respected citizen of this city , died very sud
denly in Fairmont about nocn today of
apoplexy , Mr. H-iMctt left his homo this
naming seemingly in good health to drive
ute Weat Blue precinct , where iio was bulld-
ng a barn. Ho waa an old soldier , a member
if Iho post and Knights of Pythias lodge
i ere.
WASHINGTON , Jon. 10. United States
Minister Powell at Seoul , Corea , has
reported to the State department by cable
hat the mother of the emperor ot Corea
lied yesterday at the capital ,
BOONE , la. , Jan. 10. ( Special Telegram.
lira. Curtis Illnman , living near Pilot
ilound , died of heart disease this morning
thllo sitting In a chair. She , was one ot the
oldest residents of the county and for many
yearn a teacher In the county schools.
It U easy to catch a cold and just as easy
o gat rid of It If you commence early to
usa Quo Mlnuto Cough Cure. It cures
oughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia and all
broat and lung troubles. It Is pleasant to
akc , safe to use aad euro to cure.
I. . YD
Arrangements for trra "Bummer Business
I < nrnlKen < * nnil the TrnnHiinrtntlon
-tin mi nor DIxctiKN tillMuttcri of n.
Joint . \Krlit" dRil Siniill
A meeting of the j-qjirescntntlves of the
locnl rallwi > s was held In the office of Man-
eger llabcock of tho'trrthsportntlon depart
ment of the exposition Vhls morning to tlh-
cuss the matter of the appointment of a Joint
agent nt the exposition grounds to handle
freight shipments from the .various roads.
After a desultory discussion of the subject
notion on the joint nptnt matter was deferred
to n ( jubscqucnt meeting , to ho cnllcd by
Manager Dabcock.
A resolution was adopted declaring It to
bo the sense of the meeting that the expo-
sltlon management should formulate n plan
for transferring freight to the exposition
grounds which Is received at the local depots
In less than carload lots.
Those participating In the meeting weio
J. A. Kuhn of the Northwestern , Alleti 11.
Smith of the B. & M. , James Anderson of
the II. & M. , Ljman Sholes of the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. C. J Lane
of the Union IMclflc , J. 0 I'hllllppl of the
.Missouri Pacific. V. A. Nosh and the Mil
waukee nnd 0. II. Uonton of the Hock Island.
Conversation among the freight men after
the meeting adjourned developed the fact
that the conference had not been altogether
sweet harmony. The proposition to establish
a Joint agency at the exposition grounds
was brajched by General Aqcnt Kuhn of the
Northwestern , but It did not appear to meet
with general fax or. Mr. Kuhn said he sug
gested It because such an Institution had
rendered first-class service to the railroads
and to the shippers at the World'o Colum
bian Exposition. Ho read reports from the
gratlcman who acted as Joint agent there
regarding the work of the agency. Itas
In existence o\cr two years , and though the
Joint age-nt started In with one assistant he
wns soon compelled to run 'in olllco with
ninety-live assistants , so greatly did the work
Incrcarv Mr Kuhn had considerable ex
perience with the agency In 1S93 , and said
It would have been Impossible for the Chicago
cage railroads to handle the freight for the
World's fair had not such a scheme been
Some of the representatives of other lines
opposed the appointment of an agency , thcii
chief argument being that the freight ultu
atlon of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition \\.is
not at all the panic ns that found nt the
World's fair. On account of the opposltloi
drawn forth the proposition to establish a
Joint agency on the exposition grounds here
to look after the handling of less than car
load shipments between the terminals of the
different railroads and the exposition grounds
was withdrawn , at least for the present.
Then It was suggested that the .MIssour
Pacific , the railroad which practically con
trols the snitching to the exposition grounds
handle the transportation of all freight n
less than carload lots from the terminals
of the different lines to the exposition
grounds. This brought Assistant Genera
Freight nnd Pascenger Agent Phllllppt to his
feet with the statement that his line would
not handle any ehlpjnqiUs of freight to tht.
exposition grounds in ICHU than carload lots
This settled that proposition and the freight
men thought again. , , , ,
AB u certain way.outof the dlfilculty of
handling lees than carload shipment ! , from
the terminal * ; ofthe different Hiiro to the
exposition grounds H'was suggested that
ICM than carload shlrlnKTHs bo turned over to
some reliable firm for drayagc. This broughi
out objections from the representatives ol
some ofier llnce. In tb.e meanwhile there
was a llttlo coutroversj on the slue being
waged between the Cncci | Pacific urd the n
& M. Assistant General Agent Smith of the
latter line PAld that , ' 10 far ax his line WES
concerned luj responsibility ended when the
goods were delivered dt the terminal of the
read In this city. "Acslstant General Freight
Agent Lane o the Union Pi-cldc said this
was ull wrong , that the responsibility of the
line did not cna until the goods were de
livered at tbo exposition gates , and on thla
miestlen the rest of the freight assemblage
broke about even. The matter lu dispute
was not finally ecttlcd.
A prominent freight man eald after the
conference adjourned without accomplishing
anything : "It looks to me as though this
question of how shipments of lcs.3 tiian car
load lots should bo handled from the ter
minals of the lines to the exposition grounds
will be finally settled by the cx-pcsltlon under-
takkig the work itself. If the managers of
the exposition nro wise that Is Just what they
will do. They can take less than carload loti
and mike them up Into oarlcad lots , have
them shipped out to the exposition grounds
and charge double the cost of handling tiiu
car. In this way the exposition exchequer
would bo readily reimbursed without ecpccial
hardship to eny one. I have no doubt but
that from $ . " ,000 to $10,000 coulJ be added
to the exposition's exchequer In th's way.
This would certnlnly bo u better course to
purauo than to ruako any concession to any
ilrayugo firm for hauling less than carload
lots from the terminals of the lines to tlir
cxpcsltlca gatco. The drajago schema Is not
Impracticable , but I think the plan of faavlng
the Transportation department undertake the
work Is much better , and It would certainly
bo moio profitable to the exposition. The
only other way out of the difficulty is to Jiavo
the Missouri Pacific railroad handle the ship
ments leas than carloads , and that It refuses
to do. "
nusiMsi5 is coon.
KiiNt niul South Arc In- !
1INIIII1I.V Ill-Jit ) ' .
Willo the frelgnt trnfllc nt this season of
the > car Is always more , slack than dining
L'lo fall months , railroad men say that the
auslness Is holding upcry well. December
nnd the first part of January are consider
ably ahead of the corresponding periods of
1800 nnd 1897. There Is Homo grain being
ient eastward , and moro southward. There
is not a great deal of merchandise moving ,
ns the western merchants have long been
stocked with their winter goods , nnd have not
commences to mo\o their spring goods.
Transcontinental freight from west to cast
continues very good. The orange and lemon
shipments from California to Phlladelphli
and New York are beginning to get heavy ,
and the castbound movement of Asiatic
freight Is excellent. On Sunday night the
Union Pacific brought in from California n
special freight train of'thirteen big cars of
the Central Pacific. 'TJiey1 were loaded with
silk and tea from Cliltia and Japan , nnd were
destined for New York , 'On Saturday night
another special of clih.t'.carB , hound for New
York , six cara loadefl\vlth silk from Japan
nnd two cars of leij jp from California.
loth of these trains ) v.cra turned over to the
took Island railroad at Council UlufTs. The
Asiatic freight Is put inVough In fast tlmo ,
ho special trains b(1itg known as exprcss-
relghts. On both the Union Pacific and the
took Island the runulugJImo of these trains
vas about thirty-five jinnies an hour.
i\fiirxliin ItnU-H In IIMXI ,
AH the Iowa railroads yesterday an
nounced reduced rattv * of one and one-third
regular faro for the r uiJu jtrlp from all points
n the state of Iowa'for the following oc-
caslccis : Ion a Agricultural society , DCS
Molnes , January 10-lfj' ' ; National Guards' as-
tioclntlon , Deu Moinca , January 13-14 ; Iowa
State Veterans' association , DCS Molnes , Jan
uary 12-13 ; Hrlck and Tlio Makers' OEaocIa-
lon , DCS > } oincs , January 13-15 ; As-
ombly of state ofllccrs , Dra Molnes ,
January 11-12 ; Governor Sfiaw's In-
uguratlon , DCS Mo'cics , January 12-13 ; lena
onventtoi ) of Young ; Men's Christian UB-
oclatlon , Marshalltowii , February 17-20.
Union Depot CompiiHlloiio rvvilli.
The last sad rites over the remains of the
eceased Union Depot company were held In
ho I ) . & M. headquarters yesterday , rcp-
escntatlvrs of the I ) . & M , and Union Pacific
olug In attendance. There were no lloHera ,
nd the Interment was private. In reviewing
tie career of the deceased , President Klmball
nd Secretary Taylor called attention to the
tetrlbutlon of the property , according to the
terms of the wilt The prc-erty was dluJcJ
between the two surviving heirs , theInl.n
Pacific and the 11. & M r l roaJhit wan
not divided In this manner was unsuitable for
any material ttec , and was allowed to remali
beneath the earth s surface as a subterranean
monument to the deceased company Public
sentiment. It was thought , would bo agalns
the erection of any monument nto\o the
ground. Resides the reading of the terms o
the will and the report showing that Its pro
visions had been faithfully executed , nothing
of Interest transpired at the meeting. There
will bo no further services In commemoration
of the deceased corporation , which failed In
the only act It ever undertook.
oi.n MM ) TO nt : iiuco. : > sTMfCTii >
Denver A. ( inir Wlnticil lo Ho Kntlrcl )
DENVER , Colo. , Jan. 10. In order to sc
euro entire Independence from the Union Pa
cific system the management ot the Unlot
Pacific , Denver & Gulf railroad Jws decided to
relay the track between Fort Collins am
Chojenno that wus torn up by the old Union
Pacific management whui In control ot the
Clulf road , and thus connect tie ! Wjomlng
division with the Colorado lines.
rive or six miles of track will alee bo
built between Oreeley and Lu Salle to con
nect the Julceburg branch with the remainder
of the system. In tdU manner the mtlre
trackage cf the road will be brought Into
cuintiMiou anj Cult trains will not bo com
pelled to pass over any portion of the Uuloi
Pacific lines. (
When the Gulf Is reorganized It Is under
stood trut extensive branches reaching from
the Cheyenne Northern will be made InVjo -
> Mn\i > \\lNfOiiNln Central \f-
fnlrn IN Not l.'nilerstiuiil.
NEW YORK , Jan. 10. George Coppell
chairman of the AVIsccraln Control reorgan
ization committee , referring to the Incorpora
tion at Milwaukee ot the New Wisconsin Cen
tral Railway company , said : "I really know
r.othlng about It. .Anjbody . lias a right to
Incorporate a. company. 1 do not know what
the object of this cyi be. The flr t mortgage
honJa are still on depCHlt with the United
States Trusi company to the order of the
committee , which hns dene all It could to
get a foreclosure of the road. It Is getting
up a plan of reorganization. The deliy In
execution has been uua\oldablo. The commlt-
tco has been hard at woik and has boon
light along looking after the bondholders' In
terests. Mr. Abbott and all other Interests
concerned are now working lo harmony with
us. "
To All ViiicnrnntM" | < lie llnH HOCMM-
crecl UN I < NIIH | Health.
SAN ANTONIO , TexJan. . 10. E\-Presl-
dcnt S. H , II. Clark of the Union Pacific is
steadily Improving In hca'th ' With his
family , who Joined Mr. Clr.rk last week , ho
is stopping at the Monger hotel , and Is ap
parently well.
'Will ' i\lliMlle ( Mode Mlli'nieills.
Regarding the complaints of stockmen
based en the slow tlmo made by the Ne
braska railroads In handling the stock to
the South Omaha market a railroad man
admitted tltat there Is much fairness In the
complaints Nearly c\cry railroad In the
state has been giving the stockmen the
woivt of It In the matter of train ser\lce ,
and It Is altogether probable that the pub
licity given to the complaints made at South
Omaha will result In some remedy.
H Is said on good authority the Union
Pacific Is at present contemplating putting
on another stock train on the second dis
trict , from Grand Island to North Platte. In
order to Improve Its ll\o stock tialn senica
An Investigation Into the dclajs of stock
was made recently and It woo dlsco\ered
that this was what was most needed. Tin-
railroad officials concede that eighteen miles
in eight hours as wns the csrae In one In
stance recently repoited. Is lardlj fair tlmo
even for shipments of stock.
CliniiKe' In llomeHceUer Htift'H.
The question of rates for homcseekers1 ex
cursions has been settled , at least for the
ptotent. A resolution has been adopted by
the roads In the Western Passenger associa
tion to the effect that no homescckers' ex
cursion rates will hereafter apply from
Chicago to points -nest of the Mississippi
river. It Is said the object for the adoption
of this resolution Is to prevent the Chicago
ticket brokers from handling this class of
cheap tickets.
While the homcsepkcrs' excursion tickets
will not bo sold In Chicago they will con-
tlnuo to be on sale at points Just outside
of Chicago , and all other points In Illinois ,
Io\\a and other states east of the Western
Passenger association's territory. The next
date for the homeseekers' excursions will bo
on Jannuary 18. On that date the reduced
rates from Chrlcago to Omaha and Council
Bluffs that were announced for January 1 ,
the date of the first homeseekers' excursion
this year , will not apply.
1'reslilcMit llnrt'N I'liinx.
The paity of President Hurt of the Union
Pacific Is expected in Omaha the latter part
of this week. Saturday and Sunday were
spent in Salt Lake City. While In the latter
city President IJurt told a reporter that ho
had no thought of making any official
changes , that all the oniclals of the Union
Pacific were competent and reliable men ,
and that It waa entirely premature to talk
atout any changes. It Is understood that on
their return from the west President Hurt
end Vice President Mink will go on to the
city of New York to attend the first meeting
of the new directory of the Union Pacific.
If there nro to bo any changes In the official
family In the near future railroaders look for
them to be announced soon after this meet
Nli Out of the "Low .Tolnls. "
The Wabash railroad jestcrday pulled
out of the Local Passenger association of
Omaha and Council Bluffs. It will bo suc
ceeded in the association by the Port Arthur
Route. In a letter to the association George
Clayton , notthwcbtern passenger agent of
the Wabash , says that as the Wabaeh no
longer controls the Omaha & St. Louis rail
road , there Is no longev a necessity for the
ictircscntatlon of that road In the local as
Tlio Wabash has been ono of the "low
Joints" ever alnco that Institution sprang
Into existence. Its withdrawal will make no
material difference In the composition of the
association as It will bo succeeded hy the
Port Aithur Route , to bo represented by
Harry E. Moores , tlty passenger and ticket
agent ,
I'licUliif ; lluiiNtItnifH Cut.
Southwestern rates on shipments of parlc-
ng house products were subjected to another
cut yesterday , but as the rates through
all the western country were changed on the
same basis , there Is but llttlo advantage to
the pat-king houses here. Ttio rate on packIng -
Ing house products from hero to Houston and
Galvcatcn that will bo In effect on nnd after
January 11 IB d cents per 100 pounds IP.
carload tjlilpmcmts , This Is a reduction of C
cents ror 100 pounds. The new tate from
Kaunas City , on which other transmlssiurl
atcs are based , to Houston and Galvcston
s -1C cents.
; OKcr to \VIIIiiIrnnii. .
NEW YORK , Jan. 10. Kuhn , Loeb &
Co. , announced today to holders of C per
cent first mortgage bonds of the Oregon
Hallway & Navigation company , maturing
In 1905 , that the offer heretofore made for
the refundlnir of the above bends Into 4 per
cent consolidated mortgage bonds , maturing
in 1947 , will -withdrawn on February 1
Until then the conversion can he effected
upon a bafilo of $1,210 lo I per cent bonds for
$1,000 In C per cent bonds , with an adjust
ment of the accrued Interest. It It ) stated
that a larger i irt of the C per cent bonda
iavo already been refunded.
'Mr. riurU'M Ilenltli.
Information at Union Pacific headquarters
jcsterday did not confirm the report that
3. H. II. CJirlc's health was any worse than
t has been for some tlmo past. It waa said
that Mrs. Clark and thulr son , Hoxle , had
contemplated going to Han Antonio to Jnln
Mr. Clark there for eomo time.
\ortliueHtern ItuteH ( iellliiK.Settleil. .
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. Passenger rates be
tween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul
Are now In a better condition than they huvo
been tor a lonf time. A careful lust of the
market h s Vrn m tl < > liy the chairman of
the \\cdtcrn Pauenger ossxUtlon nnd U
haj resulted In the finding In Iho o flier *
ot the brokers but two tLkets Issued at
cut rates an I both of these wereoor thf
same road. This is Iho bvt showing that the
ChKaitSt ; Paul roads ha\o been able to
mtko ItisUlo of three jears ,
nn lloinciicelivf * ' I'\cMr lon .
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. All of the votes of
the Interested roads IHUO 'been ' recorded In
favor of the agreement regarding home-
seekers' excursions reached last week hy
the western roads. Hereafter during the
months of January nnd February none of
these excursions will bo tun Into the terri
tory of the Western Passenger assochtlon
west ot the Mississippi river or north of
the line ot the Missouri. By many ot the
roids this agreement Is lookexl upon as the
entering wedge that Is to fully enable
them to do away with thtvo excursions alto
I , iinn nnil Mitirt limit Sntpemleil.
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. The Interstate Com-
mcrco commission has notified Chairman
Caldwcll of the Western Passenger associa
tion of the suspension for ono joar of the
long nnd short haul clause ot the Itw re
garding ratro Into the Kootcnal district of
British Columbia. The western rends nskexl
the suspension of the clnuro on this busi
ness In order that they might meet the ic-
duecd rates made by the Canadian Pacific
Into the eamo territory.
llonilxre lluloKl )
NEW YORK , Jan. 10. Subscription books
for the $1 500,000 first mortage 3 per cent
gold bonds of the St. Louis & Snn Francisco
Railway compaio's southwestern dhlslon
were formally opened at the olllco of Red
mend , Kcrr & Co. , today , but were
Immediately closed , the bonds ha\lng already
been heavily oversubscribed. Subscriptions
theci offered were declined. The bonds were
a offered In Boston whcro a similar pro-
cceJuro was 'found ' necessary.
lllliiolH Central lloc'eliit" .
CHICAGO , Jan. 10 The gross receipts of
the Illinois Central railroad for the month of
December were $2E5.r > ,303 , an estimated In
crease of $ IGS.S17 o\cr the same month of
ISOfi. For the fl\e months ended No-
\cmbcr 30 , the excess ot receipts from
traffic o\er operating expenses and taxes
were $3C97,91S , nn Increase o\cr the excess
of the corresponding months of 1SOG of
$955 , 2. ! I.
t'liiiiullnii I'aelllr
MONTREAL , Jan. 10 Canadian Pacific
inllway earnings for the week ending Jan
uary 7 wore $101,000 ; for the simo period
last , $302,000 ; Increase , $99,000
llntl n > Notes mill 1'ornoiinlN.
W. K .Morloy has resigned os superintend
ent of the bouKicTn dlUslon of the Kansas
City , Plttsbuig & Gulf.
J. II. Morris has been appointed city pas
senger nail ticket agent of the Kansas City.
Pittsburg & Gulf at Kansas City , Mo.
II. S. Ray , local agent of the Rock Island
at Wichita , Kas. , has been nppolutcd ti axel-
Ing passenger agent ot tunt road , with head
quarters at Plttsburg , Pa.
General Solicitor Mnndccson ot the B. it M
hab returned from the St Paul conference
ot railway olllclals , the object of which wns
explained Ui Saturdnj's Issue of The Bee.
John Proctor , n switchman In the em
ploy of the Northwestern , Is at a hospital
In Council Bluffs with a fractured leg. Hu
was hurt nt Missouri Valley on Saturday.
The Rock Island hns made arrangements
lor the joint use of the tracks of the Kansas
City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs between
Atchison , Kas , and St.- Joseph , Mo Its o\ui
tiacKs were washed out by the floods of 1S9I
C. A. Bedford , n passenger on the cast-
bound " 0\erland Limited" train of the Union
Pacific , died on the train at Sherman Sun
day. Consumption was the cnuso of his
death The deceased was accompnnlcd by
his wife.
D P. Ilunl , agent of the Red line , has
just Issued nn atti active circular , giving the
tlmo on freight from Boston. Now York
and Phlladclnhii to Omnha. nnd the rates
on all classes of freight to points In Iowa
and Nebraska.
Traveling Passenger Agent Carter of the
Union Pacific Is In at headquarters
from Sioux City. He says that during the
fall and so far this winter there has been
moro California tra\el out of his territory
than for .several seasons past.
W. K McParlln , superintendent of main
tenance and construction of the Rock Island ,
denies that thcro is any tiuth In the report
recently bent out from lena to the effect that
the Rock Island was making sunojs for a
Ine from Wlotcrset to Greenfield , la.
William D. Banborn general agent of the
Burlington at San Francisco , Is in the city
today. He icports considerable activity all
nlong the coast in fitting out parties for the
Klondike country , and thinks San Francisco
is bound to get its shnro of this business.
T. J. Andurbon , whose resignation ns assist
ant general passenger agent of the Rock
Island at Topeka , Kas. , was announced rec
ently , bus declined the position of local
freight agent of the road at Tcpeka , which
was tendered , and will rctlru Irom the service
of the road.
The Oregon Railroad and Navigation com
pany has opened an Industrial department
, \lth a view to de\eloping the country ad-
acent to Its lines in Oregon , Washington and
Idaho. The experiment of raising cotton and
tobacco In Eastern Oregon and Eastern Wash
ington will ho tried ,
W. N. Day Is appointed division freight and
esenger agent of the Sioux City & Dakota
cmls'on of the Milwaukee , with headquarters
at Sioux City , la. , to succeed Mr. P. W.
Boltz , teslgncd. In addition to his duties as
station agent , C. N. Curtis Is appointed com-
nerclal ngent of the Milwaukee at Sioux City ,
Omaha freight men were glad to learn
of the promotion of L , Brlggs , foimerly sta
tioned hero , as western agent of the Nickel
Plato railroad. Mr. Brlggs has Just been
made assistant general manager of the
Traders' Dispatch line , with headquarters at
Buffalo. Ho wns located hero four years
with the Nickel Plate , and slnco then has
been commercial agent for the same line
In Chicago.
The old heavy coupling bar that has for
merly rested upon the cowcatcher of engines
Is being done away with on a number of
western lines. On the now engines the cow
catcher Is a short affair , and reaching out
over this and cicarly even with Its point m
a rigid coupler. The engine can thus bo
coupled on to any car without the use of < i
jar. The new device la-being put upon all
engines as fast ns they go Into the shop.
The dntcs of the foreclosure- sales , the up
set prices , etc. , of the lines composing the
( OnEas Pacific railway , areas follows-
Upset Deposit
Mortgage. price , ruiulr'il
Gov. Bill ) . , Fob , in , Topeka. } 2r > 00,0'r ) JMO.COO
KilBt dlv. , Koli 17 Topekn . 4r,00onO MO.COO
Mid. dlv. Fel ) . 18. Snlinil . H.-'IOOOOO 200,000
Consolld'd , Feb. 10 , Topekn . 8.0 0 000 rx/)00fl
Den. P , Is , Feb. 21 , Denver i.OOMO' ) COO.OOO
In Ills annual report for the year 1897 the
-aiiroad commtaslcncr of Ohio recommends
ho moro thorough blocking of frogs on 1
SHItches for the protection of employes , nnd
nil the railroad jards In the state are being
nspected with a vlow to enforcing corrollanco
\ltli the law In this matter. On the subject
of Blade erosslngs the commissioner eajs thai
hey are very dangerous to llfo and property
and ho recommends that the legislature I.OPS
n law t/iohlhltliii ; any moro reads-crossing at
grade ,
The Incorporation of the Utah Eastern In
Jtah appears to Indicate th&t the Rio Grnndo
Vestcrn contemplate extending the recently
ncqulred Utah Ccuteal from Patk City Utah ,
cast to the Colorado state line , about 175
nlles. The Utah Central was Incorporated
To Any Reliable Man.
Marreloul nppllnnce and ono month's remedlei
ol rare jiumrwUI bu < e t on trial , without any
adtwic * iKiymoif. t > 7 ttio foremen company la the
world In I bo tronlnitnl u ! ui u wo.A , broken , du.
cou railed from effects ot UICOIIGI , vorrr , or r.
work , Ac. HappT iaurrt g recureil , complete re -
turatluno dovolopinentof ill rnbun condltloni ,
1'bo tlaio of tlilt offer I * limited. Nn O. 6. U ,
In 1890 , nfl iic ecpiM lo Itio rlRhtu nnfl
ihltrs of Iho Utah Western itnil Salt Ixik
A Knstern. It extends from Poll Lake 1
IMrk Clly , thirty-two miles , nnd lias been In/
Iho bands of a receiver olnco November , 1SM.4
Tlio original charter provided for A I lee across/
fifth to the Colorado tntc line , nml In tht/
reorganization In the Intercuts of tlio Rlof
Oranilo Wwtcrn two charters wore secured *
one for the completed portion ot the ronJJ
and Another for the extension.
Ton Milch < \ \ Ino nnil Women.
SIS I.OUIS , Jnn , lO.-Kroit JentKf.f ,
charged with the embezzlement of fo.TCO
tfbm the Moon Drothers Cnrrlngo comrnny ,
\\lillo In their employ n < i confltletitlnl book *
keeper nnd cnohler tn'o years I\KO , hns been
nrrrMeil Tlio prisoner nilmltq hli Kiillt nnd
snjs he It Bind tlmt lie hns been cnpturciV
ns llfo hnt lircn n burden to him ilurfiiR tluf
past two ) cnri. wine nnd women , ho say. * , ,
were the cause of hi * ilownfnll.
roiiia.\sr : icon TOIIIVS WKATHKIU
Tin-re Mi ! llo l.lKlit IIIMV , lth llrml-
fflj \\linli.
WASlltNOTON , Jnn. 10. Vorecn-U tor
Tuesday :
Kor Nebraska nnd lown l.ltrht snow ;
easterly wind *
For South Dakota Light snow ; wnriner ;
southerly wind * .
Tor Missouri ntltt Knt'nns Light rains ;
east winds.
Kor AVyoinliiK l.lRht snow ; prolnbly f.ilR
Tuesday nfternoou ; variable winds.
OMAHA , Jan. 10. Omahn lecord of rnlnfalb
and tcmpernturn compared with the corresponding
spending day of the l.ust throe ye.xrs :
Ma\lmum tcmpeintuio . . .11 .It ) < a
Minimum tumperatuio . . . " ' ! 21 31
Average tempcraturo . . . . "S SO 4S . T .00 00
Heconl of tcmperatmo nnd precipitation
nt Otnnh.i for tills day and since March 1 ,
197 :
Normal for the day . . . . . . . . 20
Uxcess for the day . S
A ecu mulu it'll oceM > < ltict % Mm eh 1 . 41'
Normal r.ilnfnll for the day . 02 Inch
Deficiency for the day . 02 Inch
Total inlnfnll slnoo Mutch 1 . 19 so lnctu"
Deficiency slnco Mureli 1 . 10.GS Inchest
U \co i lor cor. period , 1st" . -I..M Inchc1 *
Dcllclcney for cor. period. 1W ! . . . . 11.23 Uichea
' < from Mutton * ill S p , ill , ,
ScvciitylUlli meridian time.
T Imllcutm tra c of imclpltntlnn.
L. A WUI..SII , Lucnl rorecnat Olllclal.
Instant rcliof for skin-tortured babies nnil
rest for tired mothers in n waim bull with
Ct'Tirt ttv SoAl1 , anil a single application ot
CmeutA ( ointment ) , the front sKlu cure.
The o.ily speedy n'ltl economical treatment
for Itching , burning , bleeding , scab , nnd
pimply humors of the skin , eenlp , nnil Mood.
Ii unit thrnuglniit ttioworl !
Cj * * ' How to euro J tiry llal > ) lltnuur , mUv > l free
BABY BLEftliSHES ct'ffi'il'v1 ' [ l'Tr."r ' ,
And Surgical Institute
1000 Dodso St. , Omaha , Neb
Chronic , Nervous anil Private Diseases
nnd nil WKAKNCSS
ft EN
Olid IIHOIiliiibof :
HYDUOOHLKaml VAIUCOCntifi | iu.iimii3ntly ni
succcHBfiillv c-iiriMl lii uv cry onto.
IIUJOl ) AND SKIN DlHu ihi'H. Sere SpotH. I'lin
fH , Soroful.i TiimnrH. Totter. KCVIMII.I unit Illooit
PolHon tlioimmhh-c.U'.umi u from tlioHjHtom.
NIIKVOUS IJublllly. fepcmititorrlio i , Soinlnil
Louses , Nlclit lIiiilhHloim , LOSH of Vital Towers
pLMHMiiuntly and HiHulllv curril.
( Vitality Wr.ik ) , made no by too clOHO application
to biiHlni'Hs or Hliiilj : HOVITO incnfil Htniln of
rrk f , bnxiTAL KXCKSSl'.S In inlilillu lift ) or from
tlioeircctHof voulhful follies. Callur wrlto lliotu
today. Uoxl77. !
Omaha Medical andSurgical Institute
Cfftnnlnff. ririt Wccl flcoond Week.
Instant Relief. Ctiro In 11 rlnys. Never returns L
1 w III Klacllv Honil to nny eunYrer In plain F < nlLdl
Mm-lopo I'HKU n ( inscription with full dlrec-l
I'1 ' f r uiiulck. private euro fur Lent Manlinoil.fl
JjlKjit I.OBIUK. Nrrvnui Dililllty. r-jnnll WcnkL
I'nrli.ViirlroicliMlr. n. | | . U'rlulu. Munlcl
iVnii-r. < n I HUH. Mnmlinll. Mlrh.
Vi'a will tend ran n Ovo IS ) ilnjr trial
treatment ol ttio i renclj * Itemedr
CALTHOG fru , ( u i.O. U. ) end
a ieiial guarantee that t'ALTHOH Hill
hTOI * IHtehararM unl Knttttloni ,
CUIU'Kp , rmrturrlii-a.Vttrleuccle *
and Jtl.HTOHU jK ) t V laar.
Q Itconts you nnllilng to try It.
VonMohlCO. EOI D lelm.rlr .itl."l" H.O.
IXl > JVenou DUeaie * Fulling Mum *
ory , Impotency , Kloopln inCMia , etc . onaaml
br Abuno or other I'.icocson ancl Indlr-
crotlana , Unru nuMlu anU itirrlir
roitoro Loist Vitality In old or yonnn. und
lit n man for etudj , Imdncwior niarriaga ,
, _ . . . jil'revnnt Innunlty und ( lonuumiitlon If
tuknn fiiJUna. Hiolrute nhows Immediate ImproTo-
inentnnil ollecU n CUItl' wlioro oil other fall In.
} Ut upon liarlna tl > Konulno AJa * IrtilotB , They
iiaTOcuroathoaHaDdaan < \rlllourcyou. l . VVottlvoapou *
Itlvo written KUironlno to oltcctu euro Cfl nTO la
eachcaeoor refund tlio inonor. 1'rlcoDvl U I Oiper
rackaKoi or nil i > kcnn ( full trootmontl for t2II /
mall. In plnln vrapper. tuion rocrlnt of t rlr/i. ( Iron I or
For enle in Oinulm oy jamej Foriytti , 101
lOtli itreet.
Kutm & Co. . Utti and UouBlas Btreet * .
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Private Diseases
Hike > M llUordir r i
SO Year I5ri > orienca
10 Yonru lu Umaha.
Boob I'roo. Con nlta
tlonFreo. UoxTM.ol
Hth and raroam BU.
V > 1IUU ( or unnaturil
dltcharBti , InflktnruatloaiJ
IrrlUtlCDi or ulcfrtlboj
( muooui tuenibraoM.
Ft'altti , nJ not aitrlx
R ld bjr UraffUtm , \
01 itnt lo l ln ffMr.
br xpitti , priptld , ( * J
JT.W , or I belllM , U.t . ,
Qjcfcyj WAl 4A tt&t-MH