Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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tnko nny employment , professionally or oth
erwise , tlmt will bringme In nny way in
contact with , or Into tlio presence of , HIP
person who U now fxrrclIHK' the olllce of
Kovcrnor of Olilo , Yotiri very truly ,
Colonel T C. Campbell , Jerry I' 1)1 ) tea .and
olliew opposing Henna arrived with Repre
sentative Jonn C , Otis from Cincinnati to *
night. Several thousand words of "niatlonal
matter wai noon after given out ta mcmbcrn
( it the press about the offers of bribery to
llcprwientatlvo Otic. It was prepared by
Colonel Campbell and makes two pages In a
late cxttn edition that was gotten out In the
nltfu by the Kvenlng I'resj , the organ of the
mitl-JI'inna coalition
imiUEUY IS AU-nafiD.
A summary of the long story , according to
Colonel Campbell's statement , la that Henry
51 Bojco of New York , and formerly of Los
Angclc'i , Cal , called on Colonel Campbell hit
I'tiilay at the lattcr'o otllcc In Clnclnr.atl cud
offered Campbell $1,000 of a fco to get Rep
resentative Otis to vote for Il'inno. Campbell
nt.l Otis had frequent meetings with Uojco ,
who armimcd to be leprcscnttni ; J I'lerpjit
Morgan and olhern who have Interests that
might bo affected by legislation In Washing
ton Colonel Ojmpbell uml UcptcBon'atlvo
Otli aay they determined to glvo Dojce all
the latitude lie wanted and act a trap to
catch him
Hollcnbecfl , who wo Mid to bo tie ! middleman -
man , was also laktti Into their counfel , ac
cording to the atJlenierits Campbell and
Otla cay the money vvus produced and that
they are hohl'ng It In trust , ind that a ntate-
mcnt accordingly will bo made In the house
Kollowl'ig the publication of this statement
tonight the following was given out from
tno Ianna ! headquarters :
The charge tint Hepresentatlvo Otis h is
liecn offered a bribe by u representative of
Senator Hnmm 1-4 denounced nt Senator
Hanni's headriunrtc-rs in not only fal ° o In
ivory piitlculir , but characteristic of the
( inipilgii of trirkH and treachery thut
ICurtz , Mycii nnd tbclr associates hiuc
cjirltd on ever Blnco the senatorial qucs-
tlon cnmp up.
It linn been known to the republlc-in min-
aRois foi a considerable time that tlili
MaRe phi } ' for effect MIH contemplated It
IH known pcs'tlvely Hut Alton O. .Myers
BTltl hevoril dijs ago that IIP expected
to see ponio mi mbor rlso In liH pla-e on
tind.iy nf the llr-tt nonttorlnl ballot nnil
produce $ * 000 or $10,00o which he would ny
Itad boon Blven him as .1 bribe to vote foi
Senator Ilanna.
Tint si iti-mpnt was made a 'vcek or more
IIRO , but It Is now asserted that the propo
sition upon which It ! Intended to build
thlt HtiiRi * effect was made to Uoprescntn-
the Otis only thrco dos since. The fact
Unit thp announcement of .1 progiiin of
this soil vvii j mndelonij bcfcro tin1 d i >
on which It 14 now chained fir Incident
took place bbows cle irlv the whole
story Is a pri trr-ingc-ii one .ind slmplv
n imifu'tiired bj Mjors nnd his associate ! ,
foi effect.
There Is not , sajs Mi Honna' friends nnd
managers , one nlnglo word of truth or
( ihadow of truth In these atatcmonta , and the
fact that an announcement was made many
davs ago that a plan of this kind wan In
contemplation nnd that the recent visit of
Mr llollcnbcck to Cincinnati was simply
ficl/ed upon as a vohlrlo for bringing to thu
front tholi sensational charges , shows the
tianaparrnt and purely delicious character
of the story with which they are gulling the
It Is also known tint a New York news
paper which has fought Mr. Hanna viciously
from the time that ho assumed chaige of
the national campaign In 1S9G dispatched a
mvstcrlcus mcsseiiBer to Ohio recently with
laigo sums of money , and It is not Improb
able that numerous other bribery fakes will
bo sprung upon the public from day to day
In the effort to play to a finish the despeiato
game begun months ago
The fact that Mr IJllss.lio specifically
clnrgcs Mr Hollenbeck with offering money
to Mr. Otis , sajs that n forged telegram from
Ohio to the president WSLQ given as an as-
Miianco tlnt'otls had changed front , shows
the * sort of work that these man who an * ,
now giving this story to the public admit
thcmsalvcs to ho capable , of performing. Mr.
Ilffiin&'s friends hold In their hands absolute
evidence tbnt otters of bribes were madeto
icpubllcans by men coming direct from Hllss
nnd KuiU. and know the value of them too
well to bo forced to show their hand before
thoj are read } to imko useof them
Ilefnrdlns Colonel Campbell's statement
t'.nt one Henry H Uovco 1-td vUlted him ,
vrofcsslng to come from. J. I'lupant Morgan
and ofierlng through him n bribe to Ilroic-
fientatlvo Otis , which story Is attempted to
bo sustained by piofesscd reports or long dls-
tcnco telephone ceinasaticas. Major Dick ,
with whom the professed convocations are
alleged to hive been hold , sas In the most
positive torma that lie docs not know Hoyco ,
never saw him , never had any Ions distance
telephone or ether conversation with him ,
cod lual tho- alleged rcpcrts of any such con-
\ersatl between him ami any person , either
Doyco or allone cls3 , is absolutely and un
qualifiedly falbu and without thu slightest
foundation In fact
Mr Hollcnbcck. about whoso visit to Cin
cinnati a vast amoLtit of mjstcry Is assumed
by the crlglrators of this fairy stcty , was
out of the city when the publication ir.ado its
appearance tonight , and could not be reached
by who , but a full denial as relates to him
self will be forthcoming os soon aa the state
ments reach him The a yosItion Insists that
llollcnbcck tins ( lo.l to escape arrest. Such
n statement Is published icgardiug Ilollen-
boclc , while nothing ( MM bo learned hero of
the vvhoicaboutR tonight of BOKO.
In the lioiito toda } a resolution was offered
toai.ieinl the fctato constitution so that
United States senatpra shall be elected by
the direct votoof the people The house ad
journed until 10 o'clork trmorrow morning
In thn scoato the Jlramley fifty-year fran
chise Mil was discussed nnd an attempt wza
made to piss It under a suspcralon of the
rules , but it was referred to a special com-
nilttco and made- the special order for 1
o'clock tomorrow , Just bpfoio thu balloting
for Hcnator begins In the bonce there was
an effort to limit nilm'.sislon ' to thp lobbies
and galleries by tickets , during the sen
atorial Ullot. but It was lest. Tim semlo
took a recess till 1 p m , when Lieutenant
Governor Jones and other state oHlcera
vvcru iiworn In.
Senator Hanna was seen at midnight and
nskeil with loforcnco to the published
< huiKCs regarding an alleged offer to Hepie-
BC. latlvo Otis Ho icplled "I deny having
authorized any agent or representative of
mliio to niako nny offer to Representative
Oth or any other member of the general
tissumbly , I never sent any man to Clncln-
rati to BCD Mr. Otis. I have never Known
o ; hcen Mi. Uoco In my life nnd have hud
no transactions with him. The whole story
la false from beginning to end. "
The caucus of the dumocratlc members of
the legislature at the Great Southern tonight
tcccbscd at ll.'tO till midnight to enable the
steeling committee to again confer with Ml
Kurtz. There wore absent from the caucus
on account of sickness Senator Jones of
\V8no county and Representative Cramci of
r.iuldlni , ' . The claims as to the number of
democrats who puiposcly remained away
Blood In n Torrlblo Condition and
All Run Down In Health Has Bo-
corno strong and Hoalthy.
"I\\na all run eloun , blood in terrible
condition anil I was troubled with a severe
eorofuloua humor vvliiuh caused mo great
Buffering , I took medicine for a long
time , but received no permanent benefit.
At this time I was working in u general
etoro , and I thought I would look over the
mediolnoj and ceo it I could 11 nil HOIIIO-
thlnjj that would hit my cace. I read an
advertisement of Hood'n Sarsaparlllu and
concluded to try It. The flret bottle
helped mo wonderfully and I continued
its use until I had taken nine bottles. By
this tlmo I felt like a man , and uinco
then have not been nick n day. I am now
Btroni ; and healthy and I htivo such cond-
' that I recommend
dance Jn flood's Sareaparilla
mend it na the beat medicine on earth. "
JpijN J. LITTLK , Munnavlllc , N. Y.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the boat-In fact tlio Ono True IHood lairlfler.
Prepared by 0. I. Hood & & > kowell , MM '
are Uio best alter-Utonor
PIllS pills , old illsestlun. 280.
ncro various , but the most accurate Informa
tion place * It at five. There were said to be
at least five democrats In the caucus who re
fused to vote for nnrone except a democrat
for senator , and effort * were centered In
brlnglnn lhs " > "ibeM Into line to vote for
a republican to defeat Senator Hanna , The
democrats who refused to vote for a repub
lican talk of casting their vote for John J.
Lentz , the present congressman from the
Columbus district ,
It Is said that at a conference of the steer-
Ins committee with Mr. Kurtz the latter
claimed ho could produce eight republicans
to vote against Mr. Hanna and that he had
two and probably three votes up his sleeve.
It was claimed affidavits were produced by
Mr Kurtz from the eight republicans , but
this wca denied oa good authority. The
prospects are that the caucus will last nil
night , though several of the democrats otated
If n conclusion of some sort was not reached
In a reasonable time they would retire.
UriHilillt-iin CVlnsN Coin ciitlon
iinnlxHMilli < ! " lliillrrx ,
COLUMUUS. O. , Jan 10 The mass rcpub.
Mean convention at the Auditorium In this
city this afternoon vvas the largest assem
blage ever known In the hlatory of the city
The Capacity of the Auditorium Is 5,000 All
the standing room vvas taken and many thou-
t-ands were unable to gain admittance The
meeting lasted from 3 to 6 p. m , , with un
broken enthusiasm and Intense Indignation
throughout Its proceedings There were ro-
riittnrt Fjnpnna nt liloalntr ivlinn iHln uniting of
Governor Ituahnell , Mr. Kurt ? and others
were mentioned , The terms "traitors , "
"Judas" and the like were frequently used
In rcsponseo from the audience. Several of
the speakers referred to Senator Forakcr In
connection with the revolution In the party.
The audience vvas In close nnd deep sym
pathy w Ith the Intoiipo and bitter -utterances
of most of the speakers. Tno Columbus
alee club , which refined to partlclpito In
the Inaugural ceremonies , contributed largely
to the enthnsli ) m of the occasion by Its
singing As Chairman Nash and Congrcns-
man Weaver came upon the platform the
Tlppocanoe club of Cleveland and the Ilusl-
fle.a Men's league of that city entered the
hall and there V.K.S . a. wild scene for some
As soon na order could bo icatered Judge
Nash addressed the audience as follows.
Tot the llrst time In the history of the re
publican party In this state you have been
c.illc b } } our c < orutivo committee to m ct
In mass < oiivention. This uxti.iordln.nv
acllDii on the pait of the committee fan
only be Justified bv thp existence of grave
djiiKCt. Such peril not only to } ou , but
even to populat Kovcrnment by the people ,
your committee conceived , vvas lurKIng In
the * loclslutlve balls In Columbus AH jour
sentinels , placed on dtit } b } you , vvo de-
ti'iinlne-d to lay the nltimtlon befaro } oti
mil ask } ou to take such action uj } ou
might dc'm vvl o
Last spring and summer the republican
count } and district conventions In Ohio
Instructed tholi nominee ? lor lopicspnt-
atlves nnd senators , If elected , to rjst the-lr
voUji In the eleetlon for t'nltoil State-i
senator for the nupeib Icider and Rcnoial
who planned nnd organized victory lor the
re publicans of Ohio and the nation In thr
vital cdinjulsn of IStd , Mucus A Hanna
This vvas tin1 oxertls" of a rlpht anil
privilege gunrantPed to the- people by our
constitution , vvhlth sa3. "The people have
u light to assemble together In u pjiceab'p
mannui , to consult for theli common K ° od
and to instruct their rpprespntallvs " In
Junn the n publican parly , b } Its dttl }
authorized agents , assembled In state con
vention at Toledo n.ide n covenant with
the puopl" tint l successful the republican : )
would leturn'Mr. } Ianm. to the fccnate.
IJurliiK th ( > cimpakn which followed nt
evtry ineetiiipr held evciy s > peaKcr , from
Governor Husbn ll down to the humble
spc-akor in the loff = chool house pledged
themsphps tint this covenant of the pait }
shou'd be ! : op' . O" th'H ' issjc. among others ,
the cinip.ilsn was conilurtod and th = people
retuined an ample majoilty cr icpulillcans
to tin pcneral nsscmblv.
All durinfj that utmpal&n certain mon
claiming- bp rrpubllc-ans fought our < m-
dlditcs for the le lslaturo under cover , from
undir the bushes They did net mike an
oppn , mini } light In thp llsht of div , nnd
.vlipre the people could "CL vvaat they v/pro
about This charge1 it amply ( proven fiom
the plpetlon returna on llle In the olllco of
thp spcrpt.iry of state1 However much WP
must dpspKo thp mrthoil" of thtbo m > n and
doubt their puty Ioaltv and loye cf tupub-
1'cau 'principle" , WP must concpclp that a
American el'IziMis the } had T iljht to vote
usalnst 0111 legKlatlvo candidate > . Hero thi >
contest s-ould bavo pndrd. ] 3ut It did not
Thp list r"tmns from the plpctlon had not
been received by the se men vvluii there was
disclosed the eO'tonce of i conspiracy v > ltli
our open and avcwpd enemlps to bring
Rhime upon the republican party , and to
lead its trusted and honored icpnspnt itlvcs
Into paths of dishonor. Ilehlnd bnrpd nnd
lockpd doois through vvhli'i no sound could
escape to alum the hcucst people , the }
sought to hive our gn it party , vvhlcn
through ii'l ' Its Kloilous history never d'd
.a dishonorable thiiifr , break Its faith
Fo'.emnlv pledged to the people of
Ohio. With the whispering and In-
Flnuatlnct v/lles of dishonest politicians they
tempted its representatives to disobey our
insliuc'tlons and dltrcirard the < nlll of thp
On Monday last they captured the outposts
of our citadel In organizing the senate and
hoii'o of leprpJPiitatlves of Ohio Then the
oxtPiit r.nd strength cf the ponspliacy first
dawned upon the people of Ohio. Thpn the
question was not whPther Mirk Hannti
hhould continue to bo a United States sena
tor. It vv is , was the honor nnd the Integrll }
of the republican party to be preserveil uti-
sulllod ? Itivns , shall the will of the people
be done ? In this emergency wo appealed to
you. A storm of Indignation ban bvvc'pt over
our wreat state and has culminated In this
meeting today. Itcpubllcans of Ohio , you
know now the situation. It la now for you
to deal with It as } our consciences may
Congressman Walter L. Weaver of Sprltic-
fleldthe homo of Governor Hushnell , was
then Introduced r.a chairman of the meeting
Ho made a most vigorous speech against
there whom ho accused with schemes for the
disruption of the party. The hissing of the
names of Rovernoi nushncll , Mi. Kurtz anJ
otheis that began -during the address of
Judge Nash reached a much higher pitch
dui Ins the addrecs of Congressman Weaver
At the conclusion of Mr Weavcr'i ? addicss
Congressmen Grosvenor , Corthway , Ilurtou
and Southaid and Judge Goblo of Cincinnati
were appointed a committee on resolution- *
While the committee on resolutions -was
out , Colonel Robert 'M. Xcvln of Da } ton
spoke. Colonel Ncvln hai , alwas been the
close personal and political friend pf Senator
Torakcr Mr. Kurtz , and others who are at
this tlmn opposing Die election of Senator
Hanna. His speech against the action cf
thosa whom ho charges with demorall/lng
nnd debauching the party caused the great
est demonstration of the afternoon. Almost
the entire audience rosev to Its fort , and
v , hllo standing on chairs , threw hats , hand
kerchiefs and other articles wildly about the
At the conclusion of this remarkable ad
dress , the resolutions wcro read by John
U. Malloy , who had. bee'ii defeated by the
boltcrn for clerk of the house. The resolu
tions were unanimously adopted as follows ,
by a rising vcte. and the most enthusiastic
demonstration of approval :
PLAN or msiGNiNa MIK.
This mast ) moctliiK of Ohio republicans
sends greetings to thfr people of the btatc
of Ohio ami declares that notwithstanding
the verdict of the people of this ntato In
favor of the republic-ail party and Its ean-
dldnte\s , expressed In the November elec
tion after it fall , full nnd uompre-henslvo
discussion of all the USUPH Involvc-d , It Is
now dlccfvcrod that n conspiracy , oiFtm-
Izcd and promoted outslito of the membcrn
of thu general aesembly , has been formed
to thwart that e'xprosaed will , Designing
men in the Htato of Ohio are mukliiK" micn-
tiou.i efforts , vvhlch vvo do not oare to
upei lallj eliui.icterlze , for the uccompllbh-
ment of the various purposes of thli ne-
fnilous Bcbpine ,
The cuiiHplrucycontumplatPfl and has forlts
ultimate purpose , transfer to thu democratic
party , without limitation , thu control of
the oiKanlziitlon of ths senate , and to tnko
ftom thu logulurly constltiiteel majority of
Iho house the control of Its oiganlzatlon ,
and to confer upon the democratic ! pirty
power to limit and olicumvpnt re-publican
le'Klslutlon , and thereby make possible such
lei.UIatlon as IH desired b } the parties to
the combination.
It contemplates the defeat of Hon. Mnr-
CUH A. Huiina , the ii'BUlaily nominated e-an-
dldatu of the rcpubllcnii party of the state
for pe'imtor of the United States , nnd U
cent mplatc.1 the sending- that body of
either a fre-o silver republican , pledged to
stand by the Interests and prlnclple-u of the
int-n who e-lect him , pr the election of n
democrat , or both.
The bchemu fui ther comprehends nnd proposes -
poses to reapporflon thu state for connrcs-
xlonnl purposes , to the end that an addl-
llonul number of democrat * ) may ba elected
to tin Flfty-tflxtli cony less and In thut
way deftsat the purpouon of the republican
party , which curried the country In 1MM
In favor of William McKlnloy for prt-bldent
and the sound money and proteullvu turlft
vlewa of the ere'at party to which wo be
Further than this , this scheme content.
plate * the rlpplnir up of the judicial dls-
trlrln of the stnle to the end thnt faithful
Judicial ofllcprA mny bo turned out nnd their
places Riven to democrats , nnd bills nre
now prepared for both the foregoing pur
And otlll further , we bplltne and charge
that thcro Is In contemplation such n
transfer of power through ItijlMntlon to
certain men connected with this conspiracy
thnt evil coti8CUPticeH | will accrue to the
p opl of the state.
Unconscious , as we would fain bcllove , of
the scope nnil far-reaching1 consequences or
their ncti , certain membeis of the legisla
ture elected by republicans nnd by icpub
item votes aml-plcdped to rppitbllcnu Inter
ests have bppn o far misled ns to Jain
In making1 possible the success of this con
spiracy tn far.
Now , for the purpo'cs of nrrestlnjr the
further prosrp of this baneful ccnsp'rncy
and to prevent Its complete nnd most Im
portant accomplishment , we appeal to every
republican member of the general nsse-m-
bly , to every republican of the state cf Oilo ,
and to evpry person Interested In the fair
name of Ohio , to use their Intluencc that
further progrc-ss may now bo checked nnd
Wn rceojrnlro Hint there U n distinction
between a im-mbpr of the legislature voting
against his part's nominee on the organi
zation of thnt body nnd voting against his
part's cuidldato for Unltexl Slates senator ,
vhloh was made by the people In their
primary capirlty und ratltied by them at
the polls.
The OIIP , n violation of partv duty , the
other involvcH n breach of highest trust
and a violation of the fundamental fpiln-
clples of our government , such ns has never
In the history of the republican party oc-
il Thnrn linvn Itpnn lintta from nnn&
torlal nominations made at caucuses , but
slncu the nomination of Abraham Lincoln
against Stephen A. Douglas , moro than
forty } eais ngo , by the i > ooplo of Illinois In
stnto convention , to that of Mnicus A.
Haiina by the icpubllcnns of Ohio , In Jtate-
convention In 1SD7 , there has abso
lutely not boon one. member of the legis
lature , bo It said to the glory of our common
country , who has refused to ratify a nomi
nation so made by the people
Thp member of the Ohio legislature
elected as a republican who this -week llrst
casts bis vote against ( Mr. Hnnna will have
the distinction of making the first exam
ple of such perfidy In bis party's , and we
be'llovo In his counlo's , history. The In-
fatnv of such a broach of trust , should It
occur , would thus lirst btuln tae fair name
of our beloved state.
WP fcpl Justified In appealing to all the
people' , without regard to pre-st-nt 01 past
paity alllllitloiu or svtnp ithios , to pt i } this
threuitpiicd llow. It would bp the sevencdt
over administered In civil aftilis against
our govpinmontal stom. It.vouhl e-onstl-
tute > n plain viol itlon of the sjilrlt If not the
letter of the Ohio constitution , which mem-
hprs of the Kcnenl assembly and st.itp o -
cl.ils hive taken a solemn o ita tosup
port. „
The bill of lights ( constitution , article. 1 ,
section 3) provides"T.ic people hive a
i lent tr. assemble togptbpr In a "penceablp
manner to consult for tliplr e'ommon good , "
and "to instruct thfli rtprpsriitatlvcs"
Thp ppoplo of Ohio , "ending republican
representatives to the Reneral us'ombl } ,
h IVP Instiuctcd them to vote for Sen tier
Htiina , not only from the state convention ,
but fiom illstilct and count } conventions ,
I ) } common tindei'landing , ml In e.vor }
form tiat lnstniPtlrns ore ever Riven. A
vote against , or to induce a violation of
such Instructions , Is u ciln" UK iln t out
Institutions ind subject to constitutional
limitations hould bo made a felony uiulei
our statutes Wo aio lottb to believe that
personal hate , ai'tual 01 fancied grlovances ,
or other motives cnn thus induce member ?
toIolato the fundamental law.
It Is iot alone- for Senator Hanna , nor
for or npnlnst any othei Imllvidu il , that
wo make this appeal to the- republic in
members of the gpneral assembly. It Is
not u qups-tion of persons It is not even
a < iue > st'on ' of turtles It ailse high abi-vp
boti and Involves the conservation of our
republic in = } 3tem of Rovcrnmont. The
simple , question Is. "Hh ill the people's lule
as the founders of our Rcveinmcnt be
ended' " When the people's agents cinnot
bo trusted to cxecutp their oxpre-shd will ,
that moment marks the dec idenco and fall
of our republic.
Al'l'K.VI. , TO nUSHNHhlA
Wo appeal to Governor lliisbiioll to o\eit
bis Influence now to stay this threatened
assault upon constitutional Rovernmcnt.
We , a his constituents , clintr to the hope
that hplll not fall to hoed the volco of
the party which twice elected him KOV-
prnor. the volco of the mlghtv people of
the state of Ohio , and t * e obligations of
ftood citizenship nnd good government , nil
ruprpsentatlon-i to the contraiv notwith
standing , and that IIP will dra v Hip line
of bib opposition to Mr Ilann i , by us
deeply regretted nnd unforeseen , at th' )
threatenpd bioich of high public trust.
Our faith In fit republicanism and Integ
rity of purpose , hither tofore entertained
and not now ubindoncd. Is such as to Jus
tify the hope that bo will In unmistakable
teims advise and use his influence In
every proper form against violating the in-
sti notions Riven by the people to their i ep-
rcsentatlvps. It Is true that be nas no vote
In the scloctlon of a xenatoi. He has no
vote on nny other matter subject to Ipgls-
latlvo co/ni/aiico. liecau o of that , aic we
to be told tint he cannot iproperlv express
his Judgment on so vital a matter as Is
now Involved7 We must reject the reports
that any supposo-d or actual person il Rrle'v-
ances or other considerations will swerve
him fiom this manifest path of dutv ,
Resolved. That WP condemn without rp-
srrvo or qualification this most unholy
conspiracy , and protest In the n ime of the
people of Ohio against Its further progress
Kcsolvcd That vvo call on eveiy repub
lican member of thp gpneial assembly to
bo In bis soil en Tuesday next and voice-
by act and vote to carry Into oxictitlon
the fulfillment of the obligation assumed
by him vt ben elected as stica member ;
and ,
Ilosolvcd , That wo will welcome most
cordially to full cooperationwith the re
publican members cf nald general ai-scm-
bly , however they may have voted or acted
thus far In relation to the subject matter
of this decliratlon.
Congressman Burton of Cleveland made
one of the most vigorous speeches of the
afternoon and presented a mammoth peti
tion with over 10,003 signatures from the
homo of Senator Hanna In favor of hlb elec
Among the other speakers were Congrcbs-
man Grosvenor , I ) . W. Aers of Marysvllle ,
W. W. I'cabody of Cincinnati , Congressman
S. A. Northway , U. K. Watson S. H. South
ard , J. Warren Kclfer. U. W. Talor , W. S.
Kerr and W. R. Wurnock. lion. James A.
Hot of Cleveland , ex-Governor I'oster of
1'cstorla , Hon. Hmmett Tompkliis of Colum
bus , made most vigorous speeches , after
which the meeting closed with three cheers
foi Hanna.
After the meeting1 Senator Hanna -was
boronaJcd at thu Nell and responded In sev
eral speeches.
Senator Hanna did not attend the masn
convention , nor the Inaugural exercises
caillci In the day. Ho was busily engaged
In conferences with his co-workcrx , and the
frequent calls for him by the visiting dele
gations were evidently an Interruption to
much moro Important matters at this time.
The senator was compelled to make many
speeches during the day and evening , and In
all his responses ho expressed tl'o fullest
confidence In the final outcome of the pend
ing contest.
Ohio Capital rnmilril vtldi Iliixlinrll
Sliiiiit > rx.
COLUMDUS , O. , Jam 10. This has been
the most exciting Inauguration day ever
known to Columbus , Long bcforo noon the
streets were thronged with cxctirslonlsta
from the country They poured In from
over ) direction. At nocu the- railroads es
timated tiat there had been 15,000 arrivals
during the ( My , The liikdmoll badges wcro
In the majority , as tno Ilanna cxcur.jlo-ilsu
were not booked to arrive till afternoon In
tlmo for the ir.aes convention. During the
forenoon the state house was surrounded by
crowds } olllng for Hushnell was
Impossible for the crowds to get' Inside
the capltol building , the governor VMS callcJ
out Into the grounds , where ho addressed
the multitude and received In review ono
delegation after another The first delega
tion to which the governor responded was
from hU homo at Springfield , and Included
hundreds of workmen from Ilushncll'ii shop ,
bearing written credentials of confidence In
These demonstrations continued until noon ,
wh' > n Governor Busbnoll was escorted to the
rotunda of the state house where the decora
tions In tloral designs and bunting wcro more
elaborate than over bcforo The members of
the supreme court , legislature and all other
ptato olllcvs were provided with reserved
seats and the crowds occupied all the space
In windows , gallcrle * and everywhere , while
the streets and state house grounds were
crowded with uhoutirs. A small percentage
nf them gained admission to the slate house ,
but when cheers were heard Inside the echo
wan taken up on the outside and the air was
filled with loud response.
Thu Nell haute U directly across High
street from the 'AC-st entrance to the State
house , and Senator Ilanua witnessed the fore.
r.oon scenes la thajcapltol grounds from his
rooms , but the demonstrations did not In
terfere with the scnatorUI skirmishing
During the forerjoon thorp were no cases
of violence report < n.i5lthouih ! noijo was loud
and continuous The- exercises In the ro-
lurda were aceordkiK to the usual program
The c-ith of office IVM administered by Chief
Justice Durmett , nhpwax re-elected on the
ticket last Novenjper.with Governor llush.
neil The governor was given an unusual
ovation when he MHrt1 aflpeared on the pMt-
form , and again whonjio appeared to deliver
his Inaugural address
The Inaugural address of Oovcrnor Dush-
nell waa short nd contained no reference
to the contest fp/v / the * onatorsti't > , unless
the following may bo so construed
Hy so legislating and acting for the people
plo na to secure the best results with the
least possible friction , much can bo denote
to make thu general respect for the povern.
menl higher and more enduring. It Is cer
tain thnt our aim must be so to regulate
nnd conduct the matters committed to our
charge ns to earn this tacit commendation
from the citizenship of nil degrees. An np-
prcclatlon of the gravity of the task , of the
dinicultles to ro encountered , and the
necessity for sincere nnd honest service ,
will do much In the aid of those whose
dcslro It la to deserve the good will of
their follow men for faithful stewardship
As Governor Dushnell was Inaugurated
today for his second term and had one week
ago sent nn elaborate message to the legis
lature lib address was unusually brief. He
was most loudly cheered at the close of his
address , and the ovation continued < is lonn
is he WHS In sight. All who could net Into
the puqh followed him to the executive cham.
her to congratulate him. Arrangements
were made at once for the governor ami
his staff to proceed to the grandstand on
the north side of the state house to review
the parade.
The parade vvas only twenty minutes In
paasln ? the grandstand. At that place there
were some veils for Hanna , but they were
simply followed by cheers for Ilushnell.
There were a number of such Incidents along
the line of march. As soon as the parade
was over there waa a moro general ruah
for thij auditorium. The Tlppecanoo club of
Cleveland came In two sections , one for
Dushnell and Ma } or McKlsson and the other
for Hanna. There wcro over 1,000 arrivals
today from Cleveland Just before the ln-
aiigutatlon pantdo reached the grandstand
a wheel came oft of ono of the galling gun
wagons Herbert Hcjnolda of Newark was
fatally hurt and Harry Shutte of that clt }
seriously Injured.
After the exercises in the rotunda -ind the
greetings to Uushnell the governor with
others lepaircd to the senate chamber where
Lieutenant Governor Jonca and other state
officers qualified The senate adjourned
without the governor making the usual ad-
drcso to thesenate. . Some of the republican
members did not occupy the seats reserved
for them and others lev-lowed the parade.
There was n multitude of people and fie
enthusiasm waa vcr } demonstrative , but the
paiodo Iteclf was not equal to that of other
} .
Iho public reception given by Governor
Bushnell tonight was a quiet affair. A plat
form , handsomely dee-orated , had been pliced
In the rotunda of the wpltol and here the
governor , assisted b } Mrs Bushnell , and sur
rounded Ly the members of his staff , re
ceived first the reception committee , the
members of the IpgL' ature , atate olllclals cad
their fcmialne friends. Then the public was
idmittel and about 2,000 pcop'o passed
through and were greeted b } the governor
and his wife Theie were no incidents to
mar the pic sure of th6 evening
nr.r Mis v i.inuTivr
nnxiiN Alllii Allnliis HlKli Itllllk in
tin- Insurgent rorcc-M.
Nnw YOHK , Jan. 10 Among the passen
gers who arrived today on board the Clt }
of Washington from Havana waa rrederlcn.
1'unston , a Cuban Insurgent General , who
comes to this country for medical treatment.
Tunston Is also vvcll known as an Alaskan
explorer. He has Jwetv on the staff of General -
oral Garcia as chief pf artillery for moie
than twolvp months. nnd was captured about
four weeks ago , at ' .Puerto Principe. Ho
gave a fictlclous jiimo and was released
shortlv afterward. Mr _ Funston Is suffering
from the effects of a bullet wound In hla
Predcrlck runston's rank is lieutenant-
colonel He la a son of ex-congressman
II. runston of lola. Ho tells an interest
ing etorv of how ho came to attain the
highest rank held b } on American In the
suicent ranks.
I wont to Cuba In August , ! SrC , us a
member of the Cubicrra. expedition which
sailed from Charleston with thirty-sjx men.
On 1. inillng 1 took command of Gomez's ai-
tlllciy with the rank , of captain. Wo had
only two plccoa then Hotchklbs guns but
they did good scivlce , especially ut the
sloi-o of Cacora and at the siege of Guanaro
v. hero Osgood , the American footbill
player and then chief of artllloiy , was
killed. T'pon Osgood's death , 1 became
chief of artillery , with the rank of major.
I took part In twenty-two battles In
eastern Cuba. I fired the Dudley dynamltp
gun when It was llrst used , which was ut
oui llrst taking of I/is Tunas , which was
< ! c fended by t went-two forts. At the but
tle of Slum , In Mny of last year , I was shot
tbiough both lungs. Before this I had been
shot through the arm. Last October my
horse fell upon mo ciusblng both my legs
Aly departure from Cuba was marked b }
foveral exciting Incidents To obtain my I bad to apply to the Inhurgont
civil government aomo distance from wlier *
I was then stationed. I was accompanied
by lieutenant Penny , formerly of the
United States , now of the Cub in forces.
We weio surprised by ( itpnrty of six Spin-
Ish soldiers. Lieutenant Penny escaped and
t vvas captured.
I w is bound and taken to Puerto Principe ,
wlic-rc General Castellano conducted a spe
cial board of inquiry to Investigatemy
case , AH I vvas not In uniform bad no
papeis with me- and had given a false
name , stilting that I vvas a presentado com
ing to sin render , I vns released upon my
oath thut I would never light agilnst
Uy swearing ; this I saved my life , after
having fought twenty-four battles foi
Cubi. belm ? crippled for life and nil bunged
up. 1 am not'going bacK to Cubi. I shall
go to a hospital here and then to my home
In Kansas.
The * outcome of the struggle In Cuba de
pends altogether on the Unlttcl States The
Cubans will never give up , nor will the
panaids. ! i
Colonel Funston eald that ( tic Insurgent
soldiers and offlcccs aio not paid and cannot
bo pjlil In full unless they win. In which
case Colcnul runston would receive about
? 1COO , Ho said the food and clothing of the
Iinurgcnts are noor , and living precarious ,
though their courage c < nd hope are unbounded
He said tint the Spanish eoldlccs wcro not
puld , but fair ! } well fed.
Colonel runston Eald tiat when a prisoner
at Puerto Prlncoe he was well treated by the
Spsciish soldiers , and found no evidence of
discontent In their ranks. He declared that
the attncltles upcu women and children re
ported from tlmo toHlIni0 were Invariably per
petrated by the iueirfllas and not by the
regulars. Ort the Rurvrlllas ho admitted the
Insurgents often took iljclr revenge.
Death IVnnll > - finMurder. .
SINO SINO , Jnn' lO.-Hadley A. Suther
land , the negro mtjrflqrer , was electrocuted
today. Seventeen hundred and eighty -volts
wcro turned on a 'll , ) ! ) and turned off at
11 H a , m.
The crime for wlch ) | Hartley Adolphus
Sutherland vvas executed today was com
mitted In llrookliijn. March of last } cur
and his victim vvarf Mb * . Sarah Wn-nn , his
mistress , Suthei'nmr wan about 19 years
of ago and came from the West Indies
Mrs , Wrenn was the wlfo pf n colored bar
ber , who had his 'place of business on
eighth avenue. New Vork. but from whom
she had separated. .Mis Wrenn and Suth
erland quarreled In their rooms , finally
thu woman rushed out of the room and
Htarted down the ntcpa. gho had not gone
far before Sutherland ran after her , Ilrlng
his lovoher AH Mis Wrenn reached the
front steps a bullet struck her and shu fell
dead Sutherland vvas arrested anil wlpn
placed on tilal made practically no defense.
Mc-i-r > mid SIM I III
CHICAGO , Jan. lO.-rCh.rlstopher Mcny nnd
James Smith , the potato peddlers accused
of beating and kicking Mrs , Pauline Merry
to death latt November and who were
captured In Kentucky after eluding the
pollcei for nearly a month , were arraigned
In Judge Hortou's court joilay Atterney
Waul aigucd a motion for a separate trial
for Smith , which wan overruled , ns was
also a motion for a continuance made b }
Mcriy's counsel. A Jurv was then called
A muest for a change of venue wax denied
on the ground that It should have been
made before the Jury was called A large
crowd of rough-looking friendsof the two
prlnoiitrn filled the corridors of the court
building , but they were denied admittance
to the court room and an extra force of
deputy sheriffs MIU detailed to watch their
movements , on account of rumors of an at
tempt at rescue ,
Says Ho Can Knock Fitzj'mmona Out in
Ten Rounds ,
Will Ailil 4 ? 10,000 to ( tic I'urnr , ( hp
Cliainiiliiii to 'lake' All If .Iliu
t'allH to Make Coiiil
v 11 IK lloiiHt.
ST LOUL3 , Jan. 10. At the clo o of the
second act of James J , Corbctt's play at
Havlln's theater tonight , Corbctt stepped
bcforo the curtain and announced that he
offers ritzslmmotiA $35,000 for a finish fight ,
the entire sum to go to Fltzslmtuons If
Corbott falla to put him out In ten rounds.
Corbctt Intended to Isauo this challenge
January 17 , but decided to make It public
tonight. The challenge reads ca follows !
Itobort Fltzslmmons. Neither of us Is
qualified for oratory , and the public Is not
entertained by your wrangling- over what
Is probably nn honest proposition , more to
your advantage than mine- .
As n Inat Inducement to overcome } our
obvious reluctance to meet mo again , I
wilt make that tironosltlon stilt moro favor
able , thus :
Your pro tits from jour four greatest bat
tles were , Ilattla with Dcmpsey , $12,000 ;
battle with Jlaher , JIO.OuO , battle with Hall.
? S,000 ( the offered purse being W.OO ) , but
the club failed ) , battle with Creedon , $5,000 ;
making a total of $32,000. You made noth
ing out of your light with me , for , having
no hopu of winning , you sold your chances
for the purse- for 15 pjr cent of the protlts
In the icrlscope Therefore , 12,000 repre
sents your reward In gross for the live
greatest contests of jour life. Now listen
to what I offer.
A purse of $ i",000 stands ready toi \ of
fered as n prize for a meeting In the ring
with JOU. To tills 1 will add ? tOOOO of
my own , conditionally , that } ou airoo to
bo * mo to n finish. This makes yti.OOO. I
offer you this ontlro sum If 1 fall to stop
} ou In ton rounds , -with two ptovlslon.s , viz.
first Thnt the contest must continue tea
a finish , and
Second Th it I shall have something to
say lu regard to the appointment of a ref
eree who will not be unfairly prejudiced
In } our favor.
This Is mj flnxl pioposltlon. Take It or
leave It. If } ou really want to light It
oltcrs an oppoitunlty. Ill } ou want money ,
a sum Is leady exceeding- jour gloss earn
ing In live battles. If } oti want imputation ,
jou can makeIt better by meeting mo
than by meeting all others together. If
} ou doubt this , ask the public eacli , night
whole } ou i-xhthlt.
That Is my ultimatum I nm tired of
this ch liter I want vvoik , not lain.
Paper gnb'jllngs ilo not suit mo and abuse
is u coward's weapon.
If this mj' list offer , will not make you
meet mo like a man. It Is because } ciur
Caison biulses aic- still aching so pilnfully
that oven $ , n,0 < X ) cannot tempt } ou to en
dure their coitnln renewal. That Is the
onlj- excuse jou can now offer or the Ameri
can public will accept.
The tico of success Is hard to climb. I
nlmlt. It may bp that you are s itlsfled
with the sm ill fruit ilpenlng on the lower
limbs. Th ° great prize can only bo won
by reaching to where my name vvas , la and
- - -
Hut whether vou will so venture or not ,
this , my list challenge to } on ( nnd to bind
which I shall post $10,00 foi felt the moment
} ou accept ) , lorn tins nailed whole jou must
bo ? and cannot avoid It
JAMIS : J. connnTT.
ST. PAUL , Minn. . Jin. 10 "Well , now
what do jou think of that ? " wa.s all that
rit/slmmc'ib would ai } tonight wiien shown
the dispatch from St. Lcula announcing the
offer b } Corbott of $35,000 If ntzslmmona
would fight him Iho proposition seemed to
aniuso him an ! he refused to consider it fierl-
cut'ly , refeirlng the Inquirer to hio manager.
Llttlo more was to bo learned from Martin
Julian. Julia said cmphatlcall } that he
would consider no fight proposals until Coi-
bett had whipped Malier and refused to talk
of an } othci pe-sslbllitlci.
nvnvrs ov run IUIVMM ; TIIACKS.
Mlcndnnc-e- \ITi-a-lfil by Snnilii >
Mtflll IllllllH.
NCW ORLEANS , Jan. 10 Overnight
nlnsi made the track \o\\ \ today nnd af
fected the attendance. As on Siturclay , fif
teen boo'cs vvoio hero and handled a profit
able business , as only two favorites won.
Results :
first race , six and ono-lnlf furlongs :
llo a Hums won , Mr. Hunt second. Jim
Con.vay third. Timeli j'/J
Second race , mile nnd twenty jardsWll -
= 011 won , Siva second , Urcnnan third. Time :
1 ! 7' .
Thlid race selling , sK furlongs : Mimic
Callan won.Hlbernla Queen second , Al Lone
thlid. Time : 1 ny ,
fourth race , handicap , ono mile : Albeit
S won. Viscount second. Elkin third Time
1:41 :
Fifth rnce , six furlongs : Uor.ib Wood
won. David becond , Albert Vale third. Time :
1 K. ' . .
SAN' fltANCISCO , Jan. 10. Weather
clear ; track good at Oakland today. He-
First race. , soiling , six furlongs- Sorrow
row won , Don Fulano second , Howard
third Time : I-IC',4. ' ,
Second race , eleven-sixteenths of n mlle :
San Venado won , IJlarneystono second , Feb
ruary third. Tlmo : 1.09.
Third races selling , mlle nnd an eighth :
Widow Jones A on , I'alomaclta. s > ecoiid ,
Tholma third. Time : 1.5S'4.
fourth race , C illfornla. maiden stakes ,
six furlongsHddlo Jones won Ilavelotto
Eecond , How and Airow third. Time- ICVC
fifth race , Golden Gate stakes seven-
eighths of a mllo- Colonel Wheeler won ,
Satsuma accond Dr. Sharp third. Tlmo :
1 27 % .
Sixth , ono mile , soiling ; Sweet fa-
vonlalo won , Harry Tboburn bccond , Per
seus fiird. Time : lll'/4. :
iioosimts I\IH.TO : lU'uciiAsn.
Von HIMA IK'llnlils HN Pi-Ice Too
HtKli for Them.
ST LOUIS , Jan. 10-John , M. Glover , the
attorney of Chris Von Der Ahe , president
of the St. Louis Hrowns , today made the
following statement regarding the Impend
ing sale of the ball club :
"Talbott. Brush and Schmidt nre all men
of flrjit rate capiclty , of high fin inclal abil
ity , dlplom its of the highest order and keen
to buy. HriiBli hlmsolf admitted to mn that
in the hands of the right person the St.
Louis Hrowns would pay 10 per cent on
J300.COO per annum , llrush was not to bo nn
owner. Ho was only asblHtlng his friends.
They offered a handsome figure , enough to
piy all the debts , give Von Dor Aho a
pretty sum and lot the outstanding stock
holders como In under the now manago-
rront When , \o could not convince them
that wo wanted our figure anil would take
nothing less vvo sent them homo to Indian
apolis umpty hande-d. That's all there Is to
It. Nobody can squeeze Von Der Aho. In
the meantime the property Is for sale , If
he pan got his price , "
IIlKlit-Hl 1,1x1 llc-ciinlcil II ) the
( ' < > iu- > Inland Jorl.e > i > lnli ,
NiW YOHIC , Jan. 10. Nine hundred and
twenty-throo nominations for the Futurity
of 1900 have be-en received by the Coney
Island Jockey club and n few moro may
arrive by mall within the next day or so ,
The nominations closed nt midnight on Jan
uary -I. With ono exception this Is the larg
est number of nominations ever received.
The Futuilty of IM > J bad 1,010 entries
As usual , J. H. Haggln Is tbo largest nom-
Inatcr , heading thu list with I'.rt , Milt
Young comes next with C7 , the. Hello Mendo-
stud has it , August Helmont 3-1 , Marcus
Daly 31. J. H , & . F , P Kceno 23 , A H. &
D H Moirls U , Gideon & Daly i > and C
Ffelschrnann Sons C. Among the other nom
inators ate , I'erry Uclmont. O. II P Ilo1-
mont. Clay & Woodford , 1) ) G Thomas ,
f. G , Gebbardt. estate of Uyron McClcl.
land. J. 12 , Madden , S S Hrovvn , W. O. U
Maedonough. nautili & Lirablo and about
seventy others.
.NO \\oiii-D" ) nicvci.i : itncoitns.
Olinlrmnii MnH of Ilnclm ? Ilonril
MiiUt-M a DlMi-iit > . '
HALTIMOltn , Jan. 10. Chairman Mott of
the League of American Wheelmen racing
board has rece-lved a letter from Henry
Sturmclei of Coventry , Ung. , secretary of
the International Cyclists union , stating
that there are no official world's racing
records. Mr , Mott began an Investigation
of the matter at the tlmo Kdvvard Me-
Dullle of I lost on tried for records on the
Willow Urovo truck at Philadelphia , ilc-
Uullle's remuneration depended somewhat
on whether ho succcede-d In breaking or
equaling world's records. HH did somii remarkable -
markablo riding , tie-Ing Stock of England ,
at 1:252-5 : for the mile. Several other
records were clipped , Thou UcDutllo
claimed pay for world's records. Mr. Mott
allowed the records nnd recorded them ns
ofllclal for thin country or within the juris
diction of the League of American Wheel-
When nskod whether ho would certify
officially that they were world's records ,
ho Paid he could not do so. Ho believed
them to bo world's records , but hnd no
documents to sustain his belief. Mr Mott
nnjfl he saw that It wan n hardship , both
for the promoter , who went to the expense
of providing pacer * , and for the man who
made the records , to ha\o the matter left
uncertain , luid'ho wrote to Secretary Slur-
rupler to Inquire whether there was not
some way of milling the matter , Mr.
Sturmeler nuggrsta that each organization
send htm Itn olllclal records on January 1
of each icar. Ho will then compile thorn
nnd send copies to racing hoard chairmen
or similar .ofllcers throughout the world , so
that each may decide for himself what nro
world's records.
on vii i. WINS ritoM sioir.v crrv.
( Jnlns tijOtic * 1'iilnt In u Contest nl
A delegation of the Hose Hill Whht club
of Sioux City -was the guests of Its friends
of the Omaha Whist club last night an.l the
first of a scries of contc'ts was bogutt.
Thp Hose Hill club vvas repres.Mt d by
three teams of four each a'u" the } ' were
opposed to a picked se-lec'lon of tno Omaha
plners. The engagement proceeded in a
remarkably close manner nnd It vvas onlj
ivlip.ii the last table bad lltilshpd Its plaj-
that the result was determined. The Omaha
mon were found to have won bj' the mar
gin of OIIP point , Hefre-shmcnts were served
during the evening. It Is expected tl-nt
the second contest will take place lu the-
neir future , when an Omaha cl
will visit Sioux City. Siturday night i.bout
thirty plaors expect to go to Lincoln to
play n return series with the Lincoln
Whist club to correspond to the games
played In this city last fall.
The method of the play last night was ns
follows : Each of the thrco teams was
matched with the opposing teams In three
bouts of four games each. The three bouts
allowed of the shifting of each team tJ
play each of Its opponents nnd playing four
games with each , made n total of twelve
games at each sitting. Tbo teams wcro
then transposed nnd the process repented ,
which completed a prand total of thirty-
six games In. the tluco sets of teams. The
score of tbo first twelve games was ns
followsSammon , Knott , Pleicc nnd
Thompson of Sioux City ngalnst lleeil ,
Helnhart , Scrlbner and Ilc-lmlorf of Omaha ,
the former losing by eight points ; Hum
mers , Hutchlns , Preston nnd ilann of
Sioux- City ngalnst Shea , Jone ? , Lavvronco
nnd Allee of Omaha , the latter losing b }
throe points. Jlumphrev Hall , Di } and
Hle-li of Slotiic City against Stimnejliur -
roll. Joplln and lleth of Omaha , the latter
losing by thioo points.
The second round proceeded ns follows.
Sammon's four of Sioux City against
Shea's four of Omaha , the former losing
by four points ; Hammer's four of Sioux
City against Sumney's four of Omaha , the
latter losing by four points ; Humphreys
four of Sioux Clt } ngilnst Heed's four of
Om ihn , the forme-r losing bv two points.
The phi } of tbu third louiul was as fol
lows : Sammon's four of Siouv City against
Sumney's foui of Omaha , a lie , Hammer's
four of Sioux Clt } against Itoed's font of
Onmba , the foimer losing by ono point ,
Humpliioy'a four of Sioux City against
Shea's font of Omaha , tbo latter losing bv
four points. The totals show that HIP
Sioux City phi } era lost , altogether fifteen
polntu nnd tint the Om ilia in n had against
them a total of fotntcen points , 01 ono
point to the ( good. I
South 0 mall a News
At the meeting of the clt } council hst night
a 'communication from f A. CreaseW. . n.
Wjmaii and John flym was road , icquesllng
thai a franchise for the H } Ing of gis pipes
ba granted to the filgncis. It Is agreed b }
the pctlrloivrs to furnish gas to private con
sumers ut a sum not to exceed ? 1 per 1,009
feet , further. It Id agreed that gas would
bo furnished foi the use of the city at 70
cents per thoutund cubic feet. The petitioners
further agree to erect a gas plant in South
Omaha and maintain the company's offices
here. Schultz offered a motion iratructlug
the city attorney to draft an ordinance grant
ing a gas fraiichlse to ( Messrs Crccooy , PI ) in
and Wymin. This vvas bc'couded arid adop ed
without opposition.
Just before adjournment , by a vote of G to
S , the council referred back to ordinances In
first reading and the now gas ordinance in
all Ita glory was sprung. Kelly , Mort and
Tralnor oppcsed tiio action , nnd In order not
to prcclpluto a conflict Mr. Fljan iequcitcd
that the matter go over. This was agreed to
by all and the ordinance will bo brought up
In the regular waj at the next meeting.
A petition from the Kast Side Improvement
club In relation to the extension of the
Thirteenth street car line was road. This
petition was printed In full In The Bee of
last Sunday. It Is the deslro of the club to
have the council take up the matter and
urge the street car company to Improve the
street railway facilities. .
Barrett urced that a committee of thrco
bo appointed as per the request of the im
provement club. In compliance with the re
quest the ma ) or appointed Bennett , Kelly
and Vansant as the committee. In connec
tion with this petition of the cast slders J.
J. Brccn made a talk and explained In detail
the necessity for giving the people living
erst of Twenty-fourth better transportation
facilities. A committee from the Improve
ment club , consisting of Dr. Davis , f. J.
Wallwober nnd J , J , Ureen will work In
conjunction u 1ththo council committee In
this matter.
Chairman Schtilt ? o' the finance committee
rcpoited In favor of returning to C. 13. II.
Campbell ? 250 which had boon deposited a
couple of years ago In connection with bids
for viaduct repairs. Campbell was awarded
the contract for this work , but gave up the
Job because the city refused to guarantee
the payment. The council at that tlmo de
clared the certified check put up by Camp
bell forfeited. Suit has been commenced by
Campbell to recover the full value of the
check , which vvas $300. i\n offer was made
to settle for $250 and the finance comrnlt-
tee appeared to think It better to settle than
to stand a suit. City Attorney Montgomery
contended that toy right the money should
bo refunded and the council adopted the
committee report by a vote of G to 3 , Cald-
wcll , Kelly and Traluor voting In the nega
tive.Mart reported that the Klkhorn , Missouri
Pacific and Stock Yards railway companies
had agreed to flag all trains ut the boule
vard crossing.
A resolution was nasscd directing the city
treasurer to reduce the 1S97 assessment of
the Packers' National bank from $18,000 to
JIG.fiOO on account of the assessor having
iluplicatcd borne of the tank's sccuiltles m
Ills records.
The matter of releasing a poitlon of the
1G per cent guarantee deposited by the Cali
fornia Asphalt company for t'ao Twcnty-
fourlb street paving carao up and the city at
torney was Instructed to prepare , an opinion
on the question and present U at the next
An ordinance establishing the grade twi
Thirty-second street from L to J street was
read for the third time and passed ,
Alex Schlcgel , Thirteenth and O streets ,
notified the council that ho had been Injured
by falling Into the gas trench at Tucnty-
Hocciid and N streets , and would hold t'ao city
for $2COO damages.
Adjourned for ono week.
Stix-lc Iln-limitfn Ulri-clorx
A meeting of the directors of the South
Omaha Live Istock exchange was held yes-
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 150. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health
loilit tbtt rour rroctr . glrei you GH AIH-O.
Accept uo Itmutivu. r ifrfy -
terdiy afternoon for tno purpose of selecting
officers. Thomas 11 ( McPherson , cathlcr of
the Union Stock Yards National bank wa
re-elected treasurer and Colonel A. L , I ott
re-elected secretary.
Kxlian o lliillilltiK In lrln ) < Mt.
The steam fitting contractors cngngett In
placing the hoAtlng apparatus In the new ' -
oxclungo building have boon dela > cd lu their r § i
work to Ritch an extent that It Is uncertain
now Just when Iho new dining room and
kitchen will bo ready for occupancy. It was
thought ) ( vttcrday that the stoiun fltteri
would complete their labors In this portion
of the building In about a week. In ttwit
case It will bo only short tlmo until the
now apartments will bo lu use. Some now
boilers ro now being placed In position , nnd
a test of the .apparatus will bo made as soon
as nil the comiectlons nro made. In the
kitchen the range , steam tnbles , atram carv
ing table , etc. , nro all In place nnd ready for
use as soon as the steam li turned on. Thn
dining room Is the largest In the city nnd U
lighted by long windows at the east and west
ends Along the north wnll of Iho dining
room Is n lunch counter whpro the hungry
can get a bile to cat at any tlmo during the
day. It la the Intention to keep the dining
room open from t ! a. in. to 0 p m , nil meals
being served on the Kurcoean plan.
The fixtures foe the now barroom , which
adjoins the dining room lu the annex , arrived
} astcTday from tbo cast. It Is claimed tint
these llxturMare finer than nny now In use
In Omaha nnd of course arc away abend of
anything In tills city. All of the elcclrlo
lights for thoawicvnro In position and ready
for use.
Engineer Scott King , who Is In charge of
the building operations , said jestcrday after
noon tint he expected that the roof of the
new exchange building would be completed
In about ten das The windows will then bo
placed in tKHllirti and the steam turned on
so that there will bo no de'ay ' In completing
the Interior work. It Is thought ttat ths
cxchango building will bo ready for occutwncy
AH II 1.
* > ( urt Vrmoiir'N '
on l'o cr lloiioc.
Trenches nro now being dug at the Armour
plant for the power houso. This building
will have n fi outage on Q street of 200 feet ,
with the main entrance opposite Twcnt-
clghth street. It will bo a structure 200
'ect long and 1BO feet wide and seven slorles
ilgh Unless stoimy weather prevents the
foundations for this building will be laid this
lirlcklajlng on the beef house has be'Pii
commenced , the cement foundations having
been completed SatunHy. This beef homo
will bo 2Sfi feet long b } 200 feet In width
aud seven stories In height.
The Ideal club will hold a htisincss mcct-
ng at U. i : AVilcoVs ollice this evening.
C. .A. Hoberts of Denver spent ) estcrdny
n the city looking after his property lu-
Miss nthel Honey , Tw cut ) -fourth and .1
streets , entertained the Musical club last
A. H. Ice of the stock } ards company
Marled on a business , trip through .Nebraska
} esterdny.
Prod Sparling has returned , after n four
) cira' nbhonec In Colorado , where ho went i- * .
In search of health. * - \
Mrs William Ucrry and Miss Pollard wcro
soliciting subscriptions for the hospital from
tbo packers and stock ) ards company ) cs-
Nearly C 000 sheep were received at the
} ards ) cstcrda ) , being the laigcst number
iccclvcd on an ) da ) since November 3 , and
larger than any dav of January a } ear ago
General .Manager Keiion of the stock jarda
company will accompany the delegation from
the exchange to the stock-growers convention
to bo held at Denver the latter part of the
requirements are
perfectly met m
Wool Soap.
'Ihete may be
more expensive
soaps , but num
; bettcr. / / is au-
soltitelj-piirf. For
the batli it is
pleasant , sooth
ing and delight-
' 1 here's only
one soap that
won't shrink
woolens. You
must choose between
My Mama I Wish Mine
Dead Had tween no s6ap
ROVFV1 ? 1'axUmA.Hiirscss , Mgrs ,
Telephone , lull ) .
OM/V o\u MORI :
I'rlcos-rxiwc-r lloor , $100 , (1 < H > , balcony , Jt CO.
7"o 5)c ) Matinee- Lower lloor , $1 00 , balcony
73e , SOc
siAiivv , 'wnuvnsnAV ' AMI
Rpoclalllca : IflAnKI.Ul THIQITHAUT i CO
"jm , Tim
. & . inuinnss ,
Manuccrs 1U. I'M
wi : xisi\v IVIM.VO , J .MJ\UV is.
U'llli MOMI.mi.t ttllOUYI , HOO1HTV.
PHICnS-IiOHcr lloor , $1.00 , TCej bilcony ,
IbC , tOO ,
Si-iiIn on Sail.Mondiiy. .
* * * * * * ' *
- - - - - I
Manaii'i3. Tol. 1015.
U NIOHTS-ThurMtlny , Jau..lU
CII.AS. K. niA\iv's :
Big Extravngaiua Success ,
A cojriMM' or ar. I'IOIM : ; .
PIHCnS Lowe-r floor $1.00 , 75c , balcony ,
"jc , We. Matlne-c , lower lloor , 75c , Wo , bal-
con ) , We , 23c ,
Fine Skating
Exciting Tobogganing
Day and Night.
Admlmlon iKri
IndudliiK admission to the Ice . . I > -
I'rofMsor WolU-Clinmpluu Hkntcr.
Co > n imi iic I u u Tlitirsilny Kvouluc
13th and Douglas Sis. , Ouinlin.
AM >
110 room * . Lathi , tic-am heat and all moj rn
ronvenleiiceii. Ituttu. n W and 1200 per < Ur.
Tablu unexcelled , tiptclal law ratei to rcruiar
baarde . DICK. BUIIU.