THE n. isns. The Wny a Pretty ( Jlrl Learned Tlml M Mity Is as Henuty Does. and Ada ft < y tfr ( CnuvrlKht H08 by S fl. McClure Co } / I- ttda was reading on the fron ( porch , when the gate opened , and somebody cameup the walk. A boy , well grown nnd well favored enough , but with a careworn , tired look , nnd shabby old clolhcfl. "A tramp , " Ada thought , with a little thrill of dlstnntc. "Could I sec your father ? " the boy naked , hesitatingly , his hat In his hnnd. Ada lookfd him over. "I don't know where HI i , , A Iho barn , perhaps , " said she "Thank vou , " said the boy , and started for the barn. Ada had a rosebud In her hair , and her dress was the freshest of blue lawns. She was pretty and dainty. Desirable qualities , surely. lint some of her parents' old friends end neighbors , having In mind that she wns a farmer's daughter , thought , and on occa sion said , that Ada's year at an expensive city boarding school had made her a llttlo airy , a little notional , a little Inclined to a hammer I'll be a thousand limes obliged , miss. " Ada liked his deeply respectful manner "Sam , " she said , "will jou bring this gentle man a hammer ? " Sam descended from the step ladder and went to the barn The sttanger talked agree ably about the roEca and the weather till Sam rcaroearcd. "I'll go with you , " said Sam. "Not at all ! It ain't necessary , " said the man , and held out his hand for the hammer. " 0 , I gucsa I'll go along , ' * Sam persisted , and ho i > u hed out nt the gale with the Granger , deaf to his notcsts "Tho Ideal I asked him to bring the ham mer ; 1 didn't ask him to help the man , " thought Ada , with displeasure , and when Sam came back she did not appear to sec him. Sam finished with the rose bush ; 'hen he vvctit out to the barn and stayed there till supper time. "Sam Is tinkering tip jour father's old gun , " wld Ada's mother. A shot sounded , "Why. he's fixed It so well It will go ! He'a the handiest boy I ever caw. " "You let him do an > thing under the sun , " said Ada Irrcutlently. "Why not ? " said her mother , serenely. After supp'r Adi ind hcc mother drove to 'AND VOU SAW IIIKOUGH II WHAT YOU'VE DONE FOR US look down on anj thing or anjbod > that was not "ju-st so " Ada had forgotten the strange boy when fihu went In to dinner , but through the door she beheld him eating his dinner at the kitchen tabic "I'm going to let him stay awhile , " her father explained , when the door was stnii. . "Ho aOcul for wo k , and I'm go nj to let him help me Hrlgham's got to leave prctt } soon , and I don't know where to looK for another hired man , and this boy looks strong and seems willing Sam Humphrey , h'Q name Is He lost an aunt lately , over Iti Doylston , that he'd lived with , and now bo's ttylng to got to another relation he's got In Pennslvanla , though he isn't sure he'll be wanted when ho gets there. I'm going to give him a chance to tarn enough so he can go the rest of the way by train. " "You alwaja do such funny things , father , " eald Ada. "A tramp ! " "Don't call him a tramp , my girl , " said h'er mother , cheerfully. "I believe bo's a good , honest boy. " Hut Ada turned an e > o of disapproval upon her father's protege. The fact that she was alone In her illaafTectlon for "the tramp , " nt , she considered him , only deepened her feel ing. Her father and mother nnd the hired girl all liked him much. "He does the work Urlgham did , and doca It better , " bald her father at the end of a week. "Hut jou don't know an > thing about him , " Bald Adu , "who he Is , or " "There I've got you ! " bald hoi father. "John Reynolds was over this way the other day , from Bojlstcn , and I asked him about Sam He knew him , and knew his aunt , and ho spoke well of them , too There , sis ! And you won't deny that he's a good- hearted and good-mannered boy ? " "I haven't notlied him nutch. " Ada answered ; and that was true. "I believe Sam IB afraid of you , " said her mother "Why don't you got him to help you put out the croquet set , and have a game with him ? " II. "Pshaw ! " said Ada , pursing her red lips. That afternoon her father put his best liorse Into the buggy , "I'm going over to Grcsham to nee Frank Ousted about these Aldernoy cattle he's promised me , " Jie said. "I've got other business there , too , and I guess I shan't get home to- 'A ' HOY WKLL GROWN AND WELL FA VORED ENOUGH. night. I'll to back tomorrow early. " Bam fastened a buckle In the harneu , and set open the big gate , and he drove off , Ada wa watering her roses. Sam , hav ing latched Iho big gate , approached her ehyly. "If that rose biigh by the porch was trained up a little , " he said , "It would be letter. Don't you want me to fix It ? " It was a timid advance toward acquaint ance ; tut It was a failure. "O , If > ou like , " til Id Am larelcFsly ; and the boy IHi'ulaK. went and got come pieces of Hiring and a Btvpladdcr. Ada sprinkled the floweru. She had on A bccomljg vvh'/e dreiK * and when a Uraruo man caruo In at the gate presently , she was not surprised that be turned upon her , as ho lifted hU hat to her , a distinctly ad miring look. "Go d evening. Is the gentleman of the Jiouso at home , miss ? " he Inquired. "My father bus Just goiio away , " Ada answ crc-J , "Not for long , I presume ? " Bald the man. "Till tomorrow. " said Ado. "Did > ou want to ice him ? " "Only for a minute , inUs. I wanted to borrow a hammer for a few minutes. IIy wagon' * broke down , up the road a little way , and I'll need a hammer to fix It. I don't -want to trouble you , mlta , but K that's your lilred man there" Ada nodded " ' let him down and "If jou'll step get mo the \lllago to a concert and drove home In the moonlit stillness of the cxenlng. Sam Huirijhrcy uns waiting to out up the horse "What made you ? " Ada's mother remon strated "I told jou not to. 1 could have put the horse up as uell as not. " "Ho\\ t'.ioy do spall that bay ! " thought Ada. "The tramp" uas getting to be a teal thorn'ln her flesh , llut she was too sleep } to dwell upon it. Slie got Into bed without delay and fell at once Into a peaceful , dream less sleep. III. She wolte suddenly oml sat to , staring be fore her. Something had wakeued her , some unwonted sound. She wondered If raho had dionied it but It came again , a soft ( .crap- Ing , a bumping that seemed to como from directly under her window. Her heart pounded In her cars Her fright ened Irryulso v\as to burrow Into bee olllow and cover her head , but , conquering it , she 'stepped ' out of bed and stole to the open ' w hi Jou. What she saw , with perfect plainness In the clear moonlight , made her thumping heart sti'iul ' stil ) . Against the house , just under the window , a long ladder iested'one ; man stood beiiide It and on a lower rung stood another The sound of their muttered speech was distinct In her ears. S'.ie tried to tcream , but only a choltliie sound camp. She was almost too tercifled to atlr , but she ran fiom the room and Into hei mother'b room , and shook her until she wakened. . "Burglars ! " she panted. Her voice forsook her. but she clutched her mother's arm. Her mother stared at her , bewllderel and In credulous. "They've goUa ladder , " Ada gasped. "Thej'ro getting Into my window ! " Her mother sprang dut of bed end rushed ucrcss the hall. Shaking like a leif , and with her knees weakly trembling under her , Ada fol lowed. In the square of the window they saw a m n'rt-hcail blackly silhouetted , then his shoulders. Another moment , and the man would have been In the room. JJUt of u. e.iijjdcn a voice broke out on the air. ' ' (3et out of there ! " It shouted. "Get down .and get out , or I'll 1111 you full of holes , bo'ih of you ! " In ! flash the man's head dropped from view , "IM1 count Jen , " the voice yelled , "and unlera'you're both off these premises by that tlmo I'll shoot ! " Ad.Vs mother po'nted with a shaking hand at a vtadow In the wing of the house , plainly \ijlblo to them. I' ' , was tiat of Sam Hum phrey's room , and he stood there , his head and shoulders thrust out. He stood mo tionless , thcro rtated on bis shoulder the butt of a gun , pclntcd downward , and his cjes were on Its muzzle nnd bis baud on tje trigger. "One'two three " he counted , tioiui too slowly. There was a Hound of ru'iilng steps below ; the ladder fell with a crash , and they saw two figures , bent an If with fear of that well- aimed gun , tun skulking out of tbo yard und up the road. > They saw Sam Humphrey bound nway from the window , und heard him pouul througCi the father hallway anl go tearing down stnjre. "He'a going after them ! " cried Ada's mother , and catching up a shawl and flinging It o\er her shoulders she sped down stairs after him. Ada hung trembling over the banisters , "Ycu phall not go ! " she heard her mother My , "No , no ! You , a boy ! Suppose those mitt have pistole. You've done enough. You'vo suvel us you'vesaved our property , and our lives , 'too ' , mabe , who Knows ? and you shan't risk your life eoaslng up those men " Ada's mother broke down In twrs of agltatlcn , and thereby won the day. ' "All rlfc'it , nia'nm , If jou feel so , " raid Sam Humphrey , "but wouldn't I llko to land the pair of them In jail ! " There was no more sleep for that night , The hired girl , tardily nwnk- oncd by the runipui , came huriylng In , en veloped In a blue counterpane. Ada and her mother niado hasty toilets , and then they all gathered In the sitting room and llghtul the lamp. "Yoa're completely dressed , Sam Hum phrey ! " said Ada's mother. "Your shoes are laced , even , You don't mean to say jou hixln't , gone to'bed ? It's 2 o'cloik ! " "I no ma'am , I hadn't. I was sitting up. You see , ma'am " Ho turnoj to Ada. "Dlil you see that man on 'tho ladder ? Did jou sro who It was ? " said he. "No , " .AJa ehuddcred. "It was the man whd borro.vcj tbo ham mer iJst night , " said Sam Humphrey , Ada stared at him. < "You ace , " eald the loy , "I heard what ho tald when he asked you for It , and I thought ho acted queer , Jt seemed to int- ho wcs trying to flnj out If jour father was go'ng to tie gone all nlsht , and whether I was all the hired nun there wau , and I pricked u ; > my ears. That's why I was bound to tag after him with the hammer. I wanted to see It It was all straight. "Well , there was a wagon waiting up the road , and another man In It , and they pottered arouna under the -wagon awhile , and itrled to make out there was a bolt locso eomouheru and that they'd fixed It. llut I looked myself , and 1 couldn't' 'see any ibolt Icons , and I thought the whole thing wax mighty funny , anyhow. "I didn't i\ant to nay anything to tbo rest of j ou and scve lou. I dldnU know but I was too uplclons. an 1 \ didn't w-nt i to net jou frightened for nothing Hut I kept thinking a'icjt It and .1 mi < > up my mind to bo gooO finl ready If dustbin ? hip- pcncd ; and so I got ( hit gun In shape , n 1 clled It up and kadc'l It , tai ! I < l'dn't go to bed I just sit up anl waited. "But jou ecc , ' Sam Humphrey cndtl , with a smile of modest apology , 1 v "s watching at the back wlnJo * . I thought thej'tl try to get In at the btek of tli houc-e , If anywhere , and that's how It hap pened that they got clear to the wlnlow and scared jou to death before I " Ada's mother swept hlii Into a motherly cmtxace. "You dear bay ! " Eald she. "You bravo boy1" " .My goodness ! I never heard nothing like It. Poirlng off two burR'aril ' .Most my bay would hnvo crawlcl under the bel , " sill the hired girl fi'om behind her countowanc. And Ada All's > .art a\ns'.lo.dest. So filled was she with < i confusion of stiange feelings that at first Mie could ot speak And con- stcrr.athn and shame were chief nnicng them "To think , " slip cried , "that I fell right Into his trap and told him just what he wanted to know. 0 what nn Idhtl And you saw tlrough It And see whnt > otfvc done for us ! 0 , Pain Hutrohrcy , will jou let mo fc'Jakc handa with jou ? " Ada crfcd , with a heartfelt shower of tears The next day when Ada's father had got homo and had heard the story aad trade plentiful vigorous comments thereon , and slapped Sam Ilumphcoj on the back tome twentj-fhc time ? ; when nil the neighbors had been In and aakcd numberless questions and Edzed admiringly at the hero ; when a reporter from the town paper had arrived and looked at the gun and at tbo fallen laddcf and at Sam Humphrey , and taken notes for a column article the next day , when Sam Humphrey had grown modestly confused at his sudden Mine nd taken refuge In the btrn , Ada followed him thither. "Father an.l mother nnd I have been talkIng - Ing nbout you , " ehc said , "and we think , cr we hcye , that unless those relations of youts In Pennsylvania want jou very much , you will stay on with us here. Wo all want you to. We all do , " said Ada , with a significant emphasis on the "all. " Sam Humphrey could not speak. HU hungry heart was In his cjcs. A flush ot amazement , of gladness , warmed his honest face and hlo eyes filled. "Do jou , " said Ada , with a little shake In her voice , "do you like to olay croijuet ? Won't jou come nnd hep me set out the wIcKets ? " i-i MI-IM ; HLT A ( iiiicicsM ) . SfcKlnj- TrciiNiiro > < nlil ( elli lli < t > ii I itIt lij InilliiiiN In MlNKOiirl. A search for gold has been In progress for the last three months near Clcarmont a village In the extreme northweot corner of Missouri. For a number of years , relates a correspondent the llains brothers David , lohn and William and their neighbors , have believed tLat a large amount of money , cstl mated at from $7 500 to $300,000 , Is Juried on a small trip of land Ijlng t\\o and cne- half miles north of Clearmout and belonging to Aloander Graj , a larncssmaker. The money Is suppcecd to have bCen burled bj Irdlans la 1S37 that part of Missouri now Included In the counties of Buchanan , Holt , NoJawaj , VtchUon , Andrew and Platte was held by the Sac and Fox and lowaj1 Indhns The gov ernment bought It from them on certain ccn. dltlons , Including the payment of J7.500 In cash. Old Chief Ca-ha-qua ( Red Fox ) of the Sacs and Foxes , so tradition runs , was deputed by his tribe to receive the amoun * tuo It. He brought half of It on one trip ? nd going back for the rest he and hU com panlons were * ct on bj a party of Omahas and killed. He had told no one what he had done with the monej already secijred , ant ! \lth other treasures of his tribe , which he uad In his possession before starting , and the secret of their burial place was can led with him to the grave. Soon after the Indlsaa were removed to Kansas It became a tradi tion amoTg the S3c aad Foxes that the treasure had been dcposlteJ In a hollow log and sunk to the bottom of a small lake neir where Clearlake now stands There was formerly such a lake , but the Nodawiy river lilloJ It with sand , and Its site Is doultful. After the tradition was related to them the Bilna brothers dreamed by night and talked by day of the burled treasure. Three months ago thej got two magnetic needles supposed to lave gold-locating properties , and the entire community turned out to see them tested. To the. delight of the brothers both need ca dipped over the place where the lake Is supposed to have been. The experiment was repeated and w 1th the same result. The ibrothcrs set nt woik , .but their troubles had only just ibegun , as they soon learned. The needles had dipped over a bed of quicksand. The brothers and their help er j worked for < lajs with untiring energy. It was evident that the 'box ' or hollow log containing the money , If there at all , was deep below the surface , and they refused to bo discouraged1 as the time slipped away. Finally , one day , three weeks after the ar rival of the needlea. Bill Bains' spade struck something hard. Naturally , he be lieved It was the hollow log. He called to hla companions for help. But the iwater from the river had already begun to wash In. They worked as fast as they could , , and , It U said , succeeded In uncovering the end of the log. But It was heavy , the water was rushing In , and before It could be se cured the treasure had slipped away. That was more than two months ago. The story of the finding of Iho tieasure created qrcat excitement In Burlington Junction ana Clcarmont , Mo. , and Braddyvllle , In. So many people visited the place during the next few days that armed men stood guard night and day. A number of Clearmout buslncrs men became Interested , a stock company was formed for the purpose of helping it he Balnscs and 100 shares were sold at the rate of $25 a share. Harry Souers , a Clearmont druggist , took a num ber of shares , and , to pay for them , fur nished a stationary engine with which to pump the water from the hole , and for several weeks a good-Mzed force of men worked night and day , . As fast , however , as the water and Band were pumped out of the hole the river filled It again and little piosress was mode. But the treasure-seekers know no such thing as discouragement. They quit work for a few dajs until a more powerful engine pnd two Hand pipes could toe secured. The pipes wore sunk twenty feet Into the sand and the pumping was ibegun again , and Is Etlll going on Incessantly night and day. Under the now arrangement the sand and water arc 'both thrown out In a continuous stream , but the skeptical declare that before the lake Is pumped empty all the Nodaway river north of Clearmont will be dry , People In northwest Missouri and south western Iowa ara watching the work of the treasure-seekers with great Interest , knowledge of which fact has proba'blj1 * added greatly to their ardor Already almost half as much as was paid for the entire Plitto pur chase lias been spent In the vain search , but the Balnses and their friends say that they have not yet thought of giving up. T \ICI.M ! OUT 'Min KINKS. Slrnii r ' Fail Proiilriil Amoiipr IVuxIi- liiKton'M Oolon-il Sni'li-O. The colored ministers of Washington , re lates a correspondent , are preaching that "flesh Is vanWy1' from a po'nt ' of view which does not give their white brethren any trouble. Displayed In a * show window on ono of the principal shopping streets of this city U this sljn : ATTHNTION. OOTXDRnD PHOPI.E ! Blank's Tako-out-klnk Will tnkp ttio klnlc out or ycur hnlr untl make It silky , soft , iplinble und beautiful. Then follow Intimations for the use , ac- companlel < by the guarantee of harmlcfs- ncss , and by other statements of the prepara tion. But the sign Is not what draws the colored people to the window and causes them to remain there with admiring gaze. Tbo bottom of the show window Is piled high with black hair In the natural state. There la enough to make a good beginning with a mattress. Above are exhibits of what "Blank's taHe-ojt-klnk" can do. Switches and bangs and braids and other forma of ( black hair , soft and goi | > sy and wavy , are shown In strong contrast with the raw material underneath. The light Is temptation. Colored pefitorn of Warh- Ington have discovered that the fjuhlon to experiment with "takc-out-klnk" In sweep ing through their congregatlona. They are denouncing from the pulpit In vigorous lan- Kuago the wickedness of trying to change the natural order of capillary growth. Waste no money. Buy Salvation Oil , the only good liniment. It kills all pain. i ! BIT OF HuLlAND IX AMERICA Old Dutch Colony in Iowa find the Won Who Founded If. LONG JOURNEY TO THE NEW LAND Srtllfinrnt nl I'Mbi Wlirn lh < - .Sn ( c \\IIK Vt-t V. niiitu Uniilil I'murcoM In ( tic Cnlin > _ PoiuiiUiiK the Slimy Con lit > C'ol < iu > . The tcttlcmcnt of ( ho Dutch colonists In Marlon county , lonn , Is the subject of a sketo.i In the annals of Iowa from the pen of Cvrenus Cole , a oclito editor of the DCS Molues Register , himself u descendant of < he colonists. In the summer of 1847 700 col- onlato Irom Holland c.unc to Iowa nnd set- tied in JUrUn county on the divide between too Des Molnes and Skuak rlvcns , Mr. Colon n rites. In their own country they had been persecuted on account of their religion , being dissenters from the established reform church and therefore they called their now homo Pelli , mending a place of refuge. The foundIng - Ing of the community was primarily a re ligious ceremony. Those 700 Immigrants , vvlth later additions , uro enrolled among1 Iho makers of Iowa. They endured the hardships of plcoecr llfo and fulfilled all their duties to state nml society In 'the deep consciousness that they were a part of God's own plan. To speak of religious persecutions In Hol land Is almost to contradict history. Holland la ono of the cradles of both civil ui/d / re ligious liberty In Europe. Hut the. Holland of Ib40SK not the Holland of 1GIO. A clergy supported by the state hail learned to use the civil power for Its own ends , which vvero not always the ends of religion Tolerance had become In oleranco. Sturdy Calvnnlsm hid become fawning formalism. Hut all the old flrea had not been put out. The men und women who cumo to 1'clla while ki Holland stool tnio to fie past of the republic and the reformation. They belle\cd In the complete tcpiratlca of chut eh and state. They op- poied the established church because to 4hem it had become an Institution of form , Instead of being an expression of faith. Out of the Xjpolconlc reconstruction of Europn IIoll ml emerged a mcuarcby with a close occlcil- ustlcal es'abllsflment. The ta'c used the church and the church used the state , each for Its own ends. The church became worldly and the go\ernmcnt tvranlcal. It was agaln-t this tint Hie people who c'lerlahed the old Idejs rc\olted. The longing for a. new fatherland mani fested Itself prior to 1S41. and In 1S4G the first steps toward emigration to America were taken. The emigration was made In the spring of 1847 , four small chartered sail ing \cssels departing for America between the ltd and llth of April. They carried In all ICO constituted houscho.ds , or families , together with a largo number of both men and women who were compelled to lca\c their families and rel.itl\es as well as their native Isnd. The emigrants landed In Daltl- more In May , and after a long and tedious journey , by the primitive American rall- wajs , by steamboat and bj stage , finallj reached St. Louis , where they were hos pitably welcomed ) Prom St. Louis they sent out "spies after the manner of the chlMtcn of Israel" of old , to find a suitable location for a settlement. Many locations were of fered them and irany flattering Inducements hold out , but from the first Iowa was the most favored piaco. The state was not jet ono joar old , having been admitted Into the tn'on In the preceding December The com missioners at once went to Iowa. General Van Antwerp , In charge of the go\eminent land ofllco at Falrfleld , conducted them to the divide In Marlon county aad slid : "This Is the garden spot of Iowa " There , accord ingly , they bought two civil townships of lind , paying to the government $1.23 per aero. VThls done ; they returned to St. Louis with the glad tidings- that they had found tbolr future abode. JOURNEY INTO IOWA. The journey was at once resumed , a steam boat being chartered from St. Louis to Kco- kuk. At Kcoliuk they gathered their goods Into wagons , drawn by horses and oxen , and started on their overland Journey. It was n curious procession that made Its way up the valley of the DCS Molnes. Quite a spec'aclo it must have been for the "natives. " There were men and women In strange garb , and speaking a strange tongue Some rode In wagons drawn by horses and some In carts drawn by oxen. Some rode on horses and many went afoot. The men were broad- shouldered and the women fair-faced. The men were In velvet Jackets and the women In caps and bonnets the like of which had never before been seen In Iowa. After a journey of several dajs they came , on Au gust 2G , 1847. to a level place , where stood a hickory polo with a shingle nailed to the top and on the shlnglo the single word , "Pella. " It was almost September and winter was before the emlgiants They were on an open prairie , with no shelter save a few log houses left by the squatters of 18)3. ) Prom a distant s > aw mill they procured lumber to build the first house , and the rest went to work and made "dugouts " The settlement became l.oovvn as "Strooljen stad , " or "Straw City. " The winter spent In such abodes has ever been a distinct era In the minds of the colonists. Three things they did In Pella before all else. They made provision for the worship of God , for the Instruction of the youth , and for citizenship. Three weeks after their ar rival , an officer of the courts was sent for and all the male adults declared their Inten tion to become citizens of the United Stales At the regular session orMho Iowa leglala- turo In 1818 a bill was passed empowering the people of Pella to hold forthwith a town ship election , and they voted for president of the United States for the first time in 1852 PROGRESSIVE COLONY. Troin the first , the progress of the colonists was rapid. A ourvey of the town was made on the 2d of September , 1817 , and eight blocks laid out Into elxtj-four lots , surrounding the Garden square. At the same tlmo they begat to till the soil , the farmers going to work with a willingness that had never been ex celled , even In America. From 1848 to 1855 there were large annual additions to the colcny. In 1850 there were probably 2,000 people In the settlement. They have pros pered as a community almost beyond all ex pectations. Tbo two original townships have long since been too small for them and their descendants. The settlement la now nearly forty miles Icog and ten to fifteen miles wide. They buy land continually , but seldom sell They have absorbed several neighborIng - Ing villages. There ha * always been a con servative , "old fashioned" element In the ( enter , but the outlying "provinces" of Pella are liberal and thoroughly Americanized Theology Is blue at the center , but It grows paler towaid the circumference. The home language Is still the Dutch In most places , but the public language Is alwajs the English , which alonq Is taught In the schools. Passing over the founding of Orange City , the delusion as to * the nivlgatlon of the DCD Molm'H river , the establishment of the Hap- tlst college and the gold fever of 1850 , cvcntu which helped to Uapo the destiny of tbo colo.iy , the writer brings us down to the celebration , on thd let end 2d of September , 18)7 ! ) , of the fiftiethanniversary ! of the found ing of Pella , Then thousand gathered where the 700 hid met In 1847. Of the flrit sett'ere only a few remained SI altered and broken and bent were they the remnants of a once sturdy band. The pothos of a great strug gle wa ? written oa their fecca ; there was also the consciousness of victory. For the community It wai an auspicious and mem orable occasion. Tbo city was filled with fiags , but all the flaga were American. There was not a flag of Holland dt'plaod In all the streets. "We are Americans , though we are proud of our Dutch Wood , " Is what the people meant to lay. And their children ad grandchildren , or ea many of them as had studied the hUtory of Europe and America , were even prouder of thst blood thin were the pircuto and grand parents. The jo'nt heritage of Dutch 'ulood and American cltlzdn-iblp what more could they desire ? Acd here wo must sty farewell to the bit of Holland la America which I have tried to describe. It U'worth whileIn many vva ) , to gather up these fragments of his tory , Our love for those who hive gone before us and prepared the way for us prompts us to write of theao subjects Pella lisa for 'the Iowa writer not only historical , but pictorial vnUics and captb lilies. It Is community with a heroic background and MRt perspective. That It has lo t much o Us Individuality Is true Fifty jcars Is loag time In Iowa. In Pella many of tli good old customs have survived the first ha ] ccnturj ic-i } they survive forever Ilc- llgloa atll lives In. that wcred eoll , bu theology ta less flourishing. IOWA IN EARLY DAYS. I wish that I could have preserved In thli brief sketch something more of the Iowa o 1847 of these free prairies and that fre spirit. I have often heard told how bcatltlfu lown was when the settlers who ramo fron Holland first taw this land , It was billowy llko the sea which they crossed. There vva wave after wave on the tall grass. ClUiiblnt ; up the hllH and dipping down Into the hoi lows , the winds rippled or rolled over th vast meadows of God. How the prairie bewildered men ! It cost something to live In n new country but It wns also worth something. I believe that a part of It all has passed Into the met nnd women who tolled among such scenes something of the strength and the freedom something of the highness and wldencss pomcthlng of the beauty and the sacrcdness Men and women have been living In Iowa but Iowa Is just beginning to live In men and women. U takes more than ono genera tlon to do this. Hut the making of Iowa wns not a dream It was a stern reality. It was not In n handful of wild flowers which women gath crcd , nor In a bit of blue sky which they admired , nor In the song of a bird whlc charmed them. It was a battle between civ Illzatlon and barbarism. The men and th women marched sldo by side and tough together. Ever marching , ever fighting sometimes repulsed , or annihilated , but al wavs victorious In the end , Fortunate ar they whoso fathers nnd mothers , or grea grandfathers and great grandmothers , ecrvci In this grand army of the pioneers th ctato builders of the now world. In this vast country of ours cich ono ha some spot which Is more dear to him tha all the rest. Pella Is such to me. How oftci hns the story of the dikes and the prairies of the gray skies and the blue , of the sc of waters , and the sea of grasses , of the Joj and the sorrows , of the burdens borne so fa and the suffering endured so long , been toll to mo by oiio who , as n girl , gave her hear first to the new reformation In Holland ant then to the new country In America. Pron her I hnvo the spirit of this sketch. I hav learned to believe that the truest hlstor of any craior any event must be written on of the hearts of women , rather than out o the minds of men. Arnold's Dromo Celery cures headaches lOc , 2ic ! and GOc. All diuggists. n \5.rn WITHOUT xi-nnn. Impatient Unit Trnpiu'd nnd Ill-Id for ' 1'ucnl ) MlmiU'N lij Theater Cluilr. There Is ono man In Kansas City , relates the Times , who will never again bo BO anx lous to got out of a , theater that he will ttj to climb over the teats. This man was a the mutlnee at the Grand the other after neon , and when ho had stood on one fee for twontv minutes , with the other foot SP mrelj fastened In the seat upon which he had stepped In his wild desire to get 01 ahead of the man In front of him , ho made a mental resolve that the ne\t tlmo he wouh abldo his time. It required the combine * efforts of twelve men , Including Stage Car pouter Lymnn , who acted as foreman , to ex trlcato the rash Indlv Idual , and a hammer , a saw and a screwdriver had to bo brough Into play before the prisoner was released. The man sat well down In the orchestra chair * , and as soon as the cm tain droppei on the last act of "In Old Keutnck } " he be gan to figure on getting out before the pcopl who sat six rows behind him. His first move was to forget all the laws of propriety am step on his scat In order to climb over be hind it. His second move was to staj jus where ho was. The seat , not being made fo a step-ladder , turned w Ith him , and his lef foot sllnped down between the Iron work a the back and the leather-covered bottom o the scat. There It went and there It re malned. The man could not pull his foot out nor could any of a crowd of men who volun leered to do a llttlo tugging. The too-rapid man had started out while wearing an overcoat. He found the coat to heavy ami slipped out of It. Ho then begai to notice that It was warm In the theater Ho took off his hat. Next ho unbuttonec his vest , and began to perspire at a faste late than ever. "Take off his shoe , " said ono bystander , bushes shos and foot were there together , and there was no freeing ono without the other Finally , a member of the orchestra , afte passing an expert opinion on men who stej on the seats In a theater , called Stage Car penter Ljman. Lyman took ono look at the seat , and dls appeared in search of too'e. With a smal saw ho cut away the footboard at the bacl of the seat , but even after a good deal o excavating It was found that the shoe and foot declined to bo moved. Ljman nyido an other sortie to the region behind the curtain and secured a screwdrlvei The screws were taken out , bolts were loosened , and afte the prisoner was finally liberated , wlthou BO much as a "thank you , " he made ai dasl for the door , having lost just nineteen am one-half minutes by trying to save time , "I hope It will teach him a lesson. " said Lyman. as ho looked at the ruins "Do > ou know that we have down stairs 500 pounds of castings which we have to keep because such people will persht In stepping on seats and breaking them ? The man who gets caught at that trick need never expect any sympathy from me. " CHEAT YOU NOW A Government Stamp cer tifying to the A o and Purity is on every bottle of the DE SURE THE INTERNAL REVENUE STAMP OVER THE CORK AND CAPSULE IS NOT BROKEN AND THAT IT BEARS THE NAME W. 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Corner lOtb and Farnnut 4U-i Omalio , Neb , OOLD DUST. Lnrgcot pnckngc grcntrtt economy. THE H. K. FAIRDANK COMPANY , Chicago. 8t Louis. Nrw York. Boston. I'lillulclptila. IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD ? Are You Bearing a Secret Burden Because of Sexual Weakness. IF YOU ARE , THEN ACCEPT THIS A COURSE OF MEDICINE SENT ABSOLUTELY FEgg&g gY IMCAJHL , = = = = = Itvory . . mnn BUfTcrlna from . the clTccta of youthful folly or Inter , oxcpitei . rritoreil , , . to PKUrKCT . ni.'Al.TlI AMI Vfauil. Premature IKcllnc. Ix > t Miinliont Hp < rmnt < .rrliaii ! l.inlfMuiis. nml all . tallied others. Falluro Imposi'blu by our mutioJ IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO TPIY IT ! Tlionsnnds of weak men who hnvo bernnio dlscournred after trvInK nil otJiyr trofttmcntP , Imvo I.PCH . VntYo ? M PHYSICIANS' INSTITUTE , 1945 Masonic Teinplo , CHICAGO , ILL A FAIR FACE CANNOT ATONE FOR AN UNTIDY HOUSE. " USE ALL HAIL THE We're off for the skating ! We're down the toboggan slide ! Gee ! But isn't it fun ! The Ice Carnival is on at the Exposition - position grounds. They charge 10 cents to get into the grounds , 10 cents admission - sion to the ice and 5 cents for each ride down the toboggan slide. IF you will bring in two new sub scribers for the Daily and Sunday Bee for two weeks each , you can get a ticket to the grounds , an admission to the ice and four trip tickets for the toboggan slide , or eight tobggan tickets or four ice admissions. IF you bring in one new subscriber to the Daily and Sunday Bee for three weeks , you can get a ticket to the grounds , an admission to the ice and two trip tickets for the toboggan slide ; or three ice admissions , or six toboggan tickets , IF you bring in more subscribers , or for a longer time , you can get tickets at the same rate for each bona fide new subscriber that is , an admission to the grounds , or an admission to the ice , or two trip tickets for the toboggan slide , for each week paid in advance by the new subscribers you bring in. The more subscribers , the more tickets. A whole lot of fun for just a little work , None but bona fide new subscribers count , No subscription taken for less than two weeks. Bring your subscriptions to the 1 Circulation Department , Bee Publishing Co , , Bee Building