Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    581) AY. JANUARY 11. 185)8. )
Weak Cables Afoot Whoit and Force a
f Decline ,
. Corn , Out * anil Provision * l-'iillnrr the
" I.cinl > f U'lirnl , anil AnSivcr" !
1'iiliiti Lou or tit tlie
CHICAGO , Jan. 10. Heaviness character-
h. ' . d all the grain and "provision " markets to-
cl iy. Wheat was affected most by the weak
r blc < ) and closed % c lower than the llnnl
Jlruris of Saturday. Corn declined from Uc
I iff to "sc. Outs closed % a lower and provl-
fUjn.i registered declines ranging from 7'/ic '
to lOc.
\Vh'at opened weak at from % c totc
below Saturday's closing price. It held
fairly firm during the greater part of the
forenoon nt about the starting price. First
trades for May delivery worn made at from
! > ' ' % c to TiC , ns against Sl ic nt the close
Saturday. The range from that time up to
the publication of the visible supply state
ment was from OIc down to IiO' c. The. vlv
Ihlo supply showed only 47.0CO bu. Increase ,
and ns high as l.OOO.OW bu. having been
mentioned as not nn Improbable ( ( uanttty
for Us Increase , somebuying ' .vns Induced
by It , but It was too limited to have any
material effect. The early drop In prices
ivns duo primarily to a Old decline at hlv-
crnnnl nnil sllchllv easier nuotatlons from
Paris , hclpi'd als'o by receipts in tnc norm-
west muci heavier than could bo regarded
hopefully by the bulls , Minneapolis anil
Dtlluth received " > 3I cars , compare with
5W1 cars on the corresponding day of last
year , Chicago received 40 cars , compared
with 2i ) cars a year ago. Of today's Inspec
tion only 4 cars were contract. World's
uhlpmrnts to ICuropo were olllchilly reported
at 4,819.000 bu. , but tin1 comparative small-
nexs of the figures evidently had no effect
on the foreign markets. It , however ,
caused May to rally to Sic and BHic
from around ! Hc. ) but the market slowly
Hagged again. A Uvrrpool Cablegram said
Russian rnport m.ide wheat s'noiv a de
ficiency of M.WO.IHV ) bu. compared with the
previous y ar's crop , ryi123,000,000 bu.
shortage and o.tts 101,000.100. That great de
ficiency In production of the country which ,
after the rnlted States , -'produces more
grain for export than arty other In the
world , raiiMi-d scarcely a ripple of ctirl-
o.'lty here The Atlantic exports for the
day were enual to 360,100 bu. T.1O English
visible supply decreased 213,000 bu. The
total I'ulted Kingdom stocks at the princi
pal 'ports ' compiled January 1 , showed ,
H'nco ' they were previously made up , Oc
tober 1. an Increace of 110.000 bu. wheat
and 51,700 Hacks of Hour. The closing cllo- |
tatlons In fi-reign markets suggested greater
heaviness than there was any visible rea
son for nt this distance. Liverpool closed
* a ( a decline- for the day of from Titd to Id ,
I'.irls from 'Oc to GOu lower for Hour and
2Jc to I'Oc dortn for wheat. The market be
came quite weak toward the end. Up to
nl'hln half an hour from the close May
sold around flOTde , but the weak closing ca
bles caused ro-iiewed selling , which , coming
on an unwilling market , caused a fur
ther break to W > % e. May was offered at
tHH'-e at the close.
t'orn was very slow. It was also weak
1 -without any fresh reason , sympathy -with
whivU being apparently the only reason
for the decline. ICIevator people were moderate -
orate sellers , lluylng was scattered and un
important. May ranged from 2lH4c to 29c
ami closr.'d from > 4c toc lower at 29c.
Oats were weak from the start. The fea
ture was the unexpectedly largo Increase
In the visible supply , 2,4'i.oOO : : bu. , 'duo to
the arrival at the seaboard ot oats started
east In December. The visible supply fig
ures' caused general selling. In which out
siders participated , but the liquidation
ceased when the explanation ot the. Increase
m-ns known. May reached from 20 > sc to
2SV4C , and closed at 2.V4c. !
Provisions were dull and lower. liberal
receipts of hogs started the market weak.
Little support was given the market cither
by local packers or from the outsldo and
selling by commission houses and -scalpers
easily presFcd prices further down. At the
close .May pork was lOc lower at49.32V4 ,
May lard lOVic lower at $ I.SO and .May ribs
7'-c lower at Jl.07',4. '
10 tlmiteil : receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
"a cars ; corn , 800 caw ; oats ; 433 cars ; hogs ,
SG.OOO head.
Leading futures ranged as follows.
Artlclea. . | Open. | Hiicli. I Low. I Cloao. | y.
Jan. . . . H2H 1)1 ) 1)1 )
Miiy. . . Illim DDii
July. . . HIM Bl4 !
Jan. . . . ' 'OK 2I1K
Mny. . . JUijf M 20
July. . . 308H
Wny. . . am
July. . . li'JH
J.-iti. . . . I ) 25 tl i5 ! 0 17M t ) 17W 0 27rjh
Way. . . U 40 I ) 40 DUO 0 3'Jtt u -rjh ,
Jnn . . . 4 70 t 70 1 07 4 (17M ( 4 80
May. . . 4 S3 4 85 4 77H 4 80 4 IH >
Jan. . . . 4 nn 4 no
May. . . 1 70 1 71 ! 4 (17H ( 4 07M 4 75
No. 2.
Cash quotations were , ns follows :
FLOUR Quiet : winter patents , . . .
Ftrnlghls , J4.205f4.4 > ; spring specials. $3.233.3S ;
rprlng patents , JI.40JJI.70 ; strnlghls , JI.OOO4.30 ;
bakers' . J3.C04j3.fO.
WIII3AT-N3. 2 spring , SCi S7ic ; No. 3 spring ,
S1G90. ' ; No. 3 red , ale.
CORN No. 2 , SCli i2Gie.
OATS NIL 2. 22HC , f. o. b. ; No. 2 while , 21ic ;
No. 3 while , 23 iQ24V4c.
RYE-NO. 2. 43c.
IIA11LEY No. 2 , 26liffinc.
FLAXSEED-No. 1. J1.18 1.22.
TIMOTHY SEii-Prlme , j.77',4.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per hbl. , J9.20JT9.25V4.
Lard , per 100 Ibs. , Jl CiV44i'4.70. Shoit ribs , sidas
( loose ) , t4.ISWI.70. Dry salted shoulders ( tioxcil ) ,
jl.73ffiOO. ! Short clear sides ( boxed ) , JI.7.r4.S3.
WHISKY Dlhtlllera * llnlshed goods , per gal. ,
StillARS Cut loaf , JO.II ; granulated , J3.23 ,
On the Produce exchange today the butter
market was steady ; creamerlc.4 , 11J20c ; dairies ,
lltflTe. Cheete , quiet. fcGSbe. Eggs , fres',1. 21c.
Drenaeil poultry , market quiet ; tuikvye , lOHflllc ;
chicken * , l'W10i ' o.
( liiotiitloiin of tlin DIIJon ( iriifral
Coninioillllex ,
EW YORK , Jnn , 10. FI/1UR ItccclptB. 90f5
cxportH. JJ.OS7 bills , ; quiet nnd about
Mrady ; city mill vati-nta , MC35.Dcity ; mill
clear. 13.338.1.43 ; Mllilirxotii patent , 13.00 5 SO ;
Mlnneiiota bakfm' , $ I.2.V3I.60 ; winter Mrojghls ,
(1.4301.55 : winter extras , J3.1033.M ; winter low
irudes , Jj. ! ( f3.00. Rye Hour , steady , JJ.50ff3.20.
llurkwhent Hour , quiet ut J1.23W1.33.
1M11MCWIIEAT Easy ut 37c.
CORNMEAI < Htealy : yellow wektern , We.
JlYK H.i y ; No. 2 westeni , 65c.
1IARLEY Hteaily ; feeding , 3l4c. !
ItAIlLEY MALT Dull ; western. 52'iflWc.
WHEAT Receipts. 100825 bu. ; export * . W.C01
liu. Kpot , wrnk ; No , 2 red , jl.OOUi. Options
npenoil weak under bearish cables , rallied on the
Kinnll vUlbltf supply Incieaso , but broke again
undur long felling und weak lale. eontlnentul
now * , clotdiig iWItc ! net lower ; No , 2 red , Jan
uary , 97 : > 4fi'JiV ( e , clo ed , 'J7 ? ej May , P2B : V4c ,
clnsed , Di'tc. '
CORN' Itecclpts. ! )7.5 ) i ) bu. ; exports , 93.934 bu , ;
Fput eaiiy ; No. 2 , 34ie , Options 0iencd | tteudy
nn IlKht ofrerlngH , but sold oft under a heavy
vUlb'.e Kiipply Incieaie nnd nympathy with
\vhe t , chiilni : MC c net lower. January cloned
at 3Jlc ; M.iy , 34i)3IUc. closed , 3lc.
OAT -RecelplM. 223,200 bu , ; exportB , Hl.OKS
liu , ; spot quiet ; No. 2 , 2 ? ic. Options quiet nnd
easier , with thu other muilteU , closing un.
changed tn Uc net lowor.
HAY Quiet ; uhlpphig , 25013o ; uooil to choice ,
HOI'rt-Hti-nJyi state , conimon to choice. 1S53
crop , ICfc ; Ik9 crop , T cj H 7 crop. ICIflfc ;
I'liclflo ron l , H95 crop , IQCo. 1534 crop , 709cj 1(97
rrr.n ICUlkc
IllHIJa Hleouy ; uiuveeion , lie ; lexao ury , I2j ;
California. 17Cilc.
LHATIIER-Qulet : hemlock role , llia-noa
Avrtii , liravy. i l,4n21VsC ,
WOOI. Steady ; tleece , J9a31c ; pulled Texan ,
13 17f.
I'ROVIBIONS-lleef. llrm ; family , $11,0811,60 ;
extra menu. $1Wf8.50tfvl ; \ hanu. J,0 > ) O2J.BO ;
iMckPt. t'J.iVSl-Iu.lH. Cut meat > , ntcnily ; pickled
bulllm , J5.iOUC.M ( ; pickled shoulders , J3.00 ; plrklfd
Iwina , $7.00 , I < nnl , linn ; weH'rn bteam , Ji.05 ;
rrtlnnl. linn. 1'ork. firm : men , J1,75 9.23 iihort
clnir. JlO.COfflt.W ; family. JlO.OOtflO.W , Tallow.
dull , country , 3Vfci/3Vp : city , 3 ; c.
OH.H-1'elroleum , oull ; United. Ciic. ( ! Ron. |
nrm Mr.ilned. common lo gooJ Jl. 4301.45. Tur.
pentlne llrmrr at 33iiiJ33VjC. CiiltuiiBeed , quiet ,
Hun nnd hcl.l higher ; prime crude ISHOliiprlmo ;
crudr. f. o. b , inlll > , 15010c ; prime Hummer | .
low. S3V 023c ; eft nuinmrr yellow. J2c ; butter oil.
I4 27ci prime winter jcllow. 27HttHc.
ItlClv-QuU-t ; fair to extra , iiOCVc ! ; Japan ,
MOl4.\ftSirf-Qulet ; New Orleani , open kettle ,
raa.1 In choice , 2i > tf31c.
METAinS-l'lg Iron , wp.rrantu dull at JG.fO bid
nd 10.73 utked , l < ukc copper , iiulet at J10.W bid
ind 111.00 u lrd. ; Tin , quiet at $19.7 ! bid and
II ! SS lukrd. Spelter , quiet at $3 SO bid and
13.79 inked. I ad. quiet ut $3.C3 bid and $3.75
atkod. Thu firm that llxe * the fettling price *
fainlnen and imeliem quot > v lead nt $3.63 ut the
l RtcclDU , 8,797 pkc ; murltet dull ;
cre mcry , 14ffJOc , ElRlni , Me. factory ,
CHEESEReceipts , t.K3 pkus. ) market quiet ,
Inrxo white , fi ptfmb r SHWuH. . . . smiill white
Septcmlxr , iuom t iTRe cul.ird . , K i-tember ,
SHI' t. "mail colored , fifplemlicr , SV. light
skim * . iHJC'.jC ' , ( > nrt tklms , 4',1i ' ( H'- , full tkims ,
KOOH-Rert-lpt.i , 4.5M t > kgt. | ; market quiet ; ttntf
and rcnntyhanU , 17025C.
OMAHA (1 B.K It A 1. JlT-V II K I3T9.
Conilltlon of Tr4t < le nnil < lnotat loan
nn Slaplc nnil I'iincI'roilticv ,
noflS-Strlctly fresh , OMc.
UUTTER Common to fair. 10llci choice to
fancy , Hfil.Vi separator creamery , Jlc ; ( jathcred
crenmeiry , ISHlSc.
VHAL-Cholce fit , SO to 120 Ibs. . quoltd at So ;
large and co.irse. 40c.
URESHEU I'OULTRY-Chltkws. S 6s ; tutkeya.
& { ? IOc ; geese , Sc ; duckx , Cc ,
OAMi ; Pmnll rabbtc : , ncr doz , , flat larre , per
< loz. , "ScCJI.zO ; cqulrrels. WOW.
riOiONS : Live. Tic : dead t > l con not wanted.
HAY Upland , tSM : midland , $ .i.o-l ; Ion-Ian. . ! ,
lj.00 ; rye straw , $1 ; color mike * the price on
hay ; light bnlen sell the bcstt only top
bring top
QUINCES Cnllforuta , per box , 1.25 ,
CELERY-Oood slock , large. 40c ; small , 159
: oc.
ONIONS I'cr Im. , C5c.
lil-AN.s llanJ picked navy , per bu. , Jt.2531.20.
SWEET I'OTATOE.S-l'cr bbl. , $2.51.
fJAIlllAOIOoo.1 stock , per Hi. , l o.
POTATOES Home grown , W035c ; wontcrn
Hock , 7oo.
Al'I'LES Winter stock. $3.00 : California Belle.
fleur , boxes. $1.60 ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes ,
$1.75 ; Oregon , boxes , 11.2 ; . .
CRANIIEIMUES-Jetseys , per bhl. . $7..O7.50 ;
Wisconsin Ilrll nn.l IhiRle , $7.505(7.73 ; Wl consln
Hell nnd Cherry. $5.50
ORAI'E. Catawbaji , C-lb. baskets , IttflSc ; Mal
agas , J3.OOfJC.OT.
ORANOEH Mexican , per box , t3.0093.ri ; Call-
fornlti navels. $3.2.Vi(3.5ti. (
LEMONS McsMnns , $3.0031.00 $ ; California. 360 ,
} : 300. $3. so.
RANANAS-Cholcc , large slock , per bunch , $2.00
E22. ! ! < . mpillllnl l7nl lninr > lnB tl ? r.o * > nn
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , large nine , lS T13c ;
malt , He ; llruzlls , per Ib. , 'jaiuo ; niigllsh wa | .
nut * , per Ib. . fancy soft shell. ! 'Ji/llc ; stand-
nrd , SijDc : tllberts , per Ib. , lOc : pecans , pnlMi'd ,
ineduni , M7c ; extra large , 'ii9o ; I itva l ckory
nuls. $ l.00ul.i | > per bii. ; small. $1.2501.13 per bu. ;
cocoanuts , p : ICO , $4.00 ; peonutc , raw , 05V4c ;
roasted. CiJCHc.
PIGS Imported fancy , 3 crown. lb. ( | boxe.i
12e ; 5 crown. 41-lb. boxr * . Hs : : = : i-lb. boxes , 23
y23c per bo > " . 'HllfornU. 30-lb. box.
HONEY ciiaici ) white. IZf Colorado nmbcr , 10
IIIUUT Per lib ! . , $4.00 : half bbl. . J2.23O2.33.
MAI'Li : SYRPP-rive-gni. cans. each. $2.75 ;
gnl. cans. pure , per doz. . $12.00 ; half-gal , cans
tC.Z3 : quart cans , JJ.Cu.
DATES Hnllowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc ; Salr ,
5Hc : 1'ard. 9-h. ! boxes , Sc.
CIOEP.-Per half bbl. . $3.00 : bbls. . $3.23 ,
URESSIOD IlEEP-Oood native fleers. 6Hc ;
Koi d forKiuarters steers , 5'5c ; good hindquarters
Hteers , S'.Jcj western steers , 6vc ; Texas steers ,
6'4c ; fancy heifers , Cc ; good heifers , Cic ; trail
fuierjuortirs heifers. 6c ; good hindquarters
Iielfi-rH , 8c ; good cnws , 5'Ae ; fair cows DC ; cow"
foreciuarlers , 'HJe ' ; cow hlnd'iuarters , TIC
IlEKI' ' CtTS-Hanglng tenderloins , 4'/.c ' ; rib' ,
No. 1 , lie ; ribs. No. 2 , Se ; rlbi , No. 3 , oc ; steer
rounds. 7c ; cow rounds , 6\ic ; OTW rounds , shank
off , 8c. cow rounds , shank and rump off , 8c ! !
trlmmlngi ) . 4itc ; beef sh.inlu ) , 3c : liralns , 'per
ilo3. , 55c ; sweclbreails. p"r Hi , , 12iie ; sweelbroadn
( calves ) , per 11) . , 4dc ; kidneys , per dos. , 33i-j ox
tails , each , 3c : livers , per Hi. , 3o ; hearts , per ! ! > . ,
3c ; tongues , per lt > . , 1240 ; calf livers , each , 33c ;
cnlves , whole cnrciiAs or sides. Oc. calf lieail nnd
feet , scalded , per set , 73c ; tendcilolns , fre li. 18c ;
lenderlolns , frjzen , ICc ; Imneless slrlps , fre h ,
fc ; lionelvss strips , froz-n , 'Jc : strip loins ,
fresh , SVic ; strip loins , frozen , GVsc ; rolls , bnne-
les9'Sc ; .rolls , spencer cuts , 9c ; sirloin butt1 ! ,
boneless. 9c ; shoulder , cloils , boneless , Cc ;
rump liults. Ixinelessi. 5He ; No. 1 chucks. rii'c , ;
No. 2 chucks. 4Jie ; No. 3 chucks. 4 c : lniielfa
chucks. 41ic ; csw rlnte < < . 3 c ; steer plates. 4c ;
Hank steak. Cc : loins. No. 1 , I3c ; loins , No. 2 ,
lOc : loins. No. 3. 8c ; Rhort loins , market style , 2
utKive loins ; short loins , hou-i style. So nliovo
loins : cow Inln ends , Sc ; steer loin ends , 9c.
MUTTON Fancy lambs. S'.fcc ' per Ib. : lambs ,
7Ho : sheep , 6W. market racks , long , 9c ; hotel
racks , short. 11 < - ; lylni. SWc ; saddles , 8 > Jc ; legs ,
9c : lamh legs , lOo breasts ami Mews , 314c ;
tongues , eacli 3c ; forenuurters , G'/c ,
I'ORIC Dressed pigs. 5c per Ib. ; dressed hogs ,
IHc : tenderloins. 12Vic ; loins , short , 5'Ae ' : lonir , 5" ;
spare ribs , 4c ; hnm sausage bulls. OUc ; Boston
butts. 5c : shoulders , rouflj. ; ; ; h 'ildcrs ,
skinned. 5e : trimmings , 4e ; leaf lard , not ren
dered , 5c ; heads , cleaned. Ic : snouta nnd ears ,
3c ; ImcklMjnes. 2c : slip bones. 2 > 4c ; cheek ment.
3Hc : neck liones , 2c ; pigs' tails , 3c ; nluek i. ear-h ,
5c ; chitterlings , Sc : hocks. 4c ; hearts , per doz. ,
25c ; stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , each 7c ; kid
neys , ! > r doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15o ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , 25e : livers , each 3c ; hog- rinds ,
3c : blade bones , Sc.
HIDES No. l green hides. 7c ; No. I green
hides , Co ; No. 1 failed hides. Se ; No. 3 green
salted hides , 7ic ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 13 Ibs. .
10c ; Ni. 2 veal cnlf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
&HEEP PELTS ( Irecn salted , each , 15S75e :
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each , 15o ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Be ; dry Hint , Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 4RSc : dry nint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual wcUht , 30
4c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. . actual weight , 4T3c ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actunl weight. S3lc.
TALLOW , OREASn. ETC. Tallow , No. 1 ,
2c ; tnllow , No. 2. 2ViC : rough tallow , l',4c ;
white grense , 2ViO2Hc ; yellow and brown grease ,
FURS Hear ( black or brown ) , $5.COQ > 20.00 :
otter , J1.50W9.00 ; mink , l5flCOc : beaver , JI.OO
© 600 ; skunk. 15c , 2oe. tOc ; muskrat , 3c. 5c , 7c ;
raccoon , 1550c : red fox , 25c $1.2i ; grey f < ix ,
25O50L- ; wolf ( timber ) , 23C5TS2.0 ; wolf ( prnlrlo
coyote ) , WflDOc ; wildcat , 10S255 ; badger. C 40c ;
silver fox , J5000JI75.00.
HORSE HIDES Each. $1.5002.25.
St. Louis CeniTuI MitrkftH.
ST. IUIS Jnn. 10. KIXJUR Quiet nnd un
changed ; pjlents. JI.70W4 85 ; Etralghts , $ i.33fi )
4.50 ; clear. $4.00.JZ4.23 ; medium , $3.5003.73.
\VIIKAT t-niver. clnslnir WJfiic below Satur
day for Mny. with January and July Uc off.
May opened lie lower , went off Vie. more , re
covered Vie nnd Inter declined until % WV4c below
thn top , closing nt the bottom. Spot , lower ; No.
2 red cash , elevntori 92V&C ; Irack , 91R95c ; No. 2
hnrd cnsh , S75J8Sc ; Jnnuary 92ic ; Mny , 93G >
93H-c ; July. 79tf. '
CORN Futures weak , closing with sellers ! w
VSo bclo\v the top and Saturday's closing bid ;
spot , easy ; No. 2 cash. 25y4c ; January , 23V4o
bid ; Mny.27fi > 27Wc ; . July , 2S'ic.
OATS l'\iturc cosy and n shade lower for
July , with Mny Bteady. Spot , strong and with
out change ; N < . S cash , elevator. 2Jic ! : track.
2ili82IV4c | ; N.p. 2vbltu. . 23ViO"5'Ac ' ; January ,
23V.ii bid ; May , 2UictIuly ; , 21ic.
RYP.-Qulel , 44V4C.
I'LAXSKIOD Steady. $1.15.
COIIN MEAIi tl.40.
11RAN Plrln : Backed , east Irack , 63c. -
TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. $2.50.
HAY-KIrm ; lilgh grades bcurce ; prairie , $0.009
S.SO : timothy. * 7.00j9.00.
UUTTER Steady ; creamery , 17G22c ; dairy , 9Jj >
EflOh' Steady. 18c.
METAUS Lead , dull , J3.I7V4. Spelter , flrm.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard mess ,
Jobbing , J9.25. Lard , easier ; prime etcnm , J4.53 ;
choice , J4.C24. ! Il.icon , boxed lol extra short
clear , J3.125.37'i , - rbs | , $3.2303.50 ; shorts ,
$3.37JiiT5.C2li. ( Dry talt meats , boxed shouldera ,
J4.7503.-0 ; cxtrn fhort clear. $ I.C2iS0-I.S7H ; ilba ,
$4.75Sf3.0 < ) : shorls , J4.87',4(3.12H. ( (
RECEIPTS nour. 5.000 bbl . ; vlieat , 19,000
bu. ; corn. 259.COO bu. ; oats , 48,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Klour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 23,000
bu , ; corn , 211000 bu. ; onts , 3200 bu ,
\Vt-iirt * C < IIIIIIINNOII Ciiiniuiiiji.
OMAHA Of'KICE , Jan. 10. The opening of the
market this morning varied from ! dc lo < Ao
weaker on ull kinds of grain anil In ull the dif
ferent futures , and continued we , ill on easy ca
bles nnd a dull trade. At the une time offerIngs -
Ings were light , nnd a little lal-'r the visible'
fcupply ftutcmcnt rame' out , showing an Incrruso
In nil linen , 47.OOO bu. , which Is light for wheat ,
1.092,0)0 ) bu , of corn und 2,45 , < < 0 bu , nf oats.
Them llgures in Iho cr.nrfo graltu wore notlreil
In thu wheat pit nnd without any crr.vlmtlc IIOWH
from any otht-r ouroo Hie mnrkel conllnued
weak and clcjod on Batur'ny night's put price
nt 92o for Jnnuary , or l-io lower , nnd nt WHo
for May. or % c lower , and Sl'lo for July , but
Sc lower. Thin l n reverse of the working of
Iho market during the letter part of the week ,
when tlin cnKh prices showed the extreme
Htrenglh , which shows manipulation to quite an
The decline of > , Jo In corn closing t 29o for
May nnd .T > e for July Is Unit natural with Urn
showing In the visible nupply statement
The receipts t country elevators am reported
CD being very light which In duo to Ind roads
and the lixllfiioslUon of the farmer to cell.
The Increase In oats cnu > 1 thoni to show more
weaknrax than corn which U but since
thn amount was much more than was expected.
While these statistics are culling large swaths
In price * nt tlmc-.s the disposition of th farmer
net to rell coaii-o grains ut present prlceu will
cut n larger one- later on. The Inft ye-ir'H crop
and prices of wheat have put them In clrcum-
Hlanres tn warrant their plraxiro In the mailer
nnd believe that either are purchases on these
weak spots.
CINCINNATI. Jan. IX ri/31'R Steady ; fancy.
$1 Mi ? ) . 40 ; family , J3.Mir3.73.
WHEAT-Hlrong ; No. 2 red. 9JS .
CORN KH m ; No. 2 mixed. 2K'.4c. '
OATS Klrmer : No. 2 mixed , 24jc. !
RYE-Qulet : NO. 2 , 4Cc.
PROVISIONS L-ird. llrm Jl.f24. ! Hulk meat * .
firm 11.50. llacnn , llrm. fS.CO ,
WHISK Y-Stcady. $1.19.
11UTTER l-'lrin : Elgin creamery , 23c : Ohio ,
14jr20c , dairy. llWe.
StlllAR-KIrm ; hiinl renned , J1.1CB6.10 ,
EOOH-Sleudy , ICVJc.
CHEESE-l--rin | ; b'uod to prime Ohio , Hat.
SHOD * .
YlMliTl.Jrn I ii .Su p ply.
NEW YORK , Jan. 10. The statement of Ini-
vlaiblc supnly of grain 111 ntor nnd nil oat nn
Saturday. Jununry 8 , an compiled by the Nev.
York Produce exchange. In as follawn :
WHEAT M.SGJ.OX ) bu. ; Increase , 47iv Lu.
CV > RN.5l8.nOO bu , ; Incrcnse. l.097.ft bu.
OATH 11.772.0 W bu , : Increane. 2 ai . O bu.
RYE I.KO.nW bu.J Increase , 43.COT Im.
11ARLBY 4,070,000 bu. ; decrense , 37I.OM Ui.
1 < lviriool |
LIVI3IIPOOL , Jnn. 10. WIIKAT Spot , No. 1
re < l nerth rn spring , dull at 7 9Wd.
COlWf Sn-il Anifrlcnn ml * I. firm nt 3s ! rt-
future * quiet ; February , la lid ; March , Is ld.
KI1 1 RRt Ixmls fan wmt. r und M i I I
HOPS At Ixn < ) n il'n ii t 7.11 tl > , < , > ' s I
PROVISION * | if f firm fxt-n In.l i me- i * J I
M , prims mn.u -.1 ! U , i . .nm . . * . I
nnj w , .sternt ii llru..s , t irt > . . II t > -0 I
II , nrm nt 3"s. Iia , ( asv nt . < Mh rl n * - , |
dull nt " 'H ' , I r > K ilir mii'llflir't ' > t ly it .
,7 M , knirtlPiir. ln-nvy , " . -hort lmi bnrk' i
27 M tlisr ticIU" | < rosy HI 3 > 61. Lniil , prim
RestM-n , -rtdy t nt Ka M. Shtwjld'rs. fquale ,
steady t J s. Tflllnw. prime city , nrm at t9f.
CHEI'WK-Amorlcan fli-sl nlillc und cnlw ? ]
flrm nt m M.
Iliilllnurrc Murkrlsi.
I1ALTIMORE. Jan H.-KLOtW-Uull : wejtern
suifrnne. It7310. . wpjttrn tlra. $ J.Jj l.lO ;
wntetn family , $4.l ffl.eS ; wlntf ; wheat pitftits
$ l.M 5.10 ; sprlnjr patents. JS.fO f , 20 ; spring wheat
tralnhl ! $4.H ) 4.M : recflpls , 17,410 bbl * . ; ex-
porls , none. . , . . . _ . . .
WHEAT Klnn ; fpot nnd month. 5C'ilf9oc ' ;
Mny. 9Sc hid ; stratnrr No. 2 ml. 92U09V ; le-
celpls. 7J.9I3 bu. : exports , II2.MI bu ; stock ,
1,2 > .J00 bu. ; southern wheat Iiy fnmpic , SatlWc ;
BjullK-rn wheat on K'nde ' , 938S7V4- ,
CORN Quiet ; spot , month nnl 1-Vbrunry ,
StStfSS c ; stenmer mixed , 31ft3IHc ; receipts ,
143.MC bu. ; cxputts , 1C3.392 liu. ; stork. 791.127 bu. ;
routhorn while corn. 31M ? ; eouthern yellow ,
' , C.
OATS rirm ; No. 2 white , 2nVtffOc ; No. 2
mixed , 27'4ff28c ; receipts , 10.310 bu. ; exporls ,
RYE-Slrndy ; No. 2 nrnrby. rJVC53c ; No. 2
w-p lcrn , M ? ; 51c : rccelpls , 31,633 bu. ; exporls ,
23,711 bu. i '
HAY-Slcady ; choice timothy. J13.00.
ORAIX I-'REKlHTS-CJulet nnil slendy : stt-nm
tn Llxcipool. per bu. , 4d , Jnnuary ; Cork for or
ders , per quuartcr , Janunry , 3s Cd ; l-'ebruary , 3s
7 * > d.
lll.'TTER-Qulet ; fancy creamery. HOJlJ ; fnncy
Imitation. ISyi9c ; fancy ladle , 17c ; good ladle ,
ISfMfc ; store packed. 12fII4c. (
lillflS Steady ; freph. 19c.
CIIEIWE Steady ; fancy New York , 5'ifflOc ;
fancy medium , lOtfiOUe ; fnhey small , 10'/i ' 10V4c.
NEW YORK , Jnn. n. COKFEE-Opllons
opened steady nt C points decline , ruled Innctlve
nnd foiiurelera , with weak undertone on large
receipts nt Rio nnd Santo * , illsappolnllng
Eutopcan cobles and weak spot markets ; closed
steady , with prices unchanged. Sales , 4.750 bags ,
Including Janunry. $5.40 5.45 ; March , $5. MI5.C5.
Snotrnn > e. Illo dull : No. 7 Invoice. 16.23 : No. 7.
Jobbing. $ C.50. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , $7.50015.00 ;
sales. l.COO Imjis , Maracalbo. p. t. Total wnre-
lioure deliveries from the United States , 20.9K !
bags , Including 20.1SC bags from New York. New-
York stock today , C$7,00) bags ; United Slnles
slock , 691,3:13 : bags ; nlloat for the Unllcd Slates ,
41H.OOO bags ; total visible for the l'nlti-d Slales ,
1.1C1.399 lings , 759.0CO hags last year nd
UV fu' ; bags the previous year.
IIAVRI1 , Jnn. 10.-coliTEU Closcil W lower
to Uf higher ; sales , 2.000 bags.
SANTOS , Jan. P. COfFEE-yulet ; good nvcr-
nge. 8.COO rels ; receipts , 21,000 bags ; stock , Sl.WO
HAMI1URO , Jnn. 10. COFFEE-tnichnngol : nt
2 p. unchanged to 14 pfg. net advance ; sales ,
5,000 lings.
No. 7 Rio. 8.300 rels ; exchange , 0 13-lCd ; receipts.
It.OOi ) bags : cleared for the United Stales , 9.0
bage ; cleared for Europe , 61,000 ba s ; stock ,
370,000 bags ,
KIIIINIIN ( 'l.iimln ( mill Provlxlonn.
KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 10. WHEAT Market
slow , somewhat Iriegular ; No. 3 hard , SCc : No.
2. SliTSCc ; No. 3. SliiJKIttc ; No. 1 , 7SHi8SlHc :
No. I red , 90'4fI91c ; No. 2 , S98'/ : No. 3. Sl > 65f
87Uc ; No. 4 , SI4JS3C ; No. 2 spring , blQS2c ; No. 3 ,
SOjS2c. |
CORN Market weak , ' .io lower ; offerings
heavy : No , 2 mixed , 245 { r245Sc.
OATS Market active , steady : No. 2 , 23Vjc.
RYE Market lower ; No. 2 , 24Sc.
HAY Market lower on heavy receipts ; choice
prairie , $7.001f7.25 ; choice tlnuthy. JC.50CiC.75.
UUTTER Supply accumulating ; trade slow ;
croimory. 13fl25c.
EOOS Market barely steady ; receipts , moder
ate , demand light ; fresh , 17c ; storage , 122lc.
.Vuiv Orleans 3lnrku ( .
Poik. slandard mess , 77ic. Lard , icflned tierce ,
3iS3T8C. Iloxed ments. dry salt Mhoulders , ISiC ;
sided. 44e. Ilacon , clear rib sides , S iffSVi-c.
Ham. " , choice sugar cured , sysjic.
COFl-'EE Quiet ; Rio , ordinary to fair , 7iQ ! >
9)iL .
RICE-Ordlnary to good , S'Siill'.f.c. ' '
FLOUR Extra fancy , JI.30f4.CO ; palcnls , $4.9)
0.1.01 ! .
HAY Prime , $11.00ffl3.00 ; choice , JII.OOftlt.rA
CORN-No. 2 sacked white. SGT37c ; mixed , SCc ;
yellow , 3Gjf37c.
OATS No. 2 sacked , 29',450c.
Crnln iRi-ofliitN at iPrliieliial .llnrketN.
ST. I/JUIS. Jan. 10. Receipts : Wheat , 25 cars.
MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. 10. Receipts : Wheat. 4S5
CHICAGO. Jan. 10. Rdclpts today : Wheat ,
4 cars : corn , 493 cars ; cats. 311 cars. Estimated
car lots tomorrow : Corn , too ; wheat , 235 ; oats ,
nULUTH , Jan. 10. Receipts : Wheat. 48 cars.
PEORIA Jnn. 10. Receipts : Corn , 62,230 bu. ;
oats , 27,830 bu. ; rye , 1,200 bu. ; whisky , none ;
whoa * . COO bu. Shipments : Corn , 44.400 bu. ;
oals , 43.700 bit. , rye , none ; whisky , 1,375 bbls. ;
wheat , COO bu.
'HcvIcMv of Wlirut 'Market. '
LONDON. Jnn. 10. The Mark Line Express ,
In ll weekly review of the wheat market , pnys :
Theio was nn Improved outlook In France , where
the wheat had a poor start In Octolwr and No-
vamber. The thaw In central Europe ha noli
been unmixed with advantage , but the now Is
still thick on , thd wheat fields eastward of the
Vistula and Carpathians. ArKfntlni ! will have
about 3OD,0 ) < X > quarters to exjort.
Tolcilo OlarUi-t.
TOLEDO , Jnn. 10. WHEAT Dull , "weak ; No.
2 cash , 90 ic ; May , 921&C.
CORN Actlvd easier : No. 2 mixed. :8'.4c.
OATS Bull steady : No. 2 mixed. 22'.4c.
RYE Unchanged ; No. 2 cash , tW3c.
CIjOVERSEEU Active ; prime cash nnd Jan
uary , $3.I2i. !
-Plilliuli-Iplilii I'roiliioc.
riIIL.\DELPHIA ! , Jan. 10 , IIUTO'ER Fancy
western creamery , 22c.
EHC1S Firm and Ic higher ; fresh nearby nnd
western ; & ) c.
CHEESE Firmer : New York faclory. choice ,
9Wff9'/-c ' ; New York faclory , fair lu good , K'.i
California Drloil I'riiKN.
FRUITS Steady : evaporated apples , common ,
S'Sne : prime wire tray , 8ie ( ; wood drleil , prime ,
bUffiSV-c ; c'holco. W6Vio ; fancy , 9 < B9ic. ! Aprl-
cxila , floyal. 7ffi8V4c : Moor Park , gflllc. Peaches ,
unpeeled , 7ifrlCc ; pceleil. 12ffl20c.
I'oorln InrkflH.
PEORIA , Jan. 10. CORN Market sleady ; No.
2 ' 2Go.
'OATS Market quiet No. 2 while , 234c. !
RYE Market quiet : No. 2. 43c.
WHISKY Market steady ; high proof spirits ,
Detroit iMnrUrt.
DETROIT , Jnn. 10. WHlwVT No. 1 white and
No. 2 red , 90&c : Mny , 1)1 ) 14c.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 2SV4c.
OATS No. 2 while , 25c.
RYE No. 2. 47ytc _ . _ _
Hull 'ConUiiKiMil ' Mrc < n ( ) l > ntnclc > i nnil
NEW YORK , . Jan , 10. There wns n halt In
the bull movement on the Stuck exchange today ,
the upward course of prices meeting with some
obstacles. The buoyancy manifested by some
special stocks was not Bultlclent topvcrcome Ihe
general tendency entirely and prices as a rule
are somewhat lower. There was some pressure
to sell for London account nnd priceH of Amcrl-
caiin were lower In London before tnc
opening here. There wns u disposition re.
ported from that center to take un un-
favorali'o view of Ihe fuluro of values
In Ihls country. There was also Dine
telling to realize In continuance of Saturday's
prollt taking. The readiness of traders tn realize
o\o weight to the opinion of some of Iho pio-
r..slnnnU Hint technical condition- ! were nol
good at present for u prolonged rue. THIS opin
ion In based on a belief that largo lines of
gtockH are already In the hands of speculators
awnltlng a rise. These holdings , it Is argued ,
might he dlModged by a slight reaction and
passed to the hands of combined Interests.
Doubtless the fear of pome mch maneuver
caubed home of the smaller operators to close
their buying today. It alsci gave c mlUUnco to
the bears , who told some of the leading stocks
quite nggresslvely. Tlie market wus , however ,
dull , us compared wllh the latter part of | n t
week. The recent activity of Cleveland , Loruln
& Wheeling , one of the few Ohio coal roids to
escape u default on Its obligations , wus extended -
tended today to Hocking Valley and Wheeling.
& Lake Erie. The common stock of Ihe former
rofe over a pulnt nnd Ihe preferred over 4
polntH. Wheeling & 1-nke Erie Blocks ulfo ad
vanced feme , but In quite nn errntla manner.
Ttnnensee Coal was strong , apparently In nyim
pathy with this group. Illinois Cuntuil was In
demand on the slrenglh of Its statement of eurn-
Inga , which rlicweil an Increum In gross earn *
inga for December of nearly $439(4)0 ) imil In net
for November cf } S03 , < tS , as compared with the
corresponding period last year. The buying of
Northern I'nclilo stocks wa also very heavy.
htockH running frcm 1,000 to 4.00) shares chang
ing hands qullu frequently. As a result th
preferred closed 1 % higher at C2i , which l
a new high lecord. Michigan Central , Missouri
Pacific * . Pltttburg. Cleveland. Chicago &
SI. I/iuls , Manhattan. Metropolitan mreri
Railway were other vtock to show strength
New York Central , on the other hand , Ion
point nn realizing. There was gome disappoint
ment , In view of Saturday's baulc statement ut
the continued firmness of money , whU-h did not
loan below 3 per cent. Foreign exchange al o
conllnued llrm. The bond market was quite
active today und pilces held llrm in the face , of
fcmu realizing In the fpe'Julatlve Issues , Total
tale * . J3573.0CO. United States old 4u , coupon ,
are W lower bid.
Thu Evening Post's Ixindon financial cable
gram tays ; The Blocks here today were Irregular
unil with u lets ntturcd ( one. Consuls und
kindred stocks wer lower on expectation of
gold bhlpmentfe ihls week ta Argentlre , hence
alee a further rUe of the Atgc-ntlne slocks.
Americans reni ! ed on a Nt'W York cable to the
Times predicting a silver majority In the next
houee. which , however rega riled l j pctnlmUtlc ,
U none the lens liable to dUturli Ihe public here
as levlvlng the diver rcare. The reaction would
ha\c been more severe but for the continental
cupport und arbitrage house covering rhorts-
New York nls- > absorbed stocks freely. Mlnpi
were steady. The settlement shows u small ac
count , but contangoes were fairly liUfh , den > ll'
ch aper money , A feature was the ttrenvlh of
Indian exchange. I am Informed from good
quarters Hint a scheme 1 * being illscumed the
main point of wlil-h would provide that Instead
of gold bejnoc actually shipped to India , R woull
bu uturej by the Indian treasury ou this lae
r.l nipt , s wu il 1. ' Issued nritlnst li In India.
Tlio entire s heme 1' of ' ( he * Importance.
It will nut ho generally kn.wn hire until tomor-
r iv nn 1 It i. i n-jl JeBnU ly nrrangeul. Ilufstsn
t11 rR- t ii > - ma Jo nn Imp. riant aJvancc ,
nni . ' .inn 01 7i ,
Total sales of stocks toJay , S3JpiM shares , In-
cluJInc : Atchl'cm preferred , 5.091 ; Chenapcnkc ,1
Ohio , 3.COO ; chlcnso. lUirllnRton & CJulncy. 18,740 ;
Uolnwntc. Lnrkaxvnnna Western , 3.WO ; Hock-
Inv Valley , f. 115 ; Illinois Central. 7,095 ; Louisville
& Nashville. 4.225 ; Manhattan , is. SIC ; Metropoli
tan Street Hnlhvay. 3,540 ; Hawaiian Commercial
Company , 5,005) ) Missouri I'aclllc , 0,849 ; Nciv
York Central , 7,320 ; Northein 1'ncllle , 18 , 23 ;
Northern lllcillc preferred , 31,701 ; Hock Island ,
9.3SO ; St. I'aul. 18,115 ; Union I'aclllc. 0,230 ; Union
I'ficllkDenver .t Oulf. C.9C9Valmsh pre
ferred , 3,475 ; Wheeling .4 Lake. Krle , S.S20 ; Amer
ican Tobacco , 6,331 ; Ohlc.iKO Orcat Western , 9,470 ;
People's llns , S.S90 ; Cleni-ral Ulectrlc. 4,055 :
SuRar , 31,940 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , C.S53 ;
Western Union , C.CC6.
STi'W Ynrlc 'Jlniie.v ' .Mnrlcel.
Stendy , SJfSVi per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ;
closed , 2Uji3 per cent.
cent. i\j
STEIIL1NO XCIIANC.K-l'lrr jirV'i actual
business In Imnkors' l > lll nt Jl.s Wr demand
and at l4.S2i5' . 3 rnr sixty days , liiteil rate ? .
CO.MMFilCIAL Ill.I.S-:4.sWI.S3. )
SILY > : it CBnTIl-'ll'ATiS-60U8'37
HA'.t SILVEI1 S7'le.
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
tliiNloii Stuck QiiotntlonM.
nOSTON , Jan. 10. Call loans. 2@34 ! P r cent :
time loans , 31 per cent. Closing prices fur
stocks , bonds nnd mining chares :
Sail Fritnolnoo Mlniuir Qi
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 10X The olllcbl closing
quotations on mining stocks today were as fol
lows :
Lo ii tin ii Slock ( liiiiCatlniiM.
I.ONDON , Jan. ij ) . l p. m. closing ;
CpnsolH. in'.v. . . . 11 sy-lirstTpaul _ common. . ni.H
Consols , acct. . 112 11-10 N Y. Centr.ii .
Can. Paultic HUM Pennsylvania no
Krlo , in J lluadln ; 111 $
Erlo2mlH. .HD ! ( Mux. ( ; 6n. new 41. . OHV4
111. Comral 10'JH Atchlnoil I3M
Mexican ordmarv. . "iU L. A N fSHU
il.A.llA'- > vna-Ka * ' ' M 7- ' -l l'r ounce.
MONK1H per cent. The rale of discount In
I'M ' ! OIiSlJnarket ! for sll ° rt and three months'
JJ > 24 ! per cent. ,
Financial t\"oU'H.
CHICAGO , Jan. 10.-Clearngs ! , 51S.90 < ! , Mi : ! New
exchange , Mo premium ) mated rales , JI.83U
and W.SiJ. Stocks quiet and easy : Interest cen
. f1 ! ln"eft , , Chicago. Closing : West Clilr-ujM.
100H ; Ulnmond Match , II ! hldf North Chicago
72j ; iJiko Streft L , 17 ; New York IllBcult , C2 ;
Strawljonnl , 29Vi ! Alley L , l3 ! '
ST. IXU1. ) . Jan. lO.- * ; ! rings. II.SIU.OJI ; bal-
Lalanera , J3,1C3COI
I1OS/TON. Jrn. 10. Clearings , $14.187,913 ; bal-
nnces. 1.755,072.
NEW ORLEANS. Jan Iff rCIearlnKS. $ S.MIOOfi.
New York exchange , par ; commercial , 83o psr
IMIILADKLI'IIIA. Jan. 10.4-Clmrlngs.
J7d ; Inhinces. Jl,4Sl,11ii. „ , .
I1ALTIMOIIE , Jan. 10. Clearings , .422. < ! K ;
hnlancoj ,
' iiri'lun ! ' I n n in' I III.
T/DNOON , Jan 10 Amount of liulllon ( alien
Inln the ll nlc of I'lv.-lari ! on ImUnco' lod-iy ,
21,000. Cinld U quoted nl Jiuenox Ayres today
r.t 16S.O ) . Thn dullnem at Ihn.mujnlng of liunineiM
m the Flock oxrhrniro was ilu . It li said , t-i
thq editorial comment of tb > Tlni'-s this mnrn-
'inon il'ipntchrM ' from Its New York c > rreiond- |
cut dealing with the "srni.vlh "f Ilrvanlam
pmonj thn ilpnocnitn imd the illHlnteirrntloii of
ttw iTpubllcnns , " nnd predicting n silver ma
jority in the next limisi of repreaentnMves
I'ARIS. Jan 10 Thrc per ri-nt rented , ICIf
lei for the pccrunt. Iluslnexs on HID bourse to
r8v rnenwl hecltntlnRlv. wa nttcrwnnl ln-iivy
< ii"t rr < ed lrrsular. Hnnnlfh i" > urlll ( " < imln-
I'IIPI ! their prlcowlnc Irr good reports from
ir-v- o Ro | Tlntos attracted atlratlan nnd
IIFHIMV , J n 1" Tlim'nerfs nn the Inurfe wii
'rre-tji.T " In'ernnllonal m-cnrlUe * were dull.
imf"rl n Becurltlea and Capadlan 1'arinc hnre
firm ,
Ai < ii-rli > iiii S > MMirltli-M 111 Ldiiiliin.
I/DNOON. Jan. 10. The mi'ift tn- American
n ciirltleii. after n dull nn'l ' rather w k rpsnlnir.
r/ai nrmer but rather Inactive The closing tone
-/an firm and the demand moderate.
Klitln llntl T M rki > t.
III. . Jan 10 llHTTEIt-Steady ; cffer-
Ingj io tubs ; sales , 1W tuba at 20c ,
Scarcity of Cattle Eogim to Bo Felt Among
the Packers.
Short ! Siii > | tll-N Start ! lrl lc Competi
tion anil Make Klmi 1'rlcen
lloK * . Dull. Slnw anil
! ' ! viOnli l
SOUTH OMAHA , Jan. lO.-Ilecolpts for
the Unys Indicated were :
Cattle. HORS. Sliccp. Horses.
Janunry 10 1,413 3,713 C.G'J'J
Janunry S fi75 C.4S7 2,312
January 7 1.13S 0,279 1,073
January 6 1,233 10.9S2
January 6 1,023 10.613 2.223
January 4 1,410 0,811 3.173
January 3 1.&S1 2,476 5,177
Jnnuary 1 'G97 2,233 2,120
Decemiber 31. C > 23 0.91C 1,010
December 30. U02 7,071 1.5S1
December 29. 095 r > , &os 3.931
December 2S. 1,570 2.041
December 27. 1,510 2.3S9 504
December 21. 812 5,040 1.019
December 23. 731 10,312 1,263 .
December 2J. 1,019 11,323 1,150 3
Tlio olllclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
r. , At. * St. 1 * . V. lly 1
O. & St. U Uy l
Missouri I'aclllo lly
Union I'nclilc System 12 15
R , B. .t M. V. H. It 18 14
c. , st. i > . , st. & o. iiy n
11. & SI. U. 11. U fi 15
C. , H. & Q. lly 1 B
C. 11. I. .t 1 * . lly. , K. . . . 3 1
O. , 11. I. A 1' . lly.V 1
Tolnl receipts 49 5S 20
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of Mead Indicated :
Huycrn. Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha 1'acklnR Co 4 427 100
The a. 'II. Hammond Co. 147 332
Swift and Company 222 UI9 2,528
The Cudahy 1'acklnf , ' Co. 281 S10 2,494
1/ubman & Itothsuhllds. . 22S
W. I. Stephens 42
Krcbbs .t Co OS
Livingston & Shaler 4'J '
Swift , from country 4-0
II. Hamilton 03
C. P. & 1 . Co. . Neb. City . . . 24G
Other buyers 70 500 . . .
Totals 1,405 3.6M 5,091
CATTL15 week only 7.7SS heart of
cattle were received , mo week before 0.103 ,
and the week before that 4.002 , a total of
only 18,493 for the three weclta , or antaver-
aRe of only about 1U > 0 head per day. Aa
considerable of tnesa cattle were not
beeves It wilt bu suen that the supply
of cattle available for the dressed beef
trade at this point has been extremely
small. As a matter of fact , the demand
for boot has not been good and packers
have managed to Rot along without many
cattle , but It looks now as If the coolers
were pretty well cleared out , while the
usual holiday surplus of poultry Is very
largely a thing of the past.
As evidence that this Is the real situa
tion , the lepresentatlves of local packers
were early In the saddle and were unmis
takably desirous of securing as many
loads as possible out of the few on sale.
The result was an active and linn market ,
ending In nn early clearance. In spite of
the fact that advices from other market
points Indicated-lower prices. While the
iiuallty of the cattle was not very good
on an average , most everything sold above
$4.10 , and a two-load bunch of 1,239-lb.
steers reached $4.70.
Cows aMd heifers wore also In good de
mand and commanded just about steady
prices. There were only about a dozen
loads on sale , so that the trade soon came
to an end for the want of further supplies.
The proportion of stackers and feeders
was larger today than for several days
past , there being at least two pretty decent-
sized strings on sale. Speculators and pao.
plo with country orders to be tilled were
free buyers , and the supply was soon ex
hausted. The prices paid were firm , and ,
as has b3en the case rlsht along , high In
comparison to the way fat cattle are soil
ing. The open weather and the abundance
of feed In sight appear to be the main
Incentives to buying- . There Is also an ac
knowledged shortage In the supply of light
stockers , and the country seems to bo hun
gry for that knld of cattle , hence the high
prices. Representative sales ;
HKl-i' ' STBEllS.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
.110fi $4 15 30. HOT SI 1C
45 . .104S 3 80 21..130. ! I 0) 10. 1337 4 CO
1 . .12 ) 4 00 1..11.10 4 10 ! ! > . .1218 4 10
1 ! ) . .1025 421) ) 9..12CO 4 05 13. .1433 4 65
1C . .IMS 471) ) 1..13IO 3 40 1. .1100 4 Z7V4
33 . .1289 4 27'i 13..107' ! 4 33 4. .1145 4 30
13. . . .1078 405
27. . . 978 3 30 1. . .10SO 3 3 : 4. .1007 3 35
2. . .1425 3 40 in. , . .1091 3 O ) 1. .12 ? ) 3 60
23. . .1235 3 CO : : . . .113.1 4 I 2. . 9.10 2 SO
' " . TCI ) 2 SO i. . .1010 2 85 11. . 8SO 2 85
10. . 3 20 i.i. . . . .1130 3 20 2. . 973 3 25
L. .1270 2 75 2. . . 903 2 75' .1030 2 85
L.L. . .1110 3 OlV 18. . . SSO 3 15 ro' .107 3 23
IS. . .1085 3 3D 21. 94C 3 CO 7. . 801 1 GO
L. . CCO L50 3. 1010 2 40 1. . 9W 2 CO
9. .1142 3 00 4. 98. ' ) 3 00 14. . Sll 3 10
1. . . . 900 3 1..12 * ) 3 15 .1115 3 25
No. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr.
1 bull 1410 12 M t bulls 1353 { 2f,0
1 hull 1350 2 G5 f , bulls 1120 280
13 bulls 1122 280
HOGH For a Mondny tne receipts of hogs
wern rather large , but the early demand was
good nnd the market opened sft'ady to strong.
For a time the tradu was reasonably active , but
some of the packers held nloof und nfter the
moiv urgent orders were lllled the market weak-
eneil. The buverw who did not operate on the
curly market seemed to lw nntlcliwitlng jv large
run for tho. next dny und preferred to wnlt
rather than pay the price * They were willing
to take the hogs left , but they were demanding
a concerclon of about DC , so that the close was
slow , and , to sellers nt least , imtntisfjctory.
Tim thirty or thirty-live loadd sold on the
opening market went at a range of (3.4033.50 ,
vjlh J.M9 tlie leading price , the same ns on
Hiiturday. Later on the buyers wanted heavy
hoga nt (3.35. Representative sale * :
flIIUEl' It hiH been a long tune glnre there
were as many Hhefp In the yard * n there were
today. DeskJet ( hut. they were practically ull
on mle , cnly four IcaiU being direct to packer * ,
The general market wan unevenly lower , the
amount of the decline being IGftlSc on un
average. At the * ume lime tome deMrublo
lambu nnd wethers that Imppenul ti > mrike the
far.ey of buyers nold higher than the came
Bluff IUIH been bringing , and on the other lutnd
there were filf that were 20 ? lower. < \ lia
been the cafe right along , the demand wag
gco < l end the offering * mo\cd off qulta freely.
RcprekentBtlvu tales :
No , Av. I'r.
12 Mexican mixed 95 Jl 15
7 Mexican mixed 91 4 15
61t Mexican yearling * C * 4 49
Ml Mexican lambs C'J c 10
278 Mexican lambu C9 & 10
221 wiutcrn cwej 103 3 KVi
lit western wethcra Il 3 ! )
2J ) weftern yi-uillnga 10 > J 4 25
491 weitcrn lamlij 70 COS
1'3 western owes Ill s R'l
! IS wtilern ewes 113 .IK"
197 mixed wegtermi 97 183
2W western lambii 61 4 X )
T,1 woxtern lanila 71 n 10
411 western lamlia SI S W
IVIIIIMIIM Olir Llvi- siloi-k Iiirki-t.
8,000 head ; but grade * itcady , other weak ; Teuu
* lr ti , JS.JMJt.M , TrM cown. tt lta , ntlv
trrrm JJ.fH/S.W. nttlve cc/wn anil helfcni , II 50
(74. r > , rtockrni nd feeder * , H.CCHJI.M , bu.Is , Jl.U
If 3. 63.
HOGS'- Receipts 19.POO hendj rnnrkrt ntendy to
n * hndo lower , bulk of nlcJJ.3SWJ.M , hcftvlon.
J.tMf3.CO , rncVfrn and mixed , JJ.Ky.X' ; ' ! llslits
| 3SXfr.tM , Yorkers. | J.50 3.&ii | .IK . J3.wiKJ.Si. '
SHEK1'- Receipt * . 8.0W h * di mntktt slendy ;
lamba , JJ.WJft.Mj muttons , J3.00n4.30.
linn * tlulc StroiiK lit Suite of llonvr
llruv)1 Itcvfliiln.
C1I1CAOO. Jnn. 10. There wn * nn nctlvo de
mand for cattle today nnd prices were Mendy
for the grout Uilk of the offerings nn.l utrong
for cholcu lot * . Uy far the largest iMtt cf thrf
offcrlnK' were nlxnit meillum In quality iuul ( inly
u comparatively mnnll part of the cattle went
strictly choice. Sales nere nt from Rw to JI.K
for conimon to fair dres < wd h.vf steers , up to
from f.t to J5.40 for choice to fancy shipping ent
ile. the bulk of
the steers croswlng tue fcn\i-n \
nt from $1.30 to J3.10 , Tliere wan n moderate
stnckt-r nnd feeder trade , prices musing fmni
J3.S ) ti > JI.30. llutchws' and dinners' stuff mild
inther freely nt slightly lower prktM for iMmnum
loin , while clinlcn grades wen ? slcndy. Cnlxe *
were uncihangcil.
Praplto the unusually big supply of hogs there
wns MicJi nn ncllve demand that the prices lllled
stronger and nuntly Bo higher , thu Inilk of tint
sales beingnt from $3.574 to JJ.C6. Heavy ) i-k-
-ra sold nt from M. * ' . to J3.W nnd prime row
ilium _ welght rtilpplng | K > RS brought from JJ.'O
Extremely heavy receipts of sheep nnd'n
caused some di > cllne In prices , but tdere wa *
such n gvoil demand for choice llooks that Mirh
KlnU did not weaken na much ns might luv.i
liern expected. Sheep sold nnywhere from J2 73
tn W.fl ) fur th i | Hxirer kinds , up to from M JTi
to J1..V1 fir goo , ! to rliolce , the. iwst drelliilnr
fiHiin I0o to I5c , while others were from lie t < -
SIXlower. . Vestlrtl fed sheep n > ld nt from J.1.7" .
lo $4.35. L-imhi sold nl from $1 to $3.rJ for In
ferior tn prime lots. Western sheep nnd lamba
were offered In very large numbi-rs.
Receipts : Cattle. 19.t > W head : lugs , 41/03 he-id.
sheep , 30,0i lu\ul. ,
SI. Louis l.lvi.Stork .
T. 1X11MS , Jnn. 10. CATTI.E-RecelplB. 7 IWO
head , nf which rSi)0 bend were Tetnnt ; ship
ments , 70) head ; market steady for natives : Tex-
nnd slow ; fair to fancy native shipping nnd
export pteers , $ l.l rr3.30 ; liulk of siles. H.K > U
S.Pil : drefseil lux-f and butcher steers. J3.S5W
S.OO ; bulk of salen. Jt.10fll.Ki ; steers under 1.0V
Ilia. . M.r/ > ir4.15.bulk of sales. $1.r-IM.S5 ( : stix-kers
nnd feeders. $110 4.I5 ; bulk of salw. J.1.1W4 M
C IWR and helfets , $ > ; luilk of cows , JJ10
Sf3.30 ; canning cows , $ l.Jj ) > i73 : bulls. $2 2j f3.l ;
Texas and Indian stivrn. $3.Mifl.5 : bulk of
sales , JJ.CV.Jfl.OO : cows nnd heifers , J2.W1R3.C. .
1IO04 * Receipts , li.l > X ) head : shipments , 4.SCO
hend : market slcnilv on best : light. $3.35T3.15.
inlxixl. $3.i5'r3.r | ; lieavy. J3.Mff3.CO.
SliniU' Receipts , SOO head ; shipments. 1I > 1
liend ; market steady ; nnllve muttons , fl.CKt
l.lti ; cullH nnd bucks. J2.10if3.S5 ; stoekcrs , $ i.DVFf
2W ; lambs , Jl.73ff3.73.
Knxt Iluirnlo Live SdirU.
HART lllTI-VALO. Jnn. 10. CATTl.n Stwllum
In heavy shipping steers. J1.Wifl.70 ; cnnr-c
rough , $3.75ffl.3i ) ; green , $3.75(14.25 ( : clinlce fat
liolfers. $4.Mm.50 : mixed butchers' slnrk. M.OMf I
4.13 ; fair to goml lilitchers' cows. $ .1.Myi.7V :
11OOS Clnod to choice Yorkeri. U.7JiiJi'.1.7.i ! '
prime Feleotiil , t4.7iff3.i2tk ) : mixed pnckeiV
grndi-a. $3.7Dif3.73H : meillum weights , $ .1.70(73.75
heavy hugs , M.7Mi3.75 : roughs. $1.10iT3.25 ; ntng
2.735f3.0.1 ; | ilgs , U15fl3.73.
OALVEH Yearlings , choice to prime , $ . > . !
5.2-i ; fair to gn-i-l , JI.25 T..i > l ; culN. J4.75tTO.01 ;
natives , choice to extra , t3.75fi5.95 ; fair to gind ,
$ -.noTir > .Ki : culls. $ .
SIIEEI' Choice to nelectiM wethers , $ l.,0Ti ( I.M ) :
mixed , J4.35W4 05 ; common to fair , J3.liOjf4.tti :
culls , J3.50ff3.75.
Xtv Vi rlt Live Slock.
TflW YORIC. Jan. 10. IHIRVHa Receipts.
3 ' 'il head : native steers. JI.4njT5.35 ; steers nnd
o'xnn , $4.2J5r525 ; Imlls , J,1.00fi3.73 ; dry cows.
J2X ! > } T3.V ) . Cables quote Ainerlenn steels nt 9 ;
inaie ; refrigerator beef nt TliSiSlie : export ? . .2
lieevei ami Oi sheep. , _ , .
CALVKS Receipts , 703 'head ; veals. :
ecelpts. 11.901 head :
sheep. J4.r.O . I.W : inmiw. sj.innr'.s. ' .
HOOS-Uecelpts. 10.150 head : lower nt
Cliu-liiMiKI Llv > Stock *
CINCINNATI , Jan. 10. 1IOOS Steady. J3.CO ®
llewml of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for January 10 :
Cattle. IIocs. Shoi-p.
OniAha . ' .415 3.715 5 , 8
ChlcaKO . I'10 4'-n'v' ' ' sn' " ° '
Kansas City . . >
St. Louis . . .I . Jf
_ _
zzTotals . 3".51u 01,715 42,151
Wool .llurUetN.
13OSTON , Jan. 10. WOOIFollowInB are the
quotations for leadlnB descriptions :
Ohio and I'ennsylviuiln lleecea. X and above ,
27F2Sc ; XX and nbo e. 23ff50o : No. 1 combing.
20c ; No. 2 comblnjf. 28i30c ; Michigan , Wisconsin ,
etc. , X , 23(8'4c ( ; No. 1 MIchlRan comhliiR. SSffSSc ;
No. 1 Illinois comlilmr , 2S02Dc ; No. 2 MIchlKan
combine , 2Sfi28c ; No. 2 Illinois combing. 28JJ2 e ;
X , New York , New Hampshire and Vermont.
23i''lc ; No. 2 Now York , New Hampshire nnd
Vermont , 27c ; delaine MIchlKan. 2Sc ; unwashed
medium Kentucky nnd Indiana quarter-blood
combing. 2i24c : ; three-elghths-blood comblnB. 23JP
25c : Mltn url quarter-blood combing , 22ii2Jc ; Mlb-
fourl thrce-elghths-blood combhiB. 23ff34c ; braid
combing , 21c ; lake nnd Georgia , 22f23c | ; Tcxa
woola , spring medium , 1C018c ; spring price , 1C ®
17c ; t-pring line , 12 months. 17't ! > oj scoured
price , SOHMc.teirltory ; wools , Montana line me
dium and line , lOftlSc ; scoured price , 4850c ;
staple , 52053e ; Utah , Wyoming , etc. . line me
dium and line , 15O17c ; scoured price , 4Sji50c : sta
ple , G2ff53c ; Australian wools , pcoured banls ,
combings , euperllne. 70ff72c ; combings , good ,
CoftCfcc ; good average , 62j65c ; Queensland camb-
"ST. j5)UIS , Jan. 10. WOOL-FIrm : medium , 15
020V4c ; light fine , 13U17e ; heavy fine , " SOHc ; tub
washed , 22O30c.
Tai-oinn'N I'"or 'lBii
The Tacoma Cliamlwr of Commerce has pre
pared the following condensed statement of the
foreign and coastwise- trade of that port for the
year 1697 from monthly reports ot the harbor
master :
Twenty cargoes of Oriental mer
chandise from China nnd Japan..JS , 125,951.01
Total Imporls year ISM GS07lM2
I.2S5.003 bushels wheat 3.573GI2.00
313,737 barrels Hour 1.110,0 .18
84,650,474 feet lumber 7U.41tl.T5
C83S39 tons cnal 1,125C 2.50
Merchandise to China , and Japan lb93,9l2.G5 !
MHichiimlisn to Alaska nnd llrltlsh Co
lumbia 710,482,11
Total experts. 1807 . J9,1MI77. 2
Total exports , 1S90 . 8.827.2T0.4S
Inward registered tonnage , CI5.0SU ; outward P'g-
Istered toniinse. 611. IKi ; Inward cargo tonnage ,
90.075 ; outwnnl cargo tonnage , 703,23'J ; dcti ) eca )
arrivals , 475 ; departures , 4CO.
Xi-w Yiirli .Dry . ( iiioilH 'Mnrki-l.
NEW YORK , Jan. 10. The weolc opnned with
tmall fains ! In the first hand market for dry
goods. The demand In nil cott > n llnof thows n
xhado of Improvement , but a scrutiny of to
day's markeU falls to reveal any feature of In
terest which would e om to point to n ] ictt r
dmiinnd 111 t'ho ' future. In woolen goods the con
ditions arc ju t ns good ns they liavu been at
any time , the nddrd Impetus of coming open'ng ' *
In 'hoavywelsht , stocks being a cheering factor.
Until In men's wear and In dress good" the
Itnt In subject to continued steady demand , which
seems to embrncw pretty nearly ail the stand
ard lines In cotton goods the market for brown
Hheotlngs nnd drill If very dull. 1'rlnt cloths
maintain their dull cyidltlon.
llniiU of OiTiiiany Sliiti'iiic-iif.
DEItLIN. Jan. -Tho weekly Btateinciit of
tlin Invierlnl Hank of Oerinany shows tins fol
lowing 'chnnges HH cornpdred with t i previous
account : Cash In hand. Increase ! 1.9Xf ( ) ( inaiks ;
treawiry noten .Incrraiip 840,000 marks ; nther fe-
ciirltles decrease SO,2CO.V)0 ( ) marks ; notes In circu
lation , decrease ffl,000.0"0 marks.
NEW OHLRANS Jnn 10. StHJAR Open ket
tle , steady nt 3473 3-Ke : o-ntrlfimal. steady.
( 'rnnulnled. 41 4 13-Kc ; wh les. 4 4 7-Ko : yf\- \
WB , 3J ? 43-16c ; seconds , 2UW3 11-lCc , Molasarx ,
TKLBI'IIONK lf > r.3.
H. K. PENNEY & CO. ,
110 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Web
Branch Ofllce. 1038 N Sf Lincoln , Nib.
C. C. CIimSTIE. K. t. STRCnT.
I'resident. Vlce-1'ienldcnt.
Clifistie-Street Commissioo Co
Capital l < inon < MMIO , Knll > - I'll III ,
01,1) COLONY lltllLDI.Vi ; , CIIICACiO ,
Membnra Chicago Hoard of Trade since 1SC2.
In ir , I in ( rs ? rd l. Y. Stcclis.
Orders Gush and Future Delivery RollcltcJ.
O inn liu Olllrr , Itiiniii 1 , .V. V. LiftlIlilK. .
. . . . 'I'liuiKiXll. . . . .
JftfflES BOYD & GO , ,
Tcluphonu lO.'U ) . Omaliii , Nub
I10AIM ) 01' T If A1)U.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Correipondentu : John A , Warr.n it Co.
kettle , nlfftilr * t H.737 c ntrlfiifml , easy at (3
ISc , syrup , Mmdr Bt 1J1J5 * '
NIW YORK. Jivn 1Hl' Itivxc , frnt
fair refining- \ > , t-n' ' I.URI ! M test , 4 > tn , r
fined , firm. cru hd. . \c , | iuwilere l , B T-llfl
Itrnniilated , S4c mould A , f > ' - , ; slondnnt A ,
5Uc , cunfeitluncrs' A C.HCJ tut kivf , 6T c , i-ubr * ,
6 7-lfw.
OIL CITY , PH. . J.Mi. ld.-Crn lt iMtlnnces , fSoi
cerlltlcnten. ( * 4e Idd for rf-gttlnr options , closcj
for casli oil. Shlpmmts , 14Sfl ! bbls , runs ,
, S. r. . Jnn. tO-OILS-Tunn
tlnp , inaikFt llrm. 3 < Hc ; Mies , none. Ko'ln ,
Itrm ; snle. . none , ( juote : A. 11. C. D , E , ! ' . Jl.lOl
O , JUS ; ll. . .
SAVANNAH , ( In. , Jan. 10.OII.SSplrlls tur
pentine. firm , 3c ; Mies , t& bids. ; receipts. ! lt
bills. Itoiln , llrm ; fnle , t.Otxi bbl . ; ir.ilplss
4.B7S bbls. ( Juolet A , 11. C. D. $ ! . ; E J1.SOI
V. J1.3J ; (1 , JI.r ; H , 1170 ; I. Jl SO. K. JI90 , M.
j.0 > ; N. JZ.M ; W (1 , JJ.40 ; W W. J7 7S.
Wtl.MINdTON , N. C. Jnn. 10 ( lll Splrlti
turprtillnp rlo rl tlrm nt 3c nnd 3JHc. liusln ,
llrm nt tl 15 nnd Jl.W. Ciude turrcntlne > I. sej
Rleadv nl JI.49 nnd Jl 9) . Tur , llrm.
L1VERI-OOL Jnn. lO.-Olt.S-Cult msecd oil ,
Liverpool rellned , dull , I4 6d ; Turppnllne , tp rlla ,
slendy , 2H. Hn in , common , utrndy. 4' I'sd
Hi-ill l > ( nt < - Dciilvr Avilictix.
.lOI.tHT , 111. . Jnn. -Harry T. Oagwln ,
a InrRo real onlnlp dcalor niul srorMnry nf
thp llorrowrra' ntul Investors' | i"ltli.H ! , .i
soclatlon , mmlo nil nanlKiiincnt loilny to
\ \ . C. Cot'iir.uii' for fls.oc.ti. The failtiro
oausril I'onslileralilp rxfllonu'tit It la not
thoufiht tlio bulldltur association Is In-
Prlninrj' . Secondary or Tcitlaty 111.OOI )
POISON licriiianenlly
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated nt home for same
price under pnine guaranty. If joii prefer
to come hero we will contract lo p.iy rnll-
road fnre nnd hotel bills , nnd no charge
If wo fall lo cure ,
tnken mercury. Iodide iwtnsh nnd sllll
have nches nnd pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Sore Tin oat. Pimples , Copper Col.
oreil Spcils , I'ltrrs on any pan of Iho
body. Hnlr nr Eyebrows falling out , II li
Ihls Secondary
We Guarantee io Cure
We solicit the most obstinate c.iscs nnd
chulleiiKQ the woihl for it casie cannot
euro. This disease has always liulllod the
Fkllt of the most eminent physicians.
J3W,0'0 capital behind our unconditional
KUHfanty. Ahsoluto proofs sent scaled
( in application. Id ) paic book sent fier.
Address COOK ItlOMIOUY CO. . Mill
Tom pie , ( lilenuu , III.
Jly rurcliUMln r fionilH Miulo lit tltv Kol-
luMlimXoliriiHkii Knt'i < irli < H.
OMAHA TK.V1' A.VI > ItirillllSK CO.
( SuccCEfiOta Omaha Tent nnd AwuliiB Co. )
Manufacturers tents , awnings ; Jolihcrs ladles nnd
Kcnts' Mackintoshes. Tents for rent. 1311 I'ar-
uam St. , Omaha.
Carload shipments made 111 our own refrig
erator cam. Uluc Illhlnn , Elite Export , Vlenn.i
Export nnd Family Export delivered to ull pans
ot the city.
_ §
O. J < \ EL'
Manufacturer nf ( lalvnnlzeil Iron Cornices , Oil-
vnnlied Iron SkyllKhtiTin. . Iron nnd Slain
Iloolliiir. AKcnt for Klunear's Stiel Cclllnn.
108-10-12 North Eleventh street.
Wholesale Crnclter Manufacturers.
WOIIKH , iniSt Parnnm fit.
DyeliiR nnd cleaning of sarments and Roods ot
every description. Cleaning of line garments
Flour , Meal. Feed , llran. 1013-15-17 North 17th
Street. Omaha , Neb. C. K. Illaclc , Manager.
Telephone 592.
Iron anil HriiNH I'iiiiiiiler .
Manufaclmers umi Jobhers of Machinery. Gen.
era ! repalilnK u xpeclalty. 1501 , 1503 and 1M3
i street. Omaha. Neh.
Manufacturers old process raw linseed oil , ket
tle Iioiled llnbecd oil , old process j'i > uml llnsucd
cakes , uround and ecuened lluxsecil for druj-
BlstB. OMAHA , NK1I.
L. ( i. iioui * .
Manufacturer Lounsos , Cnuchiw , Mnllrejrcs. Joh-
IJIT of Spring licds and Feathers. 411-413 South
10th Street ,
llanufaclurera of high tirade Mattroscs. )302-4-0 )
Nicholas Street. Omalia.
KAT'/-X I-J V KXS ; o M I * AA V.
Mfcrj , Clolhlni ; . I'ants , .Shirts , Oicmlls.
.1. II. KVA.VH ,
Exclusive custom rlilrt tailors. 1515 FaDiam.
Manufacturers of Vinegar , I'lcklcs , Cntiupi ,
Mustards , Celery unil Worce U-rslilru Sauce.
For a KCoil zut > 4UntUl vehicle of uny dencrlfi.
lion , for repainting or lullicr tires on new nr olij
wliecU Iliu bcbt place lu 27tli anil l .ivnwurtli
l > ltl MMO.M ) CAUItlAHi : CO.
Cheap , medium priced und tony rurrluKCS ,
Any tlilnis you want , eccond hand or new. Head ,
quartern for ruhber Him. wurmmcd. 16th unil
llarncy , oppoille Court Home.
A. .1. HMII'.SO.N ,
1 < l ( > tl , 1 > II I IHHlKt :
Full line of Carrlagen , lIUBBlej. I'hnctoni. I'jry
Cartn. Wht-els rubber tired. The bc t la Ilio
IIMM'1. .V CO ,
Largett factmy In the weit. LradlnK i
< f Omaha , Kungan City , Lincoln und Ht , JotcpU
liandle our co < > d . 1005 Farnum Street ,
A. I ) . T. Co. ; mo eiiKors funilsliB'l ; Ixi
gage delivered. 1202 Uouglan St. Tel , 177.