Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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H * K * - ! i i .I i _ n _ ii i _ _ - r'TT _ ? - ' - . ' . T " : - ' "
MI.VOll Mi : > TIO.V. !
Cooper , Tire Ins. , 0 Pearl , tel. 372.
There Is economy In patronizing the Bluff
City laundry They're easy on goods.
Miss Mcda Klrkland , who spent the holi
days at her home In this elty , has returned
to her teaching In Mlndcn ,
John Ingoldsby , formerly a well known
tclcRrupber In this city , Is now engaged In
gold mining In Victor , Colo.
R. II , Spencer lias returned from Stanford
university , California , whcro he haa Just
graduated and received the degree of A. U.
Wo give attention to little things In laun
dry work. You get all that Is best In fine
work end good service at the Eagle laundry ,
724 Bway.
Mies dertrudo Kennedy , supervisor ot
music In the city schools , who has been
spending the vacation with friends nnd relu-
tlvcs In Logan , la. , returned homo yesterday.
Mrs. W. D. James wishes to express he. '
many thnnku for the kindness and symvatby
shown her by the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen during the Illness end death ot her
R. T. Bryant will leave this morning for an
extended trip lo Color-ido In the Interests of
sonio local capitalists who arc anxious to In-
vcsllpato some rich placer mines In which
lie has Icng held an intcrcsl.
The street commissioner's force has been
nlvllig Its ntlcnllon to the condition of Iho
city bridges for the last few days. Several
of the bridges over Indian creek west of
Tenth fitrcet liavo been found lo bo In a
condlllon sadly needing repairs. Ono of Ihem
will probably bo closed lo truffle today.
St. Alban's lodge , No. 17 , Knights ot
Pylntap , has Issued hEOiiaomo Invitations to
n largo number of pcoplo outside of the or
der to bo present this evening ill the public
Instillation of offlccrs , which will take place
In Casllo hall , In Iho 'Mcrrlam blcok. An
elaborate program has been prepared'for Iho
occaMcn ,
Rev. T. W. Williams preached at the Edge-
wood Uulwi church jctserday afternoon The
church , which Is situated on the Shugart
Mrni , live miles east of the city , was crowded.
Thu prexicher confined his remarks principally
to the young people. There will bo a rovlvul
mcetltiffat this church , commencing ono week
from tonight.
William Vance , arrested upon Uio charge
of swindling Uo helpless old man who makes
his living by selling popcorn on the corror
of Broadwaj nnd Main t/trecta / , was taken
violently ill last night. Ho Is serving n ten
days' nontcnco In the elty Jail , The city phy
sician was called and made Iho discover } that
the man was Irylng Iho experiment common
to | ii Isonui-r ) of Inducing lllncas by swallow
ing soap and tobacco He was given a hjpo-
dermle Injection of morphia and removed to
io of tne upper tells u ul nol lo Iba hospital ,
as lie de-lro.1.
The charges tha't have been laid against the
Ifcnno gung of coal Ihlovcs will be he-urd In
police court thLi mornln ; The police promise
sonio sKiaatlonal developments and assert
they will bo able lo bring eight or u'no ' wlt-
nieacs who will fix Iho crime charged upon
fie members of Ihe crowd now under ariesl
They say Ihey will bo able lo show that Iho
men have been engaged In selling coal In
sirall quantities to consumers and bivo been
dali n a profitable business In Iho line for a
long time TJio Hahncs have employed coun
sel and announce that they will have no diffi
culty In disproving all of the charges against
them anil will show that the coal they uro
cliargoj with having stolen anl cold was pur
chased In car lots from regular deulcra.
C. B. Vfavl Co. Icmaie icniedy ; consulta
tion free Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 lo G
Health book furnished. 326-327-32S Mcrrlam
N. Y. Plumbing rompior. TP ! . C50.
Sp < M'lnl MiiNlenl Ser > loo.
The special musical service given In St.
Francis1 Calhollc church ycsterJay after
noon by the Schumann quartet drew an
audience that filled the church. The music
was very fine and greatly enjoyed by
all present. The quartet was assisted by
the church choir. This was the second tlrao
that special effort was made to provide a
musical program and special services on
Sumlay afternoon. The first was so
thoroughly appreciated that the church people
ple were greatly encouraged In the belief
that further favors In the same line -would
bo appreciated , and the second concert was
the result. It Is probable that the demand
will hereafter be too strong to bo resisted.
Follow Ing Is the program rendered :
1'AHT I.
Chorus Lift Up Your Heads
John L. Hopkins
St. Viands' Choir.
Quartet Uoclc of Ages Dudley Buck
Sebum mil Quartet.
Solo The Holy City Adams
Mni liovvm in.
Solo Lord God of Abraham..Mendelssohn
' J. H. Slinmt.
Quartet Cast Thy Burdens..From Elijah
Schumann Quartet
Solo The Penitent Van do Water
I M. Treynor.
Chorus Selected
St. Francis' Choir.
Solo Hosrinna Grnnler
Mrs. G. W. Johnston.
Quartet In Heavenly Love Abiding
Schumann Quintet.
Organ Solo Adagio from String Quartet
J H. Slmms.
Quartet Now the Diy Is Ovcr..Barnby
Schumann Quartel.
\Vnli-r JIIIU
Discounted G per cent , If paid on or before
January 10th. Olllco open Saturday and Mon
day evenings.
AVoim'ii'N ClirlNllnii HoMpKiil ,
The Women's Christian assoclallon pre
sents a condensed report of hospital work
for December as follows :
Number of patlcnls admitted , 20 ; number
discharged , 1G ; deaths , 1 ; operations , 9 ; char
ity cases , 2.
In the training school for mimes Dr. Dcet-
kln delivered four lectures on chemistry ;
Dr. Treynor four lectures on physiology ; Dr.
JMacrno , jr. , ono lecture on muscles. The total
number of lectures given during 1SU7 was
The financial statement for the month
shows : , -
Receipts Balance on hand December 1 ,
1S97 , $ UO.G5 ; cnnli from the Sarah J , Bollard
memorial fund , ? 1,000 ; membership dues ,
JH ; German Evangelical church , $5 ; hospital
patlcnls , I509.-IC ; other sources , $9.2S ; total
receipts , $ I,9GS,35. Disbursements Mortgage
and Intercut , $3,32.1 90 ; salaries , merchandise ,
Improvements and repairs , $534.85 ; total ,
$3 S58.7G ; balance on hand January 1 ,
Mrt ) . Julia Swanson faithfully managed
the commissary supplies. Basket orders were
Klvcn by .Mcadamcs S. Farnsworth , A. M.
PhelpB , F. P. Bradley , Joel T. Stewart. F.
W. Hazleton , John Tldd , Edward Rlsser ,
Ralph Williams. Jcsslo B. Hayden , J. C.
Ulsey , C. R. Tyler , D. W. Bushncll , L.
Rosenfcld , J. C. Robertson , William Arnd ,
N. J. Swanson , L. A , Dovlno , teachers of
Washington avenue and Bloomer schools.
Thu members of the outlook committee
wish to thank the trunlecs of Royal Area-
mini hall for Iho use of same for the annual
Corresponding Secretary W , C. A.
1)i > iiU of.lMunnl JUcMiinlulll.
Edward T. McMutilglll , a well known } oung
man of this city , died yesterday at noon , after
nil lllnera of flvo weeks , from blood poison
ing , at the ago of 33 jcure. Up to the tlmo
of Iris Ilnle fl ho had been employed as
toicher In eno of KiO public Hchools In the
county. The funeral will bo held from tbo
residence , 929 Fifth avenue , under the
auspices of the IMtrlolIc Order Sons of Amer
ica , of which he was a member.
Don't Stop
had Jml t tad rtcL U * neno *
Tiki UillMl 110 , | k > Ml ;
ton kll uU ( UUtra.
tnr. crtl fcitri. > I
M.MJUU uuaiuu. JJID ( a , u Cnu , w
Scott Williams Discovers Something that
Startles Him.
\Vrili1lriK CrrcnioiiPerforiiicil Over
T \ * rnljriilrnrn -Vno , ( nil Itc-
* turn In Aot Ve-t Mil do to
I Con ill- Clerk ,
The failure of a minister to make the
proper returns of a marriage license maj
necessitate an appeal to the courts to have
the error corrected , More than twenty-five
years ago Scott Wllllims , a well known citi
zen living In the eastern end of the county ,
and his wife were united In marriage by Rev ,
It , P. Fosa , n minister of the gospel. The wed
ding was a prominent social evcnl nnd at
tracted a good deal of attention at the time.
By some fitrangc oversight the minister 1105.
lectcd to make the proper returns to the
county clerk , and the marriage certlficalo
given by the minister at the 'time Is the only
written evidence that the- marriage look
placo. Mr. Williams Is making arrangcmento
to leave the county where ho has lived ever
since his early manhood , and while closing
up fcotno business aleut the county couit
house a few dajs ago discovered the Incom-
plelcd condition of the marriage register. The
register shows that the license was Issued ,
but there Is nothing to show that the cere
mony was performed. The law Imposes n
severe pinalt > upon the ofilclallng clergvman
or Judicial officer who performs a marriage
ceremony and falls to make the required ru-
lurnii of Iho license wllhln the spcclflea
time. It does not Invalidate the marriage ,
but there Is a chance of pcoaiblo contingencies
In the transmission ot property to the chll-
dien. Mr. Williams Is engaged now In mak
ing a hunt for Rev Mr Foss It Is not
known whether 1io Is living or dead , but the
fact can be ascertained by tracing him
through the church records. If he Is living
and can bo found he can complete the record
There would be tie danger of his Incuirlng
the penalty of the law for his failure , for
the offerao was committed so long ago that
It Is barred by the ctatute of limitation. If
he cannot be found the district court will be
naked to make an order directing itho clerk
to complete the record. A search ot the
marriage registers for a number of ycais
shows that thcie- are many Instances whore
licenses have been Issued , but whole tliero lb
no entry showing tint the ceremony was per-
founed. Meet of ithceo ate no doubt cases
where the parties changed their minds after
going to the trouble and expense of procuring
the license , but there Is no doubt that some
of them arc genuine cases of neglect like the
ono la question ,
Discounted G per cent , If paid on or before
January 10th. Olllco open Saturday and Mon
day evenings.
200 tons balel bay for sale. One to five
tens , $5.50 per ton ; flvo tons cr more , $5 00
per ton ; 20c per halo or C bales for $1.00
Lougcc & Lougeo.
Yarn Hint OOIMI-H Out In Itclatloii lo n
imort-tt 1'e-IKIoii ,
The answer filed by Mrs. Nellie Maud
Edgerton to tbo petition of her husband fo-
divorce has led to some Inquiry Into the
story of the wedded Jlfo of Charles and Nel-
llo Edgerton. The couple came to Council
Bluffs two or1 three jears ago from Lincoln ,
Neb. Edgerton was n painter employed In
tbo painting department of ono of the car
slic-ps In that city. Edgerton had charge of
the department In which he worked and one
of hLs fellow emplojes was George W. Ui > -
shaw , whom he names as corespondent In
the divorce suit. Both are men ot over 3"
years of age. When the shcos were closei
bMli were thrown out of employment. Edgei-
ton brought hla wife , who was then only 2D
years old , to Council Bluffs , and falling to
obtain work hero left her with friends and
wcot to St. Louts In search of employment.
Ho secured a position Immediately after
reaching the city and wrote to his wife ac
quainting her of Ills good fortune and- telling
her ho would send some money at the end
of the first week , when ho drew his wages.
Ho lost his place at the end of the first day
on account of not being made a member of
the Painters' union , but was fortunate In
securing another Job within a few days. Ho
again wrote advising his wlfo of his situa
tion , but received no response. A tow dn > s
later ho received a letter from a friend In
forming Mm that I/pshaw had appeared on
the sccno and had married Mrs Edgerton
and both had left the city. Edgcrtcn re
turned to Council Bluffs and found the situa
tion to bo as reported , but made no efforts
to disturb the new fUmlly arrangements. Ho
procured employment and had been living
hero since.
After the divorce suit was Instituted At
torney John Liiidt , who has been the em
ployer of Edgerton for two vears , concluded
It would bo advisable to secure personal
notice of the suit by visiting Mrs. Edgerion
at her homo In Lincoln , nnd ho did BO. This
was the visit during which It was alleged In
the answer filed by Mrs Edgerton that
Limit had secured her signature to certain
papers , the contents of which she knew
nothing of , by threats and force. The only
paper presented was the original notice of
the suit , and the only signature asked was
attached to the paragraph acknowledging
the receipt of the notice. This was signed
In the presence of Upshaw and both of the
parties were well pleased to know that
Edgerton had decided to apply for a di
vorce. It Is surmlsoi by the answer that
the woman believes she was never legally
married to Edgerton , for she asserts that her
name was never Edgerton , but Elson , which
she acquired by marriage to a man In Ef-
flngham , 111. Under the Iowa statute a
common law marriage , when established ,
requires the Intciventlon of the dlvorco
court for annulment , nnd the offense of
bigamy Is committed when another marriage
folloua such a union , unless the way Is
cleared by use of proper legal means. Two
children were born to iMr. and Mrs. Edger
ton while- they were living together , and
the court will bo asked to give them to the
Wntrr IMIlH
Discounted G per cent , If paid on or bcforo
January 10th , Office open Saturday and Mon
day evenings ,
The beautiful hand-palntexl claret Jug do
nated toy Mrs. George Hughes to St. Trances
bazar will bo on exhibition at Wollman's
Hoffrrayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
Slii'iiiiinliiiili'H ( 'oiiiiiiurt'lnl ANNi
SHENANDOAH , la. . Jan , 9. ( Special. )
The report of the Commercial association
shows tliero Is a slrong likelihood of this
city securing a monster poultry cacklng cj-
tabllshment. The S. P. Pond & Co. , commls-
slcn merchants of Keokuk , have been lookIng -
Ing over the ground and are well pleased.
They desire plenty of light , plenty of water ,
good switching room and goad railroad facili
ties , and as all are to bo obtained hero the )
think very favorably of locating In Slicnai-
doah , The plant they propose putting In hero
will employ thirty men the > car round and
for a greater rart of the tlmo double tint
(7 nil ii Coiiiimii- I In ,
IDA GROVE , la. , Jan. 9. Tbo failure of
Gray , Bibcock & Sears was announced yen-
terday. They are extensive grain dealers ,
having elevators at Odebolt , Arthur , Battle.
Cfeok nnd Ida Grove. Tbo McCray com
mission house of Chicago and tbo savings
bank nro the Urgent creditors. Small
amounts are due farmers on grain. The firm
lias been lu business for ovar ten years
hero and D T Babcock , the active member ,
Is prominent In the state as secretory o :
the Grain Dealers' nssoclillon and the head
ot their mutual Insurance company.
IIIIT sto.ui cUi/rum : iIOAVI. .
nt 5nto Vttrlrnltitrnl
'rotnlKlncr ItcfitiltNt *
DES MOINB3 , Jin , 9. ( Special. ) Experi
ments which have been conducted within the
list jear under the supervision of the Iowa
Agricultural college prove that sugar beet
culture Is practicable and would be commcr-
e-iitly profitable In Iowa. The experiment
station of the college has Just announced , In
a careful report , the results of experiment ! ]
In twenty counties , In ull rarts of tne state.
Every county sends rumples ot beets which
are not ot practical value for sugar making ,
but ovcry county also sends n much larger
number of samples ot beeta which could bo
used for sugar making , at a profit. Exam-
Iratlon Into the cc'idltlcns utvlcr which the
beets were ruUed develops ( bit In every capo
In which directions were followed In the
care , planting and harvesting of the beets tCie
product .itoal the toil an } showed a jlelil of
sugar nssur'ng the commercial success of
the beet. This his betu so uniformly the
rule that Prof. Chsrlcs r , Curtlss , chief of
the experiment station , concludes that In any
county In Iowa beets could bo nlaed at n
profit for sugar making. The experiments
were really begun In 1S91 , but were not In
any ono jear of sufficient extent to make safe
conclusion possible , till 1S97. Prof. Cur'.lM ,
under Instructions and advice of ( Jie
Department of Agrlcultuie , took Immediate
charge ot the work In 1897 and the results
nro eminently satisfactory ,
Itrtcitl * Illinxrlf lo lien rrl
CEDAR FALLS , la. . Jan. 9. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Freil Champlaln , Jddnaper of little
Earl Colcman , has confessed to n Bcrlcs of
crimes which brand him as n. monster In
human form. The ndmlsslons were Hist mndc
to Rev. F. E. Lockvvood last night when
the Jill was aurroundcd by a howling mob
clamoring that Justice bo meted out to so
black a fiend , but whose members did not
then appreciate the awfulncas of his crimes.
When confronted by the father of the boy
today Champlaln broke down before scathing
accusations nnd confessed that although for
joirs ho had been a member of the church
and professor of religion , > ot nil the while
ho hnd been luring Innocent boya to lives
of Infamy nnd .shame. Tie know no senae
of virtue and stopped nt naught to accom
plish his ends
For some tlmo ho had been attempting
to bring Earl Coleman under lib Influence ,
but had been unsuccessful , though by threats
of death ho had frightened the child so
that ho dared not tell his parents ot his
temptations. In kidnaping Dail his plan
had been to take him to DCS Molnes or some
other city , where tie could keep him. To
carry thu schema Into execution Champlaln
had carefully planned each step and only
icturned Friday from Des Molncs , whcro It
Is believed ho had prepared a. placeto keep
the lad nafoly.
All is quiet hero tonight , but at the pro-
limlnaiy hearing sensational developments
are expected , and the outcome Is a matter
of conjecture- .
sTocKi\ - & run VMS WITH risn.
WorU Iloii > liy roiniiilNsloupr Dflntaii
In I2iiN < erii I'nrl of lomn.
CLINTON. la. , Jan. 9. ( Special ) The rc-
appo'lntment of George E. Delavan to the
position cf fish and game commissioner of
Iowa meets with general nppioval In the
eastern part of the state , where his work
Is well known. Mr. Delavan went to Sabula
In the fall of 1S9G and was Informed of the
number of fish that mlg4it bo caught there
and bo transported to the Interior streams
of the state and that fall bo caught and cent
to other streams from 75,000 to 100,000 fish.
Last year he causH In the rivers and Lajoua
alctig the Jlltslsslppl river nearly 2,000,000
fish , which were taken to Spirit lake , "Oko-
bojl. Storm lake , Clear lake , and the Des
Molnes , Buffalo , Wapsle and Ma quoketa
rlvern anl nearly all theeo fish will be ready
for the hook next jear. The value of the
fish for food Is great and many people living
along these streams and by those likes of
Iowa are engaged regularly In fls'atag for
the market.
CroHtoii Court > OON.
CRESTON , la. , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) Tbo
j criminal colendar for the coming term of
court Is ono of the smallest In the history
of the county. Only three- mew cases appear
and thrco were carried over from last term ,
making six In all. Ot the thrco new cases
two are for conducting gambling houses con
trary to law and the other for Illegal voting.
Ono hundred and elghty-flvo civil cases liavo
been docketed and about forty probate
Eight unhappy couples will seek roller from
the courts. One of the most Important cases
to come up is the damage suit of John Hall
against J. E. Market of Omaha and J. H.
Duggan. H. S. Clarke , sr. , and II. S. Clarke ,
Jr , of Crcston. The defendants arc all prom
inent and wealthy. Hall's petition accubcs
them of conspiracy whereby they have been
able , through such an alleged combination ,
to wreak havoa with his business ventures
to such an extent as to make them unprofit
able. Hall wants $25,000 damages. Another
Interesting damage case Is that of Welby
Polcn and Mclvln Polen against Daniel
Kllngensmlth , a wealthy Platte towxishlp
farmer Last fall he had the plaintiff * } arrested
for assault with Intent to rob. The caaca
came up In thu Justice court end there ap-
I pcared to bo an Insufficiency of evidence , GO
' the county attorney ordered the prisoners
dismissed A few days ago Welby Polen filed
his petition for damages In the sum of ? 5,000
for false arrest nnd Injury to chatacter ,
credit and standing. A short time afterward
his cousin Mclvln filed a duplicate suit and
now Mr. Kllngensmlth will bo icalle-d upon
to defend himself from suits aggregating
Attorney Jaraea Locke has started a $ " 1,000
damage suit against the city of Crcston. He
had his petition filed but later withdrew the
CBBO without prejudice. The city had em
ployed additional legal talent to defend the
case , and notwithstanding the fact that Locke
dismissed the case the city was put to the
expense of $150 for attoiney fee and stenog
raphy ,
The January term of the district court
convenes the 17th with Judge Townee of
Corning jresldlng.
Sen n I < Cnill'ilN .Nomlilri'H.
DES MOINES , la. , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) The
following are the caucus nominees cf the re
publicans of the senate for the various posl-
tlcna to bo filled :
Secretnrj' { Jeorgo A , Newman of Cedar
Falls , by acclamation.
Assistant Sccintarj- Charles II , Talmnuo
of West Union , by acclamation.
Second Assistant Sccret.iij1 S , P. Miles
of Nora SprlnsB , by acclamation.
Journal Cleiks F. O. JlcCutchcon of Ida
nnd George A. Nichols of Dlckltibon , bjf ac
Engrossing Clerk Carrlo A. Sherman , bj'
Enrolling Clcr'c Mra Eva Livingston of
Hill Clerk Currlo Glllesplo of Monroe , by
File Clerk Charles A. McClure of 13ulcr ,
Sergcant-at-ArmB C , 'V , Collins of Han
cock ,
Thief Doorkeeper W. II. McFarland of
Woodbury , by acclamation Doorkeepers E. Stlllcs of Pago.
Joseph Vosa of Sioux , H. II , Pelmer of
Montgomery , A. Hoot of Davis , W. C. Arm
strong of DCS Molnes , N , M. Drown of Mus-
ciitlne , V A. Jones of Wlnutbago , B. II ,
Rim < < U of Dallas.
Assistant Postmlstres-MMrs. J , B. Cook
of Carroll ,
Janitors of the Clonk Room Jeff Logan
of Polk nnd W. T , Jones of Poweshlek.
Janitor of the Toilet Koom C. H , Cumley
of Hamilton ,
iNr\v Jliillroiul Project In Iimu.
EAGLE GROVE , la. , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) A
roeet'ng will bo bold In thla city next week
of a number of persons Interested Ini a new
rallroid project for northern Iowa , The pur
pose of the meeting will bo the organization
of a company to bo known as the 'Minnesota '
& Iowa SputhwMtcro Railway companj- , with
power and Intentrcn to construct a line of
track beginning at a point In Minnesota near
.Austin raid extending to Coucll Bluffs or
Omiiha , forming a coraectlng link between
those two cities. i _ '
Rod Hot Contest for the Placd Going On at
! 8l
DCS Moiuts
r - > it
llnnlcr of Hello ' . . nml
Cliiliiis to He Mire ofjlgloctloii
Cane-MM Will 5rttlO > the
MnttiT. ' * A t
DES M01NES , Jan. 9. ( Special Telegram )
The feature of the legislative develop
ments today was the red-hot fight being
waged for \\ardenslilp of the Anamosa
penitentiary. It his ougwsod the ntti'iitlon
of the solans since early this morning and
Is far from settlement. The republican Joint
caucus at which the selection will bo made
will bo held Tuesday or Wednesday night
next , probably the latter , and will contain
101 members. The comparative elicngth of
candidates tonight Is believed to bo as foi-
lo\ve \ : W. A. Hunter of Belle Plalne. 40 ;
Pat Madden , prevent \\urdcn , 30 ; Sheriff Ward
o Nevada * 25 ; lllff ot Independence , C.
With this situation Madden's friends arc
attempting to secure the total opposition
vote to Hunter by pointing out that as Mad
den has had three terms ho will be out of
the way at the end of the coming term
and give other candidates a chance. Onf the
other hand , Hunter's friends nro claiming
that ho Is sura of election , N. T. HciiutTi
ot Columbus Junction Is hero tonight and
It Ii bcllc\cd his appointment to succeed
J. II. Plclcett of Oskaioosa will bo announced
by Governor-elect Shnw Monday. It la also
thought that Immediately after his Inaugu
ration Governor Shaw will announce thu
appolnmunt , ot Johnson Ilrlghnm , edltoi
of the Midland Monthly Magazine , of DCS
Mollies as stale librarian.
\rtv I'ollUcnl Slur V lin Will AY I u 111
( lie Onvol fur ( lie 'IVrin.
Jnmcs II. Funk of Hardln county was se
lected by the republican members of tht
low a house for speaker at the caucus held
Friday evening. The DCS Molncs Capital
gives the following story of his life :
James Hutchlti'-on Funk of Iowa F.UK
Hardln county , who will lie the pe'tkor of
the next house of representatives , was born
lu Fnlrfleld county , Ohio , In 1S42 and Is the
oldest of a family of ten children bom to
Abr.iham nnd Margaret Ilutchlnson Funk.
He Is n self-educated man , for his school
days number but seventeen In hH whole
life Ho was brought up on a farm and
obliged to work bard with his father to help
support the family. He managed to Hint
tlmo to study In the evenings , notwithstand
ing the- severe minimi labor which hu had
to perform In JbfiO he began to teach chool
In the winter and continued to farm In the
summer , pushing his studies systematically
all the flm .
The family remo\ed to Ia Salle county ,
Illinois , In ISM. In 1SG2 James H. Funk en
listed In what was afterw'irds known as the
Fifty-third Illinois Infnntiy. After the * .var ,
In 1SGG , .Mr. Funk , with his vllfo. settled on
a farm In Livingston county Illinois but
lip soon took up the etudy of law and was
ulmltted to the bar In ISTt removing nt once
to Odcll , III. , where he entered upon the
practice of his profession 'He went Into
politics Immediately nnd In 1S72 was elected
prosecuting attorney of UvJnprston county ,
an otllco which he held four yeara , following
which he was elected city attorney of Oilell
for seven successive years In 1SSI 111 health
compelled him to retire fipm the law , al
though he enjojed the l > Ht practice of any
lawyer In Livingston countV nt that time
He leEUmed farmlnc and .afterward served
two terms In the Illlm Is legislature.
In IS'K ) he came to Town , iinrt located on a
farm at Iowa Tails. He has been exten
sively cngiiged In the. hprso business since time and he owns several Inrgo.farms
In different parts of tlip suite. In. 1S93 he
was elected a member ofe \ \ house. In the
twenty-fifth general nVsc'nimy ' and "was
chairman of tne eommlttee dti suppression
of Intcmpeiance , Introducing1 and taking a
leading part In the management of the bill
now known as the mulct Inn , which has
pio\ed to be the solution ot the liquor prob
lem of Iowa. He was re-elected to the
tnenty-sKth general assembly and was
clmiunnn of the committee on ways and
means and of the committee that Investi
gated the alleged Illegal expenditure of pub
lic moneys by various state cfllclals. His
report and recommendations as to needed
amendments and reforms were formul ited
Into a bill and received the unanimous vote
of both houses His election to the speaker-
hhlp was freely predicted last Cession. Ho
mlpht easily have been nominated and
elected Plate senator had he desired It. but
ho preferred to remain In the house and was
last fall re-elected by aeiy largo majority.
Mr. Funk has been an active nnd highly
valued campaigner for the republican p irty
in all campaigns since ho entered politics.
In the presidential campaigns of recent
jenrs he has spoken In other st.ites , es
pecially In Mleilgan and South Dakota.
Mr. Funk has attracted attention by his
\lgorous iranner of handling < Almtovcr Jio
undertakes to do and It Is generally reeog-
nlrcel that as a speaker he will be- Inde
pendent and will not be dictated to by any
man or pet of men. He has iplenty of back
bone nnd has the nerve at all times to do
what he believes ought to be done.
Ho was married to Miss ttmlly J. Gardner
of New York November 7 , 1SCC. They have
u famllv of two dnughlers , now giown. He
Is a member of Ihe O Id Fellows * and Masons ,
having attained the degree ot Knight Tem
plar In the latler oreanlzallon. In religion
he Is a Unitarian.
on. , i.NM'KC'riox i.v IOWA.
Ilciiorl of tlip Slnto limpet-tor on ( he
Work , ot the Year.
CED\U RAl'IDS , la. , Jan. 9. ( Special. )
Luther A. Brewer of this city has made his
arj'ual report an stale oil Inspector to the
governor. Ho commends the change making
the fees for Inspection of kerosene and gaso-
lee ! the same. The report of the work of
Inspection Is summarl/ed as follo a : Number
of barrels of oil rejected , 3,777 ; number of
barrels of oil approved , 483,072 ; number of
barrels of gijsol'oe rejected for Illumlintlng
purposes , 185,523 ; total of barrels Inspected ,
072,972 ; amount of fees received , $ GJ,405.10 ;
expense of inspectors , $27,039 19.
The lust legislature abolished Iho office of
filalo oil Inspector nnd placed the work of
the department la the charge ot the * State
Board of Health. The secretary has prepaid !
plans for a now method of inspection which
will ho submitted to the boari at the next
meeting lo bo held in this city soon and in
cato the proposed plans arc adopted the idea
will greatly Incrcaso V.\o \ state's revenues.
The twenty deputy Inspectors are not fccot-
tered over the fitato as1 they should bo and
the majority of thpni are located In the
southeastern quarter of Jlje stiito. It iias
been ueccu > aiy for tbo inspectors to take long
Jumps cf 100 mUc.3 or 'mote to Ins-peel olla
and their travellag expeiiies , which uro paid
out of the fees received by ! the utalo , have
often times amounted ( lomuxi / nioro than
the receipts , Somctlmoa * 4n Inspector would
travel 200 miles to Inspectnlwo barrels of oil.
His traveling expenses would be $10 and
the feea receive } would aggicgato 20 cento ,
us the state receives 10 cents for cucii barrel
of oil Inspected. Under -the now system the
stiito will bo divided Intoifourteen districts ,
with an Inspector in charge. , < ? f each. He will
not have to maKe long { floa. much Iravel'iig
expense * will bo caved and the otato will
bo the gainer 4o the extent of eeveral thou
sand dollars per jear. 'JVici state has rcullzcj
about J 12,000 per > enr illtof the Inspection
AbolUlilrv ; the state InWpcdtor of oils caves
$2,000 per year , his fi lary , soil adding to
this fivlng $ i,000 or J3.00Q saved In traveling
cxpenres will tncrcaeo thu ptato revenues at
least one-third ,
M > HlrrloiiH Iloily Uvplnlnoil.
CHA1UTON , la. , Jtn. 3Tlie m > stcry of
Uio body ehlpjiej In a box from St. Louis < o
this point was apparently cleared up last
night by the discovery that It had bcca cent
to the VIc'tor ' family here by Albert Victor , u
BOH who Is attending the Marlon Slmms Med
ical college at St. Louis. The member * ot
thu Victor family eay that Albert Is now on
ca his way < to Charlton to euro for the
cadaver ,
Will CIIIIKTJulr Store * Kurly.
SHENANDOAH , la. , Jan. 9-Spcclal. ( )
Tbo inerchantB of this place have agreed to
close their places of business every evening
I except Saturday at S o'clevk In the wluler
and at S.30 o'clock In the summer tlmo.
iMiisn.NKii is s vri : mint TIIU MOII.
Ollloeri * I.nnd Him In Jnll nt Jtnnte-
MONTCZUMA , la. , Jan. 9. ( Special Tele
BMin. ) The traveling doctor who WAS threat
ened with lynching at Searsboro list night
for a criminal assault upon a little girl
WEB safely lauded In Jail hero nt mllnlRht
and the mob subsided.
I'onnil Demi.
CRESTON , la. , Jen. 9. ( Special. ) Yester
day morning when Bert McGlnnls nwokc he
ftynd his father lying near his bed en the
floor. Ho qutekly nroae and u > on Investiga
tion found that his iarcnt was dead. Mr. Me-
Gtnnls had been complaining of feeling un
well fee ft few da > s. A coroner's Jury was
unable to arrive at the cause ot. death. De
ceased nnd his son resided alone. Robert
McGtnnls was ono ot tbo oldest settlers o (
Union county ,
IiMvn Poll tie-lit CVotcn.
D. O , Haven ot Waterloo Is a candidate
for deputy labor commlsslonen ot Iowa.
The first republican sheriff In Dubixiuc
county for thlrty-iour. jcars has Just taken
The new chairman of the Woodbury
Counly Hoard ot Supervisors was chosen by
the drawing of lots ,
The wardens of the two Iowa penitentiaries
liavo both had 'two terms and both are can-
illdattM for re-election , but both have strong
Frank C. Foster of Iowa Falls , a welt
Known newrpapor correspondent , will < bo the
private secretary of Speaker Funk during
the scvwlon of tho. Iowa legislature.
J. M. Kemblo , tbo newly appointed Inter
nal revenue collector for the southern Iowa
district , Is treasurer of the state com
mitted and committee member of the Second
end congressional district.
Congressman W. P. Hepburn Is booked to
speak at the eighth annual banquet nt the
Hamilton club of Chicago , to ibo held nt the
Auditorium on January 11. HU subject will
bo "Federal Control of Hallwavs. "
Speaker Funk's slatu for the leading chair
manships In the house Is said lo Include the
following : Wa > s nnd means. Potter ; Ju
diciary , Cnrr ; agriculture , Classen ; munici
pal corporations , Brighton ; lusuiauce , Ladd.
Referring to the promotion of W. C. Mc-
Arlhus ot Burlington from the house to the
senate by the republicans of DCS Molncs
county , the Burlington Hawltejo sajs It "lb
not only a hlsh compliment to himself per
sonally , ibut reflects the views and desires
o the people of his senatorial district , as
It also undoubtedly does that of the state ,
In reference to the return of Govcirnor Gear'
to the United Stales senalo for a second
lerm. "
\ 'un of limn * riitiri"lii > M ,
Hvangollst Williams Is conducllng success
ful meetings at Twer.
A new 1' ) tcrlan church has Juet been
dedicated at Dcnlson The ohurch cost
about $10,000.
The corner stone for a now Evangelical
church ton been laid at Hartal and a new
Episcopal church Is > also under cotistrucllca
In Iho same clly.
The Iowa Baptists are In Iho field to secure
$100,000 with which to endow their college
at Ues Molnes acid academies at Pella , Osage ,
Burlington and Sao City.
Prof. Matiaflio of Mount Plcafant will soon
remove with bis family to Burlington , where
ho will assume pastoral charge of the Ginco
Methodist episcopal church at a largo salary.
Hov. J. W. Wheeler , who Is ( conllncd in a
Jail In DCS Molncs awulting trial en a charge
of passing confederate money , Is conducting
revival meetings and the atlendanco Is steady
and unchanging.
Believers In Christian science at Audubcn
are In trouble over the death of a woman
with dlpitherla and disregard of the quar
antine regulations. An agent of the aEsoca-
Uon vws scut from Sioux Oily to effect a
compromise , but It was not done.
Sunday school missionaries are kept l i Iho
field In lowu by the state association and In
showing the work done the report of C. J.
Harlan In Howard nnj Wlnnes'hlck ' coueHles
Is cited. Thirty conventions were held In
his territory last jcur , 2,400 visits made , 273
addresses given , flvo schools organized , with
a membership of 1.1C3 , 1,200 letters written
and 9,000 miles traveled. The work has been
undenominational and has enlisted people of
all nations uud all faiths.
Jovi'ii 1'rCNH C'oiiiiiic'nt.
DCS Molncs News : The union depot enter
prise In Des Molncs has again reached the
stugo of newspaper cuts.
Dubuque Times : The woman suffPigl"ts
will make a vigorous effort to have Hie legis
lature p'ss a resolution to submit a suffrage
amendment to the constitution of Iowa ami
bellovo they liavo good iirospe-ts of CUCCIEH.
Cedar Uarrfds Republican : The Republican
Is in favor of the most rigid economy In
keeping with the principle of adequate Bup-
pirt for tbo state Instltutlccis. If this Is not
sufficient to get rid of the floating debt then
wo advlso the Imposition of a aufllclcnt tax
to got rid of it.
Keokuk Gate City : II 'Is stated en good
authority that SO per cent of the flour con
sumed In Cedar Rapids Is made in the mills
In that city. The example Is ono to be
Imitated as regards the use of homo prod
ucts generally. The way to build up n
l.omo market Is to patronize homo manu
Des iMclncs Capital : The pcoplo ot Iowa
annually pay about ? 0,000,000 for sugar. IVr-
hips It does not often occur to us that 'his
expenditure amounts to about $1G,000 a Jay
bj1 the people of an agricultural Btuto for a
product Oat Is purely agricultural Inta \
prlrairy form end for the production of wnlch
all other conditions are favorable. An aero
of good Iowa land planted to corn , yielding
forty bushels and marketed at 20 cents per
bushel , will buy about ICO pounds of puio
granulated sugar. The same aero Planted
to good sugar beets and properly cultivated
will eaally yield 2,500 to 3,000 pounds of pure
Tone .N < ' v iinicrutcK | ,
Now evening newspapers are projected In
Keokuk and Des i.Moines.
Cole has Its first newspaper , the Banner ,
published by Myers & Root.
J , L. rilnt has purchased the Lake Park
News and taken possession.
J M , Simpson , formerly oiis of the owners
of the Adel Record , Is figuring on buying it
aaln ,
The proprietors of the Globe , In Des
iMoIncs , have mortgaged the plant to secure
a loan ,
Olatt Parrott of the Waterloo Reporter
says In his paper that there is no Matthew
Parrott connected with the paper ,
W. B. Emerson has severed his connection
with the Bimctalllst of Atlantic , and the
Telegraph says that means suspension of
the paper.
The Dcnlson Review has entered upon
volume XXXII. Since 1874 , vvllh only a.
brief Interruption , It has been edited and
owned by J. Fred ( Meyers , or one of his sons.
Will M. Nnnls , who has been business
manager of the Muscatlno Journal , became
news editor -with tbo first of the year , John
'Muhln ' , who has been editor slnco 1852 ,
Baja he will be the editor as long as ho
lives , If his health permits.
Editor S. L , 'Hague ' of the Slblcy Herald
Is about to put In operation a schema which
ought to please the patrons of his paper.
Ho will establish a library of COO books In
the olllco of the IHorald for the use of cus
tomers and patrons , free to all prompt payIng -
Ing subscribers and advertisers.
T'lrti lt'iiiril for it DHJ- ,
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 9. Flro broke out In the
largo tobacco warehouse of Christian Pcpers ,
nt Twelfth and Market streets , shortly * be-
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of ORAIN-O , the new fooa elrlnlt
that takes -ho place of coffee. The child
ren nicy drink It without I'tjury an well ua
the adult. All who try u , like U. QliAIN-O
liaa that rich seal brown ot Mocha or Java ,
but It IB made from pure grains , anil the
most dellcato stomach receives U without
cllstrcaa. U the price of coffee. lo and 25a
per package. Sow by all grocers.
fore 6 o'clock tonight , And An hour later
tlip structure \vns In ruins Tbo Immense
building was storM with tob.ncco , hut At
this houri ( S o'clock ) the amount ot the Ices
and the Insurnnpo cnnnot , be learned. U Is
, faoncrcr , that the loss will
mount lo oVer 100,000. The dry tobacco
burned like tinder and half an hour After
the flro was discovered the walls began
falling. The flames spread to the city hall
across the street Hut they were quickly ex-
Ungulihcd. A falling ladder struck Fireman
Nicholas Houlan on the head , throning him
through a window. Ho was badly cut by
broken glass. The ladder broke an clcctrlo
wire , which struck thrro other firemen nnd
they were vro trated by the shock , The
origin of the flro Is unknown.
13AS3BTT , Neb. , Jan. 9. ( Special Tele-
Rrom. ) The llnsse-tt house , the leading hotel
here , burned last night at about 9 30 , All of
the occupants and the proprietor were at
the opera home , about thrco 'blocks ' distant ,
When the building caught on flro , ml before
It was discovered It had got so far under way
that but llttlo of Iho contents were saved.
The value of the ( building nnd contents was
about $2,000 nnd was Insured for $ 1,000. The
cause ot the flro U not kno\\n.
CHlllri-il Trllics Dlnrpunnl tiintruv-
tloni of Sccrctno Itllx * .
MUSKOOnn , I. T. , Jan. 9. The Creek
council , In svlto of the message of Secretary
miss , through Indian Agwit Wisdom , warn
ing them not to do so , has rasscd an net ap-
preprinting $20,000 to bo used In employing
nttcrncja to fight tlio constitutionality of tfio
act of congrcM giving the United Stairs
courts full Jurisdiction after January 1.
Agent Wisdom has notified Secretary llllsa
by wlro ot the action of tlio council.
All nets of the Indian councils after Jan
uary 1 must bo approved by tlio iiresldcnt
of the United States. Secretary Hllss has al
ready said that lie would not recoiniuenl
such nn net ns the Creek council passed ta
the prraldcnt for approval ,
Ili'liiRH Vt'lliMV Ve-\t > r SITUIII.
Nn\V YORK , Jan. P.-The Norton line
steamer , < Mlramer , which arrived tills merit-
Inj ? fiom the river riutu and Hrazll ports ,
brought thrc packages of > cllovv feiver
scrum , fop.vardrd by Dr. J. Sarxndll of the
Instltuto do Hygiene i\perlmnn * lo ' : it
Montevideo. Two packages nro nddrcssed
lo Surgeon General Wymnn of > ho Mnrlno
hospital seivlco nnd the other to Health
Olllccr A. 11. Uoty.
Dr. .Inliii Hull IUi > NlKH .
NEW YORK , Jan. It.-liev. Ur. John Hall
today announced to his congresatlon his
resignation ns pastor of theTlfth Avcmio
PicsbvttrUn church , lliny of his ld
pnilshloners hcnrd It with de'pp emotion , lie
has held Hies plucu for thirty > UIIH.
Cold \Vutc III lnUtisterii I'nrt of
tlu * Slnlo.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 0 Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska TncreT > lng cloudiness , \\lth
snow ; much colder , with a cold wave In
eastern portion ; noitheaslcrly winds.
For South Dakota Snow , colder ; iioith-
casterlv winds.
For Iowa Fair , followed Inliftt'islnu
clouMne s ; cold -wave ; north -tly winds
For Mlrsourt Threatening we.Uhei ; cod
nave ; noitheilv winds
For Kansas Threatening weather ; snow In
western portion : colder , with a " > ! 1 vvnvo
In extreme northeast poitlon ; northcn'-li rl >
vv Inds. ,
For Wyoming-Snow ; easterly -Kinds.
Local llooorcl.
orncn or TIII : wnATiinn nunnAU ,
OMAHA , Jan. 9. Omiha record of rainfall
and temperature compared with the coirc-
spondlngiliy of the * last three j eais :
Maximum temperature . . 4" 40 51 Z <
Minimum temperatuie . . 2rt 32 2S 10
Average temperature . . . . 3rt 35 41 ii
Unlnfall 00 .00 .00 .DO
Hocord of tompornturo and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
3557 : „
Normal for the day j * >
Hxcess for the day is
Accumulated excess since March . . . . . .
Normal rilnf.ill for the day 02 Inch
Dellcleney foi the day , .02 Inch
Total rainfall since Match 1. . . 19 SO Inches
Dellcleney since aiarch 1 loCfi iichca
Excess for cor. period. 1S > % 4 10 Inches
Dellcleney for cor. period , 1K 3 11.13 Inches
Hc'iiorlt from -Station * at H I > . m- ,
Scventy-flfth meridian time.
Oin'iln , clear
North I'lntte , clear
Silt Like C'lty , Eiio ins
Che > cimi > , pirlly cloudy ,
ICaplil Clt > , Biiouhif
Huron , clour
ChlcnBO. foBgy and rnlnliiK. ,
Wllllaton , c'eni-
hi. 1,0111" , clouily
Ht. 1'nul , cleat
Davenport , cloudy
Helena , snonlnK
Kiineis City , clear
Ilavrt * . clear <
lllKinarclc , clear
Galvcston ,
T Inillcatcu trace of precipitation.
I * AWELSH. . Local 1'orccaut Ofllcial.
Used by pcoplo of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
And Surgical Instituh
St. , Oinali.i , Neb
Chronic , Hcrvous and Private Diseases
ntld all WRAKNKSS
HYDHOCrtLKand VAIUCOOELC im.-iiianaiitly nn
BucccBBfully cuird lu ovcry C.ABO.
lir-OOI ) AND SKIN UlHu.iHuu , Sere Spotn I'lm
OH , Strofiilu liimnrH , Toiler Ikvciu i and llloo.l
1'olNon tioruuf.'lilv ) cliMuiHcu from thu HyBtciu.
NERVOUS Ucblllty. Hiicinintorrliui , Sumlnal
I.OBHCH , Klelit KmlHHloiiH , LOHH of Vital 1'owura
permanently uud upeixlll vein nil.
( Vitality Wratol , innilo HO by too ploso appltcitlon
lo InmliK'SH or Hindi : Havcra menial nlMln of
crli'f : mSXOAh KXOKSSES In mlddlo llfo or from
ilm otroctH of youthful folllua Call or wilto tliuui
toduy. Uox 'J77.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
* ' \ wvxw % rf % jx > \ vrk/wvr > vv w , _
lands for eulo or rent. Ony & Hera. 3J 1'corl
firut-daes Improved fnrmi and Inside cllv
property. Apply to Jim. N. Caxady , Jr. , 23
Main tit.
Inttrucllons , Albln Huiter , ttudla
328 llroadway. Ocnnnn method
of Drcudtn Conservatory ,
There l > i > llrnsoiilty Ann Slionlet
If Yon 1'ollotv ltic Vilvloo
Illicit llctorr.
"Indigestion Is Iho curse of thl * countryU
Mys a New York medical journal In a re *
cent editorial , "Doth men nml TV omen uN
for from this dlstmMtiR complaint anil It
causes a tremendous amount of misery. "
This Is nil \cry true , but them Is no resof >
why any man or vvoir. > in should suffer from
Indigestion when ( hero Is A ready means of
preventing It. Thousands of pcoplo lm <
discovered n sure euro And nome of them )
have Riven the public the benefit , of thclj
Mrs. C. Tarltm , 343 avenue. Clncln *
natl , saja. "I had d ) pcpskt for fifteen
years and was entirely cured by taklnft
OufTj'rt pure malt whiskey. I had trleil
Almost overMhlnK , And know that this wills ,
key cures \\hero all others fall.
W. P. Anderson. 017V Indlina street ,
ChloiRO , sa6 ! "I used Duffy's p\iro \ malt
whiskey for Indigestion and dv pep.ilt. Myi
Btonacli Is now In better condition than It
IMS been for vevirB tmt. " '
Thcoo nro only two CISC' * selected front
thousands of others , hut they are sufficient
to prove that dvspepsla iind Indigestion can
bo ahvujs avoided by the regular two ot
Duffy's pure malt. It will not only keep the
JlRCstho organs In perfect condition , but
Rive tone and energy to o\cry pnrt cf the
body Make sure that jou get no Inferior
Imltitltti. i
& Searles ,
All 1'rlvnto Disease *
fi Disorders of Mott.
Treatment hj Mnll.
Cotisiiltntloti free.
Oared for Hfo nml the pol on tliorouchly oleiiiaoiJ
'sperniMorrii" ' . ' ! . Somlnnl Woahnqns , Lost Man-
hooil , NlRht llraliHloun Deeiycd Paeultlos To-
mnlo Weakiie-BS. anil nil ilollento rtlBOWorj Pecu-
ysVu0rX"n'nC5 ? irA4 f. % : n7vDui
AND VAlllCOUKniJ V criiiaucnHy mid auccoaafully
cureil , Method now and unf-vlllne
SlrIctareandaieel.S".m .
by new method without p ilu or outtlnDili on
or addreBH with stamp
rrlmary , Secondary or Tcrttai > BLOOD
1'OlbON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You cnn IIP treated nt homo for same
pi Ice under f.imu t-uuranl > , If 3011 iiiefci
lo exmie hero v\o will contract til p i > inll-
iciil fnic nml hotel bills , and nu charco
1C no fall to cure. * ,
taken mercury. Iodide potnsh nnd still
hive' nchea nnd point. Mucous Patches In
mouth , horc 'Jhtoat , IMinpleH , Copper < . 'ol.
orul Pi > ols , fleers on nny lurt uf the
body , Hair or Hjcbrcma falling out , It Is
this Secondary
We Guarantee fo Sure
We solicit tlio most obstinate cases nnd
clmlleiiKe the world foi a cnse HC onnuot
cure This disease lm nh\OH ! biflled tlio
skill of the most eminent ( plijelclan * ; ,
f'00,000 capital behind our unconditional
Rimrnnty. Absolute proofs pent sealed
on application. 100 i > nio book rent ficr.
Address COOK ItUVIKDV CO. , 111)1
IlilNoilIc Tciuiilc , CliloiIKO , III.
Beware of Imitations
For Suli- Only by JOII.V M.MIHII ,
Mnlu SI , , Council III u If * .
Reduced Prices !
Hew Improved
King of them all. wlth'the best mantle and chlmnev
Burns less cjas and makes more light than any other lamp in
he market STEPHAN BROS. , 529 Bway.