OMAHA DAILY BEE. .ESTABLISHED .FTJNE 10 , 1871 , OMAHA , MONDAY MOllNINQ , ' JANUAHY 10 , 1898. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. w BETTING ON HAM Even Money that Ho Will Bo Ee-Elccted Pintla No Takers. SENTIMENT DRIFTS TOWARD THF. SENATOR Mncb is Expected from This Aftcrnojn'a Demonstration. HORDES OF REPUBLICANS WILL BE PRESENT Care to Avoid Oonfllct with Inaugural Parade. MAY ASK FORAO TO SHOW HIS HAND OppOKlllim Ailnillo KM MjMlnkr In J't'i-iiiltlluic UK Ituiiutillcnii Fol lower * ( o Ijitvr\Ieit Tlielr , CuiiKtltuuntx , . COLUMBUS , 0. , Jan. 0. The senatorial olluallon has not changed toJay. The con. fcrcncca continue day and night nnd the doublful members are given no resl. Bui no eiicll flops were anuo'iiiced today as thv-CiO of Iho previous two days In favor of Hanim. The vvorkcis for the senator say they now have enough votes. The Kurtz worKc-s say they can bpare another vota or twu and still defeat lliinna. But they Insist that they have lost all of their doublful men now and will stand to the last with at lewt eight republicans and /.Kty five democratic members against Hatina. They even say that they expect to get Manuel of'Montgomery and Griffith of Union back on thcli uldo again before Tilts- day. It is ulsj claimed by the opposition that while Senator Haiiiia's forces have been ilmiglng on their lines , .Jhey have been successfully attacking his lima and h.uo I'romlses from memliTs on whori the bcn- ntor has bcoi depending The Hanna men claim two accessions inlay , but they will not glvo an } iiamctj , as they did those of lleprisuntatlvo Manuel Frldiy night and or lltpresenlatlve Qrllllth last night. The opposition to Hanm has no betting jet In Its favoi The bets , ranging from $50u to $5,000 for oven money on Hanna's election , have remained posted at the Nell house foi two days without takers , and thuro aio other bets offered , among n cm being oiib of $ GOO by ( tcncral Grosvcnor upsn Hanna's election. None of the bets are nn the re sult of the firet or any other ballot , Imt ull arc offered on the final result. PURSUU DOUBTFUL , MUMBGIUJ. "While the workers on both sides have been chasing doubtful members and holding /secret conferences led } , the general publlt , lias been ngltnted over the result toir.onovv of the Inauguration at noon and the Ilanni mass meeting in the afternoon. Both sides nro today arranging to avoid strecet col lisions or any kind of trouble if possible at that time. The mass meeting will not bo enllcd to order by Chairman Ge'orge K. Nash of the state- republican eommRtce till 3 p m. and these In charge of the Inauguration of Goveinor Ilushncll will tcek to have the Inauguration oxercl'cs over before tuu clubs begin the march to the Auditorium for the mass meeting. The railroads have arranged to run the excursion trains for thobc attending the In auguration i-irly In the morning and for these coming to the mass meeting later In the iliy. The Ilanna men are seeking to have as many herd as pawlblo In the after noon nnd the opposition is equally energetic In rail } Ing all they can In the different coun ties for the morning demoratratlon. The militia and other organl/atlons are arriving tonight to take part In the itiaugu- ration. In the morning parr do there will be a marked absence of republican clubs. All the police of the city nnd-many detectives will bo on hand foi both occasions. The.c have. In addition to the rcgulai authorities , been over 100 serjeants-at-arms appointed for the niara convention In the afternoon , with ex-Chief of Police Alexis Kceler aa chief ccigcant-at-orms. wnAvnii WILL pnnsiDis. Chairman Nash will state the object of the inasa convention , that It was called on the request of county republican committees tc. , and then ho will Introduce ao chairman of the most ! convention Congressman Walter Weaver of Springfield , who was spokesman last week of the republican delegation that ramo from IlUjlinell'H homo to call on the governor and protest against the course of bin excellency In this senatorial contest. A 0. Calno and John It. llalloy , the republican i.uucim candidates respectively for clerks of the senate and house , will ba tiecretarlcs All lopubllcan caucus nominees who vveto defeated by ten icpubllcan members voting with the democrats on the organization of the legislature are Included lu the Hat of the scrgoants-at-arms. While the resolutions that will bo pre sented at the mass convention tomorrow will not differ materially from these hcretofoic adopted In the counties It Is Intimated that there will be ono appealing to Senator For- nltor , ns the senior senator from Ohio , to declare himself. There Is no doubt about the tone of the resolutions on Goveinor Bushnell and the bolting republican mem bers of the legislature and In them demand ing the resignation of Charles L. Kurtz ub the Ohio member of the republican national committee * , but there are differences of opin ion among the icpuhllcan managers as to the ForaKcr rosolutlon. Since the epidemic of local Indignation meetings and the crusade for a general gath- orlnB hero tomorrow some of the manageis nf the opposition say two mistakes have been made on tholr nldo. The first alleged mistake wan In exposing their strength In organizing the Ieslsla > ire ; and the second In allowing It to adjourn from Wcdneqday until Monday so that huch members nb Manuel of Montgomery and Griffith of Union co-ild go homo and meet their constituents. BOLTI3US SQUAH12 THLJMSDLVKS , It was thought that the organization of the leglslatuio would settle things , but It U cited that slnco .Mason Ins been made EpeaKin- Is calling on Senator Hanna , nnd EIICO | Griffith has been sworn In as speaker pro tern ho has como out publicly for Hanna Iteprosctitallvo Jo > co of Guernsey , who voted with "the " combine" In organization , haa announced positively that tie will Riip- port Hanna His oppssltlon was solol ) against Iloxwell for speaker .Meantime Jones of Sank , Hilton nf Carroll , and other republicans who voted with the democrats last Momla ) have slnco undergone such a flro from their constituents that they are expected % et to square thenmolvcj by voting for Hanna. Whllo there were ten dissenting republic an members last week , the Hanna men pay there will bo only | to or three this weels nnd t.o ! changes are attributed to the work that has tyceu done In the counties more than hero , Wullo there have boon charges and coun tercharges of bribery , there wan considerable stir today over Iho publication of the follow ing In Iho Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune , and In different forms lu other republican papers ; While Senator Hanna nnd his manager * have been careful to make no Improper UPO of money lu the senatorial content , they have all nlong knon that the cthloi of iho cnso were not so strictly observed liy tiio opposition. Therefore , when un opportunity was offered to get liicrlmlnatlun evidence ngalnal Iho combine , Mr. Hamm'n managera were quick lo Improve It. A trap was set for the opposition nnd worked through one of the mrmborB whom the combination haa licen tolng to cot away from Senator iTuniia. Some of the opposition kept tolnvr to net an audience with this member until It wa decided to Hccommodate them. Ac- uu Intervlfn vvus ui ranted 101 In a certain room of n. certain hotel , but In ndvnnco the precaution had been taken by tie member lo conceal n stenographer In the room , who took down every word of the Interview , nn Imporlanl pnrt of which was nn offer of J3.000 cash mnde to the member If ho would vote ngalnst Sennlor Hnnnn. Jusl what luo will be made of the stenogra pher's notes will be governed by the course of the nntl-Hnnnn people. Oil AND JUHY UCCOMCS SILENT. It Is stated on good.authority that the above case bocntno known to the "op nil tlon" soon after Its organ made ft nin v tlonal publication about the grnnd Jury being called on to Inventlqalo the action of workers for Hanna. At any rate there has not been anything said about the grand Jury's work slnco last Wednesday. The notes of the secreted stenographer have been written out-flnd they comprise sovo'nl pigos of mailer which l In the possession of a very prominent republican. The two men who are accused of offering { 5,000 arc as well known In Ohio politics as either the eenlor or the Junior senator or the governor. One of them holds an important slalo office nnd the other has been an Important oH' and leader In this city. These two prominent workers against Haiina wcro not the ones In the room with the member of the legis lature and bis concealed stenographer , but they sent their man to the legislator's room , nnd when the member Insisted on knowing who authorized Iho offer Iho names of these two prominent parties were given , authoriz ing Ihe offer of $ G,000. The democratic steering commlttco re ported to Mr. Kurtz this afternoon that It must have assurances from him that the dissenting republicans will hold nut before It can glvo him n guaranty of the solid democratic vote of slxtj-five. It Is said the democratic steering commlttco finally gave Mr. Kurtz until Monday midnight to produce affidavits from at loist clghl repub lican members that they would vote against Ilanna. The Hanna members say Mr. Kurtz cannot secure the requisite number of affi davits and the contest will be over Monday nlghl. FOSTnn TAKES A HAND. Ex-Governor Charles Foster , who was sec retary of the treasury under PresldcX Harrison risen , arrived In the clt } tonight. Ho has teen conilderod as a compromise candidate for senator , and b } some considered as un friendly to Hanna , but he soon decl-ared him. self for the senator under the existing cir- cum. tances , and was in conference with the senator soon after his arrival. It la learned that the tight affidavits re quested of Mr. Kurtz are w.inted for the purpose of holding Ihe slxtj-fivo democrats In line. There are sonic opposed to vottag for an > republican 'for ' senator , and about a dczcn democratic members h < tvo signified their desire to vote 'for ' Congressman John J. Lcntz Representative S. W. Cramer of Pauldlog county , ono of the sixty-five democratic mem bers. Is "very sick at his rooms , and his physicians say ho may not bo able to bo out for a week 01 more. His vote will bo needed to defeat Hanaa on the claims of the opposi tion tonight It Is understood Governor Bushnell has de clined to stand fcr senator for either or both terms , and the present program Is for Kurtz for both the long and short tctms for sera- tor against Ilanna. Whllo the geld standaid democrats have all along been oiposlng this coalition , the ultra-silver democrats are the ones who are now giving the combine most trouble. In connection with the bribery stories It Is known that the stcnogrcolici's notes ore In the possession of Hon. 12 G. Uathbone , fcimcrly assistant postmaster gen eral under Harrison , and one of the Hauna managers In the present contest. George W. Hull tonlghl gave out the fol- lowli'g telegram which he received from ex- Senator Calvin S. Brlce , mider date of Jan uary 3 : Telegram received. Am taking no part In the"emtorlil matter In Ohio and wish tint ( ll-tlnctlv understood. I hrtvo no doubt as to the duty of the democratic members cf the legislature. The wool of thepartv and Htntp will bo best conserved by thvir voilni ? for a dcmocral anil not at any time \otln-i for a republican This will preserve the in- tegtlty of every democrat and leivo the paity In better position to KO Into fui'hpr campaigns. CALVIN S. riiiGiirrui , COMIITIUN i.v Coiinri'xsfnnii Klnpr Su > s One "Must .See- to Ill-lllMC. TAMPA , Fla. , Jan. 0 Alter spending sev eral weeks 'making personal Investigations of the situation In Cul.j , Congressman King of Utah arrived hero this evening. His tear covered fear provinces and was thor ough. Speaking of his -trip he cald : "I made It to learn Just what the condi tions were nnd I found lhat no ono has ever half doplclod the awful honors of the re- conccnlradces. These people , naked and ema- clited , are sllll dying like sheen In the streets of the towns where they are still huddled. To realize Just what this means ono must ace for himself. "I found that the Spin'sh people have evident ! } very ll'tlo faith In the new au- tonomlcal Government , for they are alrongl } In favor of annexation and want It ct once General Blanco has not succeeded In his ef forts to aliovlato the suffering , for he hab nut had fmncial means to carry It out I l.avo Interviewed Insurgent leaders , Spai.lsh offi cers , and Americans , and have some definite Idea of what b going on In that terribly dcv- arlalcd Island. I know positively that Gen eral Leo Is not going out with General B'anco to BOO General Gomez. " As Mr. King saw General Leo } cstcrday , ho evidently Rpealca with authority. Plot. Hcnr } Schoonfeld of Columbia unl- vcialty came on the same boat He has been iraktng Investlgatlocs for Iho purpose of wrlllng magazine articles for Gerrr.'ny and Austria Ho corroborated In the main Mr King's views , but thinks Iho war will con tinue a long time. uiivioM : > is iii\iiTiiv\iin I'leuiln iiiiiiu-ii ; < M- for Ireland ami UN NI3W YORK , Jan , 9. John n. Iledmond , the Irish political leader , received a rousing popular wuleomo In Iho Broadway theater tonight Every scat was occupied and na Mr. Hodmond stepped upon the platfoim there aroEo a cheer from every Ihroat. Among these upon the platform and In the boxes wcro Recorder John W. Golf , ex- Congressman Bourku Cockran , William Astor Chiinlcy , Congressman William Sulzcr and O'Donovan Itnssa. Mr. Itcdmoml spoke of the rebellion of 1798. Ho described UR rising and Its failure and unionized UH leaders The audlcnco cheered the mention of Wolf Tone and Rob ert Ilmmot and hlsbeil the namu of Castle- rcagh. When Mr. Redmond told of the ciuclty of the Drltldh soldiery In Ireland many of the women In the audience wept , In conclusion Mr. Redmond e.ild ho hoped that what ho lud < tad ! on the fcubjpct of 179S would help to aid In the vindication of Hit men who died for It eland. Thu heiltago of the maitjrs , hn said , Id n priceless one , namely , that of It eland's right to nation hood and distinct , btpaiato national liberty "Thotriumph of ( heir cause may not coine In our day , " ho said , "but we believe In It just as firmly us t\o do In thu existence of our God , When Iroland'a llbeity shall In. attained a grateful people will kneel by their grave. ! and pay the martyrs urateful tribute. NO PLIUI : POU Dimn vr'i HUM vi\s. I'atlier ThlnUN ' 1'lu-v .Muy llury Tlit-in at hen , CHIOVGO , Jan. 9A nprclal * o the Chronicle from San Francisco says ; There seems to bo no place for the body of Thco- -doro Durrani. Botb crematories have posi tively refused to handle the remains and no cemetery1 has jet consented to receive them , They nro still ut the Durrani house anj II looks M though they would stay thorn for omo time. The elder Durrani bald tolay : ' 'My efforts to carry out thu last wishes of the dead boy have been unavailing. The crematories refuse to take jho body , and cemeteries are likewise reluctant. Wo may ship the remains to Los Angeled and liavn them cremated ( here , or wu may take the boJy and bury It at bea. We don't Know ) et what wo tan , do.1 AIEESS DRIFT OF WORDS Debate on the Civil Service Law Simply "Gallery Play , NO HOPE OF DEFEATING APPROPRIATION It In t\oit Doubtful Whether Thorc Arc IIiioiiRli Viitcii In the Ilittmc tii .11 like Any Hall-rial Amendment. WASHINGTON , Jan. 9. The clxll service debate which has been In progress In I'.io house dilt Ing the past neck will bo con cluded orobably en Tuesday , when the vote will bo taken on < i motion to strike out the expropriation for the' ' maintenance of the commission , The motion Is foredoomed to defeat , S3 that the present contributions to the literature of this vexed question will eventunto In nothing. The debate , however , has served to define the position of the members. It has proven that comparatively few of the ene mies of the system arc willing to go to the length of voting for the repeal of the law. It Is claimed that a preliminary canvass of the republicans of the house has developed orer 100 on that sldo who are willing to vote for a modification of the ( aw. If these could bo combined with the democratic exponents of the law , many of whom are against the entire law and desire to ECO It wiped off the statute books , they could probably command a majority Hut < iulte a slumber of democrats whose hostility to the law Is outspoken say they will not vote for mollflcatlons of the law which will simply result lu the removal of democrats from ofllcc and the substitution of republicans They orcfer. If It Is not to bo repealed , to sec the law stand as It la. The entlro popu- llstlc strength will oppose e\cry motion to repeal or modify the law. After the legislative , executive and Judicial appropriation bill la out of the vva } cither the agrlultural or diplomatic and consular bill will bo taken tie and an urgent defi ciency bill will bo iead > , ao that the remain der of the v.e-eK , except SaluriMy , set apart for pa } Ing tribute * to the memory of the late Representative Mllllkcn of Maine , will be oc cupied vvlKi appropriation bills. The diplomatic and consular bill Is very likely to cauto extended dctato on the pend ing foreign questions Cuba , Hawaii , the sit uation In the orient , etc , any one of which could bo made a fruitful theme of discus sion. It Is understood to be the Intention of the democrats to force the republicans to deflna the administration's position toward Cuba's Indepeuden-c during the debate. SENATE FORGCVST. Interest In the senate proceedings for the week centers In the promlssd debate of the treaty for the annexation of Hawaii , which will bo taken up on Moncluj. Senator Davis has given notice liiat ho will mo\e an exec utive serslon of the senate for consideration of the ticaty each d > y until the trcatychall ho finally disposed of. The first effort on 'Moilay ' will be to secure open doors for the debate. This motion will be made by Senator Pettlgrew of the opposition , but there Is no likelihood that It will carry. The prevailing op'alon Is that the debate will not bo prolonged on the treaty , but theories as to the length of time vary all the way from a week to a month. The op- pcsttlcn to the trcuty acserta that It has o dUipoiltion to prolong the discussion owing to Its confidence in its ablllt } to defeat the treaty. It claims thirty-live votes In oppo sition and states twit among these there will bo moro than one republican. Senator Mor- rlll adheres to his original determination to oppose the ratification resolutlca , and ho Is preparing a speech on that side of the ques tion. The i amo cf Senator Money ca the democratic oldo Is added to the list of supporters - porters of the treaty , making five democrats who will certain ! } fa\or annexation. Senator Duller , populist , whose position haa rot Jiere- toforo been generally liown , today an nounced hlmeelf as oppcsed to ratification. It may bo accepted oa true that if the opponents of annexation become thoroughly convinced that they ran secure the one-third \o o accessaiy to accomplish that end they will allow the vote to como wltuout delay , reserving any dilatory tactlco to which tiey may ho disposed to resort for use In connec tion with the consideration of the joint reso lution for annexation , which would follow the defeat of the treaty. This rcbolutlcn would caly require a majority vote , and It la conceded on all hcnda that the annexa- tlonlsts ( lave the necessary majority. In open scrsicn tae calendar piesen o many EUbjcc's that ipiy receive attentloi , Includ ing especially the Immigration bill and the census bill , the latter affording a basis for speeches upon the civil service. Scnatoi Falr- Lanks has given notice of a speech on the ' Immigration 'bill on Tuesday , acid Serator Butler will speak on hlo resolution providing for the election of federal judges by the people some da } during th week. Discussion of the financial question Is also among tiio probabilities. Senator Davis Is expected to open fie Havvullcrt debate with a set speech on Mon day , but there Is a pos lbllltj that he will defer his main argument until later In the discussion. Herman OliJeetH tncw ' ! Irlil Inml Aft. WASHINGTON , Jen. 9. Commission Hermann of the general land of lice lias pre pared an adverse report on the house bill providing for the granting to the respective elates of 11 the arid lands within their ureas upon condition that the land shall bo re claimed for ngilcultural purposes by the states. The report sets forth that under the Carey act of 1804 congress made grants to the btatcs wherein arU lands are sltumed , not exceeding 1,000,000 acres to each , e.ud up to this time but few of the btatcsravo availed themselves to any extent of the ben efits of the law. The ttutes which Ciavo taken llmlteJ areas are : Wyoming , 99,097' acres ; 'Mon'una ' , 10,632 acres ; Idaho , 58,000 acres ; Utah , 2.21,143 acres , and Washington , S3,451 acres. In place of tbo bill proposed the commis sioner expresses the opl'ilon that the Carey law bet so amended as to extend a more sat isfactory guaranty to capital as an Induce ment to Invest In the reclamation of arid lands under the law , but iho disapproves of the effort to enlarge the quantity of lands which din now bo acquired by the states. TJV Pb.viu iMiusi'ui iciubis. : . Till * Country CUiiiiufaelureN I'oiir- riftliH of UN CoMNiiiniitlon , WASHINGTON , Jan 9. The report of Special Agent Ayer to the secretary of the treasury on the production of tin and terno plates In the United States during the fiscal jear ending Juno 30 , 1S97 , shows that the total production was 410,082,063 pounds , of which about b3 per cent was of the class weighing lighter than slxty4hreo pounds per gquarn foot. This Is an Increase In the pro- duotlon of a little less than 14,000,000 pounds , or over 45 per cent as compared with 1896. The total Importation during the > car was 244,407,601 pounds , ami the exportation for the bamo period 19,240,130 pounds , making the not Imports 103.1CM71 pounda. Tbo pioduetion of the United States , therefore , waj moro than our-flfths of the entlro con sumption , iK mil. WASHINGTON , Jan. 9.-Speclal. ( ) The antl-BcalpIng bill , as the proposed measure to prevent the brokcrago of tickets Issued by Interstate railroads Is called , Is having a much moro serious road to travel than was originally thought , It passed tbo taut session of congress -without a hitch , but failed to reach a vote In the senate. At that 11 in i ) the ticket broke's or scalpers ex pected no action and made no fight ; now they are here la ( ull force and a powerful lobby , represented by A well known Chicago broker , Is running In oil sorts of Influences to bear on members against the passage of the bill. The bill Is supported1 by all the lallroads In the country and-b- ' many of the commercial bodies , but Its passage Is greatly doubted , In view of the fight'that ' Is being put up by the ticket brokers. It Is not likely that a separate nnri-scalplng bill will be passed , and that It anything In that line Is adopted , It will bo A part of Senator Cul loin's general measure to amend and roako effective the Interstate commerce law that has been so seriously Impaired by the Oe clslons of the courts. AVAR VITIH S TO nu riioTncrnn. If one lllll Will . \men.l ( lie Cllll Sen- Icc IjitTr. WASHINGTON , Jan. 9 Representative Howe of New York Introduced n civil service bill toJay designed to protect war veterans In the government service. It gives prefer ence to honorably discharged cullers , soldiers and marines who served betvvecn April 12 , 1SG1 , and August 26 , 1S65 , In appointments , retentions and promotion In all the depart ments and branches except those offices pro. vlded for otherwise and subject .to presi dential nomination and confirmation , or chic ! deputies , chief clerks , or these holding strictly confidential relations with the ap- plontlng power. They orenot to be re moved except for good cause , and with charges and hearing. MetlmdlHtN Hope for Union. WASHINGTON , Jan 9. The conference of clerical und lay delegates from both branches of Uio Methodist Episcopal church came tea a close last night , tiio business being dis patched much sooner than expected. Illshop Merrill , representing the northern branch of the church , and Bishop Granberry of the southern branch alternated In presiding ovci Iho conference. As a result of the sessions resolutions were adopted expressive of the views of the cciifeienco for united and har monious action Mm CVtiirl-Miirdnl nil WASHINGTON , Jen. 9 It Is believed at the Navy department that the showing made , not only by Constructor Bowles , but by the board of civil engineers recently appointed , as to the faultv character cf the work in the construction of dry dcKk No. 3 will result In steps being taken to couit martial Civil En gineer A. G. 'Menocal. ' It Is not ccr'aln whether or not It will bo possible to proceed against the contractors. cinvss r.itvrnKLiu rou nni.iir. CoiiNtil ( ; e lie rn I MuUcM the Flrxt DlKtrlltiitlon. HAVANA , Jen. 9. Todaj at the residence of Dr. Vlllloscla of the special committee ap pointed by Stnor Bruzon , governor of Hivcna , anj Consul General Leo piiporlntcnded the first distribution of supplies received at the UnitCif Statc.s cc'iEula'o for the rcconccntra- dces. Lii Discussion refero In phrases of profuse gratitude to this American charity. It pub lished tcday a special supplement , the pro ceeds of the sale of walch will be turned over to the relief fund In a leading editorial La Discussion asks the Insurgents In thei.ame of humanUj and for the aakcs of their mothers , wives , sisters and children ding of starva tion to lay down their arms anJ to make rcaco with the government. CUT VIA IS AVVSHUIJ OHltllO Mil ) . ViiotliL-r AVni e Cum onleiitlj" WiiNliex Him Uncle Acrtilii. QUEENSTOWN , Jan. Q. The Norwegian baric NovJIng , Captain neiniolds , which ar rived here > csterday from 1'ensacola , was terribly battered by a hurricane December 20. She was submerged for n time and the wheelman drcjwned. Afterward a huge sea washed ofE the captain. One of his legs caught In the spinker sheet and he was diagqej In the balling suif. A few minuted later another wave washed him on deck. The flesh was torn off his leg. The cnbln vvr.3 gutted and the charts and compasses were destrojed. Severn ! of the crew were Injured. AVII.h I'ltOCUUD uITlVST ( WUVLHIl Xeec-HHnry PupPi'M Are .tlrunil } 1'ie- Iinrcil foi- ( lie Action. MADRID , Jan. 9. The captain-general of Madrid has already recoiled the documents necessary for proceeding against Lieutenant General Valcrlano Wcylcr. I1AHOELONA , Jan. 8 , It Is reported hero that General Wevler has been summoned to Madrid. In an Interview with a newspaper representative General AVcyler has expressed his belief In the possibility of a conflict be tween Spain and the United .States. Iwiilertnlii a DlHtliiKiilHlioil PARIS , Jin. 9 General Horace Porter , tde United ambassador , and Mrs. Porter entertained at dinner Mst Qladam Carnet widow of President Carnet ; the Turk- I'h ambassador Munlr Bqy ; fie due d' Aucr- atacdt , ni'uli'terad ' chancellor of the Lcg'lon of Honor and the duchecs d'Auerstacdt ; Tch'ng Tuhang , the Chinese ambassador ; Cup- tain Carnet , Prlnce&s Isenbuig-Hlrateln , Paul Deschanel of the Chamber of Deputies , Mr. and Mrs. Now berry , Mr. t'.id Mrs Cane and Henry VlgrauJ , ecrcti.ry of the United States legation , ui'4 Mra. Vignaud. UHI-H n UeioUiT In n Chtiroh. HAVANA , Jan , 9. About 2 o'clock till" afternoon while service- was In progress lu the cathedral , a man named Ramon Vlvei entered and fired a revolver several times. The bullets atruck the Imago of St. Peter , destroying the challeo and a hand. The Ghootlng caused the greatest alarm , and the people dispersed amid vjlld confusion. Vlvei , who was promptly disarmed by these near him. has been sent to a lunatic nsylum. iiainliic the Ciilulmi Cut. COLON , Colombia ( via Galvebton , Tex. ) , Jan. 9 Lyman E. Cooley , the well known engineer of Chicago drainage caual fame , and other engineers , toound for Nicaragua , have carefully examined the Culcbra cut extend ing from. Pedio Miguel to Has Oblspo. They are unanimous In admlttfng the feasibility of the Panama canal along that lotite , al leging that the c/bstacles / to bo overcome elsewhere would ibo moro than there. DcrilxlieM UnNxluiv Their Koreen. CAIRO , Jan. 9. The rtcrvlfhea continue massing their forces at Mctcmmth and Shendy , between eighty and ninety miles below Khartoum and Omdurman ; there Is great activity at brndurman , with for warding of supplies at that point. Nothing Is Known hero In confirmation of the ipport that the Trench million under Captain Mar- chand has airived at rasnoda. Ultle. I'elnKle hei Miif i\peetfil. VICTORIA , H. C. , Jen. 9. It is the gen eral opinion of sealing men hero that there will Ibo no pelagic coaling In the Bering sea di'rlng the. coming eca-ion. Only ono schooner , the Director. . ivv 111 so ta the Japa nese coa it What eeallni-- there Js done will bo carried on nlong the California , Oregon , Washington and British Columbia coasts. Count I'nterhiiyj .SiirreiiilerN , PARIS , Jan. 9. Comtq Ferdinand Walsln TMcrhazy of the Frcuclj army , who Is oc cuscd of the authorship of letters published recently la Tlgaro reflecting upon France and the army , surrendered tonight at the Chcrche-Mldl prison for trial by court. martial ordered by General Sausler , mili tary governor of Paris. lllNiiinrcU * > iiN lie IM Well , LONDON. Jan. 9. A. dispatch to the Standard from Berlin says Prince Bismarck U comparatively well again , Answering the inquiry of an old Italian friend , ho wrote , "I am suffering from pains In my joints , but otherwise am well. " ' Ordered to ChnrufVjitem. | . PARIS , Jan. 9 , Thu cruiser Duguay Troulu , flagship of the French Pacific squad- roe , boa boon ordered to Chinese waters , THOSE EXPOSITION STAMPS Namorons Sngpostions Eecoivod at the Postoffico Dopnrtmont , OVER A HUNDRED DESIGNS SUBMITTED Hxlillilt nf I'odlomre Deimrtiiieiit lie One of the MoNt liiterentlnir to lie 1'lneeil In ( Soi em inent WASHINGTON , Jan. 9. ( Special. ) The Pcstofllce dernrtmcnt , nnd eepeclally the third asslijunt postmaster general , ta having consid erable dlniculty over the designs for the memorial stamps to be Issued for the Trans. mlsslpjlppl and International Exposition at Omaha 'this 3 car. ID response to Invitations sent out by the postmaster general there have been a great many replies received. Upwards of n hundred designs Invo been submitted and many moro suggestions , which arc considered excellent la character , do not potat out where engrav ings or pictures suggested arc to bo obtained , The Postofilcc department feels that It cannot go to the expenseof having designs made specially for thcso stamps ; first Le- cauc < o the time Is entirely too short In which to prepare the designs and second because they might not so nearly fill the require ments ca engravings or palntlugs In ex istence. Chief Clerk Davis of General Merrill's of fice eald that ho had received from n gentle man located In Nebraska , a number of mast excellent suggestions , but cannot find nn > - thlng In the way of engravings or pictures that would fill the bill. This gentleman sug gested that the first stamp should bear an Indian tepee or the aborigine as he oxlficd til the transmlssiivtlppl country before the advent of Hie pioneer. The second stamp should bear a picture of the pioneer with his train of wagons penetrating the great Ameri can desert. The third stamp should portray the home of the settler , his rude cabin , sod , or log hut , as the case might be Upon the fourth ho thought a proper picture would be the great fields of corn or grain ripening in the summer sun with modern reapers , and , lastlj , as ithere are but five- stamps to be made , a composite picture of the cities of the Transmtsslsslppl region , with railroads and all Iho commercial Interests which luvc sprung up within the last half century. Mr. Davla thought ho could secure ono or two of these suggestions fiom Frederick Iteming. ten's well known drawings of frontier tjpes and has directed that research bo made foi such subjects as will tjpify this section of the countrj. It has been Intimated tint ono of 'the etampe will represent a buffalo grazing on the prairie , another ma > po slbl > bear the picture of one of the famous scouts of the section who partlcljated In Its eaillcsl his- torj. Some of the suggestions received urge a picture of the bridge across the MlssLMlppl at Rock Island , the first bridge that over spanned the "Father of Waters. " In all of the suggestions , however , there has been a total falluie to tell where engravings or plclurcs , as said before , are to bo had and this necefl- sailly makes the work of the department a laborious one. Involving considerable thought before any definite selection of plcturea Is n cde. Prof. F. W. True , executive curator of the National n'.useuni anl rcpiesentatlve on tiio Beard of 'Management ' of the Transmlsslcslppl Expcs-ltlon , makes the following pertinent re marks in reference to the pending bill con cerning certain administrative features of tfto exposition bill : "It is veiy evident that con gress has no f jith In the ability of the board to manage Its o\vn affairs und it seems to bo the general Impression that the bcmJ is making a haul of some kind , whereas all we get is mere glory. It has been claimed that the Nashvlllo exhibit vvus rot properly handled and tl'at the finances were not cared for as they ought to have been , > el I have no hesitancy In sa > ing the government ex- : lhlt vvau toe most li.tcrratlng anl most ably handled at the fair. If congress will only do the right thing we will place an exhibit at Omaha tint haj never before been equaled and I sincerelj hope that this amendatory ac tion will occur soco , a.s It takes time to pre- piro an exhibit. I have formulated some plans , but they are only In embrjo , for no'hlng can bo done In mj department until cverj thing Is settled. I can say , however , the exhibit will bu ctitliely different from that at Nashville. " POSTOPFICE EXHl'BIT. ' Active preparation are being made at the postolllco department for Its exhibit at the TraiiE-mlsslsslppI Exposition. Colonel John Dell Brownlow , wjio will h > vo charge of the exhibit , sajs : "Tho exhibit of this depart ment will surpass an } It has made at any exposition save at Chicago , and as no branch of the public sarvlce Is so closely Identified , 11 will be especially In cres'log. With our Increase of uppropilatlon , which Is double the amount received for the Nalivlllo expo sition , and the Increase of space allotted us wo will make an excellent showing. " In the stamp division will be exhibited all the series of ( ho United States postage stamps trcm their Introduction in 1S47 , Including. all tbo departmental stamps , special dellvciy , postage duo and newspaper and periodical stamps ; also a set of stamped envelopes from 18,13 to 1893. In addition to the many for eign stumps shown at other expositions tiieio will bo added all the stampa used up to the duto of tbo exposition. The equipment division of the service will bo rcpiesented by mcdcls of uniformed mall carriers of the United States and other countiles , fully equipped with the Insignia of the service of their respective countiles ; I there will also be a figure of an Indian mall i carrier , with toboggan , drawn by three dogs hltel ed tandem , tplcal of the service as It now exists In the snow clad region be tween Sault Stc. 'Marie ' and Mackinaw , Mich. An expensive model of a United States postal tar costing { ,1,000 and exactly one-sixth of the actual size , showing the arrangement and equipment , will bo ? ont , also models of mall coaches from Germany and other countries. In addition to these will bo collections of United 'States mall bags and pouches In use In this and other countries , together with a bet of post marking stamps and locks used by the gov ernment since the year 1800. A largo Htago coach , which ran between Helena and llozn- nmn , 'Mont. ' , and which at different times lias carried such personages as Qai field , Arthur and Sherman will bo exhibited. In connection ulth the model of the railway mall car there will bo a model of the United States steamer Paris , which cost $7,000 , and with this will be shown the steamship Southerner , which wau the 11 rat to carry mall regularly across the ocean. There are at present being made models of street railway cars and every possible con veyance for mall , KO that visitors will have an opportunity of seeing the latest'thoda and equipment. DEAD LETTER DIVISION. Ono of tlm most Mterrfltlng features of the exhibit will bo the dead letter olllco division , this exhibit thawing a collection of articles sent through the mails and transported to the dead letter office because they wcro misdirected - directed or prohibited by postal laws. In thlj collection will bo Included explosive bombs , deadly weapons , tarantulas and rattlesnakes - snakes sent alive , end poUomus liquids and compounds. Other articles will be letters written < n collars , cuffs and boards , chil dren's 'toi > . Indian scalps , a skull , a police billy , mall bag captured by Indians smeared with the blood of the murdered currier. This exhibit will also contain a handkerchief taken from the dead body of the United Btatcs postal clerk of the steamship Oregon , lost at ecu and recovered 114 days afterward , vvtth other articles from the mall of the ship. There. Is ulso a lock of Iwlr of Gulteuu , the as a8iln of President Garflcld , ecnt through tbo mall by him while on trial. This exhibit Is being constantly added to and contains many rare and etrange articles. Two portraits will bo exhibited , one of Benjamlu Franklin , the first pout- master general of the colonies , aud CHICAGO , Jan. 9. I , . A. Welsh , Forecast Omclal , Omaha : Cold wave and probably norther late tonight and Monday. ' GAimiATT. James A. Gar ) * , the present posl- master general. In the exhibition of pcutat reccrda and letters will bo shown the postofllco ledger of Benjamin Franklin , the report of the committee of the United States sc'.iato January 20 , 1S29 , on thu transporta tlon of malls on Sunday , u pcstol card whl traveled nrouml the world In 120 das , If lory of the travels of a registered letter this and foreign countries , a religious b printed In 1CSO obtained through the letter ofllce , framed statistics of the p service of .the United Slatoq from 177i ( 18'JG. There will also bo shown a compara sculo as lo the magnitude of Ihe United States posbil service compared with France , Germany nnd Diigland , Taken altogclher , Colonel Brownlow h moro than pleased with the plans formulated for the exposition and ho na > ; i < that everthing will be done to make ft a complete success. OM : Moun AIHHUI TO DU.VTH MST. I'lti-tlicr Illumine from < h * .Steninlionl Holler n.xiiloilon. P1TTSBURG , Pa. , Jan. 0. Further death I and less of properly are being caused b } Iho explosion of the Pcrc } Kels'a boilers Saturday. The number of Known dead reached four today , when Dinlel Gamble , the boat'a.second cook , died at Mercy hos pital. The list of dead now Is : Daniel Gamble- cook ; Milton I. Wool , pilot ; Thomas Flun , second engineer ; Leo Wobattn , fireman : John Smith , deck hand , body not recovered ; Leo Bcchtold , fireman , body not recovered. TJio night men who w.o Injured In the explosion will all recover with the ex ception of Harry Hammers and William Alexander , whoso wounJs will probably 10- sult fatally. The wreclc lIng In the river at Glenflcld caused the tow boat Hornet , with n tow be longing to James G. Jones & Sons , to lee four loaded barges and a boat early this morning. The channel Is alvvnja nariow jut at Glenflcld , and Iho Kelsy's hull male It moro dlfllcult than ever to pass The cor ner of the tow hit the after part of the wreck and four ibargcs and a coal boat w i c sunk The Hornet was on Its way to Cincinnati In charge of Captain Henry Doud. Other boats ready to slart out tonlghl did not M.II- turo down on account of thn obstruction. The packets coming up from the lower rive about midnight also had a little tioublo. nonins OK T\\O MiNnus TAICUV oi/r. i\lilosloii : Jle.snltM In Ituliiniis Daiii- n e ( o flu * I'rcpeHj. PITTSBURG , Kan , Jan. 9. The bodies of John Posting , Charles Winters and Antono Weinberger , the miners whom it was last night thought were alive in the Mount Cai mel Coal comran's mine , were biought up at neon today. Neither Weinberger nor Winters showed-slgns of having suffered any violence , and It IB believed they were smolh- ercd to death. Passing was horribly burned , and was almost unrcco rilzable. James 551m- merman , who was last night reported no among the rescued , was the last man taken out toil } Although badly burned , ho will recover Pcsslng was 2U } ears old and leaves a wife and thieu children ; Winters , who was 2 ! > } cars old , was the solo support of aged parents ; Welnbergei was s'ngle. ' The bodies were removed to the compiio'o slore. An Icqucsl was begun , but adjourned till tomor row. row.Tho The mine Is bidly damaged. Althouqh Ihe cause of Ihe explosion lias not been deter mined , It Is believed to hive restrted from dust created by ono of the shot flrors. No G Is the largest shaft of the Mount Carmcl company , rod this winter II had been worked by three shlftr ? , aggregating 300 miners. n or A IMIOMIMSM' S-VMII.V. Victim of I , } iit-li I.uiv \ViMliInK < ini Well Coiinoetc-il. COLFAX , Wash. , Jan. 9. "Dakota Slim" McDonald has been taken to Walla WalU for eafo keeping A majority of the people hero denounce the Inchlng of his companion in Jail , CMdwlck Marshall The fuelling was done so quietly that the town was not alarmed , and persons sleeping In the base ment of the court ouso were ciol nrouoed. Chadnlck Marshall , the victim of the mob , was a member of the famous Marshall fam ily of Virginia. While confined In the Jail here , ho received word of the deatji of his father , Judge Thomas Marshall , at the rcbl- dence of his daughter , Mrh. W. F. Smile } , near Sante Fe , N. M. Judge Maishall was born In Virginia In 1S12 , and moved lo Mis- saurl In 18.11. For eighteen } cais he held the olflco of county cleik of Warren county In 1805 ho moved to Mexico , Mo , where ho held various public ofilcca. SHOT I.N 1'uuroiiM v\cis : OF IIUTV. Mnrilerer IteeciineH renlfent at Onee mill Telln the hloi- > . MIDDLETOWN , N. Y. , Jan. 0. Frank Beckwlth , a watchman In the employ of the Ontailo < S. Western railroad , while In the pei- formanco of Mi dutlca last night , noticed u niau acting suspiciously In the freight jards He grasped the man about the arms from be hind , but ho Lioko loose , nnd Immediately drawing a revolver , kfoot Brckwlth Ivv Ice through the lungs. Beckwlth died today. The murderer was Udward Simpson , a formet Inmate of the Clmlrn reformatory , out on jxirolo Ho had no nooncr committed the act limn ho became penitent and told the whole Htory to the persons who came up lo him at tbo sound of the icvolver. Simpson helped lo carry Iho wounded man lo his Uonic. COACH nous TJIHOI KID A imimin. Severn ] Injured In aneelilinl on an 'Alaliaina Hoail , 'MONTGOMERY , Ala. , Jan. 9. At J o'clock this afternoon u fiay coach on westbound trulii number SC of Iho Weslern Alabama railroad went through Cubahatlo bridge , twmty-ono miles cast of Monlgomcry , fallIng - Ing a distance of flflcen feet. Conductor Law and Flagman Pope wcro seriously In- JureJ and eighteen passeagcrs received bruises and o 4ier Injuries , ncno of v\hlch are serious. Among the injured were G. II. Woodeon of 'Louisville ' , Va. , brulsffl ; George II. Ward , Baltimore , aim and knee hurt. Tbo cfllelals of tbo railroad feel no blanio can bo attached to the coinpaay , aa the brldgo was rebuilt In January , 1897. i.NCiinisus Tim uju'LovLis1 wA n.s. .Von Jr ey Slilrl riielory for iMoru Help , TRENTON , N. J. , Jan. 0. VP Henry Rothschilds & Co. have announced an In crease of Mi par cent In wages at their Trenton hlrt manufactory , to go Into effect on Wednesday , They are also advertising fur more * heli > . Pr -SllicrlleM Tri' lo Coulor-e. PORTLAND. Ore. , Jan. a , Ae'lan las been taken In the city looking lo Iho union of all the free sllvei forces at the coming wtuto election In Juno. The fetato central LoniinitteeB of the demotrata and the free Mlver republicans have dee I Jed lo hold Htato conventions ) In this city on Mur n 2-i. II lu understood that Ihe pomillatH and the union party will aluo cull thtlr titnte con ventions ) u thin city lor tbo saqip date , BLACK BARE BONES Ghastly RoHo of the Burning of Bominolo Indians. CHARRED SKtLETONS NOT YET REMOVE ! ) Frightful Vongcanoo Secured for ru ) Atioolous Murder. rACH MAKE A FULL CONFESSION ath with the Stoicism Typical Their Bacc. MORE INDIANS ARE IMPLICATED io IN AIMV KiiKiiKcd 1 Tin-ill niil | J'romlhc- tire Hum- K Tlicy Arc Caiitnreil. LITTLH ROCK , Ark. , Jan. 0. Charred , and burned bcond all semblance of humau beings , the frames of MarKus McGcUcy and Palmer Slmi ou , the two Sumlnole Indiana who a few days ago murdered Mrs. Jainca Simmons , are ellll reclining In chains against' Iho blackened trunk of an oak tree In the Scmlnolo nation , where on Friday night thcy met their death In thu most awful mamici' conceivable nt Iho hands of an Oklahoma ) mob. The flesh Is burned from Iho bones and lies In greasy and Ill-smelling pattIdea In Iho ashns on the giound. The ilngen * and hands are burned from the frames and. the ghastly skeletons , bereft of feet nnd. ankles , stand on blackened bones In Iho ashes on the ground. Uvery vestlgo of hair and flesh Is burned from the heads and , the clinched teeth of the dead men show thd grtat determination to endure their awful punishment In sllenco with which the led ; men died. iTho scene Is a fascinating 0119 for the cm Ions and has been visited b } many people ulnco } ostcrday morning. Additional details of the horrible week oC the moll neai Maud poatotllco In the Soml- nolo latlon last Frlda } night weie received , here toilaj. According to this Infuinatlou Iho mob's work Is nol jet flnls'icil , and will enl } be completed whe-n four moro Indian' ) have been dealt with In the same manner ni McGelsoy and Simpson. The cltlmis' posse , was scouring the country fee- the four men when the mcshcnger left Maud , and It Is probable that at least part of iho quartet las b } this time- paid the penalty decreed by the maddened populace. KILL A DKFnNSnLHSS WOMAN. The crime which led to t'.io bucnlng of the two mi'U was committed on last Thursday. Markus McGolsey was the owner of same ) propert } . On his land lived a white family named Simmons. Dm Ing the absence of the husLand on Thursday McGolsey went to the Simmons cabin and asked for n drink of water. Mrs. Simmons was at homo with her four small children. The Indian was given the water and ho t'acn asked for a saddle. On being refused the saddle McGolaey grabbed the woman , who had her laby lei hoi nrmn , ' and dragged her out of the houso. When the * woman attenpted to run way the Indluti sel7cd a rifle and dealt her a doadlj blow on the head , crushing the skull. Tao woman died Instant ! } . The murdered woman's husband did not icturn homo Thureday evetilng , and Iho chil dren were unable to remove the body Into the house from whcro It had fallen In the jard. The llttlo ones stood up and watched tlielu mot'icr's corpse until the bitter cold coin- rolled them to iclax their vigil nnd sock shelter Irom the weather In the cabin. Dur ing the night Iho body was almost devoured by hogs. The news of the murder .spicad crt'ldly Friday morning , and the whole populace for twcnly miles around was aroused. About Iwcmly Indians wcie arrested. Iho oldest child told the crowd that MeGolsry was thci guilt } man , and u posne of twenty determined men went to airest him. Simpson wiu at McGelsey'B home * when the airlvcd nnd both wcro tnlctn Into custody. A rope wa ( cocurcd and the prisoners wore strung up by the neck. 'On being let donn and given an CTOortunlty to talk , both confessed to the crime and named four others whom they de clared wcro equally guilt } . It developed that the Indians desired to get rid of ccrta'n ' whlto settlers , and that McGolsey had been hired , to do the murder. DECIDE ON IMMHDIATn ACTION. Pcoscs vvero nt once ficnt In search of the other four Indians , and It was decided to have a wholesale lynching ra teen au they could bo captuiud. i\s night canio on , how ever , and the other four were not captmcd , the citizens changed their plan nnd deter mined lo dispose of McGolsoy and SlmpBoa without fuithcr delay. The feeling was to hitler against them lhat Iho crowd would not be satisfied with thu ordinaly method of lnehlng < and it wuu voted to bum them at the stake. The vlc- lllms vvero accordingly chained lo a pcsl oalc Uco. Fcnco rallfl and dry wood vvcio Ihen plied high about , them and In n few mlnutcu tlm Indians were wrapped In roaring flames , whllo the timbers crackled beneath thulr feol. feol.Never Never a word did Iho Indians tiller whllo being roasted alive. They apparently saw they vvero powcrlcuH to ic&lsl , und cnduicd. their lots llko stoics. The crowd was composed of not over thlrly men , and the work was done In a quiet but tlioiough and determined manner. 1'csuos continued the search for Ihe other four Indians and II Is very probable that If cap tured they will bo dealt with In a llko man ner. 'Iho man bringing this Information stale * that tliuio IB great fear ( if an outbreak among the Indians , and thai ho bcliuvcj bloodshed Is certain to follow ST. LOUIS , Jan. 9. A upcclal to the Re public from Muakogee' , I. T , HIS An ulaimlng state of riot provalU In , the Seml- nolo nation and unless Immcdlalo steps me ? taken 'by ' the United States authorltlcj a bloody Indian uprising may result Thin li on account of the burning nf Indian i by whites for the muidtr and outrage oC Mm. Simmons , Januaiy C , Xalo , lonlghl Dr. 0. P. Liin , chief phjsi- clan of Iho Somlnolo nation , telegraphed lo both Indian Agent Wisdom and Marshal Dennett ifor amslBlanco In quelling Iho tatu of war that prevails In the nation. Ho con firmed the novvu of the Htako burnings and gave the names of the suffercro , Lincoln Mc- GcUoy and Palmer Simpson , two } OUIIK ScmlnolcH. Both the Indians came fiom re- HpeUablo Semlnolo families anil their fear ful death has aroused their frlcndo and iela- tlvca lo fnn/y. Dr. L > nn haa Just < n rived from Iho scene cf Ihu 'burning ' and elates thai both Ixidlcs were burned and mutilated In a most horrible rible manner and wcro unrecognisable. All the authorlllfH lure reeognlin that the ( situation Ihero Is nearer OjortlerlnB upon n dangerous Indian uprlolng thin any In , recent jearw und are taking prompt measured ( o quell It. - , C' > clone A'lHlIn ICcaliiclcy' > ST. IX5UIH , Jan. 9.-A special to the Ho. public frcm MorKanflcld , Ky , , Hay.i At .30 this afternoon a cyclone struck tills city , mu roofing the old Methodist chuich nnd the J'.iismiH hotel find dernoll lilna Koveral l > unl < ( lifBH houses. Harvey Sellers , the city liiar.1 Hlial , who WOH In the police olllee at tlifi time , wan Instantly killed by falling walls , The storm Btruek the illy from the southf 'west ' und only lusted n few teconds , ' ( Mo einciiy ( yf Ocean Venue-til , Jai . ' 8\ M New VorV-ArrlVpd-lTrrtlirJa. from Uvf crpbol SjlludHMolmwk. for London. ' At Quti-nmown-Sallcd-ServU , from Uv * ( erpool , tor New York , * *