Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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H '
Cocpcr. Flro Inn. , G Pearl , tet. 372.
Mrs John Danforth IB reported to bo qulti
There Is economy In oatrcolzlng the Hluf
Cliy laundry. They're cisy on goods.
John J. Fralncy will give a Shakespearean
recital at tht Catholic fair tomorrow night.
H. N. Hllln loft last evening for New York
where ho will spend ficveral weeks looking
filter business Interests.
The Junior members of the Hand of Hopi
met at the home of Mrs. IJasancy , 351 Scot
ttrtct , on Friday evening.
J J. Crowley of Chkago , the governmcnl
Inspector having charge of the Whlttlcsej
fthortago c.ttc , la In the city.
. ' . marriage license was Issued ycsterdaj
to Mahlon Holcomb , aged 25 , and Mabel
Hawkins , aged 22 , both of Omaha.
L. II. Lawson of Deadwool , S. D. , Is the
Kiicst nf hlo brother , C. S. Law son. Ho wll
be In the city for about three weeks.
Wo give attention to llttlo things In laun
dry work. You get all that Is best In flm
vttrk fl'id good service at the Kagle laundry
721 Ihvay.
We want you to feel that your package t !
very welcome at our place , and every effort
will be made to please > ou at the Eagli
Laundry. 721.vny. .
llleves F. Kcrncy , the 4-jear-old son elM
Mttid Mrs.V. . L , . Kcrncy , died yestcrdaj
afternoon at 4:35 : from membraneous croup
nt the residence , 725 Sixth avenue.
rh'Uthn Thompson and Anna Nelson
both of Pottawnttumlo county , and Mahlor.
Holcomb ami Glcndnra Hawkins , loth ol
Om.iha , were married by Justice Vlcn 3 < ? 8-
The funeral of Wilier 1) . James will be
fci'M th'a nfti > rnoon nt 3:30 : from the res- !
di'iice. 030 Eighth avenue. Tile local society
of lirothorhooJ of Railway Trainmen will
The filni'-al of Christopher Micaben will
be lull this nfternoo.i at 2:30 : from the res
Itlrnrp. 017 Kast Pierce street. There wll
be1 i > o religious scrv.ccs. Intc'incnt In Fall
view cemetery.
Scott Williams of Oakland was In the city
jtetprday preparing to remove with his fam
ily to South Ilend , Iml. Mr. Williams Is one
of the largest land holders In the ccatern
end of the county.
J P. ! le"e and L. 0. Williams go to Lin
coin thin week to attend the meeting of the
Nebraska State Horticultural society. Mi.
Ileus Is on the program for a paper on r
horticultural subject.
Mnryaret G. Magruder , aged S3 years
d'.cd yesterday morning at 11 o'clock , a1
II" Henton street , after < in Illness of on
week with pneumonia. She was a membo
of the Hazel Dell Methodist church.
Walter D. James died Friday evening o
paralysis atils residence , 030 Eighth avenui
lie has been sick aboJt four months , an
Haves a wife and two children. He was
member of the Brotherhood of Rallwa ;
Morrli E. O'Hrlcn , Infant son of Mr. am'
Mrs A. S. O'llrlen , died yesterday afternoai
at 1 15 from congestion of the lungs at ttit
rcsHcneo , 1215 Eighth avenue. The bodj
v.-Hl be shipped to Hamburg this evening foi
i Ml members of company L , Third regl
mcnt , Iowa National Guard , are hcrt
by onlc-Td to report at the Armo.
TursJay evening , January 11 , 1898 , nt 7i : !
sharp. Return all state property. W. 0
I'ryor. Captain Commanding.
The Council Uluffs Coal and Ice compan
Is pu'tlng up 1,200 tons of Ice for the Roc !
loli d Railway ccrnnyiy and 800 tons tj
the Port Arthur route . The simo compan ;
ban a contract for furnishing the Union Pa
eillc 1,200 tons. The firm Is giving emploj
nient to about fifty men.
The editors of the republican papers of thi
Ninth congressional district will hold i
rnettlng In this city on Thursday and Frlda
of this week. Mattertt of a political Interes
will bo the subject of discussion. The cal
Is signed by J. C. McCabc of the Logan Ob
bcrvor and D. H. Scott of the Griswold
American. The meeting will be hold In
the Grand hotel , where all of the editors ,
will report when they reach the city ,
S. H. Wndsworth , who has Interested him
self In the welfare of J. D. Alexander , has
succeeded after a long light In getting a par
don for him. Alexander was arrested for
robbing f i eight cars in the Rock Island yards ,
where ho had once been employed , On thu
trla It wca short n that ho was without work ,
destitute , with n family of a wife and little
children Buffering for the barest necessities
of life He had to either steal or starve , and
) io stole. He was sentenced to one- year In
the county jail. He made n htrong effort to
repay the company for all of the goods
tckcn and hca been kept out of Jail pending
n final fiettlcmcnt. Ills petition for a full
pardon was signed by a largo number of cit
Charles M. Harl has spent the last tw-
Jays In Sioux City , where ho has been taking
Jepasltlons In the grain rate suits t'jat hiw
been instituted against a number of the
rnll'-ouds ' by Iowa shV.ppr.s. The case tha
was stirted by the shippers several muiths
go has grown Into grcut prominence , ant
liromlscs to bo ono of the greatest lega
battles of the year. It was unde-rtaken b.
Harl & McCubo at the Instance of u fev
of the shlnperrt In the western and north
wcstc.n nortlon of the Btate , and was a regarded as of little consequence ! b }
the rallrcads. Aa the work of prcpjratloi
has prgrossed other shippers IMVU become
Interested witII at the present time It hat
become the light of all of the Urge uih
unall nluvpors In the western 1'alf ' of the
itntc. Thu defendant railroad companies
ias also beconio aroused to the Importance
af the Ipsuea at stake , wnlsh Involve ml' '
lions of dollars , and they are preparing u
tnako the moat stubborn fight possible.
C. I ] , Vlavl Co. . female uimedy ; consultd-
tlon u < > a OHco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 6
Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Mcrrlan-
N. Y Plumbing com nv. T < - ! . 2uO.
Hoffirnyr's fancy paicnt flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for U.
l''lI'll ) ' \NStNHOrH. .
The Hoard of County Supervisors com-
pletrd the work of the Hi-aslon yesterday
nfternoon and adjourned until April. Fixing
the salaried nf thu assessors WUB the chlcl
work of the day. The salary of the Council
Hluffa asswior was limited to $1,000. which
IB equivalent to 500 days' work at the price
per day allowed by Iiuv. H In , however , a
reduction of nearly one-half of the price
formerly allowed for the work , The compi
lation of thu othnr assessors was determine ! ]
by the length of time the board cateomcil
to bo ni-ctssary to do the work at the flxci !
U-gal prlco of J2 a i7ay. The compensation
for thu tnwniihlpg ranges from { 50 up. the
Rre-at majority being fixed at JGO , or thirty
' work.
8. 0. , Imtl n Hovcro cnsu of catarrh ,
wliioli flnnlly became BO duop-senteil
tint she was entirely dcnf In ono
car , and part ofthobonu in her noao
eionglicd olF. Tlio best physicians
treated her in Miin , and hlui used
various appli-
o a t i o n a of
s p r a y B and
\vuslus to no
avail. Fourteen bottles of S. B. S.
promptly reached the , ent of the dig.
case , and cured iier eotind nml well.
B. B , S. never falls to
euro a Mood dl ca o , anil
I ; U the only icmedr
\ \ Ii Ich reaches deep-seated
ca c9 , ( Juarantttil mire-
lu vrottable. Hooka
t & > i Atlanta , JQA , ,
Annual Gathering of the Asosiaton ! at
Farmers' Hall ,
t\d-iit of ( In * Fruit Slilliplnpr lliiHliifH
IlliiHtrnli-il liy ( lie Iti-iiortn tit Of-
Nt'tr I'fiiluri" of the
The Grape Growers' association held an
Important meeting In Farmers' hall In the
basement of the county court house yester
day. Ono meeting waa held at 10 o'clock
and the other In the afternoon. The meeting
was Important for the reason that It was tc
decide whether or not the association was tc
continue Its organization. Its fate depended
entirely upon thu showing that _ would be
made by the final report of the secretary and
manager. A number of the members had
acquired the Impression that the association
was an expensive luxury that they were
maintaining without adequate returns. The
detailed reports , however , convinced them
such was not the case , but showed that mem
bership In the ncsoclatlon had conferred
benefits upon nil of the Individual shippers
not only In enabling them to llntl
ready market for the product ol
their vineyards nnd gardens , but hail
given them a uniformly higher price than
was received by the growers outside of the
association. The detailed report showed that
the association had shipped 110,870 baskets
of grapea during the season , which netted
the grower , * $10,813.00 , and that the total
Income of the association for the
summer and fall was $21,104.58.
The detailed -report shows that
there were shipped r < S3 casco of straw
berries , 3.GSO cases of black raspberries , 5SO
casea of red raspberries , 2,205 cases of black
berries , 202 cases gooseberries , 232 cases
and 150 baskets of currants , 4,203 baskets of
herrlca. 320 cases of cherries , S59 cases and
199 barrels of apples , 7.I3C baskets and
sixty-two CESCS of plums. This was In addi
tion to supplying the home and Omaha mar-
ketn during the season.
The reports showed that the association
was In excellent financial shape and had paid
off $1,000 of last jear's dohts , leaving It at
the present time practically out of debt. At
the conclusion of the reading of the reports
ho sentiment that was supposed to favor the
Jlabandlng of the association had all been
changed to enthusiastic support and the
work of elc-otlng olllcers for the new year
was taken up. J. I' . HOES was chosen presi
dent , Samuel Avcry vice president , L. O. W.
Wlllla-ns secretary and Charles Konlgmacher
treasurer. A board of directors was elected
as follows : Samuel Avcry , chairman ; Peter
\Veis , 0. J. Smith , J A. Ilerold , D. J. Smith ,
F. W. Meneray and G. G. Hlco.
The afternoon session was also of consid
erable Interest for the reason that the time
was chiefly given to the dlscuss'on of a plan
thoit has long been under contemplation the
reorganisation of the old canning works and
cransformlr.g It Into a fruit cannery during
"t least a part of the season. Samuel Haas ,
ho chief owner of the plant , was present and
IntioJuccd Mr. Huttcr , a practical canner ,
vho gave a great deal of valuable Informa
tion. Mr. Haas said he would make the as
sociation a definite proposition whenever It
was ready to be received , 'by ' which the plant
could bo leased for a term of years and
operated on the lines discussed. Mr. Rutter
itated that the works would have to depend
hlcfly upon the corn and tomato business
for support , but ho thought the fruit buai-
nesj could 'bo made a most Important spe
cial feature. It would be very valuable lethe
the fruit growers by furnishing them with
a sure market for all surplus fruits. Ho
submitted a schedule of prices which ho said
'tho ' wo-hs could guartanteo to allow to th
growers for all of the fruit delivered with
out a contract. The minimum prices proved
to bo about as high as the maximum prlco
realised during a good portion of the season
last year , when the growers were bringing
largo quantities of such perishable fruits as
raspberries and strawberries. With the
works In operation he nald there neo.l never
bo a box marketed at a lower price than waa
named , and when the shipping prices ex
ceeded It the growers were at full liberty to
divert their deliveries. The propositions
were received ivllh apparent interest nnd
fully tltecui'srd. A committee was appointed
to take the matter In hand and see what
could bo done toward Interesting the re
quired amount of capital. , A special meetIng -
Ing of the ansoclatlon will"bo held next Sat
urday afternoon to receive the report of this
Will Ilrriilv t'p an In < liintr > " .
J. n. Young , one of the largest land owners
md farmers In the county , has taken a detp
Interest In the swindles that have been
vorked uicn the county by the wolf scalp
Importers. Ho lids written a letter ( o the
ounty auditor and the Hoard of Supervisors
suggesting that it would be an excellent
plan for them to offer a suitable reward for
Hie arrest and conviction of the swindlers ,
Mr. Young lives In Crescent township , the
very heart of the district where the wolf
scaly Industry has flourished mcst consplcu-
msly for many yeara. He emplo > B a largo
number of men about his stock farms , many
of whom have Ictig been residents of the
Missouri and Iloyor river bottoms , and ho
has ex ellC'iit facilities f'r getting reliable
In'orrr.itlrn There Is consequently some
thing significant In the remark ho makes
In hlK letter tlwt In .ils oplnl-n "It cosks
the taxpayers $50 for every wolf killed In the
county. " Ho miggests tbit the board offer
a reward of about $50 for each arrest and
convlctlcm of sculp breeders and Importers ,
nnd bellevm tint the payment of the re
ward a few timed will bo to the financial
Interests of the taxpayers.
iont ill DuItiiiiK .Hi'liool.
There was a grout time at the Doling
Industrial school yesterday , Mrs. N , Dowen
and others had contributed a largo number
of presents Just prior to the New Year's
( iiiturtalnment , but owing to the large num
ber of ox-members ciud other visiting
children present on that oscaslan , It would
have been Impossible to luvo served all , so
the best presents were reserved until today
for Iho regular attendants , To avoid tiny
possible dl8satafactlan ! among the children ,
thu presents ware disposed of by means of1
a "fishing pond. " A curtain was stretched
acroKi one end of the hall atid behind this
curvaln were several of the ladles with all
thu presents. Ono of the tlIs was given a
fishing polo which she held over the curtain
In HtH'h a partition that the largo hook on
the end of the Him would fall within the
i each of the ludlca on the other side , The
line was then withdrawn with a present
dangling on the end of It , and then another
girl t led her luck. The attendance was 110 ,
nnd to vuy the girls had lots of fun Is put
ting U mildly.
lie ; < l KHlit < > Trniixfi-rn.
The /oowing / transfers arc reported from
the tltloanJ loan olllce of J. W. Squire , 101
I'cirl Etri'ut ;
J W. Davis and wife ti Richard and
Rosa \Vlllpy. i ii. gpVi , 2-77-X ) , w d , , . . ,200
N. P Huiufii to Trlmt Hunstn , lot 13 ,
Mc'fli'o'H vubd. of lotH D nnd fi , block
IS , Hughes & IDonlplinn'g'iidd. . w. d , . 1
Sheriff to Bnvliijti , Loan and Ilulldlng
uwi , , lot U , block 6 , I'attfr & Cobb'B
add. , u d , 5IC
John M , Gulvln to K. A , Howard , hi II ,
block 4 , and lot C , block 30 , Howard's
mill , , w , d , , , . 1
Four transfers , total . , , (3,718
Snpi-rlor Court \IICN | ,
Mrs. Mugglu II , Hiinkey has begun pro-
ccuJInca In the nucierlor court against her
divorced husband , John W. Ilankey , to quiet
her tltlu to some real i-utalo once jointly
owned by them. The pctltlou seta forth
that the pKintlfT was married to the do-
frndnnt In 1870 and up to 1S95 they were hu.i-
band and wife , but In tbat ) ear were * di
vorced. The'property to which Mrs. Ilan
key seeks to quiet her title was bought , so
she claims , while married to the defend
ant.Mary J. K. Musscr commenced foreclosure
proceedings against Alice A. and Charles
Iliililiy I'ni-ly l'ro c n Ilrc-lilc-illy
Orltrlnnl anil .Siicui-NNful .Mfnlr.
Ono of the decidedly original features In
the social world during the week was the
hobby party given by the members of thi
Hobby club at Hondo's academy on Frlda ;
nlsht. The club Is a very organization
the hall was most beautifully decorated
nd on the front part of the stage In thi
most conspicuous places were three gall :
caparisoned hobby ho-ses that had nssls'.ei
In whlllng away many happy hours of scv
cial of the members of the club when thel
proud mothers attired them In klltn. Thi
Insignia IB thus far apropos as Indlcatlni
lifelong friendships among the members
The hobbyhorse In bright colors was aai
printed on the danceprograms. . The hal
was decorated with several wagon loads o
calms and ferns and quantities of gracefu
smllax. UloomlnR plants and masses of cu
flowers were also In abundance. Orangi
punch was served from n massive bowl tha
was concealed by the shadows of gracefu
palms and ferns. It was presldei
over by the MIsscB Zoo Hill. UPS
Dcno , Fay Hollenbcck and Marie :
Dentou. The program consisted o
twenty-three numbers , and the music wa
pronounced by the members to bo the bes
of the season , The success of the first part ;
clvcn by the club has made It certain tha
others will follow In the near future.
W. L. Douglas entertained a number o
his friends on Tuesday evening at n dlnno
at the Grand hotel. The event was In hone
of Miss Jenks of Chicago , who was the gues
of Miss Dennett , and Miss Wilson of Slou :
Clt > , who has been visiting Mrs. D. W
Bushncll. The dinner was one of the mos
pleasant of the manv formal dinner partlci
that have marked the season as It passpi
along. The menu cards were bits of art worl
front the pen of Mr. Douglas and are highl ;
prized as souvcnl.s. Each was designed fo
the Individual at whoso plate it was lab
ard each characterised some whlrrslcallt ;
or fad for which the guest was noted. Thi
dinner was served In courses and at Iti
conclusion the guests were conducted t <
the League club rooms In the building , when
an elecant dancing lloor had been provided
The ball program contained n select numbe :
of the newest dances.
The Mlases Schcentgen entertained Informally
mally nt dinner on Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Test Stewart has Issued In
vltatlons for a party this week to bo plvei
In honor of Miss Edith Uonner of New Yorl
City , who Is her guest.
Miss Jenks of Chicago , who has been tin
cnest of Miss Uennett , was entertained bi
friends at Fort Crook during the latter par
oC the week ,
Mrs. S. C. Harlowe and Mrs. Addle Orou
of Avoca visited the family of Mr. and Mrs
F. A. Grout during the week.
Mrs. W. H. Handc , who has been do
talned at her former homo In Kalamazoo
Mich. , by the Illness of her mother , has re
turned to her home In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Allison , well knowt
society people of Red Oak , visited frlcndi
In this city during the week.
Mrs. Dr. Montgomery spent several day !
during the week visiting friends In Lin
Mrs. J. lj. Stewart visited friends in Chicago
cage during the week.
Jasper Ferguson , who was married a fov
days ago In Meadvlllc , a. , returned to the
city during the week with his brldo. Tliej
will makp their home for the present will
Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Joncs 185 Turley' :
Glen , uncle and aunt of Mr. Ferguson.
The Married Ladltfl'-Htgh Fh'p club wai
entertained on Thursday evening at the
residence of Mrs. Montgomery. The clul
has recently given Its name an appendix
awl Is now known as the Jolly Forty Hlgl
Five club. Regular weekly meetings art
held at the homes of the members , will
Invariably a full attendance at each meet.
Ing. This necessitates the members belnj
generally of a class who can afford to main ,
tain large houses.
Mrs. B. N , Porterfleld has returned fron :
Atlantic. She hns been the guest of hei
son hero for the last month.
The regular meeting of the Art department
of the Council Dluffs Woman's club wet
not hold last week according to previous
announcement. The postponed meeting will
bo held on Tuesday ovenlnc.
Ono of the most popular clubs In the
city Is the Cosmos club. It Is an organlza.
tlon that 1s following a very pleasing am ]
Instructive course of Mudy relating to the
origin of things. Just now the investiga
tion Is the biblical account of the origin ol
the world. The regular meeting of the club
was held on Wednesday a'tcrnoon
at the residence of 'Mrs. ' Russell , 711 First
avenue. The lesson was the first threepages _
of the seventh book.
The Oakland Avenue Literary club enter
tained ae a musical at the residence of Fln-
loy Durko on Friday evening.
Miss Grace Messmore left for Chicago on
Friday , accompanied by Miss Matters , whom
she will visit , as well as relatives.
Mrs. John Chrlsman of Missouri Valley Is
visiting friends In Council Bluffs.
Miss Wilson , who has been the guest of
Mrs. D. W. Bushncll , has returned to her
home In Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lalnson returned home
last night.
Council Bluffs and Omaha men and women
who were members of the Hlllsdalc college
classes met at the homo of Mr. I'rltchard In
Omaha and formed a Hlllsdale College club.
The object Is a social organization of the
foimer students , and ono of the duties will
no to meet and entertain the members of the
old classes who will visit the exposition ,
Tlioro arc about twenty members In the two
cltleK and at the meeting nearly nil were
Miss Maude Cavln returned home last oven-
.nx ' after an extended eastern visit.
Mrs. J. W. O'Connor of Denver , Cole , , Is
> 'lsiting her daughter , who Is ono of the
uiplU at St. Fronds' academy.
I. N. Fllckinger has gone to Washington ,
D C. , to bo away about tf l day. ? . Ho will
. 'l.slt In Omaha bcforo returning home.
Miss Keren Woods has , returned home from
Huillngton Junction , Mo.
Waldo Rothert lias returned to Woshlng-
: on , D. C. , to resume his studies ,
Mrs , William Canning has returned from
Denver , Colo. , where she has been for sev-
> ral months past for her health.
Mrs. II W. Rothert und Mrs. Edward
lothcrt have go no lo Kansas City for a vialt.
MUfl Edna Potter of Kirkland , la. , Is in
he city , the gupst of Miss bloyd of Stutsman
MIi-s Maria S. Bryant Is visiting Creston ,
'a , , friends for a week ,
Mrs , E. McKcnzIc of Silver City was shop-
) liiK In this city yesterday.
MlM Eflle Hatbaway is vlsltltig Mra. W , G ,
; leel of MUsourl Valley.
Mlra 'Mabel Stevens has returned to her
icino In Galcsburg , III. , after a pleasant visit
with her bio her and wife , Mr. and Mrs , A ,
U Stcvcra , In this city. |
' .Mlfo Zoo Hill will not return to college at
S'crtlifleh ! , Mli.n. , owing to 111 health.
Mies Mamie Matiier of 'Mankato ' , Minn. , Is
: hb gues i of Miss Clair Trontman and Miss
2oo Hill. She will return homo this week.
Thn Misses Stilton , who have been the
; uests of Hon. D. C. Bloomer , spent the week
vltli Mm , Charles Tuiuer of Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collier of DCS Mckics
tro In Iho city , gucats at the Grand hotel.
Jr. Collier Is a well known traveling man for
. drug bouse ,
Mr. and Mrs , Gosrgo Rudlo en'crMned ' the
iout1 ! Flrtt Streo ; Social club last week.
Misa Gencvlcvo Baldwin lias returned to
'agrar college.
Colrnul J. J. Stcadman his gone to 1'ort-
B'xi , Ore , , being called there by the serious
llnrsB of his brother , |
Mr , nnd Mre. S. L. Thomas have returned
rom a hcll&iy visit with frlenla at Al
ton , l'i.
Mrs Thomas Mctcalf will entertain the
nnual ireetlng of the Every Thursday club
n Friday afternoon , January It ,
Mrs. H. I , I'oruj'lli and children have gone
i Franklin. Ind.where they go to visit
Irs. Forsyte's parents.
Mrs. R , A. Daguo of Ventura , Cal. , will bo
ie gucttt over Sunday of Mr , and Mrs , J. J ,
teadman ,
ilra , Inuo Hus o South First street la
visiting at her old home In head City , S. D ,
Miss Hyati of Mlsso\ifl Valley Is the guest \
of her cousin , Miss'Wlftlfrcd Hyan of Second I
avenue. (
Miss nisser , who has1 been visiting friends i
In this city , returned to her homo In Lincoln I
on Tuesday. l
Miss Viola McKcnsile of Living Springs ,
who has been visiting friends In the city
for the last few ( rays ? has returned to her
home. ' ! '
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. C. Sorensen of North
Eighth street arc \lslttng friends In Logan ,
( Miss Jane Marcy left Tuesday for a short
visit In Malvern , la.
Mrs. U. W. Gregg has returned from a
visit with friends at Springfield , O.
Mrs. H. F. Lvnn and daughter , Clara , i
Kantas City , who .lave been visiting durln
the holidays with Captain and Mrs. O. ? t
Brown , left for their home Tuesday cvenln
Mlsa Elizabeth Graves Is visiting frloiu
In North Pintle , Neb. On her rctwn sh
will bo accompanied by her si/Her , Mrs. Lc :
tcr Eels of that city , who will visit relative
In Council Bluffs.
Miss Jessie Pcntlus , accompanied by hi
grandfather , J. C. Pontlu , returned yestc :
day from Lamed , Kan. , where she attendt
the wedding of her brother , RaliAi.
Miss Anna Crowdpr , who has been vlslttn
Council Bluffs friends , lias returned to In
home In Mlrsourl Valley.
Miss Annette GIOM , In company with n\
Peck , left Tuesday Itor Grlnnell , la. , whei
she will resume her college cjursc.
Miss Georgia Sharp of Omaha Is the guei
of her aunt , Mrs. Beck , bf Glen avenue.
The four lodges of O.ld Follows In the clt
held their -joint Installation Friday ovenlni
George W. Wilson , D. G. G. M. , was the It
stalling officer , assisted by the followln
grand lodge olllcera : Lswls Hammer , gian
marshal ; A. Wlndlc , grand warden ; L. Ha
rls , grand secretary ; F. A. Grout , gran
ticasurcr , and Styme t Stevenson , gran
gur.rd. Following are the olllcers Installc
by the four lodges : Council Bluffs lodgi
No. 43 W. J. Kligor , N. G. ; W. H. Wallac
V. G. ; C. E. Tucker , secretary ; Gcorg
Brown , treasurer. Hawkeye lodge , No. 181-
R. N. Wycoff , N. G. ; T. 11. Rlley , V. G. ; 1
B. Edgerton , secretary ; W. A. Harrlmai
trctsurer. Park City lodge. No. COO O. 1
Whecloiv , N. G. ; M , F. Martin , V. G. ; W. (
Jcsoph , secretary ; U. W. Keller , treasure !
Humboldt lodge , Nfo. 174 Charles Shcare :
X. O. ; M. F. Martin , V. G. ; Peter Petersoi
Council Bluffs lodge , No. 270 , Ancient Oi
dor of United Workmen ( loyal ) , Installed th
following officers Friday night : P. M. W
F. W. Houghton ; M. W. , H. Sims ; F. , T. /
Brcwlck ; O. , U. W. Gregg : U. , N. C. Phillips
F , Forrest Smith ; R. , W. C. Haverstock ; G
George Hanson ; I. W. , M. B. Crum ; 0. W
W. A. Hlghsmlth. Next Friday cvenln
there will be an open meeting addressed b
Grand Master Tllton of Ottumwa and Gran
Deputy Gelger.
i.V local lodge of the Fraternal Union c
America was organized In this city Frlda
night with over forty members. The Iocs
lodge carries the name of Council Bluff !
The , lodge was organized by Deputy Stiprem
President Samuel Weller and his assistants
Tnrnei , Christian and St. Clalr. The follow
Ing ofllceis were elected : Past fraternn
master. N. W. Williams ; F. M. , J. D. Me
Chesney ; justice , { I. At Rice ; secretary , Mrs
M. L. Weller ; treasurer , G. W. Klein ; T.
Mrs. Charlotte C.Wepr ) ] ; M , Mrs. Amand
M. McChesney ; stewards , Phillip M. Pryo
and F. B. Potter ; projector , Mrs. Laura J
Dickinson ; guide , , Geoi go A. Culton ; guaru
D. B. Smith ; sentinel , .Frank M. Marsh ,
Council camp , .Tv'o. " 14 ( AVoodmcn of th
World , held interesting public Installatlo
ceremonies at Wosdman hall on Friday even
Ing. The installation was made a vcr
pleasant social affair. 'The ' officers are : J. C
Bradley , C. cominander ; E. Aspinwall , adv
lieutenant ; W. W. Nasoa , banker ; F. J. Ains
worth , etcort ; John G. Corlles , clerk ; II. Fro
hardt. secretary ju\V. 0. Shoemaker , watch
mart : W. D. Hanscn , sentry ; W. B. L ickcy
St. Alban's lodge , No. 17 , Knights o
Pythias , will hold an open Installation Mon
day evening.
Concordia lodge , No. .12 , Knights of Pythlaa
will hold public Installation at the Patrlo
Order Sons of America hall Tuesday evening
A joint Installation of officers of th
Woman's Relief corp * and the Grand Arm ;
occurred at the Graid Army hall last even
Ing. There was a large number present ti
witness the ee'rcmonles anJ at the concluioi
a short time was spent In social enjoyment
Most of the orders In the city will Instal
officers the coming week.
The Ladles of the Maccabeevj will meet li
egular session Tuesday afternoon. A largi
littc-ndance Is desired.
Miss Mabel Wright , who holds a leadlni
place with the John E. Dvorak troup , wa >
formerly a Council Bluffs girl , and still hai
many friends and acquaintances here. Sin
has been connected with reading and elocu
tlon work for some time , but just prior t <
her engagement with Mr. Dvorak fhe wa :
studying at 'the Columbian School of Orator ;
In Chicago.
The Wednesday Night Dancing club gavi
Its regular party on the customary evening
Mrs. Mark Williams has gone to Perry , la.
for a two 'weeks' ' visit.
Water * Ililld
Discounted 5 per cent. If paid on or before
January 10th. Office open Saturday and Mon-
toy evenings.
The beautiful hand-painted claret Jug do
nated ( by Mrs. George Hughes to St. Francef
bazar will 'bo ' on exhibition at Wollman's
Council lllulTH Cliurc'lifM.
First Congrpgatloml Church , Comer of
Sixth Street and Seventh Avenue , Rev. J. W ,
Wilson. Pastor Morning subject , "Systcm-
in.atlc Giving. " Evening subject , "Tho Value
if Faith in Christ. " The annual meeting of
the church will occur Monday evening.
Christian Tabernacle , Corner Scott and
Mynster Streets Preaching by Elder Kon-
lall morning nnd evening. Revival services
every nl < ? ht this week.
Broadway 'Methodist ' Episcopal Church ,
Corner of Broadway and First Streets
Preaching morning and evening by the pas-
: or , Rev , J , II. Sensonoy.
Elder James Coital will occupy the morn-
ns hour at the Latter Day Saint's church ,
md In thrt evening pastor T. W. Williams
ivlll preach ,
Regular services at St. Paul's church by
the rector , Rev , L. P , McDonald , Mrs.
Loom IK will sing. .
There will bo spiritualistic meetings today
U 2:30 and 7:30 , p. m. In Union hall , 110
jroadwny ,
Christian Scientist will meet this morning
it 10:45 : In room 402 , Sapp building.
"wilV 'r IllllH
discounted 5 peHeen'tiflf paid on or before
fsnuary 10th , Offlde open Satuiday and Mon-
lay evenings. r1 i
John Chandler , placed under arrest
yesterday nftornon upon a charge of wife
jcatlng. The Information was ( lied by his
islfc , who allpfjea Umuhe struck her with a
stick of atovewood. irChandler claims that
ils wife attemptediM give unusual emphasis
o her part In thnUtmlly discussion by strlk-
ng him with a piece of kindling wood and
hat ho merely toplvU away from her to
irevent her acclde t y hurting herself or
lomebody elae. 0 - couple live on Third
, < rcct.'i _
200 tons toiled hay for sale , One to flvo
on ? , $5.50 per ton ; five 'tons or more , $5.00
> er ton ; 20o per bale , or 6 bales for $1.00.
Danger & Longer. _
\Vm - rIllllM
Uncounted fi per cent , If paid 03 or before
anu'iry 10th. Office open Saturday and .Mon-
ay evenings. _
SutTi' l Concert.
The Schuraan quartet will give a sacred
onrcrt In St. Xavle.-'s Catholic church this
ftornoon at 3 o'clock. The church people
xtend a general Invitation 1o the public to
ttend and listen to the fine music that will
0 produced. An elaborate program will bo
C.lliollu Knlr OIU-IIM.
The Catholic fair opened last night under
lost favorable circumstances with an at-
Jiidanro tbat flllod all of the available space
1 Hondo's academy. The fair will continue
ntll next Saturday. , , '
Etsals Yonng Son of Presiding Elder n
CoJar Fid's , Iowa ,
I'Mnnlljrnpitiretl In the II ;
till' Opera llotiNV niut
In .lull _ miy
CCDAn PAULS , In. , Jan. 8. ( Specli
Telegram. ) Little 'Earl ' Coleman , son i
Presiding Elder Colomnn of the iMethodl ;
Episcopal church , was kidnaped this cvenln
at C o'clock by Fred Champlaln In front i
his father's home. Champlaln started ( low
the street with the boy , who cried out I
agonized tours , "For God's sake , save me1
Several men ran to the boy's assistance , bi
Champlnln drew a revolver and warned the !
off , escaping with the boy to the tlnibe
Flro hells v cro rung and the whole to
alarmed. Searching parties were sent I
the woods and Waterloo , seven miles dl
tant , was notified by telephone , and all
sent out posses to search the \\oods bet\\ec
there and Cedar Falls. Hundreds of pei
pie were soon out , well armed. The boy
father explained that the child , aged 1
seemed to have had a fascination for Chan
plain , who had followed him aLeut and r
peatcdly been warned to stay away. Todii
Clmmplaln followed him about all da ;
finally capturing him at his home. Itvi
believed by the father that Champlaln w ;
mail and would kill the child.
While the partly were searching tl
woods another posse discovered Champlnl
hidden under the lloor In the basement i
the opera house. Ho had uomehow got bac
Into town without being seen. Hon. II. V
Kills and City Attorney Merncr crawli
under the floor to capture Champlaln , wl
warned them back , threatening to lire. The
went ahead and he snapped his revolver ;
Jlerncr five times. It missed fire evei
time. Morncr grasped Champlaln's hand
but could not manage him , and the revolve
UL II , , to wo.k. One bullet passed throng
> t 'nr-r's hnt. The pursuers retreated an
then the corwd , numbering hundreds , sui
rounded the house and with axes broke hol <
In the lloor. Hov. J. 12. Loolcwood of tl ;
Methodist church addressed Champlaln , o ;
dcrlng him to come out and deliver tli
child alive and accept his protcctloi
Champlaln finally agreed. The doors wet
guarded to prevent his being lynched who
ho eamo out. Surrounded by officers i
command of Mayor Mclludy , ho was take
to Jail , which , at midnight , is surroundc
by a howling mob.
Itev. Lockwcod U with the prisoner , wll
has explained the motive of his cilmo. Th
minister refuses to tell It , but from the ciill
It Is learned that Champlaln was uffecte
with an awful animal appetite , to gratlf
which he undertook tae crime. The child wa
found \ < n the bulldiag not badly hurt. . ,
lynching U more th'.n ' passible before day
light , as it Is understood parties arc organlz
Ing to break Into the jail.
CBDAH RAPIDS , la. , Jan. 8. News come
late tonight from Scursbury , a town near Mon
tezuma , to the effect that there may be ;
Ijachtag there before morning. A medicln
company gave a motlnee tMa afternoon. A
the close of the performance a traveling < ioc
tor called three little girls behind the cur
talo. When the audience left he outrage'
ono girl. The others escapeJ and guve th
alarm. At last accounts the doctor VMS bar
rlo'ded ta the building , which was snrroimJei
by a mob. The sheriff and deputies an
hurrying to Searabury.
John McCiiiiu I'nts nil did to llln Ot\i
nxIsU'iio- .
'BDDFOKD ' , la. , Jan. 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) John McCaun died at the home of hi
father tonight , the result of a shot fired b ;
himself. His wife will be buried from he
late home at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
iMcCaun's crime was premeditated. Hi
went to the home of his wife last night fo ;
the deliberate purpose of shooting her. Hi
had frequently threatened to do this , and or
his way he told a man he met what he waf
going to do. The man trleS to dissuade him
but gave the matter little attention , as Mc
Caun was apparently Intoxicated and It was
not thought he would carry out his threat
Half an hour later the woman was dead. The
couple bad been divorced the second time al
the last term of court here , about a montli
ago. At that time the wife's plea was basec !
on threats mode by the husband and allega
tions of cruelty and neglect. She expressed
no fear , however , that ho would kill her , as
lie had threatened to do. bast night , before
the crime. McCaun said he was Jealous of his
i\lfe , with cause.
Very few words were passed at the house ,
The crazed husband opened flro at the
ivoman. Five shots were filed , three of which
aero of a fatal nature. Death was Instan-
; ancous. As soon as he had done the hhoot-
ng , 'McCaun ' ttcl from the house. lie re-
; urncd shortly and kneeling1 on the floor be-
ildo the corpse of the woman he bad mur-
lered he passionately kissed her cold lips
md poured out his grief , saying he loved
lor and was sorry for what ho had done.
Suddenly ho left the body and went to his
ionic. Here ho told his mother what he had
lone. While he was narrating his mur-
Icrous act his little daughter , but 7 years
ild , knelt and prayed for her father and
McCaun asked his mother for a drink ol
vator , and when It was handed to him he
ook a white powder and swallowed It with
he water , and left the house. Ho pro-
: eeded at once to the southwest part of the
illy , in the opposite direction from his wife's
lomo , and went to another house , asked for
L drink of water and took another powder.
t Is now thought this was morphine. Ii.
ho meanwhile pursuit was formed and a
icarch was begun for the murderer. All
light ho wan hunted for , but no trace of him
oil Id 'be ' found.
Thld mcrnlng his trail was discovered , lead-
ng to the field south of town. Hero ho was
llseovered In an old straw stack , when' he
iad tossed the night , apparently gotag there
0 die , after taking the morphine or what-
ver drug It was. Death had not overtaken
ilm and the cordon of pursuers wan alowly
ilcsinK In on him. Escape was out of the
juestlon , so ho deliberately placed the muz-
do of Iris revolver to his forehead end fired ,
lo wan picked up and taken In a buggy to
ils father's home , where ho still lies unccti-
clous , with no hope for his life.
T'hero ' Is llttlo ( iiitiUlon as to
, 'liat would have been his fate had ho
ollcn alive Into Mio hands of fie rntti who
vcro hunting him dcwn , It IB the general
entlmcnt hero that his jealousy of ' .Mrs. Mo
Jaun was without fovndatlon. She was uil-
'ersally respected In this community and
isldo from the asperslccis cast on her by her
lurband ro suspicion against her private
* np cter ibas ever been voiced. The couple
lad been married ten years. Mrs. McCaun
lad been married before and loaves two
hlldren by her flrat husbanJ and two by Me-
! aun , whoso own habits of drinking are gm-
rally held responsible for the tragedy ,
Slum < ' ! ( > \ulcK.
SIOUX CITY. la. . Jan. 8. ( Special Tele-
ram. ) The Sioux Valley Medical ohsocla-
Irn will meet In this city January 20 and
1 and a largo attendance Is locked for. It
s compau'd of doctors from South IJakoM ,
orlhc-asterri Nebraska , uoutbnextern Mlnne-
ata and northeastern lowi. This Is the
einl.annual cosventlcn. Mayor Clelaml of
loux City will deliver an address of ucl-
nnio and It will bo rcbponded to by Or. K.
lornlbrook. prcbidciU of the Iowa State Med.
a ! ( society.
It develops that A. n , Way , held to the
ror.d jury on the charge of highway rep
ery. In company with Hey Smith , one of
herokee's young men. Is married to the
aughter of John liolllngi , a mill owner and
romlnent citizen of Smltd'and , la. W < iy
id Hattle Rollings were secretly married
id It was not long afterward that Way got
ito the hands of the police , Then the girl
to her father and they1 were tar-
( ill )
If You Will Ilrlntt Your Uj I-H to UN for
Since the offer wo rr.ndo In last Sunday's
paper 'has brought so many people to us
thit wo would not hnvo seen otherwise , we
have decided to renew It ugalu this week
Many parents who have cross-eyed children
have heretofore doubted the possibility of
having this deformity corrected without an
operation , have finally taken us to be seri
ous , and the fact that wo furnish Till'
GLASSES FREn an well as our professional
services to those who arc skeptical or have
not the means to meet the obligations , seem
to have brought people to the conclusion
that we know whit wo are talking about
and Wednesday mid Saturday of the coming
wpok will again bo devoted to cross-eyed
children. It you know of a crces-cyed child
who has not been to us you. can perform *
an act of kindness that will never be forgotten -
gotten by tlit unfortunate one , If you will
bring or send them to us.
\CI-\0\IN ifcllllllflll * IlcIllM I'll IV ) , GlllHHfN
Take tlilM to yoni-Molf If you arc IIIM-
Inwr Trouble.
There nro few pcoplo who have not hoard
thU assertion made ninny times , nml II
you will tnko the pains to enquire of you *
friends who wear glasses , you will bo ust
stired beyond a doubt that there Is no ques
tion hut that properly fitted lenses will often
entirely relle\o nctvous headache , when all
other remedies have failed. Physicians arc
beginning to rccosnlzo this fact and In
nlnco of prescribing oplate-s which will up
set the stotrxich asd react iipon a person's
nervous condition , they odvlsc their patients
to have thesr eyes examined , In all cases
of chronic headache. Wo offer any who are
Interested In this subject , an opportunity to
come and sco us without expensennd wo
will demonstrate to you the truth of ourt
The l\trtiNi of I'l-rfrcl ( ] | IIM I < * .
Good glasses arc the cheapest In the end.
While wo carry the most complete line of
xlassw in this city , to supply nil those that
choose to have us do their work , still wo
do 1H.A ask jnu to purchase your glassed
from us , simply boonucio you accepted our
Invitation to come and sec us about the con
dition of your p\ta. Should you choose1 ,
however , to have us complete your work ,
we will save you money on what yon would
mnnv times pay the retail dealer for the
same article. Cheap glasses arc dear at
any price , not only In the cost of sight , but
In do ! ! * s and cents , as they must lie from
t'-io nature of them stronger than would bo
required If they were perfect lense-j , nnd v > ll >
uot lust u person nearly us long.
413-414 Knrbnch Hlock.
15th and Douglas Sts. Over Nlcoll the Tailor.
Not from a financial standpoint cx.ictly
butfrce from the defects found in the
average heating system ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All the lea ling Incandescent , Gas
burners and \Manlcls. Humbinp ;
202 iMnin and
2CW 1'carl St.
For steam boilers furnaces , etc
This grate Is being largely use 1 In
packing houses , breweries , mills ,
steam heating phmts , or rtny plnco
where stenm boilers nro being used.
They are the most economical , dur
able and olllclent Blinking grnto
made and will Hive fuel. Wiltc for
clnulars dpsoillilng grnte , giving1
Tullcr Information , to the
Patent Orafe Co-
Council HlnlVs , Iowa
given. Rollings has secured the release c
his new found son-in-law from jail on $1,30
bonds nnd will provide him with counsel a
his trial.
H Vre Itiitlicr Uuli-t In Ii-
. .
DES MOINES , Jan. 8. ' ( Special Tele
gram. ) With the caucuses all held excep
that of the senate democrats , which wll
come iMcnday ovculng , legislative matters an
quiet tonight. Talk of proposed legislation I.
the feature In the lobbies. It is common tall
that Senator Cheshire will introduce tin
Cheshire amendment again , and tlwt ihe wil
iiTlko It his special business for the- session
This involves a new plsn of taxing telcgiaph
telephone , express anj sleeping car com
pinies. It passed the last house overwhelm
ingly , but was defeated by a narrow margli
in tlio senate. Board of Control measure of state in
atltutlcais will' ' come early wid be cue of tn
chief matters of the session. There la nrh
ng Hko an agreement as to the form In wbicl
this measure bhould bo adopted , though a.1
nest no members will express themselves ai
opposed to tjo policy. Redlstilctlng tiie s.att
for senators Is much dlscusbed and regardei
as ono of the most dllllcuH tasks co hand
fiioro Is also considerable talk of a new dis
tricting for represenlatlvea , though this Is
not 1'ihcly to be made at this /setalon. Those
nembers who last setrflon urged a stati
jounty for beet sugar to go ; the Industo
started in the state are on hand with the
proposition again. An Initial move toward
economy will bo made early by the Introdiia-
lon of resolutions to reduce the number ol
employes of the houses ,
Tlio democrats of the house held thrlt
aucus this evening. There was some dls-
usslon of the policy of nominating a demo-
ratio candidate for speaker , and on motion
t Lambert of Jackson It was voted without
pposltlon that the democrats should compll-
lent Mr. Kunk. the republican nominee , by
giving him their votes. The caucus made a
full slate of nominees for the other places
at the disposal of the house.
VorlluTll linvn Jiiiplrlilrlit Men.
CHARLES 'CITY , la. , J. n. 8. ( Special , )
The following officers for the Nortnern Iowa
Implement Dealers' assoclat'lc-n wereelcecd ; !
at the meeting held "here " : I'retldent , K. S.
Fcnda , Osage ; vice president , H. S. Sullivan ,
Sheffield ; director , 0 , J. Hrown , I-Xthervllle ;
secretary , J. A. Dunbolton , Mis. i City.
Waterloo vtaa selected as thu next place of
( iolil lii limn ,
DITOUQUB , la. , Ja . 8 , ( Special Tele
gram. ) John Coohcy , an experienced miner ,
has been panning Whitewater creek at Kill-
more , Diibuque cc-uniy , for gold and ban
found enough to encourage him , though not
enough to pay wages ,
Kiidil Full.
OOONR , la. , Jan. 8 , ( Special Telegram. )
John Murphy , , a consumptive , stepped out of
doors this evening for the first time th'a '
winter. Ho slipped and broke his hip , pro
ducing Injuries which the physicians pro-
nouneo fatal.
NC > H fur tin * .trniy ,
WASHINGTON , Jan. 8. ( Spechl Telo-
grnm. ) Majo ; John U. Myrlck , Klfth artil
lery , hiiu been ordered to duty as member
of ( ho general court-martial enpoUitcd' to
meet at Savannah , Oa. . relieving Captain
Thcodoro P. Forbes , Flft'i ' Infantry. Lloti-
tenant Colonel David h. Huntlngtun , duymiy
surgeon general , Is granted two months
Icavo , Colmcl IXillas Ilaclic , s alBlant n.T-
geco general , IH relieved from duty as chief
surgeon , Decartment of the I'Jatte , and tia
been ordered to take charge af tlio museum
and library division ol' t'.io surgeon gcnoral'ii
The following transfers arc made In the
Tenth eavalry : Captain Wlll'nm H. Ilrcck ,
from troop M ; Second lieutenant Thomas C.
Corcoran , from troop n to troop I. . ; Second
Mcutcnant Alfred K , Kcnnlagtrn , from troop
\t \ to trocp I ) . Tlio resignation of Major
Henry O. S , Holnland , oxslttant adjutant , of
liln cornmleslon au eaptdlci of In.'untry , hart
bean acccptcil. The following iransfcrH aru
made In the Twenty-third InlUntry : First
Me'Utunant John R. M. Tajlor , from coiu-
iiany K to company F ; Flr t Lieutenant
Charles I ) , Hagadorn , from corrimny F to
: II ; Flist hluutenant Oeorgo D ,
ilooro , from company II to coir.i.c'.iy K.
nf tlifVlllurilN .VHHCIIH | ,
ST. I'AIUJnn , 8. A Mankiito ( Minn. )
jpe-clal UJ-H ; A , M. Wlllnrd , brother of the
late John Wlllard , and InteroHted In many
n.'uiufarturlnt , ' tntorprlHfH hero and else
where about the utati > , wadu a ycraonul ay-
Owing to its fine , full , mellow
flavor , tliit. whiskey coinniaiitls the liigli-
est price in barrels ( to wholesale deal
ers ) of uny brand now on the market ,
und is tlio misis of most of the bottled
tled blended whiskey now so extensively
llottlcdnt tlioDimlllcry with nil almoluto
Guaranty ot PuriO and Original Condition
The consumer buvincr " this the only
distillery bottling of"MOUNT VERN'ON ( In
SUAI1H ( ) Itotllcs , each bcnrlni : tlio Num
bered ( iunrnnty lnhcl ) spcuics lliu lilgli-
est uM'iidoof 1'iiiL1 Uyo Wblbliey In Ith natural
condition , I'lilliely fiuo fioiii mltiltecttlou
with cheap spirits und lluvorlngs ,
it IIIIB the Indorsement nf DID mn-t promlnenu
pliyMulans throughout tlm Untied StaU-s.
For Sulo by All ( tollable loalor < .
V V' VV'VOJ"k/V"l \XW/xyx/NVVxv *
lauds fur bale or rem. Uny & UCES , 3d 1'carl
fliet-clnsB Improve. ! tnrmi am ) Innlilo cltv
property. Apply to Jus. N. Cascnily. Jr. , 2,11
Main St.
Instructions. Aluln Huetor , studio
333 llroadwuy. German method
of Dresden Conservatory.
Notice. Is hereby plvon that the annual
meeting of the stoolcholilor of the Omiilni
Union IJe'pot company will bo held ut the
olllce of the general solicitor of the Bur
lington & MlKhourl Hlvc-r JUilli oud In No-
bnihlm In Omaha , Nebraska. January I'jth. '
IS'JS , at 10 o'clock n. in.
The meeting will be held for HIP election
of a Hoard of Dln-ctorH nnd for thu traiiH-
nctton of such other IwHlneHs IIH mny comu
be font it , liib.udlnii notion iinou tlio q
tkn of u dissolution of thi ) coiporntloii.
Attest :
Omiilm , Net. . Dec. 17. 1897 , D21D 20T.M
SI tie Mi old ITS' .Mci- tint ? .
Hardware Co. , Oinalin , Nelmihkn. IJee.
Ill l&iH ,
Notice IH lirruby clven to the stockhold
ers of the Le-c-C'.nrUe-Andrec'Hen Hardware
Co. that the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the company win be he-Id at the
jlllcea of Iho mild company , 12I9-1221-1293
"rlnrmy Btre-et , In the city of Omaha , In the
dtato of Nebraska , on TucBdiiy , January
11 , A , I > . 1808. at three o'clock p , m. , for
the purpose of i-lectliig u boanl of directors
for the company to serve during the PIIHU-
IIIK year and to tramnct such other busline i
UH may be pie-suited at xuch meeting
11. J. M5K , President.
Attest : W. II. GLAES , Secretary.
_ gild 32t
Union IJIIK ! Company :
Notice IB heri-by glvi-n that the annual
meeting of thu Htoukhoii- | of the Union
Land company for the election of live ill-
rocton- and the transaction of auch other
business as may lawfully come before the
mtutlnK will bo lie-Id at the olllce of the
M'm-ral solicitor , Union Pacific building.
Omaha , Neb. , upon Monday , the 10th day
af January. JfO , at 10 o'clock a. m.
The stock transfer books will bo closed
ten dayn provloua to thu meeting ,
Uoston , MHSS. December. 20th. 1897.
PCS , in to Jan. 10.
ulgmmmt today. LiablltleH will probably
reach 12o,000. U. C , Taylor was mimed aa
assignee. -
\ CIllllll I 'oil ( .5- \ , , | lllinlliiK- ,
MI.VNKAPOLI8. J.ui S.-.MISH Julia Glnir.
win slHtt-r of Catherine Cling , the victim of
the murderer , Harry Haywnrd , has lost her
lull against fi0 Travelers' Accident Insur-
uico company to recover the face of tu ) >
accident policy on her Hater's life. Judge.
Mcuec held that th niuidur was not an
iccldent and that L\HH aing waa not Ulllud
n defending her own life ,
Clinr e I'l-eHlilenl .
CINCINNATI. Jan. 8-\V. ( I' . Habeneteln ,
itockholder of the Hockott-runteniiey I'luno
: ornnany , liii united the court to appoint .1
re-culver for the company , on the ground
hat the president , II. D. Cable , IH neKluct-
nK the Intcrcuti ) of the company In order
o forward the Interestu of a rival Clilcugu
Iru ) . Ot ivhlJU bo ta ulay