/ 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JANUAKY , 1808. SPECIAL NOTICES tfiiln for tlioxc columns Innkpii until 11 ! in. for tlie earning mill nnlll H p. in. for tliv tnoritliiK mill Siimlit ) rill I limit AilMTtUtTM ! lij riMiitPNlliiK niiin- liernl rhrolt , PIIII luitt * nnimerii ml- ilrpKMVil In n iiuinlii-rpil Iptli-r In care if 'I IIP lice. AtiMUorn HII iiililrcNNPil Mill IIP ili-llM-rcil on | irc pntlitloii of ( lie clipclc enl > . UiitiI I-Sis n word llrnt Inxprlloiii 1 n iml tliproiiflpr. .Nollilntc Hilton for IPHM tliiiti - . " < for HIItlrMi IIIKIT- tlon , 'I IKHImU crllHi'iiifiiti iiiiint lie run W\VIIM : s > nu A MU > m.t : , \ GilioMAN WOULD .IKI : 10 tnko n place an housekeeper or do second work , best references given , 41S N 17th R < u y HNPiinimc YOUNO MAN . GOOD PIN- m n , will do any work nrounil slorc , hoo-1 references "D 31 , " lleo onMccA A 312 Jnn-4' CANVASSiniS TO TAKII OHDnilS. NKW LINE of vvoik , no hnuvy Roods In cnrry , salary or commission C. 1' Adnms Co , 121 So. 16th St li 361 BAILSMAN POIt CMAIIS. 1125 A MONTH AND eupprwrs , old linn , experience unnecessary , In- dueemMits lo customers. C C , lllshop I * Co , bt Ixitils Il-3'i2 CAUPKNTUll OR PAPiil HANOIJn TO DO work for lent. Iloom 0 , Prenicr lilock , opposite ! o I1-M300 WANTUD-AIIOUT Torb YAHIIS Of IIAIITII moved liefon- April 1 , 1&38 Address CIO New K-M33D-Jnn-5 York Ufa liUlMlnit. WANTID , AiiooKKKiM'tm , ONI : THAT CAN Rp k elenmn nnd It ac/iiinlntcd with Inn In- Burnnco business nnd a resident of Nebraska profi-red. Ad lre n In > mir own tnndwrltlni ? Kivlncr referente , ex | > rlMicc' , OK nnd wiliry x- pec-ted Addffvt 1) 21 I lee 1I-MI41-P DOVnilNMIJNT POSITIONS. DON'T PHUPAIIK for tlio pnstnnice or other civil scrvlco ctnm- Initlon without seeing our Illustrated mtiil tnif of Infiirmnllim pent free Columbian Cot- re-spondence College , Washington , n I AN "OLD isTAiiLisunn CHICAGO JOIIIIINO ten clsiar nnd Bplcihoue vv III ndd a few more tmvollnir salesmen Hint tnjoy a good ntnli- llshul trade nnd record Address , with full particulars , I' . O Uox 815 , ChlciKo. II M4S9 11 AliNTH : AND IIIIANI'II"stANATlIJlH , SALARY nnd commission Hunter TiillorlnK & Shirt Co Cincinnati O. 11-M4-H April 2 * WANTlTD-llOY TO MILK AND TAKF3 PA U of eon nnd deliver this mlllc , a boj who lives at home Appl > 2209 Spencer 11-M496 WANrnn , rrnaTOLX s HVLUSMAN liilnlpntlni ; "IIn , itroiuts nnd pporl iltles xnlno Cn rii'Vi- or r intnKiljn lliullablc Ilcllnlns Innd. Ohio II-M53) 4 > A -HALi3SMiN TO HILL : nr.Atts TO DLM.- en we p-o from $ W to JJO ) per month uilnrv nnd f-xpeiisi s experloncp unnece Bir > , Per- mnnont pillion. The Do Mom ricnr Co , O H-M ! J 4 BALPSMAV WANrnD HMAKT INTHLL1- irenl. enerB lie , to cull on doctors nnl > to reni | - ne-it host Unnwn llrm In the tinde pnsltlon rt'Minnnent KO l Inroino list refcn no's ri > - iiulre.1 Address It , 1' O l t r J V'-Hd ' 1- luliln. n \ vNTinri2i.n III : 100 OIllLS POIl ALL KINDS OP WOUK. J3 1O J7 week Camdlnn Office , 14. ! . ! UoUKlis \\ANTiD-OIIlL : TO DO OHNnilAL HOI SL'- wnrk In famllj of three Mrs N 1' . I'ell 2CS South 3Cth St C S131S oS1) ) ST MAIt\'b AVi : Giiti , i ou OINUII\L iiousiuoiuc , SMALL famll > CJ1 N ISt1) C * 511 5 \\ANT12D-A IIIUOHT , ACTIV12OMAN OP bu lnpss to mannnc n di pnrtmcnt must be lllliiB to KMJ | t o weeka to learn biislne'B Address D 27 Ilee ortlcc C 133-J3 \NTr.n-aniL i on CI.VIIIAL not'sn- worlt nt JOtK > Mnsun St , icftrcntncrs riquired C 313 Jnu-3 WANIUD ouu. i-oii GINIHAL notrsn- wotK Apply nt 1017lrt St C-510 , ! WAN1I2D-V1 LADIES TO DO N12I2DLI2 WOUK nt homo , experlente not niCL"sar > Call Oem Mnfi ? Co , 17M Cipltole C M524 4' WANI-ID , A COMIMTTHNT GIHL rou GIN : eral houscnoilc. 1"01 s. 2i > th st. C 11517 4 * rou m\Tnoirsi2s. HOU.sns WALLACn , 1IIO\\N ! ULOCK MTH nnd DouRUs D S63 MOVING IIOUSUIIOLD GOODS AND 1'IANOS ' Om Van S. btorage Co , 1311'4 rninnm Tel 1519 D 173 LMIGC LIST M'CAGUi : , 13111 AND DODGE IIOL.S12S , I'LVTS. GAIIVIN 11UOS , 1C13 rAIl'M. D-370 IIOKSI2S rOIl IIHNT Ui.MIb , 1'AXION IILK. D 371 noubis j H suniiuooD , 4:3 N Y. urn D-37. riDl.LU'i HAUUAINS OM A mW LL1T. 112 S 3Tthn\enup , 7 rooms , po ccliln bath clo = et , lut water ns muntels furnnce liundrj , $ JO Corner J7th nnd Howard S-toom beautiful new duelling porcelain bath , clo'et hot water , ( jna , electric llhlit furnnce laundrj } 37 SO Z9I7 Mason street , 9 rooms nil modnern , J25 973 Nth avenue 7 rooms bath , Uo ct , hot witei. clstein furnnce , tcminted cellar , M feet frontnKP , nil icoms to bo painted and papered $20 2914 N 2 tli avenue 8 rooms clt > wnter Inslda J'CO lelnu spent for repairs , rent , $1J 1B22 N list Mreet , r > room cottage cistern 15 3301. Colby 7 loomn , clt > water , cUtern barn $10 717 H 321 stiret , C room cottnRO , city wnter J8 SOth nnd Curtis nverue 7 rooms line repair well , cistern barn nnd 1 ncre lot , { S 33 2320 H 29t i strut 1 room cottage , city wnter , $3. 712 and 714 S. ICth street , 7 room Hats , bnth , ctovpt lut vvntcr and KC" J-0 to > 22 JOn Irn-d tt-pet n'--oom lilts , cits water , S7 to | J. We hnve others ridellt > 1st llooi , N Y Life D-364 IIOIISLS IN ALL I'AllTn OP TII11 CITY TIIH O I' D ivIs Company , IM'i I'nrnam D "C5 i MS : 1II2NI2\VA . \ CO , 103 N 15TH ST D 3CO oi'prs ' COTTAGE ; & h'ioins : ALL 1'Ains of clt ) lltci.ncn H IM\O Co , 219 h Kill D-3C7 HOU.SI : rrs f-o 2iTn RT TPN HOOMS MOD- crn , 1400) | er iicntli. lljron Ilced Co NMC12 KIV12 HOOM IIOl'Si : 1120 N. 171II D 430 III2NT-10 HOOM MOD12UN IIOUHH AND bnin ui'ub pn.nled und pipcnd , nnd plejs- antl ) located Steam hentrd lint , licit In thn elty , In new Dnvlisv biilldlni-8 , opponltn clt > 'nil. ' John W llol hlns , Anrnt , 1 02 rnrnam \ LAHOI : rouitTinIIOOM non.si : MODern - ern In Roml locntlnn fur loomers nnd boniderH , lll lefue for nno > enr nt J40 per month and icnUc uh.it repairs me iipcifmus to put the liouso In llrsl clnin condlt- | Will consider only IIMHIU llnnnclall > lenponslblc Omnhu Ijiar , mid Trust Co ICth nnd DoUKln bt i 11 507 8 KOK H12\T KIIH VISIIiil IHXCM.S. s Nicu itoo.Mrt , HOUSIKIIIMNO : : : 1112 H nth 12-C9J itooiis i0 > CAi'noi , AVI : i-33-J-5 : ! . HOOJI , NIWLY : ruiiNisiuD : , etcnm Jienti'd , KIIS , linth. Hat one , Dnvlditu liulhlliik . lilkhtci'iit.i und I'lunani , references i : -30) 3 111\UTirUL MODKIIN I'llONT UOOMH , HAY window , housekeeping. 514 N. 19lh 12-M417 4 NrJWLY rtlHNISHKD 1'HONT HOOM ; PHN vato family. 1811 California 12-JOS C HOOM.S AMI iiovun. TIIU ML'llllIAM , KIIlbT CL\bS rAMILY HO- tcl 2-th Uid | Dodge Stu , I' M707 NI2WI.Y rUHNISHIUl ItOOMS WITH I1OAHD , hot water heat. 2IOi Cn s etieet. 1' 176 J-3 * IIANrSOMlJ I'AHLOim UN SUIIK NKWLY furnNhed1 , also mnaller rooms , good board. Iho Ho e , 1020 lluincy , r W CAl'ITOL 1722 CAl'ITOI. AVI2-DiSIHA. Ulv couth rooms : tranalenta accommodated r-331 5" NICELY rUHNISHUD I'llONT IIOOM , MOD- eru conveniences , t > rtvute famll ) , 702 8 2'Jth St l'-330 4 VTOl'IA ariiAM HEAT , lill UAVUNI'OUT BT. 1' 331 3 * NICK ItOOMS. WITH I1OAIID , 1S24 11INNKY. near expoiltlon. r MiJ ! 7 * I'RONT PA11LOK , Wl'IH HOAHD , OAS HATH , e'Hctrlc belli hood table. 6 u'tloek illnnem , price rcnuonable , C22 N. 10th St. P M4W ( IN I'lllVATK PAMILY , WITH O WITHOUT 19ID Dodge. P-M501 C' BOUTH ItOOs BVK \ M 1 1 EAT. loan ) , rcr i nc . : o : N. istli. I.--MJJ roil HINT s-iotins \ > n ) rricn i. " " POII HK.NT IN THI : nni : nt TLDINO One Ifirfre r irner room , 21 floor , with Mult and private oflke vvslrr He One Inrite front room , M floor divided lnt > tno o < ms bj partition , wnler etc I One IHTKC corner room , id floor , wltiinult watc. eti Onn front room dlvldnl b > pirlltlon. 3,1 floor. Ono tcrrer rtiom lth nult M floor One larse room 1d floor , with jviitltlon dlvIdlnR It Into one Inrce i-orm oml two smaller private riwims , water ctp. Two InrR < - pround lloor rcoms , fronting 17th St , with vault Several mnll rooms on 4th floor with vaults All the c room * an > hentel with steam , electric lights , supplied with Hwt-rlies Jiultor service Klevntors nin day nnd nil nlitht. building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent Boom 104 Her building I 19S HOTELS , blOHEM , DKMIS. PAXTON 11LK 1-375 POIl IltNT-THK 4-S10UY I1UICK IlblLDLNO at 916 Pnrnnhi St , This build ng has n fireproof cement batemrnt , water on Hll doors , gas etc Apply nt the olllce of The Ilee . 1 uiu POIl HENT DESK HOOM IN ( iriOUND PI/Oll otlce lUe bulldlnn , water , stenm hrnt clcctrle llRht nnd Janitor service. Appl ) to Supc-ln- tendcn Ilee tiillldlng. 1 197 P1IIST CIASS MEAT MAIIKET I/DCATION COS Il e. I M214 AOI2NTS AOENTS WANTED APl'LY PACIPIC MUTUAL Llfn Ins Co. . A V Todd , Ren'l net. , S40 eo bldg 3 MM J4 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WILL HlTl UD liberal commission for eelllnir new nrtlcle Iloom 10. KZ1 Pnrnnin , JM33S Jan5 si on vcn. PACIP1C STOUApEND WAREHOUSE CO , 90S-910 Jonei , general storage nnJ for \arding M-34S OM VAN & STOIIAGK 15IIH PAIIN'.V. . TP.L 1359 M-9U PIlANIv EWnilS STOUAOE , 1214 IIARNKV Haullne and packing , chcnpest rates Tel DjC M 930 rou SVLJ : . IIS JILL : VMOUS. PINE. WHITE SAWDPST POIl PLOO11S 12TC. . cjirsefor Ice , nt 13 75 per cord. Tcl , 4VI 'I'll ' DoURlis. Q 951 2ND-HAND HICYCLES OMAHA. HICYCLn CO iTAHNEY & IIEHIIY , SKATES 35C TO $3 5DJ skates sharpened , 15c. Omaha Illcycle Co. Q-925 NEW llICYCLrS POll SALE LESS THAN factory cost. Plrst class Revving machines from $13 up Nebraska Cjclo Co , 15th Hnrney. Q M293-Jnn G 2-ND nAND BICYCLES OMAHA UICVCLI2 CO niLLIAUD HALL AND HOWLING ALLEY doing good buslnc s , estibllshed 1 0 I ick box 2"i , lohnson , Neb Q M212 Jnn24 < GOOD IIARDMAN PIANO $2 ) , OMAHA HAV- In n bnnk ncct taken In exchange 211 So 18th Q-M4S1 8 PI'IIIGIIT PIANO AND PAMILY HOUSE must be sold Cottage 2322 Hnrne ) SI Q-M454 8 POIl S\LE , MY1 ENTIIli : STOHC OP DHPGS show piFC" , shelving nnd counters nt a bir- Kaln also will rent store Cull nt I'nlon D" iwt Hotel , Ernest btuht , Prop Q 30ij ! ) CIi VIIIVOYTS. . PIIOP. WHHNEY CLAIRVOYANT PALMIST nnd astrologer his inoM-d to 1709 Dolge stieet Profhltney 1ms no equnl In RlvltiR ndv Ice on love , law , deeds , wills mining divorce changes Investments patents nnd nil huMncss of n fman clnl nnture llnndlntu ladles 60 cents nnd gents Jl Ile-ullngs given b > mall. Olllce nnd prlv nte re ldence. 17W Dodge street Olllce hours from 9n in to 10 p rn T.elcphone 1C1D b M33S Jnn C * MIIS PEHRIS UNEXCEI LED MEDIPM HAS retutHcil , see Sundni church notices , reminds < lnll > 203 N 17th S M413 4' JI : , \TIIS , me. MADAME SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS STEAM AND alcohol bnths T 132 7 * MME I1IIISSON OP PARIS GIVES ALL kinds rn"dlcatcd batns nnd mnssaRe 107 N. 12tlSl. ! T M212 J4 _ _ MME IIRIS ON OP PARIS , CHIROPODIST , nicdlcntcd bnths nnd niiiEEogc 107 N. Uth bt T 434-P-l * _ _ MME AMES , MASbAGE AND HATHb 162TA Howard street. T M303 1 MRS DR LEON , ULECTRIC MASSAGE HATH pirlors ; restful and curative 417 b llth up stnlri ) , T M 02 9 * VIA VI CO . UTERINE TROUBLES , ' 40 s H12b UU'.g , physician consultation or he ilth bock free I1ATIIS MASSAGE MME 1'ObT , 319H S 15TH U 934 _ CIXTHES CLEANED PREbSED AND RrT- palrel , dny or nltht , dress suits for hire Pantoilum , N , E Cor 14th and Parnam Tel 963 U 935 LITERARY ASSISTANCE. MANUSCRIPTS prepare I , revised or corrected , letters of nil descriptions written , experienced newspaper linn In charge , all business confidential ! Ad diess P O < ! ox 6J7 , 01 call for Interview nt onice 410 Bee bldg U 175 J3 TREE DENTAL WORK , OVER 300 PERSONS took advnntnge of the free clinic nt the Deritnl college , cor 12th nnd Pacific str ets , last month , after January 1 there will be twelve- chnlra reserved for cleinlng of teeth free of charge every Wcdnetday morning from U to 11 o'clock UM304 HAVE YOUR GARMENTS MADE IJY "GREEN- berg The Professional Ladles' Tailor. " 1703 Webster. U M587-J1S" fafYLlMI DRESSMAKING , REASONARLE price nt the Joy Tnllor S > stem School or Dressmaking 312 Karbach block Misses Camp bell & . Cnswcl\ . U M42S Jll P lIIVA112 IlOME POR 'LADIES ' HKPORE AND dining confinement , babies adopted nnd caied for. Removed to 113S N 17th U 314 Jnn 10" MOM2V TO I.O VN MONEY TO LOAN AT IJ3W RATES THE O. P. D iv la Co , 1503 Parnam M W % 0 ANTHONY I/3AN & TRUbT CO , 315 V. Y L , quick monej nt low rates foi choice farm lands In low a , noi them Missouri , eastern Nebraska I.OANS ON IMPROVED Sr UMMPUOVKD CITY property. W 1 urnani bmltli A. Cc. , 132" Knr'm. \V-93S \ MONEY TO LOAN. IJEMIS , I'VXTON IlLOC/v W SCI MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA icnl estate Urer-ar. I .o co , 2lj fa loth W-9CO J1COCOOOO SPECIAL PUNI ) TO LOAN ON llrstl'iM Impioved Omnln propertj , or for building purples Plilellty 'Jruet Company VV 9rs o pn a CENT MOiiTaAnns rou SALEpiiopl ert > of r. in-ro ld rt cated for by W IJ. Mclkie. Pint National Uank b'dg , Omaha - W 9C3 S PIJH OHNr MONCY I 000 AND UPWARDS" on Kllt-edped Impro.sJ Orr.alm rsl i-Mnte Hemls Pnxton block. W 023 MONEY T0 LOAN ON IMPIIOVEI1 HiAL estiitu In Omnhn , Council Illung nnd South Omnhu Pueey & Thomas , 603 Plrut National Hank. Omaha. 'V-M100 WANTED , CHOICE PMIM AND CITY LOANS H C. Peters & Co , U. S Nat llank bide. W M)35 ) 6 PER CENT MONEY ON NEHRASKA PARMB and Omnhu property W II , MclKle' , 1st Nut'I Hunk llldg \N inn. JIOMV 'io ioA.vciiA'ivrii.s. $10 TO J10000 TO IXDAN ON HOUSKHOLD PURNITURi ; AND PIANOS , HORSES WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPI3 , ETC. at lowest rate * In Omal.u South Omaha nnd Council Rluffii No removal of goods , strictly confidential , you can pay the loan oft at an > time or In uny amounts OMAHA MORTGAGE IX\N CO. 3 6 bouth 16lli St. THE OLDEST LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR- PORATID LOAN COMPANY IN o iivii.X . \ X 961 TO GET IN OR OUT OP HUBM-bS | GO TO J. J. Glliton , 5U Kh t Nut'l IlanU Y 565 POR RENT , liniCIC STOREHOOM. CO.X22 ALL eonvenlem.es ; best 16catlon In city , splendid lumliiota ( own. John II , Undale , West Point. Neb. Y-M811 PAUTY DESIRhS TO SECURK AIIOUT W.Utila. would llko to have about 10 or 12 > oung men with $50000 each to Invest , willing to show where money cun be UoubleJ In one > earn time. Per partlciilor * address U 15 , lleo oilier. Y-M32aJan4 I'OR SALE , HOTEL , GOOD LOCATION , GOOD palronuge. No cppultlon , Addren J H Kvona. Cle-fton , Pintle Co. , Neb. Y M ! 6 4 I WILL ri'TtNlbiTJlONKY 10 P ATiTsT AND piiimato a gootl Invention for an Interim . 'd- clreu UusltHM , P. O , box vj" . ' . New York N Y , Y-M171 5 IUSIM2SS < \MI2S. . ( Continued ) ! A GOOD OPDN1NO POIl A SMALL HANK i llulllInK ran ! > > rented nnl afe , stationer ) and flxturco will 1 * solrt nt n RITHI ulflc > Per parttculirx nddrem it S E t s Ilofie'nn I Neb Y-M4.W-I * GREAT HARGAIN-CIOAR STORE AND natures 318 South Tenth street eMnbllOted In 18G7 , chenp fir cash T MM ! POR SALIJ CHEAP , CASH ONI. % STOCK merchandise nnd fixtures In southein Ne braska town , I'ooil wl'l worth price nsked i HOX 03 onnha t tay t , ' 1X R SALP. STATI2 OR COPNTY RHHtT POR n Icnit locked frr li iuiv > lioM article r > f utidoubtiil merit nnd one thnl will | miv linndsonip proMt cnfinMe men with mo-nej onlv Invited to In- vcstlrite. AiltnM D 32 , lice Y MMS t rou i2.\cii DRUG STORE WANTED. I-OR WHICH \VE will trade city property nnl some cn h "K " care of Carrier ti Omnhn Neb Z MMS ) jn7 WILL EXCHANGE VERY DP.SIRAHLE c'enrncnnt Omnhi lots for C'llcago property Address with full particulars , llox 2C2 Omalin X MS04 1 OH \M2-ItnVt , K KOUNTZE PLACE II MldAINb. 2 BOO. $3 7SO TO 16.500. J. J , Gibson. 514 Plrst Nat. Hank bldg RE-909 PARM LANDS C. P HARRISON , " > I2 N Y L RE 54S-Jnn-16 1JAUUA1NN HOUSES. 1 OTS AND PARMS sale or trnde P K Darling , Ilnrker Ulk liOUSnS , LOTS , PARMS LANDS , LOANS also fire Insurance Uemls , Paxtcn block RE M971 LOGAN VALLEY PARMS AND MERCHAN dl'e Hunttberger & Clements , Ljnns , Nc b'askn. RE M3C9 NEW COTTAGE. MONTHLY PAYMENTS CO Hee Hldg 1112 MS'iI POIl SALE P ACRES PRPIT L\ND. POU miles east of Council lllulTs on Toft reid Ad dress S lyona'd , S07 12 Pierce , Council llluffs RE M417 4 222I C'lllCAGO STREW , 10 ROOMS , MODERN corner lot , cheip for cnsh VT H Onte lol ngent , CIS N 'i. Life. 'Phone , 1211RE503 RE-503 1 NICT2 r.-ROOM . COTTAGE CIX > SI2 IN , JJ73 full lot mnr Hlpli Bcbnol , Jt73 , c-hoUe ncre li on Center st , Sl'O. 10 acres Just southwps clt > , il 930 , 'I lots , giK l pine i- for poultrv Jl 2.V ) Hicks' Roil Estnte Agincj , 443 Roird Trndp , RE-M315 4 * . \DinS' ' ClIICHESTnil'S HNOLISH injnl Pllla ( Diamond brand ) nro thp bo t Sift iillpblo T k. no other. S-nd Ic stamps fo putlculnis , "Relief for Indlis" In lettPi b i-'Urn nuill At druggists. ChlphestT Chen leal Co , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention Tloo JI519 1 iioitsr.s GOOD STAULES HEST OP CARE $4 AND $ month. A. W Phelps & . Son , 207 New Yor Life. Tel 10',4 -212 n SOI ICIT AND PURNLSH POSITIONS POR Stenographers tree The Smith-Premier Tvpe writer Co Telephone 1S . 507 ruiiMTuun M. S WALKIN , 2111 CUMING TEL 1311. 17C P LW.MI110ICUKS. II. MAROW1T55 LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST 977 SIIOICTII VM ) A.MJ TPHWHITINO. . A. C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL 513 N Y LIPE 972 AT OMAHA BUS COLLEGE 16TH S DOUGLAS -973 H R 1IOYI.ES , COURT REPORTER PRIVATL lessons , di > and evening. 407 Uee Hldg 974 OMAHA SHORT-HAND COLLEGE IIOYD'S theater M313 Jnn7 * CONTIl 1CTOII VMJ IIIIlLnr.ll. C5 V > : G1LI1ERT , CARPENTER AND CON tractor , Jobb'ng sollctteu. 1S13 St Marj'a ive M340 Jnn29 LOST. LOST-A 11L\CK SPANIEL PUP. WITH COL lar nnd smnll pidlocker > small white spo on breast 12.'C N 19th Ave. Hew aid aidLo Lo t 2S3 LOST-KNIGHT TEMPLAR CHARM. NAME OP owner engraved thereon Return for reward to O H W IMnrtl , 52.2 S 21th Ave. Ix > st 413 3 MVCHI\E2S AMI SUPPLII2S. NP.W HOME. HOUSEHOLD AMIITE SEWIng - Ing machines & . supplies. 1514 Cap ave. Tel 1571 973 COAL. BURLINGTON NUT , I1E.ST , CHEAPEST PRICE J3 75 per ton 'Phone 848. Harmon & . Weeth Co 466 Or STOCICHOMJI2HS' MINTING STOCKHOLDHRS M. The Ormha & . Uupubllcan Valley Hallway company : Notice H hereby Kl\en that the nnnuixl meetliifr of the stoekholtlers of the Omaha & Itepubllcan Valley Hallway company for the election oC seven directors and the transaction of such other buslne-sa as may lawfully come before the tnoentinir , vvlll be held In the olllco of the BCIU-IXII solicitor , Union 1'aclllc building , Omnlm , Nebraska , on Wednesday the 5th day of January , 1VS ) , between the liouis of 10 a m. and 0 p. m The stock tiansfer books will bo closed ten days before the date of the meeting. ALlIXANDrm JHI.r.AH , Secretary. Hoslon , Mass , December 2S , 1807 Dec , 29 to Jan. 5 Jl. SI OCKIIOLDTiuSr"MlTiTINX ( Union iiovntor Compin * of Onnha : Notice U hereby Klvon that the annual meetlnG of the stockholders of the Unlrm niovitot company of Omaha , for the pur pose ot electing Mpvcn directors and such other bualneis aq may properly come before the meeting , vvlll be hold nt the oillro of the Kenernl solicitor , Union 1'acltlc bulltllnff Omaha , Ni > b . upon Monday , th Itci day of Jununry , IS'JH betvveon the hours of 10 o'clock a , m , and (3 ( o'clcci : p , m. The stock tiansfer books v\lll bo closed ten (10) ( ) elays bufore the dito of the msot- Ilig. ALUXANUIJIt MILLAR , Secretary. Boston , Mass , , Decembei 12 , 1S97DHm21t DHm21t STOCKHOLD13KS' Notice H hereby plvcn that the annual mcetlnir of the stockholder of the Omaha Union Depot company vvlll bo held at the olllce of the ( general solicitor of the Httr- lliiKton & .Missouri Riven llallrond In Nc- biasKa In Omaha , Nebraska , Jununry 10th , 1S91 * , at 10 o lock a m , The meeting will be held for the election of a Honnl of Dlrcctorn and for the Hans- act Ion of Huch other btiHlnevs as may como be font it , Irsc'uillRg action upon the ques tion of a dissolution of thn corporation , T. L. KIMHALL , President. Attest : J , G , TAYT.OU , Secretary. Omunn , Ncl. . . Pec. 17 , 1S97. D21D 20TM SloflclinliU-rH * Omaha & Ulkhorn Valley Ilnllvvny com pany : Notice 1 hereby Riven that the annual meeting of the storkholJcrs of the Omaha & nikiiorn Valley Hallway company for the election of seven directors and the transac tion of miph other business IIH may IUM- fully come bofore. the meotlns : will bo held In the olllco of the Kcnenil Hollcltor Union Pau'llo bullellner , Omaha , Netira ka , upon Wednesday , the 5th day of January , 1S33 , at 10 o'clock a. m The stock transfer books will bo closed ten days beforn the data of the mcetlnir. AKKXANDUR MILLAU , Secretary. Iloston , Mass. , December 1) ) , 1S37 SIllC'UlKllllCTS' .Ml'l-lllllT. OrriCIJ OP LKU-CLAKK12.ANDIirjnsnN Hnrdvvaru Co. , Onuthu , Kcbraslia. Dm. 11 , 1 < i97 Notice Is hereby elven to the alockholil- era of the Lo-C'.arke-Andreesen Hunlwnre Co that the annual meeting of the stock- holelt-rH of the company will bo held at the olllccs of the nr.Id company , 1219-1221-12.3 Hurney street , In the city of Omaha , In the j state of Nebiaska , on Tuchday , Januaiy i 11 , A , D , 1S93. ut three o'e-look p , m. , for' ' the puipoxo of elertlnu a board of dliectord i for ( ho ( ompuiiy to serve during the emu- Ing year anil to trnmact such other busliitaj as may be present * < l at such meeting. II J LCi : . President. Attest : W. M. GLASS. Secretary. D1JU 321 oncu oi Totivitouinits * > niriMj : e"1 ntlnued ) STOt lvIIOUiilS MnnTINQ. , ' * nlon Land Company : Notice Is hereby civen Hint the annual I meeting of the stockholdTR of the Union 1 Lntul compnny for the ekctlon of HVP ill- i rector * nnd the traninetlon of such other business ni may Innttllly porno beforri the I meetlnR will be held nt the olllce of the tonernl solicitor , I'nlon I'nclllc building , Omnhn , Neb , uxm | Monday , the 10th dny of Jnnunty , IsPS at 10 o'clock n. m. The stock transfer books will be Closed ten dnyn previous to the meeting , liaston , MPSS December. SOth. 1S17. ALI2XANDL2U M1LLA11. Secretary , Doc. JO to Jan. 10. TREASURY nr.PA'RTMEN'T , OPt'tCH Supervising Architect.Vnrhtnutou , U C , Dcce-mber 23d , . 1B97SeaW pro posals A 111 be rocclvtd nt this olllce until 2 o'clock p m. f n tlttsith dm of Jami try , 1S9S , and opened 'linliiedlately ' thereafter , for nil the labor and ( Halcrlnli required for tlie e'omplellon of th.fi Iniejrlor finish , Iron stairs nnd plumbing allows , llrsl story , etc. of the u S Courttouf3. | Custom Homo nnd Postolllce bullellnx nt Omaha , Nebraska , in nccordanco with ihv drawing and speclfl- cationa , copies of which may bo had nt this office or the trtllcto of the Superintendent nt Omaha , Nebr'ftik.tp The. right U reserved to reject nny orVnll .bids nnd to vvnlve any defect or InformVlIti1 ; In nny bid , should It bo deemed In tl > ij ilferest ( of the Govern ment to do o. propp als must be enclosed In envelopes , scaled tind marked "Proposal for the Completion of the Interior rinl X etc. , of the U. VS. Court House , etc. . at Omiha , Neb , " nnd utldrcroed to the Super vising Architect. 1)28-10 Jl-l-G-SM .NOTICI2 TO CONTH VCIOIIS. NOTIC13 TO CONTHACTOUS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Colonnades connecting the dm eminent bulletins with the Kino Arts nnd Airlcut- ; tuinl bulldliips , on the extiosltlon Krounds , vvlll be received until 11 o'clock n. in. Mon day , January 10 , issis. Plans und speclllcatlons con be seen at the Department olllce , corner inth nnd Spencer - cer streets , or sols will be furnished bid ders at cost. The right Is reserved to reject nny or nil bids , P. P. KIllKKND YI.L , MnmiBcr Gtounds nnd llulUlliiKi Depart ment Transmlsslbslppl and Ituet national Imposition. Dll JIUnm ( Should be rend DAILY by all interested , as cluinites may occur at any time ) . ToretKn malls for the wee'k ending- Jan uary S , 1MS ) , will close ( PROMPTLY in all cases ) at thet Gciui.U Postulate us fol lows : PARCELS POST MAILS close ONE HOUll UAULlini than clobliif time shown below. TransVtlanllc Halls. TUnSDAY At S a. in. for anXOA , per s. s. Normannla ( letters must be cllieoted "per Norinannla" ) , at 11 i. in. ( supplemental 12.W p m ) foi nUilOPG , pel s s. K.iisvr \\Mlhelm der Crosse * , via Southampton and , Bremen. \ \ tJUXIJSDAY At 7 a. m. ( Supplcmentarj 9 .1. m ) for nuiiOPn. per ? . 4 St Louis * , via Southampton , it 1 a in ( supplemen tary 10 JO n , m. ) for nUHOPC. i > er s. s. Germanic * , \Ki Queenstovvn ; at 10 a m for IJKLGIUM direct , per s s Western- land , via Antwerp ( letters must be dltected "per "Westcrnlnnd" ) . SATUUDAY At 7 u. m for rHANCn. SWITX.nilLAND. ITALY , SPAIN . POUT- UGAL. TURKEY , HGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s Li Uretisnela Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per La HrottiKiie" ) ; ut b a. m for NETHERLANDS dliecl , per s s. Veondamla Ilotterdatn ( loiters must be directed 'per Veendam" ) ; at 10 n m ( supplementary 11-30 a. m ) for EUROPE , per t. . s. Aur.inlali Queens- town , at 11 a. m for NORWAY direct , pel s s Thlngvalla ( letters must be di rected "pei Thlnirvalla" ) . PIHNTHD MATTER HTC German steamers Falling on Teesdn > s Ink.- Printed Matter , etc , for German ) , and Sped illy Addressed Printed Mnt'er etc , for other jjirts of Hurope Ameri can nnd White btnr steamers on "Wednesdays , German steamers on lliur dnjs nnd Cunnrd Prench and German steamers on Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc , for all countries for which tley ure advertised to earn mall After the rloslm ; of the bupplrmentarj Trans- Atlintlc Mnlls nuricd nnove. nddltlonal sup plementary malls tire opened on the piers of the American , nnp'ish. Trench nnd German Ktenmers. nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour at sailing of Btenmer. \Inlls fur South mill Central America , Went IMillcM , itc- . TUESDAY-vVt 11 a m ( supplementary 11 30 a m. ) for VENEZUELA and CURACAO , also SAVANILLA , and CARTHAGENA , via Curacao , per -s 9 Caracas ; at li m. for GRENADA. .TRINIDAD and TO BAGO , par s a. Irjxnvaelily ; at " 3 p m. for COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Or leans , at 830-p.m for NEWFOUND LAND , per steamer from North Sydney , at U p. m for PORT .ANTONIO . , per steimer from Hnsinn WEDNESDAY At 220 n. m foi PORT ANTONIO - TONIO , per stcnm r from Philadelphia ; at S a. m. for BRAZIL per s. s. Wordsworth , via Pernambuco , Hihln and Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plata countiles must bb directed "per Words worth" ) : at 10 30 a m. for HAITI , pel s. s Prins Wlllem IV { letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trlntdail , British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per Prlns Wlllem IV" ) , at U TO p m ( supplementary lp m ) foi ST. THOMAS , SI' CROIX , LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. s Carlbbee ( letters for Barbados must be directed "per Carlbbee" ) , nt 1 p m for CUBA , per s H Concha , via Havana ; at „ > p m. foi BARBADOS dtr ct and NORTH BRAZIL.la Para , Muran- ham and Cenra , per s. s Polycarp. FRIDAY At 1 p m. ( supplementary 1 3) p m. for ST. DOMINGO and TURKS 'ISLAND ' , per s s. New York ; at 1 p m. for PORTO RICO direct , pel , s. Arkadla. SATURDAY At 2 JO a. in. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per H. tr. Roumanian from Philadelphia ; nt b a. in for BERMUDA , per s. s "irlnldnU ; at 10 a. m ( supple mental y 1030 a m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and CARTHAGENA , per H a. Altai ( letters f Jr Costa Rica must bo directed "pei Altai" ) , ut 10 a , m. ( supplementary 10 U0 a. m. } for HAITI , pei s. H Alps , at 10 CO a m for CAMPErHE , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , per t * . s. Yumuil ( lottery for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Yumurl" ) ; at S U'J ' p m. for NEWFOUNDLAND per steamer from Notth Sjdnoy ; nt S 'SO ji. m , toi ST. l'IERRI > MIQUELON , per steamer ftom North Sxlnej. Mulls for New foundlunil , by mil to Halifax , nnd thence by btcaii"- < -l"ae at this oflicc dally nt 8.30 i > in Malls for Ml'iufion by rail to Hofiton nnd thence uy steamer close at this olllco dally nt 8 30 p m Malls for Culn i lo e at tills otllio dally nt 7 ( XI a in lor lurvvanllntr by Bteame rs nailing ( Mondag an 1 Ihuredaya ) from Port 'lamiu Pin Mulls for Me\- Ice City , oveiland , unlers Fjicoi-illj uddicsscd for dispatch bj steamer elite nt Mils olllee clilly nt 1 J ) n m und 2 30 p m "Registered mall closes at 0 ( .0 p in prevlnub da ) , TrniiN-Piiflfli * Mallu for Australia ( exicpt UICPC for West Australia ) , v , hlch nrn forw aided via Eu rope , New Koaluml. Hawaii , FIJI and 811- moan Islands , pei M .s Moana ( fram Sin Franc Itco ) , close hero dallj up to Januaiy * ' 2d nt 7 u. in . 11 ii. in. and C 10 p in. ( oren on ai rival at New York of H H Aurnnla with Bi Ills' ) mallu for Australia ) Mnlls for China and Japan , per s a. Victoria ( from Tucoma ) , close here dnllv up to January " 2d jtt C.SO p in. Malls for Aus tralia ( except West Australia ) , New Zea land Hawaii and FIJI Iblamla , per . H. Mlownra ( from Vnncouvr ) . cbbe hero dally aftoi January " 2d and up lo Janu ary .Id ut fi.'A ) p. rn. Mulls for China , Jup in nnd Hawaii , per s e Belirlo ( from Sin Fronclsro ) , clo.se here dally up to Jnnu ary Wth at fl 30 p m. Mnlls for Hawaii , par s. H. Austialla ( from San Frnnelsco ) , close here dally up to January 19th at 0:10 : p. m , Mnlla for China and Jup in ( specially addressed - dressed only ) , per a , s Empress of Japan ( from VancoiiMtr ) , close hero dally up to January Jlth at 6,30 p in. Mails for the Society Islands , per snip City of Papeltl ( from San Frattdisco ) , close here dally up to January 25th ut ti.JO p , m Trans-Pacific mnlls ore forward ? ! to port of railing dully and the scherlu'e of cloelnsr Is arranged on the presumption of their unlntir- ruitel overlanJ , t&tnslt Ileglstered mall cloges nt C p mi previous day fORNrLIlTS VAN COTT. Postmaster. PoHtotllre at New York , N. Y , , December 30 , JS3T ins. HOCK IhLVND & . Hallruul "llui Urea i lilund Houto" Cll ) 'IkBit ' Olllee' . ni Karnum HJrfbt. Tetphono 43i. Depot Terf/h nnd Mason Streets Kwritione 12S rn ni Arrive , Lincoln , Colorado HP S Pueblo , Denver i una . . . , west vi' " * 1-M Dtr. . ! 5 pn. ClilcJKO U < lloWtn , Ilocl. Iilnml . . . . * ! .W pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Jjxprc" , . for I > e Molneit sr.u built- c-rn nolnt > . . . > " M ) am : . : : pm Lincoln Palrbury and } l9l | Nlllr S n nrn " 10'D am Dull ) . Dull } except SunJaj. H \IIUO ( ContlnucJ ) PACIPIC "THR OVKH limt Itoute" Otncrnl Odlcn N H Corner Ninth unot I'm nun Rtreetii City Ticket Ulllcc. 1303 Pnrnam Street. Telephone 316 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone 128Leave. Leave. Arrlv . t ) m CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , MINNI2 npolls & Omnha llnllwov General olllccs , Nebratln HI vision riftocnth nnd Webster Streets City Ticket Office _ 1401 Parnnm btreet Trlehoni > 561 Jepot. Pltteenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone , 1458 l nvc , Arrive. Sioux City Accommodi. 8"iO : nm SM : pm Sioux City Acconunoili. 9 50 am E Si ) pn Illnlr , Rmcnon , faloux City , Poncn , Hnrtln- tuon nnd llloomflelii 1 00 pm II 63 nm Sioux Cltv , Manknto. St. Pnul , Minneapolis 6 65 pm 9.10 nn nmer un PnssotiKer . . . filOpir" 8 45 nn Dnlly. Dally except Sunday Rundny only. This trnln stops nt stations Ploronce to So Dlnlr , Inclusive , tundajs only , ou week dnjs So lilnlr enl > . PHICMONT , KLTCtlOnN AND Mlssoourl Vnlle > Tlillvvay Oen ernl Olllces , United States Nn- tlouAt Han ! : nullJInp , South west Corner Twelfth nnd Knr- _ , nnm Streets Ticket Olllce 1401 1 nrmm Street. Telephone , Ml. Depot Plftccnth nnd Webster Streets Telephone , IIH Lcive. Arrlv c Dhck Hills , Dcidvvoood and Hot Rprlno- ' . . . 3M : pm S 00 pm Wjomlnff , Casper nnd Douxlns . . . " * 3.00 pui 5.00 pm HnstlnK8. York , DivH City , Superior Cienevn , Hxcter nnd Sevvnrd 3 00 pm B 00 pm Norfolk , West Point nnc ! Prernont . 7 50 am "I0.23 nr Lincoln , Wnhoo nnd Prcmont . 7 10 nn > " 10 25 nin Premont Ijocal. n . . ' " ' r > 0 am Dilly. Pnlly except Rundny. Rumlnv only. Dillj r.x-ppt Saturday " Dnllv except llenrtni- . " I .VJU C. NORTHWKSTRUN Ilnllv\ay City Ticket Omcc 1401 Pnrnnm Street Telephone fCl Depot Tcnt.l nnd Mufon Streets. Telephone 12S Leave. Arrive , Missouri Vnlley , Sioux City , SI Pa- Minneapolis 5'40 nm llT.43 pm Mlbsiurl Vnlley , Slout 7:30 : nm 9.03 Pm ' " Dennlso'n"cnrrnll , Wall Lnka . 9 05 pm i.iEtcrnpress Des Molnes AInrslial"own , Cedar 'inplds ChlcnBO :0:43 : nm 4:10 : pm Atlnntli : Plycr. Chicago nnd Pnst . . 4 43 pm 4:10 : pr Pist Mull , ChlcnBO to Omnlm . 3:10 pm Missouri Vnlley. Sioux City , St. Paul , Minne apolis Limited . 5'13 pm ' 9 30 nm Omnhn-ClilraRi ) Special. " C 30 pm 1 Is.l/t am Dnill Dally cxcepf Fundnj Rioux CITV & PACIFIC HAIL road Qenernl Olllces United states National Hank nulld- Inu. S W Corner Twelfth nnd Purimm Streets Ticket Olllce 14J1 Parnam Street Telephone oCl Depot , I Iftccnth and Webster Streets Tele phone HjS Lenv" . Arilve Sioux 1 > , MnnKnto , St. Paui Minneapolis . . . . 0 53 pm 9 10 nm Dills. WAUASII RAILHOAD TICKET OPPICH. ItT Parmm bticct r li > Dhone 322 Depot , Tenth nnd Mison Streets. Telephone. 12S Leave. Arrive. SI Loula "Cnnnon Dall" Pxnress . P"Orm ! ! 3) ) nir DnllV & MISbOimi Hlver Hallioad "The Ilurllnn- Burlinglon ton Houte' General Olllces , N W. Corner Tenth nnd Parnnm Streets Ticket Ofllce , 1M2 Roule Pnrnnm Street Telephone 235 Depot. Tenth anil Mason Streets Telephone 128 Leave Arrive Lincoln , DenverS. wst 8.3J am 9 35 am Lincoln Den.er. Colorado rado Utnh. Cillfornln BInck Hills Montana nnd I'uRet Sound 4 31 pm 4 03 prr Lincoln Lneil . , " 7 05 pm 7 43 pm LIhcoln Past Mall. . 2 55 pm 11.30 nm Dally. " Dilljr CXCCD Sunda ) . CHICAGO IH'RLINGTON- & Qulncy Railroad "The Hurl- Burlington InKton Route" Ticket Olllco 1102 Parnam Street. TelcphinL' Route 2M Depot. T"iith nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 128 Leave. Arilve ClilCJL-o Vestlbulcd Ex. . D OJ pm 7 55 am Chl-nso Pxpress 9 4S am 4 15 pm Cnleauo , S. bt Louis Ex 7 50 nm 7 55 nm Paclllo Junction Local. . " 11 40 nm 5 40 p n Past Mnll 2 50 pm Dally n tj. ! ozcec' Sunday. KANSAS CITY , Sr JOSEPH S. Council mufti nnllrond- "Ths Burlington Home" Tloket Omee , 1502 Pnrnam Street Telephone 210 Depot Tenth nnd Ma-on Streets 'iele- pnune 12 $ Leave. Arrive Kansas Clcy Da > Ex . . . 9 05 nm 5 40 pm Kontas City Night Ex. . ' 10 0) ) or" < i 30 nm MISSOURI PACIPIC RAILROAD General Olllccs nnd TicKe Odlce. Merchants Natlona Bank Building U'21 Parnam Street Telephone 101 Depot Plftfentl nnd Webster S reels Telcphon 1458 Leave. Arrive. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST Paul Railway Git } Ticket Olllcc , J504 Parnam falreet Telephone 231 Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Ifiephone 12S Leave. Arrive Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5 45 pm S.C5 um Omaha and Chicago Ex ' 11.00 um 1:50 : pro OMAHA X. ST LOUIS RAILROAP-OMAHA Kansas Cll > A. Ea.tein Railroad "Tho Port Arthur Route" Ticket olllce 1111 Parnani street Telephone , 322 Depot Tenth and Mas-in streets Telephone 12S Leave. Arrive .St Louis Cannon Bill Exprem . 4 33 pm * ll 30 nm Qultuj Express . 5 15 am 9 50 pm Dally. CM'iIM ) V SENS.TIOV I'lif rir.sl Inli oiluc-fIon of Cnliili * n ( tinCliloiino /mi. All ni mful of fresli green cttnli ) was plucked finm the golf grounds of the Ex- moot club ut HUhmml pirK and taken to Lincoln park to uj the effects of the green stuff on the ifellnc ) member * of the zoo i - lates the Tlines.Hei.ini This herb , which dom not grow , so far us Is known. In the liaunts of the cousins of tne cats , created i great sensation ut the oo The ncent ol the plant filled the whole plate , and as .soon UH it had re.iclud the pailot's cornel the two f lUdlly attlied mieaws set uj > a nuHe that drowned thought and made for the Hide of the cage , poking thelt beaks and cliws tin outfit , When the e.itnlp was hi ought tear them tliej became nearly frantic I'hty vveio given home nnd devoured It , stem , leaf and blossom , with an avjdltj com. mensurate with the nolsts of tnelr voices The Keeper nnd tha tatnlp uinler then made for thp c.igo of Hlllj , the African leopard Now , lllll } , HO far as Is known , had never before smelled or seen a luaf of the plant. Ilufora the fiont of his eago was reached ho nail bounded from the shelf whereon ho lay , nppiientli asleep , und stood expectant The nun with the catnip purposely waited a fiw minutes before lu noUed any of the green lea\cM anil jello-.v- Ish-whlte flowers of the plant thioiigii to the big eat. Finally a double handful of e-atnlp was pacsed through to the floor of llu den. Never was the prey of this Afrlun dweller In IIH wild ptntu pounced upon more rapldlj or with more absolute mivagu oijojm'iil. First ,11111 } ate u mouthful of the eitnlp then he lit } flat ou Mi back and wriggled his sinuous lensti through the gie-fii nmsj until Ills black-spotted jollow hldu vv js pprnunKd with the odor of th plant. 'Jlicn Hilly nut on 11. bunch of the c-utnlp. cjimht a ttiif-lnden stum up In ilth-r pn" "id n hlicil Us cbe ! a , irIn ncs , ejo nndrea Hn ate an additional mjuthful or ivvo mid then jump'I back to his nholf , where he lay , the VBIJ pli'turo of B.itlet ) and content ment. In the tigers' tage there Is a very young hut lull grown .iiilma' , ciptilreil within eighteen monthx in the jungle-i of Iinlii When tliU treat , aurl > Ii'int Inhaled the Ill-it HiilfT of the catnip he began to mew 111.3 a kitten. Prior to thU the softest notii of hU volro hail been one which put the ioar of thn blg-mnmd Siuth Afrir-an lion to shtiTie That \lilous tlper and his kindly disposition e ) old inniu fairly levelcil In the : ibt'ral iillovviinc'i f thfc plant vvhli'h wan IhrtiBt Into Oidr rnge 'J iicy rollfd about In It and played together like ti-vveelci-old They mtvved and puired , i-vllently in ? question us to wlmt thU plant wa < ? which cnvo thtm nn - rlety of plen uro never before experienced , They toiied It nbout , ate of It , nnd , after Retting nbout as liberal n doap as bad Hilly , the leopird , they likewise Ipnitril to their reipectlvo shelvei nnd blinked lazily nt the sun The big lion Mnjor , wnn either too dlinl- llad or too Inzy to piy more than panning nt- tentlon to the bunch of catnip which fell to his lot Ho ntc n mouthful or two of It nnd then licked hl chops In a "that's not half bad" v\ny , nnd then went bick to his imp. The three baby lions quarreled over their allownnce nnd nte It every bit. Mrs Mary Illrd , llarrlsburR , Pa , sajs , "My child la worth millions to tne , jet I would have lo'l her by croup had 1 not InVested - Vested twentj-nvo cents In n bottle of On Minute CoURh Cum " It cures coughs , colda nnd all throat and lung troubles nss Mnn IN MVOIINKRY 10 WIT nil it Speed lit MUII > 'I lllll" ! ll ) llM ClltlllllS. Blxty jeirs ago wrought Iron and tool steel were- the principal metils sis the' Cincinnati Hnqulror Moth were costly , the lattn brittle , nUlioiiRhcry hard A bis step forward was made in 1S55 , when Sir Henry llessciner porfcoted his method of producing steel by n process which nt 0110 stroke reduced < ho ) st per ton from f250 to $50 , Since then It has been reelucod to $ J5. Hcssemcr was cndemvorliiff to produce n stronger weapon of war for Napcleon III when he discovered that jets of nlr forced Into ncssel ( a "converter" ) filled ivvlth imiltcn Iron sullleed to keep It In a boiling state , because of the carbon In the Iron be ing consumed , ami as It was only necessary to rcinovo this carbon to make the poorest of Iron reliable steel It was n gladsome sight to eco It effervescing. Thus vvhllo the warrior spirits of Franco and Qcrman } 'vveio ' pleased with n Run made of the superior metal , as with a toy , n great era of peaceful triumphs was Inaugurated In Britain , ( As vvc have said , the ccst was reduced to onc- Il'fth what It had been , and a great Impetus was given to engineering Now 10,000,000 tons arc made each year by llessemcr'a method , although other processes with a Ilku j lesult have boon Introduced | So long as dimensions of engines , of ships , or of nnj structure were not great , strength could be Insured by solidity , but now cfllclcncy and economy demand that the highest results must be got per unit of weight. Thus chemists , metalurglsts and en gineers liavo worked to give a tensllo strength of thirty to forty tons on the square ) Inch for the working parts of engines and notwithstanding that bonio parts of the biggest engines travel at a rate of speed equal to 1,000 feet per minute The nun.boi of Ibrealcdow ns Is suiprlslugly tow. HJy this greater strength the weight of engines has been re > dticed bj quite 50 per cent , apart altogether from the results of the multiple expansions ot steam consequent ' admitting of Itself sequent on hlg'h pressures , self of a reduction In the sbo ot engines for a given power. The boilers now used aroma ma e of plates up to one and three-quarter Inches thick for 210 pounds ot pressure , This seems Iho limit. A change must como In the old boiler the water to bo converted Into steam and the steam arc within n cylindrical tank with flro tubes through It , so that there Is need for great thickness In the outer plating ot the tank or boiler. Under the new system the water is within tutes , and the lire pla > s around them , so that there Is no heavy outside shell or tank , nnd the quantity of water Is less The sav ing In weight Is In the case of this "water tube bollei" about 40 per cent. ( Moreover , steam is generated much more quickly , higher does not Involve pressures are possible , collapse volve the same danger , and icapirs aio moio easily made As a result of Incteabcd steim piessuros supeiloi metals and improved tools , the weight ot irachlnery is only two-thirds vvlnt it was bitty > ears ngo Thus the engines of the flist Cunardei , Britannia ot eight and one-half Knots snteO , wcigh ° d about 110 itons , although the power was only 740. A torpedo boat dcstrojcr tolajl has machinery which develops l.fiOO-horbe power anJ onlv weighs 100 tons. The re sult ot foitj-one and one-half-horso power for ever > ton of machinery got with thirtj- knot torpedo ciaft is about the highest j t attained. It is probable that this machlnoiy might not stand the wear andi tear ot ocean steaming , but with some seagoing cruisers lwent-horso power per ton is got ; with our tautest ocean steamers fourteen-hoisc power per ton , and with the ordinary tiamp steamship seven-horse powei. This all means greater capacity tor carrying a p ly- ng load. Thus slxttv jears ago the loil carried/ / was only 10 per cent of the total weight driven by the machlncrj of a ship Today steamers are built ot the same speed , whoso carr > lng load Is nearly 70 per cent ot the total load. The locomotive ot 1837 was only about fifteen to nineteen feet Ions over all , with a wagon for coal uenmei. me nignesi cmss uoderii locomotive Is fifty-three feet four nches , Including the tender. The steam generating surface , which is a tneasuio of strength , is now" three times gieator. The steam pressure has increaEcd ncnrly four fold , so that the power has gone up ten fold. The nunlastair , an example ot the moJeiTj engine , as she stands. , is ten feet high from the ground , weighs thirty-six tons and can walk off comfortably with 300 tons behind her , vvhllo the old-world lo comotive pin ted as If to brcnk her heart while doing ono-thlrd of the speed with a fourth ot the load nils change Is man'tilfl- cent hut some mav ask Is It business' One answei is that the quantltj of coal used per unit of power or load Is much less thin it used to be , and la satisfactorily small. It varies with the hpeed , but for thlrtj mllej an hour thirty-nvo pounds par mile suffices , and lhli < , too , for the heavy co'tidor train unexcelled in length , weignt and elegance ; It Is 354 tons weight , 910 feet long Thus GOO pounds of coal are converted Into one-gy for each posser er travol'ng between London and Glasgow al lowing that the train has li's full nonip'i- ' mont of 22S , but should one more go the stoker nosd only add four ouncc-s of fti" ! to the boiler In the eight hours Tor a lu-r- Kago train one pounl of coal will take a ton foa distance of eighty miles In other lines of methc'ilra the Rame pr ress has been noted In rc-ent jen'b as has maikcd the development of the loeoiiotlve When steam power has been b'ouglit to the highest point of perfect'on eke iM y steps ici Ito take up the bpnner and coiitl me the ascent , and the cnJ can not even be guessed at ' Thus electricity for 1 orliiR holeo In pla'cs of s < eel has i educed the ccht of i given amount of work mo'o than t vo-thlrc ! ? i TaKe the moio familiar pin A few jrnra ago I'ho manufacture of 4S.OOO per day 'iy ten men was considered a triumph Now 1,500,000 are made per < ! aj by ere wo ket , who opcrulo a mechanical ilnvlco Needles are made w.th proportionately i educed la bor and expenditure In all classes of mcrhanlcH this gamn rr- ( nurkable progro.s has been nccomiillHhel within the last half century , and who tun , tell what the end will ho. ' > r\ou wor v o\ci.nr. A IMN-VT1C. , . i IJIIIIIIU 1 rein Straps. Ladles , Imvo jou ever noticed \\hut a siionn Icunlng toward the Hhnpo of the fan you me adopting In your attlra now ? in : n vi ) m\iti ) VIKH'T ' HIM. Prom Judy. Mr Ionpc < : k Tlier * ' was only one pei feet man. Miss Brown 'Who VIU.H lie ? Air. Hetijiccki-Aly wlfc'o first husband.