Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    ) I
( \ Til 13 OMAHA DAILY HUH ; ) MAV , JANUARY It , 181)8. )
K' UPOTMl > n\
to HhSlUllhl )
Republican Afceiulnncy to Large Extent
lAiltnllilslrnf Inn' * lleeltn iillun ( or
Mmml Miiiicj , Ntllli Vliiiiiiliuit
li-nii * , llrlnus llu an lira of
( iiMtil 1'i'cllnu ,
VKYOUK , Jfn. 2 Henry C'.cws. head
rf thihTiklnR liousp o1 Henry Oleus * Co ,
vim of Hi * situation In Well i trpoi
I , NI ir thnt clots with thi * Issue of our
v * t N letter 1ms lie-en. In some respects * ,
i > r the roil le-iter period * of our earn-
n ir inn ! tlmtncial Interest * . It follemeil
Mm , 'in i t-iwlve year * e f altnot UM > rece-
< ' l di proBMon nmt illiturbi nee of conll-
. in i i onctiient | upon thelinpiTlleil posl-
t . n nf our tnoiu-lnrN lial The tmllonnl
< IM 11 MI hail elt-fratoil therllvrr faction , but
i i n ijorlty which rt'il n > t milllce to Im-
n I it..N restore cnnlMenee.Vhen Hie re-
l it. . n i i pirly cntne into peiNer , with HIP
I -i ' ii iliclnritlo.i * In fiiNor of mininl
n 11 N mil the i > nsage of a tiullf ciilcii-
' in remtily HIP effni * of the \Vllnon
ennlliletlec 'Wept
e i Aiive of revheil
o\ i in w ol , . citititry , .iini , from inlil iiin-
II i ii the etui of thr year , there h.i * beoll
. nilnuoiiM revlNUl of bultus < t. Provl-
i - too , him In en iin > pltloii' to 0111 wel-
1 r At i tltilp NNheli the falluil' of tin1
i 11 i lo-irt NVim Rom nil throiiRlumt Knropp
> i hiiNt-t , WHS nbuiiil ml , anil we h.iNr
' ii ilili tt rv.iort ut hlsh prices unpri v
- d iin.intlt'.es of NNlieiU anil corn. At 11
i n m , of fp revival. Import nit KOUTPCS
' i uinptlonNere b'-ocVe 1 by In Be ac-
< , u 11inns of un-iiui etoil prodiumo t
\'i Ii have. lnee be-in ilV.ieimd of at
ii r.'i.Ni-iy In pilee , ( hereby prewiring
t ' u ifor a prolltable Incn a e of iiroiliu-
l i i.iiin * the coming ymr.
-1 unit uiponoly i.Nlth thin recovery In the
1 in 11 hi ti we have been fivoreil NNllh
r \'i lonli'i.iry lntrei p In onr expii't
i lii , shlpnnntof inerrinmlNo fir the
Ii - Ii veil month" of the yeai having
t i m'oil , to J'VM.l'vOCKW , agaliiM- $ SS\010M |
in I1 ' S7SJ 200.1(1) 111 Iviv iTlOCjO.W ) in 1VII
i ; ; ' . W > HO In UM. This lirm- lucre io
li 'n \purt tr.ule him bien f.ivorible to
tv fin lun gold inoNiment , out- net i\ports
11' ' " mi Ml ilnrlna the eleven month * ln\-
I n but $ ATA(00 ( ( Thi'-e ngnre" . how-
t > n' n rfertly reiri ; i nt e urs"
i. i torolgn traile bilancc1 for we lm\e
1 it fiom other coutitrlt * eertalnlv not
I Hi in STriOiHiiO ) ( maikot valnr ) of our
f- nl'i s ind hue at tltneM bei n lenibls
t ' I mope to the ixttnt of f."iX ! , ( < O to
$ i" 'M ' i , as n mean * of preventing Iniporta-
i - s f gold when we hail no u o for It
II d \ In-i London , Merlin and I'aiia conlil
I l ilfiiiil to sp.ue It. llenv hitch opiT.itlon"
In i ne need'nl i.Nlll npp .11 trom the fact
tl i fur the ileNi i month * , our esjiort * of
n ' t h in r p nml .HNPI bullion exceuleil our
In i ii < bv $3''i,0. < , t < X > .
1 1net to lie Infiired that the laiRe In-
< ri - In our \\port t l mainly the effect
r he intiMitil nilpnipnti of lite tdituffs
'I i lia" also been in etiaordlnarailill -
t i 10 our expoilof ni.iniifaetnres. I'nclpi
I1 pti < Hnrn of ii'cent haul times our In-
li ' i * have been enabled to o far rcduee
I' ' i-ls of pioilupttun wlthuut at the sune
ti'ii , .nutltiK lUUnaRistlnt our ability
to . 1'iipetplth other i'onntrli" has opi no < l
t is i iniicli Incu'i-spd arei of foielRii nur-
) v hull ed tile ' < lsn < i of the
i ii .1 ek-ir linl'catlons. llrit at 1 i t < \\t
I \ , I'talnel nn economy In pi iducllon
\ \ will optn m w m.nUet" to u poite-
t- , .linn to the i.ipld lnciei p In our lu
ll nil plant and tin rNIni ; i Ulo of the
1 i it Ion which must be iKpomlcnt on
n i infieturesVe in ly itasoiiab'.y e\pict
t i Mils expansion of the evjioits o. ' miii-
n i 'inis will prve to be but It" lipRlnnliiR1)
i t . it tliH blanch of trade will next Viar
i - ' 'I ' that of T-fl" Jimt as the \eir clo-e =
< \ s HIM" happintd In ei'-lein Aliiilc'i '
f i h idow the eaily oiunliiR of the \ast
i n , ' n of China to the maiketliiR of mum
f iiml piolupti to this pountiy , Im-
1 ! 1 toward maimfactui Inn by a nii\
i i ITU d'Mft of Its rapldlv Incroailm ? pojiu
In .n OilN n ino t weleame foipshailov\-
IPJ or in p\tniii loii of our ti ullii ul.i'loii'-
\ \ h the woilil's ( jieitest ciuphe. It is to
V 'inpi'd that oni Ri > > etnmeiil will e\erel-e
1h > utniO't vlnllince In RII n HUB Ameilciu
- nemlltiff the stuiHRle .UIIOIIK tin
po'ntr-il of tie b " *
3 m ipi an poweis to jratn -
their ielve
] - nni's for foiwaulliiR aR
I i'i | . We dPtlre no foielKn teliitorv ,
In wi > cnnnot alToid milit irv KO\UII-
Invade our c"-
m n s shall bi peiniltteil to
tiblishul treaty right * or divide up riilm
in ' vle.ifure 01 set up n svltl h pollc\
of \iHulliiR othelh fiom the best mat Kit'
( f tin emplip. This i * n matter upon ivhlch
th altltudp of the 1'nltid States should bill
\\ill understood and openly declared i\ It ' . -
out del iv.
Tin tLiifportntlon of our laiRe ciops and
tl' liiiua'-ed increment In inoichindKc
i' iliiR t 'e list half of the hi\e natui-
( H S lnotiKht I-UKP bemllts to the nllioad
II i r sis nuriiiK the tlrst eleven months
of tin vcar l l ro ids show an Increase Ii.
t ; ' . ss ciiiiliis ( fiom JIVI.IWMOO In isi.i . ! tu
f-M .XM.IKHI last . \eu , most of the Rain hain , ;
0 iiiiiid witiiin tin spcond ha'.f of the 1 it-
ti r period The net eainliiRs exhibit a still
bit ir ratio of linprement Per the ten
nil i'h- pndliiK Oi-tobei ; il the net earnliiHs
of IIS lo.ils WIIP $ lS7"iO ( COO , cominred with "
Jl 100 lii IS'iil , MiowliiK an inciia'c o"
11 U pi r cent The effect of thl sudden IP-
PUN it v , together \lth tin concUislve e\l-
ib m , It nffoidid that the Reneral tiade of
th. i mnitiy was undeiRoliiK a thorough le-
ci Hlon. bee ime nppirint in tin active
P | lulition In seeniitles , t'le ' effect of which
1 i"i ii Ices la shown la the follniiiR com-
pulsiMi of the ouotatlotis for leailliiR stocks
on tl e 1'itn uf June | \ith the hlKhe-t llsmo- '
lenleil dinlnt ? the culmination of the ibf
HlKlie t
June 11 Prtres Ait-
1W7. \nnci'
At hlmn ,1 Topckn preferred. , 1JV4 .1514
( i i II m I'ni-ill- . C.1V4 SH4
( i n. 1 1 Suutlietn . rcis C2
( ii il nf NP Jer py S3 lOJ'i Sin ,
I'l .IK i HuiltiiKtnn Qubicy II lui'i , 2H4
( hi. Mllnniikev St. 1'anl 1U2 2l''j
l n Northwestern . too l.U'A
( in . ItJcK Ulnnil . 1'acllic CIVj 07" ,
dm i i [ ,914 ,
I' f r .V. St. IxniU ! 1'6 ' 4l'i ' Ii
1 ! iire & Ilinlfon 109 12. ! H
l > i i HP , liiKaNinnni X
NN.M. rn 151 1C4 13
Ii , \i A. Illo llrundi- 1 4 HV. 4 > i
J I n N iM.trnl fl 11 % H *
il iKi- IMP A. Wosttrn H'i ' 22'j S
1 iki ' lure 17" IM 11
1 i-\lle .t NnrhNllle 40 4 C4 ll's '
M ml. Kanms .V Te\at nrf-
r. i ml Sl'4 42 Im j
SIi irl I'ncllle 17'i 41' , : J1 ,
JCtw i.rU fentral. . . . . . 101 ITi' Jl'
JC if IK Weincrn ( iri'trired. . I'J 4 4" . > 4 HH ,
t > t 1'uil A. Duluth ! 2 fei S
K'litliiin nclli- I''i -'I1 * &
\ Vritin fnlnn Tek-sraph S3 98 . 13 %
Am rl an Snst-r 123 IH j 144
'Ihi gnat rlso lure ' hewn NNB * followed
IIN .1 fall of 10 to 12 point" , anil the >
pie * . s with p ranj. . of Nalutt < aNut.iglng C to
fr 11 , nts UMONN the highest value. ' * of the six
HK'iiins of the reeovtry.
Tu year closes with n most gratifying
JnipuiNi-nn-nt In e\orj ilep ii linent of Indns-
ti > tinde and llnance , as comp.ued with
thr eumlltlont existing at Its opening. The
n > ov r > iloin not consist t-o nuu-li In leallzcd
lir lit * , as In the bettt-led coiulitlon- eon-
lllirip and cridlt In the itdiicllon of sur-
jiliia stocks of ( 'Oiids and the .icalthler rela
tion In twecu Hiipplv and demaml In the
jnnrKcts at larRi. Tha year , howe\t'r , has
Ji't In in without Its additions to the nccii-
jnul.itid wealth of the nation. Tills Iscry
o\iduit from the larce amount of lille cap-
It.ii now seekhiR employment and the pre-
x ulr K low late of Int i st , as well as fioni
\\\t \ fact Mat in iny million 1 of our lloatiiiK
< upl'il are now llndlni ; temporary employ-
iiii nt In iuropt > a state of thliiRS almost
511 w In the history of our foreign financial
n a'Ions.
Th i-e , In lulef , are the achievements of
the lint six months of recuperation fiom
1i e < ffects malnl > of the disturbance of con-
lldiniv In cnu monetary i-yMeni which broke
out In l til The results are liss Imp'riant
ns . .i i oiupllsli d f lets than for w hat they
/IIP shadow.Ve pec In them only tie bo-
pin tints of an era of Rrent Industiial le-
x sal and expansion Durlnjr the the years
that our material Intpnsts hn\e him In a
condition of collapse , have made an ail-
dl Ion of SOOO.UOO to onr population , moat of
IN tilth must IIP rpRiirdPd as KOIIB ! to the in-
picas of our productive capacity to swell
the production of our manufacture. * rather
than of agricultural produce. Wlt'iln this
juriud we haNO bten subjectid to a nec's-
Mt > fur diminishing the costs of produt tlon
% Nhlth , toKether with the new prJiluctlve In.
Millions , has emibleil us to adapt ourselves-
to the constantly declining t'udency of
juicis , and conspicuous facts clearly dem
onstrate that , In cirtaln Important Indus
tries , N\P have already reached a position
\xhere we can compete hiiccest-fully In the
foieltjn markets with the fen most Indus
trial nations of the w. irld. This Is no
tians-li'iit accident of cxtraordinaiy tlmfs ,
no outcome of a nccc.sslt ? ) to unload surplus
ptxltH reKardltss of prlc. ; It Is the conse-
ciueiicp of our luivlnp Kalned a position In
IttUince of other nations In tlnse condltlms
NNhich ponduce to cheapness and pxcillincc
of production Tils Is nn achievement of
ftupcndous importance For as already
f.ild , we have rtaclicd a iwlnt In our na
tional development "t v.hlch nearly our entire -
tire largo Increase of papulatljii must na
Into Indnstrlea other than nRrlcultural , and
that uinU-es It Imperative that NVC bo nblo
with other countries In the nll-
to contro compete : nB factor of price. It Is In the hl rh-
co gratifying that we seem to ba
that position wttUout the Intemn-
' > ' i i' it n'iiinoi i rash nix l < t > o
" . v < it i t < i\ | N d HI l > < N 'It ' ' * ll | >
111 id. iritt ii , ! im 1 ni'VN ni IN n in i in
i i " llnil i lit iilin ! > { n VN in irk'ts mill
ii nt tur nir i iiirfmiiiK Kuiplu * of m nuif u-
turi .Most optmrtnmlN the drift nf po
Mil. nt I'Nint ! " N plHi Hie Hint e < rntlal desl.l-
eratutn within our touch The pNctits ot.
ench urppn l\p da > HIP mnkltiK It inert c r-
tnln tint the 100 PHO.UIO of l'Iiltio e inpiil-itlon
fintf In pliippd within ipnrh of tinlndu -
trlnl nation * . Thin fact mrati > i thnt 1 > OS Is
to be n Ninr dlnlln nlM'ed In lil tel > as the
opening of a Rreit new lomtifrplil prn l-'or
tin. It retnaitis thnt we ipp 'o it thnt no op-
portunltl'fi ntp lost thrdimh "iir supliirmss
fur Hnlnirfi , itir duo iduirc In thl pnii"pilvc
IIPNN i oiniuprpp.
Apart from thrsnrv iiroiprpts. the out
look for lw u full of promise. It mav be
tafjly p\iected ] to linn out lo be a r < nlla-
tlnti of nn pxpniiMon if luisii ! r , r which
HIP rpcovc-iy nf 1 > 7 hni but i pr pii to pro-
tmre the way A durum nt .111" ! Itsurd bv
the Mi reliant ! * ' ii soi lalloi. of N < NV Vmlt ,
\Nlllch Im Indpn lllall } of HIP Inien est mer
chants of tills eltv , t.itPN Hint ' Ml prom
ises in IIP one of the moil iictlvp liUMnr *
yours in thp hlstoi > of this cii > , ' ' NNhlch o\-
jirps es the nPiienl pxptrtnllon of IIIPII ot
liuilnesa nt ihl i enter
lioiidiin Motii1) Mltrl.el.
I.ON'nn.V , , lnn. S-There \ the ti tin1
money preginre that cotnef with thp end of
the .Npar. About tlOOt ) , ( lXl has been bor-
io\Nid from the Hank or Knutnnd anil this
borrow hitf hnn ici > iillpd In a certain ea c In
the miiket. It Is hellcvid , however , to be
only lempotary.
( in thp slock cxchaiiRi liiialne's list week
wast small , hut thp loiii wn Him and thp
Vpl'im ns lo the fntnie conlldent. Oonpols
IUINP ilscli sharply and arp about i of a
jmlnt higher. Home failNa ! > n nie better all
round , in.inv stocks In ins fiom u to 1 point
I'liiher on the belief that the fiovprnmelit
dlNliU'iids about to IIP rele i ed iNlll be In-
\istcd thetpln Amulcun sictirl'lcs witc
In fair dpinnttd and the maiket wa an-
Kiilnc , with but few phnimcH. 1'eiinsvlvaiili
i illway haies IIIINC il en 1 point and Atihl-
Hon Topck i .t Sinta Fe 1 .point ; Mllw uikcp
. < St. Paul declined i of a po'nt ' .mil l.oiil -
vllle , \ > Nashville ijj of a point. Trunk
slaris llniuoNed on lie Nmemlvt tr'illic
n turn *
AiKcntlnp rnlhvnv slniPS were bought
fiiely. Central AiRontlnp ro e 1H points ,
Hucnos Ayies ,1Itospi 1 point ntnl lltleiio'
Avics CJient Sonthein V4 point. ArKenttm
funds , iUo were In Rood denund , the l fi
loan Inivlncr rl en 1 point mid the fundlnit
loin I1 ! pnlnts. A Inure hti'lnoi * was done
In riiiKUa.Nans , p'-peciallv In the "i per ccnt ,
i.vhlch hnvp rl en I1 , points Snanlsli se
curities dropped 1,1 point Chinese bonds
continue to IIP sold AliKlo-Amellc.ui Ti le-
praph compaiiN's shins lie In BOO ? ! dp-
n-.ind , the picferred shatni luulng IncreaTil
2'i. ' points.
( iivi\ : i MI MPirr.vr itr.w van.
SIIVCH n Trnlii mid n SeniMof Lives
mid ( iktH n PPIM * Klile *
Utulauntcd eotiruRp nnd piulur.incc In Hie
snow , with the mercury at ? ere , last Thurs
day nfUmopn on the part ot Kit IKnnett , n
niUier anil carpenter In btral'encl cltciiiu
stuiiccs , was no iltitiht t'iu means of tMNkig
scores of Ihcs and an mtlre passeiiKPr tuiln
< ii HIP Denver & Klo Giatide inllroul. It
wat , train No. 4 , HIP Atlantic Coast express.
which was iv > dlsat'tionslysicpkeU at Xuw-
ftistlc a lew weeKs heforo.
1'at was thrown out ot work In Victor u
week ago. i elates the DenNcr Times , anil
went to llurn.i Vlbta , hoiilng to get woik
with a Millc.'d cci Etructlon crew. Hut he
\N.ib disappointed and. heltiR financially urn-
barrassed. set out afoot for the Lradvllle
mines. When about twehc mileo from Uucni
Vista he stepped Jsirto to allow < i freight
tialn to pah.3. The jar of the passliiR pirs
was pcihaps ! tic catifec of a luiic bowlder
bring loosened on the hlRh bank , about fifty
feet above the tiacUs The lr 'e traveler socn
cinie tipc i the bovNlder. It we'shed ' fullv
1 L'OO pounds an 1 wao lodged between rails
"IS" O'.ul "C" rti the rail used for mrro\\
gniiRp trains only and the outside rail neai- to It. H was on a w'larp cur\e atound
a blulT , a'ld on the outer side of the track
urns tie AiKansas ilvir , twenty feet below
I'U tiled wi nout aNail to moxe the rotk. He
could not luidRp it
The cold December blflst wcnit IhrotiKh hh
scant cl.-thhij * . which although neat cud
clc\in , were not well adapted for Mich
weather. Hut 1' < U revolved to stay on thebpot
Hid Has the first train. After naif an hout
1m succceilcd In EtarthiK a lire on the ouUidc
of the track amonKaomc IM'.Nldore No
was UP KOttlng thoroughly thawed out than
he hcurd thp tumbling of the passenger atid
expiess In the west. Thp wind was In th' '
c-ist and the heavj cars were almost upcci
him before 1'at heard them. He ran at broaX-
ne"k fepepil , following the Hack aioutid c
blnft' ami waNlng his ha frantically To K-
isiitc he wns scui l.e ccntltnitd within a few
feet of the engine before he stepped at'lde '
Knglnecr Anibcison , one of the oldest on
the loud , was qultk to see the wanning , and
In an Instant ftad put on the air br.ikps nuil
/oNcrhcd Hie engine. Tiltgwilc rosnlerpr1
stepping dllllcult but the engineer laid IneK
in the revci.'C ICNCas if he were tryiug to
h Id a runaway horse. Sometimes a sudden
icNcrea ! wlidii a great momentum has been
ittalncil causes the racket that holds tin
' break. For this rpnson the musculai
ngliicer threw all his strength cgainst the
H looked as If the train could not be
stopped The pilot of the engine name UP
to wltli'n ' n few jards o ! the huge bowlder ,
ind still the brakes hid ml gotten In ttielr
NV. rk. Hut Providence1 seemed to be guarding
tlio irony lives endingercd , and when the
idiot IMS within fifteen Ket of the obstruc
tion the train came to a iiilt.
At first It was suspected that the man who
had digged the train was a scheming hob
\ho NNintcd a ride , but ( tie light snow vln-
dlcatpd him uf this H would haNe beem a'-
most imtiosslble to scale the steep bank , and
igiiin , there were no tracks. The track of t'.u
bowlder plainly visible , showing when
t had rolled until It ntruck a firmly fistcncil and then bounced clear of the ditch
mil to the icidbed , bccom tig wedged be
trtcen the rails It ws rounded on the
edges , but the combined strength o' three
men was required to roll It off the track.
The heart of Conductor Haberts went on'
to t'jo hero , and all that c-Mild be dang fo
him was offeied. He was brought to Salltn
where Superintendent HldRway gladly gave
him a pass to hs ! destination. It was oil Put
asked ftr , and he was happy.
So sharp was the curve where the train
stopped that but one or t\'o of the passcn-
seis could see far enough ahead to as ertaWi
the cause of the .suddcm stop , and they were
well up nlieail. The news was kept from tiic
others and tlio easy-going UunRcis ! ' .i the
ivnokers , the merry brlelal couple from Lead-
villu In the pallor car and all o diers were
can led to 'heir divers destinations Ignoiant
of the fact that thc > cuirc to wUhln a few
feet of being iiurle-J down a twentj-fc-ot eni-
banknu'it Into an Icy rixer. Pat Hennef
was warmly congratubted end thsi kcd for
hie neny deel by the fewv 10 knew It. To
thci'p IIP told hla story.
IIo had come to Colorado three montln
before from soutjier'i Texas and oh allied
einpkjmcnt In a mine at Victor , where he
l.i s ii married sister. l.eiNlns there en ac
count of roluctlcn 'ti the corpse' mlnis , he
Biaited for Leadvllle , as ha bee'i .old
Tlvi tMln pciiiUloil of a hacigo : car , OUP
cumblnatlcci mall and cxpicfs and the
crowded passenger ear" .
siir\l\nrH of li , a ill' Iteineililiercil
lij HIP ( ieiier.ll ( JeiN erillllcnl.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 2. ( Special ) I'en-
slora have been lesjed as follows :
Itsiie of Her 11 :
Npbiaska : OrlKln i1 Jonrlilm Fubbe. PalU
City , Sj John II. Itlce , Wjmore , ( : ( ! ; UvliiK-
ston I * , Wagers , Tort Callionn. ffl , Supulp-
mcntal Nicholas Op er. Wallace , JI ; Wll-
Ham H. Coleman , ( imaha , ) ; A iron Pool ,
Aur-elmo. f' , InciiauP Allen M. MudKc ,
Amherst } fi to il'J ; Itollln ill. ItoliltiPon c-rt-
land. $0 to Hi
Iowa ; Oil In I-Ne son 8. Wa'.o , Car al a ,
fG Increasi .lositJi Wo'fuid , Ues .Molnes
$ i ! to } S Itelcsue William Harmon. KeoKuk ,
tHeUsue and InciPiizi Ue Witt C. Olark ,
1-emais Js to J1L1. Oilglnalvldows , etp.
.lane Wardcll , Indi'iieniknco , $12 : Claia M.
Ilif'In , l.iMlui , ( S ; Kllfabi'th Jonus ,
Num.1. * S
C' lorado : Original wldaw , otc. Laura A.
TnsHc. Opiuer , 5ii
I South D.i'-o'a Increase James McCallen ,
Vlhori ? W 10 S-s
Montana : Oreenbcrry Waihlnu-
tou , Helena. ? < .
I he DlMcliillne of Hie In > .
Hetrolt Journal : "And who of you Is
lendy to I'lve up his 1'fp ' to diltyT'
Kor n moment there was hllence ; only n
T-eii a voice repll. d "I am rendv. " on ! n
POPM rlpt etooil forth from the rank * .
HP was ihile but p.ilm.
"Tell my parents that I died like a sol-
idler. " he bade them , and went resolutely
over to be dlsplpllned b > the captain ,
Arnold's Ilromo Celtry cures Ucadaclies ,
10c , 25o and 50c. All druggists.
Year Bogius With Little to Mntk the Uny
in Business ,
Handful of Cuttle- Split Itcailll.v nt
.stcnilj I'rlpps Ilimo ( In Illulier ,
( InliiltiUIO Ccnls on
80VT1I OMAHA , Jan. l.-lt celpts for the
dn 8 ludlcatpilNerp ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Horses
January 1 f,97 2 23'i 2,120 2J
lleciinber 31 R23 ti,91l > 1,01(1 (
Ocpjmber .10 W2 7,071 15M
December I'O ' Sm o.fiOS SM1 . . . .
December ! S l.BTO 5.M3 'JtU . . . .
Decembci 27 1,611 ! 'J.SS'J 501
December 21 M2 fi , < i 1.019
December 2.1 731 10,312 1,20.1
December 2J 1,019 11SS3 1,150 3
Dccombcr 21 1,119 | i,778 I.ntU
Dpcember 20 b7l 1,235 , 1,113 SI
December IS 131 7.9S2 1,31,1 17
December 17 1.S71 4,971 2d.1 : !
December Ifi 2.270 C.S17 29
December 15 2til 5,131 l.Sso SO
HpcelptH for the week NNllh pomp.itl on
Oittle. Hogs. Sheet'
Kit'Plpts till" * NVPpIs fiKK , l'SM2 ! H.2Vi
Ilicelpts last ttpck1.UI2 40,1.91 ( HW
Samp week la t year. . . . S.fiCS 2MOO ll'tll
Kanip week 1MW (1,972 ( H,2'W 2,171.
S.Lnic week 1ST ) < ) ,2v s 31.I7S 1,117
Stllle wick 1S91 13.H7I 2.1,3711 7,2.,0
Same week 1S92 H S2 > 2i,5'i."i ) 2 s7
Thp olllclal iiumbei of cms of stock
liioiuht In today by each lend wns.
i CUtlp.llogs.Sh'p.lI'r's
MI'souil Paplllc 1
rnlon Pacific 7 il 9 1
P. . n . "i M. V n h . .
C. , St. P. , M. & O. . 5 2
H. . \ _ - M. It B !
C. , H. A : Q 7 7 . . . .
C. . 15. I. .t P. , pn-t. . . . 1
C. , H. I. .V P. , west. . . . 1 . . .
Total iccc'.ptH . . . . 21 5 9 1
The disposition of the ilny'n iccelpts was
as follows , each buyer puiClmsliiK Hie num.
bei of luad Indicated :
UiiNcrs. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep
O , It. llinimond Co 1' ' ) 710 50)
Swift and Coinmnv Vil 797 9"
fuel ihy Packing Co 211 : ! 7ii ! '
I.lNlngstim . Slml'cr 2 . . . . Svl
I'lilcngo P. Co. , Neb. City ffiS
Uthel bUNCld II
Total -IK 2,210 VII
CATTL.12 AS has been the case nil the
week there weic not cattlL- enough lirn j
to make a ipnl t-st of the maiket. Then
1 U reallv nothing- say lej-aidlng the cattli
tuule that Ins not been fully point-d out
all e lily this week.
The lew catt'.c late cnanftd hands In good
tenson nt pile s nut much dlfurent Horn
jesterdiy. The demand i-jntlnui's very
inodpr.itp , and It Is still \eiy nppuent to tin
nin-ii I'MRinil obseiNei that aiiN thing like a
llberil tun would almost .sinely be Iqllowed
by lower | irici. .
HOCIS Iliceljits of ImKs wcie cstioniolj light
ntul the > u'us piefinteil a ilOvldeil > linltiluy np-
piMitince. Tliero was nothliiK the niiitti.r with
the niarKct , howt'\er , as prlii'S XMTI" a | j | f ,
alul In some CII L" lOe lllf ? lor t.liui JLMti'nlai
lli.iIIUKS iiMi.tRln .00 puaiiklii niul upu.I
mill nt } J Ji'iSiJ 4i , with the Kitat bulk at
'it' , while Ntptitilit ) tlir iniiKe wns JiMiillJ
with the' lulk lit JI .12H5 ? I .C , .
MlMil anil IlKlit ho s mill at J 1 lull I VI , '
UKiilnsl J3 37"j1i3 IS M'Mcrdn }
Tlitairnte of all Hie sales wis C = jc lilithi i
than jtsti'it.o , iUc hlKl er thmi n month , IK < >
mill LMe hiRiir than * i > eur IIRJ The hnijs * < olt !
tinlaj tinliiKhiut fur .liiimir > 1 s-lnte l DI , whin
the miinKe pitce wa 5" ) VJ'a ' The hlBlif-t foi
tin liitt ot thi' > i.u for tweUi1 > i iis liaiK was
IMifi whin Inns mill iii nil aveiage at 50 to
KIIiil The leeelfits oflu'op were full an
tlio market tteu < l > t > stioiiir
Cblcnuo I.H es ( [ | > tv Nlnrkpl.
CHICAOU .Inn. 1 Iloau Hccilpt . 10(0 (
lonil , lift \er , It 000 head , miitvot acthi niosllj
f > r hlKlier lllllll estelll.l 'R I'lnl'InK. UK it SI4d'i
JCO , mixed picki'is , ? J l"i@J.C.i , lua\ > , $ : . ! V i ' C'i ,
HiiRh t.ia.'iir. 10
C'ATTUt : Heeelpts 210 head ; inaiKet iir.mln ilU
un haiiRi'l. ' bimcs , ? 1 O&G 2r ; eows and hilfirs
J2 OOTi I " 0 Te\is s-tceiu , t3.JTI ( 'Ji , ttuckirs anil
in-ill ! - . ji setH .
Sllii'.l' HuclptH , nCOO he.ul. mo-tly told In ar-
ihe , m.irketitruni ; , mllNi , J300ffn5 , we tein
! 'l COTi I " 0 1 ilillio , $ ! 2"li ? " . S5.
Onttlal Ye tenlallcKp : Receipts , 21300 held
shllimints 7 up ; he ul Cattli : Itovelpto 2 12
head , ilpnn tits. l,7".l head. Shitp : llci-clpt-
7 Hit lic.ul , fhlpn.ciit" , 1 > 7'l lit ail
i : tlmutiil leci'lpts of IIORS Miinil ty , 30000
Kiinsiis Cil > l.lxe sni.'l. > IarUet.
KANSAS flTY , Jan. 1 - \TTl.i-U. : . ielpts
100 hiad , mirket iincli.inKeil , mils letail tmli
Texas mers. $3 2'ifi I 3" > , TCMIS cow" . $2 Wti 1 2V
nitUe sttc-is. ( lOiiijit SO , natlNc eows nml lietier1-
$1 OiiiTi 1"i 1 , FtocKerv and fculers , JJOCiTMriO , bull1-
$ J 4051 2 r,1
I1OUK ltecelits. ) C Cfl laail , nvrkit ttrontr ,
hUher , clo'-ed weak , hull ; of h lies $ j 47--2 < f' ' I r"
hea\les JJIliCiaro , packirs. JI | 0fi3 ITU. ml\ul
JJr.Si , ! 57'4 , IlKht" , } J.JfitrU' ! ' * , Yo licru , 5 ! 40u
J Wij. l IRS , ? . ! (0 < D.I 25.
SIIiii'-ltecelptp , 1(00 lie.ul , market Etrcms ,
51 r.OfJ ! 3o , niuttnns , f ! 73iJt " > ( l.
It. I.OIliN I.UlMlllU. .
KT 1/11'IH. Jan. -CATTI.i : Herelits | in
hiad , in.ii Let stiarty fur natlMs , with Texaiis
te.lll > In btioiiR , full to fancj shlpplnr i leer--
$4."ii"i 2"i , d'0"eil luef and Init'.her siren. $ i 7".fr
I S"ileirs under 1 Hfl His. , SJ 40ft I f.O , Hoik-
i rs and feeiKis , J2.30H4.C. > , cows nnd heifim
$2 2ii I Si , nnd Eteers , $3 Mii4 ( < ' .
town .mil hilfi'in , JJ.r'
llcintItitPlpts. . , 1 fOO ncad , market 10c hlKlior.
Rhi , $32 * .1.10 , mUcl , $3.4i'T3 " > , hcav > . $ i 'OJi
j C * ,
Slll'i : ] ' Hi colptH. WO lit id , inurKPt bte.idy.
rathe nun tons J ! " 04i4 in , culls and tin ki$2 Of
< isl Ki , tUiilurs , } 2 CO2 | 7' . , lainlf , Ju OOljTi ' 0.
liiilliiiiaiioIlM l.l\e stoeU.
INniANATOMS Jim l.-CATTIi : Hi > cnlit ]
llfht. tldimunti. in in. . . ind to iilmihttirb
it 7" > f/05 / , Kind to choice IHi-cis | l .J05j4 CO , com
nn n tu KiMid htoiki'rs 1'-7 , ' Ti3 r.O
lieieiH llttt Ipts 3.0W ) head , Milpmi'nla , 1 'CO
hpnd , miiKit a tl\c and Kt-nirall } f > c litKhi-i and
elind quiet with the udMincc ; guud t ) clmli i
iniilinni and lit-aNj , $3."i7'.fi.l.C'i. mixed , $1 , , ii (
) ,7' _ tumiiioii llKlits , $3.50 (3 ( 'S
Slllir.l' Ilivplptv , llBht , i-hlpnunts , nnne in.n
kit HiadyKHOI ! li > i loke lamUs. i"10'u 7"
i-i nimun lambs , ( l.2QIi.lj , ctinimun sni'tp , f2 . i
StneK In | KI ( .
Iti-pord of locclptH of UNO ftiKk nt tlip fuui
, rlr inniUuta ful Janunr ) 1 :
Cattle. HHKF Kllei-p
omuita : , ' < i : jr , LMJ.
e-liio.igo ; io io"ii ( fiOni
IniiH.i * Pity ino i.ouo I.OMI
st luiuls 10) l too ixi
Totals ' . 'Jl : O.Cj s 2 'J
Ciiiiilllloii < if Trui < - nnd < tiliilnl IIIIIN
en semi , , nml l niii * ) 1'roiliipp ,
nOOH-Stilftly fre h. litOJOo.
Ut'TllIU foniiium lo lair , lOglle : chrlcn tu
faney , llitlTc , Fcpamtor citumei ) , 'Jlc , cathticd
ere .mery. Ib f lOe.
VIIAl * Choice fa , SI to ISO Ibi. , quottd nt So
Inrgo and coarse ,
UltnbMIO 1 OUITIV-CliUkins , SlQOc , tnrKejs
MlU'e ' , I'tefL- IiIuvkH , Co.
O \.Mi-Hnnll raljIiUB , per ilnz. , SOi ; ; lan-e , ni"
doz. , Tic'CjJL.u ; ur.ilii" chickens , ? j. ijuall. d ) .
U > i oo tuimi'ls uOuut.
riGI'ONS l.he , Tic jiad S'lReona not wanted
IIVV-lipbinl. , mid ] mil. JJ.M. ImMnml
13 00. riBttaw. . $1 c'ilor m iki-s Ihn prloo on
hav , llKlit liil3 nil the bc t ; onlj top Krailcd
lirlng tup prices
QPINCnS-r-iillfuin a , p.rlim , (1.23.
fr.l.nilV-Uord ti.i.K. laiBO. 4Jc ; email. TC ®
; cc.
cc.ON'IONS Per bu . GOfcCSe.
IIIANS Hand-plPUeil naNy. per Im. , | l.2lfl SO
K\VIIT : riirATOia-rpi : Mil. , j .si
' Nllll NO' ' ' n id Mnc'c , tier Hi. . ! " .c.
POTA TOiS Hume Krown , SOjTD'c : w htern
ttoclt , 700
C-Al.ironNIA rfTIlA\Vnr.IlllliH-l'or pt nc
Al'l'l I'H-Wlntir fteil. JIOi ; i'ilfirnlH II He
tlpnr , lunt-8 , $1 W , fo uriiilu Junalliunf , IIUMS ,
! 17" , Uit.on lnxt-i < . II il.
CIl\N'lliiiniiS : Jciri-y * , tier lild , J7.00JT7.S5-
\Vlsci n ln IU-11 nnd lIUKlo. $7.SO. WIscoiiFin } > M
nnd rheir } . JO W.
C1UAI'I > ' fa n\\l > .is C-lb. bns'cts ' , l joi ! * Mnl-
, iBa . J' . MJJO'M.
MJJO'M.Tnoi'ifAK raurrs
O'lANOiMixlcm ' : , jiir box , 325JJJ50 , fall-
frrnlii IIIINtde ] TO
I.KMONS Mrrflnag , } 3.CPr4.00. C.illfoinl.1 , SW.
} j : ' , i : 'o. sco , $3 fie
IIAN'ANAS Choice Inrge no k , p < r Inincli , $ : 00
< ? . ! .23 , medium slzol hunt'lieK il.7 * > ft2.00.
NUTH Alnicinlii , 1 1 r lb. , lurju tUe. IJ
filKill 1Klll.iz.l * . I'dHi. ' . , i'illc.HnxUsli ' will
nuu , pti lb . fancy toft ehi-ll , 1U. i-ininHrJ * . n
( jlOo Illbciu. 1'ir ' lb , lt < c , p.cunr , pull lifd ,
mrllum , Hitc , extiii larpi 10c , large lilekury
nutf. tl tOfll 1U per liu , fcr.inll II H'Ai' * ' > per bu. ,
coionmilv I'M , 14 CO , i > euluf. ttnv , u'J"C \ ,
10 > teil. CQCide ,
I'lGS Impurlid fancy , 3 crunii , II lb. boxei
lie. f > LHIWH 11-11. . lii\i- nif.c .Mil. bnxeii , i' . '
ttXa per liov Callrornlii. 10-lb. bi.H CO.
HONIJV-C'holce ivhltf , l"r , coinindo ninlier , 11
dllt.KllAlTl'e - hid . JtM , half bbl tj:3aJ.
MAl'I.Ii BMU'l' I'lNC-ital cnns fucli J. T5-
Kal. cans , pure , per doz. . ! ioo. lialf-Knl. can >
1C IS iiuirt ram. J ] Id.
liATr.s-HnlloHte CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6v-j Sar. |
tV4 1'nril , Mb. ImxeB te
C'lDnr.-I'er Imlf MO. . J3CO blls. , ! 5 ! 3.
rilKiiU JIK.VTS.
. .
mi j.l fnii-iii.irii rs sti-om Ji' i ; UXH ! hlndriuarleri'
Mevrj , Mio , N.HDtLTn Mi fin , l\e. Tf > an DUTP ,
S'n1. fane > livlfnx , Cc , Kood liclfcm r.ic K ' "I
furfjimrlera lielfern , 6c , irowl tilnilnujnim
( heifer * &L , tTi l ciowti , Wte\ \ fair cows S'.Jc ; row
fun iuaxtt-r . Hie. cow hlnJiinirtiiv , T , < ,
\ UUUlf COTO-JIor-sliif tcudiiluuis , 4'ui ribs ,
\vnot.nsAM3 IN
Agricttltin ti' Implements.
Itugglca and Carrlageii. Cor. th and TaclfVi Bit.
Jobbers of Far.n Machinery.
\Vaeons end llufska Cor 9th and Jones.
P ictnrc Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , Backlnc and Artlslo'
J'itlbTlXU .IM ) ItlHHi
Elexentli nml Howard Sts
M'frs \ Jobbers of Fool Wear
Wl-btl UN .NdTNT- Kilt
The Joseph Baniffuu Rubber Co.
Rubbers end Mackintoshes.
Uninliii , Neb.
Boos , Shoes and Riibbers
Salesrooms I102-110M1C6 Harnty Street.
isey ,
Owner of Chief Brand MncklntoBher
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Odlce and Satesroi m 111D-21-23 Howard St.
Wholesale Shoe jWanufacturei s
Western Agents Good > ear Glove Jtubberi.
1114 Ilarney Street.
H@nnls SBnate ia §
Importers and .Manufacturer ! *
6r4-16-18 Sonlh nh Street
Mclnppes , Sorclium , etc , rieser\cs and Jelllew
AUo tin rnns nnJ Jnpannednre. .
Growers end mnnufacturer of all fonna of
Clilcoiy Onialia-Kiemunt-O'Ncll.
Nil. 1 , 111libs No S , 8e- lli | , NT 3 , Co ; hteer
nMinds , 7e , i"iinindH , u c. i > \ \ mnnd Hhanlc
iff , Sicow l minds' , Eli.inU nnd rump off. Sl-.e ,
Illmilllnn'l1 - * ' ll'-i f f II lllkH , ' ! " , Ill.lllH , | e-
d < i7. , liV' , H\\I i-iliU'iilH , P ( i lb . - ' _ . HWI-I IMid i
IcaUtH ) pel lb 4 r , ktdnoyii , jni d f . U5 , o\
liills. i-ai'li , , ! e , IINIIF , l . ' l lb. , V. be.iiiH , ) nr Pi ,
3e : tunKUi's pel Hi , JSL.i , talf UNITS , < > , uli , 3V- .
I'dM'H , whole iai < n.iH or ldih 9e , i-iif IIIMI ! nrid
feut. hilil l. pi'i n't , " " ! > U-nili.'lDlnx , fre.HJi , Hi- ;
li-ndeiliilns , fnui n , . 47i . ] li.nrli-bs utrlin flesh ,
liu. - boni'lefs HIiU'H , fin/en , OHe ; snip liiInF ,
fivHli , S'ic : Hrlp lolna ftozpn , 7e irlla lone
leu" , 'iVic , rnlH , cp 'nu-r LIIH , 9'jc ' : elrlnln liiiltfc
l.nnilitH. D e , HturtiWi r endn ] , bnnelrsH , il\i ,
iuini | lultH linel" ft ; ii , Nn. | iiuel ] ( > > , r.1 . '
N'n 1 iluiikH. r.iN < / , ? , rliucki , | . blind. SH
rhiiikH. Hte ; i > NN l' ' ( , S'n , 'cn- plates I'- ' .
limit t-leilc fe. Inlnnj Nu. 1 13i , liilnH , Xn. 2 ,
piIr.lns. . N.i. 3. Si- , linl Ii Inn nui K < n Htjle. ! ;
HlOM- loins ; i-ln-rt loin * , hnu-l Ht > l" r.e aliotn
julnfl om lo'n ' i-ndi * . fi hlei-v lujn i ndn , 'i ' .
MI'TION' Fnney .lantlm sw < > per lb. Iamb *
" " .e , plitep O'ie , llialliel raiks , liuiK , ipj lintel
mill" iliort , lie. lolnt. S'4p , fuil'Ira , M4c ; lesn ,
9o , l.iinli IfKS , 10e IrinttH and rUwn. 3".c ;
trnriifJ * en h Tc jf'fiKijuailerH , dVo.
rOHIC Urnrn-il | ilB . f"1 per Hi , iluwcil IIO B ,
ti e. tindeilnln * . 11 ; lidm. fhcil , SV r. lone , Si ,
rpire l ll' , 4e , liam f-iu ne bntls Gitc , lliiktnn
bultii r.e ; fliunldcrs. runph ( Ne. ulionldin , ,
klnntd rr : tihninlnus , 4 ; liaf laid , nut len-
iltrod , 5e lie.iil * tli'uiied , 4e , i-nuutH mid CJIF ,
So ; hacklioni'ii. S'4e ' , fl p li ni- , Ji i-j eheik muit
4o neek bi lice , ! e ; P'KS' lulls , at1 , pluck * each
. chltteillnBH B'j In ills 4clu.irlR.
r.e ; , , . per iln/ ,
J'ie. stoniaelif , i-arh 3c , tnnvueii. mull 7e ; Kid-
m-ns pr iluz , H > < ' . lirilim , pjr drz . tre , pics'
ftet , per di'Z. I5c ; Iliers , la h Sc , hog rinJ ,
5e , blade bones , f.- .
tan > rMur ; > " * , rum iu , ury milt , KnnFai
ind Nchratka bmclirr INOO ! pt-ltn | > olb , actu.t
we-lght 4Sc , dr > Hint Kimaaa nml Ncbrutk-
murrain woul pclln. iitr ll > . , actual iveUlit , 3i
4c , dry Hint IVoruuo hutcher w x > l peltii , jior
lb , actual wilKht , 4f c ; dry Hint Colorado
niuiraln wool pelts , per Hi nclual Wfl-ht. 38 e ,
TAM.ONV , Oltl'ASi : IZTC. Tdllow. No 1 ,
I"ic , lallttt , Xof 2. J'iC. ' . roUKll , tallow , lijo |
white Krtr.te. WMtttllow ; and brown Create ,
FUJW Uiar ( black or brown ) , JS-MfflO CO ;
Crockery. Chin ? , Glassware ,
Silver Plntcil , l ooUlnR Olnnscs , Clmn-
tlcllcrs , Lamps. Cnlmnpyt. Cutlery , 13tc.
The Sharpies Eompany
Crcainerv Machinery
.Hill BlIPpllOS
1U llors , IliiRinc" , 1'ci'il OonkerM , Wood Pul-
Icjt. ShnftlnK. lleltlni : , Hntur'nck -
HKiS of nil Ulndu.
SI07 P09 Jone" St. - - - -
Importer * anil Jobtiors ol
Dry Goods , Fi'i ms/iing Goods
902-906 Jackson St.
J. C. niCIl MIDSON , I'rcst. _ _ (
0. P. WULLtill , V. I'rcBt.
he R9erG0
M'fra dtainliril I'ltariinsfiiHejil I'rosiara-
tloili , t-iiectnl lonnitlae / ' ( ( jnircil to
Uiiier .Sfinl far Cut i/oync. /
Uabotatorj' , 1112 llor.'ard St , OmJha.
E. Bruce
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen Dee" Specialties ,
Clgnrs , Wlmu und Uri.mlles ,
Corner 10th and Hurney Street * .
Electrical Supplies ,
Klcctilc Miiiin ; , ' Iti-lls and Ois Li lilin-
C. W .TOHNrilON , Slur. 1J10 llownid St
U04 Farnam St ,
1 raised & Go ,
Commission Merchants.
S W. Corner ITth and Howard Sta
Membeiu cf the National IHMKUC of Commli
Eton Mtichints of the United KtatCB.
Fruit and Vegetables
Ptnw berries , Apples , OnnKfH
Lemons. Cranbrr/'its / , Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt.
Furniture Go
Furnitui e Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Stioat.
Superior Copper Mixed Tjpe Is th beet on
the mrrket ,
1114 Huuanl btrtet.
otter. tlMfiSM , mink , tiu\er. } I DO
rCc , rit 3i. B , 7c
idciuun , 1'rt'iC'ireil fi > x l 2' . ; nie > fox.
S'jft Oe , iilf ( Ilmbii ) , 2icW2j , wolf ( | irnlro |
tojule ) , IH'-'O. , , lOijii lujftl , 6i4JC ( ,
I'Nii fill , > 'UWHJ7'00
CllMllll MUllHliCN.
NP\V Oltl.lIA.N'S .Inn -Secietaiy 1 llenter'n
Cottin i-xilian i fttiitiintnt tuM'iithe month ) }
imiMinent t > ' ' ! ! The total for l > i-
lenilur wan 1.H74 4 IB b.ilen amlntt 1 G'h SHI bales
Ian vi. ir The uiniint of the e op bnmhht Inlu
> lhht for the fnur m < nlliH fli m Pipiemhei to
DiciMiln-r ImluhlM' In MJuo halm inn Kut > eui
The inoNiinint tiom hiptmibir 1 to Mecrinhi'i
31 , liielndliiK lolil iKilpth at all I'nlted MatiD
dillMry pi.t In , r > fiS'.i7S ! ! balm. K ilin > l I 'j..N Mi'j
l.iilin liitl Jim , tit " \ii I , mil nioMinint b > rall-
inRdH iiiriFf the MI > Hl > Hppl , ( Ihln and 1'olomie
Hum , ( i-'H' , li.ilof. iiainn Wl Zti l.iili c lai-l
> i'ii , hoiitlurn mill taklnKH l tlu lvl. of iU.intlt | . >
enmume.l ut louthiin outpoitH , 4"iT Hil InleK
ami Inn 440.30) ) linUw Ian > rni , Inlirlm Hcuks
In exnts of HUM , uhl nt tininninii neement of
the icamn , fj(0 O'tl lialei. , ( malnn 4J7,7.0 lialta
'net > iir
Ni'ithiin eplnnera tnnli ilurlUK netembil 3W kU
bah-H aK.iliut 2'S 13J biilin laH &tar in' niiiy | | ;
thrlr total fn the four niunllu ti 1 270 Sis b.ile > . .
imalnn 1 , ( HI. MS hiilei1"H jrar. 1'ililKii irpmth
for tin- Hint four ini'iitliH of the n , IKUI IIUM In "n
3,7C7HG li.iltf. fhin IIIK mi Imieuie o\ir ) , IKI tea-
MIII of 334 25 bali'H. hlitlu at the fciahomd und
the uintnlne hading nuttiirn Intirlor mar-
ketH on IRi'-'inhir ! ! 1 uere 1 tdj 13S lialex. it iltiHt
1 Mi ( lulen Ibu fame dale l.itl scar liKludlni ;
pills and lute i r tiwnx left our fri in the pie-
NluUH min.n. ui.d tl.e nuinlii of baits of the
current crop hriUKht Inlo l ( ! it durliiK tie four
irunlliH the niiM'b IIIID l.ini 7 371 , rS7 bilm
n&Tiln > t G.72H 711 la'tn liift ) iur The nioNeinint
Into > lKhl for the liuiik Inn b'Ul : ! 1S 1,7 bali'a ,
aKJlntt 311 ' ,78 h.ileii for tile cuine wnk lai-t leJr.
HiMitur } lli'htcr'n weikl ) nutfinent pinna
the Intiil Nltllile niipy | ! of lotion at 4.271 fCJ balm
ulilnn 4 14C 455 bulie lairt witk nnd 4211,731
buli'H hiM > rar Of the foimui umuinit 40J ! > CtiJ
bale * 1 Ainirlt-nn callin.
IlllllllllIIVtHll SIllpllll'lltH ,
I/NION , Jnn. 1. The arrhuls of wool durlni :
tie wtek f > r fie llrnl teMin of HIIH ! of tldti juir
inn an folloue Niw South \Vnli-n , lama l.dlit ,
Uueenrland 14 13'J l.alfb. Vlttorla. 17.20H linlei ;
Bern I h AiiFtrulln , 7 4S4 lialiyVeM ; AuttralU ,
5 V2C tales , Tinnunla HH Imlm. New Kenlund ,
12,207 tuk ) , ( 'aic or Quud lltvt and .Ntttul , 31-
oGordl-Braciy Co ,
itUh and I.eavemvorth St
Staple and Fancy Groceries
IH AND COlILt I10NSUI3 ! , lie.
t Tea , Sp'coi ' , Tolmccc nn * Olgnm.
I H03.H07 llarnry KsrcoU
corritJ ito vvnnis
AMI ) JOllltl.XO G
Teltphono 2S2.
J 'fl.Haney & Go.
V * . „ ; . , ,
; /i/f.vns , , s.i ; > ; j/.f , s .I.N * > coi.T.nm
iloblicii uf tciillio , .SinliJ/il'j/ / l/iii-i/ii'ii-r / , I'll'
\Vo ollclt jour ordeis Kllfi llowurtl St.
Wholesale Hardware ,
e@ ° Glark Andreesen
Hardware 60
Wholesale Hardware.
lllcyclca und tpoitins ( ! ot 11HO-U1-23 Ilnr-
ney strcut.
\\noLr.-iAi-n \
Proprietors of AMI P.K'AN riGAH AND GI.AS-
211-21C Si.uih . 14tll St.
East India Bitters
Golden Shear Pure U > e nnd Bourbon Whiskey.
\ \ Illow Springs Diatlllcry , Her & Co. , 1112
Hnine > ? ncet.
Liquor Aid-chants ,
1001 P.irnnin fatrcut-
rs ,
Liquors and Cigars ,
1118 Street.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
413-415 S. IMh Street.
i-UMBKR . . .
814 South 14th St.
027 liale miUliiK a Intnl nf 107 > fO hnlm Ineliid
Int , " l > ir < 0 balm iunt dlmt ' 1 Inliiimtn | fui Die
Htik awitcated Ih I7D tin lee Im ludlnii N.
.SmithValen , 1240 h.ilin , Mellmuine 1 ; 'ts halt *
ejueemland , I "M bali-x , Si nth AuHralli , fl !
b.ilesViH Ain-trall.i IM | JIIK | , Niw
I 3IJ baliHipe ; ( of liiiod Dupe and Natal 21. )
ball's , I tunhi. . ] , IM li.ili'K , HUES .rah , 2 70S , and
iltiuliue , ten lulcn 'Jhire wll be u wlu of
bheipiklru on January 13
I.OIllHN ( III- I , l\ Slllfli
I'/ll'ISVI I.I.i : , Jan. -llOdf-ltei'Upt 1 , 1773
head , tend > , tops. ( J 55 , IlKht Khlppi re ,
} 3 tWi < 3 'l .
Klliir-Maikil : : ituuly. 1 1 ht fut. S3 406 3. CO ,
lainbH , (4 . ' 0 M )5.
I'.NIirrlliii'il IN n 1 1 Ii I'lli'l Oil ,
The lesniliB of t'NpnrlinenU lnii'ly onrrloil
nn at thi' hrlok Nvoikt nt-ii Newlnirs , on the
llinlKnn , In HiiliHtllutlni ; fuel ( ill for wood
or roul In tinoirr.itlon ] of hnrnliiK nit > ro-
poitcil .m hfln M-i ) h.i'lxf tftniy. The- fuel
oil In ( iiii-ction tic ] iroi-ii-i lift tiftcr cinili'
lictroli'iim hits hi en n lined bi'i/n UKI-I !
for Kimi' limn 'inHt ' ; IH fuel f > r I'liKlni'H nnd
flir.l.U'i' " , hilt ItH ilil.iilihlllly ] fo ! till' IHTII-
11 ir neriHHltli-s liiNnlvi'il In tinopi'rntlon of
hiiniliiK potti ry or Inlrkn IM of iinltiicftnl
di'M loprni nt. A foici'l ili.niKht of nlr Is
nicntloni'il IIH inn of the Important f.irtum
In ( .iriylim- out thl-i H.VHI in , UK by HIH h nn
airaiiBcmi'iit llu > hrat frcin , the liurner can
In illici'tcil nt a nnlf > rin teinperiliiri > tu-
wanl any put of the arch of the kiln An
( of the iletallH of this csstini
i-howH. In brief , thnt lie oil niim from u
tank In plpex around the liaHe of the kiln
anil feedH dln-ctl > Into a burner In the arch
In the Interior anil fiom nn ulr nstivulr
on top of the klhi .1 foiled .ilr draught
"ftiilx In" iNlth the oil at the Inn in I. AH
already refeiml to In the mechanism of
tiln ny-tim , the Hlni'ili tiirnliiK of a valve
inabliH the hint tu lie naulatid al any or
all points * wl'iln the nrch ,
Illll the II"K U'lilllil .Not Keep Still.
A ( ! OK cuum-il noine coinnutlon nt a prom-
Incut cant Hide church Sunday povnlnjf , re-
lutt-H the ColunilniH ( O. ) llu
aneaked Into the * church and k-pt f.ilily
ijulct until tiio buba aololat WUH lnjl"i ; ; u
Lnnr , Jlc.
Dili tuul Doiiglns Sis.
avid Goi@ & OG ,
citr.itY AND I'ot'i.riiv.
10U llovnrd St ,
Air Floated M neral Paint
And Tuliit"f Mi Klii.l I'lilly , Eto.
1015 nnd 1017 Jones St.
Oil 00.
N M"ffet l"t Vice Tre 1. J. Ijrake , Gen
Oim.ii.p Tin pi mine Nxle r.nnfe KtP
Oninlii Hi in , ' ; in I \K'i'ik ' ' < ' ,1i Im 11 Until Mil ;
'arpenier Paper Co.
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Sfationeryt
Corner llth and Howard -trcetm.
Paper and
Wrapping Paper , Stationery t
1107 H unev Street.
tt4-lOlOIuUBlts ) .Struct.
Minufa'-turers ami Jobbers of Steam , Oas and
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
iroS-ii 10 Harnev St.
Steam Pump" , 13n meg and Boilers , Pipe ,
Wind MIIK Stt-am and Plumbing
M.iteiial , 1 ins , Hose , 13 to.
Toys , Dolls , Albums and
flouee \iir.lFhliiKi > , CilUren's Carrlngts , Eta.
1319 Pamarn
Mnnnfactnieis1 colebrnteil "On Time Yia1- ! "
mil Ci'iin.m ] i.ikl \ & I'owdir. S.itibfaition
joto , fj2i North
'lwcntv-"ight Street.
oi.ii COMIM in ii.uiNc. vn
Mcmbris Chic-utio Uoaril of Tr.ulo wince l > f
lira in.liti finis ? ml K.
Onleis Ciish and Kiiturt PollNery P
Oiiialiii Olllee , Iliiiini I , N , > , l.lfi-
. . . .Tllonc 11(11 ( . , . ,
S G0
Telephone ! ( ) ; { ! . Onmha , Ncl >
IIOAUD 01 = 'IIJADl ! .
Dlic-t wlre t < > c.iiLj . u uni ffv York.
_ Ciirietj > iin linlc J , Im A NNurr.n Co
H. R. PENHEY & CO. ,
11O Hoard of Trntlo IJlclp , Omuhti , Neb
llrancli Ofllco. 10JS N St Mncoln. Nob.
beautiful Hclcetlun , "W.ilt Thun Sllll " Hut
tai iluj : illd nut hi td the Injnnctlun if tb-
KlilM'r. He burlul rlilit nut In iiutliiK .11. t
HUine of the aii'llinm
Hinlleil. JIIM i\ Hi
HliiKcr linn liu.i il liU
KUIIK. tile il < n K.IN
forth one fh.up. NlciiliniH b.ilk. tus If of iii |
pioval. The hint ; , r did not vlnnv any vlgnK
of liittrrnptloii , but It
certainly V > HH a IIIIB-
whut tryliiK to bin mrvcx to rliiK while thi
IOK NVIIH walKInK up anil ilown tie alxle
The iireaclu r H.UV the IOB ! be-fine litbaiUcil ,
and HJ liidlerona wnH the Hlliiullon that tint
preiichur cuiihl it refrain from liiuuhlnt. .
Tlin il"K NvaH hiiHtleil out of church , but n it
until hu hail enteud a iiroti'kt In thu
or burki and