ATI A I > A ILYHKtfs AION DAY , T/TNTAHY H , 1HIIH. TIIK OMMIV DMIY Hn-i I MNll THi'-Mf "i - i M it neiV. 1 > Hi lip * iVV ilhont dun l yi , our \t t . KM I i Hi-f nn I i4unt1y , u * Ymt . . . . ' * * h ' M.tllln . . . , . 6) ) J i r MuWh . , . I i ) lion Yrnr . . . . ! < M r i M ) IVOn * Y * r . . . . .i. . IW V ) lit * Ona > - . . . . . . . . . . . . M i i IB The n ttuiiittnt t > M i utrnlis "IPKS' ' HIM Cot N nnJ ; ( th Sli. < n i , tiluff * . to 1'mfi mri-ft i i n Oltliv II ; fhnmln-r of Commerce. I. \.ith Itounm U. it an I IS Trlbun * v i > hin ton Ml fourteenth Street \ i rommimu-iitl m Trial inn tu nr s fltiil lii uiHltcr ihmilil tin nriilrfFora. To the BJUOf. MI nmlnts * Irturi nntl r < nilltnncen thould b * i -id to Tti Ui-o rubllnhlnjc camfnny , i ii MI i D.'ntts , rhrrfei iiiirr i and iioilolllcp i > nnltrn to In m iJe tnvnblc tu tin unler of i iiipKiir TUB IIKD I'l'IIUdlllNO COMPANY. Of C'llli I I.ATION of Ni'ljfnskn tiiiuRlnn ( unity . i si " Tusoluuk Kntnr > of The Unr Tub tt-ll ! c riitnpnny lirltut < 1tilv irn > Hint ( lip II t II I nuinlipr nf full ni | umpU'li' inplpi of The ) II . MoiniiiK l\tiilnir n I Hiinilnj illulntM ( ll II < I ho ni. nit i nf l > ri- < MiliMU ? ; , Win n > foi- i < > 1 2I.RT 17 1ST ! Jl.JTS Jl Ml I JUKI 1 . S4 II.UT : > > . . . SI * * > jt IM . II S < 0 SJ . SI TZl Jl rO .1 . SI JIT Z1S19 .1 . . . 81 511 81,308 ji mi rivg only ) 10 lit . Si 109 . ' ' . Siwio II . II I S7 . 21201 1 51 OM - . SI MB 1II 52 SIT 2' > . 21 W II . ! 1 141 JO . SI Old II. . 21 .Mil | 1 Ml . , . VfiTO litntiirni'il nnd uttroM onplon . 12 122 % i Inlnl fit " < > Ni i .1 Ih 21 111 u c 111 In iM'fo'l Mil * anil I llil I In tll > pr. i > tills 1st iln > of limmrivis ts i' N I1 rrtl. Notiin I'lililli * KITP ir itr.rtiir. TIIII 'I he iiKKrt'vnli * ennliiilill \ cry < -lr dilution nf 'tin- l1\i-nliiK lli-o Iv ilmililitin1 HKKfi'Kiitr I'lirrln * di-ll\ ! > c-lrriilntliiii of tin * l'\ vnliiKVnrlil - HiTiilil iikiil mine tliiiu sl\ llincY RiiMitri * < ! inn tiniiKKf'KHU1 riirrli-r IrlUrrj i'l n-iiln I Inn nf tin * Alnrnlnw " \ \ in lil-llcrnlil In Omiiliu unit South < > in nil ii Tin" ritrrlrr ilrll > i'i' > I'lrpiilntliiu f TinKI < IIIIU ; HIMriiu'lii" < T.tlitl iMinu Jlil < - MiilisorllxM M tlint nri- not ri'm-liiMl Ii ) ( lie ninlinVnrlilllcnilil mill 7(11(1 ( nlisci'llicrs ( lull nri- not rcut > lii > il 1 tinl l < . .rnlliKVnililIliTiilil. . llnrc ( linn D.IMIO IMII rli-r ili < ll\ < > ry nnlimci HUTM to 'I'luOinnlin niilim ; Jli-o mill 'I'lio Diniilin Mnriilnu- HIM * an nul ri-ni-lii-il ollliiT It ) tinInriilii'i orlil-IIornlil or the i\t-iiliiK : Worlil- HlMlllll. If ijors Mltlionl siolntr Hint the uiini- lir-r of IMIII-N nf 'I'llKtciiIitK llf - or TinUornliii ; HIT solil l ilvnli-rx mill nM\Mli > jori - -i1x li > n % i-r > < M > IIMI | T- nlilo tiniiniiiliir of Wiirlil-IIornlil Onlllri , mnriilnir mill < > \ ciilnKi noli ! l > > tli-nli-ri nnil nr\\MIII\N. Tim bi" < t Inilleation of tlio ino ross Oinali.i N innUln N Hint tlioio au > very fo\v If any , ini-clianii's out ofoik in lliicity. . Viosidcnt Mi-Klnli'V Is to ilNpusi the pcononilifoatiiio1 * of tlio tarllT In an atl ln-ss at a Imniiuct in Now Yotk. IleA A lll linil tlu > ( onlia ono. Tlio now major of NoVoik 01 edit lor not tryinj : to jia s lilmsolf off sis an orator whmi ovt-i.\lioily knows Hint liis strong liohl at tlio lutuinet is us a hoof outor. Wlion tlu > I/oiuIon 'I'iinos shows norv- oifsnoss lu'fanso of tlio Kiowth of tlio AHUM lean navy it N liino to stop ciitl- olslnj : tlio Ainorican polioy in io ail to n.nv hiiiUUni : . .TuilKi'tl I'l oiu tlu > tout' of the' niiuunl ivvii'vvs ol' tin- business ol' > ] ) ttllislu'il ) ill theiievvsiupiis thi' spiiit of I'linlitli-ue'e' iiti'vails in till tlio c-ttius unit towns of the' vve-st. The man who ean toll the western titoiKtiicii how tlu > y lid tlie ranges of the pest , ofohes will ilosoi\e more than a soltl modal. The wolf prohlein is si s , > iloiis one in connection with the llro htoek htisino&s of the ranges. If the \\oiKors in the New Un lanil i-ottou mills look sluup they will he ahh 1o dlseein that it Isn't the irohl stanilaul 1hat is hnrtiiif ; them hut the cotton mills of tlio south , which lm\o the ad\.intake of iie.unoss to the b.iso of hiipplie.s am c'hi.ipcr labor. Aceoitllnt ; to the soollis.i.wrs of Texas 1h > eoniblnation for 1 ! IM ) is Hr.\an and HoVe ; aiellliui ; tonjroi1 sivteeii ] ) l h of lead a ' .ilnst ono la/.oiluek hhoat that Ur.\.ID'S onh i milling mate on the residential nice tiacK in Hint ) will Ite his o\\n shadow. Yon ean lead a horse to water , but yon cannot make him think. I'eabody , < . ! nv- ory and llerdman can Ignore the law mill the tacts , hut they cannot pioteet n saloon Keeper who Keeps his bar iiin- iilni ; while ho has no licence fiom the li.'iialtles which the law Import's. The slate of South D.iKotn enters Tp'ii ' the new year with the limiting in- tl litodnosMill ellmlnale.l and the bonded < Ii-bt ledueed to an . South 3 > : i\ota han had hard IticK in recent > IMIM lint the losoimo.s ot the Mate sue Muh Hut It Is sine to beionie one ot the best of the weMoin family. We have the assurance of the now jiroslilont of the I'lilon I'acilic that for the present , at least , ami possibly tor KOUIO time to come , there will ho no material change In the make-up of the 1 nlon Tacille pay roll. That assurance should set at rest a p'eat many idle rumors and pacify the minds of some jieople who have been agitated over what mi lit overtake them. After KoliiK Into tlie conslraey ] by which tlio lltiuor dealers have been forced to contribute Sit ) per head for the support of their or an. ( ire ory , I'ea body and Henlman had only one com .so to pursue to sustain their position and tUht was to glvo coluiluc lf > the faUe preteusO under which they had put upon ti-.o rceoi-d Df the Imrtl tlip lawless resolution eAjoliiua"b iua Keysor. lilt 'II II II/.J , I II ) ' IIII * I , I fiinp. ' r it- v i.i" in MI , t , , \ I 1,1 ll I if | , I I I M "I < ' I \ \ ! I . I ' I lu I II l | < \ I II ' i' -is rin < el * i i in ' ' i' ' i' " in > it nf \4iliiilm i v IM .11 in ri'iv il.i.v HMIIa ivpiiii ivlnu u tMti'fullv jin inmtl rttirm o if ilii'jorpiuti' f wind - d r ttln'flt. Tin1 lilith rlct fir thflt ginlii imvt' , it Is si.itotl , Innit-ly ilui' Iiilptl tlip farmer * to liH'lv.nlUit tli'li ' M-lutt-r wlipnt np'tMsi' ' ' iiutl It will b- tli.iliu of tlip ( U'H'iHnii'tit to * 1i < ivv up j ) to\titttiipl > tintfiit of thl t Ini-ronw. In tlio uiritnwliMc ntUlcpi from Awn tine stnlillml tinM < 1 f wlHtil n iluu c-iuitui-.v will lip ii fair nvi'i'HKo Hi" 'I.IF ' tiif.v ; niitl Unit ( Innnvtnni ii.-nll-ildi1 foi < > \inrt | will UP lii'ivvopii Jtn.otm.iHiii niul III.IMIO.IIOO biixht'N. U N tiMu r.ilij vt'iil- Ircil I hit HIP A win ln. eM't ' | > H HitUP. . \ to llin sltuntloii-llint H. It will VPI-.V Iniucl.v eli'itn-iuliip tlio pilii"f vlu-at diirliitf HIP iii'xr ilx inouilis , I' tli" i-s- ! jmrt < friHM Hull fiiiiiili.v slinll ! > ' ' n Itiri ! ' n iitiw p\i"Hol ) ( llu'iv Is tviMin to think ! Hint wlipftl will IIP l"vr. . ov lit nil "vvpiiN " tlmt It vvill not go liluhi'V. Ar Rpntinp pspord'tl only l.iH.i ( ) ) iii lumlipN of lt l.ixt wliptii i'tmi. vvlili-li "f i-nili" i' inn tip nn linnn-stin | on HitnuiUpt. . lint pKluu-ts of flirlii or ti-ii limps tli.u inuoui.t oonltl Ii.inlb full to li < | m < < i il > - - . ! .louriinl of I'oii'UH'ivf , Tin- New Yolk . lu mi tutli'lo on thp vvorlil'wlicut . "ttp- nlv , sttvs Unit Hit' Itil'i-i--tin- iluil ii vovy Kiont iiuaniity of wheat is yet to bo Im ported by r.nropo siiciisthoned by the stallstles showltitf Hie ainoiints of Kialu shipped b > loading snmees of sup ply. I'toin Ametlcn and Canada there ' ha's lii-en a law Ineioaso over \W \ \ fiom Uns > la. iiotwllhstandlnu the do Ihlenej In the eiop last > e.u. an liuieiso of Mimelhlus HKo ( J.tNm.noO bn-hoN ; Uouiuanla. Huliraila and Tin-Key have oxporlid loss than oiie-loinih as nnieh us in 1W < i ; the e\porl irom India was somewhat laisot-last year than the year befoie. hui too small to affect tinu'oneral losiili : fioin mlseellatieotis eoiiutrlos tlie e\poits fiom last yeai's eiops have not boon half what they wonin l c. " ' rrom a eaieful Miivoy of the situation the .lornmil ot Coinineiio concludes that he conditions aie f.ivorabl-- a hei\/ r.iuopeni demind between now and nldsiiiiimor , wliieh must be supplied and Cau- hicllv Horn the Tniled Slates ula 'that paper . ; : 'JOOimir ) . ) ) bushels from Aifiontino a suHieiently 11. . . . . ilMinute. . If tills Vh'W of tile - of tt' ' " ' " ' situ.ltinll N t-olle-el till' lille-P 1)siistnlui'.l. . . vvitli the sliiuiltl : it It-list 1)- ) . e-lmuei-s i.itlipr In I' . " ' " ' < " ' - > lhUlLltl- ! . . The piospeelho estblishment In some of the l.iijjor cities of tlio rnltod States of systems of eaiiiois opeiatetl llnonsli pneumatic tubes to taellHate tiaiisiulsslon of mos-aws and li lit p-icKiiKOs between wldel.x oil points , foi cos to the liont the tiuestiou of pin.Uo eontiol of public monopolies. In the lai'Ko cities of Km ope when- the pneuinatic earlier seiviee is a p.ut of the postal system it is now considered mdisponslblo. I'loin stations located at eiiinenlent points lottois may be sent almost instantl ) to the cential postollice Ihiouuh the tubes that inn in e\eiy di- rt-etlou. and fiom the cential ollleo the.v aie sent to other points or lorwaided to other titles piouiptly. The sjMom woiKn peifeclli , Iheio is the same tissur.ince of saletj and souooy as in the mails , lit' messages n.msimlted maj he IOIIK or shoit acc'jidlni ; to tlio domaiids of the occasion , the tinal deliveiy is l > y Ktivoi ninent omplojos and is piompt and lOKtilar. Since tills son ice is tur- nished by the yovei ; ninont as a part of tlie postal system tlio lolls paid in stamps are much lower than thej possibly could be if the s\stom was controlled lor gain ba pi hate niiiiKipoly. ' 1 lie iiKist lemaiKablo tiling about the piopoM-d estahlisliineiit of the s\som | in cities of tinI I nlted States is that the KO\ eminent Is o\poi ted to be made snli- soi \ lent to pnvate onteiptiso. While it Is line pneumatic lube systems are expensive and Involve the hi\e-.tinoiit of l.u o sinus. It is Indisputable that the t nltetl St.iles can s , . , tno ( ho money at lower rates of inteiost than an.s coi- poiallon or individual. ' 1'lie I'liited States h.ts a i > oifectly 01 doted postollleo systc-m at hand lluou li whlih the pnoii- matic eairler system can be opoialeil with hut slight additions In the way of l.uilities and emplo.vos. Tlie Pulled Stales onulit to ha\e established the pnoiim.itic c an lor s tcm m connoetlon wiili the posloilli'c lU'paitment many .MMIS an. ; and the pioposal that now , tit this hue date , a monopoly ol the oar- lyin business ho nhi'ii oeito individ uals 01 ( ompanii's in the leading cities of tlie count i y , Involves tluowln away a jri'.inil opporlnnily lor the Koveinnient to maKe a distinct advance in the postal soi vice- . The pneumatic can lor system as a part of the postal sot vice would be woith much mine than as a pilvate enlcipilse. When it is established it should lie done li ht. Tlie Am.'ikan business men are not satlsili'd with anything shoit of Hie best thoie is of I'ver.v tiling and they cannot Ii" saii-ilt'il with , iii ) thin- less than a pni-iiiii ale c.inhr sonko lor the cities opnated in conmiiionltli \ the iiost- OlllLO. ( llTHHKIl 'I nil / , l/ . The statement of ( ieneral lionuv. that Spain's oiler of autonomy tame too Into undoubtedly voices the locllng of all the Ctibiiiis who aie in arms against .Spain or who s.vmpathi/.c with the el- loit tor Culian Indi-pendonce. Tlie in- Mii ent commander in chief admits that the deciee of autonomy 1- a gloat stride forwaid b.v Spain and says that three yc.its ago it would have avoiled vvai and might liave been accepted two .VIMI-S ago , at the inception of tlie revolution , but now the Cubans cannot accept any I'oiin of autonomy , though one should he offoicd much inoio liberal than that of the S.igasla government , ( .ionic/ said the Cubans fully understood the toims of tlie new policy and yet tin-re had been nut an Important smlender. They had simply rejected the oiler and thuie was no doubt in the mind of the in- sin-gent leader that tluyr would contiuno to do w > . Indeed , It may bo doubted wlu'tlu-r tti BpiuiUth goveniment o.\pettb ! -cls . .Meuunlille , however , ' ' 'u i > IIIin-i N linns- what IIP au * > VV 'I tl ( V " 'I M I II ll I I | | l U 1 il f I I > I'l f i- , li .MM ll l l < I'll I u 111 'I ' I ( N \ \ , , | 1 \lll-lMIH1 III Splltl Mill ll 1 * > t > ill | | In th- ' c iv i i u mi-lit. It Is MUIn - < Oi'tu'inl Unoit'K s.ild , j Hint UlniiiMi litul to ran mirk tlip I'uliotl . Stnipi niul nuif i p to llml uii'ii iiiillllPil I fnr niul v\lllliij ( to m-i-i'pt HIPOP oiti'iipt I p i ltlon < * nnd thN fnt-t n-rtnlnly mllit it - < i j I uciiliisi tln'lr tiilliipiici' . lull tlii\v ninko | I n nulto rpspt'otnlitt'otnilni'i , vvlu-Hipr or i i not It * lmll t c nliltto m-c-oinnlUu nny- , [ Illlllll. Till' tlt'St step Will 111' till' e'li'oll'itl t of ini'iiilii'm of Ilip Insulin nirlhnitpiit : niul lliK tloiiH'7. dpt'lnri'vlll lip n I'mvo. It e-nn linrnly Inotlunvvl , for , nt IIP lining out. HIP ni-iiu'tl , volittitivf < t. voiliij : n iMuisci-vnilvot In u botly. will oloi-i rnlilel SpnnlniNls , from luun no li'jilsln- tlllll ItMlIll I'Pllsolltllll.V 111' P\H'e-tt'l1 | fllV < H- nlilp to Hn Cnlmtio. Moil " > i-lio Pii \umli1 upcps ! ifll.v ooiuplt-tt'ly tiinliM- SvtnNh | ilciiniuniloii nnd HIP Ciili.iiH vvoulil oiijoy lltllt' i-i'iil lUitoiioiiiy. The pnillauii'iitvoiilil il'itliu-ily ' SpnnNli tiiitl vvlillp HM povvors would Iniv itrli'totl uiuli'ttin' dt-i't'Op of nutoiioniy HIPV would lu- optvrd. ! . IH fnr npo . * iliU'vltli n vli'vv lo HIP wolt'iti-i' of Spain Hint Hie promotion of SimuNh In- Ipt-ptts In Ctili.i. l-'ully undorilaiiillua thl . U IH not MIIII iNlmi ( itiiiH-K niul hU follow cix uilorly H'li'i't Spain's sclit'ino of mitoiiomv anil will lUicu to nothing short of Independence. There Is olio feature of the statement of ( Jelieral ConieX Unit N of p vtlliar Interest to the American people. This is where he snys ( hit the war N it-ally bi-lween Spiln and Hie I'ltited States and predlels that within a lew weeKs Spain will either evacuate Cuba or light the rnlloil Stales , with the piobabUlty that II " \\lll do the first ami talk ol' ih- other. " The veteran Cub in leader Is a shiewd observer as well as an Inlrep'il ' lighter , but we think Iliat In this In stance his ji'dgmenl is at fault. Thoie Is not the least indioation that tinSpni - Nli government has thought of evaenat- liur Cuba , while it is iiieoneoivalilo that it has for a single moment contemplated Ihe suloidal com so of going to war with this conntiy. The Spanish minlstiv is most earnestly cotisidoiing the pioblem of piovlding mi-ails for continuing the war in Cubi and in such cliounist.unos it is baldly possible that It would think of dci bring war against tlie 1'nltod States. ix 'in HI n fin'A / < H.//T. / / As a class AmeilcMii woiKingmen are Intolligenr. as well as skillful , but what In.v lack is Intelligent and honest leader- .hip. As a class the men who seek to lead them do not want to woiK , but pietor to make a living by agitation. In n dor to create a want lor their services they often piecipitale contests which are notIn the interest of the wage woikois and ndvoi.ito policies that aie actnall.v to tlio dotiiment ol the liioad winners. Tor example , the leient action ot the Hoard of Comity Connnissionoi- set ting apait s,7."i.OK ( ) lowaid tlelraying the iost of Ihe exposition buildings is being denounced by men who claim to speak for labor as inmlous | to the woiking classes. How such a conclusion can be H.uhodbj an.v intelligent poison passes our loinpiehoiisioa In what way could tlie commissioiieis have ptomotod the Interest of woikmgmen bolter than by devoting Iho InilK ol the pioeoods of the bond sale tow aid the election of IN position buildings. ' How lonld the money have boon expended to gleater advantage to vvoiKlngnienV While it is tine that the buildings lowaid w Inch the county is eonttihnting woio planned and some of thorn contiaclid lor lii-l'me the bond proposition had iii-on i.Hilled. It was well nmleisiooil on all hands that Iho pioiei-ds ol tin' bonds would go tow aid aiding tlio exposition in cair.ving out the plans lor a eicditablo exhibit. That did not moan the money should lie expended in buildings o.x- piessly designed fur exhibiting the In- products of this cit.v and lonnt.v. lint lor stiuclinos in which tiiosi. pioducls siioiild have a propel place with those of other localities In this and oilier s | it s Nobody in or out of Omaha had an.v light to oxpi ot that Ihe county would use the pioceeds of the ImniN lor Ihe puichasi- articles to be exhibited , vvhethoi those aitklos vvoie the piodnct of tin- tiim ; , orchaid and dairy or ol the nnir and l.ulor.v. Had such a com so been put sued the vvoiKinifinan's -h.iic of the otitl.i.v . would li.tvo been mncli less that it will In- when paid in wages to meinbois ol the build ing tiades. To s.i.v that the exposition nmnagois would hive completed the necessiiry buildings in any event and without aid fiom lite connly Is an as- suinpllcm that Is lar-fctched. With all the aid the.v IMII possibly got liom Iho city , county and stale and with ovn.v dollar of stock subscription | M | , | | u tbe niiiiiiigiis will still be shot I win ) , ( ) ! ) ! ) before thc'y pa.v lor all Ihe buildings Iliat will be loqtiliod b.v the extiaonli- n.ny demand lor space that comes liom all sociliiiis of the 1'nltod Stalt-s and ! fiom loioign tonntrloIt is a eontlltlon and not a tln-oiy b.v which Ihe.v mo con- fiontoil. Instead of ob. > tincting the men who aie struggling night and day to iiniKo till ! exposition a situ ess , the uork- ingmon should join vIlli thorn In eveiy eUort to seeitie miiH' aid tor the gieat tasK that has been lo tiled iipun their shoi'ldeih. on probating the will ol Alfred Nobel , the Swedish millionaire , It is found tliat the sum available for Investment In the Inteicst oi the ihi gieat annual prl/.es open to the wet Id Is not as laige as had been anticipated , but pii/es of .slo.imo am huge enough to command the atten tion of lUscovcnis , Inventors and \vorK- ers. The pil/o tor po.uc piomoiion will he the most dlHhult to avvaid and thoie will doubtless be veais when It cannot bo dlH'ovoicd that any piogtes- , toward unlM-isal peace and disarmament has been made , if Miinoonu will push an aiblttatlon lieaty thujiigh Ihe proper ihiinnelrtln Washington and hondoii ho will have a good claim for tlio pii/.o. tor onu .vear. i Prof. Sahln. who is soon to retire from Ihe ollicu of stiperlntendont of public In- stiiii-tloii for Iowa after many years of .service , dullvuted a striking address r f.iio tlio SttJtiI' Hellers' IISHOI till lull I < i- > 1 , lu \ < li'itb am iig ollii-i ttilmjs lie > , | i is 1 pi i ! its i if > ! lt Hn'SH ! ' llii' i i Hli'1 , , f lit , s(1 < , . , . | - \ tiin If liV II Si nsr less ilnimr al 'ii1 f < iiN ami Fiills and lnti v a i Ions " hf unld. "wo n to dctoitod from availing ou.inrhcs of the wisdom of the past and flip tlioiiuht and sttidv of the jiroseut. and therefoio fall to atlvaneo Iho great flilniesis conunlltotl to our churtje. thojv-wlll not -he wnnllin : mi oilier rnck.vyho will wilte over against our rectin\ \ , ' \\Ilint \ \ cowards those teachers - ors bo. ' Tu.Hutn lids iiolnt up concisely ( Hid plnlnl.Mi thenIs one law for nil calling * ! Mud all avocations. " U Is ordered bv- the three tools of Ihe Omaha Dully Ittm Umnilor dial a lleeiise he Issued to the Kile hell Hrotliei-s lu spite of the fact that the sworn testi mony taKeii before them and the canler delivery books exhibited to them show beyond a reasonable doubt that the ap plicant had toionip'y with the law tolallng to advetilslng In the newspaper 01' largest buna tide c-lit ulatlon In IHmglai eouiitj. Hut the lUense which the hoard has voted to grant has not been in-anted and cannot be in anted mull the appeal ftom this Infamous do t-talon has boon adjudicated b.v the courts. Meantime Iho Kltihou r.iotheis. who testiilotl that the 1'axtoii house sells twice as many copies of The I'.oo as It does of the police commission organ , will either have to comply with the law and Keep their bar closed or lake tlie cos of partisan stupidity. The lelatlonsldp between the Trans- mlssisslppl Kxposllion and the outlook lor a ptespetotis year lu wos'oiu ' stales Is t-loatl.v seen by many persons. For Instance. In W.voming Hie Che.vonno Sun-I.eador piedlits a gioal lor the ( ndustiles of the state and sa.vs thai "No doubt a grott stimulus to innnlgia- lion will bo nffoidetl b.v the Tiansinls- slssippl i\position. : vvldeli promises tt > lie a event , only second in Impoi- lance to the Wotld's lair at Cldeago. lint to.illy of gt eater coiisotiuonee lo Hie wosf , and especially to Wyoming , if it puts in and makes a cieditable showing of Us it-somecs. " What Is tine of AV.vo- mlng is line of all the slates of the ttaiismississlppi legion iiiitl especlall.v of those near to the exposition. It will be woith a gloat deal inoio to this legion of uumti.v than the Colninbiaii exposi tion was , Moses stiticK the rook anil there came foi th abiind nit water to quench the Ihlist of liOnMtfN ) people. The1 exposition is still looking anxiously for some Moses that will solve the water pioblem anil enable the managers lo supply water tosevoial millions of people and animals. lame and wlhl. , as well as for steam to inn the exposition power plant. While they ate not so much tumbled about the source of this water supply , theie is nobody in sight who is willing to supply the locks which , like tiie shekels that bought a burial place lor Abraham's wife , would pass tor money ouneiit with the met chant. t Supplies tor the stitleilng f'ubans will bo distiibilt'-d b.v the otluois ot the Uod Cioss society. A Hag of truce- may not bo lecogni/eil in Cuba along Hie battle lines , lint the bulges ot the Itod Cioss society have ill uvili/.od nations bacK of then ) ami tli"\ will socnie iiiimnni'.v liom danger win lev or they may be seen. These icfoim police boaid losolntioiis vveii' never intended to be Kept either this ye.n or last jenr , any mine than vvoto the solemn oaths winch the lawless ma.lority lias taken to poiToim theh duties with stikt Impaitialily and with out H-gaicl to politics oi leligiuii. \ \ llni-lini-liiiiM , iilut't'-lJt mat rat Tno CTnipaiRii against he AfriJK cost u loss .11 kllluii 2ndvoutulcl of 117 Ilritlsh olll- tcrs U liny ho a = sumuil that the AfiltlU uro inarkbiiien .mil pick oft tlie leiik-ii ! A fln-e-U oil Ili-in-1 I'll Hun- . Ktint-a * cit > luuinil Kansas horilcultinlsts icrtise lo abolSh the ilqh liottoincil l-nv ) box on the grouii 1 tn.i * LUisumois inlKh bo ptaitled huti 'HUH tail- tire The I > ml ' .Kartul borij growers aie \\lllhiK to tunilUo c-tu lionet } on tlie .iltir of humanity "SimMe rrom Vl > THriiils. " Iiml in ipnlls ll' It U to be hoped that .vlr „ jniieis ] il-ii's not i otic c the mind of the \ nicriojuciK - . 'iRiiMii on the curicnc } qiiostina If lu- docs the Amcilcanoiklnsirin --ujipl , pic..iits another c.iso of tiie who sii > I J ho fiom his filrnils VVi-'ll spiUf | | DiMtll. IMilluliliihlii l'its The Omaha expoiitlcm Is to have a Kls-nric nnilncllaluch , when it is ulsed , will cirry pasit-nKei i to a hclslit of ' 'u foot It is now likely tlmt anybody will vvjnt to borrow oi steal it , and It , will , time-fore , no the ir.ost WL'idertul umbrella hi the world. f'lilii'Ki'il I p to I In'I | ' | I-IIIIIH- . Mllu'iuk. . . i-tntlntl T'hts corclu.sion cf I'roaldcnt f'allaway of the I/iko Shoio & Michigan Southern railroad tint the IOMK tllstaiiLe telcphcne is rcaptMjlblo tor a hcav } falling off In the uihoid pas senger hiieiliif js , Is a logical herjuel to a sim ilar observation Irj the CMSB of m ban tuvel The otiklals of Htiet-l ullw iv companiea have MOV or complained in itxanl to tlut but the tut been suiiResteJ to th"iHa'i Is of pco- plci when 'i-leplirtK' Lonverr-jtioiis hue ob- v'atod the of a rldo 01 a wulk. 'Ilic Sll > -Win-lit ISSIK- , An Irreconcilable populist exesanse re- nnrka inotirrfull ) Kha' if Hrjau had been elected wheat wiiuld now be $ J liisto d of $1 1'oaslldy How8iPI , KaaDJ3 fanners arc KCttlns $ J for all thp wheat they sell IP Mctlc ! ' , and a ooal tleil of American wheat las fid o Into tliiit oottiii ) . The 5J they ne > t In Mexico , however , aie > no bette-i oi more \.iltullo than this $1 the } KOI in Mvcipool 01 New York or J " jlFiP0 Hut the J. ! the Mexlc' 113 hive to" par for Xincrlcan wheat Ih . ' scveip hardship to the hreadoiters of thu Prianclall } decrepit i ountry If Ilran vvoie- elected and wliriil w'eie ? 2 American work- in inen would Ihnl'ltUlinlKli'y hard to Kit the ? . ' to bu > the Wli | l ) , anl whin thu farmer got his $2 he would flu ] It would KO no Itut'ier ' than the 51 now. SIHIIINil I'liHlnyiSlumps , Iln per VVecKIs Word ccmc.5 that the prjtolllee department la KctlhiK lead ) tu make ) ef.i I CH ki thu col ors of postage fltampd whie.h are called for by the IntfrHia'lorul nsreeinent adopted at the pos ul cetiKress lust spring The 1-ccnt fctanip Is to heKreen , HID 2-ce-nt red , as at pii'sent. and tlm 5-cent blue. The uliadra of colrrrt ubed dcpei d upc'.i the onsravhirf and experiments uro ciow In proiu,5o to deier- in'i'ii ' what shade of in CPU Is lie's t Milted to the head of KiEiiklln and whether the pics- cut 1-cpiit Kranklln blue cr the Ifi-cent Ilenr } C'ay blue will bo inoro be iiiilai ; In lht'6-cPiH stamp to accterul Grant , Tlio postollico ele- pnitmcnt h also credited with si Intention to itrtiio ssvural new Hiamiis In commemoration of thu TrJtisiHUslaHipl | ] atiJ Julerna- tlcuul nxposltlou at Guv iu. MSIIII \ < K I IMII I I'll M I'tHVrntlS ' ( lit I t i \.f \ \ 1 I 'ii ' i ii ' MUM t b ID ! ] r ll Hi I' t ( -i . n < I ) } ' ! 11 p with i tip pr nHn ii I mi ri < tnu for n fuilin 11 p < r 111 I 1 tl. | | , | ' IS 1 | , ' i 1 nll ) l | } 111 liavponh i It ivpiiMdmp ivrv li'im ' .Uni vou . ' hup pro in i-l ili > PV ' \ \ hint ; Ihxt von 1 i\e inn H n ' ti do h.ivc .veuir record puhlMicd 11 republican npvvspapprit. rrd you arp a1 once n ppMccutrd irtirtvr , hrt-o nrnl o M' tm- m in. in.Atibiirn Atibiirn I'oil'Hip 1'eiM woulil like totiivo simc cne toll It tlip dlffprpnrp between a to- ptibllerfi who i lelto ixi < i pis * . n.l it pomlltt ; | W-o rietp on pass Kor the last * l\ vt'imj the populists luivc rat'Oci a sren line .in 1 try | over tlip rppnbllciis rldlns on pnnti-i and now th-it HIP republicans nreolilipr swvinR u homo or Rolnt ! nfont and HIP pops nre rid MR Moshtag to s.iId about It by HIP RNM. ri < - formrr Holdre'Rp ritlzptr AccordliiR to HIP fltsnrco glv.'i out by ( ihp ptoe-ls jar I company IIP number of e-n tin brttiR fpl In Hits s ate- show i nn lwi ISP of i cnrl ) 60 PIT cpnt ov-pr last ypar. l.rl tlip Rood work RO cti Ne braska has lots of ( Mjiii tlmt oiiRhl to be used for th-u purposp. Thepxperlpnrp of np-irly nil who have trlpd If di'iiiorstra PS Hint fccd- \HK \ COM to stork lo ilip mosi profUciblo way to ( I'apiiip ' of corn. Silver Crpck Times It l no friend of Oov- prnor Iloleomb who would ndvlsp ilin to rim frr a thlid term. No mat pr what plausible proii'X s tnlslit bo set up for nm4i a poursp. they would i ol. In our oplnlui , wplRh acaUist the Kcnt'Ml aversion In the public ni'iml to hlrd terms fcr pxecittlve olllpeis HP wan fleeted tei his upcond term U } a vcrj lUittrr- IIIR m 'Jorlt ' } . lie pniinot alTord , nnd his partv Mmiot aftord , to ji-opirdi/.e hureN thus wcu h.v ptiterlnit into t cri esl of it least eloubt- ful propriety. Per further honors IIP s loitld took to filrtlipr fit Ida. I'npllllon TImps'p wish wp mlR'at do or BIsuiupthlni ; te > mlm the trouhlpd brcas.s of llrothcr Spipclicr , of thp Se-liiiler Qnltl , and llrothpr I'arka of the Columbus Tele- IMIII The one derlnips bv nil tint Is Rood mil .iolv that IIPVCI ORciln shill the' ( ) ni puty n this state' he pcunlttcd to Join hands with .lip demivieits and HIP other stakes his repu- itlon npiii the nrpell'tlon Hat the detno- rits Invp fused for the last time with the ) rns IVil'ips hnth the bon nnv hive ciusp fcr rompla'mt ' , but In all probibllit } v\e oairiot see liovv the } mi } hope tn ae'eoni- .ilNli . lor the caiibe while the1 } keei. ) on In itit'i a coi ip i ( ic'ii a Leader' When tlie l-ist h-Klsl.ituie ? hin ed the Xil'linllaii billet to the blanket ' 01111 it hid the' full Mippart of the Leader We bt'lleved the blanket form to be the iropcr thhiK and aio still of the b-imo opm- on Hut the- manner of mirklng it pro- Rcilbcd b } liw is Mdlr-ill } wieiiR , as h'U been iiioveii in the 1'latte county contest eaces An X < > lncrd in the rlrrle at the top for n straight ballot Is alt ilK'at , but If a votei deslics to vote- other thin a straight ! ) illot he should bp requited to maik ovei } line on the ticket for whom hedeshes lo vote , omitting the X In the phele at the' held. The law penults him to place his X at the IIP id of the ticket Me desires to vole for In tlie m-lict nnd then ictpilres him to lie-sinuate tlleise elsewhere on the > billet for whom he wishes to vote b } placing his X opposite thch names This gives a good op- poitunlty for fraud , as < nionp getting access to tlie > I-allots after the } are east cm cisil } tiKin nuhte * thp htialght ballots to suit tliem- bv pi icing crosis on the other tick ets on the ballot , and every cross thus mide- changes the to from the candidite wider the PIoss at the bend to his npatient | marked elspvvheie , and there is no vv.iv of detecting forgery from the fnce of the Ixillot This defect should bo icmedled at tbo eurlli moment AIMM or rixsiovirtiMis. . I'liiIlinl I. oiid-i s of the . M ] > OHH | Cllolio-Donioi nt Commissioner of I'eiii'ions Ilvans , deserves the thanks of the people for his iwidor in legaid to the enormous ami } of pension at- toini'ij engaged In raiding the tteasur } Mr. Uvans ostimitcs their number at 50000 and be speaks In the plainest terms of their 01- gaii/ed methods , of plundermg the govern ment After reading his statement no eltl- zen will be at a loss to uiderstand uh } at a period of thirt } t\o } eaie ifter the wai , our annual apoioprlatlon for pensions is larger b } man } than tbe .sum Her man } spends on its gieit standing aim } and why out alarming aggregate for pensions is still mounting upwaid pensions now call for over $100,000 each da } ( u the } Cir the diain is still eniaiging and SO 000 pension attorno3 ate worki.ig with , tll then mig'it to add to this amounts Commlu 'loner livans lemarks , this multitude o [ cliini agents , , hu.itling to loot the tieaisiii } , ' -iro practitall } so mm } drummers that do npthing but hunt up claims , and claimant foi the Pe n Ion Ituieiu" Tlu light tin own b > the commissioner upon the cau eof the eontlnued ineiease of the pension list servcu ilo in lelieve the vet eran soldiers fiom the chaw of i.tpacit } and of getting up friudulcnt elaims Pew of the vctornis have a full undeistandlng of the law- , i Mitlng to pe-slons , Their course in appling foi a pension almost Invariant- to go to an attorne- } making a business of such claln.B. Hut there Is a Hrge number of vctrnr * with no thought of pressing a claim , who ar * besieged b > pension agents to sign an application The children of sol- dieis. now In ni'ddle ' life , are hunted up to enter clahrs for the period o' their mlnoiit } am ) n tin- case of widows who mm } again a gieat deal of fraud against the government Is perpctiated One case is mentioned In which a woman was persuaded to make nn application after she had been marrle tw ( < ntone } f-ns It would bo i'ltf re.stiti to know just how n-iny peisons on the'tiPii ' 'on ' list ever solved a cU } at the front or heard the whistle of a Hille ! The leal vet- 01 an is but u fractional element of tlio pen slni roll as It now uxlst.s , and swells dail } Pension agints get a laige .slice of the pei felons opprrpi litlon Kiftj thuii-inl perslon nttoincs range aiotind the t'nlted States tieasury foi m a tiemmdous batteij , inl the hi each the } line cieitcd startles the coiinti } 'I hi } , and not tlio veteiani' . are raiding thu tevcntie an IJiling up tlio tlcflclt Commlsslonei i\nu Is for cutting them off nt once aril fonvei It is a righteous proposition The govein- nent paf , the pens'on attoiney a fee cf ? J , " for evoiy pensioner that ean be laUed up to 1'ean ' admissible claim This botintj Is ! - ciei'ed by virlotu tricks of legls'atlon an- olstccl thrnush eongiess by the claim agents obbj "Ihe government , ' a.s the caminlb- sioner "has continued to pa } pension attor- 10 } s for fcolleltl g Ixialnesh for thirty } eais Jnoiigh of this has freen done A l.iw shouli ) ti patcel tint In futuie no fee hhoiild he iad ! to cny attoiney or claim agent for -i.ij claim filed for por-jlon Tl-nt wrjuld put ai c to the pension pcandals " It vvoii'it ' alsi le'llcvo the veterans from unmerited censure and c-a\o man } inllllons ciow tint w jbted t I-ION in si in pi i- IiiNtiiiux- 'l-iirMsli | 'IIIINI- | | llll-lll Ol < l-lllic. nitilnfrtou Sim The slate department Is Informed that th ii'lideieis ' of the \merlcan hipcllst , I/en/ , lave beei coinkled and senteneed b } tlip I'urklhh eourth to fifteen } oais' Imprisonment ach This Is gritif.vliiR Information , The l.eiu cast has been a trcmblebomo matter for some } CMIS Uen/ was fonllj uiuiderod while ti.ucding through Kuidostin and this gov ern Hint has had the gic.Ucmt dllllcult } In piciddlng Tin key Into an appic'chitlon of the gravlt } of the crime of Hlalng Innocent Amoilcan tnuilsta Now. howevei , the Otto- nan wheels of Justice have revolve'I and the mm del ei t , nave been convlcte-d and HPII- tcnci-il Of course It Is unfoittimto that owing to a slight lapse In the woik of the Turkish detcetlvo department the convlc ed n.on h.uo nove-r been caught , and the Ken- to iees must go upon the reeords an having been merely theoretically executed Tlie Turkish govrrnmcnt has at all times dU- clalmed any ahlllt } to locate ) or Identify the Kiirdlah bandits who committed the diiil anl tbls his led to the t > ut > pllon that It not tried vor } haul to do so Minister Angel ! should now bo requested by the Bcerotar ) of state lo bend to Washington a full report of the couit proceedings resulting In tliU highly bele-iitlflc lomiitlup of and hentenclng of absent criminals There Is grave need foi thu Informal Ion fs\e \ lally In this city , where tin pollen arepu.lcd over the vvlicii'jbmitH of DorsePoults , who killed a nun thu night of May SO last Doubttesa the courts could ntllUo the proeess of pioxy iirosecntion to peed effect In this casn It would bo at least satla ( > lng tn have T'oultx tried and convlctnl and scntenccid pvon though ho wcro not In custody. That jirnccasi would save valuable time ; , U would add lunt to tbo ' 'ml ' It In lo ho utipponvl wll | tint he MK , li 1 ll Is our tiling tu go ntlnr < t nun whn inn ho ai < | iii'ir < l of tlii > < riuiKbargi'd niiO m i"t 'tn 11 ; pint eh i" iMirsup i miii lu > sin l ioirii | I n Hi'iitiMirpil \ \ \ nil i mix n-t Mmiiii-i \ ini II Inn < iui | iiied to t nd nlonn thin v ilim'ilt liir.irimtlon rr.itstix M. VXD ommtu IM : . nrnti-RO Wellington wn or-p of ( tie ilrnio rrttlr c iiiillilatrd fur nldpimnn In llpnlon llnwall lias a tpirltorj of ( ! ,00rt sttunr inllM. tlip < iimp urea .is Drlnwaro ntul c'oti nirtlctit combined. The Atclilsoti ( Jlobo BIVB tlmt Ilip of that io m do nut vAonr I1K liiiPcl ml Ulck their ordimrv il.lita liplii ul ns hey walk w Hist il-py rustle Just the Siimn s Mil ; . Mr I.pvvla Hull , vvlm dlpil icnntly In Ortiu- iriclRo vvn/t the * man who helped Harrison out of Ihn carpenter Miop vvhrn Ills life was hrt-atctictl by the mob thu Ing ilip fanioua 5.11TiEOII | lots ( Jtisman Addlcks of Marvantl In an p'cpprt nllatlmlstVIn > iiP IIP took ImM of the Don- on gas pompanir-f cluhtar IKO the } VVPIP nplinllrpil at } 5.ooionO ) , otul nuw the' amount s ftoi.onooon Tin1 Kansas liiwvcr nRptl 7 Is already pc-tliwenl * } T CblciiRo profentor of nnitomv aised IB It piMBlhlp ( hat this eoiintrv l Irveloplni ; a rnco of men wbp will be sa- ants nt birth ' A great 111111 } ppople up llko tlip Kmpotln , Can , man whom the Onrelte ii < pDitn in Imv- lig said lo bis Fpiviuit Just bifoip e he shook IIP dust of his hou e > fiom he ! feif "N'ow , Marv , I ilnn't care how tnanv llm you tell about ( HP , but phase don't tell tillUntil. . " Ihe rhlcMgo woman who broUp up Into Ire-wood the hlelgli In whlibnpoloiiti pg- aped from Moscow nnv not havp hud much 'i-'ppct . for it us n tclle of tht' nntique , lull f slie > hid only nppreclated its oomniprplal as well .is Its blstorlcil valup tbp could mve wild ll for a sum of iimnm IntKP P'lough o hive kept her supplied with kindling foi lietcvit ot her llfp C'oiiKirasman Johnson of Indinna , when n struggling veiling hwver , was given a suit ) f clothes bv n benevolent mptnb'-r of the same profession llcppiitly Mr .lohifwi parni'd tint HIP ion ot hi" former benefactor lad been foil PI ! bv tevHiwa U ) leave collpgi- wheie ho v\a Btudying lav. and spcuiod foi ilm a position \Vashingtmi which would crible him to continue- his otudlps 'Ihe nlarining ipportH us to Miuittacsv'B loilth that have reccntl } 'hecii e Imilaicd urp lonleil bv a DPI man piper The lli'int-ail in's cnndltlon Ilia rcnuilnotl pi ittic ill } inchanged since he pntPtcd the litmne asv- unv nt llndenlch near llonn ( wheio Hobeit Schumann p.issed tlu lost sad vears of bis life ) lie takes walks In good weather aiml talks rntlonallv In Ucrimn to the people about him. That his eondltlan Is hopeless is declared untrue : M\V : UlUlatd CUPS nre to be made with the butt hollowed cut ? o a srre.v rod can be Inserted on which to mount several circular welghtfl , whic'li aip turned backward and forwaul on HIP rod to balance the cue to the plae > r's liking. A Tevan has Invented a onp-whcelrd racing sulky which Is prevailed from tlpnlng every > y the niinner of attaching tinthills to t'ae hirness , the advantage being that the sulky Iocs not take up so much rootu on the tiaek mid runs rosier. An adjustable celled spring Is used In t iiolstcred fuiiilturo to keep the surface 1 f the sells from settling , a curved plite being attained at one side ot the seat and pressed upw.iid at the other end by tlie yprlng to keep it in place. A ne-at Ilttlo attachment for hats Is com- oosed of a spi Ing rollei placed inside' the hit to vi hid up the cord serving as a ginnl when not in use , the touching of u sprin lever being all that is nccebwii } to draw the cord out of sight I'timpkli.s are vreporvpl foi making pies bv : i newly patented proceis , which consists of cooking or steimlng them and mixing with Mureh acid reducing to a paw dor , which quickly dissolves into a jellv when niKe'il with milk , and Is Uien ready for use To picvcnt harness tiaces , coming loose when onceattiched a new fastcuci la 1.0111- "cd of a U-si.-iped piece with the lougei end surrounded b } a spring to pic s t'.io short end against 'he whlflletiee nflei it luifc been lalsel to let the trace slip under It A Oermin IMS patented n be-d which his the head portion of the bottom hinged neat the center and senpoited below by a cm v eel welt , which Is tvi'si'd ' and lowered b } iop s lying within reach of the usei's lunds to as- t him in rising to a sitting posture in the bed Hind straps for street cars arc to bo mounted at the end of in arm which in at tached to the rod now in use to sw lug the fitrco down Into position for o shoit person to 110 , the art'i ling In a hoii/outal position when not In use to keep the strap up oat of the' way. Water will not spill oJt of a new combine ! sponge cup and napei-woight , the lecoptacle foi the sponge being connected at the bottom wit' a comnrc'-Nlhle bulb which can bo filled with water to wet the sponge when the bull ) if > squeezed the reaction drawing off all tlie water not taken up by the sponge A ip"entlv pitontel r-iper-hanglng imchire Is composed of a table1 , hangers depending thcrefiom , a paper-roller adjustably joiirnaled in the viangers a paste-distnlniting roller ami a piste pan supported by the 1'itiRcrs to pio- pne the paoer as fast as it is uniollcd and pulled up on the table for cutting A uiew street-sweeping machine has an cud- less chain of bru hes gcaied to t'.ic icir w he-els of a wagon , mounted within a easing laving its lowei end resting on the pave ment with the 115-1 , er end lapping ovei the rear nf a wagon box to discharge the dirt .is the brushes c.itr } it Lp the incline fiom the1 stieet. Tin * Niitionnl I nl\ i-i-Nlt i St'lu-iiii- . c hh .BU prrii um- There are ahead } eolleh'os and tinlvei sltlrs in plenty thioughout the land and to ppin net Iiuludlng oiu own iinhtTHl y of Chl- cigo. Would It not he wiser to give.1 decent and liberal support to thebo than to establish , eoiu.iuet , anl Mippott aiiothei , , while nut ncodi d , will onlj hc-lp lo staivp out i hose which have been alroad } e-btabllshcd ? 'Ihe stliLMiiu look. ) very much lllccan at tempt to fasten one or two hunched or even flvo hiindic'd professors on the taxpacis of the nation , luovidlng them with fat t-.ilarlcn , ea-sy. luxurious livings , and e-U-vatcl posl- tlonn In the pol'tlc ' il soele-ty of the netlotul capital , and gratlf } the veanilnj ; . hankeiing ili)5lre for ollkes which bums In the briln.s W > nnny people Anthing to HCCIIID a living but by thulr own offortb Is the mlo with this elBHs Yrt i ho laxpiyets me e'\pec-tr l IT "piy . 'ho freight , " v hllo the recipients look wisp , attend V.itc ret potions , talk l nUtlcji. . Kut > iki In hotel mi 11,1.1 n.i diaw tliolr s alailcs Moili-nilf Ninnl lin-i ciiHf. I'li'l ' i lilp iln Ilulloiin The hill vlilch Senator Hale has Inlro- hiii'd for Increasing UIP navy at this tcs- felon of congiess Is In line with Long's U'commendatlous and Is so moderate In Its terms that tht > ro ouglit to bo no dllll- rulty In Horurlng the asrent of a majoill } to the appropriations which It m.akco A < hiKlB .irniorLii battlehhly with nine tcwptfdc ca t < ! the heagoiiHtpp are all thevi * - se-ls It calls for. The total cost of the new construction proposed Is less than $ ii.o 10000 It cannot bo said that the eountiy Is uiiihle to uffnid HO sin ill an e-xpeiullturo It Is tin well ehtnbllBlied oplnlo.i of naval experts that wo hhoMd build seveial lattluli p < cull } ear until we have all that ate needed to Insure thu H.ifet } of our coasts , j-'enitor Halo liitK drawn his bill with maiked pm- denee and full comprclipiielnn of the fact of a deficit In the publle U-VUIIIIPH Con- iress ; ahould concur In UH provisions. nli-lilnn MIC Si-nllu III. II IlillllTlU JllUlll.ll Tour Ilritlsh war nhlps nru now on their way to it lie Ks.iulmault . Rqiiadron , vvhlih , with thh adldtlon , will bo the titiongeut licet ( Jic'at llrltuln hat , ever aMombi.'d 111 'he north I'aclile. It would bo aeiisatlonil 10 fa } that this ! s Intended n n im-tiaeo to t ' I'niti'd Si tc hut It miaiiHhat , \vn'i ' 'i ' r isial po'.lc } of nttendhig dtrlctly to busl- iubs , ( Jreat lltilaln Intends to be nropin-1 tor My con'lngeiiey or exlgenc } that may grow out of the Ilerliig heu question "jeirpi'i jiaratUK" lu her rule- , and by being alwau pie'pared hho aveits many UaiiKt'ra. Oi.e cannot but admlro the cneny ; vsliiah Is ( qnal to maintaining an adequate ) licet In nvoi > toi of rlther lieojleplie-ru where tht-y aiuy be ncedud. l.ililnvillp Toiirlei .Iniiriial Tlio Mil tlii'ir I'tupi'rm1 llm Son of llcnvpli ' \\lint ihrv iiei-d iiuwl prpsi'tit \ IIOWPMT M n Sim of n I ! 1111 I'lilciKii lloiord Thp dpvolcd purnlstpnro anl pMtlii-rant i-iilbuslism with which Jnpiin ( A ItxikhiK for Ir.Milile . In rue of ilio uiont t'loluipsiiup fe-iturps of liii'dt-ni diploma ) ( llolip tiptnocrrti Tlio rpporl rtnnro las Aplrt'd n Clilnpap Uhnd IIHH met with iptnl-nlllplal ' pntiiradlitloii. Hint * oit "f n di-nlnl Is uimlly moie thtiii el mMiil niiilimn tl > n. n.W W < lilnRton Star The Imlsev , < in nn i-nMui sl t In lite ourotilt of Iroublp , e i < im > > fill to look with iiiprovrtl on tlio niinni-r In will It nnYilra arc tnktng sluipo In easlein A sin SI. UnilB Ileinibllc' Piiince was n hi'ln slow Rcttlt.R Into Ilio pirlltlon Hn but nn ahe RUhbptl 1,000 ooo CblnniiiNi iind > 12000 squatp-mlie Mhnd at the first AVVOOP Uieip'll tirobabl ) lie no lack of Oawl ahnvn fioin novr on t'lllptiRo tilbutip Jdp\noso dlpli'iuats pi i frs to bi-lu-vp tlmt the partition of iMiini m nut In pnntpinplntlon liv tp pt > eis llm evldpiitly tn n d nloin.iilcopinlin Ni Hi. ' me aniline Jniiin will go on making pii-uu tlon to ptotpot herself from tiniiulnmii bprn and posslhh to BI urp her > Ihp tfmnd cntawtrophc cnmoi riir ui.n.'i i t * \l1on , w'o ' < iMini 1ii7ih biiihddv In W i | ViiRltiln 'i ll hmnn and im ht utieln \\i.l U'alcikx' . .limes Wool of fort * mouth N H is vcnm old and PPlrbinted his H' MI nntli'iv- ' b.v "flwcuilng off" from HIP II P of tobu > i habit to vvhlph heh. . ; been adJIctnl foi MI i nlnPt } yoaro 'Ihe n pd Johonni SI i HUB tppt-nth < ippi i . 1 ns an oiilipttrnt loiidiictor In Vb i n i 'in. ' i n Unic il)4Mipo fiom tlio puhlli vpw | Hi coiidiu-iel In tin' MuMkvi'ie'lnstaalp i i i foiipuilc'p oNils iipnest wnlU , ' ( Xi i > e Kiln Mnilntnp UP' } who. under lu-i m il d n n inn- ofmeclia I'llv p w IM HIP iiilcliul si , ' , , ' In fotniod'i ! ! "Kitist , " bus jtlsi dud In I ai i- 1'pr huilxitid tin minv } eais unite IIIIIMI i < r i IHi'Mil * In rimio over tlm s vntituti of I'll irli's fJoreann Itobptt I'uivi" thp vrnprihlf an 1 n Mertpd lolored nl'ollHriilp ' of I' ill ulelHila who 'ilclirated bh 87th blrthdnv last Ntigus u tlm onlv suivlvl-ig tnpinber of HuIUPII m \ \nil-Sln\ v ot ict } lat w's oiKvinl/i I II I'lilladelphn en December I , 1V1.I The vriidiibli Hut-llsh nctresi MIM Ku , -v , wlirsei Mi'h blitlidav WIIB publlclv c i Ii uaindit ill.l.vviim Ihrater on Nnvemhii 2'J , I T , silll ptijojA good ln > ilth it-idi-K in I tllnm ui'.sipiil liiompion l.ondcii. wheie slip his lived foi over hilf 1 CPIlUlf } . Itev Ir Thom-jH A t'einlc } nf Phlladpl- phh , who had jail .lied at the age of " was one > of HIP brat known mltiiiticrs of i e Methodiit clnurli , .wid for man } } cus wii Ihe coirpHiondliiR secretar } of the' I'bil-i- de'ph'.i ' ' Siibbnth apsoclalim the oldest ! il > bath ai > sociiiie'i | In the world. \\ashlngton ItPiiilngtnn thp last of the 'amous Ilrmlnqton triplets , dleel it Ins linmu lu Noith ? mlthlleld II I , the othei di } of .u lite bronchitis , aged M } e.usll lie * but hi'pn ill but a few ihs He was the mm of Henry Ue-mliRton 2nd , with his brothers , IcITeison and Monroe- , now both deid w.H born on the same ' } in the } eir islti At that time tliKtprcild'nts , Washington Jef- fei.,011nd Monroe- lad served their terms , and thp pioud fathei named hla three * > on after thu prcslderts of the fulled States. MIIMM : fllli UK i Knolil Agiiin within tbo baifialn store She pitli'iit st.tuda and w tits , She Isn't buying auv mole She's swoppingdupllcitcs. . Detroit TitcI'rctK Woman doe-sn't scold ui-i husband , Doesii't gieot him with a fiovvn. Now bo's looking foi hci piebOlit , \\hen bo stays down town. C'XHPlnnil I'l iln Drnlor A rhin tniiin ( oiirted n Vanke" mild. With in.ii 11 IRI > his ultimate view Oi ! , give me a lock of } ou hull , " -lu' saidj And ho gievo hot the entile queue. llotrnlt luiiriml The stout ghl' ilmost .1'Jvavsv good , And lie IP , nt | PM t , you ilml A thliur not I'oinmon qui Anel iU unity combliieel. llciBton Courier If love ? Is blind , asi > have , lenl , And bigi * ol all time's hnvo said , Then sin eh it is proven unite Theie's no such tiling as "lovo on sight. " f'litcnRo 'I rlliunn - glows the stock of sell kin suks Upon the sielvi-s , And soon theic'll be none on tin links Of seals themselves. Don't pinlsp jour wife's blown bomi } b ilr JJou't pialse bin blue and tender i-- IJnt If jou'el plea e her fil : and seiu ere , Just jitalsu her pie- I'uck. And hall iho twentie'ti ucntnty diwti met Iind Woman still in cliiln-7 Ah' will thf human Mind ereHi it be- able to devise A piaetlcable cbalnltss vvo'iiau ? WnplilnHtnii Ptnr Thp dito o'ei vvhlih twelve moutlid igo. \ \ i > i ilsod a jovlil leu \\o c-Jin Pool "J7 Is A niLiu hick nuiiiln'i now. A n\iiiMc HOVII ; . . Mv wlfo nnd I antiiii Imid I o liveoit healthful dlot \ \ iniul the- food eliitit It t } theml And inn otii Kllih'n 1) > It \\i--ve InnlKlinl liom oiu bills of fin All th it mull gtililes i-ondeinn , Tine h } Kli ne Is all our cm e- , A i plarineil ami taught h } them foi bieakfnst , ejffpiIB ttibnoed , Hot dikes line ) igs < a forbldde-n , And milk , -Inci it is oft ImbtiPil \\ltb Ke'iins piofusi' , iliotieh hidden , IliPMil Is unvvho.tbiimp bo Is.stenk , .Submissive' to oui ! ot Oatmi'iil and gialiuni geillH VVP take , And iliink boiled vv itu , hot , foi dinner soup will nevei do , And oj-Hti-rB } ] . nouilbh. Stlacis , e'lilii'ps , und Icon , lee , Ale mire d > ypepUc Mouiis-h ; 1'otatOe-H ( by tbo bibt itdvlco ) An- poisonous , we-'rp told ; We nt i , IIP nn it. chopped iln- , with rlca , And drink boiled watei , cold. for siippc i jump prafcsscr.s Itach 'TIs In-Hl to KD vvltliuut It Hut siiet | > disi K'llon'H left to i-le ll \ \ < - tike oiu choice- about It , On i hli Km , w illlis , len and taken , \\n iinluibid to food , Hut gluten w ifei * , coca ( vvonk ) , And pi nut H are all VM > need , It ikvih us mtii-li out friends to view Ho i i Kir vi In Ibi'li ellI ; Our \\lioliniini' mi'iiti we pursue- , And big if tin in to tiy It ; lint app tile's in KOI ! ! } sway Thi-li nittiii HO iiithlalls. Wi < i iniiiit itet ii nui st to may \N ithlu uui he ilthlul walks ! Beware of Imltationj 60M , AM ( U ,