Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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caucuses coiiM l > ilpposvM upon for this
profiram Ilirrp ro more limn enough Rol.l
Oemtif fttlo member * to carry It throiiRli.
I'rouilnotit rpuhllrntm favor the pi .in rnthrr
than tlic election if a Mlvcr republican sena
1'iuiir uJTTi iiu vim tnno. .
On iv of fioM > ritiir lliixlmrir * Al > -
tiolnlOH ItoliiiKo * tin * I-\OOIIM : | | * .
COM'MWS. O. , 2. JmlRO OcrrRo K.
N'ash. crulrnxn of rn ! rcpiinltiMii state fx-
( .vullvn commute:1. : to lay ont a loiter to
Governor lluohm-ll roU. . il'.K hl posMori ns .1
trtwlrn of ttio Ohio asylum ill Oalllpolla for
opilpiitn H. to wlilr-li ponlllcii Jti < lRi > N\l li hail
III-PII pp 'lilted by Governor iiuiHinoll. Tlio
Icltpr la iilcl to br vrry oniiKtlc. but JmlRO
Nosh will not filvp It out for publication
\ 111 .iflpr It IIM been rpcclvwl by ROV-
crnor m his mall tomorrow.
( Hi hcltvK flskril the rcaions for his action
Jmltfo Nnsli sitld tonUht :
"In 1'VliViy. I urn InformiM by n mrst roll. blo
moil. Ciiuernor HiiohiH'II n.Ul that the re-
litiiilniin RtAto cxcrutlvo coinmlttoo In tlio
tern t tumiulfjt ( Mil not do n thlilK to .iKsUU
him n n a camllilntr. In Justice to my < IMO-
< -lilis on that eoniml'too , than whom more
lojJl sot of men to n party ticket ami to u
Kr.Mt o.itiso were ovpr Inii'led toRclhor , as
Aril n to myself on tin1 clulrtniui , I could
not do otherwise tl.ati resent the : n.Milt.
Ann' " . If Oovoruor llushiipll really be-
UPVPH ill' t 1. wns disloyal to him. .IK chair
man. IIP iniial ho very mic-asy as to whether
I will properly perform my duties as an olll-
err I ileslroil to relieve Ilia mind of this
"I am 'Mucustdl with the conduct of Gov
ernor llUBlinull. Hcforo the election , In pub
lic i.'pc"hes , ho proipiuled that ho ilcslrc'l
Mr Homu'H return to the Unltnil States noli-
ntc Since that time he has couponed with
the t tunnies of the rcnnblttcu pirty to ilo-
fetit the will of the people. 1 look 1141.011 . t'.iis
oa a Ho.u.iro case uf obtaining voted by false
JtulKo Nash , < ia clMlriiuui uf the state
ronimttleo , Is taking \\n nptlve Interest In the
election of Senator llaiitM iinJ cUilins thut
the last Ktdte conviintlcii .it Toledo named
Mr llamia for senator as wcl las nominated
Sir. llunrmcll for governor.
At the last state convention In Toledo Gov
ernor llushnell wauled ClMrles I , . Kurtz ee-
leclcd as ch.ilrman of the stale cxecutl > o
coitiniltteo. n position which Mr. Kurtz h.i.l
.held for the two previous iMmpnlRiiH. In ISHn ,
when llnsluieil was nrnl elected Rovornor ,
ml In 1S9S , when the presidential ticket waj
In the Hold. U Is claimed that the head of
< ! ie stiito ticket by precedent has alwayn
named thp state campnlRti chairman.
In 1S35 secretary of Slate Chailcs ICInt-cy
lipadetl the- stale ticket nnd opposed Kurtz
for chairman , but Governor Hushnoll secured
Iho ri appointment then of Kurtz > is chair
man , over the protest of Klnr.oy. When the
last state convention nominated IUtsrne.ll for
Bovcrnor nnil Ilanna for senator tlio latter
ilcfoateil Kurtz and Kecurcd the election of
Nnsh for chairman.
That In the cause of the- pro nt llRht
npiltisl iMrma. It has Involved nil the old
fishta i f former years that existed between
what were called the Shcrmin and the Km-
ter factions and Inter between the so-called
MeKlnley nnd the Foraker factions till now
the llnea are drawn between what arc termed
tinH > nnn and the Ilushncll factions , but
these fiiotlonal lights never Included a com-
iblno with the democratd till In Iho present
eon lest.
During the hst state campaign It Is stated
that Governor llushnell visited the slnto
liMdquarters only on * Invitation. It Is also
plated that Mr Kurtz , who Is state- oil ! ni-
eppclor under Governor Ilushncll and leader
of the opposition against Ilanna , conducted
Ktate headquarters In the Interest of Gov
ernor lirshncll and of antl-llamin republican
cain1n'ites ! for the legislature. There were
rharRfti during the campaign tint Judge
Nash was conductiiiB the camptlgn for the
IcRU.ntivo tickets and Kurtz for the state
K\V YIHIIV i.Kii.siATi'iii : < : TO JIRKT.
III1NNfinIili * In llvliiiiniSosxliini nil
ALUANV , N. Y. , Jan. 2. The legislature
of 1SS ! ) will meet at the capital on Wednes
day. January 5 , at noon. In the assembly tin
republicans. In contrast to the enormoub
majority of last ycnr , have but a working
majority at four votes. Including two citi
zens' union members for New York City
This small majority moans that no cppro
priatlon bills can t > pu. el without the
ii til of the democrats to make up the two-
thirds and throe-flftliH vote demanded b >
the constitution upon all lillln appropriating
state money. The senate has a very large
republican majority , them being thirty-six
republicans and only fourteen democrats
James M. E. 0'Gra.dy of Kocluster will be
re-elected speaker of the assembly.
Among the questions to co'iifr ' before the
legislature will bo modUientfons ot the
Urines liquor law. Improvement of roads
amendment of the so-railed ami-trust law
and reduction of the prlco ot gns In New
York C'Uy.
Ttoi > lllill < > niis n ( tinCiivrrnor's lloiiit
\VII1 ltdoin Iliiiiiin.
iPIUNQFIELD , O. . .Inn. 2. Republicans a
the home of Governor nushncll held' ' an In
tllgnatlon meeting today condemned the gov
eraor's action and engaged a special trail
to take a crowd of 200 to Columbus Tuesday
to boom iHanna. The meeting was attendee
Jy ) Auditor Young. Probate Judge Goodwin
1'roa rutor Stafford , County Chairman
illeard. Sheriff Sheets and others of equal
( prominence. A band has been secured and
transparencies condemning Kurtz and Bush-
nell are In preparation , to bo carried to
Columbus Tuesday. Almost all prominent
republicans of the city and county are In It
and the excitement and Indignation Is In
It U easy to catch a cold and just as rasy
to got rid of It If you commence early to
us On ? Mluuto Cotiiih Cure. U cures
roughs , eolds , bram-hiils , pneumonia and all
throat and lung troubles. It Is pleasant to
tuKu , eafo to use and sure to cure.
TriMiilillnuN nf llu' Knrlli.
HXKTKH. N. H. . Jnn. 2. Vibrations of thp
carib. fxllowlnt ; n lung nol o ns If of u srcat
explosion n long way off awoke Inhabitants
of ihls town at 6 oYlot-k this morning. The
r.oi'e was tjwo or thre seconds long and the
trembling * of the ground much longer ,
llouapn wore shnkpii.wlmlo.vH . rattled and
jniieli rommatlan Indoors l.vas oaused. sulll-
clent In most oasts to nwnken the soundest
iilonyers. Similar reports come , from other
towns above here.
iXl-lll-IINlCII XlMVN XlllPH.
Sturkley Stark of Nlobrara has killed four
wildcats so far tills winter.
L. L. l > avls of Tecumseh sold a lead of
March ulgs which avpragod 310 pounds.
The recent warm weather liaa melted the
now and farmers who had corn In' the field
ore busy getting U In the crib.
At Syracuse chicken thieve * were on tlic
rampage last week. The farmers west of
( own were robbed uf 230 fowls In one night.
Wllklnsrn Hrothcrs slipped a tralnload of
C.OOO sheep from from Kimbal ! to Grand
Island to bo put on feed. They were driven
to Klmball from Pine Bluff.
A little child of Mrs' Tuttle , who lives In
MoCook , was accidentally poisoned by eating
l > rcad crumbs covered with Hough oil Hats.
The- little OUP has recovered.
Hev. Campbell of Cambridge accidentally
ehot Tom Clark w'lillo out hunting. One shot
rcitcrcd his head , oae In hU chin and five
entered his leg just abavo the knee. The
.wounds are not dangerous.
Thrro Is a ( ictltlon circulating In Johnson
county itaking the village council to call a
special meeting to vote $2,500 bonds at 6 per
cent , payable In ten years , that Johnson muy
Iiavo a system of waterworks.
Four wolves were killed at Chambers , Holt
county , In a wolf hunt an Christmas day.
.W. II , Cooper , commander of the force , soys
they are very numerous and predicts au ex-
cltlug time In ttio hunt scheduled for Jan
uary , C.
Itcstoro full , regular action
of the bowels , do not Irri
tate or Inflame , but leave
U the ilollcnto dljcitlra erIn -
In iwrfrct condition. Try them. J rtn 1
r c. J. UiwU A i > . . L U , in
Jynopsis of the Ropcrt of llm Indiauapolis
Monetary Coininifa'.oii.
VII Drmnml Olilluntlon * of ( lovcrn-
inrnt l lie IlillrnlVlun ln
KCiilril for tliMli'iniilloii Sn ( <
HiinriN for .NnU'lmlilrrx.
WASHINGTON , Jan. 2. The report of the
Monelnry coniinlMlnn. contalnlriK the plan
of currency rt'fnrm proposed- II. together
with a full discussion of the subject and n
nass of valuable statiutlrs and other Information
mation , has bcim sent out by the executive
pommlttre of the Indlanapo'la convention.
Following are thp main points of the nrgii-
ncnt and the plan In detail :
The most sorloits evil of mir present sllu-
itlon Is the tlirp.tteneil dcRradatlon of our
monetary Htr.cid.ird.
The concurring habits of Individual man
kind fix the standard by which to measure
the value of labor and property.
Governments cannot try to clunso tills
stntuliril without iraklrg mischief.
The tttndard thus llxed Is now gold. This
U a fact ot civilization.
Government. If It serves the people well ,
accepts this fuel and records It In law. As
an Immediate means toward thh end , we
recommend that It shall I'OP provided by law
that all obligation of the United States
thall be payable In
exiting r < id future ,
gold except when otherwise expressly pro-
vlileJ. Ily the wise end couraReons action
of Its executive officers the government ha. . '
upheld that standard by paying Its obliga
tions In gold. Hut until uuch payment Is re
quired by law , and the iloor thus closed to
nil question as to the meaning of the word
"coin" In the obligations of the government ,
established gold standard
wo shall not hive an
ard In HIP full sense of those words.
At thp precoiit time the government has
no fund for the payment or It.i demand obli
gations excdit the general Ixilancc In the
treasury applicable ( iliko to the- payment o (
all dues. Our revenues are uncertain In
amount ; our expenditures are largo and
Erov/hi' ? and liable to vary. U Is. therefore ,
uncertain whether we Khali have at any par
ticular time an adequate fund for the re
demption of the demand obligations without
recourse to borrowing. Harrowing Is Etl ' "
effectual resource , because , untlor the law
as It stands , the notes which have been paid
miiHt bo returned to circulation , and so maybe
bo used ov r and over" " to draw out the bor
rowed gold. The Issue of bonds , moreover ,
rests with the executive department , and
whether It will be resorted to or not will de
pend upcci the personal views and discretion
ot the olllcl'ils at Ihu head of that depart
ment. More serious still Is t'.io fact that It
U In the power of the executive department ,
as the law now stands , to decide whe.ther
thp government notes shall be paid In gold
or In silver. An end should be put to tbh
anomalous and hazardous situation by mak
ing specific and adequate provision for the
oavment of the demand obligations and di
verting In the law that such payment shall
be In gold at the demand of the holder.
A t > aper currency Issued by tfie govern
ment'and circulating year after year without
ledemptlon educates the people In false no
tions concerning money. U aioeara to those
who do not look ot it critic-ally to derive Its
value from the "government stamp. It
ceases to be regarded n.s a promise to pay
mcciey and seems to possess , the virtue of
money In and of Itr-lf. Such a currency also
lacks the Important quality of automatic
adaptability to the varying demands of bus-
More Important than Is the fact that such
n -currency nuts upon the government a bur-
ilco In the maintenance of the credit of al
the financial Institutions of the country. If
tfio government should fall to redeem Us
notes all banknotes , tunic deposits. Insur
ance losses and debts and dues ot every kind
not specifically ixiyable In gold , would bo
oayable In the depreciated paper or In silver.
We have $ :131.353,031 : iotcs of $3 and under ,
and $ GOlG,7fiS ! ) of silver dollars In actual
peculation , making a .total of $111,551.819 ct
current money In use , exclusive ot gold. In
denominations of $1. $2 and $5. Our total
stok o silver dollars -m2,713,792. . This
Is a excessive quantity to have at the ex
isting discrepancy between their legal and
actual value. Hut wlLi further coinage of
.hem discontinued and their parity assured
by the exchange of Kold for them on demand ,
It Is better to retain them as they are than
to attempt a fiial solution at this time ot
the problem which they present. Ily with
drawing all silver certificates over $5 and all
other notes under $10 a place will be irjxlo
for all silver dollars in a way w'llch will
give- the coumtry the full benellt of them for
current use without imposing upon the treas
ury any serious burden In their maintenance.
The cblot difference of the proposed from
the existing system of banknotes Is that
it gradually docs away with the requirement
that there shall bo a deposit of bonds with
the government as a condition for the Isiii-
anco thereof. As now , the notes are to bo
a Uist Hen. upon all the resources of the
banks Including the stockholders' liabili
ties. 'This change Is necessary because of
the scarcity of United States bonds and the
attempt to substitute other bonds would
lead to many evils. The change is wise be-
caueo It permits the Issuance ot notes In the
way and at the time when , anil the purposi
for which , they would be Issued uudei
-natural conditions , it no law prevented. Sue !
a system would more perfectly tr > an any other
give 'the country a circulating medium ; it
would readily and quickly adjust itself frou
scflson to scaaon to meet the wante of the
business of the country requiring banlcuoea :
for Ita convenient transaction. Under the
present satcmthe problem presented to a
bank , when Ita customers call for currency
li not the amount of Its own assets , but Ita
ability and ileslre to make an Invcstmen
in Komethqliic quite apart from Its usiu.
business as a bank. In order that It may bo
In a position to piovldo u man who wishes
to move property or employ labor with the.
tools most ccnivcnlent at the time for bin
purpose. Notes secured as herein provided
cannot fall to be safe , because , being bnsed
upon all the resources of nil the banks l > ' 3u-
Ing them , they nre based upon the whole
business of the country nnd that busKnesa
Is the thing which gives life and value Ul
all securities ? , government , municipal , rail
way and Individual obligations. Should all
the resources of the banks over so shrink In
value as not to bo ample security for the
amount of notes that could bo Issued u ruler
this plan , then all other uccurltlvs , even
government bonds , would become valueless.
1. The existing goltl standard shall bo
maintained : and to this end the standard
unit ot value shall continue , as now , to
consist of 26.8 grains of gold of nine-tenths
fine , or 23.22 grains of pure gold as now
represented by the one-tenth part of the
eagle. All obligations for the payment ot
money shall 1)0 performed In conformity to
the standard aforesaid ; but this provision
ehall not bo deemed to affect the present
legal tender quality of the silver coinage
of the United States , or of their paper cur
rency having the quality of legal tender.
All obligations of the United States for the
payment of money now existing or hereafter
entered into shall , unless otherwise expressly
provided , be deemed and held to bo payable
In gold coin of the United States , as dulined
In the standard aforesaid.
2. ( Jn substance. ) Gold coinage as now.
3. No silver dollers shall be hereafter
4. 5 and C. ( In substance. ) Coinage and
redemption of subsidiary and minor coins
as now.
7. There shall bo created a separate dlvl-
slui In the Treasury department , to be known
a the division of Issue and redemption , under
the chorgo of an asilsUuit treasurer of tCio
United States , who aball bo appointed by the
president by and with the advice and content
of the senate.
5. To this dlvliiun ehr.ll be committed all
functions of the Trowury department pertain
ing to Hie Issue and redemption of notes or
ctTtlllcatPH and 'o the exchange of coins ,
ami this division shall iiavu the custody of tno
guan-nty end rcdeuipllui funds ot the
banks , and uball conduct all opcr-
atlii a of r " ! ernng , ! na lonil Ixi'iktKvcs
prr iTl ! > ! Vl by K v ; jird til this dlvlsln .Ml !
bo traiufcrri'l nil ge-M coki held .ig.ilnM nir- (
st.inllng gold ecrtlflci . 'fa. all silver dollars
held against on Island. ! IK silver cprtlfk'Hes. !
all United Snips notes held ix-ilnut nut.vind-
UiK rurmicy orrtimate.i , nnd all silver dollars
and silver bullion held against outsVtullMg ]
trr.isitry notes of IS ! ) , ) , -.i 1 all subsidiary and '
minor coins needed for the ( pane and ex- .
chei ge of * m-li eolnii. and the funds dcposltel |
lt.i thp u usury for t t liquidation of
n.Ulcrifil banknote * .
I ) . A reserve shall be established In Uils
division by ihe transfer to It tiy the triMinirer
of the United Staten from the general funda
of the 'treasury ' an amount of gold In co'n.
d bullion , equil to 2. per cent of the ag-
gre .ito amount , cf bolh the United States
no-ps and tnonury notes L sued under the
act of July 14. IS''O. ' outstanding , end a fur-
Iher sum In gold eqiinl tn f > iipr rent of the-
agcregale amount of lie coinage silver dol-
ars. T.ila nuerve sh-iJI be held as a com-
non fUMil , mil used iiMoly for the reilemptlou
of rttich nrles . aid In exchange for such noes : ,
in I for silver and sulvi'ldlary minor coins.
10. It shall lie the duty of the secretary
if the trpa.Miry to maintain the gold rescno
n the division of issue nnd redpinptlon at
such mini as shall secure the coruin and
Immediate redemption of nil notes and sil
ver dollars pHv > ented , and th ? preservation
of public coiilldence ; and for this purpasu
10 shall from time to time , as needed. trniiH-
'er from the geneinl fund of the treasury
to the division of Isnuo and redemption any
surplus revpiiue not otherwise appropriated ;
nnd In addition thereto lie shall bo author-
zed to Isain. ) and .sell , whenever It Is In his
tldgment necessary for that purpose , bonds
of th ? United State. * bearing Interest not ex-
; ecdlng 3 pi r cent , running twenty years ,
but redeemable In gold coin , at the option
ot the United Ptatrs , nfter one ; nnd the
iroccedx ot nil , such silrvi shall bo paid Into
.ho division ot inane and redemption for the
purposes aforesaid.
11. To provide for nny temporary di-
lelency which may at nny time exist in tin-
llscnl department ot the treasury of the
United States the secretary of the treasury
shall be authorized , at his discretion , to M-
jue certificates of Indebtedness of the United
States , payable In from ono Ho live years
ifter their date , to the beuier , of the denom
inations of $50 or multiples thereof , with
Interest at a rate not to exceed It per
centum per annum , nnd to sell and dispose-
of the same for lawful money at the Treao-
urv department , and at the subtrea-.urles
mid designated depositories of the United
States , and nt such postolllccs as he may
12. Whenever money Is to l > o borrowed
en the crr-dlt of the United States the sec
retary of the treasury shall bo authorized ,
Instead of is-mlng the usual forms of en
graved bonds , upon receiving lawful money
of the United States In sums of not less
than fifty dollars ( $50) ) In any single pay
ment , to cause n record of all such pay
ments to bo made In books to be kept for
that purpose In Washington , "and thereafter
from time to time to pay to 'those ' so regis
tered on such books Interest not cxcee/JIng
3 per cent per annum In gold coin , on th :
amount with which they shall severally
stand credited on such 'books In the anme
manner nnd at the same dateu as If they
wpro 'live holders and owners of registered
bonds of the United States ; and ho shall
also pay to those so registered the principal
sum originally deposited , In gold coin , at
the date of maturity ot such inscribed loans.
Suitable arrangements shall be made at
each and every money order postolllce In the
United States for receiving such payments
into the treasury on like terms , as well as
for the transfer , on proper Identlllcatlon. ot
any Inscription on the books in Washington
or of any part thereof not less than llfty
dollars ( $ DO ) .
M. United States notes or treasury iio'en
once redeemed shall not bo piid cut again
except for gold coin , unless there eh ill be
an accumulation of such notes In the division
of the Issue and redemption which crnnot
then be cancelled under Uio provisions cf the
act. In which cnso 'hp secretary of the treas
ury yhall have authority. If In his judgment
that course Is necessary for the public wel
fare , to Invest the same or any portion thereof
In bends ot the United States for the btcicflt
cf the redemptlcu fund ; suoh bcncs to be
held In the division of Issue and redemption ,
subject to Jfalo at the discretion of tbu sec
retary of the treasury for the benefit of the
division ot Issue and redemption , and net for
any cthor purpose.
1.1. The secretary ot the treasury rh i.ll bo au
thorized to Hell from time to time , at his dls-
creticn , any rilver bullic-n In the division of
Issue and redemption ; and the proceeds In
gold of sucih taleti shall bo place.1 to 'the ac
count of the gold reserve in Ihe division of
issue and redemption.
1C. The gold ccTtitlcntos and currency cer
tificates shall , whenever presented and paid
or received In the treasury , be retired and
not reissued.
17. No United S'ates note or treasury note
of 1S90 ot a denomination of less than $10
shall hereafter be issued ; and silver certifi
cates shall hereafter be- Issued or paid out
only In denominations of $1 , $2 and S5.
against silver dollars held or deposited Iri
the treasury.
18. The assistant 'treasurer ' In charge of the
division of Issue and redemption shall , on
dementi , pay gold coin In nil United States
notes and treasury rotes presented for pay
ment and as paid cancel the same up to the
amount of $30,000.000. After that amount
shall have been paid and cancelled ho shall
then from time to time cancel such further
amounts of notes so paid as shall equal , but
not exceed , the Increase of national Imnk
notes Issued subsequent to the taking effect
of the proposed act ,
19. If at 'the end of five years next after
the takl'ig effect of the proposed act any
United States notes or treasury notes shal'l
be outstanding , a sum not exceeding ono-
Qfth of such outirtandlng amount shall be
retired and canceled each year thereafter ,
and at the end of ten years after the pass-
auo of the proposed act the United Slates
notes and treasury notes then outstanding
shill cease to be legal tender for nil debts
public nnd rprlvato , except for dues to the
United States.
20. The secretary of the treasury may. In
bis discretion , transfer from surplus revenue
In the general treasury to the division of
Issue- and ledemptlon any Unitpd States
notes or treasury i.otcs which on sucli trans
fer could then be lawfully canceled under
the provoslons of the- proposed act If they
liBd been redeemed on presentation ; and
when. BO transferred the same shall be can-
ctlod. The seprcMry of the treasury In his
discretion , whenever there may be United
States notes or Hreaury notes In the genera - '
era ! treasury which are not available as
suiplus revenue , and which upon , transfer
to the division of Issue and redemption could
thPii 'lawfully ' bo canceled under the pro-
vlslcna of the act , may exchange such notes
with the division of Issue and redemption
for gold coin and such notes nhall there
upon be canceled ,
21. In ( substance. ) Vested rights not to
bo affected.
22. Th& total Issues o.f any national bank
shall not exceed the amount of Its palJup
and unimpaired capital , exclusive of HO much
thereof as Is invested In real estate. All
such notes shall bo of uniform design nnd
quality , and shall beimade a first Men upon
all the assets of the Issuing bank , including
the personal liability of Its stockholders.
No such notes shall bo of lea ? denomina
tion 'than ' $10.
23. Upvto an amount equal to 25 per cent
of the capital stock of the bank ( the whole
of Its capital being unimpaired ) , the notes
Issued by It shall not exceed the value of
United Statin bonds , to bo fixed as herein
after provided , deposited with the treasurer
of the United States , The additional notes
authorized may be Issued without further
deposit of bonds.
Hegiiinliii ; ( Ivo years after 'the passage of
the proposed act , the amount of bonds re
quired to bo deposited before Issuing notes
In excefs thereof shall be reduced each year
by ono-llfth of the 25 per cent of capital
herein provided for ; and thereafter any bank
may at any time withdraw any bonds depos
ited In excess of the requirements thereof.
24. Kvcrey national bank shall pay n tax
ut the rate of 2 per cent per annum , pay
able monthly , upon the amount of Ita notea
outstanding In excess of CO pur cent and not
In excess of SO per cent of Its capital , and a
tax ut a rate of G per cent per annum ,
payable monthly , upon the. amount of Us
notes outstanding In excras of SO per cone
of Its capital.
25. Any bank may deposit any lawful
money with the treasurer of the United
Sfatwi for Iho retirement of any of Its notea ,
and every such deposit shall bo treated as
& reduction of Its outstanding notea to that
extent ; and the tax above provided for shall
CCJSP ns of Uit1 flr t following mrnlli on
an equal , > ti.Nj ; . tnf 11.1 noc : < t.
27. The comptroller of thp currency ahill
from time lot time , ns allied for , Issue to
any Uink tln < capital of which la full paid
nrd unlmpaJtrilof any of the notes herein
elsewhere lillWKTiM for , on the payment to
the tivastirrr of the United States , In gold
coin , , , f fi jMl tl'lit of the amount of notes
lima riilliM.tb/J which payments shall go
Into a romtnon guir.mty fund for the
prompt payment of the notes of nny de
faulted bank. Upon the failure ot
nny bank M < ptlrrm It. " miles they shall lii
paid from the said tunranty fund , and forth
with proceedings * shall bo taken t < > collect
from tin. assets Of the bank nn.l from tiio
stockholder. ! thereof. If necraiary , a sum
sulllclPitt to < H-pv said guaranty fund the
amount thprpof that shall have been used to
redeem said notes ; and also pueh further
sum a.s shall .be . adequate to the redemption
of all the unpjlil notes of said bank out
23. If tlm said guaranty fund of f pr .
cent of all ihp notffi'oiiMtatidlnB shall become - I
come Impaired by reason of payments made '
to ledeern s.ild nolw ns herein provided ( lie I
comptroller of the currency , plnll make nn ]
nssMsmeiit upon all the banks In proportion
to 'their notes then outstanding sufficient
to make sal , ] fund equal to 5 per cent of
said outstanding itotrn.
Slulc Di-iint'titx-Hi's I.'uriiinl ( lull fur
' < ! fur Clilin. >
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. The following an- i
nounrcmcMt regarding the Cuban relief In
augurated .by . this government has been made
from the Stale department ; i
In view ol the .steps being taken by the '
seerelury of state for the organization In ,
New \Lrk of a central hi'mlquarters. , with
ho co-operation ot the American N'ntlorml '
lied I ross. tar the reception and forwarding
ot relief fir tne suffering people of Tutu , .
and the piobnlilllty that It will b ? In ef- -
fectlve operation i-nrly In the present week , I
the .spi-retnry of stale has illr.'etntt that the '
lenevo.ontly disposed public ot the fulled
Stale * 1 - Informed , through the medium of
the pri-SK , that the consul gem-nil of the !
I nltril SlntiM tit Hnvnnn announce * tb fol- I
li > wlni > articles at appropriate to be eon- !
trlliuted. nil of them , as lu > reports , bulng ,
KHMtly needed :
Summer clothing for wompii and children ; '
medicines for ftvers , principally quinine ; I
haul broad , Hour , cormneal , ceteal prop.iva. '
tlor.M , bacon , rice , Innl , potatoes ) , beans ,
p.-'iis , salt tlsh. any canned irood . nartlcu-
Inrly nourishingsoup. * ; meat extracts.
blankets , mid especially largo quinttltles of
voiulens > d milk , as ninny PITMOIIH are at llrst
too feeble for any other nourishment. i
Contributions of money arc also urgently I
needed to enable th ? purcanso of Imineliatc
supplies ot nipdlelnoit and nrtlrlos of piime
necessity , and to mi ft the exp.'iiscj of local
transportation lit Tuba.
The consul evnrrul , to whom nM s"iirpo ! ! <
nnd money will be sent , will nt once or
ganize arrangements lor the lecelpt , storage
nnd most cfiectlve distribution of who lover
ho may receive from the humane people of
the Fritted State * .
By direction of the secretary of stnto
Second Assistant Secretary.
cy Dili I'l-cimroil.
INDIANAPOLIS. Intl. , Jan. 2. The sub
committee of the monetary commission ,
headed by Charles F. Falrchlld , has com
pleted the work of drafting a bill which
embodies the recommendations of the com
mission upon the monetary question and the
reformation of the currency. This bill will
bo Introduced In congress after It convenes
by Congressman Overstrcet of this city , who
has been In close touch with the commis
sion from the time/ Its work began.
' ' ci'iiK coi.ii ix < M : HAY
Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to cure.
2uc. The genuine has L. I ) , fj. on oai.1 , tablet.
Coriu-ll anil Vnlc IU-iiri-HfiiliitlvcN to
Mvol Thin \Voi'k.
ITHACA. N. V. , Jan. 2. ( Special , ) U Is
unolllclully annouuet" ! that a conference of
the rowing- authorities of Yale , Harvard
and Cornell will bp held at New Yor' : . City
during the coming : week. Cornell lias neither
accepted nor rejected YaliVs
cl-allenjje , but bns' Indicated its doslre for
a furtnor conferAiice. It is tlie prevailing
I ulli f amons the students who have re
turned from their Christmas vacations , In-
cluillnK a number of prominent university
athletic men , that if In the coming cor.for-
enco Ynlo still Insists that Its uhnlleiige l
g-ood for only ono year . 'and for tho. course
at New London alone. It will be declined by
Cornell In a very dlgnllictl but emphatic
manner. Cornell has delayed In the nego
tiations and linn asked for another confer
ence in order that every opportunity be af
forded Y.ilo to frame a challenge free -from
all conditions.
me suiuuneiu aitout tlio campus hero Is
In favor of declining to notice any further
overtures from Yale If the coming conference -
once tloos not resut In .1 change of policy
among ; Yalp'B atbletlc advisers. A Cornell
man of high standing- says : "Valo made a
preat mistake in .sending u conditional chal
lenge to Cornell. Last year when Cornell
had the opportunity to Impose conditions on
Yale slip , did not. but admitted her freely
and without the slightest con lltlon I know
fully the undergraduate s-ontlment of Cor
nell. It is against rowingat Now London
and against rowing Valc. without assur
ances for racofi in Hie future. The Cornell
Athletic council would not exist the day
after it accepted a challenge from Yale In
Its present shape. The students would rK >
In a body and repudiate Its action Yale Is
not In a position to dictate. 'Cornell ' never
wanted to dictate nor does she now , but
only makes u reation.iblo request I think
a conference between the older and wiser
heads of Yale and Cornell \\1tli Harvard as
friendly mediator , i-\ould bnif-h away many
misunderstandings. "
IVrniXft ( InSnlliir ( < > Xiiinc Ills Oivn
rilTTSlUTIlCS , .Pa. , Jan. 3.-John J. Qulnii ,
nctlnp for Pcler Muher , today mailed arti
cles of agreement to Thomas Sharlcoy for
either a boxing contest before a club or n
tlnlsh IlKht at Cnr.son City. Manor stlpu'ates
thnt Marquis of Quepnsberry rules shall
govern , and the referee must bo mutually
agrtcd upon ono week In advance of UK-
light. The other conditions are left blank
for Shnrkoy lo Jill In as Pulls him He can
name Iho number of rounds , the size of lliu
side bet , find the pcro ntaru winner ami
loser Khali lake If the llgbl Is for a pur c
or receipts. If the light In to a Shut key
can name the amount each sbiill pill up ,
provided II Is not loss than $3CCrt a sldi > .
Malior has Jl.COO deposited with Jolm
1'riiiglo , sportiiiK editor at t'no Dlspitcli
which will lo transferred to tny Htukuholdcr
Slinrkcy may name ,
ltcco | > flin : lo 1) | | > U O'llrleii.
NR\Y YORK , Jan. 2.-IMck O'Hrleu of not
ion , the middleweight prize fighter , returned
from n six months' trip abroad today. Ho
and Prof. James Kelly arrived on the btoam-
sbip St. Louis and wuro mot by a , number
of yportinir men who wanted to give O'Hrlon
a "sonrtnft" upon hip victory ovi-r the "Har
lem Coffee Cooler , " whom ho.nocltPd . out
In the second round before. HIP Olympic
club ut lllrmlnghain. Knglanil. nut long ago.
Ohl'Joe Oor'rflilr Knoclicil Oul.
MAHYSVILLB , Gal , , Jan. 2-ln fi0 eight-
round contest between Joe Godd.ird and
Theodore Van lliicklrk Hcfereo Colford
awarded the doclflon to tlio latter. Tlio
llHlitlns was tamr : up lo the tlfth round
Goddnrd was knocke < l down In the sixth
At the close of thy light < lodiUrd offorcd to
knock Van HuslclJ-k , out In twelve rounds
and ll Is possible 'an agreement may bo.
reached betweejiiJhretmm for a fight ,
It exult iifa"\ 'iv Veiir Jnu' .
MILAN , SIo. , Juii. . ( Special Toli'Brnm. )
Floyd Cleoton of nimjvherii wcnl on a Now
Year's spree nt n'tlaofU thirteen miles east
of this city last nlglit and attacked George
Harmon with a kinfertlnlllctlng very serious
and probably fatiyvjwoundn. ; cutting hla
throat , bnrvly missing bis jugular vein , and
severing malii'tirl'Tles In the calf of his
left leg. C'loeton was arroxted this morning.
\\'nlcoll 'r'.fciMcCoy. ( .
NU\V YOUK , Jan.2-Tom O'llourke. after
Ills return from Chicago , posted nvlth the
Police a.izi-tte a cc-rtlllod check for Jj,0 as
a guaranty for a mutch ho wishes lu arrange -
range botLM-on Joe Walcotl and Kid ik-Coy.
l.'oiil . Hall 1'lajcr l.'iiiiilly Injured ,
. MAHYSV1I.MOul. : . . Jan. 2.-In the foot
ball match between M.irytvlllo and Wneut-
hnul clubs Clyde. Munwell of WliLMtland had
Ills backbone broken nnd recovery Is Im
possible , lie beluK totally paralyzed.
'l'vcnlI'Mvo .Moil Hciinrlcil Di'invncd.
CHICAGO , Jan. 2-A special to the Tlmes-
Heraid from San Antonio , Tex. . ayn : A
dispatch from Ouaiia Ju a , Mcx . * ayn that
thii Sail Puerta coal mln near there waa
Biuldi-nly Hooded with \vuti r from an iimU r-
giound river and thirtyliveminers were
drowned ,
Important Matters Which Will Kcop the
Mombera Busy.
Krlcmlft i > f ( bat Movement liiit l on
l''orclnu ' Ibc I MIIC , nnil Keel
. \Msiircil They Will
I , Win.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2 , The ( irov.illliiK
nplnliin among sonnlors i.i tint very llttjo
legislation will bo attempted din-lug tlio pres
ent week. The fact that congress will not
reconvene until \Vodnc.'dny will prob.ibly bi >
taken by the nhseulees to mean tlnl nothing
will be attempted until the following week ,
and as a consequence It Is doubtful whether
thpro will bo a quorum prcreut In HIP sointo
on Wcdiipflilny. In which event there will
probably bo < ui early adjournment until the
the following day , and then an adjourniiipnl
until Monday. In any event It Is not prob
able that any Innorlant qiieollans will bo
valsrd during Hie present week.
The general underfltandlng Is , however ,
Kiit tlio work ot the session will begin In
roil earnest after this week and that hence
forth lliero will bo no Justification of the
complaint of dullness of the proceedings.
Among the questions which will engage
early nttctitUu nro the Hawaiian annexation
question , the chlm of Mr. Corbott to a seat
Iti the senate from Oregon , the Immigration
bill mid the llnnnclal question.
hi all piob.iblllty the committee on priv
ileges and elections will meet during the
present week and the chances are that an
early report on the Corbett case will bo
ordered , oven thouf/.i It may not bo favor
able. The rcoubltcnn side of the chamber
will not bo a unit In Mr. Corbett's Interest.
Senator Durrowa ot the committee which has
c.hargo of the c.iae is preparing nn exhaust
ive speech antagonistic to Mr. Corbett and
the ori > osUcci Is counting upon the assistance
ot still others from that side of Uiu chamber.
It In not believed Hint there will be any
serious antagonism to tlio Imnilcrallon bill.
but there may be 'Considerable ' time con-
sinned In specchcH upon the subject.
It Is probable that Senator Davis , chair
man of the committee on foreign relations ,
will tr.-iko au etfnrt during the present week
'to ' get a < lay flxe-li for taking up the annex- j
niton treaty , and there Is no apprehension |
of any objection to naming a day In the early
future. The plan of the supporters of tins I
treaty Is to tnke the question up lu executive |
session on a resolution of ratification and to
debate the treaty for a few days In executive i
session , pursuing this couise long enough to |
, determine nielr strength , and commit those' '
I who profoEs to be with them. It they find
I that they have the necessary two-thirds to
| secure ratification they will press on to the
end , but 1C they discover themselves to be ill-1
flMont in voting strength they will change I
Uielr nollcv and fiu up the question of nn-j
icxation en Senator Mcrgan's resolutlcn to.
that end. T.icro Is no doubt that a majority
of afllrmatlvo votes can bo secured and that
a resolution of this character caa be passed j
.f a vote can bo reached.
The present lndlotlcas ore Mint the >
treaty as such will fall of ratification by from I
two t. . MX votes , but friends of the agreement - ;
mont have by mo means lost hope that they
will succeed In securing the entire sixty votes
necessary to ratify. They claim that they |
ha\o been making headway ! < i ecciiriug votes
during the recess , cud are hopeful of still
adding to the number. They now o sert that
a solid vote may bo expected from the re
publican -ido cf the chamber , and that sev
eral democrats who have been claimed by the i
opposition are on the fence aud liable to I
cometo them.
The -clrcumsl ices which have done most
to Improve the chance. * of the treaty is the
conduct of the European powers in appar
ently preparing for the partition ot China.
Many senators feel that this 'Is an event
which calls for prompt action on the part of
this country In the Hawaiian matter , and
there Is no denying that tills view has made
some Impression upon che senators v.ho have
heretofore been classed 3/5 doubtful.
The proposed explanation by Senator " \Vol-
cott as the result of his bimetallic mission
to Europe Is expected , when mude , to open
up the discussion of the a.titudc of the ad
ministration upon the silver quedtlcn , and
the debate may bo sprung In udvcncc of his
speech. The pronounced rrce silver advo
cates are determined to secure a test vote
during the session on the silver question , and
Scuator Teller 'has decided to Introluco the
Stanley Matthew , ? resolution , cf the Forty-
fifth ccugreiss , declaring for the payment of
bonds In silver , with this end in view.
Senator Wolcott will in ull probability
make a simple , atraightforrd statement ,
avold'V.g all controverted points as far as
pofi'lblo ' , but there are other senators wlio
will not bo content to allow the matter to
drop there , mid they will seek to cpcn the
entire question of the position of the ad-
mlntatrat'on toward International blmcialilsm.
Mr. Wolcott does mot expect 'to ' be able to
present dils statement before January 15.
The tlmo of the house this week , after It
meets on Wednesday , will probably be en
tirely devoted to ; ho debate on the civil ser
vice appropriation , fly common ccoscnt the
appropriation in tno legislative , executive and
judicial bill for the maintenance of the com
mission , upcn which the debate will lie based ,
went over after 'ho holidays. It Is Intcndea
by the opponents of the civil service law that
the debate shall cover the whole question ,
anil they expect to develop and exploit some
very Interesting fac . The defenders of the
law have made elaborate preparations to meet
these assaults , and some highly Interesting ,
If not , Incidents are antblpateJ.
Tlio iccorda of Individuals are likely to bo
very much In evidence. It 'Is not expected
that thu debate will be concluded Milo week ,
as Saturday 1m been set aside for luymi ;
tribute to the memory ot tno late Representative
sentative- Wright of Massachusetts ,
Gcneial Grcsvuior of Ohio , who has been
cno of the nuinstuyu of the opposliioti to
t'lio ' law , Is very desirous of par'lclpating In
thu debute , but owing to the senatorial fight
now in progress 'n Ohio he will probably
not bo able to iiturn ii'.i II next week. It
'Is inot belluAvd that there will bo any at
tempt to clo3u the debate before ho has had
an opportunity to make the claborau : .jpeech
which lie CIUB piepjrud.
No ono seriously believed , however , llial
thu upshot of the present delate will be the
utrlklng oul of tlio appropriation for the
tonimlsiiloii. The proposltlc.a cai.-.iot by any
moms command the full stmigiii of Iho op-
poslllon. the leaders ot4rlch think direct
legislation ( should bo enacted to repeal cr
radically at.itrd the law , The dobalo , there
fore , will simply be In Iho naluro of a KH.I-
eial airing of tlio views of 'iho members of
Iho house , tlm only practical effect ol which
will bo to place them on reocrd for the
Sli'iiiiiliuiit Cliliubt III Illi- Ice ,
ST. JOSEPH , Midi. , Jan. JVhllo ! cnlc.r-
Ing Iho harbor ut ! l o'clook lbl.s inarnlnji the
City of Duluth of Iho Graham > -Morton
transportation lliio was shoved onto n bar
7t > feet out from the plrr * by the masu of
fliutttig Ice and Is tui.v fast amidships TUBS
Imvo been working nil day to rclc-iso II , but
the biga wlilcli \ * running bus compelled
thorn lo alMitdim tholr efforts.
VOTP.S cii < : . \\r.i ) AT rt
.Hiilllvnii lti > tliiiii ; nnil Albert
III * IMucc.
I'OM'MIU'S. ' Neb. , Jan. 2. ( FoeoUH
lion. John J. Sullivan , supreme Judge-olc t.
tendered hla rcalgimtlon as Judge of this , the
Third , Judicial district , Friday , and Hon. I.
I * . Albert of this pity received oniolnl notl-
lloitlou yesterday of his appointment ns
Judge S-illlv.ui's successor. Mr Albert came
hero from llouiio county some six or seven
years ago and has since bciMi engaged In tlio
practice of law. Ills appointment gives gcu-
I'tal satur.ictlou lure and It was no siirprUo.
either , as it baa boon generally believed all
along that 1m would bo tlm man.
The rantrol P.ISES which have attracted
much attuitloti In Judge Klllnn's court the
last two weeks wore finished yesterday nfl-
ornoon. The legal holiday was spent In
arguing the case and Iho court took the nut
ter under advisement until Monday morn
ing. Many witnesses wore ffuuimonod from
the different toudshlps in the county and
t'.io expense of this contest has been very
vSvllullrceilcrm lo Mod.
RED CMHH ) , Neb. . Jan. 2. ( Special. )
The .Interstate. Swine Hreoders' association
will hold Its annual meeting at the court
houso. Red Cloud , on Tuesday and Wodncn-
dny , Jauutry 11 and 12 , 1S1S. ! The following
program for the meeting in announced by J.
Mandolbaum. president , and A. O. lltMiucr
twcrpt.iry of the nssoclattonr
Paper , "Raising of Swlno a * a lliislncw , "
J. II. Snylrs , Norton , Kan. ; paper , "Why Oo
Farmers Fall In liaising Thoroughbred
Swtao ? " U. F. Ilutchlnson , llellnlro Knn.i
paper "The 1'eillgrccIts : Use , Abuse and
Real Value. " I ) . M. Wlnnt , Rlvcrtun , Nob. ;
jiiper , "Feeds and Their Effect on Swlr.o , "
Mr. Slnw Smith Center , Kan. ; paper. "HoR
Cholera as Found Up to Date , " lr. Peters ,
Llnocln , Neb. ; paper. "The Score Card's Ef
fect on the Hog , " II. C. Diwoon , Hcidlcotl.
Neb. ; paper , "What Inlluenco Do Falls Exert
on the Hog HusltieiH ? " W. T. McClure
.Franklin , Nob. ; paper , "The High Priced
Hog. " Robert Hounds , Salem , Kan. ; paper ,
C. II. Sc.irl , Edgar , Neb.
All 'breeders are Invited to come and be
come members of the association.
Cny Social ' \YooU.
WEEPING WATER. Neb. , Jan. 2. ( Spe
cial. ) The week just cadol has witnessed
a specially brilliant social season. Friday
cvonlnK the women of Mio l.etctlc
kept cpcn house at the homo of
MM. Ida Ingcrsoll. The crowning
event took place .U the Congregational
church Now Year's day. For years the utruc-
lure has been covered with a mortgage , which
was recently lifted , and ibe Interested ga.h-
cred for a jubilee. The program consisted of
ipccches by the ministers of the city , by Kio
olllccir , of the church anil a dinner. One
fcaluro wai the burning ot the mortgage.'Ut
night tlio Imperial quarct : gave a concert In
the church.
h'lxoN TeriiiN of t'onrl.
DAKOTA CITY , 'Nob. ' , Jan. 2. ( Special. )
District Judge H. E. Evans has llxed tlio
terms of court In .tho . Eighth judicial dis
trict of Nebraska for t'hc year ISslS , a.s fol
lows : Stanton county , February 23 and Sep-
lember 12 ; Cumlng- county , January 31 and
September 26 ; Dakota county. January I" and
October 17 ; Thurstoti county. M'lroh U and
October 111 ; Cedar county , April -I and No
vember 21 ; Di.xon coraty , April 25 and December -
< co-mbor Ii. All of said terms to be with a
Jury except tlio term set cci October 31 in
Thurstcn county , which te without a jury.
In 11 C'rlllcnl Ciiiiilllliiii.
'BE ' YTRICE , Nob. , Jan. 2. ( Special Tolc-
giam. ) Wlllard Urlnton , who was assjultoj
Iai3t ulglit by Doc Jackson , Is In a critical
condition , Ho has boon cixiscious today at
intervals. Jackson n-.d ij fellow oallcd
Dccon Uurrough are being held to await the
outcome of Ilrinton's injuries.
A follow giving t-he name of George Ulack ,
said by tlio police to be an rx-cciivlct , stele
Louis Graff'o ovcicoat from the vestibule of
the Catholic .church today , for which ho wan
arrested. The ccat was recovered at a livery -
ery stable , wCicrc Illack had sold it for a
small sum.
I'scil Illn ( ! un I'Vcely.
TECUMSBH , Neb. , Jan. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Had blood has existed between
William Knight and Timothy Lane for acme
time , as .bine . has been raying undue atlen-
llon lo Knight's wife. At ! ) :30 : tcaight Knight
met Loc > ind his wife out for a walk , llu
saluted MJIO couple by pulling a bull dog re
volver and -firing it four times at Lane. Lame
whirled nnd ran and get away without a
scratch. Kr.'lght was lwkp.1 . up on a charge
c-f llrl'.ig firearms within the city limits. Lane
and Knight recently bid a bloody fistic ew-
cotinler over ' same trouble.
( 'noil Hun on licet Suyrar.
GR'AND ISLAND , Neb. . Juo. 2. ( Special. )
The Oxr.ard Beet Sugar company factory
closed down on teets at about 3 o'clock Fri
day afternoon , that Is to say , 'the ' last of the
boots went into the factory at that time , and
turned out the last sugar from beets. Tiio
sugar nwnuf.ictured this s-ear will bo about
0,750.000 pounds. It lias becti the ICMKCSI
run In the h'story of the factory by about
tares weeks or a month , the campaign having-
tills year begun earlier than In any previous
year. About forty thousand tcrs ot beets
were sliced 1u the factory.
C'luiilroiic N.
CHADRON , Neb. . Jan. 2. ( Special. ) The
eleventh ann.ial . tall of the Order of llrotlier-
hood of Railway Trainmen was gl\cu hero
last nlr.lit at the lllnk opera house. A long
daii'io program was comyletru In the early
hours of tlio now year. The music was fur
nished by tlio military orchestra from Fort
Nlobrara. The hall was appropriately dec
orated for the oocflalon. An excellent sniper
was sen-led by the ladles' auxiliary of' the
( irnnil iKliunl Soolcly KIMII.
GI3AND ISLAND. Nob. . Jan. 2. ( Special. )
A brilliant social event took place in this
city Friday even-ing. It being a 7 o'-clor-k tea
given by . .Mrs. I. R. Alter , in the sp-aeiouj
Anclpiit Order of United Workmen hall. The
latter was elegantly decorates with luco cur-
taliu' , portiere.- ) , cut llowers , palms and ferns
rugs , atid furiilturo of the llncst ll-at could
bo , 'iocurod. After lea the jurty of a hun
dred or moro guests injoyiM dancing.
Ilri-nU TlirotiKli Hie | c-c.
NORDEN. Neb. , Jan. 2. ( Speclnl. ) An
Erne-st .McLean , Frank Fisher Jr. , und RCRS
Davlson , each with a four-hnrso load of
wheat , aggregat'cig about twelve teas , wore
croKtiliiK tlio Niobrara river im the tee yes
terday , It gave way , precipitating the two
latter outfits Into the river , tin- other 03.
caplng without Iws only by quick work.
Everything o ! e > except wagons and drlvora
wan a complete loss.
Tliicv.'H ( it Mnlirnrii.
NIOI5RARA , Jan. 2. ( Spocial. ) Thlovcs
put In a busy night here recently. Four
place. * ) were entered tiio same night. A : VlaE-
"Tin * | iriilnl > pi ; of nil Illllcr Wiilum. " Luncot.
CAUTION boo tluil the lubol boars the sljjiiuturo of the lli'iu
AtttlrunH Suxlultucr.
nlk llrothrrn' nloro they Sfiiroil Jl 25 In
flinnll rhniiKo nnd some cigars. At Frltf Kg.
gert's butcher nlmp ( hey Riiwinhed the ensli
dhiwer , but spcurod tli > mrnoy. At A. II ,
Yanto's Imrwnro a'oro they nocured no money
hut took Homo line kttlvrvt , A- the otllco of
the Dwor.ik lumber > ird , wlir'r they dollti-
or.ilely wlilttlrd open a couple of diaweirt and
the cash bo\ and sucrcpdod In talntiiK by ( his
atlompl about $2,000 worth of notes ni.d
seluiil ordern , $2 Ui jMmi > - and 10 or Ml
pennies. The Ililovon dordly seciirpd cuouitll
to piy for tltplr trouble. outMdp of the valu-
nblo imporii of Mr. Dnorak , which can do
Kicm no good.
( 'uiiMiilili * Vi-rcili-il ,
\KOTA CITY , Nob. . J n. It.--Special- ( )
Mlko Kcniiolly , critst.iblo of .Licknon. \ \ \ \ *
arrested yesterday on a'i. .sworn out
In Judge. RMUI'M court by llc Hall , charRlnt ;
lilm wltli acAiult and bailery. ll-ill claims
Kounolly aiviidod him of theft , nnd upon
dtnylng the rhnigo Konuolly gnvc him a.
potxulltiK. AH ycHlerd.ay w. s n Icgil hollilny
the tasoM set for MomMy , ICevinplly
stating that ho would plead Kiill'y to the
I'nolor fin * Vnoniit riinrcli ,
NORTH I.OUP , Neb. . Jan. 2.--Spoclil ( ) -
Rev. ! ) . A. Witter of UdgortnnVls. . , nr-
rived hero Friday , December 31 , to tflkn
clinrgo of the Seventh Day llaptlnl church at
this place. This Is the largest socloly of Iho
denomination In the slnto and lir been wltli.
out a pastor t'lnco Irnt sprkig ,
I'nolllli u ( inn.
WOOD R1VHR , Neb. , Jan. 2. ( Spectal ) -
Last evening some unknown | urly knockcil
al tlio door of Mr. Hanson's homo no\r \ hero
and when the door \\ns opened by his daugh
ter ( .race , discharged n gun full In her face ,
tearing away tlio iuvu < and ruining the Bight
i > ( one oyo. No clow.
Slniiliiii SiiniMlN.
STANTON. Neb. . Jan. 2. ( SpoeMl. ) Tlio
women of Iho Stantoii Sorcsls kept open
It&uso from 2 M > ll p. m. Now Year's iay ! , ut
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. h. J. Horton.
is n
ons disease ,
though ( jcn-
orally cull-
stilcrcil ot liltlc siKinficauce , owinc to tlio fact
that comparatively few people understand its
true cause or consequences. Tliousatuls of
people who arc suffering from epilepsy , apoplexy
plexy , insanity , paralysis , weak minds , heart
trouble , etc. , have not the remotest idea that
their iliscasc is attributable to repealed or
prolonged attacks of 'headache. The cause of
headache is a ileiatigeinenl of the nerve cen
tres of llic brain , which in lurn nffecl other
poitions of the body nnd develop serious and
fatal diseases. Thus it will readily lie under
stood why it is a most dangerous disease
les' Nervate
Restores SieaStd.
Mr. John J. Kirk , of F.lkhait , Ind , writes !
I was n nrcat sufferer fioin repeated attacks
of headache that often obliged me to take to
bed. Dr. Miles' Nervine entirely cured me. "
Kirst bottle guaranteed to benefit. UooU. free
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO. , Klkhart , Ind.
Ana Surgical Institute
lOnSDoiUoHt.Omnlin , Neb
Clironic , Kcrvous and Private Diseases
nnd DISOIIDKIiSot IfifuiS
HYUnoOT.Kancl ' . , i
VAHIcof'Unn po.-iii.tnuntly an
anccivsfull.v vuml In overv CIIHO.
1IU1OU AND SKIN UlxenhoH. Sere Spots. 1'lin i
PH. Scrofula.TiiniiirH. Teller. KC/IMH : and Illool
Polnnn tlioruiiRliIvcltaiiioii from tlm HVBtoiu.
NKKVCIUS Di'lilllty. Sicrninturrln | > : i. Scnitnil
' " bes. SlBlit iinlHsiou : . Lus-i of Vital l'owur.1
pOMiancntly and ftpcc-illlvcnri'il.
( Vitality Weak * , mnilu HO l > y too close np ) > lleaiion
to buHlui'si or Hludj ; B.'vcro ni'Mital Htr.iln of
urk-f ; SHXUAL KXCKSSKS In litldillo lift ! or fr in
tlic i-iTuctB of voiitlifiil folllus. Call orrltu tlii in
today , liox 'J77.
Omaha Medical and Su ici ! Institute
Steel § Pennyroyal Treatment
is the originn.1 rndouly FJJENCH.
< twif j und ri'lifth ) cnro on th. ' mar-
bet. - ! > rfro.i.CO ; sent by .lail.
Myers-Dillon OniB Co . S. E. Cor ICth nnd Far-
nun StiePta. Omaha. Nrb.
* ? I'aiton S Ilur-jcs , Minaieri ,
telephone 1310.
Two NlnlilP. rommrnc'lnff Ti'iilfht. S.I. .
Dnnlcl Kriiliiiinn's Spcchil C < > iniiiiy | :
In his Bi-enteft of New V.iilt . Uyc-cum m-i'ctsr.
r -floir. $1 .o fi.i..j . ; tjlrnny , 7. . Oc.
Special npiHwrnnrc of Hip > - stars.
I'rcscntlriSI.HIKC & IMn.ird'H i- nili njic-a ,
I'l-k-en : lymt-r Hi nr. J.i..i. . . ji rn ; Lulinry SI 60
Jl.C1' . 7.V.
Thursday , FrirJny , Saturday ,
tVln'inec Saturday ,
C'harlra 1' pi.--nt . * \Vllil nn liill tte'a
1,1 Nf OIN ,1.
Introdii"lns a rpl'iidld iinp of
MKJH ( i.vss spun \ITII : .
I'rli'f : ' . ' . ' "ik- , ; > . jo" | . inntlim n i . ,
Ml' , ttt. . SKATS MV > ON .SAI.IO '
N' | atMu'tlim.VO ( > ! ) \ \ villl STUCK CO.
IK 15
S. IJ. Cnr lOIll mill Oil vcnpoi-l hN ,
Matlaoi'N Tui'sday , Tliuicdity nnd Km in day , 23J ;
THIS WI'JKK'.S ATTll.\l"ri\S ( | _
Kriink Dyer & Howiinl-Ulckfy
l > : tllcliiK Soulirottps.
I Ono week moro of the only Tliolnin
It let * anil , ( li-nnnn Comoilv Hkt-teh
ArtlstH ,
Muy Hi'iinctt ' K Itaymoiiil
I'MVrotlie , ,
13th and Douglas Sts. , Otunlia.
-.miMiioA.x AXI > r.i i
.1. U. MAllKii SOX , I > IIIIH. |
HO room . batlw , ntrnin lira ! and all ntoUrrn
roiivcnlfiii-t'ii llntvii JIW mh | , j.w I'M- Jay
Tntli * um-x ! llcil. Kp-cl-il l w liul ; -
Dlflv aMITII.
-inos [ 'sooniii AV
'BNOS tillllOOll NOA'UIV
l3Uli | 0 "IB U | iv u