Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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One year ago we conducted a sale which is still talked about all over Nebraska.
On January 3d , 189S , we will inaugurate what we hope to make the greatest sale in our history. We have made most careful preparations.
We have applied the knife most vigorously to prices , determined to outdo all former efforts. We desire to close out quickly all Novelties
and everything of a fancy character. Former price nor cost will be considered in accomplishing our purpose.
It will therefore pay you to read every line of this advertisement. You may find just what you want perhaps just what you have been
waiting for. If so , you will surely help swell the crowd , for our price telling will be absolutely irresistible.
No oxplinatlon Is needed for special
pricing on Liners , White Goods acid
Muilln Underwear In January. HID
riMtom nil over thecounlrj makes jou
expect us to start each jear In this
Our basement has held goods for
months bought before tariff changes
specially for this cunt.
Tlio fame of our Llnon department Is
gencril no trumpet blowing necessary.
A simple statement of pi Ices , however ,
may Interest you At Linen counter
joti will bo struck first with
Crothet Bed Spreads , clean and per
fect , sold uaually nt GOc and COc bar
gain carnival price 39c each.
Crochet Spreads , sold b ) some as high
as $1 00 Bargain Carnival price G9c each
The flnc- goods some fringed sold
usually for $1 50 and some higher Bar
gain Carnival prlco $1 19 each
The- genuine Marseilles which jou have
been buying from us for so long a time ,
two prices for the Bargain Carnival
$1 18 and $1 G9 each
200 do7pntt of HemmcJ Huck Towe- *
will go it $100 per doen not moro
than four do/en to a cimtomer.
200 dozens of Huck and Plain Crash
Towels , with fancj ends 20x10 and 20 < c
40 for the Bargain Carnival at 12V c
200 dozen % Unbleached Dice Damask
Napkins bought for this Pargaln Carni
val , will go at GOc t > er do/en
200 dozen 94 extra quality will go at
9Sc per dozen.
Beautiful fancy damask and dice
some very flno In these lots for the Bar
gain Carnival at $1 ' . ' 5 and $175 per
One case of GS-lnch loom dice damask ,
excellent for restaurants arid hotels
Bargain Carnival prlco 39c per jard.
Wo would make honorable mention of a
lot of Hemstitched Towels and a lot of
flno Huck and fancy ends some 21x15
Inctiessavcd to sell at the Ilargaln Car
nival at 15c each. *
If jou want cloths let us draw jour
attention specially to two lots 8-10
Bleached Damask Bargain Carnival
Prices $1 39 and $1 75
To simplify matters we will glvoa dis
count of 20 per cent from all sets-
Cloths and Napkins to match Most of
jou arc familiar with the high stand
ard of on1- Linens , so jou will appreciate
what thU discount means
The Star and Crescent Mills of Phil
adelphia made us another shipment of
mill odds and seconds
You remember , perhaps , the last lot
wo Bold and the excitement created at
the time These are all Turkish Towels ,
undo 1 > > the best manufacturer In the
world The .Bargain Carnival prices
will be 5c , 12'.c and 15c each
Wash lUgs , all peifect. Hie each ,
10-1 Cotton DlankeUs .this . Is how
thcso Blankets are styled commercially
Our first thought
sound promptly to open this <
South Omaha News.
Thu tabulat&l statcinriit of the receipts of I
Iho stock nt the Union Stock jards for the
jcnr 1S97 shows that with only two excep
tions the receipts'of ' cattlu were the largest
In the history of the > ards. During 1897
there was received at thu > ards 810.019 eat-
tle , which was an Increase of 221:171 : head
over the receipts of 1S90 The years 1893
and 1S94 showed an Increase- over the cattle
shipments of Ust'jcar. ' but It will be remem
bered that during these jeiars stock growers
-woro compsllel to ship their cattle on ac
count of the .searUt ) of feed Last jc ar
twenty-two states contributed cattle to this
limrkut with the range alates of California ,
Idaho , Montana. Nevada , North Dakota ,
Oregon- South Dakota , Wjomlng and Wash
ington showing a handsome Increase over
the preceding jear The feeding states ot
Iowa , Kansas , Missouri and Nebraska show
an equally creditable gain
A itMitarkablo Incioaiu In the receipts of
ho s Is shown over 189(1 ( During the twelve
months of 1897 the receipts of hogs numbered
1,010,981 head , whllo In 1S9G the receipts
vvcro 1,216.170 , un Increase of 394,611 head.
1'ourtecn states were icpiesentel on the hog
market and good galiu. weio shown from
Iowa , Knniea , Missouri nnd Nebraska.
As the result of hard work the sheep bus
iness nt this point lus boon built up wonder-
fully. Thu receipts of dhc't'p last jcur were'
C.I7.1CO-jifail as compared with i3S,005 ! In
1890 a.vl 201,870 In 1S95. It will bo seen
by this * comparison that thu 1897 receipts
wc-ro nearl ) double those of 189G. Seven
teen utatM marketed sheep at this point
\\Utl \ all but two allowing a gain , the leadIng -
Ing utatoi In point of Increase being Colorado
rado , Montana , Nubraska , Now Mexico , Utah
and Wyoming ,
Heporti from the packers show an cnor-
'but ' they do not measure full 35c per
pair nothing to raj about these except
that they are wonderfully low In price.
A heavier weight larger size Blan
ket at 45c per pair.
11-1 largo fil/o Cotton Blanket Bar-
gtln Carnival prlio G9c per pilr
SPECIAL A lot of 11-4 Wool Tilled
Blankets Bargain Carnival price ? 2 00
per pair.
ALL WOOL Three lines of all wool
Gray and Sanitary Blankets In the one
lot Bargain Carnival tirlco $2 90 per
A verj largo lot of white wool Blan
kets note the flnlsh , please Bargain
Carnival price $3.10 par pair.
A lirgo lot of flne goods In white
and colors which sold at $ G 50 and
$ S00 Bargain Carnival price $500 p ° r
Comforts Sec them for values SOc
$1 25. $1 75 and $2.19.
At Colored Dress
Goods Counter.
All our 3G-lnch all wool mixtures all
ouv small cheek goods which sold at 25c
per jard cut In half Bargain Carnival
price 12'fcc ' per jard
Ono case only of Loralne mixtures ,
Cngllsh Stripes , etc , sold as a 1 cadet at
25c Baigaiu Carnival prlco 15c per
All our flne Hngllsh Cashmeres 3G to
41 Inches wide part cotton sold up to
SOc Dargaln Carnival price 19c per jard
All our latest Winter Suitings In the
handsome Jamestown goods the all wool
goods and the popular Silk Nolls Mix
tures one round Bargain Carnival price
39c per yard
A lot of Mixed Suitings made In Eng
land j lot of spring checkB , silk and
wool , made In Germanj together with
odd pieces nnd odd colors of different
weaves goods which sold from 75c to
$1 25 Bargain Carnival price 49c per
A very choice lot containing fancies
In the newest weaves none sold below
$1 00 Bargain Carnival price 79c per
All the bountiful goods which sold at
$1 25 splendidly adapted for spring wear
Bargain Carnival price 9Sc per jard.
I'vcij Imaginable weave- and color
almost will be found In the next lot in
cluding our popular Coverts spring and
fill ehades aold at $1 50 and $1 75 Bar
gain Carnival price $1.15 per jard.
The Plaids which were 25c will be 15c
The Plaids which sold up to GOc will
be 39c.
The Plaids which sold at 75c and 85c
will be sold at 59c
The Fancy PlaliU which sold at $1.00
and $1 25 will bo sold at G9c.
And as It all this prlco cutting was
not sulllclent , we will throw on the
counters every Pattern Suit In our store
the- exclusive designs some of which
t was not to open till 10 o'clock.
Great Dry Goods Bargain <
moiis Increase In the output of the four
packing houuus now located hero as coin-
par el with 1S9G During 1897 Cudahjl killed
110.901 cattle , 417.J93 hogs and 175,031 sheep ,
making a total of 733 335 head of live stock
Swift and Company killed 182,360 cattle , 511 -
375 hogs and 191,289 sheep , with a total of
i SS5.0J4 head The G II Hammond companj
slaughtered 96,5u ! cattle , 320,747 hogs ana
39,910 sheep , total 157 , 20 head At the
Omaha Packing company 3,3iO ( cattle and
171,100 IIOKI were killed , nuking a total of
174.7CO head
Total uumbr slaughtered In 1897 * Cattle.
404.134 , hoga , 1.515.2JS , flheop , 40fi.5ll The
total number slaughtered in lS9b follows.
Cattle , 297.530 ; hogs , 1,103.002 ; sheep , 199-
WOIIIIIII'N ( 'lull Ornliirj.
The department of orato-y of the Woman's
club will glvp Us third public iccltal next
Thiira'a ) afternoon. Hallowing Is the pro-
Hecltiitlon Oratory ( original ) . . Mrs. Hrjun
lie-citation ( siMec-teil ) Mr C. II. TciAiisuiul
Piano Solo , Polonaise. ( Chopin ) . Mrs Sills.
Iltcltatton ( dlileut ) . . . Mis. U. K , MuKelvey
lii.83 Solo. "Wh > t the Chimney Sans"
( CJortrmlo OrNwuld ) . Mr A. 11. Coon
Recitation , "The Uiummer'H Ilrldo"
( Mien ) . . . . Mm r. O. Patrick
Duet , "Autumn" ( Mendelbsohn )
. .MUscH Mjrtlu Coon anil Sarah How en
Accompanist , Mrs. W l Whllmoro.
Tarco ( In ono act ) , "Murder Will Out"
( Lizzie May niwjn )
Cast of character ! * .
Grandma Stiles ( Yankee old vvomin )
Mrs. C. M , Sherrlll
Lena Stlle > : ( KrandduiiKhter )
, iMrs , W K. Townstnd
May Taylor and Minnie SpnjjUD ( filenJs
to Lena ) . . . .
MM. r dl. Crcmlej and TUis O. Shle-Ms
niuta ( ooloieil cook ) Mrs F. T. Cnllwell
Bridget O'Flarety ( looking for a ultua-
llon ) .Mra. Henry Hlllor
NCM Cunt t'luli.
A now card club was organized In the weat
cud last week , holding Ita first meeting at
eold as high ns $25 00 Bargain Carnival
price $10 00
A lot of gems which wo consider
choicer foimerly $25 00 Bargain Car
nival price $15.00
And whit U left of the flne patterns
which eold up to $32 50 Bargain Car
nival price $17 50.
Wo hive a number of bo\ed Pattern
Suits the skirt of which la braided and
sewn the waist of which Is cut out ,
marked and braided cold by us nt
$18 56 the first day of the Bargain Car
nival the price will be $1000.
Not ono jileco of Black Dress Goods will
escape the knife The stock Is exten
sive , the \arlety almost endless everj'-
thing cut for this great Bargain Carnival
The black fancies molnlr and wool
which were uOcand GOc Bargain Carnival
pilco 39c per jard.
The fancleo of every kind which sold
at 75c Bargain Carnival price 59c per
All the 'beautiful ' fancies Prlcstlej's
ind goods made by the best Germaai nnd
Trench makers which sold at $100
Bargain Carnival price 79c per jard
Those exquisite- fancies with bright
mohair figures , sold by us at $1 25 Bar
gain Cirnlval price 9Sc per jard.
The Novelties choice goods which sold
at $1 50 and some .is high OR $175
Bargain Carnival price $1 19
Our celebrated Hcnilcttas oil wool
and silk warp cut In eame proportion
And now for the Silk Department
Extensive selling at this department has
left us with odd lots of all kinds. Keen
cutting here to clear the deck foi spring
arrivals Wo turn , this stock rapidly
alvvajs to prevent accumulation of out
of date styles. You will ( Ind nothing
that bears the earmarks of antiquity.
All our narrow Chinas In colors
Bargain Carnival price 29c per jard.
All the fancies now this season
which sold nt 75d and S5c Bargain Car
nival price 59c per j-ard.
All the wide Roman stripes made In
Japan djed and finished In America
Bargain Carnival price 39c per jard.
All our best qualltj- plain and change
able Taffetas Bargain Carnival price
G5c per jard
All the Fancy Linings which sold at
35c and 40c Bargain Oirnlval price 23c
per jard.
All the Fancy and Australian Linings
even the 36-Inch and 10-inch Bargain
Carnival price 35c per jard
Four prices on all the fancies even
ing shades and reception stjlch Bargain
Carnival Prices S9c , $119 , $139 and
$2 00 thehlghc / l cost good In the stock
will be found in these lots.
The Ba ! k Brocades , the Satin Duch
ess , tfoe Black Taffetas , the Gros Grains ,
the Velvets , the Cordurojs , all have met
the same fate knifed to s.ell.
A few Comb Biush Mirror Sets , now
goods , aluminum , German silver , or ster
ling sliver , with plain or Dresden backs ,
one-third off retail prices 20 per cent
discount from all French Hand Embroi
dered Handkerchiefs.
Ulfj bargains In Lices special value at
9c , 13c and 23c per jard. Seeing them
Is buylag them.
The bargains are so numeroi
the home-of Mr and ( Mrs George Barker on |
Friday evening The christening of the t
club , which bears the name of II. T , caused
some am mement mixed with wonder among
thcf.0 who participated in Its formation The
significance of the Initials has been given a
number of Interpretations , and even now the
members arc asking with more than ordinary
Interest tholr meaning. The secret Is that
of toine one whose Identltj Is not vouchsafed
and theicfore the members are at a loss to
tell what the name Is > Mcssn > and Ales-
dames George Barkei , John Brady , A F.
Caitor. E A Cudahy , C N. Deltz , F P.
Klrkeiuhll , Euclid Martin , 13. A Mc-Whorter ,
A L. Heed , Gcorgu Squires , G W Wattles ,
Mr. Arthur Shlvorlck and Mr. Charles
Shlvorlck form Che membership The gucsu
Friday evening were Mr and Mrs Wllber ,
Mis H. Burgctt Mrs. Barber , Miss Mai tin ,
Miss Cornish , Mrs Artcr , Mr. Joseph Barker
and Dr Wilson
> l. t , Six-liil Clnli'x ln nee ,
Friday night the M. C. Social club gave a
ball at the Masonic hall , T'.venty-fHth nnd N
sheets , iwhltih In many respects was onu of j
the most enjoyable given in South Omaha
during the pit tent season Mr F M Van
Amain led the grand march , assisted by MU
Gulf of Council Bluffs There was a large
attendance , and thu hall was most appro
priately decorated Twenty-four numbers
ntrn danced The committees In charge
were Master of ceremonies , F. M. Van
Arnam ; reception , H E. Stone , H Kuuncr
and G 1 } Harding ; floor , J Deltleiner , H.
Hnrdlng and W. iNowton The tominltteea
wore ably assisted by iMUs Mitchell , Miss
Vin Arnam , Miss Colvln , Miss Dolson , Miss
Guff and Miss Clark The next party will
be given on the evening of Januarj 19.
humII ! ) hclmol OlUuern
At a meeting of thu Sunday School board
lattweek the * following officers and 'teachers
wore elected for the year Joseph Bogen ,
superintendent. ; Jay Lavorty , flrat atuldtant
superintendent , Mrs , A , F Etrjker , uccoud
Muslin Underwear
The business In this department has
grown marvelloiisl } It lias been our con
stant aim to carry only well ma Jo , first
class garments Our stock for twins
Is more complete tbao c\cr before. Sane -
ne , Slearns & Company stand at the
bead us inanufactmers of high grade
goods. Wo cirry almost c\ cry thing they
make. Special attention has been gHen
'to ' seta to match i he garments arc not
sclmped Indies of full habit can bo
suited ag readily as those vt\o wear ordl-
imry or regular sizes Look carefully ,
If jou please at the material , the cut , the
trimming , the finish , whether tor trous
seaus or every ilay wear , wo can meet
the demand. The past lo\\ pricing In
this department Is fair evidence of what
wo are doing at this time. It may not
bo out of place to quote a few of the
special offerings for this great Ilargaln
In Ombrella Drawers we111 sell an
excellent garment , made from fair qual
ity fine cambric , with rnfllc also extra
wide straight tucked Drawers < it the
Dargaln Carnhal price 25c
A moat attractive , \\ell mide garment ,
trimmed with torchon lace , good cam
bric Ilargaln Sale prlco 29c pair.
I'orhaps now hero else can sou find
anything to equal our Ombiclla , flno
cambric , trimmed with cmbroldDiy ele
gant made Drawers at the Bargain Car
nival price 59c.
landless almost Urn > arlety of Draw
ers at prices up to $2 50 per pair.
Corset Covers i > rotty and dainty flno
cambric 2 rows torchan lace Bargain
Sale price 29c each.
Night Gowns full sire trimmed with
cmbrolde-rj nt 39c"each
A moro dressy g'drinc'nt embroidered
ruuled and tucked Bargain Carnhal
price 19c.
Our stock of Skirts la very large the
prices marked on them will , s ° ll them
quickly. Full slzetl Ombrolla Skirts
mailo from good canibric--einbroldercd or
hemstitched with tcjtfster of tucks
at Bargain Carnha { sale S9c. ,
Ombrclli Shaped Skirts extra Pull and
trimmed with embroidery and lace
Bargain Carn'vnl ' price $1.2'i each.
Black Skirts made from Italian cloth
or sateen wore $1 00 and $1 25 Bargain
Carnival prlco 79c each.
Our T. K. & CO Special Corset sold
by us previously at $1 00 Bargain Car
nival prlco 69c.
Cloaks and Jackets
Lost week several ladies Inquired when
wo would liold our clearance sale on
Cloaks and Jackets. Every woman In
Omaha knows that A SALE moans some
thing at our store. Ne-vcr before would
a little money go so far as It will go on
Monday morning. True , ito our estab
lished custom we will clean up nil left
over garments. New stock each spring
and fall Is what makes you look to us
for correctness of style. Monday , there-
US , the stock so large , that a lo
aarlstdnt superintendent ; Eldon Smith , secre
tary , Miss Belle Wlddls , assistant secretary ;
John Fluid , treasurer ; Miss Stella Cain ,
missionary treasurer , S. A Tlbbotls , llbra-
ilan , By i an Smiley , assistant librarian , Jay
Lavurtj. chorUtor , Mrrf It Ileavois organist
Teachers , C W SmHli , 'J A. B ck , Mru
Dozslo Mabrry , Mrs iSarah I. Pot.ell , MMs
Hattlo InKcraoll , Mis II , Grumly , Miss Stel a
Cain , Mia r A. Orotsay , Miss Kthcl Mc
Millan , Mis. ' Maud Tlnmsa. Mis J A John
son and Mia. Lehmor.t '
' '
Miitrli * ri'fjf' ( iiNNli. |
Try Mclcl r-r's Go'.dep , Crpss Cough cyjo.
Diamonds. Diamonds * t Culeman , 21 & . M Sts.
Eugene Dcdcl of Blair Is heru visiting
h'n brothci Bert. < i i
Mra Roebuck , Twentj'-flrst and I streets ,
will entertain the Musical club Monday
mcning J- * >
A week of prajer dill bti observe ] at the-
I'lrst Prebbyterlan church , ' conimcncliig this
evening. ' * ' "
' ( )
The trustees of tho'lflni Methollst Epis
copal church will meet at the pastor's tudy
Monday evening
T W. Cojfroy and wlfo of Now York are
the guests of Mr. and Mra W. I ) . Godfrey ,
Twenty-third and N ( streets ,
J 0 May was arrested yesterday for dis
turbing the puaco at his boarding hoase at
Twenty-sixth and Q etreots.
At the I'lrst PresbjitTlan church this
morning Ur Wheeler will preach on "Our
Choice cf Palth , Altruists or Egoists "
Mra W. j , Holland , Tinentfourth and
G streets , entertained Friday night in honor
of her sli'tor ' , Miss Clark of Greenwood.
Two incmborH of the Chicago Young Men' *
Christian association ibaskct 1)311 team wljl
speak at the local Youns Men's Christian
association this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Revival services commence at the I'lrst
Method 1st Episcopal church toJay Hev
John Williamson , J.n. , hia arrived from
Chicago uud will conduct the services. It
for"vo will inako four divisions of
ladles' Jackets. Capos , Suits and Skirts.
Lot No 1 Heavy weight bouele and
frlezo cloths all new st > les most of
these sold at $7 50 Hargalci Carnival
prlco $3 70 coo1 ! .
Lot No. 2 All our various lines of
$1000 Jackets at itvvo prices according
to the quality of each the Bargain. Car
nival prices will bo $500 and $ GS ! ) each.
Lot No. -EVctislvo Indeed will bo
found the Uissoitmcnt of kcrsejs , genuIne -
Ino mohair , bouclct" " etj. Goods In this
lot contain eomo of the choicest garments
shown this season. Silk lined through
out Baigaln Carnival price $ S 25 each.
Lot No 1 Wo will close out all odij
pattern garments fc\v of a kind but a
fJlrly largo lot vvrten all are Rotten to
gether Russian blouses flj frotit Jackets
tJlis greens browns blues and blacks
1C j ou think of getting sometMag extra
fuo get up betimes so as to get to our
s'oro enrlj L'argaln price $9 SO.
A few garmcfits not enough lo make a
lot Blotise'i and Jackets can bo bought
ni merely nominal prlics.
Three lots of Capets
Tlrst lot perhaps 150 Capes all told
btught rcccntlj manufacturer took a
loss to clean up rough and &mooth goods
thlbet edged mati > handbomelj braid
ed and jot trimmed 'Bargain Carnival
Prlco $3 OS.
Second lot A largo a'isortment of
S'ciglo ' and Double Capes handsome jou
will saj fur trimmed or plain Bargain
Oirnlval price $500.
Third lot To clean up our fine Capes-
mohair , boticlo and beautiful kersejs all
silk lined priced previously at $1200
and $15 00 Bargain Carnival price $825.
Our Ladies'
Suit Sale.
Will bo a carnival In Itself. Wo doubt
If jou ever saw ench genuine bargains as
this lot ccnbJlns. Two-thirds of Hho
finest garments In our store 'winter
stilus nemo bold by us belon $1500
Dargaln Carnival price $10 00
Dresa Skirts ta novelties and plain
stiplo goods from $1 69 up.
Raw cotton has been sold at ruinously
low pi Ices Yellow fever In the south
cut ofl the demand for manufactured
goods In a sec Ion where cctton goods
are used most extensively. Wo con-
tiacted and bought when the goods were
sold at as low prices as hive been Icnovvu
In the hlstoiy of the countrj. Com-
parl on will convince you of 'the ' icr-
fectlon of finish , the fineness of count
and the genuineness of values will be
at once apparent. Numerous surprises
aw nit you In tills department.
Whether at 4Vic 5\c , CHc , 7'4c or 8'4c
ovcry number will bo a genuine bargain.
In Sheeting our regular line not
mildewed goods but perfect goods at
lesj then damagei prices. Our 9-1 full
width Sheeting , unblwchcd , at 121Ac
bleached at 14' c.
Wo cairy all the leading brands
the prices will surprise you everywhere.
Wo will have a very Interesting story
to fell en Made Sliceis and Cases in a
mg day will be necessary. 8 c
Is understood that an effort Is being made
to induce the othoi churches to join In
this revival and hold union revival cervices
for a month
The police made a very good showing
during the year 1897 , at least as far as the
number of arrcst.s were concerned For
Mio uwalvo months ending Friday night 1,197
persons had been arrested anj < beokol at
police headquarters The number of arrests
iby montlu follow January , 57 , February ,
id. Maith. C9 , April. 85 , Maj. 101 ; Juno ,
116 , July , 1C2 ; August , 115 ; September. 9J ,
October , 152 ; November , 81 ; Dcce.niber , 87
During the ycai 1S96 only a fetv over 1,000
pertonj were airested.
rropiixcH to hiii > Dm Clly.
D. P. Hulllvun II.IH u grievance. Ho was
uirested Filday night aa n Niibplcloiis char
acter , nnd after npcndlnt ; a night In Jtill VV.IB
released by Judge Gordon , the olllctr who
madu thoaircnt admitting Unit he was nils
taken Olltcrr Jlussell placed 8ulllv.ui un-
dir urrrsl , und thu excellent en ilentlalt the
I ittc-r produced vvcro liiBiillli'lent to convince
the pjllcoman tint the prisoner WUH worthy
of conlldcnoe and that there WUH no ground
for placing him In custody Sullivan hna
ben employed by the Western Union Tclc-
fi iph romp my on inxldo const ! uctlon nnd
by the Industrial Iron camp my In u similar
c.ipitltj , ami IH now In Omaha In Ho.ireh of
employment When he was arraigned yes
terday he denied having been inillty of nny
criminal act nnd the olllcci told Judge ( lor-
don lit > "guetsi ( I he was mistaken. " bulll-
van vvau accordingly discharged Ho now
Intend * to employ counsel and bring suit
for false Imprisonment usalnst the cltj.
Prosperity cornea rimclcret to the man
whoso liver la In good condition DoWIU'a
Llttlo Early Risers lira famous little pills
for constipation , biliousness , Indigestion and
all stomach and liver troubles
Too MiHliV t Yrnr Cli - T.
Too much cheer was circulating In the
saloon at Thli tei nth and Howard Hlrcetu
last night and u lleht wa precipitated The
UK-leu broke up on the arilval of the olllceru
At Our
Book Counter.
It would seem ns If all Omaha should
bo supplied with booko Let us make a
test. This may be > our last chance to
buy copjright books at n discount of
M per cent from publishers' prices
Wo have several hundred % olumes of
Holiday Books which sold so freely dur
ing Christmas week al 25c to add to
the enthusiasm Bargain Carnival prlco
will bo ISc each This lot includes the
beautiful dalntj whlto books "UclloYi
Letters" nnd "Internal Life" scries s-old
at 25c Bargiln Carnival price ISc each.
Books for bojt nnd gins St Nicholas
scries , etc. sold bj us nt 35c bj the
bundled Bargain Carnival prlco 'JUc
All the Board Books which wore2 0
volume Bargain prlco ISc each
All our Irish Linen Papei which hold
at 20c box of one iiulre and package of
envelopes Bargain Cm nival price 124c
A lot of Box Papci containing four
quires paper and two packages of cci-
\elopcs sold by ua at 50c per box
Bargain Carnival pi ice 31c per box
Thackeray , Dickens , Shakespeare , Hl-
llott , Hume's Hlstoiy of England Gibbons
bens , Hawthorne's , Hustln's Modern
Painters , etc. etc , all In sets , will bo
subject to a dlscormt of J5 per cent
Bibles , Pra > er Books and Hjmnals ,
all subject to n discount of 20 per cent.
Trlf and Trlx > , by the author of Hel
en's Babies 3Sc volume
All Our
Standard Prints.
Wo mean full G4xGt count regardless
of make Bargain Cai nival prlco 3VjC.
Three prices take In our Gingham
The bcot staples 5c per jard
All the lOc dress styles Bargain Car
nival price G ic.
The flnu imported Scotch goods which
sold at 25c Bargain Carnival prlco 15c.
Men's Furnishings
Samson of OmaTia , the king of Qul-
vera , could issue no edict to his follow
ers moro Interesting than the men's
news found In this advertisement. The
oldest Inhabitant will have something
to talk about while the Carnival Is In
Five lines of Underweai the flno goods
all wool ooo a fine two-thread Swlts
Conde another nil wool ilbbcd which
sold at $1.50. Two lines gray and san
itary plush black goods and the other a
fine camd'a hair all at onu Bargain
Carnival price , 98cT > ci garment.
Neither tlmo nor room lo tell anything
else at this counter.
Two prices In Wool Sox fln-t the -wool
mixed at lOc per pair and then the all
wool at 25o per pair.
j'cloclc , therefore , will be the o
with the exception of two combutaiitH , who
vvure too much ontfiKml with their oppo
nents Ono was 11 11 ICuHlat , who was oc
cupied In bis shirt hh'evcH behind the bir
with the barkeeper Joe JohiiHon had his
man In the luai loom anil was felvlng him
vigorous tieutinent wlien bu was inter-
rupteil. Both vvcro nircstcil on the charso
of lighting.
Arnold's Ilromo Cel ° rj cures headaches ,
lOc , 25o und 50c. All duiBglsts
'Needlework diillil of Vmerleii.
The Omah i branch of the Needlework
Guild of America distributed 512 K"ami-nts
to the poof and rtlck of Omaha hint month.
Though this uork has been In pi OKI CHS for
thieu yuuns , UH inaihlneiy Is HO mildt in it
munj have not even hi irU of It The move
ment \\us Hturtiil In England fifteen jtnrs
ago by Lmly Wolvtrton and has sine"
spread widely thiougnout Oreit Britain and
thn United Htutett Thu ( .ulld In nonsee-
tailiiu ami UH object Is to furnish new ,
plain anil miltahlu garments to meet thu
great need uf hospitals , hunux uml other
charltleii. The various branchcu uro com-
post'd of HictloiiH , each repret * ntlng 110 gar
ments , collected by tlu < piesldunt Hecrelnry
and thieo dliectorH of the M c tlon cuch of
whom solicits two KtirmcntH from tun other
members and contributes two hernulf Thu
furnishing two garment ; * annually conttl-
tntes membership Thin year the garments
were illHtrllmteil to The Eininiiniiul IIOH-
iiltiil. ViHltlng Nuraes' aH oelutlon , C'hlld'H
l.o > pltal , St Jameii' oriihanage , Plu.sbyterlan
hohpltal. Muthodlst hostiltal , Hurt Htreet
home , Ureche , Bancroft home. Hilv.itlrm
Army Hcscuo home und Bpeclal C.IBCH The
present olllcers of the Botlety aru Mrn J
W Van Noatraml , honorary prixldent ; Mrs
Churchill Parker pri bldent , Mis H. A Col.
llns. Bccretuiy , Mrw , J O Phllllppl , tieus-
nrcr i iie > o women , with the ten section
presidents , constitute an executive lioird ,
through which the business of the society
la carried on.
Al Home In 1'rleintn ,
The Young Women'fl fhrlstlan association
was at homo to Its friends from 5 to 9
o'clock lust night uml more than 4(0 people
vyero piesent dining the evening1 The
were met at the door L > j a rcixpuon
A Wg lot of Suspenders at a quarter
the best iwo hnvo ever offered at thU
All shapes men's Neckwear sold at
60c Dargiln Carnival price 35c.
All broken line' of Coloicd Dross
Shirts the Jl 00 and $1 25 grade Ic-ad-
liifi nukes Monarch , Gold , Stanlej ,
etc Bargain Carnival prlco 79c.
Outing Flannels ,
At G' c and 8c all our best fleeced
wrappci goods
Hverj thing In Duck Twilled Pollings
which sell at 12' , c Bargain Carnival
price 7'Hc.
The lOc Percales nt fi'ic.
One case onlj of Cicuni Shaker Plan-
uol at 3 c
The Quccra of Points , all her mnldsand
Indpcl every wonuii In her dominions
nro Invited 'to ' the Bargiln Carnival of
Underweir nud Hosiery.
Children's and misses' heavy ( leecex-
Hose at 15c.
Suvoral lines ot wool goods to clone
some vcrj flno Bargain Carnival prlco
25 cents.
Ladles' domrallr made all wool HOPO
at a quarter of u dollar "bey distance all
competition Bargain Carnival prlco
ID cents
Wo will also sell ns good a Cashmcro
Stocking as jou have ever bought In
the regulir way at 75c for & 0c prr pair.
The new itarllt will mike It Impossible
to tell as good Hose below $1 00
Look at the children's Underwear
thrown on the counters shea 1C , 18 and
20 at 15c 22 , 21 and 20 at 20c 28 , 30 , 32
and 34 for 25c.
Bovs' all wool Undciwear largo sizes
at 50c.
Ono lot of ladles' Underwear at 25c.
Another lot of flno Hgyptlan jam
silk flnlsh goods at 39o .
And goods which sold at $1 00 and $1.25
at the Bargain Carnival prlco of C9c.
The next may sound high In prlco ,
but It Is perhaps the gieatcst bargain
of nil $1 50 per garment made , Ibo It
known , 'by ' the Low-Is Knitting company
full regular sold pruvlotisly by ua at
$3 00 per garment.
Too busy to talk about our Drapery
department filled , however , with Carni
val Bargains.
Our Second Floor.
Lot us say aword about our second
The ladles' Waists Inwool and silk-
all marked at Carnival prices.
The Furs In Collarettes Scarf Capes
and Cblldrsn's Sets will bo snapped up
quickly If value Is appveclatcd.
The children have not been over
Jacket prices begin at $1.50.
Infants' Cloak prices begin at 75c.
pening hour , and the gong will
eomiulttio composed of Muadimea Tlldun ,
.Smith , KtcharilH , Hoohlur and Day The
roomn were hiinK with holly iind Christmas
( 'reeim. In thu loficsliineiu r im the tablm
were In charge of Mesd im Conrad and
Dumont , allied by tvvinlj f ui youn
women. A hhoit . -
pi f.rii-i Klven rjn-
Hlstlng of voiul nuinlin i 1 > i Hfes France *
Uoder , iMnn Williams and uricv S Crnvv-
foul IiiHtrumeiitul htlictloiu worn glvtii
by Mlb H CJracs Huncoclc ami Capltoln Wi | .
Mrs. Mary Bird , HarrlHlmrg , Pa , sn > i.
"My child Is worth millions to mo , ye.t f
would have lost her by croup had I nut In
vested twenty-live cents In a bottle of On *
Mliiuto Cough Cure" It euros coughs , coldu
and all throat ami lung troubles
llrciinini HUH mi iiierleniM > ,
Tim Uicnmin of 173 (3 Hlrsot , 8oti h
Omiiha , met with an uxpurlencu lant night
at the hands of u lusty beiigai Ho w la
piHBliif , ' iiuv until nnd 1'nrnam utructH with ,
u frloml Hliortlj after ilark , when be was
appro illicit by a Hhiiliby Htruit < > r. Thu man
Bihl he had nee ( led a illmu for a iilght'H
lodKlng Bienimn retuaed and thn mini
turned his attention to hl friend Tno lat-
tei hcHltated , but finally refusal , and the
tvva weri ! iiiHsliin on , vvhc-n thu Htraiifcr
adilii s.sed llrennan and uiciiscil lilm of
"qmorliiK" him In MHllliL- the loan from
hU coinnanlon He thin attiukid Ilimiimn.
who called thu nHslainnce of OHIctr .1 II.
blory anil caused hid aiic-Ht on thu
of begging and awHiult
Sal \iillnii Arm ) nii
At thu Salvation army hcailquarlurit laut
night a living representation of thu down
fall of a younir man vva'B ( .Ivun Tlio
tableaux were urranuc'cl in three rouin ,
thu llrHl iipreKdillng thu young man r-cclv-
Ing the heiiedlctlon of bin iiaruntH an hu left
his eountry home Jn the Hetonil Hct'lin tt
uudlenc-u wltiu'sscil , ths llrHt step downward
In the Inlluenu ! of bid eonipiniont , und In
the third Kroup ho wa shown In an Intox
icated condition , ejected from a saloon
door At this point , however , thn leuctiu uf
thu .Salvation army wiia depleted and alt
ended will Special meeting * ) Weiu uu
iiouiiccd for every nluht thU vvccU.