THE OMAHA DAILY SUtfDAY , JAjSTTAHY 2 , 1808 , SOCIETY SE'IS A HOT PACE ftfanj Minor Functinrs Dnring ths Last Week , Q'JEEN ' OF HIE CARNIVAL 13 SELECTED Tllli Mllilrril Mpilii | nnoii I" > iitiiiri1 1" l.i'ilil llumlnl SH nl 'Jri-ul Soviet ; KMMIIVitliil Prom a eoclcty standpoint the week bet - t c n the holldas U usually the most quiet nrd unlntcrcitltiK of the season People arc tired out by the Christmas shopping and ( U-vo > o their time to renting anil gloating over the good thtnRS that Old Saint Nle',1 han droppnd Into thplr stockings Tlio last wcelc , however , all of the old cntabll lied rules have been broken and , like prosperity B0cla | functlonn have followpd ono another lu rapid succession It Is true that th ° ro was nothing that was Interred to ahakn society circles from center lo cl-cumtcrcnco , but there were ecoicn ot thoao little parties that ate so pleasural ) P to those who pnrtb Ipate People cnteiUUica und were entortciliuil ; there were sumptuoua lepasts sprcul In the households and frltmls on I nelghborfi gathered alont table * that gioantd under their loads of plenty. The skailng cirnlval tint Is slated for the near future Is an o.-cnt tint Is attracting moro thnn usual n-tentlon. now that the queen lias hern chosp n. Spoaklrg of the iuccn of this carnival. It Is a ploasuic to moat of the r-oclcty people to know tint AlUs Allldrcd1 StcvenBon Is the JOUIIK woman vho will leid the holts In the Biatitl march and will wear the crown and the ormlne of rojalty Aliss Ht venson Is ono ot the most estimable young women of the rli > and Is a dauqh'er of one of the olilo1 famllloa In the i-tatc While t'hc has not alwavs led the fashion able set , she Is well knovn to the faBhlon- nble ones and will pel form th duties of the occasion with most becoming grace. The maids of honor who will n slst the qiite"i are Mlssrrc Anna Heyvvcod , .Maggie Toley Blrdlo Auiswald Mae Hoblnson , Mabel Nelson , Edith Miner , Elolso Couch- mnn. Alarlo SusterlrNellli - Hhlne , Emma Ilrau , Jennie Graham , Prcda Lange , Agnes Mjof. Plosslp Homaln , .Minnie Neilo , Auni Fall , Marie Wooi'iril , Lottie Shalda , Ploi- eiico Ha/ard Emily Wnreham Most of the voimg women aio well known , which fact establishes the certainty tint fiom a sotlot ) iwint of view the carnival rwlll be a nattering SUCCESS MIH HCII- > II'H Itffi Cno of the most not 'bio icccptlons of the week was Unit given at the residence cf E iA Benson , Pen y-elgiith and DoJgo streets on Ihurtjclai evening , b > All -and Airs R A 11nnnn Mr .Hi ,1 \ ! faV 1. p.plhv . MiSS lAlexandcr and Mr Prank E Alexander There were over 100 gue ts who called to j > aj their respects during the cvmi < ig The JiotiBo was beautifully orramcntcd In the < linlng room thcio was a large octagon- bhapcd bell of smllas. and ruses suapcnded over the table , with pink rose and smllax tastefully airanged Usewhero about the room The drawing iroom was glared with large quantities of pink loses and violets , and In cBno recaption hall vvcro palms , ferns and red roses In rich profusion Altogether the af fair wan ono of the most notable of the larger functions that have occurred this wxihon and < was In ovcry respect an unqualified MICCCSS The costumes ot the hostesses were as fol lows : Airs. Bciison , green silk brocade trimmed In chiffon , violet velvet and \iolos with dia monds. Airs. Sclby , mess green velvet with trim mings of p' ik sa In , llbcrt } allk , decollete , diamonds. AIlss Alexander , black net over cherry col ored satin , trimmed In green chlffMi and pas- Blmontary , diamond pendant. The costumes of these who assisted were as follows. AIlss Imogeno Alexandei , a beautiful cos tume of pink silk brocxido , decollete. AIIss Ada Alexander , blue silk and \c\vo' \ trimmed In fur. Mrs E. M liartlctt , white satin brocade , \ \ let velvet and diamonds Airs. E E. BucklngMam , yellow chiffon over jcllow satin. Airs Allen B. Smith , black eatln trimmed In jot , -with jcllow satin and lace trimmings Air1 ? Colfax , black satin with duchess lace AIIss Tukey , black thlff < si trimmed in violet let and grcon , decollete. AIIss Blessing , white over white Katln , pearl ornainenttt fMIss Adnee Van Gleson , jilnk net over pink eatln , violets. Airs Dale , white broendcd satki. AIra James , black velvet , point lace. AIIss > AIao liartlctt , whlto over white eratlti decollete. lAIra. Alapca , whlto chlffcui over whlto silk -iiiciiil > cr tin'I'liiirHloiiN. . In addition to the lUt of presents men tioned as last week received by Mr. and Airs John M Thurston on the twentj-fifth an Tilversaj ot tholr wedding the following should be added A genuine brcry samovar , brought from Jlusala and presented by lion Peter Jansen and vvlfu , founJer.3 of the Hu&slan colony a Jansen , Neb ; six silver spoons and butter knlvra , which had been prchentcd to Air : I'olruil upon the occasion of her own silver wedding ; A P Newman , a set of gold fin Jshcd , enameled salt spoons ; Air. and Airs. L II Dow , gold , plated silver Jardlnleret , richly enameled and emtosscil , Mr and Mr . W 0 Thomas , beautiful porce'aln cracker jar wit ! gold enameled cover and trimmings ; Airs Phoebe Knight emd Aliss Knight , a beautlfu book accompanied b > an oilglnal poem ; Alts J. P Boyd , a beautiful piece of silver ; Clar cnco L Thurston , a Harvard spoon , and Grae and Joan Thurston. silver after-dinner colTe uomer : E J Tuttle. a. tall cut glass vase Mr and Air..1 A Tooker , a largo silver berry spoon , J. H Tower , a iiiiilque silver peppc and BJlt ct , J C Wharton and C L Chaf fee , a handsome oval bread dish of exquisite rtcMlgn ; Air aid Airs Henry T O'arkca ( beautiful bony dish of chased silver , wltl cpoon ; lion and Airs C. II Alorrlll. olaborat bllver berry dah ! ; Dr and Airs George Til den , fruit act ; an elegant cut-glass punc iiowl , diver ladle and salver , presented by AV H. Munger , George L Allller , A. J Saw jer. Euclid Martin , 0 B Hllli.i , S H. Uu J. L Woodaid and G H. Thummel ; a hand jialnted punch bowl and cups and silver ladle fro n George 1) Alelkle-John , lAslatant secre 1ary of war ; a silver lovtag cup prcsente b ) the Union Pacific ofilclals , a beautiful ster ling nil v 01 set upon a gold mounted mirro stand , presented by John N Baldwin , Air fnd Airs. W J Carrel and Chailcs Duudc ) also a cut-glaEt ? silver-mounted loving cu from Congressman Stcwatt anl wlfo of WIs eonsln , Wnlflicil tin * ( Mil VfiuOut. . Tlio now year was ushoied In b > the guest ot the Aladlson In a most unique and orlgliu manner. The early evening was devoted t dinclng , Intcrepeued with various dellghtfu solos upon the banjo and mandolin He freshnirtilB wtro Bcrved , after which ono b ono the guests dlsappcaicd , only to nhortl The Royal la tha lilglieit grade linking powder kntmn. Actual teit ho > v It o" Uilril furtlicr than any other traad. Absolute/ ) Pure n * * wwot n co , new ve . wt pear In n Brand giMxy of nljtf ' ir' s who ore eedr I t exnuto a lake w ilk Tf Lrni , mar n n U I l M Hur.y I an ) i I w is a li i - Kith icicle i j ail I hi 'fi ' ll. o JUtlROR Htllld vVlth HI iSl RMT lit 1 c ! fct hint ? a'iMis Mr Miarles H K < liar an 1 M C Jo-aes had the difficult nsV if arding the prlxo and after de jtf decided th * oikc boloiiKfil to Allis Nellie flnllBRher and Knwik I ) L > on II would be lmr > o fllblo to mention the iKiny ewllont < ind ludicrous costumes , but Allm Aland Hind rnido a cl f second , drcimel In true colored dude attire an I cfi- ctitiK hrr partner AIIss I.juls" Hobble throujtfi the dlfflcull hosdmvn of the snnj omli Mr Hay Ho > t was a dream In . .allot crstinne : DrV. . I * Hire nuilea lilt with his nodent blushing bride , Airs , Frank I ) Lyon Allsa Walker , anothe- hello , was attended by Ur James Seymour , who was dressed os a .olorod Ocrm-in ixjllcomau Mr M. Pirnain Fmltli was umltteti liy the chirms of - \ till and vvlllnnl ) da nsol , vvlt'i whom ho dflii'ed two or three limes holcre ho dLieo\ored her to be Mr Ilarrj Llndwv Mlis HIM Vallle vv is a p rfect blarl : nurse and acted her part In the care or her oh-irmliiK llltlu niece All j Heath Valllo Alias Sarah Shiver was a fairy ultli n incut ! ) tlrd In a graceful knot at iho luck of h r head , AIKi Fannlo Ollbpit , Allsa AnlU Kollir. MUM Mlnnlo Kcllar and Miss McS'uno rrniptontod different duskj illnahs to ncrfectkn Mi Fnink Adams and hh Dvlght Sftobe were attractive colored 01- dclm Mr Arthur Whltvvorth and Mr H I ) Itcvens d were coloied choll > bo > s , Miss Maud Axtell wan i tiny tvplcal Tnp.i ) The fistlvitles closed with nn Inimitable mono- logLO b ) Uncle IMstus Prank Ljon , after which the pucHts icluetantly took their leave. Mltt III' lilt'Vllf. . Alias Ilennett entertained a fen friends at n delightful supper party on Saturday oven- ffAirs Airs Sam ICatr gave a charming afternoon party for her son Ja > o.i Christmas tlay , from 2 to 5 p m Mrs 1' . II Cook entertained a few 'linlted nests at her homo on Twentj-'cjoml < ind nrJettc streets ChrUtn as da > Miss Allco AIcCiillos'.i on Prlday iftornoon ive a thoroughly enjojabie children's natlv o a dcrcn of her > oung iichool ti lends \ social dance and banquet was given Ne.v 'ear's c\e bv the 131 Capltaii Knickerbocker lul Hcptnireron Dancing clubs About llfty : ouplcs wcte present and all thoroughlj en- ojcd the evening. Alls * Mildred Poster , Cauhhtor of Heand irs Prank W. Pcstel , celebrated the eighth nnUcrsary of her birthday on Wodno.ilaj fterncon by liultint ; in a number of her OUCIK Ci lends to join her In a moot dellght- ul ] .uti The Semper Pldells Card and Music club lot at the residence of Mr II IValkei I ) , CJfi AVirt street , on Thursiliy evening l'io- ricislvo hlih fleas the gnmo of the oxen- iB Ui'iTtj' ' refreshments \\cie semd duilns jo evening Iho ixm > Riven by the JOUHK l/coplo of \11 Ealn s' church Tucsdaj afternoon and I ovenhiR va a pleai.nt occaslcn as all those ntcrlilnnionts are The chlldriri enteied In cij jojously to the fun of 'he afternoon and I ho older ones luuomblel In t 'u ovculnc The New Year was pleasantly usherol In b > thirtj-fho jotuiR folks at the icsideiice of 1) 1) ) . Klnnuy on Prlilaj night The jucsts constituted vvlnt U known as the I | T C club Music and games wore In- lulRoil In until a late hour , when refresh iiLiits vvcro served A dancing party at 'Morand's ' hall on Saturdiy evening biought out a large attun- lance of jouug folks , and the additlonil at- raetlve features on account of the 1iollila > season were cnjojcd by the largest number of dancers that has jet attended any of the > aitl > ' 3 of this class. Monday evening last the. Tu\cdo club nemocrs and friends , numbering about lnrty couples , visited Chailcs Street park and rjietit sevcral pleamnt 'Siouis in skating Jvetythlng oossiblo to cnlunco the plcayre _ of the club was extended by the irina' - ncnt and the skaters cnjo/od themselves u the limit On Clirlstmas eve iMr. and Mrs S. D. Lees 'n'ertained a number of friends In celebra tion of their seventh anniversary Cards occupied the early pirt of the ovenlrg , and iftcr refreshments were served dancing fol- ov cd till the midnight hour proclaimed Christmas day. Tno house was artistically decorated In redl and white A toboggan pirty was given Tucsdaj nlht In honor of Miss Claty of Nebraska City. \mong those In the party were Mn , Kugene Plelds Patrick Messrs , ard Mes.- lamei. J P. Bcrgncr , 'UobertV ' Dunn , W. C Cole , Mhs Lizzie Plelds ot Lincoln , Mr Berchfleld Dunn , Prof M A. Corbltt and Miss Cora I : Clar > - of Nebraska City. One of the most enjojablo events of thr > week was a canl party given by Miss Uessie Hrenholt at her home , 303 North Thlrtj-ninth stic t last Tuesdaj evening A guessing | contest formed one of the pleasing features of the evening , the prize being won by Mr. Hrod Slngstack The prices at the caid table wen1 won by LMiss Daisy J. Janlcovvskl anl CMrrchlo Coon. Delicious rcfrcshiiieuts were served. In honor of * Mlss CJeoigla Llndsey ths Bichelor ' club gave ji tharming dinner party on Tnursdaj evening Parisian cal enders for the new year were the nppropilate souvenirs Miss Llndsey bad the honor of being Bponsor foi this civic-military coterie before liei removal to Chicago and so gia- clously did she assume the responsibilities that the vacancy has never been filled bj the selection of another. Mrs George \V Megeath on Wedncsdaj evening give a Christmas tree partj in which a number of joung folks found great enjoyment. The gifts on the tree r.iad been distributed b > Mr. i : . G Buckingham , wno acceptably nilcd the pUce of Mr. Megeath PO Santa Clans en account of the Kilter's unexpected abcanco Alter thaajlfetrlbutlons had bean made the gumc of loto was played ami refreshments were served. The Oxford club and Its friends gave a very cnjojable skating party last Tuesday evening at Charles Street park. It being the first of a seiies to be given by this club That the efforts of the committee having charge of the affair were thoroughly appre ciated was attested t > > the assemblage that gathered to partlc'tiate and It was Teadlly apparent that It' was fully enjoyed by all The party consisted ot about twentfive couples. Mr. anil Mrs. J. J. Cobry gave a New- Year's dinner party In honor of Mr and Mrs Al Ward at their home , 314 North Seven teenth otrct. A small number of friends were In attendance and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed with music , hinging anil good cheer Mia Ward sing several selections from her lurge stock ofocal music which were highly appreciated In addition to the above onteitalnmentthere was. music by the Ideal Mandolin quattet. At the residence of Mr and Mrs Charles 13. Hraismin , 2009 Cark ! street , an enjoyable progressive high live party was given In liutiot of Mr William llartcr of St Paul Minn , durlai ; the week. IVIzcs were won l Mr Ritas Wlnan.j , Mlts P.lla Wlnana. Mi Will IlarU-r and Miss Ilutkly. Mr. Ilerbe-t Postu tntortalned the conrany bj rendering a few selections of vo-cal and whistling solos T.iero v\cru also a few recitations , after which refreshment were served , The danctag rarty of Air CIpicncoTiiurs on was attended by moro of the young ret cf local soclct ) I'un bus been oern at any dance tl'is season It was given on Monday evailiig at the homo of the jcung gentle man's p.ii tuts , Mr utul Mra John < M Tliure- ton , Twenty-fourth and Parnam streets All the looms of tl.o llrst llaor of the line res idence were cleared for the dancero , und over 100 of the former to'iool frlindacf the host > ad a iiumbcr ot -of-towtl visitors en- jo > ed the occasion. Tae opening dance was a popular Harvard air. pla > ud lo honor of the alma mater of Iho joung host and twenty other Ouall | > popular airs followed for the turty of merr > dancera. With the dreso pirty given by the Thurs- ton nilleu last Wednesday evening the say juletlJo seasou waa bilghtencd with cue of the prottlont dancing fimctbns uat has taken place livro thU jjeasco. TVio Thunstons have thus far had a most enjoyable reason of social pjyoty , and this betng the last party to bo glvou during the remaining d.i > s of the old jour nothing was left wanting. The spa- eclous apartments with the wcaltui let llovs- cra , petted plants end decorations of a na tional nature , prrdcnt < sl a magnificent acene. The oompany colors , rod , blue and old gold , were In profusion and were \vorn by many of < ho dancers. The usual Informal recop1 I n proccdod tlut dance , an-d was held In thu par lors uiid bctuatd a canopy or electric ibVvze. The ball room was very pretty and the cUandcllera were bedecked vrlth smllax and holly. About 9 o'clock the festivities of tao were duly -liuuguratud with now tw _ tp ' T.ic and otii > i I1 cvc , \ i K > , . fill pr , , am if tiv t ii h - f i . i . ii . vs ! i r.jj v , I it i , ji , , r One of d n o ij > 'bio of th > vari m watth jiartl' t h. . 11 li t IP < I'v on Now Yeir n cvj > wa that a , tae lion ? tf'Jtr ' nl Mr | 1) H rhrlsile , on Man Icnon s'rrf , whin flbnut thirty Invited giircti astemblcd to observe th ? hlrth of thu npw-bo-n voar Thn Chrlitb home prewnted a beautiful display cf flower * nd Hag * , an 1 behind a b nk of potted plsnU and ferns an orchestra ii Btalloncd , and discoursed dolUhtful' music durlni ! the entlru'evnlng Toaj'.s ap- proprlato to thp o caslon were prapos d an 1 responded to an 1 refreshments vveio servel DnrltiK the course of the frvenltiK's pleisur ? Mr Christie was meat pleasantly surprise 1 when Dr. lll > thln. In a few well tlnten ic- tnarks prcBcntcd the hostess with an elegant silver water service The Christmas enterilnment ! of the St 1 Hhn'B KHscopal Smulav ( school was given Monday evenkis In the parochial school I tul ding which was crowded to Ita utmost irai > aclt > by appreciative filends The enter- t talninont consisted of songs reltatlons 'followed ' bv iMo novel ami Interesting can- ! tan. "The Dutch Dell and the Walkl-m and Talking Christmas Tree" Mrs Ada Coons had charge of the musical pait of the program and the radiations and stage man agement VVCTO under the ible hupeivision of Mrs i : P Calihvell Mr Walters , as the- walking and talklrg tree proved to bo none other than banti himself , and Margaret Cildwell us the Dutch doll nude great mer riment fcr the children and did hctselt and IMP character much credit The membeis cf the editorial stiff of the Woman's Weekly celebrated New Year a day by keeping open house from 11 o'clock n m un II 5 o'clock p m Between thcso 1'ours quite j number ot Omaha citizens. Including many business men called ct the editorial looms of the popular publication , at 1214 Parmm street , to exchange New Year's greetings Those who aislsted Miss Mary P.iinbrothcr In receiving were M us Vestt Otay cf Prcmont. Mrs. Kltchle of Plattsmouth , and Mesilamcs Draper Smith W. S. Straw n , C. W. Damon. White and Miss Mary Mcoly Pugh of Omaha The icoms were ta > 3tefully < lccoratcd , and light icfrcshmcnts were served During the aft- o"nooii "Mcgj" and his tribe of newsbojt' called on the editors and wished them a happy New Year. Mlji White and Miss Brjan , assisted bj Mrs J P Carpenter and Mrs 0. W. lljaci gave a delghtful | > art > on Pi Idas evening at the home of Mr J P Carpenter. 270G Pat her street THcn'j-scven ioung women were in atteniViKo , ilrnsscd In cos umcs to represent a llbrarj cf well kn wn vvorkd ot pronincnt authors .Manj of the costumes wcie elabo- rote and unique , those capcciallj well taken being"Undo Tom's O it > , n , " Lucille , " "Sinanthallcn. . " "Old Curloslij Sliop , " and 'Old Mo her Hubbird ' The books of the Itbiaij were In cceisti t circulation amciig the g-ntlcmen , v\l-o were ciutloncd not to cut , write upon or Injuio , deface or destioy n > ( book , undei penaltj of a fhio At the tlos ! < g hour of tliojold > oar the guesits formed a librcrj clitic , aid speeded the old ami welcomed iho New Year bj sinclnc " Void Lang 3 > no " Iho reception given by Mr and Mrs Ilonrj T. Clarke at their homo , 2507 CEI.S street , on Wednesdaj afternoon and evening was an auspicious success The occasion broupht out one of the largcit asseniblaKCs of the belles and beaux of Omahi socl tj , as well as a numerous representation of the oldci membeis of local society , that has been s en at any function this'season American Hcauty loses In the parlors and brldesmalt ! loses in the dining room were mast promi nent After the reception a dancing partj male the evening hours glide pleasantly by. Mrs II. T. Clarke was assisted bj MUa Clarke , who received with her , land b > the following who served refreshments and al the punch bowl Mesdames George A. Hoag- land , George W. Kclley , W. ' n Clarke , P. P Klrkenddll , J. S. Hrad > , T. J. Mackay , G. W Wattles , K. Al. Bnrtlctt , I. B Congden and J E. Summers , Misses Grace Allen , Cleve land of Denver , Mabel Taj lor , Tukey , Buor- gett of Toledo , Barker , Martin and Hoagland Mrs. John S. Brlggs formd one of a con genial part } which gathered at the residence of Mi and Mrs A J. Sawj < ? r of Lincoln Fri day ilght and watched Hie New Year take ( .barge of affilrs terrestrial and otherwise. These forming the party cc < btitute an organ ization which was formed about five jiars ago < t pcoplo of lltcrarj tas e but wt.lcl 1 CiS never been dlgnllletl by a mine Tl'e members gather at the Sawjcr homrslcai each New YOT'S eve and pass out of COL jear In o another amid the brilliant flashes c 1''erarj gc'ns The gathering was honorei at the last mectVg by the presence of Pres Ident Jord.n anl Prof Howard of Lelam Sianfoid mlvcrsity , whoi appened to be pass Ini ; through LIiiLoln en route to the IVc-lllc coast from the cist. Amcug 'those constl tilting the company were Jtcssrs am Mcsdamcs Limb , Gere , 'Moore ' , MacLean Vlfqualn and Palm of Lincoln , and a number bor ot L .coln artis's. Mrs Hrlggs WI.B the solo Omaha representative present. In % pintMitH nf I'efiplo , Sir Camper E. Yost will spend the woe ] in Boston Mrs. n W. Dunn spent Christmas wltl Brownvlllo friends. Miss Hittlo Morris of this city la visiting friends in Topeka , Kan Miss Pern Maty and Miss Louise Me1 lett for West Point Prlday Misses l-adie 'Alexander ' and lUestor Tajlo hive returned fiom Chicago. Miss H. Hstcllc Brown , who spent the hoi ! da > s In this city , has returned to Chicago. Moirls Wilson of Lincoln Is spending th holidays with Wai or Hargrcaves ot thl city. 'Mr. ' Thomas I-ee , after a short visit wit hU paroits. has returned to Iowa State uul \erslty. Miss Agnes Lund has been spending th week with Miss Daisy iBllnn of Councl BlulTs. Miss Nelllo Valll La Sello of Heatriiie 1 spcnJing a few dajs with Miss Valll ut th .Madison. Master Dan Phelps ot Worthlngto academy , Lincoln , Is the guest of Maste Ralph Cole. * Misses Kathleen and Hlvvood Smjth nr spending a few daj'3 ' with Mrs. J. N. Biadle at Denlson , la Mr. anJ Mrs. lohn Clarke , Colt spent 'Nev Year's day with the parents of the former a Mlssouil Valley , la , Mr. Gus S. Harter , Bvansvillo , Ind. , wh was In fhls clt > a few dajs last week , let for the cast yesterday. Miss KJna Wctzel will retina to the S'at unhers'ty tomorrow , after spending the ho lib > a with her parents Charles True of the Unlvera ty of Nebraska braska haa ( .pent a week In Om ia with th family ot W U. Bow en MLH Pannlo Cole , who Is attending th Unlvcislty of Nebraska , spent the holidays at her homo In this tit ) Mrs John Clirko Celt will ibo homo , 135 North T'hlrt-first ' avenue , on WcJnesdaja tlurlng the month of Januaiy. Mrs Waller II. Sanford has returned from California , where she has been spend' Ing the catly pait of the winter Mrs P AV. Stallard Is entertaining her sister , now hrmo on a leave of absence , after six > oara as a missionary In Japan , MIE.J Nanna 1'rltchard of Ho3 Oak. la la apendlng the holldaja with Mr and Mrs Hobcrt Prltchard 2211 Davenport street Mlm Cairlo Mercer will leave for Miss Pceblo'a fichool , Now York , tomorrow. Sno will bo accompanied by Mrs Helen Mercer Miss Cora E Clary , ono of Nebraska City'a most popular teachers , spent her vacation In this city , the guest ot 'Mr. ' and airs W. 0. Cole. Cole.Mr. Mr. and Mrs George P. Moore , during the liolidays. entertained Piank Illlcy of the UnlveuHy ot Nebraska and Henry Bellon of Chicago Mrs James ! M Bishop and 'Mr. ' and iMrn. Edgar W Bishop of Qulncy , III , spent the hoi Ida ) a hero as the guests of Mr. aui Mra W. V. Allen. L M 'I ' the em and family , formerly ot this city , spent the holldajs In Omaha with friends , iMr Ithecm U now In Minneapolis , vvhoro ho has a line business. ' .Miss Helen ( Howes of Blair spent several 'ays of this vveck with Miss Mao Naudaln. She returned to HockforJ college , whcru sbo lun been attending school , on iMonda ) lit. Ilcv. Alexander 0 Garrctt. bishop of the Protffttant Eplscoral dloccso of Dallas , Tox. , arrived In the city on Prlday morning from KunsaH Cb'y ami Isalic Kueat of Blsnop WortUlugtoa at BUho/thoru. The \ < 1 Lo r . ) i rtod ai the flrvt Orin of 'irlnl > cathf anl his < i hnit of frlenlR li On aa vv > ill 10 liisel to reinw th Ir anU2l ( ' u w th him i1. J M \ > IN n anl Mrs \MIson who I ave betn In To.ipkt K" i for Uvo wtosa | i home Thurdaj Dr. Wlliion has I h' n'vpHRth audlclrtitb to aRaln . wupy h1 * piilpl . I I 1 Mr nnd Mr ? 1C O H'tnlltas IHVP R ln | j t Tt n tip their nmlttance In Onuha after rn I abscnepf three jetrs. Mr lUmlUon 1-iv- Int iraknel his position as .uipfrlntpndfnt | ' of the Ario starch works at Nebranki Clt } , | Mr Ih T > MutnterfDrlnK silled on Situr- di > from Nek. York on the steamer Norm - m A tul I o. Mr MlfientoferlJiK'a father Is In po r health In ntrmany , and the trip Is parti ) made on that nrcoun' , nnd also to In terest forrlgn-c\hJbltors In the exposition. \ \ I'llll | | | M Jlllll Mr and Mis O P Terry ot DcLand. Pla , announce iho engagement ot their daughter , ll s Lllllin DcLand Terry , to Ml Prank orey Stcrr of Philadelphia The marriage of Miss Josephine Gunther , jughter of Mr and Mrs. Alexander Guuthcr , o 'Mr ' Deltov Austin wlP take place at the irldc's residence , H2I South Tncntloth street , n Tuesday , Janauarj I. Mr. Hccse E Claw son of Omaha and Mrs Cato M Clavvson of Muscatlno la , were larrleil on Thursday evening , December 30 , t the rwldcnru ot Dr \ \ i , North Slvtcenth street , bj Itov Charles W. Cards have been received announcing the cddlng at Rapid Ut > , S 1) , on Wednesday , ) iComber ! 29 , ot Harriet Ambrose , daughter f Mi. and MM Orvlllo L Cooper , to Mr. ' "unk Sn cad King ot Omahi Mr. and Mrs. ling will boat homo after Pebruar.v 1 at 438 outh I'\v cut ) -fourth street William T Best ot Chicago. Ill , and Miss 'nddlc Stout ot Indianapolis , Ind. , were mar led New Ycir's morning at 7 30 at the homo f the ofili latlng pastor , Charles W. Savldgo. The engagement of IMIss Ulattle Cady , anghtcr of Jlr andi Mrs Henry iP Cady , to Ir. William Herbert Wheeler was announced urlng the week illoth have been prominent igures In local society for several seasons. nit 'Mr. ' Wheeler Is now stationed at Wash- ngton , ocuiplng a responsible government tosltlon. On Welncsday , Dccembor 29 , at the resl- cncc ot Prof William Llghtou In Florence , ouls K. Llghton and Miss Alice A Pleld of ) maha were united In nnrrlago , Ucv T J. Mackaj , lector ot All Silnts' chinch , of ficiating. The lovelj joung bride was simply gov nod In white muslin trimmed with doll- : ate lace and white ribbons and cairlod irlilo roses IMIss Dcrothy Hhcem Llghton , ile-oc of the gloom was the only attendant , and looked like a little fairy In pale blue and white. Tao occasion was rendered lonbly jojous by Its being the anniversary of the wedding of the groom's parents Only clatives witnessed the ceremony after vUlch a delicious wedding breakfast was served 'Ihe vve-illng of Jllsa 'Maude Johnston to Mr S A. Wallace both ot this city , took ilico at the lesldence of the bride's parents .918 North Twenty-sixth street on Wtdncs- liy evening. December 29 , at S o'clock The ceremony was performed by Hc\ John vlc- Quold , pastor ot the Kim Methodlti Eplscx.- pal church , the bride and groom standing un- lor a beautiful canopj covered with smlla\ and with a tasteful bickground ot white and palms The bride appeared lovelj In a gown cf Pails mousseli'ie , with veil and can led a bouquet of bride's roses 'Miss ' Vi f > le Wal lace served as rliiB-bearer. The wedding was attended 1 > > thlrtfivc of the relatives and Intimate friends ot the wedded couple. ! Mr. and Mrs. Wallace , wlll bo at homo to their friends after February 1 at 1'JIS North Twenty-sixth street. PrnHii. 'H\o IM < 'i > Niir - > t. The next partj w 111 bo held at Morand's hall on ( Monday evening , January 17. The next dancing part > of ithe Cotillion club will be held Tuesdaj \ evening at the homo oKMiss Kount/o Thi > next dancing party of the Young Clerks' Dancing club will bo given at Pat terson hall on Saturday evening. On Thuisday ovonlng the Semper Pldells Canl and Music club w 111 meet at the resl- dcnco ot Miss Margueilto .McCarragher . , 403 North Nineteenth' street. - " * J > _ OMn v iTCovv YcarW tail w.'s given at the cltj hall Priday night. St. Maik's chuich gave a Christmas trea at Iho clt > hall Wednesday evening. Mrs Jacob Weber , jr. , gave a select partj to a few friends Saturday evening. Miss Lillltn Pogg spent vacation week with frlci.ds a-ad relatives In Tabor , la. iMrs. George Pilce ot Smartvllle , Neb , Is vislt' 'g rela'Ivcy in the city during the holi days. days.Miss Miss Edith Sutherland of Blair Is In the city v Islting MLa Eunice Trac > for a few daja. daja.Mr. Mr. end .Mrs. Hans Iverson of Coffman spent New Year's daj vvltCi the famllj of Ole Olson. Mr J. M. Tracy and vvlfo returned to St. Paul Tuesda > , after spending a week at the homo of his parents Miss Mattlo Tucker leaves Saturday for Campbell , Neb. , where aue is teaching a term of school , Hov. Barnes Lower , the Presb > terlan mln- lotcr of this place , attended the State Teach ers' association at Lincoln. Mr and Mrs. C V. Nieman of Omihi vvcro In the city Sunday \lsltlng Mra. Nleman'a parents , Mr and Mrs. Weasa. 'Mr. ' and Mrs. Luke Simpson of Lov eland , la , spent Saturdaj and Sunday wlLi Mrs Simpson's mother , Mrs. Vose. Mi. J G. Hunt spent a lew dis at homo tills week wl h his famllj. ho being with an Irrlgableci company at Sidney , Neb. Meters. Tom Walker , J McGregor , Jake Umlcr. George Cole and Glaus Anlerscn at tended a dance a' Calhoun Priday night. Mrs Ilcniy Peterson of Crescent , la , was visiting her sister , Mrs. George Stalon , Sun- daj and All nday , returning home Wednesday JcAn Kirk , a bro'her if J C. Kirk of this place , died In Omaha Wednesday evening His remains will bo taken to Illinois for bui- lal. Mlsa Ida 'Miller ' , one of the teachera In the public school here , v.ent to Lincoln Tueadaj for ii v-lilit dm Ing the remainder of the taoli- dajs. dajs.Miss Miss Ida Allllor and W. B. Backus , teachers lu 'th 3 public schools , represented the tcucheis of Florence at the State Teachers' association in Lincoln durliiH-tho week , lAIra. Wcad of DCS Mo'ncs , la , was visit ing the family of D li. Walker Tuesday going from hero to DoSjti ) to spend a few dajs with relatives before returning ihome. Charles A Smith , formerly ot this city , but now playing Maries and Deacon In Undo rjl ni's Cabin , vvsti' ' In the cliy Pilda > night returning to Cpuipll Bluffs to join his torn panj Saturday miorning. The choir bo > slcfiSt , P : ill's diurch , Omaha were glveu ) a trcati lat't ' Tuesday evening. Cha'peroncil by tha oiganlst and Airs Brovvi the > \\ero brought out hero and nerved wltl refreshments at the fTiickernotel. . W C. Harris. Connected with the Clivor Dalr ) company' Ht fllalr , has recited a house and will move hls f'inilly here In a few da > . and make this lift futura homo , the company having established ; ttl milk depot here , ship p'ng the milk from Blair A quiet weddlnx took place at thu homo o Prof Wllllauu LlHlutJon last Wednesday uniting his } oungcst Dan , LoulM itpcm , am Miss Alice PleliL | Cply relatives were pros cnt. It was iio uvca doubl ) happy occa slcn , the professor and Ms wife , In their way their tblrty-tilrd wedding annl ver&ar ) . Hov , 'f. J. Alackay oillclated. rnrl CrnoU , Private Prank Hooso Is on a ten days furlough , * Private Hubert Grey Is visiting his brothe at Sioux City , la .Musician Blcck of the baud has been lali up with a BOIL" throat. Private , " "company B , Islaltln Us parents at Sheridan , I ml. Lleutenan and Airs. Wasscls have gou cast on a two months' leave. Sergeant -Claplns , first seigeant of com p.iny A , re-enllBted un the 18th. 'I ie Tort Crook Christian league meet every Thursday evening at 7 30 at the po.i hall The society U growing rapldl ) . Airs. ( lodges and Mrs Campbell enter talned the. Card club Thursday night. Airs Moslior r.on the women's head prize , woman' louo hand Alias Koerner , mcii'a licad prize Lieutenant Godfrey ; louc hanl , CipUiln Oolty. Mr Brown if thp E , > ls jpil I'liircli held services at the Post lull list Smulaj Iti'v llojt ot Bellcvue talked to thp men at thp prat hill Stllula ) afternoon at 330 Private Mingling , conoany E , was dl < - charged after serving a three ) oars' ctillsl- m en t From Upcembrr ,11 to January I there will b" oio drllllim at the post and no duty but the necessary guard and police during tint nerloil. Monday night Mrs. Alosher entertained MM Ix > okwood Mrs Hodges , Airs Gelt } , . , Mrs IMvlson ami Miss Patterson at slx- hindod euchre. I Monday nlRht the annual meeting to elect I the officers of thp club for thp enduing ) t\ir was held Ceytaln Alosher , who has held the- pcsltlon as secretary nnd treasurer , rcMqncil , ' much to the regret of all , a ho filled the position ladmlribl ) . Lieutenant Hodges was elected In his nlacc and ho will doubtless do ns well as tils predecessor , being a most capable and clllclunt olllccrs Christmas da > there were a number of din ner parties Colonel and Airs Wlckoof en tertained Vr Koerfer and famll ) Colonel Patterson had for Ills guests Atr and Airs DavUui , Llenten mis Wolf and Newell. Alajor Van Horn cntertainul Captain Kcll. Captain and Mrs Getty entertained Captain and Airs Mosher Air Patten entertained Cflptaln and MM Crlttondon and Lieutenant and Mrs. Alooro. The service of the Cit'.iollc church was held at the Post hall Christum morning fit 7 o'clock The enlisted men donated ever greens and some of the women white llowers , which , added to the candles , etc , undo aver vor > prott > altnt. Air Helchardt tilajed the rgin and special Christmas music was one I the features of the ecrv Ice. Too much cannot bo slid of the kind fattier who wine II the way from Omal-a 111 a sleigh after oldlng midnight mass In one of the Omaha liuichcs to give commuiton IICIIHIIII. Services will bo held this evening at the lelhodlst Episcopal church at 8 o'clck. Miss Cora Johnson hns been on the sick 1st during the list week. Airs. B. L Chllds left last week on an \tcudcd visit to her old home. Sam Ilortcn and famll ) , who wore rosl- cnts ot this place some time ago , moved ) ack to Benson last Tuesday. The little ones at the St. James orphanage vcro made happ ) during the holldajs bv ho many donations of friends and 'patrons ' ot the Institution Airs B. Tuttle of Colorado arrived In Ben sou last week and ls\lsltlng | at the home of ler aunt. Airs. S H Hoffman. Etllo AIcGuIre , who has been quite 111 with nembrineous eioup Is out of danger and Is mproUng rapldl } The Scandlhovon dub gave Its last ball of the jcar at the Town hall on Christmas eve. It was attended by a large crw < l The officers of the Bonbon Praternal Union ot America lodgeNo lib will bo elected for ho coming jear at thu meeting to bo held icxt Wednesday evening All members are requested to be present The Ladles' Aid soclet } met at the home of Airs S H. Hoffman last Thuisdaj aftci- 10011 They arc preparing1 to give an entei- talnment In the near 'future. The women of the Alethodlst , Episcopal chuich will give a reception to' Hev. nnd Mrs Dross at the next Alonday even- ng at 8 o'clock , nnd a eordlal Invitation is extended to one und all to bo present at : hls reception. i A son has been born to Air and Airs Jav Servlss , 4919 Davenport street. .Mr Henry Van Glcscri , father of Dr. Van Gleson , attar a visit of several months , has returned to his home lu Paterson , N. J Tl'e Choral soclctv , which meets once a week under the direction ot Air Thonns Kellcy , Is doing good work and adds to th ° sociability as well as the culture of this lopultr village. The Christmas celebration at the Sundav school , In which the children took part , un der the leadership of AIlssSophia Pischor was a great success this \car. Speeches bj Atr. E. A. Benson , Air. Haugh and others were cxcoptlonallj fine All the Dundee people met In a bed > at the liomo of Mr. W. J. rischer to watch the new year In Guessing games , must" and speeches wore the foatuies ot the evenIng - Ing and each guest pronounced It a happj method of closing the account's of 1SM7. Ort Thursday evening of this week a large icccptlon was given at the home of Mr. E A Denson bj the following hosts and hostesses Air. and Mis Benson Air. and Mrs W. L Selbr , AIlcs Alexander , Mr. Prank Alex ander. Extra cars ran at frequent Intervals on the Dundee line for the accommodation of the townspeople who came and went be tween the hours of 8 and 11. 1 v 1 1 ii c-To I in I e. HURON , S. D . Jan L ( Special ) Andrew J. Kline , a Minneapolis druggist , and Alls Christine C. Tolrnle of this city were unltei In marriage Thursday afternoon , at the homo of the bride's parents Hev. John It Jones of the Presb > terlan church officiated the ceremony being witnessed onlj by nea friends and relatives. The couple departec for Allnneapolls on the evening train. NEW YOHIC. Jan 1 Prof. Aloxande Alclvlllo Boll , the distinguished Scotch scion list , and father of A , Graham Boll , the In ventor of the telephone , and Airs. H G Shlbley of Toronto , were married at the Park Avenue hotel here today. IIUAIBOLDT , Neb . Jan. 1. ( Special ) Police Judge H. T Hull of this city and Alls Mlco Hlllebert also of this place , were mar rlcd at the Presbjterlan parsonage this morning b > Hev. C. Week. PENDEH. INeb Jan. L ( Special. ) John Porrest , cashier of the State bank of Ponder and AIlss Edith Pilling , also of Pcndei , wore united In marriage last evening by Hev. O W. Comstock. _ iiiToii i > TIII : MiiriomiT ovsu riiar i-H Mil ili- \K-nliiHl Outof ( In I'rcMriiC .Iiii' > men. CHICAGO , Jan. 1 The Luotgcrt trial wa brought to a halt today. When court wa tailed to order this morning Lawyer Harmon of the defense objected to the holding o court and lioailng of testimony today on th ground that It was a legal holiday Judg Gary , who had announced yesterday that th trial would go on today , had evidently ru- consldeicd the matter , for ho at once sus talned Attorno } Harmon's objection and ad jouuied court until AIonda > Judge Gary nali that while In bU own opinion the fact tha New Ycai'a day was a legal holiday It dlt not Invalidate the proceedings , the suprem court had never \asseil teen the matter am there was a posslblllt ) of Uio ono day's pro ceedlngs spoiling the work of months There Is a possibility of the trial comlu to a sudden termination Dy icasm of th challenging for cause of Juror Elmer \ \ Perrls , who Is charged with having exprcftsoi the opinion that the defendant should b hanged The lawyers for the defense , It I oald , have affidavits to this effect and wl present I'.iun to the court. No action wu taken today , however IlHi SVI.1J OP VTTI.I3 IN TiS : Tvv < ! 'I IioiiNiinil llfiul riiniiKc 1 1 ii ml nt ( ioiiil I'rIrrH. SAN ANTONIO , Tex , Jan. 1 Ycbtcrxlay1 transactions In cattle were a fitting close t the moat active ) ear ever known on till market , Over 12,000 bead af cattle change hands at prices frequently up to the to tiiuics of the year. Joinings , Atoorn & Lyttln bought of the Alamo Cattle compan 1,000 2carold steers , 1,000 2earold hell tru ami 2,000 cows ut $17 per head a around The same parties , bought of J. I lllooker 2,000 2carold slews and 2,000 cow at $17 per liead all around The 6amo par ties bought of T. A Coltman 2.000 ulcers 3s and 43. tor $51.000 Sam Walker Iraugh of J. B. Well * 450 2a at $17. and 150 a and 4s at $2.2. The wiiio party bought o Oua Porthing 1,000 steers , 2n , 3s and 4a at $18 all around , Total talcs aggregate $210,000. $ I SWIll ? What is It's Scope and Purpose ? To Provide ( 'hrosilc SulVorers With Proper Cure , Treatment ami / clues at One.Quarter the Usual r.xpcnsc , and to Introduce More Scientific tuul Successful Methods in the Treatinent of C.hfonlc .Mahuiles. Let U bp distinctly undPretood that the ilrlt and purpose' of the Shepard spec ally , tem Is two-fold. Plrst. It Is to bring to the treatment and tire of chronic dlaeasM Rcncrillv the ef orts nnd labors ot phjslclans specially ed- cated and trained to their master } , and ins to Insure a moro competent , n more idleal and a more fiicceslul handling ol lose seated , stubborn and malign disorders iott prolific of human miser } , or most do- tructlve of human life Second , It la to place rich and poor alike. 11 absolutely one level and footing , as re ards Its benefits , by makling the fee mi minting nml uniform at a snail sum per lonth. Including all medicines And this la all the expounding all the lucldallon necessary to nn undorstrndlng ot his sjfitcm. Invalids who can not afford the sual fees for ticatment are thin < loarl > In ormed of a ticatment which thej ran nf- ord Per these who are solicitous that tholi reitment bo Intelligent , fiUuful , skll'tul , nd effeetUe , there is am ev'ilpuce ' superior o any clinches of argument and th it is the- Inecro personal tcstiinonj of nelghbnia anl cllow Hiiffcrcis who have been pattrnts nf ) r Shepird What thej desire Is deflnltp nformatlon , let them receive aw\\ \ Inform i Ion from these who lave acquit cd It not rom honrsa } , but from expcilence In othei words ask jour friends nnd neighbors about It who have been cured Notice. ( In * iiKinlliN of .Innuiii.i nml Wliriiin > Dr. Slii'iiiinl \ \ \ \ \ innl.c n \ < - rIIMV rnli * oT I'lunucN fur nil i-nsi-s iimliiK' lllnlcr HiiiKlciil i' I'll'l'd Icnl li ciitiiicul. Ml wliu hiill'i-r fiiini lliip- nre. lli'inoi'rlinlilw. or niti-i'lliiiis rc- liililiiK ( lit * imr of IIll.i flu in ot o ! < ! - rlclt iv 111 In * lu-oiih-il 11 iMltnicnt it I nui'li Irs * I Ini n ( Iniisinil lot' . 'I'll I M Hlri Is I ill- nil MIO lllllooiiii * . Con- NIlllllllOII fllM * . A The villoiH foim of nsul.itlon tie.itmcnti. the bret/i the spi ly , the \ailou * forms of spuk1' , tin ntoiiupteil cuirelit , and otlin forms ot KLIKI U ind locil ticatment with 0111 laige iioctro-st xtlc machine , as well as aalvnn- MU nml Pin ullsniailouslv ippllnl are workingvvondcr * In our hands In tcllcvIiiK mil cm Ing all kinds of pilnful and nerv ous affection" , suili as neiiialgia , pirilj Is or iiaiesH. nervous cxh.uixtlon and vveak- icss , swellings , Illinois , etc. Electrle-lty l now ncknowledKeil to be the gre ittst pain reliever known In all foniH oC ductile neivo rrltatlon. Bronchial Catarrh- Might Have Passed Into Consumption MHS 10 AI ERSKINE TO2 CHARLES STicnr/r , WHOSE HUSBAND is c ITV SALESMAN J'OH S. F. OILMAN WHOLESALE TLOPH "As far Inolc as 1 can icinpinber I VV.IH never able to tnke a full breath of air Into my lungs and was never fito from .1 spust of heivlness and obstruction In my chest Nothlnpr ever helped me until I breatlnd in the healing vnpors admlnl teieil at tin 3hep irtl Alrdlcal Instltutf These it onci lie.iled and soothed the * bronchial tubes and seemed to b what I aliould huvc hadjeiTs ago 1 frcqupiitlv rouchnl ntul pit ttfi mutter streiiKi-d with blood. Af > ' fither'H fiunlly was ( oiiHiimptlve Al > , lui i vveni alvvnVM ihic and inj bienth wi short Unit t touldn't Hwrfi u door , nor use m > nrms to kncnil lircnil I was ml eniblv thin iiml pooilv noiirlshril "As eon ns I bulled mv lungs In the Mnlluitiilnpors and took the constitu tional utnrdli s that the doetoi pieidlbid I Kxlncil tight alonu , oven fiom my llr t trentiiieiit. It In a coed while since I fin ished tinCOIIMO ami I am Mnf in suing tlint my hculth ami strength are ill I ran ileslio. 1 vis ui'voi so well and stionp befouIn m > llfi " Sick Women Home Doctoring- Throtmh the Mails AII5S P E PUEELAMl OA1.ENA S 1\ , \\ItITP.S OP lll'lt I'ASP AMI HOPES THAT olltPlt AILINO WOMEN IN PI U PS KI'MUTE PUdM COM IT TENT All UK Al. AI1IL1 HEAD IIP.II STATEMENT WSU n frtrsiii > * tf' * J " ' , ' AiHs i : n pitppfAMi n\ii\A s n , . " ' ' ' 'V , ' ' ll " ' ' ' ' ' " "s e > r doitors f-ii whit "IS I 111 ll fllllll llmlt'lt lint uiiu in , ir sn "liiminlh l.Mun.uliiMtllliooUMcour'S . . aimiKii iU. | m ilN with lu Sicpiinl AIv oc-il tioiibl , hid been allllctliiK mo for i , , NV1 V , " . , ' ' " 10 " ' ' ' b u > 1j"l' ' inltabl , . liadiki. lilonlliu. wi h Inarlnt , ' down pilna , and a bouse of duig and fullness vvhon long , on niv fin'tVllh tin o vvue ilso nilnlta I'm , , Ihishc of luat and painful nuWru i . -i itc health In ivuv itspect. making me able lo pasllv ile " " " 'k-a ' thine Im posslbK br > fuii < " 111 * . Prcoln nil's IIH ! ( N ( -i l.min-,1 lii'iillli Mils to MI ml tor the SMiiploni Illiiulv for \\onn-n. si , , . HII.Ml Mill oil ! nml i elm i , , . , | n i , , ! ) , . _ shciHiul , Mlui ni.uhn illtiKti , , | N , , f j , , . , . , . „ „ , ! ! . lion nml placed | , , . , Ht „ , , , . , . „ , , , , „ Irealiiii.iit nl her hoiiii * No Coc-iine o liurimi ili'UKM mo ciii)1ovi- | TIJ P. Micplllll. VllUM pnllMll UK lIlflllL-l fo - iMtniili nnil inline prc.H < Tlill | < nn Of OoOtOTN COIltlllll llctllllj OIICIlllll * . Hotter Niiiri-r nil > our lift * from thn Illtli nml ilNtrcsN ol ontiirrli tlimi no- inlio tinIi'inll > CiKiilinllalill. . llot- l < -r out inoriililno. licttor lic < 10 11 ill it. Hiin Miiull tiniloiull > 'o- I'llllH' . IIOMI : T iiiM'iMior in ii\n. I'nllonts i lie ll\o ill ii illHtiinoo i < nn lie tronloil tilth porfrot NIICIM'NH lij ( Inalii ol tin' slu'putil NiniptoDi Iilaiik anil piitlciitM * i i-ooi I rfont lioo on niHilIoiilloii. C. s. siiili'Vltl ) , M. I ) . , | | sonsuitlii ! ; * nml 'VsNiiflntfN. | | pijsloluus ' OOAIS an. 312 & an xnw YOHIC LIFE HUILDING , OMAHA. NI3H. Olllto hours 9 to 12 a in , 2 to 5 p m. Evenings Wcdnosdajs and Saturdays only , tf to 8 Sinidajs , 10 to 1. ! . n SCHOOL FOR SUGAR INDUSTRY AT BRUNSWICK. EstnblU'hoJ 1872. Sitfslillcd by the governi'ictit ' Enlarged , 1876 KieiiieeiteJ | hither o by 1,003 poisons. COMMENCEMENT OP THE COIWSE.S on the 1st of Much , 1SOS. The direction IH H. PKUIILING AND UU. A. IlOSSINfi. vrvirr M\V 11:111 urni UK : run : . Hold nml llmiU llnllilliiK llui n at Ciilio. ST LOUIS , Jan. L A special to the Post- Dispatch from Cairo , 111. , eajs The now year was ushered In bj a flio that was ono of the most dlsastroia experienced heio for jears , and which , but for the efforts of the fiicmen , would have destroyed much more than It did Sliortlv af ei midnight flames broke out of the European hotel and the entire building was "soon ablaze The lire soon communicated to the City National bank bulMIng adjoining and dcstio > ed It Per a time It sermed that Iho whole block would lie destrojed , but the fire was kept wlthlu Uio two 'bulldlngu ' mentioned The total loss , which cannot be given nov , will amount to many thousands of dollars ami Is full > Iii.sured. I1EATRICE , Neb , Ian 1 ( Special Tele gram ) The laundry nt the State liiRtltn'o foi Feeble Minded vea burned down between fi nnd fi o'clock thS evening The flro vartoj In the roof and was presumably fiom a do- fecllvo duo The loss Is about $ lr 00 , which , owing to the action of the populist IcglJa- tnro In dccreolng that the stale should e-arry Its own liiHiiranre , Is total , miui11 : > iNsruNCI : 'llllnlllii'H T o HOJH Conic In for ll Slim CIIIOAGO Jan. 1 The twin sons of the late Gcorpo AI Pullman will como Into pen- session of $18,000 each as the result of their Interests In llfo Insurance policies carried by ( their father. Thcso policies are now being ' adjusted , and the amounts the sons will reI I celve will bo In addition to the $3,000 a jcar j left them by their father's \vlll In his will the mllllonalie palace car maker stipulated with consideiablc omphasls that ho did not ibcllevo his sins competent I to manage successfully laigo propeilles , but In spite of this ho named them -is beno- ficiarkfi In several Insurance policies taken out a number of je.irs ago The other two children MM. Florence J'lillman Lovvdni and Mrs Harriet Pullman Caiolnn , the lat ter of California also receive In the neigh borhood of $18000 each by 'the ' policies The widow of the magnate derives about $ J")000 from the policies mid the sisters nnd brothers of Air. Pullman arc also remembered rou.u vi iu/\Tin > s run VI'KIMI\ : , Cnloriiilo Siirliiu ( 'luiinlicr of t'oiu- IIMTIMSi'i'K I'roHpi-rllv. OOLOHADO SP1UNGS , Cole , Jan -The following telegram \\an fcont President Alc- Klnlej from Mils cltj The Ch unber of rommi-n e > of Colorndo Springs wends to > ou best vvlshos foi a hupp } new > oar and coiusrntulatlciiH on the pie < - perlty that promlseH IncrfusliiRly to iitiml your adinlnlstiatlon. filpplo Cn-d. , In t .N county , IIHH uilded moio than $ UOAOito the world's output of Kohl ilurliiB 1 I7. an IntrtMHo of 40 pn eent ovci the pievloiu jcar. Colorado'H ( ? old production for the piHt jcir Is lu-aily JiJ.OfiO.diW , IK Ing one.- third of the total gold production of tin * United Stilton , u Hum equal to HCi foi t icli man In thu state , or $ -J < iO for m in eiiKUKcd In gold mining Colorado II.IH dtno ItH Hharo tovvurd InerciiHlnB the Kcnvral inospirlty of tl o nation anl cnteit thu IICIA > eai with hope and conlldencii. iurlliiiuiKi- : | Soiilhcrn I'lillfornlii. SANTA HO3A , C'al , Jun. 1. Two dlstlnet shoekH of cnrth'iuake , the most severe which Imvo bi'in felt heio for many yearn , awoke the residents of thin city and vicinity shortly aftei C o'clock tliU mornliiK The ulioikH lAi-ro inch of about twenty-live hue- omlH' duration nnd vibrations wore from u.U to east. No ilamaco hua been te- portcd. Thc interest in our Cloak Sa'c ' grows as the news goes from ono to another ns to the lui ' .iliis vvi of- Ic'i told b.v lliosi > who hnv c Ill-oil lii-ic 'IVsilnninj ol llilsklnil helps inoii > Ilinii whole JHIKC aihci ll.-.cnii'iil.s A MIT tlio M'.isou's liiislni'ss we have biiiken sl/i- < in all Mills of ( 'lo.iKs-vvt > sell them < lienp to close them out -l-'lno hlaek Kei. sey t'lonkx , all .alln lined , lor .S7.r > < ) . Ml and MO. aie woilh nlmiil doultle - A lew tlut sold lorVIS00 will KO now lor v.'o Don't put oil1comingl > ul coma nt once and weenie a l.-.IO IHHHils SI'HIJIJT. sriviisiin : > \\lll i : 'lliNi'n | , of l > ri-Ni-ill K III SI/c neil SiM-cil. SAN PIlANCIFfC ) , Jan 1 If the present plans of the malingers of the Pacific Mail Steamship company nro carried Into offett thoio will bo built In this city a Btuanuhui that will BUI pans In H- | , speed and /artj i / of equipment any vewsul nu v la PncHlu watciH It Is asserted on aiitho ity the airangemeiils for the bullying of 1)1:1 ) : Bhlp will soon bo complete 1. It li tin , . c . out Intention to build tlm n'v.tanil at local shlpjaid. and to glvo It un American regl.stcr It lu to be somewhat lari'T tlun the China and will have a speed that will tcmpaio favoiahly with the blstlantm llneia Climrc HiiHliaiiillti , | | , , PITrSHUIta , Jan 1.-\JrH Harah Me- Oovvan was xliat and killed at her bomi In Itinkln , Pa , near be-to , last night , ami lar liupliinil , Anthony AtcOounn one of the vvcvllhloHt n HlileiitH of the IUAII , , ! H In jll charged with ht i murder. No one vv 1 1 l > ri'ent when the worn inwatt hot and tlm motlvu of thci eilmela not known vf tr thn muidd McCiUAtin WIIH fouiuj joilud In i bcdioom , aiuuniiitly aslcuii. llo cltiiul ,1 I knowlcdho of the cilmo. hut wan aiiouti 1 und Hut to Jill. Woman Convicted of Vlunlrr , nnSTON , Jin 1 A verdict of Kiillty AT rftiiraod b > the mipeilor couit Jniy , which hnh been liuirliik' llm evidence In the ( IHO of Aln Ni Ille Pi ti rkln of Nc-vv York chnruei ! with nuniHluiiKiti r In canxliiK the death ot AIr . C'atherlm V Aluiphy at Ihe lutte'i'i homo In the U'lHt End on October : , < ) la t The ; dcMith of Alr . Aluiphy wa tlm result of Jealousy on the jurt of iAlr Peteiklii The ease has been on trlul eluee Wdlnesdir * last. To cut from l.lbliey rut nin IMI- proves llm Itavor of > our fooil tlenulno I.llibey Cut Glata Imu ( hit tradg muili cut lu.