Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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    T.ot tlic fnnn and fannfsoB rejoice and be
happy The plan of the trust to deny them
< hls year the blc d prlvlloRo of a cycle
ehow Is on tlio verge of collapse. I-sst fall
the cycle boardi of trade decided to abandon |
them this winter. The combine declared they ,
worn costly and useless and ahoiild not bo j
tolerated. When n crmmlttco of the 1'hlla-1
delphla 'board of tra lo nppeale I 'io ' the con- :
blno for a cycle show It was received with
n withering frcst and refusal. Hut the cam-
'blue ' docs not own the earth by ncveral acres ,
nor docd It Include all maker of blcjclcs.
The New Ycrk Sun announces that "there Is
now a reasonable certainty thai ! wheel ex *
hlbltlons will vvltdln a few months bo held
In all the principal cities of the United
Stales. It may be that a few of the older
bicycle makers will noi pan.lclp.ite In the
showa that will tale : place , but probably the
rea > , l. _ of their refusal will bo to make 'tno
exhibits of the younger manufacturers all
the mom attractive. "
That'ji the staff ! It t'.irllls the soul nnd
inakea llfo worth HvInK- The hipplninn of
\\hcoleis may be chilled and but lad In snow-
drits : without provoking the weird wall cf
Mien whittle. Hut when a few factory
plutocrats assume to dlctnto w.hat . shall or
shall not bo It Is time i'.o Invoke the burn
ing words of Patrick Henry and smlto
OU 'ators toro and aft. The joys of a cycle
show aru so varied and overwhelming as lo
appall the Imagination and stllle the pen.
One may watch with mute regrcta and
diminishing hair ' .he cjcle of jeara crowdIng -
Ing In.o thu twilight cf the past. A acorchcr
may ahoot iby on a narrow path and arouse
only a high for < a handful of tacks. It Is
even possible to spill your tire ten miles
from home and view with equanimity the
cheen'til option unity .the . acclilent affords of
liiBpc" ! ! ! ! : ; the highway nn 1 absciolng : l < he
aliiioiphsio at IcUuru. Hut these feeling/ / ?
are nrt In It with awakened 'by ' a
cycle sliow. The profusion and conliiblon of
whrels , tln.i without nuini'ier , er.mks and
crank hangois , lamps brighter outside than
'wl bin , tlxturos enough to paralyze a me
chanic all tliess served with explanatory
no-ea by lorjiticluva "barkers" In drew sulti ,
The flnlshlng touches of the picture are fui-
iilaheii by the stationary speed cranks , an
< bind the while blowing a melan
choly ( benediction on the animated scenj.
Verily , llfo wl.t.out a cycle show would be a
"barren "
Ideality ,
The racing bo-rd of the League cf Ameri
can Wheelmen Is receiving deserved roasting
for 1 a sanction of the dlx-day race In JIa.1l-
ton Square Rardrti. That great "sporting"
event was engineered by a short track and
short-In'Ired ' clique which pocketed over
$10,000 of proceed.1 ! . They rctcivcd the
Eviction of the racing beard , although It In
t'tatui ] none of the real managers were mem
bers of the league , and , as far as Kao\\n ,
hove ilrr.o nothing to encourage legl linnte
sport. They were out for the stuff and noth
ing elEo , and pulled the wool over MottVi
oC3 without'much resistance. Wtoen invited
to appear before the board hi New York Olty
ono day lat't ' week and explain the short
track doiI , they Ignored the lnvl'atin. Tic
board p sed < i mild vote of censure and ad
journed. "The Madison Square ccntcrt , " says
the Xow York Tribune , "was uot a public era
a club enterprise. It was a business venture
of four men , seme of whom arc i.ot wheelmen
nt all. They dcnlrcil to take advantage of the
In erost In cycling to nwkc ionic incncy for
tlicmselvca , nnd also of the morbid Interest
.In unnatural and ii : < heilhy feats to swell
those profits beyond what an ordinary race
wuld bring. Without the ranctlon of thp
league such a scheme could not have bccw
euccciisful , for no expert rlilerr would have
Kcno en the speculators' track. Yet the
league le. Itself an-1 ils gcod i ame be used
for I'hs ' promotion of this private speculation.
Th4iM s a great mistake , which b'lould not
bo repeated. The i-irtcois of the League of
Atr.erlpsti Wheelmen arc the representatives
of Ihoi'&am ] , ? cf pecple who enjoy sport , bu
they v.aut that Erort to be hiulilitul and
MI siblo and upIIMng , and they will not
Biippott an intl'ltuiltct thai gives countenance
to these wiio for perhoiwl profit dogn < lf-
every popular pastime. "
Present conditions foreshadow a lively
conlest for the olflces of the Lcugue of
American Wheelmen. The convention meets
In St Louis In February. President Potter
sc-oks re-e' c'tlon. It Is said New York's
Bove-'ty-eight votes are net solid for him
The opposition forces led by Sterling Elliott
mo centering upon George I ) . Gideon of
Philadelphia. Massachusetts has shelved
the project to push lloston for the 'OS meet ,
virtually giving Indianapolis a walkover.
This Hbrowd move on the part of the antl-
Pctter cra.vd was followed by telegrams to
"western delegates urging them to rally to
Glilcon Potter Is keeping the'wires ' h t , too ,
but several of his slates have been cracked ,
causing much jubilation In the opposition
camp. There Is some doubt as to whether
Gideon will command the united support of
Pennsylvania. With his cwn state assured
and Massachusetts nnd New Jersey backing
him , .ho would go Into the convention with
a much stronger following 'than Potter.
The agitation for the taxation of bicycles
lias tce'ii revived In tx new form , the propo-
nltlo.1 bolng now to secure- the consent of
the wheelmen before enacting n law for their
taxation. It Is believed that they will ac-
( inlpsro without 'the least opposition pro
viding nssuranco Is given them that the
inonoy for which they are assessed Is ox-
pemk'il for their benefit. This assurance
lins been guarantcoa1 in New Yolk stale
where the experiment of taxing cyclists Jl
Oich , thu proceeds to bo applied to the eon-
Etrtictloii of sldcpaths along country roads ,
} ina jbeen tried with success In Bcveial coun
ties. Jt Is now reported that the v.hcclmun
of sonin other counties In the same state are
In favor of taxing themselves Jl per annum
and will have bills Introduced In the leglsla-
' turo ThlH winter for that purpose. The prob
ability Is that a general bill will bo In
troduced covering thn entire state In the
courHQ of year or two , na thcro Is a pro-
giounced buntlmont for the construction of
cjckp.lths throughout the state.
There Is proinUo of an ummunl amount of
legal Htrlfo'ln the bicycle Industry during the
coming yl'ar. Ono big battle and several
minor engagomenta are now on , and more ,
both great and smill , arc Impending , It
a certain Inventor wins his suit against a
jnrgo manufacturer every maker In the coun
try will have to pay a royalty In order to
uoo n bottom bracket or crank hanger such
SB la now universal. The Indications are that
the Inventor will win. ( Another Infringement
fcult Involve * the iiho of the gear-cutting ma
chinery that the principal makers are em
ploying , Handle bars with a forward curve
both dropped and upturned , are the point of
ccntentlnn In another light Inaugurated
ngalnst all by u Chicago manufacturer. Within
a mojith 11 general free-for-all scrimmage be
tween makfrs of bevel-gear whccla may be
conlldently expected. In this btatu of affairs
riders may well ask the quwtlou whether
The famous Appllonco nnd llcmodlpa of
ttiolIrloWmlual Co.uowluriliolli-Btumo
oltcrcil oiitrliil wttboutoxptnw1 to "njr
liotiL-et man. Not a dollar Jo bo pnld
In advance. Cure RiTista of Ifirors
or Kxce fC3 In Old or Youug. Mauhood
Vully Uwtori-il. How to Enlarpro und
Blrvnirl hen \Veak. Uiidovcloreil I'oi tlons
of llody. Absolutely uufalllait Homo
Trcutincnt No C. U. I ) , or ollii r sohemo.
A pluln olTor by u flrm ut high Btandlnir.
they are not the ones who finally pay for
all such litigious Indulgences ,
A good bicycle , with decent use , will last
six neapons or more , and a pair of rotd tires
or fnlr weight may be ridden from fi.OOO lo
10.001 miles on ordinary ioai ! , sa > i the
LingUc of American Whrclnicn Executive
Uu'letln , from the ofilco of I. U. Potter. An
llngllsh authority states that a pair of ( lies
In one Instance was known to run 23,000
miles and Jtlll be nt for use.
One of tl.c latest charges brought against
the chalnlca bicycle Is that It numh the
luct. Only bo\cl gear whecl.i are said to
ruoduco the curious result noted , which h
ascribed to the mcbhlng of the geara , ThL
Khcs rise to a steady vibration tliat Is com-
munleatcd through the crank-lungers lo the
pedals , E id thence to the feet. This Incca-
sin- pulsation , duo to the striking of the
teeth of thp geaw , Is tall to have thr rffccl
of .1 manage In time itcaulla In nimb
ne s , Just as a scries of bnns will uuin'b
th - port of the body who-o they fail. Of
course , ( ho vibration ? are oo light tnii their
pffecl la only appreciated after a ling ride.
To demonstrate the strength of the .
place the ear to > par of the frame auu
I'piu the rear wheel The chuckle'1 of the
gears Is plainly evllcnt. Somewha' fliullai
la the scrnatlon Impir'oJ lo the hands bv
the vibration of ctecl liand'.i'bais , to over
come which wooden iu.c.le bars wrrs In
Pajs a friend of the wond"rful little Wels'i
rider : "Michael mover drinks in > tn'i ' but
lea and ale. lie Is a great tea drinker , but
feldoin touches water , and he nou'r smoktt
neve.- has pinnked. In fact , a cltjar or cigar
ette. Talking upon the foorts that racing men
p'iDUld take , he advUes no vegctablcp thcv
ten" to fntlon , and wairs thorn off all high >
seasoned foods chicken , game , pice a id pas
trHe , regards co.'fcc dtlnklr.g as also baln
bad. lie has given the biibject of trtl'im ?
greater attention perhaps , tb ii an > otlio"
cyclltt , and he has reduced it to a line art
A.'d so ho Is able to tell us what het.s \
consumed In food during hh six year. . of
ruclrg. 'The ' food I have taken Into my ms-
tem has been almost entirely beef. ' he nJ
'which Is. beyond cny dlscinslon , the most
liMlihful animal food that can bo taUt n
for the purposes of trairlng. ' "
iihrcwd builders and landlords in eastern
cities are providing accommodations for the
bicycles of their tenants. In several of the
new ollico buildings going up In New York
special provision has been made for the
care of bicycles , and up-to-date landlords
check nnd caie for the 'blcjcles of their
tenants. The Innovation Is a welcome one
and may bo copied hero without risk of In
II nil I CKIl .STAMl-ni-'K.
\ I.i-Mcr In tlic TriuleVliIfli Will
Interest rrosiiri'llvo lln > I'i'N.
Ici view of the changed conditions of the
cycle Industry , especially the reduction In
price for next year , the following communica
tion 1ms been addressed by thu secretary ol
lli National Heard of Trade of Cycle MMIII
facturert ? to the presidents of local cycle
Hoards of Trade throughout the UnltpC
States. The letter , which explains Itself , Is
as follows : "In view of the fact that It is
now about the time or year when your bard
will be making up Its repalilist , list of al-
l&wcnccs on second-hand wheels or old-model
bicycles , It has been suggested by one of our
reptcsentatlve members that > ou call the at
tention of vcur members to the desirability
of Insisting upon a larger first pajment on
bicycles wherever Installment business li >
done. You will no doubt realize , so long ns
the i.irlcc of bicycles ha/j been high enough
to allow n margin for the dealer to come
and go on , tin has doubue.33 felt compara
tively salO , as , If his custumer made a linn
payment of $20 , and kcot up fairly well on
subsequent Installments , eventually' dropping
out after $ GO had been oald on a $100 ma
chine , the loss was not , perhaps , felt so
heavily , even though the UBCUt was unable to
get the machine back. Hut In view of tin.
fact that , by reason of the reduction in list
price , there will bo a. much smaller profit to
the dealer. It will be necessary for him tenet
not eiily IntUt upon a provortlonatcly larger
first payment , but he will also have to get
every cent of t'ao list price of every machine
In order to be able to make a living. It Is a
fact that a largo percentage of dealers arc
carclees and do not keep their customers up
to time and eventually both thu dealer nnd
the manufacturer have to suffer ; and wo
therefore suggest tLat you urge upon your
members the desirability of the first luymcai
being larger In prop.rtlon to list price , am
also them to bo more strict , both ar
to their choice of customers and also to the
way In which payments are made. It will
readllv occur to you that a first payment ol
$15 on a $50 machine Is cer
tainly not the equivalent of a first
tayment of $30 on a $100 irudel. '
Many replies have been received at tfoo of
fices of the national board , co the effect that
the matter will be fully considered at the
first opportunity , one or two local boards
having already ndcntcd a & : ale of prlccH.
This letter has also been sent to all bicycle
nanufacturcrs , many of whom have taktn
the matter up directly with their agents.
I'lnlnt of tin.Seiircliir. .
The wheel Is In t'ne ' nttle stored ,
Where mlco can chew the tire :
Upon the biking suit the moths
Now fi-nst to th lr deslro.
The jaunty cup Is on u pug ,
Accumulating ( Hint ; i
Tue Htocklnge with deceptive pads
In Heeret place are thrust ,
u while , v\ith faces showing Bloom ,
' IjllttrH make laim-nt ,
Another class of mortals llnd
A time of Hwout content ;
For now pedestrians can walk
About the streets nt will ,
And "Heoichers" do not ilush iilonjr
To Injuie or to kill.
Hut melancholy days ) will go.
And biking ilayn will come :
And tlu'ii again , on every side ,
Thu whirring ! wheels will hum
Thu biking youth and hlklngi girl
Will Illrt for all they're worm ,
And every "scorcher" In the land
Will think hu OVMIH the earth ,
Five lliiiulrril C.x-lf Culm.
A trlcjcle cab Is ono of the latest features
of the streets of Merlin. It Is called the
Hcydt cycle , so named after the Inventor ,
and n company has been organized In the
German capital \yblch now has COO of thebo
trlcyelu cabs In UEO. The cab Is built on
the principle of the bicycle , with the differ
ence that It has three wheels Instead of two.
The two largo wheels support a comfortably
cushioned beat on their axle , and tbo small
wheel In the rear Is used for steering pur
poses orly. In this tricycle cab the coHch-
111 a n or operator ults In thu rear and the
passenger In front , The conveyance Is pro-
lie HIM 1 by a simple up and down movement
of thu feet , just us a Hewing machine la
c/icrate ; < l , and thcru Is no chain or sprocket
This new device has met with great favor
In Ilcrlln. Tbo cab is < : hcap and light In
weight and can bo propelled with great
CUHO and at great speed , A willo tide ccets
toiuelhlns like a cent and a half , which
Is Infinitely cheaper than the charge for thu
tegular CEJ Borvlcc. The cab can be vnry
cheaply constructed , and , ai no honci are
tmiulrvd to bo stabled and fed , that expense
U , ivtlrely utino away with , and the com
pany U making money.
The rab l no constructed as to be suited
for all klndb of weather. Kor bright , balmy
dua , when no covering is required , there
U a hood arrangement which can bo de-
tarhed , In stormy weather It can be easily
replaced , thus affording the passenger all
the piotcctlon devlred from the weather.
This cab has buch fouud of especial benefit
tu Invalids. They can be wheeled about
comfortably and ( julcklyv which is a yrcat
Other machines chop meat only. This
( liosuivny with Ibo chopplmiuowl altogether Chops
Potatcus , Mont , Apples' ' , Cnbonpo , Biend everything
A machine you will IHO ovot-y ilny , Cull nml fceo It.
1'1O5 Doug'asSt.
Yes , we know your neighbor cannot
beat you baking cakes since we repaired
your stove but when she telephones
960 and we get her stove in good condi
tion again then it may be different.
Omaha Stoe Repair Works
1207 Douglas. Telephone 960
1520 Farnam . .
Your dollars go a long way by car
rying them. You can save both
time and
If you let us do your
Don't out un with trnnhlns rlint
annoy you consult us we'll give
you an estimate on any work.
Is our special work. We delight in
taking work when others fail.
Kr tiger Bros. tiJS
Are you short and fat ?
Are you tall and thin ?
No matter , wo can ( It you perfectly , with ono of onr beautiful
I3iorrrect n"d then the cost Is so trifling nat half
* -"t > b'-JL what you ordinarily pay That's because
.LlllCi we're closing out that bljr line we recently
" " * *
puichiincd at 331-3 cents on the dollar why
Ol 1Y ° cnn I'.y0" ' a ladles mackintosh from
_ . * 2. u to J20.CO-or n man's from $1.C3 to $20 ' 0
Klibber Then why tf.iould you BO without one ?
f i riillthnt'8 { not n" we sell we have the
nll ttnd.s- ! < west of Chlcatro you'd better sec
us If you're In need of anything.
1311 Farnam St.
advantage over the heavy and cumbersome
Invalid chairs.
Puck ) " 'I sometimes thluk I was born too
soon. "
"Oh , pshaw ! Haven't jou lived to see the
chalnless wheel ? "
Detroit Journal : "Speaking of the vogue
of Iho wheel , " remarked the observer of
men acid things , "a good healthy constitu
tion and the canned beef Imluslry doubt
less go far to keep the hon > e from beltig
eaten up by envy. "
Chicago Tribune : "No , " said Nero , while
Home was burning , u hu turned ImllgcKiHly
to ono of lila advisers , "tlila Is amusement
enough. I tihall not sanction any six days'
lilcjclo race , I am not altogo.'hor a
stcr ! "
LUul ho fiddled away.
Detroit Frco I'resa : "I asked her to wear
love's fetters for me. "
"What did t'ho say ? "
"Slio eaid she couldn't think of it that
everything was chalnleas nowadays. "
Washington Star : "I suppose that a elx-
day bicjclo race exemplifies the survival of
the flttcgt , " remarked the off-hand phlloao-
l/he/ / .
"UutiucBtlonably , " replied thu practical
friend , "Those who have lutclllgenco
enough to keep out of It are meat likely to
llvo to an advanced age. "
\VIllNll > rlllKH Of tllUVlnfl. .
( Any ono who has an Idea that aTtug-of-war
bctwecei two t corns composed ol eight men
tacii , wboeo average weight U 180 pounds , la
nut an Intensely lute-rusting and exciting
event should have been at Turner h > ill on
T.auradiy evening last to have xvltuetrecd the
match between teams reprcient'cig tbo
Tourl l Wheelmen and the Turner Wheel
club , UurKig the flvo minutes hi which tbo
pulling waa done neither ( cam had ( tie chalk
mark over two Inches MI Its uldo and moat
of the 11 mo It was In exactly the- same place
aa when they Blurted to pull , and the last
half-mlnuto of the cuitegt wan as exciting as
atiy bicycle race ever ridden , The luwky
wheelmen had a good opportunity to uie
'their ' well developed bicycle legg In lie )
ccnteit to splendid advantage in bracing
ithenuiclvea and pushing for dear life on tbo
slats w.Mlo they pulled with mlglit and main
on the rope. The reault of thu match wa a
surprise to everybody , aa It was expected that
Ube Turner Indians , who iuvo haa cousldera-
These Were Left Over
. \inl limp iiinile < Tu itr ! ( < MOnvr n lliiMii ltiut to MMIN lo liny nut
n lilir nxRitrltitrnt lull wtint lltrn Irf It-re IN Kitnil.
$3.00 I'ltisli Collar and Cuff Hexes . . . . 80 B $2.00 Work Hexes 75o
13.00 Celluloid Collar and Cult lloxes. . $ l.2 $3.00 Mnnlcurc Sets $1.60
$2.00 Nrcktlc IlovtH 600 $2.00 Olavo Hates 7Bc
(1.50 Shaving Sets $1.80
Trki lr f Collulold TVItotOiwm bviiitlfully itocorutcd-froni 75o tu 11,00.
1O1ICI UDJ wll | uuy n tt.u
C B 2 l' ' ° ' ' ' 6 * < in't ' ' " " - * ' > oltlp . oxlr.i fl'io , nt l.V , 25c. 30o nuil GOO.
1S j ( DO H-tmneu Oiuouj \ \ * Wll I Plum , U.Mb Apptu , etc1. . J1.IA
Any nrilclul u H illd ly On i.U at 2j pin-out luljwcint.V'o tlo.i't w int touiirry thorn over.
14th and Douglas Sis.
Every day
ror your sctlicart , your wlfo , brullitr and
bNlcr-\Vnlclu'B , DlarnomlK , Slheiuiire , fmbii.1-
l.f. Opeia Cilnsi-.A Hi-Its. Cut ( , la" , etc
Sullil Hlhcr D.icK Hnlr Cninb , worth 41.30 , "r-
Tnpc MIMKUIPII , wcrtli M.O ) $ " ) )
Thlmlile Casi-B , worlli JiSO $1 ' 0
Xinl FH | ! , woitll 73c ' ! "
I'.iper VWlKlit. In Rln K. worth SS.fX1 $1.01
< 'ini > " , Holld silver innuntlnK. worlli .51 00
SUt antl 1'epper Sfta , iuailiuplc | plate , v\oitli
$1 M TC
Hvery article In mv line Hold crjuallv oa l wl
ami waiT.intcil n ripic Mitiil.
A , Maiideltierg ,
\ . 1' . Cor. llllh mill Kiiriiuni SlrcctN.
This Man Didn't Swear Off
He had made up his mind to but he dropped into our store
and bought three of our General Arthur cigars for 20 cents
and that settled it no swear for him Hundreds ot others
would have sworn off but what's the usa when they can buy
GOOD CIGARS at these prices
3 General Arthur's for 7 M'unl.ilr Monirehu 23c
3 Deacons fop 2uo 7 V-llon Klilft K.J
3 Merchants' flub for 7 ! ( rotvtia 2.V3
3 Oolilcn Crowns for . ! 0 'I bi "HeKHnl" nnd "Mcrmiild" MrnlKht B-rfiu
All other lendlnR brands cut In name proportion clears nii > cquiil lo most lOe clRtiiB. A full line
7 Old Cabinets . iJ of Mcerirhiiuin and llrlar 1'lpes nt cut price * .
1400 1'iirnuin St ,
hlo experience lo matches of this kind , would
easily pull their adversaries "up , " but the
Tourist bcjs surprised even themselves ani
succeeded In drawing the mate.1 ! . Captain
Kuchn iind Colcnel Hirlry ore neither one
satlsfled with the remit of last week's match ,
tind , while arrangements'have ' no as yet been
definitely made for another match , It la
protiy well understood that the teams will
meet agaUi on January 13 , und Instead of
pullUig hvo minutes with eight men ea a
team the I cams will bo composed of nine
men and 'will ' pull ten mlnute.i. In tno mccii-
tlmo both toaiiiK will be strengthened and
will put In all of their tp-iro time * practicing
for the event , and a much moro exciting
contest Is piomUed ,
The year Just -closing has not been produc-
tlvo of a gold mine for thn local bicycle deal
ers and tlitno who have handled wheels In
connection with other llaes of business. The
year was not a oor one by any means , yet
at the same tlmo not any of the dealers
have made so much money out of tliu wheel
business so that they can retlro for the
Lalanco of their days to llvo on lliclr earn
ings of 1837. In several cases they have In
voluntarily retired , wlillo nthera are on their
last legs and may not last until spring.
Thcro are protably a half dozen , net more ,
dealers who adopted u close , conservative
business policy early last fcprlng and who
have conducted their business strictly upon
business nrlnclpk'4 , that have made money
and a fair amount , while the balance of
them started In by delivering wheels on pay
ments of $5 down and a promises of $5 per
month , and were not oven then particular
wtiether the purchaser made his monthly
rayincnts or not. These are the coos .hat
have falltxl or are now struggling for an
existence. H Is true that the drop In the
prices of hlKh grada wheola which occurred
varly In July had A bad rffect upon local
dealers and In ininy cases Is the direct
of the bad financial condition of tome of our
local dealers. Same of thu manufacturers
refused to meet thu cut when It runic and
thu result was that Uielr agents hero were
unable to dispose of their goods , while others
met the cut and sold tholr wlitelo. In most
coses , however , the agents hud contracted for
a certain number of wheels and In many they
were already delivered , Thrso vu > re the ones
that lokt heavily. ' lly this It Is not meant
that they weru mublo to get coat out of
tlie-lr wheels , buti'that they were forced to
tell at cost and thereby losu the profit which
they curely would 1mvu made had It not
been for the cut/ together with their tlmo
and trouble. It Is u trlllo early n yet to
predict tbo business will ho during
189S. but at the prencnt time tbo Indications
are that thcro will bo more 1S97 high grade
mcilels sold at $50 than 1S9S models at $75.
It will bo 'jard to get buyers to ( . .ay $75 for
an 189S model when they can get 1897 modelH ,
which differ but little from the new models
that Lave been shown hero BO fur , for $25
less. As to the clialnlcss wheel. It Is prac-
tlzullv an experiment as > et and whether It
will find a ready &alo at $125 remains to be
The date fcr ho'dlng1 the proposed Nebraska
Division L , A. W. binokcr and entertainment
has been practically set for January 15 , , ind
upon this date. Chief Consul O'llrlen of the
Nebraska division tu.nounccs the NebraHkn
division will , in conjunction with thu Tur
ner and Tourist "Wheel clubs , hold the big
gest smoker anfl general cnteitalnmenl over
held In this state. The entertainment jwrt
of the affair will consist of a fine musical
and vaudovlllo performance for which the
best local talent will he engaged. Thorn will
also bo a couple of limited round Hettos be
tween local wheelmen who are handy with
the 'inlts. ' An effort will be
made to get the railroads of the state
to n.aKe a ono-furo rate upon this date so
that I , , A. W. members residing outside of
Omaha may 'be cnable-d to attend the blow
out , which will certainly be worth u long
trip. Tlio Idea of this smoker Is < to get thu
league members of this stnto together and lo
give * thorn koniethlng moro for their dollar.
If this smoker Is the success that It Is antici
pated that It will be , and 'brings ' enough
new members to merit It , ' .Mr. O'llrlen un-
nouncea that others will bo given curing the
\ \ ' . 1'1'jSager , , formerly ono of Denver's
fastest professional racing intin , who now
calls this city his home , Is making prepara
tions to attend the coining six-day twelve-
hour per day race , which U to bu held In Oct.
Ixnils early In February. Hngcr U a HplendUl
long dletnncu rider and should do wull la a
contest of this kind.
r. III. < McCall goes on the road for a local
wholesale- hardware concern the first of thu
year. 'Ills territory will bo western IO H.
MeCall wus formerly In this line of bunliiVM
before he vntvrod the racing game.
V. II. ftlofkan , ono of the Omaha Wheel
club member * and an old tlmo local wheel
man , 'who IIUH boon onthe road for an i ast
ern tpewjter | concern for the last jcar , IH In
the city spending thu holidays with his cluli.
mites ,
Several of the local dcalcri have received
uninplo chalnUus models , whluh 'they have
had on exhibition during the latt week , They
1 seem to attract a great Ucal of attention aud
wMlnJLt !
A Jtctont J reaktr
Grca'esl Pi ogress J : ; > cr Made-
a.f.OO . Campi li'i.OOO Moinl i' * 2VH,000 ( ) 1'ulil to
Hcnollclurlos 1 , . * 00 Momiti.i'iitH Kri'ototl.
Average lom titan 11 tweiHim < ntH | mr your. Fixed
low rules' . A Jloo innttuinout jilm-iHl ut ovorv tfrnvo.
An emuriioiipy In ml llmltltii ; tliu tnnnlioi' o ( IHHUMS *
ini'iiK Join u cainit of Ihu Wowlmon of Ihu NVorlil.
Orynnixors toil In every stnt i. Athlrtm
J. C Sovereign C
< MI /I.I I , > / ( / .
Now that you have signed the pledge
Try our
Coffee 350 3 Ibs for si.oo ,
\Yc seive it free to all cal'ers ,
TEA & GOFFEE co , ,
1/107 / Douglas St.
.1 rliilit run ( mid r/i fit/Mi MII until.
of Our Lines are
from the holiday buylim and wo liavo decided
to clasc them out 25Il.l' i an 1 In some cases
00 per cent off no one lot < mvo till nl/es
but ulicre ore 1111.115 lottv ix > tint you can bo
suio of ccurlng your size front tome of them
Them shoes icprencnl ( IOIHLof our bivit
goods and have tu-ver boon offered at such
low figures jou will Iliul chocs for men ,
wnmen and children among them ,
ISE3 1517 Douglas Street
Grand clearance sa'e ' of
Any tie i
in the
Tailors and Furnishers ,
1404 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
co\i. is co\siiiitin : nv . .M.I.viio
nvvi : r.sKi ) IT TO in : -\u < .SIJI-
M \V OX TMIJ llAIIKIt'l' . VOlll \V.\1S
( ; IT : u.noo i-oiM ) > I'ou O.M < ;
% M ) I'l'.S OMiY
207 S. 16th St. . Brown Block.
many of the local enthusiasts admlro them
and are only waiting for the streets to get In
condition so as to glvo them a trial. The i
new chalnlcKS models as well as tlio chain
wheels for ' & 8 ni'arly all have the short
head , low frame , low dropped crank hangiT
arched fork crown , while some of the chain
whcclH are showing automatic brakes and
gear eases.
Will narnum , of the Tourist Wliei'linrn.
who has made Chicago his homo for I Mi' I.IHI
two years. Is In the city spending a few dajs.
Ho leaves for Chicago Monday.
TIII : n.\is 'i HAT rsin : TII in : .
IIOKlllll POSt.
Let inn slug you a Hong of the lolllfklng
The days that IIKM ! to bi > ,
When the ye-nrn wc-ro vclli'd In n misty
Tovnlrh we would ! idly IIi'i1.
When nil I.MIK hrlKht to our youthful KIIKC- ,
No tntrliMti' wlndlngH , no doubtful mavu' ,
And on cae'h lip * it nuntf of iiriilxu-
That you vvi'ro alive- and mo.
No ori.H * to Kiistalii nnd no currow to
Ill thu duyri that uxeil to be ,
No di'cd lee Kruit for UK to d.iru .
\\'hi'ii IAO roilu our Kiiinitpi'M knee.
No hiirrowlng1 doubt , no chilling can * ,
No foul buwoil down bviuuith ilrt pilr ;
The lift ) WIIH happy and life uu * fair ,
'Twos happy lor you and me ,
Thouo K'-'i'lHomi' ' ' ilnyH wii llvn
ThoHe diiyti ttmt uvoil to IIP ,
When lift ) IAIIH nil plimwiro without any
linlii ,
A Jovmi niy lcry.
Wu liullwl with d llght oacli nhownr of
lain ,
For ' AH luu-.v that thu minllKht would COIIIK
iiHiiln ,
No gr.ivim In our hwrU uii ) < r i MOIII lout
hogiu w.ii. Iain ;
Thi'ii yuu WLTU content mill nit ) ,
on , linvu hour ! , tbroiiKh all yuur
And think of the uwil to \ * .
Kor thuru'll ( HHIIH u lima wltwn > cmil ran-
< | IIPI' .ill fUl'M ,
And nil llfii'H mU ry.
When thu tioul U iloim with Itx enrthly
And Into thn lui-vi'nilt giudly urn *
Thttil oni'o HKuIn , HH tvory niu- known ,
You'll Buruly bo huiiiymd in1.
Tliu Oranlto Ute hai two cltlr'H * wli'i
Invu moro than pwncl thu ronttiry mark
In BKO Mr I.yillii t" Twii'iy nf W * t ( 'o
rord ct'U'bratod ln-r U''l ' birthday on \ \ < dnri
day , DvcvmUr f nd Mr J mta W" ' * ! of
1'ortmouth hl IUUI , pu tlio d y
that , ,
Dft. E. C. WEST'S
In Bold under pofitiro AVrUlen < Jnnrnnlcp ,
hyniilhorUml nK ntH only , In cum Wouk Memory ,
, Wulufiiliii > "i ) , I'il , lliutorln , Qi.icU.
, Niulil UMWCH , Kvll Pti-nniH. Ijick of Conli-
jn.NurruumiPM.liniMltudv.ull Drains , Youth
ful Krroru , or I iinnivo ImiolTohticco , Opium ,
nr I j'luor which liiuU to MinerCuiisuniptlon ,
Iniiiultjr nnd De/iHi , At utorii ur by mall , tl it
| K < II nix for Ms with v/rltlon tunrniitoo ( to
I'liro or i'f I'll nil inmicy. Hnniplu iiuoU-
n o , cuhtiiliiluK iidiio1 treatment , with full
luutructluiK , IT. co n ( c. ( Jro wiintdoonly sold to
inch fioroun. Ati Urroorlijruiail.
tS 'fcd label Special
Extra Slionglli.
Kor Irap-itoncr , Una ol\
I'uwrr , l nt MmihoiH *
Hicrllliy or IlitrriiiioH
" I-ui nx for r
3l > cm Illllun llrnu Co , , .S , i : . Cornel
Illlli nml ( ' 'iiriiMin nix , , liiiinliu , Null.
t' III * U lor i
dUrtiftrcM , Ifimipiurillum.
IrtlUIUui ui ult.iiitloDi
1,1 IIIUOUIIA uitojtr.u.i ,
i'.lnlix. toil uul iitilo.
> bt r i l < onuui ,
lit In UruimUte.
Km. at t IMII'U , P.'lJ.
tttirt M I r * UM
. ' KnalltU llluaud llrit
- < J ' .V. l' ' > lel l uilllnl > l uUf ,
"j/V V\ " " I ! ! " KUIt.Mk
LlJA' ' . * ! ! L' ' . I > * . ' ! . > ' " * ' i > * ,