Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 16, Image 16

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r , r c . s v i i i-"fl'4 S . i-- , . :
V - - -t' ' - - - - - -v.d > ) hV < & ; f&r-\lf' \ ] ? - " * ' .HjV- - - ;
w An Oriental Scheme for Disciplining and Organiz
iKX : ing Tramps.
Jt' ' :
One of the most peculiar and Interesting
figures 'n Chinese eoclal life IB the IieRgat
chief ; asd no low peculiar and Interesting ,
both ait to tr.rthodf.and personal appearance ,
arc thcj tnetr.bcrH of the motley organization
of nutid loin Ioer whom ho reigns nbto
lu'tly The Idci of organizing the tramps
of American districts Into an orderly body.
ob Jlent to the commands of one man. and
making them , to some extent , useful mem-
hern of the community has probably never
bcca corlcusly entertained In this country.
The- beggar chief Is an autocrat lei hU
sphere. lib may bo said to combine In
hltncelt the two ' 'unctions of protector gen
eral of the public from the too persistent
dcmam's of the mendicant , and controller
and almoner of the sorry specimens of hu
midity over whom ho wields an effective
and unriuestlonnble sway.
Ho Is required to pay a sum equivalent to
about $100 to every newly appointed tunR
hwan prefect , as a humble testimonial of
his allegiance to the high authority from
whom bU cadge of otlle emanates , and when
this requirement ban been duly fulfilled
ho Is tllowed to exercise the prerogatives ! of
his ponltlcn without fear of Interference on
the part of the government olllc als In the
district Aligned to him His authority o\rr
the beggars Is absolutely unlimited , and
they obey bis orders without hesitation or
sign of
valuable article , balances It on his nmo and
whirls It rapHly. The tnerch' nt Icoks on
aghast , expecting every Instant that It wilt
fly off the center and hurl Itself among hln
stock. Kearful of such a remit , be pleads
for ft cess tlon of the performance and pay.i
over' ) . small.sum of money , which Hie bcgqar
accep u with thanks ami a demean I grin.
Hut the beggirs' guild la oltcn ot great
service to certain local officials when men
ore needed to make an Impos-lng how. On
the occasion of a review hold by the viceroy
or other high mlllMry magnate , wlun It l/ / <
necessary to dcmonatra'e that the respon
sible ofllccrs arc nuinMining an adequate
force to protect the district , the beggar c lcffl
nro called upon to furnish the required
number of men to nil the in Itorms kept on
hand and to march In the review. Thus
scvenil hundred cturdy mendlcau'a become ,
for the time , gallant defenders .or the empire.
But when the reviewing officer le-.xvcs the dis
trict they return to their former Waunts and
Uio nnlforinn arc packed away for use at a
future review.
Olio of iti \v Kiitrlnnil KluvU VtU'iiiln
n > < i'liiiol IiiNdtute.
It must have been In the MO's that my
grcut uncle , Charles N , was graduated
from college and began to teach school.
Communication was not so rapid then as
now , and the exchange of Hteas was ac-
cnmpllsl'cd 'with more dimculty. The coun
try was not overrun , with teachers' manuals
My uncle's friend for many years after , ai
every dinner when ho was called upon for
.1 speech , managed to recount this Incident.
If my uncle was there It only added to the
general enjoyment.
Tiring of this In the course of years , Undo
Charles once arose , after his friend had re
lated the story , and said ! "That there
was one point to which sufficient Attention
had not been called , namely , why had the
KCCSO understood so perfectly all "that " my
friend had saM ? " A. N. D.
Two ( ltii' T Wlnti-r Co in pit 111" UN of a
\t-iv niiKliuiil Woiiinn.
IA , young woman who lives In a Now Kng-
land town has had a unique experience with
butterflies. She happened to be In the garden
on a warm day In the fall , and noticed 'a
brown butterfly fluttering about , rather lan
guidly , among the frw remaining flowers.
She caught It without much trouble , and
carried It to her room , where the windows
were screened , and let It loose. The little In
sect accepted the situation , and conducted
herself as If quite nt home. The substantial
New England name of Maria Sllsbee was be
stowed upon It though not eminently ap
propriate. Maria's food and drink was
placed on the window sill , and consisted of a
lump of sugar moistened by a drop of water ,
and she partook of this by unfurling her long
spiral trunk , which resembled the hairspring
of a watch , and Inserting the end In the
Maria was not fated to live In solitude.
Ono day there appeared In the room another
butterfly of similar appearance , but more
sprightly In behavior. No one could account
for Its being there , unless the malil had left
the screen up for a few moments while mak
ing up the room. The stranger was named
Jonathan Matthews. Ho was far more ven-
tutesomo than Maria , and of not so docllu a
temperament. Hut he was never seen to cat.
Possibly a false feeling of prldo or dlflldcnco
restrained him from doing so In any one's
The fame of this young woman's two com
panions opread abroad , and visitors to her
The oIHcD 1,3 hereditary , co long as the
tribute Is raid ; but the ItnmedMto progeny
ot the Incumbent are debarred from the
enjoyment or any literary diKree. Why this
crndltlons Is exacted Is not ciulto clear , but
It Is certain tint no descendant of a beKgfir
chief ha. ) ever held a literary degree. How
ever , the other privilege ? enjojed by him
are HO attractive and the Income is so sub
stantial tbit he probably does not worrj
much over this one privation.
How does ho secure his Income ? Prom
the merchants and tradespeople , who know-
that , uiiltss they procure from the beggar
chief , on or before New Yoar'u day , a "holo
tw.i , " or "piisport of safety , " their shops
or "hongs ' will be infected almost constantly
by u horde of boisterous , Impudent , Im
portunate vagabonds , who w'll ' drive away
customers anil damage the stocl's of goods
without hindrance from the regular authori
ties of the district.
Hut , with the "holo twa , " which Is sin-
rounded by the halo of unqucctlonublo au-
thoiity which the olllclal seal of the Tnnp
Hwan profcctiire > ind those of the six satel.
lltta linpirt to It posted In frrrit of his door ,
he Is compatatlvclj . ife from annoyance.
Still , ho Io not entirely so. for occasionally
a beggar will call upon him for a small con-
ttlhution , which ho usually gl\os. lint he Is
not liable to have a crowd of from twenty-
five to 100 beggars Invade his shop at one
tlmu and take complete pctscrelon of it.
There In no regular price for this precious
document ; the beggar chief exacts u sum
which , In his opinion , the merchant ought to
If tint tin tr It f r o1 v nnt\ \ -
J'k * J 1 * * U tUV0 H\Jl. | 'UJ t L 1 t 4 , t J Ulllt II I J-
Inglj , but hesitates and haggles over It , it
Is Increased slightly an a reminder that he Is
expected to follow bUhlnrfs principles. If ho
li ; wise mid experienced , ho will pay It
promptly and without any manifestations of
protest. If. before the expiration of the
year , the holder of the "holo twa" removes
hla place of business to the district of an
other beggar chief , ho must pay another fee
and without tebate.
When a marriage occurs in a wealthy fam
ily , followed by the usual imposing bridal
procession or public street theatrical per
formance , a fee must be paid to the beggar
chief to securu Immunity from the Intrusion
of beggars. If this fee Is not paid ati army
of vermin-ridden , pestiferous vagi ants aa-
Bcmblo In front of the house or join th > 4
bridal procession , and , being naturally endowed
dewed with a strong procli\lty to mlschlrf , In.
dulgo In all sorts of riotous and offensive
Hcforo permission Is granted for the car
rying of a conin through the streets , with all
the giotcsiiuo paraphernalia of n Chinese
funeral proccfalnn , so fashionable among the
wcll'to-do clauses , the beggar chief must bu
propitiated by the payment of Biich u sum ot
money as ho may demand.
A tax Is alxo Impeded on all collliiK arriv
ing finm a foreign country , the consignees
of th so objc tlonablo shipments having to pay
the chief before the collln Is allowed to land.
Once a month , on a day milted to the con
venience of the chief , ho alembics all the
bcggais uf hit ) district at the "Khichla Jan , "
or rendezvous , and distributes alms among
them , each receiving a sum commensurate
with hla personal turrits and obedience to
orders , Tim accompanying Illustration , made
front , a photograph taken In May , 1SU1 , shows
, a group of Amoy beggars at one ot these
monthly gatherings. The puruon seated on a
stool In the foreground Is the firnt deputy
Of the beggar chief of the district. Tim chief
could not bo prevailed upon to sit for a pho
tograph among his followern , 1'oihaps ho
considered It beneath his dignity ,
The Deggars' guild Is divided Into two
clarecs , called "Cono" itnd "Divan. " Under
the former head are Included orphan ! ! , the
decrepit acid 'lbso unfortunate cicaturca who ,
through Bcnllo debility or physical deformity ,
the result cf accident or a freak of nature ,
are Incapacitated from earning a living ,
Thcsa beggars receive a card from Uio
Tung Ilw'iii pcrfecture , with the naino and
ego of the holder fully Inscribed ai It , to
gether with a description of his atlllctlou and
the manner In which It was brought about.
Divans are exiles from other provinces ,
caul adrift from the secure anchorage of
ectllcd llfo by a general oJlaml.y , such an
famine , Immdatl n , the prevalcic4 ot a
( lanccrous epidemic x > r Ifao commission of a
crime which made It unwlje for them to re
main In their native place.
Among -the Cones are the calf-torturers ,
liule , hearty criMturcs who lotllct wound/ ;
upon ficlr ov.n persona for the purpcro of
tAdtlng the sympathy of pa& crsby. There
nro alas In this i'M 3 the "Too-lln" or
"crooked-nowd , " whosa methods are conic-
times \cry ludicrous
Ily pei.ilu'ent prictlco the To1111 dcfonus
| ii note so that ho U able to hold on It en
ticnvlcldy plecu of furniture , ouch as a heavy
cU'Jr ' , wtcol or table.Vhuiever ho entcra
a shop and fallu to whecdlo from the mcr-
cbout a few "cath , " he layn fc = ld at A
and guides , and there "were few educational
works. It was only by gathering together
and exchanging Ideas that teachers were
able to vrogress. To facilitate this , several
v.ould In the summer tlmo travel from place
to p'.wcc , holding wliat were called 'Insti
tutes , " to which all -ivha taught In the
nelffl 'borlng country would flock < to receive
or disseminate ne.v Ideas , and to discuss
method' of sttiJy.
My uncle and la 'friend ' of his had started
on a toutof this kind , ami on Saturday- -
rlxed at a town where they were to hold
an "Institute" the following Monday.
Sunday afternoon they took a stroll In the
outskirts of the , on the banks of. a
stream , and we'e engaged In decip conversa
tion when my uncle's friend espied a tlork
of geese approaching In solemn procession.
Moved by a suAlen Impulse , he took off his
liat , made a low bow , and , addressing the
geese , i = ald : "Allow me to Introduce to you
my friend , 'Mr. ' N , who will hold an Insti
tute In this town tomorrow. I cordially in
vite jou to bo present. " The geese appeared
to listen attenti\ely to the young man's
words , and when he had finished they wad
dled gravely awayi
The InclJcnt passed quickly from their
minds the next afternoon arrived and the
friends repaired to the church where they
were to pxpouml their educational views to
those who were assembled for Instruction
and proflt. The day was "beautiful " and sun
shiny and everything beamed propitiously on
my uncle as lie arosie from his seat behind
the pulpit to address the dUnldcd gather-
Hardly had bo opened hU mouth to
speak when somcthng In < the wide opened
door attracted his attention. There stood
the old gander , leaden of tlio ) ( lock they had
Been itho day before , and behind him were
all the gccao ! Having completed his nui-
voy , to my uncle's horror and chagrin , he
waddled slowly up the middle aisle , followed
by the rest.
AVas ever n young man In a more pain
fully umbarra&dng situation ? At thU mo
ment he received a tug on his coat talli ;
and plainly heard the par.lally suppressed
amusement of his friend and the whispered
exclamation , "They've come ! "
My uncle grow redder and hotter as the
gceso approached In front and the tugs ou
Ills coat tails continued behind. He could
only dtut'ter andi summer , each moment be
coming inoro painfully aware of the awk
wardness of his position ,
At last , with the timely assistance of the
congregation , the unwelcome lntrudrs were
vxpollod amlJ ( jimcklngs , confusion and up
roar ,
U l.i almost unnecessary to adj that the
fount of my uncle's eloquence waa choked
for the time 'being ' , and consequently bla
exposition ou the education of the young
was not as edifying as It might ba\o been
under ordinary circumstances.
This did not end the initter , however.
loom were frequent. This did not seem to
lUlHo the equanimity of cither. At" last
Maria , indlffetcnt to ths joys of a worldly
ex sluice , settled down In a comfortab'e cor
ner , and remained there to all appearances
a. corpse. She had decided to hibernate
and hibernate she did for several months
Jonathan , on the contrary , was \cry active
Thus they icmalued for most of the winter.
Ono day Maria awoke , but , In the words of
Hamlet "to die to sleep to stay. "
When the dajs became warmer , and the
spring llov.ers appeared , In evidence tha
there was aga'n honey In the land for vagr ti
bmterillea , yie- screen wcs pushed up , and
the solitary Jonathan flew joyously forth
Ho bee never been seen since.
VTTI.I : OKTIII : vor.Tins. . .
"Yes , m' we went out to the fair , an'
throwed balls at the dolls , an1 one cf then
looked just like tbu minister what akcd
me It' It was sure I tried to be a gcol boy. "
"Did jou hit him ? "
"You bet ! I Bwattcd him every time. "
Klvc-jtar-old Dickey had been Instructed
tljat whuiever he wanted an ) thing he should
pray for it.
Ho had prayed long and earnestly for a
bicycle , but his father , thinking him too
young to rule one , hal loauzht him a trl-
tjclu \Vbe-x 1'c aw < ' . : e on the morning of
MB birthday end found the thtce-wheeler b >
ills bedside , he v-is disgusted
"Dccicit the Lord knew the difference be-
\ ,
twccn a ibicyclo and a tricycle ? " ho whim
A prominent Chicago city otllckU's llttlo
girl took a friend with her to Sunday school
and Into the class to which cue belonged.
The teacher called the class roll and In
cidentally asked the visitor to what church
ho belonged. The ollidalYi child replied
for her , saying : "She's a Catholic. " The
teacher was amused at the reply , and a con
versation followed , like thU :
"And of what dcnomlnatlcn are you1
" ' , "
"I'm a buckeye
"You're a what ? " said the surprised
"I'm a buckeye ; pspa says I am. "
Turning to the 1 ttle brother cf tin girl , the
teacher aiked : "And what are you ? "
"I'm a democrat , "
The toicher gave it up ; the boy had the
Instinct of the father ,
A bright llttlo boy ono of the pages of
the United States ( senate sat nt ono ot the
senate entranced the other day , when a lady
approached him with a visiting card In her
"Will you hand this to Senator Dlank , "
eho bald.
"I cannot , " replied the boy , "for all cards
must bo taken to the cast lobby. "
The woman was Inclined to bo angry auil
Intense and Everlasting
Frantic with Scalp and Back Covered with Eighteen Months Baby's Intense
Face and Nook Ono Inflammation. Almost Itching
Unable Four Doctors No Avail Dry Scab. Thought Itching Suffering. Could Only Sloop
Not Able to See
, Ono a Skin Specialist. Would Drive Him Mad. Under Opiates.
To Sloop for Weeks
Friends ( who had boon Cured )
Thought Ear Would Slough Off
Say TryCutioura Remedies" Known Triod.
Every Remedy .
And Was Completely Cured.
Does So Without Faith. Skill Baffled.
Physicians .
Friends Could Not Recognize To Great Surprise Not a Trace or Pimple
Faoo S.o Swollen and Hideous. Change in Three Weoh , How Complelelj Cured For Throe Years. Mother Distracted Tried the
Three , Doctors Could Cuticura Remedies. Noticed
I ba\ < been an lutcnso MUTercr nf that aw fill T wasnllllctcdwltb Kceina for seven > ears. Relief in Ono Week.
Not Relievo. dreaded , and morl.istliiillica | ! ' < i > lKrriMiin , forte and lit ) se.ilp was in n bad state. I bad a bad .
t\\o \ jears , I tried e\et > one's advice In medl liack.thiculnehosof which was t'oteied with
clues , beside four doctors , ainoiiK which was a diy scab with a moisture underneath. The
one of our specialists In skin diseases , with itemnu was o bad 1 thought It would drho PERFECT CURE IN TWO MOUTHS
CURED fiN TWO WEEKS no lmiiro\clnunt at all , and from time to mcinad , 1 can't explain tnv leclliiKs , I tiled
tlnui setting mo almost trniitlcwlth dreadful nil remedies I was told of , but could not get
BY itcbliiR. At lastalter uuinurous ] icrauasloiis cured , until I was advlncd to trv CUTKTUV A SWORN STATEMENT.
Irnm friends ( whom \our meillvlncs cured Itr.MKmra. 1 took the bottles of UIXII < MNT : ,
cotiiidelel ) ) I ( raxo mxsulf up to Ct'TlciniA tHe eakcs of Po. l' , and H\o b < i\es of CIITI- \Vben mv llttlo daughter , M.iwas eigh
CUTICURfi REMEDIES. UHMKIIIKS , exueuUiiK them to result an all rniA : , and toinj RiirprNeinis com- teen month * old , her ami tnco liruKo
) ire\ ions ones. To my and agreeable- } > Irtcln fit ml. That Is three jeais IKO , and out In one solid IIMSS ill bleeding sores , and
suimiso I found a wonderful chnnijt in tlnre I Imci tint bad a | linplc on nn header Imih one nf her car * was hoalfcctcd , that the doc
I have suffered with n ea-.o of Ecrcina of irrplft , and after uslii ( ' three ' bottles of Ci n- since. You can use this as n'tixttuuiiilal I'f tor thought at one tlino that It would xlungh
CM'HV KKSOI.MCNT , and one' box of Ctmrt'icA \ou wish. C. LONG , off. Her suffering was interne , getting no
the I ace and neck down tinny SAt.\ : , I fnuiiil mii-elf ti'iniitrlclii riffd.
April 12,1897. 3 5 Wilton A\c. , Toronto , Call. rest nt all , unless under the Influence of opi
VK26,1K \ > > 7. (1KO.A. ( f.OWl : , I'hlla. 1M.
shoulder * wvio one Intlaiiiniatluii , was notable _ , ates. 'lite | ihslrlan tried i < \ rj known rem
able to see out of myces for quite a while , edy , but Deemed to lie luMU'il , and Instead of
better , her , lare , and carM-emed
nndwas unabloXo sleep forwecks , on account AWFUL SKIN DISEASE to got worse all the time. ] ) istroclod with
of the e\ere pain , wlilch tieail } dro\ome In her condition , 1 did not know what to do ,
sane. .My face ami neck were swollen and until iino day Iai nihlsed totrx C'l'Tli'tuiA
Suffered Untold Agony Two Years lti.Mnniy. : 1 purchased the Cnu UIA Itn-
made look hideous. 1
mo hardly recognized Itching and Burning Terrible. Baby Was Solid Scab All Over MHA IN : r , SoAr , and OiNTMrsr , and persist-
\solf In a mliriir , and my friends would cnth used the remedies.
not b.i\u known me , only on account of my Had to Give up Work Entirely. Gave up , and Thought She / ) ' ( / > ! e the jlrst in el I nut iceil Hint Hie tlttta
clothe * ami rarilng injself. 'Ihe tortute Never Could bo Cured. mijl'frrrinm ( iffiinniHii ' In yet relief. 1 admin *
Instant Relief in First Application Isicrcd the UiMilW'Nr iuwardlv , when I
and intense ] uln 1 emltiied all that time , bathed her with the Ho U1 , and used the Ol.vr *
no wonder that tlieic aru FO man ) Biilcldes. OF CUTICURA REMEDIES. .MINT : freely , ami In / < < tl.un tire month * my
Three doctorof e.ood practiceat illlTercnt At Work , Fully Cured in 2 Months Entirely Cured in Two Weeks by llttlo darling was entirely cm ctt unit \rclt , and
she irot as tut as n llttlo pig. It Is nowo\cr
times were attending me , and not one of I was alllloK'd with a terrible malignant CUTICURA REMEDIES two } e.irs since happj e\ent took place ,
them could rulic\e mo of my pain , swelling , ble.ikiHK out nil over the upper part ot mj After All Else Failed. and not a symptom or tlio iltcailfnl illscaso
and lilolilies. Itraxeallup. A filcnd aihKeil boclj. t treated bj Mmiuof tho\or > best has ever returned. Pile Is bright , anil no
iilixi-iciaiH , who pronounced It contagious marks \\li\Iu\er ; are to lie Pce.ii fiom the
mo to trj CtTictuv IKMIIIIUS. : : I did and lilooil V"lsilli ! l d tbroncli them I spent May Cirrict'RA bo known the world over eirects. You are at HIiortN to life tills as > ou
was made a new man , hundreds of dollars trj hig to get relief , for the good It has done nn h.ibj. 1'roni tlio ECO fltand I Mill glaill.i answer : uiv and nil
My < li t bottle of CITTICUKA HIS-OMKNT All the time I was suffering untold nirnny time she was born she Kc/enu. When inquiries niailo to inn with ii'feienco In the
' and tlnallj had to ghoup work entire ) ) . I.Ike sbo was six months old wo commenced doc nbo\e mated facts. MlS. ! .IAMKS M HI/ION ,
.was taken ou 1'eb. 18 , 1MI7 , also C'lniuuuv a slnl.inn person , I grasped at e\erj thine I viw toring her , but she onlj got \vm-e , until s-lio Oct. 'JO , 1M)7. ) 5 HAVIIKS ST. , A TLAMA , GA.
( ) and Cnicuuv SOAI * . Theie was adicrtlsed. 'lh burning , llx I was n wa ai > oliil yunb all oer.Vo bad gixeu up , Witness , J. G. AntuN. :
tinI'icillately n rent ( luuigc , my shoulders and was only .iRcrax.itcd b > ev'erj norl to iclic\o and thought Mia never could be cured , until
it. CuiicuiiA HI\IIDIHS weresuttesleil. ono day I read of l'rrn ruHi Mrnn.s mid rouniA , niLTov foi'viv.
neck turning to their natural color. Tbu warm bath of CrnctniA SOAI- , anoint decided to trj them. I cot one cake ol SOAI- , Ill person appeared lieforc me , Kdgar If.
t uvd a total of tl.icc bottles rfCi'TlcfUA IIIK with CUTtcmiAand the use of the Ursoi , DIM bottle ol IlF-nr.x RNT , anil a tin of Om Orr , a Justice of the I'e.iee in and for the 102G
! ! ivifonrbo\es CfTici it.v iiiintnicnt ) VI.NT : , seemcil to start the pmil woikfiomtbo ni ! NT , and pave them to her c.irctnlh as District , ( i. M. , state and rniintj aforesaid ,
. - . lint , and lexiicriencodasootliinp iclicf not directed , and in tire inr/- ube was cntiiflij J. (5. AIII.IIV , who being diil > Kwoin , tlcposcth
thicec.ikeaoirfTict uvSoAl-.and i.i > friends withstanding my intense jiaiii. I lmpio\cd cnrtil , and is now as line and clear n any andsalth.tliat the above tostlinonlal is , to bis
and onis of the. doctors aio siirptlseil , and rliilit aloiiK , and in It * * thnn tire iioiitli 1 i i mother could want to seu. I own her llfo ti > best knowledge and belief , trno In e ery
a < > ked who cuied me , and 1 tell them quickly ublc to l ( ii/itiiKl nt uorl , and continued U Ci'Tict'iiA.and I feel I cannot gl\e it enough detail. .1. C A11KHN.
' - . . itnproio dall ) till/ims entirely etirctl , souni ! prai.-c , for I want to let all mollicr * know Sworn to and subscribed before me , this
. ,
rt'TllTISK liEMPIltl--i. ,1. V. KAPIv \ , anil well , w itli nut n fltjn mil l > mll/nin/irlit 11 what it lias douu for us. JlItR.V. . U. PA IK , Oet.0111,1897 , KlMi.Ut II.OmiIii3tlco of the
Mai ( h 1,1KI7. S3 Scbolo St. , Itrooklyn , K. Y. M. 1 ! . HAS I'IKN , H6 W UunlcrHt. , Atl.inta.Oi Nov. 25,18 % . 1127 S. Main St. , S. licnd , lud. 1'eaco.
Wnrm bath ? with CfTHT'KA SOAP , Dentil' applications of CVTtctmA ( ointment ) , the prosit skin euro , mid mild do es of CUTICUP.A lliioi.vrsT : , Rrcatcst
of blood purifiers and titnnnr ciirc , all'ord iii tiint roliuf , iiennit rest and sleep , and point to a speedy and permanent cure of the most torturing ,
dteilguring , Itching , hunilug , lileudinjr , scaly , and crusted skin , scalp , and hlood humors , with loss of hair , when all else fails.
Bold throughout the world. L'orrut IJuuo A.NU CIICM. Coin- . , Sole 1'ropa. , llostou. Urltith depot. NEWIJLIII & SO.NS , Londuii. c - Send for " How to Cure Kvery Skin IMsciiBe , " fie * .
went away nattarlji ; . Then a Umucht struck ;
her , and takuig out her pockstbcol ; she found i
ft 25-ccn' p rce. With It in her band ishe i
W ( > nt back to the boy. |
"Here , my lad , " she eaid , in a coaxing
tone , "hero is a quarter to take my card
in. "
"Madame , " said the bay , without a mu-
meiit'e. hesitation , "I am paid a larger salary
than that to Keep cards out. "
A Wsahlncton physiclJii his n llttlo g > l who has of late been serlorqly hi
with an nlacess of the ear , saja the Post.
As slie grcbeUer sbo was allowed to have
r. modt alluring diet of ess puneiu.i and Ice
cream. He' younger brctl'or was allowed to
taste thedainties. . One day when the doctor
caino the boy orcne.l the dcor. hcldlns cue
hand to h'a llltlc csr. The doctor paid no at
tention to him. The boy groaned.
"I've got an awful earache , " he said
moiiirfull } , ,
"Too bad. my so'i ; too bad , " said the doc
tor , pad naugeil on. Tae boy followed. |
"Faj , " ho said , "t.s ! ' oar achcj awful i
bad. "
"Well , " f-ald the doctor , "I must look Into
that. "
The boy looked a bit scared.
"I don't think It uc-eds that , " ho said ,
"but don't you think I'd better have milk
punchcc and lee cream ? "
( , 'ON i'l IIIlIT ! ! - : < > .
William Moro e of Lisbon , Midi , as d S.'i
jcarn , was ir.ur'.li'd a few days ago to'
liouglass of t'3 same place , aged 1C.
Miss Wllhelmliu Sandstone and Nchemlah
Whlteatonc of LltncEtone Tenn. -
, , wcl-e mar
ried a few days ago by Hev. Mr. Wlndstcne
at Kllntstonu ,
Joliu EllliigwooJ of Alexandria , Ind. , WCH
granted a divorce at 9 o'clock In tlio moni-
Ing , and at U:10 : o'clock he hd secured a
marriage r.ud at 9:15 : o'cok ! was
wedded to Mlis Louise Smith ot Anderson ,
Governor Powers cf .Maine aaja that when
ho was a young justice of the peace he mar-
iled a couple. Inter secured them a divorce ,
married the man to another woman , Hixurt'd
them a divorce , and later remarried the orig
inal couple.
Mis. Mattlo Ila'lcllffp cf KaiiKis City , ae-
co dl'ig to her petition for dlvo'ce fro n
Geoige Itadcllffe , stpod blnws , ncgli-ct ( ill-
lire to provide , and olb r forms of crujl'y
for a long time , but when the hUBbati-l de
liberately blow smoki elfedrette smoke at
tl t Into her sick baby's face until Hie
child became iincunacl'jus , she decided that
she could s'nnd nri tuote
A Chicago younr man has just served MB
social circle a petty trick. Ho was acting as
best man at the weeding of bis slater , and
when the ceremony was completed he
stepped to the front , band In hand with one
of the brldesmaldsjiutid took advantage of the
preparations made by being himself married
to the ycung woman. Ho sponged every
thing except the preacher.
Mr. L. Gavlonl and Mrs. S. C. Hortnn
woiet united In murrUge at Waco Ten , Un-
cl nibor 21 , for the second time , the couple
having been divorced , and each having con-
tiacted a second Mivirrlage Mr. Oaylord
got a divorce decree from his second wife
and Mrs. Ilorton fjotu her second husin'-'j ,
and thc > leachcJ Waco by agrcempiit from
Florida , and wcieirrunlted. Their first w < ri
ding took place fourteen > cars ago , and they
I wed tognther six jeers.
A letter from Lausanne , Switzerland , re
ceived In Milwaukee , plves an account of the
marrlago of Fred I'jgo Tlbblts of Mllwaii-
Kee to Senorlta Bianca de Kreyro Santander.
The bride Is the eldest daughter of the lad ;
Colonel Don Manuel do Krcyre , minister plen
ipotentiary and envoy extraordinary from
Peru , and granddaughter of General Santin-
der , the Gc-orge Washington of Colombia and
Venezuela , and the first president of the
United States of Colombia.
Town Clerk Dates of North Attlc-boro ,
Mb. , hid a funny experience when a young
man canu- from Hhodc Island with his best
Klrl to get married , Mr. Dates did nut forget -
get the fro which winds up all euch transac
tions , and this Is where the funny part coms
In , The joung man drew out of his trou
sers pocket a handful of coin and placed the
icqulred amount on a table It being mostly
all nickels. When ho left with his newly
made bride Mr Dates gathered In hi * checks
and found one of fho pieces to bo a brain
beer check , to represent a quarter of a dollar
From Mrs. Mollie Gatlin , BonhamTexas : From
the age of fouiteen years until I was married I cnduied
great pain every month. When my first babe was six
teen months old I was attacked with neuralgia of the
womb. I suffered the greatest misery two or three
times each month. It would come on suddenly and in
five minutes I would be almost crazy. A year ago I
commenced using Wine of Cardui. The first bottle
didn't seem to do any good , but I kept on taking it ,
and the next month I had no pains , and have had none
From Mrs. M. E. Boatman , New Salem , Texas :
Last fall I had falling of the womb so bad I could
hardly get about. Two bottles of Wine of Cardui
cured me sound and well , and J weigh more than I
ever did in my life.
From Mrs. Washington Griffin , Church Hill , Miss. : Our daughter , twenty-one
years old , has been in bad health for six years. She had pains in her bowels , sides ,
legs and back and sick headache. She suffered great
pain at each monthly period , and was always in bed LADIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT.
Kor ndvloe In oasct requiring ? J > e-
three or four days. She has now taken Wine of Cardui clal direction' , odire ! , imiiiKnyii ) | > -
tolas , Ladtti' Adritorv ] ) ej > artintnt ,
and J31ack Draught four months , and is really a differ The Clinttanoova ClintlunooiialUeUtcliieC'o. , Touu.
ent woman. She has her monthly sickness without
pains. Wine of Cardui has done more for her in four months than all the doctors
did in six years.
Women need not suffer as they do. Wine of Cardui will give
them i'elief. They can get it at any drug store , and take it in the
privacy of their own homes. It only costs $ J.OO per bottle.
Ho Is out jiiht [ > ccf'tH , but raj'H the check
will come In handy the next lime he vlnlt i
Rhode Island.
1)1 T OK Till : OHIJINIIV ,
The license law of Sweden forWds any
pi > rucn to buy drink without at the same
time purchasing something to tat.
"Dumps Hagguid has cloven children and
nine. CMCH of measlr * In < the family , " ac
cording < o the Winchester. Ind. . Democrat.
It has been foun.1 in sw.tzorland that In
building a railway- laborers could work only
one-third w Jong at a height ol 10,000 feet
as a mlle lower.
The presence of Anton 'Hufnagcl ' ot Oraz ,
a r t-t I red olllcer ciueed gn < it atlr at the re
ception at the 'Hofburg ' of Vienna. He looks
i exactly like iHlsmarck. and when the tall
, and broad-shouldered otnccr stepped Into the
j hall everybody thought him to bo the great
chancellor , > HunageI ( Is an Inventor and he
presented Francis Joseph with a stirrup , con
structed so as to prevent a HJer. when
| thrown out of the saddle , being
Mi * . Gladstone IM the owner of tlio largest
lead pencil In tlio world , Jt Is the gift of
a pencil maker at Kcswlck , and is thirty-
nine laches iu * length , in place of < ho CUB.
ternary rubber cap It has a gold tap Its
dl.itlnguishe'I owner uses It for a walking
etlcl !
There aio said to be more women In Ilrlt-
lah India (124,000000) ( ) than there are men ,
women and children In Great Ilrltaln , Kianuo
unJ Gernvany put together. Somehow' there
bcoms to bo borne rctiHoii wl y it Is the
custom In the far eatu for men to have
numerous wives ,
The "City of the Salt Mines , " which Is
'ittuated ' buvcral hundrcU feat below the
surfacn at Wlellcnkj , Gallela , li a wonJcrlul
subterranean city , with a population of o\er
1,000 men , women anJ children , BLores ot
whom have never ( > ccn 'the ' lllit of day or
the earth'a surface.
Germany has about 00.000 eommrrclal
travelers on the load'gno cays a jcar Thrlr
cxiiendltuit ! in hotels | .s estimated at flM.OOO
a day , or 110.000,000 a yrar.
Ilecauso some of the Paris fortifications
are to bo sold anH thrown Into tbu real estate
market , do nut believe that the. French think
that thn reign of peace has come. The forti
fications to be sold aru UIOHO In the old
system of defenses which proved Itself obso
lete so far back as 1S70. The foitlllcatlons
on whlth 1'arls now relics sweep In a circle
around the city at distances of from twelve
to ulxttcu miles from the old 'works , aud
niaki * It roie of too ktroogent cltlea la the
It has been discoierol In St. IxUy | that
forty men and wtuu'ii In that city liavo
formed a gang an.l malm i-ach other BO an
'to ' t-xclto syriifmtiij when exhibiting their
Injuries whllo ibotsKliirf on thowtrdota. Hum-
Ing their Ilmtj with- carbolic add Is thulr
favorite PIWBH. lcvee ( > tcil applications of
tlio acid kcop Hithllcoim mrcs open.
The 'Marlon ' ( I'a. ) Independent tolls of a
man In that iiflghbrirhocil who hot a screech
owl , and , 'believing there was a bounty on
birds of that kind , look It to a Justice ot
the peace to make the proper affidavit. Thc
justice * assured him that there wan not only
no bounty on the Ri-reech owl , but that , on
the contrary , thcie was a penalty of t5 for
shooting one. The juntlco said1 that he was
norry ; but , as the man had confessed to th
violation of the law , hu had no alternative.
but to Impobe the flee.
Tint bc-2t salvo In thu world for Cuts
nrulecs. Sores , Ulrers , Salt Ilheum. Kever
Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , ChilblaUu.
Corns and all Skin Kruptlons , and positively
cm us I'llcH ir no | y required. It Is guar
antied to give perfect hatlsfectlon or money
refunded , I'rlcu 5 cento tier box. Pot sale
by Kutin St. Co ,