Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 14, Image 14

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    THE OMAHA DAILY H13IS'flt'NDAY , JA"NTITA1Y ? 2. 181)8. )
if 9 $ $ 9 $ & $ $ $ $ # 3 $ $ $9 $ $ $ $ $ $ $
4iiJi44iJii { } Aiiti ; i ; iJ JiiJi4 iiJfiJi iii iiif
The npw year , which opened yesterday with
both the loal thcau-rs holding out "attrac-
liens" of passable attractiveness , bids fair
to bo a season of much greater pleasure and
profit than the on ? Just clonncl Many Indi
cations , which cannot cscipo even the leant
obsttvant , denote a gradual clearing ct the
* ky and throwing off of Incumbrancoa which
vlll leave the stage a happier place and
pl.iycis and public bolt'r contcn * with what
thr gods provide. Slock companies .ire com
ing In again -a most hopeful sign under ox-
Istinst circumstances. They will boa power
ful factor In the emancipation of the stage.
The year 1S97 will bo chlctly r'nicmberod n.s
the year of the syndicate's greatest power ,
and ol o of the bcglnnltifi of Its end. It Is
hnrd to HCO ho'v t'rs monstrosity can 'xlsi
e > er the fast appioiiclilng tlmn of booUIng
i cxt K ason'n co'iiracM ' That ordeal will
teat Us ( strung ! . ' ) , nnd will also reveal the
magnitude of 1 10 opposition , which Is llktly
to surprise even those who estimate It gtn-
The serloiu illness of .Mnu-s 1C. Ilackott ,
ill very handsome young UaJIng man of the
Lyceum company , has basa remarked with
tolidtinle by thomun Is of play-goers lo
whom hla personality hn become pleasantly
fnnilllar. During Ills abuncc from the cast
of "Tho I'rlnccss un.l tlio Iliixtcrlly , " Wil
liam C'ourtlclgh. a'lotherhandsome nnd clover
u < 'tor , has been playing his part. The Mirror
relates that Mr. Oourtlclgh , who was quite
unfamiliar with the role , was called upon to
play one night at o'clock , and wiu forced ,
tlirrefuie , to read the lines. Things w nt
anng fairly well until the fourth act. when
thuu occurs a rather frnntlc love scene with
M.'ty Mannerlng. Mr. Cotirtlelgh , with his
.viim about thu actress , strove to read from
th printed book. Thu sliuitlon strimk the
andlenco as funny , and a little tittering was
Then , by an unfnitnnatv turn of her head ,
Mna Mnnncrlng obscured the book , and Mr.
( oi.i'l ' Igli'n lint's wore los' He strove to
slil i tlu > book Into view , and the audience
IniiuhH uprojrluunly. The situation was ir-
i. . -'Inly ( Mr. Courtlelgh deserved ,
li ' , < ! , grc.u credit for his excellent play-
In * i.f tht ! dllllcult role In the circumstances
Hi . slut llrst night he has been letter per-
f < t. .Mid has given a thoroughly admirable
At thp Ijalllmore Lyceum , week before
last t > u > ! i tlif i.Mluor. the stock company put
on "Lidy 'HoiintKul ' , " In which play appeared
a i > roii'.ty ] b.iby The baby had been used
ali i < i'y ' In "Caste , " and It was somewhat
fijv--d out by the en1 } of Its second engage-
jin-n. So It was that during a pathetl :
L. : n one of the haby'o logs became detached
a d fell to the stage. The audience giggled
nnd the players worked manfully lo keep
b.raUht faces. William irfarcourt went and
looked out of a window to hide his laughter ,
nnd Ji-nnle Kunnark , with eonimeiulablc
pawnee of mind , kicked the truant leg out
of nisi t. All \\oulcj have been well after that for the unfortunate Tact that the dia
logue Introduced repeated allusions to
the baby , ami each time Its name \\iii men-
ti.led ' there was an enthusiastic laugh from
th houvo. IVhns was queered for the lest
of i he performance. A new pioperty baby
> v > ] l | tip Introduced at the Halllmoio Ly.-eutn.
The announcements for the coming week
at Hoyd's Include engagements of "The Pi Is-
oner of Xf.ida. . " "The Wedding Day , " and
"xpcit't Service" a showy rather than a
Koil'Iy meritorious list. "The Prisoner of
JJi iidu" Is by no means new , even to Omaha.
which did not get the original company the
llrst time the piece- was prtscntcl' ' here and
iwll be still further from it nu\v , although
t'le company Is said to be a rather goad one.
The comic opera spectacle which coudiweiids
on Wednesday night to let Itself be seen
once only In this city , Is believed to be pre-
e'U.-ly the kind of thing our theater-goers
will rush to But ; and hear , paying coiisldeia-
lny advanced pi Ices for the privilege. "Se-
ciet Service" will be presented late In the
week , without Gillette , but with a company
which has been praised In Kansas City ami
elsewhere , and the wl.'e ' celebrity which In
dustrious pi-hss agents have gained for the
piece will doubtless assure It a cordial we-
Later In the month the bookings at Hoyd's
Include a number of good things. Among
them may be mentioned without regard to
tht sequence of their appearance DeWoIf
IT i/per in "El Capltan , " E. II. Bothcrn in
"The Adventure of the Lady Ursula , " Her-
ibert Kelcey and 'Effie ' Shannon In "A Coat of
'Many Colors , " and Solla Scalchl In concert.
"Walker Whltesldo will nlso play a half
Week's engagement.
At the Crelghton , after a last farewell
Etiugglo wkh a Lincoln J. Carter tank play ,
t u e will be given up permanently i o the
usis of the ever welcome Woodward comp.uiy
wiuuh opens a ao stu of Ividcflnlte durati.i.
with two performances next Sunday. Few
changes have been made In the composition
< )1 the company tlnco it closed Its summer
engagement hero u ul entered upon a period
of unprecedented and phenomei.ul success in
Kj.isas City. All . .littli members are s.ill
In evidence , with i lie exception of Mr. Noblt ,
who has boon replaced by James Fulteu , a
Ic'.dliit ; men of whom many gcod u.ilngei have-
been said. Young Arthur Smith also has left
the company , aud his place Is filled by W. C.
'Warren. Miss Earnest , however , At-hley
} liish , Caroline Clore , 'Mr. ' and Mrs. Llvlngii-
tone , Dora Carltco , W. J. Davis , Charles
TJmory und 'WlllUm Schroth will prcwnt
familiar faces to their audience. ? next Sun
day , und will doubtless even increase 'lielr
popularity In Omaha.
M. ' . Woodward and nls people will remain
At i ho Crulghton as long as people will go
to see them. The work of clearing away the
( H-brl3 of the Iv.ubus City Auditorium IB
already begun und a now and magnificent
popular price theater will soou arise out of
the ruliiH of the old. When that Is ready for
use , a iccond and co-operating company will
ho organized under the W-coJwanl niQ'.iago-
mcre , > < nl the two compar.'lei' will divide the
Itlmo between Omaha und Kaiuras City , pliy-
li g probably a fortnight at a time In cac/i /
tuwn. Tills will frm an extremely profitable
circuit , which will render It pcsslblo for
iMiuutrs. I'axlosi , Hurgcos snd Woodward to
ticctiro the best ami highest priced vaudeville
people as i iljunctti to the regular dramatic
poifcrmanco. Complfe arrangements had
hesn made for the opera ! Ion of ueh a plan
and the second company had already been
engaged , when the disastrous burning of the
.Auditorium oaangcd the .situation and ficcca-
tliP-.eJ a new deal " 11
TJio presnt company already has a largo
repertory , which was partly acquired during
< thc. long engagement bore last summer , whta
* omo of the perfonu Alices suffered from i > ' >
unavoldablo lack of proper prepirat'Uo. This
ti'iortcomlng la not likely to trouble anyone
now , ( or rchcar&als can lie carried en more
leisurely and with proper Intervals for re
freshment and sleep. IA view of a recent
jicrformeuco In Kaatas CUy showed that
every member of 'tho company has grown In
n'lstlc ataturo slnco ho or ifro was last f.t
livrc. If Mr. Woodward gives Omaha as good
e'ntert'VliHiiiMt an ho has given on former
ooccfllons and ho will undoubtedly give much
better ho I likely to ftave all the biu'.uess
the Crelghton will hold ; cud as no offecalvo
ordinances relative to standing room are
likely to bo resurreetc- . ! hero by a spKoful
oppos'ltlrti , "ho may do almost as well { n a
financial way an lie did down below.
As heretofore , a strong feature will bo
made or the specl'iltles which will be Intro
duced between the acts at every performance ,
[ For the coming week 1831.0110 Uvquhart , the
IXitntn brothers end Matno Mete have been
secured. The fair Isabcllo has a little com.
cany of her own and appears In a sketch
entitled "In Durance Vile ; " the Datmns are
Athletes , whose turn Is said to be of a phe
nomenal kind , and theJap Is a very clever
juggler. This U a fair cample of the talent
which will be presented throughout the sea-
Kventx , '
"Secret Service , " Wllllarn-aillotte'a Amer
ican play , conies to Uoyd'u Thursday , Friday ,
Saturday matinee and night , January C , 7
end S , with the recced of 200 night * In Now
York , 150 nights In Iloston , flva months In
Laidou , where It Is still running with great
tucccBs , and two mouths In Paris , France ,
nt the Renaissance theater. It U a play
that finds Incidents In the late civil war In !
tbU country. U la lilted with military fea
ture * aud Is rci < ) lendcut wltli toldlers la
uniform and bristling tajonets , but war's
more terrible accompaniments arc present
only by suggestion , although the dramatist
gives ihe nmilencc's Imagination a helping
Impctufl toward the battlefield. All of war's
thrilling paraphernalia merely furnishes a
background , however , for one of the most
superior stories of a woman's heart nnd a
noble man's love that has c-rer been written.
In the unfolding of this story Mr. Gillette
surpasses all hit own previous cleverness.
His play In a succession of situations that
rivet the heart and keep the emotions always
on the Jump and the clement of suspense
so necessary to a successful drama Is ever
urcscnt until the last curtain falls , Man
ager Qiarles Krohman , under whose direc
tion the pay ! Is presented , hair * given It the
following cast : Ilyron Douglas , Hardeo Kirkland -
land , Arnold Daly , Hamilton Harris Albert
Perry , Samuel. Wood , James Cody , Henry
Wllum , John Vcromc. Edgar Sclwln , Forrest
Hayncs , Woodward Uarrctt , C. M. Emmer-
son , Hannah May Ingram , Margaret Mayo ,
Isabel Waldron. Helen Dncklcy , Annie Wood
and twenty others.
The announcement that Lillian rumoll ,
Delia Fox and Jefferson DC Angclls , leading
their triple alliance combination of comic
opera stars , are booked to appear here al
Iloyd's In Stange & Edwards' comic opera ,
"Tho Wedding Day , " on WeJnesday even
ing Only has'been ' received with enlliuaUsni.
This piece was presented by this three-star
organization at the New York Casino for
six weeks last spring and made one ot the
most profound Impretolnns of the season.
It will bo presented here exactly as staged
In New York , and no detail of scenery or
properties will bo omitted. The company
will bo exao'.ly the same as that which sup
ported 'tlio three stars at the Caflno , and
theater patrons hoio will have the pkMsure
of hearing itr t only Misses Uusell and Fox ,
but such other artists as Lurdllo Smimlora ,
the prlma donna contralto , William I'ruetlc ,
tlto. baritone , Tom Greene , C. W. Alllscn ,
Albert ! McCJuckln , Ada llernard and William
The 'bravo ' old days when a courtier wouH
-s soon dr.iw a sword as do a favor for n
fair la-dy , 'and ' ftfqucntly did draw a sword
to do a favor for a fair lady In fact , when
the 'practices ot life were tinged wl.ih ro
mance those times are gone , doubtless suc
ceeded by better ; nevertheless , many prac
tical people have an Itching for the stirring ,
reckless adventure , the daring of the age
Of romance , and read its record with Inlercs .
Anthony Hope 'bowed ' to this centlincnl
when 'ho ' > vrore "The Prisoner of Zenda , "
anl It wjs n clever conceit , anil one liy
which ho gained thousands of readers. The
Incorporation on the o-ld romance In a HP.-
tlns of the present day nineteenth century
and l < he fact that he chosea country but
hazily conceived In the minds of his readers
for the scene ot all .these . deeds but aiiile
to ' ' 'he reality of the Illusion.
While Mr. Hope was making readciv.
fcr his novel ho was paving the way for
the success of Edward Rose's dramatization
which ivlll ibe presented once more at Iloyd's
theater on Monday and Tuesday evenings.
The drama abounds with that rare quality
known as real heart Interest , the smallest
details being looked after with bcrupulouc
care. Incident follows Incident In perfectly
natural rcqiicncc , and the stirring climaxes
arci thus so easily led up to that they cccur
slm-ply as matters of course without strain
ing for-effect.
The company under Daniel FrohmanV
management conies from thu Lyceum
theater , New York , and Is headed , as 'be
fore , -by Howard Gould , whose performance
of the dual role has been highly commended
in these columns and in all the large cities
of the country.
"Tho Heart ot Chicago , " which was suc
cessfully launched at the Lincoln theater in
Chicago- early In the season to the largest
house In the history of that theater , will
be the attraction at the Crelghton the last
half of the week. K Is said to bo one of
Hie best sensational melodramas produced
In years , and to contain some absolutely
and startling mechanical effects. The Chi
cage newspapers -pronounce the new rall-
ro..a . sceiio effect to be an absolute novelty
and claim for It superiority over any. hlng
of the kind ever attempted. The Chicago
fire scene a ! . < sn mum I , , fn- , , , , . , , , , , , , _ _
. - * " * . . . . .i.iL\-u jJitiiai : .
OtnoImportant : works of the scenic painter
and stage mechanic's art are the night Il
lumination In the Court of Honor a't ' the
woilds fair grounds ; Masonic Temple Hoer
fiwnlen nt night and a panoramic view o. '
i ° J ? ° u'th Slllc buiiln < * 3 district and Lake
The Interpreting company Is
said to bo very strong.
Mine. Yale , whoso public lectures In
Omaha always test the capacity of the house
In which she spMks , will deliver two ad
dresses this week at the Crcighton theater.
The subject of her discourse for Mondav
afternoon will bo " ' "
"Woman's Health- for
Tuesday afternoon , "The Yale Dcauty Sys
tem. " The lectures are free. The many
Omaha women who were unable to gain ad
mlttanco to Mmc. Yale's last public ap
pearance will now have an excellent oppor
tunity. Reserved seat tickets are ready for
gratultouR distribution at the drug depart
ment of the lioston btorev
Consldqrablo Interest has been manifested
not alone among citizens of Irish
birth or descent , but also amen ?
many others who know , from traveler
or reading , the beauty and plctur-
osqueness of the Emerald Isle , In the Illus
trated lecture wlilcli Is announced to be
given tomorrow night at Blum's hull , enti
tled , "Glimpses of the Quid Sod. " Ninety-six
colored views will represent to the eye the
scenes described by the lecture. The pro
ceeds of the entertainment go to charity.
.M Tfl.V I'lllVlTM.
Amelia Glover Is recovering from a Jccent
Illness ,
"A Southern Homance" clcsed its season
last week.
Hert Coote has 'left Uolaml Reed and will
return to vaudeville.
The former Lansng ! theater In Lincoln U
now called the Oliver.
Nat Goodwin will produce "Nathan Halo"
In Chicago , January 25.
William Donelll has closed his tour In "The
Captain of the Nonsuch. "
lU-erbohm Tree Is to play Sherlock Holmes
In.a drama by Conan Doyle.
Fanny lllco Is the latest to anplrc to a
Now York theater of her own.
The number two " "
"Never Again , the one
which was seen here , has closed Its season.
Sidney IlosonfeM has a commission to
write a play for 'May ' Irwln for production
next season ,
Mrs. Drew left property valued at not more
tlwci $200. John Drew has been appointed
Kathryn Ostcrman and Anna Delraont , who
are playing together In "What Happened to
Jones , " are sisters ,
J. E. Dodson und Annie Irish are socn to
be married and will probably , take out ta ° lr
own company next season.
The Lilliputians played "The Fair In
Midget Town" In English for the flrat time
at Newark , N. J. on Christmas eve.
James A. Herne contemplates sending out
on a tour next season a magnificent revival of
his first great success , "Hearts of Oak. "
Ado'.ph Uictgert. the Chicago sausage meat
man , threatens to go on the stage "as econ
as ho can nnko the necessary arrangements. "
Maurice Harrymoro had a severe attack of
ncrvouh prostration reel ally anl was out of
the east of "A 'Ward ' of 'Franco" ' for several
Colonel KldJer of Chicago , father of Kath
ryn KIdder , Is authority for the etatement
that hla daughter will never return to the
During Julia IMarlowo's engagement In
Loulsvlllo last month the boys In the gallery
sent her a magnificent bunch of American
lloaut- roses , -with a card appropriately In-
kcrlbed with a quotation from the poet Mar
On Christmas night at the llljou In New
York , after .May Irwln had sung her negro
eongs repeatedly in the middle of the second
end act , In response to enthusiastic encores ,
the cry finally arose for a speech. Looking
quizzically ut her audience a few tecouJa ,
ho galdi "In spite of the fact that our re
form friends ro In power until the first of
the year , aud that tomorrow b Sunday , auj
that you may stlH/cxp / rlcncc some dlflUUtty
In getting what you want , I wish you n
merry yulctlde. "
The Washington Posl accuses Johnny Kay ,
the ox-vaudcvlllaln , of 'having developed a
cas ? of "caputus clephantus , " Thu Idea Is
b tier than the Latin.
Harry Corscti Clarke has retired from the
: < 'rawley company , and Is organizing a stock
company of his own for the Pacific coast
ami the Sandwich Islands.
Pearl Andrews , the iwell known mimic , haa
brought suit against the proprietors of a
Sixth avenue department store , who falsely
accused her of shoplifting.
Wllllo Collier , who Is soon to reappear In
Omaha In "The Man from Mexico , " began
ills stage career nearly twenty years ago as
call boy at Daly's theater.
A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamca Drown
'otter , who has lived with her father ever
ilnce the separation of her parents , made her
social debut In ( New York last week.
Louise Hlal , whose excellent work In "At
t'lney Hldgo' ' has been universally com
mended , cecured a divorce In Chicago last
week from her hucband. Jay G. Illal.
Hhoda Cameron , who was compelled bj
Iliicss to retire two years ago from the
Lyceum stock "company , has regained her
liealtu and has beca re-cngagcd Tor the com
Fanny Davenport and William Gl'llefc. r.yn-
tllcato attractions , played against Minnie
Muddern Flsko In Washington last week , but
did not Kcrlously Interfere with Mrs , Flske's
John K. Kcllerd claims to suffer from the
hard fate which compels him to play sub
ordinate parts so well that lit -nakcs the star
Jealous and so finds It dlfllcul' to keep an
Julie A. Home , the eldest daughter of
Tames A. Herne , Is cr 1ltcd with doing really-
clever work In her father's company , playing
Helen Merry and Perley , the hired girl , In
' 'Shore Acres. "
Julia Marlowe and Ada Hehan will each
play "Howllnrt" In New York this week.
As similar coincidences have happened before
Miss Malowe Is beginning to think Mr. Daly
doe. ; It on purpose.
Arnold Daly , the young actor who plays
Wilfred Vnrney In the second "Secret Serv-
lc : " company , which will appear'here ' this
week , U pleasantly remembered for his fine
performance of Chambers , In "Pudd'nhctul
Wilson. "
When Julia Arthur returns to New York
In April she will give a 'version of "Camllle. "
She IICH decided to present , during the same
engagement , a new thrc-act Italian com
edy , "Infidele , " by Roberto Hracco , which has
been translated for her.
Joseph Holl'ind was unable to appear last
Saturday afternoon In Daltimore In "The
Mysterious Mr. Bugle , " ibccaiiEo of a corn on
his left foot. He fainted after the play
Friday night , but appeared Saturday evening ,
though suffering much pain. Mirror.
A Wellsville , Ohio , paper says : "Quito c
number of our playgolng people jvent to East
Liverpool last night to see 'White Sides. '
They wore well pleased with the play , and
report a crow" led house. " . It I.s surmised that
Waltlr Whitesirto was the "play" In ques
tion , ns he Is known to have been In thai
neighborhood at thetime. .
Paul Gllmore , who is soon to go a-starrlng
In his own orbit , is winning golden oplnlon-
In the cast for his fine performance In sup
port ot Chauncey Olcott. The Boston HeraKl
says of him : "Tho acting of Paul Gllmore
was one ot the fc-atures oif the production.
He Is a handsome , manly , con-vlnclng young
fellow , who has bean seen before in other
good productions , nnd the wonder about
whom Is that Charles Frohman doesn't give
him a Faversham opportunity. "
Tfcero Is mw In the employ of Uncle Earn
at Washington a lineal descendant of Miles
Standlsh. He bears the name of his famoua
ancestor and Is a member of the tenth gen
eration. He conies from Portland , Me. , and
is a constituent of Speaker Heed. He hns
just been appointed to a position In the gov
ernment printing office through the civil
service. His father and grandfather , both
of the same name , lived and died on a farm
called Flagstaff , not far from the boundary
line between Maine and Canada. He is the
only direct male descendant of the puritan
warrior , having no brothers or sisters.
William Washington Browne of Richmond ,
Vn. , who died the other day , was the pros-
United True Reformers in that city. It Is
said that he was the only colored bank pres
ident In the country. Ho had the confidence
of the white bankers and business men of
Richmond and it Is stated that his was the
only bank in Richmond that did not decline
to pay currency during the panic ot 1893 ,
cpshlng the checks of other banks as well
as these drawn on It , and furnishing the
needful currency to enable the teachers In
the public schools to be paid.
William J. Rlley of Virginia , who Is
known best as "Judge , " Is In Washington
a candidate for any office , consular or diplo
matic , till may profit by his real ability
Ho has ninny good qualities and an experi
ence ! which i'3 unique , for he shot a double-
barreled gun full of shot Into the black
epldermatlc covering ot the queen of Mada
gascar. He was consul of the United States
at Mozambique eonio years ago and some
female bathers disturbed the peace of his
pled do terre by the sea at night. Among
these , maids was the queen , and althoui'l
ho did not know that he fired what he
thought was a pair of blank cartridges , wltl
the sad results of sending a number o
leaden messengers into the cuticle of her
majesty ,
Barney Barnato's "Llfo" Is full of gcoc
stories. The South African diamond king
was a capital amateur actor In his youtl
and always a great friend of actors. Kim
herly people had a very high opinion of Bar
note as Matthias In "Tho Bells. " A verj
well known South African colonist was mak
ing a first visit to London and his friends
wishing to show him all the sights , bookeu
seats for the Lyceum on a night when Irv
Ing was playing "The Bells. " The vlalto
from South Africa was told of this and nald
"Oh , let's go somewhere else. I have seei
Barney Barnato as Matthbn and I don'
want to see anybody else. " Barnnto him
self afterward told this story to Irving , wh
laughed and rejoined , "Such Is fame ! "
One who knows CcMI Rhodes well tell
"Tho Sketch" t'-at he Is overtaxing hi
strength. "I ha'vo recn him , " ho sajs , "wbci
hard at work dictate for ton or eleven dour
at a stretch , absolutely wearing down ' .h
cndur ieo of three typewriters , cne after th
oilier. All the time ho has been pacing t
end fro , up iiul down , tao room , turning al
his immense faculties upon the matter I
head. Of court' ? , his bruin requires canstan
artificial t-tlmulant , and thu alcohol that I
necratary merely to sustain dim ! u times o
pretsuro would end any weak men under
Vet' , all this must affect 'his constitution ' . <
the end , nnd he Is not now the man ho wn
HOIIIO few yean\ ago ; but , at the same time
net one man In a hundred could stand hal
that ho has faced and conquered. "
In ) . collectlcn of autographs lately ralJ I
Landn the fallowing letter from Dr. Satnuc
Johnson to lib godchild brought 12 , tiiu
being valued at a much lilg'her roto.-tlisi
any of his epistolary or other literature com
mantled In his lifetime : "To Miss Jcne Ling
ton , 'In Rochester , Kent , 17S1 My Dcaree
Mlis Jenny I am sorry that your prctt
letter bau been so long without being cm
wercd , but when I .im not well I do net a !
ways wrlto plain enough for young ladies ,
nm glad , my dear , that you write so well am
bopo that you mind your pen , your book am
your needle , for they are all necessary. You
bocks will give you knowledge and mak
you respected , and your needle will give yo
useful employment when you do not care t
rc-'J. When you are a llttlo older I hope yo
will bo diligent In learning arithmetic , am
above all , -that through your life- you wl
carefully say ycur prayers and read you
bible. I am , my dear , your most humbl
servant , SAM JOHNSON. "
Vale ( ! ! Cluli'M PIIKNIIKI- .
The members "of the Yule musical club
will arrive In Omahu nt 4M o'clsok o
Sunday afternoon ovur the Union Paclil
railroad from tie ( wist. At Cornell HlufT
their three tsp.clal cars will be tr.msferre'i
to the Northwestern roud , over which the
will KO to Minneapolis for n concert o
Monday night. A number of the Yale men
of Omuhu and vicinity will KO out us far u
Grand Island on Sunday to meet their fello\
Yalenslans und accompany them to Omaha
At the recent. Chrlstma celebration so
many selections Irorrt Handel's Oratorio , the
"Mcstlah , " wero4ier ormed that a history ot
the composition ajylJlrst performance of that
great work seems , likely to be unusually In
teresting nt the present time. Wo arc wont
to look upcn a , wotk of art as a fort ol
divine communication , put Into tangible- form
by men , If not 'endowed with
characteristics at afcy rate far above and
very different fronj ourselves and thoss with
wham we associate. We look upon Beetho
ven as n more than human man , and even
Wagner , although IJ Is but a few years slnco
ho died , Is slowly but surely being canonized
nd raised above his contemporaries , as If he
ere made out of olher stuff than that which
omposed them , The everyday life of great
nen baa never been very much different
om that of ordinary mortals , excepting
mt they did more work aod made what
ley did count for more. The great man
oes the right thing at the right time , In
10 right way , and he Is able to put Into
. a force which other * feel ; yet h6 eats ,
rinks nnd sleeps , worries over details , en-
oys the pleasures , of life and suffers as
ccenly Its agonies as his fellow belngc1.
George Frederick Handel , the composer ot
ic "Messiah , " was a man among men , pos-
esslng as much weakness as greatness. He
as not only a composer of music , but he
as a manager of o'pera companies and was
; llleil In all the possible requirements ot
unnlng so complicated an enterprise. He
as noted for his enormous appetite , his un-
: ovorr > able temper , his Indomitable will and
ils belief that when ho wanted a thing
certain way that was sufllclent reason
hy it should 'be that way. He was tender
leartcdaud generous to a fault. Often when
n the depths ot poverty himself he organized
ml conducted musical performances for the
JcnefH of charitable Institutions , and It was
it ono of these times and forsur-h a purpose
hat the oratorio of the "Messlan" was pro-
need fcr thu first ' 111110 , In the city of Dublin ,
rotund , Tuesday , April 13 , 1742.
The Hist advertisement .of It reads as fol-
ows : "For the Relief of the Prisoners in
ho several Gaels , and for the Support of
lerccr's Hospital , in Stephen's1 Street , and of
ho Charitable Infirmary on the Inn's Quay ,
on Monday , the 12th of April , will be per-
ormcd nt the Mustek Hall In Flshamblc
Stre-et , Mr. Handel's now Grand Oratorio ,
called the Messiah , In which the Gentlemen
of the Choirs of both Cathedrals will ,
vlth eomc Concertos on 'the Organ 'toy Mr.
landcl. "
In the same paper another announcement
appars which will be interesting for rca-
ons that are self-evident. "At the desire of
everal persons at distinction , the above per-
ormanco Is put olT to Tuesday next. The
leers will be opened at 11 , and the ( perform
ance begins at 12. Many ladles and gen
tlemen who are well wishers to this noble
and grand charity , for which the oratorio
vas composed , request It as a favor that the
adles who honor this performance with their
iresence would be ple-ased to come without
loops , ns'lt would greatly Increase the char-
ty by making room for more company. "
Tlio gentlemen were requFsted to comr
without swords nnd by thus reducing each
iidlvldual's demand for space , 700 ircople
were .accommodated . In a hall which ordi-
larlly would contain .only GOO.
The word.s of the oratorio were cntlrclj
selected from the scriptures , and arrangd ,
in their order by an Intimate friend of Jinn
dcl's. named Charles Jcnncna. This libret
tist was not vfry much' pleased with the
mislc set to his-wonts , ) and In a letter writ
ten to an unknown friend , says : "I shall
show you a collection I gave Hindel , callci1
Messiah , ' which J value highly. lie ilia
made a fine entertainment of it , though net
near so good as lie might and ought
to have don ? . I have with great dif
flculty made him correct some of the grosses :
faults in the composition ; but he retained
tils overture ob tlnatply , In which there are
some passage far unworthy of Handel , but
much more unworthy of the 'Messiah. ' "
IHJs reference to 'the overture affords us a
ine opportunity of Judging the dlffc'retrce be
tween his comprehension of the magnitude
and grandeur ot the subject and Ihe beat way
n which -to represent It to those who should
tsten. Jennens dcslml apparently a bril-
iant orchestral Introduction which should at
he very'beginning fasten the attention of the
audience. Ilamlel saw the oratorio from one
end to the other as a complete work In which
each nart was related to every other nart
ami dependent for its effect upon such rela
tion. It was his Intention to paint in inutile
ihe innermost spirit of Christianity as repre
sented In the prophecies concerningJesu ; ) , In
his hlrih , life , death , resurrection , and In
those promises and predictions concerning
the final redemption nnd elevation of human
ity. The first words with which the oratorio
opens are : "Comfort ye my people , " and the
burden of the entire- number Is that the dark
ness , sorrow , the uncertainty of the past Is
about to give place to a universal salvation to
be consummated In the glorification of man
kind. Therefore he wrote his prelude , which
ho e-allc < l Hlnfony , in a minor key ; began It
with a Mow and dl nlflc'l movement , con
structed the middle -part In fugue form , and
brought It to a close in the game spirit in
which It was begun , somber , quiet , sad. The
genius of the composer was so far above the
mechanician librettist that the one failed ut
terly to compreheml the other , and con
demned piecemeal that which he should
have considered In Its entirety. The whole
oratorio was composed in twenty-four days ;
it was begun on ( August 22 , 1741. The first
part was completed August 28 , the second
September 6 , the third September 12. the In
strumentation ( September H. At this time
Handel was 5fi years of age. The work con
sists of solos for soprano , alto , tenor and
base ; a 'Tuet ' for alto and tenor ; recitatives
for each of the solo voices , choruses , a pre
lude for orchestra and a sort of Intermezzo
alee for orchestra. The whole work may ho
said to bo divided into three parts , the first
representing the longing of the world for the
Messiah , prophecies concerning his coming
and the announcement of his birth ; the second
end to his life and death ; the third to the
doctrlnr-s of 'the ' religion which he founded ,
especially that which pertains to Immortality
and eternal happiness.
The flrat recitative , "Comfort Ye , My People
ple , " U now always sung by a tenor , but
Handel himself uerraltted It to be nung by
cither tencr or soprano. The solo , which
r-'llows ' , "Every valley srall be exalted , " war
and Is for tenor , but in the Dublin manu
script concludes wlt'n a long -cadenza , now
omitted. The great bass Hole , "Hut Who
May Abide , " was originally for UBS voice
and Is oiow suns I" tlle kcv ot 1 } milor. | m"
Handel had It transposed Into E to bo sung
by tenor and also rewritten up'an the alto
clef that It might be flung by un alto. H was *
C'Vcn tiansposed.'lnto G minor ami A mlnoi
that it might be , suig ] by a siprano voice.
To us who ha\ey.never heard It except us
done by a bass thcseitransposltlons seem very
strange , but It'l * very evident that Handel
liad no objection whatever to Ills music being
sung In dlfftrelvt' kijM by different voices.
The chorus , "For Unto Un a Child Is Horn , "
Is ono of the K/cateat of H'Tiidcl's compaM-
tlons and the climax which It attains on
the words "Coswriar. " "Wonderful , " "the
" " Everlasting Father , "
Mighty God , "Hju
"the Pr'cico of Peace , " Is one of the greatest
to bo found In initial * . The harmony Is the
simplest , only thYJ chrrdH of I ) and G and A
being used atUa JQrBt appearance. This
chorus Is followed , , tj'y , what Is known a the
pastoral syirnhoiijL iajlod by Handel a "plfa , "
and founded v.i.oni < v Calabr'.an melody , prob
ably of great antiquity. Tills Handel had
heard In Rome thirty-two years before the
composition of IJie ' 'Mc8slah , " and ho had
treasured It up until the tlmo came when ho
should make of It a tone picture of the vigil
"of the shepherds abiding In the field , watch
ing their flockB , " and about lo listen to the
celestial chorus , "Glory He to God , the High
est , Peace on Earth , Gcod Will to Men. "
This chores , as Handel has written 'It , Is of
the character of a triumphant outnurot of
ecstacy. us If coming from heaven Itself. It
Is followed by a sort of cry of prophetic Joy
In the acprano solo , "Rejoice Greatly , " and
this again by another pastoral melody , "Ho
Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd. " In
the autogicnh copy of the oratorio written
by Hundel himself the two verses form a
single aria In the key of I ) flat and In the
soprano clef. Hut In another version there
are two leaves Inserted , In which the first
* > art Is In F and the second part In H flat.
As it Is ordinarily performed at Iho present
day the flrst part Is by an alto , In thu
key of F , and the second by a soprano , In
the key of H flat.
The second part pertains to the events of
"Ik'bold tbo Lamb ot God that Taketu Away
the Sins of iho World. " and Is A wonderful
rcnrcflpntittlrti \ tone of thp feeling by winch
one would bo overcame , ns ho stood contem
plating the Savior upon the cross. Thin In
followed by the great alto solo , entitled , "He
Was Despised and Rejected , " one of the most
effective descriptions of the sufferings of the
"Man of sorrow * " tint the huniin brain ever
evolved. There Is n gleam of brightness In
the chorus , rutltlcd "All Wo Like Sheep
Have Gone Astray , " but which only serves
to deepen the gleoni all About It. U ends
with nn ntlaglo In which occur a succession
of the most majestic harmonics to bo
found Ui the realm ot music. Han
del has been criticised for having given In
this chorus too realistic a description of the
wanderings of a scattered flock rather than
the errors of human sinners , Much hns been
eald and written on both rides. It Is very
likely that Handel know as welt as anyone
what he was about. After the condoling
soprano solo , "But Thou Didst Not Leave
His Soul In Hell , nor Suffered Thy Holy One
to See Corruption , " comes the triumphant
chorus entitled , "Lift Up Your Heads , Oh ,
Yo Gates. " From this point we arc- ted step
by step , from one triumph to another , until
wo reach the great "Hallelujah" chorus , the
greatest single composition for voices ever
written. At Its first performance at Covcnt
Garden , March 2,1 , 1743 , King George II and
the whole assembly were BO thrilled by Its
triumphant measures that they arose and
remained standing until the end. This Is the
origin of a custom which at the present time
prevails throughout England and America
wherever the oratorio Is given. When Han
del was questioned as to hla own feelings
while ho was composing It , lie replied : " 1
did think I did sco all heaven ( before mo
and the great God himself. "
The musical subject to which the words
"And He Shall Reign Forever andi Forever"
Is sot Is very much like the seventh and
twelfth lines of tlio choral "Wacht nut ruft
uus die Stlmme. " That , sung to the words
"For the Lord Goi Omnipotent , " U a part
of a very ancient plain chaunt , and Is used
by Handel In several other choruses. With
this chorus the second part rcids.
T < io third part beghi.i with the great
aoprano solo. "I Know That My Redeemer
Llveth. " The words are taken from the Book
of Job , and by a mistranslation were long
supposed to bo a prophesy concerning the
resurrection of the body. As tney appear
In the St. James verslcti of the bible and hi
the oratorio they read " 'Ye * ' In my flesh shall
1 fee God : " The ren.l . meMnlng of the original
Hebrew was "Yet without my llesh Khali I
see God. " The work -ends with two choruses ,
the first entitled "Wonny Is the Lutnb. " the
second , the "Amen. " The climax Is rcichc : !
In what lu pilled a close canon , the difficulty
ot the ccav ruction of which can only be
perceived and appreciated by the thoroughly
trained musician. These choruses abound In
what may bo called 'after-thong1 its < : .nd were
workel out with considerable dcllberailon.
There are three very interesting studies for
the etrctto of the final fugue , wrMcn in
Alia 'Breve ' measure In the key of G , and were
evidently made for the purpose of 'testing the
subject of the fugue for canonic Imitation.
The matter of all tihree ot these studies
appears In the finished oiorus wl h very little
change excepting the necessary tii.eisposl-
tlcus ; . ,
IJa-ndel wrote the oratorio upon oblong
folio paper 99.1x12 Inches , such as was used
in the composition of Italian operas. 1.
Illled 275 pages. Tlio autograph score ex-
ilblts numerous changes , 'liiterpolatle < is and
omUalons. The llrst orohestratlcn of the
work would be considered , from the stuul-
ioi'.it of modern scoring , ns very Incomplete ,
oaas left for the copyist 'to do , It being
5 .ken . fer Rrsaied that where there were no
pcelol directions , certain instruments ishould
IC'Ublo ' ccrtu-ln oflicrs for tlio voice ifarts. Ai
the 'tlmo ' "The 'Messiah" ' was written thiv
clarinet , although InventeJ , 'hail tiot come
nto popular tuo and Hcudel wrote no par
for It. At the Handel Commemcra1 Icn at
Westminster Abbey , In 1781 , the orchestra
i\as composed as follows : First violins ,
forty ; &oc-ond violins , forty-ssven ; violas ,
Lwenty-six ; violoncellos , twenty-cue ; double
basses , fiftecji ; first .oboes . , thirteen ; c-econd
oboe ? , thirteen ; flues , six ; bassoons , twenty-
six ; double bassoons , ons ; trumpets , twelve ;
trombones , elx ; herns , twelve ; kettledrum ? ,
three ; double kettledrum , cne ; total , 242.
The chorus consisted ot Ix > .y soprancs , of
whom forty-five were choir boys ; altos , forty ;
tenors , ciglv y-three ; bashes , eighty-four ;
total , 2fi7.
From 1791 to 1S61 the " 'Messiah" was given
innunlly on Christmas eve in London by the
ecilian society. It has become the custom ,
loth In England and America , to give this
great work during the Christmas holidays.
It Is Impossible to leave this subject without
.naklng reference to the deplorable fact that
3maha Is without a choir organization that
feels Itself competent to sing this oratorio ,
and 'to express a hope that 'the ' 'time ' is not
Tar distant when such a society will be or
ganized and that It will receive from the peo-
[ do of this city such support aswill make it
one of its permanent institutions.
At a recent meeting of the congress com
mittee of the Bureau of Education ot the
Transmlsslssippi Exposition the following
action was taken : "It was moved , seconded
and carried that Mr. Homer Moore bo ap-
: > . luted chairman of a committee of live to
analyse a musical congress , the other
members of the ca mam ; too. to bo sug
gested by him and appointed by the execu
tive committee of the Bureau ct Education. "
The writer was pleased 'to accept thU very
honorr.'blo position and recommended that the
committee for the organization of the musical
congiess'bo increased to seven 'members. This
has been done. The Transmlsslsslppl Expo
sition Is a national affair and Is being devel
oped on the broadest linca possible. Its mu
sic must be conceived and managed in the
&ame spirit In order to be a credit to It. A
"NatloLal Congress of Musicians" must rep
resent the musicians of the whole country
und the musical achievements up to the pres
ent time that can claim -lo be American. Such
a congress was a feature of the original
proposition for 'the music of the exposition ,
submitted lo the chairman of the ways and
means ccTnmlttco last August. It was itho
outgrowth of a numjicr of conferences held
in New York last suipmcr when It was evi
dent that the Music Teachcis' National asso
ciation would not meet here next June. As
has been said repeatedly .In The Bee , the ex
position is Omaha's chance to come In con
tact with the musical world. It Is the one
oproi-tunlty 'that will be granted for bringing
the musicians of both east an * west together
In this city. Thu action of itho congress com
mittee Is the first step toward this consum
mation. It's success will depend
upon the co operation that can
bo secured from the leading musi
cians In other cities. W'hen thu matter was
tr/.ked of In New York last summer there
' . \a great Interest mnnlffr.'ted aid numerous
promises were made to come and work In so
worthy a cause If a congress were held.
Seven eommltteemcn were desired that a
larger extent of territory couW bo reached
directly. It Is expected that Boston will
have cno renrcsTitattvo , who will bring Into
line the New England states ; Now York City
.mother , who wlil represent New York and
New Jersey ; Plttsbt'rg one ; Chicago one ; St.
Lout ; one ; San Francisco ono. The writer
expects to look after Omaha and surrounding
territory. The duration of the congreus , the
number of cjwys , recitals and concerts will
be determined by the committee.
The writer has pnnared a list of twenty
tonics for essays on Important musical sub
Jecta. These will be submitted to thu com
mittee and a line of educational wcrk pro-
txttcd which will evolve a lasting : monument
to the exposition In the form of a book In
w'.ilch each eHsay will form a chapter. This
will bo published at the close of tlio con
gress. It will also contain all the. programs
of itsltals and concerts and a directory of
all the members of the crtigress. Tile writer i
believes that as 'ar a. ) possible the Influence
ot the exposition .should bo made permanent ,
and that Its musical department should lay
the foundation for the future mualcal great
ness of the middle west. Everything nosal-
lilo will bo done to cause this congreeii to
contribute to that end. The .icarty cooperation
tion of the musicians of this city , with tliorp
of other cltlra , aud the flrm support of the
exposition back of It all , will cn.iure .for It a
grand success and make It an honor to
Oiralia. to the exposition und to the nunl-
cians of America. - HOMER MOORE.
Milk I I'll I \lll'H ( ,
Next Friday afternoon the Omaha Orches
tral society will resume Its concerts at
Boyd'B theater , under the direction of Franz
Adelmann , The numbers of thu program uro
not all selected , but It I ? very probable that
Mr. Adelmann will play the Grieg bonata In
G minor , accompanied by Mr. Ixmg on the
piano , The orchestral numbers will present
the usual variety. The concert will begin at
3 o'clock , Instead of at 2:30 : , as heretofore ,
The fourth regular recital of the musical
A Mlirrul OITor from Well Iviioun Too.
pli- ( lint liilcrcNlM i\rr > lioily.
The past week having been , vacation , wo
have found It iiescsniry to give most of our
tlmo to the children . \vCio have availed them
selves of this opportunity of having their
eyes examined , and many older people who
nave wished to take advantage of our liberal
offer , have been unable to nccure attention ,
sa that wo will continue this offer until Till
Moso who think their eyes arc falling them ,
and ye't do not feel able to pay -the - customary
price for a 'tlicrough examination , can come
Mid see us without charge.
In order to more thoroughly demonstrate
the absolute correctness of our statements ,
that cross eyes can be straightened without
an operation , wo make this offer to any
paroM having a crowded child , and -who
aj have hart uiclr doubts or been sceptical
upcn thla subject heretofore. The
prcwg mid
imlpt might hi-rold the fact from Si
would ° .C . , ° l"i ! ? ' ' ° lho otller' that ' ' 'scs
m cross eyes , but * tlll there
are people who would
neglect their
ejctl dron on mie ground that on opora-
! J1CM faplp. nj can be done
when the child Is older. This belief U
will 1 ( . * ° , tl(1 ( "nBr ° " to l. It Klasscs.
he eyes i , , carjy youth , as
they will nlno times out. oflen , theio Is no
" " A'y ° r ( ' | "
rr "rri"rOPfr ? , 011K ' Wc lal(0 th's '
order to show
offer our unbounde-l faith in
What wo know to be a fas : , aHd any ; vo , are
sceptical are Invited to avail t.icmselvca of
thlo ch.juce. Neglecting
a cross eye may
moan the loss ot sight to the eye. ProperT-
tentlon In tlmo will save the eye and do
Ty , W"J | ! l" ? lrr- ' " ° ' ' - We limit thcc
iJcs to Wednesday , January 5th and Satur
day , January Sth , of the coming week
° n'0tbe ' afralrt ' tnke rt'var.itage-'of
offer on the , ? ( ' . - this
ground that
some coo may think
you are not able to pay for the work- . This
is not the question with us. If you want
to pay for the work after the
eyes are
straight you are welcome to do so. What
we walt ls „ cllanco to B.raBltcn , , the
.uid the
is an after-
department of the Woman's club twill bo
g veil at the First Congregational church on
Monday , January 10. at I ! p. m. The pro
gram will consist of selections 'from ' the
works of Grieg , and will be- rendered by Mine
Muenteferlng , Mis * Kountz : . Miss nickln-
Bon and Mr. Adelmann. This performance
l be free to members of the Woman's
SUM 1-3 l.O.vcj FUl/r WANTS.
lxon Watcunnn In U A. W. Hiillctln.
" 1 lllvcnlor' a Profound e-xperl-
| ! : C0losal ! ' "tolled on meelmn-
' " ' inle'nt ' unravels n"ytlilns on which
For her the woman who desires to "sizo un"
I ve a wondrous patent mirror that will
brint ? each one In slgVit ,
And she'll pee just what they're wearing
without turning , round and staring ,
u bile a phonographic nnnex "
Hays. "Oh
Isn't she a fright ! "
Men who 'tween the acts must "see a man"
will erect my new idea.
It s a necktie demijohn from which their
thirst they may nssunge ;
And I ve made n spiral tower for the hope
less ) ones who now are
Softly swearing at the women's hati that
"hide " them from the stage ,
I've a motor ju.U completed that Is certain
to be gree-ted
With joyous glee throughout the land by
every budding bard ;
It's a new machine for writing ve rse like
this I nin Inditing- ,
So n hired man cun reel It off nt twenty
cents a yard.
'Hivl.HilOr.S. '
It U stated that 700 Chinamen In San
Francisco have professed conversion to the
Salvation army.
In Germany there are 1,250 Young McnV
Chrlstlrn associations , with nearly 80000
The Volunteers of America , after eighteen
months' existence , have nearly 700 commandIng -
Ing officers.
Very rtuccessful missionary work along In
dustrial 'lines Is being done among the Chey
enne and Arapahao Imilzris In Oklahoma.
At Sliver City , Idaho , a mining camp
where there are n.'ne saloons and no church ,
a Christian Endoivor coelety of twenty-nine
members U doing good work In establishing
a reading room. < *
The Presbyterian synod of Montana has
wisely decided "raot to enter a field In which
any evangelical church Is supplying the re
ligious needs of the people , unless there U
a demand and need for Ita work. "
The preachers connected with the Uaptlst
mission work In Cuba have had to leave the
Island , and the work It at a standstill dur
ing the wnr , but the property Is securely
held for the mleslon. Twenty-one prcacherb
and helpers and 2,500 members have been
scattered by the war ,
The annex to thu parish house of St. Bar
tholomew's ProUttMiit' Episcopal church In
Now York City la the gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Cornelius Venderb'.lt. It Is nine stories high
asd has a frontage cf fifty feet. The older
building , which Is eight i-torlm high , was
the gift of Mrs. William H. Vamlerbllt.
Rev. Samuel A , 'Eliot ' , who haa Jiwt ac
cepted the secretaryship of the American
Unitarian association , is a son of President
Eliot ot Harvard. He has been minister of a
Unitarian society In Ilrooklyn during thu last
five years , where ho has met with marked
success. The place to which he now gocn Is
ono that pays less nalar.v than his late pas
torate , but It Is regarded pa the most Influ
ential In the Unitarian denomination.
During thu late Dr. Houghton's mlnlstra-
( joiib at the Little Church Around thu Cor
net1 , one of his parishioners was accused of
forgery. The doctor hastened to him , nnd re.
cclvcd a confession of his guilt. He adviwed
the man to plead guilty , which w5s done , and
nearly every day of his service In prison the
rector visited anil comforted him.
Rev. James M. Farrar , In maklnu hl an
nouncement that ho would rc ! gn his $0,000
salary an pastor of the First Reformed
Church , Ilrooklyn , said : "I have spent seven
years of my life In building up a new church ,
I which IICH grown strong and useful , and I
now desire to give the rest of my life to
building up couls without money and with
out price. "
The mlsilonary societies of the United
States , Canada , Great Britain , continental
Europe , Asia , ( Africa and Australia are re
ported to number 210 , with 4.C94 fctatlonx and
in , 00 out-fit atloiiH. There are 11,659 mlmion-
arlts , C4.299 native laborers and 1,121,009
communicants. Over 013,478 pcrannH are
under missionary instruction , and thn mis
sionary Income of all tlicfco countries IK
There are thlrty-ono Lutheran churches In
the city of New York and thirty-six In Jlrook-
lyn. After January 1 , It U claimed , Now
York will bo the greatest Lutheran city In
thu world , with sixty-eight churches. 27,000
Sunday school members and church property
to the value of $8,000,000. ThU Is exclusive
of Ktate.ii Island , which hag four Lutheran
cliurcheu In the portion of Queens county ,
which Joins Key. York ,
Arnold's Iiromo Celery cures headaches ,
10c , 20c and COc , All druggist * . --4 _
thought , which wo run only prove to you
by orfcrlOR to do the work absolutely without
expeneo to yourself.
So many pecplo ask us this question thai
wo are tempted to on > laln our methods u
wo do not wish the feature of expense to
keep any one from calling on us. In ttio
first placn It Is Impossible lo quote prices
until wo know the nature of the glass re
quired. After making an examination of
your eyes wo can tell you exactly what It
will cost to furnish yon with the lenses
necessary to the condition of your sight.
You are at liberty to let the matter drop ,
or , If you wish us to do the work fcr you
you will know exactly whnt the expense Is
going to bo before undertaking It , and for
the class of work we do our prices are al
ways reasonable. This statement will bo
vouched for by thousands of people for whom
wii liavo done work ta past yrars. Wo
wilt nut take your work for less money lliun
wo can afford to do It rightly , and we will
always furnish you with the best that wn
lie had. Wo carry the largest stock of
frames In the city , and they range In prleo
from 25 cents to $1 for steel , from KO ccuis
to $ l.r,0 , for aluminum .from ft to $3 for
gold filled , nnd from $ S to $ fi for solid gold.
Wo have without doubt the mast comp'elo
scientific liiBtrmmnts In the . for this
work , having I neither palnu nor money
In procuring the very latest and best that
could be had. Our olllccs arc perfectly ar
ranged for this work , and we not only offer
every pc .Ible advantage to those sVeknft
assistance In this line , but we po lt\cly !
guarantee all our work tolie of the highest
grade obtainable. Wo have reforcncH and
tCKtltnonlita by the thousands , from the most ,
prominent people In th's state who have tnut
In vain to get assistance before coming n us
We are not strangers to you , ar.d if our
I'tatemcnlB seem rather broad , come anJ tut-
Isfy yourselves of their validity.
Your eyes are too precious to trut them
In the- hands of people who solicit your
tatronage on the strength of their being able-
to sell you gasses at bargain counter pr.oos ,
or the fact that they sell some particular
kind of glans which contains some magie
power. Tlio reputation of a specialist de
pends on his fiklll and success and we do
not wish anyone to come tc us who has
not Investigated this matter thoroughly.
We positively imve the mcfit accurate In
struments for this cbs ? of work In this city.
IKMH Knrhaeh Illock , and Douglas Sts. , over Nlcol , the Tailor.
The Siberian railway will cost $200000.-
A hosiery mill eost'ng $50,000 Is to be built
at Kingston , N. C.
The woolen mill at Rumfcrd Falls , Me. ,
will now bo ru i Might and day.
.Tho hosiery mill at Hooksctt , N. H. , com
menced lost week to run night and clay.
TIO : California state free employment
bureau during the first year of Its existence
found work-for 5,800 applicants.
Unusual octlvlly is reported at the ship
yards at dl.ith , iMe. The yards are busier
than they have been for many years.
Nearly 27,000,000 pounds ot chewing to
bacco were iiura'ctiircd In North Care
lina during the last fiscal year of that state.
The- number of cigars manufactured foote < l
up 'to 4,029,320.
Two thousand blast furaoce employes of
tlio Shenango Valley , Pa. , have received an
advance in wages of 10 and 20 per cent. This
will make labor $1.25 and 'luiia work $1.GO
and $1.80 a day.
The American wheel and Hio Amoricsri
locomotive are running -close race for \K. \ ( , 11-
larlty abroad. Our export of locomotives last
vear was over $3,000,000 and the demand Is
almost world-wide.
Tlio long ccntrovcn-y lei 'the window glass
trade has been settled , and flfteui factories
started up during the week. The salnllrm
was coached by fccparatlon of the flattcners
end cutters from the others In the crafi.
They were awarded $28,000 cf the organiza
tion's funds.
The demand of the New Ycrk book nnl
Job ) ) iInters for a nine-hour day resulted In
an agreement to fix 'the work day at nine-
cm ! a half hour on and after January 1.
18'JS , f.ud nine hours when the icitorn.itliti'il
body fixes the date for the charter work ( lay
lo take effect.
When the English engineers began their
great strike last July they had $1,700,000 Ui
their treasury. They have expended $2.000.-
000. the remaining $1100.000 being largely
contributions from outside countries. Tlio
printers ol' Germany alone gave $10,000. Tlio
United States haa thru far given very little- .
The United States coal mines glvo employ
ment to nearly 250,000 men , working 103
days each year. It Is estimated that cu. h
man produces 721 gross Ions of per
annum , or al > jut 807 net tons , an average for
a day of a little more than four net tons.
This ccal comcrc from 2,59 ! ) different mines ,
exclusive of I he anthracite mines.
A deposit of fcsslllzed asbestos was re
cently discovered In California. The Imita
tions are that this deposit Is nearly 100 feet
thick and a quarter ol1 n mile long. It Ilea
near the surface and many tons have been
uncovered. It Is being sh ip < > d cast at the
rate' of six carloads a It Is said to bo.
the most extensive In area nnd tlio be.u In
quality yet discovered anywhere.
There lire fully 12.000 hides tanned wee'dy
In Newark. N. J. About half of these be
come shoo tlvplnc and vamp leather , the re
mainder carriage , dash , furniture and fancy
leather. More horse-hides are tanned than in
any other place In this country. Cordovan
var.r.s are the product. Chrome tanned solo
for blcyclo slices l/i trade and the juanu-
'acturo of kangaroo and kangaroo kid la an
Important Interest. All kinds of big and book
Irat'.iur are prdiice-l. ( The tenners are sold
to get mere money out of a hide than any
where else. Three , and sometimes four , splits
are made and finished , it Is estimated that
$ lfi Is realized pc.- hide and the yearly busi
ness done amounts to $10,000.000.
TIM : vu OP IO.\H , \ < Jo.
Will T. Illp , | ,
Jho world cun of many things not
known of long nfjo ,
When eitrth xfoimd troubled with the gout.
and Hclenri ) nnd art were slow ;
Now ( wrytlilnjr consplrcn to bring Out
luxury und ease ,
And progTfHH nan , some pay , Improved vii
niiture by de reeo ;
Hut mnight can give UH mihutltuto-
naught htm yet Improved
The genuine , old-fiishloned thrill that cotrus
of being Jiw-d ,
Such IIH I own i felt of old In eminent do-
When Hire hohlnd the window blinds OM-U
xhyly glanced ut me !
She- was u little IUBH J knew nwiiy back In
my youth ,
And , If not un to date. , the fuel uwakia In
me no null.
Todiiy'n i nrTcctcil love of art for nrt'H Bake
would have been
To birr old-fanhloned view of thlngn lint
llttlo short of Hln ;
She never dreamed ihnt paltering won U
Htrlke the tempter duinli ,
And furnished riot her mental pabu
lum ;
And nil this purity wnH there , I could lint
clearly he'e ,
When Hue , li..ilnd the window blinds. .
Klanced Hliyly out at me.
It III become-H thi = heurt of lujo to ovcrlljw
with sluhs
If gone tht ioaeH , Huyu the poet , their uslien
must Hulllcc ;
When white luilm t dl the time to leuvo oir
cakcfl and nle IH Mere ,
W ought to turn our thoughts upon u moro
enduring ;
liul Home-how therc'u u pleasure yet lit cullIng -
Ing up the. way
That ono bright pair of eyes oauld muko
of night the fulrcht day ;
For on my Bight th ro glowed the lltfht
ne'er on land or xeu
When Sue , behind the window bllnu > .
glanced shyly out at mo. . ,