TinOMAITA 111513 : PUjSi > AY , JANUARY 12 , 1898. SEVEN RAILROAD MARCUS lien Who Have Risen from the Hanks Through Individuality , HEADS OF THE GREAT UNION PACIFIC tHii'M of tin : Mrm of Hit * llonil'x I'ri-NlllCtllN , IIUKlllllllIK Ui-iiL'fnl John Ailnnii Dl.v , ( lie 1'lrxt. The accession of Horace 0. Hurt to the presidency of the Union I'aclllc marks thu coming of the seventh man to the head of that great systemsluce Its building , on In terval of time of over thirty years. As the construction of this road and Us growth Is so closely connected with the history of Omaha , and slnco many of the pioneer citi zens of thU city have had more or less Inti mate connection -with all ot these presidents , brlof Hkutchcs of their lives will be. of In terest znd very ajiproprlato on the eve ot the coming of I'realdent Hurt. The first pnsldont of 'thu Union Pacific was bled a soldier. General John Adams Ulx was born In lioscawen , N. II. , on July 21 , 1798 , and after a collegiate education wan appointed cadet and aided his father , Major Timothy Ulx. Ho remained In the army until July 29 , ISIS , when ho was compelled by Ill-health to re-dun , with thu rank of captain. Ho studied law , and WE.S admitted ' ' thu bar. In 1830 .ho was appointed adju tant general of the sta'o of New York. Jn later life , when the civil war broke out , ho returned tu the army again. On 1'rtaldou Lincoln t DM. call for troops he organized ttovcntocn regiments and was appointed one of the four mcjor generals lo command ' .he Now Yoik forces. During the war he was In command of the Department ot Mary land , and was Inter sent to New York as commander of the Department ot the East 'intll ' ( .lie . end of the war. During his lifetime General Dlx wag the rcnlpimt of many public honors. In 1S33 he was appointed secretary of state and super intendent of schools of iNew York as a dcm- onrat. From 1SI5 to 181 ! ) ho served as a United States senator.In ISIS he nas nom inated by tno free soli democratic party as governor , but was defeated. President Pierce appointed him assistant treasurer at New York ami in 1SCI he was appointed postmas ter of New York. On January 10 , 1861 , he was appointed secretary of the treasury by President illuolmnan. At the conclusion of the civil war , I i 1SCC , he was appointed naval olllcer of the port of New York and later was made minister to Franco. In IS72 ho was elected governor of New York as a republican , by a majority of 5:1,000 : , but was defeated for a second term. General DIx's railroad career 'began ' In 1SS3 , when he became president of the Mississippi & 'Missouri llallroad company. On October 30 , 1SG3 , ho became the first president of the Union P.vlilc and held that olllce until 1SCS. For a few months he held the position of president with the Brlu 'Railroad ' company. He died In New York on April 21 , 1879. \ "TOM" I = 'CQTTS ' TERM. Thomas Alexander Scott , the "Pennsyl vania Railroad King , " who suc ceeded General Dlx , was a railroad man almost from the time that railroads existed. Ho was born In London , Pa. , on 'December ' 28 , 18IM. 'Ills ' father died when ho was a hoy. In his youth he worked on farms an ! served In country stores until In 1SII ho be came clerk to a collector of tolls on a state highway. In 1817 he was made a chief clerk to the collector of tolls at Phila delphia , and in 1850 ho became connected with the partially constructed Pennsylvania railroad. In 1S5S he became Us general su perintendent and In 1S59 was chosen vice president. 'Ho ' 'was ' Instrumental In further ing the policy by which the road gained con trol ot Us western llntw. In 1S71 , when a separate company was formed to operate them , ho became Its president. He was elected president of the Union I'aclllc In March , 1871 , and served ono year. In 1874 he succeeded to the presidency of the Pennsyl vania road , and resigned on account of Ill- health. IHo was the projector of the Texas & Pacific road and was its president for many years. He died on May 21 , 1881 , at Barley , 1'a. Scott \\ua prominent In the civil war. At Us beeli'.nlug ho waa appo'.mted c the stuff of Governor A'.idrew ' G. Curtin ami , 'Was en- crgotlc In equipping volunteers and forward- iiig tinein \Vashl-ngloii. . Co April 27. 1861 , at the request of the secro'ary of war , h ? opened a irew road from Washington to Phila delphia wlMi surprising quickness. On May 3 ho was commissioned colonel ct volunteers acid on 'May ' 23 was givca charge of all gov ernment railways nnd telegraphs. On August 1 he wau appointed assistant secretary of war , which olllce ho was the first to hold. On September 2-1 , 1863 , he superintended the 'transportation of two army corps to relieve Gwcral Rosecruns at Chattanooga , and did thU with remarkable speed. HORAOl'2 F. CLARK'S CAREER. Tlio nuxt president , HOPJCC F. Clark , was ttio ttixi of a clergyman and was born in Southbury , Conn. , tu November 20 , 1S15. He waa educated at Williams college , whence lid graduated In 1S33 and took up the profes sion of law , bulug admitted to the bar In Now York In 1837. Ho was engaged In active practice for nineteen years. In 1856 he was elected'to congress on a "hardshell" democrat , but later became a Douglas supporter. Al. the close of his term ho waa re-clcctcd , as an Indepoi lent candidate , hi 1857 Mr. Clark became - came a rallrc-ad man by becoming a director of t'ao New York & Harlem railroad. He aftorwnl became president of the Lake iShoru , Michigan Southern K. Northern In- dlano railrc.nl. In 1S72 ho was elected presi dent of the Union I'aclllc railroad , but his term was brief , as he died en Juno 13 of .the following jear. He represented I.ho Vandcr- bllt 'Intercatu , being a son-in-law of Com motion ) Van Icrbllt. Uu&ldri ! these railway positions Mr. Clark wjo a director In the New York Central & Hudscci Itlver. the New York & Harlem , the Now Haven , Hartford & Springfield , the Snore Line , the Chicago & Northwestern and iiold valuable Interests In o her lines , He was also president of I.he Union Trust com pany of New York and on active manager of the Western Union Telegraph company. Ho was also a oponitor In Wall street. ' SIDNEY DILLON'S SERVICE. Sidney Dillon , the succeeding president , was born In Northampton , N. Y. . May 7 , 1812. Chicago as tlu > clik'f eiiKliiuur of tins routl. uiiotliur of tlioso who wurc reared In tli" on a farm. His family was ot revolutionary ancestry. Ho entered , railroad llfevwhen amore moro lad. being flnH employe , ! as an errand flioy on the Molmvk & Huilion railroad , the llrst read built In his native stMe. He next , entered the nervlco of the Honsssllaer & Saratoga atogaIn a few years he 'became overseer of contracts on 'tho ' llos'on & 1'rovlJcnco and other linos. In 1S3S ho took fhls flrai contract and completed It with prollt In 1810. from which time- his contracts became very numerous. During this period of Ills life he engaged tn the construction of the Hartford & Springfield , Vermont & .MassachusUm , Rutland & . | Ilurlington , Central of New Jer sey , . .Morris canal , lloston & 'New ' York Cen tral , 1'hlhulclphla & Erie. Erlo & Cleveland , Morris & Essex , Doston , Hartford & Erie , thu lown , the New Orleans , Mobile & Chat- tnnooga. tin t'atmiM Southern , the Union 1'aclflc and many others. Altogether , he was engaged In over forty of the leading public works of the United States , and the con tracts amounted to over 100,000.000. At Jay Gould's suggestion he wat made president ot the Union 1'aclllc In 1874 , which position he held until ISSt. During these ten years the company paid dividends to thn stock holders In the Bum of $28,050,000 , and the utock advanced from 14 to 131 % . In 1SS4 Dillon retired from the presidency and was succeeded by Charles Francis Adams , but when Gouhl secured control again ho was once more chosen president. Ho held thee o til co until the spring of 1892 , when he de clined re-election anil was succeeded by II. II. Clark. Ho died onUunu 0 , 1B92. CHAULB3 FRANCIS .ADAMS. Charlca FraucU Adams was a second son I of Charleti Frairlt Adams , thu famous diplo matist and Krandbon ot John Qulncy Adams. Ho IWUH horiu In Boston May 'J7 , 1835. He' was graduated from Harvard college In 1S5Q and was admluted to the bar tn 1B5S , Hu aorvod In thn army throughout the whok' of tbii civil war and was mustered out In July , ISCj. .with the brevet rank of brlgudlt-r general of volunteers. After that lie do- votdl himself principally tn railroad mnt ' ten , and In. 1SC3 wan appointed a member cf the Hoard of llallroad OoramUgloners of Ma - xachuiietts. In 18S4 ho was elected prosldu-t ot the Union Pnclfk and nerved In ili.it capacity until Dillon was again elect-1 to succeed him In 1S90 , when the Gould Inter ests again secured control of the road. S. H. It. CLAHK'S I1EOINNINO. 3 , II. H. Clark , who followed after Dillon's second term , Is also a mam from the rani. * . Ho began his railroad career when young on n L'r vel train on thn Ontrnl Railroad ot New Jrrttcy. Ho was later promoted to a local pas enRcr run , and sill ! later to a. through i"xpre s. Ills first official position was that of general freight and ticket agent of the Flushing & North Shore railroad. In 1867 he wag prevailed upon by Sidney Dlllcn. at thnt trine a contractor on the t'nlon Pacific , to come to Omaha. Ho becain * the first Rrncial freight asent of the great Over land Route and waa also for n tlmn Its pur- phasing agent Ho filled the position of superintendent of the eastern division cml was assistant Rcnetal aiiprrlnlwident. In 1S74 he w.is made general superintendent , which position he held until 1X7S , when ho was promoted to the office of Rrnernl mixra- RCT , and held that office until 1881. Ir. the latter year , when Sidney Dillon resigned as president , Clark also reslgnod and leU the road In September of that year. Some time later he accepted the office of vtco orrgldeiit and general manager of Hie MU- nourl IViclflr.Vhrn Dillon was nalrt elected president of the Union Paf-lflc Clark was agtln appointed general manager. At the meeting of the Union. . Pacific directory In the spring of 1892 Dillon declined the pfcoslilency atid Clark was elected to succeed him. He held the presidency until Hurt was elected to succeed him. LAST OF THE LINE. Horace 0. Hurt , hmt olnntril nroslilonl In another of those who were reared In the tallrroil business. Ho entered the service with the Vandalla lines In March , 18G7. as a redman aud afterward became division en- 'ilnccr ' of construction , continuing In that position until the fall of 18 < ,9 , when ho cn- caged In the railroad business In Kansas. Ill the wkitnr of 1S71 he wont to the Uni versity of Michigan and remained there ( mill the pprlng of 1873 , wlion he secured thn position of assistant engineer ot the North western. Ho remained In thnt position until 1SS1. when he was made dlvlslcti suycrln- 'ondcnt of the Northern Iowa division of the same road. In February , 1883 , ho succeeded o the * onenal stiporintendoncy ot the Iowa division , but In the fall of 1887 ho went t < Chicago < ( B the chief engineer of.the road. On November 1 , 1SS8 , he was appointed gcti- eral manager of the Northwestern tran.v inlssourl Hues In this city , which position ho held until July of last year , when In was ainrolntod Koncial manager of the Elk- horn. In Oftohor of the same year he war elected third vice president of the North western , which positlui ho held at the time 10 was chosen president of the Union Pacific OMAHA'S Oil I'M ' T IM'III.IC Illll ! Alt V. Hi-port Vnr tinVcnr SliiMvs I { ( o Hf Aln-cnsl ( lie TluifM. ireoort of the Omaha public library liar been Issued describing the condition and iat- Touace of the library at the close of the yoar. It shows that the Institution Is In all ways on a level with other metrciiolltan libraries In point of books on band an' enjoys an unusually large ratio ot circulation The report of the acting llbiarlan Is as fol lows : Total number of volumes nccossloned to dnto DISS2 Totitl number of volumes withdrawn to date 7.7M Total number of volumes now In library 47.H7 Number of volumes added during 1S97. . 2,377 Number of cards Issued In 1897 : New borrowers I , ! > j2 Ue-re Istratlons l.C-t Total 3,071 ! Hooka issued for home use 212S2 , ' > Hooks Issued for reference room 47,693 Hooks Issued for roadlnp room 4,003 Magazines Issued for reading room. . . . 5,819 HHI'OIIT OF Till. : C1TV CI.KUK. liy SliiMrs IllMliiiirliiienl HUM nail KM IIiinclH Full. The city officials and other usual occupants of the city hall took a day yesterday and with a few exceptions the big building was deserted. Tlie front entrance was closed and the occasional visitors used the west door. City Clerk illigby and his stenographer put In the forenoon compiling 'the ' annual report of the "department , which will be submitted to the mayor Monday morning. The docu ment shows that the city council and the clerk's olllce have accomplished fully 50 per cent more work during 1897 than In the pre vious year. This Is partially flue to the fact that 'business ' has been more promptly dis patched by the nine councllmeu than was possible when there were eighteen to do the same work. The fact that a large number of public Improvements have been under way during the summer has also multiplied the documents 'to bo considered and the new charter has also caused some additional work. The report of the city clerk shows the fol lowing comparison of the 'business of the two years : 189G. 1S97. Total number of council meet- IIIBH , regular , special and Hoard of Equalization . 75 97 Total number of communica tions and reports of olllcers read . 2,374 4.3S1 Total number of resolutions. . . SOS 1,207 Total number of committee reports . S3G 1,112 Total number of ordinances on llrst and second reading . ISt 300 Total number of ordinances on third reading nnd passage. . . 115 249 Council journal , number of pages for year . l.CfiO 2,105 Hoard of Equalization record , fnp v nr . _ . .H . . _ 42 TlO Ordinance record , pages for year 977 8D3 The report of the city clerk In regard to licenses Is practically identical with the re- ! > ort of the license Inspector , which was pub lished yesterday. The only additions arc the fees on account of dog tags , which agKie- catcd $2,239. and the receipts on account of clerk fees , which were $39.30 additional. \vniiiv OK TIII : rouicK FOKCIO. Over ( Idim ArnmtNVcri - Miulo JlliriliK JHI1T. The record of the year's work In the police department has been tabulated by Frank J. King , clerk of the chief of .police. . The re port shows that the total number of arrests d'iring Ib97 has been G.C26 , a slight Increase over the result a year ago , Of these 1,838 have boon convicted , a less number than a yuar ago , In spite of the larger total arrests. An Interesting1 Item Is the different occupa tions laid claim to by prisoners. In the total of 211 , every Imaginable calling Is repre sented. The laborers are In the lead , 1,700 men answering to that title. They are fol lowed by 740 "no-ocs , " men 'Who did not lay claim oven to being laborers , and were as signed to that category. Among the other * there were men who claimed to bo shingle- packers , pill-box 'makers , cowboys , capltal- Uta and ono preacher. Thcro are also men tioned In the list a buttoMly maker , a t'hlef , a school boy and a newspaper reporter. There have been 1,600 drunks taken tn charge dur- s the year and four arrests for murder. The report In summary Is as follows : ArrestH , male f > .SlS Arrests , femnlt 1.10S Total Convlutlonu , police court 1.S3S Dismissals , police court 4.30S Cases continued , ete 4SO Totnl G.ran Cnses bound over to district court 183 Cnxea appealed to district court. . . 11- UulehlCH reported la Attempted suicides , 8 Call * for patrol wagon 4.110 ilt-al3 furnished prisoners 17,120 Lodgem aecomodated during year 5.M9 Different occupations of prisoners 211 Different crimes committed 1 9 Different nationalities of prjtionera > ! > Hull for IVrmuiul 'llaianni'H , 1'rcil Quathamer has begun In the federal court a sulu against the Union Pacific rail road , company for * 2CO ) damages for per sonal Injuries. Ho was In the employ of the road on a building crow west of North Platte on May I'l , 1S94. On that date the crow w n riding on a hand car.Vhllo thla vehicle was proceeding n iwater keg fell oft the front and beneath the car In such a Iwuy that thu latter was derailed , Quthamor alleges that hewim thrown violently oft and waa permanently Injured , RECOLLECTIONS ( F A ' 49ER Onrious Scor.o ? , Ohariotsn and Icoidon'.s of tlie Early Rus'i , STJRIES OF THE OLDEN , GOLDEN DAYs Urriitnti Daiirlnti ( ili-li , tinIlimly ( iiirilj , N'ruN Vender ICInu nnd Hit * Mlnur U'lin finite Two Fnrlutu's mill U'h ) He l.oM Our. "It la probable that January 21 will bo made a stnto holiday In California. It Is the flftlcth anniversary of tlio discovery of gold In California , nnd active work Is being done to make the golden Jubilee a great success. The Native Sons' association Is engaged In the work of prep.iratlon , and the parade , which takes place In San Francisco , piomlBO-s to bo a spectacle well \voith witnessing. This Is a. worthy affair , and I hope It will be all that ID promised for It. Uut I wonder how many ot the ical old 49ors will ho present to witness this fiftieth atinlvt'raary of what , after all , bus been the biggest gold excitement that tills country over experi enced. 1 wonder If the people who will wit ness the pageant which Is to typify In Its way the final triumph ot the early struggles , hardships nml destitution which the old miners encountered In the old day * will fully realize In their present prosperity what lihnKn flrs vnirn mrrteil tn thn in1d RnpkpfM. * ' Tlio speaker was George S. Lee , who , In his youth , took part tn the great rush across the continent which followed the discovery o ! gold In California. Mr. Lee's adventures In sentrh of the yellow metal were as varied and as startling as any participated In by any other " 49er , " and his tcinlnlsccnccs arc well worth recording. "It was not all hardship , to be siiro , " says Mr. Lee , "but there was enough of It to go round , and not nearly enough ot the pleas- nnler eldo of life. At ( he panic time every man who was there and Is still living will on the occasion of this jubilee look back to the old days with many a regret. The scenes and characters have never , I believe , been duplicated In any mining district In the world. I have read many descriptions of life In thu old camps , but none of them seemed to have got deep down Into thu human lite ot the thing. There were many facts and In cidents which have never been recorded , and jet they were essentially typlcnl of the old days and stood out prominently , and will be remembered by any "forty-niner. " CimiOUS CHARACTERS. "Characters met with In no oilier part ot the world outside of mining fields congre gated There broken-down and dissipated preachers gambleis , horse thieves , lawyers , doctors , clerks , men of every nationality and of good and bad repute. But so strictly were the laws of meum and tuum enforced in Im partial trials by miners' jury that cabins and camps were left without lock. , bolt or liar , nftpn with Ereat value In Wild dust in other property left therein , 'but few In stances of theft occurred , murder being far more fiequent than robbery. Sal6on rows were ot dally or weekly occurrence , am ! there were always ono or inoro victims to be planted with their boots on. Gambling was carried on openly at all times , more especially from Saturday night to Moudaj morning , and the 'weekly earnings of tllu mlrers generally were in the pockets ot 'tin ' gambler on the latter day. Every mining Amp Iroasiod of Its typical bad man o men. and at slight provocation the revolver made Itself hoard and another victim was credited to the already large score of the desperado. "One of the typical characters whom I recall was a wan named Uronson , a good looking , well-meaning fellow , without edu cation , hut with Intense desire not to le the lack of It appear. 'Whenever ' ho heart a word not in common use he 'treasured ' 1 up , and whenever opportunity to use It presented sented Itself he was sure to bring It lnt < the conversation. Thus ho heard the won 'quondam. ' Seated one day on a saloot porch when a woman went by , lie was asked who she'was , and made answer : 'Why ttrat is 'Mrs. ' Smith , quondam Miss Jones. As a special and greatly desired favor ho was Invited to one of the infrequent wed dings that took place In the section. The brlile. a girl of 14 , had attended school ii San Francisco for several months , and being also the daughter of the stage driver ( n high functionary tn those days ) It was eg teemed a mark of great favor to receive an Invitation to her 'wedding. ' After the cere mony iHronson was seen In conversation with the .bride . , and the following conversation be tween them 'was ' overheard : " 'Was you right glad to get hitched up , Miss Nellie ? " " 'Well , no ; but dad sort ot reckoned It was about time , seeln' as I had finished my education. ' " 'Goin' to hang out la the old dig- gins1 " 'Sort o' think I will. Mill's got right smart show to pan out well in the Lottie ( his mining claim ) . ' " 'Still , 'Miss ' Nelllo. it sorter beats me , after swingin' 'round with them high-tone gallutcs In 'Frisco how you can content yourself In these nefarious hills , abscutary from all female sociability. ' SEEKING A WIFE. "Uronsoa was exceedingly desirous of marrying , and , the pcoulatlon having bectf Increased by cnio or more of the gentler sex , ho immediately endeavored to secure the affections ot a girl named Lizzie. His at tentions were not relished and Llzzlo said one day to a friend : 'If r.ie comes my way much moro I will scald him with dish water. ' This was Imparted to Hronson. Previously he had constltcil a menu as to mo prapvr way of making his deslics known to Lizzie. The frlC'iul ' advised him tu dress himself In his best clothes , call 'upon ' her and when she coened Iho door to him ( 'is presumably she would ) and say : 'Good evening'Mr. 'Dronson ' , walk In and take a seat. ' to act promptly on t'Jo Invitation and It possible get a scat besldo Llzzlo on the sofa , where his own ' /ood / Judgment and sense' would tell him what to do next. Isonio days after this lessen iDronon was discovered In a retired pIai-0 In what seemed la bo tbo act of rehearsing' his prospective oart. Flrat he knocked at an Imaginary door ; then removed his hat from hU head , made a low bow , and , speaking slowly and distinctly , said : 'Good evening. Miss Lizzie. ' Then followed a short rausc , when , presum ably , Miss Lizzie said : 'Good ovftilng , Mr. IlroiiBon. 'won't you walk In and take a seat ? ' Finally , with Olio utmost disdain and scorn upon his face , and with the profanity usual lu such cases , Ilronaon turned upon his heel , saying : 'Not much ; only tell mo when you're going to scald your hogs ? ' "Ono can rcjllzo how gre.it was the ex citement occasioned by the advent ot women of any character Into a camp of that do- spriptlnn , A peculiar Incident In the early h'story of the mining sections was the hir ing of girls In Germany for the edification of the miners. Contracis were made with them In the old country , by which payment of their passage to Callfoinla was secured , with provision for sultlclont remuneration while Is pursuit of their calling. These girls were characterized as hurdy-gurdyB. There were always four In a hand , with an old 'woman as duenna and a young boy who played upon an accordion. Their coming was heralded for months previous. Imme diately upon arrival of the troupe the billiard table was removed from one nt the saloon floors , the girls were seated on a rough bench or stood In a row by the wall , th I accordlan struck up , a act for quadrlllo was formed , or a waltz played , the minors leading out the girls without the formality of an In troduction. After the whirl they wore paid outrlsht 25 or BO cents ( sometimes mo-e ) ; drinks were ordered at the bir to rccomn.'nso the oalonn keeper for the loss of billiard tahlo proftts , and night after night the scene was rc-onioted , until the funds ot the cimp were af as low on ebb as In the ordinary small .town after the departure of a circus. Yr/t , to the credit of Mo girls , he It said they 'wero ' not only temperate , drinking nothing but scila water or flarsiparllla , hut free from other vices , and afterward married well and became valuwl and respected members bors of a not too exclusive society. Natu rally , In a community where women were scarce , they received the adulation of the entire male population , and offers of mar riage were showered upon them by the miners , to v/hoin a smile from a woman meant happiness 'beyond ' comprehension. They were followed from town to town by Dill ( Viler Divx inti t tltik he kiin sot Drcx. Ii. .Shoonmn snys It's no use run * every tine hf wrnit - hut 1 nlti't so nltiB nrontul town trying to llml the ccl ' ' In' kiuit ult ilrsi1 ' ' fur tloy ni'ii'.v lu'lci's ' ' ' ' brntptl John 1'ostcr t'o.'s ladles' shoca Is fur ili ili'iilor only : iiil : Datl won't till no nmll or telephone1 prilcrs. You can't llml thorn only nt ono place IM.ni TOHACCQ- , and tluU's lioiv NVo'ro tlio sold agents Horse Shoo , pet1 noiiiil. | JSo. ? for Otimha nnd carry a complete line riliua.x. IM-I potinil , ; ( , > , , of tlipin-tlio Ill-stylo nnd durability of I'lpin1 UHilsh-ck , f > oi' pound. OTc. this shoe Is uiipiuwlled no other shoo S.MOKI.NU TOHArCO- r > * * T. , . . , . matter where made IXA < . , . , y , today no or by Mt'i'i'srlmttin. 2 OB.ptr pound , 'JK' ( . Ml I. 1.0. „ , „ , , , , „ „ „ -1U „ u.f whom will Its like the res- .Mull I'oiii'h. 1 ! 07. , iH-r pound , li'c. t'T ' O4 * T TIMf . I VMf keep shape - ( triHMilwfU , Uox. . per , pound. U7c. ot. r. ni * f oi T. r P r > 4 > v i " tor they oolite In the heavy and light Sweet Cnpornl 01iatvtU'with evole , r * ivAirro.rf * i" < > " > solos also the wide bottom shoo with Imx T > 0l$1.7 , " . rrk . , . . filled soles ' M.t * it * f,4r otf Mtfo w. jf * cork It's probably not .1:011- . 'A.VV. ' % " ' " " " ' - T N' . ftt O 0 , orally known , but It's a fact that the prices on these shoos are no lilglior than the ordinary niakon tot ! the Foster and you got the best. Drexel Shoe Co. , S404 DOUGLAS. 1415) ) TARN AM MTKKIJT January first has come and you need a now calendar come hero and set one of the most artistic calendars over given away Wo have given away handfcomo calendars before but nothing like these Wo have remembered our friends the teachers all you have to do Is to call at the olllce and get one You should bUN also start the new year right by giving your tooth tlui care they deserve lot us examine them wo make no charge for doing it then If yon want us to llll thorn or extract them you will Ilnd our work to bo the brst In Omaha Wo claim that much nnd our patrons back up the claim for us-Kxtnieting without palu or gas , " ( ) cents lady attendant. Ycnm tl Floor Pii.ttim lllk. Klfli anil Kuril nni. enamored youths , valuable presents being given 'them In order > to gain the least ex pression of their good ) will or fancy. THE SACn.YMBNTO VALLEY. "Somo of the pages In th0 history of the tlmo were- highly dramatic , othera"cxceod - lugly pathetic ; they were all Interesting During the period the valley ot Sacramento 'ia ' one vast mesa , reaching from the coast range of the Pacific ocean cm the- east to the Sierra Nevada mountains tn the west , and from the headwaters of the Sacramento on the north to the bay of San Pueblo on the south. No enclosure or fence restricted or bounded coy special domain , , and transporta tion across the plain \\as generally accom plished In the old-time prairie 'schooner.1 Several of these outtits traveled In company so c/5 to aid each other In case of accident "Once during the hottest month of the year I remember seeing what to mewa cnn nf Illr. RfrnmiTiaf & ! ( . ! , , I l.n.l „ . . en countered , llohind one of the prairie schoon ers was a man trudging along In the dust of the rear or trail wagon. Noosed about big neck was a rope , the other end ot which was fast to the rear end of the wagon. When a halt was made to feed the animals either at noon or when camped for the night Instead of Joining the travelers afeoni'bled around their camplires , this erratic Indi vidual held aloof , stretching himself on the heated , barren ground to sleep. partakta < ? of .fooJ only when It was thrown to him by ono or another of the campers. In every respect It was hia endeavor to follow out and Imitate the actions of a clog and to b treated as such. Day after day , this strange procedure was persistently followed to the osd of a long and weary Journey , when , with gruff thanks to the traveJers who would havn befriended him and shared with him all the comforts of the camp , he disappeared. The causes Impelling this singular personage to adopt , : such humiliating self-McrincPa wern not known for years , , but afterward I had the good luck to come across him in a mining pimp , and'we became partners. The story I gleaned from him was as follows : "Before coming to California ho lived on the shores of Oayuga lake , New York , with his wife rod 'four ' children. Ills life as a farmer had been happy enough until' some unfortunate speculation swept away all of lib property. California presented a view of golden promise , so , bidding adieu to home wife and children and securing the cheapest possible transportation around Capo Horn , ho reached the mining regions. For a year or moro he- WEB unsuccessful , but at length his luck turned. By working long hour.- and hoarding every dollar earned , he finally secured a sum tbit would not only release all obligations oa the old farm , but leave a comfortable surplus which , in those tlmeo would fairly entitle him to be estimated as a rich man among his fellow farmers. With visions of homo and longing to arrive there as quickly as possible , he went by stage to Sicramonto , then by ( boat to San Frnn- cl co , and engaged passage on the first out going steamer. But as fate willed It several dayw elapsed before the sailing ot the steamer. This necessitated an unforeseen and unwelcome wait In a strange city. With nothing to occupy his time , and in truth being what is known at the present time as a 'corao-on' or 'hayseed , ' ho not only accepted Invitations to drink promiscuously , hut made th& acqualntence of disreputable characters , tin-horn gamblers and short-card men. The result was inevitable. The lamb fell Into the Imnxls of the shearer and eoon parted with Its golden fleece. Then followed the season of reproach. Crazed by the effects of drink and remorse , but one of two courses was left to bo followed death , or a re trieval of his fortune. POVERTY'S PINCir. "With ft roll of blankets on his back and a few meager belongings , ho worked his way on a river paqkot 'to ' Sacramento. Land ing at Sacramento penniless nml friendless ho secured free sleeping quarters at ono of the numerous corrals of the city , whcro freighters to the Interior kept Ihelr stock and stored their wagcos. Thou ho drove a bargain with a driver of a team whereby ho was to accompany Ithls slow-moving ofltfit on foot. This accounted for ills strange ap- pcuninco with a rope around Ills meek. Mor bid , half-crazed , repentant , aeiguished In mind , oged In body , with the visions of dis appointed loved ones waiting1 for his pre viously heraldoil return ever before him , with o plausible excuse to render , with nothing upc which 'to ' build a future , ashamed 'to ' return to places where Jio wau known after days of slow journeying and self-abasement the hills of the Sierras were reached. Rejecting associates , an 3 living poorer than the mciaciest cur , lie again began prospecting. Frlondlessf- moody and holding alosf from every one , ho WflB at dawn al- way.i to bo seen with pjji , _ j > lck and shovel on his shoulder , trudging over the country , fckiklsig prospect holes , ' oud generally ttio shadows of mlglv : overtook him reluming to hid camp with unrewarded iopes. ) ) "So passed the days , weeks and months ; In fact , almost a year. 'Cne evening , while out later than usual , and desiring to light his pipe , ho jumped Intq , shallow prospect hole , to shield tlio match from the wind. In lighting it he glanc'cU 'around. ' In tihai short moment seine pcf ilhw | feature ot the gravel attractcdih.1,8.attentlcn , , and he decided 'to return to the cpot the next mcTnl'.ig. The next day. ' 'and' ' ' the next , found him persistently at work , In the fcumc spot. One let'3 likely to yield , gpld could not have been found , in the catlnS'atlon of experienced miners. Soon ' : iho tur.oel or- drift ho was driving into the mountain became an object of curiosity. Neighboring miners often wont to the eccne of his labors , but learned noth ing from the solitary recluse. Curiosity was followed by astonlshmeut tlvit no bed or mother rock was on con. ' ered , and that all the iraiterl'il excavated was evidently gold- bearing gravel , a pile of which was accumu lated at the entrance to the drift. No effort. ) wore being made by the owner , as fir as could bo ee < i , ( o extract whatever gold contenvs tin * pay dirt might contain. "One day the community waa electrified by the delivery at the claim nt a large lot ol ! Blnlco lumber , nails , etc. Chinamen were ' sat at work digging the ditch from the water company's main line , and preparation ! wore 'being made on a large scale to was ! the < lump. Soon itho llg l > ilo of pay dlrl and eand disappeared under the systematic method of washing , while rumors lloatot round the camp ot the fabulous returns. Ther It became known that the claim rould hi puicbnscd , and the hitherto sealed and score I gates of the hermit miner were thrown open | to the curious , nnd , of course , envious mlnj j ers. It then .became- known that the owner had each day piled up In the drift all the choice gold-bearlnc ; rock gravel , to ho manipulated In tbo night with pan and rocker. All of the water used by him he personally carried In from a convenient spring , illy this primitive and slow process ho had successfully mined a largo amount of gold , using the least moiety of his accu mulations for necessities , not even trusting himself as. guardian of his own money , every dollar ot which hnJi been expressed to New York for ileposlt by 'what ' method was never known ; for the supply stores never received any dust from him unless In pay ment for .purchases made. SALE OF THE CLAIM. | "The sale of the claim was In tlmo effected and the property proved remunera tive for years. 'His ' Ilnd was In a former prehistoric course of the American river. On reaching San Francisco ho secured a steerage passage for New York , "but " I have never .heard of him since that time. From a few words dropped In conversation , I learned that In dollars and cents , his pllo Just equaled the recklessly distributed and squandcicd stake lost in San Vranolsco four years previously ; that the tlmo of Ills de parture from that city to the Atlantic coast exactly corresponded with the date , day and stean'er of his first disastrous trial , It evidently being his paramount Idea to .blot . out , to never consider or allow that there had been any Interruption to his original plan , or that any tlmo had elapsed between the ono event and the other ; that his llrst experience In lan 'Francisco ' had been merely a dream and no Interference had been met with in his original plan. "Another remarkable -and' ' wldoly known character in old days was 'Old Nigger King. ' Not a mining camp in. . three counties but know and welcomed him on his bi-monthly trips. He was a full-blooded negro , weighing 250 pounds. He was as broad as he was high , and had a fat kindly face , and a wide mouth which was always on the grin. His approach to a camp was heralded by a yell which could 'bo ' heard fully a mile. Mounted on a mule end leading another equipped with a pack saddle and expansive canvas renters , he sold papers through the mountain sec tions. His arrival with those containing home news from the Atlantic elates was eagerly and tnxiously looked for by all elasscs. He vended his wares at the uni form price of two bits (25 ( cents ) , that being the- smallest coin In use. A drink , the most trivial service or cheapest thing , was pur chased for two-bits. Mormon island on the American river was , 'for ' a minting camp , a very superior town , and King was reputed to own the greater part of the camp , to have invested there the then very large sum of $100,000. After hla sales were made and quiet prevailed he would declaim to his crowd of listeners : " .Here 'I Is , 'here ' I Is , old 'Nigger ' King. King , yes King , once Klag of the Cannibal Islands ( ho had been , a seaman ) . I am the meat noted man In California , kaso why. no other man htm like mo been feasted and wined by all the nations ot the earth. I have supped with the HottentoL ? , eaten blub ber with the Icelanders , pol with Iho Sand wich Islanders ; been coddled by England's queen , petted by the royalty of Franco and the nations of Europe. Breakfasted in Amer ica , dined In Africa and supped with the Japanese ! " " "Iho Inimitable , way in which King spoke his facial gestures and invariable good humor secured not only custom , but privileges of which none could deprive him. Hut after all , like many another Argonaut , ho died poor. " nillVKIl CUTS A IlllOKKV IiHO. ril ilk WnoilrulT of ( lie AmiTlrim Hx- lircKM MertM an At't'ldi'iil. Frank Woodruff , a driver for tha American Express company. received a broken leg yesterday morning as a result ot the reckless driving of two young men. He was crose'ing Capitol ave nue at Sixteenth street , when the men approached , driving rapidly north. Woodruff did not sco them In time , and was ridden down. Ho was thrown heavily and his left leg was broken below the knse. Ho was taken to his homo at 1007 South Eleventh street. The police weri Informed of the ea e and have obtained the names of the drivers wlio did not stop to learn the extent of the damage Oono. l.llllc lllllZI'N. A flro occurred at the grocery store of John J. Stock , 1104 South Sixth street , yes terday , and ilnmngx ) was done to the stock and Interior of the .building. The blaze started from a cigar dropped In n crncksr box and the IOH.S amounted to $17u , with no Insuranc-c. Another blaze took plaeo at the feed store of Matt Mun ell , " 311 C'limliiB Htrcet , from an overheated Btove nnd about $10 worth of damage was done. Sum Mil/ Hold fur Trial. The case of Sam MUZKII , charged with burglary , wan heard in police court this morning. Thi ovldtnco uliowed that Mazza bad broken Into the establishment of Sam Mnncui ) and carried away forty-six boxes of cigarettes , thirty-six cigars and one plug of tobacco. Mazzu tnnilu no denial of the churuu mid was bound over to the district court under bonds of J30J. I'jiHHnl n Iluil Dollar. Jlosea aoldenbcrg , a Rroceryman located near Ninth street and Capitol avenue , was bound over to the federal grand Jury by United States Commissioner Wiipplch thin morning1 In the sum of J500 to nnswer to tne charge of lusslnc a counterfeit dollar upon Eva Jonea. The transaction occurred several days uso. Maxim * Work .Mint tint Snnir. A full force of thlrtyMlvo masons nnd , as many laborers spnt New Year's day nt work on the new Burlington depot. There were also n number of stonesetters and Iron workera on the bulldlim. Tlie brick work Is now more than half completed , and material for the other parts of the building is comlue In without delay. A Iluil Cimurli Cureil , " \Ir . Sally Ponnlngton , an old lady who lives near hero was troubled with a bail cough for a long tlmo. She was so bad that she eo'ild not lie down or y'ocp of nights After using ; ono small bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy she could rent of nights , and by the time she had used three bottles her cough had disappeared , " E. K. SuiithBoii t Arno. Tenu. Thoiv will bo n wall so un from tlio mifortitnato that are unable to got one of tliosu U'Ct-ovcf fraim'tl pli'turoa from our auction and holiday sale for wo'ro Kolng to si'll them at prices oven lower than then and every OIK > who attended these sales know Mint never In Omnlm or anywhere else In this whole world were p'oturos ' sold so cheap In many In- sftanees the price of the frame was not renllml by us now these are what's left not many but some of the llnest of all and we're olng to et rid of them quick and our prices are going to help us do It. i A , HOSPE , Music and Ar.1. 1513 DETHRONING T11E STOMACH Oivilizail Man May Now Possibly Live Without Cooks. KING OE DIGESTIVE ORGANS UPROOTtD CllNt * ( if Allllll l.lllllllM IllKlMIMMlMl ll > Oiniilin Doolnrx , Who Hold DHVoroiit A'li-u-s oil tlie ritlniutu Hesull. The strange case ot Anna Landls , who Is allvo and apparently well after a total cx- clsloii of the stomach , has excited consid erable comment among the medical frater nity ot this city. The operation , recently announced , was done on September C tor the relief of a Swiss silk weaver , EG years old , who had suffered from a targe tumor of the stomach. A study oC the case revealed that the slzo ot the tumor was such that the usual operation of gastrcctomy , partial re moval of the stomach , would bo insufficient and that the entire organ must bo cut away , even beyond the cardiac , or upper orifice. ThU was attempted by Dr. Carl Schlatter of Zurich , Switzerland , -and with such suc cess t'lat the woman is now able to perform her ordinary duties. How long the patient can survive the nonexlstencc of gastric dl- Kestlcti Is a question differently regarded by the surgeons of Omaha. Several have ex pressed no doubt that the continued existence of a "llvo woman without n stomach" Is possible , and that in' ' all probability she will complete a natural life. Oilier surgeons have less faith In the permanence of the cure and consider that the woman has little c'.ianco of escaping death from starvation , owing to the fact that sufficient nutrition cannot be given to the body. Dr. J. E. Summers , jr. , has had consid erable coportunity to observe work In this cllrectkci. He was present In Vienna at operations conducted by Drs. Hlllrocli and Van Hacker , both foremost surgeons of their day , and who have gone as far In this line of experiment as any operator previous to Schlatter. In speaking of the operation Dr. Summers expressed fcls admiration for the perfection of skill shown in the work. "The idea Is by no means new , " said Dr. Summers , "and Is only a step beyond what has been orevlcusly accomplished. Numerous cases are on record la which the major portion , of the stomach has been removed , but In all Instances sufficient has been left to perform In a measure the function of the stomach. It has been noticed In such cases that the remnant Wins glvon the duty of an entire digestive organ has enlarged Into a now stomachal pouch , holding In some canes over a pint. Nature In this way has made un ef fort toward coicnonsation and the digestive system gradually has adjusted lUelf to the extra labor. In this case the stomach had been uractlcally useless for such a length of tlmo that the Intestine had already as sumed the function of digestion. The re moval of t'le stomach thus throw but little additional burden upon the remainder of the alimentary tract and under no other con ditions could death rave been averted , VERY TIAHEIA' JUSTIFIED. "Oenerally speaking , I regard the field of justlfl'iibllity In thlr ? direction as extremely limited. Am occasion for such an operation would occur but rarely even In a list of n- lectPd cases. It should only be attempted when recovery was otherwise impossible , ami then under the charge'of skilled and experi enced workmen. I consider the work done In Ihii3 case as that of a master hsind. The techn'quo ' of the operator Is mnre of a marvel than thu fact that the woman lives. The del icacy of the task will bo understood when It Is noted that the aurgc-on. wa.i obliged to new the different Intestinal llntags , membranes of the greatest fineness and frailty , to tbo correspcndlng linings of the csophoeiis. No one except the most skilled In eurgery could hope to come successfully through an oper ation of ths ! .nature. " A review of the case of Anna Landls , writ ten by the operating surgeon , was dlacuojed by Dr. W. 0. Hrldges of the Omaha Medical college. The article appears in the Medical Record and' te Illustrated with a photograph of the patient and sketches of the diseased titomaeh , showing Its entire Inability to dl- gevH food. In his opinion tbo feat ot Dr. Schlaiter will make nn material change In tlio treatment of diseases of the stomach , ns the case was extreme and operations alons the same line have often been made. "In this Instance I believe that the success of the operation will bo permanent. " said Dr. Ilrldges. "and the fact that the patient Is gaining In health and weight and general health Indicates that the body Is being rmf- flclently nourished. The conclusion from this Is that the digestive capacity of the atomach has been considerably overrated and that It Is by no means a vital organ. The observa tions In ihU case ahowud alee tbit the re moval of the stomach did not affect the rap idity of Intestinal propulsion , but that food wao retained In the alimentary tract suf ficiently long for the assimilation of the needed nutriment. AH far as that l.i con cerned , the Intestines were already doing all the digestive work before the removal o ! the stomach , as shown by the absence of any acid of the stomach In the gastric secretion. " HAS LITTLE OF VALUE. Dr. P. Grossman was unwilling to accept the operation of the Swlen surgeon as one of any permanent value. Ho believed that the wcman could escape temporarily , hut that she was doomed to [ starvation from Inability to digest sufficient nourishment. "Tho method of her treatment , " Dr. Grossman re marked , "will bo to supply artificially the Juices of the atomach. The milk or beef tea or whatever food Is found suitable , will bo mixed with pepsin , muriatic acid and the natural juices of the stomach and will bo administered after thin artificial digestion haa taken place. lAfter similar and leas ee- vcro operations , however , It has been ob served that the patient became emaciated from Insufficient nutrition and only In rare Instancci survived moro than a few months. If the theory of the operator were cor. rcct , the whole chemlsmiis of the body , the physical law of digestion and assimilation , would fall In a hcnp. " In giving his opinion of the Rlgnlilc.inco of the operation mentioned , Dr.V. . n. Hmichett Bald ho regarded It as merely the climax of a series of similar experiments , lasting through the last twenty-live yo.irs showing that advance In surgery was lu pace with the long strides made In other lines dur ing that time. "I remember when Dr. O. D llcebo of Chicago made 0110 of the earliest experiments In this Hue. about twcnty-fivo years ago , " said Dr. Hanchett. "On'that occasion several feet of an Intestine were removed nnd the work of assimilation was not Interrupted. The stomach has also been removed In greater part , and in some cases of stricture the wall of the stomach has noon opened to admit an artificial orlllco In the Intestine with gooo results " TIMED IT ON A DOO. Dr. Frederick F. Teal mentioned a num ber of Instances in which animals had been wholly deprived of their stomachs , nnd had not Buffered from Imperfect nutrition of food , tending to show that the success of the recent operation might well bo perma nent. The case of the Czorny dog , which was able to survive the obliteration of the stomach , occurred In 1878. and was oli- served by Czerny and his pupils. The doir lived for five years , when It was killed for purposes ot anatomical study. It was found In the post-mortem examination , however that a small portion of the upper end of the stomach had not been removed and that a small sac had gradually formed from this remnant which had performed gastric funt * Hurl * WIlNiui'i * Collum mill Cuffs. "Circumstances niter cases" that wo all know. For Instance , few people like to admit that they wear any one's collar in a subservient way , but when It conies to neck wear In a literal sense , an Earl & , Wilson collar Is something never to bo ashamed of It costs more than others. Yes ; but first cost has nothing fo do with economy If lasting qualities go with the price ; and 'from this standpoint Earl ft Wilson's collars , nnd cuffs ns well , are cheap beyond comparison. At any rate , ( they have stood the test of two ( MieratloiiH1 criticisms , and nro today the standard lenders at every haberdasher's. Ono reason for the comparative , though not actual , higher price of the "E. K. iw. " goods Is the fact that e\-ry yard of linen . .cntorln Hilo their composition is woven expressly for the firm by one mill In Ireland , and bleachc'l by the most expensive but most cndurlns natural process , no chemical action oth-'r than the sun's rays over being cmi/Ioyed. Every season adds additional designs to thla firm's most comprehensive collection of styles , nnd the changes In and adaptations of the primitive "stock" are almost Incrfd- Ible. Ible.Tho The "E. & \V. " Nakodas and Yolo "lock front" ( patent applied for ) arc the latest ex amples of'evolution ' In neck linen. A com bination of the high-banded and turn-down collars , but Interlocking and hiding the umlorlapplng flap so that only on ° plain hand U seen where the collar'Is buttoned , they nro easily the daintiest productions , so far. of the collar-maker's art , and nro genuine only when stamped "E. & W. " I The i\\\\ \ collar for full dress Is called tlio I "nodie , " and Is high and straight , with the corners ullghtly parted , If desired. The lat est cuffs are , of course , all for link buttons. They'aro ' worn rather larger than formerly , and quite not , nnd have either roun-1 or square corners. N. Y. Dally Tribune , No vember 21 , 1897. < u IKTI.V oitsKiivi : run i > iv. Coiiinifi-i-lnl Clnli Mciutifivt l.uy on mill | ) | NCIIMS ( ' 'iiturc I'lnns , DurliiR the last five or slxt years It has been the custom of the members of the Commer cial club to keep open house at the clul > rooms , hut this year the practice has been abandoned anil thu members are observing the day at their homes or at their respective places of business. The rooms are closed for the day anil the door Is locked. Secretary Utt was at the Commercial club rooms a few momenta ye.Uerday , and .lior looking over his correspondence of the day , ho locked up and decided that he was enti tled to a day off. The secretary , however , does not propose to continue taking days off , hut Instead ho will keep up the hustling pace that ho and the other members sUrto-.l out on last year and which resulted In 'bring ing many things to Omaha during ihu last twelve montho. During thn day several of the members ot the ComniL'iclal club visited the club rnonm , but , finding the doors locked , they wended their way down to the street and all were of the unar.tmoiiH opinion thnt It was hotter to > close up for one day and. . mcdltuto over tlio good things of last year 'than ' to upend their time about the rooimi , smoking and talkIng - Ing ancient history. Thny all declared that last year had been a great one for Omaha And that the Incoming year had many bright ) piospecta In store , all of which could bu had for the asking. Commercial club members who were In a talkative mood an they sauntered up ami down the corridors of the 'Hourl ' of Tradu building , remarked In no uncertain terms , that 1897 had chronicled the completion of the plant ) for holding the greatest exposition ot the west , 'the establishment of thu Indian supply depot , the completion of the Kansas City , Plttsburs & Cult railroad , the reduc tion of the bridge toll , the establishment of another great packing house and hundrcdsi of smaller Industries , The securing of thcstf- - thlngs , the club members Bald , ma .0 mum feel that this was ti happy 'New ' Year for every man , woman and child within the cor porate limits of the city of Omaha. They said that there 'wan ' anothei thing that tnado them feel happier than did 'those things heretofore referred to and that was the return of pros perity that had come along with leaps ami bounds during the last twelve months. Thla return of prosperity they contended had re sulted In business houses branching out iiml extending their trade Into now territory ; It had resulted In new roads entering this ter ritory to compete for their trade ; It hail brought now Industries and enterprises , and , bent of all , It had furnished ateady employ ment to the laboring men of thu city and th surrounding country.