Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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    Tins P7T I ! \ TC'll.V IJlvE ; 8 TODAY * JANUA11Y 2
E. llO3KWATr.Il. Kdltor.
Dally lite ( Without Bumlay ) , One Year . $ W
Dm , y Hoc nJ sunJay. Ono Year . * W
HU Month * . * 00
Tnleu Montli , . * CO
Huiitlxy Uef , One Yfnr . . . . 2 ( K ) i
KAtunlny Deo. One Year . 1 M
\VtPhly Ilcc. One Year . Ci
Omaha i The nee Ilutlillng.
8.1111.1 Omaha : Bluster Illk. . Cor. N and 21th St * .
louti" ! , llltim : 10 1'enrl Street.
KH.-HKO Olttct : 317 Chamber of Commerce.
.V w Yutk : HOOIIIB 13. 14 anil IS Tribune Illdfc
Washington : . ' 01 Fourteenth Street.
A I comniiinlcuti jn feinting to newn and edlto.
1UI mutter nhoulcl Lc HilUre > e < l : To the Bailor.
All l > u ln Ht letters anil reinlUnncrs should be j . < cj to The Dee Publishing Company , '
< ) lmi.i. Drufla , checks. ixprc9 ! unJ potlofllce
ni'incy HID ordern to In inuilr i , > le to the order of |
b't .i ( > of Nrliiaskn. DouRlns County. * . :
I.PJ-KO II. Tzfdmc'K. e-rrtry of The lite I'uli-
luhlr.K Company. licltiK iluly wurn. ya thnt tlii > nutnlier of full anil complete copies of 1 DP
l niy. MnrnltiK. i\enlnii nml Humliiy Hoc prlntoil ? the mont'.l of Uecemljer. 1197. was as lol-
1 . 21.H7 17 . ' . . . 21.197
J . 21,178 n
a . 21.IC1 15 24003
4 . 51,587 H ) 21230
5 . 2I.SK 21 21.3S4
B . ! 1S9 21.723
7 . 2I.IM 24 21.2.17
R . 21.319 21 21,211
9 . SI.SOS ! . ( m'rn'B only ) 10.K7
10 . SI.K'J 25 . ' 21050
Jl . 2I.14S 27 21.201
12 . 2I.OSO 23 21.3.T !
IS . 2i17 29. . . 21.0X8
H . 21.312 31) ) . ! Sl.Oltl
13 . 21.577 31 21.53S
14 . 2I.U4
Total . K0.872
Ht returned nnd unsoM copies . 12.522
\"t total pales . yj'SJ
Nm dally ineritKP . 21 133
w rn to lipfore tne ami subscribed ) In my
lire this 1st day of January. 1WS.
. N. ! ' FUII' .
Notary Public.
Tin i-nrrli-r rti-llvi-ry elr-
oiilitlloii of ir Kvrnlnif Moo l
ilntililc tn ! KiUo carrier ili-llytTy
< < li-ciiliill < in of lli UvriiliiK Worlil-
I 1 r rii Id n. ill iniiiM" Hum six timer
Kri-nti-r Hum tinnpTKriKuli * onrrltT
ilrllvory clriMilniloii of tin * MnrnliiK
AVorlil-IIcrnlil tn Oiiinliu mill South
Tlio rnrrlrr tlrllvory pirciilntloii f
I'ln > KvrnliiK I Iff rciiflifN T.tliM liuiiii
II noliifrllif PN Hint lire not pfiif lii'il
liy thf livfiiliiK V pl l-IIf pnlil mill
7 , < ! ll utilise pllu-PM that lire- not ruiichcil
! > ( In > Mi.rnliiKT WiiPlil-IIfPnlil.
Mori- than , IHH > fiirrlt-p ilvllvcry
nnliiorllii-i-H to The Oniiiha Hvuniiiu :
llf anil Tlif Oiniilin lopnlnis lice are
not riMioheil i-ltliiT hy the MornliiK
"U orlil-IIi-rnlil OP the livviiliiK Worlil-
It KIII-H M-ltliniil nnylnK ( lint tinluiin -
l > -p of iMiplfN of Th - ivcnlllK : lieu OP
Tin * Mnrtiluir Hue nolil liy ilealepn mill
iif\VNlioys \fffilM l y n very coiiMliler-
nhlo ( lii ? iiiiinlier \Vorlil-Hi-i-alil
M , morn I air anil evening , Hiilil hy
H mill niMVNhovx.
The political storm center Is now In
Hit ? vicinity of Coliiinlitis , O.
Ui-piibllcan iiroinlsi'S arc as Rood as
Iroasury iiotos. The present republican
national administration Is living up to
this principle.
It' the fi'afje-Gompers Joint debate on
cniToncy Is llnlsliuil it can be said to
thi'lr credit Hint they made It sharp ami
iif , ' for the time.
rrin tariff law became a deficit reducer
\vitlioiit a change In a single schedule ,
nnd there was no legerdemain of book
keeping JiifJKlery about It , but simple
Of one thing the farmers who arc still
holding their wheat may be assured ,
Farmer Letter of t'hicago will not sellout
out his \\K \ } \ stock for a sum less than
was paid for It. For some time the price
of wheat Is assured.
The fact that the sale of Internal rev
enue stamps In this district has -doubled
within the last year Is unmistakable
proof that the people who depend upon
( spiritual consolation are In butter con
dition to gratify their appetites.
A .South Carolina legislator Is In favor
of making It a misdemeanor for a man
1o wear trousers made with a hip pocket.
"Whether this Is a temperance measure
or an effort to decrease the number of
Impromptu duels Is not stated.
The teacliers of the transiulsslssippl
states generally Indorse the suggestion
of n grand congress of western teachers
at the exposition this year , and all that
is neede.d now to assure success Is the
sirrangement of a good program.
More gold was taken out of the niouiu
tains of the transmlsslsslppl region last
year than over before In any one year
but the mountains are vast storehouses
of the precious metals and the produc
tion this year promises to exceed that
of its defunct predecessor.
Iowa newspapers explain that OHL
reason there was so little railroad build
ing in Iowa last year Is that the state Is
jilready oversupplled. There Is no point
In the state distant more than twelve
miles from a railroad and only out
county seat that has no railroad con
A bureau has been opened In Wash
jngton from which will bo directed tin ,
crusade against permitting the name o
God to longer remain In the constitutloi
of the United .States. , Whllu this Is be
Ing done the work of putting goodness
nnd godliness Into the hearts of tin
people will be left to others.
Alabama populists have discovered
that their democratic allies In that state
uphold fraudulent methods for carrying
olectlons and are out with denunciatory
resolutions the llrst thing of the year ,
llefore election day they will be. working
hand In hand with the democrats to get
the ollk'cs by fair means or foul.
The discovery has been made that the
new code of Iowa does not provide for
thu punishment of clairvoyants and
fortune tellers. They were punishable
under the old laws as vagrants , but so
long as the Iowa code does not punish
wildcat Insurance agents and fakirs the
codr miilcerd arc uxcusublo In their
OUlliiloU ,
Xllti tlllAhitK THAHK.
The ti-atlo or tinI'nlted KtatiMvl li
China Is smalt In comparison wltli thnt
of ( treat llrltaln. amonuHng to only
nboiit $ HKHt.o ) ( wi nniniiill.v. but that N
n eommprcpvortli preserving nni ! It N
ccrtnlii to grow If the Chinese uiarkot
Is allowed to remain open to HIP com-
lii'tltloii of tin- world , instead of IM > ! IIK
controlled by the Kuiopcau power *
wlilch now appear to bo seeking to dom
inate It. With the privilege of nitre-
Rtrlctod competition lu the inarUetH of
I'hina there Is every reason to believe
that American trade there would .steadily
Increase nml nt a period not very re
mote would attain law pmportlons. It
Is this that makes the operations of
llu sla and ( Jormany In China matter
no little concern to the fulled States
anil suggests the necessity of watchful
ness tin the part of our government lost
the Important American Interests in the
Chinese empire be sacrificed. They may
very easily be lost and once lost they
probably could never be rocovctod.
Mr. .lohn C. Covert , American consul
at Lyons. France. In n special eomniunl-
cation lo tin- State department referi'liu
[ to the efforts of European na'lons to secure -
; cure Chinese trade , expresses the opln-
, Ion that the most desirable conquests
j may be achieved by peaceful methods.
[ "Civilized nations. " he says , "have equal
Interests In opening the ti ide of China
to the world and the pc. ors thai at
tempt to accomplish It by war and con-
I quest do no more than.streunthen the
j Chinese wall. " Of course this country
' be a party to none other than peaceful -
' ful methods for opening the trade of
China to the world , but the question Is
as to what wo shall do to defeat. If pos
sible , a different policy. The New York
Journal of Commerce urscs that the
policy for this government to fivol ! < ls
that of opening China to free commerce ,
in which all countries shall enjoy equal
privileges and Immunities and no favor
be shown for militant enterprise. "Our
hand should be held out for cooperation
tion with any power that may be ready
to enlist with us on this basis. Wo must
stand for commerce throiiL'h peace and
repudiate alliances with all who sock it
through war. A clear and positive af
firmation must be made of our equal
rights with every other nation to the
commerce of that vast population. " Pu-
questionably tlils-ls the proper attitude
for the United States to assume , but it
should not go lH\vond this. If the pow
ers that appear to be planning the par
tition of China are not disposed to recog-
ni'/.e our Interests there by according us
free commerce we shall have to ub-
mlr , because wo cannot undertake to
compel them to do so. Desirable , for
the Tiilted States , as free commerce
with China undoubtedly is , this country
cannot afford to Involve Itself In com
plications with Kuropeau powers In or-
der to secure It. It may be that Oliina
s to become the prey of the leading na-
ions of Europe and If so this country
should do no more than exhaust all
> eaeoful means to preserve Us interests
The advocates of a new executive de-
mrtmcut of the government , to be
known as the department of commerce
uid industry , will undoubtedly press
their proposition at the coming session
> f congress and as It is said to have the
support of the. administration there Is
some probability that a bill providing
for such n department will be passed.
It has been reported that President McKinley -
Kinley would recommend such action in
i special message , but this Is improbable- ,
nor will it bo necessary in view of the
fact that several republican senators are
committed to the project and may be ex
pected to promote it if such is the wish
of the administration.
The plan Is to create a department
which shall have direct jurisdiction over
both foreign and domestic commerce and
which shall embrace the bureaus of
labor , navigation ami statistics , have
control of the consular service , except
where consuls are vested with diplo
matic functions , and which shall employ
Itself In promoting the commercial In
terests of the country. Some quite
plausible arguments are advanced in
favor of such a department and the plan
has been endorsed by various organiza
tions representing the manufacturing
and commercial interests of the country ,
but we have never seen any conclusive
reason for the creation at this time of
the proposed department. It would
necessarily increase the expenditures of
the government , though Its advocates as
sert that the Increase would be Incon
siderable. Grant this , is there any as
surance that the results would justify
increasing the public expenditures , to
however moderate an extent , In tills
way ? At all events , wo believe the
country can safely wait for the creation
of ti new executive department until the
revenue Is milltcicnt meet the current
tun A Toirxanii' scuoufj
The proposal to abandon the district
system in rural schools and niibslltute a
township system therefor has been
forced upon the attention of educators
everywhere Iw the clear and convincing
report of the committee on rural schools
of the National Educational association.
The educational council of the Iowa
State Teachers' association this week
indorsed the township sy.-tcm of organ
ization , and an Inlluential Indiana educator
cater In an address before a convention
of county superintendents advocated
abandonment of weak rural schools and
consolidation within the townships sub
stantially in accordance with the town
ship unit system. Leading educators all
over the country have approved the plan
and It.seems to be a coming school re
This system contemplates making the
civil township the unit of the rural
school system , so that each township
will have a school board conducting the
business of the schools In a manner sim
ilar to that of the Independent districts.
The teachers for all the seluuls of a
township will be employed by the board ,
their pay will be fixed by the s.un * ) mi-
thorlty , school supplies will be pur
chased for all the schools of the town *
Khlp by one agent and taxation will been
on thu basis of the township. Incidental
In Hi'/ ' < will li.- such n .ourniigt > . ; > : ! ! of I
the d'strlcfs us wl.l bi-st nt-'iiix'.i <
Hie pupils. Soiiit * rural srli. < > ls " II al !
wnyi li" . undi r tlir ilU'r'.c' 'si r. wnl. .
ii'id pdovly inpiicriPil , while oiht-r. viii
b.1 overcrowded. Tlie township board
under the township system could equal-
I,1 : the work of the various nclmols. eve ; ,
gnlng to the length of abandoning
schools whore that Is possible , and creat
ing giadcil schools at central polnu
where that would be pimlhh1. Tht-re In
much wastefulness In the district school
system losses and leakages that cannot
very well be avoided until the system is
abandoned and a better substituted.
The champions of the township system
claim that hotter results will bo possible
under It than under any other system.
It Is plain to everyone that there are
substantial advantages that would bo
po ylblo under the system.
Support of the ruial schools Is a real
burden upon the taxpayers a burden
that they carry cheerfully , but not le < s a
burden , -unl they will readily adopt the
proposed change to the township unit
system If It can bo shown that thereby
the burden can bo lessoned and the elll-
cloney of the rural schools bo at the
same time liieroa < cd.
/ TK.-lf'/JK/fS. /
While It Is yet too early to bo cock
sure of the success of the proposed
Transiulsslssippl Educational congress
for Omaha during the next summer , the
endorsement the project has MO far re
ceived Is certainly most encouraging.
With hearty support from the leading
educators of the west , the battle Is well
begun , and earnest effort is all now
needed to ensure the happy culmination
of the plan. The action of the Nebraska
State Teachers' association , while ex
pected , l.s none the loss gratifying. The
resolutions adopted by the association
at its general meeting form a most
generous endorsement of the plan and
give assurance of hearty support. Simi
lar endorsements from state meetings of
western teachers greatly encourage the
committee in charge of the enterprise.
In Nebraska alone there are above
8,000 teachers employed. Minnesota ,
Iowa , Missouri , Kansas , Colorado. "Wy
oming and South Dakota have many
thousands more. The attendance at the
Lincoln meeting was nearly 1,500 , a
larger number than ever in the history
of the association , showing the great
interest taken by teacliers in anything
that pertains to their vocation. It is
this condition thnt loads to the conclu
sion that from the states mentioned a
sulllciont number of teachers may be
expected to ensure the success of the
congress so far as the mere matter of
attendance is concerned. Other states
of the transmlsslsslppl region will add
their quota , and reasonable expectation
as to the number of teacliers who would
take part In the congress may easily be
In its very nature the exposition will
be educational. Not alone In the spo-
cltlcally educational features of the ex
hibition , but In all Its branches. No
better idea of actual conditions under
which people live can be gained else
where ; the bringing together in close
juxtaposition for the purjwsp of com
petitive comparison of the products and
resources , natural and otherwise , of va
rious states and countries , affords to ob
seivors opportunities to gather practical
information not obtainable in any other
way. Whatever benefits the teachoi-
benefits the pupil , and thus directly
reacts on the public ; broadening the In
tellectual scopof the instructor to
whom the citizens of the next generation
are entrusted for their early training Is
directly In the line of advancing human
welfare. Nowhere in the world will
the teacher nnd a better chance for
learning than In Omaha next summer.
There Is no question of Interference
with the plans of the National Educa
tional association. Omaha can only re
gret the circumstances which led to the
location of that body's 1808 convention
at another city. Hut Omaha can supple
ment the work of the national associ
ation. There is ample room for two
such conventions. To arouse thu inter
est of trnnsmls-iisslppl teachers , so that
a part of their summer vacation plans
will comprehend a week spent at the
exposition and attendance on the Trans-
mississlppl Teachers' congress , is the
object now. The program , which must
be in Itself attractive. Is a matter of
detail. The work so well started mils !
be earnestly supplemented , and the aim
is accomplished.
.' AC
Another , though not a now scheme of
terrltoilal acquisition. Is projected. Tills
is the proposed purchase from Denmark
of her West Indian Islands , which It is
understood that country is willing and
oven anxious to sell. It Is stated that
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts has pre
pared a bill providing for the purchase
of the Islands of St. Thomas. St. Crolx
and St. .Johns and thatt It will be intro
duced very soon after the reassembling
of congress. Meanwhile It Is understood
that negotiations with Denmark are pro
During the administration of President
Johnson a treaty was negotiated for the
purchase of these Islands by the United
States for the sum of $ .S)00,0M ( ) ( ) , but it
failed of ratification. A later unsuccess
ful attempt to acquire the islands was
made , the failure in this case being
ascribed to Uritlsh Influence with Den
mark. The last republican national
platform urges the purchase of the
Island ? , and If It bo true that negotiations
with reference to their purchase are In
progress It is to bo Inferred that the ad
ministration favors their acquisition. It
Is urged that the possession of the Dan
ish Islands by the United States Is de
sirable in order to secure a naval station
In the West Indies. The harbor of St.
Thomas , It Is pointed out , could slu-ltor
great fleets and as a naval station would
command the entrance to the Gulf and
be of Immense Importance In Its stra
tegical relation to the eastern terminus of
tin ) Nicaragua canal. Of course the ad
vocates of the purchase assert that Great
Hrltaln doiilros the Islands and also that
Germany would bo pleased to get pos
session of tht'in , although there dues not
appear to be n single substantial reason
for assuming that either country wants
them , any moro than there ( s for the pro-
fc& > cd belief of the amu'xatlonlsts that
ir'tons envoi ho Hawaiian i
1 ! KIIIIM. | ) | GroH ; , Jjrliiln ! already has an |
< M ! inlto burilnn In her West Indian
1 i < si > y. < ! iis ciwi > Gorniany could lint so-1
< riv ilu Dtti5slr'llslinds : ; If she wanted
tin-in. That iWtlrSh Is seeking territorial
icqnNllion In oihW directions. ,
Grant ! g t ; ill'VJlo harlnr of St. Thomas
v.-oi'ld make a , nwyl na\al station for the
United Statrsi Isijheroany necessity for
inr establishing ; v < Milloii : there , or Is the
necessity so gv'oaf as to Justify the ox-
pciidltuiv that wtmld bo Involved ? The
outlay would'not ' end wIJJi the purchase
niDi'ry. which. Indeed , would be only a
small part of Hie eventual expenditure.
The desire of Denmark to dNpose of
these Islands Is.due to the fact that their
administration Is expensive. It would
not bo loss , but probably more expensive
to the United States. In order to secure
a naval station wo should have to buy
all three of the Islands and two of them
St. Crolx and St. .lohns would be of
absolutely no use to us.
This project of territorial acquisition
\ < omewhat less objectionable than that
of annexing Hawaii , but It docs not com-
mi'iitl Itself either on the ground of ne
cessity or good policy. It is possible that
a bill for the purchase of the Danish
Islands will pass the senate , but It l.s safe
to say that such a measure cannot pass
( lie pro-suit house.
( JA'OII'TV/ .
It appears probable that thu new year
will bring with il some additions to the.
already large number of monopolistic
combinations , it Is1 announced that an
extension of the scope of the Wire
trust Is In contemplation' , it being pro
posed that all the steel billet mills In
the country shall ally themselves with
the trust. It is said that the trust will
seek to Induce the manufacturers of billets
lots to promise not to sell tolro manu
facturers that may possibly si.irt out
side of the trust and In return the trust
will promise to take billets from all
these manufacturers as it may need
them. Here we have a combination' dis
tinctly proposing to shut out all competition -
petition and therefore in restraint of
trade. It would seem to be clearly
amenable to the anti-trust law as that
act has been construed by the supreme
court of the United States.
The projected coal combination l.s
another move In the interest of mo.
nopoly. This contemplates not only
control of the anthracite mines , lint also
of the great bituminous districts and is
perhaps the most ambitious monopolistic
nchome that has over been proposed. It
would require an enormous capital , but
there is an abundant supply of this and
the only question is whether the scheme
Is practicable , so far as the output ot
bituminous coal , which Is so widely
distributed , is concern-ed. Hut in this
era or industrial continuations , anie to
command any amount of capital and the
best business brains of the nation , noth
ing within the .scope of human effort
and enterprise can be regarded as im
practicable. A combination controlling
the output of both anthracite and bi
tuminous coal would be a greater men-
acevto the public Imprest than nny-othor
conceivable monopoly. There are
rumors of other projected combinations
in several industrial lines.
These movements for the extension of
monopoly should not escape the atten
tion of congress and the administration.
President McKinley has declared his
hostility to trusts. lie G.Ud in his in
augural address : "The d-'Huratloii of
the party now restored to power lias
been in the past that of 'opposition to
all combinations of capital organized in
.trusts , or otherwise , to control arbi
trarily the condition of trade among 'jui
citizens , ' and it lias supported 'such
legislation as will prevent the execution
of all schemes to oppress the people by
undue charges on their supplies , or by
unjust rates for the transportation of
their products to market. ' This pur
pose will be steadily pursued , both b.\
the enforcement of the laws now in ex
istence and the recommendation am
support of such new statutes as may be
necessary to carry them into effect. '
Tills unequivocal enunciation fully com
mils the administration to an anti-trust
policy and the people confidently export
that the assurance given them by the
president will be carried into effect
They look for some action that wil
demonstrate the sincerity of Mr. MeKin
ley's promise to enforce the laws now ii
existence and to recommend and nip
port .such new statutes as may be ncc
essary to carry them Into effect.
We do not doubt that such action wil
bo taken In due time and in tli- > mean
while congress has a duty in Ill's ' mat
ter. The existing laws lo which the
president referred need to bo purged of
their defects. The antl-triisr law of ISO !
has boon shown to be iaaiKriuat. ! foi
the piiriwse It was intondo-l to sevo
It should be amended or additiona
legislation enacted that vlll meet the
requirements of the situation. The
growth of monopoly must be oliiokui
and all the power possessed by the gov
eminent for the jiecgmpllslimonr of lid
should bo speedily and vigorously e.v
I'rted , at whatever
The foreign > mission work of th
American chnrcllt'S was a subject of at
tack In a recent , , sermon delivered in i
Denver pulpit by Unv. Myron Itooil , am
what he said sp far'departed from th
usi-al pulpit tr/intmi'iiit / of this siibjec
Hint , even granting it to be a mere el
fort at sensaHolism , It deserves at
tent Ion. ltoforrljgit | < > the savages of th
world , he said Hie'ro Is not a paupe
In a poorhouse , | l | , $ ' ) ' the Islands of th
South seas. "Tlielr-wnly curse has beei
American whalers and American mis
Militaries , " he said. "They never hat
the consumption until some thrifty Van
hoc Introduced the 'cotton shirt and Con
ncctlcut rules of living. The history o
ivllization ! Is Infamous. We have po
coned every native people wo have eve
touched. And I have actually taken u
a collection to send a half-baked gradi
ate of a theological seminary to Indii
The last one I assisted has gone Inio the
lea business. There are a million Kalph
Waldo Emersons In India and my mis
sionary is fruit lo them. This whole
foreign mission business is the biggest
fake on the deck of the world. "
It' Ilu- foreign inibulon work Is a fake
It certainly Is n big onr. A Inrpe part
of the American missionary work In
forek'n lands Is done through the AIIUM-- !
i an mard. but there are thirty three
oilier , 'orelgn missionary societies. There
are missionary societies attached to all
the churches of Great Hrltaln and the
colonies. The missionary work Is done
lu nearly every part of the world. The
orolgn missionary societies of the
"ulted Stub" , Canada , ( ! reat Hrltaln.
ontlnental Europe. Asia. Africa and
\ustralla number 'Jilt , with l.t'.IM sta-
lens throughout the world and ItVJOO
ut-statlons. There are ll.nTi ! ) missloii-
rles regularly supported by these sod-
ties and tll.'JiKt native laborers. The
lumber of communicants attached to
hose mission stations Is now l.t'.H , ( > " ' . >
ml there are Stl.'t.-ITS persons under lu
ll notion. The Income of the mission
iimrds In all these countries mimed Is
l'J.SS.CS7. ! )
If , as this modern sensationalist lu the
mlplt says , the whole foreign mission
mslness is a fake , If missionaries have
loon a curse to the savages and civlllza-
Ion has been In fact Infamous , then a
great deal of energy Is being wasted In
his work.
Happily proof Is not wanting of the
falsity of tile sweeping charge made.
Civilization , which has overwhelmed
savagery In every corner of the world ,
ins lessened cruelly and crime among
ho tribes , has uplifted millions , has os\
abllshetl Industry and thrift where
here was only Indolence and mere mil-
mil existence before. Mistakes have
icen made and work has been done that
yielded no results , but , on the whole ,
nlsslonary work has been well done
mil the thrusts < $ f sensationalists will
tot put an end to'the missionary socie
Reports from the large manufacturing
cities of the country indicate that the
ictlvlty In the Iron and steel trade con
tinues and gives promise of great things
n the present year. Foreign contracts
uvolving large sums are being made ,
both for the raw metal and for nianu
factured products. American manufac
turers have demonstrated to the world
that they can compote with the manu
facturers of any other country with a
fair chance and large contracts are sel
dom placed without at least a consulta
tion with the Americans.
Kuropean war correspondents who fol
lowed the war on the Grecian frontier
mil were familiar with the events lead
ing iii > to that war agree that there was
.1 time when Lord Salisbury might have
ivortotl fho war by prompt and decisive
action Jn favor of the oppressed Ar
menians and Cretans ; but Salisbury did
nothing. Now all eyes are turned again
toward Lord Salisbury to see what he
will do toward saving the Chinese em
pire and preserving Hritish trade In the
Orient , but the indications are he will
do nothing.
LV .niMulny ' InllrniltU-s.
riillaJeliilila Times.
Supposing Ills opponents did shoot that
Georgia editor , there'd bo no impropriety
in his paper referring to It in dotiblc-ItMJeJ
OliJci'lloll.H < ) \ i
Uoulavllle Courier-Join nal.
A Chicago court announces 'that ' It wants
no mere oratory. Is there anyboay now
who "Still Insists that the courts should not
bo abolished alons with plutocracy , yellow
fever , soap and hives ?
KvliU-iif f nl' I'roKPfHN. ,
SlirinRfleld Hepubllum.
Persona who think the negro race has
made no substantial progress should pause
and con-template the fact that a new ibrick
coMon mill , having from 7,000 to 10,000 spin-
dies , and oucicd exclusively by colored people
ple , is nearly completed at Concord. N. C.
It will bo ia operation -by April 1. "Ai
monument 'to the enterprise and thrift of
the colored people of the old North state , "
some say ami such it is.
Ill-tier Tlmli ( KloiuMUi * . I
Portland OreBonlnn.
In splto of all feverish haste to be rich ,
manijrp all Klondike crazes , and all socialistic
crazpfi pursued by those who expect or hope
In some inaRical or indefinable way > o live oft
society , wlti.i htllo perscQiil effort , it la Ptlll
a truth , and ever will bo a truth , that the
rewards of this world will go to those who
cam them by slow , patient , steady Inditti ry ;
by careful , prudent , calculating endeavor ; by
pakiatakliiK application , temperate living and
slow saving.
All , TluTf'n ( Inillnli !
Philadelphia llP'-ord.
The souvenir medal to be Issued by the
Tr.iiu'mlsslsslppi ' Exposition will show on 'its '
reverse a typical Indian , mounted on n
1 > ony nnd spearing n buffalo. On 'tho obverse -
verso side will be a profile ot a woman's
head which is to bo a characteristic1 typo of
tlm women of the far west , to which end .1
compcsito picture will ibe made of tlie forty-
ciK'hi most bcuutiful women hi the trans-
mUslsslpTil region. The Idea at first glance
looks capital. But who shall bo rash enough
to pick out the beauties ?
. \Krarlaiix "ml Tln-lr HUKN.
Philadelphia Het-ord ,
And now the Gorman agrarians have found
a new danger lurking In an American proJuct.
The Agricultural society of llorlln haw ml-
dresseil a memorial , to the government rc-
( lUfstl'.ig the exclusion of American fruit ,
trecD and diruhs because itliey are infected
wit1 ! the SV i Jose bug. "which , " i > ay the
memorialist , "Is a ecnstant danger to Ocr-
man fruit growers. " It Is wonderful how
many ct the Inflictions , under which. If real ,
our agriculturlEtn would bo weighed down ,
are first brought to our notice by the lynx-
eyed Oerinccis.
IlliMVliiK VnniliTl.lll AimioilM.
ClileoK' ) Oirnnl-le.
Except by expending their mcrey In charity
which they are not likely to do our Ameri
can mllllorjilres can probably contribute
moro to the general grod by building
'theniM'lves rojdl O'stlts than in any other
way. T-o tendiacy of rich men l < i thU direc
tion l.i not to bo ( Hscoumged. The building
of those palaces involves the expenditure nf
! argo sums nf money which would ncr get
Into circulation in any other way. Their
mahitfranco Involves further outlay and all
the money qxpmileil remains In this country.
U la creditable the rich men who are In
dulging a ti'sto for castle building 'that they
prefer to spend their money In I'i'iu United
States rather than buy Sr : wii deer forentn ,
r.elgravten mansions anil Kngllih estate * in
a feeble offonto ape British aristocracy.
"l > lin-l.--Hi > " StiirrxliiimliHHil. . >
MliiMBHpolu Journal.
One gratifying ; feature of the Industrial
situation during the year just closing Is the
abandonment by a number of largo employ
ers In the Pennsylvania , coal regions of the
company otorca which bliid the miners to
traile their wages away for the commodities
told them and they deny them the Tight to
trudit where 'hoy can trade most adv'-n-
tago ualy. Tlio employers who maintain
these company ttnren do so In the face of
a state law which ri'iiulrm them to pay their
employes semi-monthly and hi cash anil I
wl jcli forbids thu gouge game practiced by
the company c4oret > . Vet the employers
have violated these laws and ft an ex
ample of lawlessnt'ua 'to their .men. Kvery
cniploynr continuing thin lawluamicws against
MB workmen sh'-iild have the law drawn on
him like a sharp awoid.
Washington Stnr ; The Ide.t ot
soalsklns taken by Canadians out of this
country seems lo ho based on the s umpi
tlon that a nealskln Is harder to smuggle
than a Chinaman. |
I'hlladclphla Tress : Jlrltaln flatly ,
derllnts to regulate pelagic sealing until
'ho eoso ! of the treaty term in IS'JS nnd
moro stringent rcgulntlotiRwill be refused
then. The herd Is doomed and the quicker
It Is cleaned out on the Prlbylov Islands the ,
New York Commercial : Great Urltatn's
refusal tn stop pelagic sealing loaves the
United States entirely free to aet In the matter -
tor as It dooms wisest for Its own Interests. >
Lord Salisbury declares that Great llrltaln I
Is little concerned In the affair , and It this
la the view ho takes'thcro would seem to bo'
nothing left for 1'rcsldent ' .McKlnloy but to I
sign the Pelagic scaling bill now awaiting'
bis notion. This wilt demonstrate whether
the llrl'.lsli premier Is sincere or is making .
a feint for ulterior effect. In case of the i
former , the law would tend at any rate to
build up the seal dressing and manufactur
ing Industry In this country , the greatest
market on the globe for soalskln garments.
'Chicago 1'ost : 1'rmtdcnt 'McKInley ' signed
the Mil prohibiting the killing ot fur seals In
the wa'icis ' ot the north Pacific ocean. This
bill prohibits the killing ot seals by Ameri
can cltlzenti except on Iho Prlbyloft Inlands.
The mci't interesting part of Uiu bill Is tha'i
which prohibits the Importation ot all tteal-
skkis taken from animals killed in the open
seas. This , its proposers bollovo. will clewe
the moot prolltablo market In the world ; o
the producta of pelagic sealing. Under the
law thu burden ot proof that Imported scal-
aklns were not taken In prohibited waters
rests with " . < io exporter. Unless such a cor-
tillctito accompanies * 'tho ' invoice the collector
of customs will seize and destroy all seal
skins entering the country.
Minneapolis Journal : As the Canadian de
termination to t > l-\ughter our seals where they
find nhem In the high seas means their speedy
extermination , since they kill 'tho females in
discriminately , it will bo better to dlstroy
I4io herds nt the breeding place on the
I'rlbyloff Islands. The statistics presented
vit the seal conference , at Washington ,
showed n tniro r.nd steady decrease which
soon must end in the obliteration of the ccal * ,
If Canadian poaching gees cci. It Is to be
regretted that our government will have to
pay $150,000 agreed to by the arbitration
board 'to ' Great Urltaln for the Canadian
paichers. It Is also unfortunate that C oada
under tie liberal administrations sees lit
to bo an ill-natitrcd and disagreeable neigh
bor. I3ut she will regret It some day.
KITcc't of ( "Iii'iip I.nlior mill ( 'lit'iip
.Money on Vnllonnl Vltnllly.
llnlllmoic AnuMlcan.
An American traveler lias returned 'from '
.Mexico , disgusted with the country , not be
cause It is not a rich country , for ho says
It can be made FO , but the labor Is so un
skilled and the silver money Is so worthless
that ho prefers less wages In the United
States with the certainty , ot bettering hU
condition. A man. receiving T150 a month
cannot do as well as on $75 a month In this
country. Unskilled labor Is paid 25 cents a
day. The same sort of labor hero would
receive 75 cents , or , In some eases , $1 a day.
What is wanted tliivtr.iveler thinks , Is the
progressive American In the new republic
and the gold standard. Mr. Hryan , provided
he Is open to conviction , is learning a power
ful Icascm la' ' that country just now. Mexico
is Improving , notwithstanding the draw
backs. The Increased facilities In railroads
and in steamboat lines , due largely to Ameri
can capital , have operated favorably , but the
Incubus of sllve1Is keenly felt.
The secretary of the treiMury hi Mexico
estimated that the government's receipts for
the fiscal year IS9S-1) ) will be ? o2.10Hnoo. aad
the expenditures $ ! > 2 OSO,4S4 , which will not
two the president a large margaln for reach-
Ing-out purpciros. In consequence of the
higher rate of exchange the Ic.itertst on the
public dt'bt ' has Increased $600.000.
For the purposes of contrast It may be
stated that the value of all the products In
the state of Iowa this year will be nearly
$200,000,000 nearly four times as much as
the whole receipts ot alt Mexico , as esti
mated by its secretary of ths treasury.
Suppose the stomach Is mot a vital organ.
What of It ? It is a matter of common no
toriety that countless numbers of heartless
people thrive and was fat without that vital
organ , and persistently refuse to immortalize
themselves hy shuffling off.
"The indulgent care with which Providence
watches over focls , " as Henry Watterson
remarked , was Illustrated at Kort Scott , Kan. ,
recently , when a forgetful man built a flro In
a stove , on top of which he hud left a can of
Itcro ccio and a package ot powder , anil
neither exploded.
At the session of the Academic dcs Sci
ences , held nt Paris on December 13 , the
Cuvier prize of 1,500 francs was awarded to
Prof. O. C. Mar h of Yule university. This
prize Is "awarded every three years for the
most remarkable work cither on the animal
kingdom or rn geology. "
An'or Ritcllffe , the idol ot New York
matinee girls , Has been sent to Sing Sing for
six months. The court was Indeed con
siderate. A man who testified that his wife
threatened to hnhi him wlHi < i teaspoon Is
fortunate in being put out of harm's way
until his hetrer half cools down. ' * * Illustrated American prints a remarkable
able- specimen of French realism In ltn last
number. In it Hie characteristic features of
the sultan of Turkey , tipped with red Ink ,
cro In close communion with a shadowy
skeleton. lAbdul IMmld Is generally credited
with possessing a varied assortmeri. of
skeletons In < hls clcscU. Recent events prove
that they dcTnot Interfere materially with
his enjoyment of the concert of thu powers.
Liberty la sorely harassed these days.
It Is now proposed to suppress encrlng In
sleeping cara ; goveiainunt olHcHIa threaten
to forbid newly-arrived passengers from
Europe to kiss their friends at I he piers.
I-ebanca ( Pa. ) olllr-lals have Interdicted the
eating of sauerkruu * by trolley car employes
while on duty , and last , but tut least. New
York's finest are forbidden to Bcratcn Itching
palms on their back * . Whither ate wo drift
ing ?
The most charming famplo of reciprocity
la running loc o In Kansas. Editor Davlos
oP the Ccncordla KaiiHan is minus his left
leg. Editor Campbell of the Hanover Dem
ocrat fcas no right leg. Every Christmas
each buj-B a pair of shoos. Davles presents
the left to Campbell and Campbell sends
the right to Da vies. Thus have they main
tained the spirit of "peace and good will"
for years past , and ennobled the profession
by an Interchange of Holes.
Three of Chicago's eminent aldermen arc
Justly Indignant at the ingratitude of thn
community. They have boon Indicted for
maintaining gambling houses. Truly the lot
of a municipal solon la not fa happy ono.
People are not content , wlt'.i an exhausting
expenditure of giay matter in their behalf.
They pursue the weary statesman to hlKiil.iro
of business and rudely break In upon the
diverting Joy of a "milet game" of poker ,
la it any winder that aspirants for aldcr-
manlc honors are crowing ihngoroualy
scarce ?
A member of the Hoard of Regents of the
University of Michigan < ! cnlo the report
Oat Minister .Angcll will soon return from
Turkey to resume the presidency of the
university. Ho says : "From word that wo
have lecolvod from Constantinople , both dl
roetly and Imliivrtly. wo consider it moist
prii'ublrthat ho will < sot return to his for
mer position at tlio held of the University
c-f Mlchlgfm at Iho end of the year's leave
of absence given him. Wo do not expect
him , ard , In fart , ulll ronridcr It odd If ho
g'.iould give up the duties of Ills present
jiraitlon to return to the university.
Sergeant Joyro of the Chicago police en
livens cllilal reporU with a dash of or ! )
nullty deserving of a bettor fa to thin musty
hloa. Kor Instance : "At 1 o'clock thin morn
ing John Kcne < if 3405 Watxmh avenue ro
pcTtcd that at 7 o'clock In the evening be
went into Julius McNamara's caloon at Fifth
avenue and Monroe street and a man opened
Kano'8 vent to examine tfio devourment of
Ills thorax. He congratulated Mr. Kane on
the beautiful symmetry or his nock and
In funned him that hi * respiratory organx
and lung yowcr wore unparalleled. In awl
i IIIK to fasten the garment ho took Mr. Kane's
nreVetbook , con'.alning ' $ CO , through some
' mysterious rnan'n' Jitlcii similar to the no-
croirancy of Hermann. After Mr , ICano
realized that ho us mliuu (00 he rocclloctoil
hU examination hy the u < ivo stranger In
the saloon and t'Jo problem was sjlvcd.
Itiui cctfully Bubmittcd. "
rhlcngo Tlmoa-ttfreild1 Two town Rlrl
wlin took off en so nt certain ulAlomentu In n
recent i sermon waylaid Iho minister after
ward nnd gnvo him n rowhldln * In public.
This , of course. Droved beyond nny question
that ' they really are "jierfect bulled. "
Chicago Chronicle : Having been inAilo the
subject of n foul-mouthed mid vituperative
attack by "Hev. " Thomas Dlxon of New-
York , President MrlKnley cull congratulate
himself I Hint his administration Is at least
n ixirtlal success. IMxon'a enmity is n sura
sign of merit ti < > on the wrt of Its object.
New York Herald : A colored clergynvm
In Kllziboth. N. J. , whoso coiigroffitloii ha
not i ( iald htm his full salary. Is turning nil
honest penny selling Christmas trees In thu
street. That's better than being examined
In supplementary proceedings on a grocer/
bill , anyhow , ns recently \viencd l : \ | to a
Now York pastor.
Springfield Republican : A sermon ngalnal
murder < is preached In nearly every pulpit
of the llanitlst and Methodist
churches In South Carolina Inst Sunday , In
the hope that { lopuhr sentiment mUht bo
nero sternly aroused against tlio killing-
mlilt. which so alarmingly millets the statei.
I'no main trouble wllli suoh an effort U Hint
the "kill 'em" population do not much at
tend church.
Chicago Tribune : President MjKlnloy Is
.irobably not the only nun who is annoyed
by "being preached : U. " The least effortIvo
preaching Is that which vtliiKlos out an In
dividual subject and holds him up for tlio
contemplation of a public audience. The
> reslilitit IMS hern regarded ns
a moral , wcll-bch.ived citizen , nnd scarcely
needs to bo specially Instructed as to his
dutjcs In public any moro than that the of
fenses and shortcomings of others should ba
exploited for bis bcnellt.
Vi-tv I'li'lil * It I pi- tt\r n llarvcnt of
ICnliTiirNc ,
llostun lilolio.
The American eom-ul at Shanghai warn *
American mechanics and railroad men net
to come to China for employment. Not
only are the Chinese proverbially averse to
foreigners , but In reality they have but two
railroads In operation , with a. tcvJl mlleago
of less than 300.
The best tit-Id now In sight. If om desires
to seek mechanical I ml lit-liy far away , u
Hussl.i. Not only does Itussla nerd 10,000
locomotive ? and several hundred thousand ,
cars , but she Is going to have .them. A
single American company Jus taken an
order for liundn I Ioeomnl\ea ! , of
which 100 are to be delivered In the shorli-si
possible time. This order has Involved the
construction , one the banks of the Volga , ot
a dhop employing r.,000 workmen.
Russia Is for the ,
open moEt splondl.l ox-
ercl-so of the talents of . ( he engineer through
out the whole range of his proft-salcn. No
country Ls so ripe for . ; ho Intro Incllon of
engines , electric machinery otid machlno
tools , Hiicli as belong to the new mechanisms.
The iTf-ncli have a ro.'llzatlon of Mils , and
are striving to utilize tlio opportunity. Hut
Americans have not only the -bej't "pull"
with the Kovcrnmon . but the beat ma
chinery , skill and appliances.
Still , Hnrnia Is cold , prices of living are
saiil to bo high , nnd personal llbeity Is still
much restrained. 1 ho man who lias fair
chance In Now Knglanj cannct do .bolter .
tHian stay whore ho Is and encourage borne
Spmervllle "
: "DarlliiK. bo ov-
Haltno.l passionately. "Ivl | | llo a for
1'1 ' UiiiUcr ! "H " "hc
I think he was leTt grotty short. "
f ° r
Detroit Free Vivs.t "
: "How lonir did vou
" ' Wif ° bof ° rc yo" " ' " ' 'led ho"
GHms ?
Not "llnutt > - ' 'on't know her yet
v > evi > r will know her. "
Chlcnjjo Tribune : Rapturous Youth
Dnr Ing , my salary Is KM n week. Do you
think you ooiilil llvo on that ?
Ills .AillnncL'u Why
yes. Ooorso I cnn
get along on that. Jttit what'll you live on ?
Indianapolis Journal : 'IMen's promises"
the young wife said between sobs "are HUe
pie crust
and ' ' ! then ! ' ! she ! ollBh ; " snl(1 the y ° m % mis
got angry enough to cry.
Philadelphia Bulletin : "George. " she snJ !
Is your watch polii ? ? ? " '
"Yes , " be said , "of course. ' "
"Oh ! " sbo snhl. "Is It ? \Vlion ? "
And ho actually knew enough to BO , too.
Plck-SIo-Up : lie-Nearly nil the tnlicrs
rrportcdjln the 'papers , 1 notice , are single
She. Oh , yes , of course. Married misers
are too common lo bo worth -mentioning.
Yonkers Statesman ; Mrs. 'Crlmsonbeak
If you say you never made n mistake In
your life you slate what Is not n fuel
' .Mr. Crlmsonbea".c Well , you needn't tlirci.v
my marrying you In my f.ico so much.
Boston Transcript : Maude Do you know.
bellc've tnat To' ' l Koing to pro-
Hertba-T noticed tint ho was looking
terrlblyi sad about something or other , but
thon. you knciAi. dear , It may not bo that
Household Words : Magistrate You will
admit that you entered the bouso of the
proseoutlm- witness by the door nt 2 o'clock.
In the mornlncr ?
Prisoner Yi'M , your honor
nt tlint
f tboiiK'it It was > my own IIOUEO "
Then why did yon. when thin lady an-
proai'hoil , leap through the ulmlow. Jump
Into the olstorn and hide youi-relf ? "
"Your honor , I thought It was myiAlfo. "
Clinrlra Mockav.
A tr.ivolf on n dusty road ; strewed acorns
on tin" lea ,
And oin- look root nnd sprouted uo nnd
Krvvf Into n tree.
Love sought Us slviile at evening time , to
liivntho l s early vo\v * , .
Ami ago WIB ideiiHfd lu heals of noon lo
bawls beni'iitli Its bouirlin ;
The iIiirmoiiFo love.r . ItH d-uiBlliij ; twKll | tnQ
blrilH' sweet tuuslc bore ;
It stooiU glory In Its
glace , n blessing evor-
A llttlo pprlng- had lost Its way among tlm
grass nml 'fern ' ,
A iviHsliitf rtiMiigvr sooevip. . ! a Wel | i.vlioro
Ittoury mon might turn :
He walled It In , and hung with earo u laillo
at the brink ;
Ho thought not of tb0 doe , ] hii did , but
JudgiMl that toll nilht ; drink
Ilo piioeoil again , and' ' lo ! the well , by flum-
riHTft nciver dried ,
Had i-ooiod Ion thousand pirehlnjr lOHKlios ,
and saved u lift- beside ,
Ailnvunof dropped n random thciiiKlit : 'twas
old .uid yet 'Iwas now ;
A simple f.uiuy of the brain , lint strain ? In
iK'Inff trno. '
It shone upon the Kenliilimlm ) , and lo ! lin
light hi'cnnm
A lamp of life , a beacon ray , u monitory
The Ihouubt was smttll , Ita ISKUO crcat a
watohllrn on the bIM ; r '
It sheds HH radiance .fjr adown , and ohceri
the valley still.
A nameless man fimld n cmvd Hint
thronged tie dally innrt
Let fall a word of hope uicl love , unstudied
from the llo'irt.
A whisper on the tumult thrown a transi
tory breath-
It Riteeil , \ brother from the dual. It snvoil
a soul from death ; '
O germ ! O fount I O word of love ! O
thought nt rnnduin ! cast )
Yo were but llttlo at tlio llrst , but mighty
ChlriiKo Trlliiinc.
Last eockrotoh of autumn ,
Loft crawling nlonu
Itn measly companions >
All frozen and >
Not ono of Its klnilri-d ,
No other IHIK nlKh ,
To Join ltln ruldlrtvr
The pantry for pl !
I'll not leave thfo , forlorn ono.
In sadnoM lo roam -
Through thn Innir. long night
In thy eold Idtohon home.
And to ullh this poker
I oruHh tlii'o. then post ,
Oo , Kt off the p'anet ,
Alunj ; with the icitl