1 HE ESTABLISHED JUJsTE U ) , 1871. OMAHA. SATURDAY JA TUAUV 1 , IS9S TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. THE FIELD OF ELECTRICITY ProgKS3ivo Stiido of Electrical Power on Steam Roads , TESTS ON THE PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM J tec i'n I i\nerlnifiit n-ltli Field Ti-li null Telephone * ICIcu- trlrlt ) IIH it Sim rcr lit I lent Other l > < - \ i-loiiiiH'iitH , t It Is announced lhal Iho Pennsylvania Uallroud company IUB about dcli'i-mlncd to eubsdtuto chr.trlclty for steatn wherever It can bo donu with safety and comimrclal suc- ww. Kxperlmcnts have been going on for comu lime on the compiny'r branch lines In New Jetsey. the Hrst step being taken when the company established a trolley system between Mount Holly and Kant lUlrllugton n distance of about seven miles , with a view ot making a thorough Ust ot thestrcngtl ami it/tea of c.cctilc power. This test haw been completed , and the decision of the cngl ieeu..g department ot the read Is l\sat It will bo for the Intttest ot tiio comunnv to sub stitute el ctrislty wherever p-actlcablc. When the trolley system wja put on the short line nuntloned In the place of Hie at am inglnis , three largo cars , titled up much Ilk- the parlor car * cm the 1'onnsyl- vnnla rend , were put Into servlco , and heavy passenger coaches were drawn over the road at every trip to test the .strength of the trolley. At the sam ; tlmo thrco englnca were put Into nervlcc , and their power to nuke the same number of trlpa .is the trol ley nt the same expense wns Usted. In u Start time It wns shown that the trolley system could make thrco time , ? us many round trips between the two towns men tion d as the engines , and bo kept up at n less cost. The engines were 1,200 horse power , nnd were capable of drawing heav ier loals of freight than the trolleys , each ot which had only 1,000 horse power motora , but for the regular passenger service the trolley was so much superior to steam , It ts tald , that there wns hardly any cun pai-iaoii between the two. As soon as this test as ilgured dov.n tea a minimum , the railroad company h-gan to make tests of speed with the trolley. The roadbed was nut In ncrfeet condition. and the curves were done av.ay with ns much as possible , it w.is nol an unusual Ihlng for ono of Ihe trolHys to run the dl. lance between the Iwo towns In nine min utes , hut this was nol considered lo 'jo nearly Ihelr capacity. A motor cur was put into excellent order , and several representatives of the Pennsyl vania Railroad company made a trial trip to test speed. At the end of Ihc rculu II was shown that the molor had been running al Iho rate of Hoventy-llve miles an hour. This car is as la.go and heavy as the ordinary pas senger car used by Ihe Pennsylvania com pany , nnd Iho facl that It could make such speed with such weight was a surprise to everyone. It Is pretty well understood in railway circlet ! thai the lime Is nol far distant when thc.ro will be constructed an air line electric railway between Washington and Now York , and It Is believed that the Pennsylvania com pany will he largely interested In the scheme. At Iho Hald'Wln locomotive 'Works ' In Philadel phia the statement was recently made by ono of the managers thai they 'were fully expecting clcctrlclly lo take the place of steam within a very few years , and that their company and the Westlnghouso of Pltlsbtirg 'had conslructed an electric engine which had developed a speed of more than 100 miles an hour. 'Before this engine can 'be put Into prac ' tical use 'tor ' the hauling of trains , however , according to the opinion of the Baldwin manager a < bovo quoted , It will be necessary i that thu tracks upon which It Is to .be used should bo relald with rails about 25 per cent . heavier .than those now In use. Also that j all curves be straightened as much as pos- i Bible. It was nol the Idea of the Baldwin man that the trclley should be used for roads of any considerable leaglh , and exporlrncnls arc , he said , being made wllh a Ihlrd rail , which , it Is hoped , can -be made bolh a com mercial and mechanical success. While the overhead trolley Is conceded to bo a great success for distances up to. say twenty miles , It Is nol so much lo be de sired , It Is said , for the operation ot oars for longer distances or In most cilles. At pres ent Ihc thl-d rail , by means ot which the electricity Is conducted uccord'ng to thil nys- lem , Is regarded as lee dangerous to the public to admit of Its general use , and these roads which employed ll ore compelled to have their lines fenced on both slJes their full length. , . , It Is believed thai when a Ihlrd rail is brought to the perfecllon that It Is absolutely essential to attain In order that It may be use. ' , vllh economy and safely , the practical work of establishing the air line between Washington and New York will be begun. U Is alco prelly 'well ' understood thai Iho capltallsls who are Interested In the Colum bia K. Maryland railroad have In view the probability that their road will be a part of the greater scheme. IIATTL.BF1KI..D TELEPHONES. Tim United States does act afford the sol dier many opportunities for practical educa tion , eays the New York Hcra'd. but the re cent operations against the Arizona Indlanh were taken advantage of to test the utlltO of an important isclecitlfie Inveallon lhal will ail materially the general who directs th operations of an army corps In a future bailie. Uy means of this apparatus , which hart ibcen perfected by Captain James Allem of the Signal corps , under the direction of General - oral A , W. Cireely , It will fce possible to string a line of wire from point to point of nn army's communications , and use the sama wlro for both telephoning and telegraphing. Oor ral Grcely has dec'iired It lo bo the mom notable scientific advance of the year , the importance of which Is not confined to mili tary work alone , but may be applied the world over. The present field telephone-telegraph ap- paralua of Ihe Signal corps rcpresenls Iho revwll ot more Ihan five years of experl- jno&ta. Henerul Grecly , chief signal officer Bccuitid from abroad a Cbarnllols Byslem ten leU-phonio communlcallon , In 1892. By Ihls By<m oral communlcallon was poeslblc through unlnsu'ated bimetallic wire laid on the grovocl , each end being eontectol by a Charallo's transmitter ami receiver. The success cf Hiirt so-called system was atli'lbu 4ed by Its tnvuilor. Captain CharalloU , o the 'French army , to Oio peculiar proportict of the wire need by him. After ono trial ot'.lio Charallols telephones they were permanently replaced by the Crown nvigneto telephones , owucd by the Signal corps , with rcsulllng sound many times lomler than with ' .Jio ChnralU'Is ' lastru Next the Htudy ot Iho bimetallic wire lei to the conclusion that U did not p sscus an > qualities in an electric way and 1 'theoretically dcructutratod U.at as gooi i ihould follow < : he use ot a single mcta wire ot the Bime diameter as the. bimetallic and practical tests proved this to be a fact J'uro copper , alllccu , bronze and oilier wire of the elzu of the bimetallic gave entirely a good reaulS. ' . As the original idea "was to use the iinln sulated wire only tor oral communlcallon and as , in fact , it was not possible ihcn t othurwlao use It , the problem ot adapting I to the UEO of the elgnal corps as a part ot It rne-auu of telegraphic communication v.a confronted , Guptalu James Allen of the Signal coins an expert electrician , was charged with th solution of this problem by General Creole ) Ho replaced "the " magneto 'telephones ' used a transmitters , substituting a carbon transml tcr , with greatly improved results , Thee ItiBtrumtntB were Introduced into a clrcu with a lattery , induction cell and telcgrap key aud communication > by Morsu telcgrap oodu attempted. Tia lia.dc ulroke of the dlaphrifim beln much louder than the round obtained when the current w s sent through Iho magnet necmcd for a tlmo a fa.at objection lo Ihc use of the Instrument as a part of 'the tele graph sjBtom. An Ingenious xoltll'.on ot the problem was found by t'aptaln Allen , whore- ) > the Morse code Is read 03 easily through the receiver &a from nn ordinary telegraph soiinde" . Ilavlni ; in mind comparatively successful experiments abroad In the use of a single wire for telegraphing and telephoning , Cap tain Allen then began work on that line , and , Inge'.ilously aurmountlrfg too mcuy dllficultles met with In hii exhaustive experiments , per fected the instrument now uaed by the Signal corpj. It has bem rigidly .estcd tt dU'.jnccs up to C25 miles and prc-jounced a nuccess Init \ > \orlous capacities > .s a "buzz , " Mrrse , * cle- phonic amiphonoplex Instrument. The whole outfit weighs only s'.xleen pounds. Including battery enough to work over any length of lee ! that the corpi- would prolably be eallcd upon to opcrale. A-n operator may .hereforo easily tarry in ! ili Inn I a cotnblnallcei * cc- gtaph and telephone ofllce. \\ith ll , while one operator Is enrj-'ged , u tclcgraph'ng a mcswRO In 'Msr. ' ? characters , ttiother n-.ay , over the same wire , talk telc- pionlcally with another fitf Ion , the distant erert' ors hc.irlng . e'.ily ' their ewn IIICEE-IKCS. 13LECTUICITY IS A SOUHCE OF IIHAT. Montreal h now supplied with electric cur rent from two natural sources ot power , one operated by the Chambly Maniifactur'.ng company and utilizing the rapids of Ilia Richelieu river , the other being the great power pvitit of the Lachlnc iciilds en the St. I/iwrcncs. To dcrcrlbu either In detail , rays the Kngi.iecrlng ! Magazine , would be bul to cereal a'counts ot turblncfi , gener ators and transmission which have already appeared In other places ; but some of the Cs.cc ! : . l points ot Interest may be note.l hero. Two features of dlscurslsn In flic Montreal | i\.nt are somewhal local atul climatic ; one Iho problem of cci.li.ig with the anchor ice , an.l gorges ; the other the prop.slt'.on to use ] electric current generally as a source of he-it. Of courac. elestrl ; heating Is , In itself , noth ing now ; but at MontioU It Is seriously pro posed by the electric comptci ) ; to altej i _ > l ID compete with anthracite ccal In the matter of domestic heating. Ccal for household pun oscs at Montreal ccsts $0 a ton , and it Is claimed that the t'.Hapicss with which current win bo obtained will i.iermlt elec tricity to bo useJ for cooking nnd warming , through the Canadian winter , advantageously , as compared wllh fuel. In an editorial in the Riectrlcal World the corr.outatlon cf the equivalent eosl per heal unit , with cool al $ C per ten , Is made aa follows : A theoretical determination of the heat ob- lalnablo from coal and from electrical energy indicates lhat Iho rale m > r klliuvali-hnnr will have to be extremely low to compete wllh coal al such a rpice. Anthracite coal gives oil , in burning , approximately 15,000 British thermal units per pound. Allowing for a less ot 50 per cent from Incomplete combustion and HUG losses , electrical energy would have to be sold at the rale of fifteen one hundredtbs ot 1 per cent per kilowatt- hour to make the cost per heal unit the same aH thai derived from ? G ccal. Should this experiment , made on so largeR R eculo and In so exacting a climate , prove successful , It will doubtless encourage other attempts to convert hydraulic into thermal energy , the more so when it ia remembered thai some of Iho greatest sources of water power arc found In localities in which fuel Is both scarce and dear. THU X RAY IN CUSTOMS INSPECTION. The Inwardness of the attempt cf the French customs to use the X ray for the In- vettlgatlon ot baggage and passengers Is graphically shown by C. Gulllaume , a wcll- kncwn Fiench savant. He says : "At first slsht nothing is more seductive ; examine the j travelers by screen let us say in passing that the practice will not fall to raise a deilcate question of law we shall recognize at a glance smuggled botlles , walches , Jewels. Then we can examine Ihe suspects more thoroughly. We can also attack the bags and trunks of travelers with > lho rays , and reveal metal objects , arms , cartouches , cr > slals , mirrors , toilet bottles , etc. But shall we know If the Jewels are smuggled , If the botlles contain liquids not permitted by law , If the arms are prohibited ? Kvidcnlly no. The rays will only give a hint , and not dispense with the opening of the luggage. " If the Iravelcr Is familiar with the nature of the X ray he can pack his itobacco lace , new clolhes and gunpowder so thai no sign of them will bo brought out. A photographer bringing home undeveloped negatives in his bag will have them irpolled by the rays as it they had been exposed to the light. On the other hand. If the 'traveler ' knows his rights , he can claim damages 'from the "douanier , " The French customs officers In their desire to save themselves trouble appear to have adopted the X ray wllhoul taking the advice of scientific experts. ELECTUCIAL EELS IN NEW YORK. Ono of the Edison light and power stations n New York receives Its water supply from1 wo large service mains at each eml ot tlio lulldlng. It was recently noticed that the upply from one of the services was cut off. Jn Investigation the engineer of the watch ouiid thai there were five eels and one mall fish In the eel trap , Installed alongside t the meter. The eels were very large , ono f theta weighing two and one-quarter rounds and measuring twenty-nine Inches eng and six Inches In circumference. As the ay was Friday , when the company's staff ouiicll has its regular meeting , and when n electrically cooked lunch is served , the els were at once added lo Iho stock of lie commissary department , and proved most cceptablo. During the luncheon one of Ihe filccrs ot Ihe company said ho was reminded of a slory which Edison gave to a credulous cporter way back In the early days ot elec- rlo lighting , and which was duly turned n to the newspaper ofllco and printed. The cporler asked Edison whether the new elec- rlo light was making any headway outside of the stales ? "Oh , yes , " said Edison , "they ire wild for It down in SOulh America , nnd our folks can't get the plants In fa t enough , Jp In Iho Madalena river Ihere Is a perfect craze for the light. Wo are equipping all ho larger lowns near Ihe mouth as quickly as wo can , bul al ono of Ihe small places far up Iho river , I heard the other day , they said they were nol going to wall for ua. And they didn't. The river about there wcs In-- 'ruled with electric cc's , and they caught housamls and thousands of these , and strung hem together in a converter , and lighted the ; own thai way , " DEVICE FOR DOCTORS. The up-lo-dato doctor's office will now be equipped wllh nil electric device which at oiico answers the purposes of bracket lamp , forehead reflector and mirror. The lamp , whlfh 1s one- inch In dlimeter , is circular In term , llaUencd from before backwards , and perforated by a central apcrature about u quarter of an Inch in diameter , the filament completely encircling this aperaturo. The back of the lamp Is silvered nnd blackened around the central hole behind , and to avoid any unpleasant radiation of heat to the eye the back Is further protected with noncon ducting asbestos material. This lamp also cornea with a hinged bridge , so that it can be adjusted for either eye for use Iri ophthal mic examinations. The great advantage ol the lamp Is that the light Is always In the lli'o of vision and needs no readjustment no matter what Iho movement of the putlcnl may be , It can also be usc.l for the examlna tlon of the car or nose. HIMIVV Snowfall In I'fnnn > 1 vanla. PITTSHUHO , Dec. 81. The Iieavlext no\\ storm of the year is now prevailing through out western Pennsylvania. From six to ten Inches of pnow U lying on the I * vel and It 1' still ( mowing hard. Bo fur through r.illro'ii tralllc has not been seriously Impeded , but the local traction llrles have euffered greatly Teh-phone and electric light wires are dowi all over the city and joverul accidents have hajvpewd toy the. crossing1 of the wlrea , but no fatalities have been reported. \ Holiday for l.nelnerl Jury. CHICAGO. Dec , SI. Adolph L. Uietfiori on trial for wife murder , will n > end Ne'\ Year's day In Judge Gary's courl room After a conference today beUvHji Judge Clary and the Jury , It was decided to hold court tomorrow and proceed > wlth the trial Judco Gary said he , uiy.v no difference be tween holding court on the 11 rat of January and the flrat ot July. PRESIDENT HURT IN CHARGE Uncstentaticuilv Takes Up THs Head quarters Under New Ucghuci N\V \ HAD : CF in ; UNION PACFIC ROAD ( Iron It IIH I tin Opinion Unit There \VIII III * \o Clminyc * In the OllU-lnl Kainlty of 1 Hie 1.1 no. , Horace Q. Burl , president-elect ot the Union 1'aclHc railroad , formally assumed charge of his new olUe yesterday. Tlio event was unatleiidcd by any dcmonslratlon or by nny acts that would signify that the Installation ot a new regime had taken piece. Accompanied by Oliver W. Mink , the first vice president-elect of the reorganized com- wny , President IJurt arrived In Omaha yes terday from Chicago on the "Overland Limited" train of the Northwestern , llr. ! Mink wcnl to the headquarters oi the Union ' Pacific nt nn early hour , while Mr. Hurt 1 spent the first part of the morning calling 1 on a number ot friends uptown. After mak ing his calls President 'Hurt ' proceeded to the headquarters of the railroad of which he has been chosen the chief executive. Ho spent the remainder of the morning closeted with Vice President Mink and General Manager Dickinson. In a brief Interview President Hurt said ho had arrived In Omaha to stay and should take chniKe of his new olllco at once. He said that the receivers would remain In con trol of the property for some little time yet , but It was Impossible to tell just when the receivership would be terminated , lle- gardlng changes In the ofilcial family of the Union Pacltle , Mr. Hurt said he thought thera would be none at all. ' Today Presi dent Hurt , Vice President Wink and General Manager Dickinson will leave In the private car 010 for a trip of Inspection over the Unlcn Pacific main line. Just how extended this trip will be , or what other olllcials , If any , will be called "to go along with the president's party are matters that are , not known. MAY HHSTOIti : THH FAST SKKVICK. IlurlliiKtoit TrnliiMOM. . 1 Hint < f l.lkelv to Sdirtniilii. . The Uurllngton ofllclals arc considering the advisability of restoring to service early In the new year the limited passenger trains Nas. 1 and C between Ciilcago and Denver , which were taken off the road In the fall of 1893 on account of "hard times" and a notice able falling off In western passenger truffle. Freaking of this matter John Franls , gen eral passenger ugent of the II. & M , read. says : "It Is true that the questtcn ol putting on faster trains between Chicago sjad Denver and between Denver and Chicago Is under consideration , but the < iuestlon has not been settled. The passenger department naturally wauts to see It done , but a etei ) Involving the expenditure of about $1,000.000 Is not to be taken lightly , and the general managers will be t'.ie ones to decide whether or not the trains are to bo put j on the road again. Trains Nos. 1 and G were | taken off about four years ago because of the ! general biie'ln ss deprerslon. They did not pay at that time , although up until the ar rival of 'hard times' the trains had been paying. The time made then between Chicago cage and Denver was about twenty-alne hours each way. One could leave Chicago In the afternoon and arrive In. Denver the fol lowing evening. Now a traveler between those two cities is on the road two nights and a day. If It Is decided to rcEtore- these trains to service the time may be shortened somewhat , but not more than hour or two. Twenty-feven or twenty-eight hours between Chicago and Denver means very fast running. Tratos Nos. 1 and C have- never becii taken from our operating time card , although taken off the public time card. It lias been the Intcatlon of the Burlington to put back these trains whenever business conditions and through travel Improved euf- flciently to warrcrat such an expenditure. That time seems now to have arrived and we hope to see the fast limited trains on the line again betwec.a Denver and Chicago and between Chicago acid Denver. To put on two such trains means an Increased train mileage of about 2,000 miles a day. Involving .in ad ditional expense of about $2f > 00 per day , $75- 000 per month cod nearly ? 1,000,000 per year. " "Will the restoration of the Chicago-Denver trains have the effect of reducing the time between Chicago and the Missouri river , or between hero and Chicago ? " "No. I think not. There would be no ad vantage to the ordinary traveler In reducing the time between Omaha and Chicago. As It Is now a man cau leave the one city after tils day's work Is done , get supper on the train and breakfast the next morning , and he In the other city before 9. > per cetil of his business friends arc at their desks. " KMI'I.OYKS OI'I'OSK THIS DIVISIOX. ( ieiiernl Sentiment of I'nlon I'ncllle Men nil lliiHillnl | I < 'IIII < | H. Union Pacific ofllclals are of the opinion that the distribution of the property of the icdlcal department of the read and of the ionoy la foe hoH'ltal fund , asked for In lie federal couri 911 Thursday by members t the Order ot Hallway Telcgrcnhcrs , will ever take place. As yet the Union Paclllc as not been olllclally notified of the filing if the petition asking for such a distribution. Vhen It is the legal department will jxrepare n answer to the petition setting forth the easons why the distribution asked for by crtaln employes of the company should not 10 made. To a lice reporter an official of the company yesterday said : "One cannot anticipate futuie orders , but It docs not seem reason able that uuch a distribution should be node. If It were each employe would re ceive only about $2. The $00,000 In the lica- ltali fund represents the collections from probably 30,000 men , and the amount each man would receive would be almost insig nificant. I've contlbutcd to this fund ever since I've be-en with the company , but I don't believe I have cny more right to the money I've paid In the hospital fund than to collect the lite Inrjuranco assersmcnts I've paid In with no provision for the return of them In case I drew nut. " Among the employes there seems to bo a general feeling tl.at the fund should not lie divided up hito several thousand parts , but should bo kctit Intact. On the other hand , there Is a very--i.rc-nounceil feelliis among a great number of employes that there should bo gome "reforms In the man agement of the hofiiHal fund. , Qne employe in speaking along this line said : "I am against dividing up this money In the hcs- .iltal fund in such small amounts that It would do nobody any'good , but I think that some changes b'.iould be made. In ' the handling of thefund. . On nearly every other railroad In the country the assessments for the hospital or relief fund are graded according to a man's ability to pay. This ls the only railway hos pital department that I ever heard tr-11 ot where 'the ' offlce boys are assessed Just as much as the ofllclals drawing ? 10 000 or more per year. It is notrightthat all em ployee , regardless of their wages , should bo compelled to pay 40 cents a month toward the hospital fund. I do not want to see the fund broken up. I think It's a go u ahlng fgr the employes , but -think I there could bo some bccellclal changes made , I believe that there should bo a semi-annual report of the fund and its management Issued to all em ployes , and then all who contributed toward U could kuow Just where the money was going , " ( lllltN tillIIOCU iNlllllll , TOPHKiA , Dec , 31. Major T. J. Anderson , assistant general passenger agent of tiie Hock Island llnca went ot the ilUrcurl river , has runomrcd his Intention"1 ot fccvcrlng all con nection wltn thai road when he retires trcm Ih'.i pop ; l.-n January 1. . ' ] Ever since the Issuancf ol the order trans. 'erring ' him from the presUit position to that of local ngiut at Topo.Va , ) io has had tals move In view. 11U friends 'to whom he con fined hi i Intentions tried to dlauado him from Iho purpcse , btr ! his mind Is iow fully made up. He will send his tculgnatleu to the Chicago oIDcUls aiJ rn ] tomorrow turn over his ofllco to his cucctcsor , E. H. Mac- I.eoJ. Major Andersen "has , Uen connected with the Ucck Island rallrold over since the lines west of the Mleuourl river wcro ccti- atructcd. Wl 1 1 imt i On Sunday , January 2 , 'the Ilurllnp'on will extend Its pasrongcr twin' No. 14 fitly miles furlher west than It hss heretofore been operated. At present the train ruus bo.wccn Creston , In. , and Pcorta , III. , an It has for a number of years. On Sunday the train will bo oxttuded < o lied Oak , la. , where dt will leave for Pcorla , III. at 0:10 : a. in. On the same date the norvlcc between Crcs'-on , la. , and Council 'Bluffs ' , Ii. , will be Improved. Train No. 9 will leave Crestco at 6:50 : a. m. and arrive In Council HlulTr ul 10:35 : a. m , The iclurnlng train , No. 10 , will leave Council Uluffa < w 3:25 p. ni. and arrive at Crcattn al 7:40 : p. m. i'eUtltl Shipment * . CHICAGO , Dee. 31. Easlbound freight shipments for the week ending December 30 amounted to SO , ISO lone , ngatr.at 70,215 foi the- week previous anJ Gi,999 ! last > ear , di vided anunig the dlffcrerl roads as follows. Forl Wayne. 17C1 ( ! ; Michigan Ccnlial , 4,322 ; \Vabash , I.C24 ; Lake Shore ; 12.522 ; Panhan dle , 14.557 ; Ualllmore K. Ohio , 7,324 ; Gi-ind Trunk. 7.960 ; Nickel Plate , 0,217 ; Krlc , 1922 , "Big Four , " 290. Itnlliviiy NOII-N null 1'erKOiuil * . J. II. Kecno , formerly 'stationed at the Union Stock yards ot Chicago for the Mil waukee , and now superintendent of the stock yards nt Sioux Clly , Is In the city re newing old acquaintances. V. .Mcrtshelmer. formerly connected with the Union Pacific's mechanical department , has been made general superintendent of the Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf railroad , with headquarters nt Kansas City. H. H. Moles , traveling pacsenger agent of the Nickel Plato railroad ; Is In the city receiving the thanks of the "low jotits" ! for the Christmas handkerchiefs sent out by the passenger department ot that road. Commencing January 1 , engineers and fire men on the Lake Shore road are to be uni formed with suits that can readily be drawn over other wearing apparel , but ualform In style. The preposition was'submitted ' to the men through letters and SO per cent of Ihe t espouses favored such a Uniform. The protest to wcslcrn lines against drop ping points In Utah and Colcrado from the homcscckers' excursions has proved to be strong enough to have the original order for these excursion rates chartgcd. All points In Utah and Colorado will be'Included In the homeseekers' excursion tickets , which -will be sold on the first and third Tuesdays In January , February and March. George West , city pasdouger agent of t'le Northwestern , has just received an interest ing railway swivenlr. It Is one of the first mileage tickets sold on thd Chicago & North western railway. It Is ( Mte.d January 19 , 1874 , and Is slgned'by W. H. Turner of Fre mont. Neb. , in pencil. H bears the stamp of the Chicago city ofllce'and , has the olg- nalure ot W. A. Thrall , general ticket agent. IMCICUIIS KMTKU 1IUTTHU TKADI2. Will Handle It ill TlieliMen ! Supply Jit-pott. CHICAGO , Dec. 31.--Chlcago packers who manufacture buttcrlno ns u side line are now in the butter and egg business on a big scale. This Is because the law prohibiting the coloring of buttcrlno struck a fatal blow to thai business and caused stock yards men to shut down their plants. Butler merchants think the stock yards men have started out on a campaign of retaliation for the enactment - mont ot n law which Is generally credlled lethe the country legislator and the butter mer chant. The packers are aavertlslng their butler , egg and poultry deportment In pro duce Journals and to emphasize their Inten tion to pay cash and make liberal advances on shipments. It Is thought thai Ihc pack ers will arrange facilities for Ihc handling of butter on a largo scale ) n their branches throughout the country. If such a step Is taken butter men think that the eastern butter merchants would suffer more than those in Chicago and vicinity. Sl'MMO.MSn TO TUB IMTII3HI < A > M1. OIIIIK { iiTinniiVim < eil to Serve Hln Time In ( lie Army. INDIANAPOLIS , Dec. 31. Emperor Wit- Ham may have to send to this country to arrest Carl Fahaley , nephew of the wealthy wholesale milliner , Frederick Fahnley , mer chant and banker of this citv. Young Fahn ley came here six years ago , when lie was 14 years old , and Is being educated under his uncle's guardianship. He- has Jusl re ceived word from his molher In Germany that unless he returns at oneo to serve his time in Ihe German , army she will have lo pay 500 marks a year as a line and officers may too sent for him. Young Fahnley went to the court to take out natural.zatlon papeie , but found ho could not until ho becomes of age. The court further Informed him that Emperor William could send requisition papers and take him back to the fatherland. Fahnley declares he will not return , and will lay the matter before the president. HIIIIIIII Stnrtx for ColiiiuliiiM. CLKVfiLiAND , Deo. 31. Senator llnnnn left for Columbus this morning to tnlce jier- Bonal charge ot his ? rKxlorjal campaign. Ho 'was ncccrrmpiinled by Hon. Sylvester Everett , cihuirmnn of the republican county committee , aim Judge Frank 15 , Dellen- liaugh , of the common pleas court. Just be fore df-partlnir they held u conference with State Senator Vernon llurkc , ono at the re publican members of tha JeBlnluturo whum it Is Biild will oppose Mr , Haniiu In his can didacy for re-election. What the result of the conference was , If aqy , could not be. learned , Colorado Will \ol-.lolii CriiHitili1. DKNVBH. Dec. 31. Colorado will nol bu numbered among the wetilern states which are forming n combination to biennially Inspect Ihe books of thellfi i Insurance com- piinleH. Insurance Comiol .iloner Vivian ' ' such n biennial Invest gallon WUH folly unices u * < > rloux condtlon if affairs exl led In the management HO ne of llie larjfe eastern companies. Ho , Wi i of Iho opinion that It Is not the larje < ornpanles which need watching , but sfime of the smaller weHtcrn concernfi , i \ \alloiinl Park nt Vlel.slinru ; * NKW OHU3ANS , Dee. 30. The members of the congressional committee on military affairs arrived today from VickHhurg on their way buck ta WnHhlii.tton , for which iilncu they will l ° iivc' on Rat unlay night. They hnvu been investigating the question of purchasing land for a national park around Ylvkxhurg , including the district In w.ilch the operations for the rclgu of Vlcis- burg were conducted , phalrmnn Hull miyn the committee will report'favorably on the bill providing for u nutlonul park at Vicka- burjr , Reception for CeorKt' Krnl WIlllaiiiM. DISNVKH. Dee. 31. The * Arapnhoo Demn- oralle soclely la making extensive prepara tions for the reception to bo lmlerecl j ( Jtorge Fred Williams of Hasten. Mr. ! Williams will arrive in Denver January 7. 1 A public reception will bo tendered him ' that night. After the Hpcechmaklng a i banquet \vli ; \ > i given. On the morning , of i the ! ? th Mr. Wllluins will ho driven about tin * city and the Woman's cluh will con duct a reception that afternoon , rioor I'ill IK In ConnlrTheater. . KANSAS CITY. Dec. 31.-A special fo the Star from Florence , Kan , , nuyt < ; At a home Uilent theatrical given In a Diall at Cedar Point hutt night the. lloorinir tnive way , pre cipitating * fifty peoploi a distance of twenty feet , Onu irmn had a Ittr broken ; another his rlb crushed and about thirty others we-ro scratched and bruised , None Mere fatally hurt. TAX COMMISSIONER'S REPORT How Omaha Property Wna Listed for Taxa tion this Year. SACKETT MAKES RETURN ON HIS WORK t of tin * Current Year lle- vloveil nnd No me .SnuueMlonn for Kiilnri * ( iiililunee of the Con no II OfTered. The first annual .report of the municipal tnx department was submitted to Mayor Moorcs yesterday by Tax Commissioner Sackctt. The document briefly reviews Ihe work lhat has been accomplished and sug gests some directions In which additional Improvement can bo secured. Mr. S.ickett says that the great dllllculty which was encountered at the outset was the general ni prehension on the part ot property owners - ' ers , who had previously been allowed to practically make 'their own assessments , that j the Inauguration of the new system would involve some radical Injustice. He consequently quently declares his gratification that the large majority of the citizens not only recognized the fact thai previous assessments had been far from nerfcct. but cheerfully ac corded the tax department their hearty as- ' slstanco In bringing about Ihe much needed reform. Ho admits thai Ihc present as- | sr-BHiienl as completed oes not meet hU ' own expectallons , bul contends 'that ' It Is a vasl Improvement on any former assessment and the best that could possibly have been | secured under the circumstances. Con tinuing , the tax commlsloncr says : "The expense of this department to date bis been SG.SOS.OG ; the estimated expense to May 1 , IS'JS , ttio date upon which the first year of my service will expire , Is $2,100 , making a total of about $8,900. or .OM cents ocr capita for a population of loO.OOO. The same services In the city of St. honls , with a population of 450,000 , ccst ariiroxlmately 10 % cents per capita , and In Philadelphia , with a population ot 1,045,000 , about U to 12 cents per head. "T'.ie assessment proper , not Including the salary of the tax commlsslcner and two rlorks In the olllce , was made at nn expendi ture or $3G75 , while approximately the same fiorvlce performed for the county by the ward assessors and their assistants has cost the county annually from ? 7,500 to $8,500. I feel quite confident that a still further reduction can bo made in tiie cost ot nuking the assessment , when the system has been fully established , for the reason that a very considerable pcrtlon or the work done this year will be serviceable in making the next list. UEVIEW OF THE WORK. "The amount of work actually do-ue Is not to be compared with any former assessment In this county for the rcaacci that we have actually examined every piece ot real cslnlo In the city , and the assessment made has been ' 'cased entirely upon the Judgm&at of the deputy from actual observallou. It 10 true that his Judgment has nol bt-en correcl In all cases , but to no Instxnce within my knowl edge \\Ei = i it perverted from what he deemed to be his duty through any Influence or desire to favor hs ! friends or punish his enemies. "Tho final result of the work done this year can ho briefly summarized as follows : Assessinenl as returned by deputies Lands $ 2,314,215 City lots 14,282,003 Additions 13.727,740 Personal 4,912,230 Total assessment . . ? 3,24C,2S 1 Assessments by state board 1DU.GS5 Total assessment as returned JH5. ISG.SUD Corrections by Board of llevlcw ns follows Lands reduced . " . . $ ' 213,820 City lots reduced 1,9SIH)9 ! ) Additions reduced GCa.lM Total reductions . . . $ 2 , < ' 33.SSS Personal Increased . . . . 4M.SS1 Total net reduction $ 2,387,007 Total assessment as reviewed Lands $ 2.031.S0.1 City lots 12.277.WO Additions 13.122.5S1 Personal 5,2r,5.111 Knilroncl , telegraph , etc IM.GSj Total J33,0402 "The most difficult part of the labor of making an assessment of the taxable prop erty In the city is In listing the personal property , and It Is doubtless Iruo lhal a very large percentage of this class of property which Is actually taxable escapes each year. Heretofore the number of personal assess ments has been between fi,500 and 7,000. In this assessment wo have dlstribuled 14,400 personal blanks and have made more Ihan 13GOO actual Individual assessments on per sonal property. "A very largo number of these , however , are based on a valuation of less than $50 and In many Instances , I presume , the lax col lected will not much more than pay the cost of levying and collecting. In this con nection I might suggest some Important modifications In tlio revenue law so far as it applies to cities of this claFB , but I presume Ihcso suggesllons may as well be reserved for Iho conslderallon of the legislature. I believe , however , that this Is a matter of no much Importance to the city that It ought to receive due consideration prior to the next session of the legislature. SUGGESTIONS FOR THE FUTURE. "In my Judgment 'the city of Omaha would do well to accept Iho experience of many ot Iho older elites of this country and equip Itself with the necessary facilities for making an assessment bolh accurale and equitable. It IB very essential > to the operation ot our municipal machinery that the basis of our revenue be not only firmly established , but lhat it should bo equitably apportioned be tween all classes of taxpayers. Such a re sult cannot be * allsfaotorlly accompllBhed without adequate facilities and a reasonable amount of competent help. I have refrained from asking fr.r anything more than was aksoluti'ly Indispensable In this line at the outsel out of conslderallon tor Iho already aggravated feeling of our overburdened tax payers , hut it Is a false economy , and I believe we make what will prove lo bo an expensive error In refusing to accept the experience of many of our older Bister cities. I would not advocate a prodigal expenditure of money In this direction , but I believe that we should build a permanent foiindallon for a thorough syotcm ot taxation , so elaborated that the smallest taxpayer In the city , as well as t'.io largest. Jould at any time easily and clearly determine his Just proportion of the public burden. 'With renewed confidence In the belief that the establishment of this department was a stop In the right direction and will ultimately bo productive of great benefits ta the to j paying community , I have the lionor to be , yours very respectfully , "FRED J BACKBIT , Tax Coiiimlmlcocf. " Small Illnck of Unmix Sold , IllJs were opened at the ofllco of Clly Trcaturer Edwards yesterday for the pur chase of the Center street curb'.ng bonds. Thlct Is a email block of $8,000 , which run from two to nine years aad draw 4H per cent Interest. Considering the fact that such bands are the least desirable of any and the amount Is not sulllclent to Interest band buyers , the bids were highly satisfactory The bond * will probably be sold to L < ui - Btreet , Stedman & Co. of Ilceton who were Ihe highest bidders. The amounts offered ( or the Uuue were us follows : Hlodgett , Merrill & Co. , lioston f80.40 | lllului IlrjH. & Co. , Hoaton S.lOl.bO Lamprechl Urns. & Co , , Cincinnati. . 8.0:00.1 : Omiihn. National bank 8,027.50 John Dale , Omaha 8.1U1.25 Long l re el , Htedman & Co. , lloston. . 8,152.'jj Mortality Keeoril , The following births and deaths wcro re ported at the health olllce during the twenty- four hours muling at noon yesterday ; Birth * Joseph Flola , 1718 South Eighth etreot , boy ; Thomas Peterson. 3116 Jackecn , boy ; Krlst Sollnski , 1939 Swtu Twenty- eighth , boy ; llctiry Gloscmnn. Twenty-sixth anJ IVUrlck avenue , boy , Deaths No deaths reported. CITY'S Cl.M-ilAI , I.ICHNSn IiiNtieotor MrVlttlf'H lln-i-ord * Show rt 12,0(111 ( Colleeteil. Uccnso Inspector McVUtlo has not com- yletcd his ofilclal report tor 1S97 , but a re view of hlb records for Kic year Indicates that he has succeeded In making his depart ment contribute a larger amount to the , city treasurer than has been turned In for sev eral years. Just 1,500 licenses have been Itstlcd during the year , on which fees have been collected amounting to J12.000. The Declines and receipts were distributed as follows : > o. . licenses , /iinoum. Omnibuses G $ COCO Hacks R2 321 ( B Express 2.11 1,003 W , Peddlerc , tAnxon , 141 2lWi 00 i Peddlers , earl 4-i f.10 CO | Peddlers , foot 4S 313 M Milk , wagon Cf.3 l.nvs 70 ; Milk , hand 201 213 > | Milk , store 14 ! ) 330) Auctioneer * 2 200 00 , l'/ducnted animals 7 24 > Circuses 4 273 IV ) | Swings 2 19W Novelties 3 10 l I Exhibitions of skill 4 17(0j ( HmploynwiU agencies 7 3.O 00 ' Merry-go-round 1 11 on | Exhibitions of apparatus * . . G 30 W i Freaks of nature 2 10 00 Sidewalk stands IS 2lfi M ] House movers 8 10) (0 , Junk denier * 11 210 00 j Pawnbrokers 23 1,1.00 . n. . o .in 11 ! PlumlwM 37 37 M. Hunners WW Street fakirs 27 H JO Theater * 3t > M > i 1 ' ' TraiiFlenl dealers - i Klectilclan * * 7 S. . > W Second-hand dealers 19 . ? 'f0 Slot machines 147 -H1 ' Uai-k drivers -15 t'2 00 Totals . Uo III'SIMSSS ColleiMloiis of Customs for Twrlvi- MnntliN Arc SntlsfMoliiry. The busluess transacted by the olllce of Collector of Customs Miller during the last year has bee * ! about equal to that ot previous years , but there are Btrong Imlleallons Hiat it will pick tip materially during 1S9S. During the twelve months Just gone $110- COO of merchandise upon which duty has been levied has passed ISvrough the olllce. Upon this duties ot $1)7,617 ) were collected. The number of packages was 751 , In the same time C7CC'J packages of ore of the aluc ot $643,500 went through the office and brought $140,000 In duties. Thus tie utllce received In duties $237,617 on some ; 753.500 worth ot goods. Thcso figures ore approximately the same as those for the last few years ? , but the month of December showed an Increase ot about $1,000 Ui duties over November. It is believed lhat this is the beginning cf a I'toady Increase from now on. The fact that n similar increase in business Is no ed nt other poKti Indicates that Ihe gain Is general. The cause for this Is found In the fact 'that before Iho tariff bill , which Is new in fore ? became a law , many merchants took cut of bond large quantities ot gooJs to escape the Increased duties. They have about dis posed ot tals accumulated flock , consisting principally of cigars , liquors and similar dutiable goods , and arc purchasing additional o ock upcii which they must pay Increased duties. A.CCKPTS Tl'KXUil IMIOI'OSITIOX. Parl ; Hoard Will TaUo ( lie I.O < N on West Pariiani StrtM-t. At a mcellng held yesterday afternoon the Hoard of Park Commissioners unanimously voted to ask the city council to accept the proposition of Ourtlss Turner to donate twenty-four lots at Thirty-second and Far- nam streets to the city for park purposes under certain conditions. These conditions have been materially modified since the original proposition was submitted and the commissioners now contend that It is a very advanlagoous opportunity for the city. The property Is to be turned over to the city free of cost with the provisions that the cily shall open va. slreet at least sixty feet wide through the tract , bring the lots to the necessary grade .before April 1 , 1899 , beautify the prop erty with trees , shrubbery and flowers during the same spring and exempt seven adjacenl lots from taxation on account of the appro priation of any other adjoining property that may be required to carry oul Ihe boulevard scheme. The acceptance of this proposition Is the first step toward providing a boulevard from Ulomls park to Rlvervlew by way ot Hanscom. The tract thus acquired Is assessed at $19,50 ( by the tax department and the commission ers assert thai Iho expense ot carrying oul the conditions Imposed on the city will be insignificant Kl'.VICH.U , Ol' ' .1IHS. \VOUI.\VOUTI SorvltM-N ill' Trinity Cutheilral am ! In- ( erineli ( at ! 'r Nief > t Hill. The funeral of Ulrs. James 'M. Woolworll was held al Trinity cathedral at 2 p m. yestereMy. The church was filled with Iho friends of the family , the names of when are a j.art of Ihe history ot Ihe clly. The church was decorated with a profusion o mces ad : a mass of the blossoms 'was heapet over the casket. The bervlces wcro con ducted by Bishop Worthlngton , assisted by Dean Fair and Canon Doherly. The ritual of the Episcopal church was completed and interment followed at Prospect Hill. At the grave the last rites wcro pronounced by lllshop ( Jarrit of Texas , formerly dean of this 'parish. ' At 10 a. m. ye.iterday a special communion service was held for the family of the deceased. The acllve pall- i bearers were composed ot old servants of i the family , and the honorary jlst was composed - ! posed of Hon. J , Sterling 'Morton ' , Dr. George I L. Miller , ( Herman . { oiintze , John A. Crcigh- ] Ion , J. R. Jluclianan , F. II. Davis , General Charles F. Manderson and George W. Hold- llenley anil Chandler Held. The cases of John Henley and Ote Chand ler , charged with the unlawful use of Or , Gllmoru's hargo nnd slelph and with such Inhuman treatment of the animal as to re sult In Its death , were heard in police court yesterday , The defcndantx entered a poiibiul denial of Ihu charges and asserted that they had been In no way connected with the occurrence. The ttHtlmony brought out Ihul both Ht-aley and O.iandler hail admitted at the time of their urn-Nt Dial they wcro Implicated In the act charged. According to the testimony of the pollci both men had described In detail taking the horse from Fourteenln and Farnam streets , driving It far an unrecalled length of time , and finally abandoning the animal In South Omaha In a dying condition. The evidence was considered Hiilllci'iit for the rottntlun of both iniiii to the district court under bonds of $ .VX ) each. Driver I'llder ' Hie I , out ! , Charles Tnnock , u driver for R. T. Leo , met with a painful accident yesterday when cro ? lnif the railroad tracks at Hlghth and JuckHon Btn'etH. His wagon was heuv- lly lei ; led i.vllti hickory lumber , . 'ind when the front wheels ntruck the tracks the Jolt hroko DUD of the side makes which ield the. load In place The road was uneven and Tunoek B.IW that hlf load WIIH nllpjlnn Hlle- wayH from the rear end. Ho rpiang lo the ground In the hope of holding it back when the whole loud slid from ilia wagon , cateh- Inir him underneath , lllc ! rr were i" > ii'v Itr. I ed , and ho wan 'o a : er'ously hurt about the body. Tanoek was talctn to his humu nt 1102 South Blxth etrcct. e In IiinlriietnrH Miss Kdmlsten , n Bisterof the chairman ot the. populist mate central committee' , has tircm ulven u placet at the Institute for Iho Deaf and Dumb. Hhe succeeds .Mlm ota Crawford , u republican , who IIUH resigned. The change occurs the lirst of the year , 1'OKtolllce Will ( MIINI- . On account of the lio'.lduy today the l > 0 tofllcu will bo cloned promptly at noon. Trie" carriers "wll intake but ono full deliv ery , umlithat will ) take place In thu morn- I UK. All Uio other federal olllces In Ihu post' oulco building -will also clojo ut noon. \VATER1SJDXCTION1 \ POT OVER Application of W , S. Pojp'cton Holds foi Several Days. MEANING CONTINUED UNT.L THURSDAY .Indue Scott llnldN Mir flutter to ll of Snllleleiit liiii < irtititiF to Witrrniil n I'lill In- vexllKiitliiii , The. case of William S. Popplcton npilnnt tlio clly , wherein Hie plaintiff seeks to re strain the city council from racing any or- clIncuri ) or taking steps looking an exten sion of the franchise of the Omaha Water comixniy , .came tip In Judge Scott's court yesterday niul on application of the At torney for 'iho plaintiff \vns continued until next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock , It being alleged that Mr. Popplcton wns ( tick In bed anil consequently unable to be ! court to protocutc. The tcmpotary lestrainlng onlcr In HID case of 1'oppletcn against the city was Innied by Judge Sea t laio 1-ist Tiie.i'lay alternoon end was in.ulo rclutii.iblo tills morning. It sought to realm In the council fr.-m passing fie ordinance herctofuro Introduce , ! , . The city council Is re * > tr.ilncd "from p.iMiog , approving or taking nny steps toward tu- act-Ing or adoplisig an ordinance In.roduceJ Into iIIP ; city co\incll \ December 1-1 , ISO" , en title. 'An ordinance to nnicnil tuctlon 14 ot ordl 'iico No. I1H ! , ' and referred to In peti tion 111od herein. And icstralinlng nnd en- JoluiMK . " " .ill defendants nnd each o ( them cid , thrlr succi'fsors In olllco from passing , approving or taking any steps toward enac- : In cr adopting the propr.ltlon of ' .he Omaha \Vater company iivile to the city couicll of Oir.'iha nnd Introduced into the courcll De cember II , IS'.lT. And enjoining the raid de fendants and each ot ; ! iem rod their mic- cesaor.i from passing , approving or taking any .s.cps towards enacting or adopting any eUier ordinance , resolution or proposition or contmct which shall In cny manner or to any cxt nt wlv.tover ombarraEs , curtail , weaken. diminish , put off or change the rlijhl of the city of OnMlm , under ordfcanco123 and the 1'jwn of the state of NcbnuikA , to acquire by purchase under the exercise ' of the ilgivl of eminent domain , or under'the laws of the city -cr ft'ite , or contract or contrncts , heretofore entered Into with said company , the water works pltot at present supplying the city of On-alm. upon -Mio plaintiff exe cuting .in iii'dertaklng la the sum ot $1,000 , as required by law. " ANSWER OF TIIE CITV. This morning on the convening of the court Mty Attorney Council on behalf of the mem- > ors of the city council Illed an answer In vhlch ho alleged that the petition In the ate was defective In t'.ils , tint it failed to r.ale the Omaha Water cum. any n party to ho suit. The water co.ntaiiy : , he contends , s an Interested and ncceraary party to the orocced'iiKs and the i'sucs could mol bo nlncd unless the. petition was amended seas as to Include the company as n defendant. Attorney for the plaintiff asked tlmo In which to complete the showing and at the B'ime tlmo silted that William S. Pcu'leton , the party suing out t'jo i < nunctlcuuis ) nick mil unable to be In attendance. He a.iked 'or a continuance , Insisting that he was not ready to proceed with the hearing. City Attorney Cowiell urged against wiy lelay. He sold that the securing of the injunction was simply following out the tac tics pursued each year and that the matter should be disposed of at once , that the city might know Just where It was i > ; .iced. It was Imperative that nemo arrangements should be made with reference to nuyplying the exposition grounds with water and this could not he done until nfter the rase had been adjudicated. The ordinance provided for the extension of the time of purchase only fiveyears. . Under the terms of the old contract the city could purchase at any tlmo after 1903. while the new ordinance gave the city the same right , but extended the tlruo until 1UOS. Tile new ordinance , the city at- toraey hold , did not waive cr abridge any of the rights of the city ; It merely extended the time for ourchase live years. Judge Scott t.ald that owing to the Im portance of the case he would not pjse upon any of the Issues , but would postpone the hearing until next Thursday , continuing the temporary restraining order In force In the meantime. iiiTciicocic CAS is < : oi-s OVKH , TOO. AUoriie.vH on llolli ShlrM .Yule for Time In ( In.Milder. . The case ot the state against Gilbert M. Hitchcock , wherein the defendant was charged with contempt of court , was called In Judge Koysor's court yesterday afternoon end continued until next Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock. t'licn the convening of court yesterday Attorney Slmcral , who appeared upon behalf of the court , elected to stand upon the second Information filed. This Information charged that Hitchcock nldcd and abetted the lire and police commissioner in socurlnf , tha publication of the order of the court , the publication of which had been prohibited. lAttorncyr. for the defendant said they would fllo their answer during the afternoon. Mr. Slmernl said that In that event he would want time In which to reply. This being granted the case went over to the date heretofore mentioned. / ' At 5 o'clock lae' might the attorneys for the defendant Hied their cnfjwcr , coi 'lsllng of ( I eighteen rages , some twelve pages of which . were made up of articles clipped from papers rclatlMg to the case. Tha defendant alleged tbl lie had not committed any contempt and that ho was not anmvornble under the charges preferred. < illOCiit.S : UT OI'T AX IX.III.VCTIO.V. .SlumtV ; Kell ItcHlrnln tin ; Oiiinlia I'i'ddliee KxclmilKc. Shaw & Fell , members of a local retail grocery firm , have secured a temporary restraining order from Judge Scott , restrain ing the Omaha Produce exchange from In tel ferlng with their business. The case conies on for hearing before Judge Scott on January 7 , nt 10 o'clock a. m. , at which time a permanent Injunction will he asked. Shaw & Fell allege that the Omaha I'roduco exchange , through its secretary , receives re ports relative to the rclall grocers of thd city and thai the said reports are to the effect lhal certain grocers do nol pay their bills. They maintain thai these reports con- Btlluto a blacklist and works grcal Injury \ lo men In buslncBs. They declare lhal the exchange Is an Illegal concern and Is oper ated In direct violation of thu laws of the land. Kor Larceny IIH llullee. A complaint was nerved on Fred Iri Ilocho yesterday to nmUer to the ehnrgo of i larceny nu bullet . Keneca Handolph stated in inulliitha ; ( complaint that hu leuued IM I \ llochu a team and W.IKOII HOimt time ; ago at a certain weekly bin ; , and Unit ' lately , bccainti'iellH4utllled < with the nr- I ningernent , hini > eke to l.a Haeho uboul 1 severing the contract. Ho nay * l.i Hocne put him off with tha promise thut hu In tended to buy thu outfit ut the owner's own price and retained POSHCBHIOD on that understanding. Randolph claims now thut l.a Uoche Imimdlntely dlKappcured , to gether with t'.ie property , and could not bo found for the space of a month. llcrKcr In Ti-onlile. howls Henr was arrested yesterday ut thu Instance of Anna Herbet , who stated thai she hud become his wife In all hut name nnd hud hlx promise of Immedliito marriage . Bno Hays that Khe hits lately ( .Uncovered that Dergcr had arranged to marry a ctrl in Fremont tomorrow and wan planning to leave for Unit town ut 0 o'clock , lirrtjur was Intercepted by the police un U In jail on thu uhurju preferred.