THE OiMAiTA DAILY BEE : ISA/PUR DAY , JANUATIY 1 , 1893. CREASE OVER A MILLION Eoport of Internal Hovonno Collections for Nebraska in 1897 , BUSINESS MORE THAN DOUBLES IN A YEAR Collector HoniE MnlccH n SlifMvInpc of ( Which lie In I'roiul I'ort ot wit Omnlin Slio-rcn Normal , it LJ _ . . I oeclj > t . i. j The federal office presided over by Internal ilovcnuo Collector Houtz has done a big busi ness during itho last twelve months , In which fact Mr. Houtz takes conulderablo pride. The collections during the joar have moro than doubled over last year. According to a statement made up at the close of business yesterday afternoon the total collections for the twelve months have been $1,973,809.85. The collections for 1800 were $920G75.11. The Increase for the year lias therefore been $1,053,134.74 , or consider ably moro that * 100 per cent. The sources ot thcso collections are shown In the following table : I , Collected on I 1898. 1807. Pines nnd Penalties . . $4i701.01 $ irus.42 33ecr acO.S23.tO 181,123.73 Spirits „ 5S7.0K5.39 d.G.11,732.10 Cigars D3.2CT.7J CS OT1.CO Tobacco 2K9.Ql Special tax ( licenses ) . . 99,021.8.1 OleomarKtirlno . . . . . . . . 13,629.02 CPlaylng cards 81.72 7JC ( Totals , $920,075.11" $1,973,500.83 iDy far the biggest r > irt ot thU tremendous Increase of business has occurred In the last elx months of the year , which comprise the ( first half ot the fiscal year. In these six months the collections amounted Ho $1,310- 739.61 , against $050,928.01 for 1890 , or an increase - crease of $ C59,928.01. The tabulated state ment ot , thls buslnesa IB aa follows : 1S90. 1St7. July ' ! l:9'i3-0 ; | ! ! $267in.-.01 AURUSt 75,2i3.22 153 9M.OO September 87.C07.4S 205.6TS.G5 October 124.931.85 H3G CC7.32 November 122,019.53 2.-1.12C.97 December < U5,152.St VJS.B'M.SI fTotnls $ CMS11.57 $1,310,739.61 It will bo noticed that the big Increase Is especially noticeable In the. collectloBfl of cigars , splrlto and ibccr. These are all lux uries , end from this statement therefore the progress of prosperity can bo In some meas ure gauged. There were no collections during the last year on oleomngnrlne , for the reason that that product Is no longer EOld In the state. The tax on cards Is in moot cases now affixed at the 'factories ' , so that the local offices get but small money from this source. This district shows a marvelous Increase In ; comparlsca with other districts. There Is gain o ! business all over the United States In the revenue offices , but it is esti mated that this district has given about ose- thlrd. . ot It. Inasmuch as there are sixty- three districts In. the United States , the standing ot this district Is little short of re markable. BUSIVESS ov TIIU rosroppicc. Over -Koiir million Dollar * JTredcil to KeiireKciit the Total for 1S07. During the last Ivvelvo months the local ixjistrfllco department has handled In round figures over $4,000,000 ot money , and has thus finished the biggest year In Its history , A record has alsD been made In the numbsr of letters , bundles and packages that have p a&sed through the department , but of course no cpproxlmatlcin even ot the number can bo made. According to the statement made by Post master Martin and Assistant Woodard at the close of business yenterday afternoon , the exact amount of $3,855,024.77 was handled from the sale ot stamps , from the sale of money orders , from the Issuance of money orders and Irom remittances from country postofllcca to the money order department. To this must bo added , to get the grand total , the amount of the remittances from the country banks , and this can not bo eo- cured at present. The receipts from this source will bo about $300,000 , bringing the eraua total to over $4,000.000. There was' a ( lartlcularly big Increase Jol the money order department , nnd this Indicates that people have more cola to sand and give away than they have had for years. In the twelve monltia a total of 32,053 money orilprs v > cro Issued for the total value of $234,051.04. Of these 30,278 were domestic and were for $203,510.03 ; 1.77C were foreign and were ot the value of $30,555.01. In 189G 28,880 orders were Issued of the total valueot $192,373.45. I Considerable more mcncy was received In money orders by the people of the city , The number was 103,210. , and their total value was $1,151,197.72. Of these , 162,587 were domestic orders , and wore for $1.141,998.48. The foreign orders num bered 723 , and were of the value of $10,990.53. In 1896 the total number of money orders re ceived were 140,437 , and they aggregate ft .value of $952,025.59. The amount of money received by remit tances from country postofflccs to the money order department amounted to $2,183,955.37. fTlils Is just $753,378.07 more than was re ceived from ! the same source In 1S9G. The vrocccds from the ale ot stamps ot all varieties during the year were $283,850.10 , , nnd eoinc $2,000 was secured from box rents. This also shaws avery substantial Increase over the preceding year. As has been stated before , the remittances from country banks will aggregate ) about $300,000 , another Increase. In fact , there has been a substan tial gain over 1898 In every department of the postofflce. The number of letters and parcels which wore left with the registry department for delivery was 18.480. The number for de livery was 45,400. The number of oackages that passed through the pastofflco in transit , was 458,320. The only change In the department force during the year was the addition ot four carriers. 1 IlucUlcii'n Arnlcii Jinlv < ! . The beat salvo In the world for Cats , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt nheum. Fever Bores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains. Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively cures Piles tr no pay required. It Is guar anteed to elvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 5 cents per box. For ealo by Kuhn & Co. llullilny llnu-n. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. will Bell tickets for the holidays at greatly reduced - duced rates. City ticket office , 1G04 Farnam street. QEOnGB n. HAVNES , City Passenger Agt. 1 . A. NASII. General Western Agent. I \IMV The Smith Cattle company has been Incor porated with a capital ot $ C,000. The Incorpo. ratoro are Arthur Q. Smith , W. Farnam Smith , Clifford W. Smith and D. F. Smith , The articles authorize tbo company to on- Awardei Highest Honors Werid'4 Pair , Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair , 'A Fart Qnf * Crw el TorUr Pewftf ! . 40 YEARS THE STANDARD , gage In the business ot buying ; and eclllng hoga , cheep , and. cattle. Articles of Incorporation of the Itomcfltako & Mountaineer Mining and Milling company have been filed Ini the * office of the county clerk. The capital stock Is fixed at $200,000. The corporators art John A. Crelghtcn , C. II. Uustln , J. A. Shonk , Cliarlca Ualbach sod S. II. Stevens , The meet astonishing results In beating \vounds have been shown by Salvation Oil. South Omaha News The revised ordinance , which Is designed to rcgulato the matter of electric lights at railroad crossings and compel the roads to locate and maintain such lights , provides for six lights at as many different crossings. On the line ot tbo Union Pacific lights have been ordered located , at the county road and Madison street crossings. The Burlington Is to place a light at Thirty-sixth and Ii streets , while the Belt line will , bo called upon to maintain onb at the crossing ot the boulevard at Thirty-third street. The nock Island cornea In for one at Monroe street and tbo stock yards company will bo expected to pay for the light under the Q street viaduct. Tills ordinance provides that these lights must bo located within sixty days from the passage of the ordlnanco. In case the rail roads refuse or neglect to comply with the law the city electrician la authorized to cause the lights to bo located and the expense will bo assessed up against the property of the railroads. This coat ot erecting and main taining Iho lights will constitute a Hen upon any real estate owned by the different companies within the city limits. At the present tlmo there arc no lights at the places Indicated In the ordinance , but the neces sity for such lights has been declared. It Is understood that the Union Pacific will not oppose the ordlnanco as far as one ot the lights ordered In along Its line Is con cerned , but officials ot the company do not ECO the necessity for both ot the lights. The city will bo prepared to make a flght and carry the cases up should 'the railroads re fuse tq comply with the provisions. _ _ K I'crmltH for tin ? Ycnr. ' During the year Just closed ICO building permits , aggregating $145,300 , were Issued. Prior to the year 1897 the office of building Inspector waa purely a political one- and no record of the number of permits Issued Is on file at the city omccs. The city engineer now acts as building Inspector and , a record ot every permit Issued Is kept and also of the number of building removal permits. Along during the rnlddlu1 of the summer the council adopted a new schedule ot fees to bo charged for building permits , In Bomo cases cutting the old rate in halt. This ac tion had In a measure the effect of Increas ing the value of buildings , but not to the extent it had been hoped. The smaller the cost of the building is stated to be , the smal ler the fco for the permit Is placed , consequently quently contractors have n habit ot running the cost of buildings to bo erected way down when It comes time to obtain a permit. Making duo allowance ! for this custom , it Is claimed that buildings costing at least $200,000 have been erected during the last eleven months , no permits having been Is sued in January a year ago. Until just recently the packing houses never paid any attention to the building laws and erected new buildings and made alterations without taking out any permits. The only exception to this case was last fall when Cudahy took out several permits for additions and repairs. On this account It la Impossible to approximate the cost of addi tions and-repaira made at the different pack ing houses. CrnilltiK' Done lit 1SO7. I Considerable grading was done In different parts of the city last year and a great deal more will bo commenced in the early spring. Slnco the organization of the city there has. been an Immense amount of grading , but on account of the condition of the records It Is impossible to tell Just haw much. In the early days the city paid one-half of the cost of grading a street or alloy and the entire cost of grading Intersections. In 1S91 this system was abandoned and the district plan inaugurated. In all thirty-three grad ing districts have been established since the change was made In 18S1. Grading taxes are paid about as promptly as regular taxes and at the present time the different grading dis tricts in the city owe only about $48,000. Property owners all over the city arc talkIng - Ing of petitioning for grading lit the spring and It Is probable that a vast amount c < ! this kind Of work will be contracted for be- foio long. The low pries which was paiJ for grading the past summer has had a great deal to do wltb the Intention's ot the property owners. In early days hero nothing -vas thought of paying 30 or 35 cents a cubic yard for grading , but now the cost has haeu l educed to 7 or 8 cents. iConillilou of CIt > - Fniicln. City Clerk Carpenter has prepared a state. * ment showing the condition of the different , city funds at the close ot business last night. The 1897 levy which became available August 10 amounted to $68,284.57 , and at the close ot the calender year there had been drawn warrants aggregating $39,900.79 , leaving a balance ot $28,323.70. This balance Is divided among the funds as follows. In terest , $8,970 ; Judgment , exhausted ; police , $ i,07G ; fire , ? 7G4 ; public light , $3,806 ; salary , $3,813 ; engineer , $939 ; general , $452 ; street repair , $177 ; park , $1,704 ; emergency , ex hausted ; milk , $9 ; water , $3,091 ; special li cense tax , $28. The amount derived from , the levy was about the same as In 1S96 , but the expendi tures have been less than for the same per iod of time , as on January 1 , 1S97 , there rev malncd a balance ot $22,171. There Is there fore at this tlmo $ G,152 more In the treasury subject to warrants than a year ago. < , City Cousin. The aged father ot George Thomas Is seri ously ill , Dan Egan Is able to ( be about again after a short flick spell , Miss Cora Jack ot Peru Is the guest of Mtsa Maud Thomas. The remodeled St. Bridget's church Is to be dedicated Sunday. Mra. P. A. Vansant , Eighteenth and Mla- eourl avcouo , is quite sick. Henry Keels of Spearfibh , S. D. , was a vis itor at the exchange ycsteiday. Max Miller of Bennlngton is here , the guest of Councilman John Schultz. A week or prayer will commence at the First Presbyterian churchi Sunday. The Kings Daughters will meet with Mrs. A. Li. Lott next Thursday afternoon. A reception will bo heid at the Young Men's Christian association parlors this evening. Rev. AVIlllamsco , who will conduct the re vival services at the First Methodist church will arrive from the east today. TheMaglo City Social club gave a dancing party at Masonic hall last night , which preyed to be a very pleasant affair. This'.morning the ChrLitlan Endeavor FO- clety hcldVj Its seventh annual srarlse prayer meeting at the Twenty-Fifth Street Presby terian church. As there Is only one ticket In the field , It Is supposed that the officers for the live stock exchtnge nominated some dayo ago will be elected without opposition , A farmer's team ran away oa Q street yes terday and broke a telephone polo at Thir tieth and Q streets. It took eome time to straighten out the tangle ot wires. Allle McRcynoldtj , eon ot James P. Me- Reynoldslett yesterday for Doug las , \Vyo. , where ho will spend some time wltb kla aunt , Mrs , A. D. Chamberlain. The boating apparatus at tbo Hawthorne school la still causing the contractors con- sWerablo trouble. The defect appears to bo more In tbo ventilating than In. the beating machinery. Workman lodge. Xo. CO , will told a public Installation of officers next Tuesday night , A program la being arranged aha all Work men ana their families areInvited. . Re- fresutuente will bo served. Gardner 'Memorial Triintcra. The trustees or the Gardner Memorial Parish house of Trinity cathedral decided at the regular monthly ancctln ? lasb night to tturnlturo for the house , eo that It will bo lilted out completely. For till : * ' purpose contributions and donations are to bo solicited , from the congregation of . . The remainder ot the meeting v , as of a routine character , , CHANCES IN SOUTH AFRICA Charles Eonncbsrg of Beclinanaland Talka of the Country. GREM OPPORTUNITIES FOR SETTLERS Vnrlcil , Imtul Cheap nna Government Mbcrnl Tci 1'lctnro Drnirit ! > ) ' a Mail. I i from illhoilcnln. Chirks Sonncaberg , ot Capo Town , South Africa , la the guest If his cousin , J , Sonncu- bcrg , of this city. This Is Mr. Sonotubcrg's first visit to his native coun'jy ! after an ab sence of thirty-five years , and with Mrt > . Son- ncnberg ho Is making quite an extensive tour of the United S'ates preliminary to returning to Africa , where bo has extensive Interests and Is a member of 'the legislative assembly for the district of British Bcchuacialand. 'Mr. ' Sonncnbcrg served wider General Sickles lu the civil -war , but was hcoorably discharged on account of a revere wound re ceived at Malvern Hill , lie won after went to South Africa , where he baa become a men of wealth and considerable commercial and political Importance. Ho expressed himself M much Impressed by the progress that had been made by the United Slates during his long absence and especially In the West , which had then only begun to give promise of Its present resources. Speaking of South Africa ( Mr. Sonncoberg declared that there la no country In .the world that offered better opportunities for Immigra tion and Investment. Its resources are two fold. The mining Industries Include diamonds mends , gold and copper , and 1U agricultural and stock raising advantages ore unsur passed. The annual output of dlamondo by the Consolidated company amoucvto to 4,000- 000 , and. the monthly output of gold Is from $200,000 to $270,000. The live stock Industry has attained Immense proportions , \\tocn the winder pest was brought Into the country cad killed oft 70 per cetit of the stock. Now the stockmen ore engaged In restocking and the business Is again la a nromlsltic con dition. The exports ot wool amount to a tremendous figure annually. , The farmers own from 3,000 to 10,000 sheep each , and "there " are also a largo amount of Aogora goats , the hair ot which is nn even more profitable commodity than wool. Ostrich farmlrtg Is also very successful and the exports of feathers umount to 1,000,000 annually. Skins , hides , aloes and other products also figure largely in the export trade , and the great want of the country is population. This would bring an Increase of manufacturing en terprises which are now of so ll'.tle Import- once , although the field for manufacturing Industries Is especially promising. Mr. Scauenberg says that lue ease with which land may be secured Is particularly In- vltiug to Immigration. Ho Is himself a heavy land owner In British tBechusoaland , which hs only been Inhabited by .white people" during 'the ' last dozen yearn Ilia own plan la 'to ' give toy reputable Individual a free lease of a farm for itbreo years , the only condition being that Wie tenant must con struct a suitable dwelling for which ho will furnish tbo wood and Iron. At the cxplratlcn of the three yours too will lease 'the farm fcr c rental of five per cent on Us valu ation as flxert by the Judicial council , which corresponds to our tax cssesscr.3 of , this country. It Is consequently easy for a. man with small capital to provide falmself with a firm In a few years. i Referring to the political pftcses f South African life Mr. Sonncoberg says 'the people ara generally thoroughly satlsfleJ , with Crlt- U'b rule and the Drltifih prestige will un doubtedly bo maintained. Cecil Rhodes 'is considered a great man , but ibis responsibility for the Janiloscn raid was everywhere con demned as un outrage , and It had resulted in a 'tremendous ' lots of prestige for tbo big South African magnate. iMi' . Sonnenberg will remain in Omaha for a few days , after which ho will ccntlnue his trip , finally returning to South Africa by way of England. COUXTV OOMMISSIOVEUS' .MEETING. Treasurer' * niul SIicrlfl'H 71ond Ulc- cclvccl mid Itufcrrctl. The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon and upa the completion of the business an adjournment was taken until next Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. At the meeting of the board held yeefer- day the boid of George Heimrod , county tressurer-olect , was presented and referred to tao judiciary committee. The bend is In the sum of $300,000 , signed by the Fidelity and Deposit compcny of Maryland. The bond of Jcto H , McDonald , sheriff- elect , In the sum of $10,000. with W. " J. Broatch , John T. Clark and William M. White ast sureties , was presented , and referred. The beads pf a number.of the road super visors , atacfisors , constables and Justices elected last November were presented and referred. - Notice of a protest agalcst the granting of a liquor license to L. D. Hopkins , who seeks to operate a saloon on- the Dodge street road , outside of the city limits , was served1 upon the board. The protest set up the fact that Hopkins published hie notice In the World- Herald , a paper that falls to have the largest circulation In Douglas county. The hearing co the protest was set' for January 12 , at 10 o'clock In the morning ot that day. ' A. C. Coffman , who was injured several years ago while working la the employ of the county In the grading of South Thir teenth and w ho recovered a Judgment of $500 , offered to nettle with the county , providing ho was paid $400. The proposition , was re ferred. Benjamin Whltezlde , an old soldier , was given authority to enter tbo Spidlers' homo at Grand Island and become an Inmate of the Institution. Tweaty-nlne bids for furnishing sewer pipe , drugs , groceries and other supplies to thp county dulng the year 1S98 were presented , opened and referred for tabulation. . . Representatives of Custer post , Gand Army of the Republic , asked that James W. Thompscn be removed 'from ' a place on. the Soldiers' Relief oommltelon and that W. W ( Eastman be appointed In bla stead , The matter was referred to the now board for consideration. Personally Conducted iuuralon8 to California. ' VIA UNION PACIFIC , Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. m. , reachIng - Ing San Francisco Monday , 9:45 : a. m. Cor respondingly fast lime to Southern Califor nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other Personally Conducted Excursion rtouto from Missouri river. City Ticket Office , 1303 Farrum Street. fcrfatott Clean as a Pin are the now Pullman sleepers wulch go east every afternoon at S.03 on tlio I3ur lington's "Vestlbuled Flyer , " for Chicago cage anil nil points east. > They're the IMPROVED Ulnd-llghteil by gas vcstlbuled with swell roofs- big smoking rooms "spacious toilet rooms and all that sort or thing. | Ticket Office , VBOaoMH1 8T" J. Bi REYNOLDS. ? Ar. VOTIXO FOR ) VOI.AUIS. Tofnl Tteed | > < * IriKhiI'opntnr Content Up Till XTrl nMKlit. . Following la thotrcKflt ot the vote In the contest for Queen Wo arls up till Friday night : Mildred StcphcrmonWM Lena Annn HtynooJ 12SI9 Annie Kuca Maggie Fole > ' . . . . 941J Abblc Clray Illnlle Anfrswnlil , tlnrn LMnrKfon Mne Hobtnuon . . . Knto McVlttle Mnbel Nelton . . . . Maty Stny Killtli Miner 'ERA ' Kale Kloleo Cauchman. ftclla. Jonrs 211 ! Marie Susterlo . . . 2.-S7 ! Kmclla Sluberi . . . . 213 Nellie Hhlne . . . WJ49 Vnnnle Xfllson . . . . Kn > Emma limit . . . 2,1 7 Minn Andres . . . . . . :00 Jennie .Graham J.W5 Itnud Johnson . . . . 1M FieJa Ijang . . . . 2.CU Tlieres.v Mlntkus . . 1S4 Attncs Mjcrs . . 1,479 Cora mralt . . . . . . . . U4 Klosalo Homnln 2,307 Mr . M. J. Tinned IS ! Minnie Npnle 5,155 Dora Kaapko m Annn. fall 2,230 Clara Duval . . 174 Marie \VoodarO . . . . l.Dtl Badle Hummel K2 I-ottlo BlmlJa l.SDS Lena „ 1C3HO Horencc Hnznnl . . 1,616 Helen llonglanJ HO Kmlly AVnrchnm . . lit.00 . Zrlmn Klemlntc 14S Ada StelKcr . KS Amy Gcrnlmrt > . 1,49 lldnn Wntron 14 ? llefftlc Voilraska. , . D32 Baillo MflRUIre . . . 14G Mtuui Vaughn . . . . 904 Annn N'onlwnll . . . 14j Mao Ltnrtlett 172 R1H UoilEon 14 : I ) . Frederlckfon . . 811 | Nellie lyjiulon 14) 1'carl Bmlley Powell 1J7 Idnlla 'Weed 789 Mae l-'nber 131 ! Mrs. ii. n. Corjell 784 Thorn Undstrom . . Mabel Taylor 770Thorn Welwter Millie Hllmen 70) Kath Hnmlln Martha Hlldebrana CIS If o Mctz .1. . . . . Ilculah riemlnc . . C55tuelln ! 1'cpnu , Helen Mlllnrtl . . . . C7S MarRaret CurtU . . . Sclma Hpcneter . . . C75 Harriet Itornsby . . lllnnch Craig . . . . . fCKj May Hamlln Jennnctte CJrcKR . . tSD Floy Jone * . . . . . . . . Florence Fltchle . . 622 Mrs. Q. P. Moore Dell Axtcll MS riorcnco H.illnlck . Nellies GrccB . . . . . . 489 Jennie 1'roat riorcnco ginger . . . 4S3 Clara Pnlmcr . . . . . Sadie Stone . . . . . . . 418 I cna Harttgan . . . . darn Ilcdlnger . . . 39.1 Kmma .lohnian . . . . Florence Campion 397 Alberta Woods . . . . Daisy Darker . . 291 1 71 inn , Frcnan . . . . lllanch Lowe . . . 375 Buzanna Wnllier . . Wononah James SJG Wlnnlfrcd Ilowo . . Radio Cain 332 Esther LlndMrom . 1'nullne Lowe . . . . 325 Anna Atluvlth . . . . 1'nuo. uenticmnn 3.M Mrs. M. 1Avcry Nora McAdoo 323 Hmrna Uahl Florence Yllan . Za Kate Ilollonay . . "Clara lyirenzcn . , 322 Joalo Stcmm Georgia Tennery , 311 Sadie Alexander . . Mabel Packard , . . . SOS Bayles C2 Mro , II. B. MuKord , 309 Hannah Haphnel . . C7 Lucy Pnrrlsli . . . . . . 300 Flora Stemm CS Elizabeth Phillip ) . : M Mrs. It.irrls S3 Laura Morec 264 Hanna Kopald . . . . C3 I i CARNIVAL NOTES. Too carnival matters took on a bright line yesterday afternoon when the Norrla and L/ovo Interests \vcro Sold to Thomas Swobe , a well known businca ? mca of this city. Hich- anVIMorrls steps down and out , but Mr. James H. Love will remain with the new manage- ment , Ibavo charge > of iiho press bureau and attend to considerable of the detail work. Mr. Swobo will assume the active management and the oirnlval will bo made a grand fuccesa. The program of cvcnttTund special features will bo announced In a few days. Aipangemonts were perfected under which n contract was entered Into with W. U. Jliir- dls of thoCollc-cum for tSklcig care of the Ice at the Lagoon. Heretofore ttao Ice question has been a cos'tly experiment < rad the result has mot been satisfactory by any means to lovers of skating , but hereafter , weather per mitting , .tho Ice \\lll be maintained in perfect shape. ( Mr. Swobe will maintain the Twen tieth street gate on 'New Year's diy and Sunday , aa well as the Sherman avenue nue- and Twenty-fourth street gatcaT making thrco gates at which admissions can bo se cured. I i PrcHmZairy arrangements for securing music and ctticr attractions < at the Lagoon during the period prior to carnival week are under -way. The Eime gate fee , 15 cents , which entKles the patroruj to one ride en , the toboggan or admission to the Ice , will be continued. Olr. Swobo promises the beet eervlco possible at the exposition grcundc , and that hereafter the cashiers will open the Bites at 8 a. m. , instead of 10 o'clock , as heretofore. Arrangements have been made \\Tto the exposition ( management under which an oulce ca the sixth floor of the Paxton block will bo opcncJ , from which all carnival matters will hereafter bo directed. ( Miss Mildred' Stcphensoa , daughter ot James StephensCo , one ot Omaha's ijoneer cMlzcns , tas been , chosen queen of the car nival. 'MlEG Ster/itason ts-u. highly cultured and "ibea'utttul young lady Andi will mak'e , a queen that all may be proud 'of. Her social duties will bo many , but she brings tact , diplomacy and a sweet disposition with her , all of which are absolutely necessury to he a successful carnival queen. The following ladlce are Omaha's maids of honor to the quceo : Mies Anna Heywood , Miss Maggie Poley , ailss OJirdlo Aoirswald , Miss IMae Robinson , .Miss Mabel Nclsoo , Aliss Edith ( Miner , iMlas Elolpo Couchman , Mlsa lilario Susterlc , Miss > Nellie Ilhlno , Miss Emma Brau , ( Mies Jcunlo Graham , iMlas Freda Lange , Miss ( /Agnes / Myers , Oltes Flossie Roraata , iliss Mtarrle Neale , Mies Anna Fall , Miss Marie Woodard , Miss 'Lottie Sfcalda , 'Miss ' Florence Hazard , Btlsa Emily Wareham. A complete llat of maids of honor from the towns and cities throughout the state- Will bo published in Sunday's 'Bee. | nUULINGTOJf IIOUTE. ' , I . Holiday IlHteg to Chicago , i $3.75 , one way. J15.GO , round trip. December 31 and January 1 only. Tickets and berths at 1502 Farnam street. t'liton ' Puciflc. "Tho Overland Limited. " The most SUPERBLY EQUIPPED train west of the Missouri river. Twelve hours quicker than any other train to the Paclfln coast. Call at Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam SU I DIED. , I HICHAnDS Mrs. Alice U , wife of J. M. nichards , the well known Insurance ad juster , died very .suddenly Thursday of apoplexy. Funeral services will bo held from the family residence at No. H15 South Thirty-second street Sunday at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends nre invited , Mrs ; Richards has been an active mem ber of St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church during her residence hero of nearly fourteen years , nnd has many dear friends who mourn her loss. She leaves a husband and three children. TRJ-JMAiNN 'May' ' , December 29 , 1S97 , nged 23 years 4 months. Funeral services Sat urday afternoon nt 5 o'clock. January 1 , 1898 , at her late residence. 1 25 Howard street. Remains will lenvo on the 7 o'clock train. Interment at Rock Island , 111. HE CLEANED GUI THE STORE Unfaithful Olork Disposes of His Master's Surplus Stock. UNDER ARREST FOR GRAND LARCENY 1C mil llnlinnit Taken Ailvnnlnprc of the Trnnt llppoxcil In Him l > yi A. 1\ JCcItli , Dpnlcr In , Emll Holmnn WAS arrested last night for taking to hhnjselt during the last few weeks the profits accruing from his employer's bus iness. Ho had been a clerk In the crockery and glassware store ot A. F. Keith , 1113 Harncy street , and had never been found In any way unfaithful to his duty. Several weeks ago tha health ot the proprietor be en mo uncertain and ho was obliged to pass tbo affairs ot the business more Into the hands of Holmnn. The young man seemed to bo getting along satisfactorily , and when 'Mr. ' Keith was obliged to visit the south in search ot health ho left the clerk In charge of the business. When the master had de parted , the clerk started a general clear ance sale of the stock on hand. Barrels ot crockery and glassware which were Invoiced at $10 cost on the books were disposed of at from $3 to $5. Goods which had not been unpacked were brought up from the base > uicnt and carted oft to junk store * ! , and other customers who were willing to take advan tage ot a bona fldo realizing sale. When the master returned from the far country , he did not at once notice evidence ot his servant's Infidelity. The latter , how , ever , became uneasy and finally told his em ployer that he Intended to stop work. An offer of Increased salary In the spring was refused and the manner of the clerk was such as to excite ( suspicion. Mr. Keith looked over the shelves and found the usual stoclv on hand. A visit to the basement , however , revealed that the holiday reserve \\as rep resented by little more than empty barrels. Mr. Keith determined that fully thirty bar rels of china and glassware had been emptied , the total value ot which was esti mated at $350. A warrant was sworn out for the arrest of Holman on the chargeot gram ] larceny as bailee and ho waa secured by Detectives Dunn and Donahue. At first the clerk was Inclined to protest his Innocence , but later was Induced te make a clean breast ot It. He gave an account of his dishonest dealing and mentioned a number of places where the property could bo recovcrdd. Quito an amount was found In the stores men tioned , especially at the establishment of a man earned , Meyers , at Eleventh and Far nam. . ' 11 i IV Ilncl CniiRU Cured. . "Mrs. Sally Ponnlngton , an old lady -who lives near hero vas troubled with a bad cough for a long time. She was so Ind that she could not lie down or 3ccp ; ot nights. After using one small bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy she could rest of nights , and by the time she had used three bottles her cough had disappeared. " B. K. Smlthson , Arne , Tenn , The local freight offices and warehouses will close January 1 , account of New Year's. , CHICAGO LIMITED T11A1X. Five Forty-Five P. M. , via the -x Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Uy. Electric Lighted , Steam Heated , 1 I Solid Vestlbuled Dining Car. City ticket office , 1504 Tarnam street. GEORGE D. HAYNES , City Passcuger Agent. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. The following marriage licenses were Is- ucd yesterday by the county judge : Name and address Age. Itceso 15 , Clawson , Qmalin. . 21 Kate M. Clawson" , Muscatlne , la . 1M Frank iBoukoe , South Omaha . 21 Fannie Challand , South Omaha . ; . . . 21 Dugcno B. Hall , Omaha . 30 Elizabeth. S.Banjj , Omaha . 27 L.ous ! H. Slppell , Omaha . 29 Carrie KetzKcr , Omaha . 31 William T. Best , ChlcagT . 31 Caddie Stout , Indianapolis , Ind . 30 Jacob Burnsteln , Omaha . 31 Fannie Green , Omaha . . > . . IS 2 nights to Call fornia. 1 night to Utah , via the UNION PACIFIC , 12 boars quicker than any other line from Missouri River. For tickets , llmo tables , or any Information , call at u City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St. H Broken Lots Odds and qnds in a Clothing Store are the same as pieces of remnants in a Dry Goods Store. They must be cleaned'up It is no disgrace for any clothing store to have a lot of odds and ends at the close of the season They are the best evidence that the store has done good business The store which lias no odds and ends to offer at the end of the year must be as gloomy as a home without children Their past has been idle and the future holds out no hope for them In tnis lot you can find for Four Dollars and Fifty Cents suits that soid for $9 for Five Dollars you can find suits that soldfor $9.50 and $10 for Six Seventy- five suits that sold for $12.50 for Seven Fifty suits that sold for $13.50 and Ten Dollars catches the pick of our season's selections4-5f we have your size In our regular stock we can fit any man or boy We invoice Jan. i stock must be fo- duced Prices have been lowered on every article or ) the floor fffiXBCN T V u JBC . DCO. ew crear s Promises Ifcw Ycnr'nyroiniHCH arc apf to &c oo i loaf a /Jit of jtfoHt < nnjbot1/ { iem7to ( tttrn qrer n new leaf fov ft treeof ten ffrif/s. IIIcmre no nctv leaves to ftn'ii for next j/cnr. Xo new rcHolntlotw to form , iVo &ro * Ken in-oin IHCH fo 2 > fell tip. X o unperformed ptctlgca to redeem. Wo tclll not promiac to ( to better for you next year fltnn tve flirt taut year bccnitao ICG arc af * wni/n doing our bent for you and ire arc altcai/it nJit/cr on prtnnitiCH than tec arc on dfoi'nIFo lo not e.rjjcef yon to trade tvitli tts next year on tha strength of trliat ire did for lant year or the year 6c- /bre. With ti every year imtut give itn oir'itrrccotrtif * ing me in tint earn your trade and yottr good will continually ; tec must ; / ; u yon satiHfaction day by day. Tftvc do not tre cannot expect yonrpatronagcf if ire do trc ttiill bo the gainer as ti'cll < i yon , Oi thin understanding tee tJtanh yott for pant favord and tvish yon n happy andproapcrons new ycar Trusses and Syringes , A good Family Syringe. . . . EOo A. Kood 2-quart Fountain Syringe -19c A warranted 2-quart Hot Wnter Hag. . uOc Rubber Goods NI2W , ns mo buy direct from factory. factory.Write for Catalogue. Sherman SBScGonnell Drug Co .Middle of Illock , - - lollt Doilgc. D LungTroubl1 D Winter IB mi Important B period for all " j y\ who have ( I CataiTli or Bronchitis I i or nny affection or llio respiratory | | passages. DTho latest nnd best appliances for skilful treatment ore used by Dr. Shepard. Consultation free. 3 SHEPARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE I 311-312-313 N. V. TlfoHldff. Tel. 1138 saannncDDDanD y Wo will wind yoao Ore to ) d r trial MPMtH treatment ot the French.UemBdr o.U.'l ' . and RltreQ CALTHOS free , l o ) ) - - m BcEdlEuarantoothatOALTIIOSwill [ STOP nUchnruco nnil rmtuloo * nnA llllb OH&-l * t vigor , o i 6 Itco tB yol I VOnMohlCO. 001 BSoleimtrltSBl U.Clncl UO. Do You Skate ? It has been many a year since skating- has been so pop ular as it is this winter. This is no doubt duo to the fact that no such opportunity has been offered in the shape of a good place to skate Thia year , however,1 the Lagoon on the Exposition Grounds makes an ideal skating rink The boys and girls of this city and South Omaha arc offered a chance to obtain their Skating Tickets Free To every person bringing in 30 cents for a two weeks subscription to the Daily and Sunday Bee or the Evening and Sunday Bee , wo will giro n ticket admitting them To the Exposition Grounds To the Ice on the Lagoon and to a Ride on the Toboggan Bring orders to the Subscription Department. A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Omaha , tlio "Qato City , " will bo crowned "Groat City , " and Oraalia. In Ne braska will bo known OB Om&tia , U. S. A.ltb dawn of tlio now year. With the great Transralnslsslppl Exposition , magnificent poalodlco , Increased boot packing Industries , additional costly structures and Omaha as a city of health , wealth , public spirit , good government , railroads , smelters , factories and dozens of various competing Industries , Omaha vlll put on Its Sunday coat and march proudly to the front. is "Tho Guarantee , " as an enterprise In Its Infancy , claims ihut a tiny portion of Omaha'e great achievements. The owners , however , claim much more , which they deserve. 'Tho proprietors of this store se ttlea hero when the river front viro the attractions of Omaha ; saw many a hill i cplaced by a beautiful structure ; have helped the building up of many Industries and enterprise * , and benefited Omaha and themselves with many additions In Its marvelous progrceo. , , , And the "Guarantee' " Is a vroof of fidelity. Its motto Is "Omaha First. " The "Guarantee" Is proud of horno-mado goods. Lot other stores advcrtlso other cities. You will find hero more geode made In Omaha than In oil clothing stores 'com bined. Thc.y ere better made , and above all , giving employment to our own work- log people. 4 ? \ ' Omaha made Shirts Omabi made Overalls and Working Clothes Omaha made Shoes. Omaha everything. Other mark eta come next. Co. ' ' & & CAPITOL'A\