m IJA J" > * " THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. B. nOSEWATEtl , Cdllor. PUUWSHED EVEUY TETIMS Ol Dilty He ( Without Bunda ? ) , On * Year MM Dally Dee nnd Sunday , On * Year J JJ BU Month ! JW Three Month * , W Bunday 13ec , One 'Year. . . . . . . . . * 2 W Haturday Uce. Ono Yenr < W Weekly Ike. On * Yea < -.i * OFFICES : Omaha : The Bee Building. . . . „ . Bouth Omaha : Singer ink. , Cor. N and 21th Bt . Council IluT ( : 10 1'tntl street. Chicago OlTIc * ! 817 Chamber of Commerce. New York I Ilooms 13 , II and IS Tribune Bide. Washington : Ml Fourteenth Street. COUllKSPONOKNCK. All communications relating to new * nnd edito rial matter should be nddrcstcd : To the Editor. 11UH1NKSS ljl TT12I18. All l.n . lnes letters and remittances should b ddresied to The lie * Publishing Company , Omaha. Drafts , cherkt , nxprcsi and poitotnco money order * to In mnd payabU to the order of the company. TUB nsn PODLIBIIINO COMPANY. BTATlIlfUNT OV CIHCOI ATION. Binlo of Nebraska , Douglas County , ns.t George li , Trschuck , necrctnry ot The llee run- llslilnR ( Toninnny , being fuly awoin , a > thnt the ictual number ot full enl complete copies of Tim Dally , Horning. Evening nnd Hunilny Her printed flurlng the month of Novtmbcr , 1837. was n fel lows t 21,881 17. . . 11,171 11 . . . ! 2U4J 19 Zl.nil 20 21,0:6 H. " Zl.fili Zj J1.31S 23 22 , 3 21 ti.ttn 23 . ! 26 11.M1 27 21.7S2 2 ? 21,013 21 . , . . . 21,40) SO 21.313 Tolnl .CI3.02J unsold and returned copies 10,413 Net totnl rain CS 1.8 1 Net dally nvcrnge 21,1.0 OHO. 11. TBBCIUirK Sworn to before me nnd subscrllu'd In my > rp "pr thla 1st day of December , l97. ( Scnl. ) N. 1' . Frill , . Notary Publlo. KISI'U' IT lIliFOniS TJIH 1'UllML1. Tin1 HKKro'fiid1 cnrrlcr Oellvcry clr- ciilntlnii of Tlic KvcnlnK IIcc It double the nptKrcKntc cnrrlur ili-llvpry circulation of tlu Evening AVorld- Ilrrnlil mill luon- { him HT lliuof Ijrentcr tlinit tinnpTKrcwiite ciirrlor iH'Ilvcrjcirculation of tin * MorniiiK AVorlil-Ilcralil In Omnlin. a nil South Oinnlin. The cnrrlcr i1illvpry circulation of The Mvi-nltii ? Itcc rvnchoM 7 , ! > : il liciiia ilile NtiliMorlherM that nrr not ronuhcil l y " ' KvpnliiB Worlil-IIernlil iiiul 7,01(1 HiiIisi'i-llirrN that arc not reached ! > } the MornliiK Worlil-llernlil. More thnii 1) , ( > ( > ( > carrier delivery nulincrlliiTN in Thu O ma till Evciiliip ; lice a nil The Omnlin Moi-iiliiMT IIcc arc not rcaclicil cither hy the MomliiK \Vorlil-IIornlil or the Evening Worlil- Heralil. It KOCH without HnyliiK thnt the nuiii- hcr of coitlcx ii f 'I'll'- Evening ; lice or The MnriiliiR Hcc Niilil hy dealer * ami lUMVHhoyN cxeeeilK hy n very cou liler- nhlc the nuialier of World-Herald dalllcH , 'inornlitK mill cvcnliiR , solrt I > y dcnlcrn ami 'itcWHliovM. Runiciiibor that tills Is tlic year of the aVansmlsslsslppl Exposition. The now taVHT law made n finish In the last month of the old your. Railroad , receiverships are not as pop ular 1111(101' a republican admlnlstratlou ns under the administration preceding. The only nonpartlsan member ot the police board Is the man who was elected mayor of Omaha as a straight repub lican. Several dark war clouds are visible on tin * horizon as the new year Is ushered ln , but storms do not follow every threat- flurry. The wheat deal was closed without n single farmer in the United States losing a cent , and the slate is fresh and clean for another year. The Sick Man of Asia might learn something ot value from the late Sick Man of Europe about playing the na tions against each other. -It Isnil right for the lawyers to keep X 'n ' il turmoil whoiii there arc fat " "Might. It Is another matter , however , for the man who pays the freight. The chief of police will soon have his hands full In enforcing the law that requires - quires him to keep th ? saloons closed that have secured no license for the next fiscal year. Tlio Missouri state experiment station reports that Missouri bouts do not COD- lain a sufficient amount of sweetness for the making ot sugar. But Missouri has other resources undeveloped. We are still looking for the member of the school board who Is willing to take the trouble to Inquire how the school board can add tflO.COO a. year to Its Income without paying out a cent. An Iowa bank went out of business the last week of thp old year , but there was money enough , on band to pay all de positors In full on demand. Business was suspended simply because the long felt want for money has boon supplied. 'Special courses In dairying are given to farmers' sons and daughters nt nearly nil the western agricultural colleges. Thu dairy business can be greatly Im proved by the education of those who engage In It and the careful training of Governor Adams of Colorado , although Interested In a savings bank at Pueblo , comes out strongly In favor of tlio es- tnlillshineiU of the postal .savings bank y Umi. > , ln this lie puts his sense ot ( Uity.Ti ) the public above his Individual .In looking after your New Year's egg- iipgg you may encounter home dllllciilties that might have been foreseen by deal- e'rtf In liquid refreshments who luivo failed to comply with the law In lnseit- lug their application notices In the paper of largest circulation. . Resolved , That during the year 1S93 Omaha shall have cleaner streets , inoi-.i paving and sidewalks , better street car sen-lee , a now hotel , a new union depot , everything Unit goesto , make a good city , and that uyury man , woman and child In thp city shall work for the suc cess of tlu , ) ThinsmlssU ppl Exposition vutll Iho gates are closed uu < the last day. ZJ/B A'Kir YRAtt , In greeting the now ycnt ! the disposi tion should be to look hopefully ahead , to take ou renewed coufngo for the con flict of life nnd to determine to meet whatever cares or dllllcuHIrs confront us with n bravo heart nhd a firm purpose to triumph. There Is no time demnrca. tlon In the going out nnd the coming In of the years. The Instant that records the death of the old year also records the birth of the new. But hi the affairs of life the transition from ono year to another marks for many of us a distinct change In our relations. .It . brings to some new duties nnd responsibilities , It la the starting iiolnt of new plans and enterprises , It Is a time for balancing up tlio books nnd finding how we stand with the world. It Is also the occasion for making good resolutions , not all of which survive the day , but which nro not alto- gcthcr without good results. The beginning of 1808 finds the Ameri can people In a much more prosperous condition than a year ago nnd with every reason to expect thnt there will bo fur ther Improvement as the year advances. On friendly terms with all the world , peace nt home , an abundant supply of the necessaries of life , ample capital for every legitimate demand and more lo come1 from abroad , the credit of Uio na tion high and the revenues of the gov ernment growing surely with nil this the American people ought to he the happiest people In the world. In this cheerful and optimistic spirit The Bee welcomes the now year and extends hearty greeting to all Its patrons. VOIt IXCllKASlAt ) 11AKH 1SSUKS. President McKlnley stated In his an nual message that he concurred with the secretary of the treasury hi his recommendation that national banks be allowed to issue notes to the face value of the bonds which they have deposited for circulation and that the tax on cir culating notes secured by the d-.i-oslt of such bonds be reduced to one-hall' of 1 per cent per annum. lie also Joined In the recommendation that authority bo given for tlio establishment of national banks with a minimum capital of fiC- ) 000. Discussing these recommendations In his annual report , Secretary Gage salu that the complaint uttered against the national bank act as It now stands Is not directed toward the method of bank organization or the absolute safety guaranteed to the noteholder , but toward those restrictions It embodies , wlileJi result In Its failure to accomplish tlio full benefit It ought to carry. "The requirement of the law , " said the secre tary , "now makes it Impossible to or ganize a bank with n capital of less than ? dO,000 , no matter how small the place In which It , is to be located , or liow restricted the volume of business there to bo transacted. Because of that , with the added expense of taxation , both national and local , many communi ties are deprived of the aid of banks of issue and burdened with onerous rates of exchange 'and interest charges. " These recommendations are not new and all of Ihcm have received consideration in past congresses. It Is now said that there Is favorable promise of a measure embracing thesft proposed amendments to the national banking law receiving affirmative action in both houses. Some members of the house committee on hanking and Cur rency , while desiring a general measure which would include every feature ot the currency question , are Inclined to favor the reporting of a separate bill relating to the'"national banks. Indeed , it Is said there can. . be no doubt such a measure will be reported if it shall become apparent that agreement can not bo reached on fi general bill. The proposal to allow national banks to bo established with less capital than the law now requites. In any place hav ing a population of 2,000 or .less . , is im portant to a large portion , of the south and to a considerable part of the west , where better banking facilities are needed. There Is no question that these sections ought to be given the relief in this direction they require , but unfortu nately some of the communities that' would be helped by the proposed legisla tion are not friendly to It , cither from hostility to national banks or because they believe state banks should be al lowed to Issue circulating notes. As to reducing the tax on circulation it will certainly , meet with vigorous opposition and the proposal to allow national banks to Issue notes to the face value of bonds deposited has not hlthoi'o met with very great favor. There may , however , bo now a better chance for such legisla tion. SPAIN IN KU 1WKKY. It Is understood that the Spanish gov ernment will take Its time In replying to the last note of the American minister , In which the course of this government In regard to filibustering expeditions Is de- feuded. There will be no serious objec tion to whatever delay Spain shall bo pleased to make In this matter , for the statement of our government nuvit sat isfy the Impartial judgment of the civ- Ilixed world that the United States has most faithfully and diligently performed Its duty with respect to filibustering. The statement made by Secretary Gage ought to be conclusive us to this with every candid mind mid tliu fact that the Spanish press and people are not satis- Hud with it is not a matter of serious Importance. Wfe cannot expect to satisfy them In any respect , so long as this government Insists that It has some In terest In' the Cuban conflict , some concern - corn in a war that lias already been ex ceedingly damaging to American com mercial Interests. The truth is , as was pointed out by Secretary Gage , the landing of filibuster ing expeditions In Cuba was duo to no lack of vigilance and precaution on the part of the authorities of the United States , but to the lilelllelency of this Spanish naval force In Cuban waters , Tlio secretary of the treasury declared that If this force ! had been watchful and flilelent not n slnglo expedition could have landed in Cuba. With the oppor tunities for sending out filibustering ex peditions which our extended seacoast affords It Is remarkable that there have not been more of them. At all events , It can } > Q confidently , ussertetl that no other country would have shown greater diligence than the United States in pre venting such expeditious' or more faith fully observed the obligations of mm trallly. It Is a matter of small cons" , quuiioc when Spain answer * the List note of our minister or what may bo the nature of the answer. , t QUKSTIOffAULK I'lWl' At the meeting held In the council chamber by citizens who are opposed to the extension of the time of purchase of the water works Mr. Henry W * . Vntcs presented the following resolution : Unsolved , That It Is the sense of this meeting that the rights ot the cltx should ho protected br proper appeal balng taken In the case of iho city against the water workn company , lately decided against the city Ii ? Judge Mungcr , and that the city council direct the city attorney to take the proper steps ( or that purpose. This resolution was unanimously adopted , which only goes to show how easily men who have not given a sub ject the slightest thought can be bodily carried off their legs because some prom inent man , who probably Is equally un conscious of the practical effect of a declaration on n question of public pol icy , has ventured to father It. The proposition to appeal ou behalf of the city from the decision of .luilge Mimgi'r Is not In the Interest of the city of Omaha , but In the interest of the stock jobbers who wrecked the water conv pany and drove It Into bankruptcy and foreclosure. The contention In the fed eral district court was that the forcclo- sure sale was Irregular ami operated as a forfeiture of franchise. Ou this point Mr. Henry W. Yates was fully In accord with Judge Munger only a few mouths ago. lie did not believe that the pur chase of the water works at the fore closure sale Included only tlic water mains , reservoirs and machinery , left the company without any right to operate the plant , as was contended by John I , . Webster , the attorney of thu wreckers. Wise men change , but fools never. Mr. Yates has an Inherent right to change his views on any question , but we fall to see where he gets any ground for joining Mr. Webster In his conten tion. If It is conceded that Judge Mttn- that the company - ger Is right in declaring pany has not forfeited its franchise , what Is the city to gain , by an appeal to tlu > Unltcd'States court of appeals ? It will take from six mouths to one year to reach a decision by the Tutted States court ot appeals , nnd If that court BUS- tains. Judge Munger , which every ra tional man conversant with the case must concede It will , then the next step would be to appeal to the supreme court of the United State ? , which would not reach a decision In lo w than two to three years. Assume , for argument's sake , thnt the court of appeals reverses Judge Munger. Then the water company will appeal to the supreme court , because it could not afford to have its property confiscated under pretext that Its fran chise had been forfeited. In either event the final decision by the United States .supreme court could not be reached before the city , by Its existing contract , would be able to acquire , the works by purchase. Instead of proving of advantage to the city the proposed appeal would not only involve the city in a large outlay of court costs In addi tion to the heavy bill already incurred * by It in its efforts to pull Mr. Vernier's hot chestnuts out of the fire , but it would entail upon the city Incalculable loss , frlrst and foremost , the water company would not expend a dollar In extensions and betterments of its plant , except such as It was obliged to in order to carry out Its contract with the city. In a state of continued warfare the company would make no concessions cither to the city or any consumer , but would exact the full meter rates from manufacturers and institutions that re quire large quantities of water. On the other hand , if the city accepts as final the decision of the federal court , which recogni7.es the water company's right to operate Its plant under its con tract with the city , nt least until the city fakes possession by purchase , the company will bo disposed to give liberal treatment to its patrons and maintain amicable relations with the city. Man ifestly , thcrcfo-c , the demand that the city shall reopen the controversy and contest the franchise of the water com pany In the higher federal courts is 111- advlscd and If carried out is sure Jo ; cnuso needless and costly contention In which the city has nothing to gain. This view docs not imply that the city should extend the time within which Its right to purchase shall be exercised upon the terms proposed in the pending ordi nance , or upon any terms unless the city gets a fair equivalent. It Is all right for taxpaylng citizens iand water consumers to demand that- the council 'shall order the water com. pany to turn oa thu supply for the ex position , but It Is also eminently proper that these gentlemen provide the way * and means by whlcli the exposition can raise the money to pay for the water. It may not be Impertinent also to remark that when ono of these remonstrants loads the exposition up with the extra , ordinary outlay for water he ought teat at least show a disposition to contrib ute his fair proportion of the money re quired to pay for the water. This ap. piles with espdal force to that class of remonstrants whoso business will bo enormously increased Ijj- the exposition. As n contribution to the current dis cussion of Iowa's little warrant indebt edness the Sioux City Journal points out that "in thu iast eight years thu number of those who are provided for at the state Institutions of Iowa have Increased 80 per cent. This simple fact , " adds the Journal , "shows the en- nnnous Increase of expense. Yet the rate of taxation has Increased very little. The levy Is only 2.8 mills , while the as sessed valuation has actually been re duced. " Tills Is an all-sutliclent answer to the earplug critics who assert that the state ought not to spend a dollar In nmk. Ing a creditable exhibit among other states at the Transmlsslsslppl Exposi tion on the score of poverty. If the men in the business world were nil like "Deacon" S. V. White of Brooklyn - lyn , who has just paid debts aggregat ing over $1,000,000 , there would be no business for bank examiners , surety companies * and laws for punishing dls- honesty In business. White failed four years ago , but hla creditors voluntarily permitted him to to on with his ' on the proinlsOjjtJifn. ho would pay nil hla ilililK. lie Iiai1onvo , though In might have eneapi'd piijlueiit had he been BO disposed. It illKylie of Interest to know that White's IfiWtnvss habits woiv flsert wlille IH was .VBf'ji western man strug gling against //Hro for a start liv thi ; world. The qui'stloiV llfjit bonfronta the exposition ' position Is not' ( o\y to get nn abundant supply of water , , b.nt how to sot eiioiiKh money to pny .fjOf , It In addition to the obllpitlons nlreatlvhntMiiTcd for the erec tion of buildings nnd Inlprovciucnt of the Rrounda. | f , llu cltlr.ens who nro tnldiiR the lead 'In ' the renewed watet- llsht will como forward and wise the $ 200,000 which are absolutely needed before - fore the Kilted open the exposition mann - n einont will cheerfully forego any ne gotiations for a concession from the water company and pay It for every gal lon of water that will be required. ' \Vlipre Trouble In llri'\vliut. aiobc-Dcniocrnt. The kaleidoscope Ot events has suddenly made the Pacific the center of Interest. China divides the sensations of the day with Hawaii and Alaska. Kxteriuliiiitlnu Abandoned. Uuflalo ExprcFB. Spain Is willing the United Slates should feed Iho women nnd children ot Cuba whom the orders ot Woylcv reduced to starvation. This , at least , Is a practical proof that the Idea ot txiclfylag the Island by slowly ex terminating the Inhabitants has been aban doned. Shady Slorli-H from tlic Artie. IlnUlmorc American. If wo place sldo by aide the \arloufl Inter views about the cbndltlon of thing * at Dawson - son City , the conclusion Is Inevitable that somebody Is doing a big lot ot lying. Ocio man reports enough food , and the next gives us tales of certain starvation , and thus the contradictions multiply. It may bo that cer tain persons are Interested In supplying food ami drink , and that the storiea nro k\iaded a.3 far as they can control them , to suit tholi purposes oC speculation. \Vlioiu It IMonNCN. Chicago Tlmcs-irernli President ntcKlnlcy's Cuban policy does not seem to meet the approval of tbo Spanlsl : newspapers. They and the jingoes of this country are agreed on the point that It Is a bad policy. Fortunately Mr. McKlnley doe ; not look to thu Spanish newspapers or thi American Jingoes for approval. The pcopli whom ho wishes to please ani1 who an pleased with his course are t'ho people fron whom ho came , 'who elected .him iprcsldent the conservative , lndut/riouii , sober , peace loving people ot the country. Union 1'aclllo 'Iteuriranlzittloii. ' Philadelphia ledger. The Interdependence of the railroads of thi United States Is strikingly shown In tin careful selection of a now prc9ldo'it for thi reorganized Union Pacific company. Thi claims nnd Interests ot almost all the rallroai systems between the Missouri rlvor rnd thi Atlantic seaboard had. to bo consldcrtxl , vn < finally the principal ones had to bo providei for by placing tjjelrj representatives on tin board of directors. The same thing 1 shown In the troubles about fralg'it ' rate' and passenger tickets. The tendency of th railroad businessof , the country seems to b toward a consolidation of all the lines In : uniform syatem , whether under governmen control , government auspices or simply cor porate.management . , il 13xcliniiK < of Sliolx. New York Mull nnd Express. There Is anuriusual * tone of cnthuslasn as well as of sincerity ? In the formal speecht Interchanged bgt-i.6n Mr. Hagard tl Orltlsh mlnlster'-co'Venezucla , and1 Preside : Crespo. when the minister presented to credentials. T-ho'qudcn's representative dl ; , playc3 , -genuine1 pleasure In this renew of diplomatic 'relations after' ther ( 'severj\i\ \ ( fdr ten 'years , 'bift his was at strange asse tlon that 'IBnglaniT .has In the past give many proofs ot her .sincere friendship fi and sympathy with Venezuela In her pal of liberty and progress. " Crespo clever : countered this by congratulating the rcpr sentatlvo of ( British bulldozing upon tl beneficial effect of the "mwal" system arbitration , whlcli ihas universal happlne ; as Its aspiration. 1'alnfiil Slap nt llryanlsiii. New York Sun. Bad -news awaits Hon. William Jenntai Bryan when ho Is restored to Lincoln. Tl Christmas trade of the Nebraska merchan has been very much larger than It was la or any other year.Fifty per tent large some of them declare. Nebraska Is on ui grateful state , and doesn't deserve hi privileges. What right has she to be pro porous wfoen her most industrious leotur knows that pr-csporlty Is cod must be mere illusion as long as silver Is neglectei It will be Mr. Bryan's painful duty to wai his deluded1 citizens as-ilnst the seauctio : of a false prosperity , and also to rcmii them that In making money and bccomii mcaey changers they are cutting themsclv oft from the "toiling nsasses , " which ti for BO many hundred dollars a speech half the gate money. 1807 1X1 'IIUSIXKSS. 'Xotnlilc Improvement in Kliumcli nml Imlnntrljil Coiullttoim. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The year which Is > now near Its end saw wonderful improvement In the financial co dltion ot the United States. In the closl days of December , 1S9G , the net gold In t treasury , which had grown greatly olnco t overthrow ot Bryan eight weeks earlier , stc at $136,000,000. Today It Is above ? 1CO,000,0 cr higher than it was at say previous til since September , 1890 , and Is Increasing cc stantly. Exports of American goods , will tne IOCS OI UIO uuiKiuy tv onm luaw i would diminish , havd advanced by leaps i bounds since that act went on the stat beak , and the balance of trade In the co try's .favor ! s steadily growing , The roven which Kiok enemies ofthat law declared wo bo reduced as a consequence of Its enactmi has been advancing steadily over since , w ! out any Intermission , while the oxpendltu are not likely to increase materially In Immediate future. Therefore the predict ! of the disappearance of the monthly rtofl before the end of the fiscal year , on J 30 mext , stand iin excellent chance of real ! tlon. tlon.But Improvement Is not confined to treasury situation. In the entire bunlt field there has been a marked and contlnt change for t'.io better , There It an actl In all the great orpuuctivo maustries suci was not seen before stacu 1891 and 1 The cotton manufacture of New Eng'.am la true , has been * buddcoly checked , an reduction of wages has como , out till because of a BhlWnp of the field of Industry which Is'passing to the soul states on account,05 certain physical vantages which they' have over tlio re farther removed frpn ; the place of pro tlon. After the 1neccsEary rcadjustmen jnade. however , Ulft imnufacturo. will bt sumed In Now "Engltnd , though doub ou a smaller scale than before. ( Mosnv In the south the cotton rillln ard busier their output h far rijater than nt any pi In the past. The volume ot rho manufac of woolens and ot coots nnd shoes li near the highest figures over reached , > Iron cad steel production has broker records for thu Unltiyl States. The growth In Imtmclal confidence anc consequent business Improvement an fleeted In the bank clearances and the road earnings , both of which are nt highest level ever reached In this cou Nor Is this prosperity confined to the centers of manufactures and comn Higher prices are obtained for form pro of all sorts than were had for several past , and the condition of the reslden the rural districts has been , materially torod , The change , Indeed , began li very place which Insures the continual the Improvement that la , with the masses ot laborers on the farms and 1 factories , Tha prosperity which 1ms knows nq llmUtlcao | of aoo'.lon or clas pervade * all parallels and meridians , felt In every Industry and calling , Thi 1897 goes out under far. happier com ! than those which greeted It , while J ! about to open under still brighter promt OTIIKIt MXIK1 TllVJf OI 119. Jnpa. Ins great IntorctM la China nnd hi bail aver lnco ho beat back the Invadln leglona of tfublnl Khnrt am ] established he right to Independence ot her Riant cclghhoi She stands ecot < J to Great DrlMln In mng nltudo ot trade with China having $25,000 , 000 a year far more than IliiisU or all th real of Buropo put together. Naturally eh want * to retain that trade and Increase II Hut In her MSB , too , there Is room for grav questioning whether It would bo wise to In crcaso her territorial possession. ! toy seizin a province or two on the mainland. A prcwnt Japan1 Is aecuro In her Island home Just as Great Britain Is. She has merely t keep control of the sea about her to be sat from Invasion. There are only two po er In the world today that could beat her In naval war , nnd If she keeps up her prcscn rnto of navul progress thcro will probabl never bo any more. But If she had an em plro ca the continent to defend she woul bo subject to 'land attack from the over whelming forces ot llusaln .ml uhe woul also 1me to divide her fleet In euch an rs actually to put her Island homo Itself I danger ot Irvoslon. It would bo a fine thin In many respects to annex some Chines provinces , but such possessions would he source of weakness that might In tlmo prov fatal. * * That CroMn question' Is today exact ! : where It wco seven months ago. It 1s not t bo wondered nt that the Inhabitants of th.i much-vexed Island have become Impatlcn nnd arc now calling attention' tack to themselves solves by stirring up fresh disturbances , No will It bo a cnuso for wonder If they flho\ less regard 'for ' the "concert ot the powers' ' then heretofore and are lesa Inclined to In trust their "lives , fortunes and sacreJ honor' ' to the guardianship ot that Impotent , or a least do-nothing , organization * . As for th powers themselves , they will probably hav to do something pretty soon , especially I the troublcsi In Crete attain ccmldcrable dl mccelons. They will find the problem all th harder to solve now because of the dcla and also because they have now Itv Chin another and perhaps still moro difficult proi ' 1cm ou their hands. Certainly If they cm not settle the Cretan business , right at thel own doors , the chances of their partition ! ! ! a vast empire at the other sldo of the worl o.ad administering It well after It Is part ! tinned , among them arc not Euchas to Insplr the looker-on , with overwhelming confideuci * * The Maoris of Now Zealand cecm to b ( loomed to extinction In splto of the fact tin all the conditions surrounding them appea to bo favorable ito their survival. The quni rel between the races Is ended , and lavs tracts of land nro reserved for them. The ! young men are educated , 90 per cent of thci being able to read and write. Their chle ! In many cnses dcrlvo largo Incomes frci rents ot land , and are represented In tl legislature. A great Maori college stands j To Autl , Hawkc's Bay , and not a few i the cleverer Maori youths have passt through the classes of the New Zealand i < n verslty. And yet , says the ( Australian Hi view of Reviews , "tho Maoris , under thi mysterious law which makes a colored rai vanish before the breath of the all-coaque Ing , white , are passing away. " A conterum of educated Maoris was held a short tin ago , and papers were read on the cwidltlc and prospects of the race. These are republished published In pamphlet form nnd make very melancholy bit of literature. It Is d clarcd that 90 per cent of educated Maor go back from their schools to mere saxagcr The race , these representative Maoris d clare , Is lower both In morals and In vltall than it has over yet been , and threatens perish. Yet physically and Intellectually tl Maori Is or" was the finest colored race the southern hemisphere. * Russia's main object Is the completion her Rrcat railroad project and the dovelo mont of a trans-Siberian trade. What Franco ? That country's Intercast lies In t promotion ot trading with south and cent ! China by way of Tonquln , and hero UritI competition has been encountered. Rngll agents havij been seeking a franchise for railroad from Canton to Calcutta , which granted , would seriously Interfere with t French interests. However , the fianch ! has not yet been obtained. The Gcrma have been doing a largo coastwise carryli trade ; , but their Interest has heretofore bd confined to that , and here the Japanese 1m been driving them hard. And Japan ? Wh Is her interest ? It Is nothing less than become the guiding , directing , stlmulatli Intelligence In the Chinese empire ; to su ply the hugo Chinese body with the recc sary brains. How that ambition can 1 reconciled with .tho interests of Great Brlta U ono of the puzzles of the situation. * * The example set bji the engineers of Gre Britain Is finding Imitators on the contlne ot Buropo. It Is announced that the engl cers and stokers on French railways are nj tailing for a 'reduction ot 'their hours work. These at .present are often so lo ; that It frequently happens that neither stok nor driver can return to his ( homo for sc cral days together. It is argued by the who are promoting n iblll for restricting t hours of labor that this long absence frc homo has a bad ) effect on the morals of t men. However this may be , a . .billwill , any race , bo laid before the iPrench Chanu very soon to reduce the hours to a maxlmi . There will .be . of ten In the twenty-four. clause In It fixing 'tho allowance of holldt In the year to 'bo allowed to every m employed. They are to get three days leave every month , or ono day of twen four hours in every ten , and a clear fo night a year above and -beyond. This pli of proposed state Intervention , fixing obligatory period of holiday In the year any ono" Industrial class , Is believed to without precedent. Meanwhile , there < signs , according to the French press , ol general movement among the working clas of Franco for a limitation ot the work hours. The difficulties under -which Gerrai labors In the development of her naval p gram In the far east are Illustrated In .fact that the war ships < Joflon and Ueuts ' on board , .bei 'lan.4 , .with iPrlnco Henry their voyage to China by going Into Spltln England , for coal , and , In continuing tl further Installments of B voyage will get Ish coal at Gibraltar , Malta. Port Said , A < ' Colombo , Singapore and Hong Kong. Tl Is coal to too had at Klao Ohau , recei fleet , and this i occupied -by the German will too extremely handy If Germany la In the east on iliri cease to bo dependent ty coaling stations. At present the depend ! complete. Much as seems 'to bo pretty 12. 'samo Is to bo said of other powers that a war ships around the 'world. No coui and In all seas , u is Independent at sea , stat ! Is it has provided Itself with ccallng Isat in every quarter of the globe. The ( their u and rn ships of today are steamers , cell their idon extends little further than on facilities. ic- ic1s 1s e- lie lie Royal is the highest grade baking nd known. Actual testa Bhow It goes on * < led third further than any other braa ire up .lie . all ; here re- ill- the ry. eat co. eta ara In lOt- tbo I Of Tat the imo but I Is 'car ' ons I la I'OUTIO.U. ' UIR nmtlmoro' * now * chart ? provides A proi M-tjr qualification for ly omclsls nn changes municipal clcctlc i to May. The OorRla house of r prescntnUvoft In indefinitely r > oitpone < A b I providing for n Australian -ballot nml hud rejected a bill t reduce the salaries of railroad commli sloncrs. Hilly Dynum of Indiana nnd Mr. lllley c Iloston have turlcil iholr mouths for tli winter. Ilynum has nun * out his shlngl In the Brooklyn division of Greater Nc < York nnd Hllojr has retired Into the "Innc conoclousnces" of his political vindication. A Haitimoro club of free silver dctnucr.it has decided to talio the road with a dram entitled 'Tho Curse of Gold. " The enl objection to the proposed "elevation ot Ih staRo" Is that It follows too close on th heels ot "Undo Tom's Cabin , " which ha caused a dearth of vegetables In the lam' ' However , the country will try to ees It on. The Ilatnes liquor law In New York I generally esteemed a very defective mcasim but It hoa ono quality which commends It t thcae who take an Interest In the qticstlo ot taxation. In the first year ot Its opera tlon It yielded a. revenue of $0,911,743 , ncarl trebling the receipts derived from the llqnc traino muler the previous liquor law. Th city of New York contributes J3.59S.OS3 c the total cxclso tax. The Greater Now York enters upon II corporate existence without very much fen ot n water famine. There are SOO miles c water mains ; the supply of thoOroton , Dron and Dyrnm watershed Is 400,000,000 gallons day. In Ulrooklyn there nro 850 miles c water mains ; the capacity ) ot the watcrahe Is 90,000,000 gallons a day. I.OIIK Island Clt Is supplied by * a private company able t furnish dally 3,000 gallons. In Ulchmon there Is a totnl supply ot about 3,000,000 gal Ions a day. The Empire state has Its annual scanda exclusive of the capltol , which lias bocom a continuous performance. Two years ag the state voted $9,000,000 to be used In iJccr enlng the canals. The sum was conslderc ample for the work. Now comes the stat engineer nnd Iho chief of the 'Hoard ot 1'ul lie Works 'with a joint report In which the assert that $7,000,000 more Is needed to com iloto the Job , making a total of $16,000,00 , "he $9,000,000 Is about 'gono nnd scarce ! ivo-thlnls ot the work Is done. It la not known whether the youthful nn nnoccnt Charley Towno hfdulgcd too muc ii the cup that cheers or took an ovordos f mtnco pie. Whatever the cause , ho ha ail an attack of the ulRhthorsc , ilurln fhlch ho saw plutocratic ghosts nnd gold iugs ns largo as elephants. The substanc f Charley's dream was that somebody oftere Im ? 50,000 to support McKlnley nnd that iko sum was spent to defeat him for cor iresa. If anybody had offered Charley th 0,000 plunks ho would have become nn an natcd verification of the adage , "A fool an Is money are soon parted. " SO.VI12 AISW IXVK.VriOXS. Pens can be quickly removed from a no1 icnholder , a sliding piece being eet Indlil ho barrel to clamp the pen In position ft isc , and a knob set In a slot In the barn o force the sliding piece outward and r < ease the pen. To prevent the extinction ot the flame c Icyclo lamps In high winds an addition ! guard Is used to Cover the top of the lam ] which extends along the front and sides i ho top and prevents sudden draughts reac ! ng the light. A handy atachmcnt for knives consists i a rod having curved cuda with metal sprln plates rlvetpd thereto to slip over the blaO f the knife "when paring fruit , the rod lyln close to the edgu of the blade and kccplii .ho peeling thin. Fruit jars can be easily opened by a ne wrench , consisting of . curved wlrq with rubber tube surrounding the cntro.1 portlc and handles ou ilio end to bo gripped In tr hand until they decrease the size of the clrc sufficiently to grip the lop. Tn a new self-cleaning filter a valve la placi below the fllt r tn shut the watec off , tl valve at the same tlmo opening a tul through the center of. the filter to force tl water back through the filter to the uppi sldo and cleanse the filtering material. To tighten ho tires of Wagon wheels newly 'designed ' felloe has two V-shaped em lying close together , with a pair of wedgi mounted In the opening , to too drawn itogeth < by a bolt until they Increase 'the clrcumfo eneo of the felloe far enough to grip tl Ire. Incrustation of hollers Is prevented by : iew apparatus consisting of mercury , zli [ ilatcs and castings ot zinc and mercury s n a water chamber through which the wat must pnss before It reaches the boiler , tl mpui'ltlcs in the water adhering to tl plates. A New Yorker lias Invented a < levlco prevent the picking of pockets , consisting a single piece of sheet metal stamped to for Ings or loops for the 'watch and chain , wl 'our projecting points or 'barbs bent different directions to grip the sides of tl pocket. To protect horses' feet from snow nnd 1 a newly patented boot Is made of fibrous in terlal which extends nearly lo the kn joint , with an Iron shoo at the 'bottom , tl hoot being lined with liquid proof materh so It will hold medicaments to treat the ho and , leg. An Improved hair crimper just placed < the market has a cylindrical member wl a catch at ono end and a concave leaf hlng to Its opposite end to clamp the hair in pla after It is wound on the cylinder , a sprli loop being 'provided to hold tbo leaf la c gagomont with the catch , A Boston woman has Invented1 a skirt n juster consisting of two pieces of wire sew to Iho skirt nml linked together to form hlngo , with the outsldo ends Jiavlng Iran verse Interlocking portions which can pinched together and fastened to secure t skirt in its shortened : adjustment. Gas cannot escape from a new burn when the light Is blown out , the key * avli a spring attachoi to Itwhich Is wound i by turning on the gas and automatical closes the key ns soon ns the tip of t burner cools and contracts sufficiently release the tip of the craak arm mounted the upper end ot the key. To glvo an alarm when the water gets It In a teller -weight Is mounted on ca lever Insldo t end of a centrally pivoted boiler , ono of the 'weights ' 'being ' cup-sbap to receive a circular float which sinks It it as the water lowers , ithus , displacing t lever and pulling n vulvo open to 'blow , steam whistle until the boiler Is 'filled ' , aga Gentlemen who have chant tailors under the imprt dressed otherwise ought now think the garftients we make stylish as any tailor can offer less and we guarantee fit ai Our assortment is not n conglon : but cHjicclally Bolccttul nuil patterns This yeiir'a IniHim-HH lins been in : tend tlmnlcs to Urn inun , HID boys IIIK And hoping for a eoiUInuiuico of tlio families , > yo wish you all a very Hup Browning 15th an \ liAST Vli.Ul J.AtlfiltS. lloslon Transcript Charles UMRR Ytf Ml * * lirlRhtly , It ooxtfl mo ton thousand year to llvo. t U Ml s nrlnhtly-Oh , Mr. .Iirnpir. Jo ye think It's worth It ? Chlcairo Tribune : Concerning dcu , . ynmlM-bllt's North Carolina palace < \ "wlvl * ho calls iJlltmoro , ' " observed lllvcrs. f' proaumo ho wlthca now It wcYCj bulll Icssu CtftvclntM Plain Dealer : "An KngllshmaH clnlms that itho Garden of I&lonwas I" South Aifrlcn. " - "Then our nrst parents made no mlstn In leavlnR U , " Dot roll Free 1'rcra ! "Her father pa ; ! positively that I cnn't mnrry her , " \\hnt nro you rolnj : to do ? " "There's nothing left now but to neft tl New York Weekly : Stranger-T want ( , roomi as low ilow.n . a you can ftpnro. Clerk dlvo you No. OTfi , top story , llcstl * cnndoforyouslr. Stranger I MAIU to be low down , ? o na t bo handy tt > the barroom , Clcrk Krontl Show the Bcntlomnn to Parlor 1C. Cincinnati Knqulrer : "Ah , yoi , " pnld tl Btnr , "I have been muirrlcd for eigh ycixrs "Continuously ? " naked the urltlunl on lint the query was d.pemwl unworthy Indlinaprt < Journal : "You say that Imr I < r's defense watt a pica of insomnia. Doi you mean kloptomnnln ? " ' No , I mean Insonvala , Ho claimed th , ho couul not sleep of nights , and hated , OM have his tlmo golng'to w sto that way. " / / VKAlt aillSiai'lXKS. IV I I Welcome. nilnlwth C. Ixivcrlnff. t O Rind Now Year ! \ \ hcnco luist thou como ? Krom that remote - mete far cllmo . Whoso name's ISlernlty , whose shore 'Is ' Tlmo ? Hast thou sped on with swiftly Klnnclne feet , > The comlnfr of the morning thus to rtbt. . O glad Now Year ? | | l What Is the message that thou hnst for cuch ? > Can It bo told In sad or Joyous speech ? > 1st It the lieapcd-up uood of vanished Hays , Lavished on others without thought o praise , ' O glad Now Year ? Or Is It penalty for wronga undone , . That grew but fuller with each sottliiB sun1 , ' ' angelwept tel O'er which th' recording angel write , R And closed the book from all but hoavenlyB sight , O glad New Year ? Brlngst thou the bays to crown some wor-j thy brow ; Albeit Tlmo hath touched Ha locks snow ? Or Is't a somber wreath , of cypress .made , To bow with grief the head on which 't laid , O clad New Year ? The circling year whoso round Is Just con Came as thou dost , with Joyful , glanch : feet ; But ore he went loft hero n vacant chair , And snntchod a Jewel In his crown to wen , O glad Now Year ! Tell us , hast seen our frlond , SD uafllf missed ? Whore lunds his path and whither doth 1 , < J list ? . i Greatly nccompanlcd doth ho know thy lor > , And Is for him the over opened door , , O glad Now Year ? J Not thine to lift the veil to mortal sight , ' . And show behind the dazzling , radiant light ; Patient wo wait until we hear the Respond "adsum1 then wo shall kno ( , ' It all , O glad New Year , Bo tiiou the mesPiiKor of joy or woe/ / T is not for mornrnreajjsn-que'U to 'T Is ours to meet what comes wltli _ elate. , -i , Knowing tlfat this Is but n passing sta } , O elad Now Year ! ' % Vlio lays his armor , without striving- . May win the cross but not the hea\ crown ; Firm and erect , self-centered , strong know , , i We hall thy mesaaEO , l > o It joy or woo , O glad Now Year. llniipy Nc v Yenr. i Somervltle Journal. i "A Ilnrxpy 'New ' Year ! " says t'ho ' man'wih As ho hnuils It In , and a. nervous thrill Huns through your qulverlnjr arm. You'd Mku to knuckle your dexterv list , And clafp him tlfiht with a gra e-vlio HA 1st , And do him bodily harm. "A Haippy Now Year ! " gays the greet man , As ho opens the door , with ! the Iccrosc can , And takes out a leatherette book. I You reo - \ \ hat you've bought In thlrty-oi i days , How tiio money has cone In various way And you give him. a horrlblo look. "A Hnripy Now Year ! " says the glr'l yoj ' love , I In n. volco tis soft na the coo of a dove , And you feel so eternally blest. When you see the love In. her smiling fa a And claFp her close in > a iwarmlembraciv That you promptly forgot all the Washington Star. Hero njrnJn ! And hero's a. Erecting To the many I aim "meeting Who have manners It would certain ! ) we.ll to readjust ; The llnanclal-scarn creator ' Ami tiio coal-manipulator And the very orton-montloned "bold ovcr-bearlne1 UruBt. " i JVml.tho folk who fill t'ho ' * papers Wltlij stransc stories tit their capers From dayln wild election betsto rum olt with cash ; < ( And the bore who comes and gaily leaves the door ijUile-opcn , daily- May they formulate resolves too- strong anything to HinuEh. Happy Neiw Year to the charmer ( May no clldnco occur to harm , licr Who Jilted the admirers aho had capti by the score ; And itho jjlrl who wakes creation With her weird vocalization ! Let us hope they'll Uotlv endeavor n do tK > any more. Thero's'-an old unique offender , ( Ono Is U'roiptcd ' to be tender ; Dut , nlofl , > moro than thr > others doc need tomend his wny ) , Ho iwhoao penitential spasm Warms with , sad cnthUHluHm ; And .wWt/11 ffiilly break tomorrow even ho inado today. een spending money on sion that they couldn't be well 0 discover their mistake. We ire just about as well made and and our prices from % to' i 1 quality , atlou of tlio ordinary clotlilug JIOUSCH , nillned In quunUIIeH. ' sxeeodliiKly HatlHfnetory one , nndjwo i lie mothers for their itlnd rcinenivrunce. io and u good word for -ua and prosperous Now Year. King & Douglas * 1 I rtn * 'I