THE ? OMAHA DAILY HJ313 : SATURDAY , .TATTUARY 1 , 1898. * * * ' i We will Close All Day Saturday , January 1st Not to give our "people a holiday , " but to prepare our store for one of the greatest January clearance sales ever held by us. Thti advancing1 prices on wool goods will cut no figure , but we shall go in to sell just as if goods were not going to cost morn when we buv again. WE SHALL OPEN MONDAY MORNING , JANU ARY 3d , AT 8 A , M. Watch The Sunday Bee for particulars and reductions , " the council was elected by the people. The president of the boird of aldermen will bo chosen by the members ot that body. Mayor VanWyck Is given power to veto nny ordinance or resolution ot cither body ot the municipal assembly unless five-sixths ot the members ot both houses declare other wise. I3ach ot the five boroughs has a borough president , but his principal duly Is to pro- oldo over the various local bodies Inla \ borough. i The passing of Brooklyn as a municipality Into that ot the Oreater New York \\as ob- Ecrvcd with elaborate ceremony at Iho llrcoklyn city hall tonight. Within the 'building ' was handsomely decorated. The cxercftcs began with n reception In the mayor's cfflic. Later Mayor Wurster prc- oldcd at a meeting held In the council clum ber. St. C'.alr ' McKelvay delivered an oration tion , "From Great to Greater. " This was followed by the reading ot a pcm. "Tho Patalng ot Uroolclyn , " by Will Carleton. Hev. J. M. Farrar then delivered au addreaj on "Commerce and Church , " after which Rov. Fal'aer Malone pronounced Iho benediction. During the oventag 10,000 people attended the reception at- the city hall , where , at midnight , the bell In the tower rang In the | new year and out the old , 'APPOINTMENTS ' TJY THE MA YOU. Jlayor Van Wyck announced tonight offi cially the selections for a portion ot the municipal offices within his gift. The re mainder will be .ntado . public within a tow days. The list , as far as ccrapleted up to midnight , is -follows : Corporation coun- scI , John Whalen ; first assistant corporation counsel , Theodore Connolly ; second assistant corporation counsel , William J. Lodd ; third ornpTaMjjfl tounsel , Charles H. prcsKcnirand commissioner ot the ' 'rfiartl ' of Charities for Manhattan and Dronx ( fix years ) , John W. Keller ; sheriff , Thomas Dunn ; secretary , Charles J. 'McKchon ; unsel , Philip J. Drltt ; under sheriff , Henry ulvancy ; auditor , ( Edward H. Walker ; dls- lot attorney , Asa nirdeardlner ; assistants , Jtimes J. Grady , John F. Mcln'tyrc ' , James W. Osborne , . Henry W. Ungor , Jamea D. Mc- GleltamU Stephen. S. Blake , James J. Walsh qud Kobort Townsend. IIK.WY HOllUE'HY OV 'MAIL ItOXUS. CIPi-l | M for it I.nrwc Sum Are Cnrrlcil Aivny. OLITVELiVND , O. , Dec. 31. Mall box rob- bdrs have been operatlns In Cleveland on a large scale. It was reported that checks and [ Crafts aggregating about $50,000 were stolen from the mall boxes on Water street on De cember 16. These checks -were mailed by wholesale houaes , and the thieves appear to have iot them all. Among the firms whoso checks and drafts were taken are tbe following : Babcock. Hurd &Co. , wholesale grocers ; the Lockwood Taylor company , hardware ; the Dcnton- Oloyora company , drugs ; William Edwards & Co. , grocers ; the William Dlngham company , hardware , and J. Kraus & Sons , confec . tionery. About twenty other firms deposited checks In the mall box that was robbed. A postofllce Inspector has ibeen at work en the case for several days , and It Is pretty definitely settled. It Is said , that Hlchard O. " _ -vvho Is under arrest In Now York for robblnlStbe mall boxes , did the Job hero. ' .Mayor 'MoorcH ' Multo * an Arrt'Nt. action on the part of Mayor Iloores just after midnight laat nlsht waa successful In Interrupting tin nttnck upon a woman. The mayor had been ushering In the new year at the homo o > a friend and was walking uj > Harney street , on h.s jy home. As lie 'passed ' lulll H.irney htrect , just west c-f the Crelghton theater , lie heard a woman's screams In the second r ; ry of ttio bulMliifr. The mayor pent no lime In the E-qurch for nn olllcsr , but hurrltnl up Iho stnlrs townnl the source > * ' the dlsliirb.inru. GropliiB along a dark hall nt the top l.o located the cries In u roar room , the door of which WJIB locked. The woman was still crjlnff for help : uul the mayor throv. ' ia ! weight against the door anil burst it open. Ho fouml a , her throat in the t'rlp of n man who was beating her nluut the head. The mayor seized him and ilr.iRBfd ) ilm down the stalrr , where patrol wagon nnd ready hands hud arrived. The woman follcueil and mudd nn attempt to frco her pcraeoutor , which made her tun arrest neci'ssary. The < man registered the names of 3. A. KIt'Uhnrt nnd wife , mid both1 weru charged lAlth disturbing the peace by fight ing. -HlN 4 > f Oct-Illl Vl'NSt'lM , lli'O. ill. At .Now York Arrived Germanic , from Liverpool ; Thlnwvalla. from Copenhagen. At iMovllle Sailed Furnessiu , for Ntw York , At Lisbon Sallc-d Peninsular , for New Yort. ! At Philadelphia Arrived Pennsylvania , fiom Antwei-p. At Quccnstcnvn Salied Pavonla. for Bos ton. ton.At At I vorpool Arrived Lucnnla. from New York ; Urlttnnnlc , 'trom Nu.v York. At Amntcrdam Sailed Werkendam , for New Yoilc. Dreadful Sores They Continued to Spread In Splto of Treatment but Now They are Hoalccl-A Wonderful Work. "For many years I have been a great eufforcr with vnrleoao veins on onu of my limb : ) . My foot and limb became dread fully Eiwollon , When 1 stood up I could fcol tuu blood rushing down the veins ot tlil-i limb. One day I accidentally hit my foot against BOino object nnd a uoro broka out which continued to spread nnd was exceedingly painful. I concluded I needed n blood purifier nnd I began taking Ilood'o Bnrsnparllla. In n ultort tlmo thoio dreadful sores which had caused mo oo much Buttering , began to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood'H Barsapa- lilln , and in a short tlmo my limb waa completely healed and the eorca gave mo 1 DO moro pain. I cannot bo too thankful 1 tot the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa- rllla , has done for mo , " Jilts. A. E. GJLSON , Hartland , Vermont. Sarsaparilla - parilla Is the best In fact the Quo True Blood I'lirlOcr. Hood's fjll * euro all llyer Ills , so cents. , - PROMISING FOR TREASURY Dingloj Expresses Belief Revenues Will Equal Expenditures , DECEMBER REPORT SHOWS A SURPLUS Ilrnvy IntprpHt I'nymcntN In Tniitiary nutl Aiiril Will ' 1'roliiilily Cause u Uullult In WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. Chairman Dlng- ley of the 'ways cad meaao committee fur- nlshcs'lho AfiSoclateJ Press the following statement of the revenue outlook : The revenue for December shows nn In crease ot more than $2,5CO.00 ( over that of September , and cvon exceeds the oxpen- dltiuros for December nearly $1,750,000. The ofllclal figures for December ( sxclud- l ing $31,713,201 received during the month on account of tlio 1'aclllc railroad sale and tno $000,000 paid out to qualify the govern ment representative to bid In case ot the sale of the Kansas Pacific ) make the re ceipts $27,9JU9I ; expenditures , ? 2C,19iCOO , and suiplus $1,73G-9I. ! The receipts in December 1S94 were nearly $22,000,000 , in December UM they were $2G,00COO , and In December 1E9G a Ilttlo less. I This surplus for December , 1E97. however , ! arises from the fact that there have been almost no Interest payments for the month , I which .makes the expenditures below the i average. In January the quarterly Interest I < will be due , which will swell the cxpendl- I turcs considerably above the average ami I leave a deficiency for that month notwlth- standing the revenue will probably rise to ! at least $29,000,000 and possibly more. I On the basis of this estimate the secre tary of the treasury that the expenditures for the present fiscal year will be Wra.OOO.COD a Ilttlo over $200OJJ,000 bavins already been expended th2 average monthly ex penditures for this six months beginning January will bo about $29,003,000 na the ex- pcndltures of the first bait of the fiscal year are considerably larger than those ot the last half , on account of the suspension of many pub'.lc works In the winter season , and the huge July payments of the liabili ties of the previous fiscal year. . WILL. EQUAL KXPEND1TURES. There is no doubt in treasury circles that I the revenue under the new tariff law from I January 1 to July 1 will exceed In the ng- f regale the expenditures for the same j period , notwithstanding January and pos- | slbly April the two montns for payment of quarterly Interest will show a balanca on the wronp side , The revenue was only $ iaCCOCCO in August ( $7COOCOO from cus toms ) In consequence of the large importa tions between March 1 and July 24 In an ticipation of the new tariff. It rose to $22,005,000 In September ( SS.OW.CCO from cus toms ) , to $24,000,000 In October-$11,753,003 ( from ctfsloms ) , In the month of November , and now- rises to nearly $23,000,000 In December ( S11 , " > 00OOD fiom customs ) . This Increase will grow as goods Imported In anticipation I of the new tnrllf are consumed. Indeed , | the Increase of revenue as to sugar and i as to wool will not be materially felt far month * . The increased receipt from internal reve nue taxes arc duo to the provisions ot the new tariff abolishing th2 discount on lieer stamps nnd increasing the tax on ciga rettes and to th T bottling law passed by the last congress , In connection with tlio Im provement in business. While the apparent deficiency for the first , half of the present fiscal year lias been about $14,005,000 ( the revenue having been nearly $15S.OOO.OCO and the expenditures $ C02- 000,000) , yet it will bo observed that this will have been almost wiped out by the $3SOCO- COO of rev'iuie received from March 1 to July 1 , from importations In excess of the same period of tha previous year made In anticipation of the new tariff nnd Intended for consumption the present fiscal year , which revenue was necessarily placed to the credit of the last fiscal year but In equity bolonfR to thlo flscal year , And this does not take Into account the absolute loss of revenue arising from anticipatory Impor tations which the treasury lias already ex perienced and will continue for several months to experience In a loss degree. . . . . „ . , CJKOSS 11 AY TAKI * TUB WOHK. Conference IteirnrilliiK Heller foi- Suf fering CllIlllIIM. WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. Assistant' Secretary - rotary Adtfo of the State department wis In conference today for some tlmo with Clara parton , representing the lied Crosa , with ref erence to the distribution of relief funds cpa supplies In Cuba. It Is not yet settled whether the Red Croso will undertake to use Us machinery In Cuba , but the confer ence today tended strongly to that end , The present moans of distributing contributions , in Cuba are iiald to bo good in most OISM , the agencies being the Catholic bishops scat , tered through the Island and the United States consular officers , but thcro U otlli opportunity for a betterment. Assistant Sec retary Adoo lays particular stress upon the Importance of contributing ca.ih , although clothing iind other supplies will to thank fully received , Ho points cut that a large part of the Interior of Cuba Is accessible only to ox teams and the like and that no railroads penetrate thcso places , To carry supplies In will require tbo hiring of teams , and this can lie iJono only with ready money. The Si'llo department has been advised that a loading religious newspaper which raised a 'fund ' of more than $300 000 for the relief or tha famine sufferers In India U about to organize committees and solicit subEcrlp- tlars of money , food and clothing ( or the ( suffering Cubans. ROLI > I'UOnUCTIO.V KOIl TUB YI'AH. Iteport of Director of tlie Mint Slioivx u I.nrKe 'InereiiNc. ' WASHINGTON , Doc. 31. The director ot tlio mint from Informat'lm ' now nt hatid aays that there Is mibitaiv'.lal evidence that the world's product of gold ( or the calendar yrar 1897 will approximate , if not exceed , $240,000,000 , an Increase of nearly 20 per cent over 1890. Tlio gold product ot the United Statca ( or 1890 was $53,100,000 ; ( or 1897 U will approximate $01,500,000 , co lu- crcaso of $8,400,000. The product of Africa fur 1S9G was $14.- 400,000 ; returns received up to December 1 , 197. Indicate that the gold product of that I rountry ( or the year will bo $53,000,000 , au Increase of $ .13,600,000 , For Australia for 1896 Iho production wag $4.5,800,000 ; ( or 1S07 the Indications arc that it will not bo less than $51,000.000 , an Increase ot $5,200,000. Mexico In 1S96 produced $8,330,000 , : ( or 1S97 It Is estimated that It will be f 10,000,000 , , an Increase of J 1.070.000. The Dominion ) of Canada for 1890. 52,800,000 ; it is I estimated for 1897 at $7.600.000 , or oil Increase I I of | 4,700.000. India's product fpr 1S97 Is i estimated ot $7,000.000. en IncrcaEaof $1- [ 400.000 over 189C. Russia's gold product for 189G wss $21,5.10,000 ; for 1S97 estimated to approximate $25,000,000 , an Increase of $3- 450,000. The Indication for the United States Is that Colorado will lead In 'the production cf gold for 1897 , as It Is estimated by ex-Gov ernor Grant tlwt It will not bo lets then $20,000,000. Nevada will follow with a prod uct of probably $19,000,000. With the ex- ceptlcn of the South Appalachian rcuge , 1 ! Is believed there will bo an Increase In every producing state of the gold product over that of 189G. IX HKIilKV AVOUK. 1'ronTL'NH of Step * Tiiirnrit tJic Expedi tion to AliiMlcn. WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. It lias been dis covered , on a careful Inspection ot the per mit granted by the British government for the taking of supplies Into ths Klondike country free of duty , that the exemption ex- tend.s only to such goods as are gratuitous ! ; contributed. Under the terms of the act ol congress the secretary of war Is permitted io give supplies to such persons as are unable - able to pay for them , but the act scorns to require that where the minors are able to pay for food , the money Is to be applied la defray the expenses of the relief expedition. A strict Interpretation of the lrltlsh ! permit would not sanction tills action. Still , aa the permit was In the shape cf a letter from Sir Julian Pauncefote , the British ambassa dor , transmitting a telegraphic acqulcscsncu by the governor-general of Canada , and since It was sent the Canadian iccretary or the Interior has conferred with Acting Secretary - rotary Melklejohn , with a full knowledge of the Intention of the War department , It Is believed that the Canadian government will not Interpose any objection to our govern- mcnt recouping Itself as far as possible by selling supplies at cost to miners able to pay for thum. It appears that the plan of using reindeer ns a means of transportation from the sea board to the Klondike does not promise suc cess owing to the Inability of the government ! Cgcnt , Mr. KJellman , to gct the animals from Lapland In time to bo of service thlj winter. It is the present puipose ot the War department , therefore , to push through with the muly pacic trains as : fftr 35 possible , nnd old campaigners assert that they can get to Fort Selkirk at least , leaving the reindeer to follow up the trail , If they come along at all. The deer would be of the greatest use If they can be gotten through to Dawson , oven without a pack load , OA they can b ? slaughtered for fresh meat. T OUJ.M3T.iK11 COMMISSION. Seeretnry fJnfre'M I'lni Informally JM- ! eiiKNeil by Member * . WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. A complimentary" dinner was given last night at the Metropoli tan club by J. Foster Pcabody of this city to the members of the Indianapolis Monetary commission. This commission was appointed by the convention of business men at Indian apolis to Investigate the financial system of the country nnd to prepare a scheme of re form to be submltteu to congress. The mem bers of the commission entertalnc'd were ex- Senator Edmunds of Vermont , Robert L. Taylor of Indiana , J. W. Frlea of North Caro. Una , C. S. Falrchlld of New York , S. M. Laughlln of Illinois , T. G. Bush of Alabama , | , C. Stuart Patterson of Pennsylvania. L. J. Garrett of California , Stuyvesant Fish of Now York , W. B. Dean of St. Paul and George K. Lelghton of Missouri. There were no formal speeches at the dinner , hut some pf the guests discussed the various schemes of currency reform. It Is said that the plan of Secretary Gage was discussed and In the main approved. May Cut OfY the UoynlilcH. WASHINGTON' , Dec. 31 , It Io ascertained at the Navy department that the decision of the patent office expeits , recently submitted In the matter of the , patents for the Harvcy- ized armor plae , may result In the with holding or the payment of further royalties cc > plate furnished by the large ateel com- uanlca. The question submitted by Secre tary Long to tfce patent ofllco was whether the employment of a temperature above that of mplten cast Iron Is an essential feature of the Harvey patents , and the crpr.-ts reached the conclusion that such heat was an essential feature of the device. The Navy dcfartment armor plato experts are of the oplnlcci that the highest temperature Is not essential to the obtaining ot the most satisfactory face-hardened plate. * . The use of temperature not qulto as high as that covered by the Harvey process Is not re garded by them as au Infringement o ! tbo Harvey patents. 1'rnceeilliiK AKnlnnt Filibuster. WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. The attorney general lisa received a letter from the United States attorney at Mobile , Ala , , In which ho states that the Inquiry Into tiio movements of the suapected filibuster , Somcrs N. Smith , has not so far disclosed anything of a dam aging character within , the laat two months. The examination , however , has produced evi dence tending to show that late last August or early In September the Smith success fully landed 1m Cuba a cargo of munltlcoo ot war for the use of the Insurgents. Two of the callers on this expedition have tcntlflcdi to this effect and It la probable- the United States authorities at Mobile will enter at ones a formal libel against the Smith and place Its officers on tral. ! I'nteiitH for WeHlcrn liivcnlorH. WASHINGTON , Dee. 31. ( Special. ) The following patents were granted today ; Nebraska Fred S. Allen , Valparaiso , tooth brush ; August F. Klehl , Norfolk , check hook ; William W. Marsh , Lincoln , corn har vester ; Edward Turuell , Elm Creek , corn picker and husker. Iowa Warren Cranston , Waterloo , hay- rake and loader ; Douglass Fine , Slam , sprayIng - Ing machine ; Earnest U. Hooper , Dca Moines , L. ! ' , Marks , Cedar Koplds , head for stringed Instruments ; James A. La Grcsloy , Falrlleld , wagon brake ; James Mahedg , Kellcrton , heater ; Harvey H. Stiles , Davenport , dish cleaner , I'oMtliniHlerM Appoint ( Ml. AVASHINGTON , Dec. 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) The following fourt-clasa postmasters w-sro appointed today : .Nebraska William II. Morrow. Sluibert , Hlcliardnon county , vice B. W. Mlnshall , re moved , and George D. Mattlson , South Bend , CasB county , vice S. M. Patterson , removed. Iowa Peter A. Knoll , Donncllsca , Lee county. South Dakota Horace A. Cbase , Blunt , Hughes county. WATCHES FOR SOUTH OMAHA 3M Mercer Lojks Oat for tbo Packing Honso Interests. ! ff _ ASSISTS THiM" ON KLONDIKE RELIEF Hint Tlicy lie Let In nn the Mutter nt .IllililliiR for Slip- pile * for the , WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) Congressman Mercer called nt the Wnr department today In the Interest of the packing houses ot South Omaha , requesting that they bo rurnUmed with notice of the War department Inviting proposals for sup plies for the government relief expedition to Alaska. Two thousand dollars has been appropriated for the purpose and as much ot It IB will have to bo spent In canned meats and products of packing houses ho asked that the department extend courtesies to South Omaha packers , In view of the fact that they are nearer the country to bo sub sisted than the packing houses to the east ward. Assistant Secretary Melklejohn has taken great Interest In the relief expedition to Alaska , the sickness ot tbo secretary of war making It essential ho nuould meet all parties credited from foreign governments looking to the relief ot suffering miners In that country. Hon. Clifford SIfton , Canadian secretary of the Interior , who has been In the city with relation to the relief of Klondike suf ferers , lu speaking of the Omalia exposition said : "I should bo pleased to do everything in my power to promote the Transml&ils- slppl Exposition ami put Um matter before the proper officials at Ottawa. Owing to the magnitude ot the exposition and to our Interests I think Canada should do all In its power to make a creditable exhibition. " A politician well known In South Dakota said to The Boo regarding the report thak Senator Pcttlgrow was endeavoring to get back Into tha republican party , that ho was now looking for friends who might repre sent him , not only In the primaries , but In local political situations , In various cities , towns and hamlets of the state , so that lie would liavo an organization that would bo powerful when his term as senator expired , March S , 1901 , and thereby secure his re election to the United States senate. The course of Senator Pcttlgrovr has been pecu liar , and even here his friends have doubted whether It was good politics to make the plays ho has made for political preference. In consequence of his position there- has arisen against him , according to statements of South Dakotans , n feeling which Is grow ing stronger each year and which will Im peril his re-entry Into republican politics. The primaries are being looked after , so 'far as can bo learned , against his breaking back Into the party Which gave him political life. According to those who dominate republican politics In South DakoU , there will bo nn uprising against , allowing I'eltlgrew to suc ceed himself as Uujted Stales senator. GOVRHXMEXff 'ItlSCKU'TS ' INCREASE. SnrpliiN Over 'ICMiemlHiircM ' for 'Month ' lof December. WASHINGTON , Dec. 31. The preliminary figures of the ( government receipts and ex penditures Issued today show that the total receipts for the ( month of December amounted to 59 , < J1GG8S , and the expendi tures $27,093,000 , which leaves a surplus for the month of $32,551iC9S. These figures , how ever. Include the receipts and payments on account of the Union Pacific transfer. In dependent ot the Union Pacific account the surplus this month Is $1,730,491. ' For the 'sixt [ months of the present fiscal year , exclusive ot the Union Pacific pay ments , there is ft-deficit of 514,303,000 , but including the Pacific payments there is a curplus of $95.454. The receipts from customs thU month amount to Ill.CCO.TSSj against 59,930,385 for December , 1898. The sain over last mcuth Is $1,830,763. / The December receipts from fatermil reve nue amounted to 114,342,928 , ao compared with ; 43,10JS2S for December , 189G. The gain la the Internal revenue receipts over last month is $812,279. > IIANNA'S ' FRIENDS HOPEFUL ( Continued from First Pago. ) sent my state In the senate of the United States , and I have so publicly expressed mj'self , but I wish It distinctly understood that It was never my Intention , as has been insinuated , to use my office as governor of the state in the manner which , has been at tributed. I believe that It I dceircd to use the patronage of my office to make myself the senator from Maryland It could be done. I think those who know me feel that rathen than gratify any desire I may have had to bo senator from MaryUnd by the prostitu tion ottho _ office I hold for my own personal advancement , I would resign It tomorrow and .nevfer again enter public life. " Governor Lowndes was asked what his fdeas wore regarding the senatorial race , and whal would be the effect of hto withdrawal. Ho said : "Judgo McComas has a strong following. Ho Is eminently qualified to represent Maryland In the cenato of the United States. " 4 1'leilRetl to Vote for Ilniinn. COLUMBUS , O. , Dec. 31. The Dis patch sent messages to all Ohio congress men ns 'follows : If Hon. M. A. Unnnoi Is the caucus nomi nee. cap the republican members of tbo leg- Isluturo honorably vote other/wise / than for him ? " To this Congressman Southard replied : "No republican member of the legislature who respects himself or the pledge of his S > arty can vote against Hnnnn. for senator " Congressman Snnttuck said : "I do not think any republican member of the legis lature can honorably vote for any other than Hnnnn , whether lue Is or Is not the caucus nominee. Hanna rans endorsed by the state convention nnd there was an Im plied agreement that members ot the. legis lature shoujd carry out the convention pledge. " Congressman Danford says : "I reply no , nnd further , there Is not the slightest dan- er that nny member elected as a repub lican will vote against Hanna " Congiessman Weaver said : "I do not think nny republican imomber1 cf the legis lature should vote' against Hanna for sena tor , either In or. out of the caucus. " The democrats \ & congress were asked : "Do > ou bollovo .the' democratic members ot the legislature can , afford to vote for a re publican for United States senator to defeat - feat Hon. M. A. Haiipa ? " Congressman .Me klnson , democrat , re plied ; "Yes , If sflim/ii oa currency when the contingency arl q ? . " CongrcEamnn McDowell , In effect , eald If the democrats nlono could not elect , they would bo JUEtlfloOi by their constituents In voting for a atrlhtullvcr rcpubllcsn. Culherxoit iiiul the Semite , AUSTIN , Tex Dep. 31 , 'Governor ' Charles A. Culberson toddy announced himself a can didate for the UniteU 'States ' senate , to suc ceed Hogcr Q. Mills , 'whoso term will expire In 1898. ' ; ' Ilryniii Jfo'w lu SAN ANTONIO ; TCX , , Dec. ai.-w. j. Urynn arrived here this evening from liiii tour of Jlcxlco , Ho proceeded at once to Austin , where ho ( will ppend one day as the , guest of Governor Culberson. Mr. Bryan ( stated that ho had not'changod ' his , opinion on the frco silver question. IIu , , " compli mented Piosldent Diaz and the hospitality of the Mexicans In the "highest " terms. " - J f-ttJ Sixth of ( iaiiHT of KlreluiKM Con vleteil , U13NVEH , Dec. 31. Marks LlpscJiltz , ' a' member of the band of Incendiaries which operated in , this city and In Colfax three years ago , has been convicted of conspiracy to commit arson , Kjvo ot the song ore already In the penitentiary , several huvo loft the country nnd two remain to bo tried. .Shipment of Tobacco from Culm. NBW VOIIK , Deo. 31-Tho steamer Concha , which ] arrived today from Havana. brought MS bales ot Cuban tobacco. ' An Extended Popularity , Brown's Bron chial Troches have for many years been the most popular article In use for relieving couctha and throat troubles. UMCKITIOX TO IVU'At , imtKUATIJ , St. Pmil I'coiito < ! lve a AVclronip In M r. MnrUnelll. ST. PAUL , . Minn. , Dee. St. A largely at tended reception nua given Icmlght to the apostolic delegate , Mgr. Sebastian Martlnclll , by the citizens of St. Paul In the Hyan hotel. An address ofi welcome was read to him by Hon. Daniel W. Lawlcr. Mgr. .Marline ! ! ! after thanking his hosts said : ' "Tho ability of a man and hta greatness of heart and mind should bo judged by the work ho has done and by the achievements ho has attained. Mankind Is made up ot domestic , civil and religious society. Leo XIII , with his encyclical letters on mar riage , oa the constitution of civil eoclety , and on the labor question , deals with the security ot A superior mind with the greatest problems and questions of the day and strives to promote the prosperity and welfare ot so ciety as well as ot the nation , pointing out Iho niencn to bo used for attaining that end and Indicating the evils which lead to Its destruction or ruin. 'Among the evils pointed out by the supreme pontiff are the want of Individual and social freedom , the want of honrsty , uprightness nnd religion , liccnuse no man can bo honret , upright and loyal to his neighbor who Is not loyal to his God , who Is not impressed with Iho idea that there Is a supreme being to whom ho must give sooner or later an account ot all hie private nnd public actions. "Thoro Is no need for mo to speak to you of the pope's great love for your country and Its la&tltuUons , nor ot < the Interest ho takes lu Its prosperity , The general character of Hio American people , the uaturo of your political constitution , based < cn ono ot tha greatest attributes with which man U endowed dewed , with liberty , atfiods as the basis and foundation of thU hope.A. . ke-cn observer cannot fall to notice ibat the marvelous progress made by 'tho Olthollo church In this country la duo not only to Ita principles and doctrines , but also to 'tho liberty wtilch It cajoys In this tree land. Such progress cannot bo accounted for unlcas wo admit the Intrinsic forcn of Christian principles and doctrines and the fltnoss and adaptability of the laid In. which suc'i seed Is sowa. Let us therefore congratulate you all for your good dispositions end on the work already achieved , and lot mo hope-Miat yau will por- sovcro wKh united efforts till It will bo com pleted cod become a model for every ether otato and .natlcxi. " In conclusion Mgr , Jlartlnelll paid a warm tribute to Archbishop Ireland. The mcnslg- nor will leave St. Paul next Tuesday , having been the guest of Archbishop Ireland since before Christmas , other guests during the same tlmo Including most of 'tho ' leading church dlgnl'tarlcs ' of Iho northwest. , 1JV13XTS OX THE IIUXXIXU TU.VCICS. One Favorite Only Wlnx , nnd Unit Ji > - a Scratch. NEW OIILBANS , Dec. 51. Crystalline , who shared the betting honors with Taboret In the second race , was the only winning choice today , nnd she was forced to a hard drive to land the purse. The weather was line , the trark good and the attendance large. Summaries : First race , five furlongs : Nancy Till won , Saratoga , second , Solution third. Tlmo : lOJ-i. : Second race , five furlongs : Crystalline won , 13en Frost second , Wiggins third. Time : l:02 : i. Third race , six furlongs : Gath won , Harry Duke second , David third. Time : 1U5V4. Fourth race , handicap , mlle and twenty- yards : Salllo Cllquot won , Tranby second , Elkln third. Time : 1:4CM- : Fifth race , ono mlle : Sister Glare won , Terrant second , Ultima third. Tlmo : l:45'/i. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 31. Weather clear , track fast at Inglesldo today. Sum maries : First race , purse , eleven-sixteenths of n mile : Prince Tyrant won , Henry C second , Texarkami third. Tlmo : 1:09VS. : Second race , six furlongs : Xnmnr II won , Polish second , Miss Prim third. Tlmo : 1:15. : Third race , purse , eleven-sixteenths of a mile ; Prince IJlazcs won , Ablna. second , Main Bar third. Time : 1C94. : Fourth race , handicap , seven furlongs : Lord Marmlon won , May W second , Lib ertine third. Time : 1S7& . Fifth race , one nnd one-sixteenth miles : Bernadlllo won , Marquise second , Souffle third : Time , < 1:4SV4. : Sixth race , one mlle : Cabrlllo won , Ru bicon second , Key del Tlerra third. Time : II.VItV.VIlD W1XS TII13 CH.V-M1MOXSHII' . CnrrleH Oft Hoiiom In Iiitercollegltiic 'ClieHM Tournament. NEW YORK , Dec. 31. The semi-final round of the intercollegiate chess tourna ment was begun today when the pairings and openings were as follows : Mur- dock ( Yale ) and Meyer ( Columbia ) , Spanish opening ; Hewlns ( Harvard ) and Young ( Princeton ) , French opening ; CoDk ( Yalp ) and Howard ( Columbia ) . iDutch opening ; Southard ( Harvard ) and Dana ( Princeton ) , Frencli opening. Meyer excelled by beating Murdock In brilliant style , forty-eight moves oeing made. Only nineteen moves were made in the game between Hewlns and Young , nnd the players agreed to draw. Cook and Seward - ard contested their game very stubbornly and they had to adjourn the contest until evening when Cook beat Ills man after forty-nine moves , Southaid's superior play was too much , for Dana , who , after forty- one moves resigned the game. This victory secures for Harvard tha possession of the trophy for another year. None of the other rivals can r'Vah their total iot eight points , which / Harvard men have so far scored. Fol. . , lng Is the record of the tournament : Won Lost Columbia , 4 % fi % Harvard 8 2 Yale < l/4 W Princeton 3 7 CHOYiVSKI WA.VrS CATCH WEIGHTS. Will Xot Meet JleCoy lit One Hundred mill Sixty-Two Pound * . CHICAGO , Dec. 31. Parson Davles , man ager for Joe Choynskl , t'iio heavyweight pugilist , today Issued the following ultima tum in answer to Kid McCoy's announce ment that he would meet the Callfornlan at 1C2 pounds. "Joe Choynshl will light 'Kid' McCoy nt catch weights nt nny place and nt any tlmo for a purse ot $3,000. Ho will ngreo to no particular weight. " Prospects for a meeting between the two pugilists therefore are -lot very bright at present. McCoy's first proposition to Choynskl was a meeting at IBS pounds. He afterward agreed to allow Choynlskt to enter the ring at 102 pounds , but Parson DavlcB will not listen to any. proposition limiting the weight of Choynskl "Heretoforo the question of weight did not seem to have bothered McCoy BO much , " said ho today.Vliy Is ho so particular in this Instance ? Ho fought Crcedon nt cntch weights and Dick O Ilrlen , and when ho promised a match with Joe nftor the Long Island city match ho said nothlntr about 102 pounds. Wo will not Sgree to pull the rmlit off nt Carson City , just to please Dan Stuart. That Is too far ' the match nway , and wo won't postpone until next summer either , Just to please McCoy nnd Dan Stuart. tJrlniniSlioot Toilny. llelUi-H u nil tJrlnini - DAYTON O , Deo. 31. The llvo bird shoot between Holla Helices and Charles Grimm for the cast-Iron medal ami tltlj of cham pion iwlnj ; shot of America , Is to bo shot hero tomorrow , 100 ( pigeon * each and J100 a side Grl.ran'nnd others are hero. In pro- llmlnnry matches In a snowstorm today MMkArt scored 03 I > er cent of b rds shot at and his other | , lr.lB died out of bounds. Orlmm tlld not shoot. Severe Wind Storm at Chiittanooea , CHATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , Dec. 31. A de structive windstorm visited this city at nn early hour this morning. A largo frame church and a two-story dwelling were de molished and numerous minor damages were dono. The windstorm was followed by a heavy snowstorm. ISlKht HiiHlnexH HuiiHt-M Hunted. NASHVILLE , Tenn , , Drio. 31. Fire orlgl- .Me re If 111 tPM , Wlr U. When Lord Durert ! U.yUcroy . ( : ot India ho had a "ahlkawyJl 'QfUPprtlnB servant , whose special duty Via $ * 'tend the visi tors at the vice wilUfoJtf'- their shootIng - Ing ercurslons. RfWinUM oa6 day from ono of these expcdltlodf { W ilkarry encoun tered the viceroy , tjvhtf | full of courteous solicitude for ibla gugi/ ( enjoyment , asked : "Well , what sort ct nyort has Lord had ? " " 0 , " replJaJ peropuloualy polite Indian , "tho youiirflfihyu nt t divinely , but Qed was very we l | | -o tbe birds. " MEMBERS OF CUBAN i . Names of These Who Will Diract Qovornmonti THEIR ADMINISTRATION BEGINS TODAY All IClemoiit-i Arc Itcprc-n-ntril In HIP Ortrntilxntlon , Wlileli I * llcllcvcil to He ( lcnernll > - | , ( , i Satisfactory , i HAVANA , Dec. 31. Captain Ocvncral Ulanco last night signed the appointments ot the president of the council and the- five secretaries , The natno of Hduardo Do'z ' was substituted for that of Senor Arabian ] as minister ot commerce. The following com pose the first colonial cabinet of Cuba under the recently Instituted echomc ot autoiiomy which goes Into effect tomorrow : President of the Cabinet Scnor Jose Maria Oalvez. Minister of Finance Senor Hafael Monlc- ro , marquis ot Mcmtoro. Minister ot the Interior Scnor Antonio Qovln. Minister of Education Scnor Francisco Zayas. Minister of Commerce Kduardo Doll Minister of Posts and Telegraphs Scnor Lriuroaua Rodriguez. WASHINGTON. Dec. 31. The Spanish minister received a dispatch from Havana this aftcrnoca giving the list ot tlic now cabinet. It Is the same as tha foregoing except that the official announcement ( Places Scnor Uodrlgucz as mliilater of commerce and Eduardo Dolz as minister ot public works and telegraph , The dlFpateh adds that In tlio absence of Senor Dolz. who Is In Spain , Scnor Rodriguez will handle his own portfolio and also that of public works and telegraph , Mr. Dolz , the new iiamo on the official list. Is a young Cuban and b < is been secretary of the central commlt.teq cf the reform party. Ho has qulto a reputation aa an orator. The Spanish minister regards the cabinet ns an exceptionally strong organization , thoroughly representative of Cuba , ns three of the members are Cuban-born and have spent their lives In Cuba , and another , Rod. rlguez , while of Spanish birth , has lived for thirty ycirs In Cuba , and has all his Inter ests there. It Is said , also , that the cabinet represents the autonomists and the reform ists , the two elements who are seeking to carry out the present policy In Oilba. Rod riguez and Dolz arc both reformists , Dolz being secretary of the central reform party. When asked for a sketch of the several ministers , Mr. Dupuy do Lomo turned to the book , "Cuba nnd Cubans , " by Ralmundo Cabrera , from which the following biog raphies of Calvcz , Montero and ( lovln are taken : Jose M. Golvez , premier , wna bom In Matanzas , November 21 , 1S35. Lawyer and a famous forensic orator. Journalist ; has published anonymously many political arti cles. During the revolutionary period hu , was ' confined In the Isle of Pines. Before and'after his Imprisonment , and up to 1S7S. ho remained In Havana , cxercjslng his pro- lesslon and co-operating wlllr the revolu tionary Junta of Now York. In recognition of his patriotism and talents liowaj elected by acclimation ns president of the orgai.lz- Ing committee ot the autonomist party. Rafael iMontcro , minister of finance , wu ; born In Havana , 1S52 , went to 'Madrid ' In 1S67 , and became known as a crltjr crateur and editor of La Revasta poranea (1S77) ( ) ; undersecretary , o cloty of Spanish Authors anwWtftts the presidency ot Emlllo CaiJjllar , rsturnixl to Cuba In 1S7S. Ho PsurH M.tfnt. of tljfl founders and pillars of jt < ' ! X\JjOmIst \ party , of whoso executive coriiinlUti bo Is a mast active member ; editor 'u'f ilio Rovlsta Cu- bana. El Trlunfo and El MOSSfVleo secretary of the Socledad Econlmoa'r'IJiWyer. Elccteilj deputy to the Cortes" "by'Ifavana artdTm Puerto Prlnclpo In thrco successive leglsla-l turcs. Commissioned by the Socledad Econ- imca (1890) ( ) to report to the government in Madrid on the financial crisis. Antonio Govln , minister of the interior , was born In Matanzas. 1817 : graduated In law In 1872 ; ono of the founders of the au tonomist party In 1878 ; elected secretary of the executive committee In 1879 , which ofllce ho still holds. Grand 'Master ' of the United Mafonlc order of Colon nnd of the Island of Cuba. First editor1 of the political news paper El Trlunfo , now known as El Pals. Managing director of the Rovlsta General do Derocho y AdtnlnLstracIon. Collaborate : in other literary and scientific Journals. Has published several works on law. Orator. Jurlstconsul , publicist. Senor Rodriguez , minister of'commerce , is a Spaniard by birth , but at an early ago ho removed to Cuba , settling nt Santiago do Cuba , where ho became prominent as a law yer and also as the owner of an extensive tobacco plantation. Later he wont to Ha vana , where he was thr > leprejsntatlve of the Santiago chamber of commerce. Ho took a leading position in the reformist movement , and Is named In order to glvo recognition to that element In polltlw. His landed Inter ests lu Cuba are said to bo very extensive. Iliirrmit'w litiHt Hone Gone. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 31. Late this afternoon tha supreme court irefused the ap plication of attorneys for Theodore Durrani for a certificate of probable cause submitted to that 'body ' yesterday. Sllvi-r i\por < H to Knrope. NKW 'YORK , Dec. 31. The stcamMiip Eutruria , sailing for Eiircipo tomorrow , will take out l.Oua ounces of silver. Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. Inslat that rour frroc r glres joa Oft AIN-0. Accept no imitation. Motl ci-H > Mornernll MothurNll ! lira. Wlnnlcm'B Soothing Syrup Iina been used for over CO yearn by millions of moilicn for tlielr children white teething with perfect sue- ceca. It soothes the child , soften' the t'unin , allaya all pain , cures wind colic , anil U tha bent remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold by drugglita In every part of the world. Do euro and usk for "Mrs. Wlnslow'n Soothing Syrup" unl take no other kln'i 23 centa a bottle. BALL ASD BANQUET BENEFIT GIVEN HY "Mogy" to tliu News Bootblacks- CBEIGHTON fr AI/L JANUAIJl I , 189 Tickets on sain nt "Mogyi" ) or by Nuwaboya. _ A t7SKMBXf9. | fhe Qu irif ; . of Reattfli Keturns to Lecture ! I At the tfrsont Bluest of - Thou , , mta ' Omahr-'a-progrosalvo Worn ,14 , | XWKTB . ' , 'S IH * iMpv , ' , , ; * Wl <\ \ WH.Ii LEOTUIU3 5 H f . ri mil ] SUBJECTS : I Monday Roman's Hea\ Tuesday-YaleJtaaufy Sfys TICKETS COMPllMEIMTARi Ladles you nre hereby notified that Yale has most graciously consenti ] again visit Omaha nnd deliver two lee : on During Mine. Yale's recent visit , - , , of , O8&l-a'8 progressive women who udpJt „ „ hnitAtitA tiraut by Mme. Yale's wise ah-.f " BnaJfl-i to obtain tickets iltcf i-n dntrittt * * to the tlicntci , consented toifiiant , but d.eel'l lectures , so thrtt her compl. be intelllRontly understood-- gldl benefit of sick women .aiiti , Y deliver a sclentlllc lecture iof aer n ssytem Unit treats of curing all known , S. monts nffoctint ' woman's health Kvjji , ' lady attending the lecture ; Monday noon , January 3rd. will receive a frco uftcv bol tie of Mme. Yale a sreat remedy , FrtJil " ' Cum "Woman's Tonic" These attendliUl the beauty lecture on Tuesday Jan , 4th , will * aftcrnool receive a valuable luttet Clo free , or\ ( ' Stme. Yale talteo pleasure In nnnounc that her lectures will bo compllmentof BOSTON STORE. TICKETS FS-SB. Heservcd seat tickets for both of t lectures can now bo obtained frco bv Ing at tbo drug- department of the Ho Stole , thf as tickets entitle bearer to toie. ' seats , Ssouio tickets early us many bo turned away. I'nxtou d rgo.HsJ MlilWB TELEPHONE 1910. THU Bid EVENT OXI.Y TWO MOUE TO II AY , , , , TONIGHT - ' : > HU5 lloyl'n OrcntcNt Suucenn lllliUlilt , imiUHTKlt , DUTTKK THAN EVJ Strongest Cant Ever Organized , Headed by , JHIM : ; AiiciiEit. prices , Lower l'"loor ' . " , Jl.CO , 7"o ; Balcony , Me. Matinee prices eamc aa evening. THE TBLBPHONI * 1331. > .VIY TWO MOIII3 l I--i- TODAY , TOMOHT , - ' : " SUB America's Greatest Comedians , Donnelly and Ci In nPTTTPnT"lT"7 / iH"Pi I IB Mr l-rh r / P re 1 JQJ-J < / - M EjIJ/j.L.iJL\ . Funniest 1'lay Kxtant. Prlcea , Matlnco and Uveiilis , 23c , Mo , 7Ce , JJJ 2 Paxton & llurgesi , Mnnagori ' Telephone 1013 , j , MONDAY T . y. AND TUESDAY J dU. 11AMI5I < PHOIIJIAN'S SI'KC CO.MI'A.VV , 111 lilM i CreiiteNt of N , Y. J-eeinii Succi The Prisoner of Zen IIY AvmoNv Horn HAWKINS' ] OHK1INAI. l.YVKVM IMIOIIUCTIOI INTACT. I Prices lower Floor , $1.CO , $1.00. nnlj oy\ \ 7Cc , CDc , Seats now on tialo , IKE G LULL'S H. 15. Cnr KMli n nil Iliiveunort Sin CONCUHT.S 15VI5HY N1UHT Tl.'IO T < ' Matluoci TueeJay , Thursday and Baturday , 31 THIS AVISKIC'S ATTUACTIOXHcst , | Headed by Thelma-tho World's arollf Houbretto. Illce&Uelmar derman Comedy Sketch , 'I ' Ono week more of The , Allyna. 'Jo. ' Miss Hesalo Iliiymond PJcaslnj ; Soubreti Mr. Ed , Wrothu Comedian. IIOTI5I.S , THE MILLARD 13th nnd Douj-liis Sts. , On ClSNTIlAI'bY LOCATED , AMIDItIC.\V 'AMI 1'J # J. E. BIAIlKUIi & SO.V , fcl. BARKER TimiTUUNTH AND JOM * 110 roomi. bath * , etenm heat ini/yJl'j ' convenience * . Itatei. ll.W and M4. " rfi Table unexcelled. Special lgruUn . li , i * \tnlfWil1 > t > .tF