THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JANTJAllY 1 , 1898. ( ? The King's Rose Diaiitoitd GBOr8 ° Gpimih A fc # ( i. ij Ig'il.1V'JT , ly the S. S McCluic Co. ) I. Day by day , stone by stone , the parcel had Inricatcd and every one of the now splendid callectLu ot gems represented , not toly HJ tnmiy pounds sterling In hard cash.Cicn . once successfully trtrslatcd ( ram the Klin- bcrly compound and sorting houses to the cul lip ] world , but also many moments of dcs- II P.O ycl skilfully hidden anxiety , during which the nckle needle ot fsto had swayed to And fro between two pelts of fortune and Hill' . Seine men hi Frank Ridley' * position and hocs cue of the most trusted norterr In camp would 'have Inkun the stones out ono b > one oreinplo > cd KafllM to take them from him after they dad been searched and pass { htm direct to one ot the Illicit iltnlcrs out- llo : , but that was not his way. lie had uo other confidant than his own cctiaclcnco , not olna > K an approving one , but at any rate one that would not give him away. To have takcu the times out one by ono would only l.nvo multiplied the risk of dis covery and ruhi by the number of them , fcr the poksetfllan of a single Illicit diamond would have meant disgrace and penal servi tude Just an certain as would the d'scovery uu bis pcrs-ti of the whole 20,000 or 30,000 worth of Kcnitf the very pick ot the Klmberly mint' output for Cf\irly six months rust. So one afternoon ho nude up his mind tliat ho had templet the fates far enough , and ai G that even'ng ho walked oft to Ills leggings wl'h hit heart In Ills mcuth ciul a frrtui ? In the lining of hU smbby fell wideawake. That night albeit with some lltt'e feir iipj tromLMng , ho permitted himself the lu\ury of a 'lew ' minutes' examination of his piiin er In bulk , and rn estimate of Its value --ot to him , but to the more fortunate man who Hliould succeed In getting the parcel through safely to London or Amsterdam. It be could only do tto't himself bo would never iif I to donnoUier day's work In the world Uu he wa.j en employe , a ( sorter ; and there fore a marked mnn , and the secret rnnilfl- cptlo s nt tinwo.dcrful sjstcm which Indo - do cd hlm-'nnd a 1 like him as In 'a net wort many and w2c. ! No. that r'sk ' was too great , considering tbat he could now make 4 009 or 5,000 'n an Inur or so , and at the Hame time tranufci a.I MB risk and liability to sonic otic eMe , ard go back to bis work with n light heart and. In a certain sense , a clear ccnaclcnco. Yet there wcs ono magnificent rose diamond mend , uhlch must have weighed somewhere b-tween forty and fifty caraU , which ho \M.uld dearly have loved to kco nicely cut a d polhhed nnd glittering on the meek ot In the hair ot n certain well-loved someone far away In old Carlisle ; but ho know well i " /ugh that there was not another ot Its hie and color In the world. The nearest to It was In the te ) Hours collection , and the nuro rcme&ilon of It by any ono but a mon- aii-h or a millionaire would mean just \\rut hK own pe&'iCbslon of It meant , eo there ws no use thinking about that. \Vlth something very like a sigh for the unattainable possibilities of his so far suc cessful theft he tied up the- gems In a bit o ! dirty rag , and stuffed them Into the too of a rather dilapidated Wellington boat. Then ho h d a wash and a clungc , and went for a walk down town. On his way along Stockdalo street ha chanced to meet u well drecsed. dapper look- hit ; ll'tlc man , whc nodded to htm as ono mif , ' . ! ' do to a caitial acquaintance and salt ! In u quick , chirpy sort cf tone : "Iljw do , Ridley ? Gcfcig strong , eh ? " "I'retty well , Mr. Murattl , " he replied , with a quick look up and down the street. "He- tin us are looking up again. We've bd some \ery pretty IV.ds the last day or two. " "Ob , glad to hear It , even from a man who wastes his opportunities as Idiotically as you do. Anything particularly choice ? " 'Well , > es. Are you doing anything la eecoml-hiud boots just now , Mr. 'Murattl ' ? " I ir > iy here bo convcnln tly explained that t > ho with whom young Ridley had thii. ' fallen Icito conversation was , in these days , known In camp as Mickey Murattl. The wlier wcrld knows him now as Michael iMunrtl , csq. , M. L. A. , and director of many Important financial undertakings , Hut In t' ' > rsc iky g ho was just en extremely clever m-.ii , a Jew of reputed Klorcnlkio ancestry , but moro recti t and authentic Rast Knd ex- tracilo.i , who bad made hU deput In Klm- herlj ca a dealer In cheap jewelry and nhop- made outfits after having wandered ubout pick I\K \ up a living by the dlrplay of hi | juggl'iig ablll'les and who was now Icrkeii upon as one of the smartest and mot t"ic cesatnl "operators" en the diamond fields. Inspector hlplnskl and some of his more trustcl wibordlna'ics cherished certain FUJ- plclsns as to the scope of his opemtlo-na , but tjo lar his dealings had been blamelevsa , at least so far n tangible evidence was con cerned , added to which ho had recently mar ried a very pretty end exceedingly clever wife , which meant much on the fields In thofvs days. Mi' , Munittl did not seem In 14m least an- noyoJ by the apparent reference to his former comraratlvcly humble means of livelihood. Mraws ws " ? * iC'S'.8B\v " "T - . - = * ' . .7\a3v ; ; , 'WHAT DO YOU WANT ? " Cci the contrary , ho 1 : hod up with a quick glance at Htilley and said with a smile of plea.iti.t anticipation : "Well , I haven't done anything In the old do' I'no for omo tlmo now , but you know I'm i.lways on for a trade. What's tbo figure ? " "Ten thousand , " "I'll ix-o > ou I mean I'd like to > fee the KCoda first before I ray anything to that , ll'o a big prlco for a pair of ecccud-iiand boots , you know , .Mr. Illdley , HUH , I'm glad to see That you're beginning to rise to a prtpcr ECIISO of your opportunltlc3. When can I BCD the boots ? " "I was thinking of taking them down to Toolcy'u tomorrow about tbli tlmo to hive them roled and heeled , " "So yott'ro on to thn't ioy , are you ? Well , you'ro not tnich a blighted Idiot as 1 thought ) ou were , Illdley ; BO 1 apologize , I shall bo tending to Tooley'v myself but , look hero , If wo mean buslntrn , what's the good of iwastlng tlmo Ilko that ? Go and get > our lioo'fl now nnd take them to Tcoloy's. He Isn't bhut and lio'u got a pair ot mkio lo mend. I'll be there In half an hour , and It I take- your purcel away with mo Instead of my own , well , w at'v that to anybody but you or mo ? " U wasn't altogether a now device , but It worked , and In the result Mr. Murattl'a va'uatton of the boota was so far MtUfac tory that about two hours liter Prtnk Kldloy -went home with a check for 2,500 and an I O U for a Ilko amount In his pocket , and a pair of another maa'u boots under bid arm , neatly wrapped up In u copy ot the Diamond Fields Independent , Tuo check was on bonk , London , tnil w eaj bl , not to Fratk nitllcy. hut to Ml s Alice Han- some. The I 0 U wag personal , but both went to England ty the next mall. There occur.t hero the unpleasant neces sity cf adding that the check was stopped by table long tcfore Miss Hinsomu had nny chance of presenting It. The fate of the I O U was lo be determined later OIK Mean while Mr. Krnnk Illdlcy's thoughts tutnca homeward and mingled with loving memo ries and fond anticipations. That .tamo night , between 11 and 12 , Mr. Mututtl liad a visit from A man or his own po iile , c. youth of some 11 ! summers , whose llfo had ro far been mostly winter. Not many of the seed of Abraham run to waste , at toy rate In the financial sense , but Joshua Moscnstcln , known for ehort In camp as Jossey Mo , had "somehow managed to do so. He was distantly related to Mickey Mnraltl and ugaln and again that rising financier hid. with the traditional generosity of his pecrplo to their kindred , metaphorically taken him out of the gutter ahrt Pet him on his feet on the pavement. T'.lo subject of their Interview that particular night was closely akin to this spcclaa of rescue work. No cno elco was present a d Mr. Murattl spoke plainly and to the point. "H Just comes to this , Jcflsoy , " ho said toward the end of the dlscil&slto. "you'll never be any good to yourself or nny credit I to your relations as long M you go sloshing around In thin good-for-nothing sort of way , of yours. Xow , here's a goc < l , solid chuice for you. Do aa I tell you , man. Own up and play UK ? greeny. You won't get moro than five years ns n first offender , and If you bchivc yourself you'll get out with three. I know the ropes down yonder ; don't you fear , nnd I'll pull 'cm hard for you. Then when you come out there's $3,000 for you In solid cash , and $1,0)0 n year for flvo years nftcr that. Now , JoMcy , what do you say to that ? " "What do you want me to bo trapped at all for ? " The tempted .Joshua objected rather sulkily. "If you've iot ; the gonlvaha , why don't you plant 'em somewhere safe and run Ym down when you get a chance , like the others do ? " "Ilecnuso I don't do business like the others , " replied Mickey with nn nlr of con- sclous pride , "and because I'm playing n Ft * / / * 4 ' / , it/if/ - * JX t r\ 1 MICKY. OP COURSE , DID THE VIH TUOUSLY INDIGNANT UEL.ATIVE. deeper game and for a bigger stake. It's this way , you sec. Illdley and me were shadowed while we were talking in Stockj j dale street. Ho didn't see it , but I did , and that's what made me think of this lav. We wcro shadowed again nt Tooley's , and I was followed home hero by one of the smoaches. "Now , Llplnzkl's no fool , and neither Is Vex , nor Lowe , nor any of them. What do I want talkhiB to Klilley for Just after he's come out of the sorting room ? What do I want to meet him again the same night at a boot store and bring a pair of his boots homo b > mistake for ? "I'll tell jou , Jcesey , these chaps know as well as I do that I took a parcel of stones from Illdley ticilght and bcforo long H- plnzkl will be hero with a search warrant ti look for them. Now , If he doesn't find any ho'll reckon that I've planted 'em , and I'm going to run 'cm as you say. That means that wo bball bo watched , and that every ono who goes out of cair.p , erneclally any cno belonging to mo , will bo stopped and searched , and so the mlssls'll have about as much acKe of getting those stones down to Capetown and onto the steamer as I would. "Now see how my y'an works out. TOey Irciow I've got ntones from Hldlcy , but they don't know what stones see ? They como hero with their warrant , arrest us both and search us , find this other little lot on you and Jump to the conclusion that they're the right ones rnd that I've Just given 'era t3 you. Hut there's no proof of that and they can't get one , for you'll play t'je funk , own up and swrar you bought them from n Kalllr , while I do the Indignant , virtuous lay. "You needn't be afraid of Illdloy. They drn't want him yet. They'll wait for him and nab him when convenient. It's mo they want. Ie Beers would giver a goad bit Just oow to plant mo on the breakwater for a few years while they put this amalgamation busi ness through. That's whcie my game cornea In. This parcel tAiould pan out at $30.000 at thu very least , and that's Just what I want to fight these amalgamators on their own ground. "If I got nabbed , the whole game would bo up ; but If you go for me , Jossey , I'll make my fortune , and yours , too , my pippin. Murattl will go Hying up sky high , and It won't bo a matter of thousands then , Jcosey , It'll bo millions , my boy millions , end you shall have your shire when you come out never fear. "You know. If you were left to yourself , JoNgcy , you'd never make a thousand In a centuiy of blue moons , let alone ton thousand In three years or so. Come now , what do you way ? You'll have to look sharp , for they may bo hero any minute ah , yets , I thought so ; there's the official knock. Now , don't act the goat , and fly In the face of good for tune. Hero's the gonlvaha. Tint's It , In your waistcoat pocket. Now button your coat. That'll do ! " "Well , gentlemen , good evening. What can I do for you this evening , if it Isn't , morning already1 "You can hand oyer that parcel of diamonds mends you got from Frank Hldlcy tonight , Mr. .Murattl , and then you can como with UB , " replied Inspector Uplnzkl politely , but still a trifle sillily. "I'vo a search warrant here , but you'll save us a lot of trouble and yourself and household a lot of Inconvenience by passing over the stones at once. Wo know they're in the house. " "Then you know a mighty lot more about my house than J do myself , Mr. Llulnzlcl , " snapped ( ho little man somewhat viciously , "There are no diamonds here but what arc my own lawful property , and they're all cut stones , DO I'm afraid I can't give you what you've come for. Dut of courte If you've got a warrant you can aci oa It though It's a piece of moat unwarrantable tyranny. And this a llrltlsh colontoo. , . Why don't they call U penal settlement and ; hnvo done with It , Shall I nek my wife to get up and como down ? " "I hope there'll bo f.o nceesflty for ! lut. ' , " replied the Inspector , wltn a plcassnt smile , "IJut now gentlemen , wo must get to work , please. It isn't plccsant for any ots. \ . I konw. but l''s our duty and It rmiat be done. " The formality rorultod exactly as the astute Mickey had predle'cd It would. The diamonds mends a pirccl of stones worth about 200 at first coot Were promptly found In Jersey's pocktv , and ho played the tyro la I. I ) . B , with a perfcctlca that was by no means all art. ' Mickey , of count , did the virtuously In- dlgnint relative ted disappointed benefactor without a flaw , not only at the monuo , of discovery , but at the police court the next morning. Si well , lodced. did both play their partu mt , ro Inspector lUplnzkl'e Intense disgust , the irisglstiate rcftswd to stod the chief criminal to the special court fcr trial , and to , nftcr providing' generously for 1he deMi e of his crilng rolatlv * . ho left the court house a triumphantly whitewashed man. At the next fitting of special court Josvoy go : five ycara , and the same traM which took him to Cape Town happened also to take Mrs. Mlchucl Murattl , who , for reasons of health , not unc6nnecled with ad Increase of the seed oflAtinham , had been odvleed to t-iko a trip to Europe to avol.l Clio worst of tjw hot ecason In Klmberley. Inspector Uplnzkl ftlll 'hud ' his suspicions , but even they did not go so far as to put a value of about thirty < housand pounds on the high and hollow hods of the lady's d > .1nty French- mailo boots , II. Nearly five years later Michael Murattl , e.q. , was sitting at the writing table In the library of his town residence In Lancaster Gate. He was reading a letter and swwrliiK softly under his breath at every line of It. When he had read It through for * ho second time he criib'.ieil It fi > 'In hl.i hand , stuffed It Into hn ! trouser yocket , went a d stood on the hearth rug with his short , sturdy legs wldo apart and said to a llfc-slzcd portrait ut hlni'clf , which hung In the middle of the oivoslto wall : "No. bust me If I del I've been generous to both of them nlid I an't stick It any longer. I'll give 'em Just another thousand apiece , for old times' sake , nnd's the ID * . Half n million apiece , Wjow ! Why don't they aek for the whole caboodle at once ? I'll bee them selling frlcn fish Hint. " The explanation of this resolution may be briefly given as follows : Thanks to ex emplary behavior and a certain amount of judiciously applle.l Influence , Mr. M-rattl's scapegoat had got off with a little over three years. The day he c-imo out he received the welcome but not unexpected Intclllncnco that , through the dcat'.i of a re'atlve In London , he had como kilo about 5.000 ready cash and ivcperty and securities yielding about another thousand a vear. The same evening he renewed the ao qualntcnre of Frank Illdlty , who had been discharged without any assigned reason a few weeks ater ! the great coup which had proved so worthless to him. T'JO bank had been advised by cable that a leaf had been stolen out of Mr. Murattl's London check biak anil cautioned not to any checks without further notice. Hence the first 2,500 had not been > ; ald. The I O U Mr. Muiattl had laughed nt. The stones had cost him quite enough already , or would do so before he had dene wlt'.i Jossey , and ho didn't propose to pay any more. It was a case of dog eating dog , but Hidloy could do noth'ng without disclosing tin ? whole transaction , and would mean not Icrd than ten years on the breakwater fcr him , so he grinned and bore It , aim waltci till Joasey came out. Meanwhile Mr. Murattl grew end flour ished exceedingly. Everj thing he touched turned either to go' < l or diamonds thouga tie never touched anything illicit after the last big deal. Ho was quite a great man now , but , as every one knows him , there Is no need to repeat that , ctid there wra not a cloud 01 his financial or eoclal horizon save- his con ncctlon with Jor.iey nnd the present Im psslblllty of getting Introduced to the prince of Wales. Ho had given Ridley a couple of thou- nd In oish rn Jot ey's strong representa tion , nnd fondly thought that would settle h's unrrovaUe claim for good , but that wofc Just where he had made the blggrnt mis take of his life. Joraey came out of penal servitude a very different person to thu shlfUess ne'er-do-weel that ho was when ho entered It. It had done him a lot of good. H had put teckbrnp Into him and , besides , he had learned many things that ho wetted not of before. A''ter ' more than three years of penal toll and discipline , embittered by-deprivation of all creature comforts , it waij only In the course of nature when he recalled his free- ilom , and found himself In command ol plenty of money , ho should bo etronglj Incll.ed to compensate himself for hlu vlcailous sufferings en a somewhit liberal sale H was In this humor that Illdley hod found Mm. Ho tiid : mi ado a little 'jnoncy ' more or Irss honestly since his 'discharge- and EO there was no suggestion of sponging. Hut | Lo was vnry sore still nfrtitt'tho .check and the I. 0 , U. , and In Jossey } { Jio.uslit ho " ' ' saw the moans of "pelting 'sii'uaro with the millionaire 'who ' ftali done him su h an un-1 sciupultus "Khot In the eye. " To this end ho-worked both skillfully and ! successfully on the ex-convict's feelings until he came to look upon hlmfcblf aa "tC iiurtyr and Mlcliatl iMura'ttl ' aa jingpster. . of ' in gratitude. What were a few : -paltry t'hou- snnds to the millions that were literally' rolling In the 'millions whlcJi would never have < bcno hla If ho , Joshua , had not borne the prnalty tf his crime ? He had the plainest right to a good , substantial tUiaro of them , and BO , too , for the matter of that , had the man from whom Mickey had so dishon estly obtained the stones on which hU new fortune * had 'been ' founded. As time 'went on these arguments -wore very strongly cnfcrea ! ' by the fact that the aforesaid "paltry thousands" did not go very far when Mr. Joshua Qlosensteln had once learned the Joys of spending money with the cheerful frct-Jom that is 'born of a sure and certain hope that , "when It is done , there will bo plenty more forthcoming. Tihe logi cal result Svau that the two worfhles , now fast friends and allies In a common object , had made demand after demand on the ap parently bottomUea purse * of the multi-mil lionaire , until at last a certain fact had come to their knowledge , which , after duo deliberation together , iiad Inspired them to write the Joint letter that had BO disturbed Mr. Muttnttl'8 cquftiilialty. They traveled homnliy the same mall boat which carried their letter , and on the morn ing following Its delivery they pild a visit to the millionaire at hla West End mansion , The Interview was not exactly a friendly one. Mr. Murattl blustered , and hist visitors quietly but firmly doubled their already ex orbitant demands , The man ot millions threatened to have them put Into the street , and broadly hinted at the advisability of giving them Into cus tody as blackinallets. That brought matters to A head In a somawhat dramatic fashion. The exsortcr took out his pocketbook and produced from It a half sheet of note paper , on which was pasted ft short newspaper cut ting. Ho handed 't to the millionaire nnd saM : "That's from the Cape Times , Mr. Murattl. Do you think you could throw nny light on the subject ? I have an Idea that you could , especially with our assistance. De Ueors would give a good deal to know how that stone got away. I believe they would oven accept mo as quecn'e evidence to get the mystery cleared up. What do you think ? " With slowly widening eyes and sinking heart , the man of many minions , nnd more ambitions , read the cutting. It ran thus : "The king of the Uelglans has just Indulged In his well known taste for gems by the addi tion to his already priceless collection ot a magnificent rose-colored diamond , weighing nearly thirty carats In Its cut state. His majesty Is rumored to have paid the enor mous prlco of a thousand pounds n carat to the Amsterdam merchant of whom ho bought It. In color and water It Is the exact coun terpart of the famous rrac diamond In the Do llccrs collection , but It Is much larger. "Its origin Is Involved In some little mys tery. The merchants from whom his majesty purchased It afl\rm \ that t'.ic dealer from w'ncm they bought It declared that It was an ancient gem re-cut In Amsterdam , but ex perts who have seen It state with equal poM- tlNoncss that it Is a Klmberley stone. "A rumor reaohcn us fiom Dtanumlapolta that a certain Kaffir , who has since disap peared , bcasted one night In his cups , Just attor he had been discharged from the Klm berley compound , ttat he had found the ROst roolkllppo ( red stone ) that ever v found c i the fields. IT this Is true , the stone never reached ths diamond rom at Do Ucers1. It Is Just gosslblo that Home of the I. D. H. fraternity could throw sonic light on the subsequent wanderings of the 'mool rooi- kllruo" ot which the vanished Kaffir boasted. " Kiank Ridley and Joshua Mosenateln watched the millionaire's changing face n-ir- rowly as ' .10 read. Whra ho saw that ho had finished Hldlcy said quietly : "I can find that Kalllr , If necessary , Mr. Muiattl. Of course the diamond law does not hold good In this country , but the laws as to conspiracy and dealing in stolen gooJs do If De Ueers prosecuted they would find my evidence worth buying. Josfley here has done his time atid could tnako a clean breast of It without fesr , and so the only one who could be touched would be " " 0 , that'll do ! " exclaimed the millionaire , In a burst of despairing anger. "What d- you want ? " "I want half a million down and another half In , approved securities preferably De Beers , " replied Ridley ; "and aa a iratter of nrlnc'ole. I must have that check Infavor of Miss Itansomo duly honored. A mlllton- alre's wife should be above susphlon. " "And I want a million , too , " chimed In Mr. Jcscri5tein ! , "same way as Frank wants his. And what's more. Mickey Murattl , " he went on , shaking Ills finder In his face , "ns vou rt'i'graccd mo by scwirtlng to t'lo Break water for your crimp , yoj must restcre my credit In the eyes of the socloty that I slnll co Into now , by making your wife let me marry that pretty little sister Rebecca of hers that I have loved all my Ufa. She was always fond of mo nod will have me when I am a millionaire. I flare say you can spare her a decent marriage portion. " They were big terms , but Mr. Murattl did not yet descalr of being introduced to the prince of Wales , and so In the cad he yielded. A few wesks later two new made South African millionaires , one English end one Hebrew , blossomed forth , each In his con genial sphere of London society. A little later on there were two splendid weddings , and , until thcso lines appear In nrlnt , the mjstcry of the King's Hose Diamond will remain unsolved. It h easy to catch a cold and Just as easy to get rid of It if you commence early to uss One Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia and nil throat and lung troubles. It Is pleasant to take , safe to use and sure to cure. OUJ CY'S ( illKATr.ST IJ.VY. DlM'ovcrN a Siilmi'irlnc Motor that Hunts SlioolliiKhe Chute * . Almost every river contains catfish , hut the genuine Missouri river catfish Is usualb big enough , to swallow one of the others and ! bc hungry. Every day , during the favorite season with catflshermen , some one brings to the market a fish weighing from seventy-five to100 / pounds , but Silos Hutch- Ins holds the palm for catching the biggest fish ever seen In this vicinity. "Old Cy , " rotates the Peru ( Neb. ) corre spondent of the Kansas City Star , as ho Is familiarly called , went down to the river with a line that looked n rope. Ho had a couple - plo ot pounila of llverl'for ' haltHe set out In a rickety old canoe that has long been regarded as a condemned craft. Cy Is ajiman of many predellctlors ; he Is an inventor and for years his busy brain has contemplated perpetual motors , aerial transportation and similar ( scientific subjects On this memorable day old Cy had Just got out to the channel when he seemed to be laboring under great excitement. There was n change In his demeanor alco in the courst of his boat. A small crowd that had fol lowed him to the river saw his little skiff start up stream at a pace faster than any river steamboat ever made. They began to cheer , thinking old Cy had a sucrcnaful In vention at last. Numerous theories were ad vanced concerning o. submarine motor. Ths crowd tried to ask qucstlcns of the old man , but ho was dlsanpcarlne ; too rapidly pud was too much engrossed xvlth present affatrff to anawer any questions. The news spread rapidly , as such things will In small villages. Merchonts closed their stores and the local capitalist shut up the bank to/o / down to the river and get the drat option qn old Cy's pucccssful Idea. Tim river at this point Is straight for two miles , but old Cy had disappeared around the bend. The banker stepped into the tele graph n III ce. near at hand , and sent a mes 6 ! > . 'io to Nebraska City , addressed tn Sll.ii Ilutchlns , en route , offering the old Inventor all the capital needed to exploit hla Inven tion , whatever It might be , and appealing to hlu local pride not to desert homo Indntrlc When the banker came out of the office there was a Fhout from the crowd and away up th river was old Cy coming down faster than ho had gone up , Cy's motor was the fabtrst thing ovfr seen In these parts , not excepting Hub Spoil's pacer , which cve-n Star Pointer has never boiten. It seemed , however , old Cy was having a totmh tlmo of It. Ho sat In the center of the sklrr Holding a line that everybody now thought watt n wire. Ho was looking straight ahead anC seemed to bo prepiTcil to lean to one side o > the other very quickly should his motor tike a notion to turn suddenly. Hla b ' .t cut through the little waves like a knife The foam bchln'l looked like a sea of wild lager as nearly cu the citizens of a prohlbl tlon town could Judge. "Where you goln' to , Cy ? " some one yelled. "Don't know sartln. Mebbo K. C. mobbo Yallcretono park. S'long ! " and tho'old man Hhot out of sight. "Cv'H done It for frartlfl thin time , " ex- c'almed Ike Syderappel , and the yecplo In ' Ike "korrect. " general 'lowed W B The capitalist told the Insurance agent that Cy would prcbably never come back nnd the doctor hugged 4ils surgical case like a man expecting an accident. An evangelist to-U occasion to attempt an Impromptu exhor'a- tlon of the uncertainty of hutrcn affair. ] , but the ooople refused to listen to anything except that whlt'J nertalncd to old Cy , hln Invention. hLi probabln fate and his ultimate dcetlnatlcn. Meanwhile the object of their Interest was dlEviipearlnK doun the river toward ICansta City. A committee was already be-l'ig or ganized to telegraph Mayor Jccies and de mand a suitable reception for Ihclr fellow , , the dl&tlugutahcd Inventor of a submarine motor. Old Cy D skiff took a sud den shoot sideways and seemed to carom against the state of .Missouri ; then It rlco- chetted off until It came In collision with Nebraska , after which the skiff remained stationary , "IIo'n broke hi * darned machine ! " said Simon Likewise , Nemaha county's candlJato for president of the United States and pres ent Justice of the peace. But suddenly old Cy and his skiff started 1:0 the river again. The old man wag getting Retired and howled tor help as ho went by. "It's got the best ot him , " the crowd said , and various Individuals fell to prcr.ihenylng evil , while the evangelist muttered something nbout noble lives being sacrificed to Aclcncc. All this while Cy was going X'o the river In the teeth of a thlrty-mlle-nn-hour gale. How long this state ot affairs would have lasted cannot be said had not a fortunate accident put an end to It all , A flouting log afforded Cv a change to anchor his beat , "Fetch me a Winchester , " he yelled. Pete Cornplantcr and Jim Itusklnpeg took the weapon out to lilni. Then , for a half hou- those three pulled on thi > line and ehot Into the water. The luky shot came at last and the body of old Cy's 117-pound tatfl h floated with the placid muddy tide ot the Missouri. U was the big- Host event that has happened "In our midst" since ttio Nemaha county "Nemesis" forsook the gold standard and came out for tree silver. Prosperity comes qulckwt lo the man whoso liver Is In good condition. DoWItt' * Little Harly Risers are famous little pills for constipation , biliousness , Indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. ItUCHNT LNVHA An Improved inuikcywronch just placqd on the market has the adjusting screw mounted on ball bearings to make It turn easily. Firemen will appreciate a hcse and tool carrier recently patented , which has a belt to go around the waist , with a shoulder strap to support the weight of the tools and hcsc line. To protect bank carriers from robbers n steel plate Is set In the counter1 close to the window and held toy a spring so it can ho released by the1 foot and fly upward to clexso the window nnd stop bulloa. Guns can ibc easily cleaned by a new de- vlcci constating of a central E'.om and a pair of elongated spring-plates , with wide , flaring ends centrally pivoted to the stem to rock loosely and fit against the Interior of uho barrel. A new footrcst for bicycles is attached ti the under bar of the frame and sunorts the hcelii In such a position that the toca Me on oppoal'o sides of the front wheel and can be priuscd against the tire to act as a brak. To In movlns railroad , cars by han i an operating lever In fitted with a loop tJ engage the nxlo an1 has a pivoted hook EM a short distance from the end to grip IIP rim of the wheel and turn It as the level U lifted. To dampen the clothca bcforo Ironing a Texas woman has invented a device which consists of a water rccaptnclc with a sponge at the bottom to be attached to the nose of the Iron and wet the cloth as It slides In a new lilcyclo saddle the scat portion Is htrgcd to tto frame In front , and Is pressed upward by a spring-actuated pin , sdt In the rear part of the frame , which ivlleveB the Jar of the rider In KOlntr over rough surfaces. Check reins cann.ot ibccome unfastened ac cidentally from a now holder which Is hinged to the pad and springs upwatd to receive the loop In the rein , aftec" whlo'h ' H Is pressed back against the pad a J held In 'place by a spring. In n recently patented safety device for elevators two row of pins are set In the guldoways of the shaft with ilioo'.ts mounted on the elevator to catch In them as soon as the cable which supports the elevator'breaks ' and allows the springs to operate. A western iman has 'patented ' a grain ele vator l-i which compressed air Is used to carry the grain a receiving vessel being mounted at the end of a suctlcn pipe , which draws the grain Into a blast pipe and forces It with the air to the top of the elevator. APOPLEXY Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart IH equally effectiveIn apoplectic symptoms. If you have unpleasant dizzi ness , llB'.itness or sudden rubh of "Jlood to the head , take precaution afiilnst a re- curr-nce. This reU ; remedy will i amove the cause. The press of the land has dally a long- list of sudden deaths which would not be chronicled If Dr AKIIOW'S Cure lor the Heart were used. 19. Kuhn & Co. , Uta and Douglas , Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 151,1 Dodge. A SPECIALTY. Prlmarv , Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD 1'OISON perimnently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You cnn lie treated nt home for FIUIIO price under fame Biiaranty. If you prefer to come litre WP will contr.ict to pay rull- roatt fare and hotel- bills , nnd no charse If wo fall to cure. * IP YOU HAVE taken mcr-ury. Iodide potash nnJ still have acheH nnd pains. Mucous Pntclita In mouth , Sore Throat , I'linpk'H , Copper Ool- tr xl t-'iKtu , I'lccis on nny part of the boj > - . Hair or eyebrows fulllnc out , It Is th's Secondary We Guarantee fa Sara Apollrll the mont obstinate cates mul cliallenue the world for u cuue we cannot < 'iue This dleeiis ? has always InlHe-J the flilll of the jrosl eminent ptiyFlclanc , fJOO.OM ) capital behind our nnci ndltlonal K'iniunty ' Absolute proufa pent senljil on Hcmlti'ntlon 100 P.IBIbook tent free. COOK IIUMUIIY CO. , Mill f Templr , CliIriiKO , III. Searles & Searies. SPECIALISTS IN PRIVftlEJlpES. WEAK MEN SEXUALLY. All I'rlvata Diseases & Disorders * of Moll. Treatment by Mall. Consultation Tree. _ . SYPHILIS Cured for llfo and the polnon Ihorouehly cle.-uieai friS'cnn1itorhi ? ; . Seminal WoaknoH. , Lost Man- hood. Nlrht KmliBlons Docuyril I'acultlns. Female - male WeakiirB * , and all clcUcnto alfcordera peru- ! AND VAKICOCUkKi. . ; , . . . . . . . cured Method now an il imfallln ? . Cured _ ut homo by ni'W method without , p.iln cr outtlng Call on or addreia with. sumP- (10 9. MtUSt. . us. mm i UMAU.V in And Surgical lGfDI ) > ( ' , ! , . ( ) . . , Neb CON ULTATKU PIJEIJ. Clirouic , Nervous anil Private Disuse ? and all WRAKKKSB KEN and DISOIIDHHSof IIYIIKOCi3MSiii > i ! VAIUQ > OKln | .u.-m-noityai : | biicci'HHfully cured In ovtry cahu , 111/iOD AND HK IN DlumiurH. Sore Spoil. I'lni m , BcrofiilH TuinorH , Tetter KMCIIKI .mil Illuat I'olRon thortiuirhlv rli'iuiutt' from tlm nyHleni NKKVOUS Debility. Spcr.naiorrhc I , Hemln'il I.obtu-tt Nlfilit KmlHblnnti , I.uas ot Vital 1'owuia purmuiicnllj and npucUllvciinil. WIAK ! MI'.N , ( Vitality Weak ) , mndo HO ! > y too COHO application to bublnciis or Htncly : tuivcra mental ntralu of prloli SKXUAL KXCE.SSKS in mlddlo llfo or from Uiu i tTwtu \omliliil follies. Call or wrttu Ilium today , Uox'J77. Omalia Medical and Surgicil Institute Is n perfect Ionic ; It brncot up the s > stcm lo resist Neuralgia , Colds nnd Influcnia ; II keeps Iho healthy well , nnd strengthens Intallds. A perfect essence ol Bcclj Its crtcd upon Iho s > stem Is ( tiling , not transitory Ilko alcoholic stimulants , lo the Kitchen It protldes tlio essential features ol good cookery Appetising flavour , nourithmcnl end digestibility. , \3n \ ' .uro In DLIJE On HE THAT WORKS EASILY WORKS SUC CESSFULLY. " 'TIS VERY EASY TO CLEAN HOUSE WITH IN EVERY SENSE OF THE V/ORD ? Are You Bearing a Secret Burden Because of Sexual Weakness. , / / IF YOU ARE , THEN ACCEPT THIS f/jj ; A COURSE OF MEDICINE SENT ABSOLUTELY I3Y Kvcry man MitTcrlmf from the effects of youthful folly or Inter oxce e restored to I'KKPKOT , IIIi'AI/rcl AMI VIOOlt. I'romatura Oi'dlnc , Ii < > t Munliiiinl. fpcrnmtcrrhccn. Kmlsslum . imU ull cMM nnJ Wcuknos M of .Man. from vrhntovir rnuw , pprninnentljr nnil iirlvnlrly cured. , Bend the famous I'M VHIOIA 8 l U' lTU' l ! . ofChlcnco , n ilescrlptlim of your ' trouble with ( J cents for postuuo end imofelnj. ami our eminent till vplolnna will prepare for you a cour e ot' mcitlclno of jucn . ' . ' tor etrencttiasyouriafoinayrequlro. Wo send Itritl'.l ) tolntrnrtucoiiurrpninrkiitiloiiictliodurtrj'nlniiMit 1-opt ilunhood. No Quockcn or O. O. I ) . Frmid. Wu Imvc tliouniiiicl * of . ttiunl-ful li-ttcrs Hint P" > l n our hnnurnblo , llbcrnl tiUTlticKs met hods , us well IIB < mr remarkable quick cures.'o IIKVO cured cosca mat iiavo battled others. Failure Inipueslble by uur melbud. IT COSTS YOU NOTr > 8SNC TO TRY BT ! Thousancta of weak men who hnvo bcrnnio illJCdiiruKcd ntter trylni ? nil other treatments , hnvo boon . reobired to Health nnd I'crfcct Mnnhinxl within n very short tlmo nficrnlnctnn Iticniu'lvoj . In our bauds. 1'rocrastlnatton Is dangerous. lo not neglect your e use. Wrlto us today lu strict conllduiice. PHYSICIANS' INSTITUTE , 1945 Masonic Temple , CHICAGO , ILL , ALL HAIL THE We're off for the skating ! We're down the toboggan slide ! Gse ! But isn't it fun ! The Ice Carnival is on at the Ex position grounds. They charge 10 cents to get into the grounds , 10 cents admis sion to the ice and S cents for each ride down the toboggan slide. you will bring in two new sub scribers for the Daily and Sunday Bee for two weeks each , you can get a ticket to the grounds , an admission to the ice and four trip tickets for the toboggan slide , or eight tobggan tickets or four ice admissions. IF you bring in one new subscriber Jj ? to the Daily and Sunday Bee for three weeks , you can get a ticket to the grounds , an admission to the ice and two ? tickets for the trip toboggan slide ; or / & three ice admissions , or six toboe an V ; ft * i3 $ tickets , "jv \ IF you bring in more subscribers , or for a longer time , you can get tickets at the same rate for each bona fide new j < subscriber that is , an admission to the x& grounds , or an admission to the ice , or < jp two trip tickets for the toboggan slide , for each week paid in advance by the new subscribers you bring in. The more subscribers , the more tickets. A whole lot of fun for just a little work , None but bona fide new subscribers count , No subscription taken for less than two weeks. Bring your subscriptions to the Circulation Department , Bee Publishing Co , Bee Building.