Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    OMAHA flAILY BEE : FRIDAY , BEOE LBEE 31 , 1807.
ftM.VOIl MBXTlO.t.
, . . .
Cooper , Flro.Ins. , 0 Pearl , tol. 37B.
Epconer Grocery Co. , 323 Bway. Tel. 314.
Schmidt's Im rcllet photos are the latest.
II. P. Larson of Boomer township waa In
the city yesterday.
Mrs. Il. 'N. ' Whtttlcsey Is confined to her
lied by serious Illness.
Two plftcca where satisfaction Is assured
the dictionary and the Bluff City Laundry.
Fred Spotman will Icavo totoy for a week's
Tlslt to Genoa , Nob. , whcro ho has largo
propc-rty Interests ,
Enoch Grccr , a wealthy "Rockford " township
farmer , was transacting business at the
county court house.
F. F. Davis , the picture frame agent , was
fined J14.7E In Justice iBurke's court yester
day morning for assaulting Mrs. Clara Kelly.
Wo want you to feel that your package | J
very welcome at our place , and every effort
will bt > made to please you at the Eagle
Laundry , 724 Dway.
John Holder , who was to have "been " tried
In Justice Burko'a court yesterday afternoon
on the charge of stealing $5 worth of liay ,
liad his case continued on a change ot vcnuo
to Justice Vein's court.
The State Savings bank began a foreclosure
milt In the district court yesterday against
M , J. Bellinger. The amount Involved Is
$1,000 and the property la located In Brown's
first addition lo the city.
Colonel D. B. Dalloy expects to ho able to
return to Ills ofllco on next Monday and resume -
sumo his law practice. During his long nnd
dangerous Illness his son Warren has had
charge of the office business.
The suit In Intervention brought by the
Cunningham Brothers Woolen Mill company
to secure their claim Involved In the failure
of SlodemaEtnr , the tailor , was tried In Iho
district court yesterday and taken under ad-
There will ho a special meeting of 'Har-
or.ony chapter , No. 25 , Order of 'Eastern '
fitar , at 'Masonic ' temple tonight for the pur
pose of Installing the new officers. All mom-
.bers are requested to bo present. 'Refresh
ments will bo served.
Partition suits 'wcro started In the dis
trict court ycfiterday by Charles A. G. Lewis
against SCanla A. Brown and others , Harry
Stabler against Eliza J. Johnson and other
heirs. The prcoerty asked to bo divided Is
comprised of rlc'a Pottawattamlo county
Elmer 13 , Smith , with Dye Brothers , Mace
donia , was In the city yesterday. The 'com
missioners for the Insane have been spending
all of their available tlmo In the preparation
of Ihclr annual reporl. The rcporl will too
very elaborate and. of grcal value In showing
at a glance the cost of maintenance ot each
ot the county patients , as well as the total
cost to the county.
A telegram Tvas received yesterday from
Montpellcr , Idaho , announcing the sudden
death there ot Mrs. iMarlo Dalrymplc , wlfo
ot the well-known Idaho bishop of the Mor
mon church. . Death was the result of heart
disease. Mrs. Dalrymplo iwas a sister ot N.
W. Williams and ( Mrs. Wall McFadden nnd
nn auni ot Frame sncrratt. air. imams is
nt the homo In Idaho at the present time.
Mrs ; W. C. ( Stacy , who iwas for many years
a resident ot this city , died on Christmas day
at Wheaton , 111. , whcro the family has bccu
living for some time. She was born In
Wheaton In 1831. Her death was caused by
hemorrhage of the lungs and occurred sud
denly 'Whllo she was at Christmas dinner.
Mr. and Airs. Stacy had six sons , four of
"whom are living , and who attended the
funeral. Mr. Stacy will In future make his
home with his son Harry in 'Minneapolis. '
C. B. Vlavl Co. , fcmaio remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C.
Health book furnished. 32G-327-32S Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. TP ! . 250.
Hoffmay's fancy patent flour makes the
test and most bread. Ask your grocer for
Entitled to J nil Bine lit.
Judge McGco jcsterday rendered his de
cision In the case of David Hill against the
Council Bluffs Savings bank , which was tried
several days ago and submitted , i The sull
was lo compel Iho bank to pay a certificate
of deposit for $520 Issued to Hill and lost
tyy him. There wcro circumstances con
nected with the loss of the certlflcalo that
impelled the bank to cnforco the rule not
to pay ttio certificate unless Iho depositor
put aip the necessary bond. The testimony
Bhqwed that on the night Hill lost the cer
tificate ho was drinking In several saloons ,
add there was a possibility that ho might , In
a moment of unconscious thoughtlessness ,
have endorsed the certificate ami It passed
out of his hands , and that It might reap-
Dear In possession of a second party prot >
orly endorsed and In a condlllon demanding
payment. Hill refused to furnWi the re
quired bond and brought suit. The court
held that the depositor was entitled to a
judgment fori the amount Involved "upon " the
condition thai ho complied with the bank's
requlrcmcnl of the Indemnifying bond.
[ Miss Cook's studio. Grand hotel annex.
'City ' OMuliiH n Decree. . ,
Tfoo city 'yesterday obtained a decree In
ono of the delinquent tax suits that have
lioen started to enforce the payment of a
largo amount of unpaid assessments for pav
ing and grading , Mrs. Mary B. Williams and
others were defendants In the suit , but they
made no resistance. Judgment was given for
$272.03 and costs. There are nearly $25,000
Involved In similar suits started by the city ,
which will bo placed In judgment during
the next few months. In the majority of the
cases the dcfandants do mot conlcmplato
gnaklng any defense , and will permit the city
to take the prcperty , which Is largely unim
proved , and frequently unfilled lots , but In
many of them property Is worth so many
times more than the amount of iho taxes
that redemption will bo certain. Mrs. Wil
liams' property lies ia Williams' second ad
dition to the city.
Domestic eoap wrappers call for spoons.
Tr Kent or Sale 240 acres in Crescent
township ; baled hay for tale. Lougeo &
Lougco , 235 Pearl streol.
About . ! < > (
The friends ot Joe Dlllman are somewhat
Anxious about him , and their anxiety is
obarcd 'by the young man's employers , JIc-
Pherson & Reed , Dlllman has been In the
employ of J , n. McPhcrson for several
years , coil lias been a trusted employe slnco
the flrm changed. Yesterday he was en
gaged In delivering goods and making col-
lections. About C o'clock ho telephoned to
Iho night fireman at the greenhouse , telling
( hat he was about to leave town and that
the team ho had been driving would bo lelt
ft Younkcrman's ceod store. Ho also said
Imt a letter of explanatlcn would bo found
U < ho earno place. A messenger vas dis
patched to the place and found the team , hut
not the letter. The greenhouse people notl-
Jed the police of the occurrence last night
Ind asked for uwlstanco In locating the
( Hissing man.
i dleul Entitle Truiixforx.
1 The following transfers nro reported from
} ho tltlo and loan ofllco of Jf. . Sijulro , 101
Rcarl street :
B. J. II. Uoyaen to Cnrollno S. Boy-
eon , lots 1 nnd 2 , block 2. Hughes &
JXmeghnn'a add. , TV. il S I
County treasurer to C. l > . Dlllln , nwii
_ neU , 21-70-11 , f | . d i
Bamo to same , - vmvtt nw'i. 27-75-11 ,
q , d , , , , , 33
, game to same , neVi seM , 16-74-n , q. d. .
Same to same , wi4 nwtt nwU > H 27-75-11 ,
q. d , , , ,
Pioneer Savings nnd Loan Co , to John
Knlckman nnd wife , lot 8 , block 1U ,
R Howard's itdd , , w , d 300
ft1 J , R. Owcna tvnd J. T. Farrell and
. , * iwlvea to limy C. Dungun , lot 3 , block
' : 13 , Carson , w. d. , 700
D. JP. Kemp nnd wlfo to Thomas nish-
ton. lota 3 and i , block 4 , Wright's
- . .O.M.f. . d , , . , . , ' 100
Charles Footo and wife to Samuel C.
'Foote , part scVi neU nnd noli eU ,
U ,12-70-41 , 30 ncrfs. w. d. . . . . . . l.EOO
/ > < TVllfaelm Wclko and wife to Independ
ent German Church ot Chrlut , 1 aero
In BOtt mvU , 2S-7M3 , w. d 1
S , ( Ten transfers , total
\ trtukvj .
A * Hpai
Now Cede of Iowa Omits Ono Very Essen
tial Inhibition ,
If a CMnn lie tMnrrled to All nt One
ami the Same Time Ho
In Snfc Dnilcr they
Imr. 1
Can a man bo lawfully married to more
than ono woman at tho'samo tlmo ? Justice
Fcrrler says ho can , nnd h'la > vlows on the
subject as given In the Bco have occasioned
considerable comment among the legal fra
ternity of the city. There ; has been a gen
eral scanning of the new cede and as a ra-
eult a good deal of doubt has been expressed
as to whether or not a man could ho pros
ccutcd in Iowa for polygamy , providing all
Iho wives were married at ono nnd the same
time. A number of different views are held.
Attorney J. J. Stewart says that ho docs
not boltcvo a man could ho held criminally
llahlo for entering into a polygamous mar-
rlago if Iho ceremony wcro performed under
Iho specifications laid down by Justice Fnr-
rlcr , but ho Is 'of the opinion that any court
would annul such a marriage as beingcon
trary to public , policy and the public morals.
W. S. Balrd says fho law docs not cover
the point In question and that this Is not the
only state In which there Is tbo same legal
technicality. Ho says U Is a fact , though not
generally known , thai Ihero are a dozen
states In which a man could have a dozen
wives If ho married them all at the saino
time , and the law could not touch him.
L. Q. Scott docs nol bcllcvo Hint such a
marriage could under any circumstances bo
valid. "I do nol think , " ho eald , "that the
county clerk would Issue more than one
marriage license to any ono man. Ihcrcfore
Ferrlcr Is safe In his offer to solemnize these
polygamous marriages. The situation Is pos-
elble. " Mr. Scott admitted thai If Iho clerk
should issue a plural number of licenses to
ono man and a Justice should perform the
ceremony that the Individual could not bo
punished under the , present law for bigamy.
Gcorgo H. Scott thought thai Iho licenses
could bo secured and Ihe ceremony performed
In Pollawallomlo counly. "Any single man
or widower can secure a license and ho Is a
slnglo man or widower until ho Is married.
Ho could ask for ono certificate , pay his fco
and then advance another fee for the second
certificate , and the questions In the appli
cation could still bo answered satisfactorily
and another certificate secured , for the rea
son that the man is still single and legally
entitled to as many licenses as ho cares to
call fo'r. Ho could then have Ferrler per
form the ceremony and the thing would bo
dono. I believe the marriage could ho an
II. O. Ourcn says that although the
letler of Iho law Is somewhat defective , the
spirit and Intenl must nol bo mlsconelrued.
Ho believes lhal prosecullon and punlshmenl
for bigamy would follow one of Iheso mar-
Uev. T. W. Williams of Ihe Reorganized
Church of Jesus Chrlsl of Latter Day Saints
Ihlnks lhat If the law Is given the same in
terpretation by the courts as by the Council
Bluffs lawyers and the statulo is not changed
by the legislature , thcro will "be a great In
flux of Utah Mormons into Iowa.
Spencer Smllh said ho had heard of this
same discrepancy In other states.
J. J. Stewart says ho thinks the experiment
will bo tried. It will "probably not be done
In this counly for a tlmo al least , as O. G.
Balrd , depuly county clerk , said positively
last evening that there would not be more
than ono license per man Issued from the
Potlawaltamie clerk's office unlil an order
came from Iho courts.
Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons.
iXot Inclined' ' to TnUe Cltr Order * *
I'eiiillnii Shva'H Suits.
There will bo no warrants bought by the
warrant brokers at Iho beginning of next
monlh and the city employes and the other
people among -whom Is distributed the
monthly batch of the city's promises to pay
are in a condition ot more or less despond-
'ency. The detormlnallon was reached lasl
monlh not to purchase any of the future is
sues ot the city warrants while the suits ot
J. J. Shea were hanging over the city. The
sull decided by Judge Green lo the dlscom-
felturo of Mr. Shea a few days ago did not
cover the salient points 1n conlroversy be
tween Shea and the city , hut was based
largely upon , the grounds that ho had no
right to maintain the suit for the reason
that ho was not a taxpayer and that his
application for a restraining order was
against public policy and the interests of
all of the citizens of the city. Shea is en
deavoring to have the case reinstated by
means of an amended petition , bringing In
Mrs. W. C. James as Iho chief parly. The
warrant brokers fear thora Is something also
substantial In the threat made by Shea that
if ho Is defeated In tbo state courts ho will
bring tbo action in the federal court at the
coming spring term. Whllo there Is any
tangibility in these threats , tbo cbuyers of
warrants will keep oul of Ihe business.
Firemen , policemen , sewermen and other
employes of Iho clly dependent upon Ihelr
dally earnings for the support of their fain
lllos will ho obliged to sell their warrants
to somebody -willing to take the risk of fu
ture Ices or trouble and take what is offered.
( All of last month's warrants were sold Im
mediately after their issue on the strength
of Judge Green's decision , but all who bought
then announced that they will take nothing
more until the question Is nnally fettled ,
Clly Auditor 'Evans' ' report for Decemiber
will show 'that ' the total expenditures for the
month were considerably less than the esti
mated Income for the same period. The
total warrantsto , bo issued will amount to
JC,038.45. The total drawn upon the police
< and general funds approximate J5.CCS.20.
This Is less by fl.OOO than the income in 'tho
various funds estimated' ' at the bo-
glnnlng of the year. The excellent
financial management of affairs Is shown
by the fact that for the last three years -the
total amount ot ivarrants drawn was within
Iho Income , and with one exception these are
only the years In 'the ' past ten when such has
been the caso. Ono of Iho heaviest Items of
expense that must > bo borne each year la the
interest account , which last year footed up
$14,867,40. Of this amount $31,000 was raised
by direct taxation from property owners In
the payment of special taxes for paving ,
grading andi sewering. The Interest account
for the jear on the outstanding warrants will
col exceed ? 7DOO.
Up to Friday night the Council Bluffs
Paint , Oil and Glass company enjoyed the
busiest and most profitable holiday It lias
ever experienced. The Una of artists' sup
plies could not bo more complete and the art
department Is unexcelled. From a can of
red paint for your ccal shed to a beautiful
piece of art to adorn your parlor mantle or
wall , your wants are cosily supplied.
Domestic soap wrappers call for apoons.
' Aconite Him < if Ilrlniv n. Krnuil.
The BOllco have been notified to warn the
ministers of the city to bo on the lookout
for a pious fraud , who represents himself to
bo a reformed pickpocket. Ho Is known ca
J , J. McMasters , aud his graft is working
the ministers ot tbo various churches with
profit to himself , but no credit to the cloth.
His clan la to solicit opportunities to occupy
their pulpits at regular and special meet
ings. The chief evangelizing work ho does
Is directed to the contributors to the special
donation funds that are advocated at each
meeting. Ho manages to appropriate all ot
the money collected and to make trouble
for the church In other ways , The secretary
of the Omaha Young Men's Christian associa
tion , in notifying thu pollco yesterday la-
mcntcd the fact that bo did not possess A
few hours earlier the Information ho then
had , which would have enabled , him to have
had the man arrested.
Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons.
Jlcnth of Dr. lAlllnnii.
Dr. Thomas Allison , for thirty years a
resident ot this city , died yesterday morning
at his country home , In Crescent , of drcpsy.
Ho was 84 years of age , and came to this
city from Florence In 1SG1. Ho formed a
partnership with Dr. Shoemaker , which was
maintained imlll the lattcr's death. A tow
years ORO Dr. Allison's advancing years and
Infirmities caused him to retire from an
active professional life , and ho removed from
his homo In this city. The funeral will ho
held from the residence at Crescent this
afternoon al 2 o'clock , cod Iho body will
bo Interred at the cemetery there.
Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons
1'renentn for tin- Children ,
The General Dodge Christmas tree and en
tertainment at the Christian tabernacle last
night drew a largo audience. ( Every child In
the city that had any of the old soldier blood
'n Its veins was present and received n
generous remembrance from Santa Claus.
The entertainment furnished In addition to
the tree was of a high order and very enter
taining. Ono of the moat Interesting features
of the program to the old soldiers was the
reading of a letter wrltlon by General Dodge
describing ono of Iho famous charges ot Ills
brigade during .tho battle of Pea Ridge.
Spun of .Mil I ON Stolen.
Thomas Egan has notified the police 'that ' a
span of valuable mules was stolen from Jils
barn at California Junction night 'before '
last , and that ycslerday afternoon a man was
seen passing through Honey Creek leading a
couple of mules that fully answered the dis-
crlptlon ot those stolen. The police wcro
asked to catch the fellow when ho reached
Council ( Bluffs. Up to n late hour lost nlghl
ho had not been .located.
? Ir. i. duly AN ] < N Divorce.
Mrs. Llddlo Cady yesterday applied for a
dlvorco from her huaband , T. J. Cady , al
leging cruel trcatmrnl and Iho fear that her
llfo uas In danger If she continue to louger
live with him. Both are among the best
known people of the city , and have lived here
for many years. They were married In Craig ,
Mo. , In August , 18SO. S'ao asks for the cus
tody of their only child , Master Jack Cady.
XovnU GOCK to I'riNnii.
CEDA 'IIA'PIDS ' ' , Dec. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) JSherlff IMetcalf of Benton counly
left this city at fl o'clock with Frank A.
Novak for the penitentiary , whore the con
victed murderer of Murray will 'have to re
main pending the hearing of his appeal to
the supreme court. It was reported yesterday
that the $18,000 oond would surely bo filed
today and Novak Hberalcd , but many now
think that not nearly thai amount was se
cured. On the other hand It Is reported that
Novak's wlfo has been doing her utmosl all
day lo raise the remaining $2,000 , but with
out success. Slio and ) her husband met to
night at the hotel , whcro a very affecting
scene was enacted. Novak absolutely re
fused to say anything tonlghl. He will foe
placed In < a cell al lAnamosa tonight and
regularly enrolled iu the .morning.
I > et < lruw TnlkM n Mttlc.
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 30. ( Special Telegram. )
Senalor Pelllgrew ot South Dakota passed
Ihrough Sioux City this afternoon en route
from his home at Stoux Falls to Washing
ton. In an Interview ho said he was very
well salisfled wllh the rcsulfs of his trip to
the Orient. Speaking of the movement to
annex Hawaii , he says ho spent ten days
thcro and could find practically nothing. Ho
says there arc about half a million acres ot
fair lands , but there < are also 3,000,000 acres
of useless volcanic formation. The senalor
says he is still standing by his speech of
1894 , In which ho opposed annexation. Ho
Intimaled ho would have something lo say
If the question Is called up In congress ,
TrlcH the Strychnine Rnnic.
ELDOIIA , Ia. , Dec. 30. ( Special Telegram. )
Crazed with grief over the death of Ihls
wife J. 'Jf. ' Cook committed suicide on his
wife's grave at Hcinoeck yestcrJay. Ho took
strychnine and died In intense agony.
Hey Sdilm llln Companion.
YHjinSOA , Ia. , Dec. 30. ( Special. ) On
Sunday Amos West , about 13 years old , in a
quarrel with a companion drew two knives
and stabbed him once in the leg and once in
Iho arm.
OMfe Sentence for n Murderer.
KEOKUK , Ia. , Dec. 30. Alonzo ( Robblns
was found guilty of wlfo munJer today and
sentenced to llfo imprisonment.
lovrn 1'roNiicrlty tndicniorx.
A new $40,000 elevator 'Is talked of In Keo-
kuk for next year.
Muscatlno has Just pild $4,000 In outstand
ing railroad bonds.
The schools cf Cwwfordsvllle are crowded
beyond their capacity.
The Woman's Relief corps of Iowa Falls
proposes to erect a building next spring.
A poultry show Is In progress In Iowa Falls
with a large number of fowls on exhibition.
Town property tins been sold at good prices
In the town of Geneva the last week or two.
Thcro Is a rumor In Cm-oil that a third
bank will bo opened thcro early In the now
A carload of turkeys and another of chick
ens were shipped from Wall Lake ono day
A new line of river sfeamers has been pro
jected for next year lo ply between SI. Louis
and St. Paul. ,
Waterloo Ice men are cutting the crop for
the seuson and expect to put 30,000 tons in
their houses.
Lumsford Is the name ot a new town In
Davis county 'that ' Is at present only a site.
The locallon IB convenient to an important
discovery of cool.
Tuo fact that nearly every family in the
town of. Sioux Ruplds bad a turkey dinner on
Christmas leads the republican of that town
to the conclusion that prosperity Is abundant.
A produce company dc-tng business In the
town of Hampton employs regularly fourteen
persons , and In ono week of December
shipped to market 17,000 pounds of dressed
As an Indication of prosperity the Post
ofllco department has directed Postmaster
lUachoji at lAlgona to raise on the price for
call boxes from 10 to 12'/i cents a quarter , on
lock boxes from 25 to 35 cents , und on lock
drawers from 25 to CO cents. >
Ono of the Institutions In prospect In Den
Molnes for next year Is a typewriter factory.
A typewriter company with headquarters
there has been having eomo parts ot the
machinery raado In the cast , but will build
a completes factory and employ 350 men.
1'rCHM C'OIIIIlllMltM.
Council muffs 'Nonpareil ! Iowa sent corn
to India. Will It rest content with Beading
only resolution ! ) of sympathy to Cuba ?
Sioux City Times : Orcaba Is called the
gateway. That is a now name for it , The
plan t'eoms ' to bo to have thp gateway wide
open next year.
Clinton Herald : It the legislature Is In
seraion a day after 'tho 1st ot 'March ' it will
ho treading on dangerous ground. It has no
business to go into any considerable ) new
Carroll Herald : If school "fads" must go
wo trust they will ho conducted out of exist
ence under intelligent guidance. The average
newspaperman Isn't im up-to-dato educator
and 4t mlghl bo well for legislators to go
flow before accepting too fully what editors
say about school fads.
Iowa Clly Republican : Senator Funk In
arguing for a single board of control makes
the point that the most progressive states
are all adopting this plan. Aud yet with the
single exception ot Wisconsin , no state , wo
believe , now has a slnglo board of control ,
And Wisconsin's Institutions cost more rela
tively than loua'a.
Davenport Democrat ; Tha Democrat forgot
to tell Us readers that yesterday was the
fifty-first ccnlvereary of Iowa's birthday.
Otherwise tbo nags would have been flying.
The state of Iowa Is just In its prime and
It is bound to continue growing better for
the next 1,000 years or more. ( May U have *
1,000,000 happy returns of the day , i
Outrageous TrcntaiiHtof an Old Man by His
Sons ,
Seven ! li"nriiicrn "tArrrnteil fop
the ShotH tliai\lur < Rll > - Wotititlcil
I.MJO llnTi'tDctiillB of
tinAffair. .
OTTUMWA , In. , Dec. 30. ( Special Tele-
Brain. ) The detailed account of the brutal
treatment of their father by the Balm boys ,
of Plensant Illdgo , Lee county , which re
sulted In Abe Balm's mortal wound Tuesday
night from a whltecappor's bullet , Is even
more horrlblo than at first reported. Al
though Abe Halm Is not dead as at first re
ported , his wound Is fatal and ills recovery
Is Impossible. Acting on his statement , odl-
ccrs today arrested John Schantz , William
Schantz , Joe Sanderson , William VanSlcklc ,
John Wellington , Tlco Knslow aud Frank
Fonner , the seven men , whom ho claims to
have identified. All are prominent farmers.
They will have a preliminary hearing to
morrow at Denmark. All the men were
asked regarding the affair and all denied
having had anything to do with It.
The trouble between the Balm boys and
their father originated four years ago when
the old man married a third tlmo against
their wishes. He was then a wealthy farmer.
The hoys were bent 'on getting all his prop
erty nnd his marriage thwarted their scheme.
They contrived to have their father sent to
tha Insane asylum aud forced him to deed
them his property. They then turned his
newly -weded wlfo Into the street and
wrecked the house In which they lived. The
old man served fourteen months In the
asylum 'at Mount PHasant and then went
back to Pleasant nldgo aud again took ui
hU residence with his wlfo In their old homo.
Law suits followed , but the old man was loft
penniless and for the past three years has
been an object of charity from his neighbors
his sons stubbornly refusing to help htm
A week ago ho was stricken with paralysis
and ho begged his sons to get him mcdlca
aid. They refused and ho died Sunday mornIng -
Ing last. The sons brutality oven went
farther and they refused lo take care o
his remains or pay the burial expenses.
This was more than the simple farmers o
the neighborhood could stand and Tuesday
night's affair Is the result of their attcmp
to rid the country of the brutes. When the
farmers retreated from the sccno of'Iho
tragedy they left behind a bucket ot tar , a
sack of feathers and a long rope , which were
found today. ' The feeling In the neighbor
hood Is still at the highest pitch against the
Halm boys and all who know the circum
stances express themselves as sorry that
both brothers were not killed outrlghl.
\ortheiMi Iowa' Thieve * AVIio Carried
On 11 lUr lIii'rffMCNM In Th ellIiliic. .
SPIIUT LAKE/Ia'.1 ; Dec. 30. ( Special. )
Charles Baldwin , Mrecently arrested at Lake
Park for the thefttof 100 bushels of oats from
Henry Farr , has Tflade a confession that In
terests the farmdrs Iti this part of the state.
Ho confesses that he Is ono of a gang of
thieves thai has had , h.cadquarters near Lake
Park for some yqarsand has been engaged
in stealing all Ujiuls of farm produce and
machinery and spiling the stolen stuff In
distant towns. lA e jBennett , who was re
cently arresled for larceny , Is reputed to be
the leader of the , bagd and the raids were
generally made by , , starting from his prem
ises. A man named. . Beard is ringleader of
a similar band"c Minnesota . , operating
In connection wlthrlho Iowa band. , . ,
ers of Dickinson county and other counties
in this part of the state have been losing
largo quantities of goods for several years.
PoNtofllce Ilobbcru Captured.
SIOUX CITY , Dec. 30. ( Special Telegram. )
The Sioux City .police iavo succeeded In
capturing Thomas Meek and A. J. Drake
and have fastened 'the ' crime of robbing a
postofllco at Jefferson , S. D. , upon the men.
The crime was committed on the night of
December 28 and the email booty was
brought across the river to Iowa. Drake ,
who lives at Clarinda , la. , has made a full
confession of the deedi and eays Meek put It
up anj oven wanted to iburn the building to
cover up the crime. They also robbed an-
olhcr etoro In the town and this property
was also recovered. The men -wero .turned .
over to ithe sheriff of Union county , South
Dakota. Meek also ( burglarized a store at
Gayvlllo , la. , on the night of December 20
and the stolen property was recovered by
the police In Sioux City.
StiiriilH JH
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Dec. 30. ( Special Tel
egram. ) There have been rumors for the last
few days that II. C. Sturgls of 'tho ' defunct
Citizens' bank had left town and these sus
picions .wero proved correct today when
Lewis James , ono of the depositors , swore
out -warrant for the arreet of Sturgls on
the charge of embezzlement of school funua.
When the officers attempted to servo the
warrant they found that Sturgls has disap
peared , Instead of .being . confined to his bed
from tbo effects of h'.a recent attempt at
suicide , as reported. His 'wlfo ' says ho left
Wednesday , ibtit the Impression prevails that
ho left Sunday night. It la openly asserted
that his wound was net so bad as claimed
and the failure of the ( bank was duo to
something worse Uian mismanagement.
Fntnl Grli-f of u Farmer.
MARSHALL/TOWN , la. , Dec. 30. ( Spe
cial. ) J. M. Cook , a German farmer living In
Qrundy county , committed eulcklo because of
grief over the death of his wife. Ho was 78
years old. He sent for his son , then took a
dose of strychnine and started for the ceme
tery a mlle distant , where his wife bad been
burled. Ho attempted to keep his Ron at
hay with a revolver , but ho was overtaken
and efforts made to save him. It was his
intention to go to the cemetery and kill him
self on his wife's grave.
Slot MndiliirH MtiHt Rn.
CB0AJI RIAPIDS , la. , Dec. 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Slot machines in the future are
under the ban of the law In Cedar Rapids.
Today warrants were served on all ( business
men who had 'heen ' , operating thorn to take
them out under pain of being prosecuted ,
the punishment being a fine not exceeding
JljgOO or Imprisonment in , the county Jail not
exceeding one year ,
Slmndi ijTO'lflrkpii Tlilof.
VILLISCA , ila. , Deo. 30 , ( Special. ) David
Russell , living on bio ' cdgo of Montgomery
county , beard a iuwjf about his lien house
and went out to scfMout It , taking his shot
gun along , TwoUimn 'wcro stealing
poultry. Ho flrcd two barrels of the Run Into
one man , who proved to ho John Bryant.
'ho other man * escaped. The wounded man
was recently discharged from the Adams
county jail for stealing a dog. Ho Is badly
HVMliMS.VL , ' |
LOUISVIL-LD , Dec. 30. A special lo the
Times from "Versailles , Ky. , eays : "Tho most
romantic wedding In Versailles' history was
solemnized nt 2 o'clock this afternoon when
J. D. Hoggin of Now York , rnultl-mllllonixlro
aud turfman , led to the altar Miss Pearl
Voorhccs of this city , nlcco of his former
wife. Mr. Haggln Is a white-boarded veteran
ot 74 , while his brldo Is only 23. Miss Voor-
hoes was married In a simple , hut exquisite
costume of blue cloth and will to silk
trimmed with point lace. The marriage took
place nt the rcsldcnco of James P. Amsdcn ,
stepfather of the brldo , nnd was very quiet ,
only the Immediate family being1 present.
A lunch will bo served ( Mr. and Mrs. Hag-
Kin nnd at 7 o'clock tonight they will board
Mr. tHaggln's private car cnrouto to their
homo In Now York. ( Mr. ( Hoggin and lila
brldo toavo ibcen deluged today with tele
grams ot congratulation from all over the
United States. Their secret was so carefully
kept that not even the people of Versailles
know o It until -this morning. The wedding
cicatcd a sensation In local society.
They le'ft ' for the cast tonight on Mr.
Haggln's private car , Salvator. They will
spend a part of each summer at Elmcndorft
farm , near Lexington , tha birthplace ot the
horse , Salvator. Miss Voorhccs Is a superbly
handsome woman. She has been highly edu
cated at private schools In Cincinnati and
In Staunton , Va.
The young lady Is the daughter of Qcorgo
Voorhles of Denver , Colo. Her mother was
divorced from Voorhtcs and married James
P. Amsdcn , the Versailles banker. The bride
was a nlcco of Haggln's first wife , who was
a Miss Saundcrs of Natchez , Miss. She has
been a member of Mr. Haggtn's household In
Now York for several years.
Mr. Haggln has been a widower for four
years and has two married daughters and
ono son , Lewis Haggln. His other son , Ben
All Haggln , died several years ago , Mr. Hog
gin recently purchased the Klmcndorf farm
near Lexington nnd has removed to 1C a largo
part ot his extensive horse breeding estab
lishment. It Is understood that he and his
brldo will spend a.part of the tlmo at Elmcn-
dorf , although they will reside In New York.
HURON , S. D. , Dec. 30. ( Special. ) Hugh
R. Griffith and Miss Anna E. Halgh were
married Wednesday afternoon at the homo
of the bride's parents , twelve miles north of
this city. Rev. M. P. Montgomery ot Graca
Episcopal churcU officiated and a largo com
pany ot frlonda witnessed the ceremony.
The couple will bo at homo in a pretty cot
tage on the corner of Beach and Second
street after January 1.
ORD , Neb. , Dec. 30. ( Special. ) Mr. Harold
Foght and Miss Alice M. Robblns wcro mar
ried yesterday evening at the Methodist
Episcopal ciiurch , Rov. W. E. Hardaway
officiating. Mr. Foght Is a professor In a college -
lego -In Atlantic , la. , at which place they will
make their home.
Mcc-tliif ? lo ViTiuiKC TtlnttcrH Xorr In
PITTSBURG , Des. 30. A meeting of coal
operators Interested In the movement to es
tablish uniform conditions la the ccal indus
try Is In session here today. Under the orig
inal agreement 93 per cent of the operators
were necessary to make It effective , but this
was modified at a recent joint meeting of op
erators and miners by the latter promising lo
grant tha signers of the agreement 10 cents
per ton differential. Secretary Johnson of tfje
uniformity committee reported today thai
fifly-two operators controlling eighty-two
mines , having a production or 8,452,113 tons
.out pf 11,547,000 tons , have signed the agree
ment. Many operators favor putting the
agreement Into effect on January 1 , but this
was opposed by President Do Armlt of Ihe
New York & Cleveland Gas Coal company ,
who Insisted thai the 10 cent differential
should ftrtit go Into effect.
No definite action has yet been taken. If
the agreement Is ratified at today's meeting
a commission of mine coerators to enforce
the terms of the same will be elected.
After a lengthy discussion without reachIng -
Ing a settlement Iho mooting adjourned. No
dale was fixed for anolher meeting.
Lender of IlrooUlyii Democracy to
anlt PolHlcH.
NEAV YORK , Dec. 30. Hugh ( McLaughlln ,
for many years Iho dictator the demo
cratic party In ( Brooklyn , has definitely an
nounced his retirement from political leader
ship. Ho will ibo succeeded , according to the
present understanding , by Bernard J. York.
The retirement of ( Mr. MoLaughlln Is the
close of a long , successful and picturesque
political career. Many years ago , when a
young man , McLaughlin was employed In a
rope "walk. Ono of Ills fellow-workers was
Jacob Worth , ' who became , and was until
"turnei down" last autumn at the behest
of Senator Platt , the leader ot the re
publican party in Brooklyn , as McLaughlln
was of the democratic party. ( Mr. McLaugh
lln has twice held the ofllco of register , but
asldo from that has not 'been ' a candidate.
When , In 1893 , the democrats In Brook
lyn lost the mayoralty by over 30,000 voles ,
Mr. 'McLaughlln ' declared that ho wanted to
remain In politics Jusl long enough to see
the party toack In power again. Ho has now
followed out tbo plan outlined at that time.
Iluji Out Hie Alimkn Commercial
SAN FRANCJSCO , Dec. 30. The Chronlclo
says : Tlho dispatches received some weeks
ago announcing the sale of the Alaska Com
mercial company's property to a London
syndicate are confirmed by the prospectus
of the British-American corporation pub
lished in London. The selling prlco is
not given In the prospectus , tint It can bo
surmised approximately. The British-Amer
ican corporation ia capitalized for 1,500,009 ,
ofwhich it offered for subscription at par
1,000,000 shares of 1 each. The new com
pany waa financed iby the London and Glebe
Finance corporation , of which the marquis
of Dufferln , formerly governor general of
the Dominion of Canada , is chairman , and
Lord Loch , late governor of Capo Colony ,
and C. II. Mackintosh , lieutenant governor
of the northwest territories , are directors ,
The English company will carry on Uio
mercantile and 'transportation ' business of
the Alaska Commercial company and will
also engage in banking and mining.
Sullx for AlimUn.
TACOMA , Dec. SO. Tlie8tcnmer.TopeUa
'has ' sailed for Alaska with"a full""carEo of
freight and 200 passengers , many of them
tradesmen , bound for the Interior.
Give her time ,
and almost every soap-using woman will come
around to the use of Pearline. The soap-
using habit is strong , to be sure. After
all these years some women can't put
it aside without doubting and trembling.
But when a woman once wakes up
to the fact that she needs and de
serves tthe very best " household
help , then the arguments in favor ]
of Pearline prove stronger than anyi
soap habit. - - - * * - * „ - . - tsa ]
There's ease , economy , quickness , healtlb
, ' and safety in Pearline washing and cleaning. !
Out ot III * Ilctirctucnt One < o
Divorce Pracoctlln& * .
NEW YORK , Deo. Sft. William K. VAndor-
bllt lias blassomoJ out B a cotllllcii leader
and society lar * IU gloved bands fn demure
approbation , The Innovation means < x great
deal to society. It means that the most
rprlghtly and by far the mwl popular mem
ber of iho Vandcrbllt family lias nnally cast
behind htm 4ho matrimonial griefs which
"ound ithclr climax In the divorce court. It
means that the owner of superb town and
country douses and ot the renowned yacht
Valiant has forsworn euckclotli and ashes
n favor of a bcau'o career. It means that the
most eligible "catch" In the matrimonial
market has placed himself In rivalry with the
bachelors. And society Is at n loss to nnmo
iuiy ono who can compare with William 1C.
Vandcrbllt In wealth , good , looks , jollity and
porrennl charm ,
Mr. VnnJcrbllt'n debut as n cotillion
cadcr was made at a surprise party at tuc
homo ot 'Mr. und airs. Henry Sloauc.
< if a Duy.
SAN FRANCISCO , Hoc. 80. Qeorgo n.
King , author1 ot numerous religious works ,
Is Joed , Ho Wan born In New Ipawlch ,
N. 11. , eighty-six years ago , and was at onetime
time a prominent lawyer and capitalist In
Now Yorlc. Tor years ho practiced law in
Rochester , N. Y. , and afterward was a largo
operator In railroad stocks in New York ,
whcro ho acquired a largo fortune. Ho
leaves besides hU Bon , Cameron H. King ,
who Is a prominent attorney , several grand
children acd relatives In Boston , among
whom la Miss Harriet II , King , his daughter ,
well known lu Boston society. Ills funeral
was couductcd by his sou , Cameron , who do.
liver oil an address end read from hU father's
VILLISCA , ! „ Dec. 30. ( Special. ) John
Yergcy died at his homo In this place on
the 21st lust. , at the ago of 70. Ho had
been ft resident ot Iowa slnco 1S5G.
Undo Ullllo Held , an old ptonocr ( Mtl.iiodlst
minister , died In the county house last week.
Ho was SO years of age. His early man
hood was spent as a missionary on the fron
tier , until In 1S5G ho settled In this county ,
Ho preached the first sermon ot Frankfort ,
the then county scat. Ho was the first
Mcthodlstj minister la Vllllcca. At ono Unit
ho owned a goodl farm near Mllford , hut hit
children gained , possession ot It and left
him ca a charge of the county. A numbei
ot years ago ho placed a fund In the bank
to pay his burial expenses.
WAHOO , Neb. , Den. 30. ( Special. ) W. A.
Tracy died at Ms homo near Ithaca yesterday
afternoon at 1 o'clock of tuberculosis con
sumption , aged 38 years. Ho leaves his wlfo
and a 9-yearold son.
y , DlNitltc It.-sults in D.-atli.
MA1UON , O. , Dec. CO. Tivo farmers named
William Sorclen and Daniel ratchet of DC
cliff , this county , quarreled last night over
a bottle of whisky which Sordcn nccusec
Patchot of having stolen. lilows followed
ami Patchet struck Sorden on the head will
n heavy stick , fracturing his skull , from the
effects of which ho died thH morning
Byron Sordcn , son oC the murdered man
went to Patchet's homo nnd beat him al
most to death. The murderer was brough
hero by the sheriff , as n. lynching was
freely talked of.
Ilniina < o Get ai
BOISE , Idaho , Dec. 30. William Ide nm
Miss Lizzie Nelson , a youthful doping couple
plo from Glenns Ferry , have returned to
Boise from Oregon , having been refused n
marriage license at over twenty places li
Tilnlin nntl Oron-nn n\vint tn tlin tnnrlnr
years oC the girl. Yound Ido has now cm
ployed counsel to attack In the supreme
court the law requiring ths Issuance o
marriage licenses , asserting It was uncon
stltutlonally passed , under the supreme
court's recent broad decision. The girl Is
16 years old nnd t'ne ' boy 20.
SUCH I ) n rr a ii I .Juror for SI an dor.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. SO. Mrs. Isabella
M. Durrani and William A. Durrani
mother and father of Theodore Durrani
have brought suit for slander against ox-
Juror Smyth nnd demand $50.000 damages
from him. The complaint wu sworn to
by Mr. Durrani. General John II. Dickin
son and W , W. Foote are the attorneys
representing the Durrants In the llllgatlon
The suit erowa out of remarks made by
Smyth about Durrani , whom ho accused of
being a moral monster.
Polcy WcnrH a Troubled Iook.
IJTBBRTY , Mo. , Dec. 30. William Folcy
on trial for killing his mother and sister
wore a troubled look when ho entered the
courtroom today and as evidence damaging
to him WHS given evinced the most Intense
interest. Deputy Sheriff Ed Cave lold o
a conversallon had wltU Foley the night of
the murder , In which the defendant In
timated that Earl Hoover , who had
formerly worked for the Foleys as a farm
hand , was connected with the crime. A. J
Blckett , a farmer from near Princeton , 111.
Identified Hoover's picture and said Hoover
Sultociiteil by Conl Gnn.
FINDLAY , O. , Deo. CO. The dead bodies
of Henry Behner , a boiler maker , age < l 33
and Joseph Bro.TUiellcr , a tool dresser. ago <
2. > , 'who had been missing since last Satur
day night , were found today at the home
of the former. The. men had been suffocatet
by coal gas which escaped from a stove
Browneller accompanied Bonnet * to a dance
on Saturday last nnd It Is supposed they
went to Behner's aflerward and retired fo
the night. _
Acrlileiilnlly ICIIlH HI * KnHior.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Dec. 30. A special to
the Times ifrom Crawfordsvllle , Ind. , says
This morning at Linden , Orln .Stlngley , a
prominent citizen , accidentally shot am
killed his aged father , John Stlngley , Mr
Stlngley had started to leave the house will
a rllie and In. passing through a door the
weapon truck against the casing am
discharged , the load entering the back o
his father's head as ho sat between his
daughter and granddaughter.
CoilllenillLMl Cllllii IN I n HM ill- .
COLUMBIA , 'Mo. , Dee , 30. John Hunt
sentenced to bo hanged hero January 13 fo
the murder of his daughter , iMattlo Rea
Hunt , was today declared Insann by a
sheriff's jury. Hunt Is 73 years old and la >
unconscious oni a litter during the time th
examination was In piogrcss. The finding
of 'the ' Jury will bo communicated to th
governor , who will bo nsked to suspend th
execution and send Hunt to an Insan
lloilblL' IIiuiKlitKl r < > H < | ioncil.
LTTTL10 ROCK , Ark. , Dec. 30.-Jlrt > Redi
and Alex Johnson , the condemned murder
era of W. E. Skipper , will not bo exccutci
at Montlcello tomorrow. The supreme cour
has Issued a stay of execution pending ai
Kuddrnly and rtrk the nt rti
lilt lUtO.UIIU , the UP/ !
ruro Mbllo using tobacco.
lot. trtl boirb B Ixiri
( Uuar nlff < Horf ) J2.5
or of ui.
fcliUEIU UIK31IIUL AMU B.MU. (0. . U ( ' .roue. Wl
Turning Over
a New Leaf :
nnd making good resolutions for the new
year la what many people will bo doing tu
week. Let ouo of them ho to fill your moc
icino chest from our now stock of pure drugs
Wo have headache cures , dyspepsia cures
and cures for "all Ills that flesh Is heir to ,
and It Is well to keep some of our specific
on hand at all times.
OlfV * t'uxtou Hotel , t-lOH Furuum at
Railway Alcn nnd Travelers
on Munyon. j
'A' . M. BarniiM. Chronlclo Dulldlnc , Banl
Francisco , raclflo Coait Agent of thd
Queen and Crescent Itouto. and forrncrljj
a prominent business man-of Buffalo , N
V. , sayss " Munyon's Itheumatiam Curt * '
cured me and also Bovoral of my friends' '
to whom I gave seine of that great
remedy. Before your aftcncy was estab
lished on the coast I was compelled to
send East for supplies of your remedied/
and have alwnya kept them on hand for ,
the benefit of myself nnd friends. R
carry a pocket case In my valise when }
traveling In ease ony of my chnnco ac
quaintances should need assistance. V
have frequently given away some of tho\
remedies to people in distress. I have
great faith In Munyon'B remedies. " '
Rhcumatltm is known as the stubborn- ,
cst of diseases. It will not succumb to !
any kind of mcdlclna except the rlghy
kind. Munyon has the right kind , on *
cures ninety-six per cent , of all cases'
submitted to his treatment. Munyon's
nhoumntlsm Cure Is guaranteed to bw !
absolutely harmless and a strong tonlar
In building up the weak nnd debilitated. :
Prof. Munyon puts tin a separate euro
for each disease. At all druggists , most
ly 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to
Prof. Munyon , 1,505 Arch Street , Phlla-
dclphla , P.-x. , answered with free medical
ndvlco for any disease.
( OU SYrillLlS )
fl. Written GhmrniKco tu CUlir. r.VEKTT
Our cnro Is permanent nd not it patching up.
treatid ton yeat * ajo have nevorjcen n Miii ton rfncc.
lly describing : j our ca o fully wo can mat j gii liy innll ,
Rndwontvotli < : tanictronRuuaiantcctocuroorirfuiul
all money. Those who prcl ir to conic hero for treat
ment can ilo KO nnl no III my Ml Irani ! laru both ways
and hotel bills wlillo here If wo fall lo CUM. Wo dial ?
Until the\\orld toi a case that our'.tliirfle Itvmcily
Till nJt euro. Willcfor lull | aittculai ami gettlm
cvldimco. WnVtiowthat jronniti.l.fitlcikljn ! | tl ) hotoo.
as the mort eminent plijulclam hare \iovcr boon able
tu Bl\o moro than teiuitornry i-etlof. in our ten years
pmcllrcivlth thU Miielv Itcnit-'ily It haa hcrnmoiit
dlllloult to oicomo the t < rojudko aK ° lmt nil nu-rallfil
tncclncs. Put under our rtronit iiuaniiiteo jou rhould
not hctluto to tryll < l i-cniedy. Yuulakonuclianreot
losing \our money. Wo euaivntru to cuio or i-efunil
c\crv dollar and a o ha\o it rci utntlon to prolect ,
aUo'llimnclal backlne of SBOOm > o , It If rvrfictly
tufc to all \\howlll try tha tieaimcnt. llcrelofoiejou
ha o been ru'UnK l > and imjltiff out your money for
illlfercnt Irvatmcntinnd althoughon nicnot jHcured
no ono has paid back your money. to ) notnatto any
morcmoi.o ) tiutlMou tryus * Ohf.chronlcdoeihEoatctl
case eiiicd In thlity to ninety dan. Investigate ou
H-iandal utandlner , our reputation an lmslnei.8 men.
Wilto m for tiamcH nnd addrcstcs ot tlio o we hava
cured , who hn\o Klvcn ficriul lon to refer to them.
It corts you only 1'0,11'Ku ' to du tills l H Mill rave you l >
norldof tutrcilni ; from mental ttram t indlf > om.ra
married nhat may jour oirpprlni ; nulfcr through ytur
own ncKllKciico ! it your Hymptoms nro plninlca on lace ,
eoro throat , IUUCOUH natehpt In mouth , rheunmtUm lii
bench and jolnti ) . hair fallliiR out. oruptloim on any
part of the uody , ferllnj ? ofpenernl dc | > rctlon. tmln ln
Iicador boii ( > t < ,3OU ha\o no tlmo toua&tc. The cwha
ale t oiutantly taLlnic mctx'Ut 'nnd i > otah phouM dls *
continue It. Oonvinnt uu > of tilt-so < lrug will mrely
billiffsoieii&ud eating ulccm In thuend. Don't fall to
nrito. All coircKitotulencu lent seated In plain envcl *
opc . Wo Invite the most rlKld Invcetliratlon and will
cloall in our rower to aid you In It. aU '
9114 MaSonio Tcrawlo , Ohicasro III
& Searles *
i' < . All Private Diseases
q & Disorders of Mod
' " Treatment by Mall.
Consultation h'rco.
Cured for life and the poison thoroughly cleaius *
spormatorrncn. Seminal WoafcneM. Lost Man
hood. Nlitht KmlnsloiiB. Decayed FacuHIes. Pe-
male Weahncus.anrt nil ilellcato dlaortorBBeciH
ll r in either Hex. DOB lively cured. PILE3
AND VAKICOCELB p crmanontly nnd auccoaslully
cured , Method now an d unfailing.
" " tel C red
, .mf ,
by new method without p.iln cr outline. Call OB
or oddreos wltli etauip
lg p. | 4tllSt. .
DBS. s mm. OMAUi. H8BJ
Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment
is the oriRinnl tndonly FHENCH.
eafo nnd rolinb D cnro on UK" mnr
kct. 1'rico. $1.00 ; eont by ruul.
OonninoBoic ! "nlvby
Myers-Dillon UrugCo. . . B. E. Cor ICth nnd Far *
nun Klieeli. Omaha. N'eb.
All Drugglata.
Vor Haiti Only liy JOU.V LI.VDEH , 13
Slain hi. . Council llluirn.
landi for lalo or reni. Day & lien. 34 1'carl
MONHY TO AN-mnucii > : > KATH ON
llrit-claea Improved farm * and Inilde ottyj
property. Apply to Jin. H , Cauady , jr. , 23J
Main fit.
Instructions. Albln Huiter , studio
VIOLIN t8 Ilroadway. CImnan method )
of Dresden CoimerVHtory.
J , \f. iiQUtnn. CITY AND gAUM LOAN8.
well t tubll lied and remunerative mercantllv
tu.lnen. Imiulrn of D. AV. Otto , UI Vtmt
it. , council uiurri , u. , „ . - ,