Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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    I * *
Omaha Merchants Tied Thsir Bnsinosa
Much Improved ,
StrrctN TliroiiKCil niul Store * Jniiimcil
\VlillP All Sort * of ThlnR * Arc
PtirclniNril ( or ( llftM for I
nntl Old.
The Rtrccts were thronged last night with
busy shoppers , who hastened from store to
store In search of Christmas Rifts. The Jate
mild weather has brought out many people
who deferred purchaslnR whllo the cold
( blasts from the north blow and ; the snow
Bcurrlcd around the corners. Proprietors of
the various' stores say that this year's sales
will bo a third larger than last. 'Tho reason
for -this , " said ono of thorn last , night. "Is
that everybody this year seems to have a
little money. Times are better In Omaha
than they liavo been for many a day and
those who recognize that prosperity Is once
ir.oro at hand do not hoard up their spare
cash as they formerly Old. Then , too , the
enow makes a vast difference. Last year the
jmvcments were bleak and bare , and people
hardly knew that Christmas was at hand un-
itll It had become a thing of the past. Snow
anil Christmas go hand In hand , for when
enow Is present early In the season It Is then
time for the majority of people to look for
ward to the advent of Christmas. "
Perhaps 'tho ' most Interesting departments
of the 'big ' stores to visit arc these devoted to
toys. 'Hero ' the aisles are thronged early
nud late by an eager crowd of youngsters.
( Dolls and horns ami wagons and glmcracks
calculated to make the Juvenile heart leap
with Joy are displayed on the counters. Hero
the little onurf Importune their ciders to cx-
lilblt their faith In the good old custom In
making others happy , and thereby many a
ale Is niaic.
"I toll you Chrlstams Is no picnic for us ,
though , " said a pretty little clerk In ono of
thr stores last night , as she leaned wearily
against a counter. "When I came to work In
this big store I thought -would bo a snap.
I thought I coirld chew gum all day , wait on
a customer once In a while and then get my
money at the end of the week , like my big
elstcr does , illut that was only a dream.
When I got through work at 10 o'clock I go
right home , get my supper and go to bed.
Oh , It's no snap I can tell you. I will be
glad when It's all over. "
Special olHcers arc stationed In all the
larger establishments for the detection of any
persons who do not purchase on the square
bill up to the present time no shoplifters
have been caught. What few minor articles
have 'been ' taken have been for the most part
picked up by youngsters and are of little
value. The amount of thieving this year as
compared to last argues well for the honesty
of the holiday shoppcra.
Now so-called remedies bprlng up every
day like mushrooms , but the people still cling
to Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup.
Calendars at Hospo's , 1513 Douglas.
Clinrlrn I. , llnrrln to Axftliit in tlic
County Clerfc'w Oilier.
County Clerk-elect Havcrly yesterday af
ternoon announced the appointment of
Charles L. Harris to bo deputy county clerk
under the Incoming administration. Mr.
Harris Is a graduate of the United States
military academy at West Point , N. YHe
( served through the war with distinction. In
this city he has been form number of yearn
connected .with the department of motive
power and machinery of the Union Pacific
railway at the local shops under Superin
tendent McConnell. He was one of the
organizers of the Veterans' Republican ' .club
of Omaha , and has beenan native repub
lican since the organization of the party.
The Dlmcavcry of th Day.
* Aug. J. Doge ) , the leading druggist of
sv Bhrovcport , la. , says : "Dr. Klng'a New
piscovery Is the only thing that cures my
Cough , and It Is the best seller I have. " J.
F. Campbell , merchant of Safford , Ariz. ,
' Writes : "Dr. King's New Discovery IR all
that Is claimed for It ; It never falls , and IB a
euro cure for Consumption , Coughs and Colds.
I cannot say enough for Ita merits. " Dr.
King's Now Discovery for Consumption ,
Coughs and Colds Is not an experiment. It
has been tried for a quarter Of a century ,
end today stands at the head. It never dis
appoints. Free trial bottles at Kuhn & Co.'s
drug store.
Salvation Army Free Dinner.
The Salvation Army has been working very
hard to got everything In readiness for Its
Christmas dinner for the poor , and" as yet
ft Is In need of many little things for the
table. It has not received any celery at all ,
andl Is In neotf of baked beans , sugar , milk ,
pickles , Jellies , coffee , apples aodi ifrult of all
kinds. The army has already given away
300 tickets , and where- there Is a family to
come eco ticket entitles the whole family
to dinner. The army brass band will 'fur-
aleh music for the pcoplo during1 the tlmo
they are eating and tboro will bo nothing
left undone that can bo done to make it a
flay of happiness for the worthy poor. Send
all donations to Ensign , W. J. Carter , who
has charge of the dinner and arrangements.
-IliiHeli IlrcwIuR . \ 'n.
recommends the use of the greatest of all
tonics , "Malt-Nutrlno , " and guarantees the
merits claimed for It. For silo by all drug-
Jtnllronil IlntfN for the IlollilnyH.
The Northwestern line announces greatly
reduced rotes for the holidays within certain
| lmlta In all directions. Tickets on sale De
cember 24 , 25 , 31 and January 1 , all good
returning until January 4. Full Information
at the city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
s . Q. F. WEST ,
City Paesemicr and Ticket Agent. *
J. A. KUHN , General Agent.
* IIiiydctiN llraiicliliiKT Out
Ilnyden Bros , will soon begin the con-
utfuqtlon of an additional story on their
main store bulldlngi nt Sixteenth and Dodge
streets. The additional story will bring tlio
.old building up to tno height of the addition
which was built t5il year and add
materially to the available floor space of the
structure. The plans for the work arc
practically completed and the permit will bo
Issued In a few dnya. The firm Is also con-
eldcrlng thu ndvlsabllty of extending1 the
basement through Hie walls of the old bank
VI i hulldliiK on the corner In order to obtain
, .the use of the basement clear to the curb
ir 'line.
* Tlu > I.lltrnry IlulTct Cnr.
A. most "popular feature of the sumptuous
"Overland Limited" leaving Omaha on the
"Northwestern Lino" dally at 4:45 : p. m.
and arriving nt Chicago at 7:45 : next morning ,
Is tliQ library buffet car for the free use of
11 sleeper pasEcngera.
. , . , Calendars at Hospe's , 1C13 Douglas.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
DR ;
f , .
A t n Qnf * Cream el Tartar Pewter.
Contempt Ciutur Will Ilo Ilcnnl Till *
Morning ,
The contempt case , wherein Gilbert M.
Hitchcock Is charged with conspiring with
the membcrn of the Flro and Police Com
mission In violating an Injunction Issued by
the court , came before Judge Kcysor yester
day morning , and on 4ho court's own motion
It was passed until IhU morning. Thla
action was due to the fact that Judge Keysor
had a case on trial In which a number of
witnesses had been subpoenaed , and as It
would consume the greater portion of the
day , ho felt that It had the right-of-way.
When c&urt convened Attorney Hall , rep
resenting the defendant , Hitchcock , moved
to strike the amended Information from the
Hies. Ho said that ho was not ready to
answer , as ho did not know upon which In
formation the state proposed to stand. At
torney Slmeral In behalf of the court re
plied that the amended Information was filed
yesterday and that a copy was served upon
the defendant duilng- the forenoon , which fact
gave him ample time to file his answer It ho
used ordinary diligence.
Attorney Hall Insisted that he would not
file his answer until ho knew upon which
Information the state proposed to rest Its
case. Referring to the new matter set out
In the amended Information , Attorney Sim-
oral said that It simply charged that Hitch
cock was a co-conspirator In this , that ho
aided and abetted the members of the Flro
and Police Commission In violating the
court's Injunction ,
At this point In the proceedings Judge
Keysor asked the attorneys how long It
would take them to argue the motion to
strike , and upon being Informed that It
might'require the greater portion of the
day ho passed < the case un.til 10 o'clock this
S prill n n OuluUly Cured.
A severe sprain may bo cured lu one-third
the tlmo usually required by the free appll
cation of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This
lldlmrnt Is also of great \nluo In the treat
ment of cuts , bruises , burns and scalds. It
Is best known , however , for the prompt relief
It affords In cases of rheumatism.
Sam'l 'Burns ' sells a beautiful Tlockwood
Jardcnler for $3.50 , formerly $ C.OO.
FnetH Altout the I'nrltiin.
Tno Puritan has just completed Its first
year. The January number will bo en sale
Friday , December 24th , which will be Its first
anniversary number. It Is a special number
nnd a royal number , with 64 largo quarto
pages. It Is far the best Issue 'Us publishers
have yet brought put. It Is especially Inter
esting Iti 'fiction a'nd In its wealth of Illus
trations. The Puritan Is a Journal for the
refined home the home where art and beauty
and quality arc appreciated. It has made a
pluco for Itself In more than one hundred
thousand of thcso homes In a single year.
The Puritan especially delights the heart of
every woman who receives It. No other pub
lication designed for women can equal It In
Its general excellence , Its high character and
the quality of material anj make-up. If
you haven't yet examined u copy of the Puri
tan It will pay you to secure this beautiful
Christmas number.
Be sure and order for'Xmas case of Schlltz.
Telephone No. 918.
Itnllroiiil ItntcM for the Ilolldnyn.
The Northwestern line announces greatly
reduced rates for the holidays within certain
limits fn all directions. Tickets on sale De
cember 24 , 25 , 31 and January 1 , all good
returning until January 4. Full Information
at the city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
O. F. WEST ,
Central Passenger and Ticket Agent.
J. A. KUHN , General Agent.
TrnliiN for Chlenuo.
Leave Omaha , at 4:45 : p. m. and 6:30 : p. m.
Arrive at Chicago , 7:45 : a. m. and 9:30 : a. m.
next morning ,
The equipment of these trains Includes
everything1 , everything , everything.
City office , 1401 Farnam street.
Read Hayden Bros. ' ad on page 5 and
you'll-flnd what you are looking for.
Calendars at Hospe's , 1513 Douglas.
S. F. JMllor of Chicago Is at the Mlllard.
C. C. inlulford of Chicago Is a Mlllard guest.
W. O. Jonts left ye&terday for St. Joseph ,
George C. Breaks of Buzile Mills Is a Mll
lard gues * .
O. Wr-Smlth of Chicago Is registered at
fcho Mlllard. s
A. W. Ageo and wife of Ogden , , Utah , are
In the city. j
M. Snjder left last night > to spend a short
tlmo In Colorado Springs.
J. J. Lamborn , cx-reprcsentatlvo from In-
dlauola , Is at the Barker.
J. B. Skinner and T. S. Skinner are Chicago
cage arrivals at the Barker.
II. M. Pflagcr , chief mechanical Inspector
of 'tho "Pullman " company , Is lu the city.
J. W. Wilson , a prominent attorney of
Deadwood , S. D. , is visiting In Omaha.
F. J. Mulvlhlll and daughter , Miss Eleanor
Mulvlhlll , returned yesterday from Culcago.
Ex-Governor Barber of 'Wyoming ' was In
the city yesterday on his wuy to Cheyenne.
Fred L/iko arrlvedl homo from the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania on ( Monday to spend ho
holidays. i '
FYcd Van Horn will arrive homo today from
the University of Wisconsin to spend the
holiday ? .
T. W. Tallaferro , general manager of the
Omaha Packing company , .went to Chicago
last night.
S. A. Hutchison , general traveling passen
ger agent of the Union Pacific , wcat. to Phil
adelphia yesterday. ,
Deputy United States Marshals T. L.
Ackermaa of Stanton and F. W. Barber of
Hastings are In Omaha.
Leo Dougherty , stage manager , and forty-
one members of Rice's 1492 company are
domiciled at the Barker.
R. M. Faddls and William Steadman ,
prominent Nebraska stock shippers are In
the city from Pass , Neb. i
Herbert Herd of Central City , Nob. , was
In Omaha yesterday to meet his sister , who
Is returning from college In Washington , Pa.
Mlsa Anna FOBS , principal of Uio Kcllom
achool , left for Denver jestcrday to spend
the Christmas vacation and study educational
methods In that city.
J. E. Morrell and wife , Chapman ; Jay B.
McDowell , Fnlrbury ; E. F. King , Harvard ;
J , O. Donnell , Lincoln , are prominent state
arrivals at the Barker.
Among the visiting railroad men ! u
Omaha are : C. H , Fitzgerald of Kanr'ao
City , western passenger agent of the Lojls-
vlllo , & Nashville ; D. W. Aldrldgo of Cleveland -
land , traveling passenger agent of the Crl-
cage & Northwestern ; R. W , Hockaday of
Kansas City , traveling freight agent of the
Missouri , Kansas & Texas , and I , Q , Mitch
ell of Kansas City , agent of tbo Michigan
Mrs. Raynolds , nee Miss Brownie Bauin ,
leavra this afternoon Tor Washington , where
she will join her husband at 'the White
House. Mr , Raynolds Is a cousin of Presi
dent McKlnlcy , and under the present ad
ministration holds a responsible government
position at Santa Fe , N. M. , where Mr. and
Mrs. Raynolds now make their home. The
latter has hcen visiting her parents In this
city for several days ,
'Nebraskans ' at the hotels : D. II. Cramer ,
J. M. Noff , ftlrs. A. G. 11011. Lexington ;
A. J. Webater. Superior ; \V. A , Aldrldge ,
Ogallala ; F. M. Hublee. Broken Bow ; Mrs.
F. H. Scott .B. Foils , Lizzie Smith , Lincoln ;
13. Williams , Fremont ; George E. Dorrliig-
ton , Falls City ; F. Snyder , Wahoo ; W. J.
Miller , Hastings ; T. Clifford , Charles H.
Searlo , Plattsmouth ; Stephen Jenkins , Alma ;
C.V. . Jamison and wife. Yutan ; Dr. P. E.
Plumb , Gothenburg.
At .the 'Mlllard : P , Dick , jr. , Milwaukee ;
P. S. Brown , Kansas City ; U. E. Phillips ,
New York ; A. J. Webster. Superior ; R. A ,
Oox , Chicago ; R. M , 'Hockaday. ' Kantas Olty ;
Max F , Werner , Milwaukee ; M. U Ljou-
burner , .Buffalo ; D. IW. Aldrldge. Cleveland ;
John Ilurrls. Cheyenne ; F. M , Rublce ,
Broken Bow ; fi. Ilomann , Now York ; S. Hoxle
Clark , St. Louis ; S. D. ( Mercer , Rawllng ;
Scott H. Blowett , St. Louis ; D. S. Giles , De
troit ; H , 1C. Murray , Wymore ; George Ady ,
Denver ; D. P. Simmons , Salt Lake ; It. L.
Linden. A , J , Linden , Portland ; J , A. Hcl-
Ikigs , New York ; W , II , Cundey , Denver ; J.
J. Murphy , CMcagOj ' ,
Tnrkojs for Christmas Dinner and Every
thing Needed for and Elegant Spread ,
Here' * a llnrRnln WliHr Ennmeleil
1'linla I'rnnif , Tilth Mnt nntl
tilnnn Ciiniiilcto , fur Only
Ton Cotttn. i . |
A fine , large , fat , frwh-Crcsaed turkey fet
Christmas dinner that' what you arc look
ing for. Well , we've got the biggest pile ,
the choicest turkeys , and lowest prices cvei
offered to a festive multitude. Our meat de
partment can supply all demands for Tur
keys , Chickens , Geese , Ducks , Ojsters and
Pine Juicy cranberries , 8 l-3c a quart.
Halslns , at 4',4c a pound ,
Plum pudding , 1 pound can , 28c.
A full line of fine Cheese nt very low
prices. s
You can't have Christmas without candy.
Wo manufacture 'ill our own candy and guar
antco It to be fresh and pure. All kinds of
nuts , candled frulte , and choice confections
Mixed nuts , lOc n pound.
Cream wafers , 30c a pound.
Chocolate and Cream Bon Dons , 35p a
pound. * *
French Candled Fruits , 40c a pound.
Italian Chocolates , 35c a pound.
Wo have a choice line of Brandies and
Wines for sauces , etc. , In our Drug Depart
Good cigars from GOc a box up. See ou {
line of pipes , cigar holders and smoker'e
goods , for fine presents. x
A fitting finale to a Christmas repast Iff a
cup of Bennett's Famous Capitol Coffee , the
most delicious and aromatic coffee on the
market. One-pound package , 2Sc.
Wo have Juet received an Immense ship
ment of fine fresh Catawba grapes , Just the
thing for Christmas dinner , and to close
them out Immediately wo will place them on
sale at the very low price of 10 cents a
Here's a winner , sure. A white onamelci
photo frame , 8x10 Inches , with glass and mat
complete , for only 10 cents This Is ono o
the best bargains of the season , and by j
buying an Immense quantity of them at a
low figure , we are enabled to offer them to
jou at 10 cents each. Don't mlsa It ; you can
never get them so cheap again.
Open every evening prompt service at all
Wo guarantee everything we sell.
15th and Capitol Avenue.
Calendars at Hospe's , 1G13 Douglas.
VIn MlNNOttrl 1'iiclflo IIr.
Tuesday , December 21 , will sell round trip
tickets at one faro plus J2.QO to certain
points In Kansas , Oklahoma , southwest
Missouri , Texas , Indian Territory , Arkansas ,
Louisiana , etc.
To local points , within distance of 200
miles , at one faro on December 24 , 25 31 ,
and January 1.
Round trip rate to St. Louis , Mo. , 115.00.
on sale December 24 , 25 , 31 , and January 1.
For further Information call at city offices ,
northeast corner Thirteenth- Farnam ,
or Fifteenth and Webster streets.
A. G. F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
Klylni ; TrnliiH fur CIileiiRO.
Leave Omaha at 4:45 : p. m. and 6:30 : p. m.
Arrive at Chicago , 7:45 : a. m. and 0:30 : a. m.
next morning.
The equipment of these1 , ( rains Includes
everything , everything , everything.
City office , 1401 Farnam street.
"The Suitzcrlnml of America , "
as It Is very appropriately called , Includes
that wonderful and picturesque section trav
ersed by the LchlBh Valley railroad cu route
between New York and Buffalo. The Jour
ney between these cities is full of Interest
from start to finish , commencing with the
beautiful Jersey suburban homes of the great
metropolis , the clear , winding Lehigh and
Susquthanna rivers , the quaint and romantic
mountain cities of Pennsylvania , the silver
Inland lakes of Upper New York , with that
great wonder of the world , NFAGARA , at the
western terminus of the line.
Routeof tbo handsomest tmln In the
Dln'Ing ' care a la carte , excellent service , su
perb equipment , via the Lehigh Valley rail
PcrHOunlly Coiuiucrcil ILxuur.iloiin to
Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. m , , reach
ing1 San Francisco Monday , 9:45 : a. m. Cor
respondingly fast time to Southern Califor
nia. Twelve hours quicker tnan any other
Personally Conducted Excursion nouto Irom
Missouri river.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam Street.
Get Out of ( InCold. .
You may quickly pass from a cold to a
warm cllmuto via Pennsylvania Short Lines
from Chicago , the direct tourist route through
Cincinnati and Louisville to Florida and the
south. For details apply to H. R. Derlng , A.
G. P. lAgt. , 248 South Clark St. , Chicago.
Union Pncillc.
"The Overland Limited. "
train west of the Missouri river ,
Twelve hours quicker than any other train
to the Pacific coast.
Call at Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St.
Every train on the "Northwestern Lino" ,
between Omaha nud Chicago la thoroughly
protected by the Block System.
Calendars at Hospe's , 1513 Douglas.
The following1 marriage licenses were. Is
sued yesterday by the county Judge :
JJamo and Address. . Ago.
Joseph A. Chillier , Valley , Neb . , 22
Cassa L. Uenton , Valley , Neb . . . . IS
Andrew Foster , Wnterloo , Neb . , , 22
Lizzlo Denton , 'Waterloo , Neb . . . . . . 20
Neal Wheaten , Omnha . . . r , 2d
Dlla P. Hlssner , Canton , 0 . 21 ;
Frank VandenboRnerd , Omnha . 23
Tilde Vnnbrcel. Omaha . 21
Joseph E. Horron , Omaha . 21
Sophia Llndmler , Omaha . 21
.MnrlmiB Anderson , Omaha . 31
Tena Krogh , Benson , Neb . . . . . 23
Charles W. Jones , Omaha . 2t
Minnie , Hamrlck , Omaha , . , , , . . . 21
Jcsso S. Stern , Omnha . 24
Huby JoneH , Omaha . i . 21
Edwin D , White , Whnt Cheer. la . 31
Anna L. Gallon , Omaha . 31
Peter Nelson , Omaha . , . 34
Hannah 1'ers , Oirwha . 33
Good Cars ,
Good Track ,
Good Meals.
Omalm to Chicago
Omaha to Denver
Oimilia < o Knnsiis City
and berths at
Ticket onico
1502 Fartiaiu t. , Omaha ,
J , B , Kovuolds , Pass'r.
Gordon IMrMrn Kvltlonce of
I'orKorj * IN Ifcrtplnnt Them.
The trial of BurUTThompson and C. P.
Iceman In police court ended In both
> cfig ! held for trUl In $700 ball ,
'ho men were arrested n fort
night ago for forglngicheckR and passing ono
on Herman SchacfTer for $7 , ono on the
Diamond restaurantXtors$9 and one on the
Dmmmond Carriage- company for J6. The
men were arralgnctllMonday afternoon. The
Victims of the forgers testified and several
officers wcro ulso placed upon the stand ,
among them Chief of Detectives Cox , who
was supposed to have the checks In his pos
session , which were to be offered In evi
dence. Cox , however , stated that he had
unfortunately lost the valuable papers , and ,
consequently , the trial came to a standstill' '
with a motion by the defense that the
charges against the men bo dismissed. Judge
3onion at ti o'clock evening took the case
under advisement until yesterday morning.
When the case was again called up the de
fense , In order to moro thoroughly establish
Its Innocence , asked that the witnesses for
the state be recalled. The case was forced
over through stress of other business until
5 o'clock last evening. Although the de
fense asked that several witnesses bo re
called they were not placed on the stand , and
the attorneys took up their arguments. The
chcckc , which had been recovered by Cox ,
were not olaced In evidence. At the con
clusion of luo addrrescs made by the at
torneys , Judge Gordon thought there was
enough evidence outside that contained In
the forged papers to send the men to a higher
court , nnd accordingly bound each prisoner
over In the cum of $700.
Calendars at Hospe's , lf > 13 Douglas.
Follow the crowd and you'll get In the
Dig Store of Hayden Bros , They glvo you
a special Invitation on page 5 to call am
see them.
: U RS
Children's white monkey sets , $1.50.
Grey angora seta with 1 pune , ? 1.9S.
Tan angora sets with purse , | 1.98.
Whlto angora sets with purse , $2.60.
White thlbet sots flat muff , 12.08.
Natural opp sots with puree , $2.50.
Misses , sets , $4.00 , $5 , $6 , $8 , $10.
Ladles' furs , beat In Omaha for the money
Muffs from 75 cents up all kinds
Natural fur collars with tails , ? 5 , up.
Dressing sacques $1.75 Silk petticoats a
$5 , $6 , $7.50 Mackintoshes , $5 , $0.50 , $7.50.
Cloaks and capes , 'host ' and cheapest In
1510 DonEliiH St.
Eastman's Violet Water . . . ; ; J9c
Csistttmn's Arbutusl Wiiter" . ; , l9c
Eastman's Lllno Water ' . . . " . ' . -10c
American Farina Cologne 34c
Pinatid's Lilac Toilet Water 4Sc
'Inaud's Violet -Toilet Water 49c
inaud's French Pansy Toilet Water . . 49c
Plnaud's French Pansy Extract , 1-oz.
bottle 7Sc
Plnaud's Violet Do Parmo Extract , 1-
oz. bottle 73c
Roger & Gailct's Vera Vlolotta , 1-oz.
bottle $1.23
Lo Grand's Violet Orlzaoz. . bottle.$1.25
1513 Dodse St. , Omaha , Neb.
Middle of block.
ncnne 'H Will Clour.
That all of our employes may enjoy a hol
iday Christmas , wo will close our store Sat
urday noon , and remain closed the rest of the
day. Wo would Invite our customers and
friends to do their shopping In the forenoon
nd get their delivery orders In early , so that
veryoao may have a holiday Saturday aftcr-
eon and evening.
Don't be without a case of Scblltz beer
during hollilnjs. Telephone No. 918.
lliillroml lluU-M for the
The Northwestern line announces greatly
reduced rates for the holidays within certain
Imlts In all directions. Tickets on silo De
cember 24 , 25 , 31 and January 1 , all good
returning until January < Full Information
at the city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
G. F. WEST ,
City Passenger and Ticket Agent.
J. A. KUHN , General Agent.
KNABE peerless pianos , new drelgns , new
scales. State representative , A , Hospo , 1513 *
15 Douglas etrcct , Omaha.
2 nights to California.
1 night to Utah.
via the
12 hours quicker than any
other line from Missouri River. For
tickets , time tables , or any Information ,
call at
City Ticket Office ,
1UOU Karnnm St.
- - - - -
" *
Thin , light and extra strong , fully
warranted. A regular ten dollar
plate for five.
Wo also extract teeth WITHOUT
PAIN. Our price , 23c. You'll save
money by coming to us.
Everything In dentistry.
New York Denial Go li
1)11. CLEMMEU , Msr ,
IGth and Douglas Sts. Over Cart-
right's Shoe Store.
Sundays , 0 to 1 p. m. Lady attend-
O-OO o O-O-CKX > o < MX > " <
Lung Trouble P
Winter Is nn LJ
period for all
a Catarrh or
aa Bronchitis
or any affection of the respiratory i i
a passages. I I
a The latest nnd best appliances for I \
skilful treatment arc used by Dr. ' '
Bhepard. Consultation free. P I
j I Ell-31'--313N. Y. LUoDldf. Tel. 1138 I - 1
Wo Are Outfitter" of Mankind'
Ve clothe a man who wears a D2-COAT as DASY and as CHEAP asa
. Our trade Is and varied ,
a man who wears a 3S-COAT. so large
eallng with almost the entire west , we are compelled to always keep
ur stok complete. Never before have we been ahle to greet you
vlth such sterling values. From a stock , mammbth In proportions ,
he shoppers of the west have an opportunity to make the finest
selections In clothing.
$15.00 , $18.00 and $20. oo $12.50
SUITS at. . . . , .
$12.50 SUITS and § 13.00 at $1O.OO
$10.00 SUITS and $11.50 at $7.50
$7,50 , $8.50 and § 9.00 $6.75
SUITS at .
500 Strictly all AlliWool
SUITS at $5.00
$ 18.00 and $20,00 Men's
Overcoats and Ulsters at. . . , .
$12.50 , $13,50 and $15.00
Overcoats and Ulsters at. . . .
Our entire line of $10 Over
coats and Ulsters to clean up at
A lot of broken sizes in Men's
Overcoats and Ulsters $ ; jJ
II you need -a Boys' Ulster , Boys' Cape
Overcoat , Boys' Reefer Coat with storm or
sailor collar , Bpy.s ! Long Pant Suits , Boys'
Knee Pant Suits , Men's Odd Pants , Knee
Pants , Smoking Jackets , a Bath Robe visitgg
this Grand Semi-Annual Clearing Sale
Hares what ye sell for
Gifts I
thlne for the man who loves to rish. $3,50 and $0.00.
SHOT GUNS from $ 00 to J100.00. WHITELY EXBUCISEnS-l.WV
KIFI..ES from 75o to $35.00.
mFIjES-1.000 . . $2,00 , $3.00 und $5.00.
AIIl - repeaters-$2.00. "
RIFLES Striking bags $1.00 nnd up.
. .
FLOBErtT $1.90.
set $2.0) ,
Boxing Gloves ,
IUFLE8-23 callber-1.90 , J2.W , J1.03 , per
$7.00 and J10.00. Foot Balls , 25c up.
nBVoiA'Bns- to $15.00. Well we'll Bull you a Spaldlng Bicy '
kBATHEn GUN CA8ES-$2 03$3.00 , cle now for about half What you'll
$4.00 , $5.00 < iml $ C.OO. i > liuvu to pay next aprlng.
CANVAS' ' HUNTING CABE8I.W > , Wo sell the celebrated Pcclc &
$2.W and $3.50. Snyder skates best jnado.
SKATES We've still n few of those shelf worn skutcH that
we're closing out at half price ,
Townsend Wheel and Gun Company
110 SOUTH 15TH 8T8.
siW _ : WttftlMKMWMU Wi
Dee , 12-23-97.
117ic in Doubt Try The Xcbruslta ,
2/Qu'll find
, , , . . .
Smoking Coats You'll ft nil Iiia Christina * Holies Hath . )
$3.75 prcacnt here. Xo Inch of ant/- nnd Dressing1
to thina j/cf c.vci'iif the bcttf
84.75 ' $3.00
. f/radctt of Sinolfi'nfConfH these and ,
are nil none. I'lenfy of me -
dium and low pi-Iced oncn
left nt prcxcnt n'ritinif. J'lvn"
Grand , I * U < > f tltcrent ifH-ecnf Xcefs-
Mutllers trcar. I'lcnty of fancy JTo- Fine "
75c 3fitfflcrn , SitttpcnderH , Hosiery Fancy \
$1.00 , JlittH. Cttptt , Fancy 35c
$1.25 Shirta. Umbrellas. JVciiffof and 45c
the good tan nnd blticli SO.E nt
ten centti a pair GOlccnttt tltc
half dozen. 1'lcnty of the
great CfiHhntcrc Honicry nt IX
Suopendera cenfti a pair. I'lcnty of the Fancy I
75c Satin Embroidered Snupcnd- Suspenders In Glnsa
and llox-
CI-H inInns bo.vcsat luilf a dollar
$1.00 50c
lar , ricnty of the clc/ant hid
flnitthcd OUCH nt t cents and
n dollar. J'lenfiof the JFnncy
Silk H'ncH thc half dollar
Dancing Pumps Itindtt af ti quarter. Jlcnty of Velvet
the Vclrct Slipjtcra nt 6' < 7 ecnta Slippers
ttpair , nnd the grand Morocco 65c
at $1.25. '
ones 1'lcnty of dane-
inff panip , patent leather
n1iocnp1nn1t capn , afreetlores ,
Initial - driving glorcs and jtlcnty of
Silk Morocco
Handkerchiefs- things ice hare no apace to Slippers
25c Hpcnls about. $125
Our competitors adver
tise Old Emerson Pianos Wo will not bo under
as new for ? 175.00. Wo sold.
will glvo you your choice
of 10 Fancy Case Pianos , We wnnt your money ,
for but will give something In
guaranteed new , $170
leturn for It.
each. New , up-to-dato
Voso & Sons' Pianos for
less tnonoy than they ask Wo sell new pianos on
$5.00 monthly payments.
for these that laro 3 years
old. They can not ( buy
theeo pianos of the fac Square Pianos $15.00
tory ; neither can they and upwards f3 monthly
glvo a factory guarantee. payments.
Why pay them any moro for a Fischer or Kurtzman piano ?
Which pianos cost wholesale from $10 to $15 less than the
VOSE & SONS or EMERSON PIANOS. For $265.00 w e w ill New . High Top Organs
sell you a piano that Is finer and costs moro money whole
sale than the Chlckerlng PIANOS that grade with the
SMITH & BARNES , lloyal , etc. , as low as $100.00. $ Our Piano Stools fl.35.
prices are always the lowest.
Reliable Piano Dealers ,
A. C. , Tuner. Tclaphonc 1625. 105 S. 15tli St.
anrnnmm w row m m mwimmmww
which means that either eveiy tie Is guaranteed to bo worth 75c or wo
are nothing more than advertising liars.
Seems unrweonahle wo admit. Holiday week Is hanrst week In
every store. More often 75c Ties are sold at $1.00. Why , then , should wt
quote 7Dc Ties at 25c ?
For this reason : Thla Is our first Christmas In thlij store and wo are
celebrating the' event with a bargain feast. Next Christmas > ou might
knowus ibettcr. Commercial acquaintance Is bafed on henefltH to the
pooketbook. The best way to make acquaintance Is to save you incmey
Money , you know Is an acquaintance well worthy of cultivation.
joe dozen Neckwear , made to our order pure nllk lined. Meat ox-
qulslte designs , embracing every color of the rainbow. There are 200
patterns to select from , They're of the usual 7Bc quality and make , \\'o
sell thim at 25c and a many as jou need ,
A dozen linen (4-ply ( ) collara for OOc will make a hplradld Xmas
gift. Don't you think BO ?
How about a pilr of Silk Suspenders In a glass-covered box for 50c ?
gome hand embroidered extra floe tatln at $1,00.
Gloves Hosiery , Sweaters , Mackintoshes. Umbrellas Night Hobca ,
Handkerchiefs , Whlto or Fancy Shirts , for either man or boy.
Better , Prettier and for Less Money.
Depend Upon It.
veni.\gs \ till Q o'clock