Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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A Marvelous assortment of
No toys will be carried over. A grand J
, , $2sf tf-rtJ ' - ; - sfer'i : p > - s > gathering to select from.
M' * ? lx k7 r
- ' r r
Five big bargain counters filled with the
best X-Mas giits for children at 5c , lOc. 15c
and 25c.
50c articles , worth from 25c
to $5 , on this counter. Kvery
one must be sold Come ear
ly and get your choice , Tin
toys , iron toys , wood toys ,
dolls3 hobby horses , fire en
gines , patrols , tops , checkers
books , albums , games of all
kinds * to be sold at once at
any price to clear them out.
No such prices were ever
named on toys as the headquarters of the real
live Santa Claus at Hayden Bros' is naming
for tonight and the next two days. Come early and get what
you want.
Litien Sale
BroBBor Roarfs , hemstitcbeJ , size IDxGG
worth $2.00. at Sc.
Stand covers , ( hemstitched , size 5-4 , womi
? 3.00 , Bt T1.0E.
raUim cloths with border all around , E
yards long , worth J3.00 at $1.7D.
rine teacloths , 12 napktnu to match , worth
$ u.nO. at { 2.75.
109 double satin damask table patUrnt.
slightly soiled , worth SB.OO and $1"-UO. at
I.7D and J4.KO. Examine.
tiOD dozen all linen napkins , -worth SI-73 ,
at SlBe dozen.
0-4 tapestry tablccover. worth J1.-3. ut OOc
size bedspread , Marseilles pattern ,
vorth 11.50 , at B3c.
72-Inch damask tahle linen , wcr'h ? 1.00 ,
at CSic yard. '
Damask towels , bemBtitehed and flue
drawn work , worth tl.25 at Cue.
Extra heavy damask towels , knotted
fringe , cize 25XS2worth Tide at "Jc.
fiOO doznn "buck and damask lowcls worth
luc nnd 17c at lOc ,
GO-lnch Turkey red tahle damatk , fast
colore. worth DOc , ar. 22 % c.
Arrangements for Denicrim of a Strictly
American Featnro.
Afro-Aincrlcuii VllliiKc to
tlif ftfKrtt Uefurt * llif AVnr null
tlie I'rocrreNH lit- linn
A water color drawing ot the Atro-Amorl-
ean village which is to form one ot the
principal attractions on the Midway of the
exposition iias beeu received by George B.
Hayucs , one of the members of the com
pany which has the concession for this at- ,
The Afro-American village will be located
on the bluff tract near the north end. It
< wlll bo opposite the Street of Cairo aud its
main front will fuce the west along the
broad avenue running from the Grand Plaza
to the viaduct leading to the north tract.
The ground occupied by this village will be
divided into two parts by a line running east
and west about In the center. The north sec
tion will Illustrate- the condition of the negro
in unte-hulluni doyu , and the southern section
will illustrate the progress made by the race
eliicu the extinction of slavery.
The north section will comprise a typical
nouthern plantation. There will be a cotton
field with the plants in lull growth and the
pickers pulling the lltvucy balls from the
pods and placing it in the bags hung from
th hhouldcrs , afterward emptying It into the
storehouse , where it is put through the gin
and baled lor market. The little log cabins
constituting "the quarters" will be shown In
the most realistic -manner , true to life in
every detail. The old-tachloned chimneys
"built of ntlcks uud clay will add to the
plcturrsnueuetifi ol the cabins , which will
bu grouped about the sides of the enclosure.
In the center1 will be the house where "ihe
viiodfrD doctor" will dispense his mysterious
charms , guaranteed to bring good luck and
kwji off all evil spirits. A central pavilion
will afford an opportunity for the "bucks
and wenches" to show their accomplishments
in the way of dancing ; the buck and wing
dance the boo down , cake walk and various
other torpslchorcun novelties to these people
will be In full blast at all tlmec.
The' southern. ection of the Tillage will
bf devoted to buildings la which will lie
chown tlie advancement macte by the race in
tbu quarter century since the shackles of
fclavery wore removed. A restaurant will
form onp of the attractions , where vlfcltora
jncy procure fine example ! of dtilicloue BOU'U.
cm cooking. A handsome structure will be
devoted to B inlnstrul how , where tbe most
BPBEDT Crc TRCATXEVT lor tortnrjDB ,
tirine , UcnUic , tmrnluc. uud t/jilj ikln HUH c lp
dl uu wliu tuu of Unit Warm ktlhi wltli Cn-
Tincui boir iiaatle mipUcutlnaj of Crrmuci
( olntaiint ) , tnfl full datc of ClTioo i lit L-
TUTT , | rriaou ol Uload pari&un ant bomar curia
ll ttU lUrourkool lut votio. rormt
& Cuftw Cutr. , INI ! * ] * r M HMfam.
Uwr u Cun IlcUu H1U UluuM , " hM.
s Bhrhtmas
Silk waist or dress , the most appropriate
of Christmas gifts. Be sure to attend the
most extraordlnarj Christmas Bilk sale in
Omaba. Leading silk department CommencIng -
Ing Thursday morning at B o'clock we will
Boll your choice of 2HO waist patterns of 4
yards fancy Bilk , in all new stylet and color
ings , pattern worth J2.25 ; sale price S
350 waist rattems of 4 yards , most hand
some brocade , taffetas , large and small de
signs , to t\vo-tcxied effects , considered the
height of fashion , pattern worth $4.10 ; our
special Kale price only . . . . . . . . . § 9 sR
375 waist patterns , plain black , satin.
DutmesBC. of four yards , a most excellent
quality , extra fine finish , and guaranteed to
wear ; waist pattern worth $4.00 ; Bale price
* . S2.T5
200 skirt jiattnrns , consisting of B yards of
changeable taffetas , to all the latest combina
tions , one of the best qualities made and
worth per skirt ixittern $6.50 ; sale price
175 silk block dress patterns , consisting of
12 yards of a very line grade of i > laln black
Peau dp Sole , or a tmperb brocade , gro grain ,
in an elegant collection ol etylcs , these silks
are warranted to we'ar and are worth per
jwttera $12.50 ; our grand special sale price
prominent colored minstrels will give o. con j
tlnuous performance. A more imposing ntruc-
ture will be devoted to the drama and
opera. In the latter will appear come of ihc
most noted eingers in the world as well at
the foremost actors Other structures will
he occupied by exhibits illustrating the me
chanical ability and Ingenuity of the colored
race. All of these last named buildings will ,
be constructed1 of naff in attractive designs
and will form a desirable addition to the
architecture of the Midway.
Anollirr AdvrrtlHlnG : Eicurxlon In
ltd lie \Torkvd t'l ' at 1'rrnriit.
The Department of Pullclty Is now nego
tiating with TV. H. Greaawho managed
the excursloa to Texas , to take charge of
another j-orty which , will make a. tour of
the southern and southeastern states lor the
purpose of arousing the enthusiasm ol tht
prapla of these sections and Inducing them
to an active part In the exjiositlca.
The plan lor this venture , us at pres.
ent contemplated , IB on a more elaborate
scale than the trip to Texas. It is proposed
to have a speckl train , consisting of a bag
gage car , a. dining car and two eleepere.
The - trainwill run on .special time , allow
ing stops to be made wherever desirable
and the diner will obviate the necessity
of stopping Tor meolfi. The > baggage car
wlH be stocked with advertising mttter and
extra Ibaggage of the party
The Itinerary now contemplated Is about
as follows : Starting from Omaha , St. Louis
will be the first important etop and public
nK-etingn would be held , addressed by able
speakers accompanying the party. Continu
ing south , ehort stops will be made at the
smaller towns ana advertising matter thor
oughly distributed all along the line The
next Important stop will be at Memphis ,
then to Little Rock and from there to New
Orlcatn From here the route -would in.
elude Mobile , Birmingham , Jacksonville , Sa-
A'cnnah. Augusta , Atlanta , Chattanooga ,
Loulm-ille. Cincinnati. Dayton. Oolumbua , O. ,
lodlanatxills , Terre Haute. Bloomlngton ,
Springfield , 111. , Keoktik , Davenport. Des
"Molnee , Omaha.
The trip -will occupy altout two -weeks , era
a llttlb longer Manager Rosewater and
Mr. Greco are working out the details o !
the trip and preparations will be completed
as rapidly as possible. It win not be prac
ticable to organize such a trip Itefore some
time early In January. The arrangement of
the drtallewill -be tergely In the hands of
Mr. Green.
Sentiment In ll
Mrs. "Fanny Dalley Markland or Oakland ,
Md. Is the comnrUzloncr representing the
exposition in Maryland , and she is doing a
great drol of active work In promoting the
exposition among the people of her slate.
She has the matter well in hand , and has
hopes of securing an appropriation Irom the
legislature to enable ttie state to make an
exhibit of Its resource * , . Among other things ,
Mrs Markland IB sending private letters to
all puns of the state , abklng the recipients
if they are willing that tbu legislature khould
make an actiroprlatlao lor a Elate exhibit.
In this way a strong sentiment Is being
worked up which may result In a creditable
exhibit by Maryland.
Mrs. Markland is a sister of the wife of the
late General Crook , and has taken a great
interest In the exposition sluice Its inceptlou.
J"lrr nriiuriiufut luktullcil.
The fire house in ttie main court has been
completed and Chemical company No. 2 ,
Irom Twenty-fourth and Cumlng streets , was
ordered thU morning to take tip he quarters
on the exposition grounds. The bouse in
a comfortable place , well built and easily
heated by a large stove. Thnre are bunks
for four men and stalls for two liorucB. The
company assigned to occupy the house con
sists of thrt'f men , tno borne * and & chem
ical engine with two twenty-nve-galloa tanks.
The house BtandB on the nouth side ol tte
lagoon. Just west of Twentieth street. The
entrance faces north , being directly oppo
site the temporary bridge spuming the la
goon ut this point.
Vor on .AdtrrtUlsiB Cur.
At the meeting of the executive committee
} -esturd y arierooon Managers Rosewater aud
llcbcock of rbe Publicity and Transportation
reapecUvely , wtrv authorised
Fine All Wool
Dress Goods
For Christmas
7 yards all wool Henrietta , 42 Inches wide ;
7 yards of all wool French Serge , 40 inches
wide .extra good qualities , worth $3.8S per
suit , our Christmas price only , per suit $2.75.
A full suit of 7 yards 40-inch wide of all
wool Ellk finished Henrietta ; 7 yards of all
wool French Serge , 47 inches wide , and 7
yards of all wool Storm Serge , 40 inches
wide ; any of these cults are worth JG.60 , our
Christmas price only , per suit , $2.50.
7 yards of the very finest silk finished Hen
rietta , double Tvarp , 46 inches wide , very rich
luster and extra heavy , worth $12.00 per cult ,
our Christmas price only , per suit , SG.B8.
"We cannot cut samplee of these special-priced
goods lor Christmas presents , but all open
mail orders filled at these prices , and II not
satisfactory , money Trill be roJunded.
to make a contract with C. E. Thurman for
placing on tlie road an advertising car which
will distribute advertising matter in pro
lusion. Mr. Thurmcn"troposes to liave a
car elaborately decorated with large pictures ,
BxlO feet , on each side of the car. ihowing ,
the tlrdseye view o ! the exposition and the
main buildings. This cor will be filled with
pictures and printed matter descriptive ol
the exposition. Commencing about February
1. Mr. Thurman will have tills car hauled
over all the railroads within 500 milec ol
Omaha , making Iruquent stops , at which the
men employed for the purpose will thor
oughly distribute the printed matter. By
this means the country surrounding Omcha
will be thoroughly covered with exposition
literature , millions of pieces being dlspoaed
of m this way.
Vicinity of dgxpotiitinn Ground *
Brine TVmjiomrllj- I TTp.
One result of the location of the exposi
tion grounds In Kouatze Place which ic giving
the reeldente of that populous district con
siderable food for thought is the erection of
a number of small frame shacks oa vacant
lots near the ground. These are erected by
t > eoj > le who secure n short 3eoseof the ground 1
and put tip a temporary building in which
they Install a restaurant or a cigar store or
some other business which yields a cash reve
nue There ore already several of thcce in
the immediate vicinity of the exposition
grounds , and others are in prospect. Two
have been elected on Sherman arenue just )
south of the maun court and anothpr is In ,
course of construction. One is occupied by a
restaurant and the other by a cigar store.
On Twentieth street a similar structure has
been erected within a few feet ot the main
entrance to the exposition grounds. This is
occupied ae a restaurant by parties who came
here from the Nashville exposition for the
A move was recently made "to induce the
city council to change the fire limits seas
as to include thlg iart of the city Irom now
until the exposition closes , thereby - effectually
ally stopping the < * rectlon of such fire traps.
Tlie exposition management uregd the - passage
sage of scch an ordinance on account of the
danger to the cnpocitlon buildings by the
close proximity of such buildings , but no
favorable action nas yet 5 > een taken and the
erection of these "shacks" goes merrily on.
Work on Illliult : < I
been started on tiu > Illinois build
ing on the Bluff tract. The engineering lorce of
the exposition set the B'Jiies yea-
< terday morning cad the pile driver
is on the ground ready to ccan-
mttice work. "William Ctflcllo & Sous
have toe contract for this building which
will oscupy a ground space 1SGX105 ieet
in dimen&iDcs. 3 > e raata eatranceo will lace
east and vest , .the long axis of the building
runuing north aid wuth on < tbc line of the
long axis of th Kebraska "building. The
bulldlag will stand across Piuckney street ,
liolng dlreutly opposite the entrance to the
Bluff tract now in use.
\oti-K of tlir Cxi
Bide lor the construction of she Power
building will lie opened at the office of the
Department of Buildings and Grounds De
i-ember .
The Department of OlulldlngB and Grounds
now ilms the plane for the colonnaflt * which
will be rrooted at either aide of the Ad
ministration liullcUng , affording cover-id ,
passageways to tKrtb the Mtaee i ad Agricul
ture bulldlucE. Bids will be iuvited a : once
lor the construction of tlite colonaadcE.
-il fdr Jury Ilrllilni ; .
KANSAS CITl' D-t. 2.-The Hpeclul
grand Jury today returned an indictment
BgaliiBt Jtoss "W" . LatKhuw , charged -ylth
attempting to bribe a vunlreman in the
Dr J D. Goddard murder trial. Hardly
had the repjrt been returned -when Ijit-
filmw. who U un ex-JUBtloe of thf pouuf end
a prominent politician , ttnttirud inn court
room , pleaded not guilty and usktxl for ut.
arly u btiurlne ut. poHslble. The date wuu
tlxcfl at Jnnuury 10 end Latshnw WUB rt-
luuBud on I'M bond. Lutnhaw's brother WUB
one of Goddard'u counsel and tlie indlctud
man IB lUlccud to have tindeavored to hung
UIB Jur ) ' .
Cough * and coldu Those who are BufferIng -
Ing rrora roughs colds uore throat , et ,
Kltould try Brown's Broujhtal Troched. Sold
only in boxes.
Ladies' and Gent's
2,000 doz Men's fine white linen handker
chiefs , large size , worth lEH-c. nt 3c
200 doz. men's colored basom shirts. In oil
the latest patterns , at Stic
fiOO doz Men's fine satan suepDnders , In w
colors , at EOc.
' white initial handkerchiefs
1,000 doz Men's fine
kerchiefs , lined , at 12i-ic.
1.000 doz. Men's , teck tiei. In colors , 15c.
COO floz. Men's silk and wool mufflers , iiOc.
KOO iloz Men's aad boyp' hweaters , at 50c ,
7Rc , ? 1 00
10 caees Men's ftne merino BOX , 12H-C.
25 coses Men's flee wool fleeced and wool
chlrts and drawers , worth 75c and ? 1.00 , at
500 doz. Men'e working gloves cnfl mlttene ,
25c.r 00 floz. ChlldTfla's wool mittens , lOc.
fiOD floz. Ladies' f-button and two-clasp kid
gloves. 75c.
1.000 doz. ladles'j\hilE feather Jans , worth
J.1.00. at 2uc
500 doz Ladies' double wool mittens , 2f > c.
30 cases Ladies'-floece lined hose. lOc
uOO doz. Children's fleece lined -vests and
pants , 25c.
10 cases Children's "bicycle hose , 15c.
BOO doz. Ladies * , .corsets , black , drab and
colored , 49c. f
Hay dens'
Pure Candies
Fresh Every 10 ,
New assortment of Exposition cauiy canes ,
( others asl5r lor them ) , only 24C ;
Pure Jrutt flavors. Chewing gum. 2 tc
Large jmide to rejirescot bricks ,
filled with a very fancy asortment of cand
ies , flc
Almond Bare , pure Jordan almonds. 5c
Mixed Candies , all pure Irult Juice flavors.
% Ve make 'em they are the finest mode ,
Tfec. SJ c. lOc and 12c pound
Tnnkee Peanut Bar , per pound , 15c.
You can choose your own mixture of the
following candies , all bund made , goods very
tempting end delicious.
One pound lace boxes , decorated. 23c.
Opera creame vaclllc chocolates
Italian chocolates. creum ahnonds.
lemon chocolates and -vanilla cream wafers ,
black wulnut. finest boo boua , stuffed butter
cups , cocnaunt balls , and maple cocoaaut.
You can't get such an assortment anj ncre
for Jess than COc Come in and flee them.
"We know you'J l > e 7 > leascd.
Selling Cheaper
We sell the most
Oomplain of a Bule fi-di tafl by tHe
IkpoBition Diectorj. :
\Vcrf Fiprnrlns ; < -Gc-ttlnpr into of
fVVorli , lint Find They Are In u
'Good AVay to Get \ojie
at All. < . ,
The dealers and -Arms in this city who
handle electrical appliances and work con
nected therewith ar rising in arms against
the exposition directory on the grounds that
the latter .has effectually debarred them
tfrom securing any of the work of wiring or
fitting up -exposition grounds or buildings
with electric nights.
There is a goodly -lot ofwork to ibe done on
the grounds in an electric light waysince It is
estimated .that some , 700 arc lights and 14,000
Incandescent lights will be put In. As a con
sequence the electricians figured on making
some money in supplying -the necessary ma
terial and appliances aud -putting them in
The first Wow came -wlicn Ihe exposition
directory commenced to figure on the wiring
that was used at the Kashrtlle and other ex
positions , on tbe grounds of economy. Tbe
electricians , however , -did aiot protest against
this , if 'by this iplau the exposition people
could secure the necessary material cheaper
than If Ihey bought It new. They still fig
ured1 "that to * " ? would secure "benefit diy put
ting the wiring in.
It has ibeen discovered , however , that by
one of the rules of the directory this will be
Impossible. This rule provides that all tbe
wiring and work of installing the electric
light system shall be done by the exposition
company at a fixed girlcu. This xule is bulug
fccsailed with vigor. In the first place it-is
contended that it is unjust to the local
dealers and to the exhibitors i > oth. The
former are knocked out of business they ci-
peeted and the latter -compelled to pay a
higher price lor the work than if local com
panies were allowed -to compete for the busi
! A "meeting of representatives of all the
local dealers ; was Lnlfl at -Commercial
. club yesterday afternoon. After talking over
I the situation a committee , consisting of G
] "VV. Johnston , B. QlolEnerney and A. Thui'by ,
was appointed to see-31anaRer Klrkeudall of
1-the Department ol tBnlldlngs audGround * .
The committee and iMr. IClrkeudall met late :
in the aftenioon , but no conclusion wae
readied Mr. Klrkeirdall said that he was
not aware that tnrfli a'rulewas In existence
and could promise no relief The electrical
mun will meet again this afternoon in tbt
Commercial club for'the purpose of passing
a resolution asking lie exposition director } '
to rescind lit rule.
< tu1v .
The best salva In tbe world for Cats
Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Tlheura , Fever
Sores. Tetter , Ch pnd Hands , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively
cures Pllic tr uo iy required. It lb cuar >
eutted to give perfet satisfaction or muuey
refunded. Price Zl cents per box * For e&le
by Kulm & Co
PrtlV Thievery
Maud Raymond WUH urn-mod last night
for tlie luroeny of a fur collar from ttie
store of John Urbanzyck , 220 South Fif-
teenta street She confessed the theft , Im
plicating ulno John Kunzie , who was ar
rested , tt'lille bhe engaged Mrs. Urbunryak
in u parley regarding furs , she states thut
K nzle tnude away with the ( rarment. The
collar hae not been recovered.
James Smith wus arrested last Iiletat by
SjMcial Ollloer Pieliard for the larotiny of a
washboard and weveru ! boltx of outinp flun-
I mil from the stortuf CimrJes Heintz , Is'lnt-
; let-inti ur.d Vliitou ntruels He tiud tbe
{ roods tu bis jiosBfsaloa when lie wus cup-
I turcd.
You can still find full assortments of Holiday goods in every depart- '
ment. Prices cut to sell them all.
Come early to Hayden Bros' . The Big Store , HA.YDEWS.-
Jewelry Prices Were flever So Low Grand
I'e "l Opera GlaaRcn. fine n'-hromntir lens Thousands of Sterling Book
In Morocco leather cnse value ? 7 00 go at
Silver Novelties
$1.50 Sale
Sterling Filvcr Tea Spoacr. , 4De. *
A beautiful lund decorated Delft Blue Sterling Sl'ver 825 1000 flnr , every article
Clock , regular value J3.PO , go ut guaranteed as herein ntated.
' 3-ploce Desk Sot , regular jirlro Jl , go
$1.98 ' . . . . „ , . . : 4Dc on sale . . „
* S-pii-ot Manicure Set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S9c
Ladle * Sterling Silver Chatelaine - *
. . Storllbg riles and Buttoncrs , oaoh.16c The authorized unabridged translation on
cs , actual value , $3.00. ; sale price '
Sterling Silver Hack Dressing Combs' , solo Thursday.
$2.49 real value $1.00. go nt I
. 1,000 Rots of olopnnt works on sale , InclufU
The largest end best Shop Horns , Files ,
' ' ' '
ing Irvlng's , Dlcken's , DUUIOE' , Hugo's , nloj
Ladles' Chatelaine "Watches , In black steal Cutleulcs. Shop Buttotiers , teal value , A SPECIAL BARGAIN at $1.25 , go at , , 4
Silverware In unfilcss variety Hundreds The New Oxford
$3.95 of useful artlcle.s , such as Cake Bas
kets , Butter Dishes , .Nut Bowls , Din
LadlcK1 141 : Solid Gold , "D. S. assay , huntIng - ner Castors , Berry Dishes , Bon Bous , only 17c
Ing case , ornamented with genuine diamonds Pickle Castor * every article warranted
with -fine Elgin or "Waltham movement- ed Quadruple jilated rial value ? 3 Teachers' elegant $5.00 "bibles on ealo c | ,
Teal value $40.00 OUH SALE PRICE WILL go at $1.25
BE Sec our quadruple plated cold lined hand 98c
engraved Tea Set. real value JS.OO.
$19.95 consisting of Tei Pot , Sugar , Cream
er and Spoouer , sale price S2.DB
Ladies' 14k solid gold "U. S. assay , Hunting Our regular SO 00 Baking Dish , quadruple A Grand Assort *
Cane Watch , beautifully baud engraved , with plated , hnud burnished , porcelain renter.
Tills Is one of our special Chrls'mas offerings
choice of fine Elgin or Waltham movement remember only 50 otthiim uua they go at metit of Holiday\
o. splendid time piece actual value" 535.00 S2.4S. \
sale price Rogers' llldwt Knives or Porte ? 1.H >
$17-98 Rogers' Al Tea Spoons , for C. . . . . cr > c Books.
- Table Sjioous , tor C $1.29
Total Het riifi in tlie 3'ojmlnr Cimlrst
T' | > Till AVraiiCHauy AiKlit.
Following is the result of tlie vote in the
contest for Queen Polaris up till Wednesday
night :
Anna. jncj > aninrn. .ri.euncinra Clnrn on Z.'C
Jiiiurua atciiB'tu n.u.diDella. Jonet. , . . . . . . . 193
Anna ± it-ywooa . . .lu.uoiJAlilile Gray 1K7
JUnfrslc J'-oiey < . " > rccu Hale 1W
jsiraie Au > wuia . i. o : Mnufl Johnson 1M
ilae JioumHon .wn Kute aieVtttlc 1M
u < -ornln iu-ue 3.aiuir nnle JJirlson ISO
Mallei TCiilson.Slh minu Aimrth IK
Jennie Gruhum Wl Wary Stay 173
-Marie Susterlc. . . . S.I > IB ftmellu Stulien 1G2
Trcdn. IM.DK - . n PreclericUsrm. . . . Jl
Kdlth Miner Ml. Helen HoaKland. . . . lis
Hnimu llrau S,5J ! > ThereSB THInllcuH . . l c
Arn s Mj-eri , r MO Saaie Cnln lie
Nellie Itmnf rLana. . ItrUK 144
.l"lozsie llomaln. . . . 2. 34 Anna Kordwall 14S
U ra isatieiiu.IV dura Jjuvat a-
Anna. J'ti.11 S.uic Kanantson H :
RlKrle Wnnflard 1.6M nreine i ouann JHU
llla-ncli Hunpate. . . 1,334 AOu tnclper. . . . . . . . UK
Aray Gexnhart 1,30 Sadie Hummel 1S4
- Hit } ' i-niM-r is :
Lnttle Shulda 1.15C Cora Strait IE !
I'lorence HnzarH. . . 1.1S8 Kloraelntcr as.
Mne Durtlett KW ± ) irdle J'nwell 1- .
MaJicl Taylor //u Dora Iluapkc 123
Idaliaeea (30 aim M J rrnnpk 120
Mn. H J ! . Ootydl 72) ) Katharine Humlln. 119
Maud \augtm. . . . . tiyi .eima . I1ieuun . . . . uti
Emily 'Wnreham. . . W3 MarKaict Curtis . . . 11 :
Helen Mlllurd C3 Harriet Homnuy. . . 10T
Millie illlmcb . US Georgia. Tenner ; . . . 103
Tllolse Couchmun. . . TLJ''loy Jones . lur
iifuiuti j''iemuiB . . . l > iMrs. . u 1' Moore lee
Minnie .Neule . & < 1 Muy iiuinlln . s
Jeunnette Grecc. . . & " riorencc llutiirlc ! : . . 93
riorente ritchle. . . 4K1 'Uiuice ilets . a :
Wanim IIIHlMhrand 4ft Ella Dodson . ill
Sdma Eiieneter. . . . 479 dura. I'almcr . 87
L > e Axtell . imTlmru Undatram. . . be
Ilessle VodrasUa. . . ' .5 ( > Jennie i-trout . i >
Nfllle Greet . 450 lynn HurtlRnn . BO
Illuncli CrulK . 431 Ailwrta. WOIKIB . ho
fiudle Stonu - . . _ u/u Emmu reenan . . . . . 78
riorence SiiiRur. . . . S4'J Kudie ilnEUlre . Ifi
J'lmvnee Cumplon. . WJ Luullu J'eRuu . 73
Clnru IledlnKer . . . S3C EHlher L.lndKtrom. . 7 :
j-iuio luemiemun . a iAima | Askwlth . . . . 70
Noru ilcAon . „ . . . KO Mrs. M P. Avcr > . . 6X
riorence Vivian.- , SIC Emmu JJahl . It
manca uiwe . auu nuiunnunltter. . . . to
1'uultne L we . 301 Kute Hollowuy . lu
Eltziilx-tli riilllliiB. . rstboKlc Hiemm . W
Clura Z > orenzen , . . . . S7C Hadle Alexander. . 12
Liiura . MjUmma Jiiliruion. . . to
Dalpy . S Hannah llnjiimel. . . r.7
lluliel ] 'uclurfl. . . . 2..J1 u mnltrcU Itowe. . . lit ,
Ivnm BeRellie . ra Eva hayles . w >
Anna Kuca . 01 rioru Stenim . t-S
llrs. H II. MuKord V42 Hannah Kupald. t3
Wenonuh James. . . 241 Mrs. UuiTlB . W
- '
The toboggan slide * at the Lagoon wan In
augurated in the regulation style Inst even
ing by a jolly party of lauite and pentle-
3nen who wisbed to experience tht < eensation
of dropping off a building without the usual
danger attending such ieatb. The Misses
i Jessie Dickinson , Woolwurth YatcE , Curt B ,
laiaunt , Pick , SnlvericU and Waltuleywere
' escorted by MesEns. II. Patrick. J I'atrlcU ,
Oorwin , Earker , Palninr , Kountzc , Dr. Crum-
nier and Dick Berlin , and all had an exciting
.nd enjoyable time , with only n few uyfl'ts
which only helped to make the experlsac *
more amusing. They all voted the toboggan
a source of much pleasure.
TJiu change In the prices at the exposition
grriuudt Sar the Ice Carnival sports is giving
the iK'F.t of satisfaction only one adrnlcsion.
15 cents is now charged ct the gates , which
gives one ride on tht > toboggan slide uut
tree admission to the ire. The ice is l > cit in
the best possible , condition , the groundt , are
lightttd with arc llghu at night , and every
thing ncoslble Is dime to ni&ke things pluab-
ant lor the patrons.
The "Scots" are making trranpements to
sttrt their curling club. A nun-ting of al
Inte'vsted In curling is called for Mondaj
evening at S o'clock at the Hotel Mlllurd. at
which time U is hoped that enough will ut
tend to furm at least two rinks. The man
agement of the Ice c&rnlval are ready to pu
In a curling rink just ae boon ut tlie club IF
organized. The Scotchmen of Grand Islan :
are taking considerable interest in curling
and are ready to nund a team here to com.
jieto for prizes.
The Republican nfVcat Point figure * ths
< here will not be lets than 1,000 excur
elonlste come to Omaha , with the Mold o
Honor , escorted by the Cadet Bund for tb
Ice Ccrnlval in January. f
Colonel Ftedericki. visited the toboggan
slide last evening decked out In one of them
comfortable Canadian toques , which are be
coming the proper thing dor cold woathor.
The announcement made in yesterday *
Be ? r&ustrd a flutter among every child 1
Omaha Monday in the-flay for fun and al
the children will be made welcome at th
Pure Food
You'll be well
pleased with the goods.
S-lb. cans California Aprlcotp. Dl. c.
S-lb. cans California Peaches , 9c.
2-lh. can early ( blossom jieas , Cc.
P bare Cuclahays Diamond C soap lor 25c.
All other brands , 10 ibars for 25C.
S-lb. cans Now England baked beans ready
lor immediate use , preserved In tomato
sauce , only lOc.
3-lb. rans good baked 'beans. C3Jc.
New yeliow evaporated iieaches only GVSc.
20-ounce glass of assorted jams only HVic.
rresh seleoted Rio coflee only SVBC.
Santos t Peaborry co&ue only 12H-C.
sun dried Japan tea ( new crop ) ,
New California prunes , iinr pound , KVic.
Ivorj- soap ( others ask 5c ) per /bar / ! ! ? ic ,
Pure Castile Soap , one day only , 2Vic.
At the Pure Food DfparJmcnt ,
exposition grounds for a skate on that fine
lagoon rink and a slide down tlit big tobog
gan elide. The ice is theirs on that day , but
of course the grown folks will be made wel
come , too , although they will be charged
the regular admission fee. The fun they will
eee will be worth tea , times the price of
Remember that the voting contest closes
December 31 at C n. m.
The one way .fare lor the round trip on
the railroads for excursionists who wJeh to
visit Omaha during carnival week will go
into effect January IS.
HUrtON , S. D. . Dec. 22. ( S ] > ecial. } Mrs.
Matthew Jl. Stlllson arrived in tlie clly
from St. Paul Saturday evening , and soon
afterward Albert Thorn of Pierre came in
and registered at the same botul. The
couple met , and after exchanging EreutiURs
tool : a stroll about the city. Sunday aftor-
eon they called at the Presbyterian par
sonage , where Ilev. Mr. P.rodi ? of Miller
Dined them In lioly wedlock. They returned
o Pierre on Monday to surprise their
riends In that city.
TVEST POINT , Neb. , Dec. 22. ( Special. )
Meier of this county and Miss Emma
HVolfslager of Snyder were united in marriage
his forenoon by Justice Mewls.
Mr. Kotmer Mundt and Miss Kettle Zarms-
orf were united in marriage this forenoon
at the home of the bride's parents in this
Ity , Rev. Tonal officiating. Only the rela
tives of the contracting pnrtlee were present.
Mrs. Mary Bird , "HarriKimrE , Pa. , says ,
'My rhlld Is worth millions to me ; yet 1
would have lost her by croup had I not to-
cisted twenty-five cents in a bottle of One
illcute Cough Cure. " It cures coughs , colds
and all throat and Jung troubles.
Knrly > IoruliiK Flr - . ;
Tiio blacksmith shop of J r. Nelson , CIS
South Thirteenth Rtr < f . wus partiully eon-
Bumi-d by fire ut 1 o'clock this mornlns >
The blazp sturted Irom a coal oil Bttw UHed
lor licntlnK jiurpoiMis in u buck room oc
cupied by Mlnar Jloberts. TtoburtB i-Bcuped ,
halfchokedwith amoke. Tin- loss WUE tiOU.
\VIIM. II Ji Jokf ?
1. TV. Emmcr , a salesman of Jewelry ,
raised a ClHturbance in a Douglas Htrvet
betel last nlRht by clulnilrg that a sample
cane ccmtulninp SSXi worth of watcbes and
dlumotidH bud lieun stolen. He clalnu-d tliut
lie Jiafl put it in tliu clurk's chargu und re-
Mandolin cns r. icanvasB ) . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . , . . $1.08
Guitar canes ( cauvitBb ) , . , , . , . , , $1.23
Banjo casei ( canvass . , , , . . . . , . $1.23
Mandolin roses Bole leather , , . , , , . . . , , $3.Si !
Guitar caw'f uole leather $4.Stf
Autoharp , 3-bar , $1.60 to . . . , , , . , . , . . , . $2JS :
A-utoharps. 5 bar , , . , , $3,721
$2.D5 up to the price of the finest WashV
burn Instrument the excellence of whldl
uumlt of ao reduction In prlct FrohmJ
Inujos and band instruments at 3 tha
prtre usuallr uhkcd anywhere elac.
including all the latest popular pieces aB [
ntrirtly popular prices.
10,000 different uelactions at Be aud 10i (
per copv.
Music rolls , 35c , 45c , 50c , 75c up to J5.0CU ;
TVhy don't you liuy one of those beau
tiful new Emerson Pianos whlcb. we offcn
this weel ; at only , . . , $17C.09j
We are also ottering mew V03E t
SONS , at $1B5.0 !
We have other brand new pUmos fllrecfi
from the lactoriop at $125.00 , $1S3.00 , $185.00' '
and so on tip to the price of the Chlckcrlng ,
Sttlnway and Fischer pianos , which ore thtf
three leading pianos of America.
Planes moved , tuned and repaired.
P.auo ctoals , $1.78
' turned after supper to find It eane. De-
. tcctlvi's worked on the capt1 for home lima
and finally fllscrvrrud the Tnhtslng grip in.
n wash room It Is not known wipthrr the !
coiicfRlnienl wup meant for a prnctlcaU
joke or an attempt to eventually carry th
frrip uv.'ay.
Pnlr mill AVormrr , vlth Mirllu
WASHINGTON , Dec. 22 ForetaiBt tat
Thursday :
For KflirafiUa and South Dakota Falr , |
warmer in eastern portions ; northwesterly
For Iowa Generally fair ; - warmerwest
to HoutliwcM winds.
For Missouri Fair ; -warmer ; westerly
For Kansa -northwesterly ; wlndf.
For Wyoming Fair ; v.urmtrvariable
l.ficnl Rrcortl.
OMAHA. Dec 22 Omaha record of ruin fall
and tcmitcrature compared with the corre-
F7iondiits fluy of the last tlirei ; years :
1S97.1KIO. IBS' ; . 1E94.
Maximum temperature . . . Ill 4B . .7 S7
Minimum temperature . . . 2 To 20 2B
Avera--ir , > temperature 30 42 :2 : 32
Ralntall 04 ,00 .03 .00
Record of temperature nnd precipitation at
Omahu. for this day and since March 1 , IKlTi
Normal for tbe day . - . . . .27
Deficiency for the day . .17
Accumulated uxfess Blnue March 1. . .24. .
Normal rainfall for the day . 03 inch
Eliccss for the day . - . 01 Inch.
Totan rainfall wince March 1..1B7D incliea
Deficiency since March 1 . 10 lf < IncCivB
Excess for for. period , 1BSC . . 4.W inches
Deficiency for cor. period , US ; . . . , 10.70 inches
Rrjiorti. from Station * ut S ] > . ill. ,
Beveiitylltth meridian -time. _
12 | " 9
" * ] y >
? l
Omuliu. rloudy 3
North I'luttf. clfur . . . 41Ml .en
Salt Lnkf City , cli'ftr Ml .00
C.ii'ymme. clear 34Ut -.a
Jtujild City , c'cur Ut .
J-iuruii , tuoutly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iU .aM .aat
C.ilfiiKii , oli-ur 101 M
\Vllll8ton. firnr : i *
Hi 1/mlB clmuly 2Ci t8 | at
Ht I'aul. cluuily 2CiJ J , iw.UJ
* .UJ
uevtiiu'uri. clear I
HoLnu , rleur '
KuiiKuB Cltj. purtl } ' cliiuOy 14i 28 'M
Il vr i dcur . 14H i 10 g
lllsmnrrk. clnuuy H 221 g.U
.U (
T liiilhulen tmre nt ! > recli > ltntlau.
U A. WELSH. Local rorecuBl Ofllclal.
/ , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , of Hyannie , MatsachueMe ,
wee the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ same
that has borne and does row fjj ? / 5r73Z on ei/fir/
< - + -
bear the fao-cimi/e signature of ( ajf c cc c/if wrapper.
Tfiio is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which hoe been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY fit the wrapper and BBS that U ts
the kind you have always bought , s/r > i on B
and has the signature of a yyt / etZo&M vfrso-
per. No one has authority from me to use my name- ex
cept The Centaur Company of whioh Chan. H , FJetcber JB
President. ,
March S , IB97.
. ,