0 THE OMAHA DAILY UP.Ft 'I nt'KsDAY. DECEMIJEK 1(1 ( , 1807. CURRENT NEWS . OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. _ _ , i . . ! . i ii-i- in" "i irnp.i--ii. ii.i , i 11 COUNCIL BLUFFS. i1 . , . , . _ 3IINUII ilK.VrlOS. Cooper , Flro Ins. , 0 Pelt ! , tel. 372. Schmidt's bar 'oiler photoa are the laics' . Sec/oner Oroctry Co. , 323 Dway. Tel. 311. Di. . Bhrlver. dentltt. Merrlam blk. . rom 245 D , W. Itels ot Wales , la. , was In the clt > yc tcrday , J. W. Uulutv of OHirtct ) , la. , Is In tlio city on busliww. O , " \V. Prtlts ol Marne , la. , was a city vis Itor yoslefiUy. r Louis 11. Krwo of Mlncola Is In the city vlslllng Irlends. William Morris of Norwich , ! . , wnfl In the city ycalwclny. W. E. Ashley of Macedonia Is In the city visiting friends. Guy Harris of DallaE City , la. , la In the city visiting friends. ' - . , Perry Kcrriey ol t'arson wns Jn the city yesterday on business. Patronize the reliable Bluff City Laundry ; they are easy on clothes. I Gcorgo E. Roberts ot Unucrwooil , ! ! , , was a Bluffs visitor yesterday. J. F. Bloom of Norwich , la. , was In the city yestcrilay on business. H. McCnrtnoy ot Thurman , la. , was In the city yesterday on business. C. F. Staller nf Atlantic. la. , was visiting friends In the city yesterday. Portfolios of Ireland from 1 to 10 can bo had at The Dee office. No. 10 Pearl street. J. F. Record and W. H. H. Allen , real estate men of Glctiwood , wcro In the city yesterday. H. 13. Dutttu of Gravity , la. , was attending to some matters of business In tlio city yes terday. L. K. Hollow-fly and J. M. Roberts of Sid ney wore In the city yesterday visiting friends. United States Marshal Bradley and wife have gone to Arkansas City , Ark. , on a visit to relatives. The Enthusiastic club will meet on Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. Tweedy < U 212 North Eighth street , p. n mul II. M. Thomas of Quick were In the city yesterday taking cattle to the Sutith Omaha market. II. C. Hobblns and Jacob Bare , stockmen of Hastings , la. , were In the city yesterday visiting friends. Dr. Tunpor Klrby nnd Pearl Hamer , both of Norfolk , Neb , , were married jcstcrday by Justice Kerrler. Harry and William Claussen of Walnut rwcre In the city yesterday making arrange- jhents for a western trip. The regular meeting ot the executive com mittee of tbo Transmlsslsslppl Exposition flvlll. be held this evening. Miss Jcsslo Pontius leaves tomorrow for Lamed , Kan. , to attend the marriage ot her Ibrothcr , Mr. Ralph Pontius. Pottawattamle tribe No. 21. Improved Order of Red Men , will meet tonight for work In the adoption degree. A full attendance is desired. Wo want you to feel that your package Is very welcome at our place , and every effort will bo made to please jou at tho. Eagle Laundry , 721 Bway. The case of Tom Deerwestcr , charged with assault and battery on Clara Boyle , will come up for hearing In Justice Burkc's court at 9 o'clock this morning. Do you want a hair brush , a tooth brusher or any kind of a brlstlo brush ? Wo have them In endless variety , and cheap and good. O. B. Paint. Oil & Glass Co. The Jtlry In the case of Elmer Wlatt , In- fllctca for nasaultlng C. 'M. Trephagen with Intent to do grt t bodily harm , returned a [ verdict last night ot guilty , as charged. In tlie case of Charles Burke and Frank Crablo , charged with assiult cad battery on the perron of John Faulk of iMalvern , a tlango of venue was taken from Justice iVlcU-'fi court to that of Burko's. The case Is ect Tor hearing tonight nt 1 o'clock. Hcmorly Fuller , the young man indicted by the last grand Jury for larceny , and who .was expected to be tried under the new habitual criminal law , pleaded guilty to the chorgo of simple larceny yesterday. Judge Gr cn decided It to bo wcrth $10 , and the boy iiill only get a Jail sentence , Instead of t > ? ! r. ; < Bent to the pcoltcutlary for a term of ycurs. 0. B. Vlavl Co. , Icmaie remedy ; consulta tion freo. OHlce hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 320-327-323 Merrlam block. N. T. Plumbing compufly. T"I. 250. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it. For sale , a flne two-seated sleigh , cheap. SCO South Seventh street , Council Bluffs. If you 'buy ' ten cents worth of goods at Dradley's .call for a ticket. They are good for a'frea Christmas present on his Free Premium counter. YnrilH Combine. 'All ot the lumber yards In Council Bluffs have passed out of the hands of the men who lhavo owned and ran them for many years , end have been absorbed by two of the grgat lumber companies of Minneapolis. Yester day the Western Lumber company and tlio Hex company sold their yards and all of the property connected with the business to John Queal , and L. Hammer & Co. gave an cotton on their yards to Qulnn & Co. These firms practically control the lumber business of the northwest. Qulnn & Co. own and operate 1 yards In nearly all of the towns of lona. ffliolr nearest ono to Council Bluffs Is located IX at Woodbine. There was some talk yester day that Council Bluffs would bo the gen eral headquarters for the state , and the busi ness would bo managed from this point. Wo have Just received direct from the Pacific coast , our first consignment of Group- era. This Is a delicious salt water fish , es pecially line for baking. They run from 2 to 4 Ibs. each In weight , nre headless , and eel ! at the low price of 12c per pound. Ho- member , also , that wo liavo an endless va riety of salt and fresh water fish , oysters , etc. Send In ! your orders. SULLIVAN , 343 B'WAY. TEL. 101. I V Don't forget the mascjuerado ball given by * * 'Augusta ' drove. Prizes given for best cos tumo. Gentleman and lady , 25 cents each ( Thursday , December 1C. The Council Bluffs Cyclory turned out flvo pairs ot export skates on special orders ono day of this wok. You Insist upon hav ing your shoes fitting , why not your skates ? Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to itho following named persons ; Nnma nnd Address. Ago. T. Klrby , M. . . Norfollr. Neb . 29 Pcurl Ilatnor , Norfolk , Neb. , . 22 Ij. 'Meek. Omaha . . . 22 lAllee Brown , Council Bluffs . 23 Go to your grocer to-day 't , and get a 150. package of Grain = 0 It takes the place of cof fee at i the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health ful. Initit tint jour inxwr ulrei 7ou OltAIN-O. Accept no ImlUtlou. . r > A\trropT nrpivto CONiEST BEGhNS Preliminary Stops Toward the Recount Taken Yesterday. PAULSON AND SAWYER AFTER TH : OFFICE Position of County Sniiorltitcnilcat Still In Dlxinite I'rtiitliiK the of tin- Special Cnnviici. The clfotlon contest to decide whether Prof , Paulson or Prof. Sawyer has been elected to the position of county superin tendent of echoota did not begin until yester day afternoon , owing to the fact that Attor ney Sims , who represents Prof. PauUon , was engaged In tho" district court. Owing to the great Interest In the contest , It has been de cided to hold It In the superior court room of the county court house Instead ot In the rooms used for the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors. Only the preliminary work of organization was ac complished yesterday , none ot the billet boxes being opened. S. W. Wndsworth Is associated with Mr. Chambers as counsel for Sawyer and took nn active part In the pre liminary work yesterday. A motion was made to strike out paragraph Iv ot the plaintiff's petition , alleging that flvo votes In Ncola township wcro Illegal ( or the reason that the voters had received assistance ( rom the Judges In making out their ballots with out having first made the reaulrcd allklavltn that they were Incapable ot doing thi work themselves. The motion was argued to some extent and overruled. This completed the afternoon's work and the board adjourned to meet this morning at 9 o'clock. Thcro ! s a prospect of the work being ac celerated by stipulations between the attor neys to omit bringing In certain features of the election , the poor farm proposition , for In stance , whom It Is feared tint many Irregular marks were made by the voters on both aldas. If these stipulations arc made the contest will bo greatly shortened. . . . - - in .11-1 i Taken Up Stray black hog , 200 pounds. Owner please call and Idcntlliod or animal will be disposed ot according to law. D. T. Smith , 212 South Eighth street. Domestic soay wrappers call ( or spoons. JOH.V SHOUT IS IIODXn TO TALK. I3eciiilrlr Oltl Mini IIINH | < H oil Malting ? His 'Piilillf ' Address. John Short , the eccentric old man. whose fervid oratory < wid wolfskin coat causedi a runaway on the streets on Thanksgiving morning that resulted In a serious accident to two young girls , roippeared at the eld ciand on Broadway yesterday and resumed the speech where It hod been led off whtn the police itook him In. He wiao mounted on the same box and was clad In ICio rame Im mense , shaggy coat and his voice had gathered force during 'the ' enforced rest. He had gotten out but a few stentorian sen tences when he was Interrupted by an of ficer , who threatened him with arrest unices ho desisted. The cfllcer kicked the pine box Into the gutter and ordered Short to pick It up and carry it away cad 'tiaen passed on down , the street to make his report a > t the nearest patrol box. When he returned Shorl had carried the box back to t'ao same locality and was standing on it swinging his arms like a windmill ami shouting his unintelligible sentences. The offlcer put him trader arrcsl and took , him to the station. Mayor Carson happened to bo there at tJie 'tlmo ' and Inter fered to prevent the old man being locked up. When arrested previously ho promised to keep off the streets and hire a hall in wOlch to < lo his -talking. He was asked why ho had broken this promise. "Because 1 have a duty to perform , " he declared. " ] am a historian anarditst ami I must speak In public anl In the open air. Every word I utter Is heard around the universe. " The mayor Informed him that he would be ar rested every tlmo he appeared on the streets and attempted to speak clad In his wolfskin robe."If I speak bareheaded and In my 'ilrt sleevco In the wlutry blasts will you let me exercise my rights as an ( American cltlzwi ? " ho Inquired. The mayor agreed that iio 'might ' speak any tlmo he chose dur ing the winter if he appeared minus the wolfskin garment , and the old man went away sUslud. ! In all of the yeara that ho has been talking upon the streets nobody has ever been able to make out more than a few words and these hive always Included "gov ernment" and "labor. " Domestic soup wrappers call ( or spoons. IIUSS WII1TTM3SEY S ACCOUXTS. mjifC'tor Crowlt-y Striken a Ilalancc ami .SiMiilM on HH Report. Inspector Crowley yesterday completed the first part ot his duty In the Whlttlesey rase , establishing the fact that there Is a large shortage In the accounts of the col lector. The Inspector figured up the amounts that Whlttlesey had received , but could not determine the amount of tbo shortage until the statement of the remittances had been received from the subtreasury at Chicago. This statement came yesterday , and the bal ances were quickly struck , Just what tlio amount was Mr. Crowley kept to himself , refusing to tell even the bondsmen , and they will have to wait until the report of the inspector specter Is made public at the department In Washington. 'Mr. Crowley left for the cast yesterday afternoon , leaving directions hero whcro his mall should bs seat and where ho could bo reached by wire If his presence became necessary before ho got ready to re turn. turn.Tho The missing collector la still safe from ths men who are so anxiously seeking for him. No now clews wcro discovered yesterday and the officers are working upon the theory that ho has gene south , "Shorty" Norton , asserts that Whlttlesey went to Chicago cage Instead of Kansas City and further than that he knows not. Domestic soap wrappers call for spoons. lU-nl IJstntiTrniiNfrrH. . The following transfers nre reported from the title and loan otilee. of J. W , Squire , 101 Prnil street : Bierlff to John Llnder , lot 2 , block 0 , Mynutor't ) add , s , d. . . . , , $3,000 John M , Underwood nnd wife to Samuel G. Underwood , n se U 19- 7142.w. . d i ; 1 S , Alexander and wife to Carolyn 13 , Alexander , lot 1 , block 1 , Hughes & Uonlphnn's mid , r.v. d D.OOO 8. Alexander to l-aura M , P. Alexan der , Ills wlf < N w f > 0 feet lot J. block 0 , Park add , w. d 4,000 County treasurer to W , S , Cooper , lot 9 , block 30. In Central mibdlv , t. d , , . . 3 Western Lumber company to ThomaB Olllcer. lots 1 to 14 Inclusive , block 31 , mul lot 14 , block 30 , Beers' subdlv , w , < l , 12,000 Peter II , Wind and wife to A. S. Hazel , ton , 27 'Ota ' In Council Bluffs and Omaha Chuutauqua Assembly park , q. c. d , , 150 Hannah C. Ilhodea to Joneipti Mlch- cner , lot 2 , Audltor'H subdlv of lot 3 , Auditor's subdlv of nw U bo Vi 12-75- 40 , w , d , 1C Total eight troiiEfera ,524,171 Domestic soip wrappers call for spoons , I'etltloiiM for Divorce. William Mynster yesterday filed a petition In the dlstrJct court asking for an absolute divorce from his wife , Sophia I ) . Mynster. List spring Mrs , Mynstcr tiled a similar ap plication and accompanlol It by a very uensi- tlonal statement of alleged facts. The suit wan ( or divorce and an Immense amount of alimony. Mynnter filed a cross-petition tbit wa equally sensational and controverted all ot the assertions raado by the wife. The suit was dismissed several weeks ago without prejudice. In the petition filed yesterday Mr , Uyiuter reiterates umiy. of the ecim- * . . .ti , , - . * . . . f _ , _ tlonnl charges made against his wife ntul goso Into details of their unhappy married life. life.Mrs. . Jennie Forbes began an action In the district court yesterday ( or dlvorco from her husband , Prank Forbes , a railway switch man. They were married In Ohio on May 29 , 1889. In 1S91 there was horn to them n llttlo daughter , Illossom. They en wo to Council IHuRs In the winter of 1893-04 nml have lived In the vicinity ever since. She charges him with being an habitual drunk ard. She asks ( or the custody of the child. CiiiVL'riior Drake lloinltw County Clerk Hood received nn oniclnl communication yesterday ( rom Governor Drake announcing that ho had commuted the ccntcnctfi of Fritz Dohn and Marcus Horst , who have been confined In the Avoca Jail. The men wcro running saloons In the cistern part of the county and had disregarded the conditions o ( the state liquor laws. Each was sentenced to pay a fine o ( $300 , and not having the money to square themselves , have boarded It out In J ll. They have been there slnco last February. Tht > governor announced that J200 of the flno had been remitted. This clears up the charges against them and the order was niado yesterday releasing them. Dradlcy has a flne line o ( goods to give to his customers ( or Christmas presents. Domestic soso wrappers call ( or spoons. Conuiftltlvc 1'rlr.c JJrlll. Three ot the local Odd Fellow lodges held a competitive prlzo drill In the new tcmylo last night. Each lodso had a degree team consisting of twenty-one members , who con- csted for the prize , which was a handsome and valuable silver cup. The prospects were that the contest would not bo decided before 2 o'clock. At midnight a flno banquet was spread ( or the workers and the members. Nearly 800 members of the order were pres ent to witness the drilling , The lodges send- ng competing teams were Council Bluffs No 49 , Hawkeye No. 2S-1 , and Park City No. GOO. - Hawkeye cameras , | DKUr film and plates , plato holders , tripods , proof albums and photo supplies , kept In stock at Council Uluff's Cyclery get her a camera for Xtnas. Call at Dtudley's and see what too In tends to glvo you for1 Christmas If you are a customer of the store. nil Cxtatc. CHARLES CITY , la. , Dee. 15. ( Special. ) Attorneys In the George Dexter will case have been 'In the city several days making too dlstrlbutlcci of an estate of almost $200- 000. Hamilton college , Now York , was given $18,000 ; Charles Dexter of Bcdalti. Mo. , $29- 000 ; heirs of Edgar Talman of Madison , Wls , , $11,000 ; 'American ' Ulblo and other church societies , $14,000 , and the remainder ito the wldov , ' . I1II1 Unimpiilnr. DUBUQUE , la. , Dec. 15. ( Special Tele gram. ) Congressman Henderson's bank ruptcy bill la unpopular with the country bankers of his own district. They are writ ing local bjnkcrs urging that a protest be made agalnut the provision for Involuntary bankruptcy. IIMVII I'rcNH ConimiMit. Sioux City Journal : It Is said that the re publican state central committee at Its meet ing at Des Molncs last Saturday decided to call an early state convention n.axt year. Tht date win bo some time In June. Durllngton IHawkeye : Des ( Molnes people are quite In earnest In favor of the abolition of the poll tax. This can be done. In each locality , under the new code. And It Is to be admitted that Des iMolnes Is tax-burdened. DCS Molnes Leader : The an'.l-poll tax pe titions uro still being circulated , although it Is now difficult < o flnd u man who tias not. signed one. The 'thing seems unani mous. No "divisive strife" about this pro ject. ject.Sioux Sioux City Tribune : A man with some knowledge of books and how to use 'them should be appointed llbrarla'n by Governor- elect Shaw ; It there'Is any woman who fllls these requirements her claims should be con sidered. Sioux City Tribune : Judge Clyde reusted Attorney Smalley for saying that old man Kerns got what he deserved when Delilah Fales shot him , 'but ' It I * dlinculL to ( lad how Judge Clyde's resentment In anyway modi fies the truthfulncfcs of the attorney's re marks. Sioux City Journal : "What Is the use of attacking ex-Governor AValto of Colorado , who has come to make his homo In Iowa ? So far as appears he has come to the state in good faith. He came without flourish of trumpets and has deported iilmself In a modest , honorable and altogether proper man ner. Ho la emitled to fair treatment. Marshall town Times-Republican : The re publican state campaign of the present year was managed upon the 'business ' principle of keeping expenditures within income. The state central committee has assets enough to pay all outstanding accounts. Chairman McMillan is to be commended for this as ( or his other effective and wise service in reap ing success in the late canvass. Iowa City Republican : Certain republican congressmen have como out oproly in at tack upon the government's civil service. The people of Iowa regret deeply to see the name of Hepburn1 prominently Identified with thla movement. It Is an unworthy and an unholy purpose that urges this anti-civil service movement onward cod defeat should compass every legislator who gives It counte nance. Davenport Republican : The Hon. J. J. Bruce of 'Pocahontas ' county claims that he advocated a state board of control In the Iowa legislature In 18SC and that Colonel Qatch later advocated the same In the state senate. So It Is established that the Idea of one board of control for all the state institu tions was originally a republican Idea and was simply 'borrowed ' by Governor Uoles and the democrats who framed the last state platform. Atlantic Telegraph : It to reported that some of the members of the next legislature will undertake to abolish the circle at the liend of the olllclal ballot , because some mis- tako.3 w.eie made In voting at 'the list elec tion. Ooo cause of so 'many mistakes being iiiacio at the last election Is because of the fact 'bat ' new regulations had been made In regard to casting the ballot slnco the preceding election. Most of the voters iavo now learned how to properly prenure their ballots under the now law and It had now better be let oloae. If the members have noth'Uig of more Importance than knocking the circle oft the official ballot to present they had better adjourn and go homo. Imvn .VIMVMoliM. . Small tax sales have been the rule this year. year.William William I3all was arrested at Brighton on < i chiirge of attempting to shoot bis wifeIn nn Illinois town. During the last cloven years the people of Sioux City have expended $1,835,858.49 for school purposes. Fifteen fair associations of Iowa have m > ) do the necessary allidavlts entitling them Co the $200 bonus given by the state. On a ( arm In Plymouth county 800 bushels of popcorn were grown In one field , despite the fact thU the crop was damaged by ball. Dr. J. C. Clark and his son have sued Mar shal O'Sbonnessy and Police Sergeant Downs of Sioux City ( or $15,000 damages for wrong ful arrest. The superintendent of the United States fish hatchery at Manchester secu-el 300 ttout for breeding purposes In the river at Lan sing a few days ago. A. S. Yountz , a prosperous farmer living BOVCU miles west of DCS Molnes was butted to death by a dehorned bull and his body was found In the ( ecd yard , Homer Baskett. who committed suicide In JC/IIMS / : City while Intoxicated , was burled Monfoy In Ames. Ho was born in Ames r.ud had lived there most of his life. Ac'na C , Larson has sued the Illinois Cen tral railroad at Sioux City for $1,900 damages because ot having been misinformed by an agent as to connections when she was on her way to a funeral In Mollne , 111 , M-B. William Neat of Newton died sud denly ot the city armory while acting as con ductress In an Initiatory service of Uio Wilson circle , Ladles of the Grand Army of the Re public. She had just taken her neat when she ( ell oycr dead. She leavta a husband and Uvo children , the oldest being only 18 yearn. "HC DANGER TO ijtl'fllT GROTOG Pest from tlio Pao'ft3 Ooasi Invades Iowa Orchards. _ i i.i . TREES THREATENEtVWITH ) TOTAL RUIN II U State Horticultural' ' 'Society n Committee to A nit for I.rit Intlvo Aid to kvlpriiiliiutc ttlu lllNCCt. DES MOINES , Dec. IB. ( Special Telegram. ) Iowa's standing as a fruit producing state , now fast becoming known as c o o ( the high est In the west , Is threatened with almost total destruction within the next ( ow years , together with an Immense prcuerty loss , uc- cording to reports made At today's meeting of the State Horticultural society. The ( ore- noon was devoted largely to consideration of reports on the San Jose BMle. They came ( rom all r rts of the state , special efforts having been made to secure accurate and ( jfnpleto presentations. The scale la an In sect , originally found In California , which has recently got cast. It Infests orchards , In creasing prodigiously and killing trees. Its attempted extermination has cost an Immense sum In California , without success. It Is found that the Insect Is well established In Iowa and spreading fast. Already It has done Immense damage to orchards , and the soslety concluded that unless Us spread Is checked at once , It will destroy the orchard- Ing Industry. Hon. Silas Wilson of Atlantic , president of the National Nurserymen's as sociation , was made chairman of a committee to eecuro legislative aid In exterminating the pest. Sttos will bo taken by the society to have every tree-owner Informed about the Insect and means for Its extermination. The officers were elected tonight as fol lows : President , C. F. Gardner , Osage ; vice president , M. J. Wragg , AVaukeo ; secretary and librarian , Gcc < rgc II. Van Houtcn , Lenox ; treasurer. AV. 1M. Weinberger , Harlan. Di rectors , Second district , A. Branson , Now Sharon ; Fourth dlbtrlct , Wesley Green , Dav enport ; Sixth district , A. L. Plummer , Ivy ; Eighth district , R. P. Speer , Cedar Falls ; Tenth district , P. F. Klrmc , Storm Lake ; Twelfth district , Eugene Secor , Forest City. NOVAK CASE AGAIN. Chief Justice Klnno of the supreme court listened all the afternocn to arguments In the habeas corpus case of Murderer Frank A. Novak. The application was made to secure consideration of the claim that the ball fixed by the district court Is excessive. Judge Burnham named $37,500 as the bond pending appeal. Novak , represented by Attorney Tom Mllner , urged that this Is prohibitive , and that It should be reduced. The defense , rep resented by E. L. Boles , held that the law makes murder In any degree a tionballablo cltcnse. The case presented Is curious. The now code In one section provides that ull crimes exccut murder In the first degree and treason shall be bailable. In another section It states that murder In no degree shall be bailable. The court , will have to take Its choice , Judge Klnrio1 said when the argu ments were done that the point was so deli cate ho would not decide without conference with the full bench. H6 promised a deter mination Saturday. Meantime Novak la In jail at Vinton. The Iowa State Sheriffs' association met here today. The convention unanimously passed a resolution endorsing Warden Mad den of the Anamosa iind Warden Jones ot the Fort Madison penitentiaries for re-election. The legislative committee will be given In structions tomorrow , ' probably to seek changes In the ( ee laws by which sheriffs will bq bolter cared for. "President E. Narey of Spirit L'akp will not bo 'a candidate ( or re election , and W. C. Da\'enport ' of Sloux.CIty arid J. F. Thompson' of'Jefferson rre the can didates , with Davenport leading though there Is opposition because1 'he Is president of the Interstate Sheriffs' association. SHAW GOES HOME. Governor-elect and Mrs. Shaw left tonight for their home after two days In town. Mr. Shaw made no announcements of appoint ments , but before going said he would name a dairy commissioner probably on Friday. L. S. Gates of Manchester Is expected to be ap- , poluted. Another conference was held with ] the library trustees over the librarianshlp. I I which resulted In no decision. It was agree. ! I i that the applications and Indorsements of all the candidates shall be submitted by Mr. Shaw to the other trustees , and that they shall after examination write their determi nations to , him ; ( rom the vote thus taken ho will announce the decision.- This Is re garded as a pretty safe determination In fa vor of Brigham. Colonel W. II. Thrift of Dubuque came today with a delegation to push his case for adjutant general. He Is becoming a promising candidate. He has a war record of over three years. He enlisted from Boone In the Sixteenth Iowa when ho was 13 years 9 months old and served three years , being once severely wounded. Ho was the youngest man In the army when ho en1 1 listed. Ho was the organizer and for many , years captain of the Governor's Grays , the famous Dubuque compny which wes known all over the country. Cattle TlileC OTTTJMWA , Dec. 15. ( Special Telegram. ) "Llttlo" Arthur Courtney of Mount Plctas- ant , who Is now serving tlmo at Fort Madi son for wholesale cattle stealing In Henry coqnty , which covered a period of several years , has confessed In prison acid 'Implicated his cousin , "Big" Arthur 'Courtnsy ' , ono of that county's prominent farmers. With the confession at hand the grand Jury yesterday Indicted "Bis" ArUiur. In his confession Courl'.ioy gives the details of the crimes which ho committed ! and' the number of cattle - tlo stolen , which amounted to several thcu- sanl dollars , "Little" Artijtir owed "Big" Arthur Courtney $2,000 on a farm which the former purchased of the latter and ho would steal cattle and drive Uiem to his cousin's place , where they were turned In on the debt. HOOTS HAS HOMU CIIIUIBNCY PL.AXS. \Vouli1 VHI > Silver UN 11 HUMN | of Jlnnlt I.VotVN. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 15. Hon. T. T * . Roots of Connorsvlllo , Ind. , who was a candidate for the position of United States treasurer , r.niJ who was chairman of the committee which framed the call for the monetary con vention held at Indianapolis , asserts that several of the suggestions In President Mc- Klnloy's message andSecretary Gage's rcc- ommcridatlon to coppjcas on the currency and banking questlpns , were embodied as early as December 18J189C , In an article written by him , andlnoat of Itwas approved by Secretary Sherman , The following Is part of the article written Jiy Mr. Roots : As to the national "bnnlts , If u flfty-year bom' ' at 2 per cent were Issued us the basis of banking circulation and ttie banks nro sermltted to Issue to the par value of their bonds , tnko tlm tax off the circulation nnd permit banks ot a .capital of JM.OOO to organize , It would accelerate the ( ormatlon of banks throughout the country und wo would not hear of the banking question for years to come. Mr. Hoots further .suggests that silver bo made the basis of the national banking circu lation Instead of United States bonds , and at its market value ; that the banks bo permitted To Any Reliable Man. Utrreloui uppllnnroandrna roontli' rcmodlej of ruru punirwiil tu tent on tilui , without any adutnctjnvmti t , tir IbB Jnrerauit ontnpjnf In I lie world In tnu trfatiuriit ot turn fnk , biuken , ( lli- courueod tram cflfcu nf rxrcic > , norrv , otcr- norlc. Ac. llappr ui rrl"B rrcured. c < ncplcle toratlunor ilo > elu | > niciitur nil rubuti cunaltlunt. The time of tlilt offer U Ilinlird. Nn c. O. I > . ahemttt no deceptlouj no cxiviiurp. Arid'CM CD 1C UCniOai PR ' NJAQAKA ST. , tnlfc mtUluAL UU , . UUPI'ALO.N.Y. to Issue DO per rent In notes against the silver deposited nnd tlint 10 ptr cent be held to pro tect the notes so Issued from the decline In silver and that a tax ot 1 per cent annually bo levied on the banks to protect the Issue , and that the Rovcrnmcnt Rimmnteo the notes nnd ity the banks 2 per cent p.r nnnum In terest for the silver so deposited , These sus tentions have been submitted by Mr. Houls to H. SI , Hacina , chairman of the executive commlttco of tlio monetary conference , and they will be presented to the committee on banking In the houso. i HAT uucn.vr AIWAIK AT HAYTI. o ( by n ( ioriiinu ( Itiubual. NEW YOniC , Dec. 15. The Dutch line steamer Oranjo Nasaati , Captain Nybor , nr- rlvt-a yesterday from port mi Prince , Haytl , Docpinber 9. At the 'time ot sailing the acnnan echool ships Charlotte ncj Stein were In port , aa well ns the American cruissr Jiarblehcad nnd one French war vca- sol. The Oranjo Nassau arrived t > i the Hay- tlan capital on the evening of December 8 , the same ovcnlng the Oermnii war vessels anchored In the hnr.bor. It was learned by those on 'board the Oranjo Nassau that the i commander ot the German warship had given the iUyUan authorities but four I hours In which to pay the Indemnity In the Leudcrs aftalr. The tlmo had almost expired when the whlto S\Rg \ was observed flying from the president's palace. A Hay- tlan officer had been despatched with the Indemnity , a small sloop convoying him alongside the German warship. The officer was compelled to clamber up the warship's sldo as 'beat ' ho could , without oven the cour tesy of a gangway being opened for him. The Indemnity was handed > ; o the comman der of the German ship , who dismissed the Hayllan ofllclal with ) very llttlo courtesy. Ono of the officers of the Oranjo Nassau gave an account of the exciting scones that transpired whllo his ship was at Port au Prince. "The greatest excitement prevailed throughout the Haytlan capital over the ar rival of the German ships. It being known wide and far that .they had como to enforce the demands ot Germany. "la the atacnce of an American man-of- war ( the M.irblohea'di had. not then arrived ) , the Haytlans , who talk1 French almost ex- CiUit'lvcly , were of the opinion that the com mander of the. French ehlp might side with them and Insist that the question at Issue bo left to arbitration. Nothing of the kind occurred , however. "GermEti ships gave the Haytlans four hours to pay the Indemnity , a notification of Intention to bombard the town at the ex piration or that time accompanylnR the de mand. The ultimatum was formally pre sented to President Sam of the Hay t Ian re public , by the comir.codcr of the Stein , who took with him to the palace seven or eight ot the Stein's ofllcers. "When It became generally known that the German ships would 'begin ' to flre on the city at the end ot four hours unless some guaranty of satisfaction was made , a seml- oHlc'al statement was scattered broadcast that President Sam ha < Ji cdnouneed lib In tention to fight the matter out. Fearing bloodshed , hundreds ot families fled td the mountains , taking wltli them their valuables. The grog houses were closed to the public , and to this fact Is attributed the preserva tion of order. "Many who were unable to fly to the moun tains embarked on small boats and loft the harbor to get out of reich of the German guns. Everybody seemed thoroughly fright ened. The Charlotte's decks were cleared for action and Us guns were trained on ths center of Port au Prince. "Tho four liouro had almost expired when tlio citizens were surprised to see a white ( lag hoisted on the president's palace , nnd presently an ofllcer left the share In a sloop and went alongside the Charlotte with the Indemnity. Arriving there , It was found that no ladder had been put down to permit him to get on board and the courier had to climb totio _ ) deck of the ship as best he could. It was a clear display qf discourtesy , to say the least. The official and the German com mander then exchanged signatures , and the latter offered the courier a glass of wine , which was refused. "Hero the incident ended and the citizens returned to their homes from the mountains and eea. There was general dissatisfaction , over the flag of truce when wo came away. The more bold of the citizens wanted to fight. I am not surprised to hear that the ministry stepped down and out since we left the capital. " JlcntliH uf a Dixy. LONDON , Dec. 15. General Sir Henry Lynedoch Gardiner is dead. Sir Henry Lyne- doch Gardiner , who had been slnco the early part of last year commandant of the horse artillery , was born In 1S20. He was a son of Genoal : Sir Hobert Gardiner , was educated attho Royal Military academy , Woolwich , and entered the royal artillery In 1837 , serving at Prcscott. Cani.da , In that year , and In .the Canadian rebellion the the yoir following. Ho was raised to the rank of major during the Indian mutiny , and held that of assistant general from 18G2 to 1867. In 1861 he was on the toyal commission on defense of Canada as a lieutenant colonel. LONDON , Dec. 1C. Sir William Edward Maxwell , goveiuor and commander in chief of the gold coast since 1S95 died at sea whllo oft Grand Canary island en route for Eng land. Ho had had several attacks of fever whllo on thn gold coast. MANKATO , Minn. , Dec. 15. Hon. J. II. Willard , the well known banker , died sud denly today. Last Saturday nn operation WIIH pel formed for strangulated hernia and lie tlid not revive. On November 10 .Mr. Wllluul I'hPlcncil Cor J1.SCO.CO > and had alnco resigned nil tlio olllccH he lield In various inleiprlspH , His business ventures were spatured all over the northwcct , lut chieliy In Mmikuto , Dulutli and other MIn- Ili'f.UtU CltlPH. of u Dux. HOWARD , S. D. , Dec. 15 , ( Special Tele gram. ) .Flro brcko out In the basement of tuo Episcopal church at 3 p. 111. The fierce gale fanned It beyond ihope of fnlvatlon , onJ In ten minutes' ISio church was totally destroyed. It cost , Includ'.og the furniture , $5,000. IneuruO for $1.500 , iKiiori'N Wellington' * Cliiirj.v < 'H. "BALTIMORE " , Dec. If , The siaml Jury today Ignored the Indictment against Gen eral Kellx Aftnus on the charge of crni..i- nlly libelling Senator George L. Wellington In we American on the morning of Novem ber 20 The action of the praml * jury doeH itnay with the proceedings .far . thH term of court at least. Senator Wellington also lllcd In the superior court a civil Bull for $1.00.- COO damages against General Agnus. This IB still psndlng. i ' S15XVTOII AVOI.COTT RPR IKS TOIIIV , Will Olvp ItcAtilln nf UU IMnniiclnl ItcKt-nrclirn Abrnnil. WASHINGTON , Doc. 15.-It Is expected that Senator Wolcott will explain to the senate and the country tomorrow his recent mission , to Europ * as the hold ot the bime tallic commission. Ho will do this In a speech which he will deliver In the senate In response to the resolution Introduced lo , day by Senator Allen calling for a report from ths commlwlon. Mr. Wolcott and his colleacucs on the commission had studiously retrained from a public dlscuulon ot the details ot 'their ' work , and there Is 11111011 Interest manifested among senators as to what he may say. Si'ttntp In Hxrculive Sc-sxlon. WASHINGTON , Dec. 15. In the executive session ot the senate today n treaty between this country nnd Mexico , extending for n year the time for making the boundary line btwcen the two countries , was tccelved ar.d referred to the committee on forolsn relations without being read. The various recess nominations sent to the ? ennto today were also referred to the proper commit tees. \ JOHNSON WANTS AX OMAHA CI.UI1. rt ( if XVcNtoru IcnK c I.ooUn TiMvuril tlu * Onto Clly. CHICAGO , Doc. l.-Speclnl ( TclcKram.- ) Proildent Johnson of the Western Uasi > Hull league announces that the coming special moctlng wilt bn held In Chicago next Satur day morning. Mr. Johmon said : "At this meeting wo shall probably decide which city will secure the eighth franchise , formerly icld by Grand ItapUH DCS Molncs , i think , will not bo considered , nnd It Is un- Ikoly that Chicago will get the , plum. Omaha la liable to bo the lucky city. " Scrlc-N ot IIiMiillinll CUIIIOH. NDW VOUK , Dee. 15. In Phil Casey's hand ball court today there wns n flno series of games In which 1'hll Casey , the former world's champion , nnd William Carney of Chicago , the protein world's champion t James FltzRernid , cnnmplon of Ireland , nnd Jnmco Dunim Jr. , nn nmntcur , ( Acre the contestants. The match was to bo the best three In live games and was arranged to bring Carney and Fitzgerald out for prac tice They met lust year for the fhnmplon- Bhlp nnd will meet again this yeur , Kaeh team won two tnmcs. Kniiitlnu'N ( Sroiit Sli INDIANAPOLIS , Doc. 15. The Grand Central handicap was the cloalhB event of the Limited Gun club's live bird tourna ment. which has been on for four days. J. S Fanning of California shot through the match without losing n bird nnd was declared the winner. Ed , Fulford nnd Charlie Budd tied for second place. Fan ning Is on his llrst trip east. KciniiMly OlNlociiU'H Ills Slum 111 of. CLEVELAND. O. , Doc. 15. Hilly Kennedy of this eity and Fr ldy Green of Tnlmln warn to have fought 'fifteen rounds before the Gold CMlno Athletic club this evening , but Kennedy dislocated his shoulder In the third round nnd WAS counted out. The match mtis even up to that time. Mll-ll < < > UllllIIKC IllllllltlUIKlllx. INDIANAPOLIS , 1ml. , Dec. 13. Itobert G. Allen , .who . pl.iycil shortstop for Boston last year , has signed a contract to manage the iHdlnnapo''s club In 1SOS. Allen will play at shortllcld. Oxford Drfrnts LONDON , Dec , 15. In the foot ball match at the Queen's club today Oxford pcored two tries and Cambridge nothing The weathei WHH beautiful and there- was a Intfit- crowd present. I.ottio Lorraine Sold. DANVILLE , Ky. , Dec. 15-The well known pacing mare , Lottie Lorraine , 2:05 : % , was sold today by Cecil Brothers to S. M. Tuthlll of New York for ? 2.(03. .IcukliiN KnouUn Out Smith. SPRINGFIELD , O. , Dec. n. John Jen kins of this city knocked out Harney Smith of Cincinnati In a glove fight In the alxth round. 1'1'OvlnloiiM for tin PORTLAND , Ore. , Dec. 13. The Klondike relief .committee 'of the Portland Chamber of Commerce has secured pledges for moro than 100 tons of provisions. Yesterday the committee advertlssd for volunteers to ac company the expedition to Dawson. and the headquarters were besieged by applicants today , many of whom have , spent scvfr.i yenrs In Alaska. The committee has offered to the War department the services of a pufllclcnt number of men to transport thu supplies into the Klondike. Soil KnllM from Grace. KANSAS CITY" . Dec. 13. Tyler M. Gibbu of Waylnnd , N. V. , son of a wealthy mer chant In , that town , was flntd1 $100 In police court today for a bold attemnt to rob Kd- wln Austin , a mlnlnc broker. BSon'ft Stop Tobacco Kaddrnlr IIDI ] ruck the nrm Tile lUlO.ll RO , Hi * onlj rure vhllfl n.lDtf ( obatto. 30c orpt Loir * . B Loirn or of uo. -Gently Woans. AM ) M\HJ. CO. , ta I roiip. > TI DR. G. WEST'S HERVE AND TREATMENT t THE oniQIIML , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , Iseoldunilor positive Written flunrnutce , by nnthorlzed nsents only , to euro Weak Memory , Uizzinosa. Wakofulncpp , rite , Hyotoriu , ( Juicjc. DOBS , Nialit LOGSCB , Kvil Dreams , lnck of Coull. donco , NorvouanesB , LaBsltndo , all Drains , Youth ful Errors , or Excessive UPO of Tobacco , Oplnm , or Liqaor. which leads to Misery , ConBumntlon , Insanity nnd Death. At etoro or by mail , $1 o tors six for ? 5 ; with v/rltten punrnutco to euro or refund mnnpy. SminiiloimcU- nse , containing CTO days' treatment , fltll full Instruotions , 25 couta. Ore oamplo only sola to each person. At toroorbymoil. "flcd Label Special Extra Sliongth. i For Irapotency , Lous ot' ' Power , Loet Manhood , Btorilit ? or Darrifnnepa - n boii eix tor ai ! , will ; Cimrcnici di-jc. Atctori Myers nlllnn Druir Co , , 8. E. Cornel lOtli mul Knrnniii tilM. . Oiiinliii , Null. i % MANHOOD RESTORED CUPIDGHE" ercm Vegetable T * A linn nl a famoui French uliyelcluti , will quickly c [ iu nuritiri i' * A iii ui 'M * i. - v . . . i , . oys and the urinary organs oJ all Impurities. Sol Turf'SriRTnSeuSVb ' ? ? l&w " tocurowllliouluuoptrntlon. bSSSSfnln.ty P ecnt are trouble. MOOimllmonl. ' rrlth \Vfm ? aUl'inBKUIithumily knownlemrdy . ! 'on SVrnntHcel7on n1 money rclurnbd If til bozes doej net ellecl a. pcruiuuont cure. wr | . lonboBliKl ? } m.r \ roalU HenUfonrunuclrcilnriindteatlmonlata. . * ft Av'l4 : ilICINBC . .P.aaoxaoza.BanP uiclLco.Cal tbrSalet. " Dillon Druic Co. , S. 13. Corner Jdlh ntul I'urnum SU. , Oinnlin , JV ' 1 . SOMETHING REAL GOOD ( FOUR PLAVOI13) ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. Made for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY p < * # John G. Woodward & Co. , VliolcHuIo Alanufacturlnt ; Cunfuctioncru. Council Bluffs , la. TOILET ND BATH requirements are perfectly met In Wool Soap. There may bo more expensive soans , but none Better. / / it ab- soltittlrpurt. For tlic bath It Is pleasant , sooth * Inpnnd delight' lul. lul.There's There's only one soap that won't shrink woolens. You must CllOOSe be- My Mama Uaoi and TANFREGKLESAHDSOHBURH ctmct from fine ftnturcs. The dnlly USD nt VooUbury'B l-'nclnt Honii , 1'nclal Onnm mill "nclul I'owdcr will Kltilor Hie complexion clear , oft , mul lioiuilltul. A Minp'.c of mcli of Wood. ur > ' racial Sanp , 1'nclnl Crrain , Knclnl 1'owdcr lul Dental Crcnm , MiUk-lcnt for three weeks' u.'e , nnllnl on iccelnt of 20c. Tlio lenulnr elze roM \crywhcre. 25c. JOHN II , WOCMMJUUY , Der matologist , in West il St. . N. Y. RtniL 3 2 AND 3M UROADWAV. The largest. Establishment in the west. Prices the Lowest V\e arc -llrcd liiiiinrtera from Krnnre lliifrlanj and ficrinnny. taxing jou the mliUllcmnn or Jobber's profit We offer you oxlinurdlnary In- iluccmcntt prices iih-olutcly limcr thnn else where , anil assort incnt umnatchalilc LAMPS rroin 23 ? to $50.00 HiuiiU .1110 Ked : llnlbli nnd Onyx banquet lamps. ! J W ) r.i.-lt. D1NNK11 WAUB 31 stock patterns from which you con buy anything } ouunt without buying u coiniilcto set. luo-plccc inillFli J'orcc- laln Dlnnvr SclH peed quality RUUI ! ilpo.irailons , 5i.3. ( 100-plcce Rrccn nnd sold ilecorution line UiiRllMi iHiixelnln , $10.00. UOIjTS"o pluill rrpo.it our uranl rurtom ol closhifT out ull ilolli left In our wludcsn'o ' Ucp.i t. mcnt at ttrlctly Wliok-fale I'rln-d JIanj of out customers who ha\o lioiinlit ilolls from us dii Inj the past tl.rcc yours will tciUIfy tlinl our prlcci are ICFS than oiiC'hnlf t.ic UHUU ! pi Ices A nnpp CL-T IN CUT CHVSTAlA- We nro FelllliK the finest qunllty of Cut Olass at I Hilly one-thl"d less than any coinpclltlon ; for In stance : A 10-Inch cut bowl , In deep rich cut- tliiK. each , J7.75. Water liottles. In the new Tear Bhiipc , and new PrUm or Co tmlal Cutting , each , J4.00. Tumblers In the new and bountiful Prism CuttlnK , Ooz. JS73. All the best prade of Ameri can Cryttal. There are none better made. All other Cut Glass In the Fame propoitlon. STKHLINQ Sll Vint In no\elllcs anil wares for the table. l.'UKt'ft Hock-111 the city : uiJ prices are far the louept. StcilIiiK Silver Hair Brushes , Kood ones , each , only JS.i'U Stcrllns Silver 1'omailc or Ointment Jaia. each 30c Habbll'n Keet , Sllxer mounted. 15c each KMep , and a bis line of novelties , each , SOc. All other Roods In precisely the flame proportion. Stcr- HnB Silver Table Ware from the best makers and In the latent Ucelcns , at moderate prl < OF rijATHI ) WAIin In the l > cM makes at unus ually low prices Clialllni ; Dishes and I'uddlne DI'licB In lurgu variety. CI'TI.naV From the cheapest Plated Knife at 42'fco to the Illicit Ivoiy , pearl or Hlcrllnit Silver. CAHVINO SnTS Firm n ( rood Slntr Horn at 76c to ( he finest of Mlvcr. A beauty In a Three- Piece P nrl Can IIIK Pet. In c.ipe , } 77u. KODAKS The entire KaFtman line nt factory prices. No inods ; made that will equal them. Prices from Jl.'JO upvvarusVn also have cheaper maltes as. low as $3.CO lor 3Hx'JU picture Wo are also fole agents for the new telt-tonlntr ] > : > per Try It ; It Is n curies ? . lleforo liuylnu your liolMny presents look thiouRh our largo line , It will save you money. Visitors nnd purchasers equally welcome. : U2iirul 34 J I3rouihvay , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Mount Vertioti PURE RYE Owing to its fine , full , mellow flavor , tliiB whiskey commands the high est price in barrolH ( to wholesale deal ers ) of any brand now on the market , and I * the basin of most of the bottled tled blended whiskey now socxtonsivoly advertised. Bottled at tlio Distillery wltli nn absolute Uuarnnty of Purity and Original Coiidltlou Tlio consumer bnyintr this tbo only illstllliiiy nottllna of MOUNT VKI1NON ( lit SOUARIlllottlc-t , each hcnrlnc the Numbered - tlio lilsh- bered Onarniity Lnball-M-ciiriw oit uniiluof 1'uiu Hyo WlilnUuy In Its iiiitur.il oniMUlloii niitlrnly fioo from adulteration vvllliuhciip Hplrlls mul flavorings , FOR MEDICINAL USE It lies tlio ItidniHOiiiunt of Iliu must ( imminent physicians lirou ! liout thn United HtatcH. I''or Hulo by All llf lliiblu Du TUB COOK ( i UKRNIII'.IMBIt CO , New York Solo AuuiitH for tbo Hulled Htntct * JOHN LINUHIlt SolcWcstern A cilt Couti.lt Ululfri , 1.1 , DR. L , E. ROE , * - * > DENTIST Ilonni IJlvrrliim ! Illiiuli , Tal < Klevator. VOUnSELFI for uno tur4 , InOimratlloni , Irritation * or ulceritlou of inqnua > nirmbioDM. i'ulaleu , ami not uttln. . " or l- r . .at la IT ipnn , srttiii ) . tet f.to. or 1 batlUi , ti.1t. real'jr i * * SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. > M/ /\A'tA/v-krwvxwvruxny % vvswv > JvVKM.lNOa , I'JtlJlT , TAllll ANIJ QAItOKN lands ( or ealo or rent. > ny & llcia. XI 1'enrl MONliY TO I/AN-llEDUgin ItATB ON nmt-claii Inipraycil farm * nna Intlde city tiroperiy. Api < ly to Jin , N , Canady , jr. , 2l iluln Bi. Initruclloni. AILln Iluiter , ttuJln S8 Uroidwuy. Herman method of DfCB'len Contervatory. } . \V. BQUinii. CITY AND FAHM I/iANB. BAM3. AT A IIAHOAIN. A 8MALL BUT well tslubtUhed and rrmuner tlve tntrcantll * Blnen. Inoulre of D. W. Ot ! ( , U ) V w ' , Council Illuffs , U. . ,