Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1897, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 THE O1MAIT-A PATLY SUN DAT , irEOEMBIStt 13. 1807.
Third Debutante of the Season Makes Her
Kourlli llml Id Mill.- HIT UHitit Dtir-
IllK I In- CoillhiurViU VII
Tli In if" Point III mi Ew
of CttiCI ) .
With the approach ot the holidays , local
P ocloty Is more brisk thnn ever , steadfastly
I refusing to take any -vacation In order to
prepare Christmas gifts , or other old things ,
During the week Just closed there have
been several events that have been marked
With red crosses by the gay followers of
society. The week has given to society Its
third dcbutantu In the , person ot Miss Mona
Martin , the charming daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Euclid Martin , The first masked danc
ing party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs ,
lidward Porter Peck was an unmistakable
success , and will probable form a precedent
to bo numerously followed during the winter.
There have been fewer dinner parties and
luncheons than uauat , but the everlasting
teas ha'vc ' gene on apace. additional
functions In honor ) of a popular young bride
have emphasized the fact that she had re
turned to Omaha. Another whist club has
been formed , and the number of card parties
recorded in the annals of the wosk proves
that there are others.
The coming week will bring forth the
fourth bud of the season. 'Miss ' Mabel Barber
will make ; her bow to local society at a tea
to be given by her mother on Wednesday
afternoon. It promises to be an auspicious
event , as It should bo to welcome such a
fair young debutante to the * realms of so-
lety. A musical at the Kountza mansion
tomorrow evening will bo ono of the swell
events of the week , and there are enough
smaller functions scheduled to fill In the
spare moments very happily ,
The cold weather has quite stopped the de
lightfully Jaunta of the Riding club and
called a halt on golf. With these outdoor
sports at an end , , the younger members of
society are ready for another fall of snow
In order that they may enjoy more sleighing ,
and possibly tobogganing , for Dame1 Society
has about made up her mind that It will bo
all right for her daughters to enjoy the
sports of the Ice Carnival at the Exposition
grounds , If they bundle up good and warm
and take along their chaperoncs.
On Friday evening the senior class of the
High echcol very pleasantly entertained Us
friends with u farce , followed by dancing ,
The acting was quite creditable , but there
was ono little side play tlwt was equal to
the whole show. It wcs expressed In a
very few words , but It was quickly appre
ciated , by the amllonco nnd , proved to be the
hit of the evening. A bit of rfinlnlscence
Is necessary for explanation. About a year
ago private theatricals came terribly near
feeing altogether tabooed at the High
school. This was all on account of a certain
play that called for the actual smoking of
a cigar and the kissing of the heroine by
the hero. The play given on Friday night
related to a chafing dish party , and It was
quite necessiry that a bottle of beer bo In
cluded In the property list , as all who are
familiar with the products of the chafing
dish are willing to aver that a Welsh rarebit
without beer Is "flat , stale and unprofita
ble. " In the play of Frlduy night no little
amusement was afforded the audience- when
one of the scholastic players took up a
bottle bearing a familiar beer label , and
asked the pretty girl : "Won't you have a
glass oj milk ? " And suiting the action to
his words , then and there poured out a
glass ot milk. No diagram was necessary
to , explain the hit.The audience caught on
'in good style. If the High school players
exhibit this much concern about their moml
conduct throughout the season there la but
little doubt that they will bo allowed to give
all iho plays they desire.
Cultivation of the art of guessing seems
to have made Itself manifest in the various
society functions about town during tbo last
week. At one afternoon function time was
parsed very pleasantly by the attempt of
the guests to name the titles of certain airs
that were played on the piano. Although
most of the airs played were Identical with
those one hears whistled by the boys on the
streets every day , It Is a singular fact that
the majority of the women present couldi not
name half of the pieces played. This sug
gests that they are Inclined toward classical
nuslc : only. Yet It Is a fact that ono picks
up a popular air and whistles and hums It
whenever opportunity affords , yet he or she
cannot. It suddenly called upon , give the
title of that same song. It Is a noteworthy
fact that those whoso lives are devoted to
music are 'the ones who can name the fewest
of selections , both classical and -popular ,
upon the spur of the moment. Another form
of guessing contests that has recently been
widely adopted .by hostesses Is that of pre
senting to an assemblage the pictures of
prominent men and women of the world
statesmen financiers , authors , composers ,
Journalists and other distinguished person
ages 'with the object of learning how many
of the guests can name the men and women
whose "counterfeit presentments" are ex
hibited. In a recent contest ot this character
at ono of the fashionable homes of the city
the greater number of guests present at a tea
fell down completely , not even- being able
to recall " the familiar countenances of Daniel
Webster. Itobert 13. Leo , John A. Logan ,
Prlnco Bismarck , George W. Clillds and a
number ot other celebrities.
Afternoon MiiNlcnle.
In honor of a number of visiting friends of
Mcsdames Henry Hlller and Harry May an
aCternoon muslcalo and1 an , evening rece-p-
tlon were given on Thursday In the hand
some flew homo of 'Mr. ' Henry Hlller , 3521
( Flirnam street. In the aftcruocu tiio host
esses were assisted In receiving by 'Mrs. '
RIegoIman ot DCS RIoincs , Mrs. Sherman of
DCS Molncs and M'lss Lobman of this city.
The parlora weio prettily decorated , Ameri
can .Beauty roacs prevailing In the floral dec-
ora'tlons. ' About fifty guests were In attend
The principal amenity of the afternoon was
In the guessing of the titles of popular airs
that were played on the plan ? . The first
prlzo was won by Mrs. Albert Heller , who
guessed the correct titles of nineteen of the
( twenty selections plajcd , Mrs. Morltz Meyer
guessed seventeen of the titles and wen the
second prize. Mrs. Berg was awarded the
booby prize. The first prize waa a framed
plcturo ot eight of the leading eompcBors ;
the second prize was a Dresden figure , and
the booby prlzo was a silver buttonhook ,
After cddltlorul music by Miss Jessie Lob-
miu and Mrs , Klcgclnvin un elaborate luncli-
jjou was served.
In 'thu evening about a score ot young folks
assembled In the same pallors , There was
music by Mr. and Mrs. Tiuynor ot Council
lllutrs and by Mrs , Ulcgelnian and 'Miss ' Lobi
nun. A similar contest to that of the after-
Tt-o Royal is tlio ( rightist grade baking powder
known. Actual to ls iliow It ( joes ono-
tblrd further than any other brand.
Absolute/ ) Pure
IMYAI IAKIHCI rowoc * CO. , new on .
noon was won ( by 'Miss ' Welt ot Burlington ,
la biter a supper ot many courses was
Dolinl of JIlNi Jlnini Mnrlln.
Tlio largest , and In mi-y respects the
most elaborate , reception of the present sen-
eon was that given byMrs. . Euclid Martin to
Announce the debut Into loci ) society ot her
c In mi-Ing daughter , Mies Mona Martin , on
Tuesday afternoon. The spacious home of
.M. ' . ti'tl Mrs. Martin , at 350S Jackson street ,
was well nigh transformed Into a conserva
tory , so numerous were 4he floral offering *
of the friends of the hud. Over 300 roses ,
nearly nil ot the stately American Beauty
type , and a numerous display ot carnations
and cbrysanUaomums greeted the guests In
the parlors.
These 'who received with Mrs. Martin end
Miss 'Martin ' were : 'Mlxs Ann * Shlverlck and
Mcsdames ( Archibald Love , Carroll S. Mont
gomery , Ten Eyck , Fcilda and Alfred Noyes.
Mlfs Martin was prettily gowned In white
organdlo over whlto satin , trimmed with
whlto silk applique. 'Mr ' * . Martin wore a
gown of brocaded aiiiln w It'll point Inco and
diamonds. Miss Shlvcrlck were blue organ
die trimmed with lace. These who presided
over the coffee table were : Mesdamcs Henry
T. Clarke. George W. Holdrege , Charles T.
Smlti and Andrew J. Hunt and Mlsa Amy
Barker. The tea table contained some rare
specimens ot old china and was presided
over by Mesdiimes Frank P. Klrkcndall and
Frank P. Jol'nson. Miss Bartlctt presided
over tuo punch bowl. During the afternoon
300 guesrts paid their compliments to the
hostess and her fair debutante.
l'liiiNiiri > H nf Hit * Wei-k.
Miss Webster gave a tea for Mm. Gulou on
Mlsa Kountzo entertained at luncheon for
Mrs. Arthur I' . Otilou on Tuesday.
Mrs. A. D. Carpenter entertained n num
ber of friends on Thursday and Saturday
, Mrs. C. Hevan Oldfleld entertained at tea
yesterday afternoon for a number of young
society folk.
> Mlss Minnie Chapman , at 2-122 Charles
street , entertained a few friends at a card
party on Friday evening.
Miss Tlcrncy , at her homo , 2124 Durdetto
street , entertained a few friends at cards
on Tuesday , During the evening refresh
ments wcro served.
The 'Misses ' HutU- and Alice Wollcr enter
tained at a charming chafing dish supper on
Monday evening In honor of Miss Alice
Slaughter of Lincoln.
Mrs. A. T , Hector entertained a few friends
pleasantly at whist on Friday evening In
honor of her guest , Miss llertha Tongue ,
daughter of Congressman Tongue of 1'ort-
Innd , Ore.
On Monday evening. Miss Lillian Bushman
entertained the S. 13. D. club at her home ,
Twenty-seventh and Mason streets. Music ,
games nnd other amenities were succeeded
by a supper.
Mr. John B. Miller was very pleaaantly
surprised by a 'number ' ot hla many friends
at his homo , 2629 Charles street , December
4. Games were Indulged In until a late hour ,
when refreshments were served.
Mrs. G. H. Kelly gave a very enjoyable
konslngton at her home , 1917 Wirt'street ,
last Wednesday afternoon. The first prlzo
was won by ( Mrs. W. F. Scott of Chicago and
the second by 'Mrs. ' Robert MoEacheron.
Mis. John Drlscoll entertained the South
Side Whist club on Tuesday afternoon la a
charming manner. The first prize , a volume
of "Modern Scientific Whist , " was won by
Mrs. Marty ; the second , a handpaintcd china
tray , by Mro. Hall.
The house of Mr. t.nMrs. . Fred W. Kuehn
at 808 South Twenty-third street wao taken
posscc'slcm of , on the occasion of their twen
tieth wedding anniversary by a large circle
of frlonds. The hours were spent pleasantly
and the table was set with a bountiful re
The Forest Hill Whist club mot Wednes
day night at the residence of Mrs. George W.
Llnlngoi1. Prizes were won by Mesrtamea
Coinlah , Dougherty and Barker. Mrs. Bruce ,
who entertains the club next week , has post
poned the date from Wednesday to Thursday ,
December 1C.
Miss Manchester gave a chrysanthemum
luncheon on Thursday In honor of her
cousin , Mrs. C. W. McConnell of Cranford ,
N. J. Covers were laid for six : c McaJames
McCoimoll , Ralph Blttlnger , William F.
Denny , Charles L. Gyger , Misses Thomas
and Manchester.
Mra. Benjamin Baker and Mrs. O. H ,
Wlrth entertained the C. A. L. Card club at
the residence of the former on Wednesday
afternoon. The first prize , a handsome gold
bonbon spoon , was won by Mrs. J. W. Shank
and the seconii prlzo , cut glass salt and peppers -
pors , by 'Mrs. ' R. li. Mctoalf.
"An Evening with Holmes" was given by
the Newman. Reading circle last Tuesday
evening , at the residence of Mr. John Rush.
Miss Rush read an original poem , and selec
tions from the "Autocrat , " Miss Annie
Ruah , n critique ot his works. Several
other selections closed a-n. enjoyable evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Elsasser entertained
the Gomnethllchklrt High Flvo club last
Tuesday at their home. Mrs. G. B. Dake
and , Mr. Peter TJlsasser won the first prizes.
Tlio consolation prizes were awarded to Mr.
Robert Rosenzwlrg and 'Mrs. John Baumer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baumer will entertain
the , club on Tuesday next.
Mrs. Marc Perkins entertained a number
of friends on Thursday afternoon at her homo
on Lafayette avenue. A guessing contest. In
which newspaper titles figured , afforded much
amusement , and the successful contestant for
the prize , Mrs. Kcasler , was given a cut glass
vase. In high five , which completed the aft
ernoon's entertainment , Mrs. Palmer won the
Mr. Edward Andersoa > entertained a'bout '
fifty of his friends , December 4 , at his home ,
on North Twenty-fourth street , la honor of
his 18th birthday. The evening was pleas
antly spent la Wincing , card playing and
music. As Mr. Anderson , is a member of
the Young M'dn's Christian Association hind ,
the rest of the band boys kindly supplied the
music for dancing. A dainty supper was
served later In the evening.
The Semper Flilclls Card end Musical club
was organized at 191C Durdetto street on
Thursday even'ng last. The following olll-
cers were elected : Miss Cella N. Wolcott.
president ; C. E. Parcell , vice president ; F.
W. Gadbols. secretary , and M , E. Gray ,
treasurer , The club wll meet at the homo
of Mls.5 Marguerite McCarraghcr , 403 North
Nineteenth atreet , on , Thursday evening
Miss May -Bliss pleasantly entertained her
frlonds and acquaintances at her homo , 1008
Burdotto street , Thursday evening. The
Ideal 'Mandolin quartet , composed of 'Messrs. '
C , C. Sundblad , J. 'Mattcrn ' , W. C. Suudblad
and W. Hughes , rendered several well picas-
Ing selections. Their rendition of "Under
tho. Double Kaglo" march was artistically
executed. Miss ' .May Bliss rendered some en
tertaining music on the piano , Refresh
ments word served at the usual time.
The Other Whist club was formed on Mon
day evening at the homo of Mrs. V. 0. Strlck-
ler and meetings will bo held every two
weeks. The following named gentlemen ,
with their wives , compose the membership :
MCSER ) . Allen Rector , Julius Kesslcr , Jarncu
H. Conrad , U , W , Bailey. W. S , Howell , Ar
thur English. Henry S. Wcllcr , Marc Perkins
and V. O. StrlcUlcr. The prizes will ho
handsome gold buttons to bo awarded at each
meeting to the woman and gentleman win
ning the most points ,
The first masked dancing party of tlio rea
son In local society waa that given 'by ' Mr
and Mra , Edward Porter Peck at their homo ,
1724 Dm t : port street , on Monday evening ,
for the MisEes Elizabeth mil Helen Peck.
H was a most enjoyable- occasion , and much
merriment wea occasioned by efforts , moro
or le s tiicces-jful , to discover the Identity
of these wearing the dominoes and masks ,
These who were regardc-d as most cleverly
dlagulsed were MU--s Gertrude Itlngwalt and
Mr. Arthur Cooler , The dancing opened
with the Virginia Reel , and after the fourth
regular draco all ma8k were removed.
About forty guests were present. ,
In honor of his 2Cth birthday , Mr. Louis F.
Gernhardt entertained at his residence , 1C1C
South Tenth street , last Wednesday night , a
number of his friends. The parlors and
halls were banked with a piofualou of potted
palms , ferns and cut roses , and a largo "cob
web" of bright colored twlnu wound Intric
ately around and through the rooms. At a
given signal each seized an und of the
threads of the web , In a merry scramble to
bo the Iks I to flnd each respective end.
Prizes were awarded to Mis. ] Mayme driest
and Mr. Don N , Long as being the first to
unravel their strands. Many novel diversions
followed In quick suo. vsslc i till 11 o'clock ,
when dainty refreshiututii wcro served , felt
'l i'l I I IIHIH
lov.ed by 8 mo choice vocal solos by M < s
CUrn Ekstromtil ln-arun.cntal solos uy
.Mr Don Lang and Mrs L. F Patter. j
The sc-lor c'.tts of th ? OmsLa Hl\h ,
school gave its firs ; sicicl of the year . l |
the High school on evening. ah-1 tn '
ove-nt n a enjoyed by 200 aenlora and alumni.
Iho farce of John Ktndrick lUrix's , k.-own
as "A Chafng Dteh Party,1' wea cleverly
actc-1 by a o i-te Hcludl-g Mtesc-s Marlrn
Reed. Winifred Hoffmeycr and W nltud
Kvcrlnghum , rnd Messrs. Ilex Morcliousc , i
Wlllard Barrows , Gearg * Ilidwo 1 and Fied j
CiWcadcn Dancing occupied th ( > remal , dcr '
of the evening , with IntermlMlcas for re
freshments ard class yells. The social com
mittee cons'&tcd of ; Mlssts Dorothy Young ,
I' > lllh Jackson , Qraco Porter , Winifred Ever-
Inghnm and Fred Cujcaden.
Mnvpinciiln of IIMI | ' | < ' <
( Mr. W. H.Singer ot Chicago Is visiting
relatives In the city.
Mrs. W. W. Slabaugh Is visiting her old
homo at Hannibal , Mo.
Mlsa Annie Knllsh left last week to spend
the holldaja In Chicago.
Mlsa Kollnr of Fort Yatcs , N. I ) . , Is the
guest ot Miss Frances Gilbert.
Mr. Thomas M Orr relumed yeutorday from
a week's visit In Now York City.
Miss Madgo Thomas ot Fort Madison , la. ,
Is the guest ot Mrs. A. K. Squire.
Miss HI la Relfcl has returned home , after
a visit of sdveral weeks In the couth.
Mr. Victor Rosewater leaves this afternoon
( or a throj weeks' trip through the east.
Mr , and Mrs. O. T. Eastman of Chicago
will spend the holidays with relatives hero.
Mlts Frances Cusack returned Wednesday
from a two months' visit In Milwaukee and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Love left on Friday
for Now England , 'where ' they will spend the
holidays ,
Mrs. Charles Tattitn and Kenneth Barnard
of DCS Molncs are visiting Mrs. Robert L.
Miss Edna M. Brown of Chicago Is visit
ing her mother , Mrs. Herbert Sharp , 2404
St. Mary's avenue.
Mrs. Sarah Lanson Is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs , James II. Parrotto of Edgevlow ,
4801 Davenport street.
Miss Georgia Krug has returned from n
visit of two months among friends In St.
Louis and Hannibal , Mo.
Mrs. Charles Lr Lawton nnd Miss Hcth
Valll of Cripple Creek , Colo. , are soon to be
the guests ot Mrs. Martha Field Hoth.
Mrs. Joseph Galim , who has Just gone
ithrough an Illness , Is rapidly convalescing.
She Is now able to .bo out and hopes soon
to bo strong again. ,
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Combs have returned
from an extended bridal tour and will bo at
homo to their frlemls after January 1 , 1S9S ,
at 2711 Dodge street.
Miss Catherine Arnibruster , who has 'been '
visiting Mrs. William Heller at 116 North
Thirty-third street , left on Saturday for hoi-
home In Marahalltown , la.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevens Clark have
returned from their bridal trip , and after
December 15 will 'bo ' at home to their
friends at 2020 Webster street.
Miss Sadlo Baum has returned from an
extended trip through Colorado and New
Mexico. At Santa Fe she visited Mrs. J.
W. Raynolds. nee Miss Brownie Baum.
Miss Bertha Tongue ot Portland , Ore. ,
daughter of Congressman Tongue , Is the
guest of Mrs. Allan T. Rector for a fev-
days. She Is en route to Washington to
spend the winter.
Mrs. O. C. Holmes has gone to Burlington ,
la. , to visit her parents during the holidays.
She was accompanied by Mrs , T. W. New
man , her mother , -who has been her guest In
this city for a fortnight.
Mr. George II. Helmrod , son of County
Treasurer Helmrod , has recently been ad
mitted to the senior class of Harvard uni
versity , having successfully passed the
severd examinations for this class by the
Harvard board ot examiners. Mr. Helmrod
was formerly In attendance at the University
of Nebraska.
Many Omahans pleasantly remember hav
ing heard Misses Ethel and Alice Dovey ,
two little girls of Plattsmouth , slug.In this
city about a year ago. They are now studyIng -
Ing vocal culture In London under the direc
tion of Madame Cellini , and o'n the afternoon
of December 10 sang at a concert given In
Stelnway hall , London , which was given
under the pa ronage of Mrs. John Hay , \vi > V
of the ambassador to the court of St. James
from the United States.
iiKN mid iiiiaKeiiion : < .
Cards are out announcing the marriage
of Miss Frances C. Warren of Omaha to
William A. Cooper of Chicago , at the resi
dence of the bride , 2031 Decutur street , on
December 21.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hess celebrated their
wooden wedding anniversary on Tuesday.
The guests spent a pleasant evening playIng -
Ing high five , Mr. * George SwoboJa arid
Mies Alllsc-n. . took first prizes. Mr. W.
Grunlg and Miss Taapo took booby prizes.
The marriage of Miss Minnie Mauda
Bordston of Chicago to Mr. Muds A. Hansen -
sen of this city took place In the Church
D'Ascension , Chloigo on Tuesday. On their
return from their honeymoon they will
make their homo at 124 South Thirty-first
avenue , this city , and will be at borne to
their frlonds after December 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. McAusland cele
brated their thirtieth wedding anniversary
at their homo. 5415 North Twenty-fourth
street on Saturday evening. A number of
relatives and friends were present Including
representatives of four generations ot the
McAusland family. Games were played ,
music heard , and refreshments served. Mr.
and Mrs. McAusland are among the pioneer
settlers of Omaha , having come here early
In the CD's.
The First Methodist church was the
scene of a very pretty wedding last Wednes
day evening at 0 o'clock. Miss Margaret
Bcnnott , the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Bennett was united In marriage to
Mr. Gcofgo W. Plainer , connected with one
of the leading looil lumber firms of this
city. The church was handsomely decorated
with palms , chrysanthemums and smllax.
The ceremony was performed by Rev , John
McQuold , pastor. The brldo was attired In
whlto organdlo over white silk , and carried
a bunch of whlto roses. She was attended
by her sister. Miss Anna Bennett , who was
gowned In whlto organdlo over pink silk ,
and carried pink roses. The groom was
supported by Mr. Arthur Karbacli , as beat
man , Tlio ushers were : Messrs. 0. W. Dunn
and Edward Plainer. After the ceremony ,
a supper was served to the members ot the
brliiil party at the homo of Mrs. K. L. Rob
ertson. Mr. and Mrs. Plainer left for the
cast that evening. Their trip will include
visits to Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore
and Washington. They will return to
Omaha the latter pirt of the mouth , and
will be at homo to their friends after Jan
uary 1 , 1898 , at 1113 South Thirty-third
Schfiliilril for Ilie
In honor of Miss Chapman ot Boston , Miss
Andrcescn will entertain at luncheon an Tues
day ,
Tha South Sltlo Whist club will bo enter
tained by Mrs. C. Fuller , 2048 Dodge street.
on Tuesday next.
Vesta chctHcr of the Order of the Eastern
Star will give a dancing party at Masonic
hall on Tuesday evening.
The Young Men's club of All Saints' Epis
copal church will gUo Its next party at
Morand's hall on Wednesday ,
In honor of tbo formal debut ot her daugh
ter , Mlsd Mabel Barber , Mrs. Charles J , Bar
ber will give a tea on Wednesday.
Mies Kount/o and Miss Palmer have Is
sued Invitations to a tirlvato muslcalo to beheld
held at Forest Hill1 on next Monday evening. '
A meeting of the Churchmen's club will
bo held at Trinity Mthetlial this .afternoon
at 4 o'clock , to complete the work ot or
ganization ,
On Monday evening the Advertising Men's
club will glyo a banquet to Mr. Milton R.
Uhl , fr/r a number of years connected wltn
the advertising department of The Beo. Mr.
Uhl has accepted a position with a Chicago
advertising company.
The Invitations for the twenty-fifth wed
ding annlveitary of Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Thurston , December 25 , were Issued during
the week Just passed. They were quite gen
erally received by the friends of the junior
senator and of his wife , and Indications point
toward a grand affair at their homo on
Christmas night.
The Tluirato- , Rifles will make their first
appearance In their hrudsome new dreta uni
forms tomorrow evening , the occasion beIng -
Ing a complimentary reception to their Jo-
210-212 S 16th St. , Y. M. C. A. Building ,
( or everybody. We are showing the largest and handsomest
line of Christmas Goods ever seen in Omaha , and Novelties
that have never been shown before
Sterling Silver Novelties
In Mnnlcurc , Letter Openers ,
Letter ScnlsButton Hooks , Shoo Hooks.
imVJ ° ? ! . ° , rn9' N"n ril ° H- "l11 Jeweled
lopped ; Horn ! " , scissors , darners ,
Uoxe-s , Jeweled tops , cold or silver ; Gtovo
Stretchers Match" Siifes , Slamp Boxes ,
Thimbles , Vlnncrctles In gold , silver or
cut glass ; Purses , Hells , Jeweled or plain ,
oxidized silver or gold ; Chatelaines , Jew
eled or plain , oxidized or gold from 75o
to $12.50.
Sterling Silver Novelties , from 23o up.
Infants' Combs , Drerslng Combs ,
Hnlr , Hat and Cloth Brushes.
Our Novelties are the prettiest over
shown In this city such as Handkerchief
nnd Olovo Boxes , Jewel Boxes. Work
Uoxes , Needle Doak % Hand anil Stand
Mirrors , Calendars , Christmas Cards ,
Blotters , Music Holders , Music Hacks ,
Vases , Fancy Brlc-a-Brnc , Elegant Pyra-
llno naslcntB. Urush and Comb Trays.
hand painted ; Pocketbooks , Shopping
Hags , Chatelaines , Boston Bags , Manl-
cure Sots , Trays andPhoto Holders ,
Card Counters. Opera Glass Bags , etc. ;
hand decorated Linen Cases for clippings
and Uccelpts , Hand Decorated Linen
Photo Holders , Note Cases , Calling Lists ,
Hand Decorated Portfolios , linen cov
ered Hand Dictionaries , Call Bolls ,
Soap Paper , Novelty Candle Sticks , etc.
The very choicest Perfumes and
Toilet Waters.
We have hundreds of beautiful things
for Christmas presents which wo can
not enumerate here.
Gifts for Ladies
Wo know wo are showing the finest
line of Christmas Handkerchiefs over
shown In this city , and at prices that
are bound to Bull them.
All Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs
from 5c up.
Embroidered Handkerchiefs from We up.
Unluundered Hand Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs for loc , 25c and GOc.
A Sheer All Linen Hand Embroidered
Initial Handkerchief 15c each 2 for 2oc.
A finer quality at 25c each , or fl.EO
per box of half dozen. In fancy box.
Linen Handkerchiefs from uc to the
Sheerest Fine French Linen for Jl'.OO.
mule friends as an1 appreciation of their
efforts In their success of the bazar In as
sisting the company In procuring their now
regimentals. The December competition for
Individual excellence to bo followed with a
hop Is also on the program , Ex-Captain Foyo
and ex-Lloutwiant Hayward have conoentod
to drill the company.
OMAHA Minimus.
L. N. Warllor wont to Tekamah Wednesday
on business.
Miss Agnes 'Huntoon ' spent Tuesday visit
ing friends In Omaha.
Mrs. J. C. and William Kindred were busi
ness visitors In Omaha .Friday.
The firemen gavU a hall and an oyster sup
per at the clty'ihlill ' Saturday night.
The young Pv'oplo ' or the Episcopal church
are getting up Christmas . tree.
The oxposlUpn' ' Omaha has given work
to < iulto a number , of the Idlu men In this
city. i
The Ladles'nAldi met at the homo of Mrs.
J. P. AnderHOHilast Wednesday. Lunch was
Ex-Mayor J''B ' ( Tucker has been very 111
for the last few days , but Is some bolter at
present ,
Frank L. Tracy , a junior In the dental college -
lego at Omaha | ' resumed hlu xtudles after
an absence of < twb .weeks on account of sick
ness. i -
The Arctic Ico'company has Its Ice house
completed , and 14' now putting up the chutes
and setting up the , engine to carry the ice
up to the house.- < '
Mrs. 1) ) , F. Reynolds left last Saturday for
Williamson , N. Y. , tobo present at the
funeral of her mother , Mrs. L. 1) , Short , who
died last Thursday ,
The recent cold weather has frozen Ice
about eight Inches thick. The South Omaha
Ice company has cut some from the reser
voirs and put It In , Its Ice house.
A merry crowd of young women occupied
the homo of Dr. Tracy last Wednesday even-
li'g , his daughters having Invited In to drink
tea < wlth them the Misses Ida Miller. Nettle
Courtrlght , 'May Walker and Bertie Wilson ,
The following olllcemcro elected In the
camp of the Modern Woodmen of America
In this city Thursday night : V. C. , John
Anderson ; W. A. , Air Mattox ; K , n , . W. II.
Wall ; C. . J. H. Kobb ; IB. , Frank Wallen-
burger ; C. of P. , Wlllard Green ,
Last Wednesday evening an old-fashioned
box social was held at 1'onca school house ,
three aad a half miles northwest of town.
A Handsome French Linen Handker
chief , hand hemstitched , Initial , sheer
quality , 50c each , or J2.75 half dozen.
A very line sheer nil linen Handker
chief , with dainty script Initial , 33c each ,
of $1.87 hiuutaomci box of half dozen ,
Pretty Lace Trimmed Hnndkcrchlofn
for We , 7uo ami $1.00.
A laruo line of real Duchess Lace
Handkerchiefs , from "So to $12.50 pret
tiest Roods aver shown for the money.
Dainty French Hand Embroidered Hand
kerchiefs , from $1.25 up to $35.00.
Beautiful Empire'Fans. .
Ostrich Feather and Neck Uoas all
kinds from $1.60 up ; silk , 6Sc up to $3.75.
Silk Mittens , lined , from 5Sc up.
Kid Mittens , from We nnd up.
A largo nnd complete line of Kid
Gloves for street , driving and evening-
wear. Prices from Jl.OO up.
12-bulton Evening Gloves , Jl.EO up ; 1C-
button , $1.S7 up.
We carry the celebrated Perrln Gloves.
Elegant line of Aprons , from 25c up.
Hand Embroidered Pieces a large as
sortment at very low prices.
Ladles' Fancy Hose , cotton or alllc ,
from DOc to $3.73 a pair.
Ice Wool Scarfs and Real Lace Scarfs
for wrapping head and neck.
Beautiful Dresser Sets , PIllcnv Shams ,
Table Spreads , Sofa Pillows , Scarfs
Drapes , Mexican Drawn Work , etc.
Handsome Silk Umbrellas.
A beautiful line of Toilet Sets brush
comb and mirror from $1.00 up.
Elegant hand decorated Trays.
An elegant line of Fancy Baskets and
Decorated Baskets , Including olllce , In
fants' and work baskets.
Beautiful Sterling Silver Novelties in
Manicure nnd oilier pieces.
See the new imported Morale and En
amel Broches , Paper Weights , etc.
Infants' Gold Pins , solid and plated.
Enameled , Sterling Silver nnd Gold
Bracelets the newest designs.
Stick Pins , Cuff Buttons nnd Pins ,
Lorgnettes and Fan Chains.
Ladles' Now Ties. In mull , net and silk.
Handsome Chiffon Fronts.
Neck Huchlngs In endless variety
from 2oc to $2.73 a yard.
We have" the handsomest Hue of Cal
endars this year ever brought to Omaha.
Shakespearean nnd Byron Calendars
and other authors and poets , with quo
Beautiful Calendars In other designs.
After the crowd had assembled on Im
promptu iirogram was arranged , consisting
of solos , duets , literary selections and amus
ing anecdotes , utter which boxes containing
lunch for two were soldi , netting about $7
for the benefit ot the mission In connection
with the Presbyterian , church of this place.
1 < "ort Croitlt.
Lieutenant Jackson 1ms gene on four
months' leave , accompanied by his dog , Spot.
Captain Sharpe has arrived at the post and
has selected Lieutenant Campbell's house.
The latter lias taken quarters at too mess
Mrs. Lockwood entertained all the women
ot the post on Thursday , December 3. Mrs ,
Moore won the first prize and Mrs. Darlson
the "lone hand. "
Rumor says that ono of our you tic bach
elors will take a short leave In January , and
It Is also reported that when he returns he
will not bo alone.
Captain nnd Mrs. Monitor celebrated the
twentieth anniversary of their wedding on
the evening of November 29. Twelevo women
and officers zsslsted In passing a very pleas
ant evening. Boston was played.
Colonel and Mrs , Wlckoff entertained the
greater part of the garrison on December 2
at the Fortnightly Card club session. Pro-
grcEslvo euchre was the game. Mi's , Hodges
and Captain Lockwood won the first prizes ,
The OIllccis' Dramatic club gave Its first
performance on Thursday evening at the
post hall. Two farces wcro played , both In
an entertaining manner. The first , "A
Woman's Won't , " was acted by Lieutenant
and Mi's , Darlson , Miss Koerper , Miss Helen
1'attir.on , Lieutenants Moore and Dlckman.
It was followed by Mrs. Burton Harrison's
"Tho MOUEO Trap , " The performcre In the
latter were Mlsa Patterson and Lieutenant
Hodges , Much credita \ duo Lieutenant
Wolf , the manager , Everything passed elf
smoothly and without hitch. The hall was
filled to overflowing , many being turned
away because there was no room ,
Miss Mattle Nevlns Is able to be around
again after an Illness from scarlatina.
Services will bo held at the Methodist Kpiu-
copal church this evening at 8 o'clock ,
The Board of Education held c. meeting at
the school house on lust Thursday evening.
Mrs. George Snoll has been seriously 111
with typhoid fever for the lust week , but la
reported to bo Improving.
The Ladles' Aid society held Us meeting at
tbo homo of Mrs , J , A , Howard on Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. McCoy wan elected jirea-
Gifts for Men
Flue Linen Handkerchiefs , with dainty
Initial , at 25o each , or $1.50 per hand
some box of halt dozen.
A white pure silk Initialed Handker
chief At 25c and GOc.
Beautiful Embroidered Handkerchiefs ,
at GOc , 75c and $1.15 each ,
A very handsome line of nil linen
Handkerchief ? , IBc , 25c , GOe anil 7Gc ,
A bargain Very flno plain linen Hand
kerchiefs u t 25c come In one-quarter , one
half and one Inch hem.
Japanese Initial Handkerchiefs , IGc
2 for 2Gc.
A handsome line of Mufflers at 35c , GOe ,
7Gc$1.00 , n.GO and $2.25.
Elegant Silk Hose at $1.00 a pair.
Handsome Silk Umbrellas.
New Novelties for Men. '
Handsome Decorated Boxes for collars ,
cuffs and tics , Cigar nnd Tobacco Jars ,
Onico Baskets , Toilet Sets , Traveling
Cases , Perfumes and Toilet Waters. Ask
to see our beautiful Traveling Cases In seal and ebony fittings. Smoking
Sets , Calendars , Drinking Glasses In
cases , Stamp Boxes , Whisk Brooms , nnd
Holders , Cards In Cases and Shaving
Paper Cases , Hair , Hat and Clothes
Brushes , hand decorated and sterling all'
vor , Ink Stands nnd Pen Wipers , Ash
Receivers , Soap Boxes , Hand Mirrors.
Handsome Hoyal Worcester Xovcltl&s ,
Urns , Bottloa , Tea Pots , etc. , tilled with
choice perfume.
Handsome Atomizers , from 3. > c to } 2.GO.
Very handsome fancy Ivorlnc Baskets
filled with perfume , toilet soap and toilet
water. $2.75 to $ T > .2J ,
Fur Collarettes '
We name a few prices.
Imitation Marten Collars. $2.50.
Kleelrlc Seal or Astrakhan , J.1.50.
Klcctrlc Seal and Astrakhan Combined ,
. .
Heal Seal and Persian Lamb , trim
med with marten tails , $13.75.
Heal Marten , J21.GO.
Writing Paper
Wo have a Brand line of Satlonery ,
plain anil fancy , put up In elegant boxes
for Christmas trade. Prices' 2oc , 3jc , DOc
and 75c per box.
Dainty boxes of children's Stationery ,
15c , 20c and 25c.
Dolls from two Inches up to life size
babies from Yellow Kids up to the fin
est quality ilrcssed or undressed. Shots
and Blockings nnd Doll Toilet Sets.
For the Baby
Infants' hamlaomo Hobos , Silk Bibs ,
Bootees , Caps. Cloaks and Jackets Just
the articles for b.iby for Christmas
Baby Uatitles , Toilet Sets , Brushes and
Combs , Infants' BosketH , etc.
We have the largest and finest line of imported
and Indian Baskets ever brought to Omaha. Scrap Baskets from
250 up to $3.50. Work Baskets from zoc up. Fancy Baskets from
50 up. Infants' Baskets and Hampers
He Is fxoliif ? to be rushed to death this year , and \ve are
helping him all we can. Our store is his d"pot of supplies.
Every good little boy and girl in Omaha should ask their papa
and mamma to come down and advise us what we should tell
him to bring them. We have oceans and oceans of the nicest
stories and brightest pictures that' ever was. We have plc'nty
of other things that would make their call interesting and pleas
1308 Farnam Street.
Leave your order now for all Itiuds of
Fur Goods for Cold "Weather-
ss ,
fift ©
I manufacture everything in the fur line. No trouble to
show goods. All welcome.
Omaha's Leading Furrierop > n evenings. 15th and Harney.
\Vhon looking
for n present for
motlior , ' , vlfo , sister -
tor or sweetheart
rcmnmbor tlmt
; i good , sensible
gift will bo inoro
appreciated tlmt )
unytiling olbo.
I/iullc-81 ' 1'nllorcil .Sullx ,
JrMH SUIrtN , Mile \VllltilH ,
.S1IU I'cttlronlM , \Vrili.iii-l-N ,
.IAOICRTS A.YI ) OAI'HS , III nil ( Jlrt.73 up
( lie licnl Mlrli' , from vu
Fur Novelties
Wo Invite you to look , as our stock Is
now and wo will not bo undersold. .
& ,
Idont for the coming year. Tlio society will
meet nt the homo of Mrs. Hoffman next week.
MIsu Margaret Safford returned from
I'lattsmoutli last week , where she visited
with frlondii during the holldajn.
Tlio funeral services over the remains ot
Mr. Koch wcro hold loot Monday afternoon
at his late residence , Ho was taken ulck a
week ago Thursday and died the following
Sunday , Mr , Koch moved with hlu family
to Detison about two weeks ago ,
An effort was mndo by the citizens of Hen-
eon Homo tlmo ago to liavo It Incorporated as
a village , but did not meet with success till
a week ago Saturday the bllln of Incorpora
tion were accepted and passed , The town
board was elected laat week consisting of
Measra , lleckett , Hodman , Stlgcr and J. Mo-
AVIIli ( InOnmlm ( iiiiirilM ,
At the Beml-anniml meeting of the Omnha
Quarda the following civil olllc rs wens
chosen : Treasurer , Cwptaln Mulford ; finan
cial secretary. Sergeant IJodglns ; Burgeon ,
Dr. Allison ; librarian. I'rlvato Wlnslade ;
correspondent , Sergeant I'urvl . On the
board of director * ) were chosen : Captain
Mulford , Lieutenants Wilton and Cone. Ser
geants HodKlns nnd McCague , Corporals
Conant and Uttley ( clerk ) und Privates
Forben und Jutnes Allen.
Thu Guards * ' companies of Ha reg-
of drfoctlvo pyoFlfrht IH not iIIIIIcuH If ono
HUH tliorouirlily learned tlio profi-HsIon of t m
ocullxt. The point la ( o know whether t'iu '
examiner iinUcrHiands hlri | HI | MPHH. on
that point we are willing to mand thu Wit.
ioiit'i'iciis i.v 'mi :
OipI'axlon | Hold. 1-IO.H Kill-mini SI.
Iniciit In ipolnt of nttund.inco . during the last
three month * , with u per t'uut of M\ \ .
The CutlliiK scutlon IIIIH commenced ltn
hard drill work for the winter , Almost iill
of tha niMiibcirH are new men nt thin brnn h
of thu ucrvlce , hut through their ImrJ'Wcrlc
they nro nipldly bccomlnir prollcU-nt Tin
twim In composed of Her nitllt VMct-'aKin ,
Prlvutcs ForbwH , Wlimlado , Hu-ains , Arne i ,
Allen , Demnun and U 10. Klnnc-y.
The monthly medal drill nnd limpertlon oC
the company takux p'.aco Monday cvintr-r ,
Decombt'r 27 , toiAhlvh all the filuidx of t'- ' >
compuny nnd those | nlercst < < ] In inlllia'y
imitturH are mo t cordially Invited. At the cf the competition danehiK will bo In
dulged In ,
Min-IIrr HUM ii lli'iiiiril.
William Mueller , arrested on a charge of
recclvlm ; and dlrposlni ; of Hto'.fii proper/ ,
haii been found to bo u "KOOC ! " 111,111.
Mueller wua taken Into custody for rcri-'v-
Ini ; Homo clollicH from Joe Ojboni which
had been Htol n from Victor Dci-rlriK of the
Victoria hotol. Mueller IH wanted In Chi-
< -UKO for jiimpInK a II.WJ bond which v ait
I > ut up by his frlundH ubout a month ar'- > ' >
roleuse him from custody upon u c-hariiu ot
Krand larewiy. The ChloJKO ollleluU iiuvn
been notllled of the urrcat.
Don't mlttulv an Inferior ware for
Mlibey cut Klu . Tlili IraJu mark
U Kravcn on nvcry utiiulii piece.
I/QOK for tU