Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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Aa Progccstlgrttors They Eo Not Pan
Oat Well ,
Ilcttirti * of Lntc Election Sliovr the
lleitulilleann Iliivu the Hotter
Ulinnro nf Cnrrjlnn the
n. S. D. . DSC. 10.Special. ( . ) When
the popttllfit leglslrt'.uro of Inst winter h d
completed Its legislative gerrymander they
thought that the state had been so divided
that even with a large republican majority on
the genoru ! ticket they could yet carry
through a populist legislature. The vote at
the judicial elections this ( all Rliows that re
gardless of the popullflt bill It would bo pos
sible for republican legislative success , even
with n small majority generally.
The returns show that the following coun-
ll s which gave populist majorities last year
have switched over this year : Brooklngs ,
Brown Unite , Clay , Davidson. Day , Edmunds ,
Fall Illver , Hand , Hanson , Jorauld , Kings-
bury , McCnok , Marshall , Mcado , Minor , Mln-
nuhiiha , Moody. Potler , Stanley , Union , " \Val- \
worth , and the unorganized counties which
tiavo been attached to organized counties for
legislative purposes.
The vote ot the different counties and logls-l
latlvo districts , In the late election , show !
th > H on the same kind of a vote next year thr > j
political complexion ot the two house ? would ]
bo : House , republican , sixty-four ; populist ,
twenty-tin 05 , a republican majority-of forty-
one. Senate , republican thirty-two ; popu
list , thirteen ; republican majority , nineteen ,
the new ! apportionment. Increasing the mcm-
liorshlp from forty-thrco to forty-live la the
senate and from clghty-threo to eighty-
Bcvcn In the house.
This estimate gives the republican counties
In the Third circuit , which gave majorities
tor Bennett , to the populists , and It Is not at
all likely that they would give any such a
majority , or In fact any majority to ( ho pop
ulist ticket In the general election. But
whllo th'a Is the o ) e , there are populist
counties which gave republican majorities on
the Judicial ticket which would undoubtedly
go hack to populism on a general election , and
taking these two classes as an offset to one
Another , the vote Just as returned In given In
this estimate.
MlHtlinmry Money.
HURON , S. D. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) A
meeting of the executive committee' of the
Board of Directors of the South Dakota Con
gregational Home Missionary society was
held here Wednesday evening. Among those
present \\cre : Itcv. B. H. Burtt of Huron ,
president ; Rev. William 15. Hubliard of Ar
mour , secretary ; Uev. William II. Thrall of
Huron , superintendent , acd Uev L. Uejnolds
or lledlicld. The eum of $16,000 was appor
tioned to the 133 churchra In this slate
rcedlns missionary aid ; these- Include Gor
man churches. Of this sum about ? 23G goes
to each Hold ot fiom tuo to four churches
each. The convm tteo decided to retain Rev.
E. W. Jcnney of this city as general mte- I
slonary for the ensu'ris ; year. All rcpoita I
Indicated prosperity spiritual and temporal
among the churches. Several parsonages
Jiave been built during the year , and four |
new churches will nave been dedicated before - I
fore the close ot the year. Oeneral'.y speak- |
irg. the work 13 In very oiUafactory condi '
tion ,
A OnUola t'nlf'K I.nnw Font. |
DE SMUT , S. D. , Dee. 10. ( Special. )
Thomas Larson ot this county inlsaed a cilf
In the fall Just about the time ho finished
thrashing thegr.iln. . Last week ho had oc
casion to go near a itraw stack , and Imag
ined he hesrrt the hloit of come animal ; j
hunting about the place a.-d listening , he ,
heard the same noti ! atjala , and he was sure ]
It came from within the p'lo of straw. He I
dug Into It and found ha ! m'aelng cair. It i
had been mure twenty-three , days. When
last seea before It was lolllns fat ; now It
had become a skeleton nnd was scarcely able
to walk. No doubt it found cour'shment in
the etraw , but that it could live all that time
without water was what boat sll records. It
bis frequently before been told that hogs
have lived for months thus burled , but
never before ot a calf. Mr. Larson fed It
milk twice the flret day , then slop * and
water the next , and at last sccounta the an
imal was all right aad thriving.
Iileul We.'ilher for StoeU.
S. D. , Dec. 10. ( Special ) The
weather of the past week has been Ideal for
the stock range. There was about two
Inches of snow spread over the country
without any drifting , and the cold wcathor
of the latter part of November imd the first I
cf this month made te appear that the wln-
er had t-ot In In earnest , but the snow Is all
gene and the rcrago as open as at any tlmo
this fall , and cattle nro grazing anywhere
they wish. Every week of this kind of
weather mcars another week's cmppty ot '
feed. It It 'becomes nece&iary to feed eattlo
.at all , and those who would Kivo been
compelled to cut down their rations by a
long winter now feel that they will have
pionty of hay to carry them through , oven
Into a late spring
Ti > PnmtllrN
ABKUDKI3N , S. D. . Dae. 10. ( Special. )
From Ash ton cornea Hie news ot an elope
ment that place with a pathetic side.
James L. McCart and MM. Mary Bannister
eloped , the former leaving a wife and three
small children and the latter leaving a
husband and two children. The families
deserted are worthy people , and the
neighbors are Indignant at the scandal.
\ > MV .Simtil DnUotii Corporation.
PIKIIUE , S. D , , DSC. 10. ( Special. )
Articles of Incorporation were filed today
for the Northern Bold Mining and Develop
ment compiny of Yukon , at Sioux Falls , with
a capital of $1,000,000 ; Incorporators , Frank
Bgan , L. 1' , IHirton. C. S. I'almer. J. 0.
Humphrey ami Joseph J. Jeffery.
n.VPII ) CITV , S. D. , Dec. 10. ( Special
Telegram. ) A skeleton of on elothorlnm was
found ytnturday In. the hud Ian Is , fifty miles
cast of Mils city , by Prof. O. C. Farrlngton
of the Field Columbian museum , Chicago ,
\o Ilnpe uf Statehood.
SANTA FE. N , M. , Dec. 10. Some eurprlsa
Jj expressed hero over the fact that Delegate
Bimson should thus early In the session
have brought forward In congress a bill for
Perhaps in your family you use
but little whisky , but you want that
little good of the best. Tim United
States Government guarantees the
Age and Purity of every bottle of
through its Internal Revenue officers
at the distilleries , at Frankfort , Ky.
Every bottle of OKI Crow nnd Hermitage -
ago Is letted , Uoturothe Internal Revenue -
onue Stamp over the Cnrk nnd Capsule I *
not broken and that ft bear * the uarao
try / / ft a ( lavtrnmtut Cuirantet ff.Jt
t tt it'itA Iliii bottliHg ,
tha admission ot New Mexico as a state ,
slnco at no tlmo during the past ten years
has there been so much open hostility at
homo to admission as Is ut present evinced.
Financial enorsldoratlons arc chiefly at the
bottom of this opposition , but along with these
Is not up the plea that statehood U now rd-
vocatcd principally by politicians whoso aim
It Is to secure u stronger hold than ever upon
the oHlclal and financial plums. Such repub
lican newspapers os the Silver City Enter
prise and Ilaton Range have for months boon
calling attention to these local objections to
statehood and they ussert that admlssbn sim
ply means double taxation with few If any
correspond In E benefits.
Kill * fliic of Them nnil Wound *
DENVER , Dec. 10. A special from El Paso ,
Tex. , says : Meager particulars- were received
In this city late last night from San Slmcti , a
small station just east of Wllcox , Ariz. , on
the Southern Pacific , ot a train holdup.
Train No. 20 , the Sunset limited , had Just
left Stein's Pasa , N. M. , near the Arizona
line , when the engineer noticed a danger
signal In front and Immediately applied the
air brakes. No sooner was the train brought
to a step than five men stepped out from
their hiding places near the tracks , all heavily
armed. One covered the engineer and fire
man with hla rifle , whllo Iho others gave
their attention to the train proper , more
especially to the express car , firing their guns
In the air and otherwise frightening the
At this Volnt the guards In the express car
.took ft hand In the fusillade. Thirty or forty
shots nro tald to have been fired by both
sides. Ono Wells-forgo guard , Jennings by
name , succeeded In killing Robber Cullen ,
who was nearest to the car and who was
evidently the leader , for as SOCH as the other
robbers noticed his body lying on the ground
they lost courage and made a break for their
horses , but another bullet from Jennings' rlflo
evidently struck ono of the fleeing robbers , us
ho was seen to fall and was assisted out of
range by his comrades.
No express money was stolen and nciio of
the ( xissengers were hurt.
DEMING , N. M. , Dec. 10. The name ot
the dead robber has been ascertained to be
"Sandy" Cclllns. Collins , until recently , has
been employed t a cowboy In the San Simon
valley rcnges In eastern Arizona , and his
companions , Instead of being the "Black
JackJ > gang , as originally supposed , are now
known to have been a band ot cowboys or
ganized for the single purpose of the rob
bery which was attempted.
.Slurp KciMlliiir lit Colorado.
DENVER , Colo. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) The
Importance that"the * sheep feeding Industry Is
assuming In ihte state Is shown In the report
of Dr. Charles Grosswell , secretary of the
State Veterinary beard. During the fiswl
year 1897 , 170,534 more sheep were brought
Into the state for feeding that during the
year 1896 , the total number brought In for
feeding Is 310,153 , an Increase of 185,423 over
the year 1803. Both ot these Increases are
over 50 per cent. There were 75,029 sheep
brought Into the state for grazing purposes
during the year , which imtkoa the grand total
391,182. The total In 189C was 180,753.
Sbot the Woninii Who llejvetcil Him
nnd IIi > r Aecepteil Iover.
SAN FRANCISCO , Doc. 10. Harvey Allen-
dor was hanged at San Quentln penitentiary
this morning.
The crlmo for which Allcndor paid the
extreme penalty waa a most revolting ono.
prompted by Jealousy. Ho was Infatuated
with Miss Wallberg , en Intelligent and In
dustrious girl ot Irreproachable character ,
who repulsed him and became betrothed to i
Vlnanzl Crossettl , an Italian blacksmith , j
about 21 years ot ago. After having repeatedly - ]
edly threatened the couple Allcndor met them
\\alklug together cue afternoon In August ,
IS30 Allendor shot the girl in the neck. She
fell to the sidewalk end Allendcr shot and :
killed her as she lay at his feet. j
Crossettl attempted to aircst and disarm
the murderer , but Allendor turned his pia-
tel upon and shot him In the abdomen , In
flicting a fatal wound. Allendcr then ran
I away and attempted to commit suicide. The |
murderer was a carpenter and 37 years ot
age. When placed on trial Allendor sought
to establish tbo pica ot Insanity. I
Alntott Itontlert lie-fore IIcliiK
by Uln Helper.
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 10. Michael Purcell -
cell , a boiler maker , was making some re
pairs Inside the smokestack of the steamer
Wellington at the Kolsom street wharf when I
six fires were carelessly started below him. I
Ho was strapped in a chair suspended from I
the top ot the stack about forty feet from .
the dampers below. It was Impossible to go |
up , and to go down without assistance meant
being roasted allvo on' the hot dampers.
Dense volumes ot hot smoke began rolling |
Up the btack , whllo Purcell snouted loudly
for help. The heat Increased every moment
until the bollcrnukcr's clothing caught fire.
IIo beat on the Iron with all his power and
eiiou-tcd fully ten minutes before his
helper on the outside , Martin Phllpot , re
alized his plight and rescued him just as
the rope supporting him was catching fire.
Purccll lies at 'his homo In a critical condi
The Ilccorrt of Dividends for the
SeiiHOii IN n Fine One.
SALT LAKE , Utah , Dec. 10. ( Special. )
The Utah mines whotu dividends are made
public will have paid In 1S97 at le-Jflt ? 31,70S-
000 by the end of the year. Some private
mining companies In this state never toll
\\hat their dividends aro. The publicly an
nounced dividend list for 1S97 up to the
end of last month Is :
AJax $1,000,000
Alice 1,035,001)
Bullion Beck 2,4G5,00 }
CcntunnUl Kureka 2,010,030
Ualton & Lark B7WQ
Duly 2 , ! < 2oCOO
Eureka Hill , . .
Miunmoth . .
Maxlleld . " 7.000
Mercur . S.iUOJO
bnturlo . 13'i3)-S )
Silver K1.1K . . 1,275.000
Sacramento . a.5'XXX
South Swansea . iviX ;
Swunseu . , Sy/8x
Utah. . . . . . " 0.000
Utuh Conaolldatea .
to Ilic
CASI'HR , Wyo. , Dec. 10. ( SpcclilO-tM a
mass' meeting ot the citizens ot Natrona
county held here last night It was decided
that Natrtoa county , as well as central Wyo
ming , should bo represented at tha Trans-
mUsUalppl Kxposltlon at Onialm ncxl year.
The last etuto legUloturo hiving failed to
make an appropriation for sucli an exhibit
Uio expense attendant upon a display ot
Wyoming's resources will fall upon the citi
zens of tha Etaio directly , It U < bo intcntlco
to Inaugurate a system of excursions to this
state , and more especially < to central Wyo
ming during tbo exposition. Money to defray
all the expenses of ' .lie exhibit will be raised
by subscription , atil an executive- committee
has been , appointed to take entire charge ot
the matter. J , P. Leopcr , largely Interested
In mining , Jias been appointed to take charge
of the exhibit of ores. County Attorney 15.
I ) , Norton will act as chalrn > in ol ( the exec-
ullvo committee ,
Ciiurt ul Cl
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Deo. 10. ( Special. )
In the United States court this morning the
caaa of Isaiah Johnson , colored , charged with
the murder of Charles J. Pawley at Fort
Wasbiklo c-n August 14 lout , was commerced ,
No trouble was bad In securing & jury from
the regular pane ) , none of the jurors having
heard ot < bo case. A number ot wltncisea.
comrades to 'the ' Ninth United States cavalry
ot the principals In the cat ? , told > the ttory
ot Uie killing , Th ? utoricj were almcat
tdontloil and uended to establish a case ot
self dcteme.
l.nxt f
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) The funeral of Chlct Justice Conaway
vas held at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The
ervlcos were conducted by Ilev. 0. C.
latter ot St. Mark's Episcopal church. The
mllbcarcrs were : Governor lllchanls , Secro-
iry of SMto C. W. Ilurdlck. Judge M. C.
Drown , N. M. Craig , J. C. Uslrd , F. H. Clark
and E. A. Slack. The serviced at the grave
were conducted by the Grand Army of the
H ( -public.
Ill .TllO NCMNOtCK. .
There U a wood famine In Nez Perco
county and many ot the farmers have been
.turning their fences.
Idaho placer miners are pleased because ot
a steady fall of rain or saow for nearly two
weeks , making It certain that there will bo a
aufflclont amount of water to enable them to
The land office at Boise did the second
largest month's business In November that
ium been done since the present olflclaU took
liold. The amount ot land homestcaded nas
3,908 acres.
Eighteen or twenty men have been put to
work on the Tyrannls , on Smoky. The mill
going up at the mlno will bo completed dur
ing the winter , so as 'to ' bo ready to run
when eprlng opens.
The Surprise shaft at Idaho City Is now
down over 110 feet. When It Is ten feet
deeper a drift will start to cut the vein , on
wlilcli drifts will be run. Although the shaft
la not In the ledge , the rock coming out ot It
contains a little gold. The ledge Is u monster
In szo ! and the c re taken out thirty years ago
from near the surface waa very rich. U was
only wet hod to a depth of forty feet.
Much excitement uas aroused In Doles by
an attempt to abduct Miss Kittle O'Neill , a
popular teacher In the public schools. She
was within a few tcct ot the gate , when oho
was seized by a man , who brandished a kiilfo
and threatened to cut her heart out It she
m-ido an outcry. He started across Jefferson
street with her. Just then William Bullock
came out of the capltol grounds and she ( low
to him for protection. Ilullock gave chase ,
but the wretch escaped.
A dlrixitch from Idaho City says that the
machinery for prospecting placer ground on
More and Elk creeks has arrived. A series
of pita will bo sunk , and , should the ground
prove satisfactory , large dredgers will bo
brought In as early as possible next spring.
The company owns about SOO acres of ground.
The first work will ho done on More creek ,
a mlle and a halt below that place. A pros
pecting machine will also test the grouud at
Uoylo's gulch and Wolf creek , on the- west
side of Bolso basin.
The Mountain Homo Republican says Ed
Kurtz and Robert Mumford of The Dalles ,
Oregon , are to bo prosecuted for catching
llsh In the Snake river , contrary to law.
They have been successfully catching
sturgeon on Snake river -with what Is known
as snags. They commenced operations some
tlmo during the latter part ot October near
Glennls Ferry , and since that tlmo have
shipped several { thousand rounds ot fish.
They receive G cents a pound for the flsh
and 30 cents a pound for their eggs on board
the train.
AViiKliliiKtou Nrrv'K Vnti-H.
As a result of the Whitman monument
exercises contention is rife in Washington
as to whether Whitman really nild save Ore
gon. Father Flohr of Walla Walla lectured
on the subject Sunday evening and contended
that Whitman's admirers are all wrong ,
The 'Copper ' River Transportation and Min
ing company ot Port Townsend will add
another to the fleet of vessels engaged In
the Copper rlvor trade , making five In all ,
and beginning In ( February the company
will send a boat north every fifteen days.
The Tacoma Iron works has a contract
to construct ten steam sleds , to bo used
on the lakes and the upper Yukon rlvor ,
and one , called a' steam cable sled , to be
useJ oc. the 'Chllkoot pass , to haul the
other sleds over and also for taking
freight over the pass.
John Slocum , the Shaker Indian , Is dead
at Olyn-pla. Ho became famous about five
years ago t > y his report on how ho was
translated to heaven and lio\v ho found a
lot ot Indians there and each ono was pro
vided with a horse and plenty of salmon.
Before his death ho bestowed his mantle of
I religious leadership on Dick Jackson.
The 'Board ot State Land Commissioners
has authorized another Investment of $10,000
of the permanent school fund In general
fund' ' warrants. The state ofilcors and em
ployes generally arc responding liberally to
the circular letter recently Issued asking
that they cash their warrants In the per
manent school fund at par rather than with
brokers at a premium.
Tbo 1-year-old daughter of Senator Leah
was left in a house on the Moxsee farm , near
North Yaklma , and was burned to death with
the destruction of tbo houio. Senator Lash
was In Washington , D. C. , at the time. He
lost his wife a year ago , since which time
ono of the twins , born at the time , has dleJ ,
and the ono lost In the lire was the other
The Everett Land company In Everett
paid the taxes on all of the Improved prop
erty , amounting to over $7,000. It also ten
dered to Treasurer York about $20,000 for
taxes on Its unimproved property. This was
not accepted , the total amount of the taxes
on both classes of 'property ' being over $50-
000. The land company then filed papers
In a suit to restrain the county treasurer
from selling any of the property upon
which a tender had been made.
\evuilu .Yewsotfn. .
The ores now being shipped from Eureka
average CO per cent In gold ,
The Chinese of Carson are discussing the
propriety of arresting the Indians who stele
their funeral baked meats at the cemetery.
The Do Lamar mlno Is producing 9,000
tons of ere monthly. The McEIHn mlno ,
near Hamilton , has produced $25,013 during
i the year ending with September ,
White Pine News : A Utah teamster came
In this week with 240 dozen eggs which he
disposed ot without trouble at 35 cents per
dozen. Eggs have been very scarce of late
and It Is often Impossible to get them hero
at all.
The Elko Independent says that Attorney
Farrlngton has filed a complaint agilnst the
Gold Creek Mining company In which he
aska for a judgment In the sum of S45S.34.
All of the company's property has been at
The Gold Creek News appeared last week
printed on brown paper. This week It comes
out In green , and contains this leartrendlng
appeal : "If any ono owing the News $2.50
will come around and settle It can get the
paper out of the express ofllco , If not It will
have to resort to wrapping paper. "
On the Cometock Gould & Curry la still
extracting and hoisting low-grado ere
allowing a largo percentage of silver. Alpha
has run Into some low-grado ere on tbo 500-
foot level. In Confidence work has been
suspended. In Crown Point' and Belcher
work is being done with god prospects of
flndlng ore. Justice reports an eighteen-
Inch vein of ere going $105 to the ton.
Eureka Sentinel : Ono of Sam Wheeler's
oheepherdors poisoned eighteen coyotes the
other night at Fish creek. It Is a notice
able fact that this trlsky , howling animal
Is unusually numerous this year. The yelp
ing and snarling ot the poor things Is ex
tremely pitiful and ascends to high heaven
In waling rebuke of the California .legisla
ture , whoso scandalous conduct has de
stroyed the market for the Nevada coyoto.
J , A , Perkins of Antiquity , O , , was for
thirty years needlessly tortutcd by physi
cians for the euro of eczema , He was
quickly cured by uMng DeWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve , the famous healing salvo for plica and
skin diseases.
DI-IIMVIUTM Stntc Tli i-1 r Cine.
MUSKOGEE. I. T. , Dee , lO.-The petition
of the Delalwaro Indiana to the Department
of the Interior , asking for their rights in the
Cherokee nation , has just be n made pub
lic , The document , which Is quite a lengthy
one. refers to the contract between the
Cherokecs and the Dolawnrca , by which the
Dclawares bought Ij7,0 acres of land anil
communal rights In the Cherokee nation for
$179.42 , The appropriation of NOO.OOO by the
Cherokee council to equalize the freodmen'a
1 share in the per capita distribution of the
i Cherokee strip fund and the payment of
j:26.WO : attorneys * ' feea out of It l denounced ,
1 as Is also the admission of freedmeii to
cltlzeiuhlp In the nation.
Assembling of Oanerass Deal Hat Prodioa
Any Unsettled
Thin IN noiihtlenN I > Jl < OJ < hc Convle-
illun Unit \o\v HiiMiii'Ss Will
Hi-Kin lo Come In i After
the New
NEW YORK , Dec. 10. U. Q. Dun & Co.'fl
Weekly Uevlew of Tr > ido will say tomorrow. :
The openingof congress , with the nn-
nunl message and reports , Ims not discour
aged business , ns some predicted , but nil
Speculative markets nre stronger than a
week afro. The productive industries , oven
In the season usually about the dullest of
the year as to new orders , met n definite
Improvement In demand for Important prod ,
nets , presumably the fruit of a prevailing
conviction that row business will begin to
crowd the works after the now year starts ,
The outward movement of wheat and other
products continues so heavy tlmt foreign
exchange 1ms fnltn % c , and Instead of ex
ports ot gold , which have marked December
in recent years. Imports would come It gold
were wanted. Securities are advancing with
reason In the Increased earnings of rail
ways JI7OS3E01 for November on reporting
roads In the United State's ; 16.8 per cent
larger than lost year npd 3.9 per cent target
than In U32. A striking comparison for live
years shows that In each ot the last three
months earnings have bten Greater than In
uny previous year , with a larger Increase
In November than In October or September.
The sudden rise In December wheat at
Chicago to Jl.Cfl would do harm were It not
based on avowed contracts to ship some
millions of bushels to Europe. That fact
and the continued foreign demand In spite
of such contracts has helped a rise of Hie
here. Western receipts for the week were
0,578,771 bushels , against 3,091,374 bushels
last year , and Atlantic exports. Including
Hour , 4,612,137 bushels , against 2,975,031 bush
els last year. And so great 1st the foreign
shortage that the outgo ot corn last year ,
far greater than ever before , Is again ex
ceeded , 3,313,080 bushel for the week , against
3,055,780 bushels H year ago , with the price
ntarly 1 cent higher for the week. The
report that the western supplies are run
ning low la discredited by receipts from
Cotton Is a sixteenth stronger In spite ot
estimates running from 10.100.000 to 11,009,000
bales by well known authorities. A strike
In Kngllsh mills Is no longer threatened ,
and the possibility of one at Fall lllver has
llttlo weight. , ,
The demand for woolen goods has clearly
Improved , and more wool has just been
purchased abroad and is being Imported ,
the fcalcs In domestic markets having been
for the last week only 2.CCO.OCO pounds at
Iloaton , and In two weeks llOoO-lCO pounds
at the three markets. While some grades
have been sold largely at prices lower than
a month ago , quotations are generally sus
There is more demand for iron and steel
products In preparation for railway work ,
bridges and buildings next year , and on
contracts for export , including one for n
government brdge In Holland , others for
bridges in Japan , with largo shipments of
various products to England and other
countries. . Foreign contracts for 10,000 tons
of rails are pending * . In tind about New
York bridge and building contracts call for
23,000 tons , and Chicago works arc figuring
on numerous contracts for. 5,000 railway
cars. The formation of the American Steel
and Wlro company is expected to strengthen
prices and cause some buying ; While Bes
semer at $10 and gray forge at are
slightly lower at Plttsburg prices are
stronger at Chicago , and in all quarters
heavy business is expected utter the new
year. A salu of lake coppersaid to be 10-
000,090 pounds at 11 cents do strengthens
thei demand that $10.87 IB bill ; but tin and
lead are very dull , and spelter Is a shade
lower , while future contracts for tin plates
have been made , at $2.90 per 100 pounds.
Connellsvllle coke produptlon Is 151,100
tons weekly , asalnst 149,000 in November ,
and an advance is now expected above $1.50
for furnace coke early next year. Anthra :
cite coal Is weaker and sells here ut J-J.u
to $3.S3 for stove.
Failures in the first week of December
were but $2.C17,240 , manufaqturlngtio9.420
and trading $1,7U1,570. Failures for the week
have been 132 In the United States , agulnst
3iO last year , ana twenty-ulnfe'ln ( Kuiada ,
against forty-three last yearfi' r
of nnHliioBH TriinHuctlonii ol
the AHHOelntrd IluiiUn.
NEW YORK. Dec. 10. The following
table , compiled by Bradstreet , showu
the bank clearings at eighty-seven cities )
for the weeUi endingi December 2 , with the
percentage of Increase and decrease as
compared with the corresponding week last
year :
InUiK-iic-ir on Will I Street.
NEW YORK , Dec. 10. nradstieet'a finan
cial review tomorrow will toy ;
Public Interest In speculation has In
creased to Bomo extent , but the activity nnd
strength of this week's market were again
largely duo to professional manipulation.
Thu president's messace , rnoro particularly
the part relating to Cuba , was favorably
received by the street and It U apparently
conceded that the danger of untettlliig asl-
tatlon of the Cuban question In congress
haa been materially lessened
The leading operators , Tvho have taken
hold of the share market on the bull side ,
nre supported In their attitude by the In
creasing activity In bonfl * nml the large
Investment demnnd at advancing figures ,
the. movement haying now extended from
hlidi grade securities to the uucond class ot
railroad mortgages ,
Large Increases In railroad earnlnji con-
tlnuo to bo ono ot the chief factors In the
situation nnd rumors nro current rcjr nllnff
tbo payment of dividends or their Interest
by a number of companies. Tl > announce
ment that dividends ot 1 per cent on the
preferred shares of the reorganized North
ern 1'nclflc hnd begun waa fully expanded
nnd nldpd In giving currency to the many
rumors of Iho same kind In regard to other
It is tiuc thnt early In the week the street
hnd one disappointment In regard to an
extrn dividend on fugnr stock which waa
not declared. The general market , however ,
manifested a disposition to cut loose from
sujcnr nnd 'Wns Indeed somdMint inclined to
disregard other unfavorable , f.ictors.
London 1ms continued to sell ! > p.\rlimly In
tMs market and the indications from Wash
ington seem to bo that despite tlio careful
treatment of the currency question by the
president , there 13 little hope ot any legisla
tion whatever by congress on this subject.
IliialnrHM IH ( liili-l , tint rollt't'tlnnn Arc
Ucitortcd Cniid.
NEW YOnK , Dec. 10. Bradstrcct's to
morrow will say :
Mllit iwr-ather throughout most of the
country has Inlurfercu to some cue tent -nUh
the distribution of winter weight clothing
nnd other seasonable good' and trailo from
first hands Is quieter , even , than last week.
Jobbers nnd retailers , however , report a
steadily increasing and In some regions
very active business In holiday goods ,
Rioccries nnd kindred products. Reports
from the. south continue as n whole very
good , with especially favorable accounls
from New Orleans , Atlanta , Nashvlllo and
the central south.
Collections nre , as a rule , very satisfac
tory In spite of the low price for cnt'.nn.
Favorable reports come from Chicago , Kan
sas City , St. Louis and St. Paul In the cen
tral m.est . and northwest , while the Pacific
coast notca a heavy Increase Iti the trade ,
present and contingent , based upon en
larged Alaskan demand , San Francisco re
ports the ( Ahent crop improved by recent
rnlnf , with conservative estimates pointing
to a yield of S'3,000 tons. General export
trade on the coast Is ve > y heavy ,
The prlco situation Is ono of sustained
and oven aggressive. Strength , Wheat Is
higher , partly on Improved statistical posi
tion , but largely In sympathy with the Chicago
cage squeeze , which hnd advanced prices
15 cents per bushel within a week In that
market. All ceunls have Improved. Wheat ,
coffee , copper , cotton , dairy products , leaf
tobacco and raw sugar nro also among the
prominent staples which have been en
hanced In value. The desrcapea have been
few and slight , shading at Pittsbunr and
sympathetic weaknesses at other points ot
an Immense production.
Cereal exports continue very large , though
show Ing a. falling oft from last week's total.
Total export" ! of wheat and Hour from the
United States and Canada this week aggre
GOOiG3S bustieN , against G.GTO.OOO misn-
els last week , 1.222,000 bushels In the week
a year ago , 2,453,000 bushels In 1SK5 , 2.520,000
bushels In 1S04 , nnd 3,217,000 bushels In 1893.
Corn exports also show a falling off , aggre
gating 3.068,000 bushels this week , against
lSo3,000 bushels last week , 3,541,000 bushels
last year nnd 3,391,000 bushels In 1S93.
There were 2D2 business failures reported
throughout thel United States this week , as
opposed to 230 last 'Week , 3SI In the week a
year ago , 313 In 1655 and SS3 In 1891.
Hanlc clearings fcr Canadian cities this
'Aoek aggregate $ M,543,290 , a decrease of l.S
per cent from last nvcck , but an Increase of
8 per cent over one year ago.
t'n Arnica Salve.
The best salvo In the world for Cats
Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Uheum , Fever
Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively
cures Piles or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Prlco 25 cents VET box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
jion i/rxciius A MSGIIO Mimncitnn.
Identified l.y it I.lttUOlrl , One ot III *
Intended Victim * .
WESSON , Miss. , Doc. 10. Full particulars
of a most brutal murder have Just como
to hand. Almost the entire family of Drown
Smith , a respectable whlto farmer , 35 years
of ago , was killed with a club In the hands
of Charles Lowls , a negro. Smith was work
ing at a gin a few miles from his homo ,
which Is situated about two and one-half
miles from Pearl river , on the cast bank , In
Lawrence county and In a wild country.
The IIOUBO Is off the main road and no white
family lives within two miles ot It , al
though several negro families live near. It
was one of these negroes , who on Wednes
day , sometime between noon and
darkness , crept up to Smith's house
and assaulted Airs. Smith , then
bmlned her and then to forever hide his
crlmo ho began on the six children , only
sparing a babe , which he lett untouched. The
work was not done os well as he thought , for
one of the children , a little girl 5 years of
age , regained consciousness and when her
father entered after his day's work she told
him the name of the jnurdercr. The
mother and four children were found dead
and dying In the yard , showing how they had
struggled to escape.
The father and husband Immediately
sounded the alarm and a posse was organized
and late yesterday afternoon the negro was
captured , carried to Montlcello , the county
scat ot Lawrence county , ami at 7 o'clock
was carried back to the scene of his crime ,
where ho was fully Identified by the little
girl. It la said ho was promptly lynched
after the Identification by a largo crowd of
Infuriated citizens who had joined In the
search. It is greatly feared that a wholesale
lynching may take place In that neighbor
hood , as the country la excited to the highest
Half Sli'U I'coiile.
Not elck enough to call In a doctor , just
sick enough , to bo miserable and make
others miserable. They need Just such a
tonic as Anheuser-Busch's Malt-Nutrlne
the food , drink. To bo had at all druggists.
Three IIIK lllvnl Cniniinnli-H Effect a
NEW YORK , Dec. 10. It Is more than
possible that within the next few days the
great bulk ot the cracker and biscuit bust-
ness of the United States will bo controlled
by a combination of the three corporations
that now share the trade among themselves ,
says the New York Times. These three cor
porations are the New York Biscuit com
pany , the American Biscuit and Manufactur
ing company and the United States Biscuit
company. It Is generally supposed that the
Now York Biscuit company will bo the head ,
as It Is said to have been the chief promoter
of the combination. The three-fold process
of absorption has gene on until these thrco
great companies now stand without rivals ,
except among themselves. The combination
now forming will put an end to the limited
rivalry 'that existed , and thcro will then bo
ono biscuit concern that will control the
entlro trade of the country , Its combined
capital will bo J25.000.000 or $30,000,000.
Rumors are current to the effect that Philip
D. Armour of Chicago and J. D. Qllmore
the banker of this city , were the chief promoters -
motors of the organization. This has been
denied at the ofllco of tha New York Blscull
company. It was learned from this company
pany that the officers'of the three big con
cerns Interested In forming this combination
are now In this city to complete the details
of the union. The headquarters of the now
organization will probably bo established In
this city.
It Is eaoy to catch a cold and just as osby
to get rid of It If you commence tarly o
use Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures
coughs , coldi , bronchitis , pneumonju and al
throat and lung troubles. It Is pleasant to
take , eafo to use and sum to r.ure ,
PoliceLooUIiiRT Up 'tlio ' Itvcnrd of n
.Veiv Yiirlc Mini.
NEW YORK , Dec. 10. Charles Zanoll , the
barber who pleaded guilty to defrauding an
Insurance company and who admitted tha
ulnco 1883 ho had collected Insurance on four
wives , ono mothcr-ln-Iaw , ono daughter am
ono employe , was arraigned In police cour
again today on the charge of being a suspi
cious character. Ho was remanded until to
morrow to glvo the detectives time to thor
oughly Investigate his record and ascerlali
whether tbo lives of all these ticoplo , whoso
Insurance Zanoll obtained , were tout throug !
natural causes. The charge made by the Insurance
suranco company will not be pressed untl
this curious sequence of deaths has been
thoroughly explained ,
Zanoll asiertB that all the persons on
whose lives he collected Insurance died from
natural causes , but admits collecting $355 01
on Insurance policy taken out In his ow
name after ho had represented to the com
pony that tha dead body ot an employ
named Schmidt lilinself. While prco-
iickness Driven from Another Home by
Paine's Celery Compound ,
Women , mothers of families , have no more
right to live beyond their strength than be
yond their Income.
The greatest Injustice that women do them
selves and their children Is putting off get
ting well. Headaches , nervousness , dyspep
sia and melancholia lay their leaden fingers
over the whole household.
Palno's celery compound has driven sick
ness and gloom from Innumerable homes ,
where some loved member was the source of
continual anxiety and oven despair. The
constantly repeated successes ot this great
Invlgorator In making people well have
roused many persons who thought themselves
destlued unredecmably to lives of Imperfect
health to try Paine's celery compound.
No ono can read the following letter with
out being Inspired with confidence In this
great remedy :
C5D Elm Strteet , Buffalo , N. Y. , July 23.
About eight years ago , after the birth ot a
child , I suffered terribly. I could not get
help from over a dozen physicians to whom
I applied , and after receiving treatment from
the last doctor continually for nine months ,
waa pronounced cured and continued so uutll
the birth ot another child , when I was
obliged to commence doctoring again ,
although all Imaginable treatments had been
esorted to without one particle of relief.
I was subject to neuralgic troubles and
lightly rheumatic , and I became discouraged
nd melancholy , feeling that I should never
gain be a. well woman.
I waa In a pitiful state , when my husband ,
who had been benefited by the use ot Paluo'i
celery compound , urged mo to try It. In
remarkably short tlmo after I began taking
the remedy I began to notice a change for tha
better. Before I had taken three bottles I
was well. I consider my euro a mlruclo , for
I had tried a great many doctors and different
drugs and spent hundreds of dollars In vain.
Respectfully yours ,
Close , careful observation of great number *
ot cases like the above led Professor Edward
E. Phelps , M. D. , LL. D. , of the Dartmouth.
Medical School , to the formulation of Palno'
celery compound.
The success of this universally well known
remedy In quickly driving out disease from
the lilood and system need not be retold to
newspaper readers.
Paine's celery compound restores to a
healthy state i weakened and diseased nerv-
cus system. One of the first evidences of Its
building-up vlrttio Is In the gain of flesh no
ticeable about the face. Night sweats and
nervous twltchlngs are things of the past ;
there Is a great Improvement In looks , a hot
ter appetite , sounder sleco , a clearer skin
and more regular functions. These are a
few ot the outward Improvements. More Im
portant Is the thorough and radical purifying
of the blood and the regulating and building
up of the deep-lying nerves all over the body.
Thcro Is nothing half way or partial In the
effect of Paine's celery compound. It cures
% ? t * * . to your friends
$ $
This issue of The with this hand ftft
some supplement , is the best advertisement the Ex
ftft position and Omaha has ever had.
ftft Everybody should send a copy of this . -
# issue to their friends outside of Omaha. Real es If
i'i tate men , investment companies and business men f
generally should send copies to their correspond ft
* ents. ftft
For a few days yet , copies for mailing may ft
be obtained at the biisines-5 office of The Bee at 50 ftft
ftft per copy . , Special rates for quantities of 25 or ftft
more. ft . . .
Circulation V (
ftft Department ,
The Bee Publishing Co. , iji ,
ftft Bee Building.
4 | 4 & fc > & 4 4
" ' W B BHffiS1 WlfilLa/Vnall ThlncrcotVcBBtahl rtncpn-scrli > * -
tlonot u fatnou * French physician , will quickly cuio you n ( nil tier ,
vous or iHsi-a-sca ol tbo BOiicrutlvo < iriniii. : such iti IostSIaubnod.
Insomnia , 1'alns In tlio DiicK.Ueminal IJinlsslntm , Nrrvnui Urljlllty.
I'luiplos , uiullnea-i to JJurry , KxlmiittliiK Jlriilns , Vnrlcoi-ela mid
C'onslljiaUou. It stopi all IOMCby day or nlg.t. ! I'lPVi-nts quick-
ntcioi ( llscliargn , wlilcliIInotchrcKp'I JwjH toHpornintorrliOBinm. !
< 'it'imvr lcniisc3Uiollver tua
nrrnnr Arrrn ft" Uioliorrorsutlmpotnncy. < : ,
BEFORE AND AC1C.K uidncysand tliniirlimryorKiiiisnSullliaimrltlcs.
CDI'IDENK rtrongtUon8Bnilrcstorea nmllwcnlCf.riraiia.
Tlio reason MilTorprH ere not cured b ) ' IKICIOIH li IICTMUSL- ninety per cent nro tronblc. wltli
Proatnllllo. CUl'I HKNE IB tlio only known n-mcd/tr ) euro wlilioutuuopi-rnlloii. tOXJli'iitlmonl.
nla. A written cnarnnti-ogivenantl money rcturneil If Biz boxra rtoea notciluct ft ( wruiiuieutcuce ,
gUOn box , six for 15,00 , by mall. Homl for VUCK clrculnr nnil testimonials.
4drtre i WA.VOI. WKUICINK K.l'.O. JJoi2070.BanIViuicUo.Cnl. rBalelM
Mycra nllloii Drupr Co. , V. 10. Ciirn.-r llltli ami l.'uriiiiin Sl , , Onuilin , Ni'I ) ,
cutlng hie Insurance bnslncgs anoll oino-
tlmes traveled under tlio names of llrauno
and Suhmcr , Tbo police have no definite evi
dence to uarrunt the charge ot murder ,
.Mm llurlfil , lint WenItrx -
t ! II I'llVltllllllt .SlTlllllN Illjllf- .
MILWAUKEE , Dee. 10. Twenty men
were burled under debr'a by the collapse
of cait house No. 1 of the Illinois Steel
company's plant at Hay View at 2 o'clock
this morning. Fortunately only two were
seriously hurt , tbo others cucgplng with a
few scratches and brultes. The seriously
Injured are : John Hralak and Thomas
Last evening an , explosion in the cant
hauee occurred , and during It 8 , Mofaald
nan burned. It U believed that the force
of the explosion shattered tbo foundation
and when twenty men were at work the
side walls gave way and tbo largo sheet
Iron root caved lo this morning , The tire
department and the mill employes were soon
rescuing the burled workmen and amldit
a drenching rain ono by ono they were
hauled out of the ruins , nut for the feet
that tbo root Is sheet Iron and did not fall
flat an the ground all would have been
Arnold's JJromo Uolorr curei hcadacboi ,
lOc , 2Go and SOc. All UruggUU.
& Searles.
All Private UUease *
It Disorders at Mem
Treatment fay Mall ,
Consultation Free ,
_ _ .
Cured fur Ufa and the poleon thoroughly cl an e4
from tlio y tem.
Snerinntorrlic.1. Seminal Weaknc , Lo t Mm-
hood , Nlrht KiriUiloim. Dtcayuit V'aouUlna. ITo-
main WtnUnc e. and all rtellcatu dlaordera pecu.
sV X' ' SftWXt'EUrifyDuSo ' fu
AND VAHICOOEC.K p ermttuontly and tucovtsfully
cured , Mnthodnuwand unlalllnff ,
Stridlure and Gleet SSI.
by new method without pain or outtlur. Call oa
or tddresB with BtimP
ti9 a < 4tti St. .
mm ay.AUA. NUE.