THE OMAJGCA. DADDY BEEF ISATTJKDAT , DEOHfttBER II , 1897. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. E. ItOSBWATCR , Killtor. ruiu.isiiir > IVIHY MOHNINQ. or suuscnirTioN : Dillr U e ( Without Sunday ) . One Year 09 Dully lice and Sunday , One Year to Hit Month ! 00 Three Month * SCO SaniSay Ilc , One Year ZJ Haturclny lice. One Year 1M Weekly life , One Year Ci OFFlCr.Hl Onvitia. The lice Ilulldlng. Boutn Omahn : Singer Illk. . Cor. N and 21th St . Council lilurr.i : 10 1'cnrl Htrcet. Chicago onicr : JIT Chamber ot Commerce. New York ! llonmn 13 , II and 1C Tribune llldfc Washington : (01 Fourteenth Street. counusroNDUNcc. All communlcntljnii relntlnit to news and edito rial matter should lie nddtcs.-c.l : To the UJUor. ituaiNiss IITTIUS. : All bunlnrns Itttcri and remittances Miould be Bdilrcated to The lice rubllnhlni ; Company , Omaha , Drnfta , checks , express and postodlco money orders to bo madf pnjablo to the order ot the company. Tim nun punusitma COMPANY. BTATIMINT or CIIICUI.A.TION. Btnle of Nclirnnkn , DouulM Connly. tx.l OeorKi ! n. Tzschutk , secretary ofihe ltc I'nb- llfthlng Company , being-duly sworn , wi > s Hint tlie nctunl number of full and complete copies of Tha Dally , Morning , Keening nml Siimlny llee prlnle < l tlitrtiiK lhe munlli of November , 1837 , waa as fcl- 1 :0,74G 18 21.8S3 i 21ISO 17 21,271 3 2.1.3S9 18 21.147 4 ; 13 Z1.04S ft 21.177 M 2ln 6 , 21,353 2l , 21,023 7 i.C2- > 22 21,315 S 21,411) 23 22.203 9 21,0V ) SI 21.9)1 JO ! l07 Si 21,351 II il.Ott 26 21.0R3 n 21.321 27 21,782 II 21,421 2S 21,018 j4 ro.m 11 21,400 15 21..TJ CO 21,313 Total 645,021 I p s unsold nnd rotor neil copies 10,41 ! Nrt tntftl rntfs C3I.BO < ! Net dully ntrrnen 21.151 OHO. 11 TJtTlinrK. Bworn to bpfnri * nit * and subscribed In my flrpXTKv this 1st day of December , 1M7. ( Seal. ) . , N r. rnir , . Nolnry Public. Til 13 liniS ON TRAINS. All nt II i-on il ir -l nyit nrc til > | > llril with cuoiiKli Ilccn .to nccMiiiunoilato every iinn- Bcnprcr who ivnul1 * lo rcnil n ncvniniti r. IiinlNt upon Iinv- tiitr Tin ? ni'C. If you ciiniiat Kft n HOP mi n ( ruin rruin ( lie nevvN iiK'iit , ] > lcnn < > rt'iinrt the fnc-t , ntatliiK tinrnlii ( mill rnllrnnil , to tlie Clrciilntlon Doiuirtnicnt of Tlie HIT. The lice IN for mile mi nil ( rnliiM. INSIST ON HAVING Tim linn. As soon ns Ilrynn pot out of thc conn- try sliver went up to 58 cpnt.s an ounce. Since HID siilo oven the locomotives on the Union Pacific system liave become liustlurs. . Yclser must be Riven the credit Hint attaches to persistency , even if sonic of Ills reform efforts are misdirected. The increased NebnisUsi school appor tionment Is the clinching denial the popullHt state ofllclals could want of tlielr assertions that prosperity Is 110- where In sight. The west and the south are calling for currency to he used in business. The United States subtreasury sent $ : ' .00,000 to St. Thorns and 5100,000 to New Orleans the other ( lay. Next year there will be twenty-seven fenmlo county superintendents of schools In Colorado and twenty-nine males , a loss of one for the men and a gain of ono for the womeiv. , The more the populists rellect upon the consequences of fusion the more cou vluced they become that the democrats nrc the principal gainers by it , and at the expense of the populist party. Omaha must have greater hotel fa cilities before the exposition opens. The man who puts his money In a good hotel In this city right now will have no trou ble In getting a good return on his In vestment. The school board may perhaps be Justi fied In counting on Increased revenues for the coming year , but that will never Justify the waste of ono dollar of the school funds in extravagant or needless expenditure. The local Hiinco organ has been caught In the meshes of Its own contradictory circulation statements. The Bunco organ has been living on money extracted from patrons by false pretenses and It naturally "hollers" when its game Is ex posed. Last year Canada purchased ? 10,000- 000 worm of produce from the United States In excess of the amount we bought of Canada. That was before Canadians got their dander up about Kipling's new poem on "Our Lady of the Snows. " An Iowa newspaper dependent on ad- > ortlslng for support , contending that Iowa should not spend any money foi advertising at the Traiisinlsslsslppl Ex position because "advertising doesn'i pay , " Is a spectacle to bring tears to the eyes of the oldest advertising solicitor. All of next year's Klondike tourists will want to stop off nt Omaha and BOO the exposition on the way to the coasl nnd all of the returning fortune hunters will pause at the gateway on the way home. The I'aclllc coast newspapers say that there will bo millions of them. The eontllct as to whether the successoi to Jndgo Sullivan on the district bencl to bo appointed by Governor Ilolcomb Is to bo a iKipullst , a democrat , or a free silver republican , Is merely a repetition of the squabble that Is Inevitable ever } time the fuslonlsts have spoils of olllco to distribute. The Nebraska Htato university has al ready signified Its intention to lend al possible ) assistance to tho. proposet Transmlsslsslppl Hducatlonal convex tlon nt Omaha during the exposition Every college and university west of the Mississippi ought to take action in the name direction. The Ohio Federation of Labor wants to " lalmr" fo congress pxcludo "foreignlalmr" ten. years. This , too , with immlgratloi societies nnd agents and land bureaus engaged In llerco competition to secure men to occupy the millions of acres o unused land in , the south nnd west ant bring forth wealth and prosperity. TUB SUPREME UOVHT VACAXOY. It Is not probable tlmt tlio president will Rlvo any serious consideration lo tlio protest which 1ms boon made by n number of Jud e.1 ? nntl lawyers In Oregon nnd California ngalnst the proposed ap pointment of Attorney General MoKcnna to the vacancy on the bench of the United States supreme court made by the retirement ot Justice Field. This re- marknhlc protest , so far as we are aware without precedent , professes to have bcpn prompted by n desire for the main tenance of the character of the supreme court for ability and Independence , but there Is reasonto - suspect that thurc was not so worthy and honorable a mo tive as this for the protest. It Is alleged by the protestants that ; Judge McICcnnn la not qualified for any judicial place of Importance , much less for the highest place In the land. It Is easy to make an assertion of this kind , but It will go for little with fair-minded men. The fact is that Judge McKennn made a good record on the federal bencli and this was well 1nowti to President Me- Kluley when lie selected blm for attor ney general. The president has had abundant opportunity , during the nine months In which he has been officially associated with Judge Mclvenna , to as certain his illness for an associate Jus tice ot the supreme court nnd the fact that he has determined to nominate him for tlmt position will be very generally accepted as ample assurance of Judge McKunim's qualifications. Not only is the president as capable of judging as .0 the illness of Judge McKetma for ndlclal place as are those who have irotestcil against his appointment , but t must lie presumed that he Is no less solicitous , but rather more so , to iniiin- aln the character of the supreme court. In a word , the protest Is presumptuous f not Impertinent , since It Is a reflec tion upon Mr. McKlnloy's judgment , nnd the president should , us he undoubtedly will , entirely disregard It. HAWAIIAN I'ltOTKST. The petition slgnotl by over 21,000 na live Ilawallans , protesting against an nexatlon , which was laid before 'the United States senate on Thursday by Senator Hoar , ought to remove all doubt that a majority of those ixxiple are op posed to the scheme of handing over Ihelr country to the United States. It docs not alVect the matter that half the signers of the petition are women , for while tht'so do not exercise the suffrage they have n claim to be hcaiul and no falr-mln-dod American would deny them the privilege of a voice on the question whether the land of their birth shall become the possession of another nation and they 1m subjected to the laws and customs of strangers. We blmll bi > very much surprised If this petition does not produce a decided effect upon congress and upon public sentiment. It conclusively shows what would be the result If the Hawaiian people ple were given an opportunity to freely vote on the question of annexation. "Wo confidently believe that In that case It would be demonstrated that they are practically unanimous against the scheme of the political adventurers who are In control In Ilnwnll. But the peti tion ought to .be snlliclent to convince the American people that if Hawaii annexed it will be done In disregard of the wishes of Its native people and there to ro in violation of the most c&sentinl principle of our republican system. TUK I'KKSION QUESTION. The secretary of the Interior estimated that there will bo needed for pensions In the next fiscal year ? 141,21S,8 , ; ) and the sub-committee of the house committee on appropriations has agreed upon this amount , which varies but little from that of tlie current fiscal year. It Is said that tho-so who are familiar with the opera tions of the pension olllce and the large additions constantly being made to the pension roll are confident that the sum named will fall several millions short of meeting the requirements. A consider able deficit In the pension account foi the currant fiscal year is expected ani It Is believed that for the year ending June 80 , 1800 , the aggregate required to pay the pension list will approximate If It does not exceed , $150,000,000. The largest disbursement for pensions dur ing the last ten years was In the flsca year 3S93 , when the amount was $109 , : i57io8. ( The total disbursements for the ten years ending June 150,1897 , were $ l,2r 0iUi02l , ! ! ( : or more than double the amount for the preceding- years. These are large figures and when It Is said that the great increase In the c\ pcndltures of the government during the last ton years Is chiefly from the In crcaso in pensions the Importance of the pension question- will be generally ad milled. Already there are over 200 prl vatc pension hills on the calendar of the United Stales senate which have re colved the endorsement of the committee on pensions of that body and the chair man of tills 011111111(00 ( , Senator Oallln gur , said on Thursday In refeicncc to these measures that ho was satlslkM "that In private pension matters WL have gone to the extreme limit and 11 is lime to call a halt. " He further salt tlmt tlit'ro Is laxity among senator * about sending pension hills to the com mlttee and very properly suggested tha they should be absolutely satisfied of the merits of measures before Introduc liig them. These statements from a senator who Is n firm friend of thu pun slim system and has always advocated a liberal policy toward those who have a Just claim to the biMioflconcc of the gov crnmiml , and who Is In a position to know of what hu speaks , must a ires public attention. There will probahlj bo no question of the truth of Mr. Gal llngoi-'a assertion as to the laxity of sen ntors lu 1ho mntt r r > f private pcnsloi bills and Ihero can be no reasonable doubt that this has cost the govcrnmen a great many millions of dollars pah out to pei-sons who did not deserve the national bounty. It Is a serious charge that tlm chairman of the senate com mltteo on pensions has made , but ho ha performed a public duty for which ho will bo commended and it Is to bo hoped It will have a wholesome effect. The Bee has no sympathy with the clamor against the pension roll. We do not believe there Is uiiy substantial \ ground for the allegations of wholesale 'raud. Unquestionable there have been ninny fraudulent claims allowed nnd it is doubtless true that there arc icrsons on the pension lists who ought o be dropped from them , but the. thor ough Investigation prosecuted by the last administration- , with no friendly concern for tho. pensioners , failed to establish ho charge of oxtonslvo frauds. Still wo believe that there should be legislation Ipslgncd to prevent an Increase lu the tension account , If not to reduce it. The ecommcndatlons of the commissioner of lenslous In this direction have been widely approved nnd a bill embodying them has been introduced In the house. Generous treatment of those who merit ) onslons Is n duty , but lu the present condition of the national treasury there can be no justification for Increasing the iciisloii account. KKDUCBD TO A QVKSTION OK FACT. The popocratlc lawyers and the pop- ocratlc organ that have been using ox- Mayor William J. Broatch as n club for braining the republican party may re gard It as a great political stroke to proclaim the decision of the supreme court In tlie Llroatch-Moorcs case to be a knockout for Mayor Moores , but anyone who will read the vital parts of the opin ion will see that the contention made for Broatch Is practically snuffed out. The court holds In so many words that the contest for the mayoralty Is narrowed down to a question of fact whether or not Frank E. Mooros has willfully and deliberately , with corrupt Intent , with held money collected by him as cus todian of public funds while clerk of the district court. The burden of the proof to sustain a charge of dishonest appropriation of money rests upon Mr. Broatch and his popocratlc lawyers. It will lake n great deal more testimony than was brought out by them lu their late fishing excur sion before a notary to convince u court or a jury that Mr. Moores has Inten tionally pocketed nny of the public money collected by him. It will require something more than the bare and base less assertions of the Fake-Mill that has ground out double-shotted and double- columned sensations to divert attention from the boodlers and bogus reformers for which It serves as the political fence to convict Frank B. Moores ot the willful larceny of public funds. Keduced to a question of fact , It will bo shown beyond a reasonable doubt that Frank E. Moores never had any Idea of confiscating any part of the funds he collected , but , on the contrary , has exercised due diligence to secure an auditing and settlement of his account n as clerk of the district court. Ilcduccd to a question of fact , It will be evident further that he has held himself ready to turn over whatever money was due from lil in upon proper showing verified by the records. When the facts arc pre sented before an unbiased court or jury , If Mr. Broatch sees fit to allow his pop- ocratlc attorneys to go on with the case , the finding will vindicate Mayor Moores by confirming his right to the oflice to which the people have elected him. TIME IS VETTING SHORT. A double-barreled broadside of cold lead cast In big typo has been fired by the "World-Herald at applicants t'oi liquor licenses under the big black head ing , "Time Is Getting Short. " There Is no doubt that time is getting short for the game of bluff and black mail which the concern has been playIng - Ing for years. Within a few days the Imposture that has been so systematic ally worked under false allldavlts and fraudulent circulation statements will be effectually shown up. The claim of doubling up two papers Into ono aiul multiplying the consolidated subscrlp tlou list by "two will be riddled beyond recognition. Time Is getting short Indeed for roping In dupes and getting their money under false pretenses. There are of course people who are willing to be swindled because they fear to Incur the enmity of blackmailers , but when the searchlight Is turned on , men who conduct a lawful business on < legitimate lines will refuse to be bled in order to keep alive a con cern that subsists by fraudulent prac tices. According to the Fakcry the attorney * for ex-Mayor Broatch declare that the decision of the supreme court has made easy work for the establishment ot Broatch's claim to get back Into an of fice to which another man was elected and for which he did not receive a single vote. Mr. Broatch's lawyers are very easily satisfied. They have been on easy street ever since they started this re- marknblo contest , but Mr. Broatch Is not likely to occupy the mayor's chair again unless ho does so as a visitor. During the season of IS ! ) " there "was sheared In the state of Montana 2 , - 1(19,021 pounds of wool , which was mar keted at a price averaging cents n pound higher than that received for the clip of the previous season. This I : enough to make the Montana people feel sheepish for the part they took in trying to elect a man to the preshk'iicj who while In congress tried his best lo ruin the wool Industry of the United States , Commandants of a number of homes for old soldiers report that not all the applicants for admission can be accom modated. There are homes in most o : the states , as well as several imtlonn homes , and provision Is made In some states for special hind ? for the relief o : thu veterans , but they are growing oh and u larger number each yean looks to the nation or the states for assistance. Thu decision of the supreme court tha the clerk of the district court canno lawfully pay over unclaimed witness fees to the county treasurer knocks the bottom out of the whole contention tha Frank E , Moores is In debt to the county thousands of dollars , when ns a matte of fact there is a largo balance due bin from the county. Ono of the principal charges brought by some of the local merchants against department store compe'tllors Is that the latter exaggerate the quality and quan tity of goods advertised at bargain sales or the purposetrt misleading the public. Yet these saihfe merchants use their own advertising 'K imgo to aid and nbot " the linposlued "of the World-Herald , which Is gull bf the most flagrant de ceptions In tfieCway of lying circulation statements , i i Time Is getting shprt , so short that the Iquor dealer or.druggist whn wants to advertise his < notice of application for lconse In thujnqwspapcr having the larg est circulation In. the county as required by law cannot-afford to take chances by advertising In any paper other than The Omaha Evening Bee. Congressman Dolllver was reported to have said the other day In answer to a question as to the main Issue In Iowa , that It "Is how to make n good living , and the people * are getting right down to business. " That Is also true of the people ple of a great many other states. Specific for ( AiiMrlnu It nv. Chicago Tlmw-lIemM. To President Abrnhnmovlcs : Take a good lose of Tom Heed's Elixir every morning or lhat tired fecllug. I Klrnt lii ( he Klld. . Chicago Itccord. Senator Allen of Nebraska Is letting oft his ) cuutlful Cuban fireworks rather early lu the session , when they can bo seen to the best The lliilnii I'nclllo Snlc. Now York HeralJ. 'A special cable dispatch to the Herald from London announces that a firm ot ac countants tlicro lias undertaken- block the reorganization of the Union Pacific. It Is a lovelty for accountants to Intervene In great tanking operations. Wo Imagine that t io turgalu nuulo between the syndicate and 1ho government of the United States will scarcely bo upsDt by the belated protest of tnonymous stockholders represented by a ilrni ot London accountants. Thu .MiiHkcil Iftuler. " Now York Sun. The vast shirt bosom of Hon , Joe Dalloy flashes Us splendor over Washington. The strong oratorical right arm of Hon. Ucnton McMlHIn makee tlio air of Washington remblo and hiss. The silver whistle of Hon. Illchard Parks Bland pierces the guilty cars ot the goldbuss In Washington. The srrcat Icadci of the house democrats Is some- vlicro In Washington , waiting for the fray , lo will bo Idcnttlled , not on the day when 10 leads , but on the day when the whole 3ryaulto flock In the house follows him , U Illleh In AuiiexnUoii. St. Louis Republic. There Is a hitch somewhere In the plans of .tho annexation "Booncrs. " A few weeks ago It seemed almost certain that they were strong enough 1o bring In Hawaii through the door opened by the administration , which consisted > ln .tho ratlfloitlon fcy the senate of the treaty made by the president with the Dele cabal. Now It appears that the ratification 'scheme will have to be aban doned , and If Hawaii Is tacked on to us at all It must boby the Joint resolution plan. It is by no moms absolutely certain that this can bo donp. Uiiless Speaker Reed sees fit to help McKlnloy out of a very deep hole Uiero Is no cerjtalnty of the resolution passing the housol even If It should scrape through 'tho ' senate. HeMiiliiKr the Ivloiiillkers. St. Paul , 'lcnecr Press. The protest against the sending of relief lo the Klondlkprs Is perfectly natural and has Its justification. Sensible , matter-of-fact people are peculiarly1 exasperated "byhaving " to contribute , directly or Indirectly , to the relief of the hare-br&lncd adventurers who either knew the chances they were taking when they started or else took no palna to Inquire what the chances were. Why a man In possession i : of.'bis flvof 'senses'1 and any llnd oC mental machine should expect , after doing a clearly foolhardy thing , to bo sought after In his peril and brought back to life and safety as it ho were a rare and precious article and a valuable citizen Instca-J1 ot a certain nuisance , -whether at the Klondike or In the United States , will never bo quite clear to rational people. POLITICAL I ) It I FT. Prof. John L. Sullivan wisely declined to enter the mayoralty race In Boston. lie has liad one knockout too nrany. Bostcn'a registration for Its municipal election la closed , and the total lo 102,814. This exceeds all previous Sears. Ex-Senator Hill bus been drawn from com pulsory retirement and commissioned to flght In the courts the franchise grabs en gineered by New York and Brooklyn alder men. Elections were held ia seventeen Massa chusetts towns last Tuesday , and the re publicans won out in 'twelve. ' Fourteen more towns hold tholr elections next Tuesday , leaving Boston and North Adams to cSioose 'their officers on. the 21st. An Indiscreet ofllccseeker In Virginia , re plying to some reflections on Ills character , dcscrlbedl himself as "a ves'.ui virgin , standIng - Ing In the temple , the Incarnation ot purity. " The voters wisely concluded not to expos3 him to the temptations of public life. Since Ills inauguration , nln months ao , 121,500 people have made personal application to President McKlnloy for official appoint ments. Of this cumber only one In eight have been successful , as the appointments made by the president aggregate but lflC5. George Kred Williams , the silver tornado of Massachusetts , has been expelled from the Bay State Itefoim club for non-payment of duos. The idea of asking George to ply for reform Is ridiculous. In his bright lexicon everything from sliver to chin music Is free. The fact that only 8,700 women have reglostered Jn Boston -to veto for candld-ites fcr the school board docs not Indicate that even school suffrage Is Increasing in popu larity. One year nearly 20,000 women registered , and a largo portion of them voted. Brooklyn is regarded us the bride of Father Knickerbocker the municipal' nuptials being scheduled for January 1. In order to glvo the cere-monies a proper amount o [ eclat , Brooklynltcs will not only glvo away the bride , but will present the groom with a handsome dellcit of $5,000,000 , Postmaster General Gary has received a long letter fro-m a Maryland woman , asking for an appointment for a fi'lend ot hers on the ground tha l t fall ho expended for the republlccn causa $200 which lie- had laid astdo for the purptao of buying a tombstone In memory of hi * children. Governor Grlgtfi'df ' Now Jersey , who Is slated for attornoHKcucral on the elevation of McKenna to the supreme bench , Is 49 years of age. Ho Is ono ot Now Jersey's fanner bo > B , , WM cdiicattl In Lafayette col lege , admitted tojthtf bar In 1871 , nerved in the state senate and In the araembly , and was elected goveNtbrlln 1S95. Ho holds high rank as a ( ) orator. Chicago aldermen' have formol what Is called the "Honesty Alllmco , " for the pur pose of obtalnlngjulcojiato compensatlnon for tholr services. The members regard $1,500 per annum ac the lowest possible sum for which an honest wlrtjrman can be secured and tbo dignity a ( JUcj position be maintained. An In'tlmatlon ' tuaf tqelr resignations would bo accepted was spurned as Impertinent. Kx-Senator Walsil of Georgia waa elected mayor of tAugusta' at the election held recently. The fight ; was a thrce-cornsrcd or and money nto . < rely used to oil the machinery of battle , A correspondent of the Now York Herald sayu the colored vote commanded < he highest price on. . iccord , $10 per vote being the lowest rate. In cno 'In stance a man controlling two votes auctioned them publicly and delivered tbo goods for $60. Reports front Kansas show > tliat the popu list etato machine is fortifying Itself by rais ing a campaign fund amrag the ofllceholdars. Thcro are upward * of GOO state olllcera of all grades , and they have been notified to pay Into tiie treasury 2 per cent cf their annual salaries. The salaries of the COO etato em ployes will average $500 each , making a total of $300,000. Two per cent ot this will not last long , but It will bo followed by a direct assetument oil each -member ot the party , -the Intention being to bava for next year's cam paign tt least $ M > ,000 , THE FAKERY'S LATEST. It Ucsorts to the Photographer for Assistance in Its Regular Work of Gulling Suckers. Sadie Mngulro In thu Western laborer. Ono day last woelc , from the fifth floor of the Barker block , I tad Iho pleasure of witnessing the most ridiculous pleco of fakelsm that the World-Herald has lirtil the nerve tn * { > rlng on the dear people thin month. U was not BO expensive ( to the pub. lie ) as the election night "extra" ( I confess that I was sucker enough to blto on that after I had been warned ) , but It was a bird. Just the same. "Hollo , " said I to Clark , "tho World-Herald Is having Its plcturo 'tooken. ' " "That's ' right , " said Clark , "and they have two cameras nt work , too. " Just then the machines were lu ehapo to go to work , when all ot a sudden there was a burst ot humanity men , women and children of all shapes nnd sizes out of the World-Herald front door. My P.rst flash thought was , " i walk-out ; " but that couldn't be ; perlraMi payfty ; no , crowd's too big. The stream was too steady and too well organized for that. The crowd filed cut the front door ; some walkcJ up and some down Farnam street about twenty feet ; then turned and walked back and Into Iho World-Herald onico ; then out and In again , nnd again. Jake Kolner's classic form moved about In the throng with the utmost abandon. Hitchcock , too. came cut the front door In the midst of the vast throng of busy "Ilomans , senators , citizens , nrtleans , fast operators , fore men , slaves , qulllcrs , galley slaves , Koman maidens , wenches , etc. , " and looked wisely down upon the multitudes and smiled not ono of the try-thc-clicck-nt-Haydcn'B smiles , but a real , Smllln'-Mlckey grin. Newsboys ( hired for the occasion ) passed Into tha office empty-handed and out with their arms .full of "dead" papers. They swag gered up and down In front of the camera ; moukcy-shlnln' , joshln' , counting their money , "trow In1 crops , " and so forth. Then the machine quit work ( probably because It couldn't got Its check cashed ) end the multitudes dispersed. I don't llko to spoil such a daring fake , but I hcpo to never see the back of my neck If , for the next two hours thereafter , a representative ot nny creed , color or sex went In or came out of the business office ot that paper. After Investigating the matter , I found that the camera that was working out In the street was ono ot those Edison moving plcturo kadorenccs ; and , when the company owning It gets as far away Jwn Omaha as Uurllng- ton , la. , or Lanark , 111. , the barker will bawl out ; "Tho ncx' plcturo , ladles an' gon- tlemcn , Is an overy-day seen In front ot do great Wurld-Herld office at Omahaw , Now Drasky. Die Is do paper what was edited by the great William Jennings Bryan when ho was nominated for do president ot dls United States , without swcatln' a bar ! " Then the Iowa and Illinois suckers will open their mouths with astonishment , and Oe- clare to their children and their children's children that the picture of the place where Dllly Bryan nso to work was "wuth" the prlco of admission. And the barker's guardian angel will whisper In his car , "Ono born over minute ; ono born every mlnutol" OTHER Ij.VMJS TIIAX OUUS. According to the Chinese- official version ot the Klao Chow bay affair the reason given by Germany for the sctzuro of the fortifications at that place Is n mere pretext , Germany being less desirous of obtaining reparation for the murdered missionaries than , of securing a naval station In tha far east. The Chinese government lias doubt less.tlip rlfjht .conception , of _ the 'natter. The occupation 'by ' tlio Germans of "the clfy of Klao , eighteen miles from the bay , and tlio largo number of members of the great families ot Germany , such as Count von Kessler and the Prince ot Thurn and Taxis , who have volunteered to accompany the ex pedition of Prlnco Henry of Russia , signify that the seizure Involves more than the pay ment ot an Indemnity. Indeed , when Count von Ilulow , German minister ot foreign affairs. In hlo speech en the naval bill said , with reference to the Klao affair : "We wish to push no one Into the shade , but wo de mand our share of the sun , " ho let the cat out of. thu bag. * * * Sir Alfred 'M'lncr ' , the new governor of Capo Colony nnd high commissioner for Couth Africa , who has now been long enough at'his ' post to have formed some definite opln. Ions as to the general situation , has been making a number ot more or less significant speeches. In na address at Fort Salisbury .ho said that ho wished to avoid giving any opportunity to the gamblers and speculators to work up -boom at the present tlmo. The worst enemies that a now country possessed wore those who praised It unreasonably , and then , when the first check came , just as un reasonably ran It down. L/atcr on ho said ho thought that the 3 vclopment ot lUhodesla was going to l > e the turning -point for South Africa. 'He ' looked forward 'with some .hope , but not altogether without anxiety , to what would happen. . In Rhodesia In the next few- years. Ho was anxious , owing to the excess ive hopes raised In certain qirarters regard ing Its future , nnd ho was afraid of a reac tion In the event of such hopes not being Im mediately realized. 'But ' ho rolled upon the strength of the colonists themselves and the common sense of tholr countrymen , at Ihome. Ho expressed the opinion that the Beira rail way was toeing pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Hlo was no flatterer of the Char tered company , nor iwas ho prepared to say that everything It did was right. There were pages In Its history which they -would all gladly see obliterated ; but as regards the development ot the country and Its general economic policy , ho thought that It had a high and honorable record. Ho thought that o\cn greater progress had been made than If that country bad been a crown colony. * * * The present situation In Austria-Hungary offers a striking parallel to that 'In 1848 , when the Cossacks ot the Emperor Nicholas I birely saved the empire from disruption. Only now the tables are turned. Then It was tbo German section of the population "that " held the key to the rlddlo and now It is the Slavs , who control Us solution , In splto ot the fact 'that ' the howls of Ijie Viennese have made the Dadenl cabinet an Impossibil ity. In 1S48 , as now , the demonstration of the mcb brought nucut fie fall ot the min istry. iMetternicl. -wP'lngly passed to other hands the relna e/i power , because ho did not care .to . bo torn to pieces by the mob , who vowed vengeance at the doors of 'tiio ' ministerial palace. Badenl has dcno pre cisely the same thing. Mottcrnlch stole out of a back dcor and -Increased the distance between himself and the capital at the greatest possible speed , rauc.1 ! ua Count Ia- ) donl has done. In reply to the charges of cowardice that have been made against the late minister the latter has but to point to Hio warnlog example of the minister Latour , who attempted ito hold the reins of power In spite of popular demonstration lu the last revolCtlon of tlie Viennese , and was torn to pieces by 'tho ' mob for his pilns. A Japanese observer has been bold enough to find and describe at length what ho con- nldcrs a most lamentable result ot the rapid civilisation ot which , his fellow countrymen ore > -proud. . The adoption , of now indus trial methods , he says has not Improved the condition of Joranego worklngmen. On tlio contrary , It has reduced great numbers of them to a condition In which "wretched ness , misery , squalor , poverty and hunger , premature decay , -bent and dwarfed forma , pinched cheeks , sunken eyes , and early death" are the rewards of tholr toll. This Is a very terrible picture , but it is painted , wo are told , by coo who cannot bo charged with national prejudice , from life from the llfo , that Is , which exists In the great cotton mills of New Japan. In thcHo mills some 41,400 women are employed , ranging in age from 0 to 40 years. Most of them are brought from the country to the great cities , under G-year contracts that make them practically slaves , and they work twulvo hours a day for ail average dally wage of 9.9 sen , or about G cents , Of this sum they pay 3 cents a day for fcod and lodging In barracks owned by the companies ! Nothing extra Is paid for night work. The machinery stops only on The Royal is the hlo'icst ' grade baking powder known. Actual tits how It goes ono- tlitrd further than any other traud. Absolutely Pure ROYAL HAKIM F-OWOEfl CO. , Nt * YOMC. alternate Sundays , and even that Interruption Is not to glvo the operatives rest , but that necessary repairs may bo made. Working under such conditions It Is small wonder that the women of Uio mills are the first to fall victims to every epidemic , or that the death rate among them Is enormously high at all times. "In the face ot facts llko these , " asks the Japanese writer , "what are wo to say ot our Industrial civilization ? " Ho an swers his own question with thu words "com plete failure. " Oliero can be little doubt of the true meanIng - Ing of the order for the suspension until next spring of the British military opera tions against the frontier tribes ot India. In plain English the order me-ans that the attempt to subjugate tlie I'athan tribes is to bo abandoned. The forward policy had been condemned by some of the best Anglo- Indian , olllcers before its fatuity was re vealed by the logic of events. The opera tions under Sir William Lockhart have shown the truth of the assertions made by the opponents of the scheme to establish a "scientific frontier" for India namely , that a zone Inhabited 'by Independent tribesmen was the best possible defense of the empire piro against Invasion from the northwest , and that the hlllmon should bo made the friends and allies of Great Britain mther thaa treated as foes. After the events of the recent past , however , their conciliation promises to be a difficult task. The French Chamber o' Deputies has Just past a bill the Constans bill abolishing the secret examination ot prisoners a barbarous reminiscence of the middle ages , which has lingered too long In Prance. Readers of French detectlvo stories have often been shocked at the diabolical cruelty of the ordeal through which a suspected person Is put. The Judge oven yet In France too often troato the prisoner as guilty before the fact is proved. With the Constans bill- so called from the name of Us author u will no longer bo ppsslhlo for the police to Inyndo a man's house at 0 a , in. , snatch Aim from parents , wife and children , break open hie furniture , seize his private papers , cast him Into prison , where he will be for months , prohibited all Intcrcourso with the outside world , worry him with questions ana trap him into Incautious expressions that look llko confessions. The French criminal procedure till this month has been a blotch on modern civilization. SOMIQ viiwa oy THE MESSAOK , Chicago necord : TrMldcnt McKlnloy will bo surprised on looking over the expression * ot opinion ot homo mid abroad to find how miuiy different kinds ot tilings ho uonnt by that message. New York Press : It Is In no spirit of partisan laudation or rhetorical Kciierallty that wo rppnk This Is a marvelous state paper , Inasmuch as without Mcrlfleo ot principle It furnishes n common standing ground for all of the 7,10ft,000 McKlnley voters of Novem ber , 1S9C. Buffalo Express : The newspapers ot thin country without much regard to politics pralsi the president's message. Amcrlctrn who wisb to read thp ohi-fnshloncd democratic st > lp of commpiits upnn It cnn find them , however , In the I/omlou papers. The- memories of Clove- landtsm are still fondly cherished over ( hero. Imllau.ipolla Journal * The business ami financial spnso of the country teems to bo that the president's plan of currency reform Is a step In the right direction , and , whlla a largo majoilty of the classes naned would prefer to see the gteenbacks permanently re tired , they are disposed to accept the presi dent's plan as beginning that consummation. Now York Tribune : If some I/jndon now - papers were betr.ijcd Into unfair comments on the president's moRTage by the tnc-iKWiifss of the summary which reached them , they have reason lo regret tlmt thpy did not make adequate arrangements to obtain what they required , 1C they had mmicluit material for a Just Judgment they have u-isou to bo nshamcd of the prejudice which Inspired their criticisms. Now York Sun : If we were required lo put $ ' Into four lines the administration's advice , as j i gathered from President McKlnlcy's first an- J nual mwisago to congress , on the most Im portant questions ot foreign and domestic policy now occupying tlio mind of the public , wo should state It In this fashion ; "Walt and see vdiat Ppaln Is going to do about Cuba. Walt and sco how the Ulngloy tariff Is going lo turn out by and by , " Mr. Mo- Klnley Is a prudent , statesman and ho crosses no bridges that ho can avoid crossing bjr continuing to walk along the hither bank. M1UT1I IX ItllVMK. AViishlncton Star. Ho Rnzcil upon the frost-bound wnyj "I can't set past , I fear , " HP murmured ; "Sail It Is to say , Gold cuts no Ice up here. " Detroit Journal. Good fish nro plenty In the son. And KlrNwho understand them. Don't need , you know , to bait their hook * With real estate , to land them , Chlcnco llecoril. The president wiltcs mcsisea Ilia Intentions to proclitni ; Santn/ / Clans sends no word nt nil , Hut ho gcta there Just the same. WnsMnclon Stnr. Now ninny a , ntateman will i > xpa < id Kroni c.iros of crutninnr free , And p\ze upon the c. letters Kr.ind And say "O. S. " spells "me. " Detroit Vice Pn-fs. Ah , sing- those dear old songs again Thu mveet , pathetic tlilnssi. Wo only vote them dreadful when Some cracked old singer slugs. In < ltnnnpoll3 Journal. Too well ho composed what he ought Ami aw hla fondest hopes nrow dim ; He 'Mattered her until she thought That she was far too good for him , Detroit Journal. Dear boy ! Ho dldii" ' > r ik the Ice , For It waa not -to be No man un.iy reach her heart unless That he cuts Ice , you soo. COMIXC isvi vrs. Somcrvlllo Journal. The Christinas season nav li here. The time of sweet good will , "When you ; .must KQt ach friend a gift And also pay the. bill. It may be that your funds are low , And bankruptcy Is near ; You must go shopping- . Just the sami For Christmas time Is licro. The man who doesn't buy n , gift For every one bo knows Is mean and stingy , selfish , close , No matter what ho owes. Ho ouKht to buy Mil boy a wheel. His wife a chiffonier , And tell his creditors to wait , For Christmas time Is here. No matter , then , IIQ.V poor you are , You must make Christmas gifts , Thp soul above nil b-ordld thoughts The act of glvlnff lifts. No matter If your creditors Iir bankrupt lists appear , Go KVO ! their money to your friends , For Christmas tlmo Is lieio. of tlie right sort There is some satisfaction in being able to depend upon some one these rushing , hurrying Christmas buying times We mention Overcoats for men Reefers for boys What nicer present Not costly either Not worth twice our asking price but worth every cent we ask Good reliable goods can't be sold ior less Men's Overcoats in all the fabrics at $10 and up Boy's Reefers , gray Shetland Chin chillas , ln'oh ; storm collars , ulster pockets , fancy plaid linings , aores 6 to 15 , price . ' . . . $3.50 Hoy's Reefers , all wool n ivy blue chinchilla or frejze , storm collars , fancy plaid linings , ages 6 to 15 price $5.00 Hoy's Ulsters , gray and brown Shetland and black Irish Frie/.e , extra long , fancy plaid linings , ages M to 18 , price $6,00 Christmas Gifts of Real Worth Miss Olla Cook of Gounull Bluffs will glvo a free oxhlbltlon of cerumlcn In our store tills uitornoon and this ovunlng. S. W. Cur. 15th una Douglus Sts. Reliable Clrtliiers.