* yrtii8f ! ? ! * ? " * THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt SATITHI > AY. DECEMBER 11. 1897. KEXT YEAR'S ' TROUBLE HERE PopjcraU Already in a Study Over the Official Ballot , H3W TO GET C\NDIDATES ON THE TICKET ilcktilt of .flic . I.nut Election Lrnvci the FiiRlnnlxtN In Doubt nn to tlic SliuulliiK of tlic Scu- i unite I'urtlcN. MNCOI..N. Dec. , 10. ( Special. ) The ques tion as to which parties will bo entitled to representation on the official ballot at the rcxt election Ii already agitating the minds of tdo popocraHc leaders. It Is granted thot tie republican party will bo entitled to a place without question , and that the only vay the two prohibition parties and the national democrats can get on will be by f f petition. Hut what puzzles the statesmen Is < the condition ot the thrco fusion wings of the papocratlo party. No record was kept i ot the lite election aa to the number of I volts cant by each wing , end the state can 1 varying board threw no llghl on Uio subject. Jl Is the contention of some that the sccre tary of stalu can take it for granted thai each of the three silver parties cast over 1 per colt cf the vote , ami that his decision ivlll be allowed to Eland. Others believe that the only way out of 'the difficulty wll bo to reorganize all the elements Into one party , aivl drop the multiplicity of'namea. Secretary of Slate Porter slid today that there was naming on the- record to show thi' any ono cf the three parties wst 1 per cent of the total vote , as not a single county made a report of the number ot votes cist under the bcparate emblems ot I ho fusion party. Ho was of the opinion thal'lf there were three silver parties In the field next year they could get on Hie ticket , cither by petition or by the formatlcn of new pirllcs , as was done by the silver republicans this year. Ho mid that Chairman Bdmlaton ha > l made an effort during the campalrn to per fect arrangements to thai the vote of ths eeparite parties could be kept track ot In each county , but ho had nol learned whether the plan vvis successful or not. Aroyway It would only bo a private record , and would be of little value In the forming of a deci sion , as the law contemplated that the num ber of votes casti by each party should bo a matter of record , to bo ascertained whoa Ihe vote was canv-itscd. Those who are Inclined toward Mr. Per ter's Ides of organizing new parties undci the old rames , recognize the fact that this would open up a munrber ot questions as to the right to appropriate the old runiea or to use the emblems adopted th'n ' year , and also os to the right lo representation on the election boards. ma ortEAMEnY PLAN. Arrangements are aboul completed for the establlshmenl of n. large creamery al Lincoln , wllh a capaclly of a carload of bulter per day. The plan Is to make this a central point and to establish separator stations at all the towns within a radius of fifty or sixty miles , so 'that ' the cream cm be shipped to the m-iln factory. Behind 'the scheme Is the Beatrice Creamery company , which already has creameries and separator stations at Beatrice , Table Uock , Huinboldt , Crab Orchard , Sterling , Kails City , Elk Creek and other points In l > .o southeast part of the B'.ato , and has a largo egg and butter packIng - Ing house In this city. Mr. Haskell. .1 mcm- l > cr of the company , said today that It would try to get a building on the 'track suit able for the factory , with slight remodeling , which twould save It the trouble of put ting up a new one. The expectation Is to have the creamery ready for bualness by t'je let of March , The company asks no bonus or Inducement for locallng here , but comes to Lincoln because of the railroad facilities and because the farifors In this terrllory are ready and anxious to dispose of their cream product In this manner. Mr. Haskell bc- Hoves that the plint will grow lo be- the the largest oneIn the Untied States. The people who are behind the scheme have had ample experience In the creamery business and the new move la not merely an experi mental one. CHURCH PROPERTY IN DISPUTE. The old and new owners of the First Chrlftlan church building arc having trouble similar to that between Lansing nnd Oliver over the theater property. The church building was recently aold on foreclosure of a mortgage , an eastern Insurance company bidding It In for $22,000. A "week ago the company made a sale of the property to Ihe Chrlsllan Scientists , who were to bo given Immediate posaesslon. Yesterday the Chris tian , or Campbollltc , congregation proceeded to move their library and other loose prop erty out of the building and came to the conclusion that the carpats , gis fixtures , chandeliers , pews and much other stuff also belonged to Ihcm. They had all Ihe gas fixtures taken down ready to move and were unscrewing the pew scats from the floor when parties repiescntlng the new congre gation interfered. There WBB no quarrel , as In the case of the thealer people , but there la talk of a replevin suit by the old congre gation under the contention that all the property In question was personal property and was not sold under the mortgage. In the meantime" police officer Is on guard In the building to see that none of the property Is carried away. State Superintendent Jackson left today for Indianapolis , where ho will attend the na tional convention of the Boys' and Girls' National Homo and Employment association on the 14th and 10th. Whllo on the trip ( Mr. Jackson will stop over In Chicago and consult with the local managers of the educational exhibit which was held at the World's fair , and hopes to get some suggestions that will greatly aid In the arrangement of the exhibit at the Transmlsslsslppt Exposition. Governor < Holcomb has Issued a requisition for the return of James Taylor from Kansas City to Omaha to answer the charge of lar ceny as 'bailee. ' Taylor Is accused ot taking an upholstered chair , n footstool and a center table from Looiihordt Von Uleke last Juno , the value of the property bolni ; $70. Taylor Is under arrest at Kansas City and Ofllcor Henry Dunn of Omaha Is detailed to go after him , LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. The Lincoln Light Infantry hold Its an nual /business / meeting last night. Officers and managers for the cv year were elected. Tbo company Is now In first-class condition. Arrangements have been completed for the thirteenth annual meeting of Uio Nebraska ( Dairymen's association , to bo held In Lin coln December 21 , 22 anil 23. The university authorities have granted permission to use Grant 'Memorial ' hall for the largo exhibit of Oalry products expected. Premiums amount ing to $100 will < bo awarded. Coach HoblnBou , who has had charge of the unlvurslty foot ball team tills season , left ( or hl3 | homo In , Massachusetts today. This morning Ell Plummcr , an old gentle , man , fell on the pavement and was severely Ibrulsed and cut about the face. He Is very feeble. After the accident lie was taken to Ills homo In a hack. The Young Meit'a Hoard of Trade met last night and completed arrangements for re ceiving and handling 5,000 auditorium but- FPKEDT CPU * TRRtTMtvT for torlnrlne , dlifln. CrluK. Hclilnir , burning , anil tctljrikln mil icilp dliciici wild Ion oIU ir , W rm linlbt wllliCu. TIOD8 * boil' , Kcntl * rpllc tlon3 of C'UTioum ( olotiucnt ) , * J fall doici of CUTICCIU ltt > oL- TiSTir ! aUn ot blood purlOcrt uJ tiumor cuici @tioura * * ! jeli Ih'ooitont ihi wotW. I'DTTII Pica L Cilu. Coir.loft Kor. . . UMI.B. Mr i1 Haw U Cuit Jkil.t tklu Dii. . i"fin , HJUfijS . < < iu. . tons. Active work will bo commenced In a few < lar , and "tho " Hoard ot Trade believes ( bat It will bo Able to dispose ot this as signment or .buttons In a abort time. The Lancaster County Teachers' associa tion meets In the superintendent's office to morrow mornlnR. A good program baa been prepared and the usual largo attendance Is expected , IJIPOIIT..IXT C.iSU AT IIKAI'IUCK. n HIP SlKiinturc ( n n I'rom- iKNiiry > > . UEATIUCB , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele gram. ) The case of the First National bink of Beatrice against Mrs. Emma U. Dwyer , widow of the late John Dwycr , a suit on a note for $1,950 , was begun In the district court today. Mrs. Uwycr denies having signed the note and upon this point the re sult of the trial will rest. A number ot wit nesses were examined during the afternoon. 8. C. Smith , cashier ot the bank , testified that the note , after having been made out at the bank , had been sent to the home ot Mr , and Mrs , Dwycr , where the former was I ) ing sick , to bo executed , and thai It was eo rolurncd. The defendant when called to the stand denied the genuineness ot her signature to a dozen documents offered in evidence , which Included several bank checks , a deed , a letter and a mortgage. L , . M. Pembcrton , defendant's chief counsel , had witnessed Mrs. Dwyci's signature to the deed offered In evidence and on being called to the wltnecs stand tcatlfled that the slgna turo was genuine. C. II. Obear , cashier at the Burlington depot , was ono ot several witnesses called to testify to the genuine ness of the defendant's signature on en dorsements to checks , A check which the defendant had previously denied having en dorscd the witness , Obcar , swore bad been endorsed by her In his presence ; that Mr. Dwycr had mode out the check and had left It with htm for Mrs. Dwycr , nnd that she had called there for It. After endorsing the check , Obcar said ho had cashed It for her. W. W. Duncan. , a leading business man , also proved her endorsement on three checks which do- fcudant denied. L , . II. Ilowey , National bank cxnmlnor , and E. R. Fogg , receiver ot the Nebraska National bank , were called to tes tify as experts on slgnaturea. They expressed the belief that the signatures were genuine and made by the same person. Toward thp close of the afternoon session ot court. ths defense , for some roison , admitted the signature on the mortgage and upci the In terest coupons to be genuine. The defendant has always until the present time nlain- tained that her olgnaturc on this document wns n forgery , as It Is claimed Is the signa ture on the note In qucsilcu , Julia \Vlncbrcnner , the daughter ot MIP. A. M.Vlne4 > renner , has been Judged Incor rigible by the court and has been sent to the reform school. \VOH1C Olf lIASTI.VfJS COXVJ2NTIOX. Srclinil III > 'H Session of YuliiiK Men' * Clirlstlnii AHMiiulation. HASTINGS , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special Tele gram. ) The second day's session of the eighteenth annual convention of the Young Men's Christian association opened at 9 o'clock this morning In the Presbyterian church , with a quiet hour behind closed doors conducted by Rev. F. L. Hayden ot Kearney. This was followed by reports from the field. General Secretary W. H. Overtoil of South Omaha spoke on "The Junior Department In the Association ; " P. -B. Darncs of Omaha gave an account of the relation of a thorough phyolcal examination to a prescription ot exercise , stating the need of a thorough examination previous to an Intelligent use of the gymnasium. C. B. Willis of Milwaukee opened the aft ernoon session with a spirited eoag service , after which a short period was spent In prayer and dcvotlone , The business man agement of the association was then pre sented by General Secretary P. L. Willis of Omaha , who gave a practical addrces. C. C. Mlchenci- , college secretary of the Interna tional committee of New York , couducted a confercnco upon the subject-"The Ucllgloue Work of the Association. " After discussing Important topics ot college association work , In which ho ursed college men "not to pat themselves on the back , " but to set others to work , ho closed with a strong appeal for more Christian meetings. The afternoon session was closed with an eloquent address from Chancellor * McDowell on "The Rich Young Man. " At 7:30 : tonight C. 13. Wlllia led the song service , after which short prayers were offered. Chancellor McDowell addressed the convention for about thirty minutes. The report of the state executive committee was then given , after which the delegates were given a reception. ISVUn JIUIIAMIS 1MIOTECT1OX. AskH the Courl ( o ltilruln the IU-1U-- viu- Investment Cnmiiniiy. DELLEVUE , Neb , . Dec. 10. ( Speclal.- ) Trouble has broken out between the munici pal authorities and the Bellcvuo Improve rneut company. In a petition praying for r restraining order filed today the municipal ! > alleges that John T. Clarke , Duncan Mcn- zlca and other members ot 'the ' Bellevue Im provement company have for some tlmo pas , by dlvera meana been endeavoring to obMIt possession of a large portion of land In cluded within ithe corporate limits of tlr village. The Improvement company has purchasel It Is claimed , a large number of tax tltlc.i lo his land and has conveyed It back an 'orth omens > the members for the purpose o' clouding the tl'le and to render it almost mpo.is''blo lo discover the true owners. It Is further alleged that for the last wesV : he Improvement company has had a force o' mon engaged In cutting down the timber growing on the streets and aliejs refrrrc-1 to , the Intention being to continue until a ; this timber Is removed. The municipality also alleges 'that the defendants threaten t" endow these streets and alleys 'by the erc < - - tlon of a fence , thus depriving the vlllasr trusted ) ot the control of the tract. JuJge Powell Issuel a restraining orde.1 preventing the cutting of trees and Iho clon Ing of B'.rcf'B and alleys until the case comes up for final licarlng Monday. xuws oi.isAxTsn AT TKCIDISKII. Kot'inT of ii "Tfiiiiieriince" Snltion I'nj-H HIM Fine. TECUMSEH , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) R M. Frost , keeper o ! a "temperance" saloon In this city , was flnoJ $200 In the county court last spring for having In Ills pos tcsslon a quantity of whisky contrary to the city ordinances , Frost was unable to pro- duc3 the whole amount of the flne. but raised $100. Judge Brandon accepted till * mnount rather than have Frost go to Jail \t an expense to the county. The citizen liat caused Frost's arrest for > the Illcg ? ! -clllc appeared In ths district court here nd got a mandamus on the county judge . ompelllng him to make Froat pay the fine as flrat arsessed and now Frost ban paid the other J100 Into the county court. Charles Brundage , while walking beilde n wagon which was luavlly loided with him bcr , sllppoJ and fell In such a way that one ot the wheels passed over his right feat bruising It badly , Cholera has Invaded the fine herd of blooded Poland C6lna hogs ot B. R , Hitch cock of Sterling and is playing havoc with the valuable animals , Xenrl- Con ! 'Fn o Llvrn. HARRISON , Neb , , Dec. 10. ( Special , ) During a temporary fit of Insanity Mrs. Al bert Rrdmnn , living twenty-live' miles north west of here , drank a quantity of concen trated lye with suicidal Intent Thurjday cvrnhiK. A liicrt 'time ' after she pave her 3-months-old baby a dree of coal oil. Her hubbaud was away from home at the time , The two suffered untold agony all night and tbla n-.ornlng the woman carried her baby two miles to bcr father's home and tcld what she , tiad doue. MeJIcal eld was ob tained as soon aa possible cud there Is hope for the recovery of the woman. The babe Is out of danger , Kriiiuliifil for Intimity. DLOOMINQTON , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) Charley Holden , living a few miles north of Rlvcrtoa , wta brought here by thesherllf yenterday , charged with being Insane ; tut at tbo meeting of tbe liwunlty board lajt night It was decided not to act at once and he won a cut borne. I'leuty uf aiu FARNAM , Nob. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) The ยง now which covered the ground In generous quantities lut sro t bu all disappeared. Early this mornlnK1 rain commenced falling. The ground , previously wet to a depth ot four feet or more , contains today more mol - turo than could have been found at any tlmo during the last ten or twelve years , giving assurance of successful crops In 1E9S. Farmers concede that the conditions are moro propitious than at any tlmo since this part.of the state was settled. ' ' Xovr llanil nt Illnlr. QI < A1R. Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) Blair's newly organized military bund gave n fair In the Gcrmanla ball last Tuesday evening which netted $140. This money will be used for the expenses of the band during the winter. The following officers have been elected In Garfleld lodge No. C , Knights ot Pythias : E. J. Farr , C. C. ; James Freclond , V. C. ; Tom Ostcman , P. ; M. H. B. Rosenbalm , M. W. ; J. F. Klnney , M. P. ; J" J. Cocpsr. M. E. ; Nick Thonc , I. a. Blair lodge No. 6 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , has elected officers as follows : Robert M. Carter. N. G. ; Rodell Root , V. G. ; Theodore Hallcr , S. ; John McKay , T. ; James Platr , T. Welcome Rcbckah lodge No. 27 , elected of ficers as follows : Mrs. M. H. Wlllsey. N. G.J Frances Gross. V. G. ; Ann Carter , 8. ; Mrs. J. W. Maylc , T. VctprniiK Choonc Ofllcern. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) J. F. Reynolds pcet , Grand Army of the Re public , has elected the following officers : Commander , Re' . . W. R. Adams ; senior vice , T. H. Saundcrs ; Junior vice , J. II. Mickey ; quartermaster , C. M. Pulvcr ; chaplain , J. Lamberson ; officer of the day , II. T. Arnold ; officer of the guard , Charles Burkhart. The Woman's Relief Corps has elected the fol lowing : President , Anna I jcke ; senior vice , Sarah Hefflcbower ; Junior vice , Helan Car son ; secretary , Mary Pulvcr ; treasurer , Mary E. Saundcrs ; conductor , Mary Bcnso ; chap lain , Lydla Strange ; and delegate to the de partment , Mary Bcnse , with Mary Wilson as alternate. Crniiil InlniulVotes. . GRAND ISLAND , Neb , , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) The police department Is making a vig orous effort to rid the business and residence portions of 'women ' of ithe town. Charity lodge. Ancient Order of United Workmen , has elected the following ofllcers : D. Spcthman , M. W. ; C. Rasmussen , P. ; Howard Girrctt , 0. ; Irvln Metcalf , R. ; George D. Hctzcl , F. ; Fred Etehr , R. ; George Pearson , G. ; R. R. Horth , I. W. ; H. H. Glover , O. W. ; Christ Rasmussen , trustee for three years. Planting : Trout. LONG PINE , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) Six thousand yearling trout were planted in the Pine river last night nt the Chautauquti grounds. They were furnlchcd by the State Fish commission. Early In the fall there were 30,000 put In , beside the recent otpor- tltnmcnt. The dates for the next Chautauqua as- lombly have been fixed , and the opening will be July 22. Dr. SlGssn of Fremont has been sleeted president and ex-State Superintendent Coudy superintendent of Instruction. \Vondmeii Elect Otlluers. HUMBOLDT , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) Ilumboldt camp , No. 933 , Modern Woodmen ot America , at Us regular meeting last night elected the following officers : Vener able consul , J. W. Bash ; worthy adviser. B. J. Wlesner ; banker , E. W. Elwell ; escort , A. Halco ; watchman , J. A. Murphy ; sentry , O. W. Carccfi ; manager , T. M. Fry ; physi cians , Drs. WertenberEer , Morris and Wll- IMmsou. The Installation occurs the second Monday night In Janusry. Flno Poultry Show. GENEVA , Nob. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) The poultry exhibit held this week nudcr tbe auspices of the South Platte Poultry assccla- llon found It Impossible Ito clcse today , as cxp ctel. 'Much ' Interest Is manifested In the fno display. T. W. Hitchcock ot Denver , Colo.-Is scorer. Ho pronounced many ot the birds to t > o much above the average and found higher scores than , he ted for several yean. Hnrt liy Hnnawny Tcnin. OSCEOLA , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) An old woman , Mrs. Stump , who lives In the northe-st part of the village , met with a very severe accident a day or two ago. She was going down the alley near her home when a team belonging to Mr. Grouse came running nt breakneck speed. The wagon polp struck her In tbo ribs and three of them were broken , besides otherwise bruising her. ChnoKe Their Ofllecrs. WYMORE , Neb. , Dec. 10. ( Special. ) At a meeting of the Modern Woodmen last night the following officers were- elected for the ensuing year : Venerable consul , Wllllani Hamlllon ; adviser , E. B. Rousk ; banker , S. D. Cole , clerk , L. . S. Sage. XebrasknCIVM Note * . The Lyons Sun this week celebrated Its ninth birthday. T. B. Calnon cf Lyons fell on a pitchfork , the tines ot which penetrated his leg. A. P. Chllds of Wayne has leased the Madison Reporter and will take possession December 20. Carl Kruger of Lodge Pole went out hunt- ng and when lie shot at a rabbit his gun 'jurst. ' but be got the rabbit. The Beaver Crossing Review has been sus pended , and the town will have to worry along without a nowroaper , for the present n least. Carl Glup cf Saiyy county , while driving along the i-ccd east of town Tuesday , killed alevcn quail at one shot , wiping out the en- Ire covey. The MIndcn fire defortment at Un last nsetlng voteJ to donate $100 to the city to Md In building the city .hall , also the pro ceeds from the ball to bo given In tbo near uturo are going to be used to furnish the iall when ccrrpleted. lustead of cornbUBklng stories < t Is hunt Ing stories that are coming -In now. Frank Preston of Wllber killed 172 quail , besides ibout forty rabbits and other game , In foil lays. Nineteen quail at one crack of hlo jlunderbUEs tbo best shot he made. The harvesting of the Ice crcp has been miileted at the Grand Is'and Soldiers' Vintibut 250 tone hiving been put vi > enough to meet the demands of that. Instltu- > ! on tor the ccmlng srjson The Ice was 'rom ton to twelve Inches thick aud of very fine qrallty. Scitdder & Scudder purchased 405 rabbits n D-o'ohen last Saturday and other dealers n-rtlussd proportionately largo numbers , to that the number of rabbits bought In hat villa go on that day reached the aston- t'hlns totel cf 1.000. all hilled within a radius 3f five miles of wlrt village. The new gans. with bayonets to match , for Company 13. Nebraska National Gusrdu , North Platte , arrived Satwday. They aie the 1881 model , 45-callbcr , and are of the same pattern formerly used In the regular army. The guns are somewhat lighter tlian the old onea used by the guards. Harry Hubbard of Weeping Water hen a hound tly.t Is the premium ; abblt dog thUR 'ar iep rted. Whenever there is snow on the ground this bound goes hwitlng by himself. jnd ho U very sure to return with a rabbit and sometimes he will bring home as many is three o. ' lour In ons day. Not Inl'/equently he brings a flne Jack labblt. The game Its never mutilated end Is always carried home cafely. The Coining U'oiimii. who goes to the club whlta her husband tends the baby , as well is ibc good oid- fcfhloncd won an who lola after her homo , will both at times get tun down in bfiith. They will bo troubled with loss of appetite , headaches , sleeplessness ; fainting or dizzy spells. Tbo most wonderful remedy for thesu women la Electric Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kid neys rise up aud call It blessed. It IP the medicine for women. Fcuuio complaints and nervous troubles of all kinds arc soon re lieved by tbe use ot Electric Bitters. Deli cate women should keep this remedy on band to build up tbe system. Only COc per bottle , Kutm kc. Co. I'liunu I.liiu In SPOKANE , Wash. . Dec. 10. ( Special. ) In a few days connections will be completed by tclepbono over tbo longest line In existence , running from here to San Diego , Cal , , a distance of 1,700 miles. Workmen are now busy constructing tbo line between Eugene and nodding. Cal. , that being the only gap In tbe system. .Manager Hopkins says the line , when finished , will exceed tbe Boston nod Ona&A llaq by oreaty or eighty mllea. THINKS DURRANT INNOCENT Convinced that Blanther's donfosslon of the Crime Is the TitUh. r JUDGE MERRIMAN GIVES" H.S REASONS 51 I Snyn ThereI * nt J.prfdt" Sufficient GraniulN to tlic ConfcViloit to Wnrrnnt a 'ClOHc LITTLE nOCK , Ark , , Dec. lO.-Judge E. M. Mcrrlman of Little Hock , who was personally acquainted with , anil once rep resented , J. E. DIanthcr , alias Forbes , as an attorney In this city , Insists that Ulan- thcr , and not Durrani , murdered Blanche Lament and Minnie WilliamsIn San Fran cisco , and that the execution ot Durrant will therefore bo a Judicial murder. A few days ago the story was sent out from Atlanta , Ga. , that Ulanthor was In that city at the tlmo the girls were murdered. Judge Mor- rlman scouts -this. Idea. Ho today made the following statement : "Slnco the publication of the card through the Associated Press In which t stated that I believed In the Innocence ot Theodore Dur rant and the guilt ot DIanthcr , alias Forbes , I have received many communica tions supporting cither side of the question Now , as the supreme court of California has refused to interfere and Durrant must hang still having an abiding faith In his Inuo' ccnco , I feel that the public ought to have an Insight Into the facts that have arrayed themselves before me and convinced mi that a judicial murder la about to bo com milled. "First , there can bo no question but wha. the written confession Is In tlin handwriting of Blanthor , for no effort has been' made to contradict this presumption , and examination by experts has established It. "Second , Illanthcr confesses that ho mur- clorol 'Blanche ' Lament and ' .Minnie Williams. "Third , the entire evidence in the convic tion of Durrant has 'been ' circumstantial and tlio only positive statement that has ever hinged on the case Is iDlanther's confession that ho and not Durrant did the deed for which Durrani's young life Is about to bo forfeited. " BLANTHER ADMITS HIS ALIAS. "Fourth , nianther , being dead , my lips may reveal the fact that ho had told mo dur ing his troubles here that the name of rorbes was-but an alias ; lhal ho had as sumed for 'reisons best known lo himself , and thai his life had been an eventful one. ' This , coupled with the statement of his cecond wife , Agnes Cameron , In public print , convinces mo that ho spoke the truth. "Fifth , tic trial of Durrant seems to have been a forced one by some power 'behind the eccnca , ' Iho prosecuting altorney being notably bitter In the conduct of the same , and yet falling to establish a single fact by dlicct and positives proof. "Sixth , the theory of the state that Blanche Lament was murdered ou > tho. night of April 3. lbU5 , Is , and has been throughout the \\holo trial , an unwarranted assumption. There Is no proof that the girls wore murdered In the Emmanuel churcJi , and a. more reasonable assumption woul'i be thi\t they were mur dered elsewhere and their bodies carried to the church as 'part of thp program. ' "Seventh , as to the Atlanta dispatch that Blanthor was seen In that clly belwecn April 12 and April IB , 1893. this may bo all true and he may have had all that arranged for his purchasing agency to believe that , but does anybody know orhas . anybody ever ventured to say when he left .Atlanta ? Ten dajs Intervened between April 3 and 13 , at which latter date Minnie Williams' body- was discovered. Within that period of time Elanther might have been seen In Atlanta , and also have been In fian Francisco to do his bloody work , and even bad a day or two to spare It howas working under a precon certed pla'rV 'and stimulated by reward for prompt and immediate action'as has'been In- tlmated by a man named 'Austin. ' DOTH KILLED AT SAME TIME. "Eighth , the theory of the state without anything upon which to base it , is that cue of the girls was killed on April 3 , the other on April 13. Illanther says ho killed them both at the same time , which is a more rea sonable presumption when the whole case Is founded upon presumption alone. "If Ulanther was at Atlanta at the time Indicated , he probably went there with a perfected plan to return at once to San Fran- Cisco as soon as he had established the preim ises upon which to base an alibi , following the advice of some party Inwhose cmploj ho was to consummate the dastardly deed. He could havs left Atlanta April 4 and been In San Francisco In time to murder the Iwo girls. "Finally , It Is very dcagerous to take a men's life on circumstantial evidence alone. "Agues Cameron Forbes wys she can prove that nianther murdered the girls. DIanthcr , with death staring him In the face , standing on the brink of enternlty. said Durrant was Innocent end he was guilty. "Surrounding circumstances tending to es tablish the truth cf Blautber's confession , with these facts before It , how can any court avoid the doctrine of reasonable doubt and refuse ca appeal In the Interest of jus tice , humanity and right ? If , alter an In vestigation , all this Ehould prove fallacious , then Durrani's llfo could pay the oenalty , and the public would feel better satisfied that a judicial murder had not been com mitted. " Firew of ii Day. HARRISON , Neb. , Dsc. 10. ( Special. ) The residence of Sheriff-elect Thomas Holly , twelve ralles ncrlhwcst of here , was de- Etroyci by fire yestcriMy , together wlrt all household effects. The flro caught from a defective flue. No Insurance. CEDAU RAPIDS. la. , Dec. 11. The Cedar Rapldi Button factory , about three inll'c from the city , caught fire at 1 o'clock tha ! morning and Is likely to bo a total losj. Two men , emplojca , were bad'.y burccd and may die. Xo Cnl In WIIBTI-H nt . ' MANCHESTER , N. II , , Dec. 10. General Ascnt Harman of Hiiverstraw , of the Amosksas corporation. Is authority for the statement that the cut In cotton mill wages in Rill River will not be followed In this city , nnd that It Is not porbable that the oj.nmplt > will bo followed In otaer New Eng land citlcr. . LBW1STON , Me. , Dec. 10. Lewiston nnd Auburn mill operatives and agents are speculating upon the posMb'.is effect ot ] local cotton manufacturing of the proposed cut down nt Pall nivtsr. One agent , In nn Interview , raid that the market was Home- what Influenced by thorKjtll River mill * nnd the situation might dfma.ud a reduction In wnyc-s and curtailmento ( he output. LOWKLL , Mass. , Dtf'10. The ipjortcd t'eclslon of the Kail Rl\'cr munufnctureia to reduce wajes ban not arbUsjd much com ment in Lowell. The Iruriiafing competition of the southern plants/hupl long been fore seen hero and has been , discounted to as great nn extent as (5 ( i In K 'to IiiMpc-ci' doyle Sditiiex. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 10. Ex-Governor Stone will cull a. meeting of * ; ; l js3ocl.Ues en the MUsourl commission nax jweok , mid thi-.v will then arrange to gqipj.AVashlnirtOn imd PUBS upon the Doyle alahiefl of Benton and Hlalr. recently placed ! | lSWtuarhall in tne capltol. If Mr. Doyle's jvorlc Is tatUf.iotory the Htatues will be ncrtpud nml formally unveiled. Governor Stpiiojsald "Mr. " Uoyle'e action In placing tlm.Rtutuoi In Statuary Jinll before they had wen pas'el upon by tlici Ml'iourl corrnntpyion,0 created by the legislature for that nurpos's , was prema ture and Indiscreet. If the eonvmlHElon doeB not accept the work , the statues will luivo to be removed , thus placing Mr. Doyle In an embarrassing position Holilicr InotM n Kturc , REDDING , Cal.t Deo. 10-McCormac'i. Seltzer & Co.'s branch stor ? at Keswlck was entered by a masked robber. The occu pants of thp More were forced to the rear of Iho bulldlni ; nt the muzzlr of a pistol. The safe was rilled of about { 2/00 , and after locking the doors behind them , the robber took the key and disappeared Into the night. Keswlck IH the smelting city of Shasta county , where 1,200 mqn receive their pay ConfoHHCH \uini-riiUM Crime * . CHICAGO , Dee , 10-F. Jacob Erb. the 1G- year-old boy who In company -with Frank Williams was captured lust night af Ur holdIng - Ing up and shooting John C , McCosh , Is tald to be the son of a wealthy sawmill proprie tor of Vancouver , B. O. Ho has confessed to complicity in a number ot holdups In Chi clurlnfT the last two or thrco weeks and has also admitted having taken part In a series of burglaries In Nn hvl1lo. Tenn. , Dayton , O. , and other > 8tern and nouthern cities. Tiie police believe that Williams nnd young Krb are responsible for the. shooting of Dr. Harold O. Mayor hist night. Cnrttnrrtl n Iltirftlnr Mltli 111 * BALTIMORE , Dec. 10. The residence of Isaao E. Emerson , president of the Enwrson Drug company , and commander of the Mary land naval reserves , 2300 Eutaw Tlane , was robbed lost night , and diamonds rallied at nearly J10.000 were stolen. After a dcspcrnto struggle the thief was captured as ho wan leaving the house. The prisoner win searched nnd the diamonds found In his pockets. He pays his name Is John Davis , 9 veari of nan , and that he Is n stenographer. All of the diamonds wcro Identified as her own by Mrs. Umoraon , ex cepting three stickpins and n silver bracelet , which wcro In'er Identified by Mrs. Kato Hcnklcmcn of 2301 Kutaw Place. Three-Cent Fnrc I/AM- CHICAGO , Deo. 10. The United States court of appeals In an opinion handed down today In the Indlanaipolls 3-ccnt car faro j case dismissed the appeal of the city of In- dlannpolls from the order of Judgn Showul- tcr enjoining the enforcement of the 3-ccnt fare ordinance. The court held tn effect thnt ns the Indianapolis Street Car company was created or formed under general laws In Indiana , an amendment providing for 3- cent faro can be effected only by ix general law applicable alike to all similar corpora tions throughout the state , SpnliUinr Will IK-mnlii In .Inll , SPRINGFIELD , 111. . Dec. 10. The mi- promo courl today granted a writ of super- iscdeas on the. petition of ex-Danker Charles Warren Sjmldlng , recently sentenced to nn Indettrmlnuto term in the penitentiary for embezzlement. Motion for admission to ball was , however , denied. The case will bo submitted for hearing1 nt the February lerm of Hie supreme court , and nn opinion It expected by April. In the meantime Spaldlng will be continued In jail Instead of going to the. penitentiary. Ucdm-c IMntc CHUNK IiiMtrntiec. NBW YORK. Dec. 10 E. H. Wlnslnw , president of the Metropolitan Plate. Glass company , confirmed a report to the effect that rates for plate glass Insurance , will probably soon be cut In every state. Ho said the compact for business In Wisconsin , Illinois , Minnesota , Missouri , Kansas nnd the IDa.otas had already been declared off. The plato glass association will meet In this city on Saturday morning next , when reduc tions in all territories niny be. decided upon. Tim MliUTw Shut. KNOXVILLE , Tenn. , Dec. 10. The strike In Paint Rock county coal mines , nt Almy , culminated In the shooting of two miners today. They arc William West nnd James Garby. Botli were shot from ambush and It Is not known who their would-be mur derers are. Neither was fatally hurt. A number of men have gone to work toilny on the day shift , but are being blacklisted. Further trouble Is predicted and the com pany has sent for bloodhounds. lllcr lliilliltiiK Does \ot I'nj- . CHICAGO , Dec. 10. Judge Tuloy today appointed E. V. McKey receiver for the Galena Trust nnd Safety Vault company , the corporation owning the Fort De.irborn building on Clark and Monroe streets. The complainants are Michael "Grcenbaum Sons , A. G. Becker & Co. and several other bondholders. The building , It Is said , has not been fully rented since It was built several years ago. It Is valued nt $000COJ. Triiilliiii I.oliHierH for Salmon. SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 10. A carload of tautog and egg-bearing lobsters has arrived from Massachuetts and hna been deposited near the Farallon Island" . The rtsh commis sion car will go to Anderson , Shasta county , where it will take on about fi.MO.OOO qulnnat salmon spawn from the B-Utle Creek hatch ery. These are to be distributed in the upper Hudson river and in streams In the northeastern states. KORRCAST FOll TOIJAY'S WEATHER. fieiicmlly Knlr , wlM % North to Went AVIlKlN. WASHINGTON , Dec. 10. Forecast for Saturday : For Nebraska and Kansas Generally fair north to west hinds. For Iowa Fair ; northerly .winds. For South Dakota Probably light local snows : southerly winds , becoming variable. For Missouri Fair , clearing In northeast ern portion ; northerly winds ; colder in east ern portion. For Wyoming Fair ; slightly warmer ; va riable winds. Local Ilc-conl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Dec. 10. Omaha record of rain fall and temperature compared with the corresponding day of the last three years. 1S97. UM. IST . 1S31. Maximum temperature . . . 34 fa 52 31 Minimum tcmncrature . . . 27 33 32 20 Average temperature 30 40 42 32 Rainfall CO .00 .00 .02 Record of temperature ami precipitation at Omaha for this day and since Marcli 1. 1S97 : Normal for the day 31 Deficiency for the day 1 Accumulated excess since March 1 411 Normal rainfall for the day 0.1 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall slncp. March 1 1S.C1 inches Deficiency since ( March 1 10.97 Incaes Excess for cor. period , 16SG 5.25 inches Deficiency for cor. period , 1S93. . 10.31 Inches llcnord from Stations at S i > . m. , Seventy-lift ! ! meridian time. T Indicates trace of precipitation. Ii. A. WELSH , Local Forecast Official. KNEEBES IS UNDER THE BAN National Trotting Association Costs Oat th o Sioux Oitj Man , H , 0 , HOFFNER GOES ALONG WITH HIM Committee Appointed , ( n the Mntfcr Alllrni ( lint They \\lll TrniiNiiot Xo Further Iliml- MCNH with the Men. NEW YORK , Dec. 10. The board ot review - view of the National Trotting association today announced that Robert T , Knecbes and II. O. Hoftncr of Sioux City , la. , had been put under the ban , the committee de claring that It would hereafter do no busi ness with the men. Kncebcs Is said to have been expelled from German tracks , and Hoftncr wns found to have n guilty knowl edge of many cases ot fraud practiced upon the members of the association. ELLIOTT 'W1XS Til 14 DUl'OXT TIUMMIY KlllH All llli , Iltriln , While Ollhvrt I.OUCH TWO. CHICAGO. Dec. 10. Kansas City obtained a lead of nlno birds In the shooting race to day ngalnst the Chicago experts. It Is ex- pcc'ted to provo sulllclcnt to win , ns the vis- Itora have n stronp quartet to nend to the score tomorrow. The result was not en tirely unexpected , as there Is much dissat isfaction over the make-up ot the locn" team. Mussey and Klo.i , both of when were expected to do well , fell down and al lowed the visitors to obtain the lead. It was a regular Kansas City d-iy. Jim Klllott won the llrst race ever secured by him on Chicago grounds. | . \ Inning the shoot- on for the Dupont trophy from Krcd Gilbert of Spirit Lake , la. He. killed Mvcnty-ilvo straight , Gilbert losing to. t < . The scores In the team Mhoot : Cblcago-W. R. 'Morgan ' , 10 ; M. J. Klch , 39 : Dr. Shaw. 42 ; W. P. ' .Mussey , 37 ; J. It. Uble. 45 ; G. Roll , unfinished (22) ( ) ; total. 2.V. , Kansas Clty-J. L. Porter , 42 ; K. Hick- niaiu ; G.V. . . Stockwell.II ; D. Klllott , 44 ; J. M. Curtice , 39 ; C. C. Herman , untlnlshed , 22 ; total , 231. lloyle CIU-H to Washington. HALTLMOUi : , Deo. 10. The- deal by which Pitcher .McJnmes , Second Uascjunn Demon- trevlllc nnd First Uasemnn McGann of tliu Washington bare ball team became Orioles in exchange for First Uaseman Doyle , Second end Uasoman Hcltz and Pitcher Amolo. was consummated this afternoon In Ibis city. Manager Tom lirown of the Washington team said In regard to the deal : "I sha'l make Doyle my lieutenant and perhaps cap tain. I have four oiilllelders , and If I can play any better than the. other three I shall play , but If I decide to remain on the bench , Doyle will have charge of the men upon the Held. Ycnr. CINCINNATI , Dec. 10. H Is stated on the best authority that the racing stable of Charles Flehchmann & Son will bo run next vear In the east , and the contract with Ted Sloane to ride for that stable next season will hold goo.l. Mr. Flclschmann , who used to run horses under hH ol.\n name , took the precaution to take his son , Julius , into partnership 'to avoid" Invalida ting entries In the eat-t in case of his death , Columbus specials say the flag was put at half mast on the capltol In honor of his memory and legislative committees iA'111 at tend his funeral next Monday. ItlI < MIUt | ClllllillllOlt WIllS. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 10. Peter W. Latham , professional racquet champion of the world , defeated Percy Ashworth , former amateur champion of England , In nn exhibi tion match at the Racquet club this after noon. The match was for the best four out of seven , Latham allowing Ashworth a handicap ot scv n aces In each game. Score : Latham 7 , 9 , 13 , 15 7 , 1C > . 15. Aslaworth-15 , 15 , S , 10. 13. 10 , 11. Sloniie is Ovi'i-rntcMl. LONDON1. Dec. 10. The Field. In nn ed itorial on tha art of race riding , Is Inclined to think that the achievements of Ted Sloane , the American jockey , hiivo been "somewhat overrated. " It says : "No doubt lie has had his share of luck , but -we can not sec any need for English jockeys to alter their style , or to fear that the Amer ican contingent will sweep the boards. " KIIIINIIS City Men Dffent Clllcnuro. CHICAGO , Dec. 10. J. Lee Porter , the Kansas City wing shot , defeated II. W. Wright of Chicago In the opening match of the bl-clty championship c"ntest nt Watson's Uurnslde parK prounds by a score of 42 to W. M. J. J3cti ! of Chicago also fell down before the superior marksmanship of Ed Ilickmnn , n Kansas City expert , the score being 43 to S3. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . Dec. 10.-SpecIal ( Telegram. ) AI Francherc , president of the Cedar Rapids base ball club , who was elected a few weeks ago , has tendered his resignation. Prebs of private business com pelled him to take the step. Mrw. I < " 1 1 zKlmitiQiis DciiIt'H. DUBUQUE. la. , Dec. 10.-Spccial ( Tele gram. ) Fltzsimmons today exhibited atcle- gram from his wife denying that she had told a Milwaukee reporter she would re lease lilm from bis promise to fight Cor- bett. IiivlditliiiiH tn Ciirr'H LIBERTY , Mo. , Dec. 10. Sheriff Hymer toiay l&sued 150 Invitations reading as fol lows : You arc hereby invited to witness the ex ecution of William Carr , Friday , December 17 , at 11 o'clock , a. m. , for the murder of his little daughter , Belle Carr , In Clay county , Missouri , on the 10th day of October , 1SD7. " The roporalth which Cnrr will be hanged has already lioen secured. It Is the pnmo that 'nns ' used at the execution of Millionaire Duestrow , at Union , Mo. The scaffold , which l In course of construction , Is In sight of Carr's cell window. As the last days draw near the murderer becomes more and more devout , CASPAR WHITNEY Author of the book on English athletics entitled " A Sporting Pilgrimage , " and " On Snow-Shoes to the Barren Grounds , " is now on what may be called A SPORTING PILGRIMAGE On his way to Van hunt from Bangkok , couver he made because the interior of studies of Siam contains a great Sport in variety of the West BIG GAME From Vancouver he Mr. WHITNEY will sailed for Japan ; going visit India , and then thence to China and proceed to Europe to Sinin , intending to prepare a series of ar maltu his principal ticles on the Sports of Germany , France , and England for IIai'pcv'a WccJdy in 1898. 10 Cents a Copy ; $4 oo a Year. In combination with HARPER'S MAGAZINE or HARPER'S BAZAR , ' $7 oo a Year ; $3 30 Six Month * . HARPER & BROTHERS , Publishers , New York and London TOILET AND BATH requirements are perfectly met In \Vool Soap. There may bo more expensive sonps , but none . better. / / it ab- ' 'solntrlrt > tirf. For the bath It Is pleasant , soothIng - Ing and delight ful. ful.There's There's only one soap that won't shrink woolens. You My UBOJ MQmo 'W ' MIM SS.'TSft . and Ail Elgin's Usefulness extends beyond the present generation. Its marvelous durability makes il an heir loom always accurate. Elgin Full Ruby Jeweled movements represent the best in time-keeping machinery. In sizes for ladies and gentle men. Approved Holiday gifts. An niRln w.itch always has ( he worJ "Elgin" engraved un the works lully guaranteed , WHYWHY r > ONTINt'lJ TO liK A MIHf.UAUL.K ' " ' nrul ulisting limn ? Is theo : a RCO.I rcnson ? It 1 not only thnt the world laUKhn nt you. but > ou nrc BO sure of your \\enlmrra yourself that It Is rcnlly the most horrlli'e torture thnt can bo Imnfilneil. You wunt to KPil rid of It then why not Uo It ? The wny Is simple. "Iliulynn" has cured others ; It ttlll cure sou. One week nnd you will lie full of n-c. You will bj brimming over with Joy nt the altera tion. NOT- NOT Not one man In n thousand knows how \\cak ho Is till he breaks ilown , und tnen the truth IB forccJ on him sud denly. Then he often Rives up hope. Hut there Is hoie | for every creature ng long ns "Hudyan" Is to be hail. Ask whnt It has Uorie far the most hopeless cases , anil then Imagine what It will defer for you. If you were dying you noultl be loud In your calls for help and now that you are wasting nwny why not be man enough to at Uatt TRY- 1RY If yon rrlll Kfiul yimr nililrosM OP cull fri-o elrtMilni'H inn ) ( < > HtliiioiilalH iilioiit the Krciit "Hii < lyiit" Mill lie lit oiico m-iit tn < ir Klvoii yon" . The "IIO-Dny lllunil Cure' * IN IIH oIlVclIv < - in UN ] inr- tU'iiIar Hiheri | s "Ilmlynu" IN in CIINCH of norvotiv debilitation. Tin-no Ircnliirx n r ifrir , too. So IN niLMll- i-nl ml vice. If you rail lie curort the cnt IIiiiNimiiiii line-torn c-nii lie of 11 ori- actual Hoi-vlcr ( o you thnn any > n < - IIHIou ( lie fm'f of the earth * luy it Htimin and Nee. | I . " I Stockton , Martct and Ellis Sis. , SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFOIINIA. DO DR. FELIX I.E J3RUWS Steel g Pennyroyal Treatment in Iho oriKinul i rdonly FKENC1I , oaf J and rolinb i euro on tbv mar. kct. Prioo. Si.OO ; cent by naU. Uer.uitin uoH only by Myers-Dillon Drue Ct < . H. E , Cor ICth and Far nan Stieeu. Oiniiha , N'eb. anil CAMERAS Are Valuable Christmas Gifts. Make your Selection early I'lit n ICoiluk on Your ClirlxtnuiN The new Kodaks all tnko our Light-Proof Film Cartridges and can bo LOADED IN DAYLIGHT TlitDliinionil Cnmrru lit If..00 IB a fine. Instrument. Mail orders solicited. Catalogue free , THE ALOE & PENFOID CO , , rilOTOGUAI'IIIO SUPPLIES , 1-tOS I'liriiiini SI , Ouii. 1'uxtim Hotel. In Pictures PartX Now Ready For Distribution. Brine 10 cents to Tbo Boo ollloo , cltbor ID Omaha or Couuoll RlufTg , Mailed , tg any uOUfgsa on receipt o ( cohtB